male 0 Patient number 2 was isolated with his wife that had been diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection , with similar lesions that patient number 1 . Patient male 9 Five days post admission to the CCU , the patient was found down beside his hospital bed with left sided weakness on physical exam . patient female 1 One patient whose fascial layers were closed in interrupted sutures developed hernia 11 months after her operation . patient male 1 The patient was discharged 18 days after his atypical presentation at the ED with normalized lab values . patient male 0 PATIENT CONCERNS A 24 year-old male was referred originally by his optician at the Emergency Eye Department of the Leicester Royal Infirmary in October 2018 with visual field changes affecting the nasal field of vision in both eyes on routine eye examination . PATIENT male 20 MEASUREMENTS : Given his recent history of domestic travel and the declaration of a global COVID-19 pandemic status , the patient was administered a swab test for SARS-CoV-2 . patient female 5 Procenca et al describe a patient who was had cervical metastasis from her IDC and was subsequently treated with chemotherapy [ 7 ] . patient female 35 The protocol is built on consolidated privacy-enhancing strategies ( e.g. , secure secret sharing and homomorphic encryption ) that guarantee total privacy to users , i.e. , the mobility and the infection status of a user are only known to her MO and to the GA , respectively . user female 4 The next morning the patient was found by her mother in her bed , on her hands and knees , crying , with tense , cool extremities . patient male 9 Two days before admission to our hospital , the patient was prescribed oral erythromycin by his general practitioner . patient female 16 Given her multiple cranial emboli and the presence of a large vegetation after embolization , the patient was deemed high risk for further embolic complications . patient female 0 Patient data can be seamlessly linked to HIS system providing instant access to relevant information and tracking patient 's treatment . Patient female 1 The patient was put on antibacterial treatments and later resumed radiotherapy treatments after her pneumonia was controlled . patient male 7 There were no post-operative complications and the patient was safely discharged two weeks after his surgery . patient female 0 Patient A3 was observed by her mother to have a mild cough starting on March 11 , and however was afebrile and had no symptoms on and throughout admission . Patient female 11 Of note , three weeks prior to this presentation , the patient had been prescribed phenytoin by her psychiatrist for treatment of refractory bipolar affective disorder . patient male 11 Because of his potentially high risk exposure to meningococcus , the patient was given rifampin 600 mg PO bid for two days and counselled on the symptoms of meningococcal meningitis . patient female 1 The patient was later given a repeat blood transfusion as her Hb level was 72 g/l , and the results of Hb electrophoresis a few days later were positive for sickle cell trait ( SCT ) . patient female 1 A patient with lupus has reportedly been issued a letter by her healthcare network explaining that the HCQ supply was being conserved in favour of those critically ill with COVID-19 . patient female 3 Therefore , the patient was tested almost 56 days after her initial symptom onset . patient female 0 Patient was successfully discharged 9 days following her third OHT . Patient male 4 The data of an user is stored on his apps until he is diagnosed with COVID-19 , in which situation he can upload all of her pseudo-random IDs to a central server . user male 5 Since his hospitalization , the patient has been evaluated 4 times in 6 months for recurrent pancreatitis with pseudocysts . patient male 3 Of note , patient CoV4 was discharged on Day 5 but his gut microbiome on Day 22 were persistently different from that of healthy individuals . patient female 1 This patient presented with complete heart block and was not given any therapeutics for COVID-19 prior to her hospitalization suggesting a different etiology causing her heart block . patient male 7 In the case described herein , the patient was exposed to radiation therapy in preparation for HSCT and received an allogeneic graft from his HLA-matched sibling . patient male 13 Given his hyper-inflammatory status with elevated IL-6 ( 47.8 pg/mL ) , the patient was administered 8 mg/kg of tocilizumab twice and 2500 mg of intravenous immunoglobulin ( IVIG ) twice . patient male 4 The history of the patient was gathered from his family members . patient female 14 Asymptomatic carrier transmission has been reported for SARS-CoV-2 ( 2 ) ; hence , patient A could have been screened as a close contact during her incubation period and then hospitalized on the basis of a positive test ( PCR ) result only . patient male 13 Accepted Article navigating the telehealth visit platform due to visual impairment and one patient had a hearing deficit and was aided by his wife during the encounter . patient female 22 Retesting of 2 archived ( April 2014 ) specimens , 1 of which was positive for influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus , showed that patient KFMC-3 was nosocomially infected with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus and MERS-CoV before her discharge on May 4 , and this MERS-CoV was closely related to the KFMC-1 virus group . patient male 29 Meltzer [ 5 ] attempts to deal with the problem that many patients have multiple possible incubation periods by using a simulation approach whereby the incubation period of each patient is simulated uniformly from his = her set of possible values . patient male 11 Treatments allied to inhaled NO demonstrated positive results , and the patient was discharged to his home 21 days from J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f the beginning of NO treatment ( Arabi et al. , 2015 ) . patient male 0 Patient B was visited by his brother , patient C , at SGH on March 31 . Patient female 1 The patient was diagnosed with encephalitis and had a positive PCR for ZIKV in her urine and IgM ZIKV antibody in her cerebrospinal fluid and serum , and passed away after 11 days . patient male 1 The patient was then transferred in his bed to the large CH-47 Chinook helicopter , the US Army 's tandem-rotor heavy-lift helicopter for transport , along with hospital support personnel . patient female 5 Two days before admission the patient had been prescribed moxifloxacin by her physician . patient female 15 Given her rapid escalation of supplemental oxygen to maintain SpO2 > 90 % , the patient was transferred to a medical intensive care unit ( MICU ) designated by our medical center for COVID patients for close monitoring with appropriate droplet isolation . patient female 7 The outcome was finally favourable and the patient was extubated 18 days after her admission to intensive unit care . patient male 6 A week before his death the patient was referred to our institution with decreasing respiratory function . patient female 1 The patient was successfully taken off mechanical ventilation 30 days after her first day of admission . patient male 1 The patient was discharged 15 days after his admission . patient male 1 Our patient was intubated a few hours after his admission due to worsening of Another alarming observation was that of D-dimer values . patient male 6 In these cases , the index patient was intubated and put on mechanically ventilation before his death . patient male 16 Given his worsening dyspnoea and continued PaO 2 /FiO 2 of b300 mm Hg , the patient was subsequently given continuous high-flow oxygen inhalation ( 6 L/min ) via a nasal catheter . patient female 0 Patient F * was accompanied by her husband A5 * and treated by fluid infusion in a small clinic on February 5 - 6 , together with patient C*. She had symptoms of discomfort on February 7 and tested positive by rRT-PCR on February 11 . Patient female 1 Our patient was given understandable and detailed information about an increased infection risk during her hip replacement due to the silicone granulomas . patient male 9 All staff in contact with her , including the patient himself ( who was initially negative ) , were evaluated with RT-PCR . patient male 8 Written consent form will be obtained from the patient himself or acceptable representatives whenever possible . patient male 11 For the second case , consent was directly obtained from the patient himself . patient male 11 “ The best teaching of medicine is that taught by the patient himself ” is a famous statement by William Osler which describes the opportunities we have as physicians to learn from our encounters with patients.[1 ] This learning experience , based on the observation of clinical cases , can be transferred to others , locally , nationally , and internationally , through communication and reporting . patient male 12 The life event is captured as follows , as recounted by the patient himself . " After battling what felt like the flu for about a week , I woke up right before midnight Tuesday , March 31st , 2020 , and noticed it required an effort to breathe . patient male 7 Written consent has been obtained from the patient himself patient male 30 Drug interaction management was emphasized as one of the clinical pharmacists ' most important work tasks , as well as being a resource for collaborating healthcare professions and to the patient himself . patient female 9 First , there are risks to the lung cancer patient him-or herself from the COVID-19 infection , the thoracic radiotherapy , and the combination of the two . patient male 28 [ 1 ] Diagnosing these syndromes means following a rigorous procedure in which the first step is collection of a detailed history of the family and of the patient himself : pre-natal , neonatal , physiological and pathological . patient male 22 The call to the EMS coordination centre ( SAMU ) is made by the palliative network physician and not directly by the patient himself . patient male 51 In the present study , according to the observation from fiberoptic bronchoscopy , large amounts of white mucoid sputum bolts were produced during the disease course , the mucoid sputum was highly viscous and mainly concentrated in the alveoli and small airways , it is difficult to cough up by the patient himself . patient female 25 3 ) Users ' Infection Status and Scores : The infection status of a user should only be known to the GA and to the user herself ( say user i ) . user female 22 In this phase , we show how to distribute users ' scores only to the legitimate entity ( i.e. , either the user herself or the GA ) . user male 32 As the patient 's clinical condition and clinical chemistry parameters worsened , we interdisciplinarily discussed selective CRP apheresis as an ultimate bail-out therapy with the Ethical Review Committee 's advice , the patient himself , and with his family . patient male 13 Involving all relevant clinicians involved in the patient 's care e and the patient himself e in decision-making is an important component , and a way to maintain primary patient care [ 4,12e18,24e27 ] . patient female 66 Her subsequent care is an excellent example of the interdependence of the members of the multi-disciplinary team , which in this case included her primary surgical team , medicine for the elderly , radiology , nursing , physiotherapy , ENT specialist nursing , psychiatry of later life , speech and language therapy , dietician and , not least , the patient 's own family and the patient herself . patient male 11 When possible , the same explanations were further provided to the patient himself after full recovery , for obtaining a definitive post hoc written consent . patient male 19 Based on family history , we were able to figure out , that the whole family , including the patient himself , had symptoms of a cold about a month earlier . patient male 35 According to the published NIH guidelines , GVHD can be scored in case of first diagnosis , by every single organ ( organ scoring ) , by activity assessment and finally by self-reporting by the patient himself . patient female 34 The courts initially appeared reluctant to authorise the withdrawal of ANH from such patients , although they have become more willing to countenance this , at least where there is compelling evidence that the patient him-or herself would not consent to such treatment [ 65 , 66 ] . patient male 54 While chronological age is not a significant factor of poor prognosis in the ICU ( 1 ) , many factors should be taken into account to evaluate the relevance of ICU admission in the senior population and withholding such intensification should be consensually discussed between clinicians and obviously as often as possible with the patient himself ( 2 ) . patient male 11 The most reasonable method of assessing these domains is for the patient himself to assess the same by means of patient reported questionnaires . patient female 1 The patient herself was tachycardic to 109 beats/ min with a blood pressure of 88/66 mm Hg , vital signs that are considered within normal limits for a pregnant patient . patient male 8 And evaluation of quality of life by the patient himself using an analog visual scale was also obtained . patient male 13 The more a task is perceived as internally controllable and modifiable by the patient himself , the more likely his involvement . patient male 14 Informed consent was obtained from the parents of patients 1 and 2 and from patient 3 himself . patient female 10 utility of visitor screening , as with screening of the patient herself , relies on honest answers from the 172 individual screened . patient female 12 By checking the diary , in addition to sharing information , the patient herself was able to check symptoms objectively . patient female 17 Also , the nasal swab can be collected by the operator from the side or by the patient herself , unlike the oropharyngeal swab which needs the operator to directly visualise the posterior pharyngeal wall and hence get exposed to the possible cough or gag reflex . patient male 19 This study is , to best of our knowledge , is the first scoring tool that can utilized by patient himself , screening centers and hospital for predicting severity of disease with COVID-19 infection . patient male 4 In every case the patient himself or his legal representative has to be informed about the study participation as soon as possible . patient female 13 Furthermore , by definition , undesired pregnancy can only be identified by the patient herself , thus making the diagnosis potentially less straightforward than health outcomes such as progression of malignancy or anaemia . patient male 8 Autologous stem cells are de ¡ from the patient himself , allogeneic cells from ah HLA-identical or HLA-compatible family or unrelated donor . patient female 33 Some have raised concerns that having visitors present risks the visitor 's health by reducing physical 99 distance and exposing visitors to many in a hospital 's halls and rooms , including the patient herself . patient male 7 The first concerns the risk-benefit to the patient himself , who is at increased risk for significant morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 infection should he contract it . patient male 28 We have some doubts as to whether the source of the data can be considered reliable since the data are not introduced by a doctor but by the patient himself . patient male 42 Moreover , AIT determines a decrease in the medication use ( corticosteroids and inhaled therapy ) that could reduce the risk of spreading viral infections ( like COVID-19 ) in other subjects and the possible worsening of a viral infection in the patient himself . patient male 11 Although many of these B cell proliferation conditions derived from the patient himself , in some cases these proliferated B cells were reported originated from the donor [ 158 ] . patient female 11 ( 1 ) Personal health information may be given to the patient himself or herself . patient male 11 If possible , written consent form will be obtained from the patient himself or acceptable representatives , at a later time . patient male 8 Written consent form will be obtained from the patient himself or acceptable representatives as soon as possible . patient female 13 Initiated by the ultrasound findings , molecular genetic analysis revealed , that the patient herself was affected ( mutation in gene CDKN1C ) . patient female 29 -The " authenticity " requirement means that the reported location data from a user must be real and should not have been forged or modified by anybody including the user herself . user male 7 It is a process in which the patient himself , their relatives and health care providers are involved . patient male 10 There were also no history of mental disorders in the patient himself and other family members . patient male 7 The medical team were alarmed from the patient himself on day + 3 that the donor had a positive nasopharyngeal PCR SARS-CoV-2 test on arrival to Brazil , which was J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f performed considering Spain a risk area for COVID-19 . patient male 11 Of relevance to the pathogenesis could be predisposing factors in the patient himself , the virus dose , or the site of replication at primary infection , as well as neurovirulent properties of the virus . patient female 6 In such a scenario , the user herself must try to either use the full count that the model counter returns to compute the count up to isomorphism , or ensure that the input formula to the model counter adequately captures the symmetry breaking predicates so it can directly report the count she desires . user male 36 Optimization of radiation in medical imaging is achieved through the collective effort of the referring physician , radiologist , radiologic technologist/radiographer , other staffs who are directly or indirectly involved in the imaging technique and the patient himself [ 10 ] . patient female 8 Considering safe management for clinical staff and the patient him-or herself , Fig. 1 Computed tomography of the chest demonstrating bilateral patchy ground-glass opacities with interlobular septal thickening consistent with the crazy paving pattern found in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 the importance of repeat testing and screening based on clinical symptoms and exposure history can not be overstated . patient male 25 Three of them caused by malfunction of the tube due to secretions and airway obstruction and one of them was undesired extubation caused by the patient himself . patient female 26 Credible explanations are prodromal symptoms were there , but her relatives probably ignored them , as she was not with her at that time and the patient herself could not give proper account of the initial illness . patient male 12 Communication is either with colleagues of other specialties or directly with the patient himself . patient male 4 However , the French sociologist himself understood language in the context of civil society-building . sociologist male 19 At first these movements , particularly if they are limited to the face , are not noticed by the patient himself . patient female 29 The aim of the study was to evaluate effectiveness ( objective & subjective ) and safety of the new disposable vaginal device , when used as intended by the user herself at her home environment . user male 14 These patients were exposed to areas that were potentially environmentally contaminated but not to Patient 14 himself ( fi gure 4 ) . Patient male 8 The problem can potentially be avoided if the user himself produces locally . user female 22 The treatment of suspected ( not to mention positive ) patients is highly risky , for both the staff personnel and the patient herself . patient male 1 The patient himself should wear a mask in such cases [ 19 , 28 , 29 ] . patient male 20 However , the number of eligible cases was limited because of informed consent of the next of kin or the patient himself before demise . patient female 6 It can be supposed that the patient herself was unable to mount an adequate antibody response and that the passively transferred antibodies partly bound the virus that resides in the affected organs and in the respective lymphoid tissue . patient female 15 At each patient 's presentation , demographic data and tetanus immunization history given by the patient himself or herself were recorded . patient female 11 Shaving the area for laser treatment or surgical procedures by the patient himself or herself at home should be encouraged by the staff . patient male 12 The cynicism and callousness can be directed toward other colleagues and the patient himself . patient female 20 " When they provide him or her with treatment and care , doctors and nurses should put emphasis on the patient himself or herself . patient male 8 The most critical and crucial factor is the patient himself , who recognizes early symptoms , suspects COVID-19 , and seeks medical help immediately . patient male 14 Another factor that could have played a role might be in all likelihood the patient himself , i.e. , its " physiology " : For instance , just to name one possibility , the amount of ACE2 receptors he expresses . patient male 29 3 . A nasal mid-turbinate swab ( 2 cm depth ) , also called deep nasal swab , can be collected either by the healthcare worker or by the patient himself under supervision . patient male 23 4 . A nasal anterior nares swab ( 1 cm depth ) can be collected either by the healthcare provider or by the patient himself after on-site supervision or at home . patient male 39 NAVA may be used both as an invasive and non-invasive ventilation and it helps to provide ventilation suited to a patient 's needs and to wean a patient from mechanical ventilation gradually , in the way controlled by the patient himself . patient male 20 It is unclear if the serum of a patient with cGVHD is suitable for remedy preparation and if the transplanted patient himself can meet the criteria for autologous donation . patient male 12 It is a double hazard and a dangerous behavior , to the patient himself and to his colleagues at the same time . patient male 6 In addition , data that the patient himself has recorded via wearable devices , etc . will exist in the future . patient male 25 These sharing tools or methods allow the Associations to create a complete and as comprehensive as possible perspective , relating to the needs of the patient himself , offering better data collection . patient male 18 In our PD population only in the 52.9 % of cases the interlocutor with the specialist is the patient himself , because often the doctor is contacted by a member of the family . patient female 15 Participants should , therefore , always be aware that the risk ultimately lies with each user himself or herself . user female 35 In daily clinical practice , the patient 's oral fluids , material contamination , and dental unit surfaces can act as sources of contagion both for the dentist and the assistant , and for the patient himself or herself . patient male 9 Then , the clinical presentation results reported by the patient himself are fundamental to assessing the probability of a coronavirus infection [ 22 ] [ 23 ] [ 24 ] [ 25 ] . patient male 22 The network takes charge of patients with PD symptoms based on referral from a General Practitioner , a General Neurologist or the patient himself . patient female 5 At that time , the patient herself reported a significant reduction in number of falls , from 99 per three months to just three in the last three months , despite an unchanged frequency and severity of FOG . patient male 8 The photos had to be taken by the patient himself or with the help of a direct relative using the camera of his smartphone to acquire only the following images : ( 1 ) a photo of the face and/or neck ; ( 2 ) a photo of the oral cavity ; ( 3 ) a photo of the maximum buccal opening with a visible millimeter ruler . patient male 17 In order to be effective , a game of this type must always take into account the user himself . user female 1 The patient herself did not show any signs or symptoms at the time the sample was taken ( 3 ) . patient male 29 Specifically , during preoperative assessment to enquire upon is recent travel ( < 2 weeks ) to the countries affected by COVID-19 ( WHO 2020 ) , by the patient himself or his family members , neighbours or colleagues . patient female 26 On the other hand , family members in LMIC often have a more active role in the patient 's management plan and treatment decisions than the patient herself , which complicates the informed consent process and the concept of autonomy [ 98 ] . patient male 20 In the setting of a new outbreak , making the right clinical diagnosis is crucial , not only for the patient himself but also because it will allow for management of the epidemics through rapid confinement of infected people . patient male 13 One of our cases concluded with a note of thanks from the grateful patient himself , who had spent 8 months in the hospital and endured multiple operations , endoscopic procedures , ICU stays and 2 Code Blue events . patient male 35 Material and Methods : All elements of MRSA decolonization including treatment of nose , throat , skin , hair and wounds were adapted to be performed by a specially trained nursing team or by the patient himself . patient female 12 Disgust itself all too often can generalize from the disease to the patient herself , especially when she is not able to fully recover-and thus distance herself-from the disease . patient male 27 The new challenge for the diabetes community consists of promoting an integrated and homogeneous reading , as well as interpretation of glucose monitoring data also by the patient himself . patient male 36 Stem cell transplantation includes allogeneic stem cell transplantation in which the patient ( recipient ) receives stem cells from a donor , and autologous stem cell transplantation , in which stem cells are harvested from the patient himself and then reinfused again after completion of his treatment [ 3 , 4 ] . patient female 7 In a fateful ironic twist , the patient him or herself has become a screen , or just a voice . patient female 10 First , there is potential for increased toxicities to the patient herself , pharmacokinetic and 516 pharmacodynamic differences with non-pregnant individuals . patient male 12 From day 9 to day 25 after 26 illness onset , the patient had 11 consecutive negative NPS test and 7 consecutive 27 positive SP tests , and then he had recurrent positive detection of virus RNA in NPS at 28 13 day 25 . patient female 13 On April 6 and about 3 months after initiation of therapy , the patient developed a low-grade fever and she developed mild dyspnea the next day which prompted her to seek medical attention . patient male 2 As the patient had no risk factor and following the Spanish Guidelines , he did not receive any specific treatment for the infection . patient female 0 Patient asked for more time to think and discuss with her partner , but eventually , she had decided to have cyclophosphamide despite all the risks and uncertainties around the COVID-19 pandemic . Patient female 1 Our patient has noticed significant improvement regarding cognition after completing cyclophosphamide treatment and she was pleased with this outcome . patient female 3 Moreover , this patient ( No. 4 ) has a disease history of both hypertension and hyperlipidemia , but she responded positively to Leflunomide treatment by clearing the virus within 5 days after-treatment and showed obvious absorption of lung inflammatory opacities . patient male 1 The patient is unsure which medication is better for him , so he makes an appointment with his provider . patient male 1 One patient survived ( Case 5 ) ; his respiratory status had worsened before the onset of AE , and he received supplemental oxygen therapy after discharge . patient female 13 During the whole period of remote monitoring , the vital signs of the patient remained stable , and she never reported dyspnoea . patient male 1 The patient remains healthy with no further symptoms or radiographic abnormalities ( Fig. 2D ) , and he did not get the annual influ-enza vaccine the following year . patient female 1 The patient remains healthy with no further symptoms or radiographic abnormalities ( Fig. 1D ) , and she did not receive the annual influenza vaccine the following year . patient male 9 Two weeks before the onset of encephalopathy , the patient complained of left-sided facial numbness and ringing sensations in both ears , and he developed a rash on his legs that was progressive . patient male 1 The patient had had several teeth removed due to decay , and he may have also had absence of permanent teeth . patient male 1 The patient has not had any coronary intervention or antiplatelet therapy in the past , and he did not have a history of autoimmune disease . patient male 5 For instance , if my friend gets good news about the success of a medical treatment and he is joyous about it , then a sympathetic reaction from me may be to feel happy for my friend 's happiness . friend female 11 Despite antibiotic therapy , over the next 3 days , the patient became increasingly dyspneic ; rales and decreased breath sounds developed , and she had radiographic evidence of progressive pulmonary infiltrates ( Figure , regimen , and rifampin was initiated as adjuvant therapy for possible legionellosis . patient male 1 The patient remained afebrile throughout his hospital course , and after several dialysis sessions his orthopnea improved and he was normoxemic breathing ambient air . patient male 1 The patient developed hypoparathyroidism and he is now on replacement therapy with calcitriol 1 mcg/day and calcium per os ( 2 gr/day ) . patient male 3 Moreover , the patient is a 40-year old man and he has already presented with all the classical manifestation of MEN1 , including the rarer conditions of insulinoma and bilateral adrenal masses . patient male 19 Risk factors for certain diseases have traditionally been recorded as either present or not present ( i.e. either the patient has a history of diabetes or he does n't ) . patient male 4 Of the patients , patient 1 had dinner with a confirmed patient in Wuhan , so he was the first person who developed COVID-19 in his family . patient male 6 In a case report , a patient presented with diffuse erythematous urticarial rash 48 hours before he developed classical symptoms and diagnosed as COVID-19 ( 48 ) . patient female 3 However , the patient described in the present case was already taking this medication chronically to treat rheumatoid arthritis , and she had normal hearing thresholds on previous exams . patient female 17 However , the presence of lymphocytopenia and thrombocytopenia which are classical for COVID-19 might suggest that the patient contracted the infection during her recent stay in Wuhan and she had initial asymptomatic phase of the disease . patient male 10 In the present study , the disease course of the patient progressed rapidly to critical illness state , and he received endotracheal intubation . patient male 1 This patient , who recovered , had been hiking along the Appalachian Trail from Georgia northward to Virginia , and he reported evidence of mice , rodent traps , and excreta in various shelters and bunkhouses along the way . patient male 1 Our patient was the first pediatric case detected in Singapore with confirmed COVID-19 and he remained largely asymptomatic . patient male 1 The patient had a satisfactory clinical outcome , and on day 7 he reported complete resolution of the pulmonary symptoms , and his blood oxygen saturation while breathing room air was 98 % . patient female 1 The patient is physically active , and she has no other medical problems . patient male 18 Results : Treatment with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole was initiated with a spectacular response : after 2 days of therapy the patient had normal stool and in 6 months he already gained back 20 kg . patient male 1 The patient purchased 100 g and ingested 15 g. He immediately had second thoughts about the attempt and called an ambulance within 10 minutes of ingestion . patient male 0 Patient is a non-smoker , a non-drug user and he consumes alcohol daily . Patient male 1 The patient used it in the morning of his consultation to unclog his sink and he inhaled the content of the extinguisher , which contained methyl bromide . patient male 4 The condition of the patient remained critical and he expired from cardiopulmonary arrest in the context of septic shock , on the 37 th day after onset of the disease . patient female 3 Initially , the patient was receiving supportive treatment , but subsequently she developed respiratory failure warranting implementation of mechanical ventilation and admission to intensive care unit ( ICU ) . patient female 0 Patient had severe anemia and she was transfusiondependent . Patient male 6 It will be documented if the patient presented any of the final objectives of the study and if he presented any adverse events . patient female 1 This patient last had a crisis 3 years before this pregnancy , but during this pregnancy she developed three crises . patient female 5 On January 26 , the patient presented mild weakness , diarrhea , and low fever , and she started to take oral Jinyebaidu granules , oseltamivir , moxifloxacin , and arbidol . patient male 2 16 Our patient did not have hypotension , yet he had hyperpigmentation , hyponatremia , hyperkalemia , and failed a cosyntropin stimulation test . patient female 1 The patient 80 was afebrile since her discharge and she only complained for abdominal discomfort . patient male 1 The patient was a practicing homosexual with multiple partners ( none of whom were known HIV infected ) and he used condoms sometimes , but inconsistently for sexual encounters . patient male 1 Our patient had only mild symptoms with fever and shortness of breath at his initial presentation and he only needed oxygen via nasal cannula . patient male 0 Patient was on maintenance treatment with immunosuppressants and additionally he received two doses of infliximab . Patient male 2 The third patient , even though he received much higher doses of CAR-NK cells ( 1 × 10 9 , 3 × 10 9 , and 5 × 10 9 , on days 1 , 4 , and 7 , respectively ) , exhibited no response to treatment . patient male 5 Patient 4 : The male patient had paroxysmal atrial fibrillation , and he had been receiving flecainide and unspecified anticoagulant . patient male 1 The patient denied taking any home medications , including over-the-counter medications , and he denied any history of tobacco , alcohol , or recreational drug use . patient female 3 Unfortunately , the patient denied chlamydia/gonorrhea testing , but she had a history of negative chlamydia/gonorrhea tests , and she denied vaginal discharge or dysuria at the time of initial presentation and on subsequent follow up . patient female 23 It is also possible that an underlying immune defect predisposed the patient independently to SARS-CoV-2 and P. jirovecii infection ; however , the patient did not have a known underlying immunodeficiency , nor did she have any classical risk factors for Pneumocystis pneumonia , such as malignancy , organ transplantation , or prolonged exposure to systemic corticosteroids . patient female 6 In our cohort , the only patient who died was a patient with NDMM receiving frontline therapy , and she showed signs of additional bacterial infection . patient male 1 Our patient did receive 3 years of chemotherapy and radiation ; and he is on complete remission . patient female 1 One patient relapsed during the hospitalization and successfully received etoposide , but she ultimately died from unrelated gut ischemia . patient male 1 The patient kept the animals and he manifested a cutaneous rash on contact with the rats 3 months later . patient male 2 Only one patient , in the COVID-19 period , accepted to buy the portable coagulometer and he attended the educational course , held by our biologist , through a video phone call . patient male 1 The patient had an atrophied right kidney , and in 2004 , he underwent an open stone surgery for his nephrolithiasis in the left kidney . patient female 14 A collateral history received from her sister , who revealed that she ( the patient ) had become non-verbal in the week prior to admission and had been increasingly breathless . patient male 1 One patient required hospital admission , but he had a favourable outcome . patient male 4 Shortly after admission the patient presents an episode of acute respiratory failure followed by apnea and he is tracheal intubated and mechanically ventilated . patient male 1 The patient is alive on June 23 rd , with an oxygen saturation of 98 % on room air and he did not develop any secondary infection after tocilizumab administration . patient male 5 The clinical status of the patient deteriorated accordingly and he went into coma ( Karnofsky index : 10 ) . patient male 1 The patient was a nonsmoker , and he drank alcohol only occasionally . patient male 2 The second patient underwent urethrotomy due to circular strictures , but symptoms reappeared again and he is now candidate for BMG . patient female 6 On day-10 of hospitalization , the patient had no fever , but she had fatigue , watery diarrhea , increased respiratory rate ( 22 breaths/min ) , decreased SpO 2 ( 94 % ) , and lung crepitation at the right upper lobe ( Table 3 ) . patient male 1 The patient in this article has acquired abiraterone for mHSPC in the private sector , and we are pleased that he has demonstrated excellent response and tolerability to the drug and maintained a good quality of life after 3 years of treatment . patient male 1 The patient did not take malaria chemoprophylaxis , nor did he have a prior history of Japanese encephalitis virus ( JEV ) vaccination . patient male 4 On admission , the patient was in good general condition ; he was tachypneic , his body temperature was 38.2•C , and cardiac and pulmonary auscultation was normal . patient male 1 The patient had no previous contact with infected foreigners , nor did he have a history of travel to areas of epidemic 2009 H1N1 influenza [ 8 ] . patient male 6 According to this classification , our patient had severe illness ( Stage IIb pneumonia with hypoxia ) , and , fortunately , he did not progress to Stage III , despite his comorbidities and immunocompromised status . patient male 1 The patient reported improving tolerance for physical activity , but he was unable to perform his previous activities with the same strength , e.g. , singing . patient female 1 The patient had no obstetrical complaints and she felt active fetal movements at the time . patient male 1 The patient reported persistent loss of bright blood with stools from a couple of months and he complained about asthenia , dyspnoea and dizziness . patient male 4 19 Furthermore , the patient was haemodynamically unstable as his systolic blood pressure ( BP ) was < 90 mm Hg and he required vasopressor support for maintenance of BP . patient male 12 The day after the first infusion , the clinical conditions of the patient improved , and he became alert ; he was able to execute simple tasks proposed by examiner and to repeat single words . patient female 9 Sadly , before receiving the 4th cycle , the patient worsened and she died of respiratory failure because of disease progression . patient female 0 Patient 2 has since returned to her home , but she continues with outpatient home health therapies to address her critical illness myopathy associated with her prolonged hospitalization with COVID-19 . Patient male 2 The second patient also received EN through NGT , however , he presented gastric retention and diarrhea for about one 9 month . patient female 3 Interestingly , our patient has not had hand-foot-mouth disease , nor has she had detectable nonrespiratory enteroviruses associated with acute viral gastroenteritis , possibly due to a differential dependence of MDA5 virus-sensing on the virus or cell type , as well as protective effects of intravenous immunoglobulin treatment that variably contains neutralizing antibodies to enteroviruses ( Galama et al. , 2000 ; Arora et al. , 2011 ) . patient male 1 The patient underwent yearly coronary CTA for surveillance without significant change in the size of the LCX aneurysm , and he has remained without cardiac complications to date for a total of 3 years . patient female 6 On general physical examination , the patient was chronically ill looking and she had multiple , visibly enlarged cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes bilaterally ( each ~ 5 x 3 cm ) . patient male 1 The patient declared no exposure to suspected infected people , and he was a non-smoker with no cardiovascular comorbidities . patient male 1 The patient rapidly fell into a coma due to hypercapnia with decreasing respiratory drive , but he was still triggering each cycle . patient male 2 Only one patient had a QTc > 500 ms , which is the upper tolerated limit requiring treatment stop , but he did not exert any cardiac rhythm disturbance , or conduction trouble . patient female 8 By day 16 , body temperature of this patient had retained normal for 9 days , and she complained no symptoms . patient female 26 The presence of an MBL in this isolate was evidenced by a positive double disc synergy test with imipenem ( IMI ) and EDTA ; the patient gradually improved following treatment with ciprofloxacin , but she remained persistently colonized with the same Eclo11236 in urine . patient male 1 The patient did not have any significant decrease in SpO 2 or increase in EtCO 2 , nor did he have hemodynamic instability or changes in heart rhythm . patient female 12 If the probability of entering the database depends on whether an Ebola patient is pregnant and on whether she ultimately dies of the infection , then the probability of death given pregnancy will likely differ in the database from the value in the population of direct interest for a clinical or public health decision maker . patient female 4 Interestingly , only one patient had both T-786 - ->C and missense Glu298Asp variants , and she developed placental abruption . patient male 6 After a new medical interview the patient reported occasional episode of evacuation of filamentous stools and he assumed that he usually did not eat uncooked meat even if he could n't be sure that it was never happened . patient male 5 On the next day the patient received a call from the Health Authority confirming Influenza A ( H1N1 ) infection and he was therefore in the unenviable although historical position of being the first reported case of H1N1 infection in the UAE . patient male 3 In addition , patient was also having shortness of breath mostly on lying flat and he has recently started sleeping in a recliner . patient male 6 Before coming to the hospital , patient had sudden onset shortness of breath and he could not pull air into his chest despite trying hard and heard a high pitched noise from his throat . patient male 5 On hospital day 12 , patient mental status worsened , and he was no longer able to communicate with his daughter . patient female 1 The patient developed acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) , and she was dependent on mechanical ventilation thereafter . patient male 9 In light of the patients advanced melanoma , the patient opted for best supportive care and he died as a consequence of respiratory failure . patient male 11 From the triaxial acceleration signals , we can find that the patient was relatively quiet before the atrial fibrillation occurred and he changed his position before the first atrial fibrillation ended . patient female 1 One patient received pamidronate without benefit and she still presents an active disease at the end of follow-up . patient male 0 Patient 8 showed the biggest change ( 26 points ) of ALSFRS-R and he was the only person who showed a change of more than 10 points . Patient female 1 The patient seemed to show some improvements in her cognitive functioning but , unfortunately , she still exhibited several cognitive deficits . patient male 7 According to the Interpretations , if a patient is diagnosed as COVID-19 positive , and he refused to be quarantined for medical treatment , or leave the quarantine area during this period , and enter public places or take public transportations , he/she shall be punished with the crime of " intentional violation of public safety in dangerous ways " . patient male 0 Patient Y is a 34-year male with paranoid schizophrenia who at baseline has delusions of contamination , yet he has not brushed his teeth for decades . Patient female 1 This patient , an employee in an education company , had no history of allergies , hepatitis and surgery . And she had no immune diseases , hyperthyroidism , chronic gastritis , diabetes , hypertension , heart disease , chronic lung disease , etc . patient female 1 The patient had no additional therapy and she is healthy with no evidence of recurrence . patient female 1 The patient had a fulminant syndrome with a sepsis-like pattern , disseminated intravascular coagulation , and she needed intensive care . patient male 5 Seven months earlier , the patient underwent coronary artery bypass grafting and he developed , at the distal middle third of limb ( near the harvesting area of the great saphenous vein ) , a severe infection of the anterior tibial lodge , which resulted in a large eschar with exposure of the anterior tibial tendon . patient male 4 On May 6 , patient 1 experienced worsened dyspnea and he sought care at the Centre Hospitalier-Universitaire Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital ( Monastir , Tunisia ) emergency department , where he received a fifth injection of dexamethasone . patient male 1 The patient remained unconscious during the next 24 h , and finally he recovered consciousness . patient male 2 1 recurred patient after Allo HPCT underwent second Allo HPCT but eventually he died . patient male 6 Ten days after admission , the patient developed severe ARDS and he was centralized to the regional ECMO center . patient male 3 Previously , the patient had undergone carpal tunnel release but he reported that he did not gain complete relief from symptoms . patient male 3 This made the patient feel left-alone and he spoke to the social worker that this is terrible life he is living where in his own family is not supporting him at the end-of-life . patient male 1 Later patient condition got better , and he became hemodynamically stable with BP rose to 105 / 75 and tachycardia settled . patient male 0 Patient condition did not get better after chest drain insertion , and he continued to have low BP and tachycardic , further needle decompression was done , and chest drain was manipulated , and another chest x-ray was ordered ( Figure 4 ) , which shows more regression Patient female 0 Patient # 3 opened eyes spontaneously but she was not able to perform any simple commands . Patient male 9 Consequently , it is impossible to know if our patient had the infection beforehand or he has got infected during the perioperative course . patient female 5 In the next three days patient complained of headache , nausea and she vomited several times . patient female 1 The patient was still feverish with the maximum temperature of 39 ° C , and she received antipyretic therapy . patient male 4 11 Nevertheless , the patient achieved autonomous walking within 1 wk from ICU discharge , and he showed at the intermediate evaluation ( T1 ) an almost normal functional capacity . patient female 1 One patient with Sezary syndrome relapsing at 9 months entered disease remission after donor lymphocyte infusions and she is still in remission at 4 years from transplant . patient female 0 Patient 4 seroconverted at week 8 , and she had no prior steroid use , which suggests that the serologic response is not muted by the use of steroids . Patient male 1 The patient was under follow-up and he is asymptomatic . patient male 4 Upon follow-up , the patient had successfully returned to his job , and he maintained psychotic symptom remission and full insight on the episode . patient male 19 However , his cardiac and respiratory functions remained preserved for years , also during chemotherapy ; nonetheless , the patient developed CILD 2 months after oxaliplatin withdrawal , and he did not improve despite high dose steroid . patient male 5 The medical history of the patient was insignificant , but he mentioned smoking from the age of 12 years and the casual use of heroin . patient male 1 The patient showed clinical improvement but soon after , he developed diarrhea and another febrile episode with drowsiness , cephalalgia and cervical stiffness . patient male 1 The patient showed severe vital organs ’ dysfunction and despite highly invasive treatment he died out of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 24 hours upon his admission . patient male 5 1 , 2 This neurosurgery patient initially had no symptoms or signs of respiratory tract infection before the operation and he only developed fever 3 d after the operation . patient male 1 One patient showed an unfavorable postoperative course and he was ventilatordependent . patient female 1 The patient had a history of a recent trip to the city of Wuhan , and she showed no evidence of respiratory system involvement at the time of symptom onset . patient female 1 The patient showed spontaneous clinical improvement , and she had almost fully recovered by the day of hospital discharge . patient female 3 Fortunately , the patient fully recovered [ 75 ] , and she did not need intubation . patient male 1 The patient may get a pain killer for pain relief , or he may even get mechanically ventilated due to his respiratory insufficiency . patient male 6 As history of life , the patient was a never smoker , and he was drinking 350 - 700 ml/day of beer 3 days/week . patient female 1 The patient had received no medical care before this illness , and she was behind in her vaccines . patient female 5 During hospitalization , the COVID-19 patient remained without therapy for about one month and she did not developed MS symptoms during this period . patient male 3 A 46-month-old male patient had a history of recurrent bronchiolitis , inability to walk , inability to speak and seizure , and he presented to our clinic with respiratory distress . patient female 10 She was treated with recompression therapy for 5 h. The patient remained in an anoxic-ischaemic coma after cardiopulmonary resuscitation and eventually she died . patient male 1 The patient had a muscular physique , but he was in moderate distress lying in bed . patient male 1 Each patient follows a path , i.e. , after a state-specific duration d ij , he moves from state S i with a certain probability p ij to the next state S j . patient female 3 Next day , patient was back to hospital with confusion , her serum creatinine level was 3.95 mg/dl and she was hypotensive . patient male 6 On 16 February 2020 , the patient complained of general discomfort and stabbing pain in the left eye . And he did not report visual loss in either eye . patient female 3 Comment : The patient has had an upper respiratory tract infection , and now she has sinusitis and worsening asthma . patient male 9 On further exploration and a thorough history , the patient endorsed intermittent left arm heaviness and tingling over the last two days , but he neglected it and avoided seeking medical care due to the recent coronavirus-related pandemic . patient female 5 On day 2 , the patient was well and she was due to be discharged the following day . patient female 2 The NIC patient with C. parapsilosis candidemia in our series had Charcot disease complicated by pneumonia , but she survived . patient male 1 The patient did not have direct contact with animals , but he reported having eaten goat meat and having had contact with one of the animal caretakers , who suffered from respiratory disease ( 15 ) . patient male 6 Similarly to our cases , the patient had a slight discomfort during the infection which not required intensive care , and he recovered from pneumonia following antiviral treatment with lopinavir/ritonavir [ 6 ] . patient male 1 The patient had no history of any chronic diseases and he was a non-smoker . patient male 2 As the patient clinical status was already critical upon his arrival and he died three days after hospitalization , the possibility of a hospital-acquired fungal infection is unlikely . patient male 3 However , the patient showed no amelioration with BiPAP , and unfortunately he died in the course of intubation . patient male 3 Another patient ( Patient 3 ) was suffering from perianal ( or perineal ) abscess and he came to the hospital to have the severely painful and tender abscess operated . Patient female 0 Patient 1 had not traveled to Saudi Arabia , but she had had close contact with a woman who had influenza-like illness and who had traveled to Saudi Arabia 2 weeks before her symptoms began . Patient female 5 In the anamnesis , the patient did not report any previous disease or pregnancy-related illness , and she had regular ultrasonographic scans in the first , second , and third trimesters of pregnancy . patient female 0 Patient # 28 did not develop fever during home quarantine and she was taking painkiller , which was prescribed for one week from plastic surgery clinic where she visited with patient # 3 before quarantine . Patient male 4 However , the second patient had no lung involvement at the beginning and he had normal chest CT . patient female 1 The patient is alert , and she tells you she suffered from no recent trauma . patient female 1 The patient started with a febrile headache that progressed to impaired consciousness after 20 days , and she finally died after treatment with vancomycin combined with rifampicin . patient female 3 Only one female patient had spinal form associated with parenchymal , ventricular and subarachnoid , and she had VP shunt implanted due to hydrocephalus . patient male 5 In that case , the patient had eosinophilia , bilateral GGO in lung and skin lesion , but he had no asthma and ANCA tests results were negative . patient female 1 One patient developed allergic rhinoconjunctivitis whenever she was home-her parents own a rabbit , but while away in her college room she had no problems . patient male 1 The patient had a history of schizophrenia with mental retardation and he resided in a long term care facility for patients with mental illness . patient female 1 The patient received treatment with cyclosporine and she is alive and asymptomatic after 3 months of follow-up . patient female 2 The first patient presented isolated nodal AITL involvement , and she is in complete remission after chemotherapy six months after diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient declared no exposure to suspected infected people , and he was a nonsmoker with no cardiovascular comorbidities . patient female 5 At this moment , the patient was able to ride a wheelchair and she had no hope for surgical treatment . patient male 5 Upon SARS-CoV-2 infection , the patient reported only mild symptoms including dry cough and body temperature , and he did not require intensive care unit ( ICU ) admission . patient male 0 Patient 5 had also an uneventful period initially , but he encountered ITP and AIHA episodes following HSCT . Patient female 29 * * * * * * * * Ilany Kogan , in her characteristically creative , careful , and compassionate analytic work , shows us how she and her patient Nurit identified foreclosed and frozen metaphors and reconstructed a narrative that sought to explain seemingly varied libidinal , aggressive , and narcissistic availability and the patient 's mother 's capacity to recognize Nurit for herself . patient female 1 The patient was an 81yearold woman and she had a good response to shortterm steroid treatment . patient male 1 The patient received postoperative therapy , but he died with liver metastases eight months from surgery . patient male 1 One patient underwent cord blood transplantation and he achieved remission of IBD . patient male 21 Furthermore , the situation photographed on the day of the patient 's first access does not constitute a guarantee that the patient is at an early stage of the infection without radiographic signs or that he will not contract the infection during the treatment ; in fact , the Author report that : " 4 patients were identified as asymptomatic positives who all showed normal chest CT and blood test results " . patient male 5 On POD 23 , the patient underwent plasmapheresis in the ICU , but he died the following night due to multiorgan failure . patient male 1 The patient was concluded to carry a weak D phenotype by the referring laboratory and likely considered D + as he was of European ancestry . patient male 1 The patient had a blood pressure 109/70 mm Hg , and he was bradycardic with heart rate 47 beats/min and saturations 97 % in room air . patient female 14 Although it is known that antibiotics can cause candidiasis , [ 23 ] only patient 3 received antibiotics but she presented the fungal infection prior to the treatment administration . patient female 1 The patient survived the ordeal , but she required mechanical ventilation for 3 weeks , prolonged hospitalization , and convalescence . patient male 18 In comparison , after they left Hospital A , where they were exposed to the index case , patient # 14 visited the emergency room of Hospital B and he stayed there for approximately 56 h , whereas patient # 15 visited the emergency room of Hospital C for about 2 h and was moved to a ward ( isolated ) [ 25 ] . patient male 2 Only one patient showed recurrence at 20 months , but he is still alive for more than 6 years after adrenalectomy and repeated pulmonary metastasectomy . patient male 1 The patient denied any underlying disease or drug use , and he had no significant family medical history . patient male 16 On April 23 ( 10 days after hospital admission ) , the general condition of the patient was good , and he had no complaints . patient female 3 A very good friend of mine is a midwife and she regularly administers Anti-D. I asked her do you understand that this is a pooled blood product and if one of your patients asked you what are the risks would you know ? She did n't . ( Int . 2 , Government adviser ) More recently , administration of Anti-D Ig has become a target for training of midwives and will shortly be the subject of a national audit in the UK . friend male 1 The patient is nauseous , and when he moves too fast he has vertigo . patient male 1 The patient is still breathing on his own and his heart beats , but he can not feel anything or make himself move . patient male 1 The patient received immunosuppression with azathioprine ( Aza ) and irradiation , but he died due to renal failure after 17 days . patient female 1 One patient did not have an MRI as contraindicated but she had a pelvic ultrasound and pelvic and abdominal CT scan . patient female 5 During the following years the patient had several respiratory infections and she developed respiratory insufficiency . patient male 5 The distinctive feature of our patient is his very old age and that he develops ITP at initial presentation as he was suffering from Covid-19 associated symptoms not after the resolution of Covid-19 symptoms , which contrasts with most of the previous cases reporting ITP after the resolution of Covid-19 symptoms ( 5 , 6 ) . patient female 1 The patient experienced intermittent chest tightness , nausea , and vomiting , and she received treatment with traditional Chinese medicine . patient male 1 The patient had moderate depressive symptoms according to the questionnaire , but he was very passive in expressing himself during the first contact and following online counselling . patient female 1 The patient developed multiple organ dysfunction engaging the central nervous , respiratory , cardiovascular , renal and coagulatory systems , and she died after 13 days of ICU care . patient female 1 This patient made no significant progress while receiving maximal inotropic and ventilatory support and she died after 2 weeks in the ICU . patient male 1 The patient developed fever with temperatures to 39.1 ° C by noon the following day , and he continued to have fevers for 6 days with a peak temperature of 39.5 ° C . patient male 8 34 , 35 In one case , the patient received remdesivir on day 7 of hospitalization due to his worsening condition , and he subsequently had an improvement in symptoms , no longer required oxygen supplementation , and had no adverse effects due to treatment . patient male 2 Our non-neutropenic patient received caspofungin empirically , and he expired three days later . patient male 1 The patient has been in remission for more than thirty-six months after HSCT and he is doing well with full donor chimerism . patient male 3 Treatment : The patient is receiving gammaglobulin IV replacement and he is doing well . patient female 11 Because of the immunosuppressive therapy with methotrexate and etanercept , our patient was at higher risk for a severe form of COVID-2019 , but she recovered well without requiring intensive care . patient male 1 The patient improved after one week , allowing for weaning from mechanical ventilation , but he presented signs of frontal lobe syndrome including verbal perseverations and imitation behavior , and was drowsy for several days after extubation . patient female 10 Despite this progressive decrement of donor cells percentage , the patient maintained a Hemoglobin level between 10 to 11 and she was transfusion-free and free of symptoms of the genetic disease until late 2005 , when the patient was again referred to us for progressive anemization . patient male 3 Currently , the patient receives antibiotics and he is still under treatment . patient female 9 On the fifth day of MB therapy , the patient did not need oxygen therapy and SPO2 was 90 - 281 92 % and she was completely awake and oral feeding was started . patient male 6 During the following days , the patient remained hemodynamically stable , but he experienced an increase of ICP which required a partial right frontal lobectomy , and ARDS with no complications . patient male 1 The patient may rebel against the judgements of the Creator , expecting some kind of miraculous recovery or he may meekly come to terms with suffering and death . patient female 11 From hospital day 12 ( illness day 25 ) , the patient was asymptomatic , with an oxygen saturation of 97 % on room air , but she remained hospitalized based on local policies . patient female 5 Before the trauma , the patient was independent , and she had no significant associated medical disease . patient female 8 At day 8 , the condition of the patient deteriorated , and she died 2 weeks later . patient female 1 The patient kept coughing whilst lying on her back , and she complained that she was flustered and unwell . patient female 5 At last follow-up , the patient was asymptomatic , she has not developed symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and she is going to start adjuvant treatments as soon as possible . patient male 5 In our case , the patient did not have any symptoms of the disease and contact history with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients , but He et al. ( 7 ) showed that 44 % ( 95 % confidence interval , 25 - 69 % ) of secondary cases were infected in the pre-symptomatic stage of primary infectious cases . patient female 5 From February 18 , the patient symptoms improved and she maintained a normal body temperature , and the viral RNA detection remained negative ( Figure 1F ) . patient female 7 At the time of arrival , the patient had recovered from dyspnea , and she maintained a normal temperature throughout the hospitalization . patient female 12 At the follow up video visit one week after discharge , the patient continued self-isolation , and she reported hyposmia and dysgeusia . patient female 3 Conclusion : The patient has relapsing-remitting neurologic disease with MRI brain lesions suggestive of MS , but she has single continuous and gadolinium enhancing dorsal spine lesion extending from D4 to D12 . patient male 1 The patient improved and was discharged on hospital day 10 , and he has remained in a good health . patient male 14 On examination , Glasgow Coma Scale ( GCS ) scored 13/ 15 ; the patient was drowsy but arousable , and he showed mild confusion although he was still oriented to time and place . patient female 1 This patient did not report smell disturbances , but she may have had a decreased Coagulopathy and inflammation ( black box ) are central to thrombosis within cerebral blood vessels and cardiac embolism , the two major mechanisms of ischemic stroke in SARS-CoV-2 infection . patient male 2 The second patient receiving DC vaccination has a hormone resistant prostate cancer , but he is still too early to evaluate . patient male 5 Two weeks later , the patient presented with graft infection and COVID symptoms ; he is receiving specific treatment and waiting for explantation and new revascularisation . patient male 4 There was only one patient with fewer than 2x10 6 /kg CD34+cells ( 0.9 % ) collected and he underwent bone marrow harvesting . patient male 1 The patient was rapidly afebrile , but he still required 15 L/min of oxygen ( Table 1 ) . patient female 11 Of the 8 patients who presented during their third trimester , patient 5 had spontaneous preterm labor on the first day of admission , and she delivered a baby with severe asphyxia ( Apgar score of 2 at 1 min ) who died after several hours . patient female 14 During the next 6 months , despite the maintenance of steroid therapy , the patient presented a progressive deterioration and she was again restricted to wheelchair . patient female 19 arthritis treated by Guselkumab , a monoclonal antibody that targets specifically the p19 subunit of Interleukin (IL)-23 2 .The patient contracted the SARS-CoV2 infection after a dinner with some friends but fortunately she developed very discrete symptoms including only mild fever and rhinorrhea . patient male 1 Our patient underwent dual kidney-pancreas transplantation for 20 years , so he had unfavorable outcomes leading ultimately to death . patient female 0 Patient subsequently recovered and was discharged on March 13 , and she returned to China on March 16 . Patient male 1 One patient reported suggestive symptoms , but his RT-PCR results came back negative and he had fully recovered from the symptoms within few days . patient male 1 The user did n't type Tunisia but he types the capital name Tunis . user male 1 This patient was in his late 60s but he appeared to be in his 90s and on death 's door . patient female 1 One patient had to be admitted to the hospital for mild interstitial pneumonia , but she recovered without complications . patient male 5 Further questioning revealed that the patient had a fever for the last 14 days , and he later tested positive for COVID-19 infection only . patient female 1 One patient developed blood-pressure decrement during the apheresis , but she was able to complete the procedure without sequelae . patient male 5 In the ED , the patient was hypertensive with blood pressure 172/95 mmHg and tachycardic with heart rate 108/minute , but he appeared well and had temperature 98.9 ° F and oxygen saturation 100 % on room air . patient male 1 The patient had a fulminant disease and he died in September 2012 [ 2 ] . patient male 10 There were reports of illness affecting the goats and the patient had no direct contact with animals but he ate goat meat and was in contact with an animal caretaker who had respiratory tract disease [ 29 ] . patient female 1 The patient took the test on day 11 , so she had a chance greater than 50 % to test positive ( 82.3 % ) , as what happened to her ( Figure 3 B ) . patient male 1 The patient took the test on day 21 , and he had a chance greater than 50 % to test positive . patient male 1 The patient took the test on day 21 , and he had a chance greater than 50 % to test positive ( 75.1 % ) , which matched his actual test result ( Figure 3 A ) . patient female 1 The patient took the test on day 11 , so she had a chance greater than 50 % to test positive . patient male 1 Our patient had a previous mild reaction to carbamazepine and that could well be the early warning sign that he was prone to AHS . patient female 14 Indeed , thanks to exercise rehabilitation and then physical exercises at home , the patient no longer experienced dyspnea , and she indicated to have an acceptable quality of life and to be able to execute the activities of daily living . patient male 10 RESULTS : Despite using immunmodulator , the symptoms of the patient at hospitalization were mild and he did not show elevated D-dimer , and there was no lymphopenia . patient male 3 However , the patient again presented with high fever , that lasted for 2 weeks from the middle of October , and he developed pneumonia and acute renal failure on October 24 . patient male 1 The patient received no treatment other than symptomatic paracetamol and codeine to reduce coughing , and he started using taVNS on day 8 as follows : The conchae of both ears were stimulated with a proprietary waveform ( Xavant Technology , Silverton , South Africa ) , with the anode in one ear and the cathode in the other ear . patient male 1 The patient showed improvement after a baclofen dosage increase towards the end of his first week after admission , and he later proved to be COVID-19 negative . patient female 1 10 Patient B did have a distant family history of RAG2 deficiency but she did not carry this mutation . Patient male 5 The clinical condition of this patient progressively deteriorated after hospitalization , and he eventually succumbed despite of all medical intervention attempts to save his life , including experimental antiviral therapy , extracorporeal membrane oxygenation , convalescent plasma transfusion , and lung transplantation ( Table 1 ) . patient female 7 Due to irregular menstrual cycles , the patient was unclear of the date of her last menstrual period . patient female 7 After resolution of her pneumonia , the patient was discharge under stable condition . patient female 1 The patient remained afebrile with mild improvement of her symptoms . patient female 1 The patient described increasing functional limitation as a result of her OCD symptoms including reluctance to leave her home for fear of contagion , intensification of ritual hand washing and excessive cleaning ( consuming several hours per day ) , almost complete avoidance of social interactions including with friends or family , dropping out of a local educational course and eating only canned foods due to the lower perceived risk of contamination with COVID-19 . patient female 3 Even though the patient has been symptom free since the first week of her first hospital stay , she has been isolated continuously in home , hotel or hospitals , and has been treated with antibiotics and traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) due to intermittent positive SARS-CoV-2 RNA test results . patient male 6 In general , we considered this patient to be optimistic during the conversation of his first day of admission . patient male 5 In our case , the patient remained mildly hyperglycemic during the course of his COVID-19 pneumonia ; however , he presented with diabetic ketoacidosis six weeks after being discharged . patient male 2 The present patient was critically ill , with a rapid progression of his condition . patient male 4 The evolution of our patient was favorable with vigorous correction of his metabolic abnormalities . patient female 12 Until day 19 of her illness ( January 30 ) , the patient had been afebrile for over 6 days , and the respiratory symptoms had disappeared ; three consecutive negative RT-PCR results were obtained from day 16 to 18 of illness . patient female 2 An information user may not be aware of the availability of a particular resource close to him or her . user male 1 The patient remained febrile for the first 3 days of hospitalization and then remained afebrile for the remainder of his hospitalization . patient male 1 The patient now has an HLA and ABO identical kidney match ( his father who is a type B ) . patient female 6 One neonate , s mother ( Patient 1 ) lost her life to COVID 19 . Patient male 15 Based on the Ministry of Health in Bahrain guidelines , the hemodialysis facility where the patient was receiving his scheduled dialysis took specific precautions to reduce transmission and protect the patients . patient female 1 Another patient had subjective softening and shrinking of her extramedullary plasmacytomas of her back and thighs . patient female 0 Patient B.N.A. had genotypes ABO * O01/O01 ; RHD+ ; RHCE * C w cEe before HSCT , her donor -ABO * B1O1 ; RHD + ; RHCE * Ccee . Patient male 4 Here we describe a patient who presented prior to the case definition and who was retrospectively diagnosed by putting together his clinical and laboratory findings with newly available antibody testing . patient female 1 The patient had not had revision of her shunt for several years . patient female 0 Patient recently received flu vaccination and her remaining medical history comprised chemical diabetes . Patient male 0 Patient 3 ( 54 years , male ) was 6 years post his second transplant for primary sclerosing cholangitis ( PSC ) . Patient female 1 The patient reported immediate improvement of her breathing , her oxygen saturation rose to 98 % on room air , and the pulse dropped to 100 bpm . patient male 0 Patient # 1 suffered from dropped foot suddenly when doing his job in the construction field for the entire 2 years . Patient male 1 The patient maintained his urine output throughout as a result of aggressive hydration treatment . patient male 38 Administration of a drug knowing that it contains or is derived from a prohibited source to an unwilling patient is not only arrogant but unethical , and may indeed be illegal if it can be shown that the patient had expressed his views formally regarding treatment . patient female 50 Typical threshold requirements would be the need for greater than 15 liters ( L ) per minute by NC or face mask , greater than 40 - 50 L per minute by high-flow NC or greater than 60 % fraction of inspired oxygen by Venturi mask , or if the patient is unable to protect her airway due to altered mental status ( Glasgow coma scale less than 8) . patient male 5 In this case , the patient did not convey his wishes regarding his care to the medical team or his family ; therefore it was decided among intensive care specialists , respiratory physicians , stroke physicians and the patients ' relatives . patient male 2 7 This patient had an elevated white blood cell count and his CK was significantly elevated at infiltrates with peripheral , lower zone distribution and bilateral involvement , which is commonly seen in COVID-19 pneumonia . patient male 20 The intensity of maintenance immunosuppression was reduced in all cases and 3 out of 8 patients died , while 1 patient lost his renal graft and returned to dialysis . patient male 7 Two months after his transplant , the patient developed fungal infiltration of his heart allograft and continued to require dialysis . patient male 2 9 Our patient had two of these risk factors ( male and concomitant hypertension ) reinforcing his chances of prolonged viral shedding . patient female 1 The patient has had no improvement of her quadriplegia and still requires mechanical ventilatory support . patient male 0 Patient stated the jerking movements caused him to fall , hit his head and bite his tongue prior to admission . Patient male 0 Patient became impulsive , climbed out of bed , and stumbled his way to urinate when he had severe jerking movements , and fell hitting his head . Patient male 2 * The patient has given his informed consent to publish the information included in the article . patient female 5 At this time , the patient still had no respiratory symptoms and her SpO2 was 95 % on room air . patient male 18 If a patient develops neurological or psychiatric symptoms while taking mefloquine for the prevention of malaria , the patient should discuss his symptoms with his physician and the physician should consider discontinuing the use of mefloquine and using an alternative drug [ 39S,40 ] . patient female 29 Given the infectivity of COVID19 , precautions must be made to limit unnecessary exposure where possible , as in this case where peripheral intervention was only performed once the patient had completed her treatment course . patient male 29 In addition , we used nasal NIV , which can prove more difficult in the acute setting , in part because of the extra attention needed to ensure the patient keeps his mouth closed at all times [ 47 ] . patient female 7 At the time of presentation , the patient had a negative RT-PCR and resolution of COVID-19-related respiratory symptoms , but had not recovered her sense of olfaction . patient female 8 A limitation of this case is that the patient did not undergo formal psychophysical testing of her olfactory function . patient male 1 The patient , at age 17 years , contacted his primary care provider 4 days prior to admission ( PTA ; day # -4 ) with a one-week history of nasal congestion and cough , and was prescribed amoxicillin for presumed sinusitis . patient male 2 Since the patient missed his maintenance dose of replacement J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f immunoglobulin ( subcutaneous Ig , SCIg ) due to his acute illness , he received a dose on day#2 , approximately 2.5 weeks from his last maintenance dose . patient female 5 Two days later , the patient consulted her general practitioner , and a diagnosis of pneumonia was retained . patient male 10 After a few days , it was discovered that the patient had not disclosed his HIV status to his wife . patient male 1 The patient informed his wife within 24 hours . patient female 3 Unfortunately , the patient experienced a second worsening of her neurological state on day 19 ( Glasgow Coma patient female 35 The Penrose drain was sutured to gauze that was fashioned into a dressing with additional gauze and transparent film dressing ( Tegaderm ) in such a way that the drain would be pulled as the patient removed her dressing at home in several days . patient male 56 As long as the user does not share his account to others and as long as the application is designed such that at a specific timestamp , an account can only be logged in a smartphone , his unique GPS data can be collected regardless of how many smartphones are used and regardless of whether the user shares his smartphones to others . user female 3 First , the patient was an HSCT recipient and had received her transplant 3 weeks before symptom onset ; HHV-6 encephalitis is well described in this patient population 2 - 6 weeks after transplant [ 3 , 4 ] . patient female 1 This patient had received one booster without a primary series which did not protect her , but may have prevented her mortality . patient male 1 The patient was unable to medially deviate his left eye . patient female 1 A user who is tested positive can deliberately share her data ( either location or received tokens ) with a trusted authority , who then broadcasts it to all the others . user male 5 Evolution was favorable and our patient gradually recovered his sensitivity . patient female 5 After the exercise , the patient was able to accept her mood and thoughts as they are and reported feeling less distress . patient female 7 After using these two techniques , the patient was able to experience her situation with less psychological pain . patient male 1 Each patient had the targeted treatment of his disease . patient female 10 After the head and neck tumor board discussion , the patient started her management with the first cycle of chemotherapy on May 19 , 2019 . patient male 35 Eventually , both then stop talking , and it takes a series of silences and repair sequences ( eg , the patient ’s sorry , and the nurse ’s yeah go on ) before the patient can resume his narrative ( line 22 ) . patient male 48 For example , in Figure 3 , the nurse tells the patient to go on ( line 21 ) , and the patient then resumes his talk as is usual when face-to-face but , because of latency in the connection , the nurse does not realize that the patient has resumed his talk . patient male 7 Before submission , make sure that the patient gave his informed consent for publication , and statement indicating that should be clearly narrated in the report . patient male 16 In 1926 , Wilhelm Schwake of Germany patented a totally impractical pneumatic chamber in which the patient had to stand and use his own hands to move a large bellows , comprising the whole side of the box , to generate negative pressure to " draw out the gaseous by-products " [ 36 ] ( Fig. 2.12 ) . patient male 2 Here the patient had to stand in a box , pressing his nose and mouth through triangular openings between two eye slits . patient male 17 This is in line with the results of our previous study , which showed that the index patient with CoV-HKU1-associated pneumonia had his peak viral load at around day 3 after the onset of illness [ 19 ] . patient male 7 Although excluded from our data analysis , Patient # f24 from Suwon ( one of the cities in South Korea ) who had his traces overlapped with his sister-inlaw ( Patient # 8if ) was highly criticized by the media and social network for having an affair , which turned out to be a rumor ( 21 ) . Patient male 8 After 5 days of inpatient treatment , the patient reported resolution of his diarrhea ; however , he continued to experience mild diffuse abdominal pain . patient male 6 Prior to the collapse , the patient reported having symptoms of dizziness , cough , fatigue , and an inability to keep his balance for one day . patient male 1 A patient who has received a transfusion equivalent of one blood volume will retain approximately 25 - 30 % of his original blood elements . patient female 17 The diagnosis was confirmed by the psychiatrist as well : in fact , he reported that the patient injured her skin in a compulsive way and could not avoid it although aware of the risks underlying this behavior . patient male 2 Although the patient improved shortly after receiving corticosteroids in 2017 , consistent with CIDP , the episodic nature of his illness , requiring only short-term therapy , favors rGBS . patient male 0 Patient on the first day of falling ill contacted his Ayurvedic vaidya in Chennai on the telephone , for a consultation and started on Ayurvedic medication for his complaints . Patient male 21 It means one must know the study 's objectives , collaborate in the protocol design and optimization , and inform the patient about the exam and steps to follow in order to maximize his cooperation . patient female 1 The patient was able to use her finger to pinpoint the exact location of the pain as the midline of the anterior neck slightly above her suprasternal notch . patient female 6 On 28 January 2020 , the patient had no discomfort and accompanied her husband to a hospital in Songxi County , Fujian Province , China . patient male 6 It was later found that the patient had expressed his refusal of transfusion in a written document . patient female 1 This patient demonstrated decision-making capacity , including knowledge of the options presented , understanding of the risks and benefits to her of the options , and the ability to state how her choicesdfirst one , then the otherdmeshed with her stable values . patient male 5 In Study 1 , our user gradually chose his focus nodes and attributes of interest to extract relevant nodes and discover new knowledge . user female 13 While most of us go out for walks and grocery shopping , a friend takes her temperature each day and has decided not to go outside for 2 weeks , as she went to the same gym as some returners who were infected . friend male 2 However , Patient # 1 , who frequently visited the region and his family members , had no idea about MERS . Patient female 1 Our patient improved over the course of 2 weeks and was discharged with a plan to taper her dose of prednisolone . patient male 10 On day 18 , EVD was inserted , and the patient received IVT tigecycline as a last therapeutic option to treat his A. baumannii ventriculitis . patient male 28 Although the patient described in this case report was appropriately initiated on ivermectin ( 200 mcg/kg/day ) when disseminated strongyloidiasis was deemed likely , we feel that the patient should not have had his antibiotic therapy discontinued upon initiation of ivermectin . patient male 3 Also , this patient did not experience any worsening of his pre-existing neurological symptoms in association with COVID-19 . patient male 24 The change in movement metric reflects the average number of level 16 bing tiles ( 0.6 km × 0.6 km ) that a Facebook user ( who enabled his geo-positioning ) was present during a 24-hour period relative to the pre-crisis levels . user female 5 At that time , the patient was discharged from the hospital with instructions to wean her oral steroid dose over the next 2 weeks . patient female 4 Throughout time , the patient reported progression of her symptoms with increasing dyspnoea , persistent dry cough , xerostomia and arthralgia . patient male 5 A case report of a patient with EGFR ( L858R , T790 M ) mutant metastatic lung adenocarcinoma and diagnosed with COVID-19 infection maintained his daily osimertinib concomitantly with broad-spectrum antibiotics and antiviral treatment with lopinavir plus ritonavir uneventfully [ 24 ] . patient female 1 The patient increased her use of MDI and nebulized 20 albuterol without relief over the next few days . patient male 1 This patient will require ongoing , long-term monitoring of his kidney function . patient male 5 One case*^ occurred after the patient abraded his arm on a storage crate , and the other " * * followed an abrasion acquired while removing barnacles from a boat . patient female 1 The patient discloses a worsening of her anxiety disorder , and during the development of the scenario , it was necessary for the students to manage her anxiety and provide her with emotional support . patient female 2 Help the patient verbalize her feelings , fears , concerns , problems faced , and how she copes with them . patient male 4 The exposure of our patient to cold air without an HME most likely compromised his airway and led to the development of the infection . patient male 1 The patient was instructed to use each modified mask for one night ( one-night trial ) and then pick his favorite from the batch to wear for seven consecutive nights ( seven-night trial ) . patient male 5 In 1995 , the AIDS patient Jeff Getty is transplanted with the bone marrow cells of a baboon in an attempt to reinvigorate his failing immune system . patient male 9 However , the Romberg test was positive when the patient closed his eyes . patient male 19 Patients were interrogated by a pharmacy student during one month , using two questionnaires ( depending on whether the patient had brought or not his ambulatory treatment ) . patient male 11 Practices of anesthetists may differ concerning the choice to let the patient manage his treatment or the way to give the agreement on the prescription . patient male 4 For instance , one patient with a dislodged interim implant-supported fixed dental prosthesis visited the clinic while wearing his N95 mask and a disposable hazmat suit . patient male 1 The patient underwent intensive post-operative physiotherapy and regained his ability to walk . patient female 40 Care was provided to establish a relationship with the family , supply feelings of trust , safety , and meet physical needs , and listen to the family 's distress regarding losing a loved one in order to help the patient accept death and happily live the rest of her life . patient male 13 Study Design/Method : We performed an emergent , back-to-back dRBC procedures on the patient given his rapid clinical deterioration . patient female 1 This patient is experiencing an acute exacerbation or relapse of her underlying multiple sclerosis . patient female 1 One patient held her computer as she Conflict of Interest : Dr. Begasse de Dhaem has nothing to disclose . patient male 5 On this intermittent CPAP the patient steadily improved , received his allogeneic marrow graft from his brother engrafting by day + 9 . patient female 16  Upon receipt of message tagged with " possible infection " from the server , the user recovers the infection time and location , from ( by querying her local database ) . user female 4 Since admission , the patient has expressed her concern about receiving heparin injections . patient male 3 Results : The patient reported full resolution of his symptoms after the first dose of baclofen on day 1 . patient female 1 The patient did not develop vin rosé coloration of her urine . patient male 5 During this time , the patient visited his brother in the hospital . patient male 1 The patient , whose mood remained slightly hypomanic went on to develop neck dystonia and his shuffling gait worsened . patient male 6 In this case report , the patient retained his TLA until 5.2 years of age-far longer than anticipated for this temporizing intervention . patient male 34 It would be wise to utilize core needle biopsy when results of FNAC are equivocal and a high index of suspicion is present , especially when excisional biopsy carries a higher risk for the patient considering his general medical condition or impossible due to fi xation of the nodal tissue to surrounding structures . patient female 6 Leading up to LT , the patient was receiving three vasopressors ( norepinephrine , vasopressin , and epinephrine ) , and her MELD score had advanced to 41 . patient female 1 The patient could not undertake the neurological assessment prescribed by us due to self-isolation , but given the transitory nature of her alteration and considering the positivity to SARS-CoV-2 testing , it is unlikely that her disturbances were related to brain disease . patient female 8 Additionally , negative support was emphasized by one user who discussed her disappointment when she was told " welcome to the club " after her cycle had been canceled . user male 2 An obtunded patient may be unable to protect his airway . patient female 7 At 2 months of age , the patient had surgical repair of her anomalous pulmonary venous return , ventricular septal defect , and patent ductus arteriosus . patient male 51 55.2 % ( 16/29 ) of the prescriptions established during the hospitalization had been renewed when the patient came out of the hospital , we managed to contact ten general practitioners ( approximately 53.4 days after their discharge ) , nine patients carried on their BZD treatment , among them one patient had reduced his consumption . patient male 6 In our study , only one patient had his treatment delayed due to family 's fears of travelling . patient male 1 1 patient with severe pruritus did n't pass prescribed treatment and chose his usual intramuscular injection of diprospan instead . patient female 1 This patient required multiple adjustments of her PD medications ( larger dosage of levodopa ) during hospitalization . patient female 39 A notable adverse effect of Clozapine is precipitation of seizures , which have been observed at all stages of Clozapine treatment , hence the reason why her Clozapine was weaned rapidly over five days at the time that the patient dropped her GCS and presented with facial jerks . patient male 2 The first patient infected his cousin , and each of the patients infected their parents . patient female 5 Following her treatment , the patient regained both her senses and recovered uneventfully . patient female 1 ^1 patient who aborted her pregnancy was excluded from the calculations . patient female 1 Our patient experienced rapid resolution of her symptoms during the course of her hospitalization and 5-day course of remdesivir . patient male 4 They had found that patient 1 still had a fever and his temperature was 38.1 . patient female 17 Unfortunately , due to the panic among the general population regarding the transmission of COVID-19 , the patient ignored her symptoms at the beginning . patient male 5 On physical examination , the patient can not raise his affected arm or leg off the bed . patient male 29 We insist on the importance during the preoperative checklist to share with the operating theatre staff , in addition to the usual information , the COVID status of the patient which will determine his perioperative circuit and the strategy adopted by the anaesthesia team for airway management . patient female 0 Patient 1 experienced progressive aggravation of her cough without productive sputum , since its initial onset 16 d prior to her admission . Patient female 8 Despite having mild dementia , at baseline the patient recognized her family , could express her needs , and participate in daily activities . patient male 4 After extubation , the patient was still unable to effectively clear his mucus due to weak cough . patient female 4 For example , one patient would call her doctor if increasing the dose did not sufficiently decrease swelling . patient male 25 When the surgical procedure is finished , the removal of neuromuscular blockage is usually done by administering a reversal agent , to make sure the patient regains control of his muscular function as quickly as possible and that artificial ventilation can be removed . patient male 11 During NAVA ventilation , there is an autoregulation in which the patient is adjusting his tidal ventilation to maintain homogeneous ventilation distribution . patient female 1 The patient stayed home from work for 1 week , treating her respiratory symptoms with inhaled albuterol . patient female 1 The patient was tired , dizzy and lost her appetite when high doses of the drug were given . patient male 4 They can help the user build his charts and compare the countries . user female 24 After ten years as a caregiver first in Italy and then in France , she moved to Belgium 4 years ago , when a friend proposed her a better working opportunity . friend female 9 the patient 3 days before she died , a friend and a healthcare worker had contact with her on the day before her death , and the rest of the healthcare workers had contact with the patient on the day she died . friend male 5 For instance , the index patient showed no respiratory symptoms , such as cough , sneezing , rhinorrhea , or productive sputum , while meeting his friend ( patient 1 ) , but still able to transmit the virus to patient 1 . patient male 1 The patient had handled the vials with- out gloves but washed his hands with soap and water . patient male 2 Because the patient had his own phone and had already initiated buprenorphine/naloxone , he was electronically prescribed a 2-week supply of 12/3 mg daily . patient male 2 Once a patient takes his treatment , which is pharmaceutical , behavioral , or other , doctors and clinicians have to monitor their patient 's response to treatment . patient male 6 At the time of reclassification , patient 1 reported improvement of his condition , but KCDC decided to conduct a surveillance test for COVID-19 . patient female 17 On September 19 th , 2020 , during follow-up by the hospital 's epidemiological unit , the patient was without discomfort and was carrying out her daily activities . patient male 4 We believe that the patient unwittingly saved his own life by the oral coingestion of both MDEA and heroin . patient female 1 The patient had known sick contacts , including her father , who co-presented to the ED for five days of fever , myalgias , mild cough , coryza , and pharyngitis without shortness of breath . patient male 11 WorkSafeApp also has a self assessment module , using which a user can assess his health status by answering certain queries . user male 3 The 3 rd patient who coughed out his voice prosthesis is now on a Nasogastric tube to occlude the Tracheo-Esophageal(TE ) fistula , and he awaits a sized voice prosthesis insertion . patient male 2 As the patient expressed his wish of not being intubated at the time of admission , invasive ventilation was not an option to us . patient male 15 Although the clinical relevance of these groupings is currently unclear , it is notable that patient D , who had several operations and recurrent infections of his wounds during the 2-year follow-up , shared similar cellular and cytokine profiles with those of patients A and B , respectively . patient male 2 One 63-year-old patient required extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support and had normalization of his LVEF from 32 % to 68 % but died at DOI-36 ( 7 ) . patient male 11 Mechanical ventilation and sedation were interrupted by day 40 and the patient started to awake and opened his eyes for the first time in 6 weeks . patient female 10 This trend appears to have continued with more recently one patient requiring revascularisation of her hand and another a free flap reconstruction following DSH . patient male 1 One patient had an exacerbation of his atopic dermatitis ( AD ) of the face and limbs and palm dyshidrosis ( Table 2H ) . patient female 29 The discharges improved J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f in both patients with the administration of anti-seizure medications ; the patient with myoclonic activity also had resolution of her movements . patient male 10 Clinicians can use open-ended questions to determine how well the patient understands his medical situation . patient male 1 This patient had declared his symptom of sore throat , which had resolved . patient male 29 Some were in charge of data collection , e.g. some studied the anamesis such as when the patient got infected , when the patient was hospitalised and when the patient got his first fever . patient male 10 Two days prior to the onset of symptoms , the patient had discontinued his medications . patient male 2 After the patient received his morning anti-Parkinson medications , the tremor resolved and his ECG returned to baseline . patient female 1 The patient described her abdominal pain as sharp , located primarily in the epigastric region , and radiating to the back . patient male 5 Twenty-four hours postoperatively , the patient complained of inability to move both his legs and arms . patient female 11 Upon arrival to the ICU at the outside hospital , the patient became acutely hypotensive and was intubated given her instability . patient male 1 Our patient , too , denied any recollection of his hospital course or the events surrounding his hospitalization . patient female 3 For example , patient 7 had 2 periods of responses-whereas her first PFS was 127 days , the second PFS was significantly longer at 550 days . patient male 5 As a consequence , the patient had a significant improvement of his symptom , as well as a gradually resolution of consolidation . patient male 2 97 A patient should compare the severity of his present attack to other attacks that he has had : Is this his worst attack ? patient female 19 Given the extensive multiorgan failure and her family 's wishes not to initiate ventilator support or dialysis , the patient passed away shortly after de-escalating her care . patient male 1 The patient had total repair of his osteonecrosis . patient male 1 A patient who can not express his will as he is unable to communicate ( totally unresponsive , unconscious , etc . ) : It is necessary to check for the existence of a written advance medical directive , a durable power of attorney , a guardian or a documented summary in the medical record exist , and if found then to act accordingly . patient female 1 The patient had generalized weakness and was not able to move her extremities . patient female 7 During the next 2 years , the patient eventually reduced her body mass index from 30 to 28 and decreased her hemoglobin A1c to 7.8 % . patient male 10 The following morning ( 5 hrs after admission ) the patient no longer spontaneously moved his lower extremities and his toes were upgoing bilaterally . patient male 5 In the follow-up examinations the patient reported an improvement of his general physical condition . patient female 2 Additionally , patient continued to drop her platelets and coagulation factors which were consistent with Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy ( DIC ) . patient male 7 Now for about 20 months , our patient has had good control of his HIV infection under steady ART.No further flares of hepatitis or increases of LFTs were seen . patient male 5 At border entry , this patient had declared his symptom of sore throat , which had resolved . patient female 7 ( 27 ) In fact , one patient among the 17 asymptomatic patients in our study ( Patient 11 ) was breastfeeding her 2-month old baby after she was infected with SARS-CoV-2 , and she did not pass the infection to her baby . patient female 0 Patient E had metastatic bladder cancer and her renal failure was due to metastatic urinary obstruction . Patient male 13 I also acknowledge the input and assistance of Leslie Wood , Fredda 's friend who read his stories aloud at the TRC event and is now working with Fredda to turn his stories into a book . friend male 49 One possible explanation for that is endothelial injury associated with intracelular viruses , previously described in lung autopsy reports³ , which also appears to incite a high rate of thrombotic events 6 .We assume this could partially explain further aggravation of a previous portal vein thrombosis observed with this patient , which would justify the worsening of his ascites . patient male 1 Our patient developed his infection after a prolonged period of severe leukopenia and lymphopenia ( Fig. 1 ) while receiving high-dose dexamethasone during induction treatment of T-ALL . patient female 7 This facility was not suitable for our patient given her medical comorbidities and immunocompromised status . patient male 1 The patient with Adie 's pupils lost his ankle and H reflexes , and developed orthostatic tachycardia ( in press ) . patient male 1 A patient on renal dialysis who contracted SARS when staying in the index ward visited his relatives at Amoy Gardens ; over 300 people were subsequently infected . patient male 1 One patient with advanced chronic transplant nephropathy lost his graft after 6 months . patient male 3 One lung transplantation patient had no symptoms but his lung biopsy pathology showed chronic micro-aspiration with rejection . patient female 13 18 This stands in contrast to our case , in which a multiparous patient experienced her first demyelinating event . patient male 14 In emergency medical situations , where the risk is that of not treating the patient with prostate cancer , delaying his therapy or initiating him with an inappropriate hormonal therapy , it is recommended to adopt radiotherapy schemes based on scientific evidence of efficacy , speed of execution and minimal toxicity [ 14 ] . patient male 30 It should be noted that relatives who are not the patient 's legal guardians or appointed by a durable power of attorney have no special status regarding decisions for a patient who can not express his will . patient male 7 However , in the case of a patient who neither wrote an advance medical directive nor recorded a durable power of attorney and can not express his will and make decisions , as he is unable to communicate ( totally unresponsive , unconscious , etc . ) , family members can be consulted about the patient 's presumed wishes regarding invasive treatments . patient male 23 The senior physician or the triage committee representative should inform the patient who can express his wishes , or the relatives of the patient who can not express his wishes , of any adverse triage decision made for him . patient female 13 However , given the continued high index of suspicion for COVID-19 , the patient remains in quarantine , with a plan to complete her final two fractions of SBRT once she has been asymptomatic for 3 days . patient male 8 This is supported by the fact that our patient had an improvement of his respiratory failure after treatment with steroids and anti-TB drugs was initiated , but only had improvement in his kidney and bone marrow failure after etoposide was added . patient female 10 Consensus from our institutional tumor board was to manage the patient medically given her extensive tumor burden . patient male 1 One patient was positive and his operation was delayed and excluded from the study . patient female 6 Over the following 2 weeks the patient reported purulent rectal drainage and resolution of her fevers and pain . patient male 8 The week prior to developing symptoms , the patient had visited his mother who was receiving end of life care . patient male 2 But the patient discontinued his follow-ups afterwards for a year . patient male 1 The patient had seen his primary physician , who prescribed oseltamivir and moxifloxacin , but the shortness of breath progressed and he went to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment . patient female 13 Notable differences are here summarized : 1 ) After selecting filters , a user must explicitly apply her search by pressing an execution button . user female 1 The patient reported her SOB started worsening over the last couple of days prior to admission . patient male 1 The patient was advised by the airline company to see his physician for evaluation . patient male 15 At that time his pulse rate , on self-exam was 40 bpm , so the patient went to see his internist , knowing that``there is something wrong with the pacemaker , since it was programmed to keep the heart rate above 60 bpm . ' ' During hospitalization the patient had slightly positive cardiac enzymes . patient female 0 Patient had stopped her medications approximately one year prior to admission . Patient female 33 Some of these recommendations could be dangerous : recommending marital therapy ( n=19 , 27 % ) , prescribing potentially addictive medicines ( n=9 , 12 % ) , or suggesting that the patient bring her abusive partner in to the doctor ( n=23 , 32 % ) . patient male 24 If a CT scan showed that symptoms were related to a condition other than COVID-19 ( such as lung cancer progression ) , the patient continued his diagnostic or therapeutic pathway in the center . patient male 5 On the other hand , patient 1 received influenza vaccination as well as pneumonia , diphtheria , tetanus , pertussis and meningococcus vaccines , given his clinical history of splenectomy . patient male 27 Real time : The doctor and patient both are present at the time of consultation and can interact with each other e.g. , video consultationAsynchronous : The patient shares his complaint and/or documents with the doctor and the doctor replies later as per his/her convenience e.g. , via text message , email etc . patient female 13 The doxycycline was discontinued once the Lyme disease titers returned negative and the patient finished her course of empiric valacyclovir and steroids . patient male 7 From a customer 's perspective , the user can enable alerts on his smartphone regarding his grocery list , can see the map of the store and crowded aisles , and plan accordingly to maintain social distance while shopping . user male 1 The user can take off his shoes on smart UV-floor , and put his keys , phone in smart UV light box that sanitizes these items . user male 5 Before the televisit , the patient , in addition to the identity card , should prepare his medical data , data on subsequent medical treatment , lab test results , statements from other doctors and a list of medications he had used before and now . patient male 5 Following the procedure , the patient had spontaneous resolution of his previously described atrial fibrillation . patient male 1 The patient in the first case noted his elbow pain on admission , but the hospital team was distracted by the FUO workup , discounted the joint 's relatively benign appearance , and failed to notice the other involved joint . patient male 4 In Fig. 5 , user A uploaded all his signatures to the signature database after he became an infected individual . user male 1 e patient denied any chest pain , orthopnea , paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea , or swelling of his extremities . patient female 1 The patient who has maintained islet function for the longest period to date received a transplant of her own islets after total pancreatectomy at the University of Minnesota over 16 years ago and she remains insulin independent ( Shapiro 2002 ( Shapiro , 1399 . patient male 12 With further lateral canthopexy procedures 6 months down the line , the patient could achieve closure of his eyelids even though spontaneous blink was not present . patient female 6 Twenty years ago , 45 the patient consulted her physician because of rhinitis , which was consecutively diagnosed 46 as CRSwNP . patient male 17 By selecting the destination company , which is a specific company using the KYC data , the user receives the hash of his certificate , and after sending it to the destination company , the health information is retrieved through the hash . user male 6 After performing this step , the user has successfully sent his health certificate to the desired destination company . user male 15 The final step of providing the service by the system is that first , the user attends the destination company and shows his QR Code . user male 11 After referring to each of the system 's banks , the user provides his KYC information to the destination bank using his QR code , and after re-validation through signed data of the previous KYC information in the blockchain , the bank can verify and use information [ 12 ] . user male 16 Once the user responds to the notification , the application opens a questionnaire , where the user can report his current mood status on a 7-level Likert scale ( 1 . user male 23 This process allows patient and surgeon to make a decision about further treatments together : the surgeon contributes his expert knowledge while the patient contributes his values and preferences . patient female 3 Integumentary : The patient reports a localized macular rash to her left lower extremity , but she is unsure on how long the rash has been present . patient male 11 The fever and cough resolved 5 d later , and the patient resumed his cancer treatment after completion of his self-isolation period . patient male 1 The patient remained apyrexic throughout and resumed his cancer treatment 36 d after FCS . patient male 1 The patient resumed his treatment with atezolizumab 31 d after FCS . patient male 1 The patient has completely resumed his work and lifestyle and after 6 months of follow-up he is in good health and stops the warfarin therapy . patient female 6 On 13 Apr 2020 , the patient twisted her body while at home with a resultant fall , pain in her right thigh , and inability to stand . patient male 3 So , the patient switched his treatment on Tocilizumab 8 mg/kg with intervals of 4 week : after ten days our patient died suddenly , likely for myocardial infarction . patient female 1 The patient expressed her consent to publish this anonymised case report . patient male 2 And the patient experienced continuous decrease of oxygen saturation to around 60 % and his blood pressure decreased to around 70/50 mmHg . patient male 14 Within the last 2 months , because of a lack of finances , the patient stopped taking his medication . patient female 17 The application we created can display arbitrary volume renders and meshes extracted from medical images and the user can interact virtually with the objects in the 3D space using her own hands , which are detected thanks to the Leap Motion . user female 10 Clarification of the appropriate use of pain medicine allowed the patient to control her pain with only occasional use of Vicodin , leading to increased energy , independence , and enthusiasm . patient female 8 With renewed energy and improved mood , the patient withdrew her desire to discontinue dialysis for now . patient female 0 Patient 2 also had multiple complications during her ICU stay , further increasing her risk of seizures . Patient male 1 The patient was not conscious and could not make his own medical decisions . patient female 4 Though at presentation , patient had exertional shortness of breath and patchy infiltration on chest X ray , her initial NIF was well above normal level and there were no concerns for impending respiratory failure . patient male 11 During a routine wound VAC change on POD 20 , the patient felt a " pop " and noticed his distal fixation present . patient female 9 From Jan 21 to 25 , 2020 , the patient returned to Wuhan to visit her relatives . patient male 17 In the United States , specialty care has traditionally been delivered through a familiar structure : a patient sees his primary care provider and , if the provider believes input from a specialist would be helpful , she refers the patient to a specialist , who then sees the patient in a face-to-face visit . patient male 1 The patient did not take his morning diltiazem , arriving to the operating room 36 hr after his last dose . patient male 9 Proper ethical guidelines have been followed , and the patient has documented consent to be part of a research study as well as have his case used in future publications . patient female 10 We describe a case of a successful outcome in a patient requiring her third orthotopic heart transplant . patient male 31 Out of the 7 patients who consented to participate , 4 patients completed the entire study ; 3 patients withdrew from the study ( one patient did not follow-up ; one patient changed his mind ; one patient had prosthesis associated pain and decided to withdraw from the study until that issue could be remedied ) . patient male 9 METHODS : We applied the H-Score to risk-stratify our patient to help predict his hospital course . patient female 24 Of note , while the second patient had her IUD inserted in a U.S. clinic known to only carry the Paragard , the first patient had her device inserted elsewhere , so we could only speculate as to the nature of her device . patient male 4 During extubation , the patient was moving all his extremities , but there was concern for hypotonia . patient male 4 For example , a patient after receiving adalimumab treatment ( an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis ) over a period of time , lost his initial response to adalimumab due to the formation of HAHAs [ 4 ] . patient male 3 Fitzpatrick described a patient who developed airway obstruction and acute respiratory acidosis requiring intubation preoperatively because of withholding his antiparkinsonian medications while he was being fasted . patient female 5 We deduced that when the patient leaned forward or raised her left arm , the magnetic port on the breast tissue expander came into close proximity to the defibrillator , leading to inhibition of tachyarrhythmia detection and therapies . patient female 1 The patient appeared to have rapid deterioration of her bioprosthetic valve , suspected to be secondary to thrombosis caused by a lack of compliance and a questionable coagulopathy ( Figures 4A to 4D ) . patient female 7 In the present study , the HGN194 patient was infected for at least 10 years and seemed to naturally control her HIV-1 infection , the HK20 patient may not have been infected for longer than a year and the HJ16 patient regularly required antiretroviral therapy to control her viral load . patient female 0 Patient declined to come in sooner , in her continued bid to reduce her risk for COVID-19 infection . Patient male 1 The patient was scheduled for a 6-week inoffice follow-up visit to monitor his progression . patient male 14 In light of the COVID-19 pandemic , a lengthy discussion was had with the patient regarding his diagnosis and potential treatment options . patient male 22 The patient suffering from non-Hodgkin lymphoma was not undergoing any therapy and was disease-free at the moment of hospitalization ; the diabetic patient had his disease controlled through therapy . patient male 11 Also , the physician needs to be fully introduced unless the patient knew his doctor beforehand . patient female 18 Keeping in mind her age , long-standing diabetes , and the high risk of contracting COVID-19 , the patient was advised to carry out the dressing at home . patient male 6 NPAs were not performed if the patient had active bleeding or his platelet count was below 20.000/mm3 . patient male 1 Each patient had his blood pressure recorded by three methods : OBP using a digital sphygmomanometer device , unattended ASqBP using sequential BP devices with recording of the readings over 30 min , and ABPM that was performed within 48 h of office visit using portable BP devices with BP recording over 24 h. RESULTS : We recruited 64 patients ( age 50.0 ± 15.0 years and female gender 53.1 % ) . patient male 22 On the other hand , interestingly , SARS-CoV-2 infection seemingly did not affect surgery outcome in this particular case , as the patient had his first flatus on POD 3 , resumed solid food on POD 4 , and postoperative course was uneventful until respiratory breakdown . patient male 40 The main difference between academic and pharmaceutical CAR T-cells , regarding the timeline of the manufacturing process , is obtaining the " living drug . " As for academic products , commercial CART19 are based on autologous T-cells and each patient requires his own T-cells . patient male 7 To login to XrayCoviDetector , the user must input his email and password ( Fig 7A ) , and register a new user the complete name , email , password , and must click the checkbox to know and accept the conditions of use ( Fig 7B ) . user female 1 Our patient was less than six months post-multiorgan transplant and given her retransplantation status and recent enhanced immunosuppression , she presented challenges in achieving therapeutic immunosuppression while managing her neutropenia . patient male 3 But , the patient did not improve his symptom . patient male 8 At admission ( day 1 ) , the patient reported his symptom was very mild , and his body temperature was 37.6 ° C ( 99.7 ° F ) , whereas coarse breath sounds of both lungs were heard at auscultation . patient male 4 On extubation , the patient confirmed his ingestion of hydroxychloroquine and methotrexate . patient female 1 The patient went into home isolation with no symptoms and monitored her vitals twice daily after receiving confirmation of a positive RT-qPCR ( quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ) result . patient male 27 In the remainder of the non-hospitalized subgroup , mycophenolate mofetil was reduced in 50 % of the patients , everolimus in 50 % , while the only patient receiving tacrolimus had his dosage halved . patient female 4 The day after the patient changed her code status , she decompensated and passed away . patient male 25 It is hypothesised that cutaneous exposures when while skinning and butchering or ingestion of undercooked meat resulted in zoonotic transmission of the organism to our patient causing bacteraemia and secondary seeding of his pacemaker wires . patient male 3 On admission , patient three had clinical tracheitis ; however , given his symptoms , he underwent SARS-CoV-2 testing and was admitted to one of two newly formed wards for suspected or confirmed Covid-19 . patient male 12 FastViromeExplorer incorporates the reference database as an input parameter , so that user can use any database of his choice as input . user female 14 During that appointment , the vulvar lesion was no longer present , and the patient continued to report resolution of her COVID-19 and vulvar symptoms . patient female 1 The patient could maximally lift her head 20 degrees . patient female 1 Our patient with manifest COVID-19 showed no abnormalities of her coagulation parameters and there was no documentation of thromboembolic events . patient female 6 The best reward was seeing the patient begin recovery and being able to share her smiling face with him the next day . patient male 16 Fig.8 presents the recording of a pulse wave of pressure on the radial artery when the patient is holding his breath for a short time after inhalation . patient female 1 Our patient clearly had indications for it , however , given her rapid deterioration requiring pressor support with four medications , she would have been unable to tolerate hemodialysis , thus having a fatal outcome . patient female 14 For example , according to one public school instructor , the reactions of the patient , who did not contain her astonishment when the doctor insisted on the seriousness of the virus and its mode of transmission , accurately reflected the behaviour of a patient coming for a consultation . patient male 5 If we assume that this patient developed his infection in the United States , then we are most likely dealing with a common pulmonary pathogen such as those on the left side of Table 2 . patient male 23 Figure 10 shows a section of the HR , RR and triaxial acceleration signals for his first night of admission , when the patient experienced a deterioration of his condition . patient male 1 The patient is warmly thanked for permitting the publication of his case . patient male 2 The only patient who received oral corticosteroid therapy ( for 2 days ) completely recovered his sense of smell in less than 7 days and did not develop severe COVID-19 form . patient male 5 Over 8 h , the patient developed coagulopathy and progressive swelling of his right upper extremity . patient male 12 Besides , there was no lagophthalmos or infrequent blinking response and the patient was able to close his eyelid properly . patient female 9 On day 9 of ECMO and hospitalization , the patient began her final trial off VV ECMO support , in which the sweep gas blender was turned to zero-effectively placing her on mechanical ventilator support alone . patient male 12 Postdischarge telephone calls at day 10 and week 4 revealed that the patient was appropriately responding to anticoagulation treatment and had no recurrence of his symptoms related to VTE/COVID-19 . patient female 6 During the spring festival , a patient with COVID-19 , from city X , visited her family living in village A , located in the southeast of Zhejiang province , China . patient male 1 The patient reported improvements of his strength . patient male 1 The patient had gradual improvement of his PaO2/FiO2 ratio , and his cardiac , renal , and liver function remained intact . patient male 1 One patient who was given DAS prophylactically lost his molecular response and the other one did not achieve BCR-ABL transcript eradication despite preemptive treatment . patient female 6 On hospital day 16 , the patient finally opened her eyes and started following simple commands such as blinking of her eyelids . patient male 1 A user can store and edit his successive questionnaires or drafts of questionnaires listed at the top of the middle panel . user female 1 The patient underwent bronchoscopy as part of her evaluation and went on to donate both kidneys and her liver . patient male 1 The patient described his symptoms as a constant stabbing pain that originated from his groin and migrated to his abdomen , flank , back , and chest . patient female 1 The patient improved her respiratory function with an RR of 15 breaths/min , a SpO 2 of 94 % , and a temperature of 38.2 ° C . patient male 36 The most common variants were 23403A > G in the spike protein S2 and 14408C > T in ORF1ab , both in eight samples , and 25563G > T in ORF3a in six samples ( The patient travelling from Egypt died correlating the deterioration of his clinical status with a past medical history and old age . patient female 3 However , the patient did not improve her symptoms despite anti TB treatment . patient male 1 That patient repeatedly tested negative but , later his serology tested positive for COVID-19 . patient male 40 The most common variants were 23403A > G in the spike protein S2 and 14408C > T in ORF1ab , both in eight samples , and 25563G > T in ORF3a in six samples ( ( Table 1 ) The patient travelling from Egypt died correlating the deterioration of his clinical status with a past medical history and old age . patient female 6 • Security and reliability : each user should have her own space with email and discussion facilities . user female 1 The patient tolerated her hospital admission well and was dismissed with instructions to follow up with her local oncologist . patient male 3 Each newly influenced user u in step t only has a single chance to activate his inactive outgoing neighbors in step t + 1 . user male 6 In a manner unfamiliar , the patient unceremoniously showed me his belly on the video monitor . patient female 3 Further , a user can delete her account but the data will remain with GoI for 30 days before it will be purged . user male 1 The patient consented to having his information disclosed in this case report . patient female 1 The patient has an immediate improvement of her symptoms . patient male 7 When consent has been obtained , the user shall be given the possibility to withdraw his consent for the processing of such data at any time and must continue to have the possibility , using a simple means and free of charge , of temporarily refusing the processing of such data for each connection to the network or for each transmission of a communication ( Article 9 of the Privacy & Electronic Communications Directive ) . user male 1 The patient lies supine and holds his breath during the examination . patient male 31 As the given , video synopsis datasets and annotations increase , the computer vision community realized that the problem of video summarization can be also defined and solved separately for each user taking into account his preferences . user male 3 Results : Our patient received his induction and reintensification chemotherapy without any major bleeding event which reveals the success of our guidelines for the prevention of bleeding . patient male 0 Patient did not show any signs of improvement and his oxygen requirement continued to increase and so two doses of tocilizumab 400 mg was administered . Patient female 1 One patient with SLE also discontinued all her medications following her flu-like episode and developed a renal flare with subnephrotic proteinuria and raised creatinine for which she was instituted on high dose prednisolone and mycophenolate and is still in re-induction therapy . patient female 6 On March 12 th , the patient began to have bilateral retro-orbital pain , headache and low-grade fever after attending her family gathering party . patient male 13 When conditioned on testing positive at or after the incubation period , the patient immediately suffers a positive death rate , increasing his M 1 ( ∞ ) . patient male 1 The hunter met his prey only at distance and when he could touch the prey , the animal was already dead . hunter female 3 Subsequently , the patient tested negative on 99 four consecutive swabs from June 16 to July 16 , indicating her infection had cleared . patient male 19 He presented with mild upper respiratory tract symptoms secondary to COVID-19 that did not require hospitalization , and the patient resumed his chemotherapy 14 days after full recovery . patient male 3 Finally , the user selects questions in the wish list to fill his ' shopping basket ' , which becomes the final questionnaire . user male 5 Obtaining the questionnaire When the user validates his basket , EpiBasket automatically generates the corresponding questionnaire in three formats : XML , pdf and csv . user male 5 The EpiBasket software helps the user draft a questionnaire and to exchange his draft ( that we called a ' wish list ' ) with his collaborators until he decides to obtain a ready-to-use paper questionnaire , for a paperand-pencil survey and/or an electronic file for an online survey . user male 7 We are thus only aware of one patient who should have undergone urgent surgery for a root abscess but died following delays while awaiting his status to change from COVID-19 positive to negative . patient male 3 However , the patient will need to be brought out of sedation in order to activate his ( or her ) respiratory reflex . patient female 15 As of today , no worsening of respiratory SARS-CoV2 symptoms was recorded , and the patient resumed her daily life activities without brace and analgesics . patient male 1 The patient received his first dose of IVIG on the sixth day after diagnosis and underwent prone positioning for ARDS . patient male 1 The patient had not had a flare of his Ulcerative Colitis in over 15 years . patient male 9 CT confirmed the suspicion of peri-cholecystic fluid and this patient required urgent laparotomy and repair of his hepatobiliary injury . patient male 1 The patient was subsequently able to have potentially curative treatment of his head and neck primary . patient male 1 The patient had no episodes of hemoptysis during hospitalization and had resolution of his shortness of breath and chest tightness . patient female 8 In contrast to other reported cases , this patient had a successful outcome , perhaps due to the timing of MERS-CoV exposure , her young age , the use of steroids , and differences in immune response . patient female 0 Patient # 4 markedly improved her respiratory function allowing extubation but developed massive cerebral ischemic stroke ( cardiac ultrasound detected a large thrombus in the right atrium ) , 2 days after ventilation withdrawal , and died 16 days after admission . Patient female 12 Seeing the physical frailty , but clear thinking and comprehension of the patient fuelled her wish to see that the patient received the care that she desired . patient male 9 11 , 12 This was also noted in our patient , who was a diabetic and had hypertension increasing his risk for progression to severe disease . patient male 1 Our patient had his first positive RT-PCR result on day 7 after symptom onset , then had two negative swabs on days 39 and 40 of illness in conjunction with symptomatic recovery . patient female 4 We only observed one patient who had not recovered her sense of smell until the end of this research phase , which corresponds to 120 days . patient female 5 At 2-months follow-up , the patient is in very good general state and restarted her normal personal and work life . patient male 12 Culture of purulent nasal secretions revealed the rare enterobacter Cedecea lapagei The patient had complete resolution of his symptoms after a 14-day course of gentamicin/dexamethasone nasal rinses . patient male 8 Instead , it is his encounter with the patient Tarrou that defines his perspective , as he describes waiting ' for him to speak before turning round . patient male 13 Figure 1 presents an example of a tweet in our sample where a user both reveals his belief and encourages other users to respect social distancing . user male 2 The third patient resolved his pre-HSCT URI symptoms and had no further episodes of URI or pneumonia during the next year . patient female 7 On day two of hospitalization , the patient developed worsening headache , dizziness and lethargy and her blood pressure was elevated to 188/93 mmHg . patient male 1 The patient finished his IV antibiotics on the 7th of June and was discharged in good condition the following day . patient male 0 Patient # 3 with a negative test result for COVID-19 reported persistence of his hearing problem on day 11 of the treatment . Patient female 6 In the present case , the patient took inhaled ciclesonide and her symptoms improved , although we can not exclude the possibility that this would have been the natural course of the disease in this patient . patient female 1 The patient provided her written informed consent to participate in this study . patient male 1 One patient expired due to complications of COVID-19 during our short follow-up period ; the calculated dialysis parameters demonstrated his PD was equivalent to [ 3 times per week of HD . patient male 5 During this process , the patient must keep his surgical mask on and gloves on in order to reduce the risk of contamination , the oxygen should be applied over nasal cannula under the surgical mask [ 45 ] . patient male 1 The patient gradually recovered and regained his normal fitness during the convalescent period . patient male 0 Patient B visited his brother ( patient D ) on January 23 , 24 , and 26 , 2020 . Patient male 7 At the time of re-admission , the patient obviously had respiratory distress and was using his accessory muscles of respiration . patient male 1 This patient had his catheter inadvertently removed in the postanesthesia care unit ( PACU ) after his continuous bladder irrigation had been shut off and voided successfully so he was included in the results of the study . patient female 1 The patient maintained her eyes opened after a painful stimulus for 20 - 25 s without exploring the surrounding environment . patient female 2 If the patient seems unusually uncomfortable with sexual history taking , stop and note her discomfort and ask her if she would like to talk about it . patient male 4 The contacts of the patient were traced , revealing the infection of his 30-year-old son with milder symptoms of COVID-19 , which was confirmed through a laboratory test on April 4 , 2020 and was recommended for home quarantine . patient male 1 The patient sends all his treatment and investigation reports to the doctor by the use of mobile applications and the treating physician advises the appropriate treatment . patient female 3 We assign each user to a province of residence ( " home location " ) considering only her traces in the preoutbreak period . user male 6 Fig. 15 also demonstrates when a user paid his first visit , the precision of experiment group is still higher than those of the comparison groups . user male 3 The case 3 patient lost his right leg as a sequela of technical problems also , and is suffering a permanent hindrance . patient female 4 Case 2 : The patient deliberately concealed her epidemiological history , committing a minor crime . patient female 1 This patient had no evidence of dissemination outside her lungs and was treated with imipenem initially , given her sulfamethoxazole allergy , then converted to linezolid orally for 6 months . patient male 5 For instance , if a user self-reported his home location in Columbia , SC , we assigned Richland County . user male 15 Thus , 10.4 % of the home-location misidentifications occurred in this area , where the user self-reported to be a resident of Columbia ( Richland County ) but its tweeting behavior showed his home residence in places like West Columbia , Cayce or Lexington ( Lexington County ) . user male 40 Assuming a time before appearance of antibodies of 10 - 21 days , at least some of the camels would have been actively infected during middle to late October , when some animals showed signs of respiratory illness and the patient acquired his infection . patient female 7 Wendy joined the waking groups with a friend who 298 shares her passion for walking and being out in nature . friend male 17 In many cases this leads to serious diminution of quality of life and in some cases the patient looses his occupation . patient male 1 One patient who had previously reported an improvement of his continence function during his test stimulation complained about repeated urgency problems as well as incontinence episodes . patient female 11 Cardiopulmonary Exercise ( CPX ) testing was also considered for the patient to further evaluate her status , however the hospital 's CPX lab was unfortunately closed during that time due to COVID-19 . patient male 14 At COVID-19 diagnosis , three were receiving their first chemotherapy cycle and only one patient was receiving his first reinduction after refractoriness to 3 + 7 . patient female 12 We describe the clinical presentation , management , and outcome of a patient who suffered an early cuspal tear of a bioprosthetic mitral valve 4 years post valve implantation and discuss her case in context with the pre-existing relevant literature . patient female 6 On hospital day 5 , the patient developed intermittent fevers and her oxygen requirement increased to 5 L Nasal cannula ( Table 1 ) . patient female 45 The first model performed used age , gender , education , employment , doctor-reported diagnosis group , patient experience ( first consult in respiratory disease ward , previous participation in research ) , the public/private nature of the including center and whether or not the patient knew the name of his/ her pathology to predict patient membership in " trust " versus " distrust " groups . patient male 4 For centralized applications , user A provides his anonymized ID plus codes gathered from other proximate phones to the centralized server . user male 2 When normal user updates his status in the server , only the simulated application whose data is exchanged with the confirmed case will receive the notification message . user female 8 Two weeks later from the initial consultation the patient presented marked improvement in her symptoms , as well as in her CT scan ( Fig. 1b ) , which prompted in discontinuation of the medications and the oxygen therapy . patient female 4 At one-month follow-up the patient presented a nearly complete resolution of the initial symptoms , with a partially restored capacity to perform her daily activities . patient male 2 Only 1 patient developed severe respiratory symptoms and was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis and 1 patient had a relapse of his symptoms requiring admission to the inpatient unit . patient male 18 Result : One month after the final intervention , the CT-Scan showed a satisfying postoperative result and the patient could be discharged home regaining his previous mobility . patient male 1 A patient in his fifties without any past medical history consulted his general practitioner , in the Marseille area on March 6th , 2020 , because of fever , headache and cough evolving since February 29th . patient male 45 Scheduled follow-up visits were replaced by telephone interviews whenever possible : reports of imaging and laboratory tests were transmitted by e-mail or fax or retrieved from our hospital 's archiving system , examined and compared to previous evaluations by a physician that afterwards contacted the patient to ascertain his conditions and list a new appointment . patient male 55 23 The presentation of this case report is similar to our own : nonpitting oedema of the lower face in the absence of pruritus , leucocytosis with relative lymphopenia , elevated inflammatory markers and resolution of symptoms within 48 hours , although the marked difference is the chronic use of ACE inhibitor , whereas our patient began his medication 4 months prior to admission . patient male 13 Therefore , it was surprising to see a relatively benign course in our patient given his immunocompromised state and complex cardiovascular history . patient female 1 The patient accepted and gave her consent for this paper to be carried out . patient female 1 The patient has given her express consent for the publication of this paper . patient female 1 The patient with Hodgkin 's lymphoma had regression of her disease with chemotherapy and is well 2.5 years after stent placement . patient male 1 The patient had gradual improvement of his symptoms and was discharged after 7 days of hospitalization . patient male 1 The patient has to urinate first positioning his feet on a ground mark and then starting the urinary flow horizontally . patient female 3 Moreover , a patient who lost her father to MERS experienced bereavement during isolation . patient male 14 This system allows for easy access to a dementia specialist and can assist the patient in maintaining his clinical stability , as well as providing caregivers with sufficient guidance to deal with new symptoms that may appear during the pandemic , relieving stress caused by BPSD . patient male 1 The patient described in this report contacted his physical therapist via telephone for a consultation due to a 2-day history of worsening left sided numbness and tingling . patient male 1 The patient owned his own company and was quite active . patient male 3 One regimen B patient lost his graft before day 100 . patient male 3 However , the patient denied recently rubbing his eyes . patient male 2 As the patient was undergoing immunosuppressive therapy and his CRP levels increased by 10.08 mg/dL on the same day , systemic examination was performed to rule out the possibility of infectious disease . patient female 3 Results : The patient improved her current symptoms of asthma since the first dose of Omalizumab and two months after the eczema severity decreased to a mild form . patient female 1 The patient cleared almost all her skin lesions although light lichenification areas persisted in flexures , improved xerosis , lowered itching and suffered no relapses . patient male 19 Complete blood count was normal with an ALC of 1.03 K/uL. Twenty-five days after COVID-19 symptom onset , the patient returned to work and reported his smell starting to return to normal . patient male 30 Finding that shallow water and debris from the volcano prevented him from landing , he used the wind to cross the bay to Stabiae , where he found that another friend , Pomponianus , had loaded his boats to escape but could not due to the contrary wind and rough waves . friend female 33 It must be noted that NIV will not be appropriate if the need of prolonged ventilation is expected and/or in the setting of other organ failure and should only be utilized when the patient is alert , protecting her airway and where the need for assisted ventilation will be brief . patient male 1 The patient recovered the muscle strength of his upper and lower limbs and was able to stand with assistance seven days after surgery ( ASIA Grade B ) . patient male 47 EEG was recorded 5 times for each patient : 1 day before the operation ( Ramsay Score 2 ) , after premedication 1 hour before the operation ( Ramsay Score 2 or 3 ) , immediately after the operation ( Ramsay Score 6 ) , after the patient had opened his eyes for the first time ( Ramsay Score 4 ) , and the following morning ( Ramsay Score 2 or 3 ) . patient female 40 Although our ORs are positive pressure rooms , extubation will take place in the OR to mitigate the use of personal protection equipment ( PPE ) , staff , and equipment required in the negative pressure laboring room , where patient will complete her postoperative recovery . patient female 1 One patient lost her graft at 3 months which was turned out case of hyperoxaluria . patient male 3 Moreover , our patient was hemodynamically stable throughout his hospital stay and tolerated his hemodialysis sessions well , without hypotension , which precluded the possibility of transient or persistent hypotension that could have led to hypoperfusion and ischemic colitis . patient female 15 On Dec. 23 , 2017 ( 2 days preceding her illness onset ) , the patient helped her husband slaughter one of the chicken raised in her backyard . patient male 23 After being informed that there was a confirmed case of a Malaysian national with 2019-nCoV disease among the conference attendees in Singapore , patient # 19 contacted his district public health center . patient male 4 Upon questioning , the patient disclosed his granddaughter had contact with people who had returned from Wuhan . patient male 1 The patient denied any change of his oral intake of fluid , introduction of new medications or change in his urinary habits . patient female 11 In February 2020 , during a routine office visit , the patient endorsed blurring of her vision in the right eye . patient male 6 The medical team thoroughly counseled the patient regarding his neurologic injury and prognosis for recovery . patient female 3 Informed consent The patient described in this letter gave her informed consent prior to preparing this letter . patient female 12 Our case is in line with these observations ; interestingly , our patient showed exacerbation of her chronic anemia , suggesting that COVID-19 might trigger hemolytic crises in these patients , possibly in our case this episode was extravascular . patient female 3 Immediately , the patient was able to move her toes and partially flex her quadriceps bilaterally , although the strength was not at baseline . patient male 0 Patient was febrile , tachypneic , tachycardic and appeared in acute distress , using his abdominal accessory muscles for respiration . Patient male 14 Studies were obtained in supine position during inspiratory pause ( except in one elderly patient , who was unable to hold his breath ) . patient female 2 As the patient was at low risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19 and her UC severity was worsening , we decided to start methylprednisolone 40 mg/day IV . patient female 14 In Barletta RT department , on the 9 th of April , a 66-year-old patient at her 28 th out of 30 daily session of RT on the scalp for skin cancer informed her husband resulted COVID-19 positive after hospitalization for diarrhea . patient female 1 The patient could stretch and twist her thoracic-lumbar spine but could also dislocate the temporo-mandibular joint with extreme facility ; she reported she had been able to do the splits as a child . patient male 22 The presence of this ' minimum tidal volume ' erroneously suggests to clinicians that the patient is spontaneously breathing , while the patient only triggers the ventilator and relaxes his inspiratory muscles thereafter , implying ventilator over-assistance ( Fig. 3 ) [ 35 ] . patient male 11 According to the nurse , 19 " He ( Caucasian male patient ) stuck out his hand and then made a joke , ' I probably should n't shake your hand because you might have coronavirus . patient male 16 2 Moreover , local clinical triage protocols may fail ; indeed , the report of a patient prematurely exiting his post travel quarantine period to have an incidental 0.5-cm thyroid nodule evaluated is very worrisome . patient male 2 The designated user enters his symptoms at least once a day on the web application(can be accessed on any digital device ) . user male 1 The patient was safely discharged from the hospital on 5 June 2020 , retaining his normal baseline condition . patient male 1 The patient referred improvement of his lower limbs sensitivity every first week after infusions with regression to previous status thereafter . patient male 2 Actually , patient maintains his transfusions independence , his LDH is in range and he does n't have fatigue or haemoglobinuria . patient male 1 This patient had a high viral load and his lung , kidney , and spleen , in addition to testis , were positive for the virus by RT-PCR . patient female 1 The patient consecutively occupied a singlebed and double-bed hospital rooms with patient # 16 ( her mother ) who was symptomatic between January 27 , 2020 and February 2 , 2020 . patient male 14 However , as the symptoms worsened to include an intermittent phlegmatic cough , the patient voluntarily contacted the call center ( no. 1339 ) of KCDC on January 25 , 2020 , and notified his symptoms . patient male 1 As patient # 7 stayed mainly at home after January 26 , 2020 , since the appearance of his symptoms , contacts in community were very few , and no case of infection by patient # 7 have been reported . patient male 0 Patient # 22 visited his workplace and a mall before he was diagnosed with the infection on February 6 , 2020 at 1:00 a.m. However , as the patient was asymptomatic , only one of his co-workers has been quarantined at home , while no such action has been taken for the people who came into contact with him at the mall . Patient male 3 Previously , the patient would carefully prepare his own meals and bring them to work . patient female 1 The patient confirmed her wishes to be placed on hospice directed care after making the decision of removing her BiPAP support . patient male 6 In this particular case , the patient is having a mild exacerbation of his typical chronic obstructive pulmonary disease . patient female 5 It is important that the patient continues her oral feedings , as this will eventually allow the gut to adapt and hopefully resume normal function . patient female 14 In this particular case , there is some diffi culty in determining if the patient has recently changed her mind , as is suggested by the daughter . patient female 5 Within 4 weeks , the patient had complete resolution of her facial palsy and was able to resume immunotherapy without further complication . patient male 0 Patient 2 rejected his unrelated-donor graft and received an autologous stem cell infusion 44 days thereafter resulting in sustained hematologic recovery ( ANC , > 0.5 G/l on day 10 ) . Patient male 3 Given that the patient had no contraindications to amiodarone and gave his informed consent , off-label therapy with amiodarone was started on the 2 nd day from admission . patient female 36 Further , as people tend to work from a far , there is a starting option of virtual room mates : People that are rendered as working in the user 's vicinity , and if the user is moving her body toward a virtual neighbour it can originate conversations and ad-hoc collaborations . user male 9 Aim of the investigation was finding out how the patient witnessed and judged his stay on ICU . patient male 10 By designing interaction for a small input space , the user may be able to keep his familiar working gestures and muscle memory in many different physical environments . user male 32 On the other hand , Padala and colleagues ( 22 ) reported a case in which depressive symptoms and agitation in a subject with dementia in a nursing home improved after the patient was able to see his family through facetime . patient female 9 Levosimendan was re-infused 7 days later , allowing the patient to get her heart transplant 15 days after the infusion . patient male 14 I think " should I quickly google something about gardening ? " Then the patient says his wife used to love gardening and she made the garden look colorful and tidy when she was around … then I heard him crying through the phone . patient male 1 The patient was admitted to the Division of Internal Medicine for diagnosing the nature of his symptoms . patient female 32 Her clinical examination showed a BMI of 24 kg/m 2 , a tendon xanthoma in the left hand , sweating of the palms , accentuated prognatism and macroglossia ; when questioned the patient referred a change in shoe size over the past 5 years and the impossibility to wear her wedding ring . patient male 5 After sufficient communication , a patient can understand his situation and prepare for death . patient male 5 In Chinese society , a patient may want to know about and discuss his condition , but family members or medical professionals may conceal such information from him . patient male 0 Patient continues his therapy with severe neurological sequel . Patient male 6 At the same time , the patient will also be in a grateful mood , try his best to overcome the difficulties , and try not to " trouble " the medical staff . patient male 6 I also remember an elderly male patient who underwent a huge resection of his face due to cancer and had to wear a mask to cover the cavity . patient male 1 The patient developed his symptoms five days prior to his brother . patient male 1 Each patient had his blood pressure recorded by three methods : OBP using a digital sphygmomanometer device , unattended ASqBP using sequential BP devices with recording of the readings over 30 min , and ABPM that was performed within 48 h of office visit using portable BP devices with BP recording over 24 h. Results : We recruited 64 patients ( age 50.0 ± 15.0 years and female gender 53.1 % ) . patient male 11 Further antigen testing was negative two days later , when the patient resumed his chemotherapy regimen . patient male 26 This middleware helps the caregivers and eases their job by keeping track of the patient 's position in the bed and decides when and how the patient should change his position to avoid bedsores . patient male 1 One patient rejected his graft and was successfully retransplanted from another MUD . patient male 1 The patient was admitted to the hospital with COVID-19 and catatonia one month after missing his last ECT treatment . patient male 3 Following this the patient developed torticollis and held his head turned to the left , it was then realised that the patient was suffering from an acute dystonic reaction . patient female 8 Two weeks later from the initial consultation the patient presents marked improvement in her symptoms , as well as in her CT scan , which prompted in discontinuation of the medications and the oxygen therapy . patient female 10 At the end of treatment , on day 7 , patient reported resolution of fever , amelioration of her fatigue and normalization of respiratory rate ( 14 breaths/min ) , requiring less intensive oxygen support . patient male 2 Once the user has entered his response related to his symptoms , the data is sent to the cloud . user male 25 Another gastroscopy with dilatation of the stenosis was performed , with good results in the upper GI X-ray and an improved general condition , the patient could be transferred to the department of internal medicine in order to restart his medication for Crohn 's disease . patient male 37 A previously healthy man in his early thirties was brought to the emergency department for the evaluation of behavioral changes , which according to his friends was described as " not acting like himself . " The patient had prior history of alcohol abuse and his last drink was more than 10 days prior to presentation . patient male 7 While buildings crumbled around him , the postmaster risked his life to man the telegraph and telephone office to coordinate outside communications . postmaster male 10 We have defined maximum time as the longest period the patient is able to remain on CPAP without altering his vital signs in + /-20 % . patient male 3 PSV allowed the patient to control his own frequency and therefore the circulating volume and minute volume . patient female 17 The TEVAR procedure performed aiming to minimize hospital stay , yet this approach may have put the patient at higher risk of developing paraplegia and visceral organ malperfusion , while compromising her long‐term care . patient male 6 Patients and Methods : 32-year-old male patient was brought to our emergency psychiatry department after assaulting his mother with a penetrating object . patient female 10 Bacteriophage treatment was associated with marked clinical improvement in this patient who had undergone bilateral lung transplantation and had previously been unable to clear her infection , suggesting that phage therapy may prove to be a useful treatment for drugresistant bacterial infections for other patients , many of whom are now managed by hospitalists at medical centers around the world [ 12 , 58 ] . patient female 0 Patient 1 reportedly cut her shin on a broken bottle on August 30 , 3 days before she became ill , 23 and it is plausible that the wound came into contact with rodent feces/ urine , but in Lusaka , whether on peri-urban farms or in crowded townships , people are in close contact with rodents , and if the natural host is a common rodent species , it begs the question of why LUJV infections are not more common in humans ? Patient male 8 After the fourth dose of IVIG , the patient was able to close his eyes , frown , show his teeth , and smile . patient female 3 Obviously , our patient should be closely followed up to assess her evolution . patient female 8 On Feb 5 , two relatives of the patient , who had taken care of her during her hospital stay since Jan 24 , tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 and were treated in isolation . patient female 1 One patient revoked her Informed Consent with 22 patients remaining in the study . patient male 4 Of note , the patient continued his targeted treatment with osimertinib because of slight discomfort during the infection period . patient male 20 The first officially registered case on 6 March is most likely to be imported from Budapest , as the male patient in question visited his ill sister ( with " respiratory problems , fever and other COVID-19 symptoms " ) , as stated by the Minister of Health Zlatibor Lončar [ 11 ] . patient female 1 The patient completed her full course of hydroxychloroquine and prednisone . patient female 7 After evaluation with speech pathology , the patient tolerated progressive advancement of her diet . patient male 4 During emapalumab treatment the patient resolved his initial HLH flare and presented two HLH episodes of mild intensity controlled with moderate intensification of glucocorticoid therapy . patient male 25 After the treatment , although the right & left condylar process had settled just beneath the articular tubercle , the dislocation had improved and the patient was able to close his mouth without difficulty . patient male 11 Once home , with charac-teristic defensive and adaptive brilliance , the patient turns his thoughts to designing a truly effective gas mask through which coronavirus-sized particles can not pass . patient female 1 This patient experienced her first symptoms including fever ( max temperature : 38.5 ° C ) , cough , and expectoration ( white sticky sputum ) for 9 days before the first admission ( February 1 , 2020 ) . patient male 6 After completion of these verifications the user obtaining the notification can safely assume its correctness and start acting appropriately ( going in self quarantine , consulting his doctor , requesting a test , etc . user female 1 This patient achieved recovery of her immunological and neurophysiological status with parenteral administration of folinic acid which was initiated from 4 months of age . patient male 32 Also , as it appears to incite a high rate of thrombotic events [ 5 ] , it might also explain further aggravation of his previous portal vein thrombosis observed with this patient , which could possibly justify the acute worsening of his ascites on the second day of hospitalization . patient male 1 The patient did not have an AIDS-defining event in his clinical history , his nadir CD4 + < 250 ) , a d-dimer of 2232 ng/mL ( RV < 500 ) and a leukocyte count of 6340/mm3 , with a lymphocites ' count of 1380/mm3 . patient female 4 In the form the patient has given her consent for her images and other clinical information to be reported in the journal . patient female 1 Our patient despite having positive RNA in human milk continued to feed her infant with no adverse outcomes when breastfeeding was resumed . patient female 5 A 14-year-old otherwise healthy female patient contacted her primary care physician with a history of 3 days of high-grade fever ( 39 ° C ) and patient female 1 The patient described in the following case gave her consent to the publication of this 12 case and its associated images . patient female 2 While the patient neglected her symptoms in the first place , she admitted a cough , headache for 10 days , and low-grade fever ( 38 ° C ) on interrogation . patient female 1 The patient had visited her primary doctor before being sent to the ED . patient male 53 The second type of work is both technical and adaptive ; the problem is clear , but the solutions require work shared by both the authority and the stakeholder ( eg , a patient has heart disease , the doctor offers broad , lifestyle solutions to address the condition , and then the patient must change his way of life with respect to diet , exercise , cigarette dependence , or other areas ) . patient male 3 We believe that patient protection also includes preventing his risk of dying from cancer from increasing due to suspension or delays . patient male 1 The patient tilts his head to the opposite side and inserts the nozzle of the pot into the nostril . patient male 35 There is also a small possibility of transmission of COVID-19 through the interchange of the neti pot , but disposable neti pots are available in the market at a very affordable cost so that every patient uses his separate pot without sharing amongst each other . patient male 23 In this presentation , we will present a case of organ donation after active euthanasia ( ODE ) in The Netherlands from a patient who had his life ended at his explicit and voluntary request . patient male 23 The idea of the conversation is that it will focus on completing the planning done at the time before discharge and that the patient can handle his health condition as planned at home . patient male 1 The patient may have full read access to his record but will not have the privilege to modify certain parts of his EHR such as medical details . patient male 8 It should be emphasized once more that the patient has the complete ownership of his EHR ( the practicalities of this are being studied further in the context of our research ) . patient female 7 A few days earlier , the index patient had been to a small community hospital a couple of times while visiting her son in Taipei . patient male 11 The treatment has resulted in a mild improvement , but the patient continued in developing more lesions and his mother decided to visit the emergency department . patient female 1 The patient almost rejected her graft with more than 95 % CD34 + cells of recipient origin but the patient still had 20 % donor T cells . patient male 7 As a notable early finding , the patient reported subjective improvement of his muscular endurance ; regarding the functional scales after 10 and 24 months of treatment , RULM and HFMSE scores have remained stable over time ( Table 1 ) . patient male 6 This is how Agazzi , a friend and close associate of Bunge , summarizes his views , which he debated with Bunge extensively over the years [ 50 , p. 224 ] : [ Bunge ] explicitly presents his position ( which he calls " systemism " ) as intermediate between two erroneous extremes , " atomism " and " holism " . friend male 11 Once the administrative formalities finished at the registration desk , the patient was invited to enter the Telemedicine Booth , having first disinfected his hands . patient male 6 On hospital day 12 , the patient showed significant improvement of his overall symptoms . patient female 7 The low protein S level of the patient may have enhanced her susceptibility for thromboembolism , and antibodies against both b 2 -GP-1 and protein S have been described [ 43 ] . patient male 12 Other technological solutions ( e.g. , watermarking ) could also help the user prove his case in court . user female 1 The patient noted premature rupture of her membranes ( PROM ) from the late evening before ( 14 h ) . patient female 3 He knew the patient was admitted to the medical center , but did not assess her condition until 2 h after his arrival at the medical facility . patient male 49 In consideration of the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ( ARDS ) due to SARS-CoV-2 , the patient was considered a candidate for experimental treatments for Coronavirus Disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ) , including the compleme nt On April 8 th , the AMY-101 compassionate use was discussed with the patient , who expressed his willingness to be included in the program . patient male 7 In the following 24 hours , the patient experienced a clinically unpredictable dramatic worsening of his clinical condition due to the onset of severe respiratory distress despite adequate oxygen supply ( PaO 2 /FiO 2 = 88 mmHg , respiratory rate higher than 35 breaths per minute ) . patient male 7 On the other hand , a malicious user may have the opportunity to manipulate his location data to generate false positives for some target contacts . user male 1 The patient had a history of fever and respiratory symptoms about 2 weeks before developing weakness and his Lung HRCT scan showed patchy groundglass opacity , but Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) for COVID-19 of nasopharyngeal sample was negative at that time . patient male 19 Recall from Section 2 , the authority will inform the at-risk users in a centralised solution , while a user evaluates his risk locally in his app with a decentralised solution . user female 1 Each user anonymously posts her ephemeral Diffie-Hellman public keys ( i.e. one for each time epoc ) to the bulletin board and memorizes their addresses . user female 10 The cause of perforation was not confirmed , and the patient passed away without completing her RT . patient male 22 Per the recommended risankizumab dosing schedule ( every 12 weeks after initial loading doses at week zero and four ) , the patient received his next dose in April with no complications . patient male 23 Each testing session was carried out at the same time of day and medication dosages and schedules were kept constant ( only 1 patient was taking baclofen and his dosing remained constant ) . patient female 1 Another patient with glioblastoma had her chemotherapy withheld because of the current crisis . patient male 18 Using a shareddecision making tool , she can discuss the various options with Mr. Jones and help the patient select his preferred solution(s ) . patient male 1 The patient gave his consent to publish this case report . patient female 32 Another limitation is that patients with very early pregnancy loss may not have been enrolled in our study because they 290 did not require obstetric care , which is performed before the patient has her first obstetric visit . patient male 78 The first area , called " To know my disease " , contains information relating to Pompe disease ( what is the disease , its epidemiology , how it is transmitted , clinical manifestations , the diagnostic process and the therapies available to date ) ; the second area , called " News " , currently not active , contains updates related to the disease ; in the third area , " My clinical data " , the patient can record his health status , the therapies and his psycho-emotional state by using dedicated questionnaires . patient female 8 In this commentary , a Type 1 diabetes patient shares her experience of using a Do-It-Yourself Artificial Pancreas System ( DIY APS ) , to manage her diabetes during Ramadan fasting . patient male 7 On day 5 after diagnosis , the patient consulted his ophthalmologist by telemedicine service due to the worsening of his eye symptoms . patient female 1 The user can check her visualization of the personal data and use it as a dataSelfie [ 36 ] to understand and communicate the taste to others . user female 9 A simple example is the sentence , " The patient had her influenza vaccine . " If our SARS expert system had a variable for influenza , even a layperson reading the previous sentence could determine that the value for the variable would probably be no , because the patient was vaccinated . patient female 10 All patients completed a sociodemographic questionnaire , in which the patient retrospectively assessed her sexual function before the cancer diagnosis . patient female 7 There is no reason that our young patient from the clinical vignettes should not have had copies of her resting ECG in her mobile and a plan of action for atrial tachycardia in her ACHD app -to be developed-to assist the young colleague in the accident and emergency department who mistakenly sends the patient home with a false diagnosis of sinus tachycardia . patient female 31 Since if the sensitive data is stored locally ( i.e. , on the end user 's device ) , then the security of that data could partly depend on how the user manages her device . user male 18 However , Harling and colleagues 62 reported an outbreak of HBV in the United Kingdom linked to a patient who had acquired his infection during a renal transplant in India . patient male 2 As the patient continued his treatment and more detailed examinations , the MRI was taken from the abdomen and pelvis area . patient male 2 A great friend of ours had contracted terrible COVID and his life , personal and professional , was changed forever . friend male 1 This patient might have been infected while visiting his family in Wuhan , China , or was infected in some other place . patient male 1 One patient lost his response within 5 months after TPOa onset when he developed thrombotic microangiopathy associated with progressive GVHD . patient female 7 On March 13 , 2020 , the patient developed an itchy , erythematous papular rash ( sparing only her face , scalp , and abdomen ) , which lasted for 10 days . patient male 6 Anakinra was trialed first in our patient given his prolonged and high fevers , but given the Antibiotics ( amoxicillin , clavulonic acid , erythromycin ) , IV immunoglobulin ( 2 g/kg ) , and 7 methylprednisolone boluses followed by prednisone patient male 1 The patient could send images of his surgical wound for evaluation . patient female 4 RESULT(S ) The current patient had previous pregnancy and a wedge biopsy of her left gonad , which demonstrated an ovotestis and an area suspicious for a gonadoblastoma . patient male 6 Through his personal E-portal , the patient has the opportunity to check a part of his patient file at home . patient male 6 Jean Baptiste Pussin , a hospital superintendent in Paris , described his rationale for hiring staff from among those who had recovered from mental illness . superintendent male 5 Another scenario is when a user reports his infected status , our system will broadcast his virtual identity to other users . user female 0 Patient improved her clinical condition and was taken out of the ICU on the 12th day of hospitalization and was discharged on the 16th day of hospitalization with low oxygen support ( 25th day of symptoms onset ) . Patient male 2 The first patient tested under this paradigm had a positive polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) , altering his treatment course significantly and highlighting the need for universal preprocedural testing . patient female 3 Conclusions : The patient had a severe infection associated with RSV , which was very likely the cause of her central nervous system infection and acute neurological complications . patient male 7 In the following 24 hours , the patient experienced a clinically unpredictable dramatic worsening of his clinical condition due to the onset of severe respiratory distress despite adequate oxygen supply ( PaO2/FiO2 = 88 mmHg , respiratory rate higher than 35 breaths per minute ) . patient male 24 Since standing and walker-assisted ambulation training may cause a fall , the nurse wore PPE and helped with training at the time when the patient needed to stand and walk to fill his prescription in order to minimize the time of contact with the patient . patient male 1 This patient visited his father and sister , who were infected with MERS-CoV in South Korea , before traveling to Hong Kong on 26 May and subsequently to Huizhou in the Guangdong province through Shenzhen City . patient female 8 Within 12 hours of initial presentation , the patient underwent reamed , locked retrograde intramedullary nailing of her left distal femur fracture . patient male 1 The patient was able to control his head , right thumb , left foot , right toe , and had extraocular and tongue movements . patient male 21 With regard to the challenge test in vivo , this was not performed because of the serious clinical condition of our patient , who in any case did not give his consent . patient female 23 Indeed , the original accent was a northeastern Italian regional accent ( town : Bergamo ) , and after SARS-CoV-2 infection , the patient did not acquire another accent , but lost her native regional accent . patient male 30 It was the first time for me to feel the spirit is the primary weapon of recovery against the backdrop of this disaster . ' In one case , the patient lost his father in the outbreak , and his infected mother , who was also in quarantine , was unaware of her husband 's death . patient male 1 The patient reminded her of her own son , recalling his innocence . patient male 5 The ER doctor saw the patient again , noting his worsened symptoms . patient female 1 The patient A was able to finish oxygen administration and her chest CT on day 11 after admission showed improvement ( Fig. 1B ) . patient male 5 Four weeks later , the patient no longer had facial diplegia and his motor strength had improved to 4/5 proximally , 3/5 distally and lower limbs 3/5 . patient female 1 The patient improved after the first infusion , recovered her renal function and became gradually normotensive with normal urine analysis . patient female 1 The patient health condition gradually improved as well as her consciousness conditions that returned to normal level . patient male 5 On physical examination , the patient had a waddling and steppage gait and could not lift his arms above the head . patient female 2 Except for patient 15 who did not infect her close contacts , the other three cases subsequently infected five of their household close contacts . patient male 1 One patient who had transcatheter embolization had no relief of his symptoms and received a liver transplant . patient female 0 Patient 2 developed her malignant hypertension after 3 years of classic scleroderma , with blood pressure 200/130 , grade 3 hypertensive retinopathy , generalized seizures , a creatinine of 2.9 , and urine protein of 2 gms per 24 hours . Patient male 5 Eight days later , the patient became hypotensive and dropped his hemoglobin again . patient male 21 The airway may remain obstructed for only a few seconds , or it may be well over a minute before the patient takes his next breath . patient male 2 The fourth patient with a positive RT-PCR had severe anemia and his S/CO value was 0.65 . patient male 53 Disseminated histoplasmosis in immunodeficient patients has primarily been reported in patients with AIDS and less so in patients with primary immunodeficiency , such as those with CVID.11 Reactivation of latent infection has been reported in patients with chronic immunosuppression , such as with chemotherapy , long-term steroid use , or AIDS,12 although our patient had last received his only immunosuppressive therapy , rituximab , 8 years ago , and a medical record review of our patient yielded no documentation of a prior histoplasmosis infection . patient female 14 Even with her lower severity of illness and less complex ICU course , our patient will still have benefited from follow-up services and education to maximize her outcomes . patient female 11 Our ICU recovery clinic physical therapist and our APRN educated the patient on exercise and activity at home to improve her functional status . patient male 6 During his hospital stay , the patient continued enoxaparin and his dialysis treatment . patient female 6 The parents of an 11-year-old female patient contacted her primary care physician with abdominal pain of 2-day duration . patient female 11 Are there ways to use telemedicine to remotely assess whether a patient is adequately emptying her bladder ? patient female 31 Even if the system gets access to the content of a user 's private social media feeds , the question remains whether the PKG is diversified enough or not : the user might avoid sharing some aspects of her life in social media . user male 1 The patient remained stable for 6 h before worsening his ventilatory status . patient female 5 Two hours later , the patient reported significant relief of her headache and neck stiffness but still had a mild residual headache that did not interfere with ambulation or activities of daily living . patient female 36 There were no ischemic infarct findings in the cerebral CT on admission , but there were cerebral infarct findings in the cerebral CT taken twice because of the left hemiplegia noticed 7 days later when the patient regained her consciousness . patient female 9 We did not administrate anticoagulant treatment considering that the patient can turn her ischemic infarct into hemorrhagic infarct . patient male 7 Outcomes : On day 30 , the patient reported complete recovery of his sense of smell . patient male 5 On day 30 , the patient reported complete recuperation of his sense of smell ( Fig. 1 ) . patient female 8 For example , a participant described helping a patient with advanced cancer by teaching her family members how to dress her wounds and do basic mobilization exercises . patient female 8 On Day 11 since symptoms began , the patient developed further worsening of her respiratory symptoms accompanied this time with major wheezing and she required oxygen administration of 2 L/min via nasal cannula . patient male 5 This may indicate that this patient has some awareness of his environment and is not indifferent to the content of language . patient male 7 Following discharge from the ICU , the patient received physiotherapy and his muscular strength improved . patient male 1 Another patient , with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis , after 1.5 years of treatment , he improved his FEV 1 , and the ground glass opacity observed CT scan disappeared after 4 months of treatment . patient male 1 The patient gave his informed consent to participate . patient female 1 The patient in fact had burned her fingers and her hand on several occasions , and also complained of pains in the lower right arm . patient female 5 It was notable that our patient had been visiting her mother regularly two weeks prior to the onset of her symptoms . patient female 16 Integrated records would provide critical data to the Obstetrician including oral health issues and when the patient had her last dental exam . patient female 22 115 For instance , the Middle District of Alabama 's preliminary injunction allowed the plaintiffs to perform abortions if they determine the patient could lose her legal right to obtain an abortion if the abortion was delayed , after considering Jacobson . patient female 7 Evaluating her humoral immune system , the patient was found to have severe hypogammaglobulinemia with very low absolute levels of normal IgG and IgM ( Figure 1A ) , consistent with her long-standing MM and several lines of immunosuppressive treatments , including a monoclonal antibody targeting CD38-expressing plasma cells . patient female 30 The two patients were participating in the GRIPHON trial and were receiving maximum dose selexipag ( 1600ug BID ) but despite initial improvement had experienced a deterioration in symptoms ( Patient 1 initially increased her pre-selexipag 6 min walk distance of 92 - 320 m ) . Patient male 2 If the patient will be unable to comprehend or to give his consent ( because of compromised neurological status ) , the following consent options are acceptable : ( i ) A priori consent by a legal representative ( ii ) delayed consent from a legal representative ; ( iii ) Delayed consent from the patient ; ( iv ) waiver of consent ; ( v ) consent provided by an ethics committee or other legal authority . patient female 8 The triage protocol for hallucinations revealed that the patient saw and heard her dead mother . patient male 26 The patient engaged in treatment , developed a strong therapeutic alliance with the psychiatrist , and experienced a significant and sustained improvement in his symptoms The patient continues his telepsychiatry sessions on a regular basis , and he engages in other therapeutic services regularly . patient male 1 The patient has given his written informed consent to publish this case including publication of images . patient female 2 The third patient ( # 6 ) lost her mother due to COVID-19 , but she only showed transient nausea and vomiting , with weakness and myalgias . patient female 9 • If there is a rule saying that the user must share her pseudorandom identifiers if she is tested positive , then this is not a privacy leakage . user male 1 The patient visited his family physician . patient female 1 The patient is asked to lower the mask by uncovering only her nose and keeping the mouth closed . patient female 3 For instance , user i can share her credential with user j who can then " impersonate " her in different venues . user male 6 The revelation will only happen if user i reports his infection to the back-end server . user male 9 4 . With all the retrieved pseudorandom identifiers , user j locally evaluates his infection risk at the venue v , and acts accordingly . user female 4 Therefore , an infected user can not submit arbitrary pseudorandom identifiers of her choice . user male 18 In order to prove his presence on the physical premise of venue v at time time j , user j sends ( nonce j , time j , H(EphID j , v,1,1 || · · · ) , i d v ) and the signature Sign(nonce j ||time j ||H(EphID j , v,1,1 || · · · ) ; SK v ) ) to the back-end server . user male 7 With support from the ventilator , the patient also regulates his own respiratory rate and tidal volume " [ 9 ] . patient female 0 Patient showed us another new tube of her pocketsized instant hand sanitizer . Patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his COVID-19 symptoms several days prior to admission for stroke symptoms . patient male 1 1 patient had multiple HSCT , and presently is well 2 years post his successful HSCT . patient male 9 Although CSF serial sampling was not performed because the patient did not give his consent , PCR for SARS-CoV-2 was rechecked from oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal specimens 10 days after the initiation of treatment which became undetectable . patient female 8 Informed Consent The legally authorized representative of the patient has given her consent for the publication of this article . patient female 9 At the time of confirmed positive testing , the patient had completed 80 % of her scheduled TBI and the decision was made to move forward with the transplant given the myeloablative conditioning already administered . patient male 3 However , the patient remained in the COVID-19 unit until the resolution of pulmonary infection , thus prolonging his overall hospital stay . patient male 1 The patient had his 1st hemodialysis on March 17 , 2015 , with unknown primary kidney disease and allergic rhinitis history . patient male 9 In terms of duration of hospital stay the longer patient stays the higher chance of his surviving . patient male 25 The body of the mandible was somewhat elongated ; the nose was prominent ; the head had somewhat of a triangular shape , and the patient readily averted his gaze . patient female 13 Brack et al. [ 3 ] propose a distributed hash table where every user can modify her own entries and submit anonymous queries to check the entries of her contacts . user female 18 The main novelty of our approach resides in an authorization infrastructure built on user the past history of user ( her trace ) which includes her contacts , location data , and other relevant events , e.g. , recent swab test results . user male 6 This case investigation revealed that the patient received his first dose of tOPV on June 4 and the second dose on July 5 , in accord with China 's immunization schedule . patient male 7 At follow-up one week later , the patient reported a subjective 50 % recovery of his sense of smell , without new symptoms of pyrexia , cough , or breathing difficulties . patient male 15 Following intravenous infusion of DSCs ( 1 × 10 6 /kg/infusion ) , the first patient could elevate his arms to the facial level . patient female 7 In dialogue with a chatbot , the user submits her (non-)functional requirements and the training data . user male 65 His temporal 58 temperature was 30 ° C ( 86 ° F ) , he was bradycardic to 56 beats per minute ( BPM ) , and his initial 59 blood pressure ( BP ) could not be obtained with an automatic BP cuff ; manual BP measurement 60 was deferred to facilitate the placement of large bore intravenous ( IV ) access as the patient 61 maintained his mental status and had palpable femoral pulses without distal cyanosis or 62 duskiness of the extremities . patient male 1 The patient can see his reports on the portals provided by these gadget makers and provide information to the related physicians if required . patient male 6 After receiving laparoscopic adrenalectomy , the patient experienced no further attacks , and also was able to stop his antihypertensive medication . patient male 1 The patient gave his informed consent . patient female 8 Reviewing the transfusion history we discovered that the patient did not receive any blood or blood component prior or during the correction of her ileum , but she was transfused a unit of FFP ( fresh frozen plasma ) five hours prior to the incident . patient male 1 The patient had his own oxygen monitoring and air compressor on board which needed to be increased to 1 L/min . patient female 1 The patient had her gall bladder excised and has type 2 diabetes but was not on any medications but was maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle . patient male 6 On the one hand , a patient who is in the hospital may worsen his health of status and have to be transferred to the ICU . patient male 1 The patient had stopped taking his doxycycline for antimalarial chemoprophylaxis 3 days before his admission . patient male 5 On February 15 , the patient developed septic shock and his BP decreased to 90/68 mm Hg with heart rate of 149 beat/min and respiratory rate of 30 breaths/min . patient female 2 After the patient completes her treatment there are fewer important components of quality of life being measured . patient female 27 Although the clinical information of the patient was not disclosed at the time , we observed that the lack of strength , chest tightness and dyspnea the patient developed did not match her age and CT changes . patient male 1 The patient continued his visits to the outpatient clinic as well as his medication-mainly the mood stabiliser lamotrigine ( 25 mg : in Japan , the dosage of each psychotropic drug is usually set lower than in Western countries ) used for the treatment of bipolar disorder . patient male 7 After consultation with a neurologist , the patient underwent a CT scan of his head and a complete blood test . patient male 1 One patient had watery diarrhoea but his stool culture was negative for bacterial pathogens causing diarrhoea . patient female 15 Without the distinction between ADEM and direct neuro-invasion of COVID-19 to the CNS , the patient would have not received her immune-modulatory therapy which might have led to decreasing her chances for better recovery and lesser complications . patient male 2 When the user lowered his head in the removal process , the chest was contaminated . user female 1 One patient ( 0.5 % ) underwent commercially available sequencing of her tumor and a BRCA2 mutation was identified . patient male 14 During his last errand , TF heard his name being called by an old friend . friend male 12 Five of these were self-inflicted in a fit of rage when the patient smashed his dominant right hand over a glass table or door . patient male 18 Oral diet preferred ( patients who are able to eat ) over EN or PN ; if the patient is able to cover 70 % of his needs from day three to seven , without risks of vomiting or aspiration ; patient male 7 One person , usually the most active hunter in the household , recorded his own hunting activities and those of other household members . hunter male 12 On the other hand , in the late-DLI group , only 1 patient rescued his graft . patient female 9 We understand form scientists , that the sooner a patient accepts her sickness , the sooner she can receive treatment and care . patient male 5 In our case , the patient did not have any concomitant gastrointestinal symptoms and his ulcerative colitis was under excellent control . patient male 1 This patient originated from Jeddah and had visited his sick son in KFH in Jeddah before his trip to Riyadh . patient female 2 The same doctor must also provide the same data items and more to the Hospital Information System ( HIS ) . doctor male 12 Post-discharge telephone calls at day 10 and week 4 revealed that the patient was appropriately responding to anticoagulation treatment and had no recurrence of his symptoms related to venous thromboembolism and COVID-19 . patient female 1 The patient has given her consent for the publication of her images and other clinical information in the journal . patient female 1 The patient was self-sufficient and highly functioning in adult daily living activities and had worked all her adult life as a health care aide . patient female 77 Comparing after respect to during DAT , we found that the brain activity of the control patient was reduced in 67.92 % ( 23470000 73158000 − 1 ) , while the intervention patient reduced his brain activity in 83.02 % ( 14088000 82959000 − 1 ) , namely , the patient with OCD got an apparent relaxation since its PSD decreased 19.19 % ( 14088000 17433000 − 1 ) regarding its initial rest state meanwhile the control patient increased her PSD 52.95 % ( 23470000 15345000 − 1 ) respect to her initial rest state . patient female 2 Thus , Patient 2 increased her power density in both the β and γ bands significantly , leading us to indicate that the therapeutic effects necessary regulate her brain activity occurring during DAT . Patient male 48 The purpose of this case report is to highlight a rare and unique pathology , the serious effects that a joint infection can have on musculoskeletal function , and the challenges encountered during the clinical management Material and methods : The subject was a 41 year-old young male patient who injured his right knee while playing . patient female 16 After 4 days in the ICU and 6 days on the general medicine floor , our patient regained a majority of her sense of smell and was discharged with only lingering dysgeusia . patient female 1 The patient described her diet as ' varied and including many spices and strong flavours , particularly using herbs in Jamaican and Caribbean cuisines ' . patient female 5 During the night , the patient presented with marked agitation and aggressivity towards his mother and broke her glasses . patient male 4 Despite reassurances , the patient appeared only slightly more relaxed and covered his face with bed sheets . patient male 7 In the autumn of 2018 , the patient reached his mother Kg/m 2 at 3th percentile for age ) . patient female 5 A low probability of the patient forming her own immune response became the argument for starting therapy with hyperimmune SARS-CoV-2 convalescent plasma in combination with other therapeutic options , despite the lack of published data on similar experiences in the pediatric cohort . patient male 37 In this subgroup : One patient showed a lobar uniform consolidation strongly suggestive of lobar pneumonia ( i.e. , as seen in streptococcus pneumonia ) and was interpreted as bacterial pneumonia ( Fig. 4 ) ; one patient had neoplastic history and his lung alterations were interpreted as metastatic involvement with lymphangitic carcinomatosis ; and four patients showed only a single and subtle opacity that was considered an atypical CT finding , not suggestive of COVID-19 pneumonia . patient male 7 If the joint becomes fused , the patient may lose his ability to grip , a function which remains preserved in patients with boutonniere deformities . patient male 0 Patient 1 could elevate his arms . Patient female 15 It is interesting to note that despite management with medications for anti-depression treatment , the patient remained cyclically refractive , regarding her affective mood . patient female 1 The patient lost both her parents and two grandparents during the time . patient female 2 This first patient also transmitted her illness to another patient in the same ward who would eventually spread the virus to another hospital as well as to a family member working in a food wholesale centre in Singapore . patient male 10 When the kit successfully delivers to the destination , the patient who receives the OTP unlocks the box and gives his blood sample through Covid-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Test Kit and again lock with the same OTP code . patient male 7 On hospital day # 12 , the patient was able to discuss his auditory hallucinations in meaningful detail . patient male 5 In several cases , a user can upload his own data to the server and perform analysis using the web interface provided by the database . user male 4 This represents a cannabis user who might fear quitting his habit , and craves the initial relaxing effects it gave him . user male 2 If the patient gave his verbal agreement , one stool specimen ( for acute diarrheal symptoms ) or two nasal swabs ( for acute respiratory symptoms ) were collected and frozen on-site . patient female 16 As Frank points out , the restitution narrative in medicine does apply sometimes in some situations-the patient breaks her leg skiing , the leg is set and casted , and six weeks later the patient returns to the slopes , her pre-fracture narrative restored ( Frank 2013 ) . patient male 1 The patient was a resident of Daegu City but falsified his home address when hospitalized . patient female 1 The patient was able to restart wearing her device on Day 50 and Cochlear MAPping performed on Day 58 showed minimal changes in patient 's current requirements compared to her settings pre-infection . patient male 34 One way to mark the region of interest on a 3D surface is to display a semi-transparent ball in front of the 3D object ( endoluminal lesions in our study ) and enable the user to use his cursor to control the location of the ball and mark the region of interest ( Fig. 1a ) . user male 1 The patient denied any diaphoresis or any radiation of his pain . patient female 8 This economic burden is even greater when the patient has to change his/ her treatment for a second time . patient female 14 Methods Through proper diet , personal hygiene and home-based self care instructions , the patient improved her self-protection skills , improved her white blood cell levels , and was thus able to resume the scheduled chemotherapy . patient male 17 One case of uveitis was diagnosed with infectious virus in the aqueous humor 9 weeks after the patient had cleared his viremia . patient male 8 The day 30 from his admission , the patient presented a slightly recover of his lower limbs strength and was transferred to a neurorehabilitation hospital . patient female 2 Only one patient with previous ATG treatment showed progression of her liver GVHD ( histologically proven ) and died from GHVD . patient male 13 We also discussed the risks of TPN and that it also meant the patient would probably never be able to enjoy his favorite salty snack foods again . patient male 9 Many tears were shed , but ultimately , the patient voiced his desire to stop dialysis , to go on hospice , and to eat . patient female 4 However , when the patient presented with a more severe condition in the second admission , considering her previous hospitalization history in the same ward with COVID-19 positive patients and her severe lymphopenia a repeat PCR test for COVID-19 was ordered which was found positive . patient female 23 The outcomes : 4 patients died before OLTx : 3 of them died as they were waiting for the transplantation organ , 1 patient did not give her consent for the surgery . patient male 20 A case investigation revealed a history of exposure to the first confirmed MERS case in South Korea when the male patient in question had visited his father who had been admitted to the same hospital ward as that of the Korean patient with MERS-CoV. On 20 May , while in Korea , the patient complained of feeling unwell but had no respiratory symptoms ; his temperature was 38.7 ° C on 25 May. However , 1 day later , against medical advice , he traveled from South Korea to Guangdong province ( mainland China ) via Hong Kong . patient female 1 The patient calls her pain physician and communicates desperation , as her pain is intractable to her usual analgesics and it has been nine months since her last phenol neurolysis procedure . patient male 1 The patient expressed his strong preference to avoid withdrawal symptoms as much as possible . patient male 8 Potential side effects were reviewed , and the patient gave his verbal consent to proceed . patient male 7 Once selected the desired data , the user can perform his meta-analysis using the tabs in the app . user male 2 Then the user must enter his name in the chatbot to go to the next state . user male 15 Further changes in P aw are due to patient 's respiratory effort ; finally the patient relaxes his muscles and a plateau is seen on the P aw trace , representing elastic recoil of respiratory system . patient female 2 Our first patient self-discontinued her abortive therapy , ibuprofen , out of caution , and also chose to limit naproxen intake . patient female 1 The patient was unemployed and fearful of leaving her apartment due to risk of COVID-19 given her compromised immune status . patient female 6 If diagnosed with COVID-19 , a user can decide to inform others by uploading ( parts of her ) temporary keys ( diagnosis keys ) used within 14 days to a central server , verified by health authorities . user male 13 During one of these trainings , I was saddened to hear that a patient I 'd cared for lost his battle with the illness ; a few days later , I watched a patient 's mother die as well . patient male 9 I would have to multitask care for my labile patient ( who at one point even lost his arterial line waveform ) , while implementing a rigorous investigational drug protocolwithout my usual lifelines as the bedside RN . patient male 10 On a follow-up telehealth visit four weeks later , the patient reported his health was back to baseline . patient male 1 The patient received a CT scan of his abdomen which revealed a large amount of hyperdense material resembling pills in his stomach . patient female 1 The patient is keen to continue her ECT course as she has not yet felt any improvement and other treatment options have been relatively ineffective . patient female 7 On February 16 , 2020 , the patient had poor appetite and developed severe upper abdominal distension and her oxygen saturation was 80 % and was transferred to our hospital by ambulance . patient male 1 The patient had no previous his tory of COVID19 symptoms or con tact with known COVID19 cases . patient female 18 One could envision that an inordinate amount of time could be spent trying to assess whether a new patient in an obstetric practice with a prior pregnancy had previously received her one-time HCV screening . patient male 1 The patient has returned to a quite normal daily life , thus rejoining his own family and friends , driving and travelling as being always asymptomatic and feeling personally confident with a strict self-management of LVAD peripherals , tools , and wound site medications and dressing , as well . patient male 5 It was unlikely that our patient would have improved his condition without early recognition of HLH and initiation of etoposide combined with anti-TB therapy . patient male 13 It is a huge honor and an equally big responsibility to have a patient entrust his body to someone . patient male 9 This creates stress in the personality structure of the patient who tries to go beyond his own limitations without changing his attitude toward orderliness and consciousness . patient male 9 The pediatric psychiatrist deemed it absolutely necessary for the patient to remain on three dopamine antagonists in order to control his obsessive thoughts and behavior . patient female 4 Per protocol , the patient was sent home to self-quarantine for 14 days , pending the results of her COVID-19 screening test . patient male 2 As the patient was neurologically appropriate and understood his clinical condition , good adherence to NIV was maintained . patient male 11 Step 2 After getting registered to the cloud service , the user enters his symptoms using his mobile phone and sends it to the cloud . user male 3 Subsequently , the patient had his first negative SARS-CoV-2 oropharyngeal swab on day 9 of admission along with a CRP ( 12.8 mg/L ) . patient female 1 The patient did not have a history of coagulopathy , and given her young age it was believed the etiology of her stroke was secondary to COVID-19 . patient female 1 The patient tolerated her initial procedure without incident and left the hospital on postoperative day 6 . patient female 1 The patient opened her eyes and started responding to commands by the third day , on day 7 she was extubated and the GCS was 9 . patient female 1 The patient made a full clinical recovery and did not undergo further PCR testing before resuming her duties . patient male 16 He was admitted to the hospital by emergency service ; 3 hr before admission , the patient had called his wife to report respiratory symptoms and a slump , but when she arrived at home the patient was unconscious and not responsive . patient male 8 given the severity of his symptoms , the patient was started on dupilumab monthly injections and 36 within 2 weeks his rash completely resolved . patient male 1 The patient originally had great control of his 37 symptoms with monthly dupilumab , propranolol 20 mg twice daily , and an antihistamine . patient male 15 Although the primary case traveled to the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia , the patient did not initially report his recent travel in those countries [ 1 ] . patient male 9 Two months after surgery the symptoms improved and the patient resumed his walking ability but spinal bladder occurred as a surgical side effect . patient male 4 At last , the user submits his province of residence and enables the required app permissions . user male 1 The patient was known to our head and neck team having had his surgery in our division . patient male 1 The patient followed up in the nephrology clinic one month later with elevated blood pressure , however his creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate ( e-GFR ) levels were stable . patient female 24 US : In the left iliac fossa it was found a solid , rounded formation , with well-defined edges , which moved when the patient changed her position . patient female 1 The patient had rapid improvement of her stroke symptoms . patient male 3 Because the index patient initially concealed his travel history to Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates , and Qatar , MERS-CoV infection was not considered and the patient was not isolated until MERS-CoV infection was suspected 7 days after symptom onset . patient male 3 A COVID-19 positive patient with early stage colon cancer was successfully treated with colectomy without complications after receiving anti-viral therapy and negating his RT-PCR on two occasions ( 50 ) . patient male 8 On the 3rd day of therapy , the patient showed no amelioration of his clinical condition . patient female 42 ¶Of the 2 healthcare workers who reported wearing an N95 respirator , 1 wore N95 inconsistently , and 1 reported wearing gloves and a respirator during all patient care activities but did not consistently wear a gown and recalls an occasion when patient material contaminated her clothing . patient female 37 The 1 HCW who became infected after caring for a recognized case-patient reported use of gloves and N95 respirator masks during all patient care activities but did not consistently wear a gown and recalled an occasion when patient material contaminated her clothing ( Table 3 ) . patient male 8 Furthermore , by using AVAPS mode , the patient was able to rehabilitate his myopathy and participate in intermittent weaning of HFNC to ultimately simple nasal cannula . patient male 11 One caregiver ( CG 1 ) stated that the amount the patient talks influenced his pain ( patient had a diagnosis of head and neck cancer ) and felt this was an important variable to assess . patient female 9 Unfortunately , this saturation was not maintained when the patient removed her mask . patient female 1 The patient was very eager to share her experience ; the use of CPAP allowed her to avoid intubation . patient male 14 It should be noted that these numbers are entirely subjective , thus , the user can make his own decision matrix . user female 3 Informed consent The patient has given her consent for the publication of this article . patient female 4 For example , one patient had not been filling her medications for several chronic conditions due to misunderstanding her insurance coverage . patient female 6 The pharmacist intervened , educated the patient regarding her insurance coverage , and filled the patient 's chronic medications . patient male 0 Patient who has not had his statin prescribed . Patient male 1 One patient developed toxic metabolic encephalopathy and subacute stroke after ventilator weaning , significantly impairing his ability to participate in early therapy . patient female 7 However , TTE was deferred for this patient given her COVID-19 status . patient female 10 Brayley and Jones ( 1994 ) described a 29-year-old female patient who presented with acute severe hypokalaemia after increasing her licorice consumption from 300 to 600 g/day . patient female 1 A patient with autoimmune thyroiditis had a transitory recurrence of her goiter during pregnancy with TPOAb becoming strongly positive . patient male 20 Changing lung conditions would require further modifications to the circuit , although the ultimate goal should always be that every patient gets his own ventilator . patient female 11 It is possible ( and expected ) that when the sixth patient completes her second treatment cycle , the first patient will already have completed all treatment cycles . patient female 1 The patient weighed 6.9 kg with an estimated total blood volume of 620 mL. She initially received simple transfusions totaling 20 mL/kg of least incompatible group O Rh(D)-negative RBCs with no incremental response . patient female 1 The patient remained stable hemodynamically and sedated with hydromorphone and ketamine , but despite the optimized medical management she continued to spike fevers at 102 ° F , and repeated chest imaging with CT on day 5 showed significant worsening bilateral ground-glass airspace opacities ( Figure 2 ) . patient female 1 The patient stated to the triage nurse that she had eaten Mexican food at about 3:30 PM , went home and took``a fat burner pill ' ' at about 4PM . patient male 19 To understand the various steps from an idea to a new technique In January 1987 , a 65-year-old male patient presented with intermittent claudication of 150 meters in the left leg , which he had for over 1 year . patient male 1 Index patient ( person A ) was travelling in Italy from 29 February to 2 March , where he most likely acquired the infection . patient male 11 Treatment protocol consisted only of three Ayurvedic medicines , as the patient happened to be in New York and we worked with what medicines he had on hand . patient male 4 In addition , the patient developed bulbar involvement in a way he was unable to swallow , accompanied by severely slurred speech . patient male 1 This patient had stable hemoglobin over time and had been on a steady dose of ESA which he was already self-administering . patient female 1 The patient was in the ICU for 7 months and then transferred to a Medicine ward where she died 10 months after the emergency room admission . patient male 15 One day after he had cut himself over the right jaw while shaving , the patient assisted a coworker in moving vials of B. anthracis from the laminar-flow BSC in the main laboratory to a freezer . patient male 1 The patient had a positive RT-PCR result for COVID-19 on the day he underwent the first CT scan ( images on the left in each pair ) and was hospitalized . patient male 1 The patient had recently been experiencing fever and myalgia for two weeks , during which time he had been almost entirely bedridden . patient male 14 There , while resident on the ninth floor of the Hotel Metropole , the patient developed symptoms and was transferred to the hospital on 22 February where he died the following day . patient male 5 During the televisit , the patient should ensure intimate conditions in the place where he is talking . patient male 1 The patient further reported a right dorsal foot injury 3 months prior to admission where he sustained a cut from an oyster which had developed into a chronic wound which was described to have had purulent discharge in the weeks prior to admission . patient female 2 Room UM patient comes to x-ray examinations she usually expects to get the best quality of imaging and examination done by a professional radiographer with the best possible equipment . patient female 1 The patient remained intubated for the next 14 days during which she received PLEX therapy ( a total of 5 exchanges done every other day ) in addition to stress dose steroids . patient male 0 Patient remained off anticoagulation and antiplatelet therapy for four weeks after which he underwent redo of AVR with # 21 Magna Ease valve and MVR with # 29 Mosaic valve and MAZE procedure without intraoperative nor postoperative hemorrhagic complications . Patient female 5 The following day , the patient presented to our transplant clinic with a high fever , which she measured as 38 ° C at home . patient female 1 The patient has functionally improved to the point where she has gone back to work . patient male 5 Chart review showed that the patient had recently arrived in Angola from a country where malaria was not endemic and that he had not taken malaria prophylaxis . patient female 29 After a 4-year period of being lost to follow-up , during which she continued to receive Rituximab every 6 months at the direction of a local provider , the patient re-presented to the Immunology Clinic to re-establish care . patient female 1 This patient did indeed experience dissociation during her infusions , which she found was part of its therapeutic effect . patient male 13 In 2015 , cases of MERS were reported in SK when the index patient returned from his trip to the Arabian Peninsula where he had contracted MERS [ 18 ] . patient male 18 On the other hand , this transmission route was unlikely to explain every secondary case , e.g. , patient G was never physically close to patient A or where he passed by during the whole trip . patient male 5 At 35 years , the patient had migrated to Germany where he worked as a bricklayer until the described episode . patient male 1 The patient had recently returned from Wuhan City , where he likely contracted the disease . patient female 12 One emergency medical technician recounted a story of picking up a COVID-19 patient that was unlike any case she had seen in 30 years . " As we pulled out of the patient 's driveway , we left his entire family sitting in front of their house grieving , scared , wanting to believe there was a possibility we could save their father , knowing there was a good chance that that was the last time they would see him alive . " patient male 2 A blind patient who had lost contact with his healthcare aide was so mistrustful of the medical staff that he initially refused admission . patient male 1 One patient received additional boost of 9 GY to the sacral area after which he underwent unsuccessful mobilization using G-CSF only ( 0.3x10 6 /kg CD34 + cells ) . patient male 1 The patient showed immediate improvement , to the point that after 2 sessions he did not require ICU admission , and after 5 sessions the need for O 2 supply decreased markedly [ 15 ] . patient male 6 However , we have seen a patient who reacted to carbamazepine , which he had been taking over 4 years as a single drug prior to TEN [ 45 ] . patient female 18 To enable the user to work a full work day and reduce the exhaustion , we expect the user to do small gestures using supported hands , very similar to the gestures she would have done near her desk at the office . user male 5 In May 1990 , the patient complained of intermittent rectal bleeding which he had first noticed in January 1990 . patient male 1 The patient with cellulitis leg had a poor mask fit because of the beard , which he refused to remove . patient male 1 Our patient underwent treatment with the IL-1 receptor antagonist anakinra at 100 mg daily subcutaneously and within 2 days he had symptomatic improvement , suppression of CRP and serum amyloid A levels began to normalize ( 16 ) . patient male 4 CASE A twenty-two-year-old male patient presented to our trauma center after a motor-vehicle accident in which he sustained multiple injuries , including a volar dislocation of the hamate and ipsilateral scapholunate dissociation . patient female 4 After reaming , the patient improved marginally to the point where she was amenable to intramedullary nail placement . patient male 10 This case is different from earlier cases in that our patient was much older ( 71 vs 21 - 63 years of age ) , 2 - 8 he did not have Marfan syndreom , 2 there was no traumatic event , 3 he survived the redo surgery , 3,4,6 - 8 and he initially underwent the Bentall procedure because of nontraumatic aortic dissection . patient male 1 The patient disclosed to the sexual health clinic that he had a number of new unprotected male partners in recent months and had his own suspicions about syphilis but did not volunteer this during his OMFS appointment . patient female 5 In the case , the patient is cognitively impaired to the extent that she is unlikely to be able to meaningfully participate in ACP . patient female 6 At the same time , each user can prove to a third party ( e.g. , a public authority ) that she received a certain authorization . user male 1 One patient had reduced sense of taste alone at the first day he realized any symptoms . patient male 1 The patient grew up in Paraguay and had lived there until the age of 13 when he relocated to Germany . patient male 9 This data also revealed that 1 individual ( case patient 18 ) traveled from Lagos to Port Harcourt while infected with EBOV , where he acted as the index patient in a small secondary outbreak containing 4 additional EVD cases . patient female 10 In January 2020 , two colleagues , with whom the patient shared the same office , tested positive for 2019-nCoV. Although she wore a mask at that time because she got a cold before and needed to keep her 20-month-old daughter safe from infection , she was still at high risk of infection . patient female 1 The patient continued with poor general condition , refractory hypoxemia , high ventilatory parameters and hemodynamic instability , due to which she was not able to be a candidate for treatment with total pulmonary lavage ; leading to multi-organ failure and later death . patient male 3 Luckily , this patient had developed a dry cough by the time he presented to the Emergency Department , otherwise he may not have been isolated as quickly and may possibly have exposed health care workers to the virus . patient female 1 The patient was asymptomatic till one month when she developed cervical adenopathy with parotid enlargement that responded to non-steroidal antiinflammatory medicines ( NSAIDS ) . patient female 1 The patient could be discharged the next day afl : er requiring only minimal analgesics , Two years after the operation she is doing well and there is no sign of recurrence of the hernia . patient male 1 The patient went to a local hospital , where he received an intravenous steroid injection and oral antibiotics . patient male 1 This patient had a history of pituitary adenoma resection at the age of 12 with subsequent pan-hypopituitarism for which he was on hormonal supplementation . patient male 1 The patient continued to decompensate in the Neurointensive care unit where he eventually required intubation . patient male 1 The patient improved gradually and was transferred to a neuro-rehabilitation facility 4 weeks after symptom onset , where he regained mobility without significant help another 4 weeks later . patient male 0 Patient 1 attempted twice to receive medical care at a hospital , but was dismissed because he tested negative for the SARS-CoV-2 serologic or immunological test . Patient male 8 The physician can not refuse to see the patient simply because he does not have a translator ; he must provide one , even if the cost is not reimbursable . patient female 6 Here we have also observed one patient who is an outlier because that patient has been in ICU , and in the latent space she was lying in the far right of the space . patient male 27 Twelve ( 24 % ) patients were not undergoing active cancer treatment ( 10 patients because they had a previous melanoma stage I-III surgically treated , one patient because he had a stage IV melanoma in complete response to previous immunotherapy that he had received three years before and the last patient because she was an advanced case on palliative care ) . patient male 7 Because he showed respiratory instability , the patient was hospitalized in the Covid-19 unit of our hospital . patient male 1 One patient could not be treated with a second dose of tocilizumab because he died within the first 12 hours after the first tocilizumab infusion . patient female 16 Even though a chest radiograph showed worsening pulmonary infiltrates on day 2 of admission , the patient was not intubated because she remained conscious and her respiratory rate ( RR ) remained between 30 and 35 breaths per minute with good respiratory effort . patient male 1 One patient ( 0.3 % ) was not admitted because he declared cough in the days before the visit , and 1 ( 0.3 % ) did not receive injection of an investigational drug because she had a temperature of 38.3 ° C at the third measurement ( 3 hours later than the first check ) . patient female 65 For instance , a patient may be placed in a low-risk group according to a severity scoring system , but may still require hospitalization in the following situations : 1 ) the patient developed complications of pneumonia ; 2 ) the patient 's underlying diseases have worsened due to pneumonia ; 3 ) the patient can not take oral medications ; and 4 ) the patient has been placed in a low-risk group because he/ she slightly did not meet the conditions for being classified as high-risk [ 15 ] . patient male 1 The patient was tested for SARS-CoV-2 because he exhibited dyspnea and fever , which we knew to be suggestive of COVID-19 . patient male 1 One patient was excluded because he received a non-standard treatment ( IV immunoglobulins ) . patient female 7 Another participant was willing to meet a friend during lockdown because she reasoned that it was no different from seeing others ' outside at a distance ( Quote 7 ) . friend male 1 A patient was infected with COVID-19 because he did not wear a mask when taking a bus . patient male 17 The following day , the saturation worsened with PaO 2 /FiO 2 87 mmHg , and the patient was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for 2 days because he needed noninvasive positive pressure ventilation ( NPPV ) . patient female 1 The patient was referred to the dedicated COVID-19 protocol at the University Hospital of Parma and subsequently home-quarantined because she did not show any symptoms . patient male 6 He had decided to treat the patient there because there were no beds available in the ETU . patient male 8 Because he was a naval diver , the patient was referred for a respiratory consultation . patient male 0 Patient 3 was diagnosed 3 days after because he did not fulfil the National Health Agency case definition at admission ( no history of travel to or residence in the city of Wuhan ) . Patient male 10 The neurointensivist : We are going to transfer a TBI patient to you because he does not need any more ICU level of care , and we have a bed crunch . patient male 1 A user who records a large number of readings is associated with a sensitive profile , because he needs to use a greater amount of resources , in order to obtain enough facts to build a concept according to his learning style . user male 1 The patient with alcoholic cirrhosis and sepsis ( Table 1 ) was classified in the IC group because he had received glucocorticosteroids due to exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease for 2 months before admission to the ICU . patient male 24 During one of my shifts in the medical intensive care unit ( MICU ) at the beginning of the crisis , we had a patient that needed to be tested for COVID-19 because he had a roommate at home that had flu-like symptoms . patient male 1 The patient was isolated because he had been in close contact in a local hotel . patient male 4 [ 3 ] Our patient experienced mild symptoms and was only tested for SARS-CoV-2 because he traveled to Europe during the epidemic . patient male 29 Hospital and health officials have scrambled to advance such reasons ranging from human error , software malfunction , down to the assertion , in some quarters , that the patient was turned away because he did not have health insurance-the traditional gateway to getting into the healthcare system in the US . patient male 17 Three patients were excluded because they withdrew consent for the use of their data , and one patient was excluded because he did not fulfill the diagnosis criteria for Covid-19 after careful case review . patient male 1 Our patient was evaluated with MRI and lumbar puncture because he presented with mild encephalopathy , hallucinations , and seizures together with ataxia . patient male 8 During the process of prednisolone tapering , the patient was tested using the polymerase chain reaction test for SARS-CoV-2 because he had been in close contact with the infection and subsequently tested positive . patient female 1 One patient was further excluded , because she received HCT before AML . patient male 3 Previously , the patient and his father were ABO incompatible . patient female 17 As leukodepetion was not adequate with these programs we elected to use HES after discussion with the patient and her physician . patient male 8 Considering his comorbidity and old age , the patient and his family did not want invasive therapy , and the patient died on the 10th hospital day under noninvasive supportive care . patient female 27 Similar to other critical care units , the ideal nurse-patient ratio is 1:1 or 1:2 , depending on the clinical acuity and the needs of both the patient and her fetus . patient male 6 The first case occurred in a patient on his eighth day of hospitalization and on his seventeenth day of symptoms , 7 days after receiving tocilizumab and after 3 days connected to IMV , being on prophylactic anticoagulation , without D-dimer level of that day . patient female 15 A Do Not Attempt Resuscitation form was signed , and prognosis was discussed with the patient and her 78-year-old husband who requested to visit . patient male 13 With the orchiectomy thus delayed , two management strategies were discussed with the patient and his parents ( Table 1 ) . patient male 1 The patient and his parents were thoroughly counseled on the management options and the oncologic , surgical , and fertility implications of each option . patient female 1 The patient and her partner should also receive testing for chlamydia . patient male 5 Given the age of the patient and his relatively minor lung changes at presentation , a chest radiograph was not repeated at discharge . patient male 12 At our PED , which he was later referred to , the patient and his mother handed the medical report from the first PED , so no new interrogations or physical examinations were carried out . patient female 17 The increased risk to the patient of the failure to await optimisation must be explained to the patient and her views also taken into consideration . patient female 21 Table 1 identifies several clinical scenarios for which cryoablation might be considered peri-pandemic in the context of shared decision-making between a patient and her multidisciplinary oncology team . patient female 14 Intrapartum considerations for COVID-19 positive patients must take into account safety concerns for the patient , her newborn , and the staff involved in their care . patient female 5 On April 12 , the patient and her mother consulted Dr. del Mar Ruiz Herrera , a podiatrist , via telemedicine . patient male 17 Ask specifically about international travel or domestic travel in the affected areas in last fortnight by the patient or his family members . patient male 15 The latter should be suspected when any of the following symptoms are present in the patient or his family : a midline defect , anosmia , or pubic hair without testicular development . patient male 9 o Subjectivity detection : Regarding the personality of a user or his political views , a text may be neutral to one person , but not for the other , so a sentence may have a different interpretation . user female 11 Exome analysis showed biallelic variants of the GLDC gene in the patient and her similarly affected sisters , confirming the diagnosis of NKH . patient male 28 For ease of exhibition , we set the dimension of users ' embeddings as 32 and train a new DASR model to get the attention weights between each user and his friends . user male 19 All patients were evaluated at the department of underwater and hyperbaric medicine and informed consent was obtained from the patient or his parents . patient male 5 He was a daily heroin user and his last injection was two hours prior to presentation . user male 1 The patient and his family have given consent for publication in an academic journal . patient male 27  Recommendation : Given what"s important to the patient and worries that his underlying condition put him at higher risk of a prolonged ventilator course , the patient , his pastor , and the hospitalist agreed to a trial of intubation if needed and to revisit that decision if there was a worry that the treatments were not going to work . patient female 7 As routine evaluation before admission , the patient and her caregivers were tested for SARS-CoV-2 . patient female 21 Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) testing for SARS-CoV-2 from nasal and pharyngeal swab was positive in both the patient and her parents . patient male 19 Descriptive analyses were performed to estimate the attack rate of COVID-19 among individuals having close contacts with the index patient and his parents-in-law , the source of this outbreak , and to summarize characteristics of the COVID-19 patients . patient male 15 Among the seven immediate members of the index patient 's family , only the index patient and his 4-month old daughter were affected by the COVID-19 . patient male 8 The 4-month-old infant daughter slept with the index patient and his wife in the same bed . patient male 9 Of 539 individuals with close contact with the index patient and his parents-in-law , four tested positive for disease , an attack rate of approximately 0.7 % . patient male 12 Among the 539 screened individuals who had close contact with the index patient and his parents-in-law during the wedding party and in other public arenas , three tested positive and were diagnosed with COVID-19 , while one was a suspected case but did not test positive . patient male 7 In accord with decisions made by the patient , his family , and consulting hematologists , chemotherapy was not instituted . patient female 7 We Informed consent was obtained from the patient and her parents . patient male 30 Place partitions to separate the movement of patients going in and out of the waiting areaOnly one attendant per patientCoupled , numbered , dated sticker to be given to each patient and his attendant , to disallow tricking of the systemThree-ply face masks for all the patients and their attendantsProvision of hand sanitizers in the waiting hallKeep open as many doors as possible to avoid touching of doorknobs . patient female 11 Take the example in Figure 4 , of a heart failure patient and her daughter , in which they have been instructed by the clinician to examine the patient ’s right leg for edema ; the daughter attempts to aim the camera at the patient ’s leg while at the same time trying to monitor the screen , as can be seen in the top 2 screenshots . patient male 3 After explaining the patient and his family the potential risks of the procedure , including the inability to retrieve the foreign body and the possibility of complications , we obtained his informed consent and set up the endoscopy room with all personal protective equipment for SARS-CoV-2 . patient male 25 In case of the child , the parent or legal guardian should be consented instead , and if the child is a teenager then both patient and his parent should be consented . patient male 2 Neither the patient nor his parents were able to identify a potential source of barium . patient male 8 In case of a lifethreatening situation , the patient or his relatives call first the palliative network physician on duty who has full access to patient 's file . patient male 49 Kittleson reported that on 3 March 2020 , she visited a 70-year-old man with a typical history of stable angina , and according to international guidelines prescribed beta blockers , aspirin and a statin , temporarily ruling out the need for a coronary angiography despite the disappointment of the patient and his wife who were very afraid " of a ticking time bomb in the chest " . patient male 12 The " time bomb " had now become Covid-19 , and the patient and his wife no longer claimed coronary angiography because the patient was " ill " with Covid-19 , not because the virus had penetrated his lungs but because it had filled him with fear . patient male 1 The patient and his family were happy for me to share the above with other health care professionals . patient male 9 Despite numerous currents that invite professionals to put the patient and his empowerment/engagement at the center of treatment [ 10 ] , professionals continue to prefer an increasingly technological medicine . patient female 17 During this time , the doctor is unsure what is happening : by not greeting , the patient and her daughter do not provide the doctor with evidence that they have a working video connection meaning that , for the doctor and nurse at the other end , it is not clear if there is a problem with the connection or video . patient male 5 Given the instability of the patient and his tendency to desaturate rapidly when moved , and even when trying to transfer his bed to the surgical area , it was decided to perform a percutaneous tracheostomy . patient male 25 Interviews with the other family members and doctors and nurses who provided services for the two patients permitted reconstruction of a timeline for the index patient and his daughter ( figure ) . patient male 23 Active and Assisted Living Sensors Layer : contains all smart devices including the set of wearable and nearable sensors related directly to the user , his body and his environment . user male 19 Due to the extensive risks associated with surgical management of the abscess and replacement of the valve , the patient and his family determined that hospice care was most appropriate . patient female 14 The clinic shall have a policy in place to cancel cycle in case the patient or her husband/partner turns positive , on testing at any point during the treatment cycle[19]Inform patients that available tests have limited sensitivity and specificity and in eventuality of false negative or positive , cancellation will be done in keeping with safety of patient and staff , at any time during cycle . patient female 1 This patient and her 3 colleagues are considered the index cases of Goiânia , Goiás . patient male 31 Additionally , the timing of symptom occurrence and the initial symptoms were reevaluated by confirming the history of visiting domestic medical facilities after arrival in Korea via personal interviews with the patient and his guardians and examining his medical records . patient male 13 Misclassification between Aspergillus colonization and putative IPA may impact the management of the patient and his outcome . patient male 11 Due to impending respiratory compromise , and following discussion with the patient and his wife , it was decided to proceed with intubation in the ED . patient male 7 The mutation was neither found in the patient nor in his parents . patient male 13 Sanger sequencing chromatograms confirmed segregation of the identified AHSG sequence variants in the patient and his parents . patient male 16 8 Isolation and the shortage of PPEs have led to the absence of contact between the patient and his closest family environment in all healthcare settings , as well as between the family members and the healthcare team , and the healthcare team with the patient . patient female 2 Both the patient and her mother thought the lesion was dirt and tried to clean it by rubbing it with water and soap without success . patient male 17 2 . The practitioner : person who is in charge of setting up the association between the patient and his sensor . patient female 8 Based on this contact history with a MERS patient and her symptoms , a MERS-CoV PCR test was performed and the result was found to be positive on June 9 . patient female 1 The patient and her newborn baby were discharged in stable condition on June 30 with no clinical abnormalities on followup at the outpatient clinic . patient female 46 Densitometric tracings of the autoradiograms from both hybridizations ( data not shown ) and corrections for the amount of DNA loaded per lane indicated the following : ( 1 ) With the pDP34 probe the gene dosage for the 11-kb TaqI fragment was similar for the patient and her mother , but the hybrid line contained half this amount . patient female 17 ( 2 ) With probe JL68 the two BamHI fragments were present in equal dosages in the patient , her mother , and the female control . patient female 20 ( 3 ) With probe JL8 , the BamHI fragment was present in equal amounts in DNA from both the patient and her mother . patient female 10 The medical team included a physical therapist who provided the patient and her family with a physical therapy plan to make best use of her physical functions . patient female 1 The patient and her infant had an uneventful postpartum and neonatal course . patient female 25 With probe JL8 , which detects the locus DX233 , one BamHI fragment of approximately 21.5 kb was detected in the DNA from both the patient and her mother ( Fig. 5C ) . patient male 3 Information about the patient and his disease was requested : gender , age , MSUD diagnostic circumstances and acute failure etiology . patient male 13 However , repeated SARS-CoV-2 serology and PCR tests came back negative for this patient and his symptoms resolved . patient female 14 This study described the viral load kinetics of a neonate , the youngest COVID-19 patient in Korea as of March 29 , 2020 , and her mother . patient female 1 The patient and her partner were counselled regarding surgical and conservative management options . patient female 1 The patient and her family were informed of the diagnosis of NEHI and home nocturnal oxygen therapy was organised . patient female 1 The patient and her mother who stayed with her wore appropriate personal protective equipment during their stay in pre-transplantation period . patient male 15 After ruling out any physical illnesses causing the fever , psychiatrists carefully inquired interviewed the patient and his family members and considered that ( 1 ) although the patient had been to Wuhan a month ago , he did not have any close contact with people in Wuhan . patient female 11 We performed whole-exome sequencing on peripheral blood cells obtained from the patient and her parents . patient male 1 This patient and his HLA-matched unrelated donor were CMV sero-negative and a fibroblast culture was obtained from a skin biopsy of this patient . patient male 22 However subtle fatiguability of speech was noted at 3 month follow up on clinical assessment by consultant neurologist but not by the patient or his wife . patient male 1 The patient and his parents were investigated according to our institutional protocol for haploidentical HSCT , including high resolution allelic typing for HLA-A * , -B * , -C , * DRB1 * , DQB1 * , BPB1 * ( PCR-sequence specific primers [ SSP ] , Olerup SSP AB ) , HLA-donor specific antibodies ( DSA ) ( LabScreen Singel Antigen , Luminex platform , One Lambda , Thermo Fisher ) , ABO-blood grouping and CMV-serology . patient female 59 The following criteria-depending on the degree of their expression-are indicators of a poor clinical prospect of success of intensive care treatment : 4 Step 3 : Check informed consent to intensive care treatment ( current , declared in advance , previously orally expressed or presumed patient wishes ) after disclosure of medical information and prospect of success to the patient or her legal representative . patient male 32 Conclusions : By using a set of molecular typing techniques , we were able to detect differences between the meningococcal isolate that caused meningitis and those involved in carriage in the same patient and his family . patient male 22 The patient ID , the countries of travel , and any mass events were considered as the nodes and connection between each patient and his travelling history or event attending history was considered as edge in the network . patient male 22 The message must be clear , objective and based on the currently available data , while trying to be reassuring for the patient and/or his legal representative . patient male 30 This message must be given orally during the consultation but also disseminated through a document ( established and validated by each structure ) , which can be given to the patient and/or his legal representative during the preoperative consultation ( surgical or preanaesthetic ) . patient male 30 Page 11 of 57 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f 11 alcohol-based hand sanitiser before and after every contact with the patient or his surroundings , in addition to wearing a surgical mask type II or IIR and eye protection ( goggles ) during any clinical examination which requires the patient to take off his mask . patient male 19 More than ever , mistakes will be avoided by the radiologist if time is taken for talking to the patient and/or his family as well as to the referring clinician . patient male 1 The patient and his parents denied the history of exposure to COVID-19 , and his test result for COVID-19 was normal . patient male 20 Our humanity , so valuable to patients , can only be expressed in the direct , personal relationship with the patient and his family . patient female 20 By contrast , performing the second angioplasty in the third pregnancy might have led to a better outcome for the patient and her fetus . patient female 6 RAGs takes in information about the patient ( Karen ) and her family history and constructs a family tree . patient female 8 The anesthesia informed consent was signed by the patient or her relative in the isolation ward or operating room to avoid the possibility of virus spread . patient male 25 Mutaton analysis in " hot spot " in NCF1 gene concerns the well-known GT deletion in the second exon of NCF1 gene both at the patient and his sister . patient female 7 This situation needs careful consultation with the patient , her family , and an ethical board . patient female 24 Continuation or initiation of second-line and third-line chemotherapy was done only after a thorough discussion regarding the potential benefits and risks with both the patient and her caregivers . patient female 5 Consent was provided by the patient and her family to publish information regarding her medical condition and treatment . patient male 60 Conclusions Introduction of the palliative medicine expert to the patients family at an earlier stage in the illness , his active involvement during the daily multispeciality oncology rounds , expanding his role to include management of medical issues such as side effects of chemotherapy ( nausea , peripheral neuropathy , diarrhoea ) may make palliative medicine more accessible to the patient and his family . patient female 1 The Patient and Her Partner 73 74 Patient male 13 57 There is also a need to consider the cognitive dimension of the user and his needs in the design process so as to develop robot care technology or devices that he can better use or interact with . user male 1 The patient and his attendants can calculate their individual score and sum up the final score . patient male 6 Doctors are asking consent from the patient and/or his family , in order to include him/her in research protocols , in a rate of 82,3 % , while only 55,1 % found informed consent necessary for the proposed treatment procedure . patient male 5 One month prior , the patient and his wife were in South Carolina on vacation . patient female 0 Patient 2 and her family members requested that invasive rescue measures not be undertaken , and she died of acute respiratory distress syndrome on 22 March 2020 ( day 40 from the onset of the illness ) . Patient male 6 Establishment of an agreement between the patient and his family with the health service where the patient in isolation is being supervised , in which the health service assumes responsibility for collection , transportation , treatment and final disposal of the waste produced at home . patient male 25 In order to achieve this reliability level , implementation of RFID technology may be crucial to accomplish tasks as : ensuring right identification of each patient and his corresponding medical data anywhere in the hospital , guarantying appropriate actions are granted to the right persons ( drugs administration , surgical procedures , ) regardless the time and place , identifying lab samples ( blood , urine , exudations , biopsies , etc ) , verifying authenticity and origin of drugs and checking their status and expiry dates while they are moved among different departments and sections , etc . patient male 26 Historians generally agree that " two hundred years ago American president , George Washington , was literally bled to death " [ 10 ] by his friend and his personal physician Dr. James Craik and the other two physicians treated him with the bloodletting . friend female 1 The patient and her parents had no epidemiological history in Wuhan city or Hubei province . patient male 8 On the morning of the 31st , the patient and his family went to the hospital to get the nucleic acid test report . patient male 10 Compliance was lowest before contact of healthcare staff with a patient or his inanimate environment ( 23 % and 16 % , respectively ) . patient male 36 Following the instructions on the information sheet from Singapore Global Network ( a division in the Singapore Economic Development Board which broadens and deepens the overseas network of Singapore citizens ) available online , 2 the patient and his family contacted the People 's Association ( a government-supported statutory board to promote racial harmony and social cohesion in Singapore ) to clarify the symptom of a resolved sore throat , and highlighted patient 's contact history with an Italy-returning medical student during a fencing sparring . patient male 29 Moreover , the sensing ability is determined by the distance between the task and the user , and the reward depends on the sharing mechanism of reward for the user and his cooperative friend . user male 46 We determined the most recent common ancestors ( TMRCAs ) and 95 % CI for 3 key nodes for each segment using the Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo approach in BEAST v1.8 25 as follows : 1 ) the TMRCA of the viruses isolated from the patient and his farm ; 2 ) the TMRCA of the farm viruses plus the closest viruses isolated elsewhere ; and 3 ) the TMRCA of the human virus and its closest avian virus on the farm . patient male 21 Contact precautions like use of gloves , gowns and masks should be enforced for all people coming in contact with the patient or his surroundings . patient female 1 One patient and her mother with R200Q mutation developed nephrotic syndrome , which progressed to end-stage renal disease ( ESRD ) . patient male 14 Under the Colombo Plan , Sir Douglas Miller had often visited Singapore with his friend and colleague , Geoffrey Vanderfield , and a close friendship was established with Cheok Fai Tham . C. F. Tham had been trained with Dr Murray Falconer , who returned to Singapore in 1965 , but it was not until September 1972 that a Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology was established at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital . friend male 21 Second , it was lucky that there were no passengers in the adjacent seats in front of or behind this source patient as well as beside his seat which were revealed of the highest risk for droplet transmission . patient male 9 Disclosure of clinical data requires prior consent from the patient or his legal representative if he is incapacitated . patient female 40 The lessons of Lassa , Ebola , and dengue can be applied to clinical manifestations of other VHFs in pregnancy , however , as all conditions predisposing to hypotension , coagulopathy , and hemorrhage bring compounded risk to the pregnant patient and her fetus . patient male 13 Table 1 Characteristics of 38 healthcare workers who were exposed to a MERS patient and/or his body fluids ( Continued ) More than one response could be given for these characteristics patient male 11 The investigation focused on HCWs who had worked with the MERS patient or his body fluids at Bamrasnaradura Infectious Diseases Institute , Thailand , from 18 June through 3 July 2015 . patient male 18 We aimed to assess the effectiveness of infection control measures among HCWs who were exposed to a MERS patient or his body fluids in our institute . patient male 7 Everyone who had been involved with the patient and/or his body fluids had to sign their names and duration of working on a timesheet record . patient male 16 We describe infection control measures and their effectiveness among HCWs who were exposed to a MERS patient or his body fluids in our institute . patient male 15 There has Table 1 Characteristics of 38 healthcare workers who were exposed to a MERS patient and/or his body fluids also been a debate on MERS-CoV respiratory precautions [ 11 ] . patient male 22 Lastly , because of the language and communication problems , we were unable to identify the exact date of illness from the patient or his relatives . patient male 10 The practical services performed by church nurses are keeping the patient and his environment clean , preparing food ( though special diets designed to improve health are prohibited by the theology ) , helping with mobility , and bandaging wounds . patient female 1 The patient and her parents had not been to Wuhan City previously and had no contact history with personnel from Wuhan . patient female 5 After a lengthy discussion , patient and her husband provided consent for the administration of the remdesivir and convalescent plasma early in the course of patient 's hospitalization . patient male 9 Additionally , there must be good communication between the patient and his family . patient male 14 18 days after the first symptoms , the antibody test was performed to the patient and his wife . patient male 5 Under this system , the patient or his representative knows he would be legally compelled to pay if he defaults , so he pays . patient female 13 • ( public health student ) : " Need more information about the patient and her community . patient male 29 Background : Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ( HSCT ) is one of the most aggressive therapeutic modalities of internal medicine , making it a highly stressful experience for the patient and his family . patient male 26 The items evaluated ranged from the quality of the information provided by the medical team and nursing , to the cordiality and agility with which the patient and his patient were treated by the global team . patient male 81 The following data were collected after patient-centered interviews : comorbid conditions ( obesity , hypertension , diabetes , renal failure , coronary heart disease ) ; current smoking status ( " non-smokers " referring to both former and never smokers ) ; history of asthma ; asthma controller treatment with classification from step 1 to 5 according to the last 2020 Global Initiative for Asthma ( GINA ) report [ 8 ] ; when feasable , we also clarified with the patient or his family whether asthma diagnosis had been confirmed by a pulmonologist or not . patient male 4 Further history revealed the patient and his wife had traveled to Peru in February 2020 , and after their return , the wife had developed shortness of breath with episodic fevers and was tested for Covid-19 . patient male 17 This case is different from those previously reported in Taiwan because of the young age of the patient and his evident occupational exposure . patient male 26 [ 40 ] Periodic training of the staff accompanied by ongoing assessment of immunization rates and work flow and also a close follow up with the patient or his care giver by the treatment team is beneficial in minimizing the risk of inappropriate re-vaccinations . patient male 11 Healthcare in a smart home comprises different elements such as the user , location of the user , his activities , environmental conditions and other related parameters . user male 7 To adequately understand the correlation between the user and his activities , context is required . user male 22 This extensive and time consuming treatment as well as the notion of living with this severe illness poses great demands on the patient and his family Psychosocial counseling and support for these patients are evolving areas for professionals in hospitals and ambulatory care settings . patient male 24 The aim of the study was to investigate if a patient education programme helps to increase quality of life ( QOL ) for the patient and his family . patient male 25 Given his presentation and presumed acute aortic syndrome , and after a multi-disciplinary discussion and shared decision making of the risks and benefits with the patient and his son , it was determined that he should undergo emergent cardiac surgical intervention . patient male 9 Transition to HD was discussed and agreed with the patient and his caregiver ; a central venous catheter was placed in the right internal jugular vein . patient female 15 However , 104 following a trip to New York City in February 2020 , the patient and her parents suffered from new onset 105 fevers , diarrhea , and cough . patient male 21 In the nurse-led clinic , the consultations take place on well described time points as well as on demand of the patient and his parents . patient male 8 The diagnosis can have severe consequences for the patient and for his family . patient female 1 The patient and her husband did have relations during this period . patient female 24 While V/Q scans are associated with a greater fetal risk for childhood cancer compared to CTPA , their aggregated radiation risk for a pregnant patient and her fetus is lower compared to CTPA . patient female 7 An endof-life consultation team met with the patient and her daughter . patient female 9 On February 5 , 2020 , a 61-year-old female patient ( Case 1 ) and her 64-year-old husband ( Case 2 ) presented to the Fever Clinic of the Peking Union Medical College Hospital ( PUMCH ) for fever and respiratory symptoms . patient male 1 The patient and his families had anxiety and depression , so their psychosocial support was the focus of nursing [ 22 ] . patient female 14 This team should involve obstetricians , obstetrics anaesthetists , intensivists , neonatologists , the patient and her partner when possible . patient male 13 who reported a prior vacation in Tyrol , Austria , from which the patient and his family had returned 1 day before the sudden onset of his symptoms . patient male 8 This was seen in LC5 , when the patient , Albert , and his partner , Ethel , were offered written information about Albert 's diagnosis and Ethel was the first to read and realize what this meant . patient female 2 The pregnant patient and her mother lived together . patient male 29 So if parents suspect their children have H1N1 , when the actually have diarrhea , what is recorded is the actual assessment of the physician and not what the patient ( or his parents ) suspected . patient male 11 4 Nevertheless , and despite its refinement , according to his friend and critic Saúl Yurkievich , Cortázar 's prose , and especially his short stories , seem to have been born from an impulse and written " in one go , as matter and form are generated together " ( Yurkievich [ 1994 ( Yurkievich [ ] 2004 ) . friend male 8 A 14-day quarantine was planned for both the patient and his partner upon discharge home , which followed the recommendations current at that time . patient female 17 Whole blood , serum , skin biopsies , and nasal airway epithelial scrapings were obtained from the patient , her relatives , or paid healthy volunteers . patient female 10 Whole exome sequencing ( WES ) was performed on the patient and her healthy immediate relatives , which revealed 1.8 % homozygosity in the patient , 2.7 % in the mother , and 2.0 % in the father . patient male 7 Maybe he went to spy on his friend and his friend hit him … Well , there have been many versions . friend male 7 A physician violates his duty to his patient and subjects himself to liability if he withholds any facts which are necessary to form the basis of an intelligent consent by the patient to the proposed treatment . patient male 1 The patient and his family members were informed about this report and consented to publication . patient male 11 Informed consent was approved by the Institutional Review Board ; the patient and his close relatives gave informed consent . patient female 16 The genetic counselors emphasized familial risk and screening , tailoring their recommendations for both the individual patient and her family , taking into account the patient 's particular family history and relationships , while CREdIT provided basic information about screening , chemoprevention , and surgical prevention options that an individual might choose . patient female 19 Maria noted that cooking for others serves as the ultimate litmus test that distinguishes whether a person is her friend or chosen family member : friend female 8 This case was particularly unique in that the patient and her husband were both emergency 93 physicians with the requisite skillset to perform a portable point-of-care ultrasound at home to 94 correctly make the diagnosis and also to rule out other worrisome conditions such as DVT , right 95 heart strain from a massive PE , pericardial effusion and lobar pneumonia . patient female 6 January 20 , 2020 , the patient and her son had a family meal with relatives who returned to Yiwu from Wuhan for the Spring Festival . patient female 6 To respect the wish of the patient and her family , and after consultation with psychiatrists , the family was treated in the same negativepressure isolation ward room . patient female 10 Another clusters in hospital involved 3 cases including one hospitalized patient and her two relatives providing paramedical assistants . patient male 4 The dissatisfaction of the patient in his care ( 42 % ) and his anxiety ( 33 % ) are the most important factors in the generation of violence that may have repercussions on the care workers and their psychological status . patient male 1 The patient and his family live in a double storey-linked house in Sikamat , a small town within the state of Negeri Sembilan , in the central western region of peninsular Malaysia . patient male 9 However , for the past two years , the patient and his wife have regularly returned to stay over the weekend in their village house and were at the house on the weekends before the onset of his disease . patient male 9 Titer of anti-PRV7S antibodies in the sera of the patient and his family members . patient male 6 It is the knowledge about the patient and his disease that empowers the physician to provide the best possible care . patient male 22 Result : Genetic analysis for INVS disclosed a heterozygous mutation of T→G at position rs7024375 in the 5'UTR of INVS in the patient and his mother , while no abnormalities were found in any of the 17 exons of INVS or NPHP1 , 3 , and 4 . patient male 3 A newly diagnosed patient and his family should be directed to a centre with expertise in the management of CCHS . patient male 36 As this young father was transported out of our clinic , we were reminded of the night when his death was imminent , and we were left wondering whether this was the right outcome for the patient and his family . patient male 20 In caring for patients with varicella-zoster virus pneumonia , it is important to realize that the external appearance of the patient or his apparent well-being may disguise underlying hypoxemia . patient male 3 The initial case patient and his four family members are thought to have been the first cluster of a disease that infected 8096 people around the world and killed 774 before ebbing in the summer of 2003 ( 9.5 % case-fatality rate ) . patient male 13 It is necessary to train and educate the staff in charge of the patient and his caregivers and implement mechanisms of improvement regarding care as questions keep arising . patient female 18 Dilator insertion may be done by the physician in multiple offi ce visits or at home by the patient and her partner . patient female 40 Other sexual problems that might be encountered include ( 1 ) sexual drive discrepancy between the patient and her partner , ( 2 ) concern over types of sexual activities , and ( 3 ) sexually compulsive behavior in the patient or her partner . patient male 13 Eight hypnotic sessions of hypnoanalgesia or hypnotherapy were performed after approval of the patient and his parents . patient female 9 The physician may encounter sexually compulsive behavior in the patient or her partner . patient female 10 Obtain information on the entire sexual response cycle of the patient and her partner , as one dysfunction may be at the root of another . patient female 9 Specifically , the neurologist conducted an interview with the patient and her primary caregiver ( the cohabitant husband ) before the neuropsychological assessment , carried out five days after admission to the neurological department ( T0 ) . patient male 10 This case report is published with the consent of the patient and his parents . patient male 13 13 , [ 23 ] [ 24 ] [ 25 ] A diabetic patient and his wife exhibited recurrent MRSA leg infections and cellulitis , respectively , and both were cured only after their dog was treated as well . patient male 29 Basing on 6-point intensity scale suggested by The German standard Olfactometry Determination of Odour Intensity Guideline 3882 the odor was classified as Strong ( 4/6 ) by both the patient and his parents and Very strong ( 5/6 ) by the physicians . patient male 22 One week after the onset of the B2 treatment the odor was classified as Not perceptible ( 0/ 6 ) by the patient and his family and Very weak ( 1/6 ) by the physicians without withdrawing carnitine therapy . patient male 4 Before PBSCT , the patient and his HLAidentical brother had no clinically evidence of malaria infection S318 and blood smears were negative in both the donor and recipient . patient male 4 The authors thank the patient and his family , the physicians , nurses , medical assistants , and support staff involved in the care of this patient and the microbiology and core laboratory staff . patient male 32 Recommendation # 2 : clinical decisions will not be made and procedures will not performed without prior consent from the patient or his family Palliative care should be administered after informing the patient or his legal representatives of the current lack of evidence-based references , possible side effects , and possibilities of success , which would justify its clinical recommendation in pandemic situations . patient female 24 Anticipated delivery in isolation should be managed with caution ensuring the utmost safety of staff while offering the highest level of care to the patient and her fetus . patient male 36 Management protocol for DRESS based on the consensus of experts was designed by the French Society of Dermatology [ 156 ] , and includes four visceral involvement severity categories and corresponding treatment : Counselling both the patient and his family members about drug avoidance is necessary . patient female 15 The imaging results would not have changed the clinical management and would have exposed the patient and her fetus to radiation . patient female 8 Following an uncomplicated hospital course , both the patient and her infant were discharged home in stable condition . patient female 6 Additionally , during hospitalization , the patient and her mother were included in a collaborative study of genomic medicine for identifying genetic variants causing hyperimmunity due to SARS-CoV-2 infection . patient male 30 Our patient 's travel history and aspects of his clinical picture pointed towards atypical leptospirosis from the outset , especially when it was learned that while in Hawaii , the patient and his family had kayaked through a series of irrigation canals , and the patient was the only member of his family to swim at a waterfall and pool that had been implicated in Hawaiian cases of leptospirosis . patient male 48 -indication for use : massive bleeding when first-line treatment ( surgical control of bleeding , use of blood products ) has failed ; -to achieve the correction of factors that may interfere with coagulation ( hypothermia , severe acidosis , hypocalcemia ) ; -before administration of rFVIIa the patient or his family should be informed about the treatment ; -the prescription of FVIIa should be initialized by a referent physician -to conform the dose of 60 mu/kg in cardiac surgery patient . patient male 7 A verbal consent was obtained from the patient or his family member if the former was not able to communicate . patient female 19 High-risk contact , unprotected contact with the patient or her body fluids ; low-risk contact , contact with the patient or her body fluids while following strict isolation measures . patient female 19 Contacts classifi ed as at high risk for contracting the disease ( i.e. , had unprotected contact with the patient or her body fl uids ) were asked to measure their temperature twice a day and report it to the health care provider . patient female 5 Contacts who had handled the patient or her body fl uids while carrying out strict isolation measures were perceived to be at low risk for exposure . patient female 1 The patient and her team swam in flowing streams but did not swim in ponds or other bodies of standing water . patient female 12 Design/Method : Whole Exome Sequencing ( WES ) was performed on the patient as well as her biological parents ( trio ) . patient female 4 In December 1967 the patient and her twin sister were moved to a nursing home . patient female 8 -Requesting permissions which may result in surveillance of user or her contacts . user female 17 Results : A urine diphenhydramine level ( LC-MS/MS ) on hospital day 4 was 240 ng/mL. The patient and her mother confirmed single ingestion of diphenhydramine without coingestants during her lucid interval and at discharge . patient female 12 Ebola was not a likely diagnosis , however , given that our patient and her fellow team members did not display any of the typical signs and symptoms of a hemorrhagic fever syndrome . patient male 36 This approach requires performing the entire diagnostic-therapeutic process in a " patient-centered " manner and seeking an organizational model oriented towards reconciling clinical paths with hospitality and comfort as much as possible in sharing with the patient and his surrogates . patient male 10 On the one side , the family conference allows the patient and his family to be updated on clinical conditions , treatment options and prognosis , with the aim of adapting their hopes to the reality and to have the opportunity to make explicit the desire for involvement in the decision-mak-ing process . patient male 35 After weaning from ventilation and improvement of primary indication for tracheostomy , removal of the tracheostomy tube is essential to shorten the hospital stay period and to minimize the burden of tracheostomy care on the patient and his family [ 2 ] . patient female 52 By the same token , if , because of imprecise diagnostics , we overlook a patient who truly does have ( or goes on to have ) AD but we do n't discover that fact until autopsy ( false negative ) , then we will have missed an opportunity to help that patient and her caregivers . patient female 9 Several goals of care meetings were held with the patient and her care teamshe initially endorsed do not resuscitate and do not intubate status , given this , in combination with worsening hypoxia , she was given one dose of 400 mg IV tocilizumab on day 2 of admission . patient female 1 e patient and her mother had COVID-19-like symptoms approximately a month prior to admission ; unfortunately , no confirmation with PCR-testing for SARS-CoV-2 was obtained at that time . patient male 18 Letter from Thomas Jefferson ( 1743 - 1826 , 3rd president of the United States ) to his friend and physician Dr Benjamin Rush [ 1 ] signatory of the United States Declaration of Independence . friend female 10 However , the physical examination and medical history of the patient and her family were unremarkable . patient male 6 Consent for publication We thank the patient and his parents for granting permission to publish this information . patient female 6 2 , 5 , 8 The patient and her husband had traveled to Hong Kong from February 13 to February 23 to visit relatives . patient female 22 He might have been right about the futility of resuscitation , but it seemed improper to make the decision without consulting the patient or her family . patient female 14 Methods : Case report The informed consent form for the publication was obtained from patient and her parents . patient female 6 In the fourth family , the patient , a 2-year-old girl , and her two older s ~ sters aged 4 and 6 , all had rotavirus in their stools . patient male 24 However , to prepare for emergency condition including CPA and to avoid confusion and unwilling feeling in these conditions , we should consult the patient and his families about his dying process . patient male 1 This patient and his family members refused treatment with a noninvasive ventilator and mechanical ventilation due to the potential of severe heart failure in dilated cardiomyopathy . patient male 14 These functional benefits have significantly improved the quality of life for not only the patient but his family . patient male 3 Data from the patient and his records , regarding history , symptoms , past history , laboratory and culture reports , operative findings and postoperative histopathology and other special investigations , were compiled . patient female 24 Additionally , results from the qualitative survey highlighted that nearly all participants trusted and respected the group leader , and noted gratitude for her patient and mindful presence . patient male 8 The next day , he invited his close friend and his wife for dinner . friend male 6 Three days later , his close friend and his wife , with whom he had dined not a week back , both tested positive . friend male 9 • Upon arrival of the swab reports , the patient and his caregiver will access the definitive accommodation for the remainder of their stay : • COV+ : Hospitalization will continue in the dedicated inpatient area within the pediatric COV+ wards , which have ad-hoc isolation rooms suitable for the management of infected patients . patient female 1 The patient and her neonate daughter , weighing 4,170 g , both did well in the postpartum period . patient female 14 The goal of mechanical ventilation is to support oxygenation and ventilation for both the patient and her fetus but minimize additional injury while awaiting recovery of the lungs . patient male 2 The second patient presented at 6 months of age with infantile nephrotic syndrome , and his renal biopsy revealed membranous Case Rep Nephrol Dial 2017;7:91 - 101 patient male 29 In line with the information provided by the previous hospital , no relevant travel history or sick contact to suggest COVID-19 was identified through medical history taken from the patient and his family . patient male 1 Our patient and his partner , used the same flight from Bangui to Yaoundé and then to Paris and Marseille in economic class . patient male 34 In the context of this epidemic , we must evaluate the risk of delaying an intervention for major surgery for more than 6 - 8 weeks by taking into account the characteristics of the patient and his disease . patient male 49 After this event , in view of the high risk of another exposition to contrast media during TAVI and in view of the less of aortic stenosis symptoms and of his clinical condition , we decided for a conservative therapy , in according with heart surgeon and with the patient and his family . patient male 11 Whenever possible , searching symptoms during a phone call with the patient or his legal representative 48 - 72 hours before the intervention is also recommended to avoid a last-minute postponement of surgery . patient male 15 Red blood cell studies showed normal activity of adenosine deaminase ( ADA ) in the patient and his parents while PNP activity was absent in patient , and 50 % of normal in his parents . patient male 45 A transition ( G > A ) at position 404 of the ZRS , which was previously reported as the Cuban mutation of the preaxial polydactyly type II (PPD2)-phenotype ( Zguricas et al. 1999 ; Lettice et al. 2003 ) , was identified in the patient and his father . patient female 12 To delineate the deletion breakpoint , we performed haplotype analysis in the patient and her parents using various polymorphic markers located in Xq27-q28 . patient female 19 A quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that the relative mRNA expression were markedly reduce ( 0.037 ) in the patient and considerably decrease and her parents ( 0.119 , 0.167 ) compared to normal ( 1 , n = 8) . patient male 7 The stroke team in GUH assessed the patient and his scans and he was diagnosed with an infarction of the left facial nerve nucleus . patient male 1 The patient and his family opted for comfort care measures once the diagnosis was made and the patient was transferred to hospice services . patient male 17 Based on the results of the measurements , and some oral questions that the nurse asks the patient and his relatives , the nurse writes a medical report through the mobile application and then sends the measurements and the report to the Cloud for permanent storage and further analysis via REST API . patient male 37 Through these measurements and medical reports stored in the Cloud , the supervising doctor can , through a mobile application , monitor the patient 's health status and provide recommendations and instructions to the nurse and the patient and his relatives to ensure a good hospitalization process and timely intervention if there is a risk to the patient 's health . patient female 18 Her first symptom was also fever , but the highest temperature ( 38·9 ℃ ) is lower than patient 14 and her symptoms were mild in need of lower flow of oxygen ( Figure 2 ) . patient male 54 Interestingly , a patient in the current study has recovered from score 4 to score 1 after half a year of rehabilitation exercise ( language , movement , psychology , etc . ) , which may be related to prompt rehabilitation , the economic condition of the family , and the understanding of the patient and his family . patient female 4 We describe a male patient and her aunt with NPC , with different genotypes and phenotype heterogeneity . patient male 5 In situations in which the patient , or his legal representative , requests to leave the hospital , to avoid social isolation , even with a high risk of mortality , and to be in the company of his family members , we recommend that the Palliative Care team is called in . patient male 9 Once the priority level has been defined , the patient or his legal representative must be informed about the resources assigned to the patient . patient male 26 The Palliative Care team can assist in the coordination of symptom control measures , with the attending physician , and facilitate the communication process with the patient and his family . patient male 5 We recommended isolation of the patient and his family . patient male 3 We thank the patient and his family . patient male 5 Acknowledgements The authors thank the patient and his family for entrusting us with his care . patient female 1 Both patient and her mother reported that these chilblain-like lesions had never occurred before , and were not accompanied by pain or itching , or other systemic symptoms . patient female 1 The patient and her support person underwent a temperature check prior to entering the hospital . patient male 23 In this study , we described two series of familial cases of interstitial lung disease of unknown etiology , in a young male patient and his father , and two young girls and their mother . patient male 20 The patient had multiple insect bites , including presumptive mosquito bites , but no tick bites , even though the patient and his team reported a large number of ticks in the last forest that was visited one week prior to the onset of the fever . patient male 6 Two SLC7A7 mutations identified in the patient and his 27y sibling ( " hyperammonemia of unknown etiology " , 1.80 m , centripetal fat , thin extremities , osteoporosis ) . patient male 19 The treating neurologist should individualize the decision-making in consultation with an infectious disease specialist and after discussion with the patient and his family members . patient female 1 The patient and her relatives are to be included in the decision-making process . patient male 12 This report describes the detailed epidemiologic and clinical information of this special patient and his close contacts , which might provide rationale for reasonable treatment , risk-stratification , strategy of community healthcare management and policymaking for hierarchical medication . patient male 5 Additional information collected from the patient and his family revealed that the patient suffered from the zoonosis , erysipeloid , 2 months priori to admission and was treated . patient male 50 After a brief oral presentation by the medical resident , the attending physician and team ( composed of resident , cardiology fellow , interns , and medical students ) entered the room where the attending took additional history , performed a focused physical examination , and answered questions from the patient and his family . patient male 30 This work , original by the targeted population , underlines the success of a multi-professional collaboration where the pharmacist has his entire place in particular as a mediator between the patient and his doctor . patient male 41 Whereas he would previously meet his family members only at the end of the day , since the start of the " circuit breaker " , there was a steep increase in contact and consequently increased friction , due to the patient and his family members all working from home . patient female 16 Moreover , 20 swab or feces samples were collected from the nearest local LPMs where the patient and her neighbors bought poultry . patient female 39 We acquired patient 's epidemiological information , such as demographic characteristics , recent direct or indirect exposures to poultry or other animals , recent travel history and history of seasonal influenza vaccination , by a face-to-face interview with the patient and her family members . patient female 12 While public health authorities have not found the precise epidemiological link between Patient 31 and her source of infection , further investigation by the Centers for Disease Control showed that group members traveled between South Korea and their Wuhan , China fringe branches in January 2020 . Patient male 8 This was also true for his successor , friend and pupil Otmar von Verschuer . friend male 9 For example , he has a discussion with his friend and fellow lawyer , Gerhard , about masturbation that turns into an analysis of Romantic poets where Morris discloses that he masturbates to the Lake District of England . friend male 1 The patient and his vitals need to be monitored around the clock to ensure smooth recovery . patient male 17 There were no curative options and information on the inevitable dismal prognosis was not shared with the patient or his family . patient male 13 Given his oxygen saturation and his CXR , the team discussed with the patient and his wife his risk factors and the likelihood of progression to ARDS . patient male 1 The patient and his wife were given strict return precautions for worsening symptoms , particularly worsening dyspnea , and quarantine instructions and precautions were reviewed at length . patient male 8 According to the negative antibody results of the patient and his two sons , the wife might be the first to contact with SARS-CoV-2 but remained asymptomatic . patient male 13 Three days later , screening RT-PCR assays for COVID-19 were positive for the patient and his 5 nurses . patient female 10 This latter revaluated entirely the whole medical history of the patient and her examinations . patient male 7 In the skin lesions of the first patient and his girl friend Staphylococcus aureus of the same strain was detected . patient female 1 The patient and her family returned from visiting her in-laws over the Christmas holiday in Monterrey , Mexico 2 weeks prior to the onset of her symptoms . patient male 5 Recommendations were given to the patient and his family to avoid sharing of razor blades and toothbrushes . patient male 1 Each patient or his legal representative will be informed about the modalities of the clinical study in accordance with the provided patient information . patient female 24 However , CS rates are continuously rising over the past decades , partly due to personal , social , or legal considerations of the patient or her physician . patient male 11 A detailed contact history should include the travel history of the patient and his family members , as well as of their medical condition , and a much broader definition of contact is necessary , e.g. , being in a hospital in which a SARS outbreak occurs . patient male 2 As the patient and his daughter did not show any conclusive phenotype , their DNA was subjected to WES . patient male 10 Devise a treatment approach that addresses the needs of the patient and his family , that is both ethically and medically sound , and that is culturally competent . patient male 13 Work out a clear and professional way to communicate the proposal to the patient and his family . patient female 14 A correct approach requires dignity , respect , understanding and caring , for the patient and her needs , and it may not necessarily be a one-way relationship . patient male 20 Therefore the explanation of the diagnostic challenge , including also prognosis , must be fully and honestly explained to the patient and or his family . patient male 6 Methods : We studied an ALPS-FAS patient , his mother , a maternal uncle and a maternal aunt , all of them with a heterozygous substitution in the splice donor site of intron 4 , but with different clinical manifestations . patient male 15 Results : We observed high sFASL and IL-10 concentrations in the serum of the ALPS-FAS patient and his mother , but normal levels in the serum of the uncle and the aunt . patient male 15 Methods STAT1 sequencing was established and identified the c.846A > T mutation in both the patient and his son . patient male 1 The patient and his physician consented for transfusion of incompatible RBCs . patient male 19 Methods : Initially the Next Generation Sequencing ( NGS ) targeting 20 autoinflammatory genes was performed in the index patient and his sister , both of whom have been diagnosed with AA amyloidosis . patient male 7 Therefore this mutation is sporadic in our patient and his family . patient male 8 Hence , blood samples were obtained from the patient and his parents for genetic Exons included in coding sequence ( CDS ) and > 50 bp of exon-intron boundaries of the PLOD1 and FKBP14 gene were amplified respectively by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) . patient male 2 Both the patient and his family were included in dealing with the problem . patient female 1 The patient and her spouse reported symptoms such as headache , asthenia and anosmia as of March 10 , 2020 . patient male 6 A multidisciplinary team explained to the patient and his family the treatment options , which included neoadjuvant chemotherapy and re-assessment of tumor size for potential resectability afterwards . patient female 14 Methods : We performed a trio-based whole exome sequencing ( WES ) in the patient and her parents . patient male 9 Methods : Peripheral blood samples were obtained from the patient and his family members for analysis using next generation sequencing by gene panels commonly associated with HLH and recurrent fever syndromes , followed by whole exome and whole genome sequencing . patient female 11 Based on this score , we had a discussion with the patient and her family about goals of care and explained pros and cons about further critical care management . patient male 20 Following the presentation , I flew to Sao Paulo , Brazil , where I was scheduled to stay with a friend and his expectant wife . friend male 6 • A verifiable link between the user and his digital identity has to be ensured . user male 27 This talk will discuss how we can promote dying with dignity and the ways nurses can introduce spirituality in all crisis situations including caring for the dying patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient and his family signed the consent form to be discharged home despite the high chance of myocardial infarction in the near future . patient female 1 The patient and her husband subsequently instigated medico-legal actions for medical negligence against the FP , gynecologist , and anesthesiologist . patient male 7 Peripheral blood samples were collected from the patient as well as from his parents and one brother . patient female 12 We investigated the loss of function variants that were uniquely present in patient 2780 but not her mother and daughter and that were rare ( < 0.005 ) in the general population ( 1000 genome and the gnomAD ) . patient female 11 There were eleven loss of function variants that were presented in patient 1002 but not in her moderately infected son and that were absent in the severe patients ( Supplementary Table S5 ) . patient male 17 Furthermore , the high mortality rate in these patients emphasizes the need for timely consultation of the patient and/or his family about the goal(s ) of medical treatment in order to prevent interventions during hospital stay that are not beneficial for the patient . patient female 6 The main clinical characteristics of our patient and her treatment practice are reported below . patient male 24 Should n't it be possible for a surgeon to inspire her patients to believe in her ability during virtual visits where she faces the patient , his caregivers , and the electronic health record simultaneously ? patient female 62 Cybercare employs IT for planning , implementing , training , and working in a homecare environment ( i.e. , telehealth [ 41 ] for elder citizens with chronic conditions [ 42 ] ) ; for patients to use health-related social media , websites , blogs , and phone apps for education ; and for wearable devices that provide health information to the user or her providers . user male 11 Of those , ST59 may originate in Taiwan ( although the patient and his family members had never been to Taiwan ) . patient female 15 This was followed by a Japanese child infection case in Saitama in 2008 ( this patient and her family members had never been abroad ) , indicating the spread of USA300 in Japan , although the two isolates in 2007 and 2008 are divergent [ 126 ] . patient male 4 The emotional damage the patient and his family are not measurable . patient male 10 Although there was no complaint of sexual dysfunction by the patient or his partner before the recent hospitalization , he seemed to develop this as a result of COVID-19 encounter . patient female 51 ( D ) Transcription levels of MX1 , IFIT1 , IFIT3 , and CXCL9 assessed by qRT-PCR of B-LCL cells treated with 1,000 U/ml of IFN-α2b , -β , or -γ for 2 h. Cells were from three healthy controls ( T1 , T2 , and T3 ) , an IRF9-deficient patient ( IRF9 −/− ) , her mother ( IRF9 + /− ) , and STAT1-deficient ( STAT1 −/− ) , STAT2-deficient ( STAT2 −/− ) , IRF7-deficient ( IRF7 −/− ) , and IFN GR2-deficient ( IFN GR2 −/− ) patients . patient female 13 Patients Whole blood , serum , and skin biopsies were obtained from the patient , her relatives , or paid healthy volunteers . patient female 28 ( G ) EMSA analysis of ISRE and GAS binding by IFN-stimulated B-LCLs from three healthy controls ( C1 , C2 , and C3 ) , the IRF9-deficient patient ( IRF9 −/− ) , her mother ( IRF9 + /− ) , a STAT1-deficient patient ( STAT1 −/− ) , a STAT2-deficient patient ( STAT2 −/− ) , and an IRF7-deficient patient ( IRF7 −/− ) . patient female 40 Bottom : STAT and phospho-STAT ( pSTAT ) levels were also assessed following stimulation with 1,000 U/ml of either IFN-α2b or -γ for 0.5 h on F-SV40 cells from two healthy controls ( C1 and C2 ) , the IRF9-deficient patient ( IRF9 −/− ) , her mother ( IRF9 + /− ) , a STAT1-deficient patient ( STAT1 −/− ) , a STAT2-deficient patient ( STAT2 −/− ) , an IFN GR2-deficient patient ( IFN GR2 −/− ) , and an IRF7-deficient patient ( IRF7 −/− ) . patient female 23 ( E ) WB analysis of IRF9 localization in F-SV40 cells from two healthy controls ( C1 and C2 ) , the IRF9-deficient patient ( IRF9 −/− ) , her mother ( IRF9 + /− ) , a STAT1-deficient patient ( STAT1 −/− ) , a STAT2-deficient patient ( STAT2 −/− ) , an IFN GR2-deficient patient ( IFN GR2 −/− ) , and an IRF7-deficient patient ( IRF7 −/− ) . patient female 1 The patient and her parents gave informed consent and she received a single dose of pembrolizumab at 3.3 mg/kg 343 days after SCT . patient female 10 Whole exome sequencing was performed with DNA samples from the patient and her unaffected parents using the Agilent SureSelect All Exon v6 system , with sequencing on an Illumina NextSeq 500 . patient male 28 The research aims to analyze patients to be able to continue activities which will contribute for improving their quality of life as a priority task placed before the patient , his family , health institutions and social environment . patient male 1 The patient and his donor-sister both harbored a germline mutation(c.584 - 589dup ) in CEBPA gene . patient male 9 At least one investigation reportedly involved consent from the patient and his spouse for a study including liver biopsies ( Shortt et al. 1948 ) . patient female 34 These attempts to expand the vision of human rights beyond the individual are analogous to the efforts of public health ethicists to develop a population perspective that transcends the clinical encounter between a single patient and her caregiver . patient female 10 We also performed wholeexome sequencing for screening variation in the patient and her relatives . patient male 3 The persistently infected patient and his clinical time course are described in detail in ( 14 ) . patient male 49 The assessment of compliance with oral antibiotic treatment will be carried out at each visit during the treatment period by 2 combined methods : through a " patient leaflet " which will permit to note take/omissions of treatment , filled by the clinician during hospitalization , and by the patient or his caregivers after returning home ; and through the return of the treatments ' patient female 4 Results In the first patient and her affected daughter , we identified a heterozygous p.(Arg89Cys ) missense mutation in LMNA gene which has not been linked with PAM pathology before . patient male 5 Finally , in the third patient and his symptomatic daughter , we found a previously reported heterozygous p.(Cys30071Arg ) mutation in TTN gene that was clinically associated with cardiac involvement . patient female 25 He also suffered from atrial fibrillation , diabetes mellitus , and arterial hypertension , which give a clinically different picture as compared to the affected patient and her daughter . patient male 18 Written informed consent for the off-label use of drugs and publication of this report was obtained from the patient and his family . patient female 9 Such decisions must be made in discussion with the patient or her family emphasising our current lack of firm evidence . patient female 1 Both patient and her mother reported improvement in posture after LCo injection ( Fig. 2 ) ; it became easier for the patient to maintain personal hygiene , dress herself , and walk . patient male 6 Whole exome sequencing results of the patient and his family ( including the mother , who died from breast cancer at age 42 ) , MMC sensitivity and in-silico prediction hint towards a possible new primary immunodeficiency due to a failure of proper homologous recombination in DNA repair . patient male 49 -the initial and ongoing clinical evaluation of the patient , -the examination , together with the patient and his relatives , of the patient 's baseline situation , his comorbidities and the degree of impact of these on the quality of life ( understood as that perceived by the patient and his family ) , -inform and communicate diagnoses , prognosis and treatment options and perform a preliminary assessment of which patients would not be ( or would not be ) candidates for advanced life support measures , based on the criteria recommended in the Triage Criteria section . patient female 1 The patient and her family were provided education on the importance of extensive hand hygiene and use of a face mask to reduce the likelihood of secondary transmission in the home and in public [ 15 ] , especially given the reproductive number ( R 0 ) of COVID-19 [ 16 ] . patient female 7 Written informed consent was obtained from the patient and her parents for publication of this case report and the accompanying images . patient female 11 Further investigations have identified a novel mutation in Factor D. The patient and her brother are homozygous for this mutation and both parents are heterozygote carriers . patient female 23 * Decisions related to separation of mother and baby , breastfeeding , and delayed cord clamping should be made in collaboration with the patient and her family and take into consideration available evidence and patient 's values . patient female 6 Our deepest thanks go to our patient and her family for allowing us to report this case . patient male 27 WES revealed a homozygous 1 base-pair deletion in ICOS causing a frameshift and premature truncation in exon 2 , which was confirmed by Sanger sequencing in the patient and his sister , who has hypogammaglobulinemia , chronic diarrhea , low memory B cells , and low CD4 + CXCR5 + CD45RO + T follicular helper ( Tfh ) cells . patient male 17 The process of obtaining a nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swab for testing was explained in detail to the patient and his co-worker ( who was unrelated to the patient ) in their vernacular . patient female 3 We thank the patient and her family , the health care workers involved and the laboratory staff . patient male 10 Chronic complaints of this condition are suffered both by the patient and his partner , painful erection , dyspareunia , reduced sexual image leading to rejection of sexual activity by the partner . patient female 40 Surprisingly , maternal uniparental isodisomy of chromosome 6 ( UPD6 ) was confirmed in this patient by single nucleotide polymorphism microarray analysis and by analyzing polymorphic variable number of tandem repeat regions ( VNTR ) from chromosome 6 of the patient and her parents . patient male 12 Mutation analysis revealed NEMO mutation ( 1167 insC ) in both the patient and his mother . patient male 7 Throughout the treatment process above , the patient and his family did not exhibit signs and symptoms related to COVID-19 infection . patient female 1 The patient and her condition ( i.e. ' 37-year-old female ' , and ' died ' ) was caused by bird flu which is written in the text as ' Avian influenza ' and ' H5N1 avian influenza ' . patient male 14 One one hand , imposing security protections ( e.g. asking strong authentication for the user and his app ) might result in privacy risks . user female 9 Genetic analysis of the RMRP gene showed in our patient and her brother with the same phenotype , a homozygous mutation ( g. 252 T > G ) that has not been reported before . patient female 1 The patient and her mother , who also tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 , quarantined at home . patient female 3 This left the patient and her relative startled and they could not believe their ears . patient male 17 RESULTS : Hospitalization of the patient in an isolation ward caused an enormous burden for the dying patient and his family . patient female 9 Consent was obtained for surgery after discussion with the patient and her son ( a physician and health care proxy ) . patient male 4 Genetic confirmation for the patient and his family is being planned . patient male 21 Material and methods : Whole-exome sequencing ( WES ) and a triobased de novo strategy were performed in a sporadic CAKUT patient and his healthy parents identifying the leukemia inhibitory factor receptor ( LIFR ) as a novel CAKUT candidate gene . patient female 3 Thus , our patient and her younger sister were diagnosed with hereditary C8 deficiency . patient male 12 In preparation for Hematopoietic Stell Cell Transplantation ( HSCT ) , the patient and his parents underwent HLA testing . patient male 36 In the last days of March , we reactivated this project in digital format ( Scruth et al. , 2017 ) , so we could send an ICU diary , without infectious risks , to the patient and his family upon discharge from the hospital . patient male 1 The patient and his donor-sister both harbored the N-terminal germline mutation ( 584 - 589dup disrupting the TAD2 domain of protein ) . patient female 8 Table S5 shows the analytical findings in the patient and her siblings during the course of HAV infection . patient male 10 In addition , the family members of the 141st confirmed patient and his travel companions , who were considered close contacts , all tested negative for MERS and were subsequently informed to terminate home quarantine . patient male 19 This non-invasive intervention allowed providers time to obtain and initiate high-flow nasal cannula and discuss end-of-life wishes with the patient and his family . patient male 3 Discussions with the patient and his family regarding advance directives revealed that his wishes were to be full code . patient male 37 This technique led to an improvement in the patient 's hypoxia and a 24-hour reversal in his acute respiratory failure , which allowed us time to obtain and initiate high-flow NC and discuss end-of-life wishes with the patient and his family . patient female 19 In addition , the SARS-CoV-2 RNAs have been detected in the stool specimens or anal swabs of both the patient and her mother , indicating a potential alternative route of fecal-oral transmission , even in patients without gastrointestinal symptoms . patient female 6 Noninvasive ventilation was provided to the patient and her conditions gradually improved . patient female 38 Methods : We assembled a multi-disciplinary team including CF center director and associate director , coordinator , dieticians , social worker , respiratory therapist ( RT ) , nurse practitioner , PortCF data coordinator , and a CF patient and her mother . patient female 22 We thus searched for very rare ( minor allele frequency [ MAF ] < 0.001 ) homozygous nonsynonymous variants present in the patient but not in her two siblings ( Table S1 ) . patient male 30 More famous is E.O. Wilson 's trope of the " Great Encyclopedia of Life " , which was inspired by the words -now ubiquitous in discussions about biodiversity -of his friend and colleague , the chemical ecologist Thomas Eisner ( 1982 ) . friend male 7 Non-inclusion criteria were refusal 79 of the patient or his legal representative , person taking treatments that reduce salivary 80 volume ( anticholinergic activity ) , impossibility of carrying out the NPS , and persons under 81 . patient male 15 An investigator explained the 83 objectives of the study and obtain the consent of the patient or his legal representative . patient female 10 One of our patients who had close contact with a patient with COVID-19 and her newborn was successfully managed . patient male 15 A rare occurrence has been the finding of Giardia lamblia causing diarrheal disease in a patient and his love birds . patient male 8 A detailed medical history was obtained from the patient and his mother . patient male 10 At the time of writing , in accordance with the patient and his family , the healthcare pathway includes dietary counseling , psychological support , and Olanzapine decalage in a view of discontinuing the antipsychotic in the mid-long term . patient male 17 Since the primary case was exposed to MERS-CoV during their stay in the Middle East , the patient and his wife are assumed to be in the exposed class of our system before the confirmation day ( May 20 , 2015 ) . patient male 23 In particular , about 10 days prior to A&E admission , before the full restriction of people movement all over Italy , the patient and his family had dinner at home with a host who was having a severe cough and other flu symptoms not better specified . patient male 1 The patient and his parents have agreed to this publication by written consent . patient female 15 Evidence for this comes from the significant similarities observed in phage communities between a CF patient and her healthy spouse [ 80 ] . patient female 6 It can serve not only the patient and her family to receive the explanation of what is going on in her , but also serve as an explanation of what happened to a deceased patient . patient female 48 Inclusion criteria were age 25 - 60 years , documented recurrent depressive syndrome corresponding to clinical criteria for major depressive disorder according to ICD-10 ; the absence of a positive effect after treatment with antidepressants for 6 months , patient 's compliance , written informed consent of a patient or her legal representatives to participate in the study . patient male 12 This setup enables a continuous flow of information and familiarity with each patient and his family among all the interdisciplinary staff . patient male 25 This physical proximity of multiple professionals under one roof in one hospital segment enables smoother and more accurate communication and delivery of care to the patient and his family . patient male 25 Secondarily , in case a complex manifestation exists , to address it with the power of an organizational network that should not only cover the patient but also his family and social network . patient female 1 The patient and her mother agreed to the publication of this report . patient male 16 The diagnosis of probable COVID-19 infection was made on clinical ground given the symptoms in the patient and his wife . patient male 15 We used an inactivated MERS-CoV particle-based ELISA to analyze serum samples from the imported MERS-CoV patient and his close contacts for the presence of IgG against MERS-CoV. All experiments involving live MERS-CoV were conducted according to the standard operating procedure of the biosafety level 3 facilities at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention . patient male 10 A fourth FaceTime call was arranged with myself , the patient , palliative care , and his family on a late afternoon . patient female 1 The patient and her attendant wore triple-layer mask on hospital entry and all doctors and nurses in the team used N95 masks . patient female 15 Method : With the approval of our institutional ethics committee , DNA samples from the patient and her parents were analyzed by WES . patient male 20 Results : A recurrent hemizygous missense mutation ( c.593 G > A ) in ZC4H2 gene was discovered in our patient and not in his parents . patient female 13 We would like to report two new cases of Cantu syndrome : 33year-old patient and her 3-month-old daughter . patient male 6 qPCR segregation analyses of the index patient and his parents demonstrated a de novo deletion . patient male 13 No pathogenic variants beside the 2p24 microdeletion were revealed by Trio-WES of the patient and his parents . patient male 10 Material and Method : Genomic DNAs were extracted from the patient and his father , followed by CYP27A1 gene sequencing . patient male 8 Spindle-and fusiform-shaped corneal crystals were detected in our patient and his sister . patient male 38 (Result)Of three hundred fifty two referrals , 166 ( 47 % ) were not evaluated because of no necessity in 44 ( 13 % ) , exceeding indication in 41 ( 12 % ) , refusal from the patient or his family in 40 ( 11 % ) , no living donors in 28 ( 8 % ) , and financial matter in 11 ( 3 % ) . patient female 6 After a thorough discussion with the patient and her husband , she elected for inpatient admission , latency antibiotic therapy beginning at 22 weeks and 5 days , and antenatal corticosteroids and fetal monitoring starting at 23 weeks of gestation . patient male 21 The sonographer will limit contact to a strict minimum , using his right hand for the probe in contact with the patient and his left hand only for the keyboard and the contact gel bottle . patient male 26 Epidemiologic monitoring based on individual and aggregated reports of infectious diseases provide data vital to planning interventions at the community level or for the individually exposed patient and his contacts , along with other information sources such as hospital discharge data and monitoring of sentinel centers . patient female 1 Our patient and her brother , her only household contact , were asymptomatic , had no known contact with COVID-19 cases or suspects , and had not travelled overseas for 3 months . patient male 11 Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMCs ) were isolated from the patient and his family and stimulated with IFNα or IFNγ ; phosphorylation of STAT1 and type I and type II IFN signatures were analyzed by flow cytometric and RT-PCR analyses . patient male 5 We describe an Italian male patient and his mother presenting with a severe distal myopathy caused by the first deletion c. 11_28del in the MYOT gene in a heterozygous state . patient male 1 The patient and his mother gave their consent to use the medical records for a scientific publication . patient female 14 Quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( qRT-PCR ) disclosed positive SARS-CoV-2 result for Patient 1 and her husband ( Patient 2 ) , but negative for her daughter on Jan 22 ( Appendix ) . Patient male 22 The day prior to discharge a nasopharyngeal swab for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 was repeated and resulted positive , so both the patient and his caregiver were put on home isolation and provide surgical face masks and gloves . patient female 25 A comprehensive case study on the Vietnamese woman published by the Lancet Infectious Diseases 2 mentioned that " individuals who had substantial contact with the patient and her two colleagues were quarantined and all accommodations and transit methods were decontaminated . " patient male 5 Four weeks ago , the patient and his parents had upper respiratory tract infection ( URTI ) like symptoms which were resolved completely within one week without seeking medical attention . patient female 5 To minimize exposures , the patient and her mother wore face masks and were immediately placed in a negative pressure isolation room upon arrival to the hospital . patient female 9 One week after foreign body removal , both the patient and her mother remain asymptomatic . patient female 22 Prior to scheduling an appointment in the otolaryngology clinic , and again at the time of arrival to the clinic , the patient and her mother were screened for COVID-19 symptoms ( cough , fever , malaise , myalgias , sore throat , nausea , diarrhea , anosmia ) , recent travel , and contact with anyone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19 ; screening was negative . patient female 48 Once the current crisis abates , one would hope that the healthcare community and the regulatory bodies thereof will follow New York 's lead thereby uniting around the simple truth , that reproductive healthcare is essential , and that decisions concerning its exercise are best left to the patient and her provider . patient male 9 The droplets are heavy and usually fall on the patient and in his environment . patient male 31 Further debridement was unfeasible at the initial hospital ; so the patient was transferred to our hospital 2 months after CA for limb reconstruction , which was strongly desired by the patient and his family . patient male 29 This decision will integrate not only the clinical severity , but also underlying pathologies and the " living wills " or end-of-life decisions ( if available ) of the patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient and his cardiac function recovered in the next few days without use of anti-inflammatory or antiviral drugs . patient female 12 Methods : In course of the MIDAS-Project , we sequenced the index patient and her healthy , non-consanguineous parents on a NextSeq500 platform ( Illumina , San Diego , CA , USA ) to perform a trio analysis . patient female 12 Results : The trio analysis of whole-exome sequencing data from the index patient and her parents revealed 58 variants . patient male 14 Methods : As part of the MIDAS Genotype-Phenotype-Correlation project , we sequenced the index patient and his healthy parents on a Next-Seq500 platform ( Illumina , San Diego , CA , USA ) and performed a trio analysis . patient male 8 Material and method : Isolated blood lymphocytes from patient and his parents were cultured in standard leucocyte medium supplemented with different concentrations of the NMD inhibitors ocadaic acid , anisomycin , and wortmannin for 24 h. Cells were harvested and RNA was isolated . patient male 9 After many detailed discussions of the above with the patient and his family it was eventually decided to continue with ICD implantation . patient female 30 This case presents an interesting scenario where a genetic cause for recurrent miscarriages was n't identified , but genetic counselling still played an important role in the care of the patient and her family . patient female 16 Independently of how such tools are put to work , sufficient amounts of data from the patient and her peers are needed to arrive at suitable reference classes , to train algorithmic applications , and to attune them to the envisioned task . patient male 20 In addition , a novel variant , IVS5 - 9T > C of WT1 , was identifi ed in one patient and his father whose urinalysis was normal , whereas it was not found in 50 controls . patient female 14 All procedures were carried out with the adequate understanding and written consent of the patient and her both parents , and according to the appropriate ethical committee ( n ° CPP 09/40-DC-2009 - 1002/DC-2014 - 2222 ) . patient male 20 A patient has a complex history which is more than the history of the disease process or processes which the patient or his family have previously suffered , about which histories in medicine are characteristically taken . patient male 7 Written informed consent was obtained from the patient and his guardians , in which all subjects consented to this study and the publication of the images . patient male 10 A fully informed discussion in a controlled setting with the patient and his family regarding the goals of care is important . patient male 3 While every cancer patient and his healthcare provider are concerned about the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in hospital settings , the risk of disease progression with treatment delay started to become more serious with the pandemic persisting ( 32 ) ( 33 ) ( 34 ) ( 35 ) , and the healthcare system distraction towards COVID-19 might have harmful consequences on cancer patients ( 36 ) . patient female 3 History from the patient and her husband revealed that last month a family in their locality was tested positive for Coronavirus and their area was made a red zone and sealed . patient male 4 Detailed history from the patient and his parents revealed that he was patient male 4 The interview with the patient and his family is a very important moment and must be programmed before HSCT . patient female 32 In severe cases , therapy should not be withheld sole-554 ly because of pregnancy , and should be discussed between obstetricians , intensive care and 555 infectious diseases as well as the patient and her partner . patient female 25 22 Pulsed field gel electrophoresis showed the patient 's vancomycin-resistant S aureus to be identical to the methicillin-resistant S aureus ( MRSA ) of the patient and her friend . patient male 16 Criteria of inclusion and exclusion : > of 18 years old , informed consent of the patient or his relatives , only one AC per patient , not receiving high doses of anticoagulants and/or thrombolytics nor Platelets < 1000000 mm3 . patient male 28 Mutations affecting dystrophin exon 16 are not commonly encountered and this exon would be considered to be of low priority as a therapeutic target , except to the patient and his family . patient male 14 The initial recommendation was for inpatient rehab , however after prolonged discussion with the patient and his family , it was felt that he would be safer to be discharged home with home services and family education . patient female 6 A multidisciplinary team can advise the patient and her family about the available treatment regimens , the potential risks for both the mother and the fetus , the prognosis , and the necessity of a long-term follow-up . patient male 22 However , despite supportive care , his condition continued to deteriorate ; even with maintaining blood pressure and cardiac output , the patient had ischemic renal injury requiring hemodialysis . patient female 8 7 In brief , the primary case ( patient 0 ) stated that her parents , who normally live in Wuhan , had arrived for a visit in Shanghai on Jan 16 . patient female 13 When asked about their biggest barrier to staying engaged in MMT , one patient participant shared that her -biggest thing is time … just having nothing to do.‖ Other participants described difficulty navigating recovery without a supportive social circle . patient male 1 Our patient had a history of good health and no evidence to suggest that his death was a result of exacerbation of underlying cardiac or pulmonary conditions . patient male 1 The patient also reported that his parents-in-law ( Cases 2 and 3 ) had a travel history to Wuhan , the epicenter of COVID-19 , one week prior to the clinical visit . patient female 18 Chemosensory involvement that started on April 16 , 2020 and ended on April 21 , 2020 , the patient stated that her sense of smell improved again . patient male 7 For example , contact trace data of Patient # 9f5 ( Seoul ) revealed his colleague is a member of D0L6 church , a church that was identified as the epicenter of the major outbreak in South Korea after the infection of Patient # f61 , a " super-spreader " from Daegu . Patient female 7 The moral hazard created by taking this patient out of self-isolation to solve her dental pain might imperil her health , which then requires the previously avoidable use of other finite resources -ventilators , more valuable PPE , beds , diagnostics and more staff putting their own health at risk . patient male 13 On the first day of my anesthesia rotation , the anesthetist sent the patient back out of the operating room to get his temperature checked ; it had been done , the nurse assured us , but not written in the chart . patient female 7 A nursing home is offered but the patient insists that her goal is to return home . patient female 5 On the second day the patient became febrile ( 39 ° C ) , jaundiced ( billirubin : 21.6 mg/dL ) and her liver function deteriorated rapidly , as shown by the laboratory examinations ( AST : 1988 U/L ALT : 953 U/L ) . patient female 1 The patient reports that her husband was symptomatic with a fever greater than 38 ° C and he was in disability for 52 days . patient male 1 The patient , concerned that his symptoms were not improving , returned a week later , appearing very ill , and was admitted for further work up . patient female 4 For example , a patient discussed her disappointment that her operating surgeon did not have a continued role in her care at the SNF , " From what I 've been told there 's a separate physician here . patient male 23 One ( 1 ) cc of a sample of each taste is 174 placed on the anterior third of the tongue of the patient who has his eyes closed , and 175 after 10 seconds of period , an identification of the sample may occur . patient female 10 Nine days after being seen in the clinic , the patient reported that her cough and dyspnea had improved . patient male 1 One patient ( number 6 ) was excluded as the primary team caring for this patient believed that his multiple congenital anomalies contributed to his decompensation and intubation during an imaging study rather than an infection ; however , six weeks later this patient ( number 14 ) was readmitted and the parents again consented to the study . patient male 1 A patient who is not interested in discussing this issue should have his wishes respected , but if he is interested in expressing his desires , a conversation should be conducted . patient male 1 The patient reported that his infection improved on oral antibiotics , and visual changes normalized . patient male 1 The patient remained hemodynamically stable and his oxygen requirements decreased during the course of follow-up . patient male 6 Via follow-up phone calls , the patient reported that his cough and myalgias slowly resolved , and he had no fever higher than 37·8 ° C after discharge . patient female 11 As one resident noted , B2 Resident : I saw a friend of mine posting that her kids are outgrowing clothes and none of the second hand stores are open … ... But I hear a lot of people saying that , things that they rather get in another way , they 're having to do online shopping for , because there is just no other option , right ? friend female 1 The patient reported that her mother had tested positive for the recently emerged novel coronavirus ( COVID-19 ) . patient male 3 Moreover , the patient reported that his 8-year-old daughter developed flu-like symptoms with a high-grade fever ( 40.7 C/105 F ) $ 1 week after his first symptoms . patient female 5 Follow-up was established with the patient who mentioned that her symptoms improved . patient male 4 In fact , the patient believed that his symptoms were improving , but had been ordered to the ED by his chain of command out of concern for COVID-19 infection . patient female 1 The patient reported that her menstrual cycle had always been regular . patient male 5 Later that day , the patient reported that his 70-year-old partner , one week before ( on patient 's POD 2 ) , presented cough and mild hyperpyrexia ( T : 37.8 • C ) , was admitted to another hospital and underwent oropharyngeal swab , which later ( on POD 7 ) resulted positive for SARS-CoV-2 . patient male 2 One additional patient had his CVC removed only upon identification of S. maltophilia in blood cultures ; he fully recovered . patient male 2 The eighth patient had his CVC preserved and was successfully treated with intravenous ( IV ) antibiotics . patient male 3 • If a user finds that his score of the exposure risk is high , then he should contact the health authority and ask for advice . user female 21 If marriage has a protective role , do we , as professionals , need to do more to help the female patient keep her marriage intact ? patient male 3 Currently , the patient has normal psychomotor development and his family complies with therapeutic patient male 4 During this admission , patient was reporting that for the past few days his facial edema and dysphagia have worsened . patient male 4 199 If the hypothetical patient above thinks his risk of contracting a disease is one-tenth of a per cent rather than 1 per cent , then he will be willing to pay only $ 100 for the vaccine rather than $ 1000 . patient male 6 During the next week , the patient made steady progress , his liver enzyme levels and infection-related markers decreased ( Table 1 ) . patient female 5 On further interview , the patient reported that her sister , with whom she had close contact , had several weeks of intermittent dry cough . patient female 1 The patient describes that her symptoms began 7 days ago with nonproductive cough and fever , later progressing to dyspnea that exacerbated with minimal effort , for what she originally sought medical attention at an ER . patient female 1 The patient recognized the tree pictured in a figure in the manuscript and stated that it was the same tree that her team had entered . patient male 1 The patient showed initial improvement followed by deterioration as his requirements for oxygen increased . patient male 0 Patient could not understand why his daughters stopped visiting him , which they had been doing daily before the pandemic . Patient male 1 The patient did not show any signs of improvement but his oxygen requirement increased for maintaining appropriate oxygen saturation . patient female 3 However , the patient stated her vision was better in the left eye than in the right eye prior to trauma . patient female 1 The patient whose adherence was static had baseline adherence of 0 % and was unable to find her I-neb having just moved house . patient male 17 Three days later , or on the 7 th day after the first ER visit , the patient reported that both his cough and diarrhea had improved . patient female 1 The patient understand that her name and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal her identity , but anonymity can not be guaranteed . patient male 1 The patient complained no more symptoms and his throat swabs remained negative for SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR two weeks after discharge . patient male 1 The patient reported that his partner ( in her fifties ) who works for company X and undertook the same business travel , had cough and fever from February 25th to February 29th that resolved thereafter . patient male 5 In this interview , the patient stated that his cough started in mid-December 2019 , prior to travel to China , not 2 days before diagnosis as previously reported . patient male 1 The patient , despite the antifungal and antibacterial treatment , presented deterioration of his clinical condition and on 19 June died from respiratory failure and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome . patient female 4 On follow-up , the patient noted that her post-operative pain was significantly less than what she had experienced after her previous myomectomy . patient female 26 Furthermore , her electrolytes were optimized , specifically with Mg of > 2.0 mEq/L and K of > 4.0 mEq/L. By hospital day nine , the patient stated that her symptoms had improved . patient female 1 This patient reported that her cough and fever had abated and her clinical condition improved . patient male 1 Our patient showed bone marrow depression without the presence of any other justifiable cause and his bicytopenia improved upon allopurinol discontinuation . patient male 1 The patient acknowledged that his death might then occur . patient female 1 The patient stated that the skin of her feet acquired a bluish discoloration after standing for some time . patient female 3 Finally , the patient referred that , in the last 3 years , her blood tests had repeatedly shown low levels of magnesium ( as low as 0.7 mg/dl , with normal range of 1.8 - 2.4 ) and , occasionally , low levels of potassium . patient male 20 There was a registered a fall in SpO 2 to 80 % on high-flow oxygenation via nasal cannula ; the patient became agitated , his respiratory rate increased to 42 - 44 per minute , blood pressure reached 175/94 mmHg , and heart rate increased to 135 per minute . patient male 1 The patient felt that his overall condition improved and was discharged from the hospital on February 14 . patient female 21 Specially , patient 6 with twin pregnancy had preeclampsia with high blood pressure of 180/100mmHg and later developed into eclampsia ; patient 7 presented with mild symptoms at first and her condition deteriorated rapidly within 6 hours after admission , with severe complications including septic shock , 3 septic cardiomyopathy , ARDS , MODS , requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation . patient male 23 Four children underwent a double BMT while 6 patients did n't underwent BMT : 3 due to a severe neurological impairment ; 1 patient did n't find a compatible donor and his parents refused a MUD-BMT . patient male 6 On a one-month follow-up , the patient has been doing well and his liver enzymes are back to normal . patient female 5 On further query , the patient reported that her mother had had Graves disease and her twin sister also had had Graves disease and had died of cardiac arrest at the age of 24 in the setting of thyrotoxicosis . patient male 1 The patient reported that his hemoptysis improved significantly following serial sessions of dialysis , yet chest imaging remained unchanged . patient male 15 During the final treatment step ( high gloss polishing of the restoration ) , the patient became restless and his overall compliance diminished . patient male 2 When a user reports that his infected status , a smart contract group embedded in our system will update the virus infection status of the locations and transportation that the user visited and took based on his visiting records . user male 1 The patient had told his wife that his biggest fear was dying without her present , and she felt helpless in preventing this . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was treated by his FP 2 months before with triple sulfonamide antibiotics ( trisulphamine ) for 7 days without any side effects . patient female 1 The patient had to be moved to intensive care unit ( ICU ) as her vital signs deteriorated , particularly her respiratory rate which was high at 26 per minute . patient female 3 Furthermore , the patient reported that her severe difficulties falling or staying asleep and moderate difficulty swallowing , which were present at enrollment , had disappeared entirely at the 3-month follow-up interview ( Appendix 1 ) . patient female 1 The patient regularly followed her CML follow up every three months with proper drug therapy compliance and stable deep response . patient female 1 Another patient found that despite the effort her paid caregiver made to avoid infection as she took public transportation to work daily , she developed COVID-19 . patient female 15 Suicidal ideation then followed , triggered by two significant stressors from her past : The patient witnessed her father die in her presence at the hospital due to myocardial infarction complications . patient male 2 Furthermore , patient lives with a roommate who works at an airport and reported that his roommate started developing cough and fever three days after the patient started manifesting his aforementioned symptoms . patient female 1 The patient understands that her name and initials will not be published and due efforts will be made to conceal her identity , but anonymity can not be guaranteed . patient female 4 Of note , the patient did endorse that her husband , whom she lives with at home , was complaining of shortness of breath and a non-productive cough several days prior to her arrival . patient female 6 Forty-eight hours after admission , the patient remained afebrile and her vital signs were stable within a normal range . patient male 1 The patient reported that his initial symptom was a repeated command auditory hallucination of an unrecognizable singular voice that started one day prior to him ingesting bleach . patient male 7 As his clinical condition improved , the patient reported that his initial symptom was an auditory hallucination telling him to jump from a bridge or ingest bleach . patient male 22 One of the MSC-treated patients had a fatal cardiopulmonary arrest 20 hours after MSC injection , but the authors explained that this patient had a preexisting history of coronary artery disease and concluded that his death was not a consequence of MSC infusion [ 31 ] . patient male 1 One patient stated that his general recovery after EA þ Sed was " slower " than their previous four GAs which was inconsistent with his later statement that overall experience was " better " than previous GA . patient female 1 The patient was isolated while undergoing very difficult counseling about her high-risk pregnancy and coping with the news that her fetus had a minimal chance of survival . patient female 19 Most reported that they did not experience any problem after the discovery , however , one Uganda adult covert user said her husband threw her unused units in the latrine after finding them . user female 1 The patient told us that her condition did not relapse or worsen after she was discharged from the hospital , nor did she have any other uncomfortable symptoms . patient male 5 On April 14 , the patient had only one brief episode of impaired consciousness and his long-term EEG monitoring was normal . patient male 1 The patient had no recent travel history to Hubei Province or Wuhan but his wife had recently travelled to Wuhan and returned to Foshan City ( Guangdong Province ) on 6 January 2020 . patient female 16 The GP evaluated the patient 's skin rash during this first remote consultation via pictures the patient took herself ( Figs. 2 and 3 ) . patient male 2 The male patient , who identified himself as Dr Craig Spencer , subsequently wrote a critical position paper on the attitude of the media and of key political figures towards EVD [ 80 ] . patient male 6 It would be advisable for the patient to present himself alone , without companions ( only minors , the elderly and patients with psycho-physical conditions can be accompanied ) . patient female 8 Empathy , encouragement , and accompaniment helped the patient express herself regarding the illness and gradually become more positive about living with her situation . patient male 16 The key concepts that define VR are immersion ( i.e. , the extent to which the user perceives himself in the virtual environment rather than the real world ) , sense of presence ( i.e. , the subjective experience of the user as being in the virtual world ) , and the possibility to interact with the computer-generated environment ( 20 , 47 , 48 ) . user female 2 Methods Our patient , with a medical history of a laparoscopic repair of a symptomatic diaphragmatic hernia 6 months prior , presented herself at the emergency department with pain in the upper abdomen and nausea . patient male 3 Thus , the patient started to isolate himself at home and took SHL ( 20 mL once , three times a day ) , moxifloxacin , and arbidol on January 28 . patient female 1 The patient self-extubated herself but was successfully reintubated the same day . patient male 11 Ten days after quinine treatment of severe falciparum malaria , the patient presented himself with macroscopic hemoglobinuria , jaundice , haemolytic anemia and acute renal failure . patient male 20 Using a simple " bag-of-words " text representations technique based on a vector space , our algorithm classifies messages wherein user mentions having contracted the flu himself or has observed the flu among his friends , family , relatives , etc . user male 2 If a patient is not able to give written informed consent himself , and a legal representative exists , the consent of the representative will be obtained in advance . patient male 4 In April 2008 the patient presented himself in the consult with multiple livid papules with a diameter of 3 mm in the area of the Auricle . patient male 20 As others rush to take limited employment opportunities , there is indeed truly little incentive for a mostly well COVID-19 patient who finds himself in isolation to cooperate with this lengthy process . patient male 13 One way in which the nurse can " enter the world of the patient " to " immerse himself in the patient 's situation " is through the use of narratives . patient male 37 • During hospital admissions , CSII is not recommended in critically ill patients if the hospital/ICU staff is not familiar with the device • In non-critically ill patients , continued use of CSII is recommended if the patient can manage the use of the device himself or has trained assistance for the same . patient female 2 A 27-year-old patient with serotonin syndrome under Venlafaxine therapy A 27-year-old female , who was accompanied by her boyfriend , introduced herself to the emergency unit on the 10th of May 2018 . patient male 1 The patient diagnosed himself with dermatitis when in contact with Povidone-iodine and despite the fact that the cutaneous provocation was negative , it is known that when there is surgery involved , there needs to be moistness and occlusion for it to show up clinically . patient male 3 Forth , the patient should strictly forbid himself from drinking alcohol . patient female 44 For four patients , the results had gone missing from the file ; for two patients the test was not completed because the IDI hospital laboratory was closed over Christmas and New Year and one patient 's lab test was not completed because the patient had discharged herself against medical advice . patient male 9 Upon the advice of his general practitioner , the patient presented himself to our emergency outpatient clinic on the following day with clinical suspicion of COVID-19 pneumonia . patient male 27 At the time of discharge from our hospital , he was able to breath spontaneously for short periods of time depending After 4 additional weeks , the patient was discharged to a rehabilitation center , breathing spontaneously and being able to mobilize himself in his wheelchair . patient female 5 Four days later , the patient extubated herself with no further complications . patient female 18 However , in this case the rationale for plasma administration was to substitute the specific antibodies that the patient was unable to produce herself . patient female 34 When health-care providers work with diverse service seekers , skill development occurs through " bottom-up " information and evidence gathering that places primary emphasis on contextual insights derived from proximate and current sources -the patient himself/ herself and family , friends , and/or community members [ 185 , 48 ] . patient male 11 Any part of the body surface can be involved and the patient may infect himself at multiple sites by selfinoculation of the organism through scratching . patient female 6 30 Th e approach entails the patient either turning herself or being turned prone so that she is lying on her stomach . patient male 4 That would allow the user to shield himself from location-based ( commercial ) communication , while still being able to receive other useful information . user male 41 Looking at the home-location identification failures of users in the category " All users " from Table 1 ( no threshold applied ) , we found out that 37 of the misidentifications ( 26 % ) could be related to the user identifying himself as a resident of a multicounty metropolitan area or with Twitter inaccurately placing a geotag ( place ) in a county that does not belong . user male 12 In the case of Fulton and Gwinnet ( GA ) , the user identified himself as an Atlanta ( GA ) resident ; however , most of its tweeting activity falls within Gwinnett County , part of the metropolitan area of Atlanta . user male 1 The patient was able to feed himself , to walk with assistance and to speak simple words . patient female 11 Psychiatric and Neurological evaluation confirmed the diagnosis of spasmophilia and the patient was discharged 2 days later in quite good clinical conditions with the suggestion to submit herself to psychotherapy . patient male 13 Although he had developed mild symptoms on January 31 , 2020 , the patient continued with his daily activities and quarantined himself at home from February 4 , 2020 . patient male 11 All patients had presented with one or more related symptoms except patient no.6 who had been brought to the emergency unit with asphyxia after having hanged himself . patient male 6 The phase is limited to the user locating himself using the robot 's camera . user female 15 [ 53 ] One of the main differences is that in most psychiatric services the patient presents himself or herself to the psychiatrist for management of a perceived psychiatric problem whereas in CLP the psychiatrist approaches the patient . patient female 9 Body image may be distorted , so the emaciated patient considers herself normal or even fat . patient female 22 For the reasons explained above , we have interpreted the symptoms described as the result of a totally inadequate diet that the patient decided to start years before , facing herself with a poor cultural and familiar background , thus leading to a secondary neurological involvement . patient male 1 The patient who has hidden himself in retreat often dreads emerging from it because it exposes him to anxieties and suffering which is precisely what had led him to deploy this defense in the first place . patient female 15 Resolution of dysphagia , when present , is an important positive prognostic sign because the patient can now drink effectively and hydrate herself . patient male 0 Patient A regained the ability to feed himself , get out of a chair , walk unaided , and go up steps ; quantitated hip flexors increased 2-and 20-fold . Patient male 0 Patient B regained the ability to feed himself , take care of personal toilet needs , walk securely , and drive 500 miles ; quantitated hip flexors increased 5-fold , and biceps flexions increased from 0 with no weight to > 130 reps while holding 10-pound weights . Patient male 2 When a user reports himself as infected status , our system will broadcast his infection status and alert other users to check if they have close contact with this infected user . user female 4 A 46-year-old obese female patient presented herself with pain in the left side of her abdomen and back . patient male 1 The patient discharged himself from the hospital after 35 days of admission and was satisfied with the treatment method and effect . patient female 5 At 9 weeks , the patient began to wean herself out of the removable cast boot into normal shoe gear . patient female 41 But the productive nature of the process is not a simple extension of what Michel Foucault called " disciplinary power " nor of the self-governance characteristic of " governmentality . " Rather than simply adjusting herself to algorithmic demands , the user internalizes the injunction to produce herself through the machine-learning-driven process itself . user male 7 In this process , a suspected COVID-19 patient will less expose himself to other people . patient female 15 Under the depicted scenario , not only the disease control authority but also each individual user can check herself whether or not there has been close contact with an infected person . user female 7 Yet , throughout her life , the patient chose to move from home to home , positioning herself as a cleaner , babysitter , or some form of financial help at a home , where someone was dependent and utilized her help . patient female 49 When the patient 's family members expressed that they were no longer in need of her help , the patient rendered herself homeless and presented herself to psychiatry emergency department with suicidal ideation , no reason to live , and no place to live , despite the fact the patient was financially able to support herself . patient female 3 Because a case patient can not have infected himself or herself , there can not be any edges from a node to itself . patient male 10 Based on that , it will be decided whether the patient should be sent to the isolation hospital or isolate himself at home . patient male 44 The approach to education in medicine followed by a Canadian institution , McMaster Medical School , on its founding in 1966 , was to teach medicine in context , always bringing in the patient and the larger social and family context in which a patient finds herself or himself . patient male 24 [ … ] So the person tends to vomit , but in these bouts of vomiting , it is not just vomiting : the patient frees himself from physical ills , but also-for those that are able to understand this-from a lot of bad spirits , and is also cleaning his energetic field . patient female 4 In particular , the patient explained she delayed presenting to the emergency department due to the COVID-19 outbreak as she was scared of contracting the virus by coming to the hospital . patient male 25 Some of the guests as well as the patient 's wife and children experienced At a follow-up visit twelve weeks after initial consultation , the patient stated he had applied topical treatment as prescribed . patient female 11 The day after arrival ( Jan 20 , 2020 ) , patient 0 felt chest and back aches-which she reported to be unusual-and took a single dose of medicine containing paracetamol . patient female 1 A user of Replika voices this experience noting that talking to it " was like I was speaking words and she was just hearing 1s and 0s " ( Gentile , 2020 , para . user female 11 where P t ( I|symptoms ) is the probability of a patient being positive for SARS-CoV-2 given that she is symptomatic , P t ( symptoms ) is the probability of having COVID-19-like symptoms , N is the total population , and f t is the fraction of people with symptoms that are selected to be tested ( this number can be different each day , for example , if the number of tests available changes ) . patient male 1 The patient suspected that he might have infections with some bacteria , so he took oral amoxicillin and Chinese traditional medicines for 2 days on his own . patient female 16 [ 28 ] However , after publication , the supplementary material was modified because the original patient recalled that she was experiencing symptoms during her meetings with colleagues . patient male 2 The index patient stated that he had not contacted symptomatic persons , camels , or bats in the course of his business trip to Riyadh , on May 1 . patient male 1 My friend , who grew up in Africa , explained that in his mental models , he does not assume that the government will provide protection or security . friend male 1 The patient explained he developed a stagnant productive cough , which began 5 days prior to his attendance to hospital on 23 March 2020 . patient male 2 19 The patient stated he had not experienced any trauma , seizures , temperature extremes , prolonged operations , burns , or crush injuries . patient male 10 He was never diagnosed with a stroke before , but patient stated that he had symptoms of dizziness , complicated by fall 6 months prior for which he did not seek medical attention . patient male 1 The patient reported that immediately post-stroke , he developed a tremor of variable frequency and variable amplitude in the right arm , not present at rest , but worse with movement . patient female 4 Once awake , the patient disclosed that she had often tasted the hand sanitiser over the last few months and had done so the previous night . patient female 11 After talking to the doctor , that 's when [ the patient ] feels that she will be well … Before , she 's scared . patient male 3 The classification of Patient 23 on an individual basis ( PRES-type leukoencephalopathy ) may be somewhat confusing , however , he did not meet clinical-radiological criteria for inclusion in the ischaemic or haemorrhagic groups . Patient male 12 It was suggested that he should receive pemetrexed alone , but the patient believed he was intolerant to chemotherapy and refused treatment . patient female 1 The patient did not know she was pregnant on admission but an initial beta-HCG was 12,700 . patient female 5 After emotion catharsis , the patient claimed that she felt much better because her psychological burden was laid down and shared by the therapist . patient female 1 The patient noted that she felt " down " especially in the morning , and sometimes found herself bursting into tears . patient female 1 The patient insisted that she " harmed people around her " by being contagious , most particularly the fetus . patient female 1 The patient experienced a sense of power , love , and hopefulness upon reviewing all this support and said that she " must get well soon , because so The present report demonstrated the use of DBTbased psychological intervention for a patient with COVID-19 during late pregnancy and early postpartum . patient male 1 The patient declared that he had normal teeth development and no ophthalmological symptoms . patient female 24 Due to the latency in the call , she can not know that the patient has already begun talking again ; similarly , the patient can not realize that the nurse has begun to offer a solution to his presented problem . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had never been out of Wuhan recently and denied a history of exposure to the Huanan Seafood Market . patient female 1 The patient had improvement in her mental status and reported she was feeling better . patient female 44 The clinician then has the opportunity to rectify the problem [ 72 ] , but audio distortion , caused at least in part by the microphone at the patient ’s end , means that the doctor appears to have trouble making out what the patient is saying and to assume that she heard correctly , recommending that the patient ask her GP for a change in unit strength ( lines 24 - 26 ) . patient female 1 The patient claimed that she was unable to detect the fish bone in her mouth due to incomplete chewing as a result of a concomitant but unrelated traumatic ulcer on the inner surface of her lower lip . patient female 8 Almost no communication took place , and the patient recalled that she kept a distance of more than 1 m between her and the doctor . patient male 1 The patient indicated he was able to eat and drink normally . patient male 1 The patient denied he had any respiratory symptoms and had been stable under room air . patient male 6 After a brief exchange , the sociologist can not bear to look directly at Elijah and explains that since his wife died , he is unaccustomed to seeing , only viewing . sociologist male 1 The patient asks whether he can receive more pembrolizumab . patient female 1 The patient stated that by end of March she and her family members had suffered from mild respiratory symptoms without fever , moderate fatigue with aching limbs and head , dry eyes and nasal mucosa as well as anosmia/ageusia . patient male 0 Patient had periods in which he " was n't there , " during which he did not answer any questions or initiate any conversation . Patient male 5 On further interrogation , the patient reported he smokes marijuana through the use of an e-cigarette 3 times a week for the last 2 years . patient male 1 The patient feared that he contracted COVID-19 , but the PCR and lung CT investigations were normal . patient male 1 The patient reported that his vision had improved and he had no ocular complaints . patient female 4 On admission , the patient had a GCS of 11 , right hemiplegia , her gaze was deviated to the left and she had marked expressive and receptive dysphasia , and dysphagia . patient male 1 The patient smiled when talking and even said that he was in a good mood and was full of hope for his future life . patient male 1 The patient stayed in room A for 3 days , during which he had the SARS-CoV-2 infection . patient male 13 Some patients with COVID-19 increased their use of PAP while infected and one patient indicated he used it 24 hours a day as he believed it helped his breathing Because of concern regarding COVID-19 cross infection , patients typically have not been studied for OSA either in the laboratory or by HST during the COVID-19 outbreak . patient male 5 On February 15 , the patient reported he still had chest distress . patient male 15 To date , 18 months following umbilical cord blood transplantation ( UCBT ) , the patient is feeling well , he currently undergoes an intensive neurorehabilitation programme and is in stable remission without immunosuppression or evidence of gvhd . patient male 11 Particularly airborne infections transmitted before symptoms occur will travel before the patient realizes that he is a risk to community , and this will continue to create challenges to public health . patient male 1 The patient said that he was the emperor who could end the current epidemic situation , and his great achievements would be recorded in history . patient male 3 A colleague and friend of Jarvis , TL Vaughan , told Alexander that he had aptly described the naked mole rat , rodents that Vaughan had seen in the office of Jarvis . friend male 5 On your questioning , the patient reports that he has a history of alcoholism , but denies any recent alcohol intake in the past several years . patient female 7 What does that mean ? A good friend , who has a rare condition which affects her immune system , told me how upset she felt at the nightly reports of numbers of deaths of patients with ' underlying conditions ' as if somehow such deaths are of lesser importance . friend male 1 The patient reported that he did not frequently do physical activity ( sedentary ) . patient female 6 Over the next days , the patient also suffered from pronounced delirium and anxiety and said repeatedly that she had been abducted and that she believed she had to die . patient female 1 The patient relates she has lived in the same home for the past 12 years . patient male 1 The patient stated that he was taking the drugs regularly . patient female 1 The patient gradually improved in that she was able to verbalise and obey motor commands . patient male 2 The index patient reported that he had experienced no symptoms when attending the meeting . patient male 4 After the challenge the patient recalled that in the first reaction he had taken paracetamol plus amoxicilin . patient female 11 Notably , during the last neurological and psychiatric examination , the patient recalled how she had previously experienced similar sensations while rock climbing . patient male 3 Also , the patient stated that he only received tetanus vaccine . patient male 1 The patient contacted us over telephone after 14 days and reported that he had no new symptoms . patient female 1 The patient later stated that since the phone conversation , she had been excessively worrying about the diagnosis and prognosis . patient female 4 During the anamnesis the patient indicates that she have been taking the following medications : patient male 2 10 One patient in our series died , he was an 11-yearold boy with relapsing leukeumia and several severe allogenic bone marrow transplantassociated complications . patient male 14 40 , 41 Step 5 also is a key time to consider whether the patient is able to transfer what he has learned . patient female 5 With these findings , the patient revealed that although she had taken nutritional supplements following her operation , she stopped them following the death of her son . patient male 1 One patient reported that he had to coordinate his own care , while another felt that she needed to act as the " supervisor " to SNF staff in order to receive care that she felt was adequate : patient female 24 Surely , if the surgeon who specializes in bunion surgery refers a patient with a traumatic foot injury to another orthopedic surgeon , the patient can not legitimately claim that she has broken a promise she made upon entering the subspecialty of orthopedic surgery . patient male 1 The patient stated that , after improving the COVID-19 symptoms , he presented an episode of low-grade fever and chest pain that changed with posture variation . patient male 11 Although repeated throat swab test after admission was negative , the patient complained that he still had respiratory distress . patient female 1 The patient thought she had the flu and continued to work . patient female 1 The patient reported that she felt an alleviation of respiratory distress after the treatment and the second cycle of convalescent plasma was given on March 9 th . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had no fever or cough . patient female 3 Interestingly , one patient reported that , while it did n't change her level of fear or anxiety , she hoped " it would change the way health care providers would interact with ( me ) . " patient female 2 The flight attendant declared , " She has no right to demand that I be quarantined as I 'm not sick . attendant male 44 More specifically , we invited the caregiver to rate the following three items : " The patient sees objects or animals even though there is nothing there " , " The patient is troubled by hearing voices in his head " , " The patient declares that he hears a voice speaking aloud " . patient female 6 Case summary • A 57-year-old female patient complained of ' fever with pharyngeal discomfort and dizziness for 1 day . ' She had a history of close contact with COVID-19 patient . patient female 22 When prescribing medications for a heterogeneous group of patients , a one-size-fits-all However , at an appointment with a nutritionist , the patient revealed that she lost several children to starvation during the Pol Pot era . patient female 9 During the medical history interview on admission , the patient reported that she first noted discomfort in her right side of neck on April 22 , 2017 , which was prior to the initial appearance of symptoms . patient female 1 The patient interview revealed that she was a bakery worker and had no other known disorders to date . patient male 0 Patient had history of IM injection , following which he developed blackish discoloration of skin around the right gluteal area for which incision and debridement was done outside . Patient male 9 If any instance of Test outputs true , the user infers that he has been in close proximity to the infected individual . user female 4 For example , a patient of one the writers stated in a wellness phone check that she was coping well , and in fact , better than she expected . patient male 10 It no longer punishes members for accepting transfusions if the patient does not tell them he has accepted a prohibited blood product . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had no complaints in the outpatient control on the 14th day . patient female 32 One young male patient described his condition in the following way : " I feel lonely and ca n't work , and just lie in bed , " whereas a young female patient stated that she was " in panic because of her parents and son . " All these reactions of passivity and mortification could be a result of a traumatic experience during the siege of Sarajevo . patient female 5 Consequently , one young female patient from Sarajevo said that she " panicked after the earthquake in Zagreb and felt helpless , which made her angry because of a reduced possibility of control . patient female 3 Another young female patient from Sarajevo stated that " the COVID epidemic put us all in the same situation " and that she " overcame her insecurities by cooking and nurturing flowers , which significantly relaxed her . " A young female patient from Belgrade described the lockdown experience " as her private space and time , freedom and security , and stability and change , in spite of the reality of going to work almost every day in a situation of danger . patient female 1 The patient reported that many years before she had presented urticaria on her arms and legs one hour after taking the drug . patient male 1 The patient had a fever of 37.9 ° C at the time of the visit , and complained that he felt hot . patient male 4 In addition , the patient reported that he was able to walk without dyspnea and had no symptoms at rest . patient male 1 The patient still does not know where he may have acquired the virus , as he had not been in close contact with the director or co-worker during the school organization week ( Figure 1 ) . patient female 11 In contrast , the COVID-19 clinical and laboratory picture of our patient does not suggest she had encephalitis . patient male 18 Since reads that do not map to the user provided query are exempted from the analysis , the user will only detect what he is explicitly looking for as defined by the query dataset . user female 1 The patient stated that she was scared to come to the emergency department , as she did n't want to catch coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ) from the hospital . patient male 4 Past medical history of patient showed that he was a known case of seizure disorder and neurodevelopmental delay , and had been under treatment with phenobarbital . patient female 4 In fact , this patient was so comfortable with sharing her feelings with Chai that she expressed that she felt for the nurses and doctors who took care of her . patient male 1 The patient during his interview said that he felt distant from the world , without atmospheric cues deriving from environmental triggers : " In losing smell and taste , it is very difficult to be in contact with the world because stimuli are much reduced in their intensity . patient male 1 The patient reported that he first noticed abdominal pain 3 weeks prior to admittance to the hospital ; however , his fear kept him from coming in . patient male 1 The patient disclosed that he had been in close contact with a person from Wuhan in Yili on 10 January and had a travel history with flights to Shanghai on 16 January 2020 , from Shanghai to Ningbo on 17 January 2020 , and from Ningbo to Shenzhen on January 19 , 2020 , without traveling or living history to Wuhan . patient male 29 If the formula f i also changes with the consumption interval , the database can also store the minimum and maximum values of the consumption interval to allow the user to prove that he uses the right formula . user female 1 The patient clarified that she continuously wore medical N95 respirator while working in the Emergency Department , but occasionally worked with a dislocated eye goggles touching her eyelids . patient male 1 male patient had received a renal transplant 10 years ago for which he used azathioprine and prednison . patient male 4 In fact , the patient stated that he went through entry and exit thermal image scanners multiple times with mild symptoms , including low-grade fever , without ever being detected . patient male 1 The patient , Mark , described how shocked he was when he received the news of his cancer diagnosis . patient female 5 On further investigation , the patient noted that she recently visited her sister in New York and that her sister also had chills , fever , and " pneumonia . patient female 7 While in the emergency department , the patient stated that she was dizzy . patient male 14 During the transfer , he developed electromechanical dissociation and despite adequate resuscitation , the patient remained 30 min without a detectable pulse . patient female 5 For example , one older patient thought she would die from COVID-19 and was not actively involved in the medical treatment . patient male 1 The patient noted that he had exhausted his levothyroxine supply a month previously and had not called for a refill . patient male 1 The patient stated that he woke up with midsternal chest pain , 3 hours prior to arrival . patient male 1 The patient stated that he was discharged from the hospital less than 1 month ago and that he was feeling well after discharge until waking up this day with chest pain . patient male 1 The patient had leucocytosis due to the increase of both neutrophils and lymphocytes and from day three until day 14 he had a pronounced lymphocytosis including activated lymphocytes microscopically resembling Downey-McKinley cells observed in patients with primary EBV-and CMVinfection . patient female 80 HR was in the 100s beats/min , BP of 110s/70s mm Hg , and RR of 20s breaths/min , with ABG showing a pH of 7.42 , pCO 2 of 28.7 mm Hg , pO 2 of 101 mm Hg , HCO 3 of 18.8 mEq/L , and BE of À6 mmol/L. Given the unknown course of COVID-19 in pregnancy , as a precaution , and in an effort to deliver the patient before she became critically ill , the patient underwent a primary cesarean delivery on April 1 , 2020 , and recovered with continuous telemetry monitoring . patient female 1 The patient stated that she was scared to come to the ED , as she does n't want to catch COVID-19 from the hospital . patient male 1 The patient was placed on airborne isolation after a review of medical records indicated that he had recently tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection . patient male 4 Clinical history of the patient revealed that he was a case of hypertension over a period of 10 years . patient female 41 Even though the narrative framework is thin , that is , the story is simply a medical consultation , video 2 ( dramatic ) tells a story in which there is a progression : an encounter between a doctor and his patient who does not know what she is suffering from and who is surprised by the doctor 's revelations about dengue fever . patient female 4 Physicians should educate the patient with nonmedical vaginismus symptoms by explaining the spasm of paravaginal muscles and stressing that she can learn to relax them . patient male 1 The patient also reported that he no longer believed that his family and neighbours were infected , and this resulted in reductions of his anxiety and tension . patient male 10 Two more tests for SARS-CoV-2 were negative , and the patient reported that he smoked marijuana through an e-cigarette . patient male 3 Eyes : The patient reports " yellowing of my eyes . " He denies blurred vision . patient male 19 He developed rapidly progressive respiratory failure and despite maximal intensive care support and treatment with high-dose imipenem-cilastin , the patient died 48 h after admission . patient male 1 The patient said that he could not afford to purchase the " new water pill " that was prescribed at discharge and admits that he waited to come into the ER because of fears related to the corona virus pandemic . patient male 2 When the patient realized that he had COVID-19 disease he became more irritable and repeatedly disinfected his body . patient female 1 The patient reported that she took atovaquone/proguanil for malaria prophylaxis for only 6 weeks of the 8-week trip , and she recalled suffering from numerous mosquito bites . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was on a private flight 6 days prior to his ED visit . patient male 26 The incorporation of telemedicine platforms is ideal for managing several challenges posed by COVID-19 , such as the decrease in face-to-face health care assistance Can the patient really decide how he prefers to be consulted , or are we imposing the consultation model ? patient female 8 Omalizumab dose was reduced to half after the patient found out she was pregnant . patient male 1 The patient has hypertension and coronary artery disease , for which he had 2 stents placed 5 and 17 years ago . patient male 1 The patient reported that he wanted to learn the administration technique after the pandemic . patient male 7 Only after a second anamnesis , the patient admits that he had weeded in the garden some days before the onset of symptoms using a high dose of forbidden herbicide . patient female 1 The patient began classic treatment of TM with periodical transfusions at few months of life She received blood transfusions every 21 days in aim to maintain the Hemoglobin ( Hb ) level > 9 g/dl . patient male 1 The patient also mentions that he works as a machinist who cuts carbon steel on a daily basis , however he endorsed wearing appropriate goggles and respirator at all times . patient female 7 In response to this comment , the patient wittily redirected the communication to the scenario by declaring that she was in pain ( line 27 ) . patient female 5 Upon further questioning , the patient endorsed that she had been experiencing a very mild cough for several days prior to presentation that she did not find significant nor bothersome ; she was not experiencing symptoms during her admission . patient female 11 Upon postpartum evaluation by telehealth several days after discharge , the patient reported that she was recovering well without concerns , and she was asymptomatic without any further symptoms of COVID-19 . patient male 0 Patient stated he was having subjective fevers not relieved by Tylenol . Patient male 1 The patient stated that he had got an intermittent fever and continued for around 1 week since 25 January without other typical symptoms of COVID-19 , including chills , stuffiness , headache , dry cough , pharyngalgia , chest pain , shortness of breath , or diarrhea . patient male 13 It was not until 19 March 2003 , after multiple enquiries , the patient revealed that he had visited the Metropole Hotel around that period as a visitor but not a guest [ 16 ] . patient male 1 The patient history showed that he had a meeting with a Chinese business partner on 20 and January 21 , 2020 . patient male 1 Every user of this good can then weigh up whether he is willing to pay the price or would rather not use the good . user female 1 The patient does not express fear of COVID-19 infection and yet reports that she can not bear isolation . patient female 1 The patient may feel she is taking a major risk in revealing this information . patient male 1 The patient stated that the symptoms started while he was on vacation in Atlanta and he returned two days ago . patient male 1 The patient indicated that 6 weeks before the onset of visual symptoms , he had presented high fever , persistent cough , and myalgia for approximately 2 weeks , at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in Madrid ( Spain ) . patient male 6 Upon regaining mental clarity , the patient volunteered that he had deliberately taken large quantities of aspirin and acetaminophen in an attempt to take his own life . patient male 1 The patient also became more confused in the days leading up to his admission , and stated he felt he had no choice but to take large amounts of pain medication . patient female 10 8 A shocking interview was recently published reporting that a patient experiencing warning signs of a heart attack , declared that she would prefer to die rather than go to the hospital and get herself in risk to be infected . patient male 22 A participant offered a vivid example to illustrate his views about the conflict in admitting patients on to wards : A pediatric patient attended our department and claimed that he had been playing with poultry . . . his mother explained that he had chased a chicken without touching it . . . but the staff in the receiving general pediatric ward were so anxious about whether the patient had been infected with avian flu and kept challenging our decision . . patient male 1 The patient did not follow the recommendations and orders of the government and did not declare that he had been in Iran . patient male 24 On March 18 , he phoned his physician , who advised testing for COVID- 19 At the time his COVID-19 symptoms began , the patient was taking pantoprazole ( 80 mg/d ) for gastroesophageal reflux disease , loratadine ( 20 m/d ) for allergies , and montelukast ( 10 mg/d ) for asthma . patient male 1 The patient stated he began taking a new blood pressure medication , benazepril , approximately 4 months ago . patient male 1 One patient treated with combined hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin developed TdP. He had stable QTc ≈460 ms for the first 7 days of hospitalization . patient female 2 An elderly patient did not understand why she was restricted to a room after she had recovered consciousness . patient male 5 In an interview , the patient stated that he did not take antiviral drugs regularly after discharge from the hospital because he was afraid that his liver function would be injured as a side effect . patient female 1 The patient was discharged afterwards and followed up 2 weeks later to assess whether she developed any respiratory symptoms and to further assess her progress after the procedure . patient male 6 On 27 February 2020 , the patient phoned the clinic and stated that he had sudden discomfort in both eyes with conjunctival hyperemia and edema . patient male 1 The patient feels great , claiming he can now leave the house without ' scaring children . patient female 1 One user noted that she would have liked to enter weight in pounds , not just kilograms . user male 1 The patient stated that he had a sense of depression for three weeks prior to his admission . patient male 1 The patient revealed that he had a significant history of substance abuse spanning the last 10 years . patient male 18 He progressed to septic shock , severe metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis occurred successively and then , the patient died on February 14 th . patient female 14 CCDC staff required us to test the patient for COVID-19 , even though the patient disclosed that she had never been to the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons in the past month . patient male 1 The patient also noted that he was now able to start smelling strong substances . patient female 7 What was her success story like ? Patient B shared that when the pandemic struck , she found herself retrenched and felt distraught in the initial weeks . Patient male 7 Prior to this meeting , a close friend explains that he does not understand why ethical issues are important in a pandemic response . friend male 1 The patient claimed he had been previously in contact with a colleague positive to COVID-19 . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had got an intermittent fever and continued for around 1 week since January 25 without other typical symptoms of COVID-19 , including chills , stuffiness , headache , dry cough , pharyngalgia , chest pain , shortness of breath or diarrhea . patient male 9 On admission to the medical respite facility , the patient reported that he did not feel well , with a cough , nasal congestion , fatigue , headache , and a sore throat . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had moderate lower urinary tract symptoms for the last 3 years [ International Prostate Symptom Score ( IPSS ) score 18 and Quality of Life ( QoL ) score 5 ] , predominantly urgency , but he had never sought medical care , and had never had AUR before . patient male 1 The patient demonstrated stable vital signs and oxygenation and reported that he has regained his sense of smell and his sense of taste . patient male 1 The patient also reported that he was unable to raise his eyebrows , close his eyes , and smile and he lacked taste sensation . patient male 3 Only when a patient is clear-minded and claims that he does not want to know his condition can DNR consent be signed by a surrogate . patient female 1 The patient stated that she had had a fever for 1 day and was admitted to hospital with a body temperature of 38.5 C. She had a productive cough . patient male 2 A male patient , 47 years old , stated he had returned to Xining from Wuhan . patient female 1 The patient disclosed that she had had a fever for 3 days and was admitted to hospital with a body temperature of 38.1 C. She had an unproductive cough . patient female 7 From her past medical history , the patient reported that she had undergone thyroidectomy , radioiodine therapy and external radiotherapy four years earlier . patient male 17 On day 4 , it was the first time the possibility of COVID-19 was considered as his friend told that he stayed in an epidemic area of COVID-19 for two weeks before the accident . friend female 2 With the patient having insisted she did not visit the suspected seafood market in Wuhan , the hypothesis of the origin of the virus was put into disarray , and the WHO insisted that the scope for the investigation of the source of the virus needs to be extended beyond the seafood market to other local markets that are 4 patient female 9 2 days after the appearance of the rash , Patient 1 reported that she had developed fever , cough , sore throat , muscle weakness , myalgias , and shortness of breath . Patient female 0 Patient 1 reported that she was using prescribed ointment twice a day and her rash completely has been comprised to date . Patient male 1 NIH patient 6 was both PCR positive for SARS-CoV-2 and seropositive on the day of symptoms , suggesting that he had an asymptomatic infection for several days before diagnosis . patient male 22 More than half of HD patients ( 55.3 % ) admitted receiving great psychological support from medical staff , and only 1 patient ( 1.3 % ) complained that he did n't receive any support . patient male 2 Only one patient undergoing treatment with biologics died ; he was a 52-year-old male with high blood pressure , diabetes mellitus , and dyslipidemia . patient male 1 The patient indicated that he had traveled to New York City in the week prior to admission and was probably exposed to a sick contact during his last Mass. He is a lifetime non-smoker with no alcohol abuse and lived with three other priests who were healthy . patient male 1 The patient initially reported that he had no underlying conditions , but hypertension and type 2 diabetes were discovered during the admission . patient male 4 Of note , the patient also reported that he had recently resumed smoking 1/4 - 1/2 pack of cigarettes per day . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had lived in the local area for a long time and had not been to the epidemic area . patient female 9 On admission ( illness day 3 ) , the patient reported that she had no shortness of breath , nausea or diarrhea . patient male 4 Once more , the patient confirmed that he had only been in Austria in the last few weeks . patient female 18 " Do n't talk like that-there 's an American standing next to you ! " Liu Ling 's friend Zhang Datong replied , inclining his head toward me . " She 'll go back to America and tell them that Chinese college students look down on their own country . " " She 's Chinese , just like us , " Liu Ling said in my defense . " She also opposes American hegemony . " " Of course I do , " I agreed . friend female 41 Notions : M −IND and I\|I|−IND are expected to break for a single adversarial user , as the user learns in which batch the match with an infected user occurs and thus the user has a good guess which the infected user was ( knowing when she met him : I\|I|−IND ) or when she met him ( knowing when the other user gets infected : M −IND ) . user female 1 The patient reported that she had no recent deaths in the family or other typical stressors associated with stress cardiomyopathy . patient male 1 One hunter said he hunted less than once a month . hunter male 10 Performing the role of interrogator at one point , a friend asks " Are you a terrorist ? " , but his answer is noncommittal : " He looked away . friend male 1 The patient told us that he and his colleagues had already suffered from the same symptom several times , and was well aware that the disease comes from cows . patient male 1 The patient reported that 5 days before he had sought medical care in the United States for dry cough , nasal congestion , malaise and fever . patient male 7 On day 2 of admission , the patient developed a mild fever , was unresponsive to antipyretics , and mentioned that he had an episode of transient dyspnea later that day . patient female 11 After emergency treatment had commenced the staff were told by the patient that she was a Jehovah 's Witness and that she refused blood ( on admission she had claimed to be a Roman Catholic ) . patient male 23 The patient 's chief complaint was " cough and shortness of breath that had lasted for more than 1 month . " The patient complained that on 22 January 2020 , for no apparent reason , he started to have dry cough with no sputum , which was accompanied by chest tightness , shortness of breath , fatigue , and poor appetite . patient male 21 The patient 's chief complaint was " cough and fever that had lasted for more than 1 month . " The patient complained that on 26 January 2020 , he started to have the symptom of dry cough with no sputum for no apparent reason . patient female 2 Laura ( patient ) recounted how she has " a couple of friends who smoke … you can hear it " , but they " do n't have that mucusy sound with it , it 's just a deep cough " . patient female 2 Abbi ( patient ) described how she would attempt to protect " the general area " by " trying to cough into my arm … or into a tissue or into a jumper if I 've got a jumper , just to protect other people really " . patient female 1 The patient turned out to have a high intelligence and learning ability , but also felt that she had no control over her learning process . patient male 38 That psychiatrist was retiring , and the patient did not warm up to the idea of changing his psychiatrist , and not to the notion of conducting his sessions via telepsychiatry However when reviewing his options , the patient realized that he would have to wait over 3 months to be able to see another in-person psychiatrist at the Center or possibly wait several months to be able to see a new psychiatrist outside the Center , the latter not being feasible due to the patient 's transportation limitations . patient male 4 One separately installed PM user believed he was able to store passwords that were not vulnerable to " dictionary attacks . " However , some participants resorted to insecure practices when their PMs did not function as intended , which involved reusing older passwords instead of randomly generating new ones . user female 16 On July 6 , 2020 ( 4 months after the onset of rash ) , the patient received a follow-up telephone call and reported that she still had intermittent pain in the right 10 to 12 lumbar dermatomes ( NRS 3 , 1 - 2 times per day , seconds for each episode ) . patient male 7 Moreover , from the image of the patient provided it is clear he has had a number of ICU interventions ( tracheostomy , suture on chest , chest tube thoracostomy in place-also seen on the CT scan , etc . ) . patient male 2 Although the patient reported that he had not spent time at the Huanan seafood market and reported no known contact with ill persons dur-ing his travel to China , CDC staff concurred with the need to test the patient for 2019-nCoV on the basis of current CDC " persons under investigation " case definitions . patient male 2 Our case patient had traveled to Wuhan , China , but reported that he had not visited the wholesale seafood market or health care facilities or had any sick contacts during his stay in Wuhan . patient male 12 After spending approximately 15 minutes together in that small room , the patient declared that he had recently come from Italy . patient male 8 During a telemedicine visit in gastroenterology , the patient described how he first experienced a fever to 101 ° Fahrenheit for 2 days , which resolved with acetaminophen and ibuprofen . patient male 1 One user also stated that he would be willing to fill out the diet follow-up weekly or more , but not daily as it was considered quite lengthy . user female 1 The patient stated that about 11 h ago , she took 20 tablets of colchicine 1 mg , 20 tablets of chloroquine 250 mg , and 40 tablets of Telfast 120 mg for suicide attempt . patient female 13 On discharge on 8 April 2020 , 10 days following admission , the patient endorsed that she had regained a majority of her sense of smell and that her sense of taste was greatly improved , although she did state foods did taste ' excessively salty ' but no longer tasted metallic as noted before . patient male 1 One patient reported that he had previously contracted measles during childhood . patient male 7 [ 6 ] Still , the unaccustomed patient who feels he is getting less than what he is paying for may end up as unhappy after the teleconsultation . patient male 8 Since the implementation of stay-at-home directives , the patient reported that he had been able to continue his work remotely as an office clerk . patient male 1 The patient claims he lives with his wife , who died two days prior to presentation , and mother , who died a few years earlier . patient female 9 On March 1 , in the re-examination , the patient narrated that she was recovered and could have a daily activity , without shortness of breath and cough . patient female 24 On Jan 22 , she has the contact history with Hubei province relatives , her mother and On day 2 of hospitalization , the patient received supportive therapies . patient male 3 It lets the user know that he is talking to a chatbot while giving him the illusion that he is talking to a human assistant . user male 1 The user has the right to know whether he is speaking with a real person or with a bot . user male 12 This problem increases the need for interactive tools , which lets the user specify which type of partition he expects for his analysis . user male 6  On February 15 , the patient reported he still had chest distress . patient female 5 Of interesting note , the patient reported that at the same time she and her husband developed the gastrointestinal symptoms , her elderly pet cat also developed an upper respiratory infection with a three-day history of lethargy , loss of appetite patient male 1 The patient clearly recalls that he was looking upwards towards the right when he sustained the injury . patient female 2 One 44-year-old patient indicated in the follow-up that she had stopped menstruating for four months after COVID-19 onset and had excluded pregnancy as a cause , but considering that she was within the perimenopausal period , we believe that the observation time of menstruation should be extended in her case . patient male 1 Another patient told me he believed there was a war outside that prevented him from going out . patient female 4 After discussion , the patient expressed that she and her husband had " always wanted a child and will do everything necessary to give the baby a chance . " She felt that " if a woman is pregnant and the fetus is still living , everything should be done to keep the fetus alive . " patient male 2 Often the patient wo n't even know whether he has a SARS-CoVs-2 or other cold-causing virus infection , such as rhinovirus . patient male 5 The prolonged course of this patient suggests that during his hospitalization , he developed a secondary disease initiated by SARS CoV-2 , which raises the clinical question of when , or if , to consider evolving neurological processes during a prolonged period of intubation . patient male 1 The patient tested serologically negative for DENV1 NS1 , indicating that he had no previous exposure to DENV1 [ 10 ] . patient female 11 In a now classic study of young mothers who smoked , sociologist Hilary Graham found that for the women she spoke to , smoking was a way of coping with poverty and the demands of motherhood ( Graham , 1987 ) . sociologist male 0 Patient improved substantially and at 6 months follow up he was independently living at home with minor neurologic deficits . Patient male 1 The patient is currently waiting for serological testing to confirm whether or not he had a non-severe COVID-19 disease . patient male 1 The patient reported that he suddenly developed convulsion with teeth clenching and limb shaking , when resting on a sofa on the day of initial presentation , and symptoms resolved spontaneously after a few seconds . But when he was trying to get up , he noticed a back pain and was unable to move his lower limbs . patient female 4 An additional adolescent covert user in Malawi said she planned to stop self-injecting because she did not want her husband to find her units . user female 18 For example , when asked why she disposed of used units in the latrine , one covert adolescent user said , " I do n't want the bottle to be seen there , for everybody to start wondering what this is used unit for and where it came from . " Almost all participants who disposed of used units in the latrine were told they could . user male 1 The patient inquires whether he would be more likely to have a successful outcome if he is referred to a more-experienced endoscopist at a high-volume center . patient female 24 Finally , some patients of any age group may experience a significant amount of stress at the prospect of a telehealth visit : one patient shared that she had spent all night cleaning her house before our care team could see into her private home . patient female 0 Patient met criteria for brain death except that she was still breathing over the ventilator . Patient male 11 This was reinforced by comments from dyad 6 , where the patient reported that he did not always ask for pain medication , even when he needed it , and the caregiver expressed that she was not always sure when the patient needed pain medication . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had had no bleeding during the journey home and that the pain had been well controlled with metamizole . patient male 2 The first-MERS patient who had traveled to Middle East found that he had fever and visited five hospitals but could not find the cause of the symptom in the first four hospitals [ 54 ] . patient female 11 After admission to the COVID-19 hospital ward , evaluation of the patient revealed she was having word finding speech difficulties and right sided weakness . patient female 11 However , based on preoperative history and physical exam , the patient noted that she only bruised easily and did not have any physical exam evidence of ecchymosis or bleeding diathesis on exam objectively . patient female 0 Patient A took several antibacterial drugs because she had an infection and had fever and increased CRP ( 70.61 mg/L ) . Patient male 1 The patient received platelets because he experienced rectal and intracranial bleeds . patient male 6 In another word , whether the patient is still contagious or not remains unclear because he has no chance to show the infectivity . patient male 1 One patient in the Immumax group withdrew from the study on the first day because he could not tolerate the capsules ( see Figure 1 ) . patient male 17 Then patient G was infected because she was exposed to patient C. The second scenario is that patient C acquired the infection in Yongkang , because he had begun coughing two days before the banquet . patient male 1 The patient wants to know if there are any other treatment options besides warfarin because he states that grandma " bled too much on that drug . " patient male 2 A 17-year-old patient received hydroxychloroquine on day 7 after disease onset because he had persistent 7-day fever and increased lung lesions revealed by chest CT , and fever subsided 1 day after hydroxychloroquine treatment . patient female 1 The patient did not take any medication because she was breastfeeding her 6-month-old infant and she felt that her fever improved after resting . patient male 9 Three months after completion of the treatment , the patient resumed it for 6 months , because he considered that his clinical improvement was associated with antimicrobial therapy . patient male 49 Agitation and depression , nocturnal excitement , disturbed body image and hallucinosis had increased prior to their admission to hospital , two in an excited state , one with catatonia , two following accidental sleeping pill overdoses incurred in the desperate attempt to find sleep ; the sole male patient had admitted himself because he felt so ' nervous ' . patient female 1 One patient relapsed and eventually died because she could not receive support from a ventilator or a professional team due to COVID-19 and the related lockdown measures . patient female 5 Only one Flu A positive patient received empirical oseltamivir at the emergency room because she had a renal transplant and was under immunosuppressive treatment . patient female 1 A patient might complain of the partner 's premature ejaculation because she has not reached orgasm with vaginal penetration , even after as much as 10 minutes of thrusting . patient male 0 Patient 1 had a normal body temperature on day 8 because he had received the high-dose steroid treatment ( 160 -480 mg/day ) since the 6th day of disease ( time was showed in the first line in upper table ) . Patient male 9 After all , a nurse points out , the patient himself can not talk , because he is intubated and unconscious . patient male 1 The Patient received piperacillin/tazobactam and cotrimoxazole pre-emptively and ganciclovir because he had a history of CMV-infections including colitis and pneumonia . Patient female 1 The patient consulted because she had been trying unsuccessfully to conceive . patient female 1 Our patient was " atypical " because she did not have an obvious contact history at the time of presentation . patient male 1 The patient ultimately did not receive the medication because he was unable to take oral medications . patient female 1 The patient refused zidovudine therapy because she feared the side effects of the drug ; she was followed as an outpatient over the next year . patient male 14 Endovascular repair of intracranial aneurysm would be the treatment of choice , but the patient is still doubtful to accept undergoing this procedure because he is symptomless while taking hormone supplementation and is fearful about potential complications of endovascular repair . patient male 1 The patient refused ventilator support in the intensive care unit repeatedly because he suffered from claustrophobia ; therefore , he received high-flow nasal cannula . patient female 7 It is also not likely that this patient poses any risk to other patients , because she does not have reactivation . patient male 7 From January 24 through 27 , the patient was unable to drive the taxi because he felt ill , and he rested at home . patient male 0 Patient 4 , who had a history of chronic sinusitis , might have a bacterial superinfection because he had a productive cough instead of a dry cough . Patient male 9 Because he only spoke limited English , the flight attendant helped with translation . attendant male 1 The patient appeared clinically well because he only complained of mild dyspnea , still abled to mobile independently , chatted with doctors , and scrolled on his phone , which is called happy hypoxia condition . patient male 2 The eighth patient was asymptomatic infection and his RT-PCR of SARS-CoV-2 tested positive on 5 February 2020 because he had contacted the confirmed patients before . patient male 5 At our hospital , the patient met coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19 ) testing criteria because he had recent viral symptoms and was experiencing homelessness . patient female 1 Our patient met these criteria because she had shortness of breath with cough . patient male 1 One patient received analgesics because he complained of hard pains . patient female 8 It is not possible to conclude that our patient had COVID-19-associated chilblains-like lesions because she did not have a positive viral or antibody test and may be a limitation to our findings . patient male 1 The patient eventually underwent EGD 13 weeks after the initial procedure , after much convincing because he was fearful to come to the hospital ; because of ongoing COVID-19 infections being admitted to the hospital . patient male 12 " … people from the community arrive , maybe , when the patient can not walk anymore because he is very painful . " ( a nurse with 20 years of experience at a PAC ) patient male 3 In case a patient stopped IBD medication , because he had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 or had developed COVID-19 , the timing for treatment restart is not consensual . patient male 14 • Manual : the process already mentioned will be carried out totally by the user himself , who selects the form of the annotation , selects the anchor and creates the annotation . user female 31 6 Question 2 was directed at the caregiver : ' Does the patient wear a face mask properly or almost properly by himself or herself when necessary ? ' If the patient did not wear a face mask properly or almost properly by himself or herself , we asked the caregiver question 3 : ' Can the patient wear a face mask properly or almost properly with your help ? ' patient female 7 Indeed , it is unknown whether the patient has recovered by herself or by the supportive treatment in the hospital . patient male 7 The questionnaire can be completed by the patient himself , by a nurse just before the consultation or by the anaesthesiologist during the consultation . patient male 35 While the validation of automatic reprocessing is often performed by the manufacturer [ 22 ] , [ 23 ] , validation of manual reprocessing ( including every single step ) must be provided by the user himself or on his behalf . user male 9 Autonomy : In every particular medical attendance , the patient has ability to decide by himself . patient male 23 For example , in the identified giant component with 63 patients , ( Fig. 1 ) it was identified that the first source patient ( P52 ) had not transmitted infection to all 62 target patients by himself but through the considerable number of intermediaries . patient male 8 SCIg are administered at home either by the patient himself or by a nurse . patient male 5 Maintenance is realized by the patient himself ( mouthrinses with alkalin solution or chlorhexidine ) . patient female 26 Finally , an obtained third-party history from the patient 's sister provided the information of possible tuberculosis during childhood , which was not recalled by the patient herself . patient male 2 If a patient was not able to take the test by himself , the sample was taken by the medical staff in the separate COVID-19 treatment area . patient female 8 This profound decision , whether reflects what the patient would want for herself or what the family would want for their incapacitated loved one , is rather debatable . patient female 15 The device is inserted vaginally in very small dimensions within an applicator , by the user herself , at her home environment . user male 6 Case 3 was a 48-year-old male patient who was quarantined at home after driving by himself from Wuhan to Shenzhen on January 24 , 2020 . patient male 4 After extubation , the patient could take food by himself . patient male 3 Moreover , a user should be most similar to himself among all users if D(i , i ) = 0 . user male 14 Lemyze et al. [ 26 ] France " This decision was made by the patient himself whenever possible , or by a multidisciplinary team including physicians and nurses caring for the patient when the latter does not have the capacity to make such a decision . patient male 27 One was that the patient ( aging from 14 to 80 ) was established diagnosis of IBD for at least three months , another was that the patient is available to finish the online questionnaire ( by Wechat , QQ , website , email ) by himself or with the help of others . patient male 15 Rectal insufflation is extremely easy to do ( once instructed by the ozonetherapist , the patient can do it at home by himself ) , very cheap and practically free of risk . patient male 33 Interesting cases are illustrated by videos that provide a step-by-step presentation of the liver U/S examination and homodynamic study , so that conclusions about ultrasound possibilities and limitations can be drawn by the user himself . user female 2 If the patient can get onto and off the examination table by him-or herself , the patient is allowed to do so . patient female 2 The index patient could not walk by herself because of the femur fracture , which allowed us to obtain clear information about patient 's movement and contacts during the stay . patient male 3 • If the patient can not breathe by himself , use handbag during transport . patient male 10 CVP were significantly higher with mechanical ventilation than when the patient was breathing by himself . patient male 12 However , ultimately , this decision should be made by any individual patient himself according to his physicians ' advise . patient male 15 A Patient-Reported Outcome ( PRO ) refers to information about the health status of a patient provided directly by himself , without having previously been interpreted by a doctor or a specialist [ 27 ] . patient female 33 An additional prompt was read by the patient : " I feel most happy when others depend on me . " Upon reading the statement and repeating it to herself aloud , the patient responded , " Yes , that 's often me " and designated a corresponding number ' 3 ' to the statement . patient male 18 Driveline percutaneous site medication and dressing are currently performed , two times a week , by the LVAD patient himself . patient male 11 In this article we present the first case in which a patient with Landau-Kleffner syndrome was given intravenous immunoglobulin ( IVIG ) as his first and only therapy and responded to it . patient male 11 Since the His Purkinje system is preserved in CCAVB , this patient population could be uniquely well served by direct His bundle pacing ( DHBP ) which would be expected to restore physiologic activation of both ventricles . patient female 1 The patient was given ADA at 40 mg biweekly for her active arthritis which had been refractory to 6 mg/week of methotrexate ( MTX ) , and 5 mg/day of prednisolone ( PSL ) . patient female 19 To fill the gap , we developed a video of a Latino hospice patient with footages showing how the patient was being taken care of by her family with support from a hospice disciplinary team . patient female 5 A 79-year-old white nursing home patient with a history of Alzheimer disease and hypertension was inadvertently given 50 mg of donepezil instead of her usual 5-mg dose . patient female 1 Our patient with a history of left breast conservation therapy was diagnosed invasive ductal carcinoma in her left breast 14 years later . patient male 20 Due to the special properties of GPI Homburg , we assume that both the hematological and neuromuscular symptoms of the patient with GPI Homburg are caused by his GPI deficiency . patient male 9 In the first generation , the father ( index patient ) was affected , in the second generation all his three daughters ( with two sons spared ) and in the third generation a daughter 's male offspring is affected . patient female 2 When the patient was last seen 6 months after her surgery , she was doing well and her rhinorrhoea had stopped . patient male 1 The patient was found unconsciousness in his room with drinking about 100 ml of chloropicrine sodium at 8:55 in the morning and brought to a nearby hospital . patient female 7 After the implantation of the device the patient not only was relieved of her neuropathic pain but also found significant improvement in her Parkinson symptoms . patient male 6 The first cerebral sonogram of every patient was compared with his CCT scans . patient male 20 After a complicated hospital course that included mechanical ventilation for respiratory failure and hemodialysis for acute renal failure , the patient made a full recovery and was discharged 10 days after his initial presentation . patient male 8 We suggest that the cardiac status of each patient should be evaluated separately from his respiratory status , particularly when long-term assisted ventilation is being considered . patient male 1 The patient was prescribed etanercept by his rheumatologist and the physical therapist developed a comprehensive rehabilitation program that addressed relevant impairments of the spine , hips , and shoulders . patient male 4 A 38 year-old male patient treated for paranoid schizophrenia for five years was found on a chain saw table at his workplace with a great parasagittal , linear active bleeding wound from left occiput to medial portion of left orbita . patient female 4 Neuropsychological functioning of each patient was evaluated from her initial inpatient hospitalization to long-term follow-up ( 3.5 - 12 months after acute evaluation ) . patient female 9 For her most recent locoregional disease recurrence , the patient was offered surgical debulking for symptom palliation . patient male 18 Loewald 's ( 1960 ) interest in the way in which the analyst anticipates the future of the patient was linked to his epistemological assumptions about the analyst 's superior objectivity and maturity relative to the patient . patient female 2 An Fe-doped CoP nanosheet array ( Fe-CoP/CC ) is used as a bifunctional catalyst for both AOR and hydrogen evolution reaction ( HER ) . CoP male 13 Given his clinical presentation , negative workup , and rapid recovery , the patient was given a presumptive diagnosis of pulmonary fat embolism . patient female 19 In patients in whom unilateral proximal tubal obstruction was detected during hysterosalpingography performed for standard clinical indications , the patient was rotated on her hip approximately 45 degrees such that the obstructed tube was first superior ( ventral ) to the patent tube , and dye was reinjected . patient female 10 Recurrence was observed in one woman after surgery ; this patient was given palliative treatment due to her poor health condition . patient female 1 The patient was extubated 24 h after her arrival to the ICU and discharged 72 h later . patient male 2 Thus this patient was administrated statin to correct the aberrant lipid trafficking , 2 months later at his next visit we found his renal function partially recovered with reduced proteinuria . patient male 6 In the present case , the patient was admitted with poor neurological status but has preserved cortical responses bilaterally throughout his course until his final recovery and return to previous employment . patient female 12 In our inner-city clinic , treatment with LLETZ at the time the patient was counseled regarding her biopsy findings improved the actual cure rate . patient female 29 The likelihood of cure was 1.37 times greater ( 95 % CI 1.27 - 1.52 ; P < .0001 ) using LLETZ in the clinic at the time the patient was counseled regarding her biopsy findings than using laser at a later date . patient female 1 The patient was given citalopram ( 40 mg/day ) for her psychiatric condition and diffuse photopigmentation was noted thereafter . patient female 8 The postoperative course was uneventful , and the patient was discharged 44 days after her transplant . patient male 1 The patient was diagnosed with hilar cholangiocarcinoma and received conservative treatment with endoscopic nasobiliary drainage ( ENBD ) due to his advanced age . patient female 1 The patient was given assigned drug therapy for 10 days according to her group after being admitted to the hospital . patient male 9 Although we assume that the recurrent tumor of our patient was derived from his gastric GIST , based on the histopathological examinations and clinical course , it is possible that the recurrent tumor of our case was an " extragastrointestinal GIST " . patient male 4 The treatment of a patient with intravenous fibrinolytics for massive pulmonary embolism and right atrium thrombus was complicated by his early death . patient female 1 Each patient was further questioned about her attitude towards the treatment , as well as her dairy product intake , physical activity , use of other medications , smoking and social status . patient male 1 The patient was discharged 35 days after his initial surgery . patient male 1 One patient with a T3 tumor was orally administered S- 1 during RT because of his poor generalcondition , and 1 patient with a T2 tumor did not receive 1 course of 5-FU and MMC owing to an adverse event . patient male 1 The patient was given chloroquine by his captain in a dosage regimen appropriate for quinine ( 2 tablets 3 times daily for 7 d ) . patient male 3 A protegée and friend of Sir William Osler , she was guided by his counsel and inspired by his example . friend female 12 A pigmented lesion gradually developed in her heel area , where the patient had been previously treated several times with invasive therapeutic methods ( cryosurgery , shave curettage ) due to misdiagnosis as a verrucous lesion or as a viral wart in the absence of any prior histopathology report . patient female 3 Improvement of the patient was identified in her relationships with the psychotherapist , significant others , and the medical health providers , as well as in the overall management of her diabetic treatment . patient male 11 Naso-leakage extraluminal drainage tube was utilized because the symptoms of the patient were aggravated 1 month after the chest tube drainage since his second admission for AL . patient female 8 The 504Arg----Cys/269Gly----Ser genotype of the chronic GM2 gangliosidosis patient is shared by her sibling , who has mild adult-onset GM2 gangliosidosis , implying that the clinical differences between them must be attributed to other factors . patient female 9 The primary CL lesion in this 47-year-old , female patient were caused by L. panamensis and occurred after a touristic trip to Panama on her right foot . patient male 1 The patient was treated with ursodeoxycholic acid and prednisolone , and was recovered fully 70 days after his exposure to the herbicide . patient female 9 To supplement maneuvers performed in the clinic , the patient was provided instructions for the FPP as her HEP . patient female 9 The primary CL lesions in this 47-year-old , female patient were caused by Leishmaniapanamensis and occurred after a touristic trip to Panama on her right foot . patient male 7 A few days after birth , the patient was taken away from his parents and adopted for unknown reasons . patient male 1 The patient was discharged 86 days after his admission , with chronic renal failure , since a kidney transplantation was not possible . patient male 16 " Assessment of continuity in the ambulatory setting , by determining the number of times the patient was seen by his assigned resident divided by total outpatient visits , ranked fourth behind " missed appointments " and " medical record audits . " " Percentage of emergency room visits by assigned patients " was least frequently cited . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient did well and was discharged 5 days after his operation . patient male 5 This study threw light on patient optic aids which must be prescribed according to his needs and difficulties , without delay . patient female 1 The patient had been denied any bodily contact with her parents during her first year of life due to an infection ; in later life she exhibited an autistoid coprophilic perversion . patient male 9 Treatment was by a cognitive intervention in which the patient was taught new positive endings to his dream stories . patient male 1 The patient was discharged 11 days after his gastrectomy following a transurethal prostatic resection on day 6 . patient male 1 The patient was discharged 5 days after his gastrectomy . patient female 14 In Italy , to determine the feasibility of conducting a national-level HES , a pilot HES was conducted in the city of Florence among participants of a previous national-level HIS . pilot male 3 Observations of the patient concerning the control over impulse disorder were described in his own words . patient male 8 During his stay in the department , the patient was given tizanidine and tramadol , and physical therapy was performed . patient female 8 Because of her wish for child , the patient was given alpha interferon ( alpha-IFN ) instead of hydroxyurea or aspirin to lower her platelet count to about 80 x 10(4)/microliter . patient female 12 Two reasons were speculated for lack of anti-D anti body ; this patient was immune-suppressed for chemoradiation against rectal cancer , and remaining Rh-positive red cells in her body were of small amount because of massive hemorrhage . patient male 1 The patient had been given a number of ANTs by his primary and , later , another neurologist , from 2013 to 2016 . patient male 17 After treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin and plasma exchange followed by antiviral therapy by direct-acting antiviral agent , patient showed progressive recovery and was transferred 3 months after his first admission to a rehabilitation center . patient female 14 A nursing sister developed Australia-antigen-positive hepatitis 101 days after the blood of an Australia-antigen-positive patient was accidentally introduced into her eye . patient male 5 This case of a 9-year-old patient , diagnosed as having and followed for oculocerebrorenal syndrome of Lowe , has been presented for his seizures , which were initially myoclonic but subsequently atonic , and for his skin findings , understood to be trichoepithelioma , cystic in nature , and stemming from mature hair follicles . patient female 5 Nanoparticles of cobalt phosphide , CoP , have been prepared and evaluated as electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction ( HER ) under strongly acidic conditions ( 0.50 M H2SO4 , pH 0.3 ) . CoP female 13 Given her normal synthetic function and lack of parenchymal liver disease , the patient was offered surgical shunting . patient female 18 The etiology of this birth defect is only speculative at this time , but the mother of our patient was exposed to radiation from routine chest films during her first trimester of pregnancy . patient male 14 Given his comorbid severe hepatic impairment , obesity , and prior pancreatitis , the patient was started on empagliflozin to safely manage this new diagnosis without collateral organ injury . patient male 8 Because of his good immune status , the patient was given oral erythromycin and rifampin which rapidly resolved the infection . patient female 1 The patient was initially diagnosed with early breast cancer and underwent surgery on her left breast . patient male 8 That is , the maintenance of the asthmatic patient is being fomented instead of his consequent treatment , fighting the infection . patient female 26 In the beginning of treatment , the effects of this combined therapy were not evident due to strong immunosuppression caused by antimycotic immunoglobulin , which the patient had been administered on her previous hospital stay to treat acute kidney transplant rejection caused by antibodies , as well as due to immunosuppression caused by tacrolimus , mycophenolate mofetil and prednisone . patient male 1 The patient had been diagnosed with cataracts at 25 years of age and subsequently developed neurological symptoms in his forties , being referred to our hospital at 47 years of age . patient female 1 The patient was initially given a total of 4 Obnitix infusions as per the regulatory approval , with her symptoms improving from day 9 after the first infusion . patient female 1 The patient gradually recovered and was finally discharged 39 days after her initial presentation . patient female 15 The joint disease received no attention despite the fact that the motor apparatus of the patient was involved from her childhood . patient male 6 Carbamazepine was the antiepileptic drug the patient was maintained on prior to his hospital admission , and the symptoms of TEN resolved while he was still receiving carbamazepine . patient male 6 We understood that the definition of friend and friendship for the institutionalized elderly is associated with his shortages in the life of the geriatric home . friend male 7 We herein report the case of a patient treated for multiple myeloma who developed the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion after bortezomib was added to his chemotherapy regimen . patient male 5 The R36W mutation of the patient was inherited from his mother whose SPECT revealed asymmetric reduction of 99mTc-TRODAT-1 uptake in the left striatum , suggesting that the defect of the nigrostriatal pathway may be attributable to the R36W in this family . patient female 1 The patient was started on an empiric regimen covering both for tuberculosis and brucellosis , and gradually regained full mobility in her lower limbs . patient female 1 The patient was diagnosed with MS 19 months prior and had multiple known demyelinating plaques in her cervical spine . patient female 1 The patient recovered well and was discharged 10 days after her procedure . patient female 2 The de-identified patient case was presented by her PCP during the Dermatology ECHO session . patient female 8 After her diagnosis as MH susceptible , this patient was administered low-dose dantrolene daily for greater than 25 years for treatment of chronic muscle spasm and pain in her lower extremities and back limiting sleep . patient male 1 The patient was pointed out a tumor shadow of the right lung at his 2008 health check , but he did not receive further examination . patient male 1 The patient condition was rapidly deteriorated due to his vena cava superior syndrome . patient female 18 These symptoms were initially misinterpreted as HELLP-syndrome , but due to normal blood pressure and liver function the patient was diagnosed with severe folate deficiency despite her daily supplements of folate to avoid neural tube defects and deficiency . patient male 5 A maternal uncle of the patient was deaf from birth and his hair had shown the same abnormalities at the same age ; an autosomal recessive transmission can be assumed . patient male 9 Val501Gly ) , in the ABCB11 gene of the patient , which were inherited from his father and mother , respectively . patient male 2 Prognosis of patient with SSEH is influenced by his primary neurological status , progressive interval , spinal edema and size of hematoma . patient female 1 The patient was treated with intravenous and intravitreal amphotericin B but suffered complete loss of vision in her right eye . patient male 18 Given his recent history of domestic travel and the declaration of a global COVID-19 pandemic status , the patient was administered a swab test for SARS-CoV-2 . patient male 1 Our patient was closely monitored with spirometry checks and only received supportive therapy throughout his treatment course until he achieved full clinical recovery . patient male 8 On his fifth cycle of chemotherapy , the patient was offered orthotopic liver transplantation ( OLT ) . patient male 3 Score of each patient was compared with his final outcome at the time of discharge from the hospital . patient female 19 Based on the physical exam , magnetic resonance imaging , radiographs , electrodiagnostic and nerve conduction testing , the patient was diagnosed by her physician with right sterno-clavicular joint strain and scapular dyskinesis and was referred to physical therapy . patient male 4 The dysphagia of this patient was resolved following serial esophageal dilations and his esophageal stricture was wide open on the last upper endoscopy . patient female 2 1 other patient who came for control after 12 months had been exposed to reinfection and again voided eggs in her urine . patient male 2 If a patient is not given by his cardiologist any drug to reduce the cholesterol it is quite improbable that other doctor would make such recommendation . patient female 1 The patient was discharged on the 8th post-operative day but declined adjuvant chemotherapy due to her age . patient male 16 To decide to continue or to discontinue Nemozole treatment in the development of alopecia , the patient should be given full information on the risk of alopecia to his life and quality of life as compared to the sequels of recurrent hydatid disease when Nemozole is discontinued . patient male 1 The patient was given an appointment at his general practitioner for the following Wednesday afternoon . patient female 1 The patient was administered 1.25 mg ( 0.05 ml ) of bevacizumab intravitreally in her right eye , under all aseptic precautions . patient male 28 Recovery from cerebellar ataxia ( manifested as normalization of the thickness of Listing 's plane ) was followed by recovery of muscular strength lost during the period the patient was by his disease forced to assume a lying position . patient male 4 Of note , the patient was notified and gave consent for his case to be used in publication . patient male 24 By the drawing-up of an appropriate therapeutic plan at the end of the preliminary examination and by his assignment to a suitable ward the patient is supplied with a comprehensible directive with regard to his future therapy , and he is able to on the spot acquaint himself with the staff and with the premises of the institution . patient female 10 Because of her total inability to communicate auditorily , this patient was ultimately taught American Sign Language and educated at the Louisiana School for the Deaf . patient male 6 In his past history , the patient was diagnosed Kikuchi disease . patient male 6 In 21 % of cases the patient was either managed in his original ward or transferred back to the ward with advice regarding management . patient female 5 Herein , we report a patient with multidrug refractory epilepsy and Ohtahara syndrome who was accidentally administered 300 mg/kg/d for 35 days by her mother . patient female 10 After her third IVF cycle , eight out of 12 patient oocytes and 12 out of 15 donor oocytes were fertilized . patient female 13 We initially considered the tumor to be a benign schwannoma , but the patient subsequently developed left hemiparesis and was consequently admitted 2 days after her first visit . patient male 8 Two months after initial cardiac arrest , the patient was reassessed and showed signs of complete recovery with regard to his mental and physical capacities . patient female 6 This case study describes an asymptomatic patient who two months after her initial transient ischaemic attack was alerted by her smartwatch about her nocturnal tachycardia and was subsequently diagnosed with atrial fibrillation ensuring appropriate secondary prophylaxis . patient female 13 The left ventricular function recovered completely within 10 days postdiagnosis , and the patient was discharged 13 days after her admission . patient female 11 The day after completing her 7-day course of TMP-SMX therapy the patient was evaluated by her primary care provider and another basic metabolic panel revealed a reduction in the serum sodium to 121 mmol/L. The patient 's serum sodium concentrations increased to baseline 7 days after completion of the TMP-SMX therapy , and remained normal until she was treated in the emergency department several months later for another presumed urinary tract infection . patient female 17 Fourteen wrists of 13 patients developed the disease when the patients were in their 60s and 1 patient developed the disease in her 70s . patient male 4 An end-stage renal disease patient candidate to renal transplantation will be therefore followed from his enrolment on the waiting list to the long-term post-transplant period . patient female 3 A 37 year-old patient was diagnosed a Takayasu 's arteritis during her last pregnancy . patient male 1 The patient was given a bolus of octreotide ( 50 mug subcutaneously ) 14 hours after his second presentation . patient female 13 This report describes studies on the plasma and milk lipid composition of a patient with primary Type I hyperlipoproteinemia who had been followed through her second pregnancy . patient male 1 Our patient had not received pneumococcal vaccination or been prescribed prophylactic antibiotics since his splenectomy or at the time of surgery . patient male 1 The patient was discharged two months after his operation without any events . patient male 3 One poorly compliant patient was persistently prescribed 40 mg/day prednisone and HCQ by his general practitioner and was still complaining of diffuse myalgia at the last 30-month followup visit . patient female 1 The patient was discharged home on the day of surgery and denied any postoperative complications at her follow-up appointment . patient male 5 The immunity of the individual patient can be estimated by his vaccination record . patient male 20 This study examines Charcot 's original notes on mercury intoxication from the Bibliothèque Charcot , Paris , and his show-and-tell patient presentations that were hand-transcribed by his students and later published . patient female 10 Within the conventional single provider model of care-in which the patient is primarily taken care of by her physician and complementary strategies based on psychology , nutrition , pain medicine , pelvic physical therapy , and so on may not be readily available in a coordinated manner-most women with endometriosis live with unresolved pain and the consequences of that pain . patient female 17 However , treatment was ineffective ; three patients subsequently died because of respiratory failure , and one patient did not improve and was transferred to another hospital in her hometown . patient male 8 Thus , if the exertion level of a patient is limited by his central circulation or by his respiration , there is a definite decrement in the functional capacity of that system . patient male 3 A 31-year-old male patient was injured 18 months ago due to a bomb explosion and received long-term treatment through local wound care in his country . patient male 4 Disease progression of each patient was compared with his own preoperative course and with those of a cohort of patients with Parkinson 's disease followed up for 14 years who had received medical treatment without transplant surgery . patient female 1 The patient was treated conservatively with immobilization and had complete resolution of her clinical symptoms during her year of follow-up . patient male 1 The patient survived and was discharged 5 weeks after his injury . patient female 6 The psychosexual health of the female patient not only is affected by her overall gynecologic well-being but also may be greatly influenced by cultural myths and attitudes , psychological health , and social support . patient male 25 We consider that the global outcome result is good only if it is good at the same time from the point of view of the patient himself , from the point of view of the medical observer and from the point of view of the community . patient female 20 Alternatively , the initial antigenic stimulus could be the consequence of maternal to fetal transfer of Rh-incompatible erythrocytes while the patient herself was in utero or at the time of her own delivery . patient male 27 It is based on electrocardiogram performed during the attack , and this has been made easier by the Holter technique or by sequential recordings triggered by the patient himself . patient male 35 2 . The sound producing element is blocked by small amounts of tracheal secretions , so that this element should be replaceable separately without requiring removal of the silicone value ( if possible by the patient himself ) . patient female 17 This is of special importance because in this case methaemoglobinaemia was not produced by medication of the patient herself but must be attributed to the local anaesthesia of the mother with prilocaine . patient female 36 Examination of such complicated cases requires experienced clinical judgement , expertise bedside phase contrast microscopy of fresh vaginal fluid , classical cultures on Sabouroud medium and , if still unresolved , repetitive cultures taken by the patient herself at moments of symptoms , and/or nuclear acid amplification techniques to detect Candida genes in the vaginal fluid . patient male 20 Two types of informational need are distinguished : the subjective informational need , i.e. the informational need perceived by the patient himself , and the normative informational need , i.e. the patient 's informational need according to the professional . patient male 20 We describe two devices which utilize radiofrequency as a means of synchronization and stimulation and can be triggered by the patient himself when tachycardia occurs . patient male 12 The rehabilitation program included , apart from the usual team , the patient himself and members of his family . patient male 16 Rehabilitation of such patients should be defined by all members of the team , including the patient himself and members of his family . patient female 27 The decision to undertake conservative treatment thus requires a multidisciplinary approach involving pathologists , surgeons and oncological radiologists , as well , of course , as the patient herself . patient male 10 Some of the factors are not even related to the patient himself but rather to social forces , to the issue of payment , and to the dentist 's characteristics . patient male 12 Adult human MSCs were isolated from the healthy bone marrow of the patient himself with Percoll ( 1.073 g/ml ) and cultured in Dulbecco 's modified Eagle 's medium with low glucose containing 10 % AB type human serum . patient male 9 There are inherent complications with the installation of the patient himself in the Trendelenburg position ( ocular , neurological , hemodynamic , respiratory ) and respiratory complications related to the specific procedure in gaseous atmosphere due to pneumoperitoneum . patient male 22 Other substitution substances like haliphatic hydrocarbons ( butane , propane ) or compressed air generated by the device system itself or the user himself are also under development . user male 8 The first related with the monitoring of the patient himself , his clinical situation changes and the checking of attitudes and reactions of the clinical team related to these changes . patient male 32 The author then sets out an examination procedure which every dentist should follow before any treatment is given ; this will also make it possible to detect those carcinomas of which the patient himself is not yet aware . patient male 5 Diagnosis is considered if the patient himself , or a person he came in contact with , was recently vaccinated . patient male 13 The antibiotic prescriptions control is an imperative goal in individual health ( the patient himself ) , but also in public health ( the community ) . patient male 10 In other cases abrupt cessation was decided upon by the patient himself . patient female 9 Examination revealed mild proximal muscle weakness , though the patient herself did not realise any impairment . patient male 9 The impact of the disease extends far beyond the patient himself , touching each family member involved in the patient 's care . patient male 25 The results , which also include diagnostic methods that are not covered by the general German health insurance and have to be paid by the patient himself , can help the urologist promote diagnostic tools and identify areas of deficit . patient male 6 Informed consent was obtained from the patient himself . patient male 24 Confirming an observation by Bion that the patient is the best colleague the analyst can have , the way forward was indicated by the patient himself . patient female 8 This policy may confer greater benefit for the patient herself and make a significant impact on the reservoir of infection in the community when compared to a policy of blanket prophylactic antibiotic treatment at the time of termination . patient female 13 The nature of the visual hallucinations was depicted in drawings created by the patient herself . patient male 21 Additional to the clinical examination patients had to fill in a questionnaire in order to investigate the subjective estimation by each patient himself . patient male 17 A characterological understanding of psychopathology enlarges therapeutic attention beyond the patient 's verbal references and toward the patient himself in the " here and now . " patient male 19 The clinical relevance of these findings is based on the possibility for skeletal myoblasts to be harvested from the patient himself . patient male 22 Due to its simplicity and non-invasiveness , the Pocket-out collection could be performed in any physician office , or even by the patient himself . patient male 14 We compared these figures with the number of admissions caused by substance-abuse by the patient himself . patient male 24 The term ' CFS ' is applicable in cases of fatigue complaints , of at least 6 months ' standing , reported by the patient himself and evaluated medically , for which no physical explanation has been found and which cause considerable disabilities in professional social and/or personal functioning . patient female 5 The psychiatrist should see the patient himself or herself , establish a diagnosis and treatment plan , and provide the general practitioner and the patient with a so-called ' consultation letter ' , which is then discussed with both . patient male 13 Being easy and sensitive , PMNCV determination provides the paediatric diabetologist and the patient himself with an important motivation to improve diabetic control . patient female 19 To achieve optimal benefit-to-risk ratio , treatment must be instituted and followed up with consideration to 1 ) the patient herself and 2 ) the type of treatment : molecule , dose , route of administration , sequence , duration , etc . patient male 6 This decision is made by the patient himself after careful deliberation . patient male 31 The seriousness of consequences due to cannabis use , both on the health and social points , depends on the age of first use , the duration of use and the user himself . user male 25 This case report describes the restoration of an extensively decayed molar through the bonding of a fragment obtained from a third molar extracted from the patient himself . patient male 44 We emphasize the need for optimal collaboration between the various actors , starting with a " vigilant doctor " who actively develops the capability or framework to recognize potential FH patients , continuing with an " FH specialist " , and finally involving the patient himself as " FH ambassador " to approach his/her family and facilitate cascade screening and subsequent treatment of relatives . patient male 9 Symptoms can be assessed by the subject or the patient himself . patient male 79 They lay stress on the difficulties caused by the " unit " system of recording results , whereby identical findings with two or more tests may be given different numerical values for each test , and suggest that results should instead be given in dilution reactivity end-points (dils).False positive reactions to serological tests and discrepancies in the results of different tests are then considered ; it is pointed out that these discrepancies may be due to causes in the patient himself , in transit , or in the testing laboratory . patient female 19 The final decision as to whether or not to take hormone replacement therapy was most often made by the patient herself ( 61 % ) . patient male 12 To verify the possible past exposure to asbestos , ignored by the patient himself , by studying in depth his environmental and occupational history . patient male 14 To establish good oral hygiene are how to control supra plaque surrounding tissues with patient himself . patient female 38 The patient was followed up at family nursing clinic , and the appropriate nursing interventions were developed to cover a series of needs prioritized by nurses using the AREA method and taking into account the prioritization of the user herself . user male 27 In the psychotherapeutic institution , there is a drift of the therapeutic role from the physician to the nurse , and finally from the nurse to the patient himself . patient male 44 To polish procedures for practical work and to evaluate their efficiency , a respiration corrector has been devised , which visualizes a patient 's external respiration rhythm and synchronizes it with the reference rhythm whose parameters are set by a physician or by a patient himself . patient female 27 Patient 's social and spiritual needs were addressed , and the future concerns that the patient is preoccupied with were discussed on a one-on-one basis with the patient himself or herself . patient male 83 The hypothalamus is the real brain of the viscera , the functional bridge between the hypophysis , the limbic structures and the upper cortical centres ; 2 ) that doctors should consider the role of the hypothalamus in the diagnosis and therapy of the total person : a ) in evaluating the patient 's real emotional and psychological situation ; b ) in realising that the simple administration of a drug to cure the organic symptom really means only partial treatment of the patient himself . patient male 25 In the case of typical application of the SII appliance for 4 hours in the afternoon and the free organization of this time by the patient himself , most of the time fell into the area " intellectual activity " followed by the area " manual activity " . patient male 13 Adoptive T-cell therapy is the administration of tumor cytotoxic T-cells derived from either patient himself or donors , which were induced or genetically engineered and expanded patient male 31 The clue to the early recognition of this aggressive tumour ( T2N0M0G3 ) resulting in a hitherto favourable outcome after excision and irradiation above all lied in the alertness of the patient himself . patient male 11 Periodontal tissue can be harvested with minimal invasive procedures from the patient himself , providing a promising source of tissue for NSC-based therapy and autologous transplantation . patient female 11 Uterine contractions can be detected by the cardiotocometry and by the patient herself . patient male 22 As conditions for supporting DOTS promotion , it is necessary to create a system by which to stabilize the living of the patient himself , guarantee earnings to support it and dissolve the living problem faced by the patient . patient male 1 The patient himself must be involved and human or material sources of help must be sought . patient male 20 An essential requirement for the validity of consent is that clear , exhaustive and adequate information be provided to the patient himself : the practice of informed consent is a communicative relationship in which the patient can express doubts , perplexities and clarification requests to the dentist . patient male 31 In 1995 , 85 % ( 1992 : 71 % ) considered pain as a fundamental part of life , 73 % ( 1992 : 77 % ) thought that the patient himself should decide how to control pain , and 50 % ( 1992 : 51 % ) would accept the idea of euthanasia at the request of a family member with an incurable disease and in pain . patient male 15 Postvention is preventive work , that aims at avoiding that the suicide survivors becomes a patient himself . patient female 7 This symptom may be distressing to the patient herself , and may place strain on her romantic relationships in adulthood . patient male 34 Perhaps more concerning is the greater emphasis on aspects of care considered more precisely measurable and quantifiable , the sum of which is sometimes felt to represent the patient better than knowledge of the patient himself . patient male 29 The simplicity of use of this dressing leads to savings in time and cost and if the patient is cooperative the possibility of widespread use at home by the patient himself . patient male 23 We identified vulnerable points , as transferring and communication between home and care facilities or conversely , medical coordination and involvement of the patient himself in his care . patient male 7 The principle of autonomy suggests that the patient , himself , shares some responsibility for a good QOL outcome . patient male 11 The main obstacle to short stay surgery might well be the patient himself , as he benefits from full social cover and has access to surgical treatment without being on a long waiting list . patient female 27 The technique highlighted a very poor pre-syntax linked to the choice of words and a tendency to make pronoun errors , possibly reflecting some confusion between the patient herself and others , mainly her mother , especially in the discourse about childhood . patient male 27 We presently report the first case of hydronephrosis and hydroureter due to direct compression in the urinary bladder by silicon , which had been introduced by the patient himself 2 yr prior to presentation with severe right flank pain . patient male 11 The presence of hearing loss in the kindred or in the patient himself did not appear as a significant prognostic factor . patient male 2 For the patient himself or his relatives ? patient male 14 It can lead to numerous errors , since urine sampling is made by the patient himself . patient female 30 The case study concludes with a happy ending for the patient when successful surgery to repair the ulcer was initiated , not by medical or nursing personnel but by the patient herself . patient male 1 The patient himself and his family took on the adjustment and maintenance of the respirator , having being appropriately trained before his discharge from hospital . patient female 20 No objective evaluation was used , only clinical judgments by three observers -- the surgeon , a nurse and the patient herself . patient male 20 This result may be achieved through a flexible pharmacologic approach tailored to each patient 's needs ; moreover , the patient himself can be often expected to reduce drug consumption spontaneously . patient male 4 In addition , the patient himself may be harboring a variety of major risks including age , physiological and mental status and previous illnesses . patient male 24 Here I use reflection about a patient with HIV infection , from the points of view of two doctors caring for him and the patient himself , to explore prejudice against lifestyles that are considered " dangerous " . patient male 22 No-one can so exactly report on disturbances of seeing , hearing , feeling , smelling , tasting , and equilibrium as the patient himself . But the personality of the observer is particularly involved : Is he minimizing , dramatizing , or are there changes in the cerebral cortex ? patient female 15 A low-intensity stimulation was given continuously , and a high-intensity stimulation was initiated by the patient herself whenever pain increased . patient male 23 It has not been uncommon that sexual inadequacies have occurred in some patients , causing a lot of discomfort and suffering for the patient himself as well as to his family . patient male 57 This type of approach does not represent an alternative to the traditional model , but rather expands its boundaries while preserving its scientific base ; where the feelings , expectations , and desires of the Patient and his interpretation of the disease , more or less obvious , are read in the broad context in which the Patient himself exhibits . Patient female 24 With the aim to confirm the obstructive character of the cystocele we performed at test consisting in manual reduction of the cystocele by the patient herself , to check if by this simple manoeuvre the urodynamic parameters of obstruction disappear or diminish . patient female 15 The NuvaRing is a vaginal contraceptive device that is placed and later removed by the user herself . user female 8 Furthermore , the referral was initiated by the patient herself in most cases ( 40 % ) and by the GPs in 31 % of the cases . patient male 1 The patient himself presented psychopathologic traits and adaptive difficulties . patient male 16 The results of voice therapy were evaluated by the laryngologist , the speech pathologist and the patient himself . patient female 21 Increasing numbers of young female patients with familial hypercholesterolemia raise the issue of pregnancy and its consequences for the familial hypercholesterolemia patient herself but also for her offspring . patient female 17 The successful management of the woman with valvular heart disease in pregnancy required complete cooperation between the patient herself , the obstetrician , cardiologist , anesthetist and other supporting medical staff , to optimize the outcome for both the mother and her baby . patient male 7 Autodialysis is the dialysis performed by the patient himself at a local center instead of a hemodialysis center . patient male 21 Nevertheless , in practice we ca n't deny the fact that there are several steps in the process in which the patient himself decides if he wants such an approach or not . patient male 29 A previous compulsorily admission and referral by the police or mental health services were found to be predictors of emergency compulsory admission , irrespective of possible danger to the patient himself and others and irrespective of the patient ’s lack of motivation for treatment . patient male 13 The initiative to receive just limited medical information must be taken by the patient himself , not the surgeon . patient male 19 Global clinical assessment was graded on a 5-point scale every 2 weeks by the investigators and weekly by the patient himself . patient female 27 The actions of secondary prevention of alcohol abuse and alcoholism in the primary medical attention confront barriers that difficult their attention , beginning with those of the patient him or herself , those of the family physician and the multidisciplinary staff , and finally , those corresponding to the system of attention itself . patient male 28 The survey described the past occupational exposure to asbestos in a canning industry , where the subject worked in the period 1982 - 1990 , unknown to the patient himself . patient male 20 The new cleansing method presents several interesting advantages : time saving for the nurse of the radiology department and the patient himself ( cleansing enema is no longer required ) , better patient acceptance , equal evacuation of fecal residue but significantly better evacuation of residual liquid resulting in better mucosal coating . patient male 8 Epileptic seizures can lead to injuries of the patient himself and of other persons . patient male 24 We find that the most significant factor affecting both degree and nature of interest in the history of sociology is the speciality of the sociologist himself . sociologist male 19 We conclude that intramuscular lidocaine may be useful if given by a paramedic , another person , or the patient himself when acute myocardial infarction is suspected outside the hospital . patient male 17 There are numerous reasons for this over-consumption ; in some cases , it is attributable to the patient himself ( multiple diseases , deterioration of bodily functions , poor compliance , misuse , etc . ) , while in others , the prescribing physician , family or professional caregivers are at fault . patient male 13 Spying on psychiatrists : surreptitious surveillance of the forensic psychiatric examination by the patient himself . patient male 27 Demographic data ; circumstances under which admission was made ; attitude of the patient 's milieu , as well as the type of request formulated by the patient himself , were taken into consideration . patient male 31 Although the effectiveness of each of these approaches is good ( about 80 % of patients cured ) , the ALARA principle must be applied avoiding the un-justified radioactivity to the patient himself , the people living/working near him and the environment . patient female 13 The choice to use allograft or iliac crest autograft was made by the patient himself or herself after being informed about the advantages and disadvantages of both methods . patient male 16 The main indication for colon barium enema examination is occult bleeding or bleeding noticed by the patient himself . patient male 8 An autologous bone ( bone derived from the patient himself ) is considered to be a " golden standard " in the treatment of bone defects and partial atrophic alveolar ridge . patient male 14 Up to 31 % of both patients and relatives chose people other than the patient himself to give consent , even when the patient was conscious . patient male 33 In addition to studies of the efficacy and tolerance of indapamide , the study comprised an assessment of well-being , which was carried out objectively by the physician , and subjectively by the patient himself , by means of a list of complaints and a visual analogue scale . patient male 59 It allows a great accuracy of movement given to the semicircular canals , a possible mobilization with an amplitude until there ever reached , a significant reduction of the proprioceptive entries of patient , a perfect safety of the examination , a possible mobilization of obese or arthritic patients and , finally , a very increased comfort for the patient himself . patient male 16 The relationship between visual acuity assessed by the ophthalmologist and functional visual disorders evaluated by the patient himself by means of special tests is an important indicator of successful cataract operations . patient male 11 This intramobile element can be changed without any problems by the patient himself . patient male 24 In Japan where the question of cancer notification has yet to be resolved , it is difficult to obtain an informed consent from the patient himself in clinical studies of the chemotherapies for cancer . patient male 9 This appliance , which can be controlled by the patient himself , has proved very well as useful complement concerning the gymnastics as part of treatment . patient male 24 When this court is a commission comprised of an attorney and of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic specialists , it is of greatest importance that the patient himself be heard by the attorney and not just by a member of the commission and that this attorney also takes into account statements of relatives , as an incompetent patient may say things that are inconsistent with actual facts . patient male 11 A nonprescription drug can only be proposed in situations where the patient himself can make a self-assessment of the medical condition and its follow-up . patient male 29 Nonetheless , the caregiver usually gets an intermediary role in doctor-patient communication thus becoming the doctor 's main conversation partner and claiming to be given more information than the patient himself . patient female 8 They were compared with 2 controls : the patient himself or herself 24 hours before , and an individual recruited by telephone from the community and matched for age-group , sex , and time . patient male 17 The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a lot of personal and social consequences for the patient himself . patient male 6 Main topics addressed were ' the patient himself ' and ' treatment options , offers and services in the local area ' . patient male 19 The antibody did not cross-react with quinine and was active against WBCs obtained from normal subjects and from the patient himself . patient male 15 After remaining for 3 minutes in the stomach , it is pulled out by the patient himself and its coloration read to reveal the degree of bleeding . patient male 11 It can be used either by the medical personnel or the patient himself , at home , for the purpose of detecting minute bleeding in the upper G-I tract and for cancer screening in the high risk population . patient female 12 Foreign bodies in vagina are known to have been inserted by the patient herself or by some other person ; as an aid to masturbation , sexual intercourse or sexual assault . patient male 28 Physicians implied in strategies of reperfusion have a responsibility to choose the most suitable combination therapy taking into account delays in care , kind of reperfusion and the patient himself . patient male 19 The finding must primary bee used to value the therapy and improve the compliance but can not prove the patient himself . patient female 3 However , the patient herself was not satisfied with the results . patient male 9 One set of each was filled out by the patient himself ; the other with the help of the occupational therapist . patient male 30 We tested predictive and reactive aspects of the movement in the same task as the drop was triggered either unexpectedly by the examiner ( reactive condition ) or by the patient himself ( predictive condition ) . patient female 24 The diagnosis , already clear from the anamnesis as well as from both the onset of the symptoms and the general conditions of the patient herself , was then confirmed by a local MR-angiography ( MRA ) , the only test that gave us a positive result . patient female 15 This complication was ascribed to biopsy and untimely removal of the nasobiliary drain by the patient herself . patient female 8 The final decision should be given by the patient himself or herself , but families ' opinion is not to neglect especially when the diagnosis is precocious and the patient ca n't give the consent to medical or surgical procedures . patient female 26 The varieties of malnutrition , substance abuse , and aggression that may accompany mental illness can injure the unborn child in more severe ways than the patient herself . patient male 31 This new attitude , beyond laboratory tests , imaging procedures , and pharmacological treatment , emphasizes the significance of the role of the patient , and transfers the control to the patient himself and his/her family . patient female 18 These findings may be the initiative for the first clinical visit to a gynecologist , initiated by the patient herself or by her parent . patient female 24 Both physical and psychological symptoms were investigated as well as the follow-up results of the operation as a whole , as judged by the patient herself . patient male 1 The patient himself scores each symptom as regards severity ( symptom score ) and impact on daily life ( bother score ) . patient male 32 A Holter-type portable computerised electronic system for measurement of the apparent volume of the penis , eye movements and heart rate over 12 hours , enables investigation of erectile disorders by the patient himself , under more physiological conditions at home . patient male 36 Outcome measurement must take into consideration body structures and function ( symptoms , organ function ) as reviewed by a professional , the individual 's functional health status in terms of activity and evaluated by the patient himself , and his participation in his social environment . patient male 11 It is quick to apply and can be administered by the patient himself . patient male 20 In these ultrasound-positive patients , the " taking off the shoe " test ( TOST ) was performed by the patient himself on both the affected and unaffected legs ; and the physician then performed the resisted range of motion , passive range of motion , and active range of motion tests . patient male 28 It is more rapid than shaving , it can be applied to areas not easily accessible to razors , and it can often be carried out by the patient himself . patient male 3 Thirdly , the patient himself wrote a monograph devoted to his malformation ( 1859 ) . patient male 5 The Norms require that the patient himself , rather than a member of his family , sign each informed consent form . patient female 41 Axillary lymph node metastases were present in 29.7 % of the total group of patients , which is much fewer than what might have been expected if the carcinomas had been discovered by palpation during the clinical examination or by the patient herself . patient male 16 In the NG , the nurse contacted the patient by phone every 6 months unless the patient himself initiated the contact . patient male 11 Identical results were obtained whether the IgG was obtained from a patient himself or from a normal donor , demonstrating that the hypercatabolism is a host defect and not an abnormality of the protein . patient male 15 The normally sterile sites are contaminated then colonized by the flora which is carrying the patient himself , with the favor of a rupture of the barriers of defense . patient male 23 The developed in vitro model represents an assay in which the patients ' brain tumour-derived cells are confronted with connective tissue from the patient himself , i.e. an autologous system to evaluate the individual behaviour of the tumour , in contrast to other invasion models . patient male 11 Subjective assessments may be made on a pain scale by the patient himself , or by a trained observer . patient female 7 Mistakes occur at the level of the patient herself , her provider , and the sensitivity of office-based tests . patient male 44 Nowdays , in the field of rheumatology we talk about US and PD as " a rheumatologist 's prolonged finger " or as " a rheumatological stetoscope " , exactly because of their accessibility and possibility of getting quick and useful information about the patient himself . patient male 18 Attention is paid to the anti-decubitus quality , the users-friendliness for medical attendants , nursing attendants and the patient himself , the maintenance-friendliness and the cost-price . patient male 14 The adequacy of repair was assessed intraoperatively by active movement of operated limb by patient himself . patient male 13 Their general practitioner was alerted to signals of psychotic relapse by the first patient himself and for the other two patients by the next of kin . patient female 31 Barriers in the daily practice among health care workers like lack of knowledge and lack of assignment of responsibility are still important , and health care professionals seem to let the patient himself or herself be a barrier to the use of enteral nutrition . patient male 13 In many SCI men , penile vibratory ejaculation can be performed by the patient himself and home insemination performed as a very low cost alternative . patient female 16 The culture medium in this series was always supplemented with adult serum , usually from the patient herself , and this serum could be suppressive.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient male 19 However , in a non-negligible number of cases , the clinical effect of Dogmatil is clearly noticeable by the patient himself after 48 hours . patient male 18 Ability and will-power to care for himself depend on the degree of acceptance of the disease by the patient himself . patient male 22 The overall operative risk is determined by operation , anaesthesia and numerous additional factors which include the pre-existing physical status of the patient himself as well as external impacts . patient female 59 Two hundred women performed elective cesarean section were selected and randomized to : Regimen I ( n = 100 ) : early oral hydration ( sips of fruit juices sweetened with honey once the women felt thirst immediately after the operation , then solid food 24 hours later , the amounts of juice or food were determined by the patient herself , i.e. she would regulate her physiological needs ) versus regimen II ( n = 100 ) : conventional intravenous hydration ( 2 - 3 L of dextrose saline/24 hours and solid food thereafter ) . patient male 33 These three therapeutics can be combined together according to the results of the treatment and require a real coordination between ophthalmologists , endocrinologists and radiotherapeutists as well as a good cooperation from the patient himself . patient female 13 The diagnosis eluded more than 20 physicians and was finally made by the patient herself . patient male 10 The measurement of blood pressure ( BP ) by the patient himself without strict protocols , adequate training , and validated equipment at their own household is defined as self measured blood pressure ( SMBP ) . patient male 28 For potential clinical applications , BM-MSCs offer significant practical advantages over other types of stem cells , since they can be obtained from the adult BM ( the patient himself being the donor ) and can be easily cultured and expanded posing in parallel a very low risk for development of malignancies . patient male 15 The doctor should obtain information about the carbohydrate metabolism from urinary tests performed by the patient himself . patient male 11 Restlessness can make dying unnecessarily difficult , not only for the patient himself , but also for his family and the physician in charge . patient male 6 The combination of self-evaluation by the patient himself and hetero-evaluation by health professionals makes it possible to optimize the follow-up of the patients and to better adapt the therapeutics . patient male 5 The infection source was the patient himself , previously colonized with hospital specific microorganisms . patient male 38 In addition , pathological analysis revealed cysts only within the confines of the donor tissue and none in the recipient ; Acanthamoeba cysts would have been present in the recipient rim tissue if the infection originated from the patient himself . patient male 19 As far as possible , the decision for amputation should not be imposed ; it is better that the patient himself should take the initiative . patient female 26 It is important to know that these diseases frequently involve locomotorium , skin , and vessels , of which symptoms or signs are easily sensed by patient herself or observed by herself or a doctor from her body surface . patient female 37 The combined use of tCF and an anti-coagulating therapy resulted in an effective prophylaxis of TED for the pregnant woman without any interferences with CS and with no consequence as for permanent endovascular prosthesis for the young patient herself . patient male 27 Nevertheless , the complaints or symptoms caused by BPH , as stated by the patients in a quantitative manner of increasing severity , take care that the patient himself , not waiting too long , decides to visit a doctor . patient male 16 Thus , being easy and sensitive , LJM determination may provide both the physician and the patient himself with an important motivation to improve diabetic control in an effort to prevent diabetic neuropathy . patient male 13 Therapeutic implications are easily recognized and can be performed without delay by the patient himself on the basis of the so-called " traffic light system " . patient male 28 The article discusses , first of all , the reasons for a failure to detect a fresh fracture of the scaphoid bone which may be ascribed to the patient himself or of an iatrogenic nature . patient male 22 We present a reliable method for early detection of prosthetic valve dysfunction which can be applied daily with minimal effort by the patient himself . patient male 22 21-items Hamilton Depressive Scale and Beck Depressive Inventory were applied once in each testified patient , consecutively by a physician or a patient himself during interictal period . patient male 8 This will then be carried out by the patient himself until the achievement of an anatomical reduction of the fracture , lengthening or deformity correction . patient male 35 In practice , the only thing the doctor can do is to talk to the patient about his responsibility to prevent infection of others and to point out the risks of unsafe sex for the patient himself . patient female 26 While an appropriate mechanism in theory , these programs are often under-staffed and under-funded , laying the consequences of inadequacies on the healthcare system and the patient him or herself . patient male 4 However , the French sociologist himself understood language in the context of sociologist female 7 Continuous relaxing suggestions as described by the patient herself the day before surgery were used to maintain the trance state . patient male 17 Patient Controlled Analgesia is a useful technic to deliver morphine analgesia via a programmable pump : the patient himself choose to self-administer a bolus dose ( usually morphine ) ; the dosage is calculated and prescribed according to the level of pain , limits of dose and period of interdiction are planned . patient male 8 They should also concern themselves with the alcoholic patient himself and take advantage of the opportunity provided by his hospitalization . patient male 12 In this case report , which includes a statement related by the patient himself , the authors also discuss the importance of a good doctor-patient relationship in treating HIV patients and in assuring the patient 's adherence to his treatment . patient male 10 With two examples the spreading of gram-negative NIA at the patient himself resp . patient male 31 Frequently , coping with alcoholism is an integral facet of the rehabilitative process , and in this respect a patient 's family often presents more of a problem than does the patient himself . patient male 8 Artificial inflictions of dyshidrotic skin lesions by the patient himself are of great importance . patient male 4 Multiple control-measurements by the patient himself or an ambulatory day profile may clarify the situation in suspicious cases . patient female 9 In addition the antenatal record is retained by the patient herself who brings it to all attendances , both in the practice and at the hospital . patient male 26 The individual who makes the decision as to use any of these unconventional treatment options is probably not different when it comes to self ( the patient himself ) vs. non-self ( the parents/care-givers ) , despite the observed difference that adult patients more frequently believed that CAM might be useful in treating seizures than adults with sick kids . patient female 27 Capgras ' syndrome is the delusional belief in the existence of identical " doubles " of significant people in a patient 's life , or of the patient himself or herself , or of both . patient male 9 When there is imminent danger of harm to the patient himself or to others , or when aggressive behaviour makes medical management difficult , the benzodiazepines have been found useful . patient male 9 In a mini circuit , the reservoir is the patient himself . patient female 1 The patient herself was free of complaints . patient male 22 At least in the short term , lifestyle changes among coronary heart disease patients are achievable by intensifying the responsibility of the patient himself by means of a simple and feasible intervention . patient male 32 Squamous cells carcinoma ( SCC ) is the second most frequent of the keratinocyte-derived malignancies after basal cell carcinoma and is associated with a significant psychosocial and economic burden for both the patient himself and society . patient female 15 Injection of progesterone , however , is painful and can not be done by the patient herself . patient male 27 The present study attempted to develop tool to assist speech therapy and rehabilitation , which provided simple interface to let the assessment be done even by the patient himself without the need of particular knowledge of speech processing while at the same time , also provided further deep analysis of the speech , which can be useful for the speech therapist . patient male 13 All of these means of expressing the results focus clinical evaluation on the patient himself . patient male 3 Evaluation by the patient himself is the rule ( unless communication is impaired ) , as assessment of pain by nurses or doctors systematically leads to underestimation ( which also occurs with observational scales ) . patient female 40 It is clear from this review that a multitude of determinants are associated with women 's satisfaction such as health care provider 's attitude , the environment as well as the socio-demographic , economic and even psychological characteristics of the patient herself . patient male 29 71.3 % of the health professionals answer that this decision depends on the medical , 60.5 % of the users of the NHS thinks that it depends on the patient himself and/or its family members . patient male 16 A part of these problems can wait until office hours or can be managed by the patient himself without further professional care . patient male 59 I wish to propose that the effectiveness of this process depends upon the recognition or articulation by the therapist of feelings or thoughts of the patient that are in a certain sense already conscious , are actually within conscious subjective experience , yet are not and for certain dynamic reasons can not be fully articulated or recognized by the patient himself . patient male 19 In addition , the effectivity was to be documented by means of peak-flow values to be measured by the patient himself . patient male 14 The Cololax regimen has the advantages that it may be carried out by the patient himself in his own home and that it saves staff resources for the enema . patient male 18 Therefore , treatment must be constantly supervised , not only by the physician but also primarily by the patient himself , especially to avoid the ever-present risk of intoxication . patient male 17 We report six incidences , in which important medical information was transferred to the army by the patient himself , rather than by the therapist . patient male 1 The patient himself is the predominant source of nosocomial infections . patient male 46 One such category is " Not the doctor 's pigeon " , when the doctor sees that the patients ' problems concerning sick-listing would be better handled by , for example , the employer , the employment office , the social insurance office , or the patient himself . patient male 24 In correlation with increased life expectancy of patients , quality of life ( QOL ) has become a factor of increasing interest by the patient himself and also of importance in health-care planning and recruitment of financial resources . patient male 40 This article discusses the arguments for and against the right not to know of one 's carrier status , as well as professional obligations in the context of withholding unwanted information that may have direct implications not only for the patient himself but also for other family members . patient male 34 The process of classification is completed with information derived from the consideration of " families , " which group beats that have QRSs of similar morphology , and with information brought in by the user himself in the monitoring process . user female 1 The patient herself could not relate details of most episodes ; her husband reported observing extreme prostration and incoherence during some of the episodes . patient male 3 Finally , the patient himself suggested a possible explanation on the basis of an Internet search : his pectus excavatum . patient male 11 Only the relief of pain determined our subjective evaluation by the patient himself , without regard to sensory or motor deficiencies . patient male 25 It offers mainly two additional ways for the examination of eye movements : 1 ) Time and place independent , telemetric ENG recording by the patient himself . patient male 16 Poor compliance to conventional therapy ( P<0.05 ) , complete cessation of conventional therapy by the patient himself ( P<0.005 ) , poor glycemic control ( P<0.05 ) , and higher rates of complications ( P<0.01 ) were associated with CAM use . patient female 16 This article details the risks of such a right -- especially in psychiatry -- for the patient himself or herself , for the collateral sources who have transmitted confidential information to the therapist , and for the therapist-patient relationship . patient male 15 Its major impact is the vigorous sleep behavior that often results in injuries to the patient himself or to people sleeping nearby . patient female 22 An attempt was made to identify those bacteria that were predominately responsible for wound infection and their source , whether from the patient herself or from a nosocomial origin . patient male 17 Together with the necessary steps to improve patient compliance , including increased blood pressure measurements by the patient himself , practitioners can now rely upon effective therapeutic tools . patient female 30 For the borderline patients , positive outcome was associated with the fact that a negative image of mother did not evoke helpful staff feelings , a positive image of the patient himself or herself did not evoke helpful staff feelings and a controlling image of father-evoked distant feelings . patient female 10 First , the gardening scissors were pulled out by the patient herself . patient male 24 Patients were tested for cognitive deficits with a neuropsychological battery and their performance was compared to the ratings of cognitive functioning provided by the patient himself , his family member and the informant . patient male 28 Data from selected trials are summarized in a global meta-analysis and also in subgroups meta-analysis , according to the fact that the user of POC device is the patient himself , with or without personal treatment adaptation , the general practitioner or a health professional in an anticoagulation clinic . patient male 57 After a general review of the subject discussed , the author deals with it in detail , from the point of view of the various motivations involved , the roles and purposes envisaged , and this in traditional psychiatry as well as in the so-called anti-psychiatry , and he concludes that in each case it is the patient himself , with his own special problems , who should determine the orientations in psychiatry . patient male 34 They offer illusions of solutions , i.e. they simulate solutions in the sense of the postmodern technique of " as though " and do not pay any heed to the interests of the mental patient himself . patient male 8 In the case of poor prognosis , the patient himself decides whether or not amputation is the primary treatment . patient male 17 Usually , the request for perimortem gamete retrieval is made by the patient 's partner after the patient himself , or herself , has lost the capacity to consent for the procedure . patient male 5 Some indications depend on the patient himself , especially age and psychosis . patient male 23 This paper also demonstrates how the use of videotaped instruction allows the treatment team to administer organized information using unlicensed personnel or the patient himself , thus conserving the professional staff 's time . patient male 31 The amount of alcohol consumed prior to the trauma was measured by blood alcohol concentration ( determined by an alcoholometer ) and the degree and state of intoxication reported by the patient himself . patient female 20 Of all LR , 80 % appeared during the first 5 years and were detected with equal frequency by the patient herself , the physician , and annual mammography . patient male 4 The information of the patient himself should also be developed and intensified , especially with regard to the correct use of drugs , prescribed or OTC . patient male 29 Since self-management forms the basis of home dialysis , dialysis complications can be reduced by arranging meals , fluid management and dialysis schedule according to the lifestyle of the patient himself . patient female 42 This study demonstrates that barriers to initiating conversations about sexual health have a lot more to do with the assumptions , attitudes , and knowledge of the clinicians ' and their view of what is best for patient care than with the patient herself . patient male 28 Four tests were used to appreciate the results : pain , Tinel sign , Weber two point discrimination test , the return of the sensibility appreciated by the patient himself . patient male 10 The right eye lesion slowly progressed since noted by the patient himself 2 years ago , but he refused biopsy and further treatment including surgery . patient male 5 By accident , however , patient himself found spontaneous voiding could be induced by hot water spray on perineum and/or scrotum during bidet using . patient male 56 BP was determined nine times in each subject in the medical office in a randomised order : BP was taken three times by the physician using a mercury sphygmomanometer ( SPH-Hg ) , three times by the physician using a validated , automated oscillometer ( Omron HEM 705 CP ) , and three times by the patient himself with the same device . patient male 51 Many investigations may help us to better understanding of this complex problem : blood examination ( total IgE , Rast ) , prick-tests , epicutaneous or patch-tests ( PT ) , semi-open tests ( SOT ) for potentially irritant products and repeated open application tests ( ROAT ) made by the patient himself . patient male 7 The questionnaire is filled in by the patient himself . patient male 16 The outcome of the rehabilitation was measured with ratings by the staff members and by the patient himself . patient male 14 Clean surgical wounds may be contaminated from three separate sources : endogenously from the patient himself ; exogenously from direct contamination by unsterile instruments , drapes , gowns , hands , or gloves ; and by bacteria settling from that final common pathway , the air over the operative field . patient male 37 At 27 locations , paclitaxel and docetaxel had also been issued in the context of trials , and at 7 locations also via special agreements with the insurers and ( or ) at the expense of the patient himself . patient male 19 The last one consisted of walking on a corridor 40 meters long , at a speed chosen by the patient himself . patient male 22 These patients should therefore be encouraged to donate blood which can be stored frozen and used either as autotransfusion ( for the patient himself ) or for other McLeod-patients . patient male 9 Following the discovery of a thyroid nodule by the patient himself or by the doctor , a relatively simple strategy should exclude the rare event of an underlying cancer . patient male 28 A family study was performed to determine whether the hypertriglyceridaemia associated with gout is present in families of gout patients or due to the life style of the patient himself . patient male 8 Trichotillomania is as medical condition caused by the patient himself by pulling out of is own hair , resulting in a perceptible hair loss pattern that frequently is associated with other psychiatric processes . patient male 19 One of the newest possibilities is the computerized recording of the current symptoms , which is made by the patient himself by means of an electronic pain diary . patient male 17 Diffusive samplers for monitoring of air quality are user-friendly devices that can normally be operated by the user himself . user male 13 It is the evaluation by health care workers , and distress evaluation by patient himself is not included in it . patient male 5 Ticlopidine was discontinued by the patient himself one week prior to admission . patient male 41 The designed and developed TeleDiaFoS system consists of a traditional database and mobile patient 's module ( PM ) allowing for documentation of the foot images as well as the results of blood glucose and blood pressure measurements taken by the patient himself at home . patient male 12 Since the cassette and the batteries can be easily changed , the patient himself can prolong the recording for several days . patient female 13 Sampling of the vaginal introitus , by both health care workers and the patient herself , performed as well as commonly used diagnostic tests that require vaginal speculum examination . patient female 11 Resolution of galactorrhea after stopping the drug and self-rechallenge by the patient herself with reappearance of galactorrhea confirmed the culprit to be esomeprazole only . patient female 29 Misoprostol could be a safe and easily accessible alternative to surgical evacuation , in cases of first trimester spontaneous onset incomplete miscarriage , and could be administered by the patient herself at home . patient male 8 This leaves more time of attention for the patient himself . patient female 16 These movements were surely caused by the increase of the substitutive therapy with Levodopa by the patient herself . patient male 16 In both cases , the tumor was not detected by the physician but rather by the patient himself ( case 1 ) or his wife ( case 2 ) . patient male 29 The condition of illness was judged by a combination of VAS scoring of cutaneous lesions , laboratory data ( IgE , LDH , eosinophil ) and evaluation by the patient himself . patient female 52 The frequency of suicidal behavior was tested individually by BAB-T interview ( ' ' Grading of Anorexia and Bulimia , Teen-ager ' ' ) , which is a semi-structured interview with the patient , and by YSR ( ' ' Youth Self Report ' ' ) a questionnaire filled in by the patient herself . patient male 1 The patient himself has lower haemoglobin on the day of surgery after an autologous blood donation . patient female 31 Seventy percent had one or more avoidable factors ; of these , 46 percent were attributed to errors in professional judgment , and 16 percent to inadequate prenatal care by the patient herself . patient male 14 The different phases were recognised in approximately two thirds of the cases by the patient himself when looking at the videotape . patient male 36 Drugs are commonly used to treat oral and maxillofacial diseases , but more often the oral and maxillofacial region is affected by the side effects of drugs and home-remedies on the orofacial tissues taken by the patient himself or prescribed by a dentist or physician . patient male 1 The patient himself chose the method of self-injection for pain control . patient male 11 Peripheral vestibular disorders can be a source of danger to the patient himself and to those in his working environment , e.g. in traffic or on building sites . patient male 15 The main motivations of PD patients to participate in CTs were the benefit to the patient himself and to others . patient male 39 The representations of experience in the patient 's mind are seen as without structure of their own , needing to be organized by words , thus vulnerable to distortion or dissolution by the language of the analyst or the patient himself . patient male 9 Prophylactic treatment takes place at times determined by the patient himself , in contrast to treatment on an as-needed basis . patient female 9 The recurrence is presumably due to re-infection from the patient herself . patient female 13 Hypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus were diagnosed after cessation of the treatment by the patient herself . patient male 9 Based on our review and on feedback from the patient himself , we gained valuable insights into this illness and the merits of selected treatment options . patient female 17 Although the parent may have brought in the teenager , the success of treatment depends on the patient himself or herself . patient male 6 This allows for self-dilatation by the patient himself or by non-professionals involved in daily care at regular intervals . patient male 7 The discrepancy can also depend on the patient himself and particularly on the possibilities of the remaining lung to expand normally after surgery . patient male 19 Negative symptoms are a cofeature of schizophrenia which constitute a severe burden on relatives as well as on the patient himself . patient female 36 Session III of this Colloquium on Cardio-Oncology focuses on some of these concerns , both from the perspective of health care providers who strive to minimize the burdens , but also from the viewpoint of the patient him or herself who must deal with the price that must often be paid for increased survival or cure . patient male 6 Clinical assessment was performed by the patient himself and by a plastic surgeon , 15 days after injections and 6 - 18 months later . patient male 18 His unconsciousness was possibly caused by the sleepiness developed after khat consumption and a benzodiazepine intake by the patient himself . patient male 9 Withdrawal was scored before and after treatment by the patient himself and an independent observer . patient male 5 A sedation controlled by the patient himself is even possible . patient male 35 Both atropine ( from 8.4 to 15.0 pg/mg ) and scopolamine ( 1.0 - 1.3 pg/mg ) were identified in the four segment of the hair showing a regular consumption of Datura admitted by the patient himself . patient male 18 HRQoL is influenced by experience , beliefs , perceptions and expectations , and measures subjective perspective of the patient himself . patient male 12 The available treatments are divided into three groups : applied by the patient himself ( imiquimod 3.75 or 5 % , podophyllotoxin .5 % , synecatekines 10 % or 15 % ) , applied by the health care provider ( bi- and tricloacetic acids 80%-90 % , intralesional interferon alpha , cryotherapy , surgical removal , electrofulguration , laser ablation ) and experimental or alternative therapies ( topical cidofovir , intralesional bleomycin , photodynamic therapy ) . patient male 16 This is a very simple technique , which provides a great amount of bone from the patient himself , therefore producing a small morbidity . patient female 30 To promote better care fo the unwed pregnant adolescent , an overview of adolescent development , feelings , and behaviors is given , followed by a generalized description of the patient herself . patient female 15 Other non-health service factors contributing to the adverse outcome were found in actions of the patient herself or a traditional birth attendant . patient male 7 Diagnostic services are paid for by the patient himself , while treatment in many countries is partially or completely covered by public insurance . patient male 14 The outcome of hip arthroplasty after fracture is influenced by the elderly and unhealthy patient himself and the difficult planning and operation conditions due to fracture and its morphology . patient male 6 Autogenous GF , produced by the patient himself during the bone repair process , potentially interfere with prosthetic devices or even have a role in implant loosening due to the periprosthetic tissue reaction . patient female 31 The subjective success of therapy of the patients concerned was judged to be good in 75 % of the cases by the doctor and in more than 63 % by the patient herself . patient male 43 It is also concluded that , according to South African law , there rests no legal duty upon a medical practitioner to treat a patient where such treatment -- even if necessary to save the patient 's life -- is refused by the patient himself . patient female 15 Separate LVS and ARS were collected at the 36-week antenatal visit , either by the patient herself or by her clinician . patient male 7 The vitality is taken out of the patient himself as well as his objects , and although in an important sense these drives are ' anti-life ' , the author suggests that their aim is not literally to kill or to annihilate , but that the patient feels compelled to maintain a link with the object that often has an evidently tormenting quality . patient male 7 These factors may be related to the patient himself or to a health system that hinders asthma control . patient male 8 An aspirated anterior tooth was expectorated by the patient himself , and the other aspirated anterior tooth was removed by flexible bronchoscopy . patient male 22 Active anterior rhinomanometry ( AAR ) , posterior active rhinomanometry ( PAR ) and a self-assessment of the nasal patency by the patient himself on a visual analog scale ( VAS ) were compared before and one year after surgery . patient female 16 In this high-risk population , the tracking must be rigorous and involve the participation of the patient herself , earlier and more frequent clinical assessment , and the use of imaging screening . patient male 17 The program tries to utilize the patient 's curiosity and need for activity and to involve the patient himself in an effort to make the patient apprehend the relevance of subject matter . patient female 9 Anonymising patient information will never prevent recognition by the patient himself or herself . patient male 25 In conclusion there is an overwhelming need for optimising the prescribing in elderly through an integrated approach involving physician , pharmacologist , pharmacist and the patient himself . patient male 39 A therapeutic triangle , which includes the family , the patient and the physician , develops from the beginning ; thus the physician needs to be aware of it to use these interactions in the best interest of the patient himself . patient male 11 There is also a significant number of requirements driven by the patient himself , probably under the influence of the media especially Internet forums . patient male 21 We report an unusual case of intestinal obstruction due to reduction-en-masse of a groin hernia because of manual reduction by the patient himself 7 days before , which was missed both by the radiologist as well as by the surgeons . patient female 17 When prostheses were used in mammary hypotrophy following hypertrophy , results were unfavorable , though sometimes the patient herself was satisfied . patient male 22 Lethal outcome in 2 of our 12 reported cases in one of them is caused by refusing immediate surgical intervention by the patient himself , in the other by development of ischemic cardiac necrosis involving a papillary muscle after suturing a cardiac wound . patient male 11 It can be provided by peak-flow measurement , performed by the patient himself . patient male 27 There is a 3 to 6 % chance to find PAF in members of a family with HHT and 17 % chance to find PAF in a patient himself with HHT . patient male 31 To the patients with renal calculi indicative of this treatment , both percutaneous nephrolithotripsy and extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy are introduced and either way of treatment can be chosen by the patient himself . patient male 37 This contribution deals with the use , within healthcare systems , of patient-reported outcomes ( PROs ) , i.e. , all measures aimed at quantifying the state of health through the evaluation of outcomes reported by the patient himself . patient male 12 Follow-up examinations are essential as certain complications will be detected by the patient himself only too late ! Mortality and morbidity of hiatus hernia should be very small if the correct treatment has been carried out . patient male 18 LMWH was injected subcutaneously at doses ranging from 2500 to 15,000 anti-factor Xa units per day by the patient himself . patient male 21 Hospital costs constituted the largest component of the costs ( 71 % ) followed by other costs directly borne by the patient himself ( 29 % ) , medicine costs ( 14 % ) , transportation charges ( 2 % ) and diagnostic tests ( 3 % ) . patient male 19 About 3/4 of the patients experienced more than 1 month 's delay of diagnosis , either because of the patient himself ( 1/2 of the cases ) , doctor ( 1/5 of the cases ) or hospital ( 1/10 of the cases ) . patient male 23 Interictally , a dense homonymous hemianopia was demonstrated in the clinical examination and by using perimetry , but was not recognized by the patient himself . patient male 24 Various areas are seen to contribute to the difficulties including the " health care system " ( specifically the hospital environment ) , the patient himself , his family , his disease and its treatment , and his physician(s ) . patient female 12 The resultant 4D phantom will serve as the digital representative of the patient himself or herself in the virtual environment and is ready for Monte Carlo particle transport . patient male 33 Within the limits of a well designed periodontal treatment the most appropriate and useful techniques are , at present , the following : subgingival irrigations with chlorhexidine ( irrigating devices ) by the patient himself , subgingival irrigations ( syringes ) with chlorhexidine or stannous fluoride by the practitioner during curettage , in the near future , slow releasing devices with frequent controls of the bacterial flora ( darkfield microscopy ) for cases of rapidly progressive periodontitis . patient male 32 Qualitative data suggests that health centres have circumvented the many constraints by relying on a community-based recruitment strategy and a better management of inputs at the level of the facility and the patient himself . patient male 7 These factors may be related to the patient himself ( history of thromboembolism , tumour type and stage , treatment ) , to the procedure and/or to the mobilizing agents used . patient male 22 In this way , it 's not only up to health professionals to decide who have access to what , but the patient himself . patient female 10 The subjective effect of each therapy was evaluated by the patient herself . patient male 33 A total of 140 cases was reviewed at 1 year and 125 cases at 2 years following injury , at which times a functional assessment score was awarded by the surgeon and the patient himself , and a precise measurement of ankle range was made . patient male 36 The quality of life in patients with heart failure is diminished by symptoms of disease , affected social connections , frequent hospitalisations , side effects caused by medication , and costs of treatment borne by the patient himself . patient female 29 The identification with the maternal pathology is seen primarily as a defensive attempt to create the illusion that the characteristics of the impingements were actually a creation of the patient herself . patient female 18 Here , the skills of a specialist nurse were looked for , in the case of counselling the patient herself , or the authority of the doctor , when counselling husbands . patient female 10 This allows samples to be taken at home by the patient herself and mailed directly to the laboratory . patient male 23 The paper discusses communication -- its modes and its changes -- between analyst and patient , and , more particularly , within the patient himself in the course of a psychoanalysis . patient male 39 During the course of a phase IV study , BP was measured with the same semi-automatic device ( OMRON 705CP ) both at doctor 's office ( 3 measurements at 1-minute intervals ) and at home , by the patient himself ( 3 measurements in the morning and in the evening at 1-minute intervals over the 7 days before the visit ) . patient male 9 After brief instruction the tests are determined by the patient himself according to choice monaurally and/or binaurally depending on comparisons and corrections right/left . patient male 55 Medical authors of early modern times restricted this duty in many respects : they emphasized that a physician was obliged to treat without remuneration only if the patient was in mortal danger , if nobody else could be found to pay for the treatment , if no other physicians were available , or if the patient himself had called on him for help . patient female 17 The NuvaRing is a soft , flexible , ring-shaped vaginal contraceptive device that is placed by the user herself . user male 23 BP was measured using a semi-automatic device at doctor 's office ( three measurements at 1-min intervals ) and at home by the patient himself ( three measurements in the morning and in the evening at 1-min intervals over the 7 days before D0 and D56 ) . patient male 15 Paraffin , Vaseline , and other materials are injected into the penile skin by the patient himself or by untrained persons who practice medicine fraudulently . patient female 27 Cytogenetic analysis of her family revealed a reciporke translocation between chromosome 1 and 11 ( t -1 , -11 ( 1p13 , 11q13 ) ) in the patient herself , her father and the father and a sister of her father . patient female 9 An effect of this unsatisfactory communication is that the patient herself is the messenger of the bad news . patient male 17 Using a two-chamber filter , it is possible to produce reinfusion fluid from the uf of the patient himself , which has been ' regenerated ' by a sorbent bed , in a closed circuit . patient male 12 The identification of the R234X mutation is not only important for the patient himself , but also for other family members who could benefit from being identified as mutation carriers . patient female 37 When the vaginal smear test gives an unexpected positive result , a certain number of problems arise which not only relate to the development of lesions but also involve the gynecologist , the laboratory technician and the patient herself . patient male 9 CISC is a non-sterile catheterization , done by the patient himself to insure complete emptying of the bladder several times per day . patient male 8 As the focus of any psychotherapy is the patient himself , we added reports of patients ' experiences by their therapists ' disclosures . patient male 3 It is the patient himself who decides either to maintain alcohol abstinence or to attempt controlled consumption below thresholds for hazardous drinking . patient male 29 Loading-control via respiration , monitored by lactate measurement , in contrast , has proved superior in our patients , since the respiration is perceived continuously and directly by the patient himself , and is largely independent of the type of exercise involved . patient male 7 However , few medical practitioners answered " patient himself " ( physician 3 % , nurses 4 % ) as the person whom they would primarily notify about the disease and prognosis when in charge of a patient with an incurable disease . patient male 22 However , the exercise of this paternalism should be flexible and related to the current ' level of autonomy ' of the patient himself . patient male 21 Predisposition to this pathology is increased in case of coincidence of 0 group in the patient 's mother and in the patient himself . patient male 64 On a practical level , however , the implementation of this possibility encounters problems : organizational shortcomings , incomplete patient documentation , the stresses of patient transportation , loss of valuable time , in particular in the case of postal consultation , following consultation in a center the carrying out of treatment there , whether at the urging of the doctors there or the patient himself , lack of remuneration for the efforts of the consultants . patient male 31 Using a laser guided telethermometer , the searching of that temperature was uneasy right on the operatory field because of the unwilling movements of the operator hand and those of the patient himself . patient female 1 The patient herself administered gases via a facemask connected to the uni-directional valve which enables the patients to breathe fresh gas in each inspiration . patient male 12 To this regard , the authors report the actual words of a patient himself that are far more convincing that any considerations we may express . patient female 12 This association was independent of both parental hypertension and hypertension in the patient herself . patient male 30 In this complex and wide scene this contribution wants to confirm the role of radiotherapy in cancer pain control , in paricular in bone metastases , and to involve the patient himself in the survey of radiation treatement response by a subjective evaluation of bone pain , elaborating a reliable and valid unidimensional method by which recording the self-rating of the patient 's sensation . patient male 33 Conclusion In this retrospective study , the analysis of patient 's subjective experience confirmed the effectiveness of radiotherapy in reducing pain caused by bone metastases and in improving quality of life of the patient himself . patient male 61 Sex drive reducing therapies are employed in those cases of anomalous erotic preferences in which the patient 's sexual behaviour is dangerous ( certain forms of sadism , or a preference for forcing intercourse or similar interaction ) or while not really dangerous , is utterly unacceptable to the community ( pedophilia and pedohebephilia ) or is an embarrassment to the patient himself ( exhibitionism ) . patient male 14 We report an unusual case of Whipple 's disease diagnosed with help from the patient himself . patient male 30 Since a brain tumor is a rare occurrence in the very young , it may signal heightened susceptibility to malignancy in the individual , extending to other tumors in the patient himself and even to other members of his family . patient female 26 Finally , after a 2-kg weight was placed around the ankle , the tension of each graft was measured again during active knee extension by the patient himself or herself . patient female 18 Patient delay : i.e. the time elapsing between initial discovery of a lump in the breast by the patient herself and her seeking medical opinion ; and 2 . patient male 7 The management of the disease by the patient himself is a key point in the prognosis of glaucoma . patient male 14 This integrative strategy is not focussed on a single therapeutic method but on the patient himself . patient male 19 From the point of view of an attending military clinician , the centrum of all medical care is the patient himself , and that centrality is reflected equally in the helplessness of a bomb-blast or gunshot victim as it is in the vulnerability of a sick or injured infant or child . patient male 7 The question of provenance ( from the patient himself , the hospital or its medical and paramedical staff ) is also examined . patient male 6 Acceptance of the enterostoma by the patient himself , psychological stabilization , achievement of self-sufficiency in stoma care , improvement of physical abilities and finally being fit for full or limited employment are the most important objectives in rehabilitation medicine . patient male 21 Later on , true social and professional problems will arise , with serious economic and psychological consequences not only for the patient himself , but for the community as well , such as huge medical costs -- hence the importance of prevention and treatment , which must in no case be purely symptomatic . patient male 1 The patient himself tried to develop cognitive and behavior coping strategies . patient male 12 Patient-reported outcomes ( PROs ) are any outcome evaluated directly by the patient himself and based on the patient 's perception of a disease and its treatment(s ) . patient female 1 The patient herself found an anterior neck mass in the median submental region one year ago . patient male 12 Therefore , calibration of the sensor signal must be performed by the patient himself repeatedly . patient male 16 For the choice of therapeutic procedure , the individual assessment of his life situation by the patient himself is of major importance . patient male 1 The patient himself was asked to assess subjective symptoms , the physician measured the size of the affected limbs . patient male 8 Likelihood of informing the female partner by the patient himself about the use of PDE5 inhibitors . patient male 18 The relationship between the frequency of alexithymic responses in a particular psychosomatic patient and the concept which the patient himself has of the genesis of his disease represent the third part of the investigation . patient male 20 Apparent failures of this treatment may be caused by insufficient information on the part of either the physician or the patient himself , poor standardization of laboratory tests and/or inadequate dosage of vitamin K antagonists . patient male 39 Of these , 193 had a test performed by their GP , 74 had been tested by another service and 113 had no evidence of being tested , but HCV status was recorded based on information provided by the patient himself . patient male 17 Prompt initiation of countermeasures , regardless of time or place , can only be guaranteed when the patient himself is capable of carrying them out with the same expertise as his attending physician . patient male 17 With the increase of blood glucose self-monitoring , the sliding scale method can be used where the patient himself adjusts the insulin dose under certain circumstances . patient male 6 This can be done by the patient himself or another person . patient female 16 A small percentage of elective procedures are carried out in the first trimester , before the patient herself is aware of the procedure . patient female 11 Efficacy is measured with a pruritus score , kept by the patient herself , as well as with pre- and postdialysis plasma bile acid concentrations and bile acid concentrations in dialysates . patient male 64 Observance of the conditions of the psychoanalytic setting seems to me important if what comes to life is intended to be a psychoanalytic process ; the analysand 's ( or analysand-to-be 's ) pressures on the analyst to abandon aspects of the setting can then sometimes be interpreted as unconscious attacks on the creative container function of the analyst and on that of the patient himself . patient male 7 Based on a case presented by the patient himself , the authors describe the difficult management of a very large , recurrent epulis arising in a context of flat angioma of one half of the face according to a vascular mode . patient female 73 In our institute , operative indications are as follows : ( 1 ) a girl over 15 years old ( this age is selected as breast growth can be determined at this time ) , ( 2 ) no endocrine-related disorders , ( 3 ) preoperative examination of breast MRI or US showing the absence or significant hypoplasia of mammary gland , and ( 4 ) a wish for breast reconstruction by the patient herself . patient male 39 This dressing has proved to be more comfortable for the patient , is not tight or confining , does not cause changes in hearing , facilitates local hygiene , does not attract unnecessary attention on the part of the patient himself or of third parties and , most importantly , it is transparent and adheres to all points of the skin flap , permitting early visualization of complications , such as hematomas . patient male 12 Disturbances of the walking pattern are often caused both by the amputated patient himself and by incorrect prosthetic fitting . patient female 40 Nowadays preservation of ovarian function in women with tumors in early stage ( I ) or , in selected cases even in advanced stage ( II-III ) , must be evaluated for conservative surgery ( sometimes expressly requested by the patient herself ) . patient male 1 The patient himself behaved as a woman only in manic phases . patient male 30 After the question of TC patient 's survival in Intensive Care Units , many other questions , during-coma awakening phase , appear to family , care team , and the patient himself i.e. will the patient be handicapped or will he be as before ? which after-effects of this passage ? patient male 6 Attention must be given on the patient himself ( keeping in good health , limitation in sedative treatment and mechanical restraintsellipsis ) and on his environment ( lighting , obstacles on the ground , stress levelellipsis ) . patient male 23 - Local antibiotic treatment in the ear should be performed by the otologist , but not by the general practitioner or even the patient himself . patient male 4 This technique allows the patient himself to control the pain without depending upon nurses or physicians for the administration of analgesic drugs . patient male 12 Patient lymphocytes were cultured in medium with autologous plasma ( from the patient himself ) and with homologous plasma ( from an unaffected donor ) , while donor lymphocytes were cultured in medium with plasma from a patient or with plasma from the donor himself . patient female 12 Personal experience in a case of ovarian cystoma ( misunderstood to the patient herself ) broken consequently to a car trauma and cause of an intracystic angiorrhagy and hemoperitoneum is presented . patient female 17 Depending on the patient 's literacy level , a questionnaire was read and filled out by the patient herself or by an interviewer . patient male 10 The choice of Promedon penile implant was determined by the patient himself . patient female 8 I argue that without the testament of the patient herself as to the nature and magnitude of her suffering , physicians can never accurately weigh the benefits and burdens of a child 's life , and therefore any such system would condemn to death some children whose suffering is not unbearable . patient male 17 The tests showed that the diagnostic grinding-in can be largely reproduced , so that treatment at the patient himself becomes more effective . patient male 24 It is of value to attain libidinal cathexis of the body ego of the patient with the help of the therapist and by the patient himself ; thereby the old significance can retreat into the background . patient female 45 In this chapter we illustrate the design of a jump NN glucose prediction algorithm that exploits past glucose concentration data , measured in real-time by a minimally invasive continuous glucose monitoring ( CGM ) sensor , and information on ingested carbohydrates , supplied by the patient himself or herself . patient male 2 If the patient himself collected the drug , he was asked to fill out a questionnaire with regard to the reason for the prescription , previous prescriptions , and investigations . patient male 13 The best results are obtained by close cooperation between different specialists and the patient himself . patient male 11 The price list of equivalent medications can be updated by the user himself . user female 24 A family history of breast cancer does not help in the discovery of cancer , except in cases of mammary changes noticed by the patient herself . patient male 47 Double fixation of the vertebral bodies by a metal design and protacryl ensures reliable stabilization and supporting function of the damaged spinal segment , requires no skeletal traction or additional external immobilization in the postoperative period , allows conduction of early rehabilitation therapy with activation of the patient himself , and is conducive to reduction of the terms of the restorative period of treatment . patient male 15 In healthcare , physical activity can be monitored in two ways : self-monitoring by the patient himself or external monitoring by health professionals . patient female 12 The best estimate of a patient 's weight was made by the patient himself or herself : the median difference between patient estimates and actual weights was 0 lb ( interquartile range [ IQR ] = -5 to 5 ) . patient male 10 The device is easy to handle , even by the patient himself . patient male 17 If there are complications they are induced by the severity of the trauma itself or because the patient himself or the physician treating the injury is misjudging its severity . patient male 11 It should be continued even in phases of remission by the patient himself on the one hand , and from time to time it should be summarized in blocks of training on the other hand . patient male 18 The physicians of the PHCC only diagnosed a parasitic skin disease when it was pointed out by the patient himself . patient male 9 The decision to be admitted was made by the patient himself in 54.4 % of cases and by his family in 45.5 % of cases . patient male 14 The present case has two interesting aspects : a ) intermetamorphosis occurred in the patient himself , rather than in another person ; b ) the intermetamorphosis was only psychological and not physical . patient male 25 The main criteria for the method of treatment to be applied are the biomechanical condition of acetabular defects , the bacteriological situation , and the patient himself . patient male 5 DNA analysis revealed that the patient himself was hemizygous and his mother heterozygous for the exon 10 , c.1015C > T ( p . patient male 11 In addition , BMSCs and ASCs can be harvested from the patient himself . patient female 28 We have been testing , for the last year and a half , a simple system of recording the fetal heart rhythm that can be used by the patient herself at home . patient male 5 Dignity is promoted when the patient himself becomes an active agent , when the patient 's feelings and thoughts are respected , when the family of the patient is included and listened to , when the patient is free to make critical comment , when members of staff are able to cope with the patient 's disabilities and when the aesthetic environment is attended to and enhanced . patient male 43 Differences between the groups in terms of the objective direction of anxiety were associated with peculiarities of the structure of the personality : in group 1 the choice of the object of anxiety from the individuals of the nearest surrounding or the very patient himself , was determined by diffusion or widening of Ego boundaries and identification of patients with their microsocial environment ; in group 2 the choice of such object of the " accidental other " was determined by the fixing , narrowing of Ego boundaries and by separation from the microsocial environment . patient male 26 High-dose rate brachytherapy ( HDR-BT ) is an advanced technology theorized to be more advantageous than LDR-BT from a radiobiological and radiophysics perspective , to the patient himself , and in terms of resource allocation . patient female 10 Interestingly , self-replacement of PEG tube was performed by the patient herself whenever she noticed clogging up of tube while self-feeding . patient male 20 Optimal aerosol delivery during mechanical ventilation depends on the aerosol device , the respirator circuit and settings , and the patient himself . patient male 52 Synthesis of a study of the proteins outline of the bronchial secretion with the qualitative and quantitative determination of six protein fractions ( albumin , Alfa-antitrypsin , acid Alfa-glycoprotein , haptoglobin , transferrin ) ; comparation of the concentration of these fractions of the expectoration with those of the serum of the patient himself . patient male 13 Despite the self limiting character it means a life threatening condition for the patient himself . patient male 34 But its use in some respects is illegal and may be unwise ; also , in caring for infants , children , and incompetent adults , the second philosophy creates special problems since the patient himself can not participate in decision-making . patient male 10 Such infections have two main points of origin : the patient himself via the respik ratory passages , and the non-sterile ambient air of the hospital . patient male 12 This may be necessary to protect the physical integrity either of the patient himself or of others . patient male 35 After the basic positions and preliminary assumptions are described , the guidelines of the development of the inventory are introduced : Assessment of a broad spectrum of coping with chronic diseases with ratings by the patient himself and by others ( doctors , relatives ) , suitability for process measuring , good acceptance , and economical application . patient male 11 Most psychologic factors were in general intrapsychic ( affecting only the patient himself ) , while a minority were dyadic ( related to the partner ) . patient male 6 A relapse occurred only when the patient himself interrupted treatment . patient male 9 This consisted in obtaining multiple microbiological specimens from the patient himself , but also from the patient 's environment and from the hospital staff ( more than 1000 specimens were examined ) . patient male 24 The author considers the difficult task of revealing a diagnosis and prognosis of a terminal illness to the patient 's family and to the patient himself . patient male 24 In this article we propose a classification based on 4 degrees of severity , depending on whether outpatient treatment can be done by the patient himself or is provided by a physician and whether inpatient treatment is carried out on a general ward or on an intensive care unit . patient male 8 Accompanying autoantibodies are quite frequently found in the patient himself . patient male 18 Some methods are based exclusively on parental report and others emphasize the importance of an interview with the patient himself . patient male 15 The majority of these medications are ' prescribed ' by a pharmacy attendant or the patient himself . patient male 10 Apparently gingival fibroblasts are subject to aging processes in the patient himself and in the cell population within the cell culture . patient male 33 General practitioners issued the highest number of prescriptions ( 46.3 % ) , followed by psychiatrists ( 29.3 % ) ; 86.6 % of the psychotropic drugs used were paid for by the patient himself . patient male 11 Extensive experiments were carried out to investigate infection caused by the patient himself , by the surgeon and by the surgical surroundings . patient male 21 All these issues must be discussed by the physician in charge of the patient 's care , the endocrinologist and the patient himself . patient male 35 The following factors are important for coping with the isolation ; human bindings to doctors , nurses and relations , activities , music , religion as well as adequate information and an attitude of the patient himself which allows him to support the fact of the illness . patient male 16 The most frequent symptom of an arteriovenous fistula is a bruit , often audible to the patient himself . patient male 26 These are cognitive function , the ability to perform the usual activities of daily living , and global judgement of the patient 's condition by the patient himself , his caregiver and his doctor . patient male 26 The quality of life of patients carrying an urinary diversion depends less on the type of diversion than on whether the diversion is chosen by the patient himself . patient male 12 QOL refers to the subjective perception of the health status by the patient himself . patient male 21 Postoperative physiotherapy has to be most careful ; the best physiotherapy is the everyday active use of the arm by the patient himself . patient male 11 Those factors are investigated either directly by the help of the patient himself or by questioning the nurses and/or the medical staff . patient male 28 To discuss informed consent to heart transplantation in the case of an intensive care unit ( ICU ) patient : relatives ' informed consent was refused by the patient himself whose cognitive ability appeared to be reasonable for the purpose . patient male 26 First thoughts are devoted to the medical view of environmental medicine since it mainly determines the access to the problem and the patient , and the patient himself . patient female 9 The lesion was first medicated with iodine by the patient herself without any relief . patient male 6 Informed consents were obtained from the patient himself and his parents . patient male 11 It is even possible to control the antipsoriatic heliotherapy by a patient himself , using low-cost hand-held instruments measuring UV index . patient female 22 In metastatic disease ( MBC ) it should be based on risk factors , predictive factors , toxicity , preference of the patient herself and available resources , and weighted against effect on quality of life and treatment costs . patient female 10 Premeal and presnack surges of insulin are administrated by the patient herself . patient male 14 The device is used along with Amiodarone therapy and can be triggered by the patient himself . patient male 7 The implication of the family and the patient himself in the treatment helped to get these good results and reduce the anxiety of the patient . patient female 54 In summary , the authors wish to highlight a formerly controversial procedure that , thanks to recent technical and clinical progress , has become a safe and viable alternative to the use of alloplastic materials for breast augmentation for all cases in which additive mastoplasty with implants is either unsuitable or unacceptable by the patient herself . patient male 24 It gives some clues to the primary care physician , about how to guide his practice in a multimodal way , oriented toward the patient himself , but also toward his occupational environment . patient female 8 The head of the family , not the patient himself or herself , usually makes the decision , especially when the medical decision has something to do with a life or death situation . patient male 13 Home care must be carried out according to the wish of both the patient himself and his family . patient male 7 If the T-lymphocytes came mostly from the patient himself , the infusion remained usually without effect . patient male 33 The physician who examines a patient for impairment to driving must consider the welfare of the community which will be exposed to the patient 's driving in addition to the welfare of the patient himself . patient female 8 One of them is the attitude of the patient herself to the disease . patient female 7 Although the lump was detected by the patient herself in 90.6 % of cases , only 32 % sought medical advice within the first month . patient male 6 The questionnaire was answered by one patient himself and 316 patients ' families . patient male 17 The data obtained by the psychologist are correlated with the assessment of mental disorders by both the patient himself and the doctor . patient male 24 The method of investigation varies from team to team , depending on the availability of equipment , the experience of the operators and the patient himself . patient male 14 It is also made clear that rehabilitation must not be limited to the heart patient himself , but be seen as the reintegration of the subject ( and not the object ) of rehabilitation in his family , social , occupational and recreational environment . patient female 10 Although the objective outcomes assessment revealed little difference , the patient herself expressed a preference for the side treated by internal fixation . patient male 12 Complications included principally stomal stenosis which can be regularly dilated by the patient himself using the Hegar dilator . patient male 26 The choice of per-forming dialysis should always be based on patient informed consent and in agreement with the physician in charge , the family and the patient himself . patient male 14 Factitious fever is a heterogeneous pathology based on the simulation , obtained by the patient himself ( self-induced fever ) or by fraudulent state ( feigned fever ) . patient male 68 The patients who are selected to receive the phase I clinical study should be fulfilled the followings : ( 1 ) Histological proof of malignancy ; ( 2 ) No best available therapy regimen at present ; ( 3 ) Maintain reasonably well organ functions which are suitable to observe side reactions ( 4 ) No hang-over reactions from previous therapy and ; ( 5 ) Consent from patient himself or members of the family concerning the study . patient male 26 In contrast to conventional indicators of condition , which are recognized as objective outcomes , the health-related quality of life ( HRQoL ) focuses on the patient himself . patient female 44 The article therefore makes an important contribution to enhancing our understanding of the social history of deinstitutionalization , not only for its unique source base , but also because those sources have been examined and explained to readers through the perspectives of a former patient herself . patient male 19 In opposition with active euthanasia , which allows a quiet and rapid death at a moment chosen by the patient himself , this technique of " sedation " has an undetermined duration , has legal implications which could be viewed as quite similar as the ones of euthanasia , and , moreover , this prolonged agony can be extremely stressful and distressing for the family . patient male 9 Home oxygen and equipment are paid for by the patient himself , or at public expense . patient male 8 In most cases , the perpetrator was the patient himself often under the influence of alcohol or drugs . patient male 9 Nobody knows better what this actually means but the patient himself . patient male 7 Rates of the psychiatrists who informed the patient himself have been relatively increasing for 3 years ( 37 % , 2002 ; 65 % , 2003 ; 70 % , 2004 ) , while the rates of the one who did n't have been decreasing ( 44 % , 2002 ; 21 % , 2003 ; 15 % , 2004 ) . patient male 12 115 out of 528 relapsed ; 33 % were detected by the patient himself , 16 % by the referring physician and 39 % were detected in our department . patient male 15 To identify a genetic abnormality in an infertile man is not only important for the patient himself and his offspring , but also for an optimized clinical case management . patient male 29 Attempts were made to halt intestinal carriage of the virus in view of the possible risk of spread to immunocompromised patients and the risk of paralytic poliomyelitis to the patient himself . patient female 11 Throughout , the problem was not only that of treating the patient herself , but the situation of all those of the family affected in any way . patient male 11 To respect the illness concepts of patients means to respect the patient himself . patient male 28 Pulmonary resection can be associated with a significant risk of morbidity and mortality , which depends on the nature and extent of pulmonary resection but also on the patient himself . patient male 13 Donning and cleaning of the socket however could not be done by the patient himself and it was therefore necessary to develop a device to permit the patient to perform these tasks independently . patient male 13 Discharge to the patients ' home is undertaken after thorough instruction of the patient himself , the family and the persons who help the patient with his other daily needs . patient male 15 Besides , we found one of his elder brother had the same disease as the patient himself via family follow-up . patient male 9 We examined the correlation between nutritional assessment by the patient himself and clinical assessment by the physician . patient male 12 The time of application of the analgetic agent was determined by the patient himself , in accordance with the five-grade classification of pain , offered by Beaver and Feise . patient male 33 HF programs in 2018 should focus on pragmatic assessments of patients that will benefit the most from the multidisciplinary care ; delegating the management of low-risk patients to trained PCP and empowering the patient himself , using the newly available tools as needed . patient female 21 But any health care reform strategy , particularly with respect to chronic care management , must also serve to activate the patient herself as the keystone in the coordinated care process . patient male 15 A peculiar tendency for febrile convulsions seems to be documented by recurrent seizures in the patient himself , but also by a history of febrile convulsions in other family members . patient male 7 The inflictor of the injury was the patient himself , a relative , and another patient in 73.1 , 19.2 , and 7.7 % of cases , respectively . patient male 13 Unintentional self-inflicted injuries mainly refer to those injuries which are inflicted by the patient himself with benign intentions . patient male 6 It is very important that a patient himself can observe velopharyngeal movements through the eyepiece of the fiberscope in order to do self exercise . patient female 18 Blood coagulation studies revealed that nine of 13 family members had decreased biologic AT-III activity and that the patient herself was the only homozygote with variant AT-III . patient male 23 The job history , as well as any possible non-occupational exposures to asbestos , was examined via a standardised questionnaire , which the patient himself answered , as used in the Lombardy Mesothelioma Register , in operation at the " Clinica del Lavoro " in Milan . patient male 5 To conclude , forgiveness by patient himself or others reduced the emotional problems which were experienced related to diabetes by reducing stress levels and could increase quality of life . patient female 38 The use of colchicine was due to diagnosis of Familial Mediterranean fever ( FMF ) in the families of 8 patients , diagnosis of Behçet disease in 1 patient 's father , diagnosis of Behçet disease in 1 patient herself , and diagnosis of FMF in 6 patients themselves . patient male 12 Nevertheless , the greatest potential for improving nutritional health rests with the patient himself . patient male 24 Osler taught doctors to " have no teaching without a patient for a text , and the best teaching is that taught by the patient himself " . patient male 16 Negative appendectomies are one of the burdens facing not only the general surgeon but also the patient himself and the society as a whole , since appendectomy , as any other operation , results in socio-economic impacts in form of lost working days and declined productivity . patient male 30 Informal or unofficial representation refers to the practice ( more common in some European jurisdictions than in others ) , that persons not designed by a court or by the patient himself , make medical decisions on the patient 's behalf in case of their incompetence . patient female 14 The majority of each patient 's care and daily assessment was performed by the patient , herself , much as if the patient was discharged to home . patient male 26 Failing interaction in the health services was the most important cause of treatment failure , followed by failure in primary care , secondary care and the patient himself ; the relative responsibilities were 35 % , 28 % , 27 % and 10 % respectively . patient male 16 A psychosocial approach is based in a wide variety of interventions that are designed in the patient himself , to relief the stress that generates dealing people with dementia . patient male 1 The patient himself died suddenly 4.5 years after his PEARS operation . patient male 26 However , the day care patient has but a few hours before the onus of care is transferred to a relative or even back to the patient himself . patient male 12 Breath analysis also allows the breath sample to be taken by the patient himself , hence , considering the social distancing measures and protecting health care workers . patient male 20 In conclusion , surgical site infections are important complications affecting the healthcare services , the cost of hospitalization and the patient himself . patient male 54 The aim of this report is to investigate the effectiveness in the recovery of the peripheral nerve lesions of a new laser device recently proposed by the commerce that , due to its reduced size and to be a class I laser according the ANSI classification , may be used at home by the patient himself . patient male 5 Our findings show that the patient himself is the critical factor in delaying diagnosis and therapy . patient male 25 This case is remarkable since 1 ) ECM developed after subcutaneous and not after intramuscular injection , 2 ) the injection was given by the patient himself , and 3 ) glatiramer acetate can induce skin necrosis as a side effect . patient male 37 The purposes of diagnosis and therapy are : 1 . prevent and cure diseases , which cause unintentional faecal loss , 2 . maintain lavatory visiting as long as possible and 3 . prevent soiling the old patient himself and his surroundings . patient female 28 The authors observed serious lead intoxication of a 18 year old female ceramic apprentice caused by tea with lemon stored in a glazed ceramic teapot made by the patient herself . patient male 8 The sustained release suspension is prepared by the patient himself immediately before administration . patient male 20 Believing in the treatment and not giving up on your patient , and moving forward in the treatment with the patient himself is the ultimate goal , even when you yourself do not understand the mechanism fully . patient male 39 " Complex tinnitus " is a diagnostic term denoting a disturbance pattern where the patient hears highly annoying and painful noises or sounds that do not originate from a recognisable external source and can be described only by the patient himself . patient female 25 We report the case of a 42-year-old Malay Singaporean who had been a caregiver for her husband throughout his cancer and then became a cancer patient herself after his passing . patient male 13 Self-monitoring of blood pressure , which allows measurement of blood pressure by the patient himself in his usual environment , provides a better assessment of the elderly patient 's real blood pressure level . patient male 3 Initially , the patient himself treated the SCC with udder ointment . patient male 38 The review 's aim is to describe the possible applications of PBM in oral medicine , giving practitioners simple guide for practice together with the information of a new treatment possibility " at home " performed by the patient himself under supervision . patient male 7 The sources of infectious agents are the patient himself , other patients , hospital personnel , visitors , inanimate surroundings , the air , materials used and/or nutrition , liquids , drugs , dressings , drainage , etc . patient male 17 Regression leading to a worsening of the course of illness , may have its origin in the patient himself or in the treatment team . patient male 43 The following proposals are all aimed at obtaining a higher autopsy rate : The 1990 legislation on autopsy should be changed so that permission to perform a post-mortem can be given in due time , before the supposed death , preferably by the patient himself and obviously with the right to a subsequent change of mind . patient male 11 Hypersalivation describes a relatively excessive salivary flow , which wets the patient himself and his surroundings . patient male 76 In the face of non fully correctable renal anemia in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis ( CAPD ) injecting erythropoetin subcutaneously by themselves , we compared the effectiveness of renal anemia compensation as well as potentially positive influence on the clinical course of CAPD erythropoietin alpha ( EPOalpha ) given intravenously 1 or 2 times weekly , by PD-nurse at patients home with the same protocol of erythropoietin beta ( EPObeta ) given subcutaneously by patient himself or by family helper . patient female 14 The colonization with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) imposes a risk on the patient herself as well as on other patients and on healthcare professionals because , in the case of an infection , substantial health problems will arise . patient male 56 This paper is an analysis of the events recounted in ' Informed consent to septoplasty : An anecdote from the field . ' As a commentary , it assesses the behavior of many agents who are parties to the story - physicians , nurses , friends of the patient , the patient 's wife and the patient himself . patient female 12 The verrucous plaques were asymptomatic and could be scratched off by the patient herself . patient female 6 Informed consent was obtained from the patient himself or herself in 10 patients ( 3 % ) and from next of kin in 70 patients ( 23 % ) . patient male 1 The patient himself seemed to be seduced by the effect of eyeglasses , though some doubts about its working would also push him to try other popular remedies . patient male 34 So , it is necessary to customize each individual 's long-term therapy , tailoring medical treatment according to clinical profiles , comorbidities and renal function , introducing active control of body weight by the patient himself , fluid restriction , a less restricted sodium intake , flexibility of diuretic doses , early and personalized ambulatory follow-up , and congestion monitoring by bioelectrical impedance vector analysis , BNP , inferior vena cava ultrasonography or echocardiographic e/e(1 ) ratio or pulmonary capillary wedge pressure . patient male 22 The devices used to record pressure profiles , in an ambulatory situation , are periodically activated , either automatically or by the patient himself . patient male 13 The occurrence of M-protein with antigenous appurtenance of IgM not only in the patient himself but also in some of the healthy blood relations in the family is pointed out . patient male 1 The patient himself can activate the pacemaker . patient female 12 Moreover , informed consent should not be signed by anyone but the patient herself if the patient is deemed competent by a medical professional . patient male 24 This is to draw attention to the possibility of pseudo sickness in inexplicable situations and to emphasize the need to record history from the patient himself whenever possible . patient female 23 Combined vaginal and rectal swabs , collected between 35 and 37 weeks gestation , either by a health care worker or by the patient herself and inoculated onto selective media after enrichment provide the optimum conditions to detect carriage . patient male 21 During the test period blood pressure and heart rate were measured daily once by the doctor and three times by the patient himself . patient male 19 Even if the patient and the family were in agreement as to his care after hospital discharge , the patient himself agreed to the transfer , and good relations had been established between the nurse and patient and the MSW and patient , as collaboration between the nurses and MSW had been insufficient , there were cases in which the hospital transfer did not proceed smoothly . patient male 14 BP was measured at the clinic by the doctor and at home by the patient himself . patient male 12 It is also of great psychological value to the parents and the patient himself . patient female 10 administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin ( HCG ) by the patient herself or her partner . patient male 22 This implicates a holistic concept of therapy as well as the interdisciplinary cooperation of therapists of various disciplines , also involving the patient himself . patient male 16 As for any request for advice , the pharmacist will assess if he can help the patient himself or if medical advice is more appropriate . patient male 20 There are many reasons associated with the work of the doctor ( violation of technology ) , and with the patient himself . patient male 22 In common law , where the victim must prove the lesions and their traumatic origin , the certificate is due to the patient himself . patient male 25 ( 4 ) The causes of the denture foreign bodies were originated to the problem of denture itself in 29 cases , that of the patient himself in 2 cases and both in 10 cases . patient male 23 Motor block or intrathecal injections of baclofen are useful tests to evaluate the surgical indications for well defined goal and understood by the patient himself . patient female 36 In 1955 - 56 , when Fromm-Reichmann was at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences in Palo Alto , California , she planned to write the book , including material prepared by the patient herself , but she was sidetracked by many other activities and did not finish it . patient male 22 The shield is stiff and has a U-shaped form fitting the neck of the patients and is kept in position by the patient himself . patient male 37 " " in its current structure supports patients as well as health care professionals and aims at providing a collaborative health information system which perfectly supports the clinical workflow even across institutional boundaries and including the patient himself . patient female 31 Somehow the trust between the patient and the doctor was compromised , however we can acknowledge this case of postmenopause pregnancy as a therapeutical success for the clinic and for the patient herself . patient male 5 They are dependent on the patient himself as well as on measurement used . patient male 50 Within the EU-funded project MobiGuide ( ) , supporting remote patient management , we propose decision theory as a methodological framework for a tool that , during face to face encounters , is used to tailor pre-defined , generic decision models to the individual patient , by involving the patient himself in the customization of the model parameters . patient male 26 His mother was proved as a WAS carrier , and HLA studies and microsatellite polymorphic studies proved that the WASP(bright ) cells were derived from the patient himself . patient male 58 In this non-comparative study , the results of treatment were assessed not merely on the basis of the clinical parameters , but also , for the first time , by the surrogate marker of patient satisfaction and the improvement in cough , dyspnea , chest pain and sputum , the severity of which was scored daily by the patient himself . patient male 18 The question " extents of sexual activity " , especially for a cardiac patient , seems enigmatic for patient himself and his physician . patient male 10 The latter offers the advantage of being managed by the patient himself , requires no injections and has a far lower risk of severe systemic adverse events . patient male 22 The purpose of this paper is to present a basis for the study of perceptions of nursing practice as experienced by the patient himself in a specific cultural context . patient female 7 It was not possible to interview the patient herself . patient male 20 the importation for analytical , pharmacological or toxicological studies , the importation for clinical research , the importation by the patient himself , the importation for therapeutical purposes . patient male 23 The patient-controlled analgesia ( PCA ) or " ondemand analgesia " is a pain-relieving therapy , which is regulated and monitored by the patient himself . patient male 34 To assess the outcomes of performing percutaneous nephrolithotomy ( PCNL ) in a modified supine position , more feasible for surgeons , anaesthetists , and operating theatre staff , as well as for the patient himself , and evaluating it in comparison to the standard prone position . patient female 39 The 3 most important sources of patient information , mentioned by at least half of the volunteers , were ( 1 ) their coordinator , ( 2 ) the patient 's family members , and ( 3 ) the patient himself or herself . patient male 12 This disruption of connectedness took place at multiple levels : in the patient himself , between the patient and the family , within the family , between the patient and the health care worker , between the patient and society , and between health care workers . patient male 16 Their common characteristic is , that the appraisal of the health status is reported by the patient himself . patient male 15 The psychological aspects of sexually transmitted diseases first refer to the psychological consequences on the patient himself and also on his affective circle . patient male 30 The rate of incisional hernias ( of all operated hernias ) is high and they are , to a certain extent , caused by technical , mechanical factors and the patient himself . patient male 11 An implantable appliance was therefore designed which is triggered by the patient himself and automatically researches the zone of interruption of tachycardia by exploring the R-R cycle . patient male 20 In most of the cases it is provoked by anatomical causes and , even more frequently inadvertently , by the patient himself . patient male 19 an occurrence of endogenous psychoses in the family with first degree relatives or in the life history of the patient himself , 2 higher grade of severity of heart disease , 3 . patient male 27 As a matter of fact , this swelling was the abscess wrapping up the anterior tip of a Medina filaria , which was rooted out by the patient himself in one step and without complication . patient male 14 The treatment of these ulcers in leprosy is a challenging problem both to the patient himself and to medical personnel . patient female 26 During video-EEG we recorded typical absences with brief 3 second spike , and slow-wave discharges of up to 5 seconds , which were recognized by the patient herself . patient female 8 When the breast carcinoma was detected by the patient herself -- in spite of attending regularly the above mentioned screening program -- it showed that 16.1 % had a small , favourable tumor up to 1.0 cm , in 39.8 % a rest-tumor and in 48.1 % axillary metastases were found . patient female 30 Subjective scales were also used ( i.e. , a numeric scale and the Terzis and Noah scale ) by a jury ( four professionals and four nonprofessionals ) and the patient himself or herself . patient male 16 In all the contamination of the inanimate environment is of secondary importance in comparison with the patient himself ( 5.6 % ) . patient female 6 Late complications as perceived by the patient herself after BCT are common , but tend to be of minimal severity . patient male 30 Other instruments , such as body paint or sexuality tree , might also be used to further analyse the problem and to choose the most effective SP intervention for the patient himself or for the couple . patient male 53 UROLOGISTS IN KOREA DIAGNOSED PE USING VARIOUS CRITERIA : the definition of the International Society for Sexual Medicine ( 63.4 % ) , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( 43.8 % ) , International Statistical Classification of Disease , 10th edition ( 61.7 % ) , or perceptional self-diagnosis by the patient himself ( 23.5 % ) . patient female 26 These findings suggest that simpler models based on fewer risk factors , which would be easier to use in clinical practice by the GP or the patient herself , could just as well as FRAX ® be used to identify women with increased risk of fracture . patient male 15 Necessity to continue a treatment during the whole patients life produces many problems for a patient himself as well as for a physician . patient male 47 For optimal pain control he decided to raise the daily dose of opioid infusion from the initial 60 mg to 240 mg morphine within 48 h. In this way , PCAO-besides rapid titration of the opioid dose to achieve analgesia-allows the use of opioids controlled by the patient himself . patient male 5 The pain control by the patient himself was the main factor to get free of pain during the transport to the hospital . patient female 1 The patient herself reported that the swelling of her thyroid gland was diminished after cessation of methotrexate . patient male 25 A definitive pacemaker was placed in the coronary sinus , and linked to a simple stimulator working at radio frequency ( and activated by the patient himself ) ; this led to an almost immediate reduction in the attacks of SVT . patient female 29 In the quest for objective evidence to support clinical interventions , the patient is reduced to a number of technologically generated variables that serve as a surrogate for the patient herself . patient male 15 This may be attributed sometimes to the negligence of treating doctors and sometime to the patient himself . patient male 86 It is very important , in any of our conversations with the urinary lithiasis ' patient in relation with the disease , that the urologist provides a proper and detailed information about all its features , from diagnosis to active treatment and possible complications and , of course in those cases where prophylaxis is going to be essential to avoid new unpleasant episodes of pain and associated surgical interventions , emphasizing that improving his/her quality of life depends , to a great extent , on the patient himself . patient female 2 In the patient herself lipolytic enzymes like lecithin-cholesterin-acyltransferase , post-heparin plasma-lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triglycerid-lipase showed normal activity . patient male 7 Autologous stem cells are derived from the patient himself , allogeneic cells from an HLA-identical or HLA-compatible family or unrelated donor . patient male 34 In the first case the analogy with the traditional Hospital structures are more noticeable , in the second case instead the kind of patients and the particular relations between the health worker and the patient himself may represent an important differentiation factor . patient female 17 One example of this involves the representative wanting to represent the patient in circumstances in which the patient herself is mentally competent in the opinion of the doctor . patient male 15 Feasibility and reliability of a 12 lead electrocardiogram ( ECG ) , recorded by the patient himself and transmitted via telephone are mandatory for prehospital diagnosis of myocardial ischemia in patients with coronary heart disease . patient male 12 Risk factors arising primarily from donation and hemodilution are determined by the patient himself . patient male 20 86 % sought help in the department on account of hearing problems which had most frequently been noticed by the patient himself and his family . patient male 12 It is defined as medication of oneself without medical advice , the patient himself deciding which drug to use . patient male 9 It allows distraction which can be performed by the patient himself and adjustment to the desired length , up to 40 mm . patient female 13 However , the complexity of this situation demands a cafeteria approach where the patient herself can choose from the available options that are supported by evidence-based information . patient male 29 To obtain the Best Possible Medication History , pharmacy technicians performed medication reconciliation at admission , using dispensing records from the Nationwide Medication Record System and information from the patient himself . patient female 23 Women experiencing maternal near-misses are more in number than maternal deaths , and can provide more specific and detailed evidence , as the patient herself can be a leading source of useful information . patient male 3 Finally , the patient himself , after searching the web , came up with a possible cause : his pectus excavatum . patient male 17 Apart from that , small baglike syringes made of rubber were devised especially for use by the patient himself ( Kramer , Berlin , 1860 ) . patient male 1 The patient himself also had bilateral multiple kidney cysts , with a normal-sized kidney , confusing us to make the diagnosis of acquired cystic kidney disease ( ACKD ) or ADPKD difficult at that point . patient female 1 The patient herself is the prime and only decision maker . patient male 37 Based on the significant association between the hereditary risk factors and pulmonary emboli , by taking special prevention and therapy measurements ( e.g. genetic engineering ) , some pulmonary and mortality complications can be prevented and the patient himself and health care system would benefit from this issue . patient male 21 The stade comprising primary and secondary syphilis is characterized by visible " warning signals " which are not serious for the patient himself . patient male 18 The molecular anomaly of CFTR gene 's screening is very important for the potential descendents and for the patient himself . patient male 20 Within these limits they represent one of the most valuable measures , because they are carried out entirely by the patient himself . patient female 8 The role played by tissue available from the patient herself , however , had not been adequately considered , although such an assessment would have been of major relevance to all methods using autogenic tissue . patient male 31 In the second case , the error was traced to failure to use a pure In-111 source for energy calibration : the camera had been peaked on the radiation from the patient himself , who had had an earlier Tc-99 m bone scan . patient male 33 The number of early hospital admissions increased to : 51 % when the infarct was preceded by unstable angina ( 35 cases , p less than 0.05 ) ; 65 % when the patient himself diagnosed a coronary thrombosis ( 34 cases , p less than 0.001 ) ; 72 % when the intermediary was a specialised emergency medical service called directly by the patient ( 11 cases , p less than 0.01 ) . patient male 3 Unexpectedly , the patient himself removed the FB in fully conscious and oriented state while waiting for neurosurgical intervention , later completely recovered under observation and antibiotic prophylaxis . patient male 20 Combining the long ODF with a dosing device allows individualized therapy with warfarin for all age groups manageable by the patient himself . patient female 20 These 26 cases were evaluated , and the criteria adopted to analyse the results was morphologic and aesthetic evaluation of patient herself ( very good , good , acceptable , unacceptable ) . patient male 12 The detonation was mainly thermal ( n=13 ) , triggered by the patient himself ( n=24 ) and inside the gold pit ( n=20 ) . patient female 21 Information on each patient 's medication was obtained independently from the patient 's doctor , her district nurse and from the patient herself and then compared . patient male 16 With a lower cost , the walking rehabilitation could be also realised at home by the patient himself with a certain degree of supervision with good results . patient male 42 From an economic point of view , it is important to distinguish between the two following sources of patients ' mobility : a regulated mobility , where the third payer decides to send patients abroad and patients ' choice , where the patient himself decides to seek care abroad . patient male 36 overall , the main preoccupation of the patient is mostly related to the material , while a large proportion of care-givers consider that the most prevalent barrier for the implementation of the CIC lies in the patient himself . patient male 11 However , 30 % were subdivided upon the initiative of the patient himself : 13 % for ease of swallowing and 17 % because the patient chose to take a lower dose . patient male 30 The choice of an antifungal agent will first depend on the species that is involved in the infection , but also on the severity of nail lesions and on the patient himself . patient male 16 It was even more helpful in reducing anxiety in relatives of the patient than in the patient himself . patient female 12 Eighty percent of the time the first clue was noted by the patient herself ; 19 percent of the first signs were picked up by health professionals , only 1 percent of the first clues were identified by lovers . patient male 20 Our patient was complicated by splenic infarction due to splenic collateral arteries embolization and the overwhelming thrombotic tendency of the patient himself due to the history of PV . patient female 26 Since 2004 there have been restrictions concerning the age of the insured person , and 50 % of the costs have to be payed by the patient herself . patient female 6 This treatment was initiated by the patient herself without any doctor 's prescription in six out of 10 cases and had no influence on the evolution of the original clinical symptoms . patient female 6 In the second case , the patient himself or herself executes the act of self-killing ( by the assistance of a healthcare worker ) . patient female 14 We report here a very unusual case of a large pelvic lump which the patient herself could feel , that was probably an ovarian relapse of ALL , successfully treated with re-induction chemotherapy alone and achieved complete remission . patient male 9 The microorganisms causing nosocomial infections belong either to the patient himself ( endogenous infections ) or to hospital flora . patient male 8 The detection rate of local recurrence by the patient himself is high in extremities . patient male 52 The aim of this preliminary study was to investigate the effectiveness in the TMD pain reduction of a new laser device recently proposed by the commerce that , due to its reduced dimensions and to be a class I laser according the ANSI classification , may be used at home by the patient himself . patient male 18 The treatment was performed once a day for two weeks with an 808 nm diode laser by the patient himself with irradiation of the cutaneous zone corresponding to the TMJ for 15 minutes each side . patient female 21 The presence of OCD in a such delicate period in a woman 's life can lead to severe suffering of the patient herself , of her relatives and the newborn . patient male 14 The foreign body was a 13 cm wire , which was inserted by the patient himself for masturbation , and was removed surgically . patient male 7 The formation of protective substances by the patient himself is not an assurance against progress of the infection to a fatal termination . patient male 10 This criterion is necessarily linked to the preferences of the patient himself and , besides , its general content includes attempt by the health practice to promote well-being , to assist and cure diseases , to promote and maintain health , to alleviate pain and suffering , to avoid premature death and to ensure a peaceful death . patient male 13 The choice of a prosthesis is dependent on many diverse factors including the patient himself , local anatomic considerations , and the mechanical characteristics and thromboembolic risk of the prosthesis itself . patient male 15 In the department of paediatrics the doctor does not have to deal only with the patient himself , but he has also to deal with the parents , who have an interest of their own apart from the child 's interest that they want to defend . patient male 44 the reason for this is to be seen in : the supply of rinsing solution in the dialyser , blood flow , insufficient degassing , coating of the membrane with denatured protein and , last but not least , the body mass of the patient himself . patient male 16 The change and cleaning of the catheter is easy and is performed twice daily by the patient himself . patient male 23 Adherence to psychotropic medications is affected by factors related to the treatment , to the physician , to the environment and to the patient himself . patient male 10 The changes in acid-base status can be corrected by the patient himself . patient male 30 The interest of this method lies in a number of factors : the apparatus Centicure is miniaturized and very easy to handle ; the daily treatment is performed by the patient himself ; and application may be split , allowing normal and even professional activity . patient female 14 Many uncertainties exist including the risks that pregnancy presents to the graft , the patient herself , and the long-term risks to the fetus . patient male 50 The operation required a mean time of 51.4±14.2 ( range 27 - 80 ) minutes , and operative bleeding range was 5 - 20 mL. There was one reoperation required for one patient on postoperative day 5 , because the feeding tube was accidentally pulled out during sleep , by patient himself , and the second laparoscopic jejunostomy for this patient was performed successfully . patient male 18 Any attempt to correlate the results yielded by antibiotic assays with in-vivo effectiveness must take into account the patient himself and the several unknown factors which , in each individual case , can affect the ultimate result of the antibiotic therapy , such as antibiotic delivery to tissues , drug binding to cellular debris , intracellular penetration of the antibiotic , etc . patient male 41 The difference between euthanasia and physician assisted death lies in who administers the lethal dose ; in euthanasia , this is done by a doctor or by a third person , whereas in physician-assisted death , this is done by the patient himself . patient male 13 Reichart 's therapy differs from that of contemporary physicians because he treats the patient himself and does not send him to a theologian . patient female 15 In this particular case , one potential source of the organism was established ( the patient herself ) , another source was shown to be less likely ( the nurses administering the medications ) , and a third possible source ( the single-dose unit medications ) could not be eliminated . patient female 19 A case of a 49-year-old woman affected by wide ulcerations on the face which have been caused by the patient herself , as she has admitted , is reported . patient male 15 Subjectivity of both aforementioned symptoms requires also a subjective assessment i.e. measurements taken by the patient himself and acceptance of this self-assessment by those providing care . patient male 8 The method can be administered easily by the patient himself as home-treatment and is free of side-effects . patient male 18 This team includes oncology nurses , dietitians , social workers , spouses , significant others , and the patient himself . patient male 24 Since there is no satisfactory animal model for multiple sclerosis ( MS ) , a need exists to study various tissues of the affected patient himself . patient female 17 In about 25 % of the cases , the delay was attributed by the woman to the patient herself , and the most common reason she gave was that she felt that the problem was not important . patient male 42 On the basis of three factors in the CRC , namely the clinical assessment on a visual-analogue scale , an estimate of the number of aggressive persons in the vicinity of the crisis patient concerned and the reporting of crises by the patient himself , it was possible to predict outwardly directed aggression with a sensitivity of 74 % and a specificity of 84 % . patient male 4 Most frequently , the patient himself handed over the information about DM to the GP on the day of his first visit in the practice after discharge . patient male 22 The paper argues that the sick role concept still appears to reflect the expectations of health professionals , the public and the patient himself . patient male 13 Nausea , which is a more subjective criterion , was assessed by the patient himself and the results could be included in the global analysis . patient male 10 A personal file with this information , kept by the patient himself , has been advocated for this purpose . patient male 17 The break with normal life and the associated stigma are often experienced as very radical by the patient himself , but also by his family.
AIM : To explore the extent to which a Soteria House can have a place in current care for patients with an acute psychotic episode.
METHOD : Description of the method of a Soteria House and reflection on the basis of the literature.
RESULTS : A Soteria House offers a low threshold setting for people in a psychotic crisis , thanks to a destigmatizing approach . patient female 19 The horizontal scar is obvious only when the patient is lying down and can not be seen by the patient herself . patient male 11 Salivary analysis of LDH will definitely provide the clinician and/or the patient himself with an efficient , non invasive and friendly new tool for diagnosis and monitoring of oral precancer and cancer . patient female 24 First , two applications were done by the doctor , and subsequent applications were done twice a week at bedtime at home by the patient herself until crusting . patient male 14 As a matter of fact , such injuries are easily overlooked particularly by the patient himself and , possibly , also by an inexperienced nurse or examiner . patient male 19 Clinical details are presented including standardised and non-standard assessments , neuropsychological interventions , as well as reflections from the patient himself . patient male 6 Both the treating physician and the patient himself should therefore balance the possible risks and benefits of diagnosing and treating prostate cancer concerning the impact on quality of life . patient male 30 In general surgery , these risk factors can be classified into five groups : The environment , the surgeon , the operation per se , the disease , and the patient himself . patient male 2 A posttraumatic patient was tetraplegic and mute ( locked-in ) , but he retained consciousness and communicated by eye movements . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient showed the right residual fistula , but , he has been doing well without PAVF complications such as polycythemia and hypoxemia . patient male 1 The patient had a surgical intervention 10 years ago , but he has recurrent ulcers on his penis . patient male 2 Only one patient failed to derive significant postoperative seizure improvement , and he subsequently underwent additional subpial sectioning without further significant improvement . patient female 1 The patient was not undergoing dialysis for her renal dysfunction , nor was she receiving steroids for COPD . patient female 5 He or she teaches the patient to look at the situation from a new perspective and instead of being preoccupied with what is not functioning well to concentrate on training those activities which can be carried out effectively . patient male 7 After removal of the catheter , the patient was free of pain and he progressively regained full neurological function . patient male 2 The second patient was male with severe hearing loss and he received an implant at age 15 years . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient underwent HAIC , and he was alive without disease recurrence 2 years and 2 months after surgery . patient female 11 One month later , just prior to discharge home , the patient developed pneumonia and sepsis , and she expired from multiorgan failure . patient female 1 The patient started treatment with isoniazid , rifampin and pirazynamide and then she received chemotherapy and radiotherapy . patient male 3 Furthermore , the patient developed a fever and chest pain that increased while breathing and he visited the emergency outpatient unit of our hospital on December 1 . patient male 1 The patient underwent palliative radiation therapy and chemotherapy , but he ultimately died of disseminated disease . patient male 1 The patient had a history of chronic constipation that required daily enemas , since early infancy , but he had remained in good health until intestinal obstruction developed . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well and was discharged from the intensive care unit on the eleventh postoperative day , but she died on the twentieth day of metabolic derangement . patient female 2 A female patient noticed a painless swelling in her right leg at the age of 11 , and 10 years later she underwent total removal of the tumor . patient female 8 From these findings , we concluded that the patient did not have Binder 's syndrome ( or she has , at least , a new variant of Binder 's syndrome ) . patient male 1 The patient we describe was clinically symptomatic and initially treated medically , but he did not respond to intravenous amphotericin and oral itraconazole . patient female 1 The patient had a history of four unsuccessful previous pregnancies also complicated by aplastic anemia , but she was free of the disease in the intervals between the pregnancies . patient male 1 The patient has been free of tumor and in good health for 80 months , but he has a long term stenting of a nonneoplastic stricture at the confluence of the bile ducts . patient male 2 A third patient with residual symptoms was rheumatic , and upon reexamination 6 months later he was virtually symptom free . patient male 10 prednisone a day , allopurinol and potassium citrate , the patient was free of stones and he had normal urinary calcium , pH and citrate . patient male 6 Despite treatment the condition of one patient deteriorated , and he died 23 days after exposure . patient male 1 The patient underwent hormone supplementary therapy and chemotherapy , but he died two months later . patient male 21 In using a patient-centered approach , neither a clinician nor a prognostic score can predict with absolute certainty how well a patient will do or how long he will live ; however , validated prognostic scores may improve accuracy of prognostic estimates , thereby enhancing the ability of the clinicians to appreciate the individual burden of disease and the prognosis of their patients and inform them accordingly . patient female 2 Only 1 patient bled before the 14th day of progesterone therapy , and she went on to be delivered of twins . patient male 6 On the second exposure , the patient was septic and malnourished , and he was taking acetaminophen . patient male 0 Patient 1 underwent extensive psychological investigation that diagnosed a panic disorder , and he underwent therapy that reduced the frequency and intensity of his panic-related hypertensive episodes . Patient female 7 On day 12 of therapy , the patient noted decreased urine output , anorexia , and weakness , but she continued taking cefoperazone for 3 more days . patient female 3 Initially , the patient was refractory to the transfusion of HPA-1a-negative platelets , but after treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin , she had transient increases in posttransfusion platelet counts . patient male 1 This patient exhibited liver steatosis ; he was neither diabetic , nor obese or alcoholic , but is a carrier of 2 polymorphisms , p . patient female 13 Our case is not confirming this statement , because first pregnancy of our patient terminated by IUFD , on the other hand second pregnancy was successful and she delivered healthy child . patient female 8 10 hours after discontinuing argipressin and norepinephrine the patient developed a mesenteric ischemia , and she finally died on the third day after admission . patient female 1 The patient required recurrent surgical debridement and drainage , but she recovered from the septic shock . patient female 1 The patient did not respond to treatment and she died 3 months after the end of radio- therapy . patient male 0 Patient 2 underwent living-related lobar LT , bronchiectasis relapsed 4 months later , and he died 13 months after LT . Patient female 6 Seven years after discharge , the patient developed Graves orbitopathy on the right side , and she underwent two-wall orbital decompression on the right side . patient female 1 Our patient had no risk factors predisposing her to barogenic rupture of the esophagus , and she had none of the " classic " presenting signs . patient male 3 However , the patient suffered from peritonitis carcinomatosa and re-increases of multiple liver metastases , and he died in the fourteenth month after surgery . patient female 1 The patient failed to respond to antifungal therapy and finally she died 34 days after the start of the treatment . patient female 4 After one month the patient was asymptomatic , but she had a dermal reaction to moxifloxacin which was replaced with amikacin . patient female 2 The fifth patient was an infant when the mass was first noticed , and she also had macrodactyly . patient male 41 Referring back to Jung 's early formulation of transference and countertransference as aspects of the unconscious identity shared between analyst and patient , he further develops his hypothesis , suggesting that , in the cases he has presented , analyst and patient were relating through shared dynamic roots in the archetype of the abandoned child . patient male 41 After 8 cycles of chemotherapy with modified FOLFOX6 regimen ( oxaliplatin 85 mg/m , leucovorin 400 mg/m , 5-fluorouracil 400 mg/m on day 1 , followed by 5-fluorouracil 2400 mg/m intravenous infusion over 46 hours every 2 weeks ) , the patient underwent radical resection of colon cancer , and he finished the remaining 4 cycles of modified FOLFOX6 regimen chemotherapy in November 2017 . patient male 1 The patient complained of dysuria in January 2015 , and he underwent transurethral resection of the prostate . patient male 5 The clinical states of this patient took downhill course and he expired on July 13 , 1984 by the complication of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome . patient female 1 The patient had a minimal decline in renal function , and she and the infant did well . patient male 1 The patient had no prior psychiatric history , but he had a sister with obsessive-compulsive disorder . patient female 1 The patient presented with varied clinical-neurological symptoms : she had convulsions , psychotic symptoms , altered consciousness Examinations ( laboratory tests , CT , MRI , EEG , CSL exams ) detected increased level of proteins in the liquor , episodes of rhythmic delta activity on EEG , increased antithyreoidal antibody titre ( TOOab , TGAb , TRAb ) in serum . patient female 1 The patient had been unco-operative and she only received incomplete treatment with dimercaprol and 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid . patient male 1 The patient underwent right thyroid lobectomy and he received adjuvant radiotherapy in combination with chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient is 5 years old now , he is free of seizures but he has a severe neurological impairment . patient female 1 The patient had no further complications , and she and her newborn were well postpartum . patient female 1 This patient is hyperphagic , and she is moderately obese for her height . patient female 1 The patient received chemotherapy , but she died with signs of pulmonary embolization . patient female 1 The patient was non-atopic but since eight years of age she had developed localized angioedema and urticarial skin reactions on exposure to rubber . patient female 5 Fifteen months ago , the patient had a laparoscopic appendectomy under the diagnosis of an acute appendicitis , but she subsequently suffered from intermittent abdominal pain and fever . patient male 1 The patient received ceftazidime for 14 days , followed by clarithromycin for 7 days , and he recovered successfully . patient male 2 Only one patient developed greater than Grade 2 myelosuppression and he died of overwhelming sepsis . patient male 3 A 49-year-old male patient visited the emergency room with a complaint of sudden onset of shortness of breath , and he developed acute respiratory failure rapidly . patient male 1 The patient complained of frontal headaches that had not improved with analgesic drugs , and he presented with a frontal bulge that involved the left upper eyelid ; the bulge had progressively enlarged over a 3-month period A biopsy of the mass identified the type B non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma . patient female 5 At a 6-month follow-up the patient has normal swallowing and preoperative voice quality , and she maintains a patent , non-stented airway . patient male 3 However , the patient did not achieve complete remission , and although his rash had improved , he still experienced severely general body itching . patient male 8 A clinical remission was achieved , but the patient soon relapsed , and despite further chemotherapy he died with disseminated disease 23 months after the initial diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient received a short insulin therapy and now he shows good metabolic control ( normal glycosylated hemoglobin ) with oral hypoglycemic treatment . patient male 6 Nine years after the surgery the patient is without any signs of recurrence , but he experienced local thrombolysis of the occluded graft and repeated PTA of hemodynamically significant anastomotic stenoses . patient male 1 The patient showed rapid post-procedure improvement , and at discharge from the hospital to a rehabilitation center he was fully ambulatory . patient male 1 The patient received chemotherapy , radiation therapy and hyperthermia therapy , but the tumor progressed and he died in October 2007 . patient male 1 The patient stopped taking levofloxacin and he did not have any recurrent edema until his death due to uncontrolled pneumonia . patient male 1 The patient has recently received a new kidney transplant and his plasma concentrations of urate are controlled well with allopurinol and he no longer experiences acute attacks of gout . patient female 6 At six weeks postpartum , the patient underwent imatinib mesylate therapy but she could not tolerate the treatment . patient female 3 Postoperatively , a patient developed diffuse metastases not detected by 131I whole-body scintigraphy and she died of disease 6 months later despite radio- and chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient presented to our department complaining of a headache for 6 days , and he had a history of abdominal pain 15 days before admission . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had severe congestive heart failure , and he died without receiving chemotherapy . patient female 3 Consequently , the patient did not undergo renal angiography ( and the contrast media infusion associated with it ) , but she continued to be medically treated to achieve a tight blood pressure control . patient female 1 The patient did well and was discharged 10 days post-op and now she is still doing well with no signs of recurrences or metastasis . patient female 5 After 2 years , the patient did not show any signs of recurrence and she has a good wrist , finger and thumb extension and flexion . patient female 8 Within minutes and immediately after the procedure the patient complained of hoarseness and shortness of breath , and she had stridor in her physical exam . patient male 18 Immunostaining was positive for Mycoplasma pneumoniae and convalescent serum enzyme immunoassay was positive for M. pneumoniae IgG. The patient again recovered and he was neurologically stable 33 months after the initial episode . patient male 3 The memory of patient 1 recovered fully and he died from an unrelated cause 1 year later ; neuropsychological testing showed a severe , but isolated , anterograde amnesia , brain MRI was normal and HMPAO-SPECT showed left medial temporal hypoperfusion . patient male 2 Only one patient developed transient IFN-induced overt hypothyroidism , but he did not develop depression . patient male 1 The patient is already 1 year postsurgery with no recurrence of severe hypoglycaemia , and he has good functional capacity and has returned to his office job . patient male 6 One year after the operation the patient is leading a normal life , and he is symptom-free . patient female 1 The patient had no signs attributable to IgA deficiency , but she always had dryness of the mouth . patient male 1 The patient had not travelled recently , but he worked at a fish market in Tokyo . patient male 1 The patient had sclerodermal skin lesions on his back , but he did patient female 1 The patient had a tracheostomy for OSA , and 5 months later she had normal EEG patterns and marked clinical improvement . patient male 3 There was one patient who had cerebral spinal fluid leakage but he recovered 1 week after surgery . patient female 52 These findings are consistent with the diagnosis of testicular feminization thereby explaining the apparent contradiction between the phenotype and the known six-linked inheritance of hemophilia A. In addition to factor VIII deficiency a low level of factor XII ( 20 % ) was detected although it can not be concluded whether the patient is truly factor XII deficient or whether she represents a low variant of the normal distribution . patient male 4 After admission , the patient suffered from hematemesis , hematochezia , ascites , anuria , and kidney failure , and he developed shock . patient male 1 The patient suffered from congenital recessive X-linked thrombocytopenia , and he developed systemic lupus erythematosus at the age of 12 years . patient male 1 One patient had irreversible SSEP changes , and he woke up with new-onset quadriplegia . patient male 1 The patient had a 6-month history of worsening dyspnea when first seen , and he later died of multisystem organ failure and recalcitrant hypoxemia . patient male 1 The patient developed late postoperative complications including bile reflux gastritis and erosive esophagitis , but he had no recurrence of gastrointestinal ulceration or ischemia over a 2-year follow-up . patient female 9 After history taking , it was found that the patient was on citalopram and that , 2 days prior to admission , she had begun treatment with levosulpiride . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient gradually recovered but he died of pneumonia 2 months later . patient female 1 The patient suffered a cardiac arrest while being prepared for surgery , but she underwent successful mitral valve replacement after cardiopulmonary resuscitation . patient male 5 After the procedure , the patient had no noticeable complications associated with the embolization nor any recurrence of the pancreatic cancer , and he achieved a 2-year survival . patient female 1 One patient had a central recurrence at 14 months , which was treated using surgery and radiochemotherapy , and she was free of disease at the last follow-up . patient male 7 The postoperative course was unremarkable ; the patient underwent systemic chemotherapy regime for low-grade B cell Hodgkin lymphoma and he was symptom free at 9-month follow-up . patient male 2 The third patient presented with paranoid psychosis , and the fourth had a picture mimicking acute bacterial meningitis and he developed right hemianopia due to a tuberculoma detected by MRI . patient male 1 One patient had no pain , but he had wrist powerless . patient male 1 The patient was a previously healthy male who did not receive any medication predisposing to haemorrhage , nor did he suffer from any underlying disorder ( as the subsequent diagnostic work-up demonstrated ) that predisposed to the extensive facial capillary rupture . patient female 5 Since the reoperation , the patient has been disease-free for 6 years and 4 months , and she continues to visit our hospital as an outpatient . patient male 4 Five years later the patient is currently on penicillamine treatment and he is free of any symptom . patient female 1 The patient was on two antihypertensive medications and a statin , and she was not receiving any antiplatelet medication . patient male 1 The patient was a 15-year-old boy with sacral vertebral dysplasia and hare-lip , and he has been complaining of recurrent fever episodes and urinary incontinence since 11 years old . patient female 5 Twelve months later , the patient was using a wheelchair following a rehabilitation programme , and at 24 months she was walking a few steps with assistive devices . patient female 1 The patient continued intravenous heparin until achievement of a therapeutic international normalized ratio range and she was asymptomatic on discharge . patient male 3 Thereafter , the patient developed a myelodysplastic syndrome with leukopenia and refractory anemia and he finally died of pulmonary disease . patient male 9 At present , 12 months after surgery , the patient is neurologically unchanged , but he can keep the sitting position without support . patient female 3 However , this patient insisted on corrective surgery for her husband but she divorced him shortly thereafter . patient female 9 Upon subsequent questioning , it was revealed that the patient lived in Ghana from the ages of 8 - 10 years and she visited Ghana again 10 years prior for two weeks . patient male 5 From then on , the patient improved and he eventually survived . patient female 1 The patient status worsened rapidly and she died 2 months after the initial symptoms . patient male 6 The six-month follow-up indicated that the patient had appendix-stoma as nipple without any stenosis , nor did he have any hydronephrosis , as confirmed by abdominal sonography . patient male 4 Following discharge , the patient discontinued the diet plan and he has remained asymptomatic and euglycemic over the following two years . patient female 1 The patient remained free of symptoms , and she had no evidence of any tumor recurrence . patient female 4 At 2-year follow-up the patient had moderate motor delays and mild speech delays , but she continued to meet milestones and her cardiac failure was completely resolved . patient male 3 However , 1 patient is still experiencing loss of vision and he is under constant specialized follow-up . patient male 12 There were three toxic deaths , one death from cancer ; one patient survives disease-free , but he is demented . patient female 2 The third patient went into remission after mobilization and therefore she decided not to undergo conditioning and HSCT transplantation . patient female 1 The patient was recurrence-free at 14 months after the final laser treatment , and she was fully satisfied with the treatment results . patient female 0 Patient was neurologically intact and she had confirmed fusion on the surgical site after three years of follow-up . Patient male 1 The patient underwent resection of recurrence in the retroperitoneum 3 months later , but metastasis rapidly developed and he died of the disease 7 months after his first operation . patient male 0 Patient 5 's AUC was 49.7 % higher than expected , and he subsequently developed fatal sinusoidal obstruction syndrome . Patient female 1 The patient is 44-year-old Japanese woman and she had symptoms of hypoglycaemia without exposure to exogenous insulin . patient male 1 Another patient had tumor growth but because of his illnesses he got a radiation beam instead of an operation . patient male 1 The patient had G3 NET metastasis to the liver and he died 14 months after surgery , due to deterioration in his clinical conditions . patient male 1 One patient had abnormal sural conduction with normal median sensory conduction but he had underlying diabetes . patient male 1 One patient had moderate pain over the ulnar stump associated with residual volar instability of the proximal ulnar segment , and he had a tenodesis of the extensor carpi ulnaris as a second procedure . patient female 1 The patient was a 54-year-old woman , who was diagnosed to have systemic sclerosis at a hospital in 1992 , but she did not receive any medical treatment . patient female 2 The first patient received surgery and postoperative immunotherapy and she had no recurrence more than 18 years after treatment . patient male 1 The patient suffered from chronic airway obstruction and emphysema with respiratory insufficiency and he died from carbon monoxide poisoning , after the bed linen and the oxygen cylinder were ignited . patient male 8 Hypertension was , however , controlled , the patient recovered , and at present he is in remission . patient female 1 The patient underwent gross total resection of the tumour , and once the histological diagnosis of hemangiopericytoma was confirmed , she underwent initial adjuvant radiotherapy . patient female 0 Patient 3 was probably a homozygote with an X-linked recessive inheritance , and therefore , she demonstrated the most severe clinical findings . Patient female 1 The patient could take care of herself , and she lived normally in talk and diet . patient male 1 The patient , a man 48 years old , had been suffering from epilepsy for 34 years and he was complaining of headaches and fever for 15 days when admitted to our clinic . patient female 1 The patient underwent postoperative radiation , and she was free of recurrence at follow-up 15 months later . patient male 7 After a second course of DLI the patient achieved sustained molecular remission but he developed severe graft-versus-host disease ( GvHD ) and died from bacterial sepsis 9 months after DLI . patient female 6 In addition to paraplegia , the patient also developed a clinical tumour lysis syndrome ( TLS ) , and she passed away 5 days after start of treatment . patient male 1 This patient now takes prophylactic antibiotics and the meningitis had not recurred , but he does have glomerulonephritis . patient male 1 One patient had a persistent 50 - 55mmHg gradient across pulmonary valve and he is under close follow-up . patient male 9 Approximately two hours after induction of anesthesia , the patient experienced cardiac arrest , and for 55 min , he underwent CPR and defibrillation according to the Advanced Cardiac Life Support ( ACLS ) protocols . patient male 1 The patient suffered a recurrent stroke and he had persistently high level of D-dimer which suggested the diagnosis of thrombophilia , thus , he was treated with low-molecular-weight heparin . patient female 1 The patient complained of mild dyspnea with stair climbing , but she was otherwise asymptomatic . patient male 3 After operation the patient develop a transient analgesia and girdle pain at T9 - 10 level , but after 42 days he regained full muscle power in his legs and could run by himself , while sensory disturbance remained about the same as before surgery . patient male 1 The patient could not remember any specific ankle injury , but since the World Indoor Championship in February 2003 , he experienced significant but diffuse pain around the posterior ankle , especially while loading the forefoot in hockey training and competition . patient male 5 The flaps survived and the patient had a 5 mm proximal fistula which was sutured , and he was able to eat per mouth . patient female 9 Follow-up after 1 and 2 years showed that the patient remained well but she complained of general weakness and we found unexplained elevation of GGT . patient male 2 This low-responder patient is allergic to factor IX products , so he usually uses rFVIIa as a haemostatic agent . patient male 1 The patient survived for 13 months after the initial treatment , but he died of distant metastasis . patient male 1 The patient returned to his native country where the lesion recurred , and he ultimately died approximately 10 months after the end of the treatment . patient male 4 After 2 months , patient had a partial response , and after 5 months , he achieved a complete response . patient male 5 Among the low-risk groups a patient who had suffered from oral candidiasis for eight years had no risk factor , yet he yielded repeatedly high ELISA readings . patient female 17 There were no operative complications , no flap-related complications , and at two years follow-up , the patient subjectively described bilateral soft and supple breasts , which were symmetrical in a bra , and with which she has reported high satisfaction . patient male 8 In view of his poor health , the patient elected to forgo chemotherapy , and he entered a hospice facility . patient female 1 The patient developed SSD after third PRP rejuvenating procedure and she has also noticed new alopecia areata lesions , but without Menier 's disease symptoms . patient female 1 This patient underwent spinal radiotherapy and concomitant chemotherapy with Temozolomide , but she died of pneumonia 8.5 months after the time of diagnosis . patient female 1 The patient received radiation therapy ( 50 Gy ) postoperatively and she resumed normal daily activity . patient male 1 The patient underwent operation , but he died of congestive heart failure thereafter . patient male 1 One patient had cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) gastritis together with vitamin B12 deficiency and he improved on medical treatment . patient female 1 One patient had superior mesenteric artery syndrome and she improved with medical treatment and advises about food and postures and she did not require surgical intervention . patient male 1 The patient resumed oral intake 3 days after surgery , but he began vomiting repeatedly from the 7th day after surgery . patient female 1 The patient returned 3 months later with symptomatic aneurysm expansion , and she underwent ascending aortic arch replacement . patient male 3 Postprocedurally , the patient developed cardiac symptoms , and he underwent coronary angiography which indicated significant coronary artery disease , and he subsequently underwent bypass grafting . patient female 3 However , the patient developed severe acute respiratory distress syndrome ( ARDS ) on the 2nd day , and as a result , she underwent extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ( ECMO ) . patient male 8 Despite appropriate antibiotic therapy the condition of the patient deteriorated rapidly and he died on day 2 after admission . patient female 1 The patient underwent allogeneic bone marrow transplantation ( BMT ) , but she died from BMT complications . patient female 1 One patient with stage IV disease failed to respond to chemotherapy and she died . patient male 1 The patient did not smoke , nor did he have a history of diabetes . patient female 2 Only 1 patient in this series attempted fertility treatment ( in vitro fertilization ) following OT , and she did not become pregnant . patient male 2 The above patient in HIV positive ; he has developed fever and mental disorder for 4 months and has presented neutrophilic pleocytosis in analysis of CSF for more than 5 months . patient male 1 The patient had serum hepatitis postoperatively , but now he is living normally without any difficulty in respiration . patient female 15 In the second case , after two months from the beginning of II line the patient developed a jaw metastasis and underwent surgery with resection of hemi-mandible , but soon after she died because of pulmonary embolism . patient female 1 The patient underwent coronary bypass surgery due to postinfarction angina , and she is now doing well 2 years following the operation . patient male 0 Patient is a 18-year-old man and when he was 8 years of age , he received right frontal penetrating injury due to fall on wire about 3 mm in diameter . Patient male 1 The patient had anterior sacral and intrasacral meningoceles , which were repaired at age 3 years , and 7 years later he presented with hypopituitarism due to a suprasellar teratocarcinoma . patient female 1 The patient underwent whole pelvic 45 Gy radiation as a postoperative additional treatment , but she died from multiple organ failure by metastasis 17 months after the operation . patient male 4 Two years earlier the patient underwent cystoscopy with bilateral ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy , and he was stone free afterwards . patient male 9 The short latency spinal reflexes , both when the patient was at rest and when he was exerting a voluntary plantarflexion , were frequently enhanced in magnitude and the rate of increase with acceleration was also enhanced . patient male 1 The user was able to transfer objects of the grasp-and-release-test and he succeeded in eating a pretzel stick , signing a document and eating an ice cream cone , which he was unable to do without the system . user male 3 Ultimately , the patient underwent an allogeneic peripheral blood hematopoietic progenitor cell transplant from a human leukocyte antigen-identical brother , but he died 5 days after transplantation of overwhelming Candida kruseii infection . patient female 1 The patient first underwent left adrenalectomy and then she had total thyroidectomy . patient male 1 The patient subsequently underwent extensive small bowel resection , but further systemic deterioration ensued and he died . patient female 1 A patient was using oral doxycycline and topical retinoids for acne , and within two months she developed PTC . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient recovered well , but she presented with perforation peritonitis 3 months after surgery . patient male 3 Additionally , the patient had earned a high profile flying position with an aggressive flying schedule and he successfully completed his first running marathon . patient female 1 The patient underwent chemotherapy , but did not respond , and she died approximately 8 months from the onset of symptoms . patient male 2 " The patient underwent a wide excision of the lesion with bone laminectomy and he is well at a 4-year follow-up . patient female 7 Follow-up phone interviews were done and the patient reported that the feeding schedule was manageable , and she was able to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months of her infant 's life . patient female 1 The patient is now alive and well 6 months after reoperation , and she has experienced no further episode of HAT . patient male 2 Only one patient had persistent nonunion at the time of last follow-up , but he had 2.2 operations after the initial vascularized procedure . patient male 1 The patient received amphotericin B during 1 year presenting slow but progressive clinical improvement , and he is currently asymptomatic and without neurological disabilities . patient female 4 A healthy 36-year-old female patient complained about unaesthetic gingiva and she had been smoking for over 17 years and also smoking reactive the melanocytes . patient female 1 The patient herself was not aware of it and she attended the hospital complaining only of a simple swelling of tongue . patient female 1 Our patient treated with only AT concentrate therapy during pregnancy and she was able to safely give birth naturally and avoid thrombosis . patient male 1 The patient attained partial remission , as shown on the FDG-PET scan , and he displayed improvement of his left femur pain . patient female 1 The patient received chemotherapy , but unfortunately she died manifesting signs of pulmonary embolism caused by tumor cells . patient male 1 One patient had only biopsy of peripancreatic nodes , and he expired in one year . " Nonfunctioning " islet cell carcinoma presents with symptoms related to the mass effects of the tumor . patient male 1 The patient had resistant nephrotic syndrome , and he subsequently developed microhaematuria and glucosuria . patient male 1 The patient received a spanning external fixator initially and after latency of 12 days for soft tissue resuscitation he underwent definite fixation through an antero-lateral approach to the proximal tibia with two cannulated 6.5 mm partially threaded screws and an additional lateral proximal tibia plate in buttress mode . patient female 1 The patient medical history was unremarkable , and she denied use of any other medications or herbal remedies at the time the symptoms started or since . patient male 0 Patient 1 developed diabetes mellitus at the early age of 2 months and he was the youngest CGL patient reported with overt diabetes . Patient male 1 One patient with an initially negative ECHO deteriorated 5 hours after admission ; a repeat ECHO was positive , and he also underwent SPW . patient male 1 One patient treated for extensive chronic GVHD showed a transient response in the liver , but not in the skin and he died of Epstein-Barr virus lymphoma . patient female 1 The patient conceived , and after an uncomplicated eighth pregnancy she delivered her first healthy child . patient male 1 The patient finally got the definite diagnosis with his medical history and histopathological results and he has been living disease free for nearly 3 years after the surgery . patient female 1 The patient refused to undergo other examinations , but 14 months later she returned to hospital for diffuse cutaneous livedo reticularis over her trunk and legs . patient male 1 One patient required a second radiation dose 1 year after the initial treatment , but he has remained well ever since ( 50 months ) . patient male 1 Another patient with intermediate Sokal risk showed D363 G mutation at diagnosis , progressed under imatinib , was allografted and he is now alive in major molecular remission ( MMR ) . patient male 1 The patient was not fisherman or butcher and he did ot other risky job . patient female 1 The patient showed a marked deficit in identifying emotions in all four prosody conditions ; and she did not show much variation in modulating mean f0 , f0 variance , speech rate and intensity for all emotion categories when compared to neutral utterances . patient female 2 One ICF1 patient presented severe autoimmune manifestations and pancytopenia and underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ( HSCT ) , but she died from unknown causes 6 years post-transplant . patient male 4 The response of the patient to therapy was poor , and he developed severe sequelae . patient male 0 Patient who did not have the chromosomal defect presented the same IQ than his brothers , but he had a less severe macroorchidism , a better speech and more normal clinical features . Patient female 4 After drainage , the patient showed immediate relief from pain and she made a fast and full recovery . patient female 1 The patient required a tracheostomy , but she was able to function without a ventilator on POD 142 . patient male 1 Our patient had no history of previous medical conditions nor did he have symptoms characteristic of a neuroendocrine secreting tumor . patient female 6 The lesion was resected , the patient had a quick recovery , and she has shown no evidence of recurrence . patient female 5 It is possible that the patient had liquefied pituitary adenoma as a consequence of the postpartum shock or that she was hypothyroid , a condition in which the " empty sella " is very common . patient male 6 At 8-year follow-up examination , this patient developed shoulder osteoarthrosis and he had pain and stiffness . patient male 3 We present a patient who presented with gangrene of fingers with absent radial pulse and during course of his illness he developed features of Behçet 's disease . patient male 1 One patient maintained CR for 3 months , but he died due to a recurrence of liver metastases and peritoneal dissemination 19 months after the initiation of the treatment . patient male 1 The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy with mFOLFOX6 , and he is alive 7 months after adrenalectomy without evidence of recurrence . patient male 1 The patient underwent chemotherapy for malignant lymphoma and although it was a relatively advanced neoplasia , he is alive without a recurrence . patient male 1 The patient underwent salvage lymphadenectomy without further chemotherapy , and at 5 months after surgery , he was alive and recurrence-free . patient male 9 Myopathy is difficult to diagnose , either because the patient undergoes surgery before being symptomatic or because he is only a carrier of MH . patient male 1 The patient did not experience any neurologic complications nor did he show any evidence of pulmonary embolism for 8 months . patient male 1 The patient showed some neurological improvement and he is currently 8 years old . patient male 7 However , the clinical course of the patient was mild , and he responded to Cu-His treatment , which suggests that this mutation leads to partial conservation of the activity of ATP7A . patient male 1 The patient received best supportive care including palliative femoral head replacement and stereotactic irradiation for the cerebellar metastases , and he died of cancer 3 years 5 months after the primary surgery . patient male 13 The authors report a unique case of transient amaurosis occurring every time the patient flew in a jet plane and frequently when he drove up a mountain . patient female 17 The girls father is a shepherd and there was a familial antecedent of brucellosis , but the patient did not consume unpasteurized goat milk products nor did she take part in the care of the sheep stock . patient male 1 One patient underwent salvage chemotherapy for a chest recurrence , and he is alive and free of disease at 72 months . patient male 5 Lower back pain of the patient had nearly disappeared 2 weeks after surgery , and he was able to walk for more than 1 hour without assistance 2 years after surgery . patient female 1 The patient had a complete response , and she remains without local or distance relapse . patient male 1 Our patient had no diaphragmatic hernia and he survived neonatal period with severe neurological impairment . patient male 1 The patient underwent emergency surgery to repair myocardium that had ruptured due to the removal of the wires , and he recovered uneventfully . patient female 1 The patient had relapsing/remitting MS between the ages of 26 and 45 , and during her last 14 years she had a secondary chronic progressive form of MS . patient male 1 The patient was a 19-year-old male , and he underwent a radical mastectomy ( RM ) with axillary lymph node dissection . patient male 1 The patient responded favourably to the radioiodine treatment , and he received several more courses of I-131 . patient male 3 However , the patient showed respiratory failure , and he died 32 days after the start of the therapy . patient female 1 The patient received TS-1 and cisplatin for postoperative recurrence , but she died from multiple lung metastasis 54 months after the operation . patient female 5 Six days later , the patient partially recovered consciousness , and she had not neurologic sequelae . patient male 4 In June 1997 the patient complained of the onset of continuous pain at the genitalia , and for penis necrosis he underwent penis amputation . patient male 6 After 13 PCIT sessions , the patient displayed disruptive behaviors within normal limits , and 12 months later he no longer met diagnostic criteria for ODD . patient male 1 Another patient resulted completely paralysed after two months after quitting the cell therapy but he regained the skills after a new injection . patient female 2 Currently the patient has a platelet count of 450,000 per microliter and she is free of treatment with steroids or any immunosuppressive drugs . patient female 1 The patient is receiving follow-up care every 6 months , and she has no evidence of disease after 22 months of follow-up . patient female 5 After 17 days , the patient reported no pain following 20 minutes of TENS and that she could sleep through the night . patient female 1 The patient sometimes suffered from headaches when Raynaud 's phenomenon appeared in her fingers , but she did not experience further cerebrovascular events . patient male 15 75-year-old man treated for senile dementia was clubbed with a walking stick by the other patient treated for same disease and he died of traumatic shock . patient male 1 The patient received six cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy , and he is alive and recurrence-free 48 months post-transplantation . patient male 1 One patient developed progressive bone disease and he is with NAD after treatment with steroids and chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient responded to treatment that included intensive plasma exchange , and she achieved full recovery . patient male 1 Our patient had localized renal cell carcinoma requiring open nephrectomy , but he also had comorbid emphysema that precluded general anesthesia . patient male 6 ECT was then discontinued because the patient declined to give consent for ECT as treatment and he no longer presented a threat . patient female 1 The patient improved symptomatically following the intervention , and she made a complete neurological recovery within 30 days . patient male 1 The patient did have acute bilateral hippocampi lesions and associated severe anterograde amnesia , but he retained good retrograde memory with which he is able to give good , logical but concrete explanations for proverbs . patient male 1 The patient is aware that his prostate cancer is incurable , but he wants to know if PC-SPES can help . patient female 1 The patient did n't have pain and bleeding during the healing and she did n't report complications . patient male 1 One patient affected by SCID showed complete chimerism , but he died after BMT of systemic CMV infection ; the other 8 patients are alive and well and 4 of them show complete chimerism in all cell lines . patient male 13 Also , at the last follow-up visit , the patient 's hemoglobin count patient was normal and he returned to normal daily functions . patient male 1 One patient is markedly impaired at perceiving facial identity and he is poor at discriminating facial expression and gender from static photographs of faces . patient male 3 A young male patient from Somalia presented with a productive cough since a few days , and he complained about vomiting after meals and a rapid loss of weight of 20 kg . patient male 1 The patient denied using illicit substances , and he had no risk factors for coronary artery disease . patient male 1 The patient remained well initially , but on day 5 he deteriorated precipitously with respiratory failure , and signs of systemic sepsis . patient male 3 Otherwise , the patient had no relevant medical history , and he denied having prior trauma , surgery , bleeding diathesis , fever , chills , or vision changes . patient male 9 At the early stage of the disease , the patient could activate residual semantic information about individuals from their names , but after a 4-year course , he failed to do so . patient male 10 False recognition concerned all the unfamiliar faces , and the patient claimed spontaneously that they corresponded to actors , but he could not provide any additional information about their specific identities . patient female 12 The reparative intervention consisted of suturing of both the connections ; the patient survived the surgery , but she died 6 weeks later due to infectious complications . patient female 13 Despite success in treatments of the mentioned complications , the condition of the patient deteriorated and she became totally dependent to supplemental oxygen . patient male 7 Within 1 month of surgery , the patient developed a sternal metastasis , and he died within a short period of time . patient male 8 Currently , 2 years after transplantation , the patient is euglycaemic without insulin ( glycated haemoglobin 5.8 % ) and he is free of allergic reactions . patient male 1 One patient had infiltrating ureteral carcinoma and he is well 8 years after cystectomy . patient male 1 The patient showed gradual recovery with physiotherapy , and at 18 months follow-up he was mobilizing without any walking aids , with BMI 47.34 kg/m2 . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course , and he returned to his usual daily activities . patient male 5 To our surprise , the patient showed an excellent response and he is disease free 3 years following the last operation . patient female 2 Although the patient was on prophylaxis with fluconazole and she did not respond to amphotericin B , there was an excellent response to itraconazole which allowed the transplant without any Aspergillus infection during both the transplant and the post-transplant periods . patient male 5 At 2-week follow-up , the patient had improved range of motion and pain , but he noted a second soft tissue mass in the left deltoid . patient male 5 With this therapy , the patient had a spectacular recovery but after six months , he experienced an aggravation of his symptoms . patient male 5 At 6 months , the patient returned to his work and at the latest follow-up ( 15 months ) he was free from back pain . patient female 1 The patient had molluscoid pseudo-tumours of the axillae and she reported that her father was in the same condition . patient male 9 Approximately four months after initiation of treatment , the patient felt well , and he is currently receiving packed red blood cell transfusions every three weeks . patient female 1 The patient had an uncomplicated recovery , and she remains disease-free at 22 months . patient male 4 The recovery of the patient was normal , and he stayed symptom-free , with normal small bowel function , clinical and laboratory data . patient male 1 The patient was not aware of any exposure to carcinogens known to predispose to bladder cancer , nor was he a tobacco user . patient male 3 Thereafter , the patient received systemic chemotherapy , but unfortunately , he died 14 mo after the surgery . patient male 3 A 39-year-old male patient presented with inability to void urine for 8 h. He did not have a history of dysuria or fever , but had increasing urinary frequency and difficulty in voiding over 2 years . patient male 50 The staff will thus be able to readjust his care as well as possible , at the level of the information to be given , and above all the attitude to adopt , in order to improve the quality of welcoming , as , eventually , it is what the patient will keep in mind and what he will use for his evaluation . patient female 1 The patient was otherwise healthy with no known medical conditions , and she was not taking any medications . patient female 1 Our patient was surprisingly still alive after metastatic disease was diagnosed 10 years ago and she had no major complaint other than a draining mass on her neck . patient male 10 Within 15 minutes of the first paliperidone injection , the patient developed flushing of the face , neck , and head , and he soon developed chills , rigors , and difficulty breathing ; after treatment to resolve those symptoms , oral risperidone was restarted . patient female 0 Patient was on a 32 week of pregnancy and she had a Caesarean section before meningioma treatment . Patient male 5 Upon further investigation , the patient reported taking ziprasidone for his bipolar disorder , and he had a core temperature of 103.5 ° F on his initial presentation to the outside facility . patient male 1 The patient did not undergo any adjuvant treatment following surgery , but he remains disease free until 33 months after surgery . patient male 11 This state having been ended by a grand mal , the patient could give unspecific subjective complaints for the period of the " bioelectrical petit mal state " , but he was fully able to remember . patient male 1 The patient had neurological findings indicative of pseudobulbar palsy , but he had lost emotional vocalization and emotional facial expression , as well as propositional speech . patient male 7 Three months after developing vitritis , the patient had extraocular recurrence of the disease , and he died 2 months later . patient male 1 The patient was incapable of speech because of mental retardation , so he could not describe his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient described is a heterozygote for hemochromatosis , and he has chronic hepatitis C. We have hypothesized that , because of chronic viral hepatitis , he could either have an increase in circulating NTBI or he could have up-regulation of hepatocyte TfR expression , perhaps caused by a viral effect on the IRE of TfR mRNA , or a combination of both . patient male 3 Parents of one patient refused to accept transplantation as treatment , and he died one month later . patient male 15 Because of the timing for onset of symptomatic hypocalcemia , it was presumed that the patient had anticonvulsant-induced hypocalcemia , and he carried that diagnosis for 18 yr . patient male 24 Despite the presence of pigmentary incontinence , the diagnosis of incontinentia pigmenti ( IP ) can be ruled out on the basis that the patient is a male , with none of the characteristic anomalies present in this syndrome , and that he never presented with inflammatory or eruptive skin lesions . patient female 1 One patient , however , had no evidence of sarcoidosis at the time of the biopsy nor did she develop sarcoidosis during a seven-year follow-up period . patient male 1 One patient , who was hematologically responsive , continued being treated with IFN alpha-ly for 36 months but he did not achieve any karyotypic response . patient male 11 It was thought to be local postsurgical infection , and the patient got antibiotics , but he did worse . patient male 26 Case 2 , in which the patient underwent living-donor LT from the mother , had neither rejection nor mechanical venous obstruction , but condition of the patient rapidly worsened and he died on day 13 after transplantation . patient female 2 The one patient with grade III tumor had shown metastases in axillary lymph nodes at mastectomy , and she died of disease 2 years later . patient male 1 The patient underwent orthotopic heart transplantation three months after his initial operation , and he is clinically well sixteen months after transplantation . patient male 6 At five months follow-up , the patient had minimal pain and he had resumed working . patient male 1 The patient declined post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy and he is alive 6 months after the surgery with no evidence of recurrence . patient male 1 The patient died in 2013 , but he showed long-term survival of 13 years from the first operation owing to the multimodality treatment . patient female 1 The patient , a 44-year-old woman , attended the hospital because of irregular heart rhythm and she displayed repeated episodes of life-threatening torsades de pointes ventricular tachycardia . patient male 1 The patient achieved a partial response , but he died after 31 months from gastrectomy . patient male 1 The patient underwent radiation ( 50 Gray ) and chemotherapy ( cisplatin , 5 courses ) , but he developed liver and bone metastases and died of systemic carcinomatosis five months after the initial presentation . patient male 1 The patient underwent necrosectomy and repeated drainage of abscess facilitated by a Bogota bag , but he died 60 days after admission and five surgical procedures . patient female 1 The patient had undergone an ABFG about 15 years earlier for limb revascularization , and she had an occluded aortobifemoral bypass graft . patient female 0 Patient was within window for IV tPA treatment which was administered , and she subsequently had marked improvement of all symptoms . Patient male 11 Chest computed tomography ( CT ) was initially refused by the patient , but 3 years later he presented with severe epistaxis . patient female 1 One patient developed an asymptomatic , non-progressing and small recurrent anterior cyst and she continues to be observed . patient female 1 One patient with anaplastic ganglioglioma experienced confirmed partial tumor response and significant clinical improvement and she is alive 20 months after start of treatment . patient female 1 The patient experienced prolonged lymphadenitis despite azithromycin and rifampin therapy , and she developed a draining sinus tract ∼4 months after initial inoculation while receiving antibiotics . patient male 1 The patient received large quantities of antibiotics and blood products and repeated skin graft after admission , and then he suffered wound errhysis and throat congestion . patient male 1 The patient was refractory to standard HLH therapy but he is well and is now 42 months after mismatched unrelated donor hemopoietic stem cell transplant without evidence of HLH or JMML . patient female 3 However , the patient rapidly developed both locoregional and distant mestatatic disease , despite aggressive chemoradiotherapy , and she eventually succumbed to disseminated disease almost 20 months after her initial diagnosis . patient female 4 After surgery , the patient responded rapidly , and at 2-year follow-up , she is symptom-free . patient male 1 The patient stated that his left eye had been hit by a tree branch approximately 40 years prior , and he had not been able to see with it since then . patient female 5 Two weeks later , the patient took a 25-mg rofecoxib tablet for a sore throat , and she developed angioedema 5(1/2 ) hours later . patient female 3 Upon discharge the patient had zero complaints of pain , improved range of motion , and increased strength , and she returned to her prior level of function . patient female 1 The patient did not suffer from any other inflammatory or infectious disease and she was not under any medication or immunosuppressive therapy . patient male 4 One year later the patient developed multiple brain metastases and he is currently undergoing gemcitabine-based chemotherapy . patient male 9 At the end of the 3 wk , the patient was pain free , with a full range of motion ( ROM ) , and he was able to perform all rugby-specific movements . patient male 9 We present one case of lip schwannoma : the patient was 25-year-old and he has presented to otorhinolaryngologist for a non-dolorous tumor on the mucosal side of his inferior lip , which was increasing in size for the last six months . patient male 1 The patient recovered immediately after fasciotomy of the anconeus muscle , and 6 months later he was still free from pain and intracompartmental pressures were normal . patient female 1 Another patient showed a nocturnal melatonin rise and day-night melatonin differences closer to those seen in normal subjects , but she had altered cortisol secretory patterns during depression which normalized after recovery . patient male 1 The patient had a long working history as a breeder of fighting cocks , and he suffered from two erythematous macules after being bitten by a cock . patient female 1 The patient swallow sponge from a pillow over a long period of time and she came into our hospital with abdominal pain . patient male 2 Postoperatively the patient showed satisfactory relief in low-back and thigh pain but , unfortunately , he died 1 month after surgery because of respiratory complications . patient male 1 The patient is much better , but he still neither speaks , nor is socially more active . patient female 1 Our patient had no history of previous varicella infection , and she did not receive the varicella zoster vaccine . patient male 6 On days 1 and 3 the patient did not receive octreotide ( control days ) but on day 2 he received subcutaneous octreotide 100 micrograms every 8 h. Pancreatic juice was collected at 2-h intervals over the 3-day period . patient female 1 The patient received sliding-scale insulin therapy and rehabilitation , and she recovered consciousness without motor function deficits after 1 month . patient male 11 After we administered two cycles of ESHAP , however , the patient developed aggressive progression and he died . patient male 1 The patient suddenly developed collapse and ventricular tachycardia was diagnosed on the monitor , and he returned to sinus rhythm following successful cardioversion . patient female 6 In the selection task , our patient produced the letters that composed a target word , but she did not have to provide serial position information . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient was stable , but 5 days later she developed clouding of consciousness , severe jaundice and respiratory failure . patient female 1 The patient was very pleased with the improvement in speech and eating and she approved of her facial esthetics . patient female 1 One patient of severe pre-eclampsia developed postpartum hemorrhage and acute renal failure , but she recovered while another one developed sudden postpartum collapse immediately after delivery and died due to cerebrovascular accident . patient female 1 Our patient suffered from a rare consequence of severe hypothyroidism presenting with status epilepticus and she died despite treatment . patient male 14 Once this became known imipenem was substituted for co-trimoxazole but unfortunately condition of the patient did not improve and he died following a cardiac arrest . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical resection of the intradural extramedullary cervical spinal lesions , and he has continued to improve clinically , with no recurrence of cystic lesions . patient male 4 At discharge , the patient had distal left-sided sensorimotor impairments , but he was able to ambulate 121.9 m ( 400 ft ) with assistance to maintain his balance . patient female 1 The patient showed passing performance on most measures of response bias , but she failed effort indicators requiring rapid letter discrimination ( b Test ) , rapid verbal repetition ( timed forward digit span ) , and sensory function ( finger agnosia errors ) while passing effort indicators falling within the domains of memory , math/number skills , visuo-constructional ability , and attention . patient female 30 Mercuric chloride has an estimated human fatal dose of between 1 and 4 g. Despite a reported ingestion of a potentially lethal dose and a high blood concentration , this patient experienced mild to moderate poisoning only and she responded to early and appropriate intervention . patient male 2 Nowadays the patient has 52 months ' follow-up and he has only a stable , slight visual field deficit on the upper temporal side of the right eye . patient male 1 The patient noted a marked pain relief and he willingly complied with the treatment . patient male 1 The patient had persistent atrial fibrillation and was treated with oral anticoagulants and , in spite of well controlled anticoagulation , he suffered a transient ischemic attack . patient female 5 The growth rate of the patient had decreased , and she had not yet experienced menarche . patient male 1 The patient required a permanent pacemaker and he is currently well . patient female 7 At 28 years of age , the patient noticed a large tumor mass with intractable pain at the antero-lateral aspect of the proximal lower leg , and she presented to our hospital . patient female 2 Only one patient has recurred ( stage IB UPSC , isolated vault recurrence 10 months after surgery ) , but she is well 9 months after receiving pelvic radiotherapy and vault brachytherapy . patient female 2 In one patient hyperstimulation occurred in the first cycle of treatment but subsequently she ovulated normally on a reduced dose of LHRH . patient male 35 After reviewing the literature , the authors stress the importance , in any case of hyperparathyroidism , of routinely investigating the serum calcium levels in members of the patient 's family , especially if the patient is young and if he has had several episodes or multiglandular involvement in one episode . patient male 3 Initially , the patient had been completely blind , but after 6 months of spontaneous recovery , he showed a homonymous bilateral lower quadrantanopia and impairment of higher visual functions . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient received chemotherapy and a second allo-HSCT from another donor , but he suffered another relapse in different EM sites including the skin and central nervous system with a persistently normal marrow . patient female 2 Thereafter , patient underwent adjuvant oncological therapy and she has been disease free in the last one year . patient male 1 The patient is in good health 1 1/2 years after therapy and he has 6/6 ( 20/20 ) vision in the eye that was treated . patient female 1 This patient has not experienced any trouble during the one year post-operative course , and she obtained about a 15 dB hearing improvement in the ten months after surgery when compared with her preoperative status . patient male 26 The application of diagnostic methods before and in the course of chemotherapy is indicated when large doses of anthracyclines will be administered or when in the patient risk factors cumulate or if he developed signs of cardiotoxicity . patient male 1 Another patient was free of symptoms at 1-month control but 1 year later he again had slight symptoms . patient male 1 1 patient reacting to UP resin was also patch test positive to DGM and he produced an allergic reaction to DGM down to a concentration of 0.0032 % pet . patient female 2 Only one patient failed more than one BST , but she did not fail every such test . patient female 7 Regardless of this evidence , although the patient has always refused chemotherapy and second look surgery for removal of the suspicious area , she is alive 1 year after surgery and now doing well . patient female 1 The patient was stable from an imaging standpoint at 16 months after shunt insertion , and she has continued to make developmental progress . patient male 1 The patient has responded well to therapy , and at no stage has he shown impairment of renal function as determined by creatinine clearance studies . patient male 6 During the study period only 1 patient from the estrogen-treated group had clinical progression and he died of prostatic carcinoma . patient male 1 The patient achieved a very good cognitive-mnestic result after the resuscitation but he suffered a neurological deficit in the meaning of paraplegia . patient male 15 Based on our results and the clinical pattern of the disease we confirmed that the patient is allergic to mugwort pollen and that he had an anaphylactic reaction as a result of ingesting sunflower seeds . patient male 2 The remaining patient did not undergo neck dissection due to coexistence with distant metastasis , and he died of regional disease . patient female 11 However , approximately 2 weeks after completion of the treatment the patient experienced discomfort in her eyes and then over the next months she developed a severe ophthalmopathy . patient male 1 The patient received no postoperative chemotherapy or radiotherapy , and he has not signs of local recurrence or distal metastasis after 3 years of intense follow up . patient female 1 The patient developed sickle cell crisis resulting in occipital infarction , but she made a good recovery . patient female 4 The course of the patient was aggressive and she died from bone marrow relapse after 6 months of treatment including high-dose methotrexate , which caused acute nonoliguric renal failure . patient female 6 The initial assessment concluded that the patient had a gluten induced enteropathy and she had a good clinical response to a gluten free diet . patient female 5 Two days later , the patient complained of acute abdominal pain and she underwent surgery for the diagnosis . patient male 5 After hospital discharge , the patient was free of infections and he returned to his daily activities . patient female 1 The patient had a slowly progressive sensory motor neuropathy since age 3 years , and she also had nystagmus , feet deformities , scoliosis , and cerebellar tonsillar protrusion . patient male 3 Given that the patient had end stage chronic renal failure and that he was under renal replacement therapy , therapeutic approach was based on total nephrectomy . patient male 1 Another patient developed recurrence 2 years following surgery , but he died due to septicemia and aspiration pneumonitis . patient male 2 The youngest patient with largest tumor diameter of 60 mm developed transient hemiparesis in the immediate postoperative period and he recovered fully in due course . patient female 1 The patient was fully aware of her situation , but she denied any further therapeutic management . patient male 7 The prosthetic valve was replaced , the patient completed a 6-week course of parenteral antibiotics after surgical intervention and he made a full recovery with no long-term neurological sequelae . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient has receiving a continuous IA 5-FU ( 125 mg/day ) for 13 months as a maintenance and she is free of disease ( NED ) with a normal activity ( PS = 0 ) . patient male 2 In one patient hydrocephalus was absent , but he presented with cysticercal meningitis 24 months before spinal cord compression developed . patient male 1 The patient was pain-free after the treatment , and already after 2-weeks he started with heavy-weight training ( 240 kg in deep squats ) to try to qualify for the Olympics . patient male 1 The patient declares these doubles to be both psychologically and physically completely identical to him , and he believes ' them ' to be in fact women . patient male 6 In 2012 and 2013 , our patient suffered further recurrences that were surgically treated , and he is still alive with disease six years and 10 months after the initial diagnosis in June 2007 . patient female 6 After initiation of chemotherapy , the patient developed paralytic ileus and hypertension , and on day 30 , she suddenly developed generalized convulsions , loss of visual acuity , and muscle weakness in the legs . patient female 6 From 14 months post-surgery , the patient also used a sustained-release tramadol preparation , and she was then able to sleep well . patient male 1 The patient was well the next morning , the symptoms of gastric retention disappeared and he had a good appetite . patient male 3 After surgery the patient has n't had recurrence of the symptoms and he has n't required esteroids . patient male 1 The patient underwent a total laryngectomy and a right pneumonectomy and he died from neoplastic progression 2 years after surgery . patient female 1 The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy + bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy + omentectomy + bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy + appendectomy ; and she is alive with no evidence of recurrent disease one year after surgery . patient male 1 The patient had local recurrence of the disease and he underwent re-excision , radiotherapy and the tamoxifen treatment . patient female 1 The patient did not report any further instances of breakthrough pain , and she did not require additional bolus morphine . patient male 1 The patient made good progress without adjuvant therapy , and after 57 months of follow-up he remained asymptomatic and free of recurrence . patient male 2 Only 1 patient developed local recurrence at 6 months and he died 14 months after abdomino-perineal resection . patient female 9 Following the diagnosing of CNC and PPNAD , the patient underwent laparoscopic bilateral adrenalectomy , and she evolved with decreasing hypercortisolism . patient female 1 The patient had a good motor and sensory block ( level T4 ) , and she underwent uneventful extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of a right kidney stone . patient male 18 During the right coronary angiography , following catheter manipulation in the vicinity of the aortic valve , the patient complained of severe chest discomfort , and he had electrocardiographic evidence of acute inferior wall myocardial infarction . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient showed regained strength in his bilateral shanks , and he did not complain of lumbago and shank pain , but CES occurred , which manifested as underpants-type numbness in the perineum without bladder , anal , and motor dysfunction . patient female 0 Patient health state deteriorated and she developed stress-induced dyspnea requiring surgical resection . Patient male 1 The patient recovered momentarily after each cycle of treatment , but his vasculitis progressed and he eventually died . patient male 1 The patient with ileus complained of abdominal fullness but he was able to ingest . patient male 3 However , one patient demonstrated no improvement , and he needed surgical reduction of his large cervical osteophytes . patient female 0 Patient B presented with incidental papilloedema and was treated with acetazolamide and she reported intermittent headache during follow-up . Patient male 1 Our patient underwent standard chemotherapy , but he succumbed to infection during the neutropenic period . patient male 11 The treatment with leflunomide was suspended ; the conditions of the patient gradually improved and he became completely asymptomatic 1 week later . patient male 1 The patient also had recurrent Salmonella typhimurium septicaemia , cytomegalovirus infection , and cerebral toxoplasmosis and he died within 13 months . patient male 3 Nevertheless , the patient deteriorated and he needed to be transferred to the Intensive Care Unit ( ICU ) , where he underwent orotracheal intubation and invasive mechanical ventilation . patient female 1 The patient had no complaints or symptoms of the neurological , gastrointestinal , or respiratory system , and she had no recurrent skin or systemic infection . patient male 5 The clinical features of our patient met all the criteria to satisfy a diagnosis of INAD , and he displayed a classic form of the disease . patient male 5 On most occasions , the patient had 2 - 3 attacks daily but , at worst , he might have almost continuous short-lasting attacks in periods of 1 to 3 hours length . patient male 3 Previously , the patient had two overlapping esophageal and one tracheal stent placed , but he developed progressive tracheal disruption due to esophageal stent perforation near the level of the cricoid . patient female 1 The patient required several procedures to remove the inverted papilloma from the nasal cavity and temporal bone , and she is currently free of recurrence . patient female 4 To date , the patient is alive , without any evidence of recurrence , and she has received chemotherapy . patient female 4 Within 48 h the patient demonstrated significant clinical improvement and she subsequently made a full recovery . patient female 1 The patient developed multiple territory watershed infarcts and she eventually died from aspiration pneumonia 14 days after hospitalisation . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient had no complications except for left hearing disturbance , and she was independent in daily life . patient male 1 The patient exhibited voluntary electromyograph ( EMG ) activity and MEPs at 96 and 144 weeks after transplantation and he was was ambulatory with short leg braces and Lofstrand crutches at 144 weeks after transplantation . patient female 3 Currently , the patient is under observation without treatment , but she has had no recurrence for 6 years after the confirmation of recurrence(6 years and 6 months after surgery ) . patient male 5 Family screening demonstrated that the patient had inherited the mutation from his asymptomatic father and that he had transmitted it to both of his children , his daughter being symptomatic since the age of 3 years . patient female 1 One patient died from her disease and she harbored a CASG with > 30 % cribriform pattern . patient female 1 One patient developed severe mitral regurgitation due to tissue failure of the bioprosthesis 12 years after surgery and she underwent a successful reoperation . patient female 11 The tumour was located in the right pectoralis major and the patient complained of neurological signs in the right arm and she had anaemia which remitted after removal of the tumour . patient male 12 He was treated radiation therapy combined with intrathecal MTX and Ara-C. The patient survives currently three years after diagnosis and remains free of central nervous system disease . patient male 1 The patient was not taking any other medications , nor did he have any of the known metabolic conditions associated with pancreatitis . patient female 1 The patient was neurologically intact during her clinic visit , but she endorsed significant midline cervical tenderness . patient male 2 The second patient , a 66-year-old male , developed hyperthyroidism and goiter at the age of 44 , but at present he is hypothyroid . patient male 5 Surgery is performed when the patient does not respond to vasodilators and he shows FS of less than 25 % . patient male 24 Because of the painless nature of erections , moderately good preservation of erectile function during intercourses , and disappointment with former surgery , the patient declined further therapies , and he lives with his condition . patient male 1 The patient has been no evidence of recurrence including hepatic metastasis , and he is still doing well 8 years after initial HAI chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient , after the surgical treatment , has no problem and he gets back to his normal weight . patient female 2 The second patient was less challenging and she delivered at 36 weeks . patient female 3 Postsurgery , the patient had a complete recovery and eventually , she successfully delivered an intact , viable fetus . patient female 1 The patient subsequently became pregnant , but she required no antihypertensive therapy throughout the prenatal or postpartum period and showed no signs of renal or liver graft rejection . patient male 1 The patient was a 32-year-old man , and he was working as a veterinarian in a private veterinary clinic . patient male 1 The patient does n't present affectation of peripheral blood , and he died for acute hepatic and renal failure after 8 days of entrance . patient male 1 The patient did not report any recent travel history or occupational or animal exposures , and he did not have gastroesophageal reflux . patient male 3 On the male patient constant blood levels of CSA were not achievable and he became blind suffering basically from a severe proliferative diabetic retinopathy . patient female 1 One patient had undergone trabeculectomy for glaucoma , and she was on antiglaucoma medication . patient female 12 Serum sodium concentration was 202 mEq/L. Serum osmolality was 430 mOsm/L. The patient remained comatose for seven days , during which time she was vigorously treated with fluids , and she gradually recovered . patient female 1 A patient suffered from anaphylaxis after the ingestion of pork gut and kidney , but she tolerated pork meat . patient female 1 The patient underwent superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis 1 month after the onset of stroke , and she did not manifest as further neurological events during the follow-up period of 2 years . patient male 7 During the immediate postprocedural period , the patient had ischemic colitis , but he recovered in a few days with conservative treatment . patient male 1 The patient experienced recurrent episodes of syncope/fainting , when he turned his head towards to the right , and he experienced discomfort when lying on his back . patient male 1 This patient survived the surgery very well , left the hospital , and in 4 wk he was dead . patient male 1 The patient received optimal supportive care and after 17 days he regained consciousness with ' man-in-the-barrel syndrome ' , which also further improved over time . patient female 4 Postoperative course of the patient was uneventful and she is doing well after 10 months . patient male 8 At six months of follow up , the patient was well and he had no signs of recurrence . patient female 7 After 1 year of treatment , the patient had complete resolution of all lesions , and she has had no further appearance of lesions . patient female 1 The patient had undergone chemotherapy 16 times without surgical debulking and she was in generally well 1.5-year follow-up . patient male 24 Eight/nine unoperated patients had a pituitary adenoma visualized by scintigraphy and a positive response to both the acute test and chronic treatment ; one patient had no evidence of tumor at scintigraphy and he did not respond to octreotide . patient female 1 The patient was afebrile on examination without a focal source of infection or evidence of meningismus , but she was lethargic and minimally responsive to pain and had reduced strength in the upper and lower extremities . patient male 2 The first patient , a 6-year-old boy , had normal-appearing fundi in February 1974 , but in October 1974 he had developed a vitelliform lesion in the left macula . patient female 1 The patient subsequently developed an ACTH-dependent paraneoplastic Cushing 's syndrome and she died of arrhythmia and heart failure , despite treatment . patient male 1 The patient received CHOP ( cyclophosphamide , doxorubicin , vincristine and prednisone ) chemotherapy after the operation , and he has no sign of recurrence during a follow-up period of 6 years . patient female 2 The second patient was refractory to various oral and topical drugs and different radiofrequency procedures , but she eventually obtained partial relief with pregabalin . patient male 5 The father of the second patient was clinically healthy but he had evidently reduced conduction velocity in peroneal nerves . patient male 1 The patient also could not recognize some single-character kana , nor could he discriminate between two shapes of a similar size . patient male 1 The patient gradually regained consciousness , but during the subsequent nine weeks he underwent three major operations ( laparotomy ) : the first two for hemostasis of gastrointestinal bleeding , and the last one for strangulated intestinal obstruction . patient female 1 One patient developed isolated liver metastasis six years after completion of the treatment and she lost to follow up for further treatment . patient female 1 The patient had no past medical history , but she had undergone variable emotions and had a history of excessive noise exposure . patient male 10 Finally , when faced with a new situation , the patient does not work out how to solve the problem , but he accepts more readily what is suggested to him by the tester . patient male 1 The patient was having melena for two months , and on admission he was hemodynamically stable . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient reported significantly improved back pain and he had severe foot weakness . patient female 1 Our patient responded well to an intensive chemotherapy regimen , and she is now in complete remission 4 years after discontinuation of chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient currently has a metastatic liver tumor , but she has had a significant improvement in performance status . patient male 1 The patient underwent pars plana vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling , and he received long-acting gas . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had an improved neurological examination , and he continued to do so with intense physical therapy . patient male 1 The patient did not take any other drugs and he was not recently on neuroleptic treatment ; he recognized the abuse of amineptine , as a stimulant , and the bromazepam abuse , looking for a relief to the excessive anxiety secondary to amineptine . patient male 0 Patient received standard immunosuppression therapy and he is still in remission after 27 months . Patient male 1 The patient received chemotherapy and responded well , but he died of respiratory failure 26 months later . patient female 13 Despite doubts concerning the veracity of some of her psychotic symptoms , the patient responded well to clozapine , and she was subsequently able to stay out of the psychiatric hospital for longer periods and make a reasonably good adjustment to living in a group home . patient male 13 Now , more than 1 year after heterotopic auxiliary liver transplantation , the patient is free from medication and he is immune for hepatitis B virus , his liver tests have returned to normal and he has regained his normal life . patient female 1 Our patient unknowingly had injected the new pentazocine formulation , and she subsequently developed narcotic withdrawal symptoms . patient male 1 The patient had recurrence of the lesion after 1 year , and he attended a cancer institute . patient female 2 Only one patient had an excimer phototherapeutic keratectomy , and she had a minor recurrence posttreatment . patient male 19 Considering the risk of sympathetic ophthalmia , the doctor decided the enucleation of the injured eye , but the patient refused and he had not come back to the recommended follow-ups . patient male 1 One patient received PCPS support showed no mental disturbance after surgery , but he died of renal failure 6 days after surgery . patient female 1 The patient showed normal kidney function and she did not show other organ lesions or clinical manifestations of VHL disease . patient male 11 Discussion of rupture of the spleen apparently without cause ; the patient suffered no trauma nor did he have a disease of the spleen . patient female 1 One patient died before she was tested for aCL but she also had a false positive VDRL . patient male 10 After confirmation of the diagnosis of compartment syndrome , the patient underwent emergency fasciotomy with evacuation of hematoma , and , thereafter , he recovered unremarkably . patient male 1 The patient symptoms regressed with supportive care alone , but he died 5 months later due to hepatic failure unrelated to the procedure . patient female 2 The first patient was a 9-month-old Caucasian girl with fever , conjunctivitis , rash , and pharyngitis , and later she had cervical adenopathy , diarrhea and vomiting , leukocytosis , and anemia , which were explained by positive immunoglobulin M against parvovirus . patient male 5 After the surgery , the patient recovered perfectly well and he returned to his pre-injury level of physical activity in two months . patient male 3 However , one patient who received periodic follow-up and also was in relatively good physical condition had a better prognosis , and he survived for 88 months . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient woke up well ; at discharge , he exhibited no respiratory distress or dysphagia . patient male 1 The patient had some improvement after this procedure , but he remained more somnolent than expected . patient female 1 The patient gave birth to a viable baby , but she sustained an episode of ventricular fibrillation intraoperatively that did not result in any long-term sequelae . patient male 1 The patient presented with fever and anorexia , then he developed altered consciousness , motor weakness , progressive lethargy , and coma , and died 21 days after hospital admission . patient male 1 The patient reported ingesting a fish bone and , although this had been dislodged , he experienced continuing pharyngalgia and fever . patient female 1 The patient underwent laparotomy with resection of a perforated cecum , and she recovered well . patient female 6 Because of persistent fever , the patient received a short course of corticosteroid therapy and she recovered completely from the HNL after 2 months . patient male 1 The patient improved initially , but he later experienced recurrence of fever , and blood culture results were positive for Burkholderia spp . patient female 1 The patient received conservative treatment of acute coronary syndrome , but despite the provided care she died . patient female 4 On clinical examination the patient exhibited generalized weakness of the left side of her face with a flat and expressionless appearance , and she was unable to close her left eye . patient female 2 Although the patient required hemofiltration for 2 days and an assist of catecholamines for 1 month , she improved better and was discharged at 2 months after surgery . patient female 4 Despite treatment , the patient developed pulmonary congestion and she died . patient female 1 The patient developed local recurrence 4 months later while on adjuvant radiotherapy and she had a salvage resection . patient male 11 Of particular interest in this case is the fact that this patient had not undergone any previous lumbar procedures nor did he have a history of spinal dysraphism . patient female 5 After three months follow-up the patient is asymptomatic and she has not presented arrhythmia recurrences . patient male 1 This patient had the same clinical and laboratory features reported in the first cohort of patients , but he harbored a novel CHKB mutation and had isolated cytochrome c oxidase deficiency in muscle . patient female 1 The patient is now pain-free and she has walked with full weight bearing without any complications since the first postoperative day . patient male 5 Eighteen months later , this patient received total hip replacement and he has remained well for 8 years , with no evidence of infection or of implants loosening . patient male 19 The graft was detected as being occluded on the 3-month follow-up but no further action was taken because the patient experienced only non-limiting claudication and he refused again surgical treatment . patient female 2 Afterwards the patient had normal biventricular function , but four days later she developed atrial fibrillation and recurrent cardiogenic shock with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 20 % . patient male 1 The patient visited the clinic regularly for follow-up assessments , and at the age of 20 years , he showed facial asymmetry of the mandible , which had deviated to the right side . patient female 9 At clinical examination 2 years after surgery , the patient was symptom-free , and she had a full range of motion of the shoulder . patient female 15 The two patients who required assisted ventilation died soon after the procedure and in one patient with severe coronary artery disease myocardial infarction developed and she died in cardiogenic shock . patient female 8 After hyponatremia correction the mental status of the patient gradually improved , but subsequently she had intermittent difficulty in speaking , naming objects , memory deficits and psychomotor slowness . patient female 0 Patient received symptomatic care , nutrition by ryles tube during this period and she started to improve after 1st week of onset of symptoms . Patient male 2 Then , patient became comatose , and he died without awakening after 76 days . patient male 8 Because he had suffered for so long our patient refused further surgery to retain the affected limb and he preferred amputation . patient male 5 The second culture of another patient with impending perforation despite linezolid/ceftazidime therapy yielded Fusarium spp . , so he underwent tectonic keratoplasty . patient male 1 The patient showed signs such as cornea verticillata , angiokeratomas , cardiac and neurological manifestations , an end-stage renal disease and he had low α-galactosidase A activity . patient male 2 The second patient had very good voiding when stimulation was applied in bed , but he had poor voiding with high residual volumes when sitting in his wheelchair . patient female 1 The patient , s condition was incurable and she died of multiple organ failure a few hours after surgery . patient male 1 The patient had no medical or surgical history of significance , and he was n't taking any medications or supplements . patient male 1 The patient had no reccurence and he is still under follow up . patient male 1 A patient with late epilepsy after cerebral infarction developed subacute dementia and he subsequently died . patient male 7 After two cycles of chemotherapy , the patient achieved clinical remission , but persistent haploid cells were identified by flow cytometry and he relapsed after 8 weeks and died after 16.7 weeks . patient male 1 The patient underwent subtotal pericardiectomy with resolution of the pericardial disease , but he died from respiratory insufficiency . patient male 6 This risk is high if the patient has a codon 634 mutation and low if he has a mutation within exon 10 , 13 or 14 . patient male 1 The patient did not want to " lose " his knee replacement , and he refused surgical intervention . patient female 1 The patient was not on any medications known to cause hyperprolactinemia but she was using isoniazid for her latent tuberculosis . patient male 1 The patient underwent mitral valve replacement ( Omnicarbon 27 mm ) with concomitant aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass , and he is now doing well 9 months following the operation . patient female 2 The third patient was 87 years old when her MAIVF pseudoaneurysm was diagnosed , and she died of noncardiac causes at age 92 years . patient male 1 This patient did not develop any clinical feature of autonomic dysreflexia nor was he feeling unwell . patient male 4 On examination , the patient had jaw and hand tremors but he also exhibited gynecomastia , progressive bulbar paresis , and wasting and weakness primarily in the proximal limb muscles . patient female 1 The patient was in good clinical condition 2 - 3 days after the discontinuation of metformin and she recovered totally 15 days later . patient male 19 1 . Moderate to intense anxiety , at least once during the course of withdrawal psychotic state : The patient shows manifest anxiety and irritability on his expression or behaviour and he complains his feeling of fear . patient female 1 This patient had unilateral tubal blockage and she was also resistant to clomiphene citrate . patient male 0 Patient did very well after surgery , and 1 month later , he underwent transuretheral resection of prostate without any complications . Patient male 1 Now patient has no difficulty passing urine and he has no recent attack of urinary tract infection . patient male 1 The patient had remained disease-free for 2 years , and then he developed homolateral metastases in latero-cervical and parotid lymph nodes , detected by computed tomography and confirmed by fine-needle aspiration biopsy . patient male 1 The patient had not an underlying disease or immunosuppression , and he had experienced single dose of measles vaccine when he was nine months old . patient female 0 Patient 1 was in the dilatated phase of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ( HCM ) with Danon cardiomyopathy , and she underwent LVAD implantation . Patient male 1 The patient made an uneventful recovery , and 29 months postoperatively he had completely recovered from the hemiparesis . patient female 17 After the identification and modification of the dysfunctional attitudes and basic assumptions related to the malediction-sentence the patient had no panic symptoms anymore and she gradually stopped taking her medication . patient male 1 The patient underwent valve replacement and antifungal treatment with voriconazole and caspofungin , but he died on post-operative day 45 with disseminated aspergillosis confirmed by necropsy . patient male 10 Review of systems with a structured interview indicated that the patient had numerous medically unexplained symptoms and that he fulfilled both the Feighner and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 3rd edition ( DSM-III ) diagnostic criteria for Briquet syndrome . patient male 1 A patient suffered from paraplegia of T-10 level at age 29 , and he complained of new symptoms in the upper limbs at age 42 . patient male 3 However , our patient still shows impaired diaphragmatic function but he is no longer fully dependent on nocturnal ventilatory support . patient female 1 This patient did not exhibit the serologic or pathologic characteristics of granulomatosis with polyangiitis , and she did not respond to treatment as would be expected for granulomatosis with polyangiitis . patient male 6 In the WA cases only one patient had tangles in the brain and he had concurrent Alzheimers disease . patient female 1 This patient underwent surgical management , and she received adjuvant interferon therapy ; however , this treatment was incomplete due to a grade 3 transaminase elevation and the early recurrence of the disease . patient male 0 Patient is on regular follow-up and now at 15 months of age he has no marked developmental delay . Patient male 1 The patient was compliant with standard dual antiplatelet therapy , but he presented with acute myocardial infarction which was associated with VLST . patient male 1 The patient underwent IOL explantation and implantation of another foldable IOL of 22.0 D. On follow-up he had an uncorrected visual acuity of 20/20 . patient male 1 The patient experienced two local recurrences and he finally died 2 years after onset of symptoms because of multiple distal metastases . patient female 1 This patient had near-normal S1 and CP levels , but she was unable to discontinue insulin therapy , suggesting that other factors are critical . patient male 1 The patient received streptokinase , but he continued to be in cardiogenic shock without any improvement . patient female 1 Our patient feels well and she is in outpatient follow-up . patient male 2 The other patient had an orbital medial wall defect with medial rectus injury and he underwent orbitotomy . patient male 1 The patient had not eaten any contaminated food the last two weeks before symptoms appeared , but he had multiple contaminated skin wounds . patient female 1 The patient resumed usual activities 2 weeks after surgery , and at 6-month follow-up , she is doing well . patient male 1 This patient consequently underwent revision arthroscopy to remove the lesion , and he eventually returned to sports at the same level of activity . patient female 1 The patient had normal neuroendocrine markers and she was asymptomatic . patient female 1 The patient had undergone a vagotomy and pyloroplasty 13 years ago , and she used to eat two or three persimmons per week during the last six months . patient male 1 The patient responded to treatment with 2 g of iv amphotericin B ; the adrenal masses and pneumonia resolved , and he remained well until last seen in July 1992 . patient female 1 One patient relapsed in the second month , but after taking 200 mg of itraconazole BID for 1 day she remained cured for the rest of the study period . patient male 1 The patient encountered common gastrointestinal symptoms after one day of ingestion of green turtle flesh and later , he developed neurological symptoms and did not respond to symptomatic treatment and expired after four days after the consumption . patient male 10 In May 1986 , 23 months before death , the patient had encephalitis for one month and in July he developed a fever , malaise and generalized lymphoadenopathy . patient female 1 The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy with taxol and cisplatin , and to date , 15 months after surgery , she is alive and with no evidence of disease . patient female 1 The patient was a young woman , and she presented with sudden right flank pain clinically . patient female 4 After adrenalectomy , the patient symptoms disappeared but she maintained mild hypertension easily controlled with drugs . patient male 2 The other patient received chemotherapy and immunotherapy after recurrence and he was alive at the time of writing . patient female 1 The patient presented as an emergency , with ruptured aneurysm and she underwent an emergency operation . patient female 1 The patient denied recent trauma or any heavy lifting , but she 'd lost 10 pounds over the previous month . patient male 7 After 5 weeks in the ward the patient was doing well , and now he is working and speaking normally ; he is on ambulatory treatment with 1.2 million units/month of long-acting benzathine penicillin , at the Department of Child Health , Tembakau Deli Hospital , Medan . patient male 27 Furthermore , when the patient was shown a printed word or pictured object and the examiner spoke a correct reading or naming response in isolation , the patient almost always accepted the response as correct , but he also judged that many semantically related foils were correct . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient remained stable without evidence of graft dysfunction for more than 10 years , but he resumed light smoking at 8 years after transplant . patient female 1 The patient had an excellent response to prednisone , methotrexate , and trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole , but as with many such cases , she also required tracheo-laryngoplasty . patient male 6 Four months after transplantation , the patient developed visceral Kaposi sarcoma , and 1 month later he presented with progressive and severe peripheral cytopenia , in the presence of a normocellular or hypercellular bone marrow ( BM ) with hemophagocytosis . patient male 8 It is of note that the presently reported patient did not exhibit any AGT catalytic activity and even so , he progressed towards end-stage renal disease only at 19 years old . patient female 1 The patient spontaneously expelled the stents with the stool , and she is asymptomatic after a follow-up of 3 months . patient male 1 The patient showed progressive improvement of neurologic deficits , and after 2 years of follow-up , he did not present with any new complaints . patient female 1 The patient had a history of left breast cancer , and she underwent left breast-conserving surgery with sentinel lymph node biopsy 2 years ago . patient male 5 The joints of the fourth patient improved modestly ( by 33 % and 59 % , respectively , of baselines ) but he required alternative therapy , and those of the remaining three patients did not improve . patient male 1 The patient received chemotherapy followed by the radiotherapy of the cheek lesion , but he succumbed after 3 months due widespread metastatic disease . patient female 1 The patient denied previous surgery or trauma in this area , but she had a history of blepharopigmentation ( tattoo eyeliner ) of all 4 eyelids approximately 7 years prior . patient male 5 The clinical course of the patient was rapidly fatal progressive in spite of the cytostatic therapy , and he died as a result of an acute liver failure . patient male 1 One patient was asymptomatic 16 months after treatment but he has refused followup evaluation . patient female 4 Following surgery , the patient recovered completely and she is currently alive in complete remission after receiving allogeneic bone marrow transplantation . patient male 6 Currently , 6 years later the patient is free of local disease , but he presents cutaneous metastasis . patient female 2 Only one patient had a rise of 20 mm Hg systolic , but she remained normotensive . patient male 1 One patient had a residual lesion , but symptoms were controlled by medication , and he declined treatment with botulinum toxin . patient male 14 Diagnosis may be made when the nodule is in the periorbital region if the patient comes back from endemic area and specially if he noted a migration of the parasite . patient female 3 The only acyclovir patient who reactivated HSV was terminally ill , and it is highly likely that she did not absorb a sufficient amount of the orally administered drug to control infection . patient male 1 The patient initially showed no neurological deficits after the gunshot injury but after 15 months he presented again with urinary and fecal incontinence . patient male 3 This time the patient presented with another acute myocardial infarction , and he went through angioplasty again . patient male 2 A fifth patient underwent serial examination with testicular ultrasound without evidence of any abnormalities and he remains free of disease following chemotherapy . patient female 7 In the post-anesthetic care unit , the patient complained of nausea and headache , but she did not complain of any unusual visual symptoms . patient female 0 Patient 1 aspirated during dinner , emergency bronchoscopy retrieved pieces of food , and she fully recovered the following day . Patient male 5 The renal function of one patient improved somewhat , but he died 35 days after the transfusion . patient female 1 The patient planned to have the IUD inserted but she missed her appointed visits twice . patient female 1 The patient had chest pains that were consistent with serious heart disease , but she wanted to catch her plane and was unwilling to let paramedics assess her heart activity by means of an electrocardiogram ( ECG ) . patient male 1 The patient received an allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for malignant lymphoma , and during treatment for chronic graft-versus-host disease , he presented with a fever and headache . patient female 5 On the other hand , patient M.L. preserved qualitative numerical knowledge , but she had serious problems in all the abilities that require internal manipulation of magnitude ; that is , quantitative numerical knowledge . patient female 21 At the end of the third cycle , there was a transient clinical improvement and the hitching disappeared , but the patient worsened rapidly and she died few weeks later . patient male 12 The kind of micro-organism that causes the infection depends on whether the patient lives at home or whether he is institutionalised ( nursing home , skilled nursing facility , hospital ) . patient male 1 The patient recovered after doxycycline treatment but he developed bilateral facial palsy during the convalescent phase , which improved after the administration of a steroid . patient female 1 The patient declined treatment initially , but while awaiting kidney biopsy she developed episodes of headache and blurry vision . patient male 1 The patient received antiretroviral treatment , but he developed paraplegia consecutive to a vertebral metastasis , liver and kidney failure and died sooner than two months from the diagnostic time . patient female 1 The patient had peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis , but no other signs of these syndromes were present , and also she had a supravalvular aortic stenosis which was not seen in other syndromes except Williams syndrome . patient female 18 Three cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy were given and now , 18 months after completing the latter , the patient has no signs of local or distant tumor activity , and she can walk unassisted . patient male 1 The patient admitted that a broomstick was violently placed through his rectum , and he underwent a thoracotomy with an exploratory laparotomy . patient female 14 On further inquiry of the law enforcing agencies , it was found that the patient was undergoing treatment for psychiatric illness , and she had also complained of vision loss for the past few months . patient female 1 The patient also was receiving calcium carbonate supplements in the morning , and she rarely ate breakfast ( fasting state ) . patient male 1 The patient had been on a stable dose of methadone for chronic back pain , and he reported a 1 pack per day , 33-year history of cigarette smoking . patient male 1 The patient underwent replacement of the Dacron graft , and he recovered well postoperatively . patient male 3 Fortunately , our patient recovered gradually , and he was doing well and was walking independently at one-year follow-up . patient male 5 The clinical condition of the patient dramatically improved and he became afebrile . patient female 1 Our patient responded well to calcium and vitamin D treatment and she is on follow-up in outpatient clinic . patient male 3 Afterwards , the patient referred amelioration of symptoms and he is actually in CCS Class I. The control spirometry showed moderate obstruction comparable to his chronic situation . patient female 6 At the 26 months follow-up the patient showed no signs of recurrence but she died at 32 months after surgery due to a stroke . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgery under general anesthesia ; however , 2 h after initial extubation , he experienced cardiopulmonary arrest . patient male 1 The patient had no further cardiac complications , but he had a poor neurological outcome . patient male 1 The patient had no postoperative complications , 4 years 3 months after resection , and he was disease-free from all of the cancers . patient male 1 One patient , in whom the catheter became dislodged after 2 weeks , became asymptomatic , but he had a residual 2-cm pancreatic pseudocyst that resolved over the next 6 weeks . patient male 1 The patient subsequently underwent an urgent orthotopic heart transplantation and he has now completely recovered . patient male 1 The patient underwent operative repair and tracheostomy , and he left the hospital 2 days later with his baseline mental status . patient female 1 The patient felt well and showed a high percentage of intestinal yeast , but she often suffered from acidosis owing to a high percentage of lactobacilli . patient female 4 On day- 36 , patient again developed seizures and she was having intermittent fever with generalized headache and signs of meningism . patient female 20 The spiralling prescriptions had several causes : the oxycodone treatment was initiated without a set plan for withdrawal ; the patient had a change of general practitioner during the early stage ; and she was a patient without any history of substance abuse . patient male 1 The patient recovered , and he left Germany in stable condition . patient male 5 At final follow-up , the patient was neurovascularly intact with no complaints of numbness or tingling , and he had regained full motor function throughout . patient male 1 Our patient showed no evidence of embryopathy due to efavirenz , and he did not have the features of Antley-Bixler or other craniosynostosis syndromes . patient female 9 After the first week of the cycle , the patient developed grade 2 toxicities consisting of mucositis and hand-foot Syndrome but she continued on therapy through day 14 . patient male 7 Two months later , however , the patient developed acute myelocytic leukemia ( AML M1 ) and received DCP therapy , but he died of pneumonia . patient male 1 One patient had partial response and he had subsequently radical surgical resection . patient male 7 When examined 6 yr later , the patient was again hypergammaglobulinemic , but he had regained some of his cellular immune function . patient female 1 The patient opted to pursue hospice care , and she died 3 weeks later , 8 weeks after the initial presentation . patient male 1 The patient survived nearly 4 years after diagnosis , with PAA as his sole treatment , and he achieved objective regression of his disease . patient male 8 Three weeks following cessation of chemotherapy , the patient had recovered to his original mental state and he was completely aware of his wrongdoing and social misconduct . patient male 6 After the initial diagnosis , the patient received intensive insulin therapy to correct hyperglycemia , and he received calcium and vitamin D supplements . patient male 1 The patient remained free of GI bleeding for 25 days after interventional embolization , but he developed another bout of bleeding and unfortunately passed away . patient male 1 The patient has not required any additional gamma-globulin therapy and he has remained clinically asymptomatic . patient female 5 In our case , the patient is alive with a follow-up of 15 months and she did not receive any cycle of chemotherapy . patient male 64 The four patients included a 24-year-old man with neurogenic bladder undergoing hemodialysis ; a 55-year-old woman with a history of type 1 diabetes mellitus undergoing peritoneal dialysis ; a 56-year-old woman with a history of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease ( ADPKD ) undergoing peritoneal dialysis ; and a 72-year-old man with a history of ADPKD undergoing hemodialysis Following intravascular renal denervation , one patient had antihypertensive medicines withdrawn at 12 months , and he remained normotensive up to renal transplantation at 24 months . patient male 1 The patient plays the saxophone and he had been practicing more intensely ( 3 to 4 h/d ) for a musical competition . patient male 0 Patient 4 had a rapidly progressive congenital myopathy with rigid spine syndrome and he died at age 19 months . Patient female 1 The patient awoke slowly , and when awake she showed a combination of contralateral hemiplegia , and right hemianesthesia with global aphasia ; the CT scan showed an ischemic lesion in the territory of the middle cerebral artery ; during the following two weeks the patient showed complete recovery from the clinical syndrome . patient female 1 The patient had vomiting and diarrhoea in the nursing home for about a week , but she continued to receive her regular medications that included the calcium supplements and thiazide diuretics . patient female 1 The patient was minimally symptomatic and she eventually had a full recovery . patient female 1 Our patient received the unrelated HSCT at seven months of age , and she is currently nine months after transplant and doing very well . patient male 1 The patient eventually recovered , and 3 months later he showed no sign of complications or recurrence . patient female 6 Postoperatively , the condition of the patient showed initial improvement , but she later developed fatal mediastinitis . patient female 2 A third patient initially had HH for hydrometrocolpos leading to ureteral and colonic obstruction at 14 years but she required a completion hysterectomy a year later . patient male 3 The 25-year-old male patient , a native of Yulin in Guangxi province , had had jaundice and splenomegaly since childhood , and he had never received blood transfusion . patient female 15 The dual midline fusion defects of tetralogy of Fallot and MA suggests that either this patient has a unique syndrome with a distinct genetic etiology or that she has a genetically heterogeneous or variant form of MKS . patient female 1 The patient survived the life-threatening surgery and she has been doing well over the last two years . patient female 4 After treatment , the patient reported feeling steady during walking without a cane , and she was able to resume community activities without right foot pain . patient male 1 The patient was a 50-year-old male , and he consulted our hospital with pain of the bilateral anterior thigh . patient female 1 The patient had postoperative respiratory insufficiency that necessitated tracheostomy , but she recovered well after rehabilitation . patient male 4 On arrival , the patient was conscious but anxious , and he had difficulty breathing . patient male 1 The patient underwent amputation above knee and lung operation following adjuvant chemotherapy , but he died because of pulmonary metastasis 2 years after first admission . patient female 2 Only one patient failed to show positive uptake of I when first treated and she subsequently demonstrated uptake on a second therapy . patient male 1 The patient is 48 years of age , and he has been living in Sierra Leone for the past seventeen years , where he has worked as a surgeon . patient male 5 After this period , the patient suffered from sudden deterioration of the health status with multiorgan involvement by the disease and he died . patient female 1 The patient underwent laparoscopic sigmoidectomy combined with uterus excision , and she has been in good health for the 3 years since the operation . patient male 1 The patient had symptomatic improvement with surgery , and at the 3-year follow-up he showed no signs of recurrence . patient male 7 At one month after the operation the patient had no bowel dysfunction and no dysbasia , but he had mild bladder dysfunction requiring self-catheterization twice a day at twelve months . patient male 16 Eleven years later both fractures are completely healed without any sign of avascular necrosis , the patient has full painless ankle movement and he can perform his demanding occupation without any problem . patient male 1 The patient had suffered from pneumonia since 1999 , but he had refused to undertake further examinations . patient female 6 Nine months after the surgery the patient was doing well but , seven months later , she died in the local hospital because of global heart failure . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient started immunotherapy with systemic administration of recombinant interleukin-2 ( rIL-2 ) , but he refused to continue it because of the acute rejection of the transplanted kidney induced by the rIL-2 . patient female 1 The patient did not present any neurological deficit on the day of discharge nor did she show any bleeding complications . patient male 4 The outcome of the patient was poor , and he died on the second day of admission . patient female 4 In 2012 , the patient wanted to amputate her leg because the course of wound healing was so refractory to therapy and she suffered from severe pain . patient male 1 The patient had initially presented with minor symptoms of serotonin syndrome , but these quickly progressed in severity , and he eventually died from resulting complications : a pulmonary embolism 9 days after admission , despite appropriate prophylaxis with enoxaparin . patient male 1 The patient had mild solar sensitivity by age 7 , dyspigmentation by 10 years , and he still currently has moderate symptoms . patient male 1 The patient underwent intensive radiation therapy postoperatively , and he demonstrated no evidence of recurrence or metastasis during the 13-month period following surgery . patient male 5 In March 2006 , the patient relapsed , and he received dose number one of the first cycle of gemtuzumab ozogamicin at a dose of 9 mg/m2 on March 28 , 2006 . patient male 13 Awareness of this potential problem and the immediate use of imaging if the patient does not awake from anesthesia or if he develops new onset focal neurological deficits , are the most important concerns to the early diagnosis of this rare complication . patient female 1 The patient was symptomatic with lethargy , nausea , and mild vomiting , but she was clinically normotensive and only mildly dehydrated . patient female 3 Eventually , the patient had cervical spinal metastasis of liposarcoma and she survived for 26 months after liver liposarcoma was diagnosed . patient female 1 The patient lived with the condition , depending on computer typing instead of handwriting , and she had very good academic performance in the university . patient female 5 The clinical state of the patient deteriorated and she died a few days later . patient female 1 Our patient responded well to rt-PA therapy Her hemoglobin levels remained stable , and she experienced no bleeding complications . patient female 7 After 6 months of follow-up , the patient did not present any abnormality and she was satisfied with the result . patient male 9 Inhaled nitric oxide was successfully discontinued , and the patient clinically stabilized temporarily , but he ultimately succumbed to his pulmonary hypertension . patient male 6 Prognosis may be worse if the patient is a smoker , or if he has a first degree relative with testicular cancer . patient male 1 The patient underwent repeat hepatectomy , and he is now doing well without recurrence 2 years after the second operation . patient male 1 The patient had R1 after ultra-low anterior resection , but he refused extended resection and experienced severe liver function impairment after 3 cycles of chemotherapy . patient male 5 Following our advice , the patient had children and afterwards he had his prostate removed . patient male 1 The patient did not receive any further treatment and he is free of disease 2 years after diagnosis . patient female 4 A 20-year-old female VHL patient received a resection of a cerebellar hemangioblastoma 3 years ago and she had a co-existing of left petrous tumor . patient female 3 In clinical practice professor HE highly values acupoint selection and manipulation application , and integrates Chinese and western medicine to flexibly choose acupoints and formulate prescriptions according to syndrome differentiation and location differentiation , besides , he creates several specialized manipulation methods including " tug-of war opposite acupuncture method " and " tractive flash cupping " . professor female 27 In the case of Home Parenteral Nutrition -- HPN-(45 yo lady with intractable ovarian cancer and intestinal obstruction ) , 77 % agreed on HPN if the patient clinical condition was stable and she had strong family support . patient male 2 Only one patient remained in partial remission at month 12 but he had already lost two previous grafts due to FSGS recurrence . patient male 2 Another one patient underwent only excision of necrotic soft tissue but he developed calcaneus osteomyelitis after three years of the initial fish bone injury . patient female 1 The patient exhibited a classic Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction of tachycardia , hypotension , and thrombocytopenia following antimicrobial therapy , and she also developed an elevated serum cardiac troponin during therapy . patient male 13 After receiving full intensive care support , antibiotics and tumour removal , the patient made a complete recovery and he is at present doing well . patient female 2 The second patient had a disseminated large cell B-cell lymphoma with rapid clinical complete response , but she eventually died after relapse . patient male 4 At discharge , the patient was independent in bed mobility , transfers and self-care , and he was ambulating with contact guard . patient male 2 The other patient had similar test results , but he had poor imagination in an inkblot perception test . patient female 8 Analysis with polymorphic DNA markers indicated that the patient did not inherit paternal alleles of the OTC locus , but that she did inherit the proximal locus DXS7 and the long arm of chromosome X. High-resolution cytogenetic analysis of the patient indicated a deletion of Xp11.4-p21 , whereas both parents had normal karyotypes . patient male 5 The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful , and he survived one month after laparotomy . patient female 1 The patient was in a poor general condition and she suffered from an extensive metastastic disease ; curative treatment was not possible . patient male 5 The results showed that the patient did not develop oral mucositis during the five chemotherapy cycles , and he had no pain symptoms . patient male 7 However , the liver function of the patient deteriorated , and he finally died of multiorgan failure . patient male 27 Under such conditions , the standard scheme of examination of the patients makes it possible to answer two main questions in the shortest time : whether the patient needs an emergency operative intervention , and if he does , on which organ or system should the operation be performed first . patient male 1 The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy , and he is at his 22nd-month follow-up with extensive hepatic metastases and intra-abdominal disease . patient male 1 The patient survived until the 18th postoperative day , with no evidence of tissue rejection , but he died following ischemic disruption of the bronchial anastomosis . patient female 1 The patient did report an occasional discharge from the sinus tract orifice at the base of her neck , but she did not feel that this was a significant problem and declined any further treatment . patient male 1 The patient is receiving low-dose corticosteroid maintenance therapy and he has remained healthy for 8 years to date . patient male 1 The patient was poorly responding to physical therapy and he felt that his case was worsening . patient female 1 The patient did not have any surgical complications , but she died 18 months later of the cancer . patient male 5 Three years later , the patient developed multiple liver metastases , and he started FOLFIRINOX ( oxaliplatin 85 mg/mq , irinotecan 180 mg/mq , leucovorin 400 mg/mq and fluorouracil 400 mg/mq given as a bolus followed by 2400 mg/mq as a 46 h continuous infusion,1q 14 ) as a first-line treatment . patient male 1 The patient had the feeling he was forced into a disruptive and unproductive behavior , and he made several attempts to quit without succeeding . patient male 8 On the 120th day of hospitalization , the patient passed black stools and he exhibited renal failure 3 weeks later . patient female 1 The patient recovered uneventfully , and she remained asymptomatic and recurrence-free at the 1-year follow-up . patient male 8 As a consequence of the sickness , the patient had difficulties to talk and eat , but with rehabilitation he now has adequate phonation and eating capacity . patient male 1 The patient was 75-year-old man with NCLV and he had repeated heart failure and hospitalization . patient male 1 The patient complained of neck pain that radiated to the left shoulder and arm , but he did not exhibit any neurological abnormalities . patient female 1 The patient initially accepted the headgear planned at the beginning of treatment , but she did not wear it long enough . patient male 7 After a complicated post-operative period , the patient currently lives completely independently 46 months after the operation and he enjoys excellent pulmonary and renal function . patient male 1 One patient refused surgery and he continued to have severe angina despite intense medical treatment . patient female 1 The patient with complete aortal obstruction experienced a dramatic improvement , but she died from a sudden cardiac event 22 months after the procedure . patient male 1 The patient had no history of immune compromise , and he presented to the emergency department with a 7-month history of a painful , non-healing ulcerative mass in the hard and soft palate . patient male 1 The patient refused chemotherapy and he died 1 month later . patient male 1 The patient had no morbidity and he was discharge on fourth postoperative day . patient male 0 Patient responded briefly to the treatment with improvement in hemodynamic parameters but over next weeks he became less responsive to treatment with increasing size . Patient female 1 The patient was in her forties at onset , and she lacked any rigidity ; thus , the HD in this case was completely different than the Westphal variant . patient male 1 The patient remained marginally hypotensive after surgery , but he soon noted a substantial improvement in his symptoms . patient female 2 Only one patient who met none of the commitment criteria resisted recommended hospital care , and she was eventually committed involuntarily based on inability to care for self . patient male 4 On admission , the patient was conscious and he presented with a history of nausea , vomiting , diarrhoea , dyspnoea , vertigo and muscular pain . patient male 1 This patient now takes prophylactic antibiotics and the meningitis has not recurred , but he does have glomerulonephritis . patient female 1 The patient was never hypotensive but she was febrile and had a desquamative rash and involvement of three organ systems . patient female 1 The patient was a 43-year-old woman and she experienced three local recurrences at 7 , 20 , and 30 months from the first excision . patient male 8 However , the clinical medical status of the patient progressively declined and he died 7 h following administration of the local anesthetic . patient male 1 The patient did not regain consciousness , and he remained quadriplegic . patient male 1 The patient did not report extraintestinal symptoms typically associated with inflammatory bowel disease , nor did he have a personal or family history of bowel disorders . patient male 11 As the level of analgesia went up to Th4 , the patient complained of dyspnea and he discharged a plenty of sputum . patient male 4 At progression , the patient received mogamulizumab but failed to respond , and he died owing to disease progression 8 months after relapse . patient male 1 This patient sustained a vascular injury to his left leg , but he did not experience any medical problems for 18 years after initial injury . patient female 6 In second chemotherapy-induced CR , the patient had no evidence of antileukaemia cytolytic activity in an in vitro assay , and she commenced IFN-alpha ( Roferon ) . patient male 1 The patient needed mechanical ventilation for 10 days , and after extubation , he presented hypotonia , ataxia , dysarthria , as well as weak gag and cough reflexes . patient female 1 The patient knew the existence of tumor since time ago , but she confesses to have only occasional discomfort . patient female 10 One month after the initiation of modafinil therapy , the patient reported feeling more motivation , and she also returned to her favorite physical activity , which was swimming ( 400 m/day ) . patient female 1 The patient was aphasic and right hemiplegic when she recovered consciousness but she remarkably recovered from her neurological deficits during the following two years despite neuroradiological evolution demonstrating extensive destruction of the left cortex and white matter . patient male 1 The patient had a prolonged postoperative course , but he finally recovered well from these operations . patient female 1 The patient underwent tumor resection and liver metastasectomy and she is currently doing well after three years of follow-up , with no tumor recurrence or new metastatic liver nodules based on imaging findings . patient male 8 During a three year follow-up period , the patient was disease free but he suddenly died of uncontrolled bleeding from duodenal ulcer . patient female 7 After nine cycles of eribulin therapy the patient experienced disease progression and she died 6 months later . patient male 23 In the superior mesenteric artery syndrome which may complicate extensive burns , a systolic murmur may be heard in the epigastrium when the patient is supine but not when he is prone . patient male 2 Another male patient stayed in the intensive care unit for 8 days due to postoperative complete atrioventricular block , and he received permanent pacemaker implantation . patient male 1 The patient was unfit for curative approach and he underwent three sessions of transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation ( TACE ) . patient male 13 We then propose a definition of MI-BCI skills that reflects how well the user can self-modulate EEG patterns , and thus how well he could control an MI-BCI . user female 21 On 5 March 2012 , the patient presented with a febrile episode of 39 ° C. Two days later , the patient presented aphasia and paraparesis , and 3 days later she presented a complex partial status epilepticus . patient female 1 Our patient showed partial response to gefitinib , but she had progressive disease only 4 months after the start of treatment . patient female 1 The patient had a history of 10 years of diabetes mellitus , hypertension , and atherosclerotic cardiac disease , and she was using rosiglitazone for the past 6 weeks . patient male 5 In twelve months follow-up the patient shows no signs of recurrence and he had no symptoms of cardiac disease . patient male 8 Within 2 months after the operation , the patient was pain-free and he resumed his previous activities . patient female 1 The patient received a right iliac artery stent , and at 4 months after surgery she continues to be symptom free . patient male 1 The patient had no symptoms and he refused surgery , so progression of the aneurysm was monitored carefully . patient female 0 Patient had undergone medical systemic steroid treatment and after 3 - 4 weeks she had a good recovery of facial palsy with a minimum remnant of sensory neural hearing loss . Patient male 1 The patient returned to competition speed skating at national levels after 11 months , and within the first postoperative year , he was breaking new personal records on the ice . patient male 15 Despite an antibiotic , sivelestat sodium , and mechanical ventilation , the condition of the patient worsened and he died of respiratory failure 5 days following admission . patient male 1 The patient did not experience palsy or aphasia , but he suffered from transient disturbance of frontal lobe function . patient male 1 The patient finally underwent robotic-assisted partial cystectomy , and he remains healthy without any recurrence to date . patient male 5 Eight months later , the patient suffered from an intraventricular hemorrhage originating from SGCA , but he responded to conservative therapy . patient male 1 The patient then had intraoperative radiotherapy and he is alive without recurrence 20 months after the operation . patient male 1 The patient underwent allogeneic stem cell transplantation ( allo-SCT ) from HLA matched sister and he subsequently achieved complete remission . patient male 1 This patient was 81 years old and he never had PSA screening by his family doctor . patient female 8 Since she was 4 years old , the patient had exhibited frequent convulsive seizures , and she experienced severe headaches and depression in adulthood . patient female 1 Our patient had no neurological deficit at presentation , and she had no new deficit at her 6-month follow-up examination . patient male 2 The other patient had a severe meningomyelitis and radiculitis and he recovered completely after two years . patient male 1 The patient had low normal levels of vitamin B12 ( 202 pg/ml ) , but he had markedly high methylmalonyl CoA ( 1078 nmol/L ) and homocysteine ( 48.4 mcmol/L ) . patient male 3 At observation the patient showed to have had a thyroidectomy ( presence of surgical scar ) , and he did n't remember to have been vaccinated against tetanus . patient male 1 The patient received conservative medical treatment , including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs , and he recovered completely with no complications . patient female 1 The patient presented weakness of upper and lower limbs and dysarthria , and she was awake and oriented . patient male 8 At the age of 14 months , the patient developed a high fever that lasted over 1 week and he did not receive appropriate treatment . patient male 5 The clinical status of the patient remained unchanged and he died on postoperative day 34 of diffuse bronchopneumonia . patient female 2 The first patient developed large bi-hemispheric ischemic infarcts and increased intra-cranial pressure that was refractory to management , and she eventually expired . patient female 1 The patient reported hip pain , joint stiffness , and limited physical function , and she had decreased hip range of motion ( ROM ) at baseline . patient male 6 At 12 months of follow-up the patient is doing well and he is in sinus rhythm . patient female 7 After 26 cycles of therapy , the patient developed widespread itching and then after 28 cycles she developed strained blisters filled with serous fluids on predominantly erythematous skin with suspicious of bullous pemphigoid . patient male 1 The patient had an overall survival would more than 23 months , and he gained another 8 months of progression-free survival after first-line radiochemotherapy . patient male 1 One patient had a MI while on treatment , but he had a significant cardiac disease history . patient female 1 The patient was taking olanzapine 30 mg daily for bipolar disorder and had a 40-pack-year history of smoking , but she quit smoking approximately four months before this hospitalization . patient female 3 Then , the patient underwent an outpatient chemotherapy , with hospital visits , and she survives . patient male 2 Only 1 patient had an uneventful course after the conversion procedure , but he died later on due to a heart attack . patient male 7 The mass was excised , but the patient refused antiretroviral therapy , and he died within 6 months of the diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient received preemptive amikacin and tigecycline , and he did not develop any infection ( as evidenced by negative surveillance blood cultures ) . patient male 17 The patient with honeycomb-shaped opacities had an Arg555Gln kerato-epithelin mutation that caused his RBCD , whereas the patient with geographic opacities did not ; instead , he had a new kerato-epithelin mutation ( Arg124Leu ) , which cosegregated with his family members . patient female 1 Our patient does not answer that question , but if her disturbed language is viewed as aphasic , she represents the fourth autopsy case of " crossed aphasia in a dextral " and the first , with or without autopsy , after right anterior cerebral artery occlusion . patient male 1 The patient , a 51-year-old man , had been suffering from poorly controlled arterial hypertension for the previous 6 years and he complained of progressive weight gain , gynecomastia and impotence . patient female 13 After the iatrogenic preterm delivery of a healthy and uninfected baby , the patient experienced vulvar oedema and she is now waiting for renal transplantation . patient female 1 The patient had experienced an episode of recurrent PE during the withdrawal of anticoagulants , but she had uneventfully undergone two orthopedic surgeries with a preoperative unfractionated heparin infusion instead of oral warfarin . patient male 6 At 37 years of age the patient had undergone left mastectomy , for a histologically confirmed gynecomastia and , in 1989 , he had undergone pituitary adenomectomy , for a PRL secreting macroadenoma ( PRL = 3520 ng/ml ) . patient male 1 The patient underwent supportive treatment along with 3 sessions of plasmapheresis , and consequently , he presented a favorable outcome . patient male 1 The patient is doing well at nine months ' follow-up , and he is off voriconazole for three months after the follow-up imaging showed complete resolution of disease . patient female 1 The patient received recombinant hCG ( 250 mg ) , and 36 hours later she underwent oocyte retrieval . patient male 2 Only one patient actually stopped smoking and he had sustained a myocardial infarction during the study . patient female 4 One week later the patient recovered and she is at present healthy . patient male 7 When this complication took place , the patient had a brother with measles , but he has n't , the typical symptomatology of said virus disease . patient female 4 After operation , the patient improved gradually , and she remains free of facial spasm or weakness . patient male 1 The patient had been suffering from progressive autonomic failure with parkinsonism for six years and he had severe orthostatic hypotension , syncope and generalized convulsion when he stood up . patient male 1 The patient successfully underwent flexible bronchoscopy , and throughout follow-up he remains asymptomatic with no apparent complications . patient male 1 The patient however improved and after 23 years he died suddenly from myocardial infarction . patient female 1 The patient underwent Ladd 's procedure , but she is still dependent on parenteral nutrition . patient female 4 The evolution of the patient was initially satisfactory but she suffered subclavian and jugular vein thrombosis , and reintroduction of anticoagulant agents at the lowest therapeutic doses was required . patient female 1 The patient recovered uneventfully and was discharged on postoperative day 5 , and at 36 months from her surgery , she remains symptoms-free and without antihypertensive agents . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient exhibited hypoglossal nerve and vocal fold palsy , but she was asymptomatic . patient male 1 The patient is now 23 years old and he is still able to use both the central incisors functionally . patient male 4 The condition of our patient deteriorated rapidly , and he became akinetic and dependent for all activities of daily living . patient male 4 Of note , the patient did not receive any anticoagulant during hemodialysis , and he did not show any bleeding tendency even with aPTT more than 120 s and FXI activity below 3 % of normal in a patient with renal failure . patient male 1 The patient rapidly improved and he has remained well . patient female 2 Immunogenetically the patient was HLA-DR3 positive and karyotypically she was a mosaic ( 45XO/46XX ) with ring X chromosome ( 46Xr(X ) ) . patient male 20 Three patients developed serum antibodies to GH with a binding capacity greater than 0.02 mg/l , but in only one patient was the GH binding capacity greater than 1.0 mg/l and he showed no attenuation of growth response . patient male 5 During this time , the patient received central parenteral nutrition with an episode of catheter-related septicemia , and he came to require psychiatric assistance for autolytic ideation . patient male 1 The patient subsequently underwent radiosurgery for the small , residual AVM , and he has maintained an uneventful follow-up . patient female 14 After cochlear implantation at an age of nine years and three months , the patient displayed no progress in speech production and minimal progress in receptive language development , but she had an increased awareness of the world and an increase in the quality of life . patient female 1 The patient received adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy , and after 12 years of follow-up , she still remains asymptomatic . patient male 13 A right penile deviation and a relatively poor erection were reported by the patient 6 weeks postoperatively but he did not require further surgery . patient male 1 The patient had complete range of shoulder movements at the end of 3 months and he resumed his professional activities . patient male 7 Eleven months after radical surgery , the patient experimented an intrahepatic progression of the tumour , so he started a second-line therapy with FOLFIRI regimen plus aflibercept . patient male 1 The patient is still alive forty-six months later than the diagnosis of the disease , expressing a good performance status and he 's on fourth-line chemotherapy due to a relapse of its tumour . patient female 1 The patient had received no adjuvant chemotherapy , but she is alive and healthy now with no relapse of carcinoma for more than 8 years after operation . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient did well , and at 20 months , he continues to be asymptomatic . patient male 1 The patient had been asymptomatic except for an episode of hematuria and he underwent successful removal of the stone . patient male 4 After allograft , the patient initially improved after withdrawing norepinephrine and renal replacement therapy but he subsequently died thirty-two days later because of a new relapse of the disease . patient male 1 The patient underwent an aortocoronary bypass operation , but unfortunately he did not survive . patient female 1 No patient died or had a rebleeding during the follow up , but grade II hepatic encephalopathy ( HE ) occurred in two patients ( 13.3 % ) and shunt dysfunction was discovered in one patient ( 6.7 % ) . patient male 2 The first patient had other signs and symptoms compatible with the diagnosis of urethritis due to Escherichia coli and he underwent a course of antibiotic therapy . patient female 1 The patient underwent autologous bone-marrow transplantation , and 14 months later she developed obstructive jaundice . patient male 10 Under antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory treatment , the condition of the patient gradually improved over the following months and he recovered completely after 24 months of follow-up . patient male 1 The patient managed to preserve his limb on this occasion , however , he underwent a right hemicolectomy for what proved to be a colonic tumour at a later date . patient female 1 The patient underwent resection of the tumor , and after 23 months of follow-up she is alive with no evidence of expansion of the liver tumor . patient female 5 Following the reoperation , the patient showed improvements and she no longer required pain medication . patient female 1 The patient underwent percutaneous coronary intervention , and she did not experience any recurrent chest pain or other cardiac symptoms . patient female 32 A 70-year-old woman with lumbar spinal stenosis at L4 - 5 underwent tubular surgery with the assistance of endoscopic laminectomy ( MEL ) , but 2 days after the surgery , the patient noticed decreased lower limb sensation and power of the right leg , and she developed numbness from the level of L5 and weakness from the L4 , 5 myotome distally . patient male 5 The post-operative course of the patient was uneventful , and he remains well 22 months after the operation . patient female 1 The patient received combination chemotherapy with cisplatin and S-1 , and she is currently alive 12 months after surgery with no evidence of recurrence . patient male 4 At 30 days , patient was in good general condition , but he died at 3 months ' follow-up . patient male 6 On hospital day 8 , the patient began to complain of dyspnea and he subsequently developed severe septic shock caused by E. coli . patient female 1 The patient had postoperative vaginal vault irradiation , and more than 1 year later she is alive with no evidence of recurrent disease . patient male 2 Only one patient in group C developed a bladder neck contracture 6 months after the procedure , but he underwent adiuvant radiotherapy after surgery . patient female 1 The patient went into remission but 4 years later she presented with recurrent CS ; this time , pituitary gland imaging showed a microadenoma located in the posterior lobe , which was resected after TSS . patient male 1 The patient was a current smoker and he had changed the brand of cigarette he smoked from one with a filter to another brand without filter , one week before disease onset . patient male 19 Although most patients with this disorder eventually have a picture of acute leukemia ( blast crisis ) , this patient had massive thrombocytosis ( platelet count greater than 5.000 x 10(9)/L ) without major symptoms , but he died after transfusion of 1 unit of packed red blood cells . patient female 1 The patient had no intrapartum evidence of ischemia or congestive heart failure , and she recovered without an immediate recurrence of angina . patient male 1 The patient had not taken mizolastine before and he has avoided it since the reaction . patient male 5 One month later , the patient had patent nasal airways , and he was satisfied with the aesthetic result . patient female 16 PCR was positive in 2 out of 24 patients diagnosed as not having aspergillosis : one patient had diagnosis of acute bronchitis , but she showed positive culture of A. fumigatus . patient female 6 " At that time , the patient complained of dysphagia and tenderness of the anterior neck on palpation , but she had no respiratory difficulties . patient male 14 The process of the disappearance of the corpectomy cage was never noticed by the patient and he remains free of symptoms to date . patient male 4 During immunotherapy , the patient showed increased pericardial effusion , and he underwent one pericardial puncture , in which 200 mL of pericardial effusion was drained . patient female 1 The patient remained stable until successful fistula repair 8 months later , and she is now awaiting elective abdominal wall reconstruction . patient male 1 One patient had persistent gastric outlet obstruction and he required conversion of the gastrojejunostomy to a Roux-en-y anastomosis . patient male 1 The patient received 6 weeks of intravenous antibiotics and he had symptomatic recovery at 3-month follow-up . patient male 1 One patient underwent surgery for metachronous multiple lung cancer , and he is doing well without recurrence . patient male 2 The second patient gave cause for concern and might have benefitted from plasmapheresis , but nevertheless he recovered spontaneously . patient male 1 Our patient displayed stable respiratory rate and no evidence of desaturation , despite sustained low minute ventilation , and he received opioids in the post-anesthesia care unit despite already compromised ventilation . patient female 1 One patient with mouth floor cancer underwent resection of the mouth floor in combination with hemiglossectomy and she ate gruel without aspiration . patient male 1 The patient recovered smoothly , but 24 hours later he declared total blindness . patient female 1 The patient had a fever and rash four days before admission , but she had no respiratory symptoms . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient did not complain of de novo lower urinary tract symptoms nor did she require anticholinergics . patient male 1 The patient showed no morphologic or clinical evidence of APL , and he died after 6 months , with no evidence that the disease had progressed to acute leukemia . patient female 1 The patient had an adequate future liver remnant volume after 7 days , but she was not clinically fit for the second stage of therapy , so it was postponed . patient male 1 The patient had exertional dyspnea , palpitations and fainting history , but he had not received any medical therapy before the present admission . patient male 2 In one patient fatal ventricular fibrillation developed 4 days after he received an aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis and while he was receiving oral potassium supplements . patient female 1 The patient experienced multiple admissions for diabetic ketoacidosis , and she also had celiac disease diagnosed 2 years previously based on serology and a duodenal biopsy . patient female 1 The patient experienced a cardiogenic shock with an important hemodynamic repercussion , and she died few hours later despite emergency care . patient male 12 After six cycles of chemotherapy ( 18 months after laparotomy ) the patient is alive and he has a performance status of 1 ( ECOG/WHO ) . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient had evidence of bony union on follow-up X-rays and he had a sensate filet flap over the ulnar aspect of the ring finger . patient male 1 One patient developed inhibitor , and he was the patient with exon 1 deletion . patient male 9 However , despite antifungal prophylaxis with caspofungin , the patient developed angioinvasive pulmonary aspergillosis and multiple organ failure , and he died . patient male 5 In these sadder moods the patient felt I was more available , and he too seemed more able to contemplate loss . patient male 0 Patient condition progressed rapidly and he died 11 months after penectomy . Patient male 1 The patient received bone marrow transplantation ( BMT ) from an unrelated donor , and after 72 months he did not show relapse of HLH . patient male 1 The patient responded to a course of high-dose aqueous crystalline penicillin followed by doxycycline , and he completely recovered . patient male 1 Our patient received antituberculous treatment and soon he underwent surgical excision of the tumour and subsequent chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient slept barely 2 or 3 h per night , and he frequently took half days off from work due to excessive daytime sleepiness . patient male 19 CBT-i is needed to be tailored to the patient 's specific problems , as this case showed that the patient maladaptively use chlorpromazine as a painkiller , and he exercised in the middle of the night because he believed he can fall asleep soon after the exercise . patient female 7 After 36 days of hospitalization , the patient made the decision to enter hospice care and later she expired . patient female 2 The other patient had no mutations in any of the exonic sequences of the gene , but she did have a novel base substitution in intron 13 . patient female 4 Thus far , the patient has survived longer than 15 months , and she is taking nivolumab as maintenance treatment . patient female 1 The patient has a high intelligence and so she did not have any problems when the speechprocessor was fitted and during the hearing therapy . patient female 1 The patient received prolonged therapy with amoxicillin-clavulanic acid and metronidazole and she remained free of C. difficile infection for 3 years off antibiotics . patient male 1 The patient ate some recently pickled vegetables , and he experienced nausea , vomiting and diarrhoea without oliguria or anuria ; Additionally , his hands and both forearms had a typical blue ash appearance . patient male 1 One patient developed EBV-positive Hodgkin lymphoma , but he had also received previously another potent T-cell suppressing drug fludarabine . patient male 11 With further evaluation and workup , it was determined that the patient did not have invasive pulmonary aspergillosis , but that he met the diagnostic criteria for ABPA . patient male 3 Initially , the patient refused antituberculosis therapy , but he relented when miliary pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed 11 weeks postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient had initially received a once-weekly dose of rifampin and after he had stopped taking the drug for a time , was given rifampin on a once-monthly dose schedule . patient male 1 One patient had a recurrent fistula 3 months after the primary repair , and he subsequently underwent a successful second repair . patient male 1 Our patient presented nephrotic range proteinuria at 5 years , and he reached ESRF at 10 years . patient female 3 Though , this patient became refractory , and she died about 1 year after admission . patient male 4 After several complications the patient did well and he is alive . patient male 1 The patient remains asymptomatic , and he entered a six-month follow-up protocol . patient male 1 Our patient remains disease free one year post-surgery , but after that , he presents suddenly a symptomatic bone metastasis of the thigh-bone and a massive metastatic pulmonary spreading , without retroperitoneal lymph nodes on the CT-scan . patient female 1 The patient deteriorated rapidly and she died 4 days later . patient male 1 The patient received factor replacement and he underwent emergent forearm fasciotomies to avoid muscle necrosis . patient female 1 The patient , ready for discharge , insists on returning home , yet she is bedbound and lacks adequate social support and financial resources to manage safely . patient male 1 The patient did not remember recent tick bites , but after specific questioning he recollected a transient erythema on his leg developing just before the start of the last cycle of chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient presents a clinical picture compatible with the above mentioned illness and he gets better in vacation periods . patient female 4 TREATMENT OUTCOME : The patient appreciated the result and she is happy with her new smile . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical resection without complication , and he was free of recurrence at 1 year of follow-up . patient male 1 The patient refused surgery and remained with a nephrostomy that is periodically changed , and after four years of follow-up he has neither significant kidney dysfunction nor other incidences . patient male 1 This patient is living in Xiaogan , a city around Wuhan , and he had contact with a patient with COVID-19 pneumonia from Wuhan < 14 days before he had fever . patient male 1 The patient came to our observation on March 1983 and he was suffering from RHG for 20 years , before our study . patient female 2 The one patient whose platelet count did not respond had developed marrow failure , and she did well with an allo-SCT . patient female 1 The patient became critically ill , requiring intensive care management , but following surgical debridement and antibiotic treatment she made a full recovery . patient female 6 conjugated estrogens were administered , the patient had only scant vaginal bleeding , but she experienced the sudden onset of respiratory distress , became comatose , and subsequently had ventricular fibrillation leading to asystole . patient male 1 The patient refused surgery , and he qualified for a pediatric rhabdomyosarcoma treatment protocol with induction chemotherapy followed by combined chemoradiation . patient male 5 After 5 weeks , the patient returned for elective tumor resection , which was uncomplicated , and he remained neurologically intact at 10-week follow-up . patient male 6 Of the 6 complete responders 1 patient had invasive ureteral , vesical and prostatic tumor 15 months after bacillus Calmette-Guerin therapy , and he underwent nephroureterectomy and cystoprostatourethrectomy . patient male 1 One patient experienced a spontaneous remission after 12 months and he is free from proteinuria and with good renal function after 5 years . patient male 6 At his 17-month follow-up , the patient had no evidence of recurrence , he was pain free , and he was satisfied with his cosmetic results . patient male 1 The patient represents a mild clinical course of chondrodysplasia punctata , resembling Conradi-Hünermann syndrome , but biochemically he has the typical peroxisomal dysfunction of rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata except for a high residual activity of DHAP-AT . patient female 7 Two days following cycloserine withdrawal , the patient improved significantly , and on the third day , she was absolutely normal with disappearance of psychotic symptoms . patient female 1 The patient , a 47-year-old woman , had been undergoing systemic chemotherapy for the disseminated disease , but she presented with intraabdominal bleeding from a metastatic nodule in the left lateral segment of the liver . patient male 5 The clinical condition of the patient worsened rapidly and he died five days after admission . patient female 8 After several resections and reservoir drainage , the patient was blind , hemiparetic and she convulsed frequently . patient male 6 Ten days after transfer , the patient regained spontaneous respiration , and he most likely survives the infection . patient male 4 In the follow-up the patient had no new priapism episodes and he reported no problems with erections in sexual intercourse . patient male 5 After anticoagulation treatment , the patient had a fair recovery within 4 weeks and he could walk by himself thereafter . patient female 1 One patient had a localized salmonella infection ( periappendicular abscess ) and she had undergone successful surgery . patient male 14 Also , asymptomatic lesions less than 10 mm in diameter should be removed if patient is older than 50 years or if he has concomitant gallbladder calculosis . patient female 1 The patient history included frequent facial palsy attacks , and she took prednisolone during each attack . patient male 1 The patient responded well to antituberculous therapy and he is alive and well 7 years later , without any signs of relapse . patient female 1 The patient improved steadily but , on day 6 , she developed acute hypoxemic respiratory failure and shock . patient female 5 Previously at the injection the patient was lying and her leg was raised , but now usually she is in the same position as during the puncture . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient did not show new neurologic deficit and he returned to work 4 months after surgery . patient male 35 After reviewing the literature , the authors stress the importance , in any case of hyperparathyroidism , of routinely investigating the serum calcium levels in members of the patient 's family , especially if the patient is young and if he has had several episodes or a multiglandular involvement in the one episode . patient female 9 After performing IM-SLNB , the nodal staging of this patient increased ( from N0 to N1b ) . And she received additional chemotherapy and irradiation therapy . patient male 23 In the ideal model of the shared decision , doctor and patient progress together towards medical decision , in this case , the patient is not alone facing a choice , and in all cases , he is never alone . patient female 1 The patient recovered uneventfully and was discharged on the 8th postoperative day . And she has been drug-free since then . patient female 0 Patient received 5 months of intravenous and oral antibiotics and she improved clinically whereas the radiology findings persisted . Patient male 15 The ophthalmologist must be able to control frustration with these patients to prove that the patient has better visual fields and visual acuity than admitted to , and so that he can perform a careful , dispassionate examination to establish that no organic disease is present . patient female 1 The patient had essentially six months of asymptomatic clinical remission but then she relapsed . patient male 4 However , the male patient experienced a tumor recurrence , which necessitated a second surgery , and he did receive radiotherapy after the second operation . patient female 1 The patient failed to respond to doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide when combined to 5-fluorouracil ( 5-FU ) , but she reached complete response when the same two drugs were used with carboplatin , suggesting the potential usefullness of platinum derivatives . patient male 1 The patient went for cerebral angiography and stent placement , and during the procedure he had cerebral hemorrhage . patient male 5 On the one hand the patient needs to be informed in detail , but on the other he must not be alienated unnecessarily . patient male 1 One patient , after an initial improvement , had 2 flares when B cells were depleted and he was not able to reduce prednisone below 20 mg/day . patient male 4 The day after the patient was still feverish and he gave out from the mouth a great quantity of sero-purulent material with a swelling reduction and improvement of the neck pain . patient female 2 The third patient presenting symptoms mimicked a fulminant myocarditis and she underwent endomyocardial biopsy . patient male 1 The patient made a full recovery without any new symptoms , and he remained neurologically intact at 18-month follow-up . patient male 5 At 6 months , the patient had a full range of motion with normal Lachman and anterior drawer testing , and he had returned to his daily activities . patient male 1 One patient suffered from cardiac arrest after the first postoperative day , but he recovered soon and CT angiography showed that graft was patent . patient male 13 In spite of extensive supportive measures , dermatologic therapy and surgery , the patient rapidly developed widespread necrosis in the left hip area and paravertebrally , and he passed away in the clinical picture of sepsis . patient male 6 On postoperative day 4 , the patient developed hypotension due to cardiac tamponade caused by bleeding into the pericardial space and he had a decreased level of consciousness . patient male 0 Patient underwent emergency percutaneous implantation of an aortic endoprosthesis , but he continued to deteriorate and the fatal outcome could not be changed . Patient male 1 The patient required cardiac surgery , along with antibiotics , and he had a satisfactory outcome , being alive at the moment of this report ? ? ? . patient male 2 The remaining patient had relief of pain , but he continued to be completely quadriplegic although he had some sensory sparing . patient male 5 The postoperative recovery of the patient was satisfactory and his pain disappeared , but , he died of pneumonia on the 40th postoperative day . patient male 4 Not only has the patient very well tolerated the first surgery , but he tolerated also the other one with recovery of passage continuity . patient male 2 The other patient had membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis that recurred in the allograft , but he had intestinal schistosomiasis . patient male 0 Patient recovery was excellent , and he resumed his usual training routine five months later . Patient female 14 With careful reduction of the immunossuppression combined with the use of rituximab , our patient showed a complete disappearance of LYG , and she is clinically well more than 4 years after the diagnosis , with good kidney function . patient male 7 For many years Freud treated a woman patient who meant very much to him and for whose treatment he made the most extraordinary sacrifices . patient male 1 Our patient is a 41-year old male and he had BMS thrombosis 345 days after the implantation , which was clinically manifested as an acute myocardial infarction in the inferoposterolateral localization . patient male 1 Our patient did not have CCH or frank MTC , but he expressed the other manifestations of the MEN 2A syndrome . patient female 1 One patient developed two perineal recurrences at 16 months which were resected , and she remains disease-free 6 months later . patient male 1 The patient refused hospitalization and one week later he underwent emergency aortic replacement for dissection . patient male 2 Only 1 patient ( 0.5 % ) had detectable metastatic disease , and he had symptoms of systemic disease at the time of imaging . patient male 1 The patient did not have any problems with erectile function and he took sildenafil 50 minutes after the last daily dose of LD/CD . patient female 1 The patient received whole brain radiation therapy and steroids , and she is alive without any neurologic symptoms and signs at the 6-month follow-up after treatment of the recurrence . patient female 1 Our patient markedly improved by the second infusion ( 8 mg/kg monthly ) , and after 9 infusions , she remained asymptomatic ; no toxicity was detected . patient female 2 A female patient had undergone an operation and chemotherapy for ovarian cancer when she was 65 years old , and she developed MDS at the age of 70 years old . patient female 1 The patient reported here shows few subtle phenotypic features resembling that of FHS , but she does not have sufficient signs and symptoms for the clinical diagnosis and a clinical classification based on facial gestalt is not possible . patient male 5 The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful and he discharged 45 days after the second operation . patient male 1 The patient was a middle-aged man employed as a metalworker , and he presented with a unilateral nasal obstruction and a mass arising from the right middle meatus . patient male 1 The patient had not experienced any facial trauma nor had he had any previous surgical intervention to the nasal or oral cavity . patient male 1 Our patient developed the condition after trauma , and he has followed a benign clinical course . patient female 2 The second patient initially received erythromycin , but despite this treatment she developed neurological symptoms and Borrelia persisted in the thick-smear examination . patient male 1 The patient had second- to third-degree aortic insufficiency and he had a calcified bicuspid aortic valve on echocardiography . patient male 1 The patient developed malignant pleural effusion at 6 months after surgery , and he eventually expired 3 months later . patient male 9 At the age of three yr , a male patient had surgical treatment for bilateral vesicoureteral reflux ( VUR ) , and at the age of 19 yr , he developed nephrotic syndrome because of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS ) . patient female 0 Patient had never received a chest X-ray and she had never suffered from symptoms that needed to investigate the trachea or the neck . Patient male 1 The patient had episodes of cyanosis in which he became disoriented , but he had no subjective feelings of discomfort or dyspnea . patient female 3 Postoperative course of patient was unremarkable and she is doing well after surgery . patient female 7 At the time of diagnosis , the patient had already multiple lung metastases and although chemotherapy was started immediately , she died with rapid systemic disease progression . patient female 1 One patient recurred locally and she is currently alive free of disease . patient male 1 The patient had no significant toxicity to the CyA or the filgrastim and he has not experienced any serious infections or required hospitalization . patient female 1 The patient did not take any medication , and she was not a smoker or an alcohol consumer . patient male 0 Patient underwent an extensive TURP and he received a second round radiotherapy . Patient female 1 The patient tolerated well the operation and she is alive and free of disease after 24 months of primary surgical treatment . patient female 1 The patient recovered uneventfully and was discharged on postoperative day five , and at 36 months from her surgery she remains symptoms-free and without antihypertensive agents . patient female 3 However , this patient had no adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery and she has no recurrence for eleven months . patient male 7 Three months after colon perforation , the patient left the hospital , and now 1 year after transplantation he continues to do well . patient male 1 This patient indeed had minimal clinical side effects after the CAR T-cell infusion , and he remains in an unmaintained , ongoing complete remission 10 + months after his T-cell treatment . patient male 3 Considering that this patient had already experienced an LVAD-related complication and he had better general condition than his DMD peers , we listed him for a heart transplant . patient male 1 The patient had complete response at the end of chemoradiation and he was disease-free for 9 months duration after which he developed bone metastasis without regional recurrence . patient male 3 In 1993 the patient developed occlusion of central retinal artery , and after a therapy with streptokinase he presented with right-side palsy and complete aphasia . patient female 1 The patient initially had a mucocele excision , and following that , she had a non-contrast CT abdomen and pelvis to investigate post-operative pain . patient male 1 The patient agreed to be included in a clinico-pathological study with donation to the brain bank , and he died at 71 . patient male 33 The situation reviewed by the Victorian tribunal went further , supporting actions where a doctor agrees to provide pentobarbitone ( Nembutal ) to a patient at some time in the future if the patient feels at that time that his pain is unbearable and he wants to end his life . patient male 1 The patient had positive ANA , antiDNAdc , antiBeta2glycoprotein , anti-cardiolipin , ANCA-C and X. He received intravenous immunoglobulin , cyclophosphamide , steroids , and azathioprine and showed clinical improvement . patient female 4 In Case 2 , patient education enabled this woman to successfully transition to SCIg without adverse effects , and without the headache and fatigue she experienced with IVIg . patient male 3 At admission the patient was afebrile but within 24 hours he progressed to severe septic shock and abdominal compartment syndrome . patient female 1 The patient was neurologically intact and no brain parenchymal abnormalities were revealed on computerized tomography scanning of the head , but she suffered severe heart failure , pulmonary hypertension , and liver and renal dysfunction . patient female 1 The patient showed signs of multi-organ failure and was transferred to intensive care , but she died during the night . patient male 5 All consultants agreed that the patient deserved close follow-up , and that he was at risk for similar scar formation in the future . patient female 11 With a detectable LPL mass level of 55.1 ng/mL , the patient was eligible for alipogene tiparvovec treatment , and in September 2015 , she receved 40 injections ( 1 × 10 patient male 1 Each patient has an individual treatment program and goals , and during meetings with his team he discusses his progress and problems in meeting those goals . patient male 2 Only one patient died suddenly and he had had a stable electrocardiographic pattern of bilateral bundle-branch block for a period of 118 months ( 9 years 10 months ) . patient male 2 The other patient was not wearing the defibrillator at the time of the event , and in 634 hours of previous monitoring he had had no events . patient male 4 For example , a patient may have delusions that others can read his mind and thoughts , but he still can understand that he needs dialysis for renal failure . patient female 2 In this patient one contributory factor was a low blood volume and she responded to plasma volume expansion . patient male 1 The patient denied having any piercing or shooting wound to his leg , but he said that four years before he had been shot to his chest . patient female 8 After successful passing of three surgeries , the patient has no sphincter disorders and she is able to walk with the sticks and she has only small sensitivity deterioration . patient male 9 In the medical anamnesis , it was discovered that patient had prostate carcinoma ( CA ) 5 years previous , and since then , he had visited his doctor periodically for an annual examination . patient male 1 The patient remains satisfied with the result and he is able to practice his profession . patient female 4 The nephrotic syndrome of patient 1 was resistant to corticosteroid and cyclophosphamide therapy and she developed severe renal failure 14 months after onset . patient male 1 The patient made an uneventful recovery , and after five years of follow-up , he has been symptom free with no clinical or radiological evidence of recurrent disease . patient male 1 The patient did not remember a recent trauma , but he mentioned a strain 3 years earlier ; radiographic findings had been normal at that time . patient male 1 The patient had a good response to the established treatment and he remains in a good clinical condition at one year of follow up . patient female 1 The patient received a late diagnosis , and therefore she could not take a proper management . patient female 6 In a 3-month follow-up , the patient had suffered only one vertigo attack and she reported that the migraines were less common and less intense than she was previously experiencing . patient female 7 At the 1-year follow up , the patient had minor residual limitation of forearm pronation and elbow joint extension , but she had no pain on movement , and had a good result based on Cooney 's score ( 90 points ) . patient male 1 The patient underwent elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy with no complication and he had an uneventful recovery . patient female 1 The patient achieved remission with chemotherapy , but she later relapsed , with right pleural effusion , and died . patient male 1 The patient recovered touch sensibility in the flap skin after 6 months and than he was able to walk . patient female 5 Ten days later , the patient restarted the nitrofurantoin , and she returned to the emergency department after again experiencing sudden intense substernal burning , nausea , vomiting , shivering , and weakness . patient male 1 The patient developed recurrent thrombosis occurring at the previous sites in the later stage and he died 23 days after the first sign of thromboembolic complication . patient female 1 The patient had no predisposing factors and she did not take any antifungal agents . patient female 1 The patient engaged fully in the treatment program , and she successfully restricted her fluid intake . patient female 7 Twelve months after ending treatment , the patient was still abstaining from smoking , and she showed no signs of depressive symptomatology . patient female 1 The patient received oral endocrine therapy of letrozole , but she refused chemotherapy , radiotherapy and other topical treatments . patient male 3 Initially , the patient declined surgery but after an additional 18 months , he accepted surgery . patient male 1 This patient was a 45-year-old man , with no history of blood transfusion , but he did have a history of hemodialysis before transplant . patient female 1 One patient did not respond satisfactorily and she subsequently had a parathyroidectomy . patient male 1 The patient was a 70-year-old male with angina pectoris , and he presented with chest pain . patient male 1 The patient subsequently recovered fully from this episode of vancomycin-induced agranulocytosis , but he eventually died of other causes . patient male 1 One patient had a recurrence of bleeding from the small bowel one week later but he did n't required surgical treatment . patient female 1 The patient does n't function well since then - she is socially isolated , she has lost self confidence and self esteem . patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent iodine ablative therapy and she remains free of disease one year after surgery . patient male 1 Our patient was homozygous for this mutation and he is the first case with rhizomelic shortening of both the upper and lower limbs and mild respiratory insufficiency due to a narrow thorax . patient male 1 Our patient received HLH-94 chemotherapy , and he achieved complete and sustained remission after a two-year follow-up , without the need for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation . patient female 1 The patient experiences no discomfort , nor does she feel any sensation . patient male 1 The patient did not receive any further treatment and he is free from tumor recurrence for 30 months after the operation . patient female 2 Although the patient did not have cutaneous leiomyoma and she had no family history of hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer , the presence of early onset symptomatic uterine leiomyoma and type 2 papillary renal cell cancer confirmed the diagnosis of hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer . patient male 2 The first patient developed necrosis of the legs over 5 days and he died on the 20th day . patient male 2 The second patient developed bullae on his thigh and he died the next day . patient male 1 The patient had a postdural puncture headache ( PDPH ) on postoperative day 4 , but he refused invasive treatment . patient female 1 The patient had no associated comorbidities or allergies , and she was not under any medication . patient male 7 During 1 year of follow-up , the patient neither suffered from a tumor relapse , nor did he require renal replacement therapy . patient male 11 During the observation period in the intensive care unit , the patient suffered brain death , and he died 3 months later . patient female 1 The patient was completely asymptomatic and she did not need any medical or surgical treatment . patient male 1 The patient received adjuvant systemic chemotherapy with 6 cycles of 5-FU and cisplatin regimen , and he is still alive at the 54-month follow-up . patient female 6 After about 7 1/2 years the patient noticed a tumor of fist size on her buttocks , but she did not present in our clinic regularly . patient male 1 The patient clinically improved under conservative therapy , but after restarting enteral nutrition on the fourth day , he developed full blown mechanical ileus . patient female 1 One patient noted burning and prickling sensations , and she withdrew during the study . patient male 1 The patient showed a clinical response for seven months , but the disease progressed despite chemotherapy and he died one year after diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient achieved complete tumor regression at 4 mo after radiotherapy , and he is clinically free of disease at 12 mo after the end of treatment , with an acceptable quality of life . patient female 1 The patient underwent successful surgery for removal of the mucoceles , and she exhibited no evidence of recurrence at the 18-month follow-up . patient male 1 The patient once worked in Angola for three months , and after returning home he had the symptoms of intermittent painless terminal hematuresis . patient female 3 A 50-year-old female patient had previously undergone an extended right hemicolectomy for transverse colon cancer , and she visited our department for hepatic metastasis on the dome of liver . patient female 9 The diagnosis of HE was made , although the patient presented neurologic symptoms and signs including abnormal electroencephalography , recent memory impairment , and executive function declination . patient male 4 For some years the patient suffered nocturia , but he never made an urologic consultation . patient female 6 At a 6-month follow-up , the patient reported no low back pain and she was walking independently without pelvic complaints . patient male 4 Serum examination of the patient revealed monoclonal IgA , and he consulted the Sapporo Medical University Hospital , where he was diagnosed with multiple myeloma complicated with AL amyloidosis . patient male 1 The patient responded promptly to antibiotics therapy ( ampicillin 3g/day , ceftriaxone 1g/day ) , and within several days he became lucid and afebrile . patient male 1 The patient received only the ophthalmic sulfonamide , and it was used for one day , but he developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome . patient female 1 The patient attended prenatal care in the second trimester of her pregnancy and she informed that in the first trimester she had presented with clinical symptoms compatible with Zika virus infection . patient female 1 The patient gave birth without complications and both she and her son remained normal after two years of follow-up . patient male 1 The patient was a garden designer and therefore he used to handle soil very often . patient male 1 The patient reported no symptoms and he showed poor insight into his own behaviour . patient male 1 The patient recovered motor , sensory and bladder functions and he was able to walk six months later . patient male 5 With this therapy , the patient has experienced no side effects , and he has noted a decrease in bone pain . patient female 4 At presentation , the patient described symptoms of chronic fatigue and muscle aches , but she did not report pareses . patient male 1 The patient spent a whole day without a recurrence of chest pain before going to bed , but at midnight he developed sudden chest pain , and died immediately after taking a sublingual tablet of isosorbide-dinitrite . patient female 1 The patient did not receive any adjuvant chemotherapy and to date she is alive and with no evidence of disease . patient male 1 The patient , who otherwise was healthy , had a chylothorax develop and he died 9 months later of thoracic and pulmonary complications . patient female 7 Eighteen months after fracture fixation , the patient had 160 degrees of active forward flexion , a QuickDASH of 29.5 , a Constant score of 69 and she was satisfied with the result . patient male 1 Our patient underwent brain radiotherapy at a dose of 18 Gy in three sessions but he died with a decline of 3 months before starting systemic therapy . patient female 1 The patient underwent chemotherapy rather than surgery , and she was asymptomatic 34 months later . patient female 1 The patient is n't moving , but her eyes are open , and she 's following the activity of those around her . patient female 27 A follow-up study , after 20 to 30 years , of 15 patients with anorexia nervosa , formerly treated by the authors , revealed that only one patient failed to recover from the initial illness , and she ultimately became permanently incapacitated . patient female 6 During the postoperative period , the patient did not complain of pain nor did she present any signs or symptoms of infection . patient male 1 The patient did not have numbness or tingling , and he reported no previous injuries to the wrist . patient male 1 The patient was completely asymptomatic and he did not complain of dysuria , perineal discomfort , or ejaculatory pain . patient male 4 Eleven days later the patient became leukemic and he died of DIC . patient male 7 After medical treatment and rehabilitation , the patient regained the ability to walk and he could perform most of his daily activities . patient female 1 The patient continued to receive 1 - 2 EMFs treatments per week and during the following 32 months she made a dramatic recovery with resolution of diplopia , blurring of vision , dysarthria , ataxia of gait , and bladder dysfunction as well as improvement in fatigue , heat tolerance , mood , sleep , libido , and cognitive functions . patient female 1 The patient underwent a second operation in which the colostomy was closed , and she is doing well at this writing . patient male 1 The patient underwent a bilateral hip replacement , but despite appropriate anticoagulation therapy after 2 years , he developed another episode of AON at both distal epiphyses of the femurs and proximal epiphyses of the tibias . patient female 18 Computed tomography ( CT ) revealed left large cervical amalgamated LN and two metastatic lung nodules , the patient received 2 cycles of chemotherapy and was planned for external beam radiotherapy but she died within 7 months of first presentation . patient female 5 After one year , the patient experienced fewer symptoms and she was able to participate in daily activities . patient male 7 After four years of follow-up , our patient has a complete functional recovery and he can normally perform daily and working tasks without pain . patient male 1 The patient underwent radiotherapy for his skin metastasis , but he died 13 months later from widespread metastasis . patient male 1 The patient refused the implantable cardioverter defibrillator and he is receiving oral amiodarone ( 200 mg/day ) . patient male 1 This patient has been in Tapachula , Chiapas , a jungle area in southern México , and he returned from a 45 days trip before the onset his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient had noticed swelling of the scrotum 4 days before admission , but he had ignored this condition . patient female 1 The patient underwent chemotherapy , but after the second cycle , she experienced a rapid worsening of her general condition and died after some days in a state of multisystem organ failure . patient male 9 : Despite using immunmodulator , the symptoms of the patient at hospitalization were mild and he did not show elevated D-dimer , and there was no lymphopenia . patient male 1 The patient reported an improvement in AHI index and he was satisfied with the modified appliance . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful course and he has remained disease-free during two years of follow-up . patient male 12 After appropriate antimicrobial therapy , the clinical and hematological status of the patient improved , and he is alive and well 1 year later with disappearance of all hematological abnormalities . patient male 14 However , the tumor exhibited a benign growth pattern and despite continued growth the patient did not receive additional treatment and he remains asymptomatic 35 months following his original surgery . patient male 2 However the patient did not refrain from eating natto , and he had three anaphylactic reactions might have been caused by natto . patient male 16 He will then be able to teach the needed knowledge and competencies after checking what the patient knows already ( patient 's knowledge and representations ) and what he needs to know . patient male 1 One patient in the lesion group complained of mild lower limb weakness , but he completely recovered at postoperative 15 days without any serious problems . patient male 1 The patient was a 60-year-old man without any particular complaints , but he underwent abdominal computed tomography ( CT ) and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography ( MRCP ) due to a fatty liver , which revealed two similar cystic lesions regarded as branch duct-type intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm ( BD-IPMN ) in the pancreatic body [ BD-IPMN ( b ) , 16 mm in size ] and tail [ BD-IPMN ( t ) , 13 mm in size ] without a " high-risk stigmata " or " worrisome features " . patient male 0 Patient attains brief remission of 2 months after induction chemotherapy and then he was refractory to 2 salvage chemotherapy regimens . Patient male 4 The course of the patient progressively worsened , and he died on May 30 , 1985 . patient male 1 The patient also fulfilled the clinical criteria of NS and he harbors a hotspot mutation on PTPN11 gene . patient female 1 The patient responded well to the excision with immediate complete resolution of pain and she remains asymptomatic at the last follow-up after 15 months . patient male 1 The patient received HBV immunoglobulin prophylaxis for 6 months but HBV recurred thereafter with a mild hepatitic flare , and he remained seropositive for HBsAg , anti-HBe , and HBV DNA . patient female 5 This liver biopsy of the patient showed compatible to acute viral hepatitis and she immediately recovered without intensive care . patient female 6 Spinal anaesthesia was suggested because the patient had eaten shortly before and because she suffered from asthma . patient female 4 5 years later the patient got pregnant , and 1 year after delivery she is still breastfeeding normally with both breasts . patient female 4 The recovery of the patient was slow and four months later she still had lesions on MRI and limitations in her cognitive sphere , memory and executive functions . patient female 1 The patient responded to 6 weeks of treatment with vancomycin and 2 weeks with gentamicin , and she has been receiving long-term maintenance therapy with oral azithromycin . patient male 1 The patient was a young man , various clinical diagnoses were made and he finally died after an attempted membranotomy for suspected membranous obstruction in the inferior vena cava . patient male 1 The patient obtained good sphincter function for eating and speaking , and he could inflate a balloon without air leakage . patient male 1 The patient already had multiple metastasis of the tumor in the lung at diagnosis , and he could not undergo definitive surgical procedures , because of severe restrictive lung disease . patient male 3 Only the last patient did not have an excellent result , and he experienced considerable improvement . patient female 5 In case 2 , the patient felt at ease showing decreased palpitation immediately after the first treatment , and after 1 week , she quit medications . patient male 2 The first patient worked as a batcher in a paper mill , and he was in charge of pumping slimicides containing methylisothiazolinones . patient male 1 The patient received chemotherapy with idarubicin and ara-C , but he died due to mucormycosis . patient female 1 The patient had no risk factors for NTSOH , but after detailed questioning she admitted to participating in erotic asphyxiation prior to the onset of her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient eventually died of intrahepatic recurrence , but he lived for 7 years and 3 months after the catheterization . patient female 1 The patient refused chemotherapy and she died in 6 months . patient female 6 A week after admission , the patient complained of retrosternal pain , and a few hours later she developed extensive soft-tissue emphysema . patient male 3 Furthermore , the patient exhibited a lack of empathy and he had autistic traits , although with a sufficient ability to verbalize his feelings . patient female 1 The patient came from an inbred Mennonite family , and though the mutation identified her as an AME patient , she had a normal birth weight and did not demonstrate the typical features of AME , such as hypokalemic alkalosis , low birth weight , failure to thrive , poor growth , and in many cases nephrocalcinosis . patient male 1 The patient responded well to systemic glucocorticoid treatment and today he is asymptomatic . patient female 1 The patient was on admission in the intensive care unit for four days and she made quick recovery with no apparent residual damage . patient male 12 Twenty years earlier , while living in China in 1983 , this patient had a suprapubic skin cancer which was excised , and he received radiation to the region . patient male 1 The patient refused treatment and so has been managed conservatively for more than five years , and he remains well . patient male 16 One hundred and sixteen cancer patients were interviewed in order to investigate whether the Greek cancer patient wants to be informed and whether he knows his true diagnosis and prognosis of his illness . patient male 1 The patient could not eat at the time of hospitalization , but at the time of the second course he could eat a full serving of rice porridge . patient male 1 The patient refused radiotherapy , but he accepted every 6 months close follow-up . patient female 1 The patient received irradiation and chemotherapy including Cisplatin after surgery , but she died 1 year later because of rapid progression of distant metastases . patient male 7 Executive functioning reflects not only what a patient does , but also how he does it or whether he does it at all [ Lezak MD . patient male 1 One patient had limb shortening of 2 cm at last follow-up , but he had no function problem . patient male 1 The patient indicated that he had been treated for pulmonary TB in another city , and he produced for clinic staff his labeled medications , which included isoniazid ( INH ) , rifampin ( RIF ) , and ethambutol ( EMB ) . patient male 24 With no biological signs , the diagnosis was made after vitrectomy because the visit was late in the course of the disorder , the patient lived in the mountains , and he had failed to mention a trip to the West Indies 3 months before . patient male 1 The patient improved symptomatically and he is on regular followup . patient female 7 One year after the surgery , the patient had no pain , and she regained most of her functionality in her right shoulder with 140 to 150 degrees of lateral elevation ( abduction ) , 140 to 150 degrees of forward flexion , internal rotation hand at T12 vertebra ( slightly restricted ) . patient male 1 The patient was an ex-smoker , but he had started smoking again one month previously , His forced expiratory volume in one second ( FEV1 ) was low and dyspnea symptom was observed . patient female 1 The patient had been suffering progressive blurred vision and she received transsphenoidal surgery for the diagnosis of pituitary tumor . patient female 1 The patient reported pain scores of 0 to 1 in the validated Visual Analog Pain Scale and postoperatively she required no narcotics . patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent successful pelvic ring reconstruction , and she remains asymptomatic at 2 years . patient female 9 After more than two years of follow-up , the patient is in her normal life activities and she has not presented any adverse event related to the bioartificial liver support therapy so far . patient male 1 The patient gradually improved and he became seizure free and the blood pressure successively became normal . patient male 1 The patient underwent pericardial resection with an immediate haemodynamic benefit , although the malignant process progressed , and he died 14 weeks later . patient female 1 The patient had intractable left lower extremity pain refractory to standard therapies , and she elected to undergo intrathecal neurolysis . patient female 4 HLA typing revealed the patient was HLA - B8 positive and that she had inherited this genetic marker from her mother who is Irish , rather than from her West Indian father . patient male 1 The patient received intravenous immunoglobulin and platelet transfusion before coronary artery bypass surgery and he had a successful resection of the aneurysm with a saphenous vein graft to distal RCA . patient female 2 The first patient had no recurrence of encephalocoele at follow-up of 10 months but she presented with recurrence of the occipital encephalocoele after 15 months . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient improved , his fever subsided , and he regained muscle power satisfactorily . patient male 3 This 12-year-old male patient had a history of vitamin D-resistant rickets , and he presented with a 1-year history of increasing upper extremity weakness and sharp pain in the left shoulder and arm . patient male 1 The patient exhibited frequent and extreme verbal outbursts during therapy sessions , and he did not comply with rehabilitation exercises . patient male 11 Despite antimicrobial and supportive intensive care , the condition of the patient progressively deteriorated and he died on the 11th day after admission . patient male 1 The patient had hemolytic anemia since he was a child , and he developed diabetes , hypogonadism , and liver dysfunction in his thirties , presumably from systemic iron overload . patient female 0 Patient A.G. was slow and dependent of the first letter cues in the vanishing-cues learning phase but nevertheless , she acquired a large and flexible conceptual knowledge and this was especially true for concepts that were practised by means of mixed-context examples . Patient male 4 Postoperative course of the patient was uneventful and he has no signs of recurrence so far . patient male 5 One year postoperatively , the patient ambulates nearly normally and he is able to sit and stand up without significant difficulty . patient female 1 The patient had taken an overdose of zolpidem prior to admission , and she required chemical and physical restraints and one-on-one care for safety . patient male 9 Despite immunoglobulin and antiviral therapies , general condition of patient deteriorated and he died in the postoperative seventh day . patient female 0 Patient was on regular follow-up and clinically she was doing well . Patient female 1 The patient suffered streptococcal toxic shock syndrome , but she recovered over the first week . patient male 1 One patient excreted long and short electropherotypes simultaneously , and he also showed a significant rise in neutralizing antibodies against serotype 2 and 3 viruses . patient male 1 The patient underwent duodenojejunectomy and end-to-side anastomosis , and he recovered well from the operation . patient female 1 The patient in the first case achieved a complete remission , but unfortunately her parents refused follow-up treatment and she succumbed to the disease 9 months after the initial diagnosis . patient female 1 The patient demonstrated hypermobility of several joints and she was able to hyperextend her unaffected elbow by > 10 ° . patient male 1 The patient showed variable clinical response to steroids and he remained dependent on home oxygen . patient female 3 Preoperatively , the patient had received anticoagulation therapy with heparin for cerebral infarction due to thrombosis and she developed thrombocytopenia with deterioration of cerebral infarction . patient female 13 Although hypoesthesia was provoked as a complication , it was tolerated by the patient and she was very satisfied . patient male 14 We traced the patient 's condition through personal networks , and knew that the patient could not have continual treatment for the disease , and that he is suffering from disability of hands and feet . patient male 1 The patient received high dose of adjuvant chemotherapy and he maintains complete remission after 18 months . patient female 1 Our patient had no predisposing factors for adhesions , but she had undergone UAE one year earlier for large fibroids and decided to proceed to surgical therapy when symptoms returned . patient female 1 The patient improved , and she remains asymptomatic 1 year after surgery . patient male 1 The patient underwent two cycles of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy , and he experienced complete tumor regression . patient female 1 The patient underwent liver retransplantation , and she is currently free of tumor recurrence . patient female 7 Six months after hospital discharge , the patient was able to ambulate with a single limb and a prosthesis and she is independent in many activities of daily living currently . patient male 1 The patient had no initial trauma and he had no particular previous history except the handling of chemicals ( fuels , mineral oil , paint ) without gloves for about the last 30 years . patient female 2 Only one patient showed worsening during pregnancy , but she improved after delivery . patient female 2 Actually the patient experienced durable benefit from anti-PD-1 therapy for more than 4 years and she is still in good condition without tumor relapses to date . patient female 1 The patient complained of pain around the bunion , nonoperative treatment had failed , and she desired operative correction . patient female 6 During the fifth week post-transplant the patient started with epigastralgia , diarrhea , fever , GI bleeding , and thrombocytopenia , and she died on day + 52 . patient female 2 Only 1 patient had a history of UTI , and she presented early in the series in 1982 at 5 years of age . patient female 1 The patient recovered clinically , her parasitaemia cleared , and she showed no side-effects . patient male 1 One patient had a transient increase in serum amylase level to twice the upper limit of normal , but he continued to receive the drug . patient male 1 The patient responded rapidly and entered molecular remission after 6 weeks of therapy , and he continues to be in remission 6 months later . patient male 1 One patient from the meningitis group underwent functional hemispherectomy and he is also seizure-free . patient male 1 The patient could correctly reproduce and draw simple geometric figures on request , but when he tried to reproduce more complex drawings or to draw common objects he performed very poorly . patient female 1 The patient had no superficial or deep sensation below the level of T9 , and she also had urinary retention . patient female 5 After the operation , the patient received hormonal therapy for her breast cancer , and she was still alive and symptom-free 5 months after the operation . patient female 1 Our patient initially responded well to etanercept , but after 5 weeks she developed remarkable purple , sharply demarcated , erythematosquamous plaques on the dorsa of both hands , wrists and proximal fingers . patient female 1 One patient had residual rhythmic MEG activity , and she suffered from seizure relapse . patient male 1 The patient had never undergone nasal or sinus surgery , and he denied ever having expelled anything of significance from his nasal cavity . patient female 1 The patient underwent superficial parotid resections , and at the 4-year follow-up , she exhibited no evidence of recurrence . patient female 5 Six months later , the patient visited our hospital for a follow-up , and she was clear-headed , aphasia , right limb hemiplegia with muscle strength grade II , left side autonomous activities , and the GOS score was 2 points . patient male 5 Surgery is performed when the patient does not respond to vasodilators and he shows an FS of less than 25 % . patient male 1 The patient initially did well , but 8 months after treatment , he presented with fever and chills . patient male 2 The first patient is now a 3.5 year old boy , his vascular ring was repaired and he has hypoparathyroidism but no clinical nor laboratory evidence of cellular immunodeficiency . patient female 1 The patient presented with general malaise , including high fever , abdominal pain , signs and haemophagocytosis , and she quickly deteriorated and died 11 days after hospitalization . patient female 1 The patient never improved neurologically , and she ultimately died . patient male 3 However , the patient had multiple systemic metastasis from the MTC and he died of systemic complications due to metastatic MTC . patient male 2 Only one patient from the MMF group had CMV pneumonitis , and he survived . patient male 6 On the last admission , the patient showed extensive cellulitis on both legs , and he developed septicemia , and finally died due to septic shock . patient female 1 The patient began treatment with haemodyalisis and one year later she received a cadaveric kidney transplantation with good result . patient male 1 The patient received chemotherapy and targeted immunotherapy , but he died 41 months after the initial presentation . patient male 10 Despite supportive and symptomatic treatments , the condition of the patient deteriorated , and he died due to his illness . patient male 0 Patient also suffered mild neurologic/respiratory symptoms but it is unlikely that he had anaphylaxis . Patient male 5 The clinical condition of the patient deteriorated quickly , and he died right after the drainage surgery even though the pathogen was sensitive to antibiotics treatment . patient male 1 The patient developed features of intestinal obstruction a few days after surgery and he succumbed ten days after re-laparotomy . patient male 1 The patient is presently alive and doing well and he has been transfusion-independent for the past 33 months after HSCT . patient male 23 On completion of treatment , the family was no longer concerned with the amount and variety of food he was eating , the patient reported less nausea , and he was more likely to eat in public . patient male 1 The patient demonstrated maintained cervical lordosis and he remained symptom-free at the one-year follow-up . patient male 2 The second patient presented with a perforated grade 2 leiomyosarcoma which was incompletely resected ; he received combination chemotherapy with an initial good response , but eventually died from sarcomatosis 7 years after initial diagnosis . patient female 13 Although we did not make any intervention at the mitral valve , the patient had a good outcome and until the present date she is in functional class I. patient female 1 The patient did not have any gingival overgrowth for 2 years despite the fact that she was taking amlodipine , but she developed the gingival overgrowth 9 months before her initial visit , coincident with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and use of a cholesterol-lowering drug . patient male 1 The patient was asymptomatic after left anterior descending branch angioplasty , but he had significant electrocardiographic sequelae and ventricular dysfunction . patient male 1 The patient had spontaneous return of bowel function on postoperative day 5 , and at 6 months , he was doing well . patient female 1 The patient underwent a right hemicolectomy with primary anastomosis , her postoperative course was benign , and she delivered a viable infant at term vaginally . patient female 1 The patient was hypertensive , and she developed hemiparesis and intermittent spasms over 5 years . patient female 2 Only one patient showed grade 2 hand-foot syndrome at the 5 - 7th course , and she had to switch to another therapy . patient male 2 Only one patient ( 5.9 % ) survived CPR to discharge from the rehabilitation hospital , but he died subsequent to his transfer to the acute hospital . patient male 9 The clinician should have to carefully explore how the patient experienced the event or , how he apprehended the event itself and it 's outcome , if he wants get the traumatic range of a life event . patient female 7 At 1 year of follow-up , the patient was without disease , but in postoperative year 2 , she died from complications of a cervical recurrence and mediastinal metastasis . patient female 1 The patient has responded well to the treatment and she showed no evidence of disease at the 24-month follow-up . patient female 1 The patient also had a diffusely firm and enlarged goiter and hypothyroidism , and she exhibited anti-thyroid microsomal antibodies and anti-thyroglobulin antibodies , she was diagnosed as having a complication of chronic thyroiditis . patient male 2 The other patient tolerated a second infusion , but during his third he experienced a systemic reaction that required discontinuation of the infusion and treatment with diphenhydramine . patient male 1 One patient failed to respond to the first course of prednisolone therapy , but he did respond to the second 3-day course of therapy . patient male 14 Based on our finding of CTLA-4 upregulation , it may be suggested that our patient might have had low antitumor immunity and that he might have benefited from CTLA-4 blockade . patient male 9 Once that was accomplished , we observed that the patient could not complete the efferent ( expiratory ) phase of the sneeze reflex , and thus he did not sneeze . patient male 1 The patient underwent successful surgical resection , and he exhibited no signs of recurrence during follow-up . patient female 8 After treatment with Metothrexate and symptomatic therapy the patient achieved complete clinical remission and she is free of disease 18 months after the onset of the therapy . patient female 1 The patient recovered after treatment and she remains complete remission after following consolidation chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient exhibited significant neurological recovery following these treatments , and he ultimately regained full neurological function without spinal deficit . patient male 2 Condition of patient after operation was very good , and he could discharge in short hospitalization . patient male 1 The patient received a course of radiotherapy and unfortunately he died at 3 months follow-up . patient male 1 The patient experienced no complications following the procedure , but he presented with two graft occlusions within the 2 months following the procedure . patient male 2 Later the patient experienced chronic GVHD , and he died on day post-transplantation 246 from GVHD . patient male 1 The patient had obesity-related gynecomastia , but he did not have any history of breast cancer , mastitis , hyperprolactinemia , or galactorrhea . patient male 1 The patient received steroid suppression therapy , and after nine months of treatment and follow-up , he developed clinical hypothyroidism . patient female 4 After admission , the patient received mechanical ventilation , supportive therapies , active muscle functional exercise and she recovered slowly . patient female 2 One SCD patient developed no-iOCD 1.5 years after SCD surgery , and she subsequently underwent RWR surgery . patient male 1 The patient developed a dynamic smile by 6 months postoperatively , and he had improved objective facial symmetry . patient male 7 1 and 3 months postoperatively , the patient came to us for visit , and he said that he just had a relatively satisfactory function of his affected hip . patient female 1 The patient initially presented for elective clipping of a right middle cerebral artery aneurysm , and on long-term follow-up she demonstrated relapsing-remitting cerebral edema . patient male 1 The patient went into complete remission after the first induction chemotherapy ( ALL-IC-BFM 2002 regimen ) , but he relapsed and died after 4 months . patient female 10 However , despite initiation of extracorporeal circulation support , the patient deteriorated , pulmonary edema developed , and she died . patient male 7 After the admission general status of the patient has worsened rapidly and he has died as a result of cardiovascular arrest . patient female 5 Despite the handicap , the patient had strong motivation and she managed to master the technique of PD independently . patient male 5 Three days after surgery the patient had noticeable improvement in his voice , and 3 months later he had complete resolution of the hoarseness . patient female 7 Postoperatively , the clinical course of the patient deteriorated and she developed hypotension . patient male 1 The patient required an emergency splenectomy , but he made a full recovery . patient female 0 Patient presented no complications and she has no evidence of recurrent disease and is sexually active , with a satisfactory continent reservoir . Patient female 11 In the event , ECT was very well tolerated by the patient , and she experienced a full remission of symptoms . patient female 0 Patient received HDR brachytherapy for recurrent lesions , but the effect of treatment was poor and she died of progressive disease . Patient male 1 The patient suffered no further complications directly related to the desiccant , but he died several days later from respiratory failure . patient male 10 After antibiotic treatment and tube drainage , symptoms of the patient persisted and he received thoracoscopic decortication . patient male 2 Only 1 patient had a local recurrence , 15 months later , and he underwent a new , successful , limited resection . patient male 3 Before surgery this patient had no experienced sexual intercourse , but he could achieve full sexual intercourse 2 weeks after the surgery . patient male 13 After the treatment with low-leucine diets and L-carnitine for 3 days , the patient showed a significant improvement in symptoms , but he died one week later . patient female 10 After surgery , T levels returned to normal , the patient retrieved a normal gonadal function , and she was able to become pregnant . patient male 3 However , the patient suffered from acute and chronic GVHD and slowly progressive anemia , and he died of multiple organ failure 21 months after BMT . patient male 5 The chest condition of this patient improved , but he subsequently died of liver failure 3 weeks later . patient female 1 The patient started treatment with melphalan and prednisolone , but liver function deteriorated and she died in hepatic failure complicated by septic shock three weeks after the diagnosis . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient was neurologically intact with normal sight and well-functioning eye movements , and he made a full recovery . patient female 1 The patient had no history of drug allergies or any type of adverse drug reaction , but she developed itchiness , maculopapular rash , sweating , respiratory distress , and anxiety during the seventh cycle of CBP . patient female 1 The patient received palliative external beam irradiation to the right eye for visual restoration , but she died before any beneficial effect was achieved . patient female 1 Our patient was a 48-year-old woman and she visited a primary care doctor presenting with abdominal pain . patient female 0 Patient does n't need further treatment but previous excision , and she is asymptomatic twelve months later . Patient female 7 After a 5-year follow up , the patient had no signs of recurring infection or complications and she had full range of movement in the affected knee . patient male 1 Our patient has demanded for better aesthetics and he choose the treatment option to make two separate PFM crowns . patient female 1 The patient refused adjuvant treatment , and she is disease-free 7 years after treatment . patient female 1 The patient stopped working due to admission , and she completely quit her job within 2 months of restarting work due to reappearance of the symptoms . patient female 1 Our patient did not receive adjuvant therapy and she is alive and disease-free after 34 months follow-up . patient male 1 The patient underwent nephrectomy combined with partial descending colonic resection and splenectomy , but he died . patient male 1 A patient ( 68 years old and male ) underwent total knee replacement because of arthrosis , but he subsequently had infection due to a wound problem . patient male 13 Despite receiving high-dose amphotericin B throughout this period , the status of the patient worsened , and he experienced pancytopenia , hypernatremia , azotemia , and disseminated intravascular coagulation , which led to his death . patient male 1 The patient also suffered from respiratory distress and he died 5 days after birth . patient male 2 Although the patient died 1 year and 8 months after the initial examination , he was able to take oral medication and maintain good QOL for 10 months after the start of TXL therapy . patient male 1 The user may choose between standard test sets or he may design sets according to his individual needs from a pool of available protocols which includes tracking tasks , ballistic tasks , complex sequential tasks , and finger tapping . user female 18 Results of an initial examination suggested infection with mycobacteria , or fungi , but the condition of the patient deteriorated , and she died after antituberculous and antifungal therapy was begun . patient female 1 The patient is a 47-year-old African-American woman whose primary cause of renal failure was not thrombotic micrangiopathy , and she received a 5-antigen mismatched cadaveric renal transplant . patient male 1 The patient had no difficulty in feeding or taste sensation but he was unable to pronounce lingual consonants . patient male 1 The patient was qualified for elective surgery of the ascending aorta and aortic valve at the age of 39 but he did not agree to undergo the proposed procedure . patient male 0 Patient did not refer any symptoms of dysuria , and he had normal sexual intercourse , so that he refused the proposed surgical treatment . Patient male 1 The patient developed classical symptoms and signs of PAP that closely mimicked those of acute silicosis , but he did not have any signs of classic silicosis . patient female 1 The patient received radiation therapy for mediastinal lymph node metastasis 2 years after resection and she became cancer-free . patient female 1 The patient survived for more than 5 years without recurrence but she died of acute renal failure after acquiring pneumonia . patient female 11 Over the following 20 min , stridor gradually subsided , the patient calmed and she was able to talk . patient female 8 After the first cycle of chemotherapy , the patient manifested grade 2 mucositis and febrile neutropenia , and when her treatment was subsequently continued with doxifluridine she developed severe mucositis and febrile neutropenia . patient male 6 At baseline , only one non-chelated patient showed a pathological heart T2 * value ( < 20 ms ) and he recovered at the follow-up . patient female 1 The patient discharged , and on a follow-up visit , she was asymptotic . patient male 5 For 3 months , the patient subsequently had balloon dilatations to prevent restenosis , and he has been able to eat normally by mouth without further balloon dilatations since then . patient male 1 Another patient with pseudotumor , not a candidate for tumor ablation after transurethral resection , had continued tumor growth and he died of urosepsis . patient female 1 The patient reported prompt relief from her pain after resection of the osteoma by endoscopic sinus surgery and she was free of pain clinically with no evidence of recurrence at 12 months followup . patient female 4 The parents of the patient refused further intervention , and she died one month later . patient female 1 The patient refused the operation , and she is currently in a delicate balance . patient male 1 The patient improved initially with the administration of corticoids , but in a few months , he developed pleomorphic T lymphoma with quick fatal evolution . patient male 5 The parents noted that the patient snored every night and that he had episodes when he stopped breathing , ending with gasping for air . patient male 1 The patient had two healthy siblings , but he had a history of intellectual disability and developmental delay . patient male 1 The patient was not taking any concurrent medications , and he refused dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase deficiency testing . patient male 8 Despite using immunmodulator , the symptoms of the patient at hospitalization were mild and he did not show elevated D-dimer , and there was no lymphopenia . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the therapy well but she developed grade three acute dermatitis . patient male 4 In addition , the patient has cardiac , retroperitoneal , and perinephric involvement , but he retains his sexual drive and fertility . patient female 2 Only 1 patient neither smoked nor wore dentures and she was taking an antidepressant ( imipramine hydrochloride ) with a reported association with oral candidosis . patient female 1 The patient had no endocrine problems , and she had a normally located and functioning thyroid gland . patient female 1 One patient had mild ureteral stricture , which resolved with transvesical ureteral dilatation , and she is doing well 4 years postoperatively . patient male 5 In early infancy , the patient developed an atypical , severe , initial manifestation resembling Omenn syndrome with infections , and he underwent allogeneic stem cell transplantation from an unrelated 9 of 10 HLA matched donor with a mismatch in the DQB1 allele after conditioning with treosulfan , fludarabine , thiotepa , and antithymocyte globulin ( Grafalon ) . patient male 6 From November 2007 until now , patient received 8 CDF cycles and he obtained a complete clinical response supported by persistent negativity of TC-PET scans . patient female 1 The patient underwent laparoscopic hiatal hernia repair and endoscopic gastric polypectomy , and she experienced no syncopal episodes for 5 months postoperatively . patient female 1 One patient had a stroke 3 days after the procedure , and although she later recovered , she was unable to perform the follow-up tests . patient male 1 The patient received external beam radiation to the postoperative bed and lymph nodes , and he is disease-free till date . patient male 2 As the patient did not react to the androgenic therapy and he had a healthy twin-brother with the same blood group and HLA system and MCL , differing only in Rh genotype , bone marrow transplantation was suggested . patient male 7 Over the past 3 months , the patient has had unintentional weight loss and an ataxic gait , and for the past month he has had night sweats . patient male 24 The groups meet one a week in the open air in the jungle , at dawn and for an average of 5 h. The patient attends the weekly sessions until he feels well enough to leave , and only then does he pay a voluntary fee . patient female 15 At eight years old , patient suffered bacteraemia due to Salmonella group D , thus patient started prophylaxis with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and , to date , she has continued stable . patient male 4 Overall , only one patient had acute respiratory distress syndrome in the amiodarone group , but he had multiple other factors known to predispose to acute lung injury . patient male 3 Following surgery the patient received radiotherapy and he remains disease free at 2 years following his second surgery . patient male 1 The patient had undergone a renal transplantation 2 years before , and since then , he had been receiving continuous immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporine A and prednisone . patient female 1 Our patient received pomalidomide and multiple courses of chemotherapy and achieved very good initial response for her multiple myeloma but subsequently she relapsed . patient male 1 The patient received chemotherapy(DTX/CDDP/5-FU ) , and as the second-line treatment , he received chemoradiotherapy(40 Gy with DTX/CDDP/5-FU ) . patient male 1 The patient improved significantly , and after one week , he was able to regain most of his motor functions . patient female 5 On the 5th day the patient complained of headache , nausea and sensitivity to light , and she had meningism . patient male 1 The patient had no airway compromise on admission , but he acutely developed significant partial upper airway obstruction necessitating emergency endotracheal intubation and subsequent tracheostomy approximately 36 hours after admission . patient male 6 At 3 years posttreatment , the patient was living independently outside of the forensic institution without judicial supervision and he had not reoffended . patient male 5 In our case , the patient showed a dramatic response to treatment , and after a one-year follow-up , he was asymptomatic , with no relapses or residual effect of the illness . patient female 6 After the tongue reduction , the patient experienced no functional problem in mastication , swallowing , and gustation , but she complained of mild speech difficulty and slight pain on the dorsal portion of her tongue . patient female 1 The patient was primarily infertile , and she had unicornuate uterus detected during infertility investigation . patient female 1 The patient has experienced symptomatic improvement , and she remains free of recurrence 12 months later . patient male 5 Is it possible that our patient experienced only a transient arousal from consciousness , and that he did not have recall because the arousal time was short and we blocked memory consolidation ? patient male 6 At three months post-op , the patient was walking without a limp and he had no changes in his peripheral neurologic examination compared to his preoperative baseline . patient male 23 Treatment of the suspected staphylococcal bacteraemia with purulent bursitis , spondylitis and aortic valvar endocarditis was begun with broad-spectrum antibiotics , but the patient soon developed a severe acute respiratory distress syndrome and he died of multi-organ failure . patient male 1 The patient never again worked as a beekeeper , and neither did he , as far as he knew , use any medical or cosmetic products that contained propolis . patient male 9 On postoperative day ( POD ) 3 , the patient complained of paralysis and dysesthesia of both legs , and he developed acute renal dysfunction . patient male 6 However , after 35 days the patient discharged with left side hemiparesis and dysphasia , and just after several months of admission he got symptom free . patient male 1 The patient had not developed renal failure by the age of 16 months , and he showed no neurodevelopmental deficits . patient female 1 The patient underwent a surgical intervention to remove the metastasis and she recovered fully . patient male 1 The patient did not initially respond to the combination of vancomycin plus rifampin and gentamicin , nor did he respond to ceftaroline treatment . patient male 1 The patient underwent extensive surgical resection and postoperative radiotherapy , but 5 months later he required orbital exenteration for persistent disease . patient female 1 This patient had a smoking history of 80 pack-years , but she had quit smoking 2 months prior to presentation . patient female 1 The patient described increased fullness with dependent head position and pain on left gaze but she had no proptosis and her ocular examination was normal . patient male 1 The patient had not had previous biliary tract surgery , choledocholithiasis , nor did he have a congenital abnormality of the biliary tract , bile duct carcinoma , or pancreatic disease . patient male 1 The patient developed cardiac arrest lasting approximately 8 minutes during anesthetic induction , so he needed to be ventilated for 8 days . patient female 1 One patient did not show any response after two cycles of low-dose Ara-C but she obtained complete remission when treated with Ara-C and idaurubicin . patient female 1 The patient responded to intra-arterial chemotherapy , and she subsequently underwent complete surgical resection . patient male 1 The patient did well postoperatively without additional neurological deficit , and then he received additional radiation therapy . patient female 1 The patient underwent cardiac surgery , and after surgery , she developed low cardiac output syndrome and died . patient female 4 Thus , only 1 patient with stage Ia disease died , and she died of causes other than ovarian cancer . patient male 1 The patient did not experience any intraoperative changes shown by electrophysiologic monitoring , and he recovered well postoperatively . patient female 6 One month after the operation the patient had normal plasma glucose values of 60 - 120 mg/dl , but she constantly complained of excessive thirst , which occurred soon after the operation and slowly subsided in the following weeks . patient male 1 The patient did not appear for follow-up but he presented 5 years afterward with local purulent osteomyelitis concerning the affected and the adjacent teeth . patient male 1 The patient responded poorly to intravenous PAPM/BP , but later improved after treatment with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole , but he died of heart failure and respiratory failure after the initiation of this therapy . patient female 0 Patient had no signs of recurrence within the 3-year follow-up period , and she is still on oral warfarin and clopidogrel . Patient male 11 On day 15 after the final infusion of cytarabine , the patient suffered headache , and on day 21 , he experienced a decrease in sensation on the sole of his left foot . patient male 4 Following surgery , the patient made an uneventful recovery , and at present , 16 months post-surgery , he remains well with no evidence of tumor recurrence . patient female 1 The patient had resumption of menses at three cycles postoperatively , and she had no dysmenorrhea . patient female 1 The patient remained hyperprolactinaemic and received prolonged therapy with metergoline and bromocriptine which suppressed prolactin to normal and she conceived after induction of ovulation with human menopausal gonadotrophin and human chorionic gonadotrophin . patient male 14 In 1854 he pricked in his finger in the postmortem room when examining a patient who had died of typhus and he succumbed to septicemia at the early age of fifty-five . patient male 1 The patient did not undergo further surgical aortic repair , and after a 30-month follow-up he remains symptom free and in good clinical condition , suggesting that although aortic surgery remains the gold standard for treatment of acute Type A dissection , appropriate medical management and early malperfusion repair may offer an initial limb- or life-saving procedure . patient female 3 However , the patient did not improve and she subsequently expired on the 7(th ) hospital day . patient male 3 Nevertheless , the patient did not return to his previous state . And he became bed-ridden , incontinent of urine , and unable to take fluids or foods , following which he went into a state of akinetic mutism . patient female 0 Patient remains on lifelong anticoagulation therapy and she continues to remain stable at 20 months follow up . Patient male 1 The patient manifested prone sleep with ashen complexion , and he had lost 3 - 4 kg of body weight over the 3 weeks before admission to our hospital . patient male 10 Like all previously reported cases with color amnesia , this patient was alexic but , unlike most previously reported cases , he was not aphasic . patient female 1 The patient had abnormal titers of antibodies against various EBV antigens and by immunofluorescence she disclosed the EBV nuclear antigen and the viral capsid antigen in the blood vessels of the affected skin . patient female 1 The patient has survived with no growth out to the most recent follow-up ( 24 mo post diagnosis ) , and she always presented with a positive attitude about her condition during this period . patient male 5 After 4 days , the patient was asymptomatic but he developed liver aminotransferase elevations : AST 340 U/L and ALT 579 U/L. Investigation revealed an R ratio of 19.9 by day 5 and a Roussel Uclaf Causality Assessment Method score of 10 , giving a high probable likelihood that enoxaparin was the cause of hepatic injury . patient male 1 The patient took a rapid downhill course for the ordinary squamous cell carcinoma of the penis , and he expired eight months after penile amputation with a radiological evidence of lung metastasis . patient male 5 After repeat surgery , the patient showed impaired systolic left ventricular function , increasing fever , anuria , hyperkalemia , and metabolic acidosis , and he finally expired . patient female 1 Our patient , a young female with CKD , had an unusual history of angina following dialysis sessions and she suffered an acute coronary syndrome complicated by cardiac arrest . patient male 42 The aim of this study is to validate the Geriatric Warning Test ( GWT ) , a 6-questions form : 1 ) Did your patient consult or did hospitalize for a fall in the last 3 months ? 2 ) Did your patient lose weight or did he loose the appetite ? patient female 1 The patient received six cycles of CHOEP chemotherapy with complete therapeutic response , but three months later she experienced an aggressive systemic sarcoma recurrence and although salvage chemotherapy was initiated she died of progressive disease . patient female 3 However , the patient was not satisfied with this prosthesis because of mucosal pain and discomfort , and she gradually ceased its use . patient male 1 One patient had a urethrocutaneous fistula as a result of his perineal ulcer , and he had to undergo an ileal loop diversion . patient female 2 Only 1 patient developed anaphylaxis secondary to vaccination , and she had no prior history of vaccine allergy . patient male 1 The patient lived in a sunny , warm climate , but because of parental career demands , he had limited sun exposure . patient female 2 Initially the patient responded well to Desmopressin infusion , but after 36 h she became thrombocytopenic and refractory to even transfusion of cross-matched platelets . patient female 1 The patient survived the extracorporeal support , but poor ventricular contractility recurred 2 months later and she died while waiting for heart transplantation . patient male 6 During the next 4 months , patient had routine follow-up due to participation in Cardiopulmonary Rehab and he had no cardiac events or recurrence of joint symptoms . patient female 1 The patient showed a gradual improvement after beginning with highly active antiretroviral therapy and , finally , she achieved a complete functional recovery . patient male 1 One patient reported improvement , but he discontinued the drug because of adverse effects encountered with the use of a concomitant medication and before he could be tested in a double-blind crossover phase . patient male 1 The patient received radiotherapy , but he relapsed at the same cutaneous site with loco-regional nodal spread . patient female 1 The patient refused to give consent for spinal anesthesia , and she had to be taken up for surgery under general anesthesia . patient male 1 A patient with AIDS sought treatment and he had disseminated histoplasmosis with oral manifestations . patient female 6 Twelve months after surgery , our patient is doing well with no evidence of recurrence of either the rectal prolapse or the cancer , and she has not suffered from either fecal incontinence or constipation . patient male 1 One patient had precipitins to Candida albicans prior to the study , and he developed transient oropharyngeal culture-positive thrush , which subsided with use of a gargle containing nystatin . patient male 1 The patient was a 16-year-old boy and he initially developed visual disturbance . patient female 1 The patient presented to the emergency department with pancreatitis , presumably alcohol-induced as with a prior admission , but she denied any recent alcohol use . patient male 1 The patient developed acute renal failure after initiation of chemotherapy , so he received hemodialysis . patient male 6 After a successful evolution , the patient presents a left penile incurvation with pain and difficulties during the sexual relations , but he did not accept any treatment . patient female 5 The performance status of the patient improved , and she was still alive and eupnoic 25 months from the diagnosis and 23 months from the start of treatment . patient female 14 Despite a wide surgical debridement and antibiotic treatment , the clinical status of the patient failed to improve and she subsequently died . patient male 3 Thus , the patient relapsed as AML and , after second remission , he developed a hematological picture of chronic CML . patient female 2 Only one patient requested her block be repeated , and she had received lidocaine originally . patient female 14 After putting a ventriculoperitoneal shunt , we injected anticancer drugs intrathecally , then the patient got better for several months , but 6 months later , she got worse and the contrast-enhanced CT showed a conspicuous pattern of meningeal spread which was a diffuse enhancement of the subarachnoid space from the upper cervical area to the cerebellar folia , basal cistern and the cerebral surface . patient female 7 During the next 36 hours , the patient worsened , and she developed left middle cerebral artery syndrome . patient female 1 The patient was severely amnestic , distractible , hyperoral , and affectively dyscontrolled , and she behaved socially inappropriately . patient male 1 The patient made a full recovery following a 6-week course of antibiotics , and he received extensive dental treatment . patient male 5 After the procedure , the patient received six cycles of chemotherapy , and he achieved complete response . patient male 1 The patient began treatment with clofazimine , rifampicin , and dapsone , but 15 days afterwards he complained of acral edema with godet sign . patient male 7 In spite of aggressive treatment ; the patient developed sepsis and he expired on day 78 . patient female 1 The patient , therefore , underwent bilateral nephrectomy , following which the blood pressure returned to normal , and she survived on hemodialysis for 17 months . patient male 1 Another patient initially responded to intravenous fluids and protein restriction but his renal function deteriorated and four months later he began maintenance haemodialysis . patient female 4 At admission , the patient was pale with repeatedly unmeasurable blood pressure , and she had lower limbs oedema . patient male 1 The patient tolerated the surgical implantation of the LVAD without any significant complications , and he has had a relatively unremarkable course 38 months post-LVAD implantation . patient female 1 The patient subsequently developed a protein-losing enteropathy and she deteriorated and died 14 mths later . patient female 1 This patient had no clinical sensitivity to egg and no skin test reactivity to egg , but she did show positive skin test reactions to influenza B and bivalent flu vaccine . patient male 1 The patient underwent protracted , intense rehabilitation , but he remained in this prolonged state of loss of consciousness and behavioral passivity until he experienced a series of periodic seizures . patient male 2 The second patient also had pseudoaneurysm formation postoperatively , but he presented one year after surgery with fever and elevated leucocyte count . patient male 1 The patient is back on insulin treatment , and he is in the same condition as before the transplantation . patient female 1 The patient received steroids as treatment for the spinal cord edema , and with the help of rehabilitation she recovered movement in the lower extremities 30 days after the surgery . patient male 4 At that time the patient was essentially asymptomatic , but it is clear that he survived a plasma concentration greater than that usually considered lethal , 3 mg/L serum fluoride . patient female 2 Only 1 patient with uveitis was seropositive for HTLV- 1 , and she belonged to the group with uveitis of undetermined origin . patient female 18 Despite the inherently emotional nature of this encounter , there was surprisingly little overt discussion about how the patient felt about her diagnosis and how she was coping . patient male 1 The patient developed posttraumatic systemic inflammatory response syndrome , which began to resolve after 72 hours , and he started breathing spontaneously . patient female 4 In May 1990 the patient again developed pyrexia and cervical lymph node swelling , and she also had anti-SS-A antibodies ( 64x ) and symptoms associated with Sjögren 's syndrome . patient female 12 Despite extensive surgery with negative surgical margins and combination chemotherapy , the patient had recurrence of the tumor within four months and she died secondary to septicemia to chemotherapy and bilateral pulmonary emboli shortly after . patient female 1 The patient showed characteristic clinical manifestations of hypocarnitinemia , which affected her state of consciousness and she had radiologic findings that revealed metabolic encephalopathy with cytotoxic edema in the right occipital area and intracranial hemorrhages in right occipital and left frontal areas . patient male 1 The patient developed a gait disorder at age 60 years , and he began coughing on his food during breakfast at age 64 years . patient male 6 Genetic analysis revealed that the index patient has homozygous deficiency in complement C4B and he carries one non-functioning mutant C4B gene inherited from his mother . patient male 1 The patient had postoperative anarthria , with loss of voluntary muscular functions of the face and tongue , and he had trouble chewing and swallowing . patient male 1 One patient presented a rupture of the reconstructed patellar tendon due to a trauma incident 18 months after the implantation and he required revision surgery . patient female 1 The patient has been following this treatment for 3 months and it is possible that she will have to carry on with it for a whole year . patient female 13 There was no supporting evidence for systemic sarcoidosis in this patient ; the patient showed no skin , eye , or lung lesions , or bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy , and she did not show increase in serum gamma-globulin or in plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme ( ACE ) levels , or increased CD4/CD8 ratio of lymphocytes obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage . patient female 2 Only one patient bled on once daily Crinone before the 14th day of progesterone therapy , and she went on to deliver twins . patient female 7 On further assessment by a cardiologist the patient showed signs of cardiac tamponade and she underwent urgent pericardiocentesis . patient male 8 At a postoperative control six months later the patient experienced no pain any longer , the VAS score was 1 and he was working full time . patient male 6 Treatment is necessary only if the patient is symptomatic or if he has complications related to the BPH . patient female 2 The first patient had a sella of normal size and went into clinical and hormonal remission after external pituitary irradiation , and she has remained well of follow-up for 9 years . patient male 1 This patient presented to us because he started having difficulty , pain while sitting , and discomfort in daily activities because of long tail . patient male 2 The other patient received 4 courses of etoposide , and he is alive without tumor , 10 months after diagnosis . patient male 2 -- 1 patient , with bulbar extension of the tumor improved from the motor point of view , but he presents a permanent . patient male 2 -- 1 patient improved following surgery , but he died 12 months later ( stress ulcer and cardiac decompensation ) . patient female 4 The condition of the patient deteriorated rapidly and she expired on February 2006 . patient male 1 The patient was aware that aspects of his performance were impaired , but he was unable to state why -- a dissociation between declarative and procedural knowledge . patient male 1 The patient had been living with the device hanging against his chest for several weeks and he eventually sought medical assistance because of worsening heart failure . patient female 5 At 9 months , the patient has a full range of motion with normal Lachman and anterior drawer testing , and she has returned to competitive basketball . patient male 1 The patient underwent emergency surgical intervention with good technical success ( evidence of aorto-appendicular fistula ) , but he died the day after of cardiac arrest . patient female 6 Due to disseminate disease , the patient underwent multisystemic medical treatment including radiotherapy , chemotherapy and hormone therapy , and she is still alive at 30-month follow-up . patient female 3 During follow-up the patient reported pain on coitus and that she sometimes lost a lot of fluid during intercourse . patient male 1 One patient developed grade IV acute graft-versus-host disease of the liver requiring immunosuppression and he died in CR from disseminated aspergillosis , 7 months after chemotherapy ; one patient is alive in relapse 12 months after treatment . patient female 6 After recovery of consciousness , the patient showed cortical blindness , and during gradual recovery she showed pure alexia without agraphia . patient male 4 A 42-year-old male AML patient with t(16;21)(p11.2;q22 ) received haplo-PBSCT at partial remission , and he exhibited dyspnea due to massive pericardial effusion 11 months later . patient female 7 At the 6-month follow-up visit , the patient had returned to full activity , and at 24 months , she remained completely pain free . patient female 1 The patient became spontaneously pregnant following the sixth cycle , but unfortunately she later miscarried . patient male 1 One patient had persistent disease even after aggressive urethral resection , and he succumbed to his illness 2 years later . patient female 1 The patient is alive and she has been continuously disease free for five years after surgery . patient female 1 The patient underwent chmotherapy and she is 36 months in complete remission . patient female 3 Surprisingly , the patient never had symptoms and hence she never followed up for 25 years . patient male 5 Three days later , the patient developed cholecystitis and septic complications , and he finally died of septic shock with disseminated intravascular coagulation . patient female 1 The patient successfully recovered from the complications and was discharged on day 72 , and she remains well at 10 months after transplantation . patient female 2 The ninth patient also became normotensive , but preoperative renal failure progressed and she died of cardiac failure while on haemodialysis 16 months postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient had previously undergone minor surgery to remove multiple tumors on the lip , but he had no further examinations . patient female 1 This patient underwent a 3 week integrated course of IAYT at our center and she made a remarkable recovery . patient male 3 Only one MM patient did not show local antibody production , but he had high mumps IgM titers in serum . patient male 1 The patient reported a history of bodybuilding and he worked as a plasterer . patient female 1 The patient exhibited progressive improvement in thyroid function even after cessation of antithyroid drug , and she successfully recovered from thyroid storm and MOF . patient male 1 The patient received antitubercular therapy with initial treatment with steroids and he improved clinically at the end of a 9-month treatment . patient female 1 The patient had had a right hemimandibulectomy ( Figure 1 ) , and she showed frontal and temporal bossing and a wide nasal bridge . patient male 1 Our patient , S.M. , showed part of speech , word/nonword , and concreteness effects in repetition , and he made semantic errors , but his oral reading was relatively spared . patient male 1 The patient underwent radical laparoscopic nephrectomy and biological therapy , but disease progression continued , and he passed away within 6 months of diagnosis . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient had no apparent neurological deficits , and he returned to normal daily life . patient male 1 The patient was 66 years old man and he had received subtotal esophagectomy for the carcinoma of the esophagus 11 years previously . patient male 6 At postoperative 6 months , the patient had not experienced additional issues , and he was satisfied with the appearance of his eyes . patient female 1 The patient did not have a history of egg allergy in childhood or occupational exposure to egg proteins ; nor did she report any disease that is known to be related to food allergy . patient female 1 The patient received 5 courses of TS-1/TXL therapy , and she had no trouble with side effects . patient male 6 During his rehabilitation stay , the patient developed one mildly elevated alkaline phosphatase level , but he showed no radiographic evidence of heterotopic ossification and maintained full passive range of motion of the hips . patient female 1 The patient had a total excision of the lesion and she is free of disease after 30 months . patient male 5 The leukocyte count of the patient had increased to 147,800/mm(3 ) , and he died 10 days after admission . patient female 1 This patient had extensive involvement of the liver with metastasis and she died two weeks after diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient tolerated treatment well without acute adverse effects , and he is now in early follow-up . patient male 1 The patient then underwent adjuvant irradiation to 64.8 Gy , and he was free of recurrence and distant metastasis in the 5-year follow-up . patient female 1 The patient had no adjuvant chemotherapy ; her postoperative recovery was uneventful , and she remains symptom-free , and without any sign of recurrence at 20 mo . patient male 5 During the follow-up , the patient did not show other fainting episode , and at 24 months he is disease free . patient female 1 The patient developed neurologic findings during this period , and during the recovery of neutropenia , she had icterus and liver function test abnormalities . patient male 1 The patient presented with episodic shortness of breath , he was anemic and thrombocytopenic , and his bone marrow biopsy revealed myelodysplastic syndrome from treatment for oligodendroglioma . patient female 2 The second patient is a 4-month-old girl who started with clonic seizures at 3 days of age and she had a good response to pyridoxine . patient male 1 The patient had suffered for a long time from chronic pulmonary disease , clinically diagnosed as bronchial asthma and he suddenly died with signs of chronic respiratory insufficiency . patient male 2 The second patient had regular postoperative and he is still alive . patient male 1 The patient underwent postoperative radiation , and he was free of recurrence at follow-up 3 months later . patient male 1 The patient presented with atypical symptoms but the progress of the disease was extremely rapid and he died almost 3h after his hospital admission . patient female 1 The patient with the parasellar-nasal communicating GCT developed progressive visual loss in the right eye after the operation ; and she received adjuvant radiation therapy . patient female 2 Only one patient in this group had a sigmoid cystoplasty and she did not find that the operation interfered with her bowel function . patient male 1 The patient recovered completely 6 months after surgery , and he is currently asymptomatic . patient male 1 The patient was homoallelic for informative markers mapping near the chromosome 1 centromere , but he was heteroallelic for markers near both telomeres , establishing that the paternal uniparental disomy with partial isodisomy was caused by a meiosis II nondisjunction event . patient male 1 The patient refused treatment and later he died with systemic metastasis . patient male 26 None of the 13 patients whose asthmatic symptoms were previously controlled with cromoglycate was unable to complete the 4 wk trial with theophylline alone ; 1 patient whose symptoms had been previously controlled with theophylline twice developed severe asthmatic symptoms while receiving cromoglycate , and he had to be withdrawn from that study period . patient female 1 Our patient received external beam radiation therapy and chemotherapy , but unfortunately she passed away 4 months after diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient , a 70-year-old man , had the complication without inciting trauma , and he subsequently had severe pain and disability . patient male 12 Successful outcome was defined to be no subsequent lumbar surgery , the patient felt that LDD had helped , and if the patient was working before symptom onset , he was able to work at the time of follow-up . patient female 1 The patient is a 44-years old female who underwent a medical examination and pointed out a gastric submucosal tumor , but she had no symptoms and admitted for operation . patient female 4 After 7 years the patient complained of dysphagia and she accepted removal of the osteosynthesis . patient female 1 One patient ( 8 % ) ultimately required CABG , and she died after CABG at 3 months after LMCA stenting . patient male 1 The patient received several courses of chemotherapy but he died one month later . patient female 1 The patient described in this report had 21 paragangliomas removed between the ages of 13 and 17 years , and she has evidence of additional tumors . patient male 1 The patient is a 47-year-old male , and he has a history of progressive muscle weakness and atrophy , affected more in the right side . patient male 0 Patient 1 had developed renal failure before the surgery , and he died of severe infection and multi-organ failure after transplantation . Patient male 3 Initially , the patient denied any exposure to raw seafood or seawater , but he eventually remembered eating raw oysters 3 days before his illness . patient male 1 The patient recovered well , but he presented with severe acute pain after a popping feeling was detected during a game of golf in postoperative year 4 . patient male 1 One patient with failed pars plana vitrectomy underwent repeat vitrectomy with long-term internal tamponade by silicone oil , and he regained hand movements vision . patient female 0 Patient needs consistently blood transfusion and she deteriorated quickly . Patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent fractionated radiation therapy , but the tumor progressed and she died 120 days after treatment . patient male 1 Our patient was the seventh victim , and on the day he gave a positive result for HBsAg , his hepatitis B virus ( HBV ) DNA level had reached 1.1 x 10(11 ) copies/ml as assessed by real time polymerase chain reaction . patient female 1 The patient completed treatment in 1993 and since then she remains disease-free , with the overall observation period of 8 years . patient male 1 The patient was not taking highly active antiretroviral therapy because of poor compliance and he denied use of NSAIDs . patient female 8 Following 4 treatments for identified impairments , the patient had unlimited walking tolerance and she resumed an active caregiving role for her grandchildren . patient female 1 The patient had normal blood glucose levels but when the methotrexate dose was tapered , she presented a diabetic ketoacidosis that required up to 520 units of insulin per day . patient male 1 The patient started clinical manifestation at age 25 , with frequent falls , but he is currently able to walk unassisted at age 42 . patient female 1 The patient received antibiotics , with minor neurological improvement initially , but she soon died because of a brain herniation . patient female 10 Five of these patients subsequently died , however , our patient has survived more than 1 year , and she is presently leading a normal school life . patient female 1 The patient was in acute renal failure , and she had K-type Bence-Jones proteinemia and proteinuria . patient female 1 The patient refused any local treatment and she received supportive care only . patient male 1 The patient did well postoperatively , and he underwent a complete course of postoperative irradiation to the right parotid and neck . patient male 1 The patient has remained asymptomatic more than 10 months postoperatively and he has resumed work as a surgeon . patient male 1 The patient sustained multiple abrasions , and he had elevated alcohol levels . patient female 17 At 18 months of follow up , the range of motion did not improve significantly but our patient referred no pain and she was satisfied with the procedure . patient male 1 The patient had no history of psychiatric pathologies or any other eating disorder , but he did not rest adequately at night , was overweight and had a family and personal history of other sleep disorders . patient female 1 The patient underwent an excisional biopsy , and after the diagnosis was established , she underwent 22 sessions of radiotherapy . patient male 2 Only one patient had EL(M6 ) , and he had a normal karyotype . patient female 1 The patient underwent palliative chemotherapy and she died after 2 months of the diagnosis of the skin metastasis . patient female 3 Therefore , the patient received standard induction chemotherapy , but on the 18(th ) day after completion of chemotherapy , she died of septic shock and multi-organ failure . patient male 1 The patient recovered uneventfully , and he was without recurrence at more than 2 years of follow-up . patient male 5 The thyroid function of the patient was within the normal range , and he tested negative for autoantibodies . patient female 1 The patient survived after more than 300 defibrillation shocks over a period of 5 days and she is still alive 12 years later . patient female 1 This patient had mitochondrial myopathy , multiple lipomatosis , mild hearing loss , stroke-like episodes , and paralytic ileus , but she lacked the canonical clinical features of MERRF , myoclonus , epilepsy , or ataxia . patient female 3 One non compliant patient had a Björk Shilley prosthetic valve dysfunction that required a valve replacement at the twelfth week of pregnancy and she had a spontaneous abortion at week 15 . patient male 1 The patient declined further invasive procedures and oncologic treatments , and he expired at home 9 months after the development of MC . patient male 1 The patient had all the clinical and radiological features of the disease , but he , additionally , exhibited two episodes of rhabdomyolysis precipitated by respiratory infections . patient male 2 The second patient had disorder of the digestive transit and he benefited from a laparoscopic removal of the cyst . patient male 1 The patient , a 43-year-old man , had paroxysmal headache three months ago , and he had complained the left occipital sharp pain , which could be alleviated by itself , with alalia and the right side of the upper limb numbness . patient male 1 The patient received postoperative external beam radiotherapy for residual tumor , and at a 2-year follow-up he is ambulatory without evidence of tumor recurrence . patient male 1 The patient had 2 additional metastases at his 12-month follow-up , both in the right retroperitoneum , and he again underwent laparoscopic resection . patient male 14 During the follow-up ( six months ) , pUF was well tolerated by the patient and he did not require hospitalisation for decompensated heart failure . patient female 1 The patient had developed a not good enough internal space and she suffered from fragmentation anxieties . patient male 5 One year observation of the patient did n't show recurrence of neoplasm , but he had only croak . patient male 17 Because of the acute aneurysm expansion with possible impending rupture on 2 abdominal CT scan , the patient underwent prompt vascular surgery and broad spectrum antibiotic therapy but he died of a hemorrhagic shock . patient female 1 The patient was not a candidate for aggressive chemotherapy treatment because of her poor overall condition , and she had no compatible donor for allogenic bone marrow transplantation . patient male 7 Eighteen months after the arteriography , the patient had stable renal function with creatinine levels of 150 - 160 micromol/L , and he was asymptomatic . patient male 1 The patient had nonfluent dysphasia , but he had no comprehension disorder . patient female 2 Previously the patient had problems with adherence , but now she claims that she follows the proposed treatment . patient female 1 This patient did not respond to prednisone therapy , but she showed great improvement with chloroquine therapy , which was confirmed by a repeated lung biopsy . patient male 1 The patient tolerated the procedure without complications , and he was asymptomatic in the follow-up visit . patient male 1 The patient had high urinary secretion of 5-HIAA and high serum serotonin , and finally he died of heart failure and bronchopneumonia . patient male 6 Secondarily , not only was our patient able to consciously move his four limbs , but he was also able to walk . patient female 6 This was not tolerated by the patient , and she ultimately required total laparoscopic hysterectomy for definitive management , which was performed without incident . patient female 1 The patient underwent immunomodulatory therapy with the eventual resolution of status , but she developed a chronic , moderately severe encephalopathy , including intractable epilepsy . patient female 26 The request for a bilateral mastectomy was declined on the basis that it would be unnecessary for the patient , and an excessive intervention ; the patient subsequently obtained an independent second opinion , and she underwent a bilateral mastectomy with implant reconstruction prior to receiving wound care and follow-up at our institution . patient male 5 In two days , the patient regained consciousness , but it was unclear whether he could communicate his preferences , whether due to injuries or difficulties with language . patient female 1 The patient received cysticidal therapy with albendazole and corticosteroids , and she recovered uneventfully . patient female 7 At 27 weeks into her pregnancy the patient suffered a myocardial infarction , and both she and the fetus died . patient female 1 The patient is now 22 years old , and she is seizure free under therapy with lamotrigine and levetiracetam . patient female 1 The patient underwent an attempted coil embolization of the fistula through the femoral vein , which was unsuccessful , but she developed profound thrombosis of the SOV , which propagated through the orbital venous system . patient female 1 The patient had caesarean section in week 34 , and after delivery she received high doses of methotrexate and obtained complete remission . patient male 1 This patient refused systemic treatments , but he chose traditional Chinese medicine at home . patient male 3 Finally , the patient has elaborated a concrete plan ( level 9 ) or he has already started the preparation of acting out ( level 10 ) . patient female 1 The patient had had anaphylactic episodes after accidental ingestion of raw carrots , but she tolerated cooked carrots . patient female 2 Only one patient made > 50 % errors when pointing with the hand , and she did not benefit from pointing with the tongue/nose . patient male 4 After 2 months the patient had a partial response , and after 5 months he achieved a complete response . patient male 1 The patient underwent conservative treatment for systemic illness , and he was asymptomatic after 3 weeks . patient male 1 The patient had a 2-year history of severe back pain incurred by neck flexion , and he became aware of weakness of the right lower extremity and paresthesia of the left lower extremity . patient female 20 The whole procedure took 2 hours , and intra-operative blood loss was 50 mL. At the last follow-up , our patient was disease free and she could walk almost normally without any aid or pain . patient female 2 Only one patient died of her disease , and she had Stage III tumor with massive ascites at presentation . patient female 1 The patient regularly practiced aerobic exercise , but a month earlier she had started experiencing headache and neck pain while exercising . patient male 1 The patient who did respond to ECT did not experience a prolonged seizure , and he was also the only prepubescent patient . patient male 0 Patient 2 also experienced ventricle wall dissemination 3 months after undergoing the initial chemotherapy , but he exhibited a complete response after undergoing 24-Gy whole-ventricle radiation . Patient male 6 However , CT revealed that the patient had the signs of recurrence ( bone and lung ) , and finally he died four years and eight months after the operation . patient male 5 One year later , the patient had relief of pain and he could walk without assistance . patient male 1 The patient achieved complete hematological remission , and he received successful consolidation chemotherapy without developing Trichosporon infection with the prophylactic use of voriconazole therapy . patient female 5 When breathing room air the patient appeared in severe respiratory distress but when inspiring 22 per cent oxygen in helium she reported almost instantaneous relief and there was a marked decrease in respiratory rate , and increase in tidal volume and arterial oxygen tension . patient female 1 Our patient had been taking chlorpropamide , but she had no evidence of liver disease before administration of tolazamide . patient male 1 The patient was living at the time , but he passed away 24 months after hepatectomy . patient male 3 Unfortunately , the patient was not a candidate for any surgical intervention or oncologic treatment , and he died few days later . patient male 2 Though one patient received 8 cycles of CIK cell transfusion therapy and achieved transient very good partial remission , but he died of acute large-area myocardial infarction and persistent progression of lymphoma . patient female 0 Patient 3 had a peritoneal carcinomatosis-like dissemination , but she has been alive with disease for 68 months . Patient male 4 The condition of the patient improved after surgery and he was recovering well at follow-up . patient female 1 The patient had abnormalities of the pelvis but an adequate midpelvis , so she was able to deliver vaginally without complication . patient male 1 One patient had already developed a mediastinitis by the time we placed the SEPS and he died 3 days later . patient male 1 Our patient initially introduced tipranavir/ritonavir in absence of an optimized background and novel drug classes , and nevertheless he experienced a virological-immunological benefit . patient female 11 Practitioners must discuss coexisting conditions , contraindications , and whether the patient desires scheduled monthly bleeding or if she will tolerate unscheduled bleeding . patient male 7 The perspectives appreciate not only that the patient is struggling through important life events but also that he is a person composed of vulnerabilities and strengths , having made many choices and afflicted by diseases . patient male 3 Since then the patient was doing surprisingly well and he was alive for 38 months with few episodes of clinical deterioration which was successfully managed by palliative measures . patient female 1 One patient with grade I stenosis passed away due to severe pneumonia unrelated to the stenosis or dilatation , and she did not have any dilatation before she passed away . patient male 21 Ultimately however , at the level of growth hormone ( GH ) , the relevant question may be not whether a patient is GH-deficient , but whether he is GH-responsive . patient female 6 Six months after surgery , the patient had normal cutaneous sensation at the medial aspect of the lower leg and ankle and she no longer complained of any painful dysesthesia . patient male 2 The other patient had first surgery for fibrosarcoma of nuchal area and after that he underwent an operation for superior digestive haemorrhagia as a result of antral gastric fibroid tumor with transverse colic and mezocolic extension , which needed gastro-colectomy . patient male 15 Despite maximal therapy and adequate antiinfective therapy of all discovered pathogens the condition of the patient declined further and he deceased . patient male 2 The first patient had a very rapid onset of myxoedema , and during observation he developed spurious polycythaemia ( Gaisbock 's syndrome ) over a period of nine days . patient male 3 A 32-year-old male patient developed a rapid progression of pericardial effusion and he was almost healthy in the past . patient female 1 The patient did not have features of pulmonary or systemic tuberculosis nor was she immunocompromised . patient male 1 The patient initially had seizures in the afebrile period , when he was 4 months old , and he had a total of five seizures by the age of 1 year . patient female 3 Condition of the patient after four months of diagnosis deteriorated and she started bleeding in tears and sweat . patient male 4 There was only one patient who could not tolerate the procedure at all , and he was paradoxically in the lidocaine group . patient female 7 Because of unfavorable tumor anatomy , the patient was not a candidate for surgical excision , and she declined orthotopic heart transplantation . patient male 1 The patient had no symptoms , but he frequently touched the tumor , as he grew older . patient female 1 The patient had a long history of rheumatic heart disease and , in 1974 , she had undergone mitral valve replacement with a single tilting-disk mechanical valve . patient female 1 The patient received adjuvant radiation therapy , but she died of extensive metastastic disease from her primary angiosarcoma of the spleen nine months after surgery . patient female 1 The patient presented with right-sided groin pain and a partially reducible hernia ; she was otherwise haemodynamically stable and denied fevers , nausea and vomiting . patient female 5 12 months later , the patient was asymptomatic with the second stent in its correct position , and she was asymptomatic for mesenteric ischemia . patient male 1 The patient remained extubated , but later he required skin grafts to close his wounds after healing of his pulmonary injury . patient female 5 Within one year , the patient could walk full weight bearing , perform daily activities with no limitation and no pain , and she had MSTS score of 21 . patient female 1 The patient removed the dressing and drain at home during a telehealth visit on postoperative day 4 and she healed favorably without any signs of infection or seroma . patient male 1 The patient developed progressive disease on prednisone and hydroxyurea therapy , and he underwent a successful allogeneic bone marrow transplantation ( BMT ) . patient female 1 The patient did not have arthralgia or neurological symptoms , and in particular , she exhibited no meningeal syndrome . patient female 1 The patient then received cranial radiotherapy and she is doing well with a follow up period of 18 months . patient male 3 Post operatively the patient restored normal voiding dynamics , and he is on regular follow up . patient male 9 Within 3 months of his original surgery , the patient developed a local recurrence in the foot , and over the subsequent 6 months , he underwent serial local excisions and topical diphencyprone treatment . patient female 1 The patient fulfilled the ICD-10 criteria for dependency , and on the Yale Food Addiction Scale ( YFAS ) she scored 40 points . patient female 1 The patient showed initial improvement with interferon therapy , but she developed severe depression , which led to the discontinuation of the treatment . patient female 1 The patient gradually became stronger , and as the airway edema subsided , she was able to be managed on the regular nursing floor with intermittent CPAP mask treatments and mucolytics . patient male 5 One ( 0.75 % ) patient was BCR-ABL negative , but in lymphoblastic transformation he expressed the e1a2 [ corrected ] transcript of BCR-ABL . patient female 7 During the next four months , the patient received a total of four courses of corticosteroid pulse therapy , but she still suffered from bilateral loss of vision . patient male 7 At 11 years of age , the patient developed hyperosmolar hyperglycemia , and after treatment for it , he required multiple daily insulin injections . patient male 1 The patient developed jaundice 5 days after he visited our hospital . And he died 18 days after hospital admission . patient female 1 The patient remained free of neurovascular symptoms for 5 years but she presented at the age of 15 years with delayed puberty related to an evolving gonadotropin deficiency . patient male 2 The other patient did not decontaminate at once , and he suffered from more severe symptoms , including dizziness , nausea , limb numbness , slurred speech , irritable mood , and ataxia 13 hr later . patient male 2 Only one patient had tumour recurrence , but he survived 7.6 years post-transplantation . patient male 1 The patient has had no recurrence for 2 years , but he appears to have had a partial impairment of cognitive functioning . patient male 2 Postoperatively the patient received intravenous ceftriaxone and metronidazole , but he developed rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure . patient male 6 With this new tool , the user is no longer a mere observer of that which is happening on a screen , but he " feels " that he is immersed in that world and participates in it , in spite of the fact that they are spaces and objects that only exist in the memory of the computer and in the user 's mind . user male 3 However , the patient responded swiftly to plasmapheresis started upon suspicion of concomitant thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura , and he subsequently recovered completely . patient female 1 The patient received triple immunosuppression with cyclosporin , azathioprine and prednisone and she displayed no signs of acute graft rejection features . patient male 1 One patient with multiple myeloma relapsed on 36 months later , but he still survived disease-free with treatment of thalidomide . patient female 1 The patient experienced full recovery postoperatively , and then a few months later , she presented again with widespread drop metastasis of the spinal cord . patient male 1 The patient regained normal spontaneous breathing function after surgery . And he needed help for daily activities with hemiplegia of right limb at three-month follow-up . patient female 6 In the follow-up period , the patient did not report any symptoms , and she became pregnant at the time of the 20th month after operation and underwent a vaginal delivery at full-term . patient female 2 The second patient was 52 years old and she had chronic pelvic pain . patient female 11 Despite broad antibiotic , antiviral , and antifungal treatment , the patient clinical condition rapidly deteriorated and she died within three days of admission . patient male 7 After a 12-month treatment period , the patient contracted fever and respiratory symptoms and fatigue again , and he had proteinuria and hematuria . patient female 4 Soon afterward , the patient complained of gait disturbance , and she died of congestive heart failure at 68 years of age . patient female 1 The patient underwent 4 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy with bleomycin , etoposide , and cisplatin , and she had 1 cycle of successful oocyte cryopreservation 6 months after completing chemotherapy . patient male 1 Our patient had both , which likely increased his susceptibility , and he responded well to antimicrobial therapy in addition to prophylactic coverage in the setting of his immunosuppression . patient male 1 The patient had zone II PNI and he was in a haemodynamically progressive unstable state , and the knife penetrated the left internal jugular vein , superior thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve ; the trachea and the oesophagus were swelling at a rapid rate . patient female 1 One patient died of paraaortic lymph node metastases , but she had no pelvic recurrence . patient female 4 Another Hodgkin 's disease patient is alive at 10 months but she has progressive disease . patient male 1 The patient has been on an exclusion diet for three years , but he still had symptoms : stunting , hepatomegaly , high transaminases , but tissue transglutaminase antibodies were negative . patient female 1 The patient started chemotherapy and , after two sessions , she went for second surgical treatment . patient male 1 The patient had no other injuries , and he was able to move his other 4 fingers with only mild pain . patient male 1 The patient underwent a three-stage surgical treatment , and 7 years later he is doing well , and breathing and eating normally . patient male 1 The patient engrafted , and as he became a chimera , the expression of the V617F mutation of the JAK2 gene decreased progressively until its disappearance . patient female 1 The patient was 52-year-old female who had relapsed leukemia with a remission duration of seven months , and she received re-induction with consolidation , allogeneic HSCT . patient male 8 In the case at our institution , the patient did not respond to treatment for his hepatic and PEG site metastases and his lung cancer , and he died 4 months after detection of the PEG site metastasis . patient male 6 After a few months , the patient demonstrated considerable improvement in his left lower-limb function and , after 1 year , he had fully recovered . patient female 1 The patient did not suffer from sub-ileus after around 8 courses of chemotherapy and she could then take food . patient male 1 The patient quit smoking , but he received no other specific treatment . patient male 2 Only one patient developed occlusion of the SSPCS , a man without Behçet 's disease , and he required liver transplantation as a result of hepatic decompensation , PSE , and recurrent ascites . patient male 7 As a former farm worker , the patient acknowledged frequent soil-contaminated wounds of the left hand 4 to 12 years previously , but he denied any recent trauma . patient male 3 Thereafter , the patient developed multisystem organ failure , but he recovered gradually . patient female 1 The patient survived the acute phase of poisoning , but she developed vigil coma . patient female 1 The patient responded to high-dose intravenous IgG , and she has a normal platelet count 10 months after the graft . patient female 1 The patient required insulin therapy throughout her hospitalization , and she died on the 12th hospital day . patient female 1 The patient ultimately delivered a fullterm healthy boy , and she had no recurrence of pancreatitis or other complications . patient male 5 After 1 wk , the patient returned to full consciousness , and he was able to walk in the hospital ward without assistance . patient male 1 Third patient developed pneumothorax and he needed chest drainage . patient male 1 The patient received two units of packed red blood cells , intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics and he clinically improved . patient female 2 The second patient also received excessive doses of these two drugs , but in addition she was taking oestrogen and progesteron containing contraceptives . patient male 1 The patient did not respond to conventional treatment with antibiotics and antitussive agents , and he underwent bronchoscopy that showed multiple , discrete , gelatinous whitish plaques mainly involving the trachea and the left bronchus . patient male 5 The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful , and he remains well 3 years later . patient male 1 The patient had experienced three episodes of neurological dysfunction and he fulfilled the criteria for definite clinical MS but MRI showed demyelinating lesions in the pons and cerebellum without MRI criteria of MS . patient male 0 Patient condition deteriorated very quickly , despite treatment and he died on the third day . Patient female 8 All deaths were sudden , and only one patient complained of chest pain and she was 8 weeks postpartum . patient male 5 At five-year follow-up , the patient reported no pain , and he had resumed sporting activities and recovered a full knee range of motion at 0/0/145 ° . patient male 6 During drug-eluting stent deployment , the patient developed acute stent thrombosis , but he recovered quickly and completely after local thrombolysis and balloon angioplasty . patient female 5 The postoperative course of the patient was uncomplicated and she remains disease free 2 years after the operation without any adjuvant therapy . patient female 1 A patient sustained a pure dislocation that was treated with a nonweight-bearing cast for six weeks , but she went on to present with chronic subluxation at the midtarsal joint . patient female 1 The patient had an excellent clinical and laboratory response to treatment with radioactive iodine and corticosteroids , and she was asymptomatic at 6-month follow-up . patient male 1 The patient had encephalomyelitis , and he died 11 days after the onset of symptoms . patient male 8 After one 28-day cycle of treatment , the patient achieved complete remission with incomplete count recovery ( CRi ) and after the second cycle , he achieved CR with full blood count recovery . patient male 8 The joint counts and scores of the fourth patient improved modestly ( by 33 % and 59 % of baselines , respectively ) but he required alternative therapy , and those of the remaining 3 study patients did not improve . patient male 1 The patient was awake after the accident and he became comatose 30 minutes after the accident . patient female 1 This patient is the oldest among those with apo A-I deficiency reported in the literature , and she had no symptoms of CHD despite the accumulated risk for the disease . patient female 1 The patient thus underwent a chemotherapeutic protocol for colorectal cancer , and she is alive and well at the 65-month follow-up . patient male 3 Currently , this patient is under follow up and he is in a good condition without any complaints . patient male 5 Serological studies disclosed that the patient had no antibodies to EBV prior to the infection , but during the acute phase he showed a spectrum and titers of antibodies to EBV-specific antigens characteristic of a current primary EBV infection . patient female 1 The patient underwent complete surgical extirpation of the lesion and received adjunctive cisplatin chemotherapy and radiation therapy , and she remained disease-free at 9 months of follow-up . patient male 1 The patient reported improvement in his ability to perform all work activities , and he returned to his prior level of participation in the community . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgery and received antibiotics , but his condition deteriorated and he died 44days after surgery . patient female 3 Fortunately , the patient was attending our hospital , and she gradually received treatment through a multidisciplinary team approach . patient female 1 The patient had complete relief shortly after the epidural infusion , and she remained stable with only minor pain two weeks and nine months later . patient male 1 The patient benefited from complete surgical excision of his disease and he experienced a rapid postoperative recovery similar to that of other laparoscopic procedures , while foregoing the postoperative discomfort and morbidity associated with celiotomy . patient male 7 About one month after the operation the patient manifested hyperphagia and he gained 15 kg in one month . patient female 5 The progression-free interval of the patient is over 30 months , and she is still receiving the combination therapy without toxicities of more than grade 2 . patient female 1 The patient underwent different procedures to treat the lesions and currently she is symptom-free over 2 years of follow-up . patient female 1 The patient is the youngest child of consanguinous parents , and she has had symmetrical hyperkeratotic plaques on both plantar surfaces since birth with a history of chronic gingivitis , periodontitis , and premature loss of primary dentition . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and he is free from disease 4 years after surgery . patient female 1 The patient had an unsteady gait accompanied by delusions of control , and she showed a poor response to high-dose olanzapine treatment , suggesting the arachnoid cyst was associated with her schizophrenic symptoms . patient male 1 The patient did not develop hemolytic attacks during or after the procedure , and he progressed well without problems . patient female 4 After some days the patient was urticaria-free again , and after 3 weeks she tolerated a 6-day course of injective piroxicam ( 20 mg once a day ) without any problem . patient male 5 In this case , the patient had cheiloplasty at the age of 2.5 years at the request of his parents and he lives currently , being 3 years and 2 months old . patient male 4 In addition , the patient had no previous infection history or other disease , but he did have an epidural block for back pain at another hospital 2 years previously . patient male 5 The general condition of this patient worsened , and he died 46 days after the first onset of hearing loss . patient male 1 The patient underwent resection of the perinealmass , but he developed perinealsevere pain and perinealdischarge . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgical correction and she was asymptomatic with no residual cardiac defects on follow up after 6 months . patient female 1 The patient has lost weight but she was otherwise asymptomatic . patient male 1 The patient reported having a limp for several years , but he said he was pain-free until he had an inversion injury of his foot . patient male 12 Although imaging study showed probably recurrent sign of invasive thymoma , the patient still received steroid monotherapy for ~ 9 months and he got partial remission of NS at the 8th week . patient female 1 The patient was not in diabetic ketoacidosis or alcoholic ketoacidosis ; nor had she ingested any toxins . patient female 7 At the age of 21 , the patient developed progressive ataxia and she also experienced a tonic-clonic status epilepticus . patient female 8 One year after the second amputation , the patient evolved with metastasis from the chondrosarcoma in soft tissues throughout the body and in the lungs , and she died one year and ten months after the diagnosis was made . patient male 8 After appropriate treatment , the symptoms of the patient relieved significantly and he is in complete remission for about one year . patient female 3 Overall , our patient showed similar clinical features to previous type 1 sialidosis patients , but she did not complain of visual symptoms despite having cherry-red spots . patient male 11 Three months after initiation of HD IL-2 and radiotherapy , the patient achieved a partial response , and after 6 months he achieved a near complete response . patient male 4 At present , the patient is well , and he has demonstrated normal development for five years . patient male 1 The patient was in NYHA class I and he stayed on the anticoagulation therapy . patient female 1 The patient received ICD and sotalol , and during 6-month follow-up she remains asymptomatic . patient female 1 The patient received various combination chemotherapy , which was ineffective , and she died due to pneumonia on June , 1989 . patient female 1 A patient presented with severe AIHA that seemed idiopathic , responded to treatment with prednisone and azathioprine but she developed symptoms and signs of the sicca syndrome within 8 months . patient male 1 The patient responded very well to chemotherapy and he did not develop tumor lysis syndrome . patient female 1 The patient showed no initial complications , but at year 6 she presented with neck and radicular arm pain . patient male 1 The patient used the recommended dose regularly , and he described progressive proximal muscle weakness and generalized myalgias , which started 1 month before presentation . patient female 0 Patient survived 32 months after diagnosis and despite intraperitoneal recurrence she never developed clinically significant ascites and she never suffered from intestinal obstruction . Patient female 9 On day 5 of gestational week 18 , the patient experienced mild lower abdominal pain , and she underwent a spontaneous delivery . patient female 7 After 54 months of follow-up , the patient demonstrates abnormal glucose metabolism , with a need for enzyme supplementation , and she is free of pain . patient male 5 These results suggest that the patient spontaneously engaged the whole word naming route , but when given phonological cues , he engaged an alternative phonological naming route that incorporated phonological sequence knowledge . patient male 1 The patient was a 60-year-old man who a few days before visiting our hospital experienced common cold-like symptoms , and then he suddenly developed bilateral hearing loss . patient female 3 However , the patient developed a respiratory distress syndrome and renal failure with no response to the treatment and she died 3 days later . patient female 1 The patient had no particular difficulties in walking after 6 months or rather she started running in small steps showing her legs functioning superbly . patient female 1 The patient did not report deficits and she is seizures and drug free after 1-year surgery . patient female 1 One patient was paraplegic immediately after surgery and she made no further improvement . patient male 1 The patient had a history of gastric MALT lymphoma treated 9 years ago and he had been otherwise in good health . patient female 9 As a common finding in the elderly , the patient had mild hypercalcaemia for many years but she developed several complications from untreated hyperparathyroidism . patient female 4 They concluded that a patient who had had a Budd-Chiari syndrome , particularly when she had also had a porto-caval shunt , was not in principle unable to have a pregnancy . patient male 10 Currently and after of some months of follow-up , the patient is free of symptoms and he receives a treatment with valproate acid and vigabatrin . patient female 1 One patient still has symptoms , although she is wearing her brace , but she has had significant improvement compared with the initiation of therapy . patient male 2 Only one patient with GIII demonstrated progressive dilatation and he underwent corrective surgery . patient male 1 Our patient responded to conservative management with two antihypertensive agents , but as a young sports enthusiast , he was keen to pursue more definitive options . patient female 1 One patient had a miscarriage , but she had miscarried on four previous occasions before taking 5-ASA . patient male 1 The patient was a 35-year-old man who had blurred vision from young age , but he did not seek any therapy due to good visual acuity . patient female 0 Patient 2 received allogeneic bone marrow transplantation ( BMT ) in the cytogenetically no response state , but she also died of graft-versus-host disease 9 weeks after BMT . Patient male 1 The patient had undergone operations for four times , but he still had intractable heart failure that did not response to medications . patient male 1 The patient failed to make significant neurological recovery and he underwent spinal accessory nerve grafting to the suprascapular nerve to restore shoulder abduction and external rotation , while the phrenic nerve was grafted to the musculocutaneous nerve to restore elbow flexion . patient male 8 Four days after admission to our ward the patient vomited and he requested upper gastrointestinal ( GI ) endoscopy : this showed duodenal ulcer . patient female 4 After 2 months the patient showed good control of articular and ocular manifestations , and she remained in remission for 1 year , receiving adalimumab and methotrexate with no side effects , and showing significant improvement in growth . patient male 1 The patient had immobilization in a simple sling for 6 weeks and he followed a standard 3-month physiotherapy protocol for rotator cuff , finally regaining almost normal range of shoulder motion at 1 year . patient female 1 That patient was negative for aCL antibodies , aPT antibodies , aPS antibodies , and antiphosphatidylserine antibodies , but she was positive twice for anti-β2G-1 antibodies . patient female 2 Only one patient had leucopenia and low OKT4/T8 ratio and she died 90 days after sorologic diagnosis of HIV infection ; the cause of death was encephalopathy and sepsis . patient male 6 In the first case , the patient underwent an external hemipelvectomy and he was disease-free 10 years after the operation . patient male 1 One patient had recurrent PAF which was successfully reablated but he still had very mild symptoms . patient female 1 The patient received chemotherapy , and she remains in remission for 42 months after treatment . patient female 1 One patient conceived 3 months after HIFU , and she had a term vaginal delivery without any obstetrical complications . patient male 0 Patient spontaneously converted to sinus rhythm , but he was still complaining of crushing chest pain . Patient male 1 The patient initially complained of knee pain and he subsequently developed flexion contracture . patient male 4 In 2017 , the patient had another recurrence of the disease , and he underwent a third surgical resection . patient female 1 The patient currently carries out normal physical activity and she has a complete range of movement . patient female 2 The remaining patient did not progress to union and was advised revision fixation but she refused . patient male 1 The patient is currently asymptomatic and he has a satisfactory quality of life . patient male 1 The patient obtained haematological remission and the pancreatic enlargement regressed after chemotherapy , but later he had central nervous system and liver relapses . patient female 1 The patient underwent further operative debridement and required prolonged antibiotic therapy but she eventually made a full recovery . patient female 1 The patient received antitubercular therapy for 18 months , and she achieved complete resolution . patient male 9 To our surprise , the respiratory situation of the patient deteriorated within 24 h under antibiotic therapy and he had to be transferred to the intensive care unit for mechanical respiration . patient male 3 Moreover , the patient had an anaerobic infection with Clostridium septicum , and despite relevant treatment he died within 12 hours after admission . patient female 1 One patient had instability secondary to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis , which developed after treatment of the original injury , and she needed a reoperation . patient male 1 The patient got chemo radiotherapy for the lung cancer and then after that he got a partial nephrectomy . patient male 5 The following day , the patient underwent a successful second lung biopsy , but a day later he developed significant subcutaneous emphysema despite having a chest tube . patient female 1 The patient experienced full recovery post operatively , and then a few months later , she presented again with widespread drop metastasis of the spinal cord . patient female 12 Since no other medications relieved the anxiety and panic symptoms , the patient requested clonazepam to be reinitiated , but she again developed intolerable burning mouth symptoms . patient female 1 The patient initially experienced a complete response to radiotherapy ( 46.8 Gy in 26 fractions ) , but she developed multiple metastases at distant sites , including the breast , abdominal wall , and buttock despite various chemotherapy regimens . patient male 1 One patient had a stent migration and he underwent surgical stent retrieval . patient male 19 The repeated serology for CCHF came strongly positive after five days from the initial negative test , and accordingly patient started on ribavirin and he responded to it . patient male 2 Only one patient in the study group required admission for continued respiratory distress , but he had a preexisting chronic respiratory problem as well as an upper respiratory tract infection at the time of exposure . patient female 1 The patient suffered from bipolar disorder , and she was taking lamotrigine and olanzapine . patient male 1 The patient had uneventful post operative recovery and he is currently on Imatinib mesylate and tolerating treatment well with mild skin rash . patient male 2 Only one patient had postural syncope but he had severe orthostatic hypotension . patient male 4 The condition of the patient quickly deteriorated , and he deceased 2 months later . patient male 1 The patient underwent combined chemotherapy , but the disease progressed rapidly and he passed away . patient male 29 Postoperatively , 6 patients had no difficulty with occlusion , which was rated as " good " or " excellent " at their 6-month follow-up visit ; the other patient had an open-bite deformity , but he was able to masticate solid food and maintain an oral diet . patient male 1 The patient then received adjuvant chemoterapy and currently , he has no sign of recurrence . patient male 14 During the consultation preceding the operation , the doctor should be certain that the patient ( or the couple ) is well aware and he will help her ( or them ) in finding the right contraception . patient female 1 The patient had a diagnosis of neuromyelitis optica ( NMO ) for 12 years and she was positive for serum anti-aquaporin 4 antibody . patient female 1 The patient had been nephrectomized 22 months ago , and she had yet presented another in appearance solitary metastasis in lung and brain , which had been resected . patient male 3 After surgery the patient received radiotherapy , and he remains disease free at 2 years following his second surgery . patient male 2 Only one patient achieved complete remission ( CR ) but he suffered a relapse within a short period ( 4 months ) . patient female 13 At 32 weeks of pregnancy , in the absence of contractions , the patient complained of severe abdominal pain and she became hypotensive . patient female 1 The patient had resumption of menses for 2 cycles postoperatively , and she had no dysmenorrhea . patient male 6 Ganciclovir was re-started , and the patient improved , but 6 months later he relapsed , and chorioretinitis lesions compatible both with T. gondii and CMV infections appeared . patient female 1 The patient had been stable for about 10 days after the initial hemorrhage , but she showed a fulminant clinical course of cerebral infarction , and died on the 16th day after the initial hemorrhage . patient female 1 The patient required intensive support therapy , and she fully recovered within 8 weeks . patient male 1 The patient was alert , speech was hesitant , and he was able to move his hands only on command . patient male 2 A third patient had the system successfully changed to a HeartMate 2 and he is waiting for a donor heart . patient male 1 This patient received palliative chemotherapy to ease the signs of his sickness due to the large size of the tumor and he died 4 moths later . patient female 1 The patient did well following surgery without any other lymphoma manifestations , and she died from a heart attack 20 months later . patient male 1 This patient only had one traditional risk factor , but his urate acid level was remarkably high and he developed tophus in a short term . patient female 1 The patient did well in the postoperative period , but she again presented with symptoms of CHF four months later . patient male 3 However , the patient had a poor response to chemotherapy , and he eventually chose hospice care . patient female 1 The patient was ambulatory when discharged after a VP shunt was implanted , and she has returned to normal daily life . patient male 1 The patient had not received radiotherapy to the head and neck , nor had he received any bisphosphonate treatment . patient male 7 Follow-up across 12 months revealed that the patient needed long-term courses of antibiotics and that he experienced progressive bone destruction requiring surgical debridement . patient male 6 At 6 months postoperatively , the patient reported that the numbness of the limbs was reduced , and he could walk > 500 m by himself . patient male 1 The patient did not respond well to chemotherapy , and he died 8 months after the diagnosis . patient male 1 Our patient received intensive chemotherapy , but he achieved a complete remission only initially . patient female 1 The patient was neither an alcoholic nor a heavy smoker , and she had no past history of heavy metal intoxication , photosensitivity or tyrosinemia . patient male 1 This patient has now partially recovered motor functions and no cognitive defects are present , but he has little recollection of the events occurring in the first 2 weeks spent in the ICU , when he was completely paralyzed . patient male 1 The patient responded to the Trendelenburg position and intravenous fluids , and he achieved full neurologic recovery after successive cranioplasty . patient male 2 The other patient had no critical ischemia and he refused further surgery . patient male 9 We report a case of a 36 year-old male patient , with history significant for CD and he presented to the emergency room with a free peritoneal perforation , which was diagnosed by abdominal X-ray and confirmed by CT scan . patient female 1 The patient had an uncomplicated surgery , and after activation , she noted auditory perception on all electrodes without facial stimulation . patient female 1 The patient underwent an additional chest wall resection , but she developed recurrence in the pleural cavity 1 month after the second operation . patient female 0 Patient made an uneventful postoperative recovery and she is well after 20 months of surgery . Patient male 1 The patient was not a candidate for surgery and two weeks later he died from multiple organ failure . patient male 25 According to the histologic , histochemical , and molecular features of the tumor , all consistent with the diagnosis of neuroblastoma stage 2 , the patient underwent adjuvant chemotherapy and , after 2 years , he is alive and disease free at follow-up . patient male 1 The patient presented with a primary carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland and he underwent a total parotidectomy with laterocervical lymphadenectomy ipsilateral and adjuvant radiation therapy to the right parotid area . patient male 6 During the course of disease our patient achieved improvement of acute retinal necrosis but he developed central serous chorioretinopathy . patient male 15 After 2 courses of ifosfamide , cisplatin , and etoposide combined with brentuximab , the patient successfully underwent allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from his HLA full matched sister , and he has been well for 18 months after that . patient female 6 After a few hours , the patient developed an intracerebral hematoma and subarachnoid hemorrhage , and some days later she developed a venous sinus thrombosis . patient female 7 After 6 cycles of R-CHOP , the patient received autologous peripheral-blood stem cell transplantation , and she is currently in complete remission 1 year after diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient progressed satisfactorily and six months later he remains asymptomatic , free from medication and with normal creatinine clearance . patient male 11 The third reason : after the course of treatment , the patient returns to his previous lifestyle and he ricochets weight gain . patient female 7 Whenever the epileptic salivation happened , the patient lost consciousness , and sometimes she developed generalized convulsions . patient female 4 After eighteen months the patient did n't present hematuria anymore and she no longer complained about her right side lumbar pain . patient male 1 The patient was well until May 1 , 1996 when he noted chillness , tenderness in his shoulders , and he went to bed without having his lunch and dinner . patient male 2 Although the patient has complained of a disturbance of recognizing familiar faces ( prosopagnosia ) , but actually , sometimes he was able to recognize the members of his family by the faces and sometimes he was not . patient male 1 A patient suffered from postherpetic neuralgia ( PHN ) and also he complained CRC for more than 20 years . patient female 1 The patient had no fever or pruritus during this period and she declared no family history of hematolymphoid malignancy . patient male 2 Although the patient received comprehensive therapy including surgery , radiotherapy , repeated chemotherapies , and targeted therapies , he had an unfavourable outcome and died of distant metastases . patient male 4 Physical examination of the patient was unremarkable , and he denied any previous medical , travel , or surgical history . patient male 26 Facing clinical manifestations compatible with thromboembolic disease , it is imperative to elaborate a complete clinical history in order to know which is the tumour the patient is suffering from and if there are associated risk factors ( if he is the bearer of a central venous catheter , if he is receiving treatment with chemotherapy , if his cancer has undergone a surgical intervention ) . patient male 4 The serum of our patient with SLE had precipitating topo I antibody from the onset of his disease . patient male 1 The patient remained neurologically stable with his baseline right ophthalmoplegia and V1-V2 hemianesthesia . patient male 16 It is important to have an individual treatment programme that takes into account that the stroke patient is impaired in terms of his receptive skills , his capacity to act and his personal integrity . patient male 1 The patient was a farmer and used to lift sacks of grains and fertilizers onto his shoulders as part of his work , although he did not recollect any history of specific trauma . patient male 1 The patient , aged 8 at initial presentation , was unhappy with the appearance of his two abnormally large upper central incisor teeth . patient male 1 The patient has had a partial resection of the astrocytoma and is 9 months into treatment of his ALL , which is in complete remission . patient female 14 At the time of her death at the age of 37 years , this patient was the longest known survivor with MPS VII . patient male 7 After 66 months ' follow-up , the patient was still alive with partial remission of his liver metastases . patient male 9 Subcutaneous administration of enoxaparin was begun , and the patient remained free of symptoms for the duration of his hospital stay Follow-up echocardiography performed before discharge failed to show the right ventricular mass , but a lung perfusion scan revealed multiple bilateral perfusion defects consistent with pulmonary emboli . patient male 16 The difficulty of this process in brain injured patients is related to the fact that the patient has to mourn over parts of his personality which have been lost , or have been changed and therefore are frequently difficult to be grasped by him . patient male 7 Following cessation of insulin therapy , the patient remained normoglycemic for the remainder of his hospital stay . patient male 2 The first patient , an 87-year-old man with a benign biliary stricture , failed to regain consciousness after clearing of his stent using a Dormia basket and balloon catheter . patient female 9 From the time of her initial evaluation , the patient was positive for antinuclear antibodies ( ANA ) , which were shown to be primarily directed against the Ku antigens . patient female 1 The patient is alive 16 months after the diagnosis of her disease . patient female 1 The patient was 28-years-old , II/I in the 34th week of her gravidity . patient male 4 The predisposition of a patient to sustain failed glaucoma drainage surgery may be related to the chemoattractant activity of his aqueous humor , since strongly chemoattractant aqueous humor may encourage fibrosis at the operation site . patient female 1 The patient had to transition to insulin therapy within 2 years of her initial diagnosis , following only a brief period of glycemic control with diet management , weight loss , and oral agents . patient male 4 We report on a patient who had to undergo a 15 mm diameter sclerocorneoplasty à chaud because of a necrotizing keratitis of his right functionally last eye in October 1993 . patient female 1 The patient was a 26-year-old woman in the fourth month of her second pregnancy , with generalized gingival hyperplasia affecting both buccal and lingual aspects of the maxilla and mandible . patient male 0 Patient is free of lower urinary tract symptoms after complete excision of his urethral leiomyoma . Patient female 1 The patient was satisfied with the improvement of her facial appearance . patient female 3 Finally , the patient was satisfied with the appearance and function of her fingers . patient female 1 The patient is unusual because of a long survival to age 13 , despite progressive worsening of her disease , and the presence of marked atrioventricular conduction abnormalities in addition to the usual ventricular trachyarrhythmias . patient female 3 Thus , this patient is functionally disomic for Xq28-qter in a proportion of her cells , most likely resulting in her abnormal phenotype . patient female 16 At the time of her death , six years after the first symptom appeared , the patient was blind in both eyes , almost completely deaf , and suffered from severe dysphagia . patient male 1 The patient was free of problems nine mouths after discontinuation of his treatment , demonstrating its efficacy and safety . patient female 4 A 29 year old patient with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and bullous emphysema became pregnant against the advice of her physicians . patient female 7 Postoperative visual improvement is described in a patient found to have primary empty sella turcica on evaluation of her sole symptom , progressive painless visual impariment . patient female 2 The other patient remained ununited at the time of her final follow-up . patient female 1 The Patient was a 28-year-old woman with 8th month of her pregnancy . Patient female 1 The patient preferred temporizing treatments to prolong the pregnancy and to allow for an improvement of her nutritional status to facilitate postpartum recovery . patient female 12 Due to the extent of the gas gangrene and her co-morbidities the patient was not suitable for surgical intervention and was treated conservatively with antibiotics . patient female 1 One patient was healthy at 31 weeks and 5 days without complication at the time of her last follow-up . patient male 6 From a legal standpoint , the patient has a duty of care to other road users to be in full control of his vehicle prior to driving , regardless of any advice received . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient was not satisfied with the recovery of his upper limbs although his Japanese Orthopedic Association ( JOA ) score had increased from 9 to 12 points . patient male 1 The patient also had blistering lesions on the roof of his mouth , trunk , and buttocks as well as bilateral conjunctival ulceration and symblepharon formation . patient male 9 In our case , the symptomatology started when the patient was 57 years old , i.e. during the 6th decade of his life , exactly like the other cases reported in literature . patient male 1 The patient was a man of notable culture and was able to describe with great diligence not only the course of his disease but also the most accredited treatments of that age . patient female 7 During the course of her hospitalization the patient was febrile , yet we did not find any evidence of an infectious cause for her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient was 68 years old at the time of his death . patient male 1 One patient only was alive 22 years after the diagnosis of his renal tumor and 10 years after total thyroidectomy . patient male 8 Within 24 h of his admission , the patient was awake with normal vital signs and neurologic exam . patient female 3 Currently , one patient is alive at 64 months following initial detection of her metastatic disease to the breast . patient female 13 After heroin abstinence and corticosteroid therapy , remission was achieved rapidly and the patient was discharge on the fourth day of her hospital stay . patient female 5 At age 7 , the patient died secondary to complications of her underlying disorder . patient female 1 The patient refused any further treatment and elected to be under the care of her family physician , according to whom she was clinically well with no changes in mammograms for the last 2 yr . patient male 7 The requirements of palliative medicine that the patient has to be fully informed of the fatal prognosis of his disease is equally debated as the optimum pain therapy . patient female 4 On follow-up , the patient was ambulatory with complete resolution of her pain . patient male 16 A below-knee prosthesis was adapted in 12 weeks , and at the 1-year follow-up , the patient was completely satisfied with the functional performance of his stump . patient male 12 Baclofen pump had to be replaced instead subcutaneously as well as the patient later had to be readmitted for 2 ventriculoperitoneal shunt revisions due to progression of his hydrocephalus . patient male 13 Ectopic cutaneous lesions usually affect the perineal area or trunk , and our patient is unusual in the localization of his skin lesions to the forehead . patient male 2 A second patient was dissatisfied with the functional range of his hip . patient male 7 At 16 months after surgery , our patient remains neurologically intact with resolution of his chest and back pain . patient male 3 The other melanoma patient was alive , without evidence of disease , 8 years after the treatment of his primary tumour . patient male 1 The patient has been stable for 3 years since the onset of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient was anuric within 12 h of her admittance . patient male 1 This patient was recumbent and bedridden prior to the procedure because of the size and weight of his head , but he was able to move freely in a wheelchair and attend a special school after the reduction of the skull . patient male 7 Following appropriate management of TC , the patient was hemodynamically stable with significant recovery of his left ventricular wall motion . patient female 9 Despite the intensity of her defensive system , the patient was able to function adequately in all other areas of her life before , during , and after the pregnancy . patient female 1 One patient was dissatisfied with the esthetic appearance of her RBFPD . patient female 3 A 45-year-old female patient presented to clinic with an almost completely embedded ring in the volar aspect of her right ring finger , with complete reepithelialisation over the superficial aspect of the ring . patient male 1 The patient defervesced on the second day of surgery and remained afebrile during the remainder of his hospitalization . patient female 1 The patient was a well-controlled epileptic with history of seizure since 8 years of her age . patient male 1 The patient remains neurologically intact with complete resolution of his headaches . patient male 1 The patient was a 49-year-old man with 3rd-degree burns to 20 % of his body , involving the lower extremities . patient male 1 The patient was 41 yr old at the time of his death . patient male 6 At a 3-year follow-up , the patient was satisfied , with an improved cosmesis and function of his limb . patient female 1 The patient is alive without evidence of disease , 16 years after diagnosis of her sarcoma botryoides and 3 years after her Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor . patient female 3 A 47-year-old female patient consulted to our clinic complaining of a lump of medium hardness at the tip of her nose . patient female 10 Following radiation therapy of her residual chest lesions , the patient was disease free clinically and her CNS lesions had regressed . patient female 1 Our patient is very unusual in terms of her extensive MCC and her rapid and complete response to radiotherapy . patient male 1 The patient underwent biweekly bevacizumab therapy and has remained clinically stable with radiologic improvement of his lesion . patient female 14 There was prompt relief of headache , and after several months of treatment the patient elected to undergo surgical oophorectomy with subsequent resolution of her migraine . patient male 1 The patient has to be informed of the effects of his disability and the progress which can be achieved , in order to motivate him to undergo vocational rehabilitation . patient male 15 About 15 months after the initiation of chemotherapy and 5 months after surgery , the patient was pain free , with significant improvement of his neurological function . patient female 6 Psychosocial factors were improved and the patient was satisfied with the results of her treatment . patient male 1 The patient takes care of himself and will , step by step , become aware of the consequences of his actions , in collaboration with his health team . patient female 1 The patient was a smoker and investigation of the cause of her skin lesions resulted in discovery of an asymptomatic metastatic carcinoma in the laryngopharanx , probably of pulmonary origin . patient male 1 One patient continues to be asymptomatic in spite of discontinuation of his medical therapy . patient male 1 The patient was a 70-year-old man with c-T2N3M0 stage IIIB squamous cell lung cancer in the upper lobe of his left lung . patient female 1 The patient was a 35-year-old female complaining of a discolored and unaesthetic appearance of her upper front tooth . patient male 4 One year after operation patient stays free from the recurrence of the disease and his estradiol , androstendion and DHEA levels are below the detection limits . patient male 3 Currently , the patient is a community ambulator with the aid of his right lower extremity prosthetic limb and cane . patient female 4 Long-term follow-up of this patient allows us to comment on the natural history of her condition and the apparent long-term efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin in this case . patient male 8 At the follow-up 12 months later , the patient remained neurologically intact with complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient remained intubated and hypoxemic after removal of his right ventricular assist device due to the presence of persistent right to left shunting . patient female 1 The patient was a 8-year-old girl with right hemiparesis , ataxia , dysphagia and dysphonia and worsening of her neurological deficits . patient male 1 The patient was reasonably active and asymptomatic till the third decade of his life when the cardiac anomaly was discovered and surgically corrected . patient female 13 This article gives an account of the care given to a terminally ill patient who wished to remain at home and in complete control of her symptoms using equipment and techniques usually reserved for hospital in-patients . patient male 1 Our patient was a 66-year-old Japanese man with oral mucosal melanoma of his right maxillary gingiva ( T4aN0M0 ) . patient male 1 The patient had been a chronic alcoholic with several emotional problems and was unaware of the injurious nature of his habit . patient female 1 The patient has been alive for 13 months after detection of her initial brain metastasis . patient female 10 At the end of the 3-year clinical follow-up , the patient was satisfied with the esthetics , function , and phonation of her prosthesis . patient female 14 A watchful waiting approach with regular imaging screenings was proposed and accepted by the patient , who is now free of symptoms and more acceptant of the benign condition of her tumor . patient female 1 The patient appeared inappropriately unmotivated and undisturbed by the severity of her constipation . patient female 9 At the end of this follow-up period , the patient was satisfied with the esthetics , function and phonation of her prostheses . patient male 7 The only known risk factors of the patient , besides his debilitated condition , were alcoholism and the consumption of raw oysters before recognition of his wound infection . patient male 1 The patient is now 3 years post-bone marrow transplantation and is in complete remission of his aplastic anemia with no evidence of detectable liver tumors . patient female 11 The biopsy finally reveals a histopathology of Schwannoma , allowing the patient to be eligible for a surgical procedure of her ovarian adenocarcinoma by rejecting the hypothesis of malignancy . patient male 1 The patient is consequently predisposed to develop PTLD and will have to be monitored for the rest of his life . patient male 7 At 4 months of follow-up , the patient was pain free with nearly complete resolution of his occipital condyle fracture . patient male 6 Instead it made clear that the patient wished to continue to receive ANH up to the time of his death . patient male 6 Thirty-two months after HSCT , the patient is alive and well , still in complete clinical remission of his underlying disease with a durable engraftment , normal NK activity and full donor chimerism . patient male 28 A cardiopulmonary complication was reported once , a punction of the subphrenic absces was reported once , a primary disorder causing a death was reported once and the patient concerned exited after a 14-month-period of his follow-up . patient female 1 The patient was an 81-year-old woman with severe regurgitation of her 27 mm Epic mitral valve prosthesis ( St. Jude Medical ) , suffering from dyspnea on mild exertion with a calculated logistic EuroScore of 48 % and an Society of Thoracic Surgeons score of 29 % . patient female 1 The patient was homozygous for apolipoprotein ( apo ) E2 , and her very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-cholesterol/serum-triglyceride ( TG ) ratio of 0.63 was unusually high . patient male 10 Closed reduction by manipulation was successfully accomplished , and the patient returned to work within 5 months of his accident . patient female 13 In spite of her severe mechanical complications and prolonged hospital course , the patient is completely functional 1 year after surgical repair . patient male 4 Four years later the patient had to stop working because of the increasing severity of his asthma . patient female 1 The patient ceased to take antimalarial prophylaxis after 4 days of her 10-day visit and presented with a history of fever , rigor , vomiting , and diarrhea after 13 days on her return to the UK . patient female 3 In an asymptomatic patient who is worried about the integrity of her implants , ultrasonography should be used as an initial diagnostic test because of its lower cost . patient female 7 Although the diagnosis was straightforward , the patient refused to undergo the proposed operation during the second trimester of her pregnancy . patient female 11 There was a high suspicion of primary bladder tumor in this patient who was a previous smoker , with a family history of high-grade bladder carcinoma ( her mother ) . patient female 1 The patient concerned was a polytraumatized female patient , with a gradual onset of her symptoms , starting from the day 15 following the trauma . patient female 3 Overall , the patient was satisfied with the results of her intervention . patient female 1 The patient remained anxious with no resolution of her panic attacks . patient female 1 The patient was pregnant twice between the time of her initial diagnosis of primary melanoma and pulmonary metastatic disease . patient male 9 Treatment with mycophenolate mofetil was started , and the patient remains clinically stable with near resolution of his prior symptoms . patient female 7 The postoperative recovery was uneventful and the patient was satisfied with the cosmetic outcome and relief of her respiratory symptoms . patient female 7 At the last follow-up visit , the patient was satisfied with the contour of her foot and not hindered at all during sporting activities . patient female 9 Seen at 10 years ' follow up , the patient is doing well , and is functional within the limits of her suboptimal cognitive and verbal conditions . patient female 1 Our patient was a 22-year-old female at 24.2 weeks of her second pregnancy . patient female 1 The patient was a 63-year-old Japanese woman with visual disturbance of her right eye . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical treatment , local radiotherapy and adjuvant chemotherapy and was disease free at the time of his last examination . patient male 9 Despite aggressive immunosuppression and numerous surgical procedures , the patient continued to have unrelenting purulent drainage from the skin of his buttocks . patient female 0 Patient has been pain-free at 1 yr with full recovery of her deltoid weakness . Patient female 9 Despite recurrent tears of her lateral meniscus , the patient was symptom-free in the intervening periods and at her latest operation , her articular cartilage showed minimal evidence of chondral damage . patient male 1 The patient was disease-free at the time of his 10-month follow-up . patient female 2 The second patient is a 20-year-old woman with weakness of her left upper and lower limbs and progressive numbness of the left hand , as well as neck and back pain . patient male 1 The patient returned to work 4 months after onset of his myocarditis . patient female 1 The patient is alive almost more than 8 years after subtotal and subsequent total resection of her primary tumor . patient male 6 Twelve months after THA surgery our patient was satisfied with an optimal functional status of his hip joint replacement . patient female 9 With the help of her occupational physician , the patient was able to return to work with work adjustments . patient female 12 After 6 years , the adhesive interfaces were stained , and the patient was unsatisfied with the esthetics of her smile . patient female 7 After resolution of her ectropion , the patient was very satisfied with her postoperative appearance . patient male 4 We argue that the patient may have been subconsciouly aware of the symptoms of his left hand but had not verbalized them . patient male 4 In addition , the patient may not need to rely upon the use of his artificial sphincter to maintain continence . patient female 3 Furthermore , female patient must be actor of the choice of her contraceptive method in order to improve compliance and , therefore , effectiveness . patient male 10 Bimanual simultaneous drawing and manual reaction times indicated that the patient was right hemispheric in laterality of his major hemisphere . patient male 0 Patient 2 was not available for examination and only X-ray films of his knees , pelvis , and chest were available . Patient male 1 The patient with phantom limb is thus aware of the illusory quality of his phantom . patient female 9 At the end of this follow-up period , the patient was satisfied with esthetics , function and phonation properties of her prostheses . patient male 2 If the patient , who is aware of the significance of his decision , refuses to consent to the measure as a whole or to parts of it , the physician is bound by it - even if the patient 's refusal is based on religious , ideological or other reasons which are not comprehensible to the physician . patient male 1 The patient was highly satisfied with the treatment and restoration of his quality of life . patient female 1 The patient was otherwise asymptomatic , apart from an unusual dramatic expansion of her abdominal wall during the last month . patient male 1 The patient was a 36-year-old man with polyarthralgia , fatigue and swelling of his upper eyelids and all four limbs . patient male 12 In spite of the malignant histopathologic features of the tumor , the patient is healthy 6 years after complete surgical removal of his lesion . patient male 1 The patient was immunodeficient because of the adverse effects of his treatment for Castleman 's disease . patient female 8 Throughout the rest of her pregnancy , the patient was able to maintain tight glycemic control , with no further hospitalizations for stabilization of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia . patient male 25 Sir Archibald Hector McIndoe , a charismatic plastic surgeon with an uncanny instinctive knowledge of psychology , recognized early that the rehabilitation of a burned patient was as important as the reconstruction of his physical body . patient female 1 The patient decided to proceed with robotic ileal ureter for management of her ureteral stricture disease . patient female 1 The patient was a 26-year-old Ethiopian woman in the 30th week of her pregnancy . patient female 0 Patient was not satisfied with the nature of her eyebrow that was sewed in the silicone . Patient female 1 One patient remained free of symptoms of her hypercalcaemia throughout . patient female 14 Although granulomatous vasculitis has been reported as part of necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis , our patient was unique in the extent and type of her extrapulmonary symptomatology . patient female 12 The paper presents a daily analysis of the language recovery of a patient who was globally aphasic at the time of her first observation and who had recovered language , as measured by the Western Aphasia Battery , at the time of her discharge 14 days later . patient female 1 Each patient needs to be assessed in terms of her current medical status , concomitant medications , and the degree to which vasomotor instability interferes with everyday activities . patient male 1 The patient had a complete recovery and was free of disease after completion of his six-month antituberculous chemotherapy . patient male 6 After this dosing change , the patient failed to develop fever during the rest of his hospital stay . patient male 1 The patient requested to be discharged from the hospital against the advice of his doctors 1 week later . patient female 1 Our patient was very unusual in terms of her extensive MCC and her rapid and complete response to palliative radiotherapy lasting for 6 months at present . patient female 10 After undergoing surgical treatment ( transurethral resection ) , our patient is asymptomatic , with complete resolution of her pathology . patient female 24 Upon reexamination , the patient was noted to have a red mark on her left index finger , and the family reported that the patient may have been stung by a puss caterpillar before the onset of her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient had hereditary spastic paraparesis , for which a baclofen pump delivering intrathecal medication was vital in the management of his condition . patient female 9 At the completion of her initial rehabilitation , the patient was a full-time manual wheelchair user . patient male 1 The patient remained asymptomatic under this regimen and stabilization of his kidney function was achieved . patient male 5 It is important for the patient to be aware of and proficient in the care of his prosthesis . patient male 1 The patient could completely block his facial painful fits by strongly pinching the anterior axillary fold . patient male 18 Patient 1 stopped using his oxycodone/acetaminophen 5/325 mg that he used previously at 6 tablets a day , patient 3 decreased use of his duragesic patch from 75 microg/h to 25 microg/h . patient female 14 Her nursing within Australia 's first mental health asylum was highly valued by the superintendent of the service . superintendent male 10 After treatment sensory functions of the hand improved and the patient regained his Braille reading capability . patient female 11 This finding is attributed to well preserved movement perception in our patient , which may have helped her in directing her visual attention . patient female 1 A patient with complete cortical blindness after bilateral posterior cerebral artery infarctions denied her blindness . patient male 7 It is fundamental to ensure that the patient understands his problem and , at the same time , to present all the various treatment options . patient male 31 Two antisera , one directed predominantly against nonsulfated gastrin and the other measuring both sulfated and nonsulfated gastrin , showed that in addition to wide variation in gastrin levels , this patient secreted his gastrin predominantly in the sulfated G34 form . patient male 1 The patient prolongs his life with high life quality , and has more time with his family . patient male 20 Eleven patients had difficult intubations : 9 had no injuries , 1 experienced abusive trauma and the second was the patient who broke his tooth during intubation . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient chose to undergo S-1 monotherapy for maintaining his lifestyle . patient male 1 A patient with dextrocardia who suffered his first myocardial infarction after approximately 26 hours of a diagnostic sleep deprivation protocol is described . patient male 4 The RMD involved the patient abnormally rolling his body or head and hitting his head on walls during sleep . patient male 1 The patient prepares his own PN fluids at home , using a commercial device for filling plastic intravenous fluid bags . patient male 2 The younger patient needed transient fludrocortisone treatment and higher sodium supplementation , recuperating his weight and a normal growth velocity , although below his brother 's and target height ( c.10th vs. c.50th ) . patient female 1 The patient gives her perspective on why she wore the directive and on the surgeons ' actions . patient male 5 Accordingly , we followed a patient we believed was in the very early stages of AD to measure the change of his STC longitudinally . patient male 1 The patient underwent in situ Dacron graft replacement and his postoperative course was uneventful with no infectious complication . patient male 2 A 41-year-old patient with known organic epilepsy based on a temporal-lobe-hemangioma and psychosis with delusions autoenucleated his right eye and lacerated the conjunctiva of the other , following imperative voices . patient female 5 It was recommended that the patient reduce her fluid intake . patient female 1 One patient exhibited considerable improvement of her state and one developed fever due to which the treatment was discontinued . patient female 1 The patient then gave up her formerly gratifying activities , and fell into a prolonged state of negative emotions and passivity dominated by pessimistic mood characterized by an overwhelming sense of futility . patient female 10 However after a 2-year course of intensive psychotherapy , the patient was able to restore her zest to find a new boyfriend with a more rational and realistic attitude . patient male 1 Only patient , who was treated with a high dose kallikrein , succeeded in impregnating his spouse . patient male 5 Spontaneous seizures emerged when the patient stopped taking his anti-seizure medications unilaterally . patient male 12 Right foot drop occurred at 31 years of the age and the patient subsequently experienced difficulty in raising his right arm . patient male 10 The extended varenicline therapy was clinically monitored and allowed the patient to consolidate his abstinence ; the intensive behavioural counselling helped him to overcome his strong psychological dependence . patient male 1 The patient , a student naval aviator in the jet pilot program , has had his career adversely affected by this complication . patient male 1 The patient recovered only about 50 % of his renal function . patient female 2 A borderline patient recovers her identity by overcoming a symbiotic relationship with her psychotic mother . patient female 1 One patient developed asymptomatic occlusion of her bare-metal stent . patient male 3 Complications included one patient who increased his kyphosis postoperatively before stabilizing at 3 months and one patient with a single screw breakage noted at 1 year . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgical correction of her craniofacial deformities . patient female 16 Immediate computed tomography ( CT ) imaging as requestedby the trauma service ; however , the patient could not tolerate any movement of her left arm , precluding entry into the scanner 's narrow antrum . patient male 33 The patient 's behavior is in consonance with this purpose ; it expresses itself , on the one hand , through preaching repentance and compassion and , on the other hand , the patient gives up his earthly links and replaces them by parental relations with God . patient female 1 The patient was treated with phenytoin and was able to complete her adjuvant chemotherapy with nab-paclitaxel without further events . patient male 19 The research team categorized the responses by disability type ( e.g. : visual or physical ) and how the patient described his disability or " disability narrative " ( e.g. : diagnosis or activity ) . patient male 14 Men and their partners viewed the SPIRIT informed-consent video and heard from a cancer patient who described his participation in a randomized trial . patient female 7 The postoperative period progressed normally and the patient completed her pregnancy with no further respiratory symptoms . patient male 3 One Child B patient experienced a worsening of his liver dysfunction ( hyperbilirubinemia ) and another patient experienced dyspnea and coughing . patient male 16 As a result , the data collected lacks an educational strategy that aims to render the patient more independent by facilitating his adherence to counseling and improving his quality of life . patient male 16 During a 10 - 24 month follow-up three patients had an early acute rejection , one patient acute rejection and hemolytic anemia , two patients surgical complications and one of them lost his graft . patient male 1 The patient indicated complete relief of his preoperative pain after surgery . patient male 25 We undertook radical release of the left-sided trismus , and covered the resultant soft tissue defect with an anterolateral thigh free flap , but the patient was only able to open his mouth an interincisal distance of 8 mm . patient male 12 Three patients in this group had a prolonged H-V interval and one patient had a split blundle of His . patient female 1 The patient got her second surgery for lymph node three years after the first surgery , which was proved that the lymph node was metastasis from LEL-CC . patient female 8 To date , 5 years from diagnosis the patient is alive and continues her follow-up . patient male 2 Only one patient diagnosed with CD had all his family members screened for CD . patient male 12 This case report describes the course of disease in 64 year old patient , who has spent his vacation in Bulgaria . patient female 1 The patient had her entire jejunum and ileum and right colon resected because of gangrene and has subsisted normally on HPN ever since . patient female 1 The patient received courses of steroid treatment that improved her neurological symptoms , suggesting an inflammatory component of her disease . patient male 3 However , the patient did not develop any renal or serum sickness symptoms and his physical examination and laboratory investigations were normal . patient male 8 Soon to begin high school , the 14-year-old patient was severely obese and disliked his stained teeth . patient male 4 Therefore , the end user should clearly specify his needs in order to choose the tool that provides the best results . user male 1 The patient requested treatment of his nasal lesions . patient male 24 For 29 patients , the NPWT dressing was replaced ( frequently with serial exchanges ) during initial surgical treatment in CONUS ; the 30th patient underwent delayed primary closure of his right forearm fasciotomy . patient female 1 The patient reported gradual improvement of her symptoms with complete resolution 2 months postoperatively . patient male 10 Treatment with plasma exchange and cyclophosphamide was unsuccessful and the patient lost his graft and returned to regular haemodialysis 15 months after renal transplantation . patient male 15 To the best of our knowledge , this is the first reported case of a patient who lost his native kidneys and renal allograft due to CCE arising from his own vasculature . patient female 1 The patient achieved complete remission and her skin lesions disappeared simultaneously . patient male 9 After multiple procedures and a lengthy recovery , the patient completed his post-graduate education and entered the professional world . patient male 5 Identifying the difficulties of the patient towards following his medication regimen remains complex for the healthcare provider . patient female 14 The rapid assessment and diagnosis of AACG allowed prompt treatment and likely prevented the patient from losing her vision . patient male 1 The patient used his spontaneous language to express body image disturbances : intense prolonged feeling of amputation related to the upper limb and foot on the right side , hemiasomatognosia without anosognosia , autotopagnosia . patient female 9 After surgical treatment of the ruptured ectopic pregnancy the patient was symptom free , and later requested the interruption of her normal intrauterine pregnancy . patient male 21 All patients had full spine EOS radiographs in positions 1 and 2 ( P1 and P2 ) , in which the patient was asked to stand and put his hands on his shoulders without any effort ( P1 ) , or to make an effort to be as straight as possible ( P2 ) . patient male 11 After the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis was established , the patient , to be cured of the dermatitis , changed his workplace 2 months later . patient male 1 The patient is bearing his catheter for life because there is a disproportion of production of urine ( greater than 1500 ml ) and capacity of the urinary bladder ( less than 100 ml ) . patient female 1 One patient reported aggravation of her AA after BTXA injections . patient female 9 After successful treatment of the Nocardia infection , the patient required supplemental calcium and vitamin D. Her hypercalcemia was temporally related to the duration of the N. asteroides infection . patient female 1 1 patient ( 1.1 % ) suffered from grade 2 hepatotoxicity , and gradually recovered her normal liver function after reduction of the gefitinib dose . patient female 1 The patient had resolution of her symptoms with improved blood flow to the bowel and no need for resection . patient female 18 After follow-up of several years without evidence of disease , with satisfactory weight and height development , the patient had her first child at age 23 , in whom serological tests for Chagas disease yielded negative results . patient female 3 All but one patient was able to empty her bladder within 24 hours from the operation . patient male 23 Using these selected features , 2 classifiers ( decoders ) were trained to predict the movement state -- that is , whether the patient was moving his hand or not -- and the movement type based on a linear support vector machine . patient female 1 The patient had recurrent exacerbations and remissions of her polyneuropathy over the course of one year . patient male 6 In this comment piece , a patient discusses his experience of having a catheter in situ for 5 weeks . patient male 1 The patient finished his dancing career because of the necessity of a prolonged therapy interfering with his dancing activities . patient male 1 The patient consulted his family physician with an enlarged but painless right scrotal containment in November , 1980 . patient male 7 Although the hole finally closed , the patient did not regain his vision because of the severe damage to the photoreceptors , retinal pigment epithelium , and choroid . patient male 15 Reasonable behavioral modification in these 6 categories is likely to increase the chances of a patient fulfilling his role in adequacy of dialysis . patient male 6 The conclusion is that many a patient with perimetrically verifiable visual field defects with each eye separately experiences a complete image of his total surrounding . patient male 4 E.G. Guyot , a postmaster in Versailles , was the first to try catheterization of his own Eustachian tube via the mouth . postmaster male 1 The patient had near-complete resolution of his myelopathy immediately after undergoing removal of the exostosis through a right-sided lateral thoracotomy approach . patient female 1 The patient was alert but could not recall her name , place , or time . patient male 1 One patient lost his implant 5 weeks after implant insertion . patient male 1 The patient had meanwhile lost his sight as a result of bilateral sclerosing keratitis . patient female 6 After 10 training sessions , the patient increased her ability to hold rectally infused saline almost sevenfold . patient male 7 Over more than a three-year-follow-up , the patient had no evidence of the disease recurrence and his serum PTH and calcium levels remained within the normal . patient female 9 After 3 months of continuous wound care , the patient has healed her wounds by second intention , with a moderate amount of lid contracture . patient male 5 If prodromes appear , the patient should resume his neuroleptic treatment , or other preventive measures should be taken . patient male 12 One minute after intrathecal injection of 3.5 mL of solution , the patient developed myoclonus of his lower extremities . patient male 5 Ten hours later , the patient developed myoclonus of his upper extremities and face . patient female 6 During the following 6 years the patient remained fully self-sufficient and carried out her homework normally . patient male 9 The ulcer healed in 6 weeks , and the patient resumed his work , which required standing and walking for 8 to 10 hours a day . patient female 8 After genotyping her Mycobacterium intracellulare culture , the patient received azithromycin , moxifloxacin and ethambutol . patient female 3 A 30-year-old female patient lost her scalp in an industrial accident . patient male 10 This report describes how logotherapy was utilized to enable the patient better understand his condition and ultimately allow him to identify and pursue renewed meaning and happiness in life . patient male 14 The goals of the rehabilitation program are ; increasing the physical fitness of the patient , thereby increasing his self-assurance and self-esteem ; establishing a health-education program , increasing the patients health competence and his coping capacities.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient female 1 The patient had been taking metoclopramide on a daily basis to aid her symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the operation without problems and experienced successful resolution of her reflux symptoms . patient female 1 The patient had her first public art exhibition in July 2013 ; future exhibitions are in preparation . patient male 7 Following cessation of hCG therapy , the patient demonstrated reversal of his hypogonadotropism as evidenced by normal adult male testosterone levels and the appearance of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion . patient male 1 A patient developed paradoxic deceleration of his heart rate at a high exercise level . patient male 1 The patient recovered well and resumed his employment . patient female 9 Hypophosphatasia was initially considered an unlikely diagnosis for this patient given her lack of characteristic skeletal abnormalities . patient male 6 The unfavorable hemodynamic situation of the patient prevented his transfer to carry out other complementary tests that could confirm the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism . patient male 16 Treatment with penicillin G led to complete resolution of the abscess and clinical recovery of the patient , who regained his bladder-filling sensation and free walking ability . patient male 2 When the patient is finally able to face his past , it unleashes a torrent of potentially lethal anger that challenges everyone involved . patient male 6 Here , we report on a patient who developed AMR of his pancreas allograft after receiving a simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant . patient female 11 After 4 years of primary infertility for andrologic subfertility , the patient underwent her first ICSI cycle , with transfer of two fresh embryos on day 3 . patient male 1 One patient in the urological group lost his graft while six patients in the renal group lost their grafts . patient female 8 Based on these results , we advised the patient to cleanse her entire house . patient female 1 This patient received benefit of her symptoms relatively quickly with psychiatric hospitalization and an atypical antipsychotic . patient female 1 The patient had no HbA. Hb typing of her father and mother revealed HbE trait , and no Hb Leiden was demonstrated . patient female 2 A cancer patient conceived and delivered her own babies by this technology after recovery from the disease . patient female 1 The patient gradually resumed her usual diet and TPN was discontinued after an approximate duration of 21 weeks . patient male 1 The patient presents a gigantism of his right lower limb . patient male 12 One temporomandibular joint dysfunction occurred during the distraction period , and 1 patient with preoperative temporomandibular joint dysfunction had his symptoms resolved in the long-term follow-up . patient male 1 The patient resumed his daily activities at 2 years and 8 months after the operation . patient male 1 The patient with facial palsy can not rise his forehead , nor close his eye on the involved side , while his cheek and lips just fall . patient male 18 In the present study , we tried to develop a health management support system by which a diabetic patient in early stage can easily enter his daily life information , i.e. the biological information such as the data of blood sugar levels and blood pressure levels etc . patient male 6 The GTT was repeated with each patient taking his usual dose of chlorpropamide 90 min prior to the administrationo f the glucose load . patient male 26 A disclosure of disorders connected with emotions can be indication to use the different form of psychotherapy , also expressive writing , that often help the patient to overcome his emotional problems . patient female 5 The mother of an Egyptian friend of the author is admitted to Asyut University Hospital after breaking her hip . friend male 11 During the first two weeks of therapy with prednisolone , the patient reported dramatic improvement in his clinical condition and remitted his disease . patient female 12 Treatment consists of providing support , education , and opportunity for the patient to ventilate her feelings . patient male 8 After 5 months of unimpeded swallowing , the patient gradually lost his ability to swallow . patient male 8 At follow up after three months , the patient had persistent weakness of his right upper limb . patient female 1 The patient had no renal , cardiac or skeletal anomalies and her hearing was normal . patient female 9 After successful implantation of another SCS system , the patient was able to reduce her medications and is now able to ambulate with the use of a left elbow crutch . patient female 7 Fifteen days after stopping adalimumab , the patient reported complete resolution of her muscle pain . patient female 10 At this writing , 36 months after surgery , the patient has continued resolution of her symptoms , and no cyst recurrence has been shown on repeat MRI imaging . patient female 5 At 2-year follow-up , the patient had no signs of infection and her initial coccygeal symptoms had improved . patient male 3 A young male patient with no pertinent medical history , progressively developed a large swelling of his foot and severe pain 3 - 4 days following a simple contusion . patient female 1 The patient made a full recovery and received her next injection of methotrexate with no adverse effects . patient female 1 The patient has kept her BMI at or below 24.1 for over 2 years . patient male 9 Prior to registration on the transplant list , the patient had a significant increase of his serum alpha-fetoprotein level . patient male 8 A case history of a 10 year old patient who accidentally injured his maxillary left central incisor is presented . patient male 7 One hour after pancuronium was discontinued the patient could open his eyes and move his lips . patient male 5 We report a Thai OI patient who had his first fracture at the age of three months . patient male 1 The patient then inspired to vital capacity , held his breath for 10 seconds , and then was allowed to breathe normally . patient female 4 This implies that the patient based her same-different judgements on categorical information about the pair of objects , even though she was often unable to name the contralateral object . patient male 1 The patient maintained his visual acuity and showed no evidence of corneal thinning or melt in the first postoperative year . patient female 5 On January 13 , the patient presented clinical signs of hemolysis and her hemoglobin fell to 60 g/l within 24 hours . patient male 1 Our patient developed his first episode of recurrent HSV-2 meningitis at 78 years of age , 57 years after his only episode of genital herpes simplex infection . patient female 1 The patient informed her treating physician of her copious ingestion of mints during upper respiratory tract infections . patient female 4 After delivery , the patient nursed her baby . patient female 1 One patient lost her prosthesis because of a failing implant . patient female 9 At the beginning of every treatment session , the patient rated her pain perception on a 10-point ratio scale . patient male 4 After admission , the patient manifested a progressive deterioration of his neurological condition . patient male 1 The patient denied alcoholism and his mother had Type II diabetes for the last 3 years . patient male 4 The case of a patient who reported the complete loss of his sense of taste after about 3.5 months of romidepsin therapy is presented . patient female 1 The patient regained her quality of life and reinstituted normal diet . patient female 6 After her hospital stay , the patient is now diligent about refilling her BP medications on time and consistently monitors and records her BP at home . patient female 2 The second patient , a Japanese baby girl , had extensive denudation of her hands at birth . patient female 1 One patient ( 1.7 % ) had objective partial tumor response of her liver and pleural metastasis . patient male 1 One patient could not protect his airway ( tracheostomy ) . patient female 1 The patient opened her eyes immediately and was fully orientated to personal and medical history . patient male 3 We saw a patient with COPD who aspirated a plastic cigarette filter while using his bronchodilator inhaler . patient male 14 At this time the remission of spinal anaesthesia was nearly complete , and the patient had received his daily dose of 150 mg atenolol because of a current hypertension 80 minutes earlier . patient female 21 One patient with low compliance ( 61.4±24.9 % ) reduced her activity level during bracing by 50.1 % , whereas another patient with a satisfactory compliance ( 85.7±19.5 % ) increased her daily activity level by 33.7 % during conservative treatment . patient female 1 The patient resumed her oral intake on postoperative day 6 . patient male 7 While being optimized for surgery , the patient demonstrated progression of his upper limb monoplegia despite preoperative steroid therapy aimed at decreasing the perilesional vasogenic edema . patient female 1 The patient can now tolerate soft foods and maintain her weight . patient male 7 After 1 year of therapy , our patient had resolution of his inflammatory lesions without serious infections or adverse reactions . patient male 12 The replantation of 4 digits of 1 hand was attempted in a patient who had completely amputated his fingers at the level of the metacarpophalangeal joints . patient male 2 A male patient lost his intestinal graft to AAMR 8.14 years after his primary transplant . patient male 12 In response , the site computes and displays the probability of a patient 's achieving his objective by means of terazosin or placebo treatment . patient male 5 Over this time period the patient reported his pain to be well controlled . patient male 4 In this period the patient was able to lower his body mass index from 38 to 26 because of a consequent lifestyle modification . patient male 6 We present the case of a patient with widespread CVST , involving his superior sagittal sinuses and bilateral transverse sigmoid sinuses , who was treated with a combination of endovascular therapies . patient male 8 But this approach does not consider how the patient subjectively assesses his postoperatively altered voice and how the patient believes he is understood by various communication partners . patient female 4 In 1985 a German patient , Heike Möller-Jung , initiated her own patient self-testing ( PST ) and patient self-management ( PSM ) . patient female 1 A patient with a mechanical valve prosthesis , in the first trimester of pregnancy , stopped taking her warfarin because of personal fears about teratogenicity . patient male 3 Gynecomastia force the patient to consult his doctor . patient male 4 Dermatitis cleared when the patient stopped using his couch . patient male 1 One patient lost his cytogenetic response . patient male 29 It was decided to remove the femoral component when the infection failed to respond to irrigation , debridement , and several weeks of intravenous antibiotic therapy and because the patient developed early signs of impending renal compromise and a deterioration of his general nutritional status . patient male 2 [ The patient with Hansen 's disease confronts his distress ] . patient female 1 One patient produced quick phases of nystagmus with identical maximum velocities , suggesting her refixations were abnormal saccades and not voluntary pursuit movements . patient male 8 After decompression of the spinal cord , the patient had moderate improvement of his hand and leg function . patient female 18 The patient , however , had thyrotoxic symptoms when her TSH was rendered " normal . " The patient then discontinued her levothyroxine therapy , with a consequent elevation of her TSH level to 170.8 (1/4)IU/mL in conjunction with severe lethargy and lassitude . patient male 13 According to the DASH Scale , the functional course was appropriate ; the patient resumed his usual activities at month 3 . patient male 1 One patient in each treatment group improved clinically but did not clear his sputum of Haemophilus spp . patient female 1 One patient undergoing her fifth repair required conversion due to adhesions to a polypropylene mesh . patient male 1 The patient resumed his usual activities at month 3 and was assessed using the DASH scale . patient male 24 In the hospital , physicians started to work as partners instead of rivals , they developed their therapies and techniques together , whereas the patient lost his influence on the physician 's behaviour . patient male 1 The patient is able to use his two new fingers during daily life mainly to hold small objects . patient female 6 Twelve months after implantation , the patient maintained significant pain relief , rating her average pain level as a 4 to 6 out of 10 . patient male 15 In combination with short T1-weighted acquisitions , today CE MRA can be obtained while the patient is holding his breath . patient male 8 Response to treatment was good , the first patient achieved complete remission and his survival at present is 24 months , the second patient died 5 month after diagnosis due to stroke without having completed chemotherapy but with an important reduction of the tumoral mass . patient female 13 In spite of the infections , hypertension , and poor nutrition , the patient was able to complete her pregnancy to the 35th week and delivered a small , but healthy infant . patient male 8 Nevertheless , upon EMS ' arrival , the patient was responding only to painful stimuli and was not moving his lower extremities . patient male 6 During transport , however , the patient became responsive to verbal stimuli and began moving his lower extremities . patient male 1 One patient had spontaneous bilateral rupture of his quadriceps and partial avulsion of the left triceps tendons . patient male 2 The other patient had spontaneous rupture of his right quadriceps tendon . patient male 5 On reassuming orthostatism , the patient had syncope but did not hit his head . patient female 15 Certain theoretical statements by Freud as well as his advice to Jung concerning a 6-yr.-old patient who had accused her foster-father of sexual abuse indicate that he may have been significantly biased toward interpreting certain types of incest allegations as fantasies . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient showed full recovery of his lower-extremity motor function . patient female 1 The patient had 90 % to 95 % relief of her headache and complete relief at 4 months . patient female 5 A 55 year old Spanish patient , photo type III , wanted a cosmetic improvement of her forearms . patient male 6 At the time of admission the patient could not remember the names of his ART medications . patient female 11 This was followed by a semester-long training program during which the patient practiced relaxing her frontalis muscle with a portable EMG feedback unit which produced a geiger-counter-like click feedback . patient female 3 Furthermore , the patient was unable to move her left arm . patient male 1 One patient relapsed his abscess during hospitalisation despite CT guided drainage and required sigmoidectomy with transient ileostomy . patient female 7 Two hours after treatment initiation , the patient reported a remarkable improvement of her symptoms . patient male 2 When the patient rests his foot on the ground , the shoe aligns itself with the ground . patient male 2 When the patient lifts his leg in walking , the recoil of the spring raises the anterior part of the shoe . patient female 11 All laboratory values are normal at 2 yr , and the patient appears to have no sequelae of her disease . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient experienced a complete resolution of her pain on the involved extremity . patient female 4 During this treatment the patient showed a recurrence of her catatonic symptoms but they remitted if there was a too long period between the convulsive treatments . patient male 4 In fact , our patient did not reach a complete denial of his entire body , but rather focused on sexual identity . patient female 3 Surprisingly , the patient noted complete resolution of her pain syndrome after embolization , which is an extremely rare result . patient female 1 The patient underwent uneventful phacoemulsification of her right eye under topical anesthesia with her internal pulse generator device activated . patient female 15 Intensive physiotherapy resulted in gradual improvement and at 6 months after the second operation the patient regained full range of motion of the knee and almost full muscle strength performing her daily activities without any difficulty and she is at the moment unwilling to undergo further procedure . patient male 2 Only one patient is complaining of feeling an excessive dryness of his mouth and lips . patient male 26 The horrifyingly frequent cases of suicide seem to be less often a psychotic symptom than a reaction to the effects of the illness experienced by the patient that influence his ability to make contact and his studies . patient male 17 All symptoms resolved with a dose reduction of midodrine ( to 5 mg/day ) , and the patient increased his food intake , resulting in a return to his initial body weight . patient male 2 The second patient , who was receiving olanzapine treatment , showed important extrapyramidal motor symptoms after reducing his tobacco consumption . patient male 1 The patient was unable to voluntarily extend his interphalangeal or metacarpophalangeal joints beyond the 10 degrees required for constraint-induced movement therapy . patient male 1 One patient refused neuropsychological testing but displayed his skill . patient male 1 One patient only , who had lost his pancreatic graft , showed biological and histological signe of chronic rejection of his kidney graft . patient female 2 As the patient could hardly move her right upper arm due to the pain , the quality of life was greatly reduced . patient female 15 In April 1998 , however , the back pain worsened , and in July the patient suffered a fall and fractured her left femur . patient male 2 The amnesic patient H.M. has been solving crossword puzzles nearly all his life . patient male 1 The patient appears to supplement his generally poor episodic memory by using memorized calendar information as a retrieval cue for autobiographical events . patient male 8 At the end of this programme , the patient consistently used his compensatory strategies to independently complete activities of daily living that were problematic prior to the receipt of treatment . patient female 6 The first case is of a patient with BPD who , after surrendering custody of her two children to their father , participated in weekly Dynamic Deconstructive Psychotherapy sessions for two years . patient male 1 The user can export his sets configuring the output format and selecting among multiple gene identifiers . user male 1 One patient resumed sinus rhythm and does not use his pacemaker . patient female 2 The other patient has complete AV block and continues to use her pacemaker . patient male 11 After 30 minutes of the match , during the break , patient lost his consciousness . patient male 9 During our efforts to control his pain , the patient exhibited opioid-induced hyperalgesia , an uncommon but important phenomenon seen with high-dose opioid therapy . patient male 1 One patient ( 2.9 per cent ) did not respond to treatment and showed progression of his disease . patient male 26 In our psychotherapeutic work with brain injured patients it has become apparent that there exists a divergence between the two modes of expression with which the patient reflects his inner truth . patient male 5 In Group I only one patient decreased his percentile height greater than 25 % but he had normal growth hormone responses . patient male 19 In this study , we present , to the best of our knowledge , the first case of a patient with multiorgan IgG4-related disease who lost his testes because of IgG4-related testicular inflammation . patient male 19 Caecal perforation has been avoided up till now after two years , without modification of clinical course , the patient evacuated his colon with the help of enemas . patient male 1 The patient died from his tobacco smoke-related emphysema , which led to diagnosis of the lesion . patient male 2 A 17-year-old patient with mild hemolytic anemia known since early childhood displayed an aberrant protein pattern of his red cell membranes when analyzed in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( SDS-PAGE ) . patient female 2 The first patient showed a major improvement of her clinical condition , and 30 months after the beginning of the rituximab therapy she is free of any symptoms . patient male 1 A patient consulting his physician because of hoarseness often suffers from viral laryngitis . patient male 1 The patient feels a diminishment of his quality of life and becomes aware of being a living creature . patient male 4 Coaching can help the patient canalize his motivation into highly constructive considerations and behavior . patient male 7 To test for placebo effect , the patient received ( unknown to him ) 20 % of his usual cetuximab dose and experienced no pain relief . patient female 7 Several weeks after the treatment , the patient had significant improvement of her dizziness , tremor , and dysmetria . patient male 8 Within 24 hours after his injury , the patient received his first hyperbaric oxygen treatment , which was continued twice daily for 5 days . patient male 1 One patient underwent lung-heart transplantation and a complete review of his lung pathology was obtained . patient male 26 Direct coronal CT scanning can be efficiently performed by a new co-table equipment , which requires a comfortable prone positioning of the patient , whereby the patient must only extend his head slightly . patient female 1 The patient had improved her oral hygiene condition through periodontal treatment before orthodontic treatment . patient male 3 We describe a patient who , after receiving his first dose of pregabalin to relieve neuropathic pain , presented with a negative myoclonus . patient male 18 No consistent clinically significant evidence of regression of the lesions was noted in either syndrome , although one patient with tumoral calcinosis did demonstrate some regression of his lesions . patient female 1 The patient returned her usual functioning after discharge and there were no signs of psychosis at six-month follow-up . patient male 16 Threemodality biofeedback ( temperature , surface electromyogram and skin conduction ) was used to help the patient learn to self-regulate and control his headaches . patient male 6 Two years after decompression , the patient has complete resolution of his leg symptoms and is back to work . patient female 1 The patient had been using milk of magnesia and magnesium citrate in unknown amounts to alleviate her constipation over this time frame . patient male 1 This patient had his next infusion in the hospital before returning to the home infusion program . patient male 17 After 6 weeks of ATT antiretroviral treatment ( ART ) was initiated and one week later the patient experienced worsening of his symptoms ( left hemiparesis and mixed aphasia ) , of CSF and MRI changes . patient male 1 The patient had discontinued taking adalimumab 6 months prior to presentation , having achieved satisfactory management of his cutaneous lesions ; however , he resumed 2 days prior to presentation due to recurrent disease . patient female 12 A 62-year old Chinese Han Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) female patient with ApoE3/4 genetic background donated her Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) . patient female 1 The patient underwent cardiovascular bypass surgery and her ocular symptoms resolved . patient female 18 A postprocedural transesophageal echocardiogram showed complete sealing of the PFO , while over the ensuing 10 months the patient reported virtual elimination of her daily attacks of migrainous headaches , limited to a single episode the day after the procedure and none thereafter . patient female 24 Granulocyte-bound IgG in 21 patients with rheumatoid arthritis without Felty 's syndrome was less than 20 X 10(-14 ) g. Following splenectomy , the patient had a partial correction of her peripheral granulocyte count , and granulocyte bound IgG was repeated less than 20 X 10(-14 ) g/cell . patient male 4 After treatment , the patient reported absence of testicular pain most of the time and described his quality of life as " 10 times better . patient female 5 During these interviews , every patient narrated the story of her illness as she remembered it . patient male 1 One patient again ruptured his Achilles tendon 1 year after surgery in an accident ; however , after 10 months , the repaired tendon was still intact . patient male 1 The patient injured his leg while jumping off a spring diving board and sustained a proximal tibial physeal fracture . patient male 17 About three years after the first symptoms , and only after medication with several neuroleptics , the patient reached his pre-morbid functioning level under treatment with risperidone . patient female 0 Patient 1 experienced a marked improvement of her pain over the days following the first repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation session . Patient male 2 The first patient of the cohort started his treatment 8.5 years ago , and the entries of the others into it have been at random and not randomized . patient male 3 Subsequent to the patient reporting his right knee pain to his orthopaedic surgeon , magnetic resonance imaging of the right knee was ordered . patient male 1 Our patient underwent replacement of his aortic and mitral valve by biological prostheses . patient male 16 The syndrome was considered severe if the symptoms were present at each meal and if the patient indicated a significant worsening of his quality of life . patient female 1 The patient regained her full range of motion , and there were no problems with the tibialis posterior tendon , such as rupture or insufficiency . patient male 2 The other patient , a young man , exhibited the disappearance of his food aversion immediately after recovery from his unconscious state following TBI . patient male 1 The patient demonstrated improvements in his speech and language abilities , most notably his reading comprehension and speech production . patient female 5 Diphenylhydantoin treatment of one REBD patient for 9 months improved her condition . patient male 7 After six months of treatment , the patient regained all his hair , and no relapse was seen after one year of treatment . patient female 1 The patient 's ferer sudden elevation of her fever , and , liver damage and elevated inflammatory markers were indicated . patient male 1 The patient was thus able to overcome his grief-induced behavior patterns , and rekindle his hopes for life and existing relationships . patient male 1 The patient noted dysesthesia of his hands at age 57 and later had memory disturbance . patient female 11 The diagnosis had not been made before , probably because the patient could not describe her symptoms and because carpal tunnel syndrome is not readily identified by doctors who mainly treat children . patient male 9 We here report the case of a 45-year old patient who had injured his right knee because of a road accident . patient male 7 A " former smoker " was a patient who smoked only before receiving his diagnosis of diabetes . patient female 1 The patient was treated with opioids to control her pain and gemfibrozil was initiated to reduce her triglycerides . patient male 13 We specially controlled the function and stability of the thumb and if the patient was able to manage his occupation . patient female 9 However , the arthralgia was so mild that the patient had not consulted her physician . patient male 1 Each patient had his dose of ampho B diluted in 500 ml of dextrose 5 % in water , to which hydrocortisone 25 mg was admixed and infused over four to six hours . patient female 1 The patient had successful long-term clearance of her skin tumours , with the additional finding of resolution of psoriasis while on cetuximab therapy . patient male 1 The patient underwent a diagnostic biopsy of his nasal lesion via an open rhinoplasty approach , with the resulting diagnosis of EAF . patient male 7 The active duty son of the MH-positive patient underwent muscle biopsy and CHCT in order to continue his military career . patient male 1 A patient safety campaigner gives his reaction to MPs ' report on why the health service is still slow to make crucial changes . patient male 4 In these cases the patient at the stage of the compensated retention not infrequently conceals the size of his renal disease , or the physician in charge underestimates the sequels of numerous medicamentous or operative therapies . patient female 1 The patient refused to cooperate and have her physical condition and mental status examined . patient female 15 The author has carefully examined a certain number of gynaecological situations and observed how the patient at one with herself is able to integrate her sex . patient male 12 Induction of anesthesia by propofol is considered to be successful as a patient closes his eyes and does not response to simple command . patient male 2 As a patient obeys the order to open his eyes , he is judged to emerge from anesthesia . patient male 26 The maxillary and middle meningeal arteries can be insonated in the infratemporal fossa through the easily accessible acoustic window below the zygomatic arch , when the patient holds his mouth half open . patient female 1 The patient has regained 10 kg during treatment , and has maintained her weight a year after treatment . patient female 10 Five months after the onset of the disease , the patient worsened her clinical state and died . patient male 4 Through this , the patient can choose his style of care . patient male 6 After the CT scan , the patient coughed up the remains of the tablet and his symptoms resolved . patient female 2 Finally the patient reported her first menstruation after the intervention . patient male 1 One patient had a clinical recurrence of his corneal CIN 1 year after tumor resolution . patient male 4 We hereby present a patient who developed an acute thrombosis of his brachial artery as the initial manifestation of HIV infection . patient female 1 The patient had tolerated her first three doses of vincristine sulfate 0.7 mg ( 1.5 mg/m(2 ) ) i.v . patient female 13 Subsequent doses of vincristine were administered with no adverse events , and the patient successfully completed her treatment regimen . patient male 1 One patient required revision of his cup for periacetabular osteolysis . patient male 1 Another patient destroyed the balloon of his tube by injecting food into the balloon port , which led to tube dislocation and peritonitis . patient male 1 The patient lost consciousness and upon awakening his lips and tongue were frozen . patient female 3 We describe a patient who developed deep venous thrombosis of her left arm shortly after intravenous immunoglobulin administration . patient male 28 Hand injuries are very common , especially in young adults of working age , and the consequences of these accidents on work capacity are significant : for the patient , a seemingly simple wound can cause prolonged time off work and jeopardize the pursuit of his career ; for the community , the financial burden is colossal , mainly because of compensation , which represents 80 % of the total cost ( time off work and indemnity for sequelae ) . patient female 7 We report such an experience where a patient in a long-term care facility received multi-day , excessive dosing of glipizide rather than her anti-spasticity medication , baclofen . patient male 17 The cogenital ectopia lentis was believed to be on a hereditary basis since the father of the patient had worn aphakic lenses all his life without surgery and as none of the many other causes of ectopia lentis could be found . patient female 8 After starting hormonal and cistostatic treatment , the patient presented a partial improvement of her symptomatology with a survival that exceeds ten months . patient female 1 This patient had withdrawn from follow-up and had her condition diagnosed with carcinoma 74 months after the LS had been diagnosed . patient male 17 Two patients were excluded from the study because they underwent rapid forearm amputation , and a third patient who had his initial burn care done in Europe was also excluded . patient male 1 One patient underwent His bundle section because the arrhythmogenic region was too close to the atrioventricular ( AV ) conduction system to enable resection . patient male 22 Identical genotypes from the same patient were isolated over prolonged periods of time in 12 of 12 cases examined , with one patient ( with the longest follow-up of 14 months ) who lost his initial genotype and became persistently colonized with a new genotype . patient female 2 The only patient rechallenged with the drug developed a recurrence of her hepatic abnormalities . patient female 22 After the discontinuation of therapy , itraconazole was then detectable in the hair for 9 months , at least in a female patient who did not have her hair cut . patient male 1 The patient was not only G6PD deficient but misunderstood the instructions and took all his primaquine tablets together . patient female 1 This patient has her INR checked in the anticoagulation clinic and is followed monthly by the clinical pharmacist . patient female 12 Thirty patients enrolled , and 29 patients completed the study ( 1 patient did not return her questionnaire ) . patient male 1 The patient received six cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy and his CT scan revealed metastasis in the right inguinal lymph node and omental lymph node . patient male 6 The treatment is justified when the patient ca n't put his hand flat on the table ( Hueston 's test ) . patient male 10 We adopted a new protocol fort this patients and the patient was very pleased with the treatment results , and reported a reduction in headaches and a continuation of his well-being , in addition to greater self-confidence . patient male 14 The last follow-up was performed three years after the first treatment , and the patient showed a complete resolution of his symptoms , and just a small increase of the swelling . patient male 4 Furthermore , our one patient with the acute stage of the disease had complete resolution of his disease with treatment . patient female 5 On clinical examination , the patient had severe wear of her over-retained maxillary primary central incisors , microdontia of mandibular anterior teeth ( 32 , 34 , 41 , 42 , 43 ) , and loss of anterior vertical dimension . patient male 3 One Group 1 patient lost his graft secondary to bowel injury and intra-abdominal sepsis . patient female 10 An additional patient achieved minimal response , and a third patient normalized her hemogram despite ongoing leukemia in the marrow . patient female 1 The patient had complete relief of her pain and autonomic symptoms , and was able to stop all pain medications following a dedicated third occipital nerve lesioning . patient female 6 Psychological and psychiatric evaluation of the patient confirmed her hallucinatory state . patient male 3 The author , superintendent of a midsized urban school district , describes his role in a partnership with a local university 's undergraduate and health professions schools , and with various community entities . superintendent female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her symptoms after the colectomy . patient male 1 The patient reported complete resolution of his primary symptoms of epistaxis and nasal obstruction . patient male 13 Renouncing the computer-mediated automated regulation of the insulin delivery is possible when the patient is constantly reading his blood glucose values and operates the insulin infusion pulses in association with meals . patient male 1 The patient , who had not opened his bowels for 3 weeks despite use of regular conventional laxatives , was given a 150 mcg/kg dose via indwelling central venous catheter . patient male 1 The patient maintained his improvement at 6 month follow-up . patient male 1 The patient is currently awaiting a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( TIPS ) procedure and transjugular biopsy to alleviate his portal hypertension and yield a tissue sample for histological diagnosis . patient female 5 At 27-month follow-up , the patient had limited mobility of her right shoulder due to axillary nerve palsy but no pain or intrathoracic complications . patient female 1 The patient had preserved insight of her complaint and responded well to neuroleptics . patient female 13 We report the case of an elderly , heavily pretreated Hodgkin 's disease patient in progression under third-line chemotherapy who experienced good palliation of her B symptoms and a major clinical response of her refractory bone lesions with the administration of fludarabine as monotherapy . patient male 1 The patient used his SCP to steer a cursor to one of the targets . patient female 10 In an earlier report , we had shown that this patient showed anticipatory scaling of her grasp despite her inability to discriminate between objects perceptually on the basis of size . patient male 20 Spontaneously and from dictation , writing was impaired by an agraphic jargon , but copying was excellent even though the patient was unable to read his own written production . patient male 3 The indeterminate biopsy patient had a radical prostatectomy and his post-op PSA was < 0.1 mcg/L. Forty-three ( 69.4 % ) men with benign rib lesions had a SUVmax greater than the SUVmax of the malignant lesion . patient male 10 No obvious abnormality was found in imaging examination and the patient ignored his symptoms . patient female 7 After 18 weeks of treatment , the patient achieved 96.7 % of her predicted distance on the Six-Minute Walk Test with normal gait mechanics and returned to playing high school sports . patient female 1 The patient actively participated in managing her care by providing feedback during interventions and setting goals . patient female 1 The patient had immediate and sustained resolution of her otorrhoea . patient male 1 One patient ( 10 % ) had re-thrombosis of his stent due to undertreated common femoral vein disease in the setting of a new myeloproliferative neoplasm and an inappropriate cessation of therapeutic anticoagulation . patient female 2 Only one patient with PV exhibited a nonclonal composition of her leukocytes , while six cases demonstrated a predominantly clonal pattern in peripheral blood cells . patient male 1 The patient lost his graft 2 months after diagnosis . patient female 14 To date , our computer-assisted search failed to report any case involving a gravid patient donating her bone marrow for harvesting . patient female 5 Three months later , the patient was able to resume her previous occupations and clinically , she demonstrated no sign of psychological or intellectual disturbances . patient male 11 In the 4 others , partial chimerism was observed : one patient had a early and progressive rejection of his graft but is doing very well ( 28 m. follow-up ) without any manifestation of SCD , with a high stable 22 % Hb F level . patient male 1 One patient , a middle aged diabetic male , required excision of his external iliac artery , but recovered without reconstructive surgery . patient female 2 The second patient ( 16 years old ) was assessed for progressive bradykinesia and apathy impeding her active daily activities , and she was suspected to have developed depression . patient male 1 My patient and I agreed to meet in a week to assess his response to the antibiotics and to discuss treatment of the underlying chronic paronychia . patient male 1 The patient had undergone a series of surgical procedures to alleviate his symptoms . patient male 24 In discussions with the patient , it sounds better if the ophthalmologist speaks of a " percentage " of visual field loss : the patient may understand his own situation more easily . patient male 12 Despite both pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches to improve his delirium , the patient ultimately continued to have symptoms of delirium and subsequently died in the CTICU . patient female 8 After 6 weeks of intensive treatment , our patient lost 37 pounds and had reduced her edema volume by 47 % . patient male 1 This patient is known as " Monsieur Leborgne " alias " Tan . " In describing the history of his disease , Broca reported that Leborgne had spent a total of 21 years in hospitals . patient male 1 The patient sustained an undisplaced fracture of his right mandibular condyle and a zygoma fracture after a motor vehicle accident . patient female 3 However , one patient exhibited transient deterioration of her neurological status after surgery . patient male 1 One patient had already undergone " surgical ablation " of the His bundle without success . patient female 1 One patient had recurrence of her symptoms , which responded to additional PE . patient male 11 An unusual rotary lown mower injury is reported in which the patient received a deep wound of his gluteal area . patient male 8 In the 4 cases we describe , one patient had recurrence of his original disease , but in the other 3 it arose de novo after allografting for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis , cystinuria or secondary amyloidosis . patient male 1 The patient is currently undergoing rehabilitation of his anal sphincter muscles in preparation for the colostomy closure . patient female 1 The patient subsequently voided spontaneously and had resolution of her SUI . patient male 1 The patient carrying BRAF mutation was further characterized by investigating his biomolecular and clinico-pathological findings . patient male 7 The pain may be diminished if the patient understands the cause and loses his fear . patient female 3 A 31-year-old primigravid patient consulted her general practitioner at 31 1/7 weeks gestational age with dyspnoea . patient male 1 The patient resumed his daily activities promptly . patient female 2 The 73-year-old patient was unable to maintain her head upright after ten minutes of walking or standing . patient female 6 We present the case of a patient who delivered her baby through the perineal body with an intact vaginal introitus . patient male 8 Ten months before the last infection , the patient was instructed to instil 1.5 mL taurolidine 2 % daily into his central line after finishing his HPN infusion and has continued to do so 2 years to date . patient male 1 A patient with preexisting inactive ankylosing spondylitis experienced a recurrence of back pain and his first episode of acute peripheral arthritis and iritis after a second course of treatment with BCG for bladder cancer . patient male 0 Patient 1 , who trained with step-length symmetry feedback , improved his step-length symmetry ratio , but not his stance-time symmetry ratio . Patient female 0 Patient 2 , who trained with stance-time symmetry feedback , improved her stance-time symmetry ratio . Patient female 6 Considering her poor PS , the patient was treated with mild systemic therapy using trastuzumab as the key drug . patient male 25 On physical examination he had a rounded expanded mass in left ear external auditory canal that is located at the anterior-inferior wall of EAC When patient open his mouth the mass turn back to original position and mass was disappeared . patient female 2 Only one patient rejected her graft and the incidence and severity of GVHD and IPn were not increased compared to previous studies . patient female 35 Three different exposure scenarios were considered : ( 1 ) standing face-to-face exposures between an adult patient and pediatric or adult family phantoms at five different separation distances ; ( 2 ) an adult female patient holding her newborn child , and ( 3 ) a 1-yr-old child standing on the lap of an adult female patient . patient female 18 Awareness of frailty , functional , social , and potential maltreatment issues enables early referrals to help the patient maintain her independence . patient male 1 The patient had progressive improvement of his neurological deficit . patient male 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient achieved complete remission of his CLL with normalization of all cell lines and resolution of his nephrotic range proteinuria . patient male 21 Even if the chances of good motor recovery are very limited , existing eye-controlled , computer-based communication technology currently allow the patient to control his environment , use a word processor coupled to a speech synthesizer , and access the worldwide net . patient male 7 After 3 months of follow-up , the patient was angina-free and could resume his normal lifestyle . patient male 1 The patient who admitted for his facial atrophy also had atrophy of his contralateral extremity . patient male 1 One patient had a temporary paralysis of his left vocal cord . patient male 1 The patient acquired significant improvement of his neurological function two days after the surgery , and he could walk by himself without assistance . patient female 5 Within 6 months , the patient regained her ability to walk but remained moderately disabled . patient female 1 One patient had a recurrence of her original pain after 26 months following atlanto-epistrophic ligament decompression and required re-operation in the form of bilateral C2 ganglionotomy . patient male 18 Bony ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ) in a male patient was not diagnosed until the patient reached his early teens , at which time the condition was treated with a costochondral graft . patient male 1 One patient refractured his humeral shaft following a fall , but the fracture successfully united 5.7 months later after a further Ilizarov frame application . patient female 1 The patient allows her conscience to take over once more in that she takes on the role of the conscience for her loved one . patient male 19 At a certain stage of the disease infection is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( PA ) , and the patient can not get rid of it as cystic fibrosis reduces his defence mechanisms against this organism , a naturally weak pathogen . patient female 1 One patient had a worsening of her condition and was withdrawn from the study after 3.5 months of therapy . patient female 1 A patient with dilated cardiomyopathy and DDD pacemaker experienced paroxysmal returns of her symptoms . patient female 1 The patient habitually , and on the day of her operation , combed her hair into a braided coil , which placed extra pressure on the occipitoparietal region . patient female 1 The patient reported previous control of her hidradenitis when she was using adalimumab for her Crohn disease . patient female 1 The patient had failed to respond to intravenous antibiotics and a skin biopsy confirmed her diagnosis . patient male 21 Therefore , appropriate choice of dressing and concomitant use of compression is crucial to achieve this goal , thus allowing the patient to resume his normal daily activities while saving healthcare cost . patient male 8 However , instant availability is obtained by the patient depressing his chin slightly to align his visual axis with the scope . patient male 17 With the help of HBAA , the CS has no opportunity to get any information about the user who sends his query for generalization service . user female 1 The patient recovered her daily activities from the 6th week and was back at work by the end of the 2nd month . patient female 2 The 49-year-old patient ( breast cancer diagnosis 5 years earlier , severe CaRF and increase in depressiveness since then ) collected her entire urine for 28 days in 12-h intervals ( from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. and from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ; total : 55 measurements ) for the determination of urinary neopterin ( immune activation marker ) and creatinine levels using HPLC . patient male 1 A patient with rh-EPO who bled 2,000 g during surgery received an autotransfusion of only 1,400 ml and his postoperative course was uneventful . patient male 4 Following surgery , the patient experienced resolution of his effusions , no recurrent patellar instability , and was able to return to his activities . patient male 12 After 1.5 h of assisted ventilation the LMA was removed when the patient opened his mouth on request . patient male 3 Amazingly , the patient had decided 1 year earlier to stop taking his warfarin medication . patient male 4 In addition , the patient was averse to changing his eating habits or exercise style . patient male 1 One patient with hydrocephalus due to cryptococcal meningitis developed an abdominal abscess and required removal of his entire shunt with subsequent replacement . patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent mitral valve replacement and her postoperative outcome was uneventful and free from complications . patient male 11 Advanced prostatic cancer should not be treated with hormones if the patient has few symptoms and his quality of life is satisfactory . patient female 18 The sites of involvement must be carefully assessed and surgery planned taking account of the wishes of the patient concerning her fertility . patient male 7 It was at this time that the patient presented his complaints to the school athletic trainer . patient male 1 One patient , who had a verified partial response , had his diagnosis changed to an anaplastic oligodendroglioma on subsequent central neuropathologic review . patient male 8 The guardian 's duty is to protect a patient who is incompetent in making his own decisions . patient male 23 The lateral femoral neck and the femoral shaft consolidated 24 and 30 weeks , respectively , after the rhBMP-2 application , and the patient resumed his work as industrial worker after 7 months after his last surgery . patient female 5 We report a 62-year-old woman patient who slipped and hit the occipital portion of her skull and suffered an acute spinal subdural hematoma caused by head injury . patient male 1 The patient was able to complete his rehabilitation with no further incidence of fever or agitation . patient male 8 Our study shows , however , that a patient in the early stages of recovery can increase his ego strength through self-confrontation . patient female 12 There was no maternal or fetal morbidity or mortality and only the patient observed before development of criteria for decompression lost her ovary because of torsion . patient female 1 The patient lost her allograft and received a second cadaveric renal transplant 1 year later . patient male 2 If the patient survives the primary traumatic event and his vital functions are preserved and stable , a careful laryngoscopic exploration -- where indicated also such imaging procedure as high-resolution CT , direct microlaryngoscopy and laryngometry -- should be applied to establish the diagnosis and decide on appropriate treatment . patient female 2 A transgender patient presenting as a female sought dental care with her primary concern being a desire to change the appearance of her teeth . patient female 1 The patient underwent a suboccipital decompression to treat her Chiari malformation . patient female 1 The patient underwent LP shunt ligation and VP shunt placement and had subsequent resolution of her spinal cord syrinx . patient female 7 Immediately after the last urokinase injection the patient started to recover her consciousness and weakness . patient male 8 This paper presents the case of an epileptic patient who killed his wife during the intermittent period of epilepsy : three different units were asked to give the forensic psychiatric appraisement which came to three different conclusions , namely , the patient should be entitled to no criminal responsibility , partial criminal responsibility , and full criminal responsibility with respect to these three conclusions , the authors make a detailed discussion and give their own opinions . patient male 34 Following physical therapy ( massage , ultra sound , NMES , moist heat ) three times per week for two months and additional treatment of dynamic splinting for four weeks ( TID ) the patient increased his MID to 52 mm and returned to normal eating and speaking . patient male 2 The untreated patient showed spontaneous clearance of his keratoses . patient male 1 The patient was able to perform his normal duties immediately , without the need for additional intervention . patient male 1 The patient underwent extraction of his teeth , and all hyperplastic tissues including the tumefaction were excised . patient male 13 Nutritional assessment ideally should be used to determine the nutritional requirements of a patient taking into account his nutritional and metabolic status . patient male 25 The merits of this technique include avoidance of prolonged hospitalization with its high cost and risk of nosocomial infection and better patient acceptance with the patient living at home and continuing many of his usual activities . patient male 5 Fascinating is the former cancer patient regarding his victory over death . patient female 4 Results Postoperatively , the patient had no complaints of hematuria and her hemoglobin level remained unchanged . patient female 6 Two weeks after the injection the patient was symptom free and could place her left foot into a shoe . patient male 1 The patient was tolerating an oral diet and his tracheostomy tube was decannulated before discharge . patient female 5 Once attended to , the patient also changes her attitude . patient female 8 We present the case of a 38-year-old Asian patient who reported vision loss of her left eye since 4 weeks . patient female 1 The patient refused further therapy and had progression of her disease 4 months following the last cycle . patient female 6 After three weeks of treatment the patient had complete resolution of her conjunctival granuloma . patient female 3 Frances , a patient interviewed by Dr. Gramling , explains her experience of being carefully watched and feeling safe when a nurse pays close attention to her . patient male 1 The patient is still alive and attending his medical check-ups . patient female 1 The patient achieved remission of her underlying disease and responded very well to antituberculous and antifungal therapy . patient female 11 RISK ASSESSMENT : From 1987 , for 15 years , our patient rode her motorcycle for 4 h/day , carrying a load of 20 - 30 kg . patient male 1 The patient regained his prehemorrhage neurologic status , experienced no further bleeding , and his coronary ischemia remained subclinical . patient male 2 The third patient , however , had a delayed hyper-response and his carbohydrate tolerance during the remission was much more improved than those of the other patients . patient male 1 One patient even manifested his first FSHD-related symptoms at as early as 5 months of age , including inability to smile , poor response to call , and infantile spasms . patient female 1 The patient made an uneventful recovery and her neurologic function recovered to almost normal . patient female 2 The first patient had dissemination of her tumor and the second had local spreading . patient female 1 One patient ( female , age 42 , LQT2 ) received an appropriate VF-terminating shock 2 days after receiving her WCD . patient male 13 The complex medical care of patients needs a multidisciplinary approach , and every patient has his own unique clinical features that need a tailored approach . patient male 1 The patient must continue to wear his splint and keep the bonded wire . patient male 10 The symptoms of the IO improved postoperatively , and the patient partially recovered his lower limb muscle strength . patient male 1 The patient moved his body and lower extremities to relieve restlessness , which had developed after the administration of haloperidol . patient male 7 Because of the painful subcutaneous nodules the patient is often forced to reduce or even give up his training . patient male 1 One patient resolved his disease and normalized his aminotransferase level during treatment and thereafter , while the other relapsed upon cessation of treatment . patient male 21 Determination of the complete oxycodone metabolite profile and the CYP3A4/5 and 2D6 genotype allowed the physician to be confident that the patient was compliant with the medication ( and not diverting it ) and to increase his oxycodone dose to optimize his pain control . patient female 1 Our patient tested HIV positive and her CD4 cell count was 127/μL. patient male 11 Unlike most of the cases reported in the literature , our patient had partial recovery of his neurologic deficits . patient female 1 The patient presented with acute respiratory failure , making identification and management of her illness challenging . patient female 14 The diagnosis of BML was not obvious due to its rare nature , the patient 's not detailing the specifics of her gynecologic history of having undergone resection of a large uterine leiomyoma and followed by disseminated pelvic leiomyomatous nodules , histologic misinterpretation of an extrauterine lesion of the spine and the brachial plexus as a neurofibroma and the radiologic diagnosis of lung nodules as being " non-specific " in nature . patient female 8 Some of the cranial multiple cysts of the patient who had undergone her first surgery in another clinic with cyst rupture were successfully removed in our clinic . patient male 1 The patient had laboratory evidence of hyperthyroidism and his serum TSH was persistently and enormously elevated ( T4:214 nmol/l , T3:6.9 nmol/l , TSH:218 mIU/l ) > Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a pituitary mass of 7 cm in a-p diameter , with supra- , parasellar and sphenoidal extension . patient male 1 The patient regained his consciousness with normal motor function by the following day . patient male 26 Intermittent mandatory ventilation ( IMV ) , continuous positive airway pressure ( CPAP ) and the new modes of pressure support ( PS ) help the patient to recover the strength of his musculature . patient male 40 This paper describes how a nursing assistant built up a relationship with an older man in his ward , who had previously been seen as ' difficult ' , through a shared interest in music , and by getting the patient to tell him his life story . patient male 15 Injury seems to offer additional protection from enforcement of DUI statutes and , if the patient survives his injuries , allows the offender to resume driving without interdiction . patient female 6 Orbital compression was resolved and the patient recovered her previous normal visual acuity . patient female 6 However after 3 months , the patient stopped taking her treatment due to inefficacy . patient male 1 One patient required a second ECWS secondary to recurrence of obstruction after stent migration and has continued palliation of his stage 4 rectal cancer for the last 11 months . patient female 1 The patient deteriorated clinically and underwent a CT scan of her abdomen . patient male 7 When the pain gets worse , the patient will anticipate the end of his capacity to enjoy life and relate to other people ; he will also see the spectre of death . patient female 2 The first patient has had her tracheotomy removed , but she still uses a gastrostomy tube and has an expressive speech delay . patient female 1 The patient expressed her desire to terminate the pregnancy at week 21 . patient female 1 The patient , a 50-year-old house-wife , born in Toyama Prefecture , had noticed a paresthesia of her face , fatigue , numbness and weakness in the right limbs , dimness of vision and gait disturbance at ave 44 . patient male 1 A patient with recurrent exertional headaches was able , on multiple occasions , to trigger his typical headaches within 30 minutes of rubbing his eyes gently and inducing bilateral photopsias . patient male 3 The third uncounseled patient developed a conduction defect in the 14-month interlude , making an analysis of his repeat 48-hour electrocardiogram for episodes of ST depression impossible . patient female 1 The patient required HHH therapy with a very high blood pressure to optimize her clinical neurologic status , but she started to develop pulmonary edema resulting from this therapy . patient male 19 One patient was in psychiatric care , two additional patients seemed to have continued mental problems , and one patient was in jail after having killed his parents . patient female 4 After delivery , the patient completed her chemotherapy that was followed by radical mastectomy and radiotherapy . patient male 1 One patient maintained his original femoral and tibial components and one patient required a knee fusion to treat his recurrent gram-negative infection . patient male 12 We designed and fabricated a photo-epithesis constructed on a spectacle-frame for a patient who could no longer wear his prosthesis , because of severe socket contraction and in whom secondary reconstruction was not possible . patient male 2 An 11th patient who was taking a calcium antagonist showed dysfunction of his one kidney on the captopril renogram but no artery stenosis on the renal angiogram . patient female 6 After endoscopic third ventriculostomy , the patient experienced significant relief of her headaches and was discharged to rehabilitation . patient male 15 After release of the tourniquet and termination of the anaesthetic it was noted that the patient was able to move his right leg but no other part of his body . patient female 7 As a wrist contracture decreased , the patient increasingly used her arm and hand for feeding , grooming , and leisure activities . patient female 32 The a priori decision making of some women choosing PIECS does not follow the usual diagnosis-intervention trajectory , and the care provider may have to work in reverse to ensure that the patient fully understands the risks and benefits of her decision subsequent to the decision having been made , while still ensuring patient autonomy . patient male 28 The temporal relation between more frequent gum usage and the excessive consumption of nicotine polacrilex chewing gum with a probable high serum nicotine level at the time the patient developed his first episode of atrial fibrillation suggests a causal relationship . patient male 7 After three cycles of bortezomib , the patient developed numbness , pain and weakness of his upper and lower extremities . patient male 1 The patient recovered his EEG as his consciousness disturbance had improved through an intravenous infusion of high osmolality saline , correlating with the serum sodium level . patient male 1 One patient had his trachea injured during an esophagectomy . patient male 20 However , these explanations did not capture the complexity of SIB in the case of Mr. X , a 62-year-old patient who ingested his fingers in his sleep where cognitive testing was valuable in informing diagnosis . patient female 1 The patient had a complete regression of her symptoms , wherefore there was no indication for neurosurgical intervention . patient male 5 In his marriage , this patient dramatically recapitulated many of his infantile core conflicts , fixations , and traumas associated with his cross-dressing . patient male 1 The patient had a normal mental function and his lower extremities were hypoplastic and akinetic . patient male 7 Social life is normal except for 1 patient who perceives his disease as a burden . patient male 8 Recovery was defined as absolute recovery if the patient worked 90 % of his contract hours at follow-up . patient female 1 One patient lost her sight 18 months after gamma knife radiosurgery . patient male 5 During this bridge period the patient gained his general condition and the body mass index ( BMI ) increased from 18 to 22 . patient male 10 At 6 months follow-up the bypass is patent , the patient has no CMI symptoms and his BMI is 25 . patient male 7 Death in the ICU : does the patient predict his own demise ? patient male 7 Only after a further interview did the patient reveal his human immunodeficiency virus status and a previous diagnosis of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome . patient male 6 Following rapid palatal expansion , our patient experienced a marked improvement of his sleep quality , anxiety , fatigue and sleepiness . patient male 9 Thrombectomy and balloon angioplasty were performed , and the patient completed his hospital course without complications . patient male 8 During one night of inpatient stay , the patient manually autoenucleated his left eye . patient male 1 No patient lost his graft during the study period , but 1 patient experienced a reversible acute rejection episode . patient male 9 This is a case of a 30-year-old right-handed male patient who presented to the hospital in 2014 after hitting his head on the mat during a wrestling match followed by headache and temporary peripheral vision limitation . patient male 26 If we attempt to return the patient to an active role in society , the rehabilitation team must be aware of the dynamics by which the patient achieves control of both himself and his environment . patient male 1 The patient noted resolution of his shoulder pain immediately after the procedure , and his shoulder sensory disturbance had improved by 2 weeks . patient male 14 At 2 years post-transplant , graft survival was 93 % , and only 1 patient lost his kidney by rejection . patient male 9 In this report we describe the case of a patient who developed episodes of fever , dyspnea and cough 4 - 6 hours after cleaning his indoor swimming pool . patient female 4 This study investigated a patient who underwent surgical removal of her axillary breast tissue with ultrasound-assisted liposuction . patient female 8 At the end of this period , the patient showed improvement but had not reached her pre-morbid level of functioning . patient male 1 One patient was able to close his eye and showed a better smile soon after surgery . patient male 36 After failure of all possible modalities , we offered the patient an SCS trial that was very successful , and we proceeded with the permanent implant that continued to help with his pain and allowed the patient to wean down his medications . patient male 8 However , there is one proviso : The patient must be competent to realize his autonomy and reach a decision about his own care that reflects that autonomy . patient female 7 In a particularly telling sequence , the patient physically averts her eyes from the unbearable reality of a rose in the consulting room because it stands for the separateness of the analyst . patient female 11 Daily self-administration of sevoflurane successfully controlled the wound pain and the patient abandoned her suicidal ideation , the wound healed 35 days later , and her quality of dying improved remarkably . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient had complete resolution of her pain . patient male 10 So , even if the diagnosis is known , the patient does n't give up his eating habits . patient female 1 The patient responded with a reduction in bowel frequency to twice daily , a successful discontinuation of her antidiarrheal medication , and a rapid increase in weight . patient female 3 We encountered a patient who baffled her physicians and their consultants , who nonetheless proposed life-saving treatments and novel explanations . patient female 1 The patient normalised her haematological parameters within 1 week but sustained dialysis-requiring renal failure for a total of 6 weeks . patient female 9 At greater than two years of follow-up , the patient has had no evidence of disease recurrence and her serum PTH and calcium levels have remained within normal . patient male 10 It was concluded that the preferred estrogen-progestin treatment of this patient , probably in conjunction with minimal androgen levels from his adrenal , are most likely responsible for maintaining his satisfactory sexual functioning . patient female 4 After surgery , our patient had no recurrence of her effusion and , to date , has remained asymptomatic from her polycystic liver disease . patient female 24 In contrast , in 6 patients with AMML fraction 3 was considerably larger ( 52 % ) than any other fraction , in 1 patient comprising 87 % of her monocytes . patient female 1 One patient had a slight worsening of her psoriasis . patient female 12 Upon removal of the lens , without any additional therapy , the patient became asymptomatic and totally resolved her keratitis and mass lesion . patient male 14 Acetazolamide was progressively tapered over the course of the 9 subsequent months and the patient did not show any worsening of his symptoms or papilledema . patient female 1 This patient also had successful closure of her leak on fluoroscopy 14 d postprocedure . patient male 1 The user can verify his weekly lifestyle by participating to a " game " based on food/beverages consumption and time assigned to physical activity . user male 1 A patient with a horseshoe kidney without distal ureteral obstruction had his nephrostomy removed on POD 2 . patient male 24 The diagnosis was confirmed using a polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) technique in bronchial alveolar lavage ( BAL ) fluid , and the patient was successfully treated by reducing his immunosuppression and administering antituberculous drugs . patient female 1 The patient felt a slight pain of her left maxilla 2 months before visiting our dental hospital . patient male 9 When considering the purchase of a freeze-dryer , the user must establish his own performance standards and particular requirements for the following reasons : 1 . user male 6 The results were satisfactory , this patient living his normal life since july 1976 . patient male 1 The patient received a series of therapeutic plasma exchanges ( TPE ) as adjunctive therapy to remove copper and stabilize his coagulopathy and anemia until a transplant was possible . patient male 6 The flight team noted that the patient occasionally moved his upper extremities and his head . patient male 1 The patient felt abdominal pain and his abdominal ultrasound showed suspicious right adrenal gland tumor . patient male 5 Through these approaches , the patient learned to release stress , and to express his feelings , so that he could adapt to his current life , changed as it was by the illnesses , and face the impact of those illnesses with a positive attitude . patient male 38 For user A the sensitivity , specificity and diagnostic accuracy revealed no improvement on including the history ( 81.3 % to 84.4 % , 94.6 % to 92.3 % and 92.0 % to 90.7 % ) , whereas user B clearly improved his results ( 75.0 % to 87.5 % , 76.9 % to 88.5 % and 76.5 % to 88.3 % ) . user male 10 After discontinuing the medication for the second time , the patient has had complete clearing of his lesions . patient female 1 The patient underwent a third ventriculostomy and her symptoms resolved completely . patient male 21 Prognostic factors have been shown to be important when stratifying patients with prostate cancer into randomized trials and counseling the individual patient regarding his chances of response to treatment . patient female 8 After each round of Botox injections , the patient noted resolution of her symptoms . patient male 12 Because of the development of heart failure over the years , one patient had His bundle ablation combined with pacemaker insertion , and the others underwent catheter ablation of the accessory pathway . patient male 4 A 60 year old patient , SE , who presented with a severe difficulty in finding his way around previously familiar environments and a mild prosopagnosia is described . patient female 13 Four are alive and well with no evidence of the disease ; one patient died of bacterial sepsis after controlling her GVHD and clearing her pulmonary aspergillosis and CMV infection . patient male 3 Only in one patient , who had stopped all his medication , was a rejection episode diagnosed . patient male 1 One patient received his first transplantation and the 5 others retransplants . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgical excision of her lesion via a left cervical-parotid approach . patient female 19 In this case report , the multiple physiological effects of inspiration through -7 cmH2O resistance helped this pregnant hypotensive patient to rapidly and noninvasively restore adequate perfusion and reduced the duration of her hypotensive episode . patient male 37 This case reflects the difficulties arising out of the patients autonomy to choose the type , timing , and extent of the medical management even though in some clinical scenarios , like the case presented , the patient was not able to communicate his physiological needs for a safe and protected shelter from the extreme weather , and was unable to follow up with the medical plan offered at the emergency room during each of his prior visits before the catastrophic event of unwitnessed hypoglycemic seizure and severe hypothermia . patient female 6 Unlike the previous cases , this patient had continued to have proliferation of her tumor since childhood , requiring total resection in adulthood . patient male 8 Four years after the initial operation , the patient fractured his reconstructed leg in a traffic accident . patient male 2 The first patient had a slight exacerbation of his thrombocytopenia during his initial treatment , but otherwise neither patient experienced any acute complications from the radiation treatments . patient male 8 This problem is compounded by delay when a patient has seen his GP for a number of years before a review of the notes reveals the hitherto unsuspected diagnosis . patient male 14 Since the procedure is done without heavy sedation or even general anesthesia , the patient can follow instructions and move his eyeballs or open or close his eyelids if wanted for the procedure . patient female 7 After three weeks of treatment , the patient felt ill and discontinued her treatment . patient male 6 The particular way in which the patient describes his pain may suggest the diagnosis . patient male 8 All topical steroid treatments were discontinued and the patient recovered his vision completely . patient female 1 No patient rating her AO as fair or poor shortly after BCS improved in the long-term follow-up . patient female 5 Here we present an 8-year-old patient with corticoresistant INS who developed a recurrence of her initial disease after kidney transplantation . patient male 7 Nine months after initial diagnosis , the patient regained his energy level , and returned to work with complete resolution of his initial symptoms . patient male 4 Twelve hours after the patient received his first dose , the blood concentration was 24.4 ng/mL using the Siemens Dimension RxL immunoassay . patient male 1 The patient is less informed than the practitioner and can not accurately assess his need for medical care . patient male 1 The patient experienced sustained resolution of his heart failure . patient male 4 A 65 year old patient had his mitral and aortic valves replaced with two Braunwald-Cutter prostheses in 1973 . patient male 1 The patient then underwent resection of his primary tumor , and on histological evaluation only minimal residual cancer was present . patient male 2 The homozygous patient had his first-ever stroke at age 28 years . patient male 28 This is markedly earlier than the average , but the patient 's heterozygous son had his first transient ischemic attack-like episode at the same age and another heterozygous patient had his first-ever stroke when only 2 years older . patient male 6 A few months later , the patient presented with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia after prematurely halting his own immunosuppressive treatment . patient male 5 Through this awareness , the patient gets a better use of his visual capacity . patient male 1 The patient subsequently experienced right foot drop , nail fold infracts and gangrene of his right second toe . patient male 14 For this reason , doctors should support and encourage the full right of every patient to be considered as an autonomous person until the end of life , affirming his dignity . patient female 5 At 4 months , the patient has been successfully using her graft . patient male 1 The patient experienced complete relief of his symptoms after surgical decompression and remains asymptomatic 14 months after surgery . patient female 5 After 19 treatments , the patient had resolution of her depression and only mild bradykinesia remained . patient female 1 The patient experienced delayed subluxation of her acute odontoid fracture during a flexion/extension examination completed in the ED , with resultant development of cervical discomfort . patient male 8 Another prerequisite for the operation is that the patient is able to empty his bladder ; otherwise deterioration of renal kidney function may occur . patient male 1 One patient initially rejected his graft but received a successful retransplant . patient female 16 Despite the high thrombotic risk to be assumed in the presence of this combined thrombophilia our patient suffered her first venous thrombotic event only at the age of 29 years during the puerperium of her first pregnancy . patient male 12 Early antibiotic treatment and management showed a clinical improvement , with the patient reporting resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 One patient demonstrated continued growth of his aneurysm despite coil embolization twice and underwent an open ligation of the branches perfusing the aneurysm from within the sac through a posterior approach . patient male 1 The patient underwent intradural repair of his dural defect via a lateral extracavitary approach . patient male 5 One week later , the patient visited his primary-care physician complaining of continued neurologic symptoms consistent with acute febrile encephalitis and recent mosquito bites . patient male 1 The patient is still alive and continues his adjuvant therapy . patient female 19 However , since the eyesight of the user is blocked by a Head-Mounted Display ( HMD ) , the user might lose her balance because of bumping into real-world obstacles or shifting the body weight onto virtual objects that are inexistent in the real-world . user male 10 Long-term remission was induced in three patients and one further patient showed a partial improvement of his disease . patient male 7 The postoperative course was unremarkable and the patient has resumed his occupation . patient male 8 To treat his sinusitis , we started the patient on long-term clarithromycin therapy , preoperatively . patient female 1 The patient continued her previous drug regimen during and after chemotherapy , which consisted of hormone replacement therapy , chloroquine , insulin , multivitamin , and tretinoin topical cream . patient female 9 Furthermore , it confers a considerable risk of the patient losing her uterus . patient female 8 During a night episode of itching , the patient examined her bed and found 8 insects likely to be responsible for the bites . patient male 54 The authors nevertheless feel that trazodone is preferable to flunitrazepam since it reduces all recovery reactions and , in particular , because it reduces the agitation induced by ketamine , rendering the pseudo-hallucinations pleasant , and because it is free of the hypnotic component of flunitrazepam , often inconstant and sometimes responsible for the patient swallowing his tongue . patient female 1 The patient completed her combination therapy and currently is free of any clinical problems at her 13th postoperative month . patient male 1 The patient developed numbness and weakness of his right hand and neurophysiological tests demonstrated that the lesion level was at the brachial plexus . patient male 30 It is important therefore to know how to give advice and information on the different risks linked to the allergic condition and to the field of allergy and help the patient to orientate his choice of place of the journey , the methods of lodging , of transport and the programme of the journey . patient female 14 From the day of catheter insertion and up to 9 months of follow-up , patient had marked improvement of her pain level as well as her functional status and ability to perform her daily activities , after which our acute pain team stopped following the patient . patient female 3 We present a patient who received methotrexate for the termination of an ectopic pregnancy and experienced a severe reactivation of her sunburn . patient female 4 Hypopituitarism recurred when the patient stopped her hormonal supplementation therapy after 7 years , and she again became symptom-free on restarting the therapy . patient female 1 The patient actively participates and provides her evaluation of the acceptability of the various treatments and outcomes . patient male 19 Good results were obtained with the surgical treatment administered along with an antimicrobial plan which remained incomplete because the patient has requested his discharge from the hospital . patient male 2 The third patient had normal optic nerve function and his orbital edema improved with methylprednisolone 250 mg/day and intravenous Kefzol over 3 days . patient male 1 The patient had his first metastasis after a disease-free interval longer than three years . patient male 1 The patient was forwarded to urgent care to address his stage 2 hypertension and referred for a medical evaluation , which included a complete blood count , an International Normalized Ratio , a prothrombin time , and a glycated hemoglobin . patient male 10 In the sample group ( group III ) , one patient over 13 showed extrapyramidal symptoms , necessitating his leaving school . patient male 8 CASE REPORT We present the case of a patient who had progression of his CLL and rheumatoid symptoms on rituximab therapy , and was subsequently treated with the second-generation anti-CD20 antibody obinutuzumab . patient female 10 The procedure went well without any complication , and the patient regained her preoperative status . patient female 3 Interestingly , the patient spent the majority of her time specifically searching the lower right quadrant of the stimulus array . patient female 1 The patient noticed her symptoms of urine leakage improved during menses when she used a menstrual cup . patient female 7 After confirmation of vesicouterine fistula , the patient underwent robotic-assisted surgery and her symptoms of insensible urine leakage resolved . patient male 7 Although this disease is self-limited , the patient was treated with corticosteroids and anti-inflammatory medication to enhance his comfort . patient female 4 At screening , the patient was unable to voluntarily extend her interphalangeal or metacarpophalangeal joints beyond the 10 degrees required for constraint-induced movement therapy . patient female 1 Our patient had complete resolution of her rash within 2 weeks of starting amoxicillin and clavulanate . patient male 5 At 3 months follow up patient had partial recovery of his bladder control and complete recovery of sensation . patient female 1 The patient successfully spent her end-of-life period and died at home . patient female 6 One year after surgery , the patient rejoined her school activities and is currently free of seizures . patient female 1 The patient can perceive sounds and her hearing ability is progressively improving . patient male 8 Despite treatment with tonsillectomy and rituximab , the patient eventually lost his allograft 31 months after transplantation . patient male 13 Three other patients showed more limited responses of shorter duration , and one patient experienced progressive worsening of his psoriasis while on the study . patient female 1 The patient concentrates her hope for recovery on the attending physician in a central , projective superelevated way . patient male 56 An attempt is made to define the immunity from prosecution of epileptics in accordance with non-static criteria , and to use a mixed biological-mental formula , which would make it possible to discover whether there was an alteration or anomaly of mental state at the time of the criminal offence , which would mean that the patient was unable to understand the unlawfulness of his action , or to act in accordance with such understanding . patient male 6 The aim is to help the patient use his own willpower and ego functions gradually to work on and finally resolve some of his neurotic problems . patient male 12 Seven analytic cases are presented to illustrate different ways of helping the patient to mobilize and utilize his own ego strength . patient male 6 The contract will also help the patient clarify his personal goals of treatment . patient male 3 We report a patient who developed a type B aortic dissection and ruptured his aneurysmal sac 1 year after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair ( EVAR ) , despite standard follow-up . patient female 1 The patient eventually recovered , achieved full remission of her leukaemia , and survived a further 2 1/2 years , mostly in excellent health . patient male 4 This may help the patient to better understand his situation and to recognize possible next steps that may be useful for him to evolve toward more health by himself . patient female 14 UN dislocation was confirmed intraoperatively , and , after UN submuscular transposition , the patient reported complete resolution of her preoperative symptoms at 6-week follow-up and continued resolution at 1 year . patient male 1 The patient underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention ( PCI ) of his right coronary artery and first diagonal artery with placement of drug-eluting stents . patient female 12 Pain scores were recorded before and after the procedure , and the patient reported complete resolution of her pain . patient female 6 During a 2.5-year follow-up , the patient regained full function of her affected knee and there was no recurrence of SO . patient male 1 The patient underwent radiotherapy and his 2-year follow-up showed no evidence of local or distant metastasis . patient female 5 During this treatment , the patient overcame her avoidant-defensive mode of functioning and her persistent difficulties related to separation . patient male 2 Although the patient was unable to recover his kidney function , he remained alive on dialysis 2 years after the incident . patient female 1 The patient healed her fractures after intramedullary nailing of the femur and was able to return to her activities . patient female 9 This is a case report of a 74-year-old female patient who sustained three stress fractures of her left femur . patient female 9 Later in the course of her treatment , the patient suddenly lost her vision and subsequently consciousness due to acute increased intracranial pressure , and emergency ventricular drainage was performed for therapeutic and diagnostic purposes . patient male 5 We thus conclude that the patient had recurrence of his primary disease in the graft . patient female 1 The patient reported significant improvement of her night vision . patient male 22 In the fifth session these patients were immediately able to differentiate between the required negativity and negativity suppression , whereas the seventh patient , who had relapsed , was unable to control his brain potentials successfully . patient female 26 Three additional patients presented with hirsutism as their primary complaint , and had karyotypes of 45,X/46,XY , 45X/46X , i(Yq ) , and 45,X. The latter patient , who had her karyotype confirmed by analysis of four tissue sources , had a streak gonad and a dysgenetic gonad , with both follicles and seminiferous tubules . patient female 1 One patient rejected her heart transplant , was reimplanted with the artificial heart , and now has been sustained for more than 3 months . patient female 29 Because bothersome symptoms and side-effects are a major reason for discontinuation and non-adherence to treatment , symptoms should be monitored and addressed by oncologists so that the breast cancer patient can maintain her quality of life and remain adherent to the treatment schedule . patient male 16 Angiography demonstrated compression of the left vertebral artery by the osteophytes of cervical spondylosis when the patient turned his head to the left . patient male 12 Abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant suddenly developed just after the patient twisted his waist and an emergency laparotomy revealed a hemorrhagic mass at the edge of the right omentum , which was excised . patient male 1 Our patient experienced substantial and sustained relief of his flank pain . patient female 1 The patient expresses her expectations in terms of breast volume , form and is clearly informed about potential risks and follow-up . patient male 1 One patient ingested 20.5 mg alprazolam before crashing his truck into parked automobiles . patient male 26 In mandibles , 1 grafted patient did not want to go ahead with the treatment because of multiple complications and graft failure , and another grafted patient did not receive his prostheses due the loss of 2 implants . patient female 2 A 16-year-old patient who fractured her maxillary central incisors is presented . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient experienced relief of his neck pain . patient male 8 Postoperatively there was no hip instability and the patient has been able to resume his previous physical activity . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft 10.3 years after transplantation due to chronic rejection , and 1 patient needed endovascular dilation . patient male 21 It is characterized by patient 's movements but does not result in a memorization of the episode , except if the patient opens his eyes at that moment . patient female 1 The patient had injured her left eye 7 months after laser in situ keratomileusis ( LASIK ) , causing a traumatic flap dislocation that had not been repositioned . patient male 5 At 3-month follow-up , the patient reported full use of his right hand , including woodworking , with excellent relief of symptoms . patient female 1 The patient underwent decompression and drainage of her sterile postoperative seroma . patient male 1 The patient underwent a novel reconstruction of his chronic extensor mechanism loss with a combination of inferior pole patellar fracture excision , z-plasty and lengthening of the quadriceps tendon , and Achilles tendon reconstruction of the patellar tendon with both hamstring autograft and acellular human dermal matrix allograft augmentation of the entire reconstruction construct . patient male 6 At the 1-year follow-up , the patient had resumed all his normal activities , including sports . patient male 21 MW was evident in writing to dictation with left hand only , both in right and left hemispace , but the patient could modify his behavior when a verbal instruction was provided . patient male 18 One of the failures is due to the fact that the operation was undertaken too late ; the patient never accepted the aspect of his new " hand " . patient male 6 Stage 3 : finally , every patient could choose his treatment ( either Polym or Plc ) for the rest of the period ( 2 months ) . patient female 4 We describe a female patient with LCDD who lost her first living donor graft after 1 year due to extensive recurrence of kappa chain deposition . patient male 14 92 % had excellent outcomes ( mRS 0 - 1 ) and only one patient had deterioration of his mRS score . patient male 8 The brother of the patient reported that the patient had been smearing his skin with brake fluid containing diethylene glycol to treat a " dermatitis . patient male 6 Twelve months after treatment , the patient achieved painless union of his fracture . patient male 1 The patient improved his symptoms and remains clinically stable after 12 months of treatment with pegylated interferon-α-2a 180 µg/weekly . patient male 1 The patient underwent robot-assisted endoscopic resection of his atrial mass and was discharged in stable condition on postoperative day 2 . patient male 1 One patient had total healing of his ulcers just after treatment . patient male 35 The primary care internist/family physician has recieved limited training in the behavioral aspects of medicine and , resultingly , is less able to obtain and apply the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively help the patient handle those mutually interacting somatic , phychological and sociological dimensions of his illness . patient female 7 The buccal swelling did not allow the patient to close her mouth and the discoloration extended to the sternum . patient female 8 They present on illustrative case history of a patient who was able to describe her feelings during the process of decompensation to schizophrenic psychosis and two case histories of patients whose decompensations were rated according to the authors ' State of Illness Rating Scale . patient female 5 An additional aspect for the patient who is able to cure her own cancer is that she is much less likely to get cancer again and much better prepared to deal with other diseases and challenges in life . patient male 10 Through group discussions and patient interviews , in which the patient has an opportunity to express his own feelings about his illness and his care , the staff becomes aware of the psychosocial issues that are universally evoked by illness and hospitalization . patient male 17 He had been commenced on sulfasalazine 2 weeks ago to control his rheumatoid arthritis , which the patient had discontinued taking three days prior to admission . patient male 40 After a strict control of blood pressure ; initially using parenteral agents such as Solinitrin and Urapidil , followed by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors , angiotensin II receptor blockers , beta-adrenergic receptor blockers , calcium channel blockers and Hydralazine , the patient partially recovers his renal function , resulting in the withdrawal of haemodialysis . patient male 9 His mother is struggling to take care of the patient given his worsening behavior and body habitus ( body mass index > 99 % ; z = 3.41).There is a family history of depression , anxiety , bipolar disorder , and autism . patient male 8 The results obtained were satisfactory , allowing the patient to conserve and use his own esophagus . patient male 5 After nine years , the patient had his first olfactory impressions , with his sense of smell gradually improving over a period of three years . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient showed severe neurological deterioration and lost his capacity to walk . patient female 1 This patient completed her 18 month maintenance treatment and has been in neurological remission , but required steroid pulse and plasmapheresis for lung symptoms . patient female 11 The prosthesis was applied over the affected area , and the patient was able see her face on the mirror for the first time in years . patient female 2 If one patient whose ulcerations almost encircled her calves and took 78 weeks to heal is excluded , patients treated with support stockings had an average healing time of 11.8 weeks . patient female 5 The winners include a young patient who is holding her own against formidable medical odds after receiving heroic treatment for leukemia , and the country 's osteopaths , who have won the right to compile a statutory register . patient male 1 Our patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and a chronic Prototheca wickerhamii skin infection of the hand developed tenosynovitis and arthritis of his ankle in the setting of a documented algemia . patient male 18 Part of the role of the social worker in a medical setting should be to determine if a patient has reviewed his legal status concerning wills , insurance , and estate planning . patient female 24 From the patient records it became clear that three of four patients with tracheostomy had airway symptoms before being tracheostomized , and the fourth patient had her tracheostomy following a postintubation airway stenosis . patient male 5 One year later , the patient had a new recurrence and was treated with mycophenolate mofetil , improving his clinical situation . patient male 9 A case is reported in which one treated pediatric patient gave his plastic , disposable dental mirror to a 2.5-year-old sibling , who while playing chewed on the mirror and the mirrored glass surface broke in the child 's mouth . patient female 5 Vertigo suddenly occurred when the patient rotated her head 20 days ago , the symptoms of vertigo were improved after continuous 1 to 3 seconds , and similar symptoms were repeated in sleep and rest , with a frequency of 30 to 40 times per day . patient female 15 Once the diagnosis is confirmed , we recommend hysterectomy for all except an occasional young patient who has not completed her family . patient male 25 Discontinuation of assisted ventilation was likely to be successful in those patients whose respiratory work was less than or equal to 1.5 kg-m/min if the patient was able to increase and maintain his work capability by a factor of two when breathing against an inspiratory resistance of 5 cm H2O for 10 min . patient male 1 A patient who had undergone his third orthotopic liver transplantation nearly 9 years prior to presentation developed worsening hepatic and renal function , as well as severe bilateral lower extremity edema . patient female 1 The patient 's delirium and serum sodium were slow to normalize , prolonging her hospital stay and delaying treatment of her depression . patient male 1 The patient relates his personal experiences struggling with the diagnosis , his experience with treatment and the physical , emotional and psychosexual impact on his life . patient female 13 We present a unique case of a 6.5 cm ameloblastoma in an adolescent patient with who underwent successful excision of her tumor . patient male 10 She refers to the fact that in Gestalt Psychotherapy the patient projects on the therapist disturbed aspects of his personallity as well as healthy ones , which determines the characteristics of the relationship . patient male 8 The goal of nursing is to enable the patient to use his faculty fully . " The Public Health Nurse is , " assistance to the process of solving one 's health , identifying health issues based on a community , using systematic measures which lead to prevention , and aiming at public responsibility . patient female 6 Postoperative 1 year later , the patient had completely recovered and resumed her normal life . patient male 5 Four years later , the patient underwent surgical decompression and stabilization of his lumbar spine to avoid a catastrophic collapse of spine with neurological deficit . patient female 14 After we surgically ligated the right portal branch , the graft recovered and the patient was able to stop her medication 1 month after surgery . patient male 9 The purpose of immediate placement was to aid the patient resume his professional duties the next day itself along with esthetic and functional comfort , psychological well-being and most importantly preserving the remaining tissue in a healthy condition . patient male 7 Here , we aim to describe a patient who had multiple myeloma and in his work up renal cell carcinoma was found out incidentally . patient female 1 The patient did not reapproach her baseline systolic blood pressure until 90 minutes after the metoclopramide administration when it was measured at 138 mmHg . patient female 2 Although the patient achieved control of her RSE , her course was complicated by the development of an anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome ( AHS ) with transaminitis . patient male 1 The patient suffered bilateral obstruction of his pudendal arteries . patient female 1 The patient has had resolution of her sino-orbital disease without recurrence at 10 months of follow-up . patient female 9 ASTI-GM is an on demand guideline-based CDSS where the user interactively characterizes her patient by browsing the system knowledge base to obtain the recommended treatment . user male 4 After the operation the patient started his work again in accordance with his specialty ; the question about disability registration did not arise any more . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient experienced complete cure of her neuralgia . patient female 12 The person in charge gave guidance for HPN management , and the patient began to regain her pre-hospitalization life and a sense of her role in her family and society . patient male 1 The patient determined his maximum bench press prior to the treatment program . patient male 74 Since the introduction of LANs in his University Hospital a decade ago , the author has noticed an increased motivation of the doctors from the inpatients ' Department to follow-up their patients personally , an increased participation of nurses to a dual vs. triangular patient-nurse vs. physician-nurse relationship ( hence a less massive fixation of chronic psychotics to one therapist ) , a decreased anxiety of relatives regarding their responsibility of ensuring that the patient does take his tablets , and a greater incentive for patients to attend the consultations in order to get their injection . patient female 1 The patient followed her normal growth velocity until 13 months of age , at which time longitudinal length plateaued . patient male 7 At the 6th postoperative month , the patient had recovered a normal sensitivity of his lower lip and chin . patient male 12 Similarly , 22.3 % of HPCs felt overwhelmed when confronted with a patient who substantiated his suicidality during consultation . patient female 1 The patient has now been free of intracranial failures for two years and continues fulfilling her love for travel and long-distance biking . patient female 1 Our patient opened her eyes in the requested direction and turned her head toward people entering the room . patient female 5 After three months , our patient could stick out her tongue upon demand . patient male 1 The patient received ASA and clopidogrel and his visual deficit resolved within days . patient male 18 Over the course of several weeks they had developed a state of increasing lethargy and fatigue and one patient had noticed a darkening of his skin . patient female 5 A 21 years old female patient , primigest , in the first trimester of gestation , she started her disease with nauseas and vomiting more than 15 times during 6 hours period , odynophagia , dysphonia and pain in the cervical region , loss of 5 kilograms in the last month . patient male 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient had resolution of his aphasia and improvement in his headaches , with no signs of recurrence or metastasis on imaging . patient female 1 The patient reported complete resolution of her symptoms after the procedure . patient female 8 On completion of a 60-minute healing , the patient was able to stand freely and rated her pain as a 4/10 . patient male 39 First feasible objectives include modest lifestyle changes and reduction of comorbidities ; if an extreme obesity with a BMI above 99.5th percentile or mental disorders are present or if it becomes apparent within the first 6 months that the patient can not achieve his own goals for changes in lifestyle and body weight , a referral to a specialized center is indicated . patient male 11 The clinical picture which caused the process was solved and the patient keeps his fertility . patient male 1 The patient regained his functional ability to walk soon after surgery because of less pain than with thoracotomy . patient male 3 We report a patient who tolerated his Choyce Mark VIII style implant well , despite a three-month episode of mild nongranulomatous uveitis occurring two months postoperatively , until his death 17 months later . patient male 1 The patient died on day-of-life 39 , prior to establishing his diagnosis , highlighting the importance of early and rapid neonatal diagnosis because of possible adverse effects of certain therapeutic interventions , such as administration of ketogenic diet , in this disorder . patient female 1 The patient had resolution of her abdominal pain and her postoperative course was uncomplicated . patient female 1 The patient reported intermittent fever , diarrhea , and abdominal pain , and her body weight was below the third percentile for her age . patient male 1 The patient , who is a farmer , can go back to his job and perform his daily activities . patient male 1 The patient had received 5 months of his treatment while hospitalised . patient female 1 One patient had minimal collateralization and experienced progression of her neurologic symptoms . patient female 1 Another patient lost her leg because of bypass occlusion 9 months after arterial reconstruction . patient male 12 On the day prior to consultation in our outpatient clinic , the patient fell from his bed , striking his frontal head on the floor . patient female 10 We describe a case in which the procedure allowed the patient to more easily perform intermittent catheterization and helped eliminate her recurrent urinary tract infections . patient male 17 Cerebral angiography demonstrated compression of the left vertebral artery by osteophytes of the cervical spine when the patient turned his head to the left . patient male 29 After a microscopically assisted posterior revision at T9/10 with removal of bullet and bone fragments from the spinal canal and debridement of the bullet cavity via extended fenestrectomy the patient gained his motor function back . patient male 2 A 34-year-old patient presenting a third rupture of his left Achilles tendon with 4 cm composite defect was reconstructed with a contralateral anterolateral thigh perforator flap with part of the fasciae latae . patient male 9 After having completed his initial treatment cycle , one patient ( group 2 ) received a second treatment cycle of three doses of 10(7.5 ) CCID(50 ) and subsequently showed stable disease . patient male 12 The Purkinje experiment appeared to be equivalent to the situation when a patient with an acute lesion of a horizontal vestibular canal bends his head . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of the pseudoaneurysm and his symptoms following treatment with ultrasound-guided percutaneous thrombin injection . patient female 15 Doppler sonography of the portal and splenic veins showed a constant hepatopetal flow while the patient held her breath in midinspiration and a brief , transient color change restricted to the hilar splenic veins when the patient took a deep breath . patient male 16 Color Doppler sonography of the portal and splenic veins showed a constant hepatopetal flow while the patient held his breath in midinspiration and a transient reversal of flow restricted to the splenic veins when the patient took a deep breath . patient female 1 One patient developed a complete regression of her skin lesions after 16 cycles of ECP , and response to therapy was observed despite constantly elevated renal values . patient female 6 Two years after surgery , the patient had regained her preoperative walking ability with the aid of a T cane , and radiographic examination showed no coxarthrosis changes . patient male 3 The single infected patient in the AS group had his graft removed as well because of deep persistent infection . patient female 12 This therapy did not result in regression of the disease ; one patient even showed progression of her skin tumors . patient male 1 The patient experienced no functional hearing impairment and resumed his daily-life activities 3 months after surgery . patient male 1 The patient who had an undiagnosed Klippel-Feil deformity had incurred his cervical injury after a collapse . patient male 8 We describe the case of a 64-year-old male patient who first experienced a 90-degree rotation of the field of vision and then had the impression of his body rotating in space . patient male 1 The patient developed an itchy rash on his abdomen and under his wristwatch 1 week after dental braces were placed . patient male 1 The patient avoided cutaneous nickel exposure and had a minimal resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient experienced relief of his oral symptoms after removal of the braces . patient male 29 Premedication of diazepam 10 mg and atropine 0.5 mg was given , and sleep was induced and maintained by intermittent intravenous injections of etomidate 0.1/mg/kg , given whenever the patient would open his eyes on request . patient female 1 The patient developed subsequent recurrence of her disease with distant metastasis . patient male 12 We report the clinical , radiologic , and pathologic features of a patient who had fulminant demyelinating disease and who experienced acute progression of his disease after an episode of valproate-induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy . patient male 1 One patient recovered his erectile function at the end of the treatment ; whereas 3 referred that their ability for intercourse enhanced while 2 reported that treatment improved their sexual life in general . patient female 8 One day after sunbathing , a breast cancer patient received intravenous methotrexate , cyclophosphamide and 5-fluorouracil and had a recall of her UV erythema over the following week . patient female 10 A visit to a memory clinic proved interesting when a patient passed her dementia test - even pointing out a flawed Shakespeare quotation to a doctor . patient female 3 To help the patient focus her attention , and to facilitate DBT ® mindfulness skills learning , the patient looked into virtual reality goggles , and had the illusion of slowly " floating down " a 3D computer-generated river while listening to DBT ® mindfulness training audios . patient male 9 Eighty seconds after the onset of irrigation , the patient placed his head forward , thereby causing both an ampullopetal and ampullofugal flow of endolymph . patient female 1 The patient delivered her infant via caesarian section prior to initiating further therapy . patient male 8 The occluded CIV was successfully stented and the patient had complete resolution of his symptoms at 22-month follow-up . patient female 1 One patient developed an exacerbation of her LE skin manifestations after two months , whilst in another patient fever and skin rash ( probably drug-induced ) were observed after one month . patient female 5 This case report presents a patient that experienced incisional lumbar herniation of her kidney following an iliac crest bone harvesting procedure . patient female 1 The patient experienced a complete resolution of her respiratory symptoms postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient reported resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 One patient treated percutaneously resolved his sepsis but had a persistent pancreatic fistula and was managed with pancreaticojejunostomy . patient female 6 On leaving her job , the patient had no further skin reactions or bronchial asthma episodes . patient male 1 This patient suffered from a 26 cm ( 10.2 in . ) bone loss of his left distal femur and severe soft tissue damage with an irreparable extensor mechanism after motor cycle accident . patient male 18 For the other , with the secret signing key being stored inside , the smart card enables the patient to sign electronically the prescription pad , declaring his acceptance of the prescription . patient male 1 The patient subsequently reported a complete resolution of his symptoms and excellent glycaemic control . patient female 15 Multidisciplinary care of high-risk cases allows us to cure the disease , and helps the patient recover her reproductive uterine function . patient female 30 As observers of another 's psyche , we are to become aware of the patient 's impact on us and to value this data as important to understand how the patient influences people 's reactions to him or her ; but then this set of observations must be split away from the attempt to introspect to a self-state closer to where the patient is , psychologically speaking . patient female 7 A case is presented in which a patient performed mechanical self-mutilation of her dentition during an episode of psychotic illness . patient male 1 The patient was able to outline achievable goals of his diabetes treatment and began their successful implementation . patient female 1 Our patient had frequently accompanied her daughter on visits to another medical center following a stem cell transplant , where her daughter was instructed to wear a mask during all visits because of extensive building construction . patient male 6 After one year follow-up , the patient had no complaint and had resumed his sporting activity . patient female 1 One patient experienced worsening of her visual deficit . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient responded well clinically and showed radiographic improvement of her hydrocephalus . patient male 5 During the episodes , the patient typically procured his wife , achieving complete sexual intercourse with total amnesia . patient male 15 The decision as to the treatment of choice has to be made individually for each patient taking into consideration his general condition , life expectancy , and origin of the primary . patient male 50 Whatever its size , a system must be developed that allows for thorough initial evaluation of patients , formation of rational goals with the patient , adequate time for patient education and training , ongoing re-enforcement to consolidate and maintain gains , and an appropriate means of intervention when the patient experiences an exacerbation of his disease . patient female 1 The patient underwent chemotherapy but her health condition worsened after a second treatment due to the occurrence of recurrent pulmonary infections associated with cough during meals making swallowing impossible . patient female 15 Since the family members felt extremely embarrassed , they were upset and angry with the patient which , in turn , increased her depressive symptoms . patient female 6 After two years of analysis the patient is shown to have acquired an ability to contain her own emotions when she draws a volcano to represent her rage . patient male 1 The patient underwent a palliative diversion of his rectal cancer 10 months after diagnosis , developed liver metastasis at 12 months , and died 20 months after diagnosis . patient male 1 The patient explained his anxiety and his symptoms as stemming from violent death in his former life and subsequent transmigration . patient female 35 Memorial Hospital , New York City , clinical section of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center , has developed a Post-Mastectomy Rehabilitation Group ( PMRG ) which provides a comprehensive structure program to enable the mastectomy patient to regain functional use of her arm and shoulder on the affected side , and to adapt functionally , psychologically , and emotionally to the loss of her breast and the diagnosis of cancer in the shortest time possible . patient female 1 The patient reported being comfortable during sexual intercourse and could explain her sexual needs to her partner . patient male 26 Because serum thyrotropin ( TSH ) levels were elevated even while the patient was taking 150 μg daily of levothyroxine ( LT(4 ) ) , the patient was treated with (131)I 100 mCi for ablation of the thyroid remnant without discontinuing his LT(4 ) therapy . patient female 2 A female patient , 19 years old , 58 kg , with hypothyroidism controlled with L-tiroxine ( 75 mg ) had her von Willebrands disease manifested three years before after a wisdom tooth extraction with persistent bleeding in the postoperative period . patient female 1 The patient spoke only Spanish and her oncologists were primarily English-speaking . patient male 2 Only one patient did not undergo definitive closure of his defect because of a marked decrease in Qs and SOT with a significant rise in RA pressure . patient male 10 Contrary to the American descriptions of heat strokes , the patient kept his perspiring ability . patient female 10 The tumors were excised completely without complication , and the patient subsequently regained her vision . patient male 1 The patient underwent radical orchiectomy , achieving initial remission of his disease . patient male 19 As a result , the upper lip was able to be elevated as much as 10 mm when the patient clenched his teeth , and the outcome was judged to be both aesthetically and functionally satisfactory . patient female 14 A bonded tongue crib was used in the early permanent dentition to help the patient break her bad tongue habits . patient male 20 In patients who do not cooperate well , lowering and raising of the foot can be checked additionally with the patient standing and bending his knee as well as by standing on tiptoe . patient male 8 Good communication between the rehabilitation team , the patient and the family facilitates optimal care and provides the stroke survivor with the opportunity to reach his maximal functional potential . patient male 5 10 months before , the patient had experienced symmetrical swelling of his large joints and his creatinine and calcium levels had been elevated at that time . patient male 1 The patient achieved complete resolution of his flexion contracture . patient male 18 The respondents included 132 females ( 58.1 % ) , 94 males ( 41.4 % ) and one patient who did not specify his gender ( 0.4 % ) . patient female 1 The patient survived shut out form sensory and visual experience and locked in for voluntary movements , but kept her verbal competence in several languages . patient female 14 At the time of embryo transfer ( ET ) it was noted that the patient had misunderstood her instructions and was administering both her estrogen and progesterone vaginally . patient male 1 Our patient received systemic chemotherapy and his survival period was relatively longer than previous reports . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft with autologous reconstitution 52 days after transplantation . patient female 5 Two years follow-up of the patient showed her mental and motor development was appropriate with her age . patient male 16 Four patients subsequently underwent 5 transtibial amputations : 2 for persistent infection , 1 when the patient changed his mind against limb salvage acutely , and 2 for severe neurogenic pain . patient male 1 The patient rated his improvement as a very great deal better on the Global Rating of Change Scale . patient male 5 Here we report on a patient , who obviously acquired his HEV infection in Germany . patient female 7 Rapid functional improvement occurred , and the patient regained the ability to walk and independently manage her daily activities . patient female 13 More than one year after removal of the contact lenses , only one patient fully recovered her initial visual acuity . patient male 1 The patient gradually recovered his normal renal function , improved his pleural effusions and normalized his cardiac function . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft after several complications , including AMR . patient male 13 This report describes the use of radionuclide imaging in the evaluation of a patient who developed necrosis of his distal digits following a radiation accident . patient male 1 The patient had a prolonged skin bleeding time and his platelets had reduced numbers of alpha-granules , increased vacuolation and reduced retention on glass beads . patient male 1 The patient had no mucosal or nail changes and the remainder of his skin examination was normal . patient female 10 Significant delays in chemotherapy administration were avoided , and the patient successfully completed her planned chemotherapy course . patient male 3 The hemorrhagic stroke patient failed to demonstrate improved muscle strength and did not amend his daily activities . patient female 1 The patient underwent needle-localized segmental mastectomy of her left breast ; pathologic specimen revealed no residual malignancy . patient male 1 The patient exhibited his own post-treatment ribotypes , different from those of the spouse , of A. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis in 1 couple and of P. intermedia/P. nigrescens group and C. rectus in 1 couple . patient female 1 The patient stabilized after therapy with intravenous heparin , but switching her medication to oral warfarin sodium was followed by clinical deterioration and propagation of the thrombus , necessitating resumption of intravenous heparin . patient male 11 This change is made especially evident when the author meets another patient who recognizes the volunteer and reveals his very different past . patient male 1 One patient watched Jurassic Park 50 times and shared his thoughts about the significance this film , and films in general , held for him throughout his life . patient female 6 At 3 years postoperatively , the patient has maintained the shape and quality of her reconstruction , without evidence of recurrent infection . patient male 9 Migraine concomitant with epilepsy increases the risk of the patient developing drug-resistant epilepsy , depression and anxiety disorders , as well as significantly decreases his quality of life . patient male 1 The patient was treated surgically , with hyperbaric oxygen and pharmacologically to control his diabetes . patient female 1 The patient experienced complete resolution of her symptoms . patient female 1 This patient had vaginal bleeding and her disease was limited to the cervix . patient female 6 At a 6-month follow-up , the patient was using her hand in daily life and did not complain of any pain . patient female 1 The patient achieved her goal of community ambulation with her prosthetic limbs . patient male 36 The authors describe the nursing care of patients with agitation and aggressiveness manifestations , in order to preserve their physical and psychic integrity , to protect the integrity of those around them and to help the patient control his own behavior . patient male 1 The patient had multiple magnet resonance imaging ( MRI ) examinations of his brain and spine following radiochemotherapy for a primary intracranial germ cell tumor ( GCT ) , as part of his oncologic follow-up . patient male 1 The patient was administered with three courses of consolidation chemotherapy plus atretinoin , resulting in complete remission and did not jeopardize his allograft function . patient male 1 The patient has a good chance to improve the natural course of his disease by changing his lifestyle . patient male 9 A 32-year old Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ( OCD ) male patient donated his Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) . patient female 4 The history that the patient gave as well as her clinical and biological findings made it possible to diagnose the case definitively . patient female 36 After 26 weeks ( 33 treatments ) , tissue tenderness of the sacroiliac joint region was normalized , pelvic/trunk and lower-extremity mobility and flexibility were restored , sacroiliac symmetry and stability were regained , and the patient achieved her goal of returning to competitive tennis at the collegiate level . patient female 8 After about 2 years of presentation , the patient is able to continue her life independently . patient male 15 This case report is the first such describing acute aortic dissection and rupture in a patient who also had incidental aneurysms of his carotid and iliac arteries . patient female 14 This was treated by closed reduction and a plaster cast , after which the patient regained normal function of her wrist . patient male 32 Patterns of recognition and coping are evident to the therapist from the organisation of subject matter as modelled by the patient ; this supplies significant pointers to the manner in which the patient has organized his emotions and the internal interrelations of these in his mind . patient male 1 The patient recovered his ankle function to normal activities after rehabilitation . patient male 1 The patient can project upon the photograph his way of seeing life , his meanings , significances , patterns , relationships , and especially feelings . patient male 1 The patient kept a detailed diary of his headaches and was followed for 12 months after treatment . patient male 4 In addition , the patient has been able to reduce his medication intake , allowing for a significant decrease in medication-related side effects . patient female 7 At 6 weeks ' follow-up , the patient had complete resolution of SUI , with no de novo urgency symptoms , and could empty her bladder to completion . patient male 15 According to this law , it is up to the physician to judge if a patient is able to exercise his own rights or if the patient needs assistance from a representative . patient male 1 The patient resumed his usual dose of warfarin after stopping the juice . patient male 5 In case 2 , the patient had atrial fibrilation and His bundle recordings were performed while differents degrees of left bundle branch block were present : The mechanism of the alternation and the concept of " masquerading " block are discussed . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and his peripheral neuropathy and foot-drop resolved completely within 1 month after surgery . patient female 1 The patient recovered uneventfully and experienced resolution of her claudication and pulmonary symptoms , improved blood pressure control , and normalization of her creatinine . patient male 8 Both hands appeared like a cup but the patient was able to carry out his routine activities . patient male 3 A 62-year-old Chinese patient with recurrent pompholyx submitted his blood sample for pre-treatment thiopurine S-methyltransferase ( TPMT ) pharmacogenetic profiling , and it was found to harbour a novel single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ) . patient female 1 The patient was able to pursue her work and hobbies with subnormal range of motion at 1-year follow-up . patient female 8 The laboratory verified the elevated SQC and the patient had her prescriptions refilled within appropriate time limits . patient male 3 Finally , the user can submit his sequence(s ) . user male 0 Patient 5 has profound lymphopenia and his brother had cytomegalovirus ( CMV ) pneumonitis and passed away in infancy . Patient male 11 We report the first case of an hepatitis C virus positive patient presenting with a solid tumor and developing an exacerbation of his hepatitis C after chemotherapy . patient female 2 The fourth patient removed her contact lenses every two days for cleaning and disinfection and discarded them for a new pair on a weekly basis . patient male 1 One patient improved his neurological status but died on the 10th postoperative day from pulmonary embolism . patient male 8 During tapering of corticosteroids , however , the patient developed posterior scleritis of his eyes and pyoderma gangrenosum-like eruptions on the lower legs . patient female 2 A premenopausal patient experienced the birth of her first child significantly earlier than did the urban control of corresponding age , despite their similarity of age at menarche . patient male 6 At 18 months of age our patient has persistent cholestasis and his itching is not under satisfactory control . patient male 2 The ninth patient had recurrence of his HL 3 years after lymphoma diagnosis . patient female 10 The efficacy of the treatment was assessed subjectively by each patient comparing the duration and amount of her menstrual bleeding before and after the operative procedure . patient female 4 Finally , 1 control patient ultimately had her pouch excised because of recurrent intractable pouchitis . patient male 29 Direct delivery of the therapy into the cerebrospinal fluid was well tolerated , completely eliminating the patient 's brain and spinal tumors for 7.5 months , during which the patient resumed his normal activities . patient male 4 At admission , the patient could not move his extremities , and tendon reflexes of the upper and lower extremities were significantly increased . patient female 1 The patient reduced her drug use and experienced improved physical health and psychosocial functioning . patient female 5 After expectant management , the patient experienced a total recovery of her symptoms . patient female 11 The surgical technique used provided an excellent result according to the patient , who regained her self-confidence and started having a normal sexual life again . patient female 5 While awaiting surgery , the patient had spontaneous improvement of her right-sided weakness and her condition eventually was managed conservatively . patient male 1 The patient is able to enter his PSA data and complete the questionnaire at home . patient female 1 The patient eventually had full resolution of her symptoms . patient female 1 The patient had the habit of smoking her cigarettes until the last possible drag , putting her skin in direct contact with the burning tobacco . patient male 1 The patient suffered four recurrences of his TM ( each at a distinct spinal cord level ) over the course of 2 years following his initial presentation , which ultimately progressed to quadriplegia . patient male 21 The awareness and understanding of these patterns and their variations with a practical response from the hospital staff will help the patient to project his natural personality and to develop an acceptable level of self-sufficiency even during this time of physical restriction . patient female 1 The patient experienced immediate relief of her symptoms . patient male 1 Our patient received 30 times his daily dose resulting high tacrolimus levels . patient male 6 Three months after presentation , the patient showed dramatic improvement and regained his ability to walk . patient male 1 One patient had the operation immediately following his only subarachnoid hemorrhage , and has thus been protected from neurological damage . patient male 1 One patient has had postoperative reversal of his progressive neurological deterioration and severe pain . patient male 10 Several weeks after the start of the treatment , the patient reported softening of the lymphatic malformation and a significant improvement of his symptoms and physical condition . patient female 1 The patient had resumed all her daily activities . patient male 5 In 1 case , the patient required hospitalization and lost his job . patient male 2 When a patient spends the final six months of his life in the hospital , a social worker is presented with many opportunities and challenges -- and some frustrations . patient female 6 It seems better to inform the patient rather than to procure her abortion by proposing her an effective and inoffensive contraceptive method meanwhile to be pregnant after renal transplantation . patient male 1 Our patient reported an electrical injury of his face 13 years ago that affected both eyes . patient female 1 The patient gave her full informed written consent to this report being published . patient female 10 Along with the pathological progress of the disease , the patient noticed a gradual exacerbation of her symptoms . patient female 6 At 14 months follow-up , the patient reported continued pain relief and had resumed her active lifestyle without any adverse effects . patient female 4 During hospitalization , the patient fell and broke her right femur . patient male 3 Clinically , the patient was pain free near full wrist and forearm range of motion and could perform his previous vocational and recreational tasks without any limitations . patient female 8 For two metastatic tumors in a 19-year old patient who did not have her primary cancer resected , the calculated radiation absorbed dose was 170 and 180 Gy . patient male 5 At one-month follow-up , the patient had improved his systemic condition and the left eye scotoma had disappeared . patient male 1 One patient rated his moods as consistently improving from the " off " state to the " on " state and finally to the " on with dyskinesia " state , a finding that is consistent with concomitant central dopaminergic changes . patient male 23 Because of increased pain ( VAS 8 - 9 ) one hour after surgery for abscess in the liver and peritonea , the patient was given intravenous dexketoprofen trometamol and diazem considering his OIH . patient female 6 At her 2-year follow-up , the patient reported complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient did well and reported no further progression of his disease during 7 months of follow-up . patient male 23 Fungal infections occurred in three patients receiving nystatin ( 16 % ) and one patient receiving ketoconazole ( 8 % ) ; one patient refused his assigned drug due to taste intolerance . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her hypertension following surgery , which involved only resection of the involved bowel without ureterolysis . patient male 6 Two complications were recorded : one patient ( intervention group ) lost his intravenous line , and one patient ( control group ) had an unplanned extubation . patient male 6 In the latter , the adolescent patient usually continued his activity , was able to perform even mathematical calculations and often his speech was not disturbed . patient male 3 While the first patient rejected his graft at 2 weeks , two recipients demonstrated long-term islet function up to 10 months posttransplant . patient male 2 The third patient on prednisone and azathioprine received one half his islets after 7-day culture and the other half after 7-day culture combined with cryopreservation . patient female 1 One patient was in a subacute stage ( central hepatic fibrosis ) and had her diagnosis based on hepatic biopsy and venography ; the other one was necropsied in a cirrhotic stage . patient male 10 The early diagnosis of the colonic neoplasm has enabled our patient to have a curative surgery without compromising his quality of life . patient male 1 The patient tolerated occlusion of his main left coronary artery for a total of 7 minutes without difficulty , during dilatation of left anterior descending and two circumflex lesions . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her symptoms following aggressive treatment with steroids and cyclophosphamide . patient male 28 The results were favourable : after 17 , 21 and 36 months there was an improvement in various lung function parameters , his fatigue was reduced and the patient had been able to resume his work as a taxi driver . patient female 10 After the procedure was performed on both eyes , the patient had significant decreases in the amplitudes of her nystagmus and oscillopsia , thereby improving her daily function . patient male 2 Only one patient lost his graft due to acute accelerated vascular rejection . patient male 5 An unusual case of a patient who lost his native kidneys and renal allograft from cholesterol crystal emboli . patient female 1 The patient presented normal glucose tolerance but her insulin response was lower than that of 14 normal women ( area under the curve , 3 beta-HSD = 17,680 vs 50,034 pmol/l for the control group over a period of 3 h after glucose ingestion).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient female 1 The patient was able to wear her device immediately after surgery . patient male 1 The patient had resection of his CNS lesion , followed by radiation and chemotherapy . patient male 2 The PHFH patient lead a healthy , normal life without significant psychosocial problems and was reluctant to accept his deformity . patient male 37 Following these correlations , the author discusses certain questions pertinent to the psychoanalytical method and proposes a model in which the analyst acts as a mediator/catalyst in the process of revision of the ways in which the patient has organised his emotional experiences and the theories constructed to support these hypotheses . patient female 1 The patient exhibited the Ramsay Hunt Syndrome and was unable to blink or close her right eye . patient male 1 One user increased his consonant-nucleus-consonant word score from 12 % preoperatively to 42 % , and the other 's performance increased from 0 % to 86 % . user male 5 For instance , the first patient treated by this method two years ago has enjoyed perfect health and is pursuing his normal occupation . patient female 1 The patient was underwent emergent decompressive craniectomy for intracranial hemorrhage without acknowledging her long-term use of a beta-blocker medication . patient male 2 The global patient posture includes his pelvic morphology and tilting , and his pelvic and spinal balance . patient male 7 One month after erythema developed , the patient visited his private physician , and was tentatively diagnosed as having erythema multiforme . patient male 4 After 7 days the patient consulted his practitioner with the filled booklet . patient female 5 After one month , the patient could move her head and the proximal part of her limbs but remained confined to bed ( NIHSS = 13 ) . patient male 1 The patient experienced prompt relief of his symptoms and at follow-up , imaging studies revealed resolution of the pelvic mass and non-obstructed clearance of right-side collecting system . patient male 7 At the 2-year follow-up exam , the patient exhibited relief of his preoperative back and leg pain and he had returned to all activities . patient male 1 The patient with M. xenopi infection appeared to clear his infection subsequently without antimycobacterial therapy . patient male 1 One patient who missed his screening colonoscopy appointment re-presented two years later and was diagnosed with advanced right sided CRC . patient female 9 Finally , the experts offer specific advice for a patient who finds her mammography reports confusing . patient male 2 Only one patient had his diverticulum surgically removed ; the wall was lined by thick endocardium surrounded by normal myocardium . patient male 1 The patient received his first dose of uridine triacetate 18 hours after the fluorouracil overdose . patient male 25 Due to a massive swelling of his right lower limb and a wide painful area all over the pelvis and right lower limb , the patient lost his autonomy and was almost bedridden or wheelchaired . patient male 1 The patient , 1 month after the implantation , had a complete recover of his autonomy , with a marked shrinkage of his right lower limb and a near disappearance of pain . patient male 7 At thirty months after onset , the patient exhibited moderate weakness of his left upper and lower extremities . patient male 6 Within the BT563 group , 1 patient lost his graft due to renal artery thrombosis , 2 grafts were lost as a result of technical failure , and 2 patients had a squamous cell carcinoma that could be treated curatively . patient male 5 Reinnervation was successful and the patient was able to abduct his arm to its full range , with full muscle strength , within 24 months . patient male 2 The last patient suffered 1 episode of acute rejection and lost his kidney 5 years later due to chronic rejection . patient male 20 One patient is alive with a creatinine level of 2.05 mg/dL at 6 years after the transplantation ; the other patient lost his kidney due to chronic rejection at 270 days after simultaneous CHKT , and 2 years later received a second kidney that is functioning normally . patient male 1 A patient developed a traumatic choroidal rupture of his left eye during a rodeo broncobusting ride . patient male 6 The proper treatment of a polytraumatized patient comprises the rapid stabilisation of all his vital functions . patient male 8 We investigated localization performance of simple targets in patient TN , who suffered bilateral damage of his primary visual cortex and shows complete cortical blindness . patient male 8 He stayed in Angoulême three times at his friend Carraud 's , which inspired his novel : Les Illusions perdues . friend male 1 The patient received monthly treatment of octreotide and zoledronate and his progression-free survival reached 18 months . patient male 26 On the other hand , during the same period of time , no changes of renal functions were noted and no complications were reported and the patient continued his hemodialysis on a regular basis . patient female 1 Our patient has adapted her lifestyle to minimize her contact with household appliances containing nickel . patient male 1 The patient had received his last intravitreal ranibizumab injection 3 months before YAG PC ; his macula appeared stable on fundoscopy and optical coherence tomography scans at repeated visits , but his vision deteriorated to counting fingers due to PCO . patient male 12 Similarly , 22.3 % of HCPs felt overwhelmed when confronted with a patient who substantiated his suicidality during consultation . patient female 1 One patient with prior anthracycline therapy and chest irradiation decreased her left ventricular ejection fraction from 52 % to 30 % and developed respiratory failure after two cycles of therapy in the setting of disease progression . patient male 1 The patient was unable to elevate his arm more than 30 degrees without pain . patient male 6 To describe the case of a patient who presents retinal racemose hemangioma ( Wyburn-Mason syndrome ) and his 10 years follow-up . patient female 8 During the active stage of the disease the patient quit her studies in a crucial phase of her life . patient female 13 The time of administration for gatifloxacin was changed to 6 hours after the patient received her multivitamin preparation . patient female 3 By engaging the patient in evaluating her actions and motives through the attachment model , the therapy helps her to channel help-seeking behavior appropriately , to establish expectations for consistency and reliability from significant people in her life and to feel safer without turning to alcohol as a crutch . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had a patent frontal sinus and his visual symptoms resolved . patient male 14 In our experience , it is not necessary to obtain written consent for a patient who has already expressed his priorities in advance . patient male 0 Patient 1 could not concentrate his urine in response to water deprivation or 1-desamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin ( DDAVP ) ; patient 2 could concentrate to approximately 600 mosm/l . Patient male 9 The symptoms disappeared after 2 weeks , and the patient was able to resume his sports activities . patient male 1 The patient suffered a perforation of his right eye and total healing of his left eye with a residual leukoma . patient female 1 The patient had marked improvement of her symptoms after resection of the tumor and chemotherapy . patient male 6 After two years of follow-up the patient remained asymptomatic and resumed his career in professional diving , which included deep sea diving activities with no evidence of respiratory limitations or long-term complications . patient male 22 However , in this patient , because of the advanced stage of joint destruction , surgical methods were required to aid the patient in recovering his ability to walk . patient male 34 In contrast , 2 patients required surgical revision with repositioning of the implant because of intraoperative implant malpositioning with esthetic or functional disturbance and malpositioning was confirmed on the postoperative computed tomogram , 1 patient required explantation of his implant 7 months after the surgery because of spheno-orbital meningioma recurrence ( the implant was well positioned ) , and 1 patient operated on by a subciliary approach presented a postoperative ectropion . patient male 23 We report here the case of a 46-year-old man with headache secondary to SIH , which was nonorthostatic , triggered only when the patient shook his head . patient female 1 The patient had her steroid therapy restarted and was allowed to be discharged from hospital . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his preoperative symptoms but had persistent problems with dislocations . patient male 4 In this technique the patient produces his own material and verbally associates to it thus giving a more objective profile of personality and psychopathology . patient female 1 Each patient administered her assigned study medication to the posterior vaginal fornix for three or seven consecutive nights . patient female 23 We believe this case shows how previous knowledge of the firstborn sibling 's disease contributed to a better and timelier medical care in patient number 2 , which could potentially explain her better neurological outcome despite their same genotype . patient male 3 Specifically , a user only needs to hold his smartphone still in front of him , and then rotate his body around 360 ∘ duration with the smartphone at an approximate constant velocity . user female 4 Following admission , the patient rapidly developed unilateral blindness , but did not inform her physician until 21 hours after onset . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft due to persistent infection of the SPBG and one patient developed a recurrent urinary tract infection managed with long-term antibiotics . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well and experienced early improvement of her symptoms , and follow-up imaging showed evidence of fracture healing . patient female 11 After removal of the right-sided exostoses via retrosigmoid craniotomy , the patient had complete resolution of her symptoms over 1 year . patient female 8 Prior to the use of SAVT , the patient had experienced declining muscle performance and her 6-minute walk distance decreased from 210 to 155 metres in 6 months . patient female 29 Assumed negative reactions to the disease in the patient 's social environment as well as fear and uncertainty regarding the aetiology of the disease make it hard for the patient to accept her disease , which would surely favour a steadfast therapeutic behaviour . patient male 4 This report describes a patient who developed a gastric bezoar from ingesting a large number of metal objects in order to " treat " his pulmonary tuberculosis . patient female 19 More than half of the patients with PMs in our study had executed an AD , but only one patient specifically mentioned her PM in her AD . patient male 1 The patient underwent repair of his aneurysm using a rifampin-soaked graft with omental wrapping . patient male 2 The fifth patient had persistent nephrotic syndrome and his sulfate uptake index remained elevated . patient female 5 During her pregnancy , the patient discontinued infliximab and methotrexate and her arthritis relapsed . patient male 1 The patient continued to have stable elevation of his serum AST and ALT until late March 2000 when a repeat liver biopsy showed caseating granuloma . patient female 1 The patient was successfully treated by changing the contingencies of her illness behavior and of behavior associated with rehabilitation goals . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft 13 months after transplantation because of chronic rejection . patient male 6 On hospital day 7 , the patient reported resolution of his symptoms and was discharged home . patient male 11 We conclude that although ventilatory efficiency was not improved , this patient was able to satisfy his total minute ventilatory requirements , for the 30-min period , solely through BPCF breathing . patient male 35 In conclusion , the question can be raised as to how pertinent , it is to consider death as the lowest level of health , and as to what role should be left to the patient in the choice of decision-making criteria for problems directly concerning his own fate . patient male 16 There was one partial loss of a full-thickness skin graft , which required regrafting when the patient prematurely removed his dressing . patient male 1 The patient had no trouble in carrying out his daily life without pain . patient male 1 Each patient had measured his remittance spectra from the treated vitiliginous skin before the treatment was started , after 10 irradiations of Balneo PUVA and at the end of the treatment after 25 irradiations of Balneo PUVA . patient male 20 A too prescriptive conception of monitoring algorithms could alter the care relationship , denying the part of adaptation that a patient can legitimately claim in taking his treatment . patient male 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well and had complete resolution of his exertionally dependent myelopathic symptoms . patient female 1 The patient miscarried her first pregnancy , and then she had waited several years for the baby . patient male 12 The environment is the trustee of archaic glischocaric anguishes , but the patient keeps his own representation of his environment . patient male 6 HDV RNA subsequently rebounded after our patient stopped antiviral therapy of his own accord . patient female 1 This patient underwent fixation of her femur fracture above a total knee replacement using an Ilizarov external fixator . patient male 4 The other , a patient with long standing dermatitis herpetiformis , perforated his small intestine at a site involved by both a lymphoma and partial villous atrophy . patient male 18 Chronic Renal insufficiency ( CRI ) and dialysis treatment lead to a succession of situations for kidney chronic patient , which compromises his aspect , not only physically , and psychologically , with personal , family and social repercussions . patient female 8 In the case presented , an adult female patient had CMT at site Nos. 7 and 10 and was ready to have her existing RPD that she had worn for many years replaced and her smile enhanced . patient male 2 When a user initiates a Bitcoin transaction , his Bitcoin client program relays messages to other clients through the Bitcoin network . user female 19 The temporomandibular joint dislocation was diagnosed only after reversal of the effects of morphine with naloxone , when the patient complained of inability to fully close her mouth . patient male 1 A patient with COPD , comes to see his doctor often when symptoms have occurred . patient male 39 CEA seems useful for postoperative pain relief after surgery in the shoulder region or both upper extremities , especially when the postoperative pain relief must be long lasting ( days ) , and when it is desirable that the patient be able to actively move his affected joints during rehabilitation . patient female 10 With medical treatment , the edema slowly resolved and the patient regained full function of her left upper extremity within weeks . patient male 7 At three weeks after onset , the patient showed severe weakness of his right upper and lower extremities ( Motricity Index [ MI ] : 28/100 , finger extensor : 0/5 ) . patient male 1 One patient resumed his prior occupation , and another resumed his occupation part-time . patient female 31 Follow-up was 16 months , and four of the six patients operated on felt their symptoms were completely relieved , one patient felt that the symptoms were improved , and one patient believed her surgery was of no benefit . patient male 22 The driving user friendly software includes correction of distortion of the observation lens , data calibration , three-dimensional Z-axis rotation of the patient normalizing his position , calculus of the curvature map ( second derivative ) , and precise indication of different characteristic points of the back including the spinous processes line . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical interruption of the His bundle for control of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia . patient male 9 After 3 months of right motor cortex stimulation the patient reported 60 % relief of his left facial pain , and a new PET-scan showed correction of the thalamic asymmetry . patient female 9 Despite immunosuppressive treatment and ultimately liver transplantation , this patient could not overcome her clinical condition and died . patient male 15 After his preauricular basal cell carcinoma had been excised by Mohs micrographic surgery , a patient took daily photographs of his 6 x 3-cm full-thickness wound as it healed by second intention over the next 44 days . patient male 1 One patient had moderate pain and altered his occupation . patient female 5 After the procedure , the patient reported an inability to close her ipsilateral eye ( lagophthalmos ) . patient female 5 On week 12 , the patient requested palliative care , given her many side effects ( transient severe nausea and significant electrolyte imbalance ) . patient male 16 For a simple motor task involving flipping a plastic chip over a goal line , each patient expressed the ward and his personal pretask levels of aspiration , performed the task , and expressed his personal posttask aspiration . patient female 1 One patient had her mesh removed due to dyspareunia . patient male 5 Among other factors , the patient who knows his diagnosis uses less health resources . patient male 31 A variety of causes for anejaculation have been identified , and although the condition can not be reversed , in many cases a minimally invasive treatment is feasible , allowing the patient to pursue his desire for children . patient male 1 The patient successfully completed his ACL reconstruction rehabilitation and was released to return to sporting activities 9 months postsurgery . patient male 2 A 28-year-old patient developed proliferative diabetic retinopathy with florid rubeosis iridis and ultimately required the placement of a Baerveldt tube to control his secondary glaucoma . patient male 16 A major factor in determining the physicians behavior was whether the nurse or aide had the patient remove his shoes and socks before being seen by the physician . patient female 1 A patient with severe and recalcitrant PG was prescribed systemic corticosteroids and cyclosporine but continued to have progression of her disease warranting admission to the hospital . patient female 1 The patient admitted to non-compliance with her medication in the outpatient setting , attributing her behavior mainly to depression . patient female 2 A pregnant patient consulted her physician after discovering that a diphenhydramine preparation ( Benadryl elixir ) she used for allergy symptoms during the first trimester of her pregnancy contained 15 % alcohol . patient male 21 Responses to sensitive stimuli appeared in most of the territories explored ; 18 months later sensitive innervation was complete and the patient moved all muscles over the knees and controlled his sphincters . patient male 12 It emphasizes the structured diagnosis of depression in order to help the patient to better understand his condition . patient male 2 If the patient opens his mouth wide the needle might still be visible . patient female 6 Eighteen weeks following surgery , the patient cleaned her face with an alcohol wipe and then lit a cigarette , igniting the dressing covering the exenterated eye socket . patient male 13 After 6 weeks of treatment with cyclophosphamide , cyclosporin A and cortisone the patient decided not to continue taking his medication . patient female 1 The patient had had her first episode of affective illness at age 28 , after the birth of her second child . patient male 1 The patient has been without tumor recurrence for 9 years afterwards and has not required revision of his cranioplasty . patient female 0 Patient 1 delayed her parathyroidectomy until the postpartum period ; she had maternal hypercalcemia and neonatal hypocalcemia . Patient male 2 The second patient , a 57-year-old male , occluded his AxAG ( 8 mm knitted Dacron ) with minimal return of symptoms . patient female 1 The patient had regained full range of movement and had resumed all her activities . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient totally recovered his vision . patient female 1 One patient , who had unisystem disease limited to the skin , initially showed progression of her cutaneous lesions with nitrogen mustard treatment . patient male 2 An 81-year-old patient in poor general condition had an impressive improvement of his severe infection , although very minor drainage continued . patient male 15 There is a bill being discussed in the Chilean Congress that establishes that " the patient , personally or through a representative , has the right to access and review his medical record . patient male 13 If an accident occurs in extracorporeal circulation during a surgical procedure , the patient may suffer a severe injury of his vital organs . patient female 5 For over ten years the patient managed her headache using eight suppositories/day of an analgesic combination containing butalbital 150 mg , caffeine 75 mg , and propyphenazone 375 mg per suppository . patient male 34 Transcranial Doppler ( TCD ) ultrasonography demonstrated decreased blood flow through the left VA , and angiography revealed an occlusion of the left VA at the C4 - 5 level , both when the patient turned his head to the left . patient female 6 We present the case of a patient who developed PCD of her left lower extremity who was successfully treated with an EkoSonic ™ endovascular catheter ( Boston Scientific , Marlborough , MA , USA ) , which accelerates lytic dispersion of the thrombolytic drug through ultrasound technology . patient male 6 At 3 months postoperatively , the patient reported an increase of his body weight of 8 kg ( at 6 months , 20 kg ; improved but still elevated laboratory parameters indicating renal insufficiency ; RR within normal range ) . patient female 1 One patient fractured her acetabulum 26 months after arthroplasty , which resulted in progressive subluxation of the prosthesis . patient male 8 Additionally , transoral fusion was impossible because the patient was unable to open his mouth sufficiently . patient female 1 The patient delivered her baby without complications , and NTZ was reintroduced several months later . patient male 15 The examination revealed a herniating temporomandibular joint into the right external auditory meatus when the patient closed his mouth . patient male 1 The patient maintained his insight , criticising these visions as unreal and felt distressed by them . patient female 5 On day 24 , the patient moved her fingertips . patient female 1 The patient has had no recurrence of her symptoms . patient female 10 The desensitization finally was tolerated , 14 months after our patient accepts correctly her daily dose of human recombinant insulin . patient female 4 We report an 84-year-old patient who had a rhabdomyoma of her lateral tongue and discuss the clinical and histologic characteristics of this unusual type of benign neoplasm . patient male 5 Before operative intervention , the patient developed acute deterioration of his mental status from hydrocephalus . patient male 1 The patient underwent bilateral clipping of his aneurysms in a prone position without consequence . patient female 1 The patient presented to our clinic for a radical solution to clear her scalp from the unaesthetic look and appearance that forbid her from exposing her head and for hygienic reasons relating to the foul smell of repeated previous recurrences and infections . patient male 1 A patient with a sleep-wake cycle greater than 24 h recorded his sleep-onset and wake times for 4 years . patient male 9 A year after he stopped taking estrogen , the patient gradually regained his potency , his prolactin level declined , the galactorrhea disappeared , and spermatogenesis returned to normal . patient male 9 It was successfully excised , and at follow-up the patient reported complete resolution of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient regained full function of her mandible and is now eating normally . patient female 3 Three days later patient had sudden relief of her symptoms after passing a large calculus per rectally suggesting a spontaneous evacuation of gallstone . patient male 6 It is unusual to encounter a patient who stabbed his abdomen with a kitchen knife . patient male 8 Two hours after the second intubation , the patient started to breath spontaneously and opened his eyes ; he was extubated and transferred to the intensive care unit . patient female 8 Here we present a case of an adult patient with CCHD who could not tolerate an ACE inhibitor but showed improvement and stabilisation of her renal function following treatment with repeated phlebotomies . patient female 9 The last reported period was 1month before ; the patient told her periods were regular and the only disease she reported was chronic HBV hepatitis . patient male 25 Apart from patients with very bad general condition the usual diagnostic measures and an adequate conservative or surgical treatment can always be tolerated by the patient considering his life threatening condition . patient male 13 It is the doctor 's task to alleviate the psychic stress of the patient , to instill confidence and to recognise the limits of his resistance and finally to take all this into consideration in planning his treatment . patient male 8 Such changes were seen in a 60-year old patient , who showed dark discolourations of his thickened tympanic membranes . patient male 1 A patient undergoing dialysis shares his story . patient male 1 The patient did not require operative intervention and his subsequent course was uncomplicated . patient female 20 After thorough surgical cleansing of the area , removal of the bone for decompression , and treatment with ampicillin the patient improved gradually and slowly regained the mobility of her right side . patient female 34 Moreover , while a patient may explicitly revoke an advance decision while she retains the capacity to do so , the continuing validity of an advance decision may be called into question by the patient implicitly revoking her advance refusal or by a change of circumstance . patient male 1 The patient showed immediate improvement of his dysphagia on the VFSS after the trial with pyridostigmine bromide . patient female 1 Each patient recorded the severity of her pain on a visual analog scale ( VAS ) at 1 , 6 , 18 , and 24 hours and the time of first bowel movement and first flatus after surgery . patient female 37 No difference in the febrile incidence was found when considering the size of the cervical tumour , the stage of the disease , or whether it was a first or second radium insertion , or whether the patient had her menopause already . patient female 1 The patient approached her general practitioner because of stomach ache , chronic diarrhoea and weight loss . patient male 5 After intestinal adaptation , the patient is currently able to maintain his nutritional status with nutrition therapy by the oral route . patient female 5 At last follow-up , the patient exhibited resolution of her TN . patient male 11 The way this information is delivered can affect the way the patient sees his disease and potentially how he adheres to its treatment . patient female 2 Although the patient had few classic signs of visceral larva migrans , her eosinophilia and family social history should have suggested this possibility . patient male 1 The patient was unable to continue his medications because of gastrointestinal side effects , so right lower lobectomy was performed . patient female 13 The treatment program was successful , and a 1-year follow-up found that the patient has maintained her progress and not vomited in over 5 months . patient female 4 At 14 weeks the patient underwent a total thyroidectomy after rendering her euthyroid with a short course of sodium ipodate . patient female 2 Our study patient decided to undergo radical hysterectomy after seeing her 3D model which was then used to plan and simulate this surgery . patient male 1 The patient had an apophysis fracture of his left iliac crest on the level of the anterior superior iliac spine , a fracture that is treated conservatively . patient female 1 The patient had no history of bleeding and her coagulation disorder was a casual finding . patient female 16 Histological examination showed that it was a ganglion , and nine weeks after the operation the patient had regained normal use of her hand and resumed her work . patient male 1 The patient received extensive interdisciplinary rehabilitation of his complex somatic and craniofacial malformation . patient female 7 Six months after the accident , the patient had resumed her activities without pain with a diminished range of motion . patient male 20 Rehabilitation helps prevent further pain due to the development of secondary problems of immobility or disuse , helps the individual patient achieve his maximal level of functioning and helps each patient adapt to his/her neurological deficits . patient male 1 The patient has been able to liberalize his dietary and fluid intake while only requiring 3 - 4 liters of ultrafiltration per treatment , despite having absence of residual kidney function . patient male 10 The author presents clinical material from the analysis of a patient who made sense of his chaotic life by creating seamless narratives in the analytic situation . patient female 6 Twelve months after delivery , the patient had no obvious symptoms of disease and her menstrual cycle was normal . patient male 1 The patient regained his preinjury functional level with a complete range of motion of both his knee and elbow . patient female 8 A case report is presented in which a patient took her ACEI the day of surgery and developed refractory hypotension during surgery . patient male 1 The patient could perform his normal daily activities efficiently , and no abnormality was observed in the physical examination 3 months after his discharge . patient female 1 The patient that did not respond improved her gas exchange when nitric oxide was instituted . patient male 20 In Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Facilities , the bishops say , " The total good of the patient , which includes his higher spiritual as well as his bodily welfare , is the primary concern of those entrusted with the management of a Catholic health facility . " patient female 1 Our patient , a 20-year-old woman , had lost 41.6 % of her previous body weight within 9 months . patient female 1 The patient has had progressive resolution of her knee symptoms post-operatively . patient female 4 One 12 year old patient received the right upper lobe of her mother as a total right lung transplant for bronchopulmonary dysplasia . patient male 1 The patient underwent trabeculectomy to control his IOP . patient male 78 Our results show that 71 % of GPs and 78 % of rheumatologists would not recommend that the case-vignette patient file a workers ' compensation claim , for the following reasons : possible role of nonwork-related activities ( 77 % , 74 % ) , should be reported as an occupational accident ( 67 % , 42 % ) , recommendation should be made by occupational physicians ( 60 % , 60 % ) , and risk of patient 's losing his job ( 47 % , 38 % ) . patient female 0 Patient 1 ( 36-year-old female ) had suffered from FRT for nearly 4 months after resigning her job . Patient male 8 After the initiation of extracorporeal lung assist the patient was able to effectively clear his secretions . patient male 2 ' Each patient considers his complaint as one of great peculiarity or perhaps obscurity , demanding prompt attention ' ( Longcope , 1962 ) . patient male 6 Six months after surgery , the patient , completely free of pain and impingement symptoms , resumed his sports activity . patient male 1 The patient is asked to concentrate on certain aspect of the traumatic memory while keeping his eyes fixed on the movements of the therapist 's finger . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his phantom pain after treatment of the aneurysm , suggesting it was the source of the pain . patient male 20 As a result of successful diagnosis and treatment , the amputation level did not need to be revised and the patient was able to continue his previously high level of function . patient female 8 Further history obtained after surgery revealed that the patient had lost her contact lens approximately 4 years prior to the surgical exploration . patient female 1 The patient had subsequent resolution of her SDH . patient male 2 The third patient has successful palliation of his tracheo-esophageal fistula and the stent is being exchanged every 3 - 4 months to palliate his fistula . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful pregnancy and her child is currently 14 months old , with adequate development to her age . patient female 1 The patient resumed her normal activities and has had no further discomfort in her wrist . patient male 22 The examination was tailored to identify and quantify activity limitations and participation restrictions that we believed could help to explain why this patient had his health problem . patient male 5 Eight years later , the patient noticed an enlargement of his left testicle . patient female 2 The Canadian patient visited Radlett , Hertfordshire , England , and then her summer cottage in the Muskoka region , Ontario , prior to the appearance of her symptoms , so that it is uncertain where she acquired the infection . patient female 1 One patient who previously had a biliary bypass underwent further resection of her cyst and Whipple 's operation because of development of cholangiocarcinoma in the distal remnant cyst . patient male 1 The patient arranged his own evacuation 8 days after injury . patient male 7 A year after initial diagnosis , the patient achieved full neurological function of his left arm . patient male 24 Students were given a survey that included the medical record and photograph of a fictitious male patient with diabetes and a message from the patient regarding his diet nonadherence . patient male 5 We present treatment of politraumatized patient who has injured his abdomen , with clinical and ultrasonic sings of bleeding-liver rupture , fractured pelvis and both arms and legs . patient female 5 This case report describes a patient who , due to failure at lowering her hand temperature , developed the target training method to convince herself of her self-regulation skill . patient male 2 Only one patient had discussed his symptoms with a doctor . patient female 1 The patient still had her lexical numeric knowledge but her quantitative numeric knowledge was impaired . patient male 22 Although surgical lung biopsy specimens disclosed several stellate nodular fibrotic lesions of eosinophilic granuloma that seemed to be histologically irreversible , our patient experienced remarkable regression of his pulmonary lesions within 2 months after the cessation of smoking . patient male 10 Although cyclophosphamide ( 500 mg/m2 ) was administered , the patient experienced no relief of his cerebellar ataxia . patient male 4 On admittance , our patient showed remarkable cyanosis and his methaemoglobin level was 38.4 % of the total haemoglobin , rising next day to 46.2 % . patient female 4 On follow-up , the patient described marked improvement of her symptoms . patient female 1 The patient recovered her neutrophils 6.5 weeks after her initial Pembrolizumab infusion and 12 days after admission . patient male 1 The patient had a disappearance of his radicular pain in the left PL following microsurgical lumbar decompression of L3-L4 and L4-L5 . patient male 5 Seven years later , the patient noticed an enlargement of his right scrotal contents . patient female 13 This case report was aimed to understand the personal experience of a bipolar patient confronting her mood changes and expressing their emotions . patient male 1 The patient experienced a significant improvement both radiographically and in the quality of his life at follow-up 5 months after completion of treatment . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had instant relief of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient elected to pursue chiropractic treatment in an effort to resolve his condition via conservative management . patient female 1 One patient who was discharged on request had normalized her serum sodium a week later . patient female 1 One patient had a recurrence of her original disease . patient male 1 The patient maintained his improvement at 7 months . patient female 1 The patient recovered parts of her visual field with time as measured by computerized perimetry , progressing from near blindness of the right eye to a remarkable recovery of vision . patient male 1 One patient suffered a recurrence of his fistula 2 months postoperatively while lifting weights , and one patient developed a new 3rd nerve palsy after operation . patient male 1 One patient did not improve his symptoms , resulting in a 1-month clinical success of 83 % ( 25/30 ) . patient female 6 At 1 month follow-up , the patient reported complete resolution of her SUI with no de-novo urgency or voiding dysfunction . patient male 5 15 days later , the patient presented purplish and painful discoloration of his toes . patient male 1 This patient subsequently rejected his kidney allograft as documented by histopathologic evidence of severe chronic vascular rejection and acute tubulointerstitial rejection , yet his pancreas function remained intact . patient male 1 The patient had numerous relapses of his skin eruption with complete responses after each course of intravenously applied acyclovir . patient male 9 Our case study involved participation of one chronic stroke patient who was not able to flex his right knee . patient male 12 This case report describes the successful interdisciplinary management of an advanced cancer patient whose multiple drug therapy had added to rather than alleviated his distress by causing more side effects than symptom relief . patient female 6 The likely conclusion is that our patient , over years , used her own ( insulin ) syringe to inject India ink into her skin and subcutaneous tissue ; the damaging effect and tissue reaction was probably caused by preservatives such as phenol . patient male 30 Of these , 3 received no treatment because of poor functional status , 2 patients received only radiotherapy for symptomatic disease and died within 3 months of diagnosis and 1 patient died 2 weeks after diagnosis having received his first cycle of cisplatin-based chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient underwent regular blood tests and her potassium levels were replenished perioperatively . patient male 1 The patient showed some improvement in his neurological condition by moving his left arm/hand to reach the tracheostomy tube , post-LED therapy . patient male 8 Starting at the day after cardioversion , the patient is asked to record and transmit electrocardiograms of one minute duration at least once a day using his personal transtelephonic ECG recording unit ( Tele-ECG recorder , credit card size ) , in case of symptoms as often as necessary . patient female 36 Planning and delivery for permanent breast seed implant ( PBSI ) are performed with the ipsilateral arm raised ; however , changes in implant geometry can be expected because of healing and anatomical motion as the patient resumes her daily activities . patient male 26 In my rejoinder , I will argue that the therapeutic relationship is absolutely necessary to a successful treatment , but not always sufficient to help the patient resolve his difficulties . patient female 2 The second patient , a 45 year old female recognised her problem at the age of 39 years , did not quite satisfy the NIH diagnostic criteria for NF 1 and had diffuse plexiform neurofibroma involving both lower limbs and buttocks almost symmetrically , a finding which has not previously been described to the best of our knowledge . patient female 8 On the psychiatric evaluation , we found a patient who seemed to be indifferent to her disease , giving accurate and very elaborated description of her symptoms . patient female 2 The other patient recovered her renal function and after 12 months of treatment with steroids and cyclophosphamide microscopic hematuria and proteinuria persist but with normal kidney function . patient female 8 One and a half years later , the patient experienced her first generalized convulsion . patient female 1 The patient frequently placed her injections into muscle tissue , followed by unexpected rapid insulin action . patient male 4 A 43-year-old Caucasian male patient visited his general practitioner due to a productive cough persisting for > 2 months . patient male 8 Eighteen of 20 patients engrafted uneventfully , 1 patient rejected his graft , and another 1 showed signs of mild hemolysis . patient male 1 The patient was operated , discharged on postoperative day two , and was able to continue his daily activities even at two months postoperatively . patient male 5 After 26 months , the patient experienced a backache and his CEA and CA19 - 9 levels had risen 11.7 ng/ml and 869 U/ml , respectively . patient female 1 The patient then transferred her care to the department of internal medicine for chemotherapy . patient male 12 For instance , a physician who is very informative may expect a patient to remember his instructions and comply with his recommendations . patient female 4 On exam , the patient did not exhibit any other symptoms of her Chiari malformation or cranial nerve abnormalities other than sensorineural hearing loss . patient male 1 The patient was evaluated in the emergency department for swelling of his scalp several hours after reportedly bumping his head on a chair . patient female 1 One patient ( 6.2 % ) showed improvement of her status ( between 25th and 50th percentiles ) . patient male 2 Concomitantly the patient showed a severe hyperpigmentation of his entire integument sparing the palms of both hands and the soles of his feet . patient female 1 The patient had begun noting dyspnea on exertion , limiting her ability to go on hikes over the few days prior to admission . patient female 6 After topical hormonal therapy , the patient reported resolution of her dyspareunia and and her laboratory values normalized . patient male 1 The user can express his search in natural language . user male 0 PATIENT 1 : A 9-year-old boy suffered uprooting of his left lower limb , laceration of the rectum and anal sphincter , as well as an injury to distal urethra with partial loss of cavernous bodies . PATIENT female 1 The patient in our case report underwent anterior surgical resection of her anterior cervical osteophytes . patient female 8 With blood pressure control at postpartum , the patient had her retina reattached , and recovery of vision . patient male 1 The patient received full anticoagulation and his clinical course was uneventful . patient male 1 The patient recovered well with intravenous amoxicillin and to date has declined surgical management of his colovesical fistula . patient female 10 Eleven years after the revision surgery with PVCR , the patient showed satisfactory results and her spine was well balanced . patient female 2 The hemangioma patient had an immediate full recovery of her hypoglobus . patient male 2 An 82-year-old patient underwent tumor excision and reconstruction of his right lower eyelid . patient male 1 The patient has been free from vertigo and has exhibited some recovery of his hearing . patient female 2 The first patient underwent excision of her large sacral meningocele and simple ligation of the neck , resulting in resolution of all her associated symptoms . patient male 1 Our patient is a 60-year-old man who is 11 years status post his second deceased donor kidney transplant . patient male 1 Neither patient could concentrate his urine in response to water deprivation or exogenous vasopressin . patient female 1 The patient had 100 % restoration of her field of vision and is stable 3 years post therapy . patient female 26 The movements were induced mainly by ventroflexion of the neck , and each case showed movements as described below : in the first case , the patient flexed her elbows and raised both arms slowly , a typical Lazarus sign ; in the second case , the patient raised both arms and showed myoclonic movements ; and the third case showed abduction of both legs and extension in the upper extremities . patient male 10 Within 2 months after discontinuation of anticoagulation therapy , the patient experienced his second DVT and left pulmonary artery embolus . patient male 9 After washing his hair with diesel fuel a 28-year-old patient developed acute renal failure ( ARF ) and oliguria requiring hemodialysis . patient female 1 The patient received her next dose 48 hours later over a 40-minute IV infusion with no adverse effects . patient male 2 Then the patient received treatment of crizotinib and his progression-free survival reached 3 months . patient male 3 Thus , the patient compromises his chances for cure only if tumor dissemination occurs during the few months between the end of treatment and recognition of failure . patient male 1 The patient gave his informed , written consent for this study . patient male 1 The patient had residual left lower extremity numbness but gradually regained the strength of his left lower extremity . patient female 5 We now report one female patient who improved her motor and cognitive function after being prescribed a MAO-B inhibitor . patient male 6 Over the 8-month period , the patient developed a progressive , painful , necrotizing infection of his lower left extremity . patient male 4 In contrast , the patient with multifocal motor neuropathy responded to intravenous immunoglobulin therapy and increased his megascores by 146 points after 3 months . patient male 1 Every patient with atrial fibrillation has his ( her ) own optimal heart rate . patient male 7 Therefore , we propose that every AF patient has his ( her ) own optimal heart rate , or to say that , the target for rate control in each AF patient should be individualized . patient female 1 The patient was treated comprehensively , including surgery , lowering her intracranial pressure and ventilator-assisted breathing . patient female 3 After surgery the patient showed an improvement of her clinical status and TMS and fMRI demonstrated a reshaping of cortical representation of motor cortex and a significant reduction of cortical silent periods . patient male 14 What have I learned from studying myself ? I 've learned that every ischemic patient has his own history and must learn how to face his own risks , the different patterns of so-called ischemic heart disease can not be theorized in a unique etiopathogenesis , the adrenergic system plays a major role in this disease , the " plumbing " vision is supported by reasons which have little to do with the knowledge -- as yet incomplete -- of the natural history of this disease , and the data obtained in years of research have been confirmed . patient female 1 The patient was able to continue her occupation as a facility manager . patient male 20 In California , therapists can now be forced to testify against their own patients in capital cases even if the patient does not tender his mental state as an issue , despite the presence of a psychotherapist-patient privilege in the state for criminal matters . patient male 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient had recovered completely and resumed his job . patient male 1 One patient who underwent a reconstruction of his anterior cruciate ligament 18 months ago demonstrated a small effusion in the reconstructed knee before and after the race . patient male 11 It may be the only ailment in existence in which the patient defines both the cause and the manifestations of his own condition . patient male 1 The patient underwent his first mitral valve replacement with a Bjork-Shiley valve 33 years before this situation arose . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient regained normal sinus rhythm , had trivial mitral regurgitation , regained her atrial transport function , and had improved myocardial function . patient male 9 At the time of writing this paper , our patient had finished his treatment more than 9 months earlier and is still in complete remission . patient male 6 In practice , when the quadriplegic patient looked at the webcam and closed his left eye for 3 seconds , the sound for calling a caregiver was generated . patient female 5 In this case , the patient retained her implants , and several months after resection of both fistulae , the patient is asymptomatic without recurrence of the lesions . patient male 8 Results At 3.5 years ' follow-up , the patient has maintained his vertebral body height , has not required a fusion , and has had no recurrence of disease . patient male 1 This patient had his international normalized ratio ( INR ) checked in the pharmacist-run anticoagulation clinic and was followed monthly . patient male 8 By means of a self-rating record , each patient rated his pain , difficulty of chewing , redness and swelling before starting , during and at the end of treatment . patient male 13 Surgical management was deferred in childhood because of parental desires to allow the patient to make his own decision , and treatment in adulthood was pursued on the basis of the significant impairment of the patient 's quality of life and self-esteem due to the massive size and deforming nature of the nevus . patient male 4 He was a chronic user who took his baseline dosage while performing at a music event . user male 1 The user will then simulate his performance in the adjustment of it . user female 20 We , physicians , also do not have exact opinion on the level of severity of dementias at which the patient already lost his her features of personality and individuality on an irreversible way . patient female 17 About 11 hours after administration of the spinal anesthetic and recovery from the spinal block , the patient complained of not being able to move her left leg . patient male 1 One patient showed complete resolution of his symptoms after CsA therapy . patient male 2 The other patient showed selective response of his oligoclonal T cell population and combination therapy was required to control his symptoms . patient female 3 Following this the patient underwent radiation therapy of her right thoracic wall with 50 Gy which lead clinically to a quick response . patient female 47 The extent of this increase depended on spatial attention ; when attention was drawn to the extrapersonal space ( near-the-mirror ) the patient showed a near perfect recognition of her arm in the mirror , while when attention was drawn to peripersonal space ( near-the-body ) the patient recognised her arm in only half the mirror trials . patient male 3 A depressed male patient , who had his first affective disturbance as a complication of a right parietotemporal cerebrovascular accident , was treated with unilateral , nondominant electroconvulsive therapy , administered ipsilateral to the lesion . patient male 1 The patient may indicate his physical complaints on a stylized picture of the human body . patient female 7 While it was being treated , the patient developed a clonic convulsion of her left extremities and visual disturbance . patient male 27 The patient sits at a table and a mirror is propped vertically on the patient 's right side in the parasagittal plane , so that when the patient rotates his head rightward and looks into the mirror , he sees the neglected side of the world reflected in the mirror . patient female 8 Since the installation of this application , the patient has successfully pace-terminated her tachycardia multiple times . patient female 26 An analysis of all cases ( 121 ) of endometrial carcinoma treated by pre-operative radium in the uterine cavity revealed that the menopausal status of a patient affects the radiosensitivity of her tumour . patient male 1 The patient has the right to withdraw his consent freely at any time . patient female 13 Proper make-up , hair styling , and skin care can greatly aid the patient in enhancing her self-image . patient female 11 There were no surgical complications intra- or postoperatively , and the patient had improvement of her symptoms postoperatively with resolution of the diverticulum on ultrasound . patient male 13 After a local ultrasound-guided single-shot sclerotherapy procedure performed in our clinic , the patient was free of symptoms and quickly regained his ability to exercise . patient female 3 We present a patient who developed a tremor , mostly involving her lower extremities , secondary to an ischemic infarct affecting the cerebellum , thalamus and midbrain . patient male 10 We describe a case of a previously investigated malignant hyperthermia-susceptible patient who did not declare his status and was exposed to both succinylcholine and isoflurane , without any detectable reaction . patient female 19 The authors examine a clinical case of the Marcus Gunn phenomenon , characterized by the lid retraction when the patient closes her mouth . patient female 3 A 34-year-old Japanese patient , G2P2A0 , expecting her third delivery following a full-term pregnancy , experienced heart failure . patient male 1 A patient was seated in an otolaryngology examination chair and instructed to hold and stabilize his own tongue . patient male 6 We report a case of a patient presenting an important improvement of his fissured tongue paralleling the improvement of the cutaneous lesions after a 5-month systemic therapy with infliximab . patient female 1 The patient has the heterozygous apolipoprotein E3/2 phenotype and her VLDL-cholesterol/serum-triglyceride ratio is unusually low at 0.05 . patient male 2 A 70-year-old patient who had been fitted with a pacemaker for 27 years consulted his cardiologist to check the latest device , which had been changed in 1998 . patient female 1 The patient gradually recovered her healthy mental state ; she resumed shopping and cooking and began playing piano again , which she was not capable of doing last year . patient female 1 The patient was given treatment by first preserving her fertility with oocyte vitrification and cryoconservation of ovarian biopsy samples . patient female 2 The first patient ( G2 ) , a 25-year-old women with no clinical hypothyroidism , had had her goiter for 10 years ; 62 % of the thyroidal iodine was released by perchlorate indicating iodine organification defect . patient male 2 The second patient ( G3 ) , a 17-year-old man with clinical hypothyroidism , had had his goiter for 5 years . patient male 1 The patient , a 33 years old male , struck his forehead and left temporal region in a traffic accident on March 30 , 1983 . patient male 1 The patient presented in this case report had improvement of his Knee Society knee score and function score from preoperative levels of 8 and 45 to 77 and 80 postoperatively . patient female 1 A patient has a specific kind of moral right to make her own medical decisions . patient male 1 The patient moved his upper limbs but was unable to move his lower limbs bilaterally . patient female 1 The patient promptly regained consciousness and could move her bilateral lower extremities without difficulty upon leaving the operating room . patient female 9 Considering her trauma story and clinical progression , the patient underwent an emergency operation with the diagnosis of subdural hematoma . patient female 1 The patient underwent a prophylactic embolization of her hypogastric arteries and received methotrexate chemotherapy . patient female 1 A patient with generalized granuloma annulare experienced resolution of her lesions after six months of treatment with 1,500 mg/day of niacinamide . patient male 4 In all but one patient , who lost his kidney to accelerated rejection , chronic rejection developed . patient male 12 After initial bolus to decrease severe pain ( titration ) , the patient from the age of 6 years can manage his analgesia . patient male 1 The patient experienced better improvement of his headaches with bilateral stimulation compared to unilateral stimulation . patient female 2 The AD patient did not improve her naming capacity with therapy . patient male 1 The patient made partial recovery of his neurologic deficits . patient female 6 After discharge from hospital , the patient stopped taking her medication and returned complaining of chest discomfort again . patient male 12 Allowing family members to be present validates the unique personhood of the patient while recognizing his integral position within a larger family unit . patient male 2 The one patient for whom there has been a 6-month follow-up showed no sequelae of his eye disease . patient female 12 In an attempt to treat the " nasal disease , " the patient ingested chronic and excessive doses of decongestants , aggravating her fatal disease . patient female 5 This study focuses on a patient who at the age of 3 survived the extended suicide of her parents . patient male 4 By contrast , another patient developed more use of his non-paretic leg for propulsion corresponding to acquiring stability on the paretic leg , resulting in an improvement in single-support-time asymmetry . patient male 7 Approximately two years following treatment , the patient has had no recurrence of his RMS with no distant metastases . patient female 3 However , the patient could eat food and wash her face with minimal assistance at 3 months after the implantation , and could stand up in the parallel bars with assistance and speak several words at 8 months . patient female 7 After emergent evaluation and treatment , the patient regained her consciousness and fully recovered neurologic function before discharge . patient male 4 By contrast , one patient was better able to discriminate contralesional stimuli when using his contralesional limb to indicate awareness of targets than when using his ipsilesional limb . patient female 1 The patient underwent bilateral burr hole drainage of her subdural hygromas with resolution of her symptoms . patient female 1 The patient underwent local excision of her vulvar lesion . patient male 6 Before and after the injections each patient reported his pain and had sympathetic activity assessed by : ( 1 ) palmar sweating ; ( 2 ) skin temperature ; ( 3 ) hand blood flow and ( 4 ) the ice response of hand blood flow . patient male 23 The patient , a victim of a collision with an intoxicated driver , arrived at the hospital as I was caring for another patient who was undergoing his tenth admission for detoxification . patient female 5 In a few days the patient regained her previous level of consciousness and self-sufficiency . patient male 4 After uneventful recovery the patient could resume his work 6 months after the injury again . patient male 48 Thirty five per cent of law students and 11.7 % of medical students favoured telling about the diagnosis ( p = 0.0004 ) and 25.6 % of law students and 7 % of medical students favoured telling about the prognosis ( p < 0.0001 ) even if the patient had clearly expressed his wish not to be informed . patient male 10 There was no exacerbation of epilepsy ; however , one patient discontinued his therapy due to unsatisfactory results . patient male 5 The adequate care of a patient entails consideration of his social and psychological problems in addition to the relevant medical data . patient male 1 One patient who had 50-gene panel only also had his metastatic site ( esophagus ) of his tumor tested with FoundationOne . patient male 11 Three weeks after excision of the salivary gland tissue , the patient experienced an exacerbation of his intestinal disease , accompanied by a recurrent lesion on the floor of his mouth and aphthous ulcerations of the buccal mucosa . patient male 1 The patient in Case 3 had a dramatic presentation of his ALL . patient male 26 We comment on some variations of the " sharing as exchange " argument ; then elaborate an alternative based partly on the observation that a successful hunter does not control the distribution of his kill . hunter female 16 After 4 days in the ICU and 6 days on the general medicine floor , our patient regained a majority of her sense of smell and was discharged with only lingering dysgeusia . patient female 6 At 6 months follow-up , the patient had full resolution of her myelopathy . patient male 1 The patient has completed his first year uneventfully in our follow-up , with a creatinine 0.79 mg/dl at his last control visit . patient male 1 The patient was successful in making use of his sexual feelings to understand his feelings and behaviors across contexts . patient male 18 Therefore empathy in the clinical context is defined as the adequate understanding of the inner processes of the patient concerning his health-related problems . patient male 8 Since his last surgery 8~years ago , the patient has resumed his activities , cycling an average of 6,400 miles and skiing over 60~days a year . patient male 4 The right of the patient to keep his information secret , must be ensured with access options to the information stored on the smart card . patient male 3 The way the patient lives his disease with his family , the treatment he receives and the spectrum of death wielded by the word cancer lead to a multifactorial dysfunction which is often difficult to analyse . patient male 3 Concurrently , the patient was diagnosed with non-resectable , non small cell carcinoma of the lung , further complicating his clinical presentation . patient male 1 The patient underwent endodontic therapy of his maxillary right central incisor with calcium hydroxide as an intracanal medicament in apexification technique and the closure of apex was achieved . patient female 1 The patient must develop her own typology of specialists , utilizing her own criteria . patient male 22 Autophony was noted in nine cases , among whom , two patients could feel their eye movements and heart beat , one patient could feel his footstep , one patient could n't endure the singing by himself . patient male 13 Bilateral rupture of the infrapatellar tendon should be suspected when after injury a patient is unable to actively extend his knee . patient male 3 The surgically castrated patient later developed biochemical relapse of his disease . patient female 21 After six months of follow-up without treatment , one patient who desired pregnancy conceived shortly after cessation of therapy and one patient showed lasting amelioration of her complaints . patient female 19 On the basis of available information , the following criteria regarding ovarian carcinoma may be considered for the young patient who has not completed her family and is desirous of further childbearing . patient female 1 The patient changed her heart rhythm from atrioventricular conduction block to atrial fibrillation within a few minutes and recovered later on . patient female 2 The female patient refused an arthroscopy of her shoulder joint . patient female 5 Despite discontinuing work , the patient experienced several relapses of her dermatitis . patient male 1 This patient reduced his 24-hour urinary iodine excretion from 378 micrograms iodine to 13 micrograms iodine after 15 days on the diet . patient male 0 Patient rated his pregabapentin and postgabapentin pain by a verbal descriptor scale and a numerical scale . Patient male 1 But patient did not disclose his past history . patient female 11 After tendon transfer and resection of the ulnar head , our patient can extend her ring and little fingers without difficulty for her daily activities . patient male 9 Six months after permanent peripheral neurostimulator implantation , the patient reported a greater than 90 % reduction in headache frequency , and was able to wean off all his previous prophylactic and abortive headache medications , with the exception of over-the-counter ibuprofen as needed . patient female 5 By using self-hypnosis , the patient was able to reduce her dependence on bronchodilators . patient female 5 In 2006 , this 62-year-old patient was operated on to keep her right breast with axilla exenteration . patient male 8 With a follow-up of 6 months , the patient did not present any sequelae of his facial injury . patient male 2 A 28-year-old patient , male , was referred to Araçatuba 's Santa Casa Hospital , after a motorcycle accident , hitting his face on the sidewalk . patient female 11 This lesion had destroyed the cortical bony structure , and the patient showed attenuation of her soft tissue along the inferior alveolar nerve , indicating perineural spread of the tumor . patient female 1 The patient had complete relief of her symptoms and return of normal digital function following removal of the pacinian corpuscle . patient male 21 Here we provide the first detailed examination of the neural basis of stimulation-induced memory retrieval by probing brain activity in a patient who reliably recalled memories of his high school ( HS ) after stimulation at a site in his left temporal lobe . patient male 11 The primary treatment in burns always involves the removal of the patient from the source of the thermal injury , securing his airway ( especially in patients suspected of inhalation injury ) and an aggressive fluid resuscitation . patient female 1 The patient regained her preoperative vision 2 weeks postoperatively . patient male 15 History from the patient 's family revealed that 4 days prior to presentation , the patient had discontinued his prescribed dose of alprazolam 1 mg four times per day . patient male 8 A perforating , ingrowing vibrissa developed in our patient , who admitted to cutting his nasal hair . patient male 28 In cirrhotics the hemodynamic lesion occurs at the capillary level with the opening of arteriovenous shunts which rob the tissues of their nutritive blood supply , while the patient with acute pancreatitis has a primary myocardial depression and his peripheral vasculature reacts like that of a normal person . patient male 8 The social matrix determines when and how the patient seeks what kind of help , his ' compliance ' with the recommended regimen and , to a significant extent , the functional outcome . patient male 1 The patient completed his rehabilitation course and was eventually discharged home with family . patient female 13 All patients should be helped out of bed after delivery , and any patient who experiences dizziness should have her blood pressure measured until the dizziness disappears . patient male 2 A 70-year-old patient suffering from tardive dyskinesia and drug-induced parkinsonism experienced deterioration of his bradykinetic symptoms over two weeks . patient male 2 The third patient , a 82-year-old man with idiopathic Parkinson 's disease had a marked increase of his left-sided parkinsonian symptoms . patient female 1 The patient had a number of clinical signs of Turner 's syndrome and her karyotype was 45,X , t(1;2)(q32;q2)mat . patient male 8 The postoperative course was uneventful , and the patient regained his sitting ability progressively . patient female 5 Two years postoperatively , the patient has no signs of recurrence and is able to use her voice and has full swallowing ability . patient male 7 Part 2 describes the efforts of one patient ( with the rapid-course Met-Met subtype ) who contended with his devastating symptoms and improved the quality of his life . patient female 13 Three weeks later , ( nine weeks after the operation ) , the patient has accidentally lost her balance and fell . patient male 1 The patient changed the place of his employment but the course of disease was uncommonly progressive . patient female 3 Serum of the patient showed extreme hyperchylomicronemia and her postheparin plasma LPL activity was distinctly decreased . patient male 2 Otherwise the patient may move synchronously or serial into two separated therapy settings without informing his attending physician , which may cause health or financial damage . patient female 1 One patient had a recurrence of her effusion six months after therapy . patient female 34 This work addresses this problem and introduces a methodology that protects health records from unauthorized access and lets the patient as data owner decide who the authorized persons are , i.e. , who the patient discloses her health information to . patient male 5 Per his wife , the patient snores loudly and has apneic episodes during sleep . patient male 1 The patient was previously an avid cyclist and first noted his dyspnea when he was unable to bike as far as before . patient male 5 As a result , the patient presented almost complete healing of his DFU , reconstruction of osteomyelitis defects in X-ray and complete restoration of his foot functionality only 4 months after the end of the treatment . patient male 1 The patient developed a rupture of his abdominal fascia suture 12 days later , which was caused by massive ascites and complicated by hepatorenal syndrome type I. The patient was taken to the operating theater again . patient male 7 Steroids were then withdrawn , and the patient resumed his premorbid personality , but had amnesia for much of his previous behavior . patient female 1 The patient severely mismanaged her illness around the tenth anniversary of her father 's death . patient male 17 We believe this to be a serious side-effect because obesity is often the main reason why the patient discontinues his psychopharmaaceutical therapy , thereby causing a recrudescence of his mental illness . patient male 1 The patient with the ICD was using his laptop computer at home while lying on his bed . patient male 10 The low acceptance of tracheostoma valves , which enable the patient to speak without using his fingers for closure of the tracheostoma , possibly may be raised by this new aid . patient male 9 In the context of a secure attachment , the patient is able to change his attitudes , try new behaviors , and find fresh meaning in his world . patient male 1 One patient can tolerate his pain with occasional analgesics . patient male 8 This case report involves a morbidly obese male patient who received his first general anesthetic and experienced 4 episodes of laryngospasm within an hour after emergence . patient male 1 This patient was able to physically indicate his impending glottic closure , thus warning his caregivers of the imminent airway emergency . patient male 7 In the case reported here , the patient complained of gradual onset of pain on the ulnar aspect of the wrist after altering his grip for serving in tennis . patient male 9 This case is a description of a 33-year-old male patient who previously presented with radicular symptoms and had complete resolution of his pain after a C7 selective nerve root block . patient male 1 The patient underwent open reduction and internal fixation of his fractures , and postoperative genetic testing confirmed that the patient was heterozygous for OI . patient male 4 Finally , the hypertensive patient , expected to have higher blood pressure values , especially diastolic , should frequently record his values during the first week at high altitude , eventually adjusting the therapy . patient female 12 Continuous veno-venous haemofiltration was employed to improve cefepime clearance , and the patient progressively regained her previous mental condition . patient male 9 By using these devices and his feet , the patient has regained independence in most activities of daily living and gained a new working skill . patient female 6 One hour after ingestion , the patient attended the Emergency Department of her own volition . patient female 1 A patient with compensated congestive heart failure suffered acute deterioration of her renal function and cardiac status , requiring peritoneal dialysis , in association with indomethacin therapy . patient male 16 The easy availability of permanent sites may induce the patient to return regularly , or the patient may be testing the medication or his physician . But whatever the means , normotension is the aim of compliance . patient male 1 The patient showed complete resolution of his neurological symptoms , including the bilateral leg weakness and dysesthesia . patient male 4 6 months prior the patient consulted his physician because of repeated acute bronchitis with expectoration and no improvement following antibiotic therapy . patient female 1 Our patient had undergone 6 weeks of monitoring and erythropoietin therapy prior to surgery , raising her hemoglobin level from 11.6 g/dL to 16.8 g/dL. Intraoperative bloodless surgical protocols as well as a continuous blood circuit were utilized . patient male 9 The conventional obturator was displaced slightly downward when the patient opened his mouth wide , and it shifted when chewing hard and sticky food because there was limited fibula bone at the reconstruction site and more available posteriorly . patient female 12 More frequent breast self-examination was associated with a greater likelihood of the patient 's detecting her own cancer , less delay from first symptom to histologic diagnosis , earlier clinical stage , smaller pathologic tumor size , and fewer axillary node metastases . patient female 1 The patient had resolution of her bacteremia after total abdominal hysterectomy . patient male 1 The patient was not able to raise his right shoulder , and the ranges of motion of his right elbow , wrist , and finger were almost zero degrees . patient female 1 The patient lost one-third of her preoperative weight and had resolution of her reflux symptoms . patient male 1 The patient is enabled to access and manage his medical record by use of the patient portal . patient male 1 The patient then underwent an elective repair of his congenital diaphragmatic defect . patient male 1 A patient developed anthrax of his left long finger after an accidental injection with Bacillus anthracis . patient female 12 After 18 months of medical therapy with metyrapone and aminoglutethimide , the patient experienced a spontaneous remission of her hypercortisolism . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient experienced immediate relief of his symptoms and had no clinical or radiological recurrence . patient female 7 Since the age of 4 months the patient had experienced a spontaneous wavy undulating movement of her anterior abdominal wall resembling a severe peristalsis . patient female 5 Three weeks later , the patient achieved not only a restoration of her clinical situation and liver function , but she also demonstrated a complete suppression of both viruses . patient male 13 To clinically illustrate his points , the author summarizes the case of a patient whose transference fantasies and attributions engendered quite contrasting reactions by two different analysts . patient male 1 The patient underwent a lobectomy of his right lower lobe of lung due to a CCAM at the age of two . patient female 8 A case is presented where an adult CF patient colonised by an epidemic P aeruginosa strain infected her parents with subsequent morbidity . patient male 7 A few days after the stroke the patient reported the inability to close his left eye on command , although he was still able to blink spontaneously and the blink and visual threat reflexes were preserved . patient female 1 The patient reported having injured her hard palate while eating sometime in November 2011 . patient male 1 One patient worsened both his thallium study and the EF response after the exercise program . patient female 10 The diagnosis of intramuscular myxoma was confirmed , and the patient experienced complete resolution of her presenting symptoms . patient female 2 An 11-year-old patient that fractured her maxillary left central incisor is presented . patient male 1 The patient obtained a resolution of his priapism after celiac plexus block , without recurrences at a 6-month follow-up assessment . patient female 10 On visual and tactile bisection of vertical rods , the patient consistently placed her mark well above the true midpoint , and this performance remained unchanged when the stimuli were simultaneously explored visually and tactually . patient female 14 Five Aotus monkeys and two chimpanzees were infected with Plasmodium malariae isolated from a patient who acquired her infection approximately 50 years ago . patient male 2 The second patient , a 58-year-old man , developed myoclonic jerking and rapid , stereotypic movements of his toes after a year of fluoxetine therapy . patient female 4 After operation , the patient experienced partial relief of her symptoms . patient female 14 In a mixed quantitative-qualitative single case study , the relationship narratives of a female patient from two therapy sessions are analysed using a cluster-analytic procedure in order to identify her repetitive relationship patterns . patient female 1 The patient was willing to keep her tooth in function by any means . patient male 6 Post-operative progress was good and the patient even recovered his normal level of consciousness , although he was left with right hemiparesis and conduction dysphasia . patient male 25 Environmental assessment and genetic comparison of the patient 's hantavirus isolates to hantavirus isolates from rodents trapped at possible sites of exposure suggested that the patient contracted his infection at the work site . patient male 5 Despite our efforts , the patient perforated his eye due to a trivial trauma during sleep . patient male 3 Shortly afterward the patient endorses complete resolution of his symptoms without return of symptoms at 1-month follow-up . patient female 11 We report an unusual case of this syndrome in which the patient suffered a relapse of her nephritis concurrently with the onset of the first episode of uveitis . patient male 14 Seven patients had their open ASDs closed by the snare device , and one patient had his ASD narrowed in the early postoperative period . patient male 12 In an auditory recognition reading task for words previously misread , the patient still performed poorly , often chosing his paralexic response as the correct alternative . patient male 1 A patient with primary syphilis had a recurrence of his penile chancre after generally acceptable penicillin treatment . patient male 24 During the six-hour perioperative care period , starting from 11 pm on November 30th to 5 am on December 1st , 2015 , the patient was not willing to disclose his illicit drug use before the surgery . patient male 7 This is especially true for the leprosy patient who needs his hands to earn a living . patient female 0 Patient dramatically improved within 12 - 24 h after upgrading her single chamber pacemaker to biventricular pacing . Patient male 9 A physician who is willing to help a demented patient in terminating his life has to be definitely sure that the disease does not interfere with the patient 's capacity for decision-making . patient female 1 My patient has a urinary tract infection and is currently breastfeeding her 9-week-old son . patient male 2 The fourth patient did not have any systemic disorder and the provoking cause of his ichthyotic condition remains obscure . patient female 4 After surgery , the patient showed significant alleviation of her psychiatric symptoms and aggression with no observed side effects . patient male 25 In view of this document of the 17th century , a physician could not be blamed or legally responsible for a risky operation if the patient had given his consent in advance . patient male 1 Our patient had decontaminated his skin prior to presentation , limiting the extent of toxicity and was successfully treated with rehydration and establishment of good urine flow . patient male 1 The patient had been experiencing limitation of his exercise capacity becoming more easily tried . patient female 52 Other commentators for this issue are Michael Barraza , a clinical psychologist and board member of We Can , Pediatric Brain Tumor Network ; Lisa Stern , a pediatrician who has diagnosed six children with brain tumors in her 20 years of practice ; and Katie Rose , a pediatric brain tumor patient who shares her special insights about this world . patient male 2 The one patient who was not initially dry required downsizing of his cuff to 3.5 cm ; the remaining patient was lost to follow-up . patient male 8 During the course of the examination , the patient admitted to having accidentally pricked his skin nearly two months before the onset of his illness while holding a needle that a friend had used for the intravenous injection of heroin . patient female 8 This therapeutic strategy was effective in helping this patient resolve her symptoms of complicated grief . patient male 32 History forms from four acute teaching hospitals and six long-term care facilities were reviewed for the presence of designation of functional assessment , multiple chief complaints , a subjective comment by the patient indicating his degree of health , specifics of home-living arrangement , supporting services received , and dietary history . patient male 1 The patient deteriorated clinically , becoming more cachectic and given his unexplained weight loss , an oesophageal-gastro-duodenal endoscopic imaging confirmed a duodenal ulcer . patient male 10 Consequently , there was not a direct relationship between a patient and research that used his sera . patient female 13 In addition to rhabdomyolysis ( peak creatine phosphokinase 88,000 U/L ) , the patient had a significant elevation of her liver enzymes ( peak aspartate aminotransferase 1,980 U/L ) . patient female 1 The patient began her clinical duties after 7 weeks of therapy and was able to fully perform her daily tasks with confidence , and full functional capacity . patient male 7 We report the case of a 27-year-old patient who sustained a traumatic amputation of his 4 limbs . patient female 26 This paper seeks to describe some of the steps in the process of transformation from a two-dimensional to a three-dimensional inner world as experienced by a patient who had essentially used up her remaining vital resources . patient male 6 Within the first minute , the patient developed a cold sweat , trembling , dyspnoea and deterioration of his consciousness . patient male 15 Transmission of disease by allogeneic transfusion can be avoided using several techniques by which a patient receives his own blood . patient male 12 The six-month follow-up revealed no recurrence of right atrial mass when the patient completed his treatment by hepatic lobectomy and combined adjuvant chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient underwent gross total resection of her tumor with further adjuvant treatment . patient female 1 One patient with faecal incontinence discussed her problem with her midwife but no further action was taken as she was too embarrassed to discuss it with her doctor . patient male 8 The results were satisfactory , except for 1 patient who damaged his knee in a traffic accident . patient male 2 Only one patient had a relapse and his follow up CT showed gliotic scar at the site of the previous lesion . patient female 4 We present the fourth patient with carcinoma of the uterine cervix who had cutaneous metastasis to the nose , indicating the dissemination of her carcinoma . patient male 7 Forty-seven days after starting valsartan , the patient presented once again to the emergency room with intermittent epistaxis and gingival bleeding while brushing his teeth of two weeks duration . patient male 22 The author begins with the premise that the actions of therapists and hospital staff can contribute to the likelihood that a suicidal patient will eventually take his life . patient female 8 This is a 27-year follow-up of a 12-year-old patient who lost the distal 7.5 cm of her fibula secondary to trauma . patient male 15 Owing to the delayed diagnosis of the melanoma and to minimize recurrence risk , the patient underwent a partial amputation of his left thumb . patient male 1 This patient underwent a successful transcatheter closure of his coronary artery fistula followed by pulmonary dilatation and had an uneventful recovery after treatment . patient male 7 On the 9th postoperative day , the patient died without recovering consciousness or his brainstem reflexes . patient female 1 The patient is now receiving her 22nd cycle of chemotherapy , and her multiple metastases have shown a complete response for one year . patient female 5 The next day , the patient was afraid that her symptoms had not improved and , due to this physical and mental distress , cut her wrist with a razor . patient male 6 Clinical improvement occurred after allowing the patient to resume his native rhythm . patient male 7 In addition to glucocorticoid replacement , the patient was commenced on growth hormone and a third-generation aromatase inhibitor , anastrozole , in an attempt to optimize his growth . patient female 17 While awaiting the results of further investigation into the cause of her elevated blood pressure , the patient conducted her own research and identified liquorice tea as the potential cause of her symptoms . patient female 1 The patient immediately stopped consuming the drink and within 2 weeks her symptoms , hypertension and hypokalaemia had entirely resolved . patient male 7 The functional outcome was poor because the patient lost entirely his foot function ; however , his back pain improved significantly after surgery . patient male 7 We discuss the management of this high-operative-risk patient , who ultimately underwent upgrading of his dual chamber pacemaker to a biventricular pacemaker with significant echocardiographic , haemodynamic , and clinical improvement . patient male 1 The patient received pentavalent antimonial treatment and his condition improved after 2 months of follow-up . patient female 2 The only patient with pre- and posttreatment chest computed tomography imaging had total resolution of her interstitial opacities . patient female 1 The patient experienced efforts to contain her violent reactions as an annihilation and repetition of the most injurious actions of her caregivers in her childhood . patient male 1 The patient received local radiotherapy and intensive chemotherapy , but exhibited no notable alleviation of his cranial nerve palsy . patient male 1 This patient had undergone total surgical correction of his truncus arteriosus malformation . patient male 1 The patient is also unable to interpret his behavioral disorder ( " loss of self-understanding " ) . patient male 4 [ Is the asthmatic patient competent to manage his disease ? patient male 11 In the reverse direction , however , the description of the patient finding his way from the analyst 's discrete interpretations to his own continuous experience of strain was most often pasted over with superfluous platitudes . patient male 11 In the case described , it 's entirely possible that the patient stumbled and fell , bumping his head and bruising his chest . patient female 13 Follow-up 10 to 18 months after termination of treatment revealed that the average patient had maintained her improvement and that those who had received no treatment showed considerable improvement after they were removed from the waiting list . patient male 4 Stimulation also allowed the patient to assume a plantigrade and forefoot weight-bearing position to improve his gait . patient male 9 Strong coupling between stump and socket will help the user controlling his prosthesis . user male 10 A case report of acute heart failure caused by a patient delaying taking his diuretic medication . patient male 3 Later , the patient suffered a traumatic closed fracture of his patella , and a sterile fluid was aspirated . patient female 4 We followed up a patient born preterm with congenital thyrotoxicosis by observing her general movements ( GMs ) in accordance with Prechtl 's method . patient female 1 The patient denied pregnancy and even reported her last menstruation date on 3/23/09 . patient male 2 As the patient did not report his history of rectal cancer and had travelled to African countries , we had primarily focused on the diagnosis of GI . patient male 2 Because the patient was unable to bear weight on his right lower extremity or flex his right knee to 90 ° , the physical therapist ordered radiographs of the right knee , which demonstrated a fracture of the lateral femoral condyle posteriorly . patient male 2 As the patient expressed his wish for organ donation , the corneas were harvested after expiration on the 22nd day . patient female 1 The patient received TAC , EVL , prednisolone , rituximab , and basiliximab , and her postoperative course was uneventful without arthritis or rejection . patient male 7 The " immediate " walking of a patient who has had his lower limb amputated was first suggested by Professor Marian Weiss of Poland during the Ninth World Congress of the International Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled held in Copenhagen in 1963 . patient female 1 The patient underwent reconstructive surgery of her right breast 10 months later . patient male 6 Three months after surgery , the patient was free of dysphasia and chest pain and had regained his original weight . patient male 1 This patient is capable of performing his daily activities reasonably well . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft in month 3(rd ) due to many serious infectious complications . patient male 7 After 3 months of therapy , the patient cleared the fungal infection , made a full recovery of his cerebral function , and was discharged to a rehabilitation facility . patient male 24 A promising alternative justification appeals to the analogical situation that occurs when an emergency decision has to be made about medical treatment for a patient who is unable to give or withhold his consent . patient male 7 In September 2009 , a 16-year-old male patient was hospitalized due to gradually increasing difficulty in raising his head and weakness in limb muscles over a 6-month period . patient male 34 Extensive epidemiologic investigation of the patient 's contacts and environment did not identify a cholera carrier of elucidate a pathway of transmission , but several avenues of investigation suggested possible means by which the patient may have acquired his infection . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgery and her hemifacial spasm improved . patient female 5 Eight weeks later , the patient reported with severe pain in lower back restricting her physical movements and ambulation . patient male 10 Motion pictures were made from a lateral view while the patient actively flexed and extended his cervical spine as well as from the frontal view with the patient rotating to each side and bending to each side . patient male 1 One patient in each group lost his graft because of biopsy-proven chronic allograft nephropathy . patient male 11 An episode of sudden dyspnea occurred and was resolved after the patient changed his sitting position . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient exhibited immediate resolution of her preoperative resting tremor and continues to be symptom free at 1 year . patient male 8 Following 5 weeks of physical therapy , the patient was able to increase his distance and remain pain free . patient male 6 The psychical case history of the patient shows his conflict-situation and personal problems . patient male 1 The patient died peacefully 18 hours later , meeting his EOL goals , and the family was empowered to provide effective care for the patient at home . patient male 4 Nonetheless , almost every patient rated at least some elements of his care as less than optimal , regardless of the cut-off point used to define optimal quality . patient male 2 Only one patient reduced his individual dose requirements by more than 7 mg per day , whereas in three patients prednisone requirements actually increased during active treatment . patient male 1 The patient also reported his own evaluation of response and any side effects . patient female 20 With the help of pictorial expressions and a special hypnotherapeutic technique ( " working with parts " ) the young patient succeeds in integrating her ambivalent feelings and in getting a deeper insight of her problems . patient male 1 The patient subsequently underwent surgical trapping of his pseudoaneurysm and physical therapy for left leg monoparesis . patient male 7 Seven years after the surgery , the patient resumed his daily routine without any recurrent symptoms . patient male 1 The patient can now actively move his mandible . patient male 1 Each patient described his feeling of satisfaction , using a questionnaire , graduated from " A " ( really satisfied ) to " D " ( unsatisfied ) . patient male 17 Bronchoscopy not only allowed to exclude neoplastic change but also enabled us to " treat " the patient by extracting his molar tooth remained in the main right bronchus , which caused purulent inflammatory changes in this bronchus . patient female 1 The patient had a favorable outcome most likely related to early supportive therapy , her healthy background , and young age . patient female 39 The clinical examination revealed a white mass of the anterior wall of the bony external auditory canal , very close to the tympanic annulus , which was replaced by an invagination of the skin of the canal when the patient opened her mouth , consistent with temporomandibular joint herniation into the external auditory canal . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her bleeding events . patient female 12 We report the development and management of this phenomenon in a pediatric patient who had several recurrences of her IT . patient female 1 The patient apparently recovered her healthy condition , but psychomotor developmental delay , especially in speech and social behavior , was noted at the age of 2 years 6 months ( DQ = 55 ) . patient female 1 The patient healed without incident postoperatively and was able to regain her ambulatory ability . patient female 1 The patient subsequently developed progressive worsening of her vision and presented to our ED with bilateral visual loss . patient male 1 The patient came to Iwate Medical University Hospital following urgent hospitalization and treatment at a local hospital after catching his head in a forklift . patient male 1 The patient immediately showed improvement in mouth opening and had resolution of his feeding problems . patient female 16 Extremely high values were found in a patient who experienced a renal crisis and in a patient who had her lower leg amputated due to severe vasculitis . patient male 1 The patient had a long-term use of alcohol-free " pastis " in an attempt to reduce his chronic ethanol consumption . patient male 12 Two weeks after treatment of the injury with botulinum toxin , the patient reported complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 4 In fact , our patient strongly rubbed his eyes for more than 10 h per day . patient female 5 Two minutes later , the patient became dyspneic and was unable to elevate her head from the pillow . patient male 38 A 55-year-old man was admitted to our department with a diagnosis of acute inferior myocardial infarction ; 1 week later he underwent percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty on the proximal right coronary artery ; during this procedure , the patient experienced chest pain and his electrocardiogram showed ST-segment elevation in the anterior leads ; ventricular fibrillation also occurred . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient demonstrated improved control of his exotropia . patient male 6 We report the case of a patient with insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes who exhibited a rapid deterioration of his renal function leading to haemodialysis in a few months . patient female 12 These can be useful in modifying the altered body image of the patient who has lost her breast . patient male 11 It has been assumed that , by diaphragmatic breathing , a patient could vary his basal expansion . patient female 5 We present a 20-year-old female patient who visited her GP with a discrete right-sided drooping corner of her mouth . patient female 6 Three months after surgery , the patient had regained full function of her left forearm . patient female 10 One day before the onset of the symptoms , the patient had visited her dentist for a routine restorative procedure on the lower left first molar and an inferior alveolar block anesthesia was administered . patient female 1 One patient without a stent string retained her ureteric stent for 6 months , which was removed by cystoscopy without incident . patient male 50 Duhamel and Dupuis ( 2003 ) point out that there are three important factors in the management of the illness : the effects of family stress , the needs of the family as caregivers , and the effects of the role and how the family cope with the way the patient experiences his illness . patient female 1 The patient experienced resolution of the DI and improvement of her visual fields . patient male 0 Patient subsequently underwent surgical correction of his esotropia and the final cosmetic outcome was satisfactory . Patient male 1 The patient obtained his first diagnosis of GCTB in the left humerus at the age of 47 years . patient male 1 One patient received his bleomycin infusion when ureteral obstruction was present ; CLT and CLR for this course were 4.8 and 4.1 ml/min/m2 . patient female 1 A patient with tremor associated with spasmodic dysphonia developed a marked exacerbation of her upper limb tremor whilst on co-careldopa ( Sinemet CR ) that improved when the drug was withdrawn . patient male 6 Nursing considerations in support of a patient pursuing his dream . patient female 1 The patient had excellent healing of her skull base and had no evidence of any postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak . patient male 1 One patient had completely occluded his diseased vessel but remained asymptomatic . patient female 1 The patient had complete recovery of her neurologic deficits , and her correction was maintained at 85 % at 4-months follow-up . patient male 32 We reviewed all patients who went to the DHC on the subject of readmission and found two that were unavoidable ( whether or not the DHC was used ) , and one patient nearly missed his ride home as he sat in the wrong location for transport pickup . patient male 13 After two failed attempts at endoscopic extraction of the metal denture , the patient underwent surgical extraction of his metal denture . patient female 1 One patient required two re-replacements of her homograft for severe stenosis . patient female 9 Soon after beginning the initial phenytoin dose , the patient reported full return of her vision . patient male 3 Recently , the patient experienced his first hemorrhagic episode at the age of 17 . patient female 10 Initial engraftment was seen in all patients , but 1 patient ( 7 % ) later rejected her graft . patient female 1 The patient ( case 2 ) developed acute ischemia of her right arm ; B ultrasonography revealed a thrombus in the distal of the right subclavian artery accompanied by stenosis . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her fistula and experienced no complications from the procedure . patient male 1 The patient underwent subsequent reconstruction of his constricted left ear with costochondral cartilage graft to address elsewhere . patient male 8 The postoperative course was uneventful , and the patient resumed his usual taste sensation within the early postoperative period . patient male 22 These sets are customized to specific segmentation needs as a function of a set of low dimensional training images in which the user expresses his segmentation requirements . user female 1 The patient significantly improved her function throughout inpatient rehabilitation and was discharged after achieving modified independent level with ambulation and all activities of daily living . patient male 1 The patient kept his operated knee flexed during mid stance . patient male 1 The patient underwent successful surgery ( aortic and mitral valve replacement ) and his clinical condition during six-month antibiotic therapy was good . patient male 1 The patient required reversal of his elevated INR in order for a lumbar puncture to be safely performed ( INR must be no higher than 1.4 ) . patient male 1 Each patient received a previous psychological evaluation to assess his intellectual and cognitive developmental degree . patient female 6 One year after starting treatment the patient confirmed her complete satisfaction . patient female 1 The patient presented at our clinic because her mother had noticed the deformity of her back . patient female 1 The patient experienced gradual spontaneous resolution of her dorsal midbrain signs and symptoms over several months . patient male 31 Legally speaking , the administration of drugs for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes is , in fact , bodily injury which enjoys exemption from punishment only when it is justified and the patient has given his consent . patient male 20 In daily practice the application of relatively low-risk diagnostic drops ought to represent a part of the commission which the patient gives the ophthalmologist in seeking out his practice . patient male 1 The patient showed marked improvement of his dermatological and ophthalmological lesions with anti-tubercular treatment . patient female 8 After 1 year and 5 months , the patient suffered her first recurrence , developing multiple brain and meningeal metastases . patient male 6 This is avoided by having the patient bend his head down during deglutition . patient female 11 We are reporting a case of autologous blood transfusion in a patient who underwent a repair of her aortic aneurysm . patient female 1 The patient in case 1 underwent her operation without blood transfusion . patient female 1 One patient received her second PET scanning after the serum CA(125 ) began to elevate in the 9th month . patient male 13 This in turn reduces the likelihood that actions will occur for which the patient had no awareness of his intention to act . patient female 1 The patient moved all her extremities but was lethargic , agitated , responded to pain but would not follow commands and moaned nonsensical speech . patient male 4 A 36- year-old male patient sustained an open fracture of his proximal right forearm after a road traffic accident . patient male 3 A 36-year-old male patient sustained an open fracture of his proximal right forearm after a road traffic accident . patient female 1 One patient with recurrent ovarian cancer who received 16 courses of therapy experienced complete resolution of her ascites , near normalization of CA-125 levels , and improved quality of life ; two patients with high-risk tumors receiving " adjuvant " therapy are disease-free at 3 and 6 years after treatment ; other patients experienced transient clearing of ascites . patient male 4 In addition , the patient was asymptomatic and had recovered his body weight . patient female 6 In spite of this , the patient had a very benign course of her disease . patient male 15 The most common symptom is a pulse synchronous bruit which usually becomes apparent when the patient regains his sensorium . patient male 7 The lesion became less evident once the patient varied the intraoral location and reduced his consumption of these tablets . patient female 11 We recommended further evaluation and treatment , but the patient and patient family support team rejected further treatment of her condition . patient male 1 The patient had no special chief complaints and his forearm rotation functions were normal . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his symptoms and continues to do well 6 months later . patient female 4 After surgery , the patient had resolution of all her symptoms . patient male 2 The fourth patient lost his graft within a week because of thrombosis . patient female 8 The authors present a case of a female patient who sustained a prosthetic dislocation of her proximal femoral replacement during sexual intercourse . patient male 11 The first patient had had no prodromal symptoms and the second patient had visited his general practitioner 2 weeks earlier because of pain in the head and neck . patient female 1 The patient also had profound mixed hearing loss associated with otosclerosis , so underwent simultaneous cochlear implantation and occlusion of her posterior semicircular canal , following completion of anticoagulation therapy for her dissection . patient female 1 The patient required one fourth of her maintenance dose to keep trough concentrations within the target range . patient male 3 Post-tracheostomy , the patient continued his ability to self-administer the medication . patient male 11 In this test , binocular visual acuity is measured while the patient shakes his head at a rate of 2 or 3 movements per second , 10 to 20 degrees horizontally or vertically , and compared head still position . patient male 1 The patient has found his neck mass for more than 30 years , and the neck mass has slowly growed into giant tumor . patient female 1 The patient is presently able to open her mouth wide enough for both mastication and speech . patient male 2 The first patient was unable to empty his bladder on a regular basis with stimulation using 24 pulses per sec stimulating frequency for the first two months after implantation . patient female 11 The incidence of immediate and late complications was low : no patient had her radiotherapy stopped because of an intolerance and two patients had their chemotherapy stopped because of an haematological intolerance . patient male 51 When the seizures are rare , scarifications are slim , short ( 1 - 3 mm ) , near the roots of hair on the forehead and concealed ; but when they are frequent , known by many people , scarifications are large , long , visible on forehead , the patient showing the sign of his social sentence .. On the skin of epileptics in Togo , is written the diagnosis of his affection . patient female 24 However , in such cases , the role of the physician should remain as that of an informed educator and counselor , enabling the patient to exercise her autonomy and personal choice within her social and cultural context . patient female 7 Subtotal excision was performed , and the patient regained her strength to 5/5 postoperatively . patient male 12 This distinction which originates in phenomenological psychiatry aims to understand how the patient experiences his body and to surpass the classical somatic and psychiatric classifications . patient male 4 Emphysema appeared after the patient blew his nose . patient female 3 A 54-year-old female patient admitted with a diagnosis of tetanus had her sedation reversed with an infusion of flumazenil . patient male 1 One patient reduced his drinking amount . patient female 10 We describe a case of vaccine-associated measles in a two-year-old patient from British Columbia , Canada , in October 2013 , who received her first dose of measles-containing vaccine 37 days prior to onset of prodromal symptoms . patient male 1 The patient was unable to speak his native language for a period of 5 - 10 min , despite a desire to do so . patient male 1 The patient had arthroscopic revision of his ACL reconstruction by using Semitendinosus allograft , which confirmed the complete tear of previously reconstructed ACL graft . patient female 1 The patient underwent open reduction surgery of her right knee joint by orthopaedic surgeon and popliteal artery repair by vascular surgeon . patient male 3 The 38-year-old male patient received his second transplant from a 17-year-old female donor dead after craniocerebral trauma in December 2004 . patient female 3 The 38-year-old female patient received her second transplant in January 2005 from cadaver . patient female 29 It was necessary for the analyst to define verbally and clarify her reconstructed past as it emerged as part of her panic state , transferentially , so that the patient could finally recognize , acknowledge , and understand hitherto hidden aspects of her life . patient male 9 When deformities and other complications are prevented and the patient keeps up his strength through early activities , the confinement will be shorter , the cost will be less , and the patient will return more quickly to independence . patient male 4 We usually let the patient be the guide in determining his limitations and progress . patient female 14 To illustrate these distinctions , the author presents an analysis of a self-mutilating bulimic patient who used her body as a fetish until a more integrated " me " evolved within the " shared skin " of her treatment . patient male 5 Clozapine was discontinued when the patient withdrew his consent due to side effects , despite his awareness of its benefits , including reduction of command hallucinations and irritability . patient male 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well , and had rapid resolution of his systemic allergic response following removal of the BB . patient male 1 The patient described his EVHs as " snowing on TV , " " flickering lights , " and " rotating coloured balls " that continued for several days . patient male 7 This article describes anterior rehabilitation of a patient who met with a road traffic accident and lost his anterior teeth . patient male 1 The patient tries to avoid the cigarette by boosting his serum nicotine level with the inhaler or the nicotine gum as often as possible and seeks to understand the reasons why he is a smoker . patient male 5 Since the procedure , the patient has had significantly improved control of his hypertension . patient male 7 The fracture healed uneventfully , and the patient regained full motion and strength of his extremity with no limitations . patient female 2 Only one patient discontinued her treatment because of dizziness . patient male 5 It is remarkable that the patient not only survived this trauma , but had been managing his chronic heart failure well without medication for over 20 years . patient female 6 During the second visit , the patient had her menarche lasting 4 days without any medication . patient male 8 Four months prior to his presentation , the patient had undergone extreme lateral interbody fusion ( XLIF ) of his lumbar 3 - 4 segment for the treatment of his chronic low back and legs pain . patient female 1 This patient has no liver metastases two years after surgery and her carcinoembryonic antigen ( CEA ) level remains normal . patient female 13 Intensive antibiotic and antiepileptic treatment resulted in a remarkable improvement , with the patient being able to resume her normal activities within months . patient female 5 At 6 months , the patient noted significant improvement of her preoperative symptoms . patient female 5 In 8 weeks , the patient had no symptoms and good motor and sensory function of her right foot . patient male 21 One year after the operation , a follow-up study demonstrates good function of the newly formed " hand . " The patient is able to use his two new " fingers " during daily life , mainly to hold small objects . patient male 8 At 3 and 6 months postdistraction , the patient has maintained his 30-degree flexion angle . patient female 8 Following the completion of her pregnancy , the patient had definitive surgical correction of her malady . patient male 16 ¿ BE is not based on a particular theory of language so that the system 's user may define his own theory and investigate its consequences . user male 1 The patient also tapered his smoking . patient male 13 After application of the needles , the epileptic fit stopped , the unconscious patient opened his mouth and started breathing spontaneously . patient female 1 The patient completed a standard intravenous ketamine infusion regimen developed at the Florida Spine Institute and reported complete abolishment of her pain syndrome . patient male 9 In the second decade following the exposure , the patient replaced his pacemaker , confirming the permanent nature of his heart block . patient male 7 2 . Only slight anxiety : The patient affirms his inner anxiety and fear , if he is asked . patient male 1 The patient presented with neurological deficit due to intraparenchymal hemorrhage progressively recovered his motor function . patient female 1 The patient underwent wound debridement , intracranial pressure monitoring , and repair of her globe and advancement flap for right facial injury . patient female 1 Every patient with breast cancer has her own doubling time , which seems to be constant and independent of the site of the tumor , regardless primary or metastatic . patient male 1 One patient with hypertension ceased his medical therapy at the 4th month . patient male 0 Patient 1 demonstrated dramatic clearing of his MCV lesions when intravenous cidofovir therapy was started for his treatment-resistant bilateral CMV retinitis and because of cidofovir 's possible activity against MCV . Patient male 14 At times written examinations in school were successfully completed and at other times the patient would write only his name . patient male 4 Intractable bleeding occurred in patient who has his inflated balloon catheter accidentally torn out . patient male 1 The patient underwent a unilateral posterior repair of his osteophyte with successful anterior decompression . patient male 1 The patient reported complete resolution of his dermatomal pain and demonstrated rapid improvement in upper extremity strength as compared to traditional conservative treatments . patient female 1 A patient retraces her care pathway with authenticity and emotion . patient male 6 At follow-up one year later the patient had regained his weight and was walking around freely . patient female 1 The patient underwent a resection of her tumor , which was diagnosed as a capillary hemangioma by histopathologic examination . patient male 1 The patient required a temporary tracheostomy and underwent surgical repair of his facial fractures . patient male 3 Surprisingly , the patient was able to follow commands and move his left side on arrival at the hospital . patient male 1 The patient responded well to surgical intervention without complications and continues to have stable correction of his hyperlordosis deformity 2 years after surgery . patient male 41 Furthermore , individual subjects reported benefits ; e.g. , a female patient could stand up from sitting on the floor much more easily ( time for supine to standing position decreased from 30 to 11 s ) , and a male patient could readily swing his legs out of his van seat ( hip abduction increased from 1 to 2 + on manual muscle testing ) . patient male 9 Starting with the normal postoperative cardiac rehabilitation , the patient subsequently intensified his regular endurance training , reaching a total of 9,500 km of cycling within one year . patient male 13 More than 30 years has passed since Jellinek 's death when an American sociologist Ron Roizen started unearthing his silent story . sociologist male 1 The patient required gastrostomy tube feeding for 3 months but eventually recovered his swallowing function . patient female 3 A 30-year-old female patient was seeking treatment to solve an esthetic disharmony of her smile . patient female 11 After an intravenous injection of 10 mg of bevacizumab , the patient experienced an improvement in visual acuity and a flattening of her PED . patient male 1 One patient with pectus excavatum did have ligation of his LAA ; however , a thorascopic procedure was required to remove the snare from the LAA owing to compression of the LARIAT by the concave sternum . patient male 1 The patient experienced stabilization of his ischemic events and neurologic recovery . patient male 5 After the procedure , the patient experienced a significant improvement of his ventricular function . patient female 12 Both patients had significant improvement of their preoperative symptoms , and one patient had resolution of the abnormal urodynamics and her Chiari symptoms . patient female 20 We present the first case report in the literature , though likely not the first time , in which a patient delayed her cancer treatment due to domestic abuse and her disease progressed . patient male 6 At five months after surgery the patient had minimal neurological abnormalities and was able to conduct his daily life without help . patient male 12 Because the arrhythmia was disabling and unresponsive to pharmacological treatment , the patient underwent closed chest ablation of the His bundle . patient male 21 It was found that the practice of therapeutic communication becomes a favorable practice , because establish the nurse-patient relationship , with patient producing his own care . patient male 7 During 5 months of CR , the patient had enjoyed his common daily life , the relapse , however , occurred . patient male 21 This will enable the radiologist to establish a meaningful diagnosis of these lesions at an early stage when the severely traumatised patient undergoes his first cranial CT . patient male 1 The patient resumed his health . patient female 36 We argue that health-care professionals intent on acting in the patients ' best interests can not avoid quality-of-life judgments -- for there is a close link between the quality , and kind of life , a patient has and her best interests . patient male 1 A patient who underwent radical resection and reconstruction of his left hemipelvis and hip joint died of local infection that progressed to generalized sepsis 2 months after operation . patient male 1 The patient underwent resection of HO 6 months after manipulation and regained his ROM to 110 degrees in flexion . patient male 7 Although unexpected , we report this HD patient can preserve his RKF for at least 12 years . patient female 6 At the last follow-up , the patient was healthy , with normal blood values , considering her overall condition . patient male 1 The patient remitted his nephrotic syndrome after 10 days of CsA administration . patient male 2 Only one patient from the ORIF group was not able to resume his previous occupation . patient male 3 We describe a patient who developed loss of his spatial navigational skills associated with an acute ischemic right posterior hippocampal lesion . patient male 13 The anticipated advantages of this approach include improved convenience and compliance for the patient , who may increase his apprehension for managing the treatment . patient male 9 This will help to redefine the role of the patient and the professional in promoting his self-management . patient male 1 One patient developed loosening of his lower hooks at 6 months postoperatively and required posterior revision with ultimate healing . patient female 3 On follow-up , patient reported > 70 % relief of her pain . patient female 13 For this prevention method to be effective , it is essential that the patient receives her results and satisfactorily concludes the treatment . patient female 5 Immediately after injection , the patient experienced complete relief of her right forearm pain , tingling , and dysesthesias . patient male 28 He underwent subclavian arteriography elsewhere , which showed a block of the contrast medium in the right vertebral artery ( VA ) at the C5/6 level when the patient turned his head to the right . patient male 1 The patient remains clinically disease free and continues his regular follow ups . patient female 15 The dissection did not produce a critical stenosis and , taking into consideration that the patient had a previous occlusion of her distal left vertebral artery , it was decided to manage the patient conservatively . patient female 1 The patient was unable to understand her illness and did not comply with the treatment regimen . patient male 1 The patient experienced immediate improvement in his systemic saturation , and demonstrates continued resolution of his symptomatic hypoxia on follow-up . patient male 5 The pseudohomosexual psychosis defends the patient against perceiving his inability to effect separation from mother , bear the object loss , and attain cultural manhood . patient female 13 The dose was decreased , a second course was started , and the patient completed her second course without neutropenia . patient male 19 Particular emphasis was places on the results in respect of rehabilitation , i.e. , the extent to which the patient was able to resume his normal professional or employment activities . patient male 7 Two years after his injury , the patient had resumed his previous activity completely . patient male 37 The author describes the model of reification of experience and presents aspects of the analysis of a perverse patient , the case of Mr. C , to illustrate the usefulness of this model in understanding how this patient defended against experiencing his emotions and the ensuing transference-countertransference difficulties . patient female 2 The third patient lost her graft at 11 months after transplantation . patient male 6 We report a case of a patient who inadvertently left his infant son in a car , having forgotten to drop him off at day care . patient female 7 Fifteen months following sternal resection , the patient enjoys her longest tumor-free interval in 16 years . patient male 1 The patient has come to realize the worth of analytic thinking , and its potential to transform his life . patient female 8 During the course of the disease , the patient developed immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome and relapses , or renewed exacerbation , of her MS . patient male 5 The training method encourages the patient to succeed at the game and thereby enhances his interest in his surroundings and his competence and self-esteem . patient male 9 How can the total artificial heart ( TAH ) patient be mobile and enjoy his life with an air driven system ? patient female 1 The patient underwent her surgery and was then further investigated to ' prove ' the diagnosis . patient female 7 At 2 months ' follow-up , the patient noted complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient uses his hand for writing , riding his bike , and a mobile phone . patient male 2 One relapsing patient had his first daily oral dose replaced by an intravenous dose of 200 mg of miconazole diluted in 250 ml of glucose solution during the initial four weeks . patient female 5 Reported is a previously splenectomized patient who had a severe exacerbation of her ITP during pregnancy and was managed with large doses of IVIgG throughout the second half of her pregnancy . patient male 1 The patient was able to improve his complaint by performing a forced elevation in adduction while massaging his right trochlear region and the restriction did not recur until the next morning . patient female 5 Clinical examination showed that the patient had all her permanent teeth present with a retained mandibular left second primary molar that was previously treated by pulpectomy . patient male 5 After the surgery , the patient recovered all his motor and sensory functions in the lower limbs . patient female 6 In the presented case , a patient with negative ulnar variant had injured her right wrist and presented at an orthopedic clinic due to nonspecific pain 6 months later . patient male 7 The stenosis was so severe that the patient underwent resection-anastomosis surgery of his stenotic tracheal segment 2 months after extubation . patient male 2 The first patient was treated with oral steroids , as well as doxycycline , to control his acne rosacea . patient female 10 Quadrant wise internal bevel gingivectomy procedure was done for the patient to restore her functional and esthetic needs . patient male 1 A patient with severe seropositive rheumatoid arthritis and hepatic cirrhosis developed septic arthritis of his knees . patient male 2 The only patient who felt his condition worse suffered from epileptic disorder and related increase of spasticity with deterioration of gait to hand surgery , which , however , was without realistic grounds . patient male 1 One patient with T-cell lymphoma lost his graft ; in the remaining patients , serum creatinine level was stable . patient male 8 We report a unique case of a young patient who accidentally swallowed his partial denture and alarmingly only presented to our ear , nose and throat ( ENT ) department 4 weeks later despite several previous presentations to primary and secondary care . patient male 1 One patient had gradual worsening of his palsy for three and one-half years then suffered a stroke . patient male 2 The second patient whose IVth nerve palsy had an acute onset experienced spontaneous resolution of his palsy but later developed dysfunction of other cranial nerves . patient female 6 The paper describes a 56-year-old female patient who in December 2015 lost her appetite and 20 kg of weight , had diarrhea , rapidly increasing weakness , dizziness , joint pains , fever , swelling of the feet , and convulsions . patient male 5 After 4 sessions , the patient did not feel any pain and gradually resumed all his recreational activities . patient male 39 This report documents 2 cases of genital dermatillomania which vary in severity from mild ( case 1 ) , where the patient 's ulcers healed after extensive counseling , to extremely dire ( case 2 ) , where the patient lost his penis after recurring ulcers and multiple reconstructive surgeries . patient female 15 This rare syndrome is characterized by an extreme form of nihilistic delusion in which the patient , more frequently a woman , denies her own existence and that of the external world . patient female 2 The fossil hunter Mary Anning began collecting her ' curiosities ' at a time when the age and nature of these relics from the past were little understood . hunter male 1 The patient achieved successful long-term bony reconstruction of his right maxilla with this flap . patient female 2 A 53-y-o patient presented approximately 2 h after taking her first dose of nefazadone . patient female 18 In our psychiatric practice in Seattle , we have found several cases of complicated bereavement in which the patient has been unable to accept the death of her mother for an unusually long time and , consequently , continues to complain of physical symptoms similar to those of her mother . patient female 1 The patient retained her preoperative visual acuity of 20/25 , and retinal traction was released . patient male 1 One patient removed his tube on the second post-operative day . patient female 7 After two days of hospitalization , the patient developed a progressive painful swelling of her right parotid gland and fever up to 39.0 ° C . patient female 12 After successful re-induction with chemotherapy and an allogeneic bone marrow transplant this patient developed an isolated recurrence of her ALL manifested by symptomatic thyromegaly and a new mediastinal mass that was treated with irradiation . patient male 1 One patient who was receiving erythropoietin ( EPO ) for anemia could stop his treatment . patient male 17 Following radiographic identification of the problem , removal of the air from the Foley balloon allowed the patient to complete his convalescence from surgery . patient male 9 Each bed houses its own patient , and each patient carries his specific truth which he shares with all his partners , thus breaking the isolation of his fate . patient male 1 The patient recovered smoothly , regained his body weight , and was alive without evidence of disease recurrence at the last follow-up visit in November , 2000 . patient female 11 Unfortunately , damages of the retina were too important and the patient did not recover sight of her left eye . patient female 18 A multi-disciplinary team was formed and therapeutic plasma exchange with 100 % plasma replacement was performed when the patient went into labor , to acutely raise her FXI level and remove any potential non-neutralizing inhibitor . patient male 6 On emergence from anaesthesia , the patient could breathe but could not move his arms . patient female 2 The second patient had a C2-occipital fusion and was completely unable to extend her head . patient male 5 The process of curing a patient by removing his illness by extracting blood is a very old one . patient male 2 The first patient presented with right ventricular outflow obstruction and underwent successful surgical resection of his tumor . patient male 1 The patient had no peripheral lymphadenopathy or hepatosplenomegaly and his peripheral blood smear was normal . patient female 50 This article describes a case of a patient with fibrous dysplasia of the left maxilla , which was successfully managed by integrating surgical intervention and postoperative rehabilitation , with a surgical obturator and an interim partial denture prosthesis that successfully limited the detrimental effects of surgery , and helped the patient in resocialisation , thereby improving her quality of life . patient male 7 This report demonstrates how one particular borderline patient increased his ability to collaborate with the therapist in response to a transference focus in the psychotherapy . patient male 24 After 12 and 17 months , respectively , patient 1 started rubbing one foot against other and scratching toenails with his hands , and patient 2 stuck his legs and feet against hard objects . patient female 1 The patient stopped her pills 1 year ago . patient female 2 For the patient who has had her ovaries and uterus removed , the acute onset of surgical menopause is of primary concern during the immediate postoperative period . patient female 11 A vitamin D serum concentration obtained after three months showed the patient reached her goal with a level of 35.4 ng/dL. The patient was put on a maintenance dosage of 800 IU daily and will receive periodic follow-up . patient male 1 The patient could maintain his nutrition and hydration with oral intake alone after tapering home PN 15 months later . patient male 1 The patient has since undergone surgical resection of his cancer and is currently being treated with chemotherapy . patient female 8 In the current case , we report a patient who developed her fi rst catheter tip granuloma after 20 months of intrathecal morphine . patient female 27 This 90-minute workshop utilizes three different approaches to help the learner develop patient-centered care and communication skills in a mental health setting : a video of a patient sharing her experience with the mental health system , a narrative model of appreciating patient experience ( first-person memoir ) , and an exercise using patient-centered language in a medical record documentation . patient female 4 We suspected that our patient was herself causing her skin lesions while in a dissociative state . patient male 3 However , the patient was able to resume his normal activity level . patient female 1 The patient underwent a tracheostomy to correct her airway obstruction at 2 months of age . patient male 6 This article will evaluate the suspect patient who visits his family doctor with one or more of the cardinal signs of cough , hemoptysis , chest pain , or shortness of breath and will establish the diagnosis by x-ray , bronchoscopy , cytology , and tissue biopsy . patient female 13 After 57 days of ICU treatment and a year of rehabilitation , the patient has fully regained her functional status , is now finishing high school , and is ice skating again . patient male 2 Only one patient had his tumor excised in one-stage procedure , in rest of the patients the lesions were too extensive . patient male 1 A patient treated his slight score-throat with a thiomersal first aid spray . patient female 1 The patient was unable to attend her postoperative clinic visit and was eventually seen 2 months postoperatively with the bolster still in place . patient male 2 The first patient developed his eruption 2 months after he had received captopril , probably as a result of an allergic immunologic mechanism . patient male 25 This is a case report of a femoral artery infection with fatal outcome after using a percutaneous suture mediated closure device : A 77-year old patient underwent diagnostic angiography of his thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysm , the puncture site was closed with the Perclose system . patient female 6 Six yr after operation , the patient had lost her hirsutism and neither radiological , palpatory nor endocrine signs of either recurrence or metastasis have been observed . patient female 1 Our patient had her first episode at 20 months followed by recurrent episodes of metabolic acidosis with ketolactic acidosis responding dramatically to a short trial of biotin and thiamin . patient male 1 The patient could not see his hand during reaching movements , providing a unique opportunity to test the role of peripheral visual cues in limb control . patient male 1 The patient partially recovered his mental status and motor weakness after 2 days . patient female 6 Preceding her vision loss , the patient had other symptoms consistent with this diagnosis , notably significant jaw pain and arthralgias . patient male 2 After the patient had received 3 doses of octreotide , his white blood cell count ( WBC ) had decreased from 4.1 × 10 patient male 7 The topical treatment was discontinued and the patient recovered his vision , with a final visual acuity of 5/10 in the right eye and 4/10 in the left eye . patient male 43 In gesture imitation , Patient 2 performed the gestures toward the examiner 's space , while Patient 1 showed a peculiar form of CIB : when he was asked to place the ipsilesional arm in a position that mirrored the contralesional hand , Patient 1 moved his hand toward his contralesional hand . Patient female 8 Attention is drawn to the potential of the patient manipulating her medications in response to these changes . patient male 6 Phase Two : Stage where the patient leaves his psychotic world and does not yet live in the world of his " healthy " surroundings .-- In this phase psychotherapy intends to lead towards a confrontation with the previous psychotic experiences in order to integrate them into his personality . patient female 4 During recovery , the patient experienced cerebral metamorphopsia , visualizing her entire environment in the form of a cartoon . patient male 1 Each patient , whether temporarily or permanently disabled , requires a comprehensive service to meet all his needs at the appropriate time . patient male 1 The patient recovered his motor strength completely within 3 months postoperatively . patient male 19 The assessment of respiratory impairment is the responsibility of the doctor , whereas the decision as to whether the patient may resume his previous employment is often that of someone in a legal capacity . patient male 4 In this test the patient is asked to kneel on a bench with knees and hips flexed and place his fingers on the floor . patient female 6 At the 2-year follow-up , the patient was asymptomatic and had resumed her previous dancing activity . patient female 23 Postoperatively , the patient 's platelets dropped and the upper limb pain and swelling continued ; after conservative management and anticoagulation failed the patient had an upper limb amputation of her right arm . patient male 13 The procedure was technically feasible , effective , and durable , with the patient having complete resolution of his CSF leak . patient female 17 This paper approaches the issue of formulation to the patient by examining the interpretations offered to one patient concerning her reactions to three analytic holiday breaks . patient female 3 An elderly arthritis patient repeatedly asks her doctor to prescribe a weight-loss drug for her , and repeatedly , he refuses . But during one visit the harried doctor , intending to write a prescription for Feldene , an arthritis agent , wrote one for Fastin . patient female 2 A single patient had her implants removed within 3 weeks of her initial operation , at her request . patient male 1 This patient developed donor-specific lymphocytotoxic antibodies and his rejection was perhaps of antibody mediated type . patient male 1 Every patient with Lyme disease has his own clinical feature , while the superposition over an unknown but easy to discover urological disease may lead to a misdiagnosis . patient female 1 The patient regained her previous visual acuity , while her diabetes was controlled with 0.83 IU/kg/day of insulin . patient male 1 One patient lost his erectile capacity due to resection of a wide collateral whereas another had his erections impaired but not lost by the operation . patient female 1 The patient is in satisfactory neurological condition 18 months after operation and has resumed her normal lifestyle . patient male 8 Once the tube is in place , the patient breathes normally through the mouth and nose and can speak , cough , or clear his own airway by suction if necessary . patient female 8 Such features may vary according to whether the patient was pregnant , lactating , or had recently terminated her pregnancy or lactation at the time of surgical excision . patient female 1 The patient showed an improvement of her dyspnoea in a few days . patient female 2 A 36-year-old patient who conceived her first pregnancy through IVF and became infected with Zika virus at 10 weeks ' gestation in Venezuela . patient female 1 The patient is using her cochlear implant and doing well with auditory verbal therapy . patient female 1 The patient showed modest improvement of her akinesia ; this effect persisted for 1 year after transplantation , when she suddenly died from upper gastrointestinal bleeding unrelated to the grafting procedure . patient male 5 Over 6 days , the patient spent half of his physiotherapy sessions using VR and the other half without ( order randomized ) . patient male 5 Treatment was discontinued and the patient with the arsenic exposure developed his first new tumor 17 months afterwards ; in contrast , the NBCCS patient developed 29 tumors within 13 months . patient female 5 In June 2012 , the patient visited her local doctor , complaining of headaches . patient male 8 Here , we present the case of a patient who underwent resection of the intestine and compared his LD pharmacokinetics before and after resection . patient male 4 Following treatment , the patient had complete resolution of skin nodules and improvement of his pruritus . patient female 12 Over the next nine months , retinal hemorrhages completely resolved and the patient regained her visual acuity . patient male 2 Post-operatively the patient displayed nystagmus , was managed with hyperbaric oxygen therapy , and had complete resolution of his symptoms . patient female 9 If not for the extra time spent with the patient uncovering the relationship between her occlusion and headaches and gaining her confidence by solving that problem first , we never would have had the opportunity to build a relationship that would allow her to proceed confidently with the cosmetic treatment that she described as the " best darn holiday present ever ! " patient male 23 On word-picture matching , his performances were slightly better than expected based on the observed lexical semantic disorder ; in addition , the patient , who maintained good preservation of his underlying phonology , showed a tendency to point to the picture phonologically related to the target . patient male 1 Our patient attributed his back pain to a recent fall , but his lab work and a sagittal CT pointed us in another direction . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient made a complete recovery and his inflammatory markers normalized . patient female 1 The patient experienced immediate and complete cessation of her pain . patient male 1 The patient describes his trying experiences through the six months from initial diagnosis to definitive therapy . patient male 1 The patient remained lucid and described his experiences to his attendants . patient male 1 The patient described his pain as constant burning sensation which was severest in the soles and extended circumferentially over the legs . patient female 5 In the latter format the patient makes her transections with a " mouse " controlled cursor arrow . patient male 7 The surgeon must make sure that the patient has ceased his alcohol abuse before performing this treatment . patient male 6 The anesthetic was designed in this patient taking all his issues in consideration . patient female 2 This elderly patient improved her postural balance in both static and dynamic conditions , and became able to maintain her equilibrium in the more challenging dynamic conditions , with and without vision , as early as one week after the surgery , a postural performance that she had been unable to do preoperatively . patient male 18 In any case , an adequate visual rehabilitation has to be carried out in order to help the patient recovering his autonomy . patient female 1 The patient whose case is presented was also present to describe her experience with the illness and the course of treatment . patient male 4 Furthermore , the hemispherectomized patient stimulated Sim and his school to perform research upon the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the brain with hemispherectomized animals . patient male 1 The patient is now able to use his prosthesis successfully without aids . patient male 4 After resection , the patient was able to open his mouth to 25 mm . patient male 6 With the CAMP service , the patient uses his own cellular phone to submit his daily peak expiratory flow rate ( PEFR ) and answer a simple questionnaire regarding to daily activities . patient female 6 Although it is likely that this patient will experience a return of her symptoms and functional limitations as her hip disease progresses , the immediate improvements may delay the need for eventual surgical management . patient male 13 No predictive tools for post-treatment fertility were found and , therefore , every patient with a lymphoma should have his semen cryopreserved at diagnosis . patient female 1 The patient responded dramatically to intravenous immunoglobulin , interferon alpha2b , ganciclovir and prednisolone , suggesting restoration of her immune system and eradication of the clonal T cells through these immunoregulatory agents . patient male 16 In the first case , the anaesthetist confirmed his off-the-cuff utterance that was perceived by the patient and retained in the anaesthetized patient 's memory and acted upon by the patient postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient had never been on antiretroviral therapy and had never had his CD4 count or viral load measured . patient female 27 Rather than referencing the patient 's values to specific circumstances and treatments they could be more effectively considered as part of the patient narrative , how the patient would want her life story to continue/cease . patient male 5 Eleven weeks postoperatively , the patient could extend his tongue to his hard palate and past his mandibular alveolus anteriorly . patient male 9 With the substitution of riboflavin and ubiquinone , the patient showed a gradual recovery of his clinical presentation and an improvement of his laboratory tests . patient male 8 In retrospect , it was learned that the patient had stopped his carnitine without medical consultation several weeks prior to his death . patient female 5 After the operation , the patient reported subjective improvement of her symptoms , and began to respond to the nCPAP therapy for her sleep apnea syndrome . patient male 3 [ Does your patient take his medicine ? patient female 16 The sight of the extent and nature of a hole in her nasal septum which the patient had caused by picking her nose allowed her to stop this habit where previous medication and psychotherapy had failed . patient male 8 After removal of the heterotopic bone , the patient had a symptomatic deficiency of his hip capsule and gluteus minimus tendon . patient male 7 Here , we present a postoperative oncology patient who suffered a massive recrudescence of his lower limb venous thrombosis immediately after discontinuation of his heparin infusion , despite seemingly being adequately anticoagulated by warfarin therapy ( INR > 2.0 ) . patient female 2 When the patient regained her autonomy , she saw clearly that taking time to obtain and monitor an ECG was the best option for her . patient female 16 Bromocriptine therapy was begun at a dose of 2x2.5 mg ; 24 hours later , the patient started to speak and move her upper extremities . patient male 6 In this study group , 1 patient dislocated his shoulder 4 months after arthroscopic revision anterior shoulder reconstruction during an altercation and subsequently underwent a Bristow procedure . patient male 1 The patient is therefore able to enter his PSA level and complete the questionnaire at home and the results are then sent to the doctor who treated him . patient female 7 One day after her injury , the patient demonstrated an inability to close her mouth completely , and she had minor tenderness to palpation anterior to the tragus , without neurological deficits . patient male 1 The patient underwent orotracheal intubation , progressively improving his breathing function , and was discharged after 20 days . patient male 1 The patient underwent orotracheal intubation , progressively improving his breathing function , and was discharged after 25 days . patient male 1 The patient became afebrile and culture negative , remained hemodynamically stable , and had resolution of his pericarditis and pericardial effusion on electrocardiogram and echocardiogram , respectively . patient female 9 Thus , the wishes of the ( autonomous ) patient might reflect her current , her best , or her ideal desires . patient female 6 We report on a 39-year-old female patient who has had a pincer-nail syndrome affecting most of the toenails and all her fingernails since early childhood . patient male 11 This case report illustrates how , due to embarrassment , the patient hid his symptoms for many years and was eventually extremely relieved and " liberated " once McArdle disease was diagnosed 40 years later . patient female 11 When vigorous bronchodilator therapy was unsuccessful , close observation of the patient and review of her radiographs suggested the esophageal etiology of her cough . patient male 13 Hydrocortisone ( 18 mg/day ) and anti-tuberculous drugs were administered , and the patient became well and regained his appetite in a week . patient female 1 The patient underwent neurosurgical resection of her mass with near complete resolution of her neurologic symptoms . patient male 24 HBV and HDV resumed their active replication after over 20 years of complete latency , that is after long-lasting viral undetectability , when the patient deliberately discontinued his last HAART regimen . patient female 6 Fracture healed after 3 months and patient resumed her daily activities . patient female 7 But overt behavior remained hemiplegic and the patient was unable to feel any kind of control of her paralyzed left arm and hand . patient male 1 Our patient also showed osteitis of his clavicle and manubrium . patient male 17 Both medications were discontinued on hospital admission , and after three days of high-dose corticosteroid therapy the patient experienced resolution of both his symptoms and laboratory markers of inflammation . patient male 26 The body positioning required to maintain stability while using these boots can result in an exaggerated " military position " of the shoulders , as the patient braces his shoulders posteriorly to maintain his center of gravity anterior to the ankle axis . patient female 2 An 83-year-old patient had a slight worsening of her gait after surgery . patient male 8 In some situations , such as when the patient has changed his country of residence , the model and the manufacturer of the prosthesis may be unknown to the patient and primary doctor . patient female 3 Additionally , one patient showed progression of her disease with worsening hoarseness and onset of dyspnea , requiring surgical removal of vocal cord infiltrates . patient female 11 At 6-month follow-up , her complaints were almost resolved and the patient regained her physical health and mental attitude . patient female 1 The patient recovered and greatly increased her weight-for-age percentile . patient female 0 Patient was managed clinically by saving her remaining teeth , fabricating a maxillary overdenture and mandibular cast partial denture . Patient male 1 The patient has recorded his experience during an episode of absence status and provides a rare insight into a mind temporarily clouded by whirling thoughts and muffled responses . patient male 4 After the operation the patient had an immediate and maintained normalization of his pulmonary hemodynamics . patient male 11 In 2006 and 2007 , the attending physician of " Berlin patient " cured his AIDS by transplantation of the stem cells from a donor who was homozygous for the CCR5 Δ32 mutation . patient female 2 The one patient whose fetus failed to convert also failed her second version attempt ( P < .0005 ) . patient male 6 Six months after treatment , the patient can open his mouth to approximately 35 mm and showed no swelling in the left preauricular region . patient male 2 The 26-year-old patient in the last group regained his sight 1 month later , whereas the other two never had it returned . patient female 11 A linear salpingostomy procedure was performed without complications , and the patient was able to carry her intrauterine pregnancy to term . patient female 1 This person should have in-depth familiarity with the HIS and the ways that it interfaces with the RIS ( if the RIS is not a module within the HIS ) . person female 1 The patient was capable to protrude her neotongue beyond the virtual incisors line and to touch the hard palate at different degrees of mouth opening . patient female 7 Later in her hospital course , the patient again received cimetidine and her platelet count fell to 37 000/mm3 . patient male 1 The patient could open his eyes only with assistance but still had normal strength in all extremities . patient female 6 At 2 years postoperatively , the patient had complete remission of her sleep apnea , resolution of her exorbitism , and amelioration of her class III malocclusion to class I. To the best of our knowledge , this is the first report of a successful subcranial Le Fort III midface advancement with distraction osteogenesis for craniofacial reconstruction of a pycnodysostosis . patient male 4 During this reintervention the patient developed total blindness of his right eye , and a restriction of the inferotemporal left visual field . patient male 1 The patient reported no aches or pains in any joint and described his lifestyle as active . patient male 1 The patient had exhausted his treatment options . patient male 1 The patient may trade his rights to the best possible cure for the safety and the efficiency guaranteed by the scientific institution conducting the trial . patient male 4 One month prior the patient had suffered a dental trauma of his upper left central incisor and had been treated by another dentist . patient female 6 At 4 months ' follow-up the patient reported resolution of her symptoms and on examination she had no pelvic organ prolapse . patient female 5 A case of a young patient is reported , describing the evolution of her illness , and diagnostic and therapeutic measures performed . patient male 37 These observations support the need to be sensitive to the effect of one 's religious identity on clinical work , while appreciating that , as Andrew Sims has stated , the psychiatrist 's " attitude towards the patient who shares his faith is as a fellow believer and not as a priest " . patient female 1 This patient did have complete obliteration of her AVM . patient female 1 The patient frequently put her lower extremities close to a heater in the wintertime to alleviate chill . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his symptoms and radiologic pulmonary involvement on discontinuation of the drug . patient male 1 The patient had his adalimumab withheld , was treated with supportive measures and improved over a period of 8 weeks . patient male 9 There was no early implant loss , although one patient lost his implants after 3 years and another patient lost one implant after 1.5 years . patient male 12 Intravenous injections of 0.3 of either drug were started when the patient evaluated his pain as being above 60 mm on a visual scale graduated from 0 to 100 mm . patient male 1 Each user separately calculates his bit-rate demand based on his video complexity and bit-rate price , where the bit-rate price is announced by the allocator . user female 1 The patient nonetheless developed severe hepatic necrosis and her hospital course was complicated by adult respiratory distress syndrome . patient male 3 We describe a patient who developed inflammation and fibrosis in multiple organs over 20 years , sequentially involving his pancreas , bile ducts , gallbladder , submandibular and lacrimal glands , and kidneys . patient female 5 At 16-month follow-up , the patient emphasized her satisfaction with the results ; she was able to keep up with her regular schedule of leisure sports and swimming , painlessly , with no limitations or new episodes of instability . patient male 1 The patient with an ocular prosthesis prefers his mirror image . patient female 4 Fearing hypoglycaemia , the patient changed her diabetes self-management and thus experienced limitations in her everyday functionality . patient male 14 In the 12 years we followed this patient some transfer occurred , as the patient was ultimately able to identify his own landmarks . patient female 2 One female patient achieved partial correction of her G6PD status and relapsed at 10 months . patient male 11 Also regarding on the various ways of treatment and how a patient could keep his own mental balance were considered satisfactory . patient male 3 In 2004 the patient abandoned his work . patient female 3 However , the patient was able to use her hands without major impairment with the stimulator OFF ; due to a stable reduction of the degree of ataxia and intention tremor . patient female 9 In this paper we describe the case of a patient who underwent left breast radical mastectomy and corresponding removal of her axillary lymphonodes , for an infiltrating lobular cancer with massive colonizing ( 16 of 19 lymphonodes examined ) , stage T2N2M0 . patient male 3 Concurrently , the patient overestimated his loading capacity . patient female 5 One year later , the patient had improvement of her Knee Society scores and painless function , stability , and better extensor strength . patient female 13 The present case report aims to describe a typical situation of an adult patient seeing her dentist for replacement of a missing tooth , but also requiring information regarding the possibilities for a return to the original occlusion as perceived by the patient based on family photos . patient male 10 Currently , with 6 months of clinical follow-up , the patient has maintained his functional classification and is pedaling his bicycle . patient female 28 In a large , typical Japanese radiation oncology practice , breast cancer patients ' satisfaction correlated with waiting time , cost , and the rate with which the patient shared her feelings with her physician . patient female 1 One patient experienced recurrence of her amyloid seven years after her first operation while another patient developed extralaryngeal amyloid . patient female 1 The patient showed her willingness to use the cornea of the left eye as a transplant for her right eye . patient female 16 After discussion with the ethical committee and its approval , and signing informed consent , the patient underwent enucleation of her left eye . patient male 14 While suffering from a rebound episode of DS secondary to ATRA therapy , the patient experienced deterioration of his vision bilaterally . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful hospital course and experienced relief of her symptoms . patient male 11 More than 2 years after completing his trimodality therapy , the patient remains fully functional and symptom free . patient male 1 The patient developed acute GVHD and achieved a rapid complete remission of his AML by both cytologic and molecular criteria of at least 14 months duration , thereby showing that DLI for AML in relapse after BMT is an alternative therapeutic option . patient female 8 Despite unavailability of plasmatic dabigatran essays , our patient improved her symptoms without further symptomatic thromboembolism . patient female 1 The patient reported her complaints to her leading rheumatologist after 8 months of their duration . patient female 1 The patient had resolution of her symptoms without any clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrence at 1-year follow-up using magnetic resonance imaging with and without contrast . patient male 3 A 41 year-old patient had significant bilateral visual loss and blunt trauma through touching his ocular cavities due to recurrent doubts regarding their shape and urges to check the format of bones and cartilages . patient male 3 Also , the patient refused to use protective eyewear during his long outdoor working hours and , by doing so , exposed his eyes to excessive sunlight , which led to occupational disease . patient male 4 In part because the patient was less self-conscious about manifesting his post-stroke neurological deficits , falling , and being viewed as handicapped when in the dementia wander garden setting , he was able to resume his treatment plan and finish his restorative therapy . patient female 1 The patient , a 45-year-old , right-handed woman , had her first seizure at age 29 , well into adulthood . patient female 1 Each patient rated her pain on paper using a visual analog scale . patient male 18 Initially , he described his concerns about infertility but as the nurse used her counselling skills , the patient was able to voice his psychosexual difficulties . patient female 1 Each patient has her own set of individual risk factors that may decrease her chance of successful vaginal birth after cesarean delivery or increase her risks with TOLAC . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient had full resolution of her acute neurological symptoms without post-operative complications . patient female 5 We report a case of patient with pregnancy-induced osteoporosis improved her clinical symptom , BMD and bone turnover marker after teriparatide therapy . patient male 5 Despite early surgical intervention our patient suffered a number of complications and continues his recovery in hospital three months post presentation . patient male 1 The patient suffered tactile allodynia and reported his baseline pain intensity to be 80 mm on the 100 mm Visual Analog Scale for Pain Intensity . patient male 3 Currently , the patient rates his pain at 16 mm and enjoys an improved quality of life . patient male 1 Another patient had his immediately loaded crown remade after repeated debonding . patient female 9 At 1.5 and 3 month follow-up visits , the patient reported excellent pain relief with activity and improved ability to perform her duties as an active duty service member . patient male 1 Our patient repetitively scratched his scrotum for 5 years and we believe that this action triggered his multiple scrotal epidermolytic acanthomas . patient male 3 We report a patient who developed occasional vertigo when turning his head to the right side . patient female 1 This patient has been free of exogenous insulin since the third postoperative month and has sustained her body weight without total parenteral nutrition since the 4th postoperative month . patient male 1 The patient normalized his biological disease activity reflected by hormone levels but his tumor size remained unchanged as measured by MRI . patient male 1 The patient initially underwent debridement of his wound and then repeated aspirations . patient female 4 After IPC , the patient enjoyed good communication with her boss and continued her job without succumbing to her depression . patient male 1 One patient with proteinuria decreased his protein excretion from 770 to 340 mg/m2/day . patient male 4 This 21-year-old single male patient received his first cadaveric renal allograft under immunosuppression with cyclosporine , MMF , and prednisolone . patient female 3 This 50-year-old female patient underwent a mastectomy ( Bt+Ax ) of her left breast in October 2000 . patient male 9 We report a case of a 32-year-old renal transplant patient with M. haemophilum infection initially involving his left sinus which was treated with appropriate antimicrobial therapy for thirteen months . patient female 13 After a long treatment course of about 10 months with acupuncture , this patient showed a significant restoration of her facial muscle function . patient male 3 Results . The patient had successful revision of his superficially migrated occipital nerve stimulator using a new percutaneous approach . patient male 1 The patient healed uneventfully and at 5-month follow-up had full use of his hand , full range of motion , and normal 2-point discrimination in all the fingers . patient male 31 The author gives a short review on the course of the disease and the typical symptoms of regular Marcus Gunn phenomenon i.e. the retraction of an usually ptotic lid when the patient opens his mouth or moves his jaw to the healthy side of his face . patient male 1 One patient with MPS II experienced worsening of his CNS symptoms , and his MRI findings revealed more severe ventricular dilation , brain atrophy and white matter lesions . patient female 1 One patient had complete healing of her perineal wound ; another patient showed initial improvement but had a flare of luminal and perineal disease at the 3-month follow-up . patient male 19 The resultant field reveals the true functional field loss due to the ptosis and avoids changes due to the patient elevating his brow . patient female 1 The patient , now more trusting , visits her GP regularly . patient female 2 A 17-year-old patient with osteogenic sarcoma of the head developed painful acral erythema of her palms and soles after the fifth dose of MTX , and a 22-year-old patient with osteosarcoma of the femur developed severe acral erythema after the sixth dose . patient female 1 The patient interrupted her treatment after four months and was admitted six months later for torticolis and spastic tetraplegia without sphincter disorders . patient female 1 The patient had immediate and complete relief of her symptoms , the aesthetic result is very good and her satisfaction is complete . patient male 10 The procedure was performed on an outpatient basis and the patient experienced immediate relief of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient simultaneously manifested both severe neurologic symptoms and widely metastatic disease , complicating her treatment . patient male 1 The patient smoked three packs of cigarettes in 3 hours and developed worsening of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient experienced complete resolution of her preoperative symptoms . patient female 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient is able to carry her day-to-day activity with complete recovery and radiological signs of union . patient male 20 On the basis of new insights in sport-medicine active exercises in the Milwaukee brace have been developed which enable the patient to straighten out his spine " on command " . patient male 7 A skin-stimulus ( spearing ) makes the patient straighten his spine actively . patient female 1 The patient describes her shortness of breath as progressive over the past 10 years . patient male 8 A 87-year old Alzheimer 's Disease(AD ) male patient donated his Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) . patient male 8 The paper presents the case of a 25-year-old patient , who , being in detention , pricked his both eyes using a needle . patient female 7 During the past ten months , the patient has managed her intravenous feeding at home . patient female 6 Home health physical therapy assisted this patient with reducing her LLD and improving her functional mobility . patient female 2 After each patient completed the survey and obtained her own GBS culture , the physician collected a GBS specimen in their usual manner . patient female 1 The patient had successful surgical correction of her vesico-vaginal fistula without recurrence of the fistula . patient female 1 The patient recovered her visual acuity after systemic corticosteroid treatment . patient female 0 Patient reached her menarche at age 11 years . Patient male 1 A patient of Group B had severe athetoid CP with spasticity , being unable to right his trunk and neck . patient male 5 In hand surgery , the patient often asks his surgeon if he is authorized to drive his car after the intervention . patient male 1 The patient with AV JET first had incision and suture ligation of the bundle of His and implantation of a ventricular pacemaker , but the tachycardia recurred 2 weeks later . patient female 2 RESULTS The patient reported good relief of her preoperative thoracic radicular pain . patient male 1 The patient reported bilateral knee pain of 2 months ' duration with physical activity , but had not curtailed his activities . patient male 10 With this questionnaire it is possible to judge how the patient rates his own quality of life . patient female 8 The occupational health expert witness confirmed that the patient was generally incapable of work and was fighting her life . patient male 2 A second patient showed complete resolution of his plaque stage mycosis fungoides after the institution of oral griseofulvin therapy for a chronic fungus infection . patient female 11 There has been no clinical evidence of recurrence , and the patient satisfies her abdominal appearance . patient male 7 We applied the H-Score to risk-stratify our patient to help predict his hospital course . patient male 3 We report a patient who fell and struck his head during a myocardial infarction , was treated with streptokinase , and developed symptoms and signs of an isolated trigeminal sensory neuropathy . patient male 5 We report a 47-year-old male patient who presented with neck pain and decreased ability to use his fingers that has progressed over 3 years prior to presentation . patient female 11 Ten minutes after the spontaneous rupture of the membranes , the patient complained of dyspnea and dysphoria and exhibited cyanosis of her lips . patient male 1 The patient initially noticed the displacement of his maxillary incisors with progression into a definite swelling of the pre-maxillary a month later . patient male 19 The mean monetary award was $ 167,000 , and the largest award was $ 500,000 for discharge of a patient who killed his mother . patient male 19 We report a patient with a left thalamic hemorrhage in which lexical-semantic representations appear to be intact but the patient demonstrates an inability to spontaneously activate his lexical-semantic system . patient female 40 This commentary explores the importance of taking into account the perspective of the patient , even if suffering from a mental disorder , and it will analyse the existing common law to show that the weaker the ability of the patient to form her own wishes and feelings , the more appropriate it would be to rely on the remaining evidence . patient female 7 Results suggest that protein metabolism in the patient who has had intestinal bypass without resulting complications and in her fetus is comparable to that in normal pregnancy . patient female 1 One patient discontinued cinnarizine treatment and her weight returned to its previous level . patient male 1 One patient undergoing his fifth operation died of bleeding 3 days after operation . patient female 1 The patient can identify with a healthy well adjusted woman , who has been mastectomized herself , and ask her non-medical questions . patient male 2 Although the patient can custimarily obtain his record by court order , the courts have also recognized the concept of professional discretion under which a physician may deny the patient access to his medical record if in the physician 's judgment he believes it would be to the patient 's detriment . patient female 10 With careful and stepwise reduction in her immunosuppression , our patient showed a complete disappearance of her lymphomatoid granulomatosis , and she is clinically well more than 3 years after the diagnosis , with good kidney function . patient female 9 Following attempted mobilization at 11 days post-operatively , the patient developed a recurrence of her preoperative pain . patient male 1 The patient who died had also eaten home-salted whitefish , tested positive for NCV , preceding his symptoms . patient male 1 One patient developed severe coronary artery disease 10 years after transplantation , decreasing his Karnofsky performance score to 80 % . patient male 1 The patient rapidly recovered his vision and went home on postoperative day one with no further visual complications . patient male 20 After self-reducing the first time , as well as in subsequent repeated dislocations over the following 2-day period , the patient reported his injury to the medical staff , who sent him to the physical therapist for evaluation . patient male 3 Remarkably , this patient reported his progressive weakness of the legs with difficulty in walking only after a fall . patient female 7 At 17 days post operation , the patient presented to the emergency room complaining of left leg swelling and sharp , shooting pain radiating down her left leg . patient male 7 We describe an atypical presentation in a patient who sustained a traumatic avulsion of his right subclavian artery arising off the aortic arch . patient male 1 The patient hit his head on the wall many times and showed abnormal behavior due to the addiction . patient female 1 The patient , an 18-year-old female , initially noticed blurring of her left eye but later , sudden loss of her left vision occurred . patient female 8 Two physicians evaluated the photographs , and each patient evaluated her own response . patient male 4 In 2015 , the patient again collapsed while performing manual evacuation of his bowel ; on this occasion , he did not suffer a seizure . patient male 10 Eight years after the initial total piecemeal spondylectomy , the patient maintained his intact neurological status without local recurrence or metastasis . patient male 1 The patient did not show any increase of HBV DNA or a worsening of his hepatitis . patient male 1 One patient had his operation converted to a bowel resection in order to allow for easy reduction . patient female 4 In addition , the patient maintained her age category , number 1 , national tennis ranking . patient female 15 Twenty-four subjects ( 61 % ) developed acute antibody-mediated rejection of the allograft and one patient lost her graft because of hyperacute rejection . patient male 6 Following decompression and stabilization , the patient had complete resolution of his symptoms and returned to his neurologic baseline . patient female 2 The only patient in whom a direct approach for esophageal necrosis due to variceal endosclerosis was unavoidable , lost her organ and had a retrosternal colonic interposition after a successful portosystemic shunt . patient male 6 Ischemic symptoms resolved , and the patient was subsequently able to undergo repair of his VSD without any further lower limb ischemic sequelae . patient male 19 We report two cases of uniocular hemianopia that we first detected on Humphrey visual field analysis , with one patient having additional constriction of his peripheral visual fields bilaterally . patient female 1 The patient wore her rings on the right hand for 1 week and used fluocinonide 0.5 % cream twice daily for 1 week with resolution of the dermatitis . patient male 25 Immediately after cessation of exercise a brief hypotensive period ( 75/45 mmHg ) occurred together with sinus tachycardia ( 180 bpm ) during which the patient experienced his typical complaints . patient male 1 This patient subgroup experienced a significant worsening of his quality-of-life . patient male 4 A participant ( ESRD patient ) describes his sense of satisfaction with care . patient female 2 A 47-year-old patient had lesser development of her left limbs and face , smaller left vascular structures , and severe occlusive disease of the left internal carotid , left subclavian , left vertebral and left iliac arteries . patient male 2 Because the patient had completed his medical regimen , intervention focused on applied relaxation outside the medical center setting . patient male 5 After proper treatment , the patient recovered visual acuity and normalized his eye fundus changes . patient male 1 The patient underestimated his symptoms and look for treatment after a substantial growth of the lesion . patient male 7 Immunosuppression therapy was discontinued in the 4th patient , who lost his graft because of his lethal intestinal bleeding . patient female 14 The purpose of this article is to present the clinical case of an adult patient who presented sequel of periodontal disease ( diastemas ) compromising her dental aesthetics . patient female 1 The patient had significant remission of her symptoms following a course of electroconvulsive therapy . patient male 28 In the present case of postoperative lumbar spinal stenosis after non-instrumented intertransverse fusion with granules of hydroxyapatite ( HA ) , bone union was not completed and the patient felt the recurrence of his symptoms within two years . patient male 2 The 3rd patient had bowing and thickening of his right femoral shaft . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient was able to reduce his daily intake of oxycodone , while using topical loperamide for pain relief . patient male 19 After 8 cycles of chemotherapy , the swelling and pain of the right thenar were ameliorated , and the patient regained full use of his right hand and his quality of life was improved . patient male 17 Moreover , we collected data from therapist using the GCI scale , and we recorded as the patient perceived his weight ( PPW ) . patient male 1 The patient underwent his second GKR ( marginal dose : 19Gy , maximum dose 38Gy ) MRI revealed the disappearance of the tumors 3 months after the second GKR . patient male 2 As the patient was unable to endure his defecation difficulties , he underwent a laparoscope-assisted right hemicolectomy . patient female 1 The patient complained of pain and numbness of her left upper limb after losing control of her motorcycle on a highway and falling from the vehicle 2 h ago . patient male 16 is a project led by the canton of Geneva , making it possible for every patient to access his own electronic health record ( EHR ) and to share the medical files with his doctors . patient female 1 The patient reported complete resolution of her daily headaches and was able to resume her activities as a full-time student . patient female 3 A single catatonic patient , ICD 9 295.7 , presented a clinically impressive but transient improvement of her psychotic condition . patient male 10 Multiple RIMs were seen in six patients , with one patient developing his six RIMs sequentially over a 22-year interval . patient male 3 Not a single patient increased his visits to a physician . patient male 1 No patient who irrigated his colostomy had any cutaneous problem , and this group had significantly better results in preventing leakage of gas and odors compared with those patients using natural evacuation . patient male 22 Testing revealed nephrotic range proteinuria as well as dynamic occlusion of the right subclavian vein on magnetic resonance venography only when the patient lifted and externally rotated his arms . patient female 1 The patient showed significant improvement of her skeletal discrepancy between T1 and T3 . patient female 1 The patient was visiting her sister-who was in critical condition in the hospital-when the symptoms began . patient female 1 The patient went on to regain full function of her injured extremity . patient female 5 Because of personal preference the patient suckled her child from the right breast only . patient female 9 Only after one year of follow-up and when the patient recalled , in a directed interrogation , her occupational contact with asbestos thirty years age , the diagnosis could be established . patient female 5 Three months later , the patient developed CNV and her best-corrected visual acuity decreased to 20/100 , despite further regression of macular drusen . patient female 2 This particular patient had a premorbid tape recording of her own singing without accompaniment . patient male 6 At lyear follow up , the patient was able to perform his daily activities with terminal restriction of range of motion . patient male 16 By accepting his new role , the pharmacist is able to influence the relationship of the patient to the drug in all situations when man encounters the drug : in the course of hospitalization , during the transition from hospital to domestic care , in domestic treatment , in dispensation of drugs supplied on medical prescription , and in the purchases of over-the-counter drugs . patient female 4 This occurred after the patient lowered her head . patient male 15 After removal of the osteophyte complex at the base of the cervical plate , this patient experienced resolution of his dysphagia . patient male 23 One female hemiplegic , confined to a wheelchair prior to surgery , developed considerable ectopic bone limiting hip motion , while a second patient had loosening of his prosthesis after several falls related to his uncontrolled diabetes and hypoglycemic episodes . patient male 8 While the separator remained in place , the patient marked his degree of perceived discomfort on a Visual Analog Scale ( VAS ) at 5 minutes ( T0 ) , 24 hours ( T1 ) , and 120 hours ( T2 ) , after LLLT application . patient male 1 The patient had voluntarily discontinued his antihypertensive medication 2 weeks before presentation and had high blood pressure with marked fluctuation during hemodialysis . patient male 1 The patient wished to complete androgen therapy before starting his first year of college to avoid gender ambiguity . patient male 1 One patient had a recurrence of his spontaneous pneumothorax 3 months following the procedure . patient male 4 Four months after this patient received his first RTX infusion , there was a progressive and sustained decrease of immunoglobulin (Ig)G and IgM levels . patient male 8 Operative and postoperative courses were uneventful and the patient had complete resolution of his angina and hypertension . patient male 1 The patient resumed his work without incident . patient male 4 In addition , 1 patient with mild axonal neuropathy at baseline had deterioration of his symptoms during suramin treatment . patient female 1 The patient required aortocoronary by-pass surgical reconstruction of a left main coronary artery to control her angina . patient male 1 The patient experienced his first seizure at 4 months of age . patient male 14 Patient 1 reported taking aspirin the morning that his leads were pulled , whereas patient 2 had not taken aspirin in the 7 days before commencing his trial . patient female 13 At discharge from the rehabilitation ward ( 2.5 months later ) , the patient had not yet recovered her previous cognitive and functional condition . patient male 5 Compared with controls , the patient exhibited a unilateral deficit in monitoring his eye movements . patient male 5 After 19 months , the patient reported improvement of his pruritus and normalization of ferritin levels . patient male 1 The patient should always get his own stimulator for use at home . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient was not compliant in avoiding sunlight exposure and developed photosensitive skin reactions of his face and hands . patient male 6 Complications of this technique included 1 patient who experienced refusion of his lambdoidal suture and fusion of his sagittal suture , and 4 who returned for bone graft coverage of full-thickness calvarial defects owing to a lack of complete reossification . patient female 6 Turnover studies were made in the patient using her own purified AT-III labeled with 131I , ( * I ) . patient male 2 The 17-year-old patient experienced early relapse of his Hodgkin 's disease after first-line chemotherapy . patient male 6 Spiral CT was given to a patient who had his right ear absent . patient female 13 In the midst of an improving profile with decreasing symptom severity , the patient experienced a spike in distress and symptoms , prompting her treatment team to examine the treatment plan and to engage the patient around understanding the decline in functioning . patient male 1 This patient had pulmonary symptoms in addition to his cutaneous findings , leading to a diagnosis of disseminated coccidioidomycosis . patient male 1 The patient ultimately had resolution of his coagulopathy and was discharged on hospital day five with no long term sequela . patient male 23 Behavioral methods are also useful in reducing a variety of sexual deviations ( paraphilias ) ; recent emphasis has moved away from the patient being passively averted by the therapist toward devising his own self-management program , including self-administered aversion when necessary . patient male 15 The dementia , myopathy , and oropharyngeal dysphagia responded to steroids and rehabilitation and the patient regained his independence . patient female 3 The first comorbid patient lost her vision despite the adequate treatment . patient male 1 The patient empties his reservoir 2 to 3 times a day by inserting a catheter through the valve . patient female 1 The patient underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy and her symptoms resolved . patient female 8 After the initial diagnosis of MS , the patient continued to have progression of her white matter lesions suggesting evolution of her MS despite treatment with intravenous ( IV ) steroids , IV immunoglobulin , and plasmapheresis . patient male 2 When the patient left his prescription at the chemist shop he got a token , made of metal or paper , in return . patient male 12 Also , by examining the replica of his spine , the unconvinced patient was able to understand the nature of his pathology and realize that his neurologic symptoms would disappear only through surgery , as they did . patient female 11 In addition , short-term memory loss was prominent , with the patient forgetting her attempted suicide . patient female 1 The patient normalized her bilirubin levels after a successful procedure . patient female 1 The patient records , partially reproduced , reveal information about her , her sickness , and the attempted treatments , as well as information about her relationship with Freud , towards whom she had developed a massive sexualized transfer psychosis that , at the time , was untreatable . patient male 7 Now , four years postoperatively , the patient has no evidence of recurrent disease and has good use of his arm . patient male 1 Our patient had resolution of his back pain , paresthesias , and grip weakness at 6 weeks postoperatively , but his Horner syndrome persisted at latest follow-up . patient female 4 Following this procedure the patient experienced alleviation of all her neurological symptoms and signs . patient female 20 Over the course of a week , the soft tissue environment of the distal lower extremity improved , and the patient underwent open reduction and internal fixation of both her fibula and distal tibia through 2 approaches . patient male 23 There were two boxers , a footballer , a mentally subnormal man with a long history of head banging , and an epileptic patient who repeatedly hit his head during seizures . patient male 1 The patient responded well to surgical intervention , had no complications , and continues to have stable correction of his pelvic obliquity deformity 2 years after surgery . patient male 28 Staff members seemed so intent on teaching the patient new skills that they often discounted the significance of his past experience and failed to engage in helping the patient connect his future life story to his past . patient male 1 The patient had gradual improvement of his symptoms within the first 48 hours . patient male 4 At one-year follow-up the patient had regained full use of his hand . patient male 16 Immediately after RFA , the pain markedly reduced , and 2 months after treatment , the patient discontinued his pain therapy . patient male 1 One patient lost his bandage contact lens several times within the first postoperative month and had a partial detachment of the amniotic membrane . patient female 1 A patient requested conversion of her existing mandibular implant-assisted overdenture into a fixed complete denture . patient male 2 Every diabetic patient who intends to fast should consult his physician for assurance that fasting is safe . patient male 31 Seven patients did not recover their presymptom sporting level ( among them , 6 were considered treatment failures ) : 3 patients returned to sport at a lesser level , 1 patient changed his sport activity ( for other reasons ) , and 3 needed surgical intervention . patient male 1 One patient , who had his hip reduced 37 hours after the injury , experienced pain due to osteoarthritis 7 years after the injury at the age of 21 years . patient male 2 The first patient developed vertebro-basilar ischemic symptoms after suddenly turning his head to the left during an argument with a colleague . patient male 3 We had the patient strengthen his ankle using a stationary bicycle before he returned to running . patient male 1 One patient in the Lichtenstein group had a recurrence of his hernia , but there were no recurrences in the PHS group . patient male 2 Each hypodontia patient has his own clinical manifestation , and appropriate treatment should be planed accordingly for these patients . patient male 1 One patient had His bundle ablation , and 25 patients had direct surgical division of 28 bypass tracts with the use of an endocardial approach . patient female 1 One patient with high titer anti-A antibodies , who did not receive PP , lost her allograft because of hyperacute rejection . patient male 1 The patient consumed 50 tablets of fluoxetine in a suicide attempt and experienced a total remission of his OCD symptoms for the first time in his life . patient female 1 The patient maintained her oxygen saturation while breathing room air . patient female 1 The patient ultimately did well and completed her vacation in Las Vegas . patient male 19 Investigation revealed an aneurysm at the junction of the vertebral and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries and after removal the patient experienced resolution of his cluster headache . patient female 4 We report on a patient who lost her liver graft due to fulminant graft failure ten days after orthotopic liver transplantation ( OLT ) , the liver showing massive haemorrhagic necrosis . patient male 1 The patient who shows the incomplete projection could not project his own inner anxiety completely into the outside world , which results as a guilty feeling even having projective symptoms . patient female 1 The patient had torsion of her remaining ovary diagnosed surgically and was managed with detorsion and oophoropexy , despite the severely necrotic appearance of the ovarian tissue . patient male 1 The patient did not discuss his excessive alcohol consumption in the initial history-taking session and thiamine deficiency was absent ; therefore , early-stage Alzheimer 's disease was suspected . patient male 3 Later , the patient revealed prior excessive alcohol intake and his cognitive function improved markedly after a period of abstinence . patient male 3 Patients A 42-year-old patient who was unable to perform his office duties because of slowly progressive amnesia with executive dysfunction . patient male 20 The reparation procedure was not performed in two patients ( the first patient died due to pneumonia ; the second patient did not give his permission for further intervention ) . patient female 2 The first patient had asthma and her clinical and bronchoscopic findings were compatible with the diagnosis of mucoid impaction syndrome caused by Aspergillus . patient male 7 This is the first description of a patient showing a germline-related BRCA1 mutated MANEC of his ileum . patient male 1 The patient had pancytopenia and his marrow was hyperplastic with erythrophagocytosis by myeloid cells of various stages , including myeloblasts . patient male 1 The patient , who was admitted and managed conservatively , had gradual resolution of his pain . patient male 1 One patient who continued to have only his anticonvulsants after the appearance of his skin eruption , died . patient male 1 The patient had brachydactyly and his second fingers and toes were longer than the others , a finding consistent with PHP . patient female 7 At approximately 1 year postoperatively , the patient developed pain when planting and pivoting her foot . patient male 1 Our patient had fusion of the lower poles of the kidneys and his left kidney was ectopic . patient male 1 One patient decreased his level from supplemental oxygen to night ventilation . patient male 1 The patient twisted his left knee during a fight in martial arts , progressing to pain and joint locking and a sense of distortion . patient female 2 The fourth patient had a previously ligated internal iliac artery and her symptoms worsened after the procedure . patient female 1 The patient had good postoperative relief of her leg pain and no new neurologic or genitourinary complications . patient male 8 On the fist day of treatment , the patient was able to move his limbs on command and answer yes/no questions which had not been the case prior to apomorphine administration . patient male 5 However despite full engraftment the patient still experienced two severe relapses of his disease after stem cell transplantation with the highest ferritin level in the range of 10 3967 microg/l ( n = 7 - 142 ) . patient female 5 We report a 72-year-old female patient who underwent an isolated closed volar dislocation of her fifth finger carpo-metacarpal joint after a fall . patient male 9 This case report illustrates a clinical situation where a patient required both a psychiatric and neurological consultation in order to determine the etiology of his language disorder . patient female 1 The patient at first could only tell her story by showing and doing and so the analyst 's participation in the actualization of the narrative was vital to its discovery . patient female 2 The first patient has suffered since the age of six years from severe , diffuse , psoriasiform dermatitis , sparing only her palms . patient male 20 Subsequent imaging findings revealed the blood flow of the C2 segment of the contralateral vertebral artery was interrupted when the patient turned his head to 1 side . patient female 25 The surgical treatment of these complications is commonly performed during a period not associated with pregnancy - usually in the perimenopausal years or after the patient has achieved her ideal family size . patient male 7 On the morning of hospitalization , the patient consulted his physician for severe headache followed quickly by nausea and vomiting . patient male 15 Radiation was delivered by linear accelerators ( greater-than-or-equal 6 MV ) , except in one patient who had part of his treatment given by a Co-60 machine . patient male 6 Over a prolonged period , a patient with distal ulcerative colitis had been completely dependent on regular treatment with betamethasone enemas to control his symptoms . patient female 9 However , when the radiation therapy ended and the patient continued her targeted therapy alone , recurrence outside of her previously treated fields was noted . patient male 8 We report the history of a 17-year-old male patient with O.I. who presented a fracture of his left femoral shaft . patient male 19 The deficit of visuo-manual adjustment is characterized by a fixed divergence between the target and the point where the patient places his hand , either in ballistic movements ( classical optic ataxia ) , either in pursuit movements ; for this reason , a simple disconnexion should not explain the classic optic ataxia . patient male 8 was prescribed , and 2 months later the patient experienced a dramatic and complete remission of his furunculosis . patient male 9 A C6/7 ACDF was performed , but post-operatively the patient could no longer move his lower limbs . patient male 1 Our patient underwent investigation of his chronic backache in a 3 T MRI unit and developed hearing loss and tinnitus post-MRI examination . patient male 30 The unbridled use of modern medical skills and technology in preserving life at all costs has stimulated interest in expressing a ' right to die ' by the legally competent patient who is anxious to protect his autonomy . patient female 4 Three years earlier the patient had transient paralysis of her left lower limb without detectable cause . patient male 7 After 36-hr of food deprivation , the patient ate his favorite meal while sitting next to the springhouse . patient male 1 The patient was unable to wear his prosthesis because of an underlying swelling . patient female 3 Only one citalopram patient decreased her score by > /= 35 % , and two by > /= 25 % . patient female 14 Balloon dilation was performed ; although there was significant bronchoscopic improvement noted , the patient did not report any relief of her symptoms from the procedure . patient female 3 Empowerment of the patient to express her view . patient female 27 Based on in-depth , semi-structured interviews with two British Pakistani lesbian friends , the study investigates the relationship between friendship and sexual identity , exploring how each friend negotiated her own sexual identity in the context of the friendship and whether the friendship itself served as a catalyst for self-acceptance . friend male 1 No patient worsened his neurological condition postoperatively . patient male 2 A 65-year-old patient sought care for trauma and pain in the oral mucosa underneath his mandibular implant-retained overdenture . patient male 13 Following medical treatment of the duodenal ulcer with a proton pump inhibitor the patient had complete resolution of his thoracic spasms . patient male 12 These were successfully treated with biliary and duodenal stenting , and the patient was able to remain at home and maintain his quality of life . patient female 3 We describe a patient who recently underwent her third resection of a locally recurring low-grade ESS 29 years after original diagnosis . patient female 5 Like previous cases , our patient ( I.G. ) was quite unable to open her handgrip appropriately when directly reaching out to pick up objects of different sizes . patient male 21 Electrocardiographic alterations during hypothermia are studied and a case is reported presenting a very marked J wave which disappeared when the patient recovered his normal temperature . patient female 3 We describe a patient , who ruptured her plantar calcaneonavicular ( spring ) ligament and presented late with an acquired unilateral flat foot similar to a tibialis posterior rupture . patient female 10 An initial vancomycin dose was well tolerated , but the patient later experienced numbness and tingling of her lower back accompanied by pain ten minutes after initiation of the second dose . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgical removal of the intrasyringeal hematoma and her neurological symptoms improved postoperatively . patient male 7 The case of a 39-year-old male-to-female transgender patient who underwent feminization of his masculine forehead is presented . patient male 1 The patient noted progressive dimming of his vision . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient was unable to evacuate her bladder and control her micturition . patient male 6 By the process of projection the patient ascribes his identity diffusion to those around him who are then seen as unreal impostors . patient male 1 The patient has had no relapse of HES and his eosinophil counts have remained low-normal . patient female 1 The patient was unable to move her extremities , but neither respiratory nor bulbar dysfunction was observed . patient male 1 Each patient retained his individual pattern of catheter life . patient male 1 The patient has essentially experienced or perceived his parents , usually the mother , as not providing a soothing function or a proper fit for his developing ego . patient female 2 Although the patient maintained her pregnancy without anticoagulation owing to laminar flow in the Fontan pathway and absence of thromboembolic event , anticoagulation should be considered , weighing the benefits and risks during the pregnancy . patient female 2 When the patient arrived , her vital signs such as consciousness and blood pressure , were normal . patient male 4 During episodes , the patient used to sleep as long as 20 h in a day , affecting his daily living activities . patient female 29 Implications for nursing care include the need to ( 1 ) examine one 's own opinion on the issue , ( b ) assess the context in which the patient is making her decision , ( c ) share detailed information , and ( d ) create a supportive environment . patient female 9 After rest and rehabilitation for 2 weeks , the patient completely recovered her muscle power over proximal upper limbs and partially over the distal upper limbs . patient male 1 One patient with a family history of polyps had his entire colon removed at age 14 . patient female 1 One patient had improvement of her headaches , while the other continues to have chronic headaches . patient female 17 With the help of supplementary vitamins , stopping drinking and the regularisation of her diet , the patient presented progressive clinical improvement , and was able to walk without support at 3 months and almost completely recovered her sight , which was corroborated by an improvement in the studies of both visual and somatosensorial evoked potentials . patient female 1 The patient finally lost the sight of her right eye . patient female 1 The patient was able to independently extend her ring and small fingers in order to play her instrument and resumed play within one month postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient could no more properly hear his own voice . patient male 22 After only a few treatments of IV α-lipoic acid and IV vitamin C , his symptoms began to improve , and the patient regained his baseline weight . patient male 5 Six months later , the patient recovered his BCVA to 20/20 in his left eye . patient female 1 The patient has not been able to continue her work with dental MAs . patient female 12 Disseminated intravascular coagulation ( DIC ) was recently observed intraoperatively in a patient who required removal of her right humeral head for pain relief . patient female 3 Furthermore , the patient had significantly improved her 3-minute walk test and NYHA function class without significant adverse effects at the reported doses . patient male 16 One illustrative case is Moore v. Regents of the University of California , in which a patient sued his doctor for conversion of his spleen which had been removed for therapeutic purposes . patient female 6 The outcome was favourable and the patient resumed her strength and endurance training . patient male 1 One patient was not using his device to control continence . patient male 1 The patient reported pain and paresthesias of his left ring finger , and his left hand was cooler than his right . patient male 26 During the time of accompanying which lasted several weeks , it became evident that information means a way to deal with the disease to which the patient can make his individual contribution . patient male 2 An 80-year-old patient fell while jogging , hitting his face on the concrete trail and causing a horizontal root fracture of his maxillary right central incisor . patient female 35 A considerable improvement of generalized FD , from a bedridden state to a wheelchair-bound state , was observed in the patient following 6 months of chronic bilateral DBS via the SCP ; moreover , the patient was able to move her arms and legs . patient male 6 Here , we suppose that the user can first compute his position by GNSS during an initialization phase , which is used for solving all the ambiguities concerning DVB-T emitters . user female 1 The patient had a satisfactory postoperative outcome , discharging her home on the fourth postoperative day . patient male 7 During the 7th day of treatment the patient joined his navy ship to sail aboard and 2 days later , immediately after taking the doxycycline capsule , he felt a forceful pain in the median chest which was followed with odynophagia of both solid foods and liquids . patient female 1 The patient interrupted her treatment with occurrence of a relapse a few months later . patient female 6 Four months after surgery , the patient was completely able to perform her activities of daily living again . patient male 2 As the patient initially refused revision of his femoral component , he was treated with an elevated-rim acetabular liner . patient female 1 The patient experienced immediate relief of her cor pulmonale and successful recovery from hypotension . patient male 8 Three months after leaving his job , the patient was symptom-free , but non-specific bronchial hyperreactivity was still demonstrated . patient male 44 For that reason , we decided to answer a series of questions after which , we formulate our own criteria : Which is the recurrence rate after the first calculi ? Has a patient with recurrent lithiasis , the same metabolic disarrangement as a patient who has his first episode ? patient female 1 One patient received her treatment per os , with quinolones . patient male 9 All patients had a full recovery , but one patient developed optic neuropathy and lost his vision . patient female 1 The patient expressed her commitment to deliver the baby regardless of its mutation status , but with a strong interest in having the child tested soon after the birth . patient female 10 The NPI consisted of a 1-h small-group session with a patient who discussed her experiences with options counseling and her decision to terminate her pregnancy . patient male 1 Each patient achieved his final range of motion within an average of 19 days after reduction of the dislocation . patient male 0 Patient 2 demonstrated progression of his nuclear sclerosis and posterior subcapsular lens changes over the 35 months of follow-up . Patient female 5 At 1-week follow-up , the patient reported resolution of her pain complaint . patient female 1 One patient has maintained her vision more than 1 year following the completion of the course of PE . patient male 1 The patient tolerated the stent well and had good palliation of his symptoms . patient male 76 We performed three different maneuvers of a positional test in 86 vertiginous patients in supine-lying position in the following order : ( 1 ) " body-only maneuver " : a patient turned only his body to one side while keeping his head still ; ( 2 ) " head-only maneuver " : a patient turned only his head to one side while keeping the body still ; ( 3 ) " head-and-body maneuver " : a patient turned his head and body together to one side . patient male 5 The positional test in which patient turned his head and body together proved most effective . patient female 0 Patient 1 had right distal stenosis of her lower canaliculus and was syringed patent during dacryocystography with resolution of epiphora . Patient male 9 With the insertion of a prong denture , the patient experienced greatly increased retention and function of his maxillary prosthesis and a more favorable attitude toward himself and his disease . patient female 13 Complete healing of the genital lesions occurred within 1 month , but the patient discontinued her treatment after 3 months because of somnolence . patient male 1 One patient had his first attack erysipelas while the others experienced recurrent disease . patient female 5 One ( 1.3 % ) patient dislocated her hip at one month without recurrence . patient female 1 The patient underwent bypass surgery and her hemichorea disappeared . patient female 3 A 9-year-old female patient with a disseminated disease showed complete regression of her corneoscleral xanthogranuloma with methotrexate and azathioprine therapy . patient male 12 A ten-day baseline indicated consistently elevated urine sugar levels and that the patient frequently violated his prescribed low sugar diet by stealing , trading and hoarding high sugar foods . patient female 1 The patient underwent percutaneous closure of her PFO with an Amplatzer device , and exhibited rapid resolution of her symptoms and hypoxia . patient female 1 The patient was able to use her hand nearly normally 12 weeks postoperatively . patient male 27 The simultaneous strengthening of facilitators and better management of barriers may allow healthcare providers to tailor care to a patient 's specific needs and support each individual patient in improving his medication-related behaviour . patient female 7 The perioperative period was uneventful ; the patient needed no analgesic treatment and ate her first meal on the morning of the day after surgery . patient female 2 The first patient reduced her YBOCS score from 34 to 24 . patient male 10 Consequently this palliative treatment changed the short-term prognosis of the patient , improving his quality of life , and at 6 months follow-up he remains asymptomatic . patient male 2 The second patient experienced distal migration of his initial stent requiring stent removal and replacement at a later date . patient female 6 Despite aggressive resuscitative measures , the patient died , but her infant son was delivered via perimortem cesarean section and survived . patient male 8 After a year and a half , the patient again adopted a plant-based diet and his lipid levels fell sharply again . patient male 2 Only 1 patient resumed his prior occupation ( as supervisor ) ; 2 were permanently disabled , 3 pursued new and unrelated occupations , 2 were still in therapy , and 4 were lost to late follow-up evaluation . patient female 1 The patient subsequently had complete relief of her pain . patient male 1 The patient suddenly lost his vision of the right eye in the ICU just after the end of long procedure for anterior-posterior fusion of the lumbar spine . patient male 1 One patient discontinued his sports activity due to other causes . patient male 2 Each awake patient was submitted to a volume loading test to determine the haemodynamic status and his optimal left pre-load . patient male 6 Operative recovery was uneventful and the patient resumed his normal activities 19 months later . patient male 11 In the latter case , the implant was removed and the patient recuperated his preoperative voice without any other complication . patient male 4 Of them , one patient underwent a takedown of his Fontan , and five patients died in the immediate postoperative course . patient male 15 The anterior staphyloma measured 15 x 16 mm and progressed to a stage where the patient was unable to close his eyelids and required a sclerokeratoplasty . patient male 1 The patient IW was found at age 74 to have spent all his life without the left parietal lobe , as a result of a congenital peri-natal insult . patient female 2 A 24-year-old patient of mine , who was 23 weeks pregnant at the time , suffered a minor electric shock while using her hair dryer . patient male 1 The patient reported 70 % relief of his symptoms at 2-week follow-up and 50 % sustained relief at 3 months . patient male 14 Moreover , this information was used by the Regional Health Minister to blame the patient , evading his responsibility to ensure safe medical procedures for health workers . patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent resection and replacement of her ileal conduit . patient female 1 This patient had a successful outcome and early surgical management of her hematometrocolpos which was caused by an imperforate hymen . patient female 15 Urinary continence was perfectly restored in 24 patients , 6 patients presented residual fistulas another patient had a reduction of her bladder capacity . patient male 26 This paper discusses one such case that was followed from 2002 to 2010 at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine , where an HIV patient lost all his teeth despite investing thousands of dollars . patient male 1 The patient displayed a spontaneous gradual improvement of his liver function with continuous increment of clotting factor values since 32 months of age . patient male 21 This case report describes the design process for engineering an implant-retained bar to support maxillary dental and facial prostheses for a patient missing his midface , including the maxilla , bilaterally . patient female 1 The patient underwent anti-tuberculosis therapy and her oral and systemic conditions improved rapidly . patient female 5 Two years later , the patient discussed her hypnotic experience and reported an increase in positive transference and also an increase in her ability to cope with other difficult aspects of her life . patient male 1 The patient did well postoperatively and had 97 % resolution of his pain at 6 months after surgery . patient male 6 Cardiac damage was minimal and the patient recovered his usual state of health , an outcome which has not been so satisfactory in other reported cases of endocarditis due to Haemophilus aphrophilus . patient male 23 Abnormally increased 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose uptake in the basal ganglia was noted by positron emission tomography ( PET ) in a 37-year-old bone marrow transplant patient who had severe intention tremors of his hands and a progressive psychiatric change with social withdrawal and flat affect . patient female 7 We report a 15 year old female patient diagnosed with PSC and moderate chronic active ulcerative colitis ( UC ) who achieved normalization of her liver enzymes and bile ducts , and resolution of her UC symptoms with colonic mucosal healing , after treatment with a single drug therapy of the antibiotic oral vancomycin . patient male 12 Hospitals have several choices to carry out home nutritional care : a patient cares his nutritional support by himself , a help provided by a home visiting nurse and a request from hospital to home medical care clinic . patient male 2 Each male patient subjectively rated ( scale , 0 to 10 ) his sexual stimulation elicited during production of specimens with the use of the two methods . patient male 11 Balloon angioplasty successfully dilated the stenosis , and since then the patient has gained 19 kg in weight ( returning his body mass index from 17 to 23 ) and has been symptom free . patient male 6 In the present case , the patient lost his mandibular primary incisors due to continuous teeth clenching . patient female 2 The index patient had hepatosplenomegaly , liver insufficiency and cardiac involvement and her sister had severe cardiac involvement with cardiomyopathy and diffuse aortic calcification . patient male 3 Simultaneously , the patient presented a generalized regression of his nevi with a vitiligoid reaction , or halo nevus , associated with a vitiligo located on the hands and inguinal areas . patient female 8 We report extensive nevus comedonicus in a female patient that involved half of her body entirely , with infected cystic lesions as well as typical scars , limited by the midline . patient male 16 In the case presented herein , the episodes of skin reaction became very frequent and the patient was unable to use his bone-anchored hearing aid for 2 to 3 days a week . patient male 2 Only 1 patient carried a single mutated allele and his AAO was 41 years . patient female 7 At her 3-month follow-up evaluation , the patient had complete resolution of her symptoms and radiographic findings . patient male 2 Only 1 patient who had undergone biopsy of his lesion received adjuvant radiation therapy . patient male 1 The patient also assesses his voice disorder and his posture . patient male 7 Two years after his diagnosis , the patient had no active disease and his brain MRI did not show contrast enhancement . patient male 15 We describe the first case of skin abscesses caused by S. intermedius in an immunocompetent patient who used intravenous cocaine after coating his syringes with his saliva . patient male 1 The patient reported resolution of his neck and arm symptoms at 2.5 months after injury . patient female 6 At 1 year post-injury , the patient has achieved union of her patellar osteochondral fracture and tibial tubercle osteotomy . patient female 1 The patient completed her treatment course in the prone position . patient female 11 The connection between gut and meningocele was closed surgically and the patient recovered well and underwent further treatment of her colorectal adenocarcinoma . patient female 3 Subsequently , the patient developed epigastric pain , nausea , swelling of her lips and tongue , and hypotension . patient female 3 Post-operatively , the patient felt immediate and total relief of her otalgia , with normal facial nerve function and no otological morbidity . patient male 3 A diabetic ex-TB patient talked his experience in his treatment . patient male 5 Where a terminally ill cancer patient spends his last days largely depends on where he lives and what hospital he 's being treated at . patient male 2 One male patient had his epileptic fit at noon time while crossing the street . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had resolution of his symptoms but he also presented with significant weight loss and dumping syndrome . patient male 1 The patient showed marked improvement of his lesions on anti-tubercular treatment . patient male 2 The sleeping patient opened his eyes and the motor signs then variously associated affective facial expression ; axial postural modifications ; tonic , dystonic or choreic postural movements of the limbs ; pedalling ; automatisms ; disordered agitation and vocalization . patient female 14 Physicians described a range of rewards for intervening with victims , from seeing a patient change her entire life to subtle shifts in the way a woman thinks of her relationship and herself . patient female 7 We present the case of a 44-year-old patient who crushed her ring finger in a door 4 months earlier . patient male 10 Nine years after the revision surgery with PVCR , the patient showed satisfactory results and his spine was well balanced . patient male 7 Three years after his operation , our patient has normal function of his knee . patient female 3 Initially , the patient scored a 50 on the ADL-KOS and rated her function at 30 % of normal . patient female 4 At discharge , the patient scored a 56 on the ADL-KOS and rated her function at 70 % of normal . patient female 2 A 37-year-old patient discovered her fifth pregnancy at our hospital after 26 weeks and 4 days of gestation . patient female 10 During the one year duration of this illness , the patient regained transiently ( minutes ) her normal speech on a few occasions , independently of concomitant pharmacological interventions . patient male 1 One patient had a recurrence of his lesion within 1 year as a result of inadequate initial excision . patient male 1 One patient noted significant improvement of his condition but nonetheless complained of aching pain experienced from time to time in the epigastrium , a bitter taste in the mouth , and sometimes nausea , which was associated with chronic pancreatitis . patient male 2 2 No patient on HCT monotherapy achieved full control of his supine diastolic blood pressure ( SDBP less than 90 mm Hg ) . patient male 9 It is recommended that an assessment of how the patient can use his replanted parts in his profession and daily life should receive particular emphasis . patient female 1 The patient made an uneventful recovery and her postoperative course through 1-year follow-up was uneventful . patient female 1 The patient had a history of resection of a sarcoma on her back as a child and also received chemotherapy and radiation . patient male 1 The patient gave his consent to an exploratory intervention with possible radical left orchiectomy . patient male 1 Our patient sustained a fracture-dislocation of the knee and , because of vascular damage , required amputation of his lower leg . patient male 11 Despite successful local fibrinolysis and thrombectomy with a balloon catheter the patient rethrombosed his left transverse sinus several times and had a late thrombosis of his jugular vein . patient male 6 A recent experience in which a patient removed his postoperative cast and came in 2 weeks later with his transfer disrupted is an extreme example . patient male 25 Imaging studies including a dynamic CT angiography and dynamic catheter angiography revealed occlusion of the left VA at the C3 - 4 level when the patient turned his head to the left , in the setting of an aberrant vertebrobasilar system . patient female 7 Before making her surgery decision , the patient consulted with a radiation oncologist to discuss the effect radiation may have on her reconstruction outcome . patient male 11 Genetic analysis revealed homozygosity for the C282Y mutation in our first patient thus explaining his more severe iron overload whereas our second case was a heterozygote for the same mutation , with iron overload confirmed on liver biopsy . patient male 17 This report describes the nursing experience of using the life review approach to help an elderly stroke patient reduce his feelings of powerlessness . patient male 1 The patient had a Guglielmi detachable coil ( GDC ) embolization of his aneurysm with complete resolution of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient sustained a right midpontine vascular infarct and fell simultaneously , fracturing her right humerus . patient male 2 A single patient ( 0.17 % ) occluded his common femoral artery following StarClose deployment and 1 patient ( 0.17 % ) developed a femoral artery stenosis requiring balloon dilatation . patient male 1 The patient presented to our neurological department with a 2-week history of latent paresis and ataxia affecting his right hand . patient male 1 The patient received a high-dose corticosteroid therapy and his symptoms gradually improved . patient male 15 The correct diagnosis was possible in the present case as symptoms were bilateral and the patient was able to report his potential exposure to plant toxins . patient female 2 A 18-year-old patient who received her first soft contact lens from a optician two years ago without an ophthalmological examination , will be presented . patient male 20 In this paper the author outlines the development of ideas in the field of psychiatry related to the way a patient can face his illness . patient male 1 The patient underwent emergent open reduction internal fixation of his fracture in addition to an axillary-brachial artery bypass using a reverse-saphenous vein graft . patient female 4 During the disease the patient followed a diet and significantly reduced her body weight . patient male 7 3-D laser scan was given to a patient who had his right ear absent and reconstruct the image . patient male 8 Within several months of the switch , the patient suffered a marked grayish discoloration of his teeth . patient female 2 The remaining patient had an improvement of her preoperative limp and was pain-free . patient male 14 After medical and surgical intervention , except for limited range of motion , the patient experienced neither neck pain nor weakness of his left limbs during the next 8 mo of follow-up . patient female 3 A 43-year-old female patient had her third subarachnoid haemorrhage on the second day of admission before a neurosurgical operation could be performed and died of the consequences of this haemorrhage . patient female 14 The physician 's gift of presence , of riveted attention and silence as the patient describes her concerns , can create an opening for awareness of their mutual involvement in a common web of concerns at a profound level . patient male 1 One patient had his outlet valve revised because of sliding and incontinence . patient male 22 Esophago-gastric 24 h pH-metry recording is a diagnostic technique that allows ambulatory monitoring of acid esophageal reflux during 24 h while the patient pursues his everyday activities . patient male 6 Here , we report on a patient who developed RRD and describe his clinical characteristics along with a review of the literature . patient male 4 At first , the patient responded by discontinuing his medication ( a phenothiazine ) so that he might remain vigilant . patient male 1 The patient had a poor outcome after admission for this infection , likely due to his underlying illnesses that complicated his hospital course . patient female 12 Through this family romance with a major theme of pregnancy , the patient was able to sense her physical crises . patient male 19 Two patients were excluded from the analysis after randomization because they were found to be ineligible , and one patient withdrew his consent . patient male 8 The patient advocate should be consulted when the patient is incapable of making his own decisions . patient male 10 Ranolazine was withdrawn and , within 2 days , the patient recovered his ability to void spontaneously ; a second urodynamic study confirmed that detrusor contractility was substantially improved . patient male 1 One patient had amelioration of his symptoms , 5 experienced no change and in 5 their symptoms became worse . patient female 16 The majority of patients ( 90 % ) would undergo the same surgery again and no patient regretted the loss of her vaginal sexual function . patient female 4 Following treatment , the patient progressively experienced a marked alleviation of her odynophagia . patient female 48 Therapeutic play therefore was applied during the process of nursing in an effort to accomplish the following : ( 1 ) establish trust between the patient and the health care providers ; ( 2 ) reduce the patient 's fear of therapy ; ( 3 ) help the patient to understand her own self-image ; ( 4 ) provide an emotional outlet for her . patient male 6 It therefore seems possible that our patient developed his acute leukemia through the stimulatory effect which GH had on a predisposition to leukemia . patient male 1 The patient was intact neurologically upon discharge 5 days after the embolization procedure and has since resumed his normal activities . patient male 55 The approach of the partnership of care and services developed by the direction collaboration dans patient partnership ( DCPP ) of the Faculty of medicine of the University of Montreal , considers the patient as a full care actor , in the same way as healthcare professionals , his experientiel knowledges are recognized and the patient develops gradually his self-determination . patient male 5 In January 2004 , the patient underwent a video-assisted thoracoscopic wedge resection of his right lower lobe for further diagnostic workup . patient male 7 Six patients were clearly improved , one patient had a minor remission of his face lesion while in four the rashes remained the same . patient male 15 Moreover , the graft may be infiltrated and damaged by monoclonal B cells : one patient lost his graft 14 months after transplantation . patient female 2 The first patient developed an infarction of her transplant kidney with additional , subsequent renal microinfarctions . patient female 6 In the last 11 months the patient has undergone nine treatment cycles while continuously and dramatically improving her ovarian response and banking of 66 embryos overall . patient female 1 The patient underwent hysterectomy and had spontaneous return of her human chorionic gonadotropin levels to normal . patient male 5 This study concerns a renal patient who was non-compliant to staff requests to monitor his blood clotting times . patient male 1 One patient had recurrence of his endocarditis 36 months after operation because of continued intravenous drug use requiring a second successful homograft root replacement . patient male 2 For this patient , who understands his prognosis , primary care physician services include ( 1 ) prevention and relief of symptoms , ( 2 ) assessment of each treatment before and during implementation , ( 3 ) ensuring that the patient designates a surrogate decision-maker and makes advance plans , and ( 4 ) preparation of patient and family for the time near death . patient male 6 On the first night , the patient used his habitual nCPAP . patient female 1 The patient required surgical evacuation of her subdural hematoma . patient female 8 The post-operative course was uneventful , and the patient realized a normalization of her potassium serum level and a reduction of her blood pressure values . patient female 6 With the topiramate withdrawn , the patient had a full recovery of her renal function and metabolic acid-base status over the next 72 h. This case serves to increase awareness of this possible adverse effect and the recommended treatment as topiramate becomes more widely used . patient male 2 When the patient rotated his head to the left , he occluded his right VA and had insufficient blood flow through the left VA , thus creating a symptomatic ischemic state . patient male 5 Later investigations revealed that the patient had stopped his hormonal therapy ( hydrocortisone and thyroxine ) at least 3 months previously . patient male 1 The patient is instructed in actively mobilising his injured hand and fingers with the support of resting and dynamic splints . patient male 1 The patient regained his muscle strength after potassium replacement in less than 24 hours . patient female 1 The patient retained functional use of her hand . patient male 7 The 1-year follow-up examination revealed that the patient had vertebral arthritis but was able to perform his activities of daily living with a walker and cane . patient female 1 The patient could carry out her daytime job three months postoperatively . patient female 11 Three months before her initial visit to our hospital , the patient noticed a pronounced flexion of her head and neck with subsequent deterioration of symptoms , which included neck pain , difficulty with forward gaze , and gait disturbance . patient female 18 However , when we look deeper , it becomes evident that the question is truly about whether the patient has the ability to make this treatment decision , given her worsening dementia , recent hemorrhage , and depression . patient female 17 The patient has a younger sister who believes , from a cultural perspective , that only the patient should make her medical decisions . patient female 16 A meeting was planned with the patient 's sister in which the ethicist explained that the patient was not able to make her own decisions . patient male 5 The nutritional deterioration in a patient who passes the last stages of his life constitutes a subject area to varied analysis and considerations . patient female 4 The importance of the patient checking her device is stressed . patient male 19 In his daily contact with the patient , he can be a " good listener " to whom the patient can verbalize his hostility , anger , resentment , and fear . patient female 1 The patient regained her sight and fully recovered . patient male 1 One patient bled after missing his 3-month follow-up angiogram . patient male 22 At the end of stapedioplasty , performed under local anesthesia , the surgeon usually tests the hearing function making questions to the patient turning his voice from a soft whisper to a loud tone . patient female 3 Following surgery the patient had a palpable pedal pulse and markedly improved perfusion of her toes . patient male 9 The shared decision-making process was applied to help the patient express his expectations for his end-of-life care . patient male 17 While the health professionals considered that pain and suffering may influence the patient 's decision , the patient found his connection between himself and others , self-value , and meaning of life through family love and support . patient male 2 A male patient with no history of epilepsy and psychiatric disorder had his first seizure at the age of 20 years , which was followed by 3 years of psychotic disorder . patient male 8 We would like to report a 61-year-old male patient with stable psoriasis for over 20 years , who experienced exacerbation of his psoriasis after receiving interferon-alpha for chronic myeloid leukemia . patient male 6 On hospital day 2 , the patient developed a fever of 101.6 ° F and his mental status became severely altered . patient male 11 Evisceration is one of destructive surgery of eye after which a patient loses his hope of restoration of sight forever . patient female 9 We report on a case of a young adult patient who experienced chronic dislocation , pain , and dysfunction of her temporomandibular joints related to both a severe bite dysfunction ( mandibular hypoplasia ) and the underlying bony architectural disorder associated with Melnick-Needles syndrome . patient female 1 The user can create her profile , upload her gene expression data , run the classification analyses , and interpret the results with predefined queries . user male 2 After the patient received his first kidney transplantation , the hemodialysis fistula was discarded and chronically thrombosed for 13 years . patient male 2 When the patient experienced his second kidney graft loss and presented with uremia again , dialysis restart was needed . patient male 10 The diagnosis of coeliac disease was considered verified if the patient showed an unequivocal improvement of his clinical conditions and laboratory findings within three months on a gluten-free diet . patient male 5 Under the condition that the patient changed his diet and took the medication for his underlying disease , we surgically removed the almost skin-perforating tophi . patient female 5 It is amazing how a patient with severe adrenal insufficiency can withstand 36 years of her life undiagnosed without going into an adrenal crisis . patient male 20 In addition , many of the patients are not accepted to the existing institutions due to the requirement that the patient has to express clear motivation to stop his substance abuse . patient male 21 After 8 acupuncture treatments over an 8-week period and daily use of Ba Zheng San and Yi Guan Jian , the patient scored his symptoms 9 on the NIH/CPSI . patient male 34 When questioned about the character and etiology of his pain , he reported that it was no different compared to past presentations , saying " it 's the same as always . " The patient was not questioned about recent trauma and did not report his fall while intoxicated several days prior . patient male 1 The patient had trouble lifting his left lip and complained of drooling while brushing his teeth . patient male 6 After the second treatment , the patient reported full control of his facial movements . patient male 1 This patient experienced a durable remission of his crc and major improvement of his psoriasis during single-agent treatment with cetuximab . patient male 1 Our patient underwent staged irrigation and debridement of his shoulder with delayed tendoligamentous reconstruction of the skeletonized proximal humerus . patient male 2 A 23-year-old patient who was examined in 1910 by Harvey Cushing triggered his lifelong interest in the syndrome that bears his name . " Minnie G. , " as she became historically known , presented with a " ... syndrome of painful obesity , hypertrichosis , and amenorrhea with overdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics accompanying a low grade of hydrocephalus and increased cerebral tension . patient male 1 A patient with acute facial paralysis appeared to have complete resolution of his symptoms following the application of low-level laser therapy and chiropractic manipulation . patient male 3 A 6-year-old male patient who was suffering from a cold and a transient ischemic attack was scheduled to undergo encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis for treating his moyamoya disease . patient female 1 The patient exhibited increasing paroxysms of her atrial fibrillation and was pursuing a MAZE procedure . patient female 1 Our patient reported visual symptoms of her right eye nine days after routine annual influenza vaccination . patient female 1 The patient developed her first neurological symptom , acute relapsing-remitting cervical myelitis , > 6 years after her visual presentation . patient male 5 We report a previously healthy patient with bilateral , recurrent renal Aspergillus infection requiring left total and right partial nephrectomies to adequately manage his disease process . patient male 5 After 2 months , the patient experienced resolution of his clinical symptoms with a significant decrease in papillae size . patient male 26 The operator sees the US image in front of him , and below the glasses , simply by moving his eyes , he can see the patient and the field of intervention . patient female 1 The patient described her cough as nonproductive and without hemoptysis . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had immediate resolution of his pain . patient male 1 A patient with medically intractable epilepsy had improvement of his seizure control with VNS therapy after titrating him to a high output and rapid cycling paradigm with essentially no side effects . patient male 1 One patient who was unable to increase his NE levels upon exercise showed virtually no decrease in the PR interval and no HR increase . patient female 6 It is very likely that the patient dissimulated her symptoms and ideations . patient male 14 It can be difficult for the voice clinician to observe or measure how a patient uses his voice in a noisy environment . patient male 6 An adapted psychiatric care allowed the patient to recover his autonomy after three days of hospitalization . patient male 1 The patient himself attributed his symptoms to the recent administration of amiodarone and spontaneously stopped the drug without medical advice . patient female 1 The patient graded the degree of her cosmetic disturbance as 3/10 . patient male 12 After 4 years of repeated surgical intervention and medical treatment , the patient had surgical amputation of his left leg . patient male 1 The patient received oral prednisolone and his symptoms improved . patient male 2 The 2nd patient , an infant with multiple malformations , had diffuse abnormal layering of his small intestine . patient female 1 The patient rubbed her eyes and developed subtotal hyphema . patient male 9 This provides a challenge not only to the diabetic patient who wishes to observe the fast but also to the health care professional managing his diabetes . patient male 2 Post-pregnancy the patient was able to prevent his attacks by taking oral norethisterone 5 mg . patient male 6 When asking how a schizophrenic delusional patient can achieve a new , psychotically determined entity of his existence , we can differentiate the following aspects : 1 . patient male 10 After having been released from stationary medical treatment , the patient should have the possibility to consult his family doctor again for the sake of continuous medical treatment . patient male 1 The patient improved to an NIHSS of 7 , regaining movement of his left upper and lower extremities . patient male 12 The benefit assessment consists of two steps : before treatment , every patient defines his treatment needs according to a standardized list . patient female 17 The patient had repeatedly loosened halo pins , and shortly after the pins were tightened , the patient had a syncopal event and struck her head . patient male 2 The one patient who decreased his score had developed AVN secondary to ETOH abuse . patient female 4 The index patient ( Patient 2 ) underwent computed tomographic scanning-guided stereotactic transcallosal excision of her colloid cyst . Patient male 6 At 6 mo postoperatively , the patient had maintained a satisfactory correction of his left forehead and scalp regions with minimal resorption of fat . patient male 18 Sinus pericranii shows as a fluctuating non pulsatile mass of reddish or bluish colour , expanding when the patient bends his head down . patient male 6 Unfortunately , the implantation of this patient with AICD could prolong his life only with months due to the rapid progression of the underlying cardiomyopathy . patient female 6 After the one year , the patient had resumed her previous activities and had no complaints . patient male 1 Another patient showed normalization of his ct and carcinoembryonic antigen concentrations at the second week of therapy , maintaining elevated values thereafter . patient female 5 This was repeated until the patient first opened her eyes or squeezed the investigator 's hand on command . patient female 5 At 1-month follow-up , the patient reported complete resolution of her SUI with no de-novo urgency or voiding dysfunction . patient female 3 We experienced a patient who was successfully treated with combination chemotherapy and demonstrated disappearance of her multiple hepatic metastases , showing a clinical response of CR lasting for more than two years against the metastases . patient female 1 Our patient experienced complete resolution of her acute abdominal pain , as well as her long-standing headaches and hormonal symptoms , after removal of the teratomas . patient female 13 Although corrective spectacles to restore equal vision at distance were prescribes , the patient needed a prism to eliminate her double vision . patient male 1 Our patient had a dramatic response to first-line chemotherapy , but unfortunately experienced subsequent progression of his cancer and could not tolerate everolimus . patient female 12 Being progressively less active physically , and more isolated emotionally , this patient used her relatively good general intellectual abilities to worry about her situation . patient male 26 The case raises the question of whether it is lawful and ethically acceptable to take , for transplant use , the corneas of a mentally incapable patient who has excised his own eyeballs . patient male 18 Particularly , the choice to use the corneas for transplant did not prejudice the physical integrity of the patient , who could no longer utilize his own eyeballs . patient female 20 Three babies were delivered vaginally ( 14.3 % ) , seventeen ( 81 % ) through cesarean section and one patient aborted her fetus . patient male 11 One patient died with a normally functioning allograft and the remaining patient lost his graft due to chronic rejection . patient female 26 It was felt that the age , duration of amenorrhoea and the general health of the patients should be as comparable as possible and that each patient should provide her own pretherapy and post-therapy control data . patient male 1 The patient underwent further successful cardiovascular surgical correction of his incompetent mitral valve , free wall rupture and other obstructive coronary arteries , leading to discharge and survival . patient male 6 The supratherapeutic level occurred when the patient was self-titrating his dose of THC and scored an 8 , or " probable , " on the Naranjo Adverse Drug Effect Probability Scale . patient male 1 The patient bit his lip and received silver nitrate treatment from a physician . patient female 10 Furthermore , religious support was involved , which allowed the patient to communicate her emotions , reduce her stress , and achieve spiritual comfort . patient female 18 By providing care in the realms of physiology , psychology , and spirit , the author helped the patient regain her self-worth and enhance her positive beliefs in the future . patient male 8 We report an interesting case of a schizophrenia patient who had the disease for 20 years and who had his forearm amputated below the elbow level due to severe burn injury to his muscles , tendons , nerve fibers and bone tissue , caused by direct exposure to flames from a liquefied petroleum gas cylinder , in an attempt to make himself warm during a medicine-free period with active symptoms and without pain sensation . patient male 4 In contrast , a patient who had experienced reversal of his hypogonadotropism responded to exogenous kisspeptin . patient male 3 A 19-year-old male patient with testicular tumour showed PTR when receiving his first transfusion of platelets . patient male 4 There was one non-surviving patient who suffered an 80 % burn ( patient D4 in Table 1 and Fig. 4 ) and his IL-10 level at 20 days postburn was 13.4 pg/ml . patient female 1 The patient is continuing her immunotherapy with ongoing partial response and is able to continue her full-time job . patient female 15 Erythromycin therapy without any other form of therapy led to prompt improvement , and the patient reached her " own " 50th centile as weight/height ratio . patient male 6 After gross total resection , the patient experienced full resolution of all his preoperative symptoms without the development of new neurological deficits . patient female 1 The patient was treated conservatively by adjusting her activities . patient female 1 Another patient required orthopedic pinning of her femoral subcapital epiphysis and construction of a neobladder secondary to urethral obstruction . patient female 2 The third patient required reimplantation of her autotransplanted kidney secondary to chronic urinary tract infection and ureteral reflux . patient male 1 The patient had a rapid neurologic improvement and was discharged from the hospital 3 days after thrombolysis , regaining his ability to walk unassisted . patient male 8 Thirty days later after the procedure , the patient underwent catheterization of his superior vena cava tunnel because of the slightly increased blood flow velocity diagnosed by echocardiography . patient female 1 The patient reported her symptoms as similar to an injury she incurred 1 year previously while enrolled in the same military program . patient male 7 The VP shunt was revised and the patient had no subsequent recurrences of his chest infections . patient female 7 This paper presents a case of 5-year-old patient who had undergone enucleation of her left eye due to retinoblastoma . patient female 1 The patient did not develop further seizures and her neurologic deficits continue to resolve . patient male 1 Each patient graded his levels of itch , sweat , and heat using a 5-point scale ( with 5 indicating most severe ) . patient female 1 The patient did not recognize her husband , misidentified him as a stranger , and perceived him as a threat . patient male 22 Interventions included function-based training with repeated ambulation , coordination activities for the upper and lower extremities , and strengthening to help the patient achieve his goal of walking " without gait deviations . patient female 1 Our patient attended her first follow-up at our out-patient department with no symptoms and improvement in her toe 's discoloration ; warfarin was stopped , and clopidogrel and cilostazol were added for thrombus prevention therapy , she was then scheduled for debridement . patient female 1 Another patient was able to use her prosthesis for the whole day again after botulinum toxin A treatment for substantial stump pain , compared with only 4 hours a day before treatment . patient male 6 [ Subject and Methods ] The patient , who has never had surgical intervention for scoliosis , can perform his everyday activities . patient male 4 Despite this , the patient recognizes his restrictive ventilation disorder ( shortness of breath ) when he is inactive . patient female 8 It was only after initiating cinacalcet that the patient experienced complete wound healing and resolution of her calciphylaxis . patient female 1 The patient was ultimately able to discharge home with a single caregiver , improving her quality of life . patient male 1 One patient passed his stone spontaneously , one requested endoscopic lithotrity as the initial mode of therapy and one underwent transurethral resection of the prostate and simultaneous endoscopic lithotrity of his bladder calculus . patient male 21 After multiple antifungal treatments and pleural cavity cleansing by means of videothoracoscopy and laparoscopic splenectomy , the infection resolved and the patient completed his chemotherapy . patient male 11 A cognitive approach suggests that hallucinations and delusions result from the patient attributing his own actions to an external agency . patient female 14 After the first , second , and third haemorrhage with medical treatments , the patient recovered her functional ability or was at least capable of self-care at home . patient female 13 One minute after the injection of 3 mL of the solution , the patient developed myoclonus of her lower extremities . patient male 9 Two weeks after the withdrawal of acitretin , the patient reported a normalization of his sexual activity . patient female 6 On the sixth day , the patient fell into a deep comatose state and developed the inability to move the right side of her body , hypomyotonia , type 1 respiratory failure , and a pulmonary infection . patient male 1 The patient was unable to actively extend his knee . patient female 1 The patient continued dropping her hemoglobin , and CT scans showed a rounded 3 cm small bowel mass in the mid ileum . patient male 4 In retrospect , the patient regards his transsexual period as a ' mistake ' . patient female 10 We report an overdose of felbamate in a teenage female patient who , in a suicide gesture , ingested eight times her maximum dose and suffered only mild side effects . patient female 11 Three revision operations for implant displacement and one revision for a patient who changed her dorsal height preference were performed . patient female 1 The patient attained no improvement of her symptoms within 8 months ; however , she reported decreased pain and improved strength of the lower extremities by 17 months . patient male 9 Those are sufficient for walking activity and help the patient considerably in performing his everyday minimal housework . patient female 1 The patient did not report a history of a previous tuberculosis ( TB ) infection and her chest X-ray was negative for TB . patient female 1 This patient with papillary carcinoma had her thyroid gland in its normal position . patient male 1 One patient had immediate symptomatic relief of his symptoms , but was lost to follow-up after 1 month . patient female 10 Formulations of compounded levorphanol are also featured , and the patient described in this report kindly discusses the results of her treatment . patient male 17 Three patients were referred to open-heart surgery for total removal of the pacemaker system , and one patient had his pacemaker system removed percutaneously . patient male 1 One patient with liver metastases had radiographical and clinical stabilization of his disease for 1 year . patient male 6 During the course of therapy the patient needs a continuous guidance and his family should have thorough informations to reach an optimal effect . patient male 1 This patient had a complete remission of his pulmonary disease following sequential therapy with cyclophosphamide , vincristine sulfate , methotrexate , leucovorin calcium , and cytarabine ( COMLA ) . patient male 10 Both infants had low serum properdin levels , and one patient showed remissions of his disease when he was T-lymphocytopenic . patient male 1 One patient underwent corneal graft surgery of his worse eye due to contact lens intolerance and insufficient visual acuity . patient female 8 The postoperative recovery was uneventful , and the patient left her bed and started a regular diet on the postoperative day 1 . patient male 12 Two years after operation , wrist function was virtually complete and the patient was asymptomatic and had resumed his occupation . patient male 1 The patient subjectively felt his right knee to be more stable . patient male 15 The worse adherence to statin therapy may be also due to the fact that the patient does not know the connection between cholesterol lowering and improving his cardiovascular prognosis . patient male 8 The wound healed in 46 days and the patient resumed his activities after 11 months and 2 weeks . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft a few weeks after Tx because of acute rejection and 3 lost their graft because of FSGS 4 - 28 months after NS developed . patient female 1 One patient had no response and her kidney function progressively deteriorated . patient male 3 Lastly , neither patient E.P. nor patient G.P. could draw an accurate floor plan of his current residence , despite having lived there for 10 years and 1 year , respectively . patient male 15 A computerized database with the complete composition of pharmaceutical products and some cosmetics helps the patient with an allergic contact dermatitis reaction to avoid his specific allergens . patient male 1 The patient underwent a Whipple-type pancreatico-duodenectomy and his rash resolved completely 6 days after tumor resection . patient male 5 Approximately 10 days postinjury the patient was able to move his upper limb in the same range as the contralateral uninjured limb . patient male 12 The authors describe a case of " pseudocide " in which the patient appears to have feigned his own suicide . patient male 2 When a patient visits his doctor there is , as well as a spoken dialogue , also an unspoken , or tacit , dialogue between them . patient male 6 It is very suitable for the patient having his injury for a longer time to receive the reduction by DL . patient male 3 Because the initial patient related his symptoms to exercise , we used treadmill exercise in both patients to diagnose hyperinsulinism and observe its response to therapy . patient female 14 Seven days after surgery , after recovering from some acute bleeding problems , the patient began to have elevation of her PT in spite of being off Coumadin for 10 days . patient female 31 Although a few case reports have been published describing development of lesions on red tattoos attributed to photosensitivity , or koebnerization occurring less than a month following tattoo placement , our patient demonstrates a unique delayed development of discoid lesions years after obtaining her tattoos in non-sun exposed skin . patient male 9 Unfortunately the medication was not stopped promptly and the patient never recovered his basal renal function and had to undergo chronic hemodialysis . patient male 44 A sliding scale of fast-acting insulin followed by intensified therapy using insulin glargine and insulin aspart was performed in the early phase , but the treatment was switched to twice-daily biphasic insulin aspart 30 injection because no diabetic complication was present , although the patient was already totally blind and required assistance from his family for self-injection and to improve his quality of life ( QOL ) . patient female 29 This paper describes how work with a patient with metastasized cancer can be done in the holistic clinical practice in 14 days on an individual basis , helping the patient to recover her human character , purpose of life , coherence , and will to live , thus improving quality of life and possibly also survival time . patient female 8 Here I describe such a case in a patient who had transected her urethra in a motor vehicle accident at 3 years of age . patient male 1 One patient also demanded such a procedure to improve his visual acuity . patient female 10 Here , we report the case of a 20-year-old female patient who resorted to the emergency department after having amputated her clitoris with surgical scissors . patient female 12 After analgesia and 1 month of home relative bed rest , the patient recovered her functional capacities . patient male 4 A 27-years old male Patient with psychiatric disorder was admitted to our ward to have been cutted his scrotum with scissors and cut away his left testicle causing active bleeding from the left spermatic artery . Patient female 8 After combined intravitreal therapy was attempted , the patient experienced a rapid resolution of symptoms without exacerbating her retinitis . patient female 6 Psychiatric complications later emerged : the patient developed suicidal ideation and her partner expressed homicidal thoughts . patient female 9 After extensive interviewing , it was revealed that the patient had known her HIV-positive serostatus for years . patient male 7 Retrospectively , it is likely that this patient had autoimmune glomerulonephritis , explaining his failure to respond to antimicrobials . patient male 14 The nasal flange of the tantalum caused a deformity that did not allow the patient to wear his glasses . patient male 6 After this closed reduction , the patient was unable to passively or actively extend or flex his fingers . patient male 1 No patient in this study demonstrated deterioration of his McGown grade . patient female 1 The patient started to have her menstrual cycles again , gained 12 kg in body weight , and one year afterwards bore a son . patient female 4 We describe a female patient who , despite negative conventional cross-matches , lost her first kidney graft in an acute humoral rejection . patient female 26 The second examined only the most recent quarter and constructed a hypothetical expenditure life cycle by taking into consideration the number of quarters since the respective patient had her first claim . patient male 8 Recently , we examined the brainstem of a patient who used his ABI daily for 15 years with excellent performance . patient male 12 His serum value of alpha-fetoprotein ( alpha-FP ) was 327 ng/mL. The patient received a deceased donor liver transplantation and his postoperative course was uneventful . patient male 14 After the use of sclerotherapy with ethanolamine oleate to control his symptoms , the patient exhibited severe edema of the tongue and posterior pharyngeal wall which caused constriction of his airway . patient female 1 The patient achieved complete recovery of her platelet count and a very good response in nodal disease after 3 weekly doses of anti-CD-20 antibody ( rituximab ) . patient male 6 When the disease is established the patient has lost his autonomy and can only be kept at home with the help of his relatives . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her chest pain and was without functional limitation at 3-month follow-up . patient male 15 Regular monitoring is almost ideally obtained , especially under antihypertensive drug therapy , by the patient measuring his own blood pressure . patient male 6 At 6 months follow-up , the patient continued to have resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient makes his choice after he is informed about all available diagnostic techniques and treatment methods . patient male 20 Even after discharge from the hospital , it was estimated that it would take up to 3 months for the patient to fully recover his previous level of strength and functional capability . patient female 6 This rare case report of a patient with partial lip necrosis describes her functional , mechanically retained prosthetic rehabilitation , which improved phonetics , esthetics , and function without the need of additional retentive features , increasing convenience and ease of use by the patient and at the same time cutting down cost . patient male 6 In the last 2 months the patient has used chlorhexidine rinses , and is not wearing his dentures ; the lesions fail to heal , however . patient female 5 Surgical treatment greatly benefited our patient by improving her functional status and extending her life expectancy . patient female 6 Immediately after the operation , the patient could move her neck without pain . patient male 1 The patient was able to use his fingers . patient male 7 Long-term follow-up was maintained , and the patient had subjective and objective resolution of his symptoms and signs at 3 years postoperatively . patient male 8 Later , in a private discussion , the patient confirmed his HIV-positive status . patient male 39 In this essay , I argue that the clinical data described in the autopsy report demonstrate that TK 's long-term survival after total brain failure supports the claim acknowledged by the President 's Council on Bioethics that the brain-dead patient retains his bodily integrity . patient male 1 The patient manually compressed his scrotum at micturition to facilitate bladder emptying . patient female 3 While the third patient did not report full resolution of her cervicogenic dizziness , she noted significant improvement , and dry needling was helpful in guiding further treatment . patient male 5 One year later , the patient had resumed his usual weight , and laboratory tests and duodenal biopsies were normal . patient male 17 In the sixth , a schizophrenic , the dislocations were due to the positions in which the patient placed his limb . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient developed compartment syndrome of his thigh with elevated pressures , requiring decompressive fasciotomies . patient male 1 The patient gives his consent and authorizes the photographs featuring his likeness to be published . patient male 14 A case of spinal subarachnoid hematoma at T3-T7 level is reported in a 60-year-old hunter , who developed progressive spinal cord impairment after receiving the recoil of his shotgun . hunter female 11 Immediate disappearance of the bruits after surgery was noted and the patient recovered progressively her ophthalmoplegia . patient female 19 The foreign material was surgically excavated from the spongious bone , directly adjacent to the nerve , and the patient later regained her sensation in the lip . patient female 1 The patient remains disease-free at more than 5 years follow-up after completing her treatment course . patient female 1 One patient lost her graft due to discontinuation of immunosuppression . patient female 20 Aided thresholds demonstrate a significant benefit , with an improvement from 68dB to 25dB. Speech discrimination scores improved 35dB. The patient is very happy and uses her device daily . patient male 6 Subsequent to tumor removal , the patient had complete resolution of his cervicalgia , headaches , and scapular pain by his two month follow-up appointment . patient female 1 The patient received dietary augmentation and continuous renal replacement therapy , given her severe , persistent lactic acidosis . patient male 11 Does the current protection against broadly understood legal consequences cause the patient to fixate on the defense mechanisms and -- in consequence -- degradation of his functioning ? patient female 1 The patient came to the clinic to discuss management of her newly diagnosed malignancy . patient male 13 A diagnosis of CD30 + cutaneous T-cell lymphoma was made , and the patient is currently undergoing staging of his disease . patient female 2 Although the patient could have developed her first attack of ventricular tachycardia at any time in her life , it is highly improbable that the attack following the ephedrine abuse was purely coincidental . patient male 6 Despite this rapid management , the patient lost his graft and carried on dialysis . patient female 1 One patient out of 9 with CC rejected her graft without prior detection of a transitional mixed chimerism . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his vision . patient female 29 The functional and cosmetic results in the usage of Marlex mesh with metylmethacrylate to repair a large full-thickness defect after subtotal sternectomy caused by chondroma were good and the patient was able to resume her preoperative level of activity . patient male 1 One patient who discontinued treatment after six months demonstrated both a regrowth of his prostate and a rise in serum PSA levels to pretreatment levels four months post-discontinuation of treatment . patient female 2 A female patient underwent a scalp avulsion injury and lost major portion of her hair and upper part of the left ear till the antitragus . patient male 8 In contrast to reported lethal outcomes , our patient experienced a slow recovery of his cognitive impairment and later on of his palsy following termination of immunosuppression . patient male 1 The patient had resolution of his symptoms and the inflammatory markers returned to normal . patient male 27 The positive outcome of this study appeared to be that the confidence of the patient towards the surgeon or the hospital did not suffer nor did any patient change his decision to undergo surgery . patient male 6 We report the case of a patient with a new MEF2C mutation , comparing his clinical and imaging features to those previously reported in the literature . patient male 2 The second patient required mechanical ventilation , had a progressive deterioration of his clinical conditions and had a fatal outcome . patient male 1 The patient sent his data to the hospital pharmacist every two days after starting S-1 therapy . patient male 1 The patient was able to resume his full social activities . patient female 15 After switching her to a daily hemodialysis schedule and adjusting the medical treatment , the patient experienced a significant dissolution of her soft tissue calcifications within a couple of weeks . patient male 7 Questions raised concern the benefit that a patient may obtain from performing his cognitive task in psychotherapy with minimal requirement for the reduction of his pathogen , and the role that a step of rapid decrease in a potential barrier may play in decision-making , in particular when it comes to end a conflict . patient male 1 Our patient complained of right arm pain and the inability to move his extremity . patient female 5 Following irradiation therapy , the patient gradually regained her regulation of body temperature . patient male 1 One patient needed his first revision surgery after 11 years . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful recovery and her UTI 's subsided . patient male 6 In the high-dose regimen , one patient maintained his response without further improvement . patient female 1 The patient resumed her cross-country training with no recurrence of symptoms . patient male 1 One patient from the continuous therapy group showed progressive regression of his cyst , one showed minimal radiological changes only , while the third patient showed minimal radiological changes plus per-operative evidence of partial destruction of the cyst . patient female 1 One patient lost her graft due to recurrence four months after transplantation . patient male 1 The patient with a left-sided lesion showed a weaker left ear advantage , and was able to modify his responses by shifting attention , to an extent similar to that of healthy reference individuals . patient female 29 Despite a predicted 7 % risk of SCD within the next 5 years , according to the European Society of Cardiology endorsed HCM Risk-SCD risk stratification tool , the patient opted against implantation of an ICD and comprehensively justifies her decision . patient female 1 The patient underwent open reduction internal fixation of her fractures with combined cannulated screw and Kirshner wire fixation . patient male 1 The patient underwent uneventful laser debulking of his massive pharyngeal tumour to establish a clear airway . patient male 1 The patient reported having extracted his maxillary anterior teeth himself due to high mobility . patient female 9 At the end of the 5-day course , the patient had recovered 85 % of her facial muscle function and experienced complete relief of her myalgias . patient male 1 The patient had nephrectomy of his left kidney due to nephritis at the age of three . patient male 8 During this short time of follow-up , the patient has had no further progression of his neurologic symptoms . patient female 21 Although hypoadrenalism is accepted as a complication of only the infant form of adrenal virilism , it is noteworthy that this patient had pathological pigmentation of her skin . patient female 1 The patient scored the intensity of her pain before and after each practice session on a 0-to-10 numeric pain scale . patient female 5 After 72 hours , the patient searched for the oral and maxillofacial surgeon , showing blindness of her left eye . patient male 17 The calculation of the fluctuation of the serum concentration in the dosage interval indicates that each individual patient should have his own dosage interval . patient female 4 A 32-year-old insulin-dependent diabetic patient reported recurrent clouding of her short-acting insulin , caused by silicone oil contamination from re-used disposable syringes . patient female 1 The patient tolerated her treatment well and has shown no evidence of tumor recurrence with a follow up of 18 months . patient female 10 In addition , the appearance of 3-epi-25(OH)D3 when the last patient changed her vitamin D supplementation from ergocalciferol to cholecalciferol demonstrates that the 3-epimer is probably an endogenous metabolite of 25(OH)D in humans . patient male 16 Eight recipients presented 13 biopsy-proven acute rejection episodes that were reversible in 7 , but 1 patient lost his graft due to an irreversible rejection . patient female 3 We describe a patient in whom a total hip replacement had failed and who subsequently fractured her proximal femur . patient male 4 In addition , the patient had subvalvular aortic stenosis and his father had pulmonic stenosis . patient female 5 In the postpartum period the patient developed her second episode of a liver vein thrombosis . patient male 6 At the time of follow-up the patient could use his operated shoulder with full range of motion without restrictions in his activities of daily living or his wheel-chair transfers . patient male 1 The patient tolerated his treatment well and is currently being followed up on outpatient basis . patient male 8 The mass was not detected sonographically until the patient abducted his arm , allowing the elastofibroma to emerge from under the scapula . patient female 10 After integrating and analyzing data , the authors found the patient questioned the purpose and value of her life and contemplated self-injury / suicide due to inadequate support systems and a lack of effective stress management and coping skills caused by illness-induced depression and the lingering effects of a difficult childhood . patient male 2 But the user should not rely too much on AED 's " automatic " function , but should accumulate and integrate his experience with AED technology . user female 4 After surgery , the patient experienced temporary paralysis of her right upper extremity , followed rapidly by almost complete neurologic recovery . patient male 1 The patient underwent an exploratory laparotomy and a partial gastrectomy to excise a portion of his perforated stomach . patient female 3 A 5-year-old immunodeficient patient ( P052 ) who had received her last OPV immunization more than 42 months before ( vaccinated at 18 months of age ) tested positive for Sabin PV type 1 . patient female 15 Both retinitis and arterial occlusion were resolved , the visual field was regained and the patient reported elimination of her symptoms . patient female 11 We tried to identify biographical resources and personal strategies of the patient that facilitated her inner growth . patient male 2 An 87-year-old patient donated his body to the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology in gratefulness for the longevity of a Björk-Shiley convexo-concave ( BSCC ) prosthetic aortic valve , implanted 34 years ago . patient female 20 The objective of the current report was to analyze the reliability and correlation between the clinical symptoms observed in a patient that presented an ibuprofen-induced Stevens-Johnson Syndrome ( SJS ) , her lymphocyte toxicity assay to the incriminated drug , and the cytokine secretion in the patient 's sera . patient male 1 The patient described his experience of gambling as a " hypnotic state " . patient male 1 The patient maintained his response over a three-year period without any hepatocellular carcinoma treatment , demonstrating the major role of the anticancer agent in the efficacy of transarterial therapies for intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma . patient male 20 Considering his relatively poor performance ( ECOG 2 , severe weight loss ) and advanced age , we started the patient on S-1 monotherapy at a dose of 35 mg/m2 bid for 4 consecutive weeks followed by a 2-week rest . patient male 16 This therapeutic concept opens a new chapter in regenerative medicine by realizing the vision that every patient seeds his implants with his own progenitor cells to make the synthetic grafts unrecognizable for the body 's rejection mechanisms . patient female 8 However , due to this macular ischemia the patient unfortunately lost her central vision . patient male 0 Patient underwent successful surgery and his symptoms markedly improved with mild residual grip weakness in right hand . Patient female 7 In the present case study the participating patient , a woman aged 70 , shared her experience of being victimized by tinnitus with the clinician/researcher during a number of psychotherapeutic sessions . patient male 2 Helping the patient restructure his thinking by examining such distortions and correcting them would be a vital process in the prevention or recovery of mood disturbances . patient male 0 Patient 2 in addition had a cleft soft palate and a hypoplastic phalanx of his fifth fingers . Patient male 1 The patient presented illustrates the presence of pancreatic disease , and details his management . patient female 30 This case report demonstrates that motivations and goals may differ between patient and therapist ; the PT seems to focus on improving and evaluating functions and activities , while the patient seems to focus her motivations and personal meaning on participation . patient male 23 These data could be used when making a decision on which PDE5 inhibitor to prescribe , although another option is to let the patient try all three available agents and make his own choice . patient male 1 One patient had his aneurysm discovered incidentally . patient male 1 The patient had abruptly discontinued his clonidine five days prior to admission . patient female 13 Based on this experience , complete surgical staging is highly recommended after the patient accomplished her fertility plan . patient female 1 One patient has had a recurrence of her original disease . patient male 6 On the contrary , the male patient is more likely to cure his female analyst . patient male 16 The procedure involves two stages of research : In the first phase of communicative validation the patient is interviewed about the possibility to influence the course of his disease . patient male 2 Because the patient had a hypertonic left arm and was unable to open his mouth fully , the neurologist was consulted . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had a fully functional tendon and resumed his normal activities of daily living . patient female 5 Ophthalmologic examination revealed that the patient could not fixate her eyes on objects nor follow moving targets . patient female 7 Despite lack of levator function , the patient could raise her eyelid approximately 5 mm by using only the superior rectus muscle without frontalis suspension . patient male 1 The patient lost his life due to disease progression 8 months after the diagnosis . patient female 1 Our patient resolved her severe DI 8 years after her initial presentation , suddenly requiring no further medical treatment for DI following longstanding pharmacological replacement of ADH . patient female 1 One patient recurred and lost her ovary . patient male 1 The patient had previously sought medical advice on multiple occasions , reporting a chronic inability to open his bowels . patient male 1 The patient underwent hemodialysis and his condition was significantly improved on the day of admission . patient female 1 The patient had no other neurological deficit , and no other cause apart from her SLE to explain her cerebellar ataxia . patient male 1 One patient got his psychic traumatization mainly in early childhood where as the other suffered from a more puberal conflict . patient female 12 After the surgical treatment of the recurrence , we suggested that the patient continue treatment of her disease with chemotherapy . patient male 1 One patient had worn his denture teeth by pipe smoking and the other had bleached the pink out of her denture bases . patient female 3 We present a patient who showed substantial reversal of her acute DWI lesion following partial aortic occlusion with Neuroflo ™ , a novel dual balloon catheter ( Neuroflo ™ , CoAxia , MN ) . patient male 13 More important , however , had this intervention not been provided , the patient could not have survived his prolonged and complicated clinical course , which required him to be kept nil by mouth for 120 days . patient male 1 The patient then increased his dosage of glucosamine to 1500 mg and chondroitin to 1200 mg twice/day ; his INR previous to this change was 2.3 . patient male 10 Some authors feel the behaviorist should refuse to help the patient changing his sexual orientation , even if he asks for it . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient had excellent relief of his symptoms . patient female 32 The patient was a 21-year-old woman with 18-year history of pain , burning , swelling , redness and warm sensation in both feet and lower part of the legs that caused the patient to soak her feet and legs frequently in ice cold water in order to obtain pain relief . patient male 12 In the index case we report an exceptional clinical course of a patient who did not ascribe his symptoms to his ' ' missing ' ' dentures for several years , the odontologist who replaced an unrecovered denture , and the generalist who administered the barium swallow in an unsuspected BOF . patient male 40 We present a case of squamous-cells carcinoma of the inferior lip in a man at the age of 59 years , of particular interest either of the extension and infiltration of the neoplasia , of considerable longevity , since the patient had his first operation for the removal of the tumour . patient female 1 One patient with nonmeasurable disease normalized her CA125 at the 8-week evaluation , and one patient with nonmeasurable disease remained without clinical evidence of disease for 6 months after treatment . patient female 6 On postoperative day 1 , the patient developed tender crepitus and bruising of her right ankle . patient male 1 Each user encodes and transmits his video at the allocated bitrate through a shared channel . user female 1 One patient on tinidazole did not complete her follow-up . patient female 8 After 7 weeks of sodium supplementation , the patient demonstrated complete resolution of her hyponatremia and developed only transient metabolic alkalosis at 2 months of age but continues to be polyuric and exhibits hypercalciuria , without development of nephrocalcinosis . patient male 1 The patient underwent successful repair of his popliteal artery with autologous long saphenous vein graft . patient male 14 The course was progressive over 8 - 48 months in 3 patients while one patient had stabilization of his condition for about 28 years . patient male 18 During the brief time P.H. was treated with PD , the following outcome criteria were achieved : The patient maintained his desired weight , nutritional status , hematocrit , and fluid volume status within established parameters . patient male 1 The patient on PCA therapy is able to titrate his analgesic medication very effectively and maintain a state of analgesia without sedation . patient female 1 A patient with grossly deformed vertebral anatomy , scheduled for elective Caesarean section , expressed her wish to stay fully awake during the procedure . patient female 1 The patient used her communications to conjure up psychic disintegration . patient male 1 The patient admitted to consuming near lethal doses of caffeine immediately preceding his angina . patient female 1 The patient had resolution of her neurologic symptoms following wide surgical excision , decompression , and stabilization from T2 to T10 . patient male 10 At last follow-up , 24 months after surgery , the patient reported a marked improvement of his clinical condition with significant reduction of intensity and frequency of the headache . patient female 1 The patient presented an improvement of her symptoms , with no new neurological deficits . patient female 3 A 33-year-old female patient undergoing root canal retreatment of her right mandibular second premolar tooth experienced symptoms of type 1 allergy following the placement of an intracanal medicament containing a mixture of Ledermix paste and calcium hydroxide [ Ca(OH)2 ] . patient male 2 The ninth patient lost his dyspeptic symptoms while on cimetidine , but 1 month after stopping therapy he succumbed to a massive hemorrhage ; autopsy revealed a large pyloric channel ulcer . patient male 1 One patient who relapsed 7 months after his initial transplantation underwent a second transplantation but another relapse 17 months later led to his death . patient female 15 Two weeks following the excision , and without the use of medical therapy , the patient had complete resolution of her generalized urticaria . patient male 34 Improvements in anesthesia , medical management , and nutrition have allowed radical cystectomy and long-term survival in 4 such high risk patients with locally advanced transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder , including 1 patient who had excision of his urinary tract . patient female 11 After one cycle of chemotherapy , ECMO was discontinued and the patient completed her course of chemotherapy and recovered to hospital discharge . patient female 5 Further examination revealed that the patient could protrude her tongue freely . patient female 1 The patient did not have involvement of her feet . patient female 4 Within 3 months the patient was euthyroid and had regained her habitual LV function . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgical resection of the meningioma and her neurological symptoms diminished over the next few days . patient male 6 Phagocytosis remained elevated in the third patient who did not clear his septicemia . patient male 0 Patient improved his gate and his left arm motor strength was stable . Patient female 14 On the basis of previous experience with seasonal affective disorder , they treated the patient with bright artificial light , which reversed her symptoms . patient male 2 If the patient is unable to accept his benign monosymptomatic globus as a somatoform disorder ( ICD-10 ; F45.8 ) , a combination of pharmacologic intervention and cognitive-behavioral intervention as an integrated treatment approach is recommended . patient female 1 One patient who received tumor lysate primed dendritic cells and later cis-platin chemotherapy showed a complete clinical response of her large metastatic disease and remained disease free for more than 72 months . patient female 2 Only 1 patient had her paclitaxel dose attenuated because of grade 4 neuropathy . patient male 1 The patient landed on his back , striking his head on the floor . patient male 1 One patient had closure of his BPF within one week and remains symptom-free one year after chest tube removal . patient male 1 The patient had significant relief of his neck pain , although computed tomography ( CT ) demonstrated a medial breach of the left C1 screw postoperation ; however , he gradually developed headache and dizziness after discharge . patient male 3 Thus , the user can fully dedicate his time to the analysis itself . user female 7 At the age of 74 , the patient developed gait disturbance and dysesthesia of her extremities . patient female 1 Our patient had near complete resolution of her disease and delivered a healthy male infant at 34 weeks of gestation . patient female 1 This patient had reached the end of her haemodialysis life with no other options available . patient male 5 At 2.5 mo , the patient demonstrated a complete reversal of his tinnitus after 10 physical therapy sessions as noted by his score of 0 on the THI upon discharge . patient male 23 In this paper , we will present a case of organ donation after active euthanasia ( ODE ) in the Netherlands from a patient who had his life ended at his explicit and voluntary request . patient male 1 The patient relates his pre-operative preparation and post-operative experience . patient male 1 The patient did not protect a part of his tattoo from sun-exposure during the healing phase and lesions developed only on the sun-exposed tattooed parts . patient male 1 The patient was unable to modify his diet despite professional advice and counseling . patient male 11 Eight months after treatment by total proctocolectomy and ileostomy , the patient was on a free diet and had gained more than 10 percent of his postoperative body weight ; improvements were observed in the tone of the abdominal muscles and in his quality of life . patient male 1 One patient with MCL maintained his remission for 19 months . patient male 2 The typical patient directs the interest on the external environment , refuses alternative explanations of his symptoms and abhors any suggestion of a psychogenic etiology . patient male 25 If this nerve graft innervates a pedicled or free muscle flap , contractions of the flap or part of it will also occur when the patient purses his lips . patient male 1 The patient presented here had bronchiectasis and eventual destruction of his right middle and lower lobes 5 years after pulmonary artery banding and subsequent definitive cardiac corrective surgery . patient male 1 The patient had developed his neurological deficits 9 days following trauma . patient male 23 The important message conveyed by this case was the finding that for several years , unknown to his eye care physicians , the patient cleaned his lenses with the Boston Cleaning System , as instructed , but followed this step with a routine rinse with tap water and storage in tap water in his lens case , which was not replaced or cleaned . patient female 1 The patient remained unresponsive for the next 2 hours , and came to open her eyes with tapping stimuli . patient female 5 The report describes a 42-year-old patient who physically abused her father until he submitted to her delusions . patient male 5 Several navigation aids help the user to find his way . user male 1 The patient had undergone curettage of his giant-cell tumor of the finger twice 2 yr before his last admission . patient male 1 One patient lost his tooth from the single-visit and two patients from the two-visit group ( difference in proportion = -0.01 ; 95 % CI : -0.05 to 0.03 ; P = 0.619 ) . patient male 15 It appears to be an easy way of dealing with the problem , because the patient need n't change his behavior . patient male 1 The patient maintained his weight and did not use CPAP after the combined surgery during the five-year period . patient male 7 Because his neck pain persisted , the patient contacted his rheumatologist . patient male 9 Treatment with this self-help manual was effective and the patient succeeded in changing his former eating behaviour . patient female 32 The therapeutic effect lasted for 7 months after the first treatment and for 8 months after the second in a 46 year old woman with a 6 month history while the second patient ( 72 year old parkinsonian ) has now completed her 3rd month of treatment . patient male 3 Pre-operatively , the patient had a fixed 45-degree left tilt of his neck and radiographs demonstrated a rigid 30 ° scoliosis , 7 cm coronal imbalance , and 4 cm negative sagittal balance , diffuse bridging bone between the spinous processes and the facet joints of C5 to T1 bilaterally . patient male 15 One patient has required a cystectomy and is currently free of disease , and 1 patient has had recurrence of his cancer and metastatic carcinoma has developed ; 5 are free of disease and have maintained their usual state of bladder function . patient female 1 This patient underwent fixation of her tibial fracture above the TKA using a five-ring Ilizarov external fixator . patient female 1 The patient underwent open reduction and internal fixation of her right femoral fracture but suffered a fracture of her left femur which was treated conservatively so as not to delay parathyroidectomy . patient female 10 Insertion of a chest tube was indicated , but the patient refused her consent . patient male 1 The patient visited his neighborhood hospital complaining of abdominal pain and was referred to our hospital for further examination of a pancreatic tumor discovered by abdominal ultrasonography . patient male 3 Subsequently , each patient cleared his atelectasis and weaned from the ventilator . patient female 30 At last follow-up ( mean : 15.6months [ range : 3.5 - 31 ] , mean number of IVIg courses : 8 [ 2 - 33 ] ) , one patient maintained her improvement from baseline . patient male 10 During the ensuing week , the neglect resolved and the patient regained awareness of his left hemispace . patient male 14 After draining the purulent material and completing a course of tailored antibiotics , the patient showed improvement of his neurologic deficit . patient male 17 One of these patients had visited a garden centre in the same municipality in which the index patient had acquired his potting soil . patient female 7 Despite severe neutropenia and thrombocytopenia , the patient developed neither pelvic infection by retaining her IUD nor significant vaginal bleeding . patient male 1 The patient was unable to accelerate his eyes faster than 48 degrees/sec2 to the right and 95 degrees/sec2 to the left ( normal is more than 300 degrees/sec2 ) . patient male 6 Further improvement was slowed when the patient suffered multiple organ failure in the intensive care unit , delaying his transfer to rehabilitation for 8 weeks . patient male 6 After correcting his hyperglycemia , the patient was discharged on foot . patient male 1 The patient , a home craftsman , acquired his infection from imported animal-origin yarn . patient male 11 An awake craniotomy for epilepsy surgery is presented where a bilingual patient post-operatively reported temporary aphasia of his first language ( Spanish ) . patient male 2 Such enhanced patient disease cognition , facilitated his obtaining health information , helped him adjust to disease symptom episodes , and promoted his adjustment to the disease and adoption of more healthy behavior . patient male 1 The patient , who may have been deemed by some as a candidate for amputation , has full use of his limb 6 months after surgery with ankle brachial pressure index readings of 0.6 . patient male 4 After intervention , the patient normalized his blood pressure with 3 years of follow up . patient female 10 Questions are displayed on a visual display unit and the patient enters her answers on a simplified keypad . patient female 7 The implant was surgically removed and the patient had a resolution of her fevers while treated with ethambutol , rifabutin , ciprofloxacin , and clarithromycin . patient male 1 The patient measured his prothrombin time-international normalized ratio ( PT-INR ) by himself using a point-of-care device at home and reported the result promptly on a social networking service ( SNS ) . patient male 3 Physicians instructed the patient on how to adjust his dose of warfarin based on the result and suggested the next time of measurement on the SNS . patient male 2 Nowadays the patient is receiving double therapy for HBV and his last viral load , April 2012 , was negative . patient male 26 In the case of a suicide attempt with a staged component , the psychodynamic approach appears to be an interesting option as it may help the patient understand his pathological behavior as if it were a dream . patient female 5 The rhinorrhea increased when the patient bent her head forward . patient female 13 At first there were no clues of an inflammatory disease , but the patient developed slowly progressive oedema of her arms and legs with induration of the skin . patient male 9 Due to the absence of systemic toxic effects the patient received monitoring of his vital signs and we controlled local tissue reaction constantly and laboratory parameters every 6 hours , as recommended by the " Giftnotrufzentrale " ( poison emergency advisory service ) . patient female 4 After surgery , the patient continued her treatment with leuprorelina acetate and estradiol . patient male 29 Both the positional vertigo and caloric hypoexcitability in HC-BPPV are caused by canalolithiasis , a concept strongly supported by the intensity of the positioning nystagmus being maximal when the patient turned his head around the longitudinal z-axis from the left lateral to right lateral position while recumbent ( maximum slow-phase velocity [ SPV ] 176 deg/sec ) and being much lower ( maximum SPV 55 deg/sec ) when he turned his head to the right lateral position while in a supine position ( nose up ) . patient male 1 One patient re-ruptured his Achilles tendon one year after surgery in an accident , but after 10 months , the repaired tendon was still intact . patient male 1 A patient is able to match his own tinnitus by making responses to simple questions using push buttons on a hand-held box . patient male 10 The current article presents the authors ' experience with a patient who had a delayed Allen 's test and a normal arteriogram of his left upper extremity , and who developed acute intraoperative hand ischemia , requiring reconstruction of his radial artery , after elevation of a radial forearm free flap . patient male 12 Unchanged menogaril was found only in a single lung-tissue sample from a patient who had died < 24 h after receiving his last treatment . patient female 7 The treatment was successful , and the patient reported satisfactory control of her sialorrhea symptoms . patient female 4 After surgery , the patient had complete resolution of all her symptoms . patient female 1 The patient , who was never willing to give up , underwent liver transplantation by receiving the left liver lobe of her daughter ( living donor ) . patient female 1 The patient showed complete resolution of her symptoms within 2 weeks with an oral metronidazole therapy . patient male 1 The patient had routine cataract surgery 3 months before presentation and had adapted his post cataract-surgery glasses to use on the tennis court . patient male 1 The patient attributed his symptoms to TOS . patient male 1 The patient developed his first symptoms 44 years ago . patient male 14 Asking for this surgery , is more often result of a deep reflexion for patient who integrate his own story and those of her family . patient male 11 Despite a week of treatment with cefazolin and gentamicin , the patient still developed his first episode of peritonitis with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus . patient male 42 Observations were made of nerve conduction times , graded exercise testing , and psychometric evaluations during and after two planned series of three plasma exchanges : one a true plasma exchange and the other a " sham ' control in which the patient received his own plasma . patient male 2 One non-hyporeactive patient lost his graft due to non-immunological causes . patient male 1 The patient had remarkably high ammonia levels ( 594 μg/dL ) without hepatic insufficiency , likely due to his valproate treatment . patient male 17 With preventive measures , early diagnosis , and adequate treatment , gangrene will be avoided and the patient will retain the use of his limbs . patient female 1 The patient began her prescribed radiation therapy and 5-fluorouracil radio-sensitizing chemotherapy . patient female 11 The telephone is one of the primary methods by which the patient makes her appointments and contacts her health care provider for advice , reassurance , and referrals . patient male 4 A 25-year-old male non-diabetic patient in PD started his complains with diffuse abdominal pain with spontaneous remissions and exacerbations , anorexia and vomiting with 3 days evolution . patient male 19 The analyst tries to help with the anxieties and depressions but the treatment goes round and round because the patient does not cathect the observing function of his own ego , only that of the analyst 's ego : the analyst is to know what is wrong ( observe it ) and fix it . patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent repair of her VVF using a combination of cystoscopic holmium laser ablation and transvaginal excision of the suspected fistula opening . patient female 1 The patient also regained her ability to walk with help and the aid of a walker . patient male 5 The clinical features of our patient include early-onset rigidity of his spine , scoliosis , mild muscular weakness predominantly of neck and trunk flexors , and restrictive ventilatory disorder . patient female 1 The patient did not want any surgical treatment or her teeth extracted . patient male 11 After one month of continuous positive airway pressure therapy , the patient experienced resolution of his presenting symptoms , improved blood pressure control and normalization of his urinary catecholamine levels . patient female 13 Herein we address MPD in morbid obesity , in the context of a patient presenting to us seeking surgical treatment of her morbid obesity . patient male 10 Between the 2nd and the 3rd follow-up year , the patient lost about 46 % of his body weight . patient male 7 At the first year , when the patient maintained his initial overweight , shoulder elevation was 170 ° and range of motion was not restricted . patient female 1 Included patient injured her posterior cruciate ligament 22 months prior to the study . patient male 1 Our patient was successfully treated without endangering his life despite his precarious medical state . patient male 3 However , our patient underwent a computed tomography scan of his abdomen and pelvis at the request of his local urologist , around two and a half years after the renal radiofrequency ablation . patient male 2 [ Your patient self-monitors his blood pressure . patient male 1 The patient , who exhibited clinical features compatible with ( NF1 ) , proceeded for radiotherapy following surgery to continue his treatment . patient female 1 The patient underwent craniotomy and resection of her mass , with intraoperative spillage of some of her abscess contents into her lateral ventricle . patient female 5 Nine months later , our patient received her third dose of pembrolizumab due to further progression of melanoma and within three days developed blurry vision , photophobia and subsequent ophthalmologic exam demonstrated bilateral panuveitis . patient female 2 Although the patient underwent successful liver transplantation , her mental status and overall clinical status continued to deteriorate and she died on postoperative day 12 . patient male 15 To recuperate from terminal stage cancer at one 's dear old home is like a patient spending his time all day long with the family . patient female 1 A patient who was suffering an exacerbation of myasthenia gravis dislocated her elbow . patient male 5 Chemotherapy was delayed because the patient required extensive debridement and fasciotomy of his left hip and a prolonged course of antibiotics . patient male 8 Presented herein is a rare case of a patient who ruptured his superficial dorsal vein during intercourse . patient male 20 We report a case of pulmonary tumour embolism diagnosed in the operation room after cardiac arrest of a 30-year-old male patient who had surgical amputation of his right upper limb due to recurrent sarcoma , mandating urgent and successful embolectomy . patient male 2 Our first patient underwent percutaneous drainage of his condition upon which he recovered . patient male 2 The fifth patient had his stent removed endoscopically after 50 days because it became apparent that his obstruction was primarily laryngeal . patient male 22 The syndrome was characterized clinically by erythematous edema involving the forehead , glabella , and both eyelids , because of which the patient was not able to open completely his eyes . patient female 1 The patient had marked reduction of her edema with appropriate use of graded compression garments and self administered massage therapy , after early recognition and prompt intervention into her problem . patient male 1 A patient who complained of difficulty in opening his mouth after condylar neck fracture 1 year ago presented typical features of temporomandibular joint ankylosis in clinical and radiologic examinations . patient male 23 Aelius Aristides , one of the most renowned orators of the so-called second sophistic , has often been thought of as the paradigmatic patient who surrendered his physical and psychological health to Asclepius , and spent a large part of his life in the temple of the god at Pergamum blindly following divine orders on diet and regimen . patient female 13 Two patients had not been seen by their doctor for follow-up and one patient stopped her thyroxine . patient female 1 One patient with PMF diagnosed before conception had her first pregnancy ended with mild pre-eclampsia and intrauterine death at the gestational age of 32 weeks . patient male 28 Patients in both groups were predominantly infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 and had significant cytopenia affecting all three cell lines during the treatment ; only 1 patient developed serious neutropenia , temporarily demanding a reduction of his IFN dose . patient male 5 Three days later , the patient regained his vision gradually and was discharged on the 7(th ) postoperative day without any remarks . patient female 1 One patient with a skin infection at the exit site accidentally dislodged her catheter . patient male 12 According to the follow-up for 1 year and 2 months , the patient could move his neck in all directions without pain . patient male 16 These examples are examined critically , particularly those advocating the allowance by the analyst of the patient holding his finger or hand , and clinical reasons are advanced to show the disadvantage of this technique in that it can be anti-therapeutic . patient male 3 To help the patient achieve his objectives , the addictologist will address abstinence ( or control ) as well as relapse , combat compensation phenomena and intervene with regard to co-addictions , psychiatric comorbidities and somatic comorbidities . patient male 33 A clinical examination for the presence of gynecomastia should be performed for every patient with spinal cord disorder and a thorough endocrinological workup should follow to rule out malignancy and reassure the anxious patient undergoing a disruption of his body image . patient female 10 A 76-year old Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) female patient donated her Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) . patient female 4 This suggests that the patient incorporated the more rapid lexical reading strategy without compromising her level of accuracy . patient male 4 We report on a patient who required renal-sparing management of his double malignancy , including open partial nephrectomy of his pT1a RCC and endoscopic laser ablation of his low-grade Ta renal pelvis UC . patient male 5 At the 10-month follow-up the patient showed full recovery of his pituitary function and clinical resolution of impotence and fatigue . patient female 11 An individualised treatment and physiotherapy programme made it possible for the patient to fully resume her recreational sports activities . patient female 0 Patient 26636 started her first ARV drug two years after diagnosis and patients 93016 and 50293 started cART with high viral loads and low CD4 cell counts . Patient male 1 One patient had a significant reduction of his concomitant tension headache . patient male 5 In one case , the patient lost his consciousness when the Angioguard ( a protective guidewire ) passed through the stenosis , and he regained consciousness when the stent was fully-opened in a few minutes . patient male 1 The patient who underwent his total hip arthroplasty was still anaesthetised and under controlled ventilation at the time of bupivacaine administration . patient male 1 One patient with adenoid cystic carcinoma had his status changed from unresectable to resectable after one treatment cycle . patient male 15 Such a spider was recently observed on the coast of the Øresund area where the patient had his boat . patient female 9 This clinical report describes the treatment of a 48-year-old patient who demonstrated neuropathologic and reflex mastication of her tongue after an intracerebral hemorrhage . patient male 1 The patient reported substantial improvement of his quality of life . patient male 2 When the patient is unable to extend his knee actively , an avulsion of the patellar ligament should be suspected . patient male 7 At the end of treatment , the patient lost his eye vision . patient female 1 One patient lost her vision and is discussed in detail in the light of the literature . patient female 4 Results show that the patient was able to relearn and retain a large subset of her studied words for up to 20 months , the full duration of the study period . patient female 6 At the 11-month follow-up , the patient maintained a partial radiographic response as well as complete resolution of her neurologic deficits . patient female 7 After 6 months of treatment , the patient achieved complete remission of her gastric and panic-related symptoms , and was able to stop triple gastric therapy . patient male 1 The patient stored his sperm at a private sperm banking facility , and his partner underwent artificial insemination at an obstetrics/gynecology practice for one pregnancy and at a fertility center for the other . patient male 1 A patient with Erythema Gyratum Repens ( EGR ) had a marked increase of his eruption , with uncontrollable pruritus that was unresponsive to steriod therapy . patient male 1 The patient then had complete cessation of his pruritus , with moderate improvement of his eruption . patient male 7 Follow-up more than 6 months showed the patient had a good quality of life and resumed his work . patient male 8 On checking his comorbidity and medication , the patient was found to take colchicine on a daily basis for his gout . patient female 1 The patient completed a daily log of self-reported mood , and weighed and recorded her weight daily . patient male 1 The patient did not have any record of a systemic disease or any syndromic condition to relate his dental problem to . patient male 8 After partial decompression of the stomach , the patient emptied his stomach by vomiting . patient female 3 Interestingly , our patient experienced complete resolution of her presenting symptomatology following placement of a nasogastric tube . patient male 4 A 16-year-old Hodgkin lymphoma patient refuses to have his blood specimen drawn , thus canceling his scheduled oncologic treatment . patient male 5 After a few days the patient regained consciousness as well as his hearing and vision . patient male 1 Each patient rated his dizziness after each week , and the patient 's nystagmus was rated before and after treatment . patient male 3 Psychologically , the patient uses his skin eruption to assure himself that he is a separate person with his own boundaries . patient female 1 The patient received all her vaccinations in the USA ; her last vaccination was 6 years ago . patient male 7 After about three years of analysis the patient started to remember his sessions . patient male 2 The other patient developed an extraperitoneal perforation and an associated necrotizing fasciitis of his perineum and scrotum , but he recovered well after debridement . patient male 51 These difficulties are not only due to a complicated medical situation of a multi-treated patient with along history of many other diseases , but also to strongly anchored received ideas that " it 's easier to die when one is old " and that " it 's better to preserve the patient by hiding his disease to him , and by lying to him about it , because it is worthless to tell him the truth " . patient female 5 For example , when the patient in the story wants to avoid revealing the names of her past dentists , an ethical framework could be presented that would respect her autonomy ( an ethical term ) and her right to privacy ( a legal term ) , while still addressing your need to determine if the primary problem is of an ethical or dental nature , and if your role is to be that of a healing mediator or a healing dentist . patient male 1 The patient was complaining of left hip pain and hitting his head . patient male 1 The patient had fallen backward upon standing from a wheelchair , lost his balance , and suffered an occipital laceration with hematoma . patient female 8 At follow-up examination after 1 month , the patient rated her pain as 3/10 - -a > 60 % reduction in pain ; this pain reduction persisted at subsequent 1-month follow-up intervals . patient male 1 The patient excreted large amounts of glutaric acid and significant amounts of 3-hydroxyglutaric acid , glutaconic acid and glutarylcarnitine , and his serum glutaric acid level was markedly elevated . patient female 9 After following the treatment for one year , the patient experienced a 70 % decrease in total blood mercury levels and a dramatic improvement of all her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient could not adduct his ipsilateral hip joint at all 1 h after emergence . patient female 5 For many years , this patient fasted for various periods , from days to weeks , in order to reduce her body weight and to achieve an euphoric effect . patient female 1 The patient underwent cord decompression and chemotherapy , and resumed her normal life ; she was followed up for nearly five years . patient male 11 Leech therapy was started 35 hours after trauma , and the patient continued his anticoagulation therapy . patient female 5 During trastuzumab therapy , the patient had a normalization of liver transaminases , platelet count and a gradual improvement of her stellate angiomas . patient male 2 The third patient , 82 years old , had two malignancies ( HCL and presumably metas- tatic colorectal carcinoma ) and his only treatment were occasional red blood cell transfusions and symptomatic therapy . patient female 5 At 3 months , the patient had complete healing of her fracture and returned to full competition in her sport . patient female 1 The patient had no evidence of dehydration and the combination of her clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory findings were consistent for a malignancy . patient female 6 On day + 140 , the patient developed CMV retinitis of her left eye despite the continuing antiviral therapy . patient female 7 After obtaining her informed consent , the patient underwent left axillary lymph node dissection and irradiation therapy of the left breast . patient male 7 The authors report the case of a patient who , despite receiving a simultaneous pancreas and kidney transplant , subsequently developed neuro-ischemic ulcers of his right foot requiring repeated amputations . patient male 10 An 83-year old Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) male patient donated his Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) . patient male 3 Consequently , the patient did not trust his memory , and he began to think that the hallucinations controlled his life . patient female 4 We report a 36-year-old patient who had lost the function of her native kidneys secondary to HUS . patient male 6 In the initial phase , the patient could not recognize any members of his family , but he had a tendency to touch everything within his reach and place it into his mouth . patient male 54 Among patients with FS 10 or greater and less than 20 % , nine had AS equal to 0 , two had AS of one or greater and less than 100 , one had AS of 100 or greater and less than 300 , and two had AS of 300 or greater ; a patient of the latter group , having AS of 400 or greater , increased his CHD risk from 11 % to 20 % or more . patient female 16 After 8 weeks of treatment with furosemide , the headaches and papilledema resolved , and the patient was able to reduce her dose of hydrocortisone to 30 mg daily . patient male 4 The plasma of a patient with myasthenia gravis had strong lupus anticoagulant activity and his IgM paraprotein displayed non-specific inhibition to coagulation factors IX , XI , XII , prekallikrein , and high molecular weight kininogen . patient male 1 The patient acquired this fungus by cutting his chin on a wooden floor . patient male 1 The patient tolerated the procedure and his postoperative course was free from the complication . patient male 1 AIDS patient writes final chapter of his life -- on his own terms . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient had complete relief of his symptoms at the 6-month follow-up . patient female 6 Moreover it may also aid the patient in understanding her anatomy and modify behavioral risk practices . patient male 1 One patient developed de novo prostate cancer and is awaiting his second liver resection , and one patient has stable hepatic disease with no evidence of progression . patient male 1 The patient resumed his activities a year after the second operation . patient male 5 The following day , the patient underwent definite Stereotactical surgical resection of his JNA tumor . patient male 29 Symptomatic response to active movement , observations of quality of movement and joint mobility assessment were key factors in directing a therapeutic program that was successful in helping the patient meet his treatment goals . patient male 17 The patient was then started on gemcitabine therapy and after just 2 cycles of chemotherapy , the patient has shown notable improvement of his symptoms . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient experienced resolution of her proptosis , and her vision remains clinically normal . patient female 7 This kind of design would allow the patient to move her neck more easily . patient female 5 Five months later , the patient has not regained her sight and remains legally blind . patient male 4 We report on a patient requiring removal of his correctly working Lester-Jones tube to allow him to continue his hobby of scuba diving . patient female 3 For the young patient who has not yet completed her family or the patient who is pregnant , outpatient evaluation is probably the optimal method . patient female 7 Interviewing and assessment techniques that help the patient disclose her abuse and make positive use of referral sources are discussed and illustrated . patient female 1 One patient narrated her experience of the " locked-in " phase and its termination . patient male 4 This will allow the patient to complete his growth prior to a definitive orthopaedic procedure . patient female 1 A patient with rheumatoid arthritis treated with corticosteroids developed a septic arthritis of her right knee . patient female 1 That patient was a 2 year old who fell outdoors , at a park , abducting her legs in a splits-type mechanism . patient male 8 Before the initiation of cidofovir treatment , the patient had approximately 80 % of his gingiva and buccal mucosa engrossed by confluent papillomatous lesions . patient male 1 A patient with traumatic diaphragmatic hernia had his lesion present remotely after thoracoabdominal trauma as an asymptomatic chest wall mass . patient male 7 Twenty-one months after stent placement , the patient still had no complaints of his urination . patient male 15 Recent physiologic findings indicate injection by bolus during the middle phase of inspiration while the patient holds his breath . patient male 11 Four weeks later , the stent was removed , and the patient could intake all his diet orally without discomfort . patient male 11 After discussion among our multidisciplinary tumor board , we felt this patient to be suitable for BCS and IORT given his age , favorable tumor subtype , size , and clinically early stage breast cancer . patient female 1 The patient underwent resection of her gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma by transhiatal esophagectomy with cervical anastomosis and is doing well 18 months later . patient male 3 We report a patient with an increase in MM after suffering an epileptic seizure of his upper and lower limbs due to the right frontoparietal polymicrogyria , including the supplementary motor area as evidenced by magnetic resonance imaging . patient male 4 Upon presentation , the patient was unable even to sit , and the deconditioning associated with prolonged bed rest worsened his autonomic dysfunction . patient male 20 In Italy the rate of COPD under-diagnosis ranges between 25 and 50 % and , as a consequence , the patient does not consult his doctor until the symptoms have worsened , mainly due to exacerbations . patient male 1 The patient , a 61-year-old man , had undergone an amputation of his right first finger 3 years ago due to cutaneous malignant melanoma . patient male 20 In this case , the nephrotic syndrome remitted only after orchiectomy and chemotherapy for toxoplasmosis , but recurred when the patient had a relapse of his CNS disease . patient female 18 Upon reintroduction to PPI therapy with monthly endoscopy and dilation over the course of 4 months , the patient improved clinically and resolved her mucosal eosinophilia . patient male 1 The patient was clinically satisfied and returned his previous activity level after 3 months of surgery . patient male 37 Setting self-management goals in primary care , especially in family medicine , might require a shift from a medical perspective to a biopsychosocial perspective , with an increasing role set aside for the professional to coach the patient in expressing his self-management goals and to take responsibility for these goals . patient female 2 Results The patient had an uncomplicated postoperative course and had complete resolution of her symptoms as of 1-year follow-up . patient female 9 It was noted during the postoperative period that the patient was picking her left-sided , but not right-sided , incision-a behavior that was felt to be a part of this patient 's impulse control disorder . patient male 1 The patient had a Child-Pugh score of 6A and his AFP level was found to be 1,256.8 ng/mL at initiation . patient male 29 In the report presented here the mode of inheritance pattern of absence of maxillary and mandibular second premolars will be investigated by pedigree analyses and dermatoglyphic studies of a patient who showed the trait and his family members . patient male 57 In specific , to leverage the PHI privacy disclosure and the high reliability of PHI process and transmission in m-Healthcare emergency , we introduce an efficient lightweight encryption for those users whose trust level is low , which is based on mix cipher algorithms and pair of plain text and cipher texts , and allow a medical user to decide who can participate in the opportunistic computing to assist in processing his overwhelming PHI data . user male 17 Afforded noninvasive mechanical ventilation and the administration of intravenous morphine and high doses of furosemide , the patient exhibited improvement of his clinical condition , reduction of pulmonary congestion at chest X-ray , and satisfactory blood gas analyses in twelve hours . patient male 1 The patient who would not tell his name . patient male 24 Six patients had coronary artery reimplantation in the correct aortic sinus , 2 patients had unroofing of the intramural coronary segment , and 1 patient had pericardial patch enlargement of his right coronary artery before reimplantation . patient male 11 In the 4 others , partial chimerism was observed : one patient had a early and progressive rejection of his graft but is doing very well ( 35 m follow-up ) without any manifestation of SCD , with a high stable 22 % Hb F level.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient male 1 The patient did well and reported no further progression of his symptoms during 3 months of follow up . patient male 8 In this case report , a 28-year-old male patient who severely injured the enamel tissue of his upper incisors due to excessive self-performed air polishing has been presented . patient male 10 The aim of this case report is to present a patient who severely injured the enamel surfaces of his upper incisors due to excessive self-performed air polishing . patient male 10 A case of severe enamel abrasions in a 28-year-old male patient who injured the enamel surfaces of his upper incisors following several self-performed air polishing sessions has been presented . patient female 2 Only one patient experienced a significant exacerbation of her Gaucher disease during pregnancy . patient male 5 With infliximab treatment , the patient experienced rapid resolution of his disease and has remained in remission . patient female 12 The remaining 5 patients received no relief from surgery , including 1 patient who actually experienced a worsening of her tinnitus to the point that it became an intolerable roar . patient female 2 The current patient had previous pregnancy and a wedge biopsy of her left gonad , which demonstrated an ovotestis and an area suspicious for a gonadoblastoma . patient male 1 One patient re-ruptured his ACL 2 months after surgery in military training during an obstacle race . patient male 39 Eight patients , six of who had had a previous unsuccessful operation for their constipation , had a colostomy -- this relieved the constipation and the need for laxatives in all six patients with rectosigmoid dilatation , although one patient could not tolerate his stoma . patient male 19 The authors report a case of metastatic tumor from clear cell carcinoma in the thyroid gland occurred in a patient who had his primary tumor previously treated with right nephrectomy . patient female 1 A patient , who had her right ovary and tube removed , and her husband were treated with ICSI and a single embryo transfer . patient female 1 The patient was anticoagulated and over the next two weeks made a slow recovery , using her left hand effectively and walking unaided . patient male 1 The patient is currently receiving his adjuvant chemotherapy and immunotherapy at postoperative 6th month . patient male 8 Furthermore , exposure to narratives in which the patient was presented as not to blame for contracting his illness ( external attribution ) was associated with more positive attitudes , beliefs and intentions toward MC , a factor that was significantly associated with more positive attitudes , beliefs and intentions related to recreational cannabis use . patient male 1 The patient recovered his normal activities within the next day and no complications were recorded . patient male 7 Prior to induction of anesthesia , the patient could tilt his head , but was unable to do so afterwards . patient male 4 On examination , the patient showed a rugose folding of his scalp , with the formation of tender , painful , rough skin folds in the parietal-occipital region , resembling cerebral gyri ( patient male 1 The patient was able to resume his occupation as a professional diver following surgery . patient male 1 The patient is to choose one variant and write down his choice . patient female 1 The patient was on standard immunosuppressive medications and had acute rejection of her renal allograft . patient male 12 In this case report , an auricular prosthesis was fabricated for a patient who had lost his right external ear in a traffic accident . patient male 9 Because of his inability to lift the forefoot the patient with dropped foot drags his toe along the ground or stubs it against minor obstructions . patient male 35 Furthermore though it is statistically proved that a certain activity between the 30th and 60th day does not affect the later course of the disease yet there is no element which allows to authorize the patient to resume his normal professionnal activity before the 60th day . patient male 26 Their use reduces the length of time spent in hospital by amputee patients because stump conditioning and gait retraining is virtually completed by the time the patient receives his permanent prosthesis . patient female 4 Here we present a patient who displayed her cognitive deficits as attention-seeking behaviour . patient female 5 The probability that the female patient abandoned her initial treatment was 9 % with dienogest , 12.07 % with danazol , 9.6 and 6.75 % with medroxyprogesterone injectable and oral , respectively , and 10.8 and 3.6 % 3-monthly and monthly with gosereline . patient male 1 The patient had his first contact with a psychiatrist 3 yr after his first severe head injury in 1962 ( when 10 yr old ) . patient female 1 One patient initially diagnosed with AH experienced progression of her disease to stage IIIA EC . patient male 1 One patient who removed his T tube early was discharged to convalesce with a small oesophagocutaneous fistula . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had complete resolution of his pain . patient male 3 A 41-year-old male patient had recognized his ptotic palpebra two years ago and chest roentgenographic examination disclosed a tumor shadow occupying the apex of the right thorax but he was almost asymptomatic except venous dilatation of the anterior chest wall . patient male 0 Patient 1 also had mirror-image polydactyly of his feet ; patient 2 was athymic . Patient male 15 The initial spike wave activity was recorded from nasopharyngeal leads that were lost as the patient began his vigorous , violent activity . patient male 1 The patient was discharged neurologically intact on postoperative day 4 , presenting a remarkable improvement of his pain at 2-month follow-up . patient male 26 With a mean follow-up of 19.1 months in our series of eight patients , six of seven epilepsy patients achieved seizure freedom , whereas the one patient with rage attacks only did not have improvement of his symptoms . patient male 2 The surviving patient showed marked neurological improvement and resolution of his pseudomeningocele after ventriculoperitoneal shunting . patient female 7 Eighteen months following the procedure , the patient has regained some power in her right leg and has completed her course of anti-tuberculous chemotherapy , but remains wheelchair-bound . patient male 23 The author describes a delayed occlusion of the colon , consecutive to an ischemic constriction , occurring after a car accident in a patient wearing his safety belt . patient male 7 At 16 years of age , the patient experienced progressive deterioration of his balance and gait disturbance . patient female 10 The catheter was removed 6 weeks postoperatively , and the patient continued dilating her vagina until she was able to have sexual intercourse , and then stopped the self-dilation . patient male 1 The patient was then able to comply with the progressive urinary retention training ( phase three ) and completely overcame his problem . patient female 1 The patient cooled her arm with ice packs to ease severe pain due to CRPS , in spite of repeated cautions against frostbite injury . patient male 9 Despite persisting TARTs , while receiving treatment , the patient successfully impregnated his wife twice , the latter impregnation leading to the birth of a healthy girl . patient male 6 Play-matured Genitality Cooperative signifies that the patient incorporates his partner or opponent 's intentions into his appreciation of events , enabling him to act more in accordance with the reality around him . patient male 3 We report a patient who had his first episode at 32 months of age . patient male 27 In 4 cases , the disappearance of or decrease in HBV DNA was preceded by an increase in transaminase activities , which was also observed in one patient who did not modify his viral replication . patient female 5 During this period , the patient decreased her cigarette smoking from 1 pack/day to 1 pack every 3 days . patient male 25 Six of the DOD patients with a low HTC were in advanced stages of their tumor at the time of diagnosis , while the remaining patient did not complete his treatment . patient female 3 A 46-year-old female patient with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome had undergone fusion of her right knee 25 years before presentation . patient male 7 In the first month of therapy the patient experienced progressive worsening of his symptoms , and azathioprine was added to the treatment in the second month . patient male 6 After CIMT , only the single patient showed clinically meaningful improvement of his affected hand as exhibited by decreased times on the MAL and WMFT . patient female 1 The patient had no evidence of active pulmonary histoplasmosis and her disseminated histoplasmosis likely resulted from re-activation of latent disease . patient male 11 The hypertensive drugs were replaced and the new drugs helped the patient control his blood glucose levels . patient male 7 Potentially , direct feedback could allow the user to adjust his strategy during a running trial to obtain the required response . user male 7 A year after starting anti-TNF therapy the patient continues to show complete clinical remission of his psoriasis . patient male 21 In conclusion , by taking account of different reproducibilities and characteristics of SMmeter , home BP monitoring can be performed by patient or/and his family . patient female 4 Every week , the patient described her emotional state with the help of the Adjective Check List by Janke . patient male 2 Crucially , patient AC spontaneously improved his performance in inter-HFs trials with a long-SOA . patient male 2 The second patient did not survive his severe aplastic anemia ( with neutropenia ) and hemochromatosis ( treated with desferrioxamine ) , complicated with a systemic Rhizopus infection , despite treatment with amphotericin B and granulocyte-colony-stimulating factors . patient female 1 The patient regained her visual acuity 3 days after laser treatment , and no pseudophakodonesis , intraocular lens decentration , and re-phimosis were noted at the 3-month follow-up . patient male 1 A patient got an infection of his bone fixation screw and we took out the external fixation but left in place the bone screw , which was obviously still well fixed and the adjacent bone was without signs of infection . patient male 2 The third patient lost his first graft after 3 years because of chronic allograft nephropathy and recurrence of glomerulonephritis . patient female 4 A cardiologist advised the patient to take nifedipine tablets ( 30mg/d ) to treat her high blood pressure while continuing observation of the macroaneurysms . patient male 4 This report describes a patient with chronic hepatitis C undergoing therapy with interferon ( IFN ) alpha who developed bilateral ischemia of his fingers . patient female 3 Post-operatively , the patient noted a significant improvement of her facial pain ( V2 territory ) . patient male 8 The authors developed an ultrasound approach with the patient compressing his own urethra manually during voiding to achieve distension of the urethra with urine . patient female 1 The patient hoped to prepare for future planned birth , so we canceled the cabergoline and gradually increased her carbidopa/levodopa dose . patient male 1 The patient showed abnormal sequences of strokes and completed his strokes by piecing out of several fragments . patient male 3 Post-operatively , the patient showed a remarkable improvement of his symptoms of raised intracranial pressure , hypothalamic dysfunction and visual disturbances . patient male 14 Three patients were free of pain with analgesics in their last follow-up and one patient had only partial solution of his pain . patient female 11 At 3 months postoperatively , the fracture was healed and the patient maintained her ambulatory status without further refracture . patient male 14 On the day after the removal of a long leg cast , when the patient could just bend his knee , the electrical activity in the disused quadriceps muscle showed changes that indicated a reduction in the number of motor units . patient male 5 After uneventful wound healing the patient had regained full function of his finger at six weeks follow up . patient male 1 The patient had severe clubbing of his fingers and toes bilaterally . patient male 3 Fortunately , the patient regained his vision of 20/20 without distortion and micropsia in his left eye . patient male 1 The patient has been wearing his prosthesis for 2 years with no complaints . patient male 1 The patient was hepatitis C virus RNA-positive , human immunodeficiency virus RNA-negative , and had a CD4 T-cell count of 620/μL. His son was the donor , and a right lobe liver transplant was performed uneventfully in antiretroviral treatment continued in the early postoperative period and a triple immunosuppressive regimen consisting tacrolimus , mycophenolate mofetil , and steroids was initiated . patient female 1 The patient received her second spontaneous abortion at the age of 25 years and had suffered from choriocarcinoma in left board ligament at the age of 29 years . patient female 2 Although the patient recovered from the symptom after coming down from the mountain , family members and friends began to notice her personality changes in daily life . patient female 1 The patient reported complete relief of her CRPS-associated pain during and for 24 hours after delivery , while receiving intravenous magnesium , with her pain symptoms returning shortly after discontinuing magnesium . patient male 50 After 6 weeks of combined acupuncture and herbal treatments , glomerular filtration rate increased significantly from 37 mL/min to 51 mL/min and serum creatinine level decreased from 1.85 mg/dL to 1.41 mg/dL. After a course of 15 acupuncture treatments over 4 months with some appointments in closer proximity , the patient additionally reported increased sensation of his left limbs . patient male 1 The patient completed his antibiotic course and was discharged . patient female 10 The second case presents a 42-year old female live donor patient who had her right kidney selected to laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy . patient female 12 Additionally , if a mesh sling needs to be removed , the patient will most likely have a return of her SUI that often necessitates subsequent treatment . patient female 1 The patient must understand the function of her urinary system and the role she must play in its control . patient male 1 The patient was unable to take his other Parkinson medication ; therefore the dose of the rectal levodopa/carbidopa was increased to 5 times a day . patient male 14 Creatinine returned to baseline in four patients , remained elevated in 12 and one patient lost his graft . patient male 11 This strategy assumes that optimal learning will be achieved when the patient is allowed to elaborate his own schema and sequences of movements , thereby constructing his own personal image of the motor behavior to be trained . patient female 19 The patient was discussed in a neurologic CPC , and a chief discussant arrived at the conclusion that the patient had diffuse Lewy body disease and her daughter striatonigral degeneration . patient female 1 The patient regained her full range of social , occupational , and family activities . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft on day 9 because of graft microthrombi related to Factor V-Leiden mutation . patient male 32 In mandibles , two grafted patients were not prosthetically rehabilitated because of multiple complications , and three implants failed in the same patient ( one was a replacement implant ) versus one patient who lost his short implant and crown 2 years after loading . patient male 1 The patient had a strong desire to maintain his remaining dentition . patient male 15 The validity of the construct was assessed by testing whether the clinical variable of the patient influenced his QOL domain score as hypothesized . patient male 2 Only 1 patient out of 19 patients ( 5 % ) improved his Cormack grade from Grade III to Grade I while 16 out 19 patients ( 84 % ) improved their Cormack grade from Grade III to Grade II after the use of cisatracurium . patient female 2 A 24-year-old patient who was otherwise in good health noticed an increasing brown discoloration of all her nails and her previously fair hair 7 weeks before consultation . patient male 2 The second patient had less morbidity and more rapid reconstitution of his immune function . patient female 7 This case report details surgical procedures the patient underwent and her own lasting contribution through establishing the first hospital-based Image Enhancement and Behavioral Skills program along with her extensive work with the Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors . patient male 10 In two other melanoma patients with ipilimumab-induced colitis , one patient had satisfactory resolution of his colitis with high-dose corticosteroid therapy alone and the other patient required infliximab infusion . patient female 27 Out of the 13 women who did not become pregnant , 1 patient adopted a child and 12 patients still wanted to become pregnant , including 1 patient who underwent a transplantation of her cryopreserved ovarian tissue without success . patient male 5 At six months , the patient had resumed his occupational activities and was pain free . patient male 5 Because of infection , 1 patient required removal and subsequent reinsertion of his prosthesis , and another has required revision . patient male 1 One patient with clinical resistance of his fungal keratitis to both topical voriconazole and natamycin had resolution of his keratitis with the addition of topical moxifloxacin and gentamicin to voriconazole . patient male 1 One patient had a loosening of his posterior instrumentation in the further follow-up due to tumour growth with dislocation of the cage and a deterioration of his neurological deficit . patient female 9 Fixed implant-supported dental prostheses were finally delivered to the patient , which improved her self-esteem and quality of life . patient female 1 One patient underwent bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and achieved complete resolution of her pain 3 months postoperatively . patient male 2 Only one patient , and very rarely so , interspersed his written output with his speech automatism . patient female 18 There was a greater decrease in bone markers if baseline bone turnover markers were higher and if the patient took more than 80 % of her medication . patient male 1 One patient had a distant metastasis of his primary cancer and six patients had a premalignant lesion . patient male 3 Eventually , the patient had percutaneous coronary intervention of his left-anterior descending artery and remained asymptomatic . patient male 6 The identical twin brother of the patient , who had his spleen intact , had normal levels of serum IgA and did not suffer from frequent respiratory tract inflammations . patient male 11 After three months of continuous positive airway pressure therapy , the patient experienced resolution of his presenting symptoms , improved blood pressure control and normalization of his urinary catecholamine levels . patient male 1 The patient had severe stenosis of his left subclavian artery ostium with retrograde flow up his left internal mammary artery graft . patient male 24 Compared with fracture treatment of the conventional kind , such as via Küntscher nailing , osseous consolidation - as measured by the time the patient was able to resume his work - occurred more rapidly . patient male 1 The patient is now able to perform several of his activities of daily living and communicate effectively . patient female 14 The involved section of small bowel was resected , and during serial follow-up the patient had complete resolution of her IBS-like symptoms . patient female 2 My 26-year-old patient is planning her first pregnancy in the coming month . patient male 1 The patient treated by cholecystostomy has had excellent relief of his pruritus and is being considered for conversion to cholecystojejunostomy . patient male 1 The patient with the lymphocutaneous syndrome -- a man with well-controlled diabetes mellitus -- acquired his illness in Israel . patient male 27 For early diagnosis and effective removal of these lesions this treatment should be taken before when signs of cord compression are evident , and especially before the patient loses his ability to walk . patient male 19 Cyclophosphamide , vincristine , etoposide , and prednisolone chemotherapy was planned for the patient and until now , the patient received his first chemotherapy regimen . patient male 2 The sedated patient had a significant decrease of his basal systolic and diastolic pressures ( p<0.0001 ) . patient male 3 A 40-year-old male patient elected orthodontic correction of his crowded anterior teeth , leaving multiple root exposures and spacing in the papilla areas . patient female 5 Two weeks later , the patient had resolution of her symptoms and resolution of PRES on imaging . patient male 26 Although DNA hypomethylation occurred in all the analyzed heterochromatic genes and in all the ICF patients , gene expression was restricted to some genes , every patient having his own group of activated genes . patient male 10 A single 10 - 0 Prolene suture explanted from a patient who experienced subluxation of his PC-IOL , 11.5 years after placement . patient male 1 Each patient gave his informed consent . patient female 5 Before the intervention , the patient was totally dependent on others for performing her daily activities owing to severe pain in the pelvic region . patient male 20 In this study we analysed the use different SUV thresholds to predict the post-test probability of malignancy for the individual patient considering his pre-test probability . patient female 1 The patient eventually recovered her sight . patient male 1 The patient also reported observing the phenomenon with loud noises , nose blowing , obstruction of his right external meatus with the finger , and with altitude pressure changes in a car . patient male 17 The treatment of Hodgkin 's disease led to perfect recovery of cognitive function , so that the patient could drive his car . patient male 12 Macrosomatognosia refers to a disorder of the body image in which the patient perceives a part or parts of his body as disproportionately large . patient female 1 The patient in whom we demonstrate this technique underwent complete resection of her clivus without cerebrospinal fluid leak and with preservation of both NSF pedicles . patient female 7 On presentation to the team , the patient had no pain issues and the dihydrocodeine use--600 tablets/week -- solely reflected her dependence . patient male 1 One patient died of a presumptive myocardial infarction and one patient had a post-operative worsening of his neurologic condition . patient male 1 Our patient failed nonoperative management of his subacromial osteochondroma . patient male 1 One patient did not increase his plasma volume on packed cell volume reduction . patient male 15 This strategy may not only enhance the chance to find a nursing home where the patient can spend his further life but will also improve his quality of life and outcome . patient male 1 One patient developed a prelaryngeal soft tissue recurrence and retained his larynx after wide local excision and radiotherapy . patient male 20 Our findings show a considerable and consistent association of HLA B27 with AS irrespective of the community to which the patient , belonged his hygiene or socio-economic conditions . patient male 5 After the birth , the patient had heart failure symptoms and his echocardiographic examination showed low cardiac ejection fraction . patient male 8 However , in online tests , where the user could adapt his muscle activation patterns to the changed conditions , the regression-based approach was significantly less influenced by the changes in signal features than the classification approach . user female 0 Patient had rapid and dramatic relief of her symptoms of pain . Patient female 1 The patient also received IFX treatment and four surgeries on an as-needed basis to manage her symptoms . patient male 19 Neurological symptoms stared to recover immediately after the surgery , and at 3 months after the surgery , the patient mostly recovered his muscle powers and sensory functions . patient male 1 The patient did not want additional surgical improvement 24 months post-operatively , and resumed his professional activities . patient female 5 After the surgery , the patient had an uneventful recovery and reported a resolution of her symptoms . patient female 7 At the 3-year follow up , the patient had no recurrence of symptoms and her imaging exams remain unremarkable . patient male 1 The patient regained full range of pain-free movement , and was bearing his full weight on the operated leg by 18 weeks . patient male 2 As the patient began to understand and differentiate aspects of his affective , cognitive , bodily , and interpersonal experiences , his life situation stabilized and his carbamazepine dose requirements diminished . patient male 1 The patient had worn his prosthesis without removal for years at a time . patient male 1 " Patient reported normal erectile function and response with masturbation but also reported inability to penetrate his partner due to the enlarged and disfigured morphology . Patient male 13 The data concerning outcome are based on a questionnaire , in which the patient can describe his actual health situation . patient female 12 One month after total bone structure removal ( first surgery ) the patient could not open her mouth anymore due to a significant calcified mass . patient female 17 Conventional orthodontic treatment was considered to correct the maxillary protrusion and anterior open bite , but the patient also requested improvement of her facial esthetics . patient male 1 The patient became agitated in the recovery room and could recall his visual memory during the operation . patient male 6 By using AVAPS mode , this patient was able to rehabilitate his myopathy and participate in intermittent weaning of HFNC to ultimately simple nasal cannula . patient female 27 The fact that the material of the patient found a " hook " ( Gabbard , 1995 ) in the therapist enabled a deeper understanding of the patient that helped resolve her inner conflicts and move on in her development . patient female 7 After 6 months of treatment , the patient remained culture negative and maintained her dialysis access . patient female 1 The patient reported complete resolution of her severe dry cough after surgery . patient female 1 The patient again declined further treatment of her systemic disease and sought complementary therapies , and subsequently presented with cerebral involvement . patient male 14 Due to his chronic struggles with mental health and substance abuse issues , the patient lost his marriage , many close friends , and , eventually , his license to practice medicine . patient female 7 In consideration of her pregnancy , the patient strictly monitored her blood cell count without any specific treatment . patient male 7 After controlling his blood sugar level the patient showed improvement in his skin discoloration . patient female 12 Following localized radiotherapy and five courses of melphalan and prednisolone , the patient achieved partial remission of her myeloma . patient female 17 Analysis of these components and greater understanding of transference dynamics brought limited therapeutic gains , until the patient was able to overcome her resistance to speaking about a core sexual fantasy . patient female 5 Four years later , the patient consulted her surgeon for a subcutaneous mass in the operative site . patient male 8 The social matrix determines when and how the patient seeks what kind of help , his " compliance " with the recommended regimen and , to a significant extent , the functional outcome . patient female 1 The patient recovered her neurological functions after the surgery . patient male 6 The behaviour of the " designed patient " may be interpreted as a tentative escape to express his disagreement to the fixed situation . patient female 7 At the 21st gestational week , the patient lost her kidney graft and was re-induced into regular hemodialysis . patient female 3 However , the patient lost her neonate five d after giving a birth , and the patient 's graft function had never recovered . patient female 11 There was not enough time , however , to check the patient thoroughly to find the actual cause of her altered personality . patient male 13 The methadone-prescribing physician has no opportunity to check whether the opiate maintenance treatment patient takes his substitution medicines orally as intended or continues with his intravenous misuse now substituting the methadone instead of injecting heroin . patient female 5 A 42 year old female patient with rheumatoid arthritis was admitted to our cardiology unit to diagnose and find the cause of her heart failure . patient male 1 The patient showed repetitive behaviours ( tapping his fingers , tying and retying his shoelaces ) ; visual and auditory hallucinations , delusions , vague to absent ego boundaries ; inability to do simple maths , tell the time , read or write ; and angry vulgar outbursts accompanied by occasional throwing of objects . patient male 3 A 31-year-old male patient had already undergone repair of his bilateral cleft lip and soft palate according to established guidelines for cleft patients . patient male 7 The authors describe the case of a patient who , after discontinuation of warfarin and introduction of rivaroxaban , developed thrombosis of his mechanical mitral prosthesis . patient female 1 The patient gave her consent , so an uneventful nasal awake fibreoptic intubation was carried out under local anaesthesia . patient female 1 The patient was extremely satisfied , reported minimal discomfort , ambulated early , advanced her diet quickly , and was discharged home after a short hospital stay . patient female 0 Patient 2 has only recently had the procedure and is not yet using her graft . Patient female 13 We present a giant , long standing Sacrococcygeal teratoma in an adult female patient which caused her significant obstructing lower gastrointestinal and urinary symptoms besides the discomfort and disfigurement of the sacral region . patient male 5 In subsequent consultations , the patient clarified the compulsive nature of his symptoms and was treated as a case of OCD . patient male 3 A home dialysis patient describes his own experiences with the ' Redy-bus ' . patient male 4 Within days , the patient began feeling symptomatic again and used his device to transmit an ECG to his healthcare provider . patient female 1 The patient underwent limb perfusion and her immunosuppressive therapy has been stopped . patient female 14 No residual tumour was available for microscopic assessment in one ( 0.9 % ) patient who underwent bilateral mastectomy in our institution but had her initial surgery elsewhere . patient female 1 This patient developed a significant worsening of her weakness 3 weeks after the initiation of rituximab . patient female 32 A pre-TPE antifactor Xa activity level and levetiracetam serum assay , a post-TPE antifactor Xa activity level and levetiracetam serum assay , levetiracetam serum assays at 1 and 6 hours after the patient received her next dose , and a levetiracetam assay of the waste plasma from the TPE were collected for therapeutic drug monitoring and pharmacokinetic calculations . patient female 1 The patient underwent open reduction and percutaneous pin fixation of her displaced , dislocated left radial neck fracture in the operating room after multiple failed attempts at closed reduction due to interposition of the annular ligament . patient male 2 The first patient with underlying non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy had split His bundle potentials only during atrial pacing and presented associated conduction abnormalities : enhanced A-V nodal conduction and sick sinus syndrome . patient male 12 After treatment with steroids , radiotherapy and monitored blood transfusions , the patient demonstrated significant improvement of his paraspinal lesions and near complete resolution of his neurological symptoms . patient female 20 As pregnancy might promote tumor development , the general principle demanded timely termination of pregnancy after diagnosis , but the patient insisted on giving up all her comprehensive cancer treatment . patient male 1 The patient also experienced epileptic episodes and his brain MRI and electroencephalogram indicated herpes encephalitis with secondary epilepsy . patient female 22 Previous reports have indicated a dose response to radiotherapy in the 20 - 30 Gy range for RDD ; however , our patient developed complete resolution of her symptoms after 10 Gy . patient female 11 Although the medication was prescribed for facial use only , the patient reported topical use over her back and chest as well . patient female 6 She was a former intravenous drug user who had been enrolled into a methadone substitution programme for 10 years and had been receiving her methadone intramuscularly for the past 6 years . user male 25 During the first five meetings , the patient 's goals were primarily culinary ; however , with his success in accomplishing these goals , the patient progressed and expanded his goals to include other lifestyle domains , specifically exercise and work-life balance . patient male 8 At the end of the program , the patient had improved both his nutritional and exercise habits , his confidence in further self-care improvement , and his health parameters such as HgA1c ( 8.8 % to 6.7 % ; normal < 6.5 % ) . patient female 1 The patient then continued her contraceptive implant as a reliable postpartum contraceptive method . patient male 7 Before the 6th week of treatment the patient reported a reduced need for diuretics to keep his lower limb edemas at a minimum . patient male 1 The patient was again planned for spinal anesthesia the next day after reviewing his preoperative lumbar X-rays , which were suggestive of severe canal stenosis and sclerosis of the spine at L patient male 6 Five months after treatment initiation the patient had complete healing of his DFU . patient female 4 This report describes a patient who lost her fingerprints during the early stage of chemotherapy . patient female 15 The resulting decrease in abdominal girth and in the amount of pleural effusion allowed the patient to regain her appetite , and the patient 's PS greatly improved from 3 to 1.Initially , GD was shown to be effective for the treatment of leiomyosarcoma and pleomorphic sarcoma , and it is now recommended as one of the first-line regimens in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for soft tissue sarcoma treatment . patient female 1 The patient reported a strong family history of early-onset NIDDM in both her mother and maternal grandmother , both of whom eventually required insulin therapy to control glycemia . patient female 1 The patient reported a worsening of her eruption when she was treated with a desonide cream ( Tridesonit ) . patient female 1 One patient with renal cell carcinoma had an objective remission of her disease . patient male 7 After switching to contact lenses , the patient still wore his spectacles for 20 - 40 min each day . patient male 1 The patient underwent serial computed tomography scans of his brain which demonstrated stability of the hematoma and no operative intervention was required . patient male 1 The patient underwent total pericardiectomy of his residual pericardium through median sternotomy using cardiopulmonary bypass resulting in complete relief of his symptoms . patient female 8 The PICA exhibited dynamic extradural compression when the patient rotated her head ; the bilateral PICA strokes were due to head rotation during surgical positioning . patient male 14 After completion of the surgery , administration of inhaled anesthetics was stopped and the patient opened his eyes on verbal command . patient male 22 The laser posterior partial cordotomy allowed the decanulation after one session ( n=2 ) or avoided tracheotomy ( n=5 ) , one patient had significant improvement of his respiratory function . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had an improvement of his heart failure from New York Heart Association functional class 3 to class 1 . patient female 11 Fortunately , within six months the paraesthesia had subsided and the patient was once again able to appreciate her usual warning symptom of impending hypoglycaemia . patient male 15 Paradoxically , the relapse may be a positive phenomenon leading to an awareness of the patient regarding his weakness toward alcohol . patient male 10 Mechanisms of the tumors were unclear ; we described a patient who had stomach carcinoma presenting with a synchronous liver cancer and investigated his family history ; we suggest that family history may be a key risk factor and early detection for additional primary malignancies should be needed for patients who had specific cancer history in their pedigree . patient female 1 The patient reported her first experience of an extended period of happy dreams . patient male 7 Towards the end of his illness the patient is very likely to evaluate not only the severity of his pain but also its meaning which is often : " I 'm getting worse and worse , they ca n't do anything for me . " The experience of specialised centres indicates that it is possible to control pain easily in 85 % of patients in need of terminal care . patient male 22 During gait training , physical therapists continuously supervise stroke survivors and provide physical support to their pelvis when they judge that the patient is unable to keep his balance . patient male 3 In a HD patient who was willing to self-monitor his dietary intake , BalanceLog((R ) ) allowed the dietitian to target problematic foods and provide counseling that appeared to be effective in reducing sodium intake , reducing interdialytic weight gain , and alleviating hyperphosphatemia and hyperkalemia . patient female 11 Within 2 weeks of the 50 gm glucose test , each patient ate 18 jelly beans and had her plasma glucose levels tested after 1 hour . patient female 1 The patient eventually underwent removal of her spinal hardware , but the IVC filter migration was managed conservatively with routine surveillance . patient male 8 At an 18-month follow-up after surgery , the patient has stable and sufficient function of his elbow joint with no signs of infection . patient male 16 Among his traumatic memories , he reported having witnessed the combat injury and death of a friend who had lost his left leg distal to the mid shin . friend male 27 Despite adequate ciclosporine blood trough levels , a relapse occurred in 2 patients 18 and 24 months after transplantation but therapy with cyclophosphamide induced remission and no patient lost his graft due to relapse of vasculitis . patient male 9 One patient reported new onset headache , and one patient described his headache resolved . patient male 4 The authors discuss a patient who had a relapse of his Graves ' disease 23 yr after treatment with 131I . patient male 11 This fantasy was used as a safe guide to help the patient learn to acknowledge and express his inner self in a safe and guided way . patient male 1 The patient underwent successful treatment of his complicated hepatic hydatid cysts with pericystectomy and repair of a biliary fistula . patient male 3 We present a patient with an unusual course of hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)-negative chronic hepatitis B who had repeated reactivations of his disease progressing to cirrhosis with terminal liver failure . patient female 7 Six months after the surgery , the patient was able to use her elbow fully and without pain . patient male 1 The patient made good clinical recovery and his ST elevation resolved with anticoagulation . patient male 19 Thirty three patients ( 97 % ) reported complete remission of their pain after a single treatment ; one patient needed a second RFA treatment , and reported full remission of his symptoms after the 2nd treatment . patient female 1 The patient underwent endoscopic debridement of her sinuses , which revealed mucosal dehiscence and otherwise normal healthy bleeding tissue . patient female 1 The patient required intravenous access to work up her dizziness and weakness . patient female 13 On the NIMH Diagnostic Interview Scale for Children it was possible for the patient to reveal her psychotic symptoms . patient male 8 Due to concerns over further embolisation , our patient underwent successful ligation of the his dorsalis pedis . patient male 2 An additional patient , without a median lobe , had his orifices very close to the bladder neck . patient female 14 In caring for a patient facing body-image changes , a nurse may help the patient using her in-depth knowledge of the potential impacts of this change on the body , mind , social relationships , bodily functions , self-concept , and self-esteem ( Roberts , 1978 ) . patient female 1 The patient was referred to the emergency department after determining her blood pressure met criteria for hypertensive crisis despite her adherence to her current antihypertensive regimen . patient male 11 The criteria for financial capacity should include whether or not the patient knows the extent of his property , his income , expenses , and demonstrates ability to make logical decisions concerning these issues ? patient male 1 The patient required surgical intervention to drain his sinuses followed by long-term intravenous antibiotic therapy and anticoagulation . patient female 5 After 2 weeks , the patient showed marked improvement of her retinal findings , with reatachment of the retina and also an improvement of visual acuity . patient female 6 Immediate delivery of the late preterm patient with preeclampsia significantly lessens her development of severe features without significantly increasing newborn risks . patient female 1 The patient was monitored for a year , comparing her salivary secretion rates and the written questionnaires . patient female 2 The female patient with only one lower limb ( the other already amputated ) now goes about smilingly selling her wares . patient male 8 More than six months after surgery , the patient showed a normal gait , was able to lift his own weight against gravity and no complications were detected in the donor area . patient female 1 The patient had received polypharmacy treatment for these conditions for several years but had rather limited relief of her symptoms . patient male 7 On the fifth postoperative day , the patient started to describe his visual memory during the operation , although he did not remember any pain or discomfort . patient female 15 Fortunately , over the ensuing 8 weeks of follow-up after discontinuing the drug , the patient recovered her lung function and experienced an overall improvement in her respiratory symptoms . patient male 22 One patient presented with normal pressure pulmonary edema due to infection with both M pneumoniae and respiratory syncytial virus ; a second patient had his Salmonella carrier state converted to bacteremia during his episode of M pneumoniae . patient female 14 Three post-massive weight loss patients required reoperation for further skin adjustment , and one patient requested upsizing of her implants at 3 months . patient male 1 The patient originally affected by MRSA infection of his primary hip arthroplasty developed recurrent infection of his revision prosthesis and eventually underwent Girdlestone arthroplasty . patient female 1 The patient discharged on 4th day and resumed her sexual life less than 2 months after surgery . patient male 13 Basic to the question of patient rights is the fundamental principles that a patient maintains his rights in any health service situation . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her bradycardia and AV block following atropine . patient male 1 The patient went on to have his hernia repair , and intraoperative bleeding remained normal despite the deranged clotting . patient female 14 One patient required late syrinx drainage without removal of hardware , and another adolescent patient required extension of her fusion because of late scoliosis development below the injury site . patient female 16 The nephrolithiasis promptly abated after discontinuation of the products containing silica , then returned when the patient restarted her supplements . patient male 5 At month 3 , the patient had no pain in his elbow and minimal pain in his wrist on heavy lifting and had resumed his work as a porter . patient male 8 Following therapy with streptozotocin and 5-fluorouracil , the patient had a subjective and objective clinical and hormonal remission of his disease including amelioration of his neurological impairment . patient male 19 Sentinel lymph node metastases were detected in 2 of 59 patients ( 3.4 % ) , but only one patient with a positive sentinel lymph node exhibited histological regression of his tumour . patient female 2 The other patient developed her symptoms on standing , after exercise or other stress . patient male 3 An adult male patient who had lost his maxillary left central incisor seven years ago in a traffic accident presented with a chief complaint about his unaesthetic appearance associated with the loss of his maxillary left central incisor space , a Class III molar occlusion , and an anterior open bite malocclusion due to tongue-thrust swallowing . patient male 6 Owing to speech rehabilitation , the patient gradually recovered his capacity for speech . patient male 1 The patient had visited his dentist 2 months previous for pain and numbness of the left molar region . patient male 13 This article describes the " sensed presence " as an aura in one patient who did not interpret his experience in a religious way . patient female 22 On the basis of these findings , we suspected interstitial pneumonia , but a surgical lung biopsy was not possible because the patient would not give her consent . patient male 1 One patient had his tumor cultured in vitro and had a clinical trial with interferon . patient female 1 The patient describes her experience and how harmony and desire were re-established . patient female 8 We report here the case of a young patient requiring inpatient care due to severe decompensated liver disease ( MELD 24 ) , justifying her referral from her local hospital to our high-volume LT unit , despite the unfavourable COVID-19 epidemiology in our Region . patient male 4 A Group IVC AIDS patient experienced repeated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis colonization and infection of his central venous access device . patient male 1 The patient locked his catheter with 2.0 ml every evening for a period of 5 days . patient male 8 After using the antibiotic lock technique , the patient maintained his catheter without further infection for an additional 2 months . patient female 3 Thereafter , the patient experienced a progressive improvement of her neurological condition and was discharged three months later , moving her lower limbs . patient male 1 No patient had a reactivation of his pancreatitis . patient female 1 The patient presented deterioration of her neurological status , requiring invasive mechanical ventilation , monitoring of intracranial pressure and , despite all the intensive support , persisted in a comatose state and developed multiple organ failure , evolving to death due to nosocomial bloodstream infection . patient male 10 Among the 2 cases of graft loss , only 1 patient lost his graft due to AVR . patient male 22 One of our patients , who was infected with Lactobacillus acidophilus , was cured by medical therapy alone , and our other patient , who was infected with Lactobacillus casei subspecies rhamnosus , required surgical replacement of his aortic valve . patient female 6 After therapy with omalizumab , our patient was able to reduce her need for daily corticosteroids by nearly 80 % . patient male 1 The patient had untreated hypertension and his systolic blood pressure was over 200 mmHg . patient male 1 One patient required a pacemaker implantation and revision of his Fontan procedure . patient female 1 The patient later acknowledged intravenous drug use in the 2 months preceding her presentation . patient female 1 One patient stopped her treatment on two occasions to conceive and was successful each time with delivery of a normal baby . patient male 9 Postoperative abulia was reported by the family of one patient , who lost his preoperative aggressiveness and drive in terms of ADL , speech , business , family life , and hobbies , and became more sleepy and fatigued . patient male 7 At the age of 18 years the patient has satisfactory function of his left hand . patient male 1 One patient was able to stop his antihypertensive medications and remain normotensive for 3 months ' follow-up . patient female 1 This patient , who had her valvular disease at presentation ( prior to initiation of steroid therapy ) , illustrates that untreated SLE per se may produce severe organic valvular disease . patient male 1 A patient had complete diaphragmatic paralysis and his disease progressed to include systemic neurological deficit . patient female 9 After treatment with temozolomide for six months , the patient had a remarkable improvement of her lower limb symptoms , and complete imaging regression of the residual tumor showed no evidence of recurrence at any other sites . patient male 15 A distinction can be made between acute and chronically ill pediatric patients , the cancer patient who is able to continue his work , the outpatient not requiring hospitalization , the patient with the need for hospital care ( for a shorter or longer Period ) , the hospice patient , the elderly patient , and the terminally ill patient as well as the patient in the last days of life . patient female 7 During the intraoperative wake-up test , the patient did not move her inferior extremities , and it was necessary to partially reverse the shortening of the gap produced by the vertebrectomy . patient male 25 In the near future , with the use of more defined molecular techniques , we might be able to characterize the chromosomal abnormality of each patient , to individualize his treatment and to recognize very early relapses . patient male 2 If the patient is unable to rate his satisfaction with care in the ICU , next of kin may be taken as an appropriate surrogate . patient female 3 Management of a patient with cystic fibrosis who started her pregnancy in a state of pulmonary insufficiency , as defined by arterial blood gas values and a chest x-ray film , is described . patient male 5 At the beginning , the patient had pharyngalgia and his swallowing was not smooth . patient male 24 Despite the lack of objective signs of myotonia , we consider that the very dominant subjective muscle symptoms , severe enough to prevent the patient from performing his ordinary manual work and completely reversible on thyroid therapy , justify the designation of hypothyroid myopathy . patient female 8 At 2 months after the operation , the patient was able to open her mouth up to 30 mm without complication . patient male 2 The third patient continued his pain management within the pain clinic . patient female 17 We herein report a case of hearing preservation in a 2.7 cm vestibular schwannoma , where the patient maintained her pre-operative hearing threshold of 55 dB till a year after surgery . patient male 6 In August of 1988 , the patient , a 44-year-old male , hit his lower leg against a wooden stick , resulting in a laceration . patient male 8 In addition , the insulin status of a patient does not predict ( nor determines ) his ( her ) vascular reactivity to changes in salt intake . patient male 1 The patient suffered these complications despite efforts to treat his OUD with methadone and buprenorphine while hospitalized , and repeated attempts to link him to outpatient care . patient male 1 The patient had an immediate relief of his symptoms . patient male 2 When a patient difficult to eat , he will not be only malnutrition , but loses a volition of his life and falls into depression . patient female 9 Ingestion is very important for human , and the patient found a meaning of her life and she was able to take home care nursing . patient female 5 With the exception of one patient who had her SE localized in her inguinal region , all patients had a mass localized on their anterior abdominal wall neighboring the incision and complained about cyclic pain starting in their premenstrual periods . patient male 8 Over a period of 10 years a 57-year-old patient mainly repairing oil-burner gradually developed spoon-like deformations of his finger nails . patient female 37 In the lymphroliferative variant , the presence of a clonal CD3-CD4 + Th2 like lymphocyte secreting IL-4 and IL-5 in peripheral blood , may explain the hypereosinophilia and the hyper-IgE. In our study we show that the patient had a lymphoproliferative variant and her T cell had a Th2 type phenotype . patient male 16 A patient who suffers an adverse outcome may sue his physician in tort , while a patient who suffers from a lack of coverage may generally sue his insurer only under contract . patient female 6 In July 2006 , a 16-year-old patient came to the hospital to deliver her baby . patient female 5 A case report of a patient who had lost her maxillary permanent left central incisor , left cuspid and left first premolar teeth due to a cyst operation , is presented . patient male 7 Several hours after LEV administration , the patient developed high-grade fever and his liver enzyme levels were found to be elevated . patient female 3 Clinically , the patient restored her walking ability and back pain improved . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had complete resolution of his arm symptoms and returned to his premorbid activity as a telephone lineman within 6 weeks . patient male 1 A patient with a cancer of the colon or rectum is at increased risk for developing subsequent cancer of his remaining large bowel , particularly when associated polyps and papillomas are present , and when the initial resection is for two or more growths . patient female 8 One month after withdrawing the catheter , the patient developed uncontrollable movements of her fourth digit . patient female 1 The patient showed no signs of encephalopathy and her clinical examination was essentially normal except for very mild jaundice and a diffuse erythematous pruritic macular rash . patient female 3 A 38-year-old SLE patient consulted her physician for shortness of breath . patient female 8 Here , we report a case of a patient who was able to carry her pregnancy to term despite vaginal myomectomy for semipedunculated myoma at 13 weeks of pregnancy . patient male 1 The patient actively flexed his head forwards or backwards . patient male 1 The patient actively turned his head either to the left or to the right , while his arms were raised ( Hoff-Schilder maneuver ) . patient female 2 A terminal patient expressed the wish to hasten her death and refused nutrition . patient female 2 Although the patient ultimately demonstrated her resolve by totally ceasing fluid intake , the complexity of the case -- including the question of the stability of her choice -- illustrates the need for specific patient safeguards . patient female 1 The patient underwent transsphenoidal surgery and her pathology reported a somatroph tumor that stained positive for GH and alpha subunit . patient female 1 A patient with hepatitis experienced worsening of her liver function when treated with fluconazole for a Candida infection in her urine . patient male 5 After the excision , our patient regained his ability to ambulate on his own , with the help of a rehabilitation program and physical therapy . patient male 0 Patient ’ husband followed his personal , wrong , perspectives about the labour and delivery . Patient male 8 A total of seven fingers survived and the patient regained reasonable functionality of his hands . patient male 1 One patient had partial control of his diarrhea for only three months despite two dose increases . patient male 7 Occupational therapy is employed to help the patient manage his activities of daily living within the restrictions imposed on him by his disease . patient male 1 The patient underwent a successful venoplasty of his superior vena cava by interventional radiology with resolution of upper body edema , normalization of renal , and liver function . patient male 4 At nine-month follow-up , patient was able to resume his occupation as a heavy motor vehicle driver . patient male 7 After treatment with induction chemotherapy , the patient achieved a complete remission and his DI resolved . patient male 1 One patient lost his limb at 16 months because of severe pedal sepsis . patient male 1 The patient actively rotated his neck toward right as far as possible , taking care that the shoulders remained in the horizontal plane . patient male 14 After palliative radiation ( RT ) to the spine and medical treatment , the patient recovered his functions fully and survived for more than 7.5 years , far beyond what would be expected based on current published literature . patient male 18 The patient 's unsteady gait was a manifestation of sensory distortion from the diplopia and corrected when the patient closed his eyes . patient female 23 The adaptation of the temporomandibular joints and masticatory muscles was carefully observed periodically during 4 months and , after this period , the patient tolerated well her new vertical dimension . patient female 10 There were antagonistic actions of both hands , and the patient accused her left hand of disobeying her . patient female 47 Alternate reduction of the two drugs in one patient over a period of 24 days increased the excretion up to the high level measured earlier ( 96 mg/g creatinine ) and caused marked worsening of the clinical condition while no remarkable changes were observed in another PME patient who received her normal medication . patient male 6 This treatment allowed this intrepid elderly patient to recover a normal quality of life , including driving his car and to return to skiing . patient male 8 The visual disturbance never improved , and the patient lost 80 % of his right visual field . patient male 6 After years of frustration , this patient decided to risk losing his low-frequency residual hearing and was implanted with the new Nucleus CI422 ( Cochlear Ltd ) . patient male 30 The fenoterol was given in the nose by means of two puffs of 0.2 mg in each nostril ( total of 0.8 mg ) from a pressurized canister while the patient was holding his breath at total lung capacity ; it was followed by an exhalation through the nose . patient male 2 The first patient had resolution of his bleeding following 5 weeks of Alphanate , a von Willebrand factor containing factor VIII concentrate , and aminocaproic acid . patient male 17 In providing assistance , a number of factors should be taken into consideration , including how the patient perceives his illness , the impact the illness has on the patient 's life , and a determination of the degree of depression being experienced by the patient . patient male 3 This hemodynamically unstable patient was successfully treated by conservative management to control his blood pressure and was also monitored closely with follow-up imaging studies . patient female 1 The patient , who was otherwise healthy , active and independent , incurred a closed fracture of her right wrist 18 years ago , which was treated conservatively . patient male 5 Under these conditions , the patient is able , on the pedestal of shame , to voice his shame of being and to support a subjectivity . patient female 22 Because of concomitant tubal abscess formation and difficulty in dissection planes , total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy was performed ( our patient was 48 years old and had completed her childbearing period ) . patient male 4 Two years after the patient fathered his first child , and while he had discontinued dexamethasone treatment , he succeeded at a second pregnancy . patient male 1 The patient also had complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 7 Systemic antibiotics were given , and the patient was cautioned to avoid blowing his nose . patient male 33 Twenty-six patients showed improvement in the degree of AR after surgery ( Group A ) , 14 patients showed no change in the degree of AR ( Group B ) while only one patient showed the progression of his AR after surgery . patient male 1 The patient has had no progression of his mass or symptoms at most recent follow-up ( 10 months ) . patient female 1 One patient is awaiting closure of her ileostomy . patient male 4 In one case the patient removed his catheter because of technical problems . patient female 1 The patient was well until she recently ( 17 years after the initial operation ) noted a small lump at her left anterior chest wall near the axilla . patient male 1 The patient worked for a wastewater utility company for 22 years and placed his hands in stagnant wastewater daily . patient male 34 A central feature of his clinical picture was an eye injury that the patient had caused by pouring molten lead into his right eye during a period of deep hopelessness and suicidality when the patient could not resolve his anhedonia and social isolation . patient male 17 After surgical correction of biliopancreatic diversion and abstinence from alcohol the hepatocellular function partially recovered and the patient regained his subjective complete well-being . patient male 1 The patient concentrates all his attention on the trial to tumble with paralized extremities by himself . patient male 1 The patient relates in detail his personal experiences struggling with cancer , including his fears , expectations , purposes , and attitudes through the most important events in the evolution of his illness . patient female 19 In order to determine the feasibility of the technique , we analyzed the clonality of leukemic cells from a patient with an acute-phase CMML which showed a typical clonal pattern of her leukemic DNA sample ( WBC = 300 x 10(9)/I ) using phosphoglycerate kinase ( PGK ) analysis . patient male 25 By combining information from the patient history , the physical examination , and radiologic and laboratory studies , the critical care team demonstrated that the patient had been self-treating his lithium-induced nephrogenic DI and developed neurogenic DI secondary to brain trauma . patient male 6 To identify the characteristics of the patient that influence a different cost of his care , specifically , the different behaviour of these factors depending on the unit considered : encounter , episode or patient . patient male 19 Hence , the power of the therapist to achieve his original goal , namely , the emancipation of his patient , lies in his powerlessness . patient female 1 The patient delivered her baby vaginally at 34 weeks of gestation . patient male 1 The patient underwent a complete excision of the mass by left T5/6 hemi-laminectomy and exhibited complete resolution of his symptoms . patient female 6 At the 1-year follow-up , the patient reported relief of her angina . patient female 1 One patient lost her graft to chronic rejection , despite reinfection with the B virus . patient female 12 After 2 mCi of 133Xe in physiological saline was injected intravenously the patient held her breath for 20 seconds . patient male 13 The recognition of the responsible pathophysiologic mechanism permits adjustment of treatment of every patient taking into consideration the seriousness of his prognosis . patient male 0 Patient 3 underwent occipitocervical decompression and fusion , recovered neurologically , and resumed his previous functional skills . Patient female 30 The aim of this study is to use fMRI to measure preserved neural activation to personally relevant stimuli ( subject 's own name and familiar voice ) in a paediatric patient who sustained a traumatic brain injury and anoxic-ischaemia following a motor vehicle accident at 18 months of age rendering her probable for minimally conscious state . patient female 32 However , if a woman is willing to forego some benefit to avoid the toxicities of therapy , then the clinician should carefully use well-validated prognostic and predictive factors to help the patient select her most acceptable treatment plan . patient male 15 The important teaching point is that the " standard " tremor assessment , watching the patient holding a sustained posture and touching his finger to the examiner 's and then back to the nose is not adequate . patient female 8 The syndrome remitted in the puerperium , the patient concentrating her urine to 938 mOsm/kg when tested several months postpartum . patient female 1 The patient had an exacerbation of her back pain the previous day for which she admitted to taking double her usual dose of oxycodone , in addition to alprazolam , lorazepam , diphenhydramine and a glass of wine . patient male 1 The patient was dismissed without clinical symptoms and with advice to continue his anticoagulant therapy . patient male 1 The patient had resolution of his SCI medical complications and a marked improvement in his quality of life . patient male 4 A 34 year-old male patient experienced visual hallucinations and severe tremor after dramatically increasing his dosage of oxycodone while on stable amounts of sertraline and cyclosporin . patient male 1 One patient lost his graft shortly after initiation of specific therapy . patient female 10 After an initial postoperative exacerbation of her neurological disorder the patient developed an impressive remission of her clinical condition during the 4 year post transplantation follow up period . patient female 14 Learn how the newest weapons in the arsenal of antihyperglycemic drugs can help your patient manage her disease . patient male 23 Besides , is necessary to place the equipment in a proper and lively environment that helps to forget or reduce pain while the patient moves his joints progressively . patient male 4 History revealed that the patient suffered a metacarpal bone fracture of his right fifth bone 6 months earlier . patient female 14 The strategy could be integrated into the general treatment plan for the young premenopausal patient taking tamoxifen who may not have had her menstrual cycles stopped by combination chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient usually consults his family physician because of the physical symptoms of anxiety , usually cardiorespiratory , but often gastrointestinal or musculoskeletal . patient female 1 The patient entered complete remission of her leukaemia . patient male 45 It was at the second interval which he was diagnosed with proliferative retinopathy ; in fact , the progression rate of retinopathy from its first sign , which occurred at the middle of the first and second interval , to the point at which the patient lost his vision from the left eye occurred within a year . patient female 1 The patient underwent complete endovascular reconstruction of her subclavian vein system from the axillary vein to the innominate vein stump with covered stent grafts to exclude the malformations from causing recurrent pulmonary emboli . patient male 5 Four years later , the patient fractured his irradiated femur and was treated with a retrograde intramedullary nail , which subsequently became infected , causing osteomyelitis of the distal femur , septic arthritis of the knee joint , and nonunion of his pathologic fracture . patient male 14 Although advised by numerous surgeons to undergo above-knee amputation , we offered our motivated patient a multidisciplinary approach to clear his infection and pathology ; implanted new orthopedic hardware ; performed delayed flap reconstruction ; and rehabilitated him back to painless , unassisted ambulation . patient female 19 We present clinical cases to illustrate common scenarios in which a physician may be able to help a female patient manage her urinary incontinence by specifically addressing associated factors and offering treatments to improve or possibly even cure her symptoms . patient male 2 As a user rotates his healthy wrist to the direction of either flexion or extension , the motor on the damaged side rotates and reflects the motion of the normal side to the symmetric angular position . user female 5 In the hospital , the patient underwent an uneventful endometrial ablation to control her vaginal bleeding . patient female 13 As a clinician , the selection of the best treatment options for a patient given her clinical diagnosis can be challenging . patient female 1 The patient experienced resolution of her back pain without recurrence of the tumor . patient male 7 Twelve tumors were surgically resected and no patient underwent preoperative selective embolism of his tumor . patient female 15 However , the two provider groups significantly differed with regard to whether or not the patient had her partner tested . patient male 1 The patient could not control his right hand at all , even though his bilateral corticospinal tracts were intact . patient male 2 Although 1 patient lost his graft due to chronic rejection , the other 4 other patients have good renal function . patient female 54 In conclusion , we confirmed the importance of a combination of cytogenetic and molecular techniques for the diagnosis and therapy monitoring of masked Ph CML , but , different from what has been reported in the literature so far , we can not completely exclude the fact that the unusual cytogenetic pattern of this patient may have negatively influenced her response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy . patient male 30 In the current report , a 34-year-old man was admitted for a checkup and was misdiagnosed as having laryngeal cancer as a result of FDG secretion in saliva before the patient rinsed his mouth with a glass of water and swallowed the saliva with water . patient male 1 The patient lived in Gabon but was visiting his family in Ouagadougou . patient female 11 The modification of a commercially available power wheelchair that allowed the patient to maintain her employment as a preschool teacher and custom shoes are described . patient female 9 There were three Clavien grade III complications : one patient required exchange of her UPJ stent with a double-J stent due to distal ureteral obstruction and two patients required ureteroscopic retrieval of retained stents . patient male 4 In addition , the patient had presented pain and swelling of his right elbow for a day , with a restriction of motion in the joint . patient male 1 The patient reported his conscious tactile percept ( " left " , " right " or " both " ) . patient male 1 The patient had no history of previous gastrointestinal surgery and his medical comorbidity was autism . patient male 12 Following the introduction of spironolactone to manage his heart failure , the patient experienced clinical and biochemical progression of his prostate cancer . patient male 1 The patient received proper anti-tuberculous treatment and his condition improved after the first month . patient male 1 One patient lost his kidney from urinary fistula . patient male 1 One patient only lost his graft from renal artery thrombosis . patient female 1 The patient experienced complete resolution of her facial pain with a single-shot intrathecal trial of ziconotide . patient female 7 This is the case of a 61-year-old patient woman that visits her nurse in Primary Health Care to get the control of blood pressure and glycemia . patient male 9 This psychotherapeutic method furthermore stimulates the self-experience of the patient by improving his ways of communicating . patient female 4 We describe a 61-year-old patient who compulsively rubbed her hair and her scalp because of a psychiatric disorder . patient male 4 Four years later the patient had excellent , painless function of his knee joints with stability and excellent quadriceps strength . patient female 8 The fracture healed without any complications and the patient re-administered her sports activities at 10 weeks follow-up . patient male 11 Before being referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon , the patient consulted his family doctor , his family dentist , as well as an ear-nose-throat-specialist . patient male 1 The patient was rejecting his kidney at the time of injury and was receiving 50 mg of prednisone daily . patient female 1 The patient had efficient , painless resolution of her injury without need for additional spine removal . patient male 6 In a 21-month follow-up , the patient regained a stable and secure gait pattern , using his prosthesis every day for 15 hours and scoring above average on standardized outcome measures . patient male 1 One patient increased his growth rate from 1.9 to 3.8 cm/year and another from 3.5 to 8.2 cm/year ; however , the growth rate of the latter patient then decreased to 5.4 cm/year . patient male 2 The pain patient often uses his disease to focus the attention of the physician on him . patient female 2 As the patient lost her ability o look above , an operation of the paranasal sinus was done . patient male 2 The fourth patient bled one week after stopping his treatment with NOAC . patient male 15 Because of several months ' complaint of right flank pain and weight loss , the patient had consulted his local physician . patient female 1 The patient tolerated fosaprepitant and experienced acceptable analgesia without compromising her mental functioning . patient female 1 The patient had inhaled dust repeatedly while visiting her devastated neighborhood without wearing a protective mask . patient female 1 No patient with bilateral fractures regained her pre-injury mobility , compared to 43 % among those with unilateral fractures ( p=0.02 , Fisher 's exact test ) . patient female 1 The patient continued her pregnancy without complications . patient female 12 In response to the object jump , unlike the controls , the patient was unable to amend her ongoing movement . patient female 13 Despite this , the tumor rose and two months after delivery ( the patient breast-fed her daughter for a month ) , she had pain in the right axillary region and the tumors involved all superior dials of the right breast . patient female 7 At follow-up 18 months after surgery the patient had no complaints and all ulcerations of her fingertips had healed . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful recovery and his renal function returned to pre-operative levels by the fifth postoperative day . patient female 1 The patient had sustained resolution of her symptoms after treatment with oral vancomycin . patient female 1 The patient returned home a month after the operation and has since resumed her previous work . patient female 1 The patient experienced her first stroke-like episode at age forty-four . patient female 9 Oral intake resumed after 3 weeks ; nowadays the patient is able to maintain her ideal weight with adequate nutrition . patient male 1 The patient underwent nasogastric tube and endoscopic decompression , relieving his cecal dilation and symptoms . patient female 9 Excision of the hypertrophied styloid was performed and the patient promptly resumed her activities . patient female 1 One patient underwent secondary release of her medial canthoplasty following return of facial nerve function.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient female 1 One patient , treated for suspected AR with the monoclonal antibody OKT3 , developed shock and lost her graft on POD 12 due to vascular thrombosis . patient male 9 Subsequently an above-the-knee amputation was performed , and the patient resumed his trabectedin therapy with the same dosage and regimen . patient male 8 It is important , however , that the patient have a thorough understanding of his abnormality so that should symptoms arise , urgent surgical intervention may be warranted . patient male 18 The second , the Unconscious Control hypothesis , while not excluding unconscious dynamic interactions , assumes that the patient unconsciously may use his higher mental functions and that he exerts a certain degree of control over his unconscious mental life . patient male 1 The patient regained his sense of smell and taste within 24 weeks of stopping treatment . patient female 1 The patient has regained here appetite , lost 13 pounds , recovered some strength and reestablished her social network . patient female 7 One year after starting treatment , the patient confirmed her complete satisfaction . patient male 12 Therefore all functions which might be difficult to cope with for the patient or which might reduce his abilities in daily life ought to be trained already during the patient 's stay in hospital . patient female 16 By repeating this catheter placement , we succeeded in continuing the intra-arterial chemotherapy , and the patient has remained alive ( 30 postoperative months ) without losing her quality of life . patient female 1 The patient noted near-complete resolution of her pain , and her liver function stabilized . patient male 7 Instead of frequent hospital admissions , the patient could drain his ascites at home , which dramatically improved his quality of life and enabled him to perform his daily activities . patient male 4 At one month follow-up patient reported complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 27 This patient 's condition had been persistent for approximately 1 year ; however , soon after assuming employment that entailed significant , regular sun exposure , the patient noted marked clearing of his lesions in sun-exposed areas . patient male 1 The patient presented in this video complained of pain and an inability to resume his previous work . patient female 4 Three days later the patient received her last AC ( adriamycin/cyclophosphamide ) course without complications . patient female 1 The patient in this case had immediate and complete resolution of her symptoms while receiving naproxen with no recurrent bone formation while being treated with antiinflammatory drugs . patient female 6 Unlike earlier reported cases , our patient developed her reaction following prior uneventful therapy with bleomycin rather than as a response to initial treatment . patient male 1 The patient had rapid progression of his neurologic deficit due to cyst enlargement . patient female 22 Rocuronium-induced neuromuscular block was successfully reversed with sugammadex , as evidenced by the restoration of diaphragmatic movement , the ability of the patient to move her limbs , and the presence of a train-of-four nerve stimulation with no fade ; however , ventilation was still not possible . patient female 11 Herein , we report a case in which a PSIS-induced CPHD patient attained her final height above mid parental height despite a severe GHD . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient had resolution of her pelvic pain . patient female 7 Physical examination results revealed a very hypermobile patient who was able to internally rotate her shoulders inward until her elbows touched . patient female 4 Upon questioning , the patient readily admitted traumatizing her gingiva with her fingernail . patient male 1 1 patient died 18 months after implantation after having been using his device continuously and 1 died due to pneumonic emboly without having been stimulated . patient female 1 The patient has maintained her recovery without further treatment for 4 years . patient female 1 The patient was unable not only to move her shoulder but also to flex and to extend her elbow . patient male 2 The oldest patient , a man in the most advanced phase of disease , was the most fragile in expressing his needs and making decisions . patient male 1 The patient had resolution of his symptoms immediately after surgery , and 1-month follow-up computed tomography of the head demonstrated resolution of the hydrocephalus . patient male 8 We report a case of an edentulous maxillary patient who was unable to insert his dentures due to the gag reflex . patient male 1 The patient was able to provide detailed regular information of his health status to the health worker , through the toll free number from the mobile phone given to him . patient male 18 However , number of PCP sustained high because PCP is the first indicator disease of AIDS if the patient did not know his HIV status . patient male 5 Two weeks later , the patient acutely developed an inability to raise his head , difficulties with chewing and swallowing , and a horizontal gaze . patient male 1 The patient remained well 7 months after curettage and internal fixation of his fracture . patient male 1 The patient had lost his bandage contact lens . patient female 7 A compulsory treatment was necessary since the patient refused any cooperation and her weight had dropped to 19.5 kg ( body mass index = 8.3 ) . patient male 8 During the second and third courses , the patient experienced bilateral swelling of his knees between two to three weeks after initiation of each course . patient female 6 Here , we describe a myeloma patient who started a daily dietary supplement of curcumin when approaching her third relapse . patient female 16 By combination of continuous hemofiltration ( CHF ) with plasma exchange therapy we successfully treated a patient with subacute type fulminant hepatitis to keep her consciousness alert . patient male 1 The patient again decreases his physical activity , and the downward spiral continues . patient female 3 A 20-year-old female patient presented with swelling and pain in the neck , difficulty in opening her mouth , dyspnea , nausea , fever , and shivering . patient female 7 We present the case of a 31-year-old patient who developed widespread mycetoma across her back and shoulders caused by Cladophialophora bantiana 16 years after injury to those sites from tornado debris . patient female 24 The HT female patient should avoid holding a newborn against her chest for at least 16 days following hospital discharge , and a female patient treated with 5550 MBq for differentiated thyroid cancer should not hold her newborn child for at least 15 days following hospital discharge . patient male 12 Six weeks of splint immobilization followed by a physiotherapy program allowed the patient to resume his daily activities with his right hand . patient male 1 The patient ultimately had the proximal ileal portion of his ileovesicostomy excised and the distal portion converted into an ileal conduit . patient male 1 This patient had done his PD exchanges in a lorry . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgical resection of the thrombus and curative treatment of her breast cancer was pursued . patient female 5 After the procedure , the patient had her teeth examined . patient male 1 The patient in this report ( see Figure 1 ) has spent his life living with his disability type III OI ( also known as brittle bone disease ) and its degenerative affects . patient female 1 The patient had to undergo mastoidectomy and thus , her first general anesthesia . patient female 7 We report an unusual case of a patient who started her long clinical history more than 40 years ago with a septic arthritis of the hip healed in arthrodesis . patient male 6 Thirty days before presentation , the patient lacerated his left lateral pretibial area with a cutting blade -- similar to a machete -- while cutting grass . patient male 5 A week later , the patient revisited his physician , complaining of swelling and tenderness in the left calf . patient female 3 Thereafter , the patient regularly visited her physician and had no further problems . patient male 1 The patient was recording his training on video , so we can observe in detail the most common mechanism of injury of PM rupture . patient male 5 Under aggressive treatment , the patient recovered from orbital cellulitis and lamellar keratitis and he also regained his vision with topical steroid treatment . patient male 1 The patient underwent a complete excision of his eyelid tumor with 5 mm margins using Mohs surgery , with subsequent reconstruction using a Hughes tarsoconjunctival flap , myocutaneous advancement flap , and lateral canthal tendon plication . patient female 8 We describe a fifty-six-year old , Afro-descendent female patient showing dystrophy of her twenty nails and hyperchromic , asymptomatic macule on her face . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her symptoms thereafter . patient male 13 After a series of medication adjustments based on serial PRA measurements , the patient achieved his target BP with a regimen that included 3 anti-R angiotensin system medications : carvedilol , valsartan , and aliskiren . patient male 5 After 22 treatments , the patient could fully close his left eye . patient female 1 One patient treated with gentamicin three times a day developed vertigo and a severe abnormality of her electronystagmogram . patient male 1 The patient attributed his weakness to MS . patient male 13 In utilising this biological construct to serve as a biological dressing , our patient underwent complete mucosalisation of his surgical site without the development of an oroantral fistula and with adequate maxillary vestibule to allow for definitive oral rehabilitation with a removable partial denture . patient female 3 Witnesses reported the patient hit her head on the car bumper upon falling . patient male 1 The patient has tolerated his treatments well , and over a 3-year follow-up period , has had a significant improvement in his respiratory and systemic symptoms , with some improvement in his lupus pernio sarcoidosis skin lesions . patient male 6 Here , we present a male patient with AIS who developed multiple early-onset CRCs and his pedigree . patient female 1 The patient exhibited very favorable clearance of her plaque psoriasis on this regimen at her eight-week follow-up visit . patient male 10 Most remarkably , the deliberate preoperative exposure of a sensitized patient to the sensitizing alloantigen did not heighten his response ; on the contrary , after TAIC treatment and transplantation , HLA-specific antibodies were no longer detectable . patient male 3 Additionally , the patient had previously stated his wish to observe Orthodox Jewish principles regarding end-of-life care . patient female 11 After a temporary improvement in flank pain with medication , the patient experienced acute worsening of her left flank pain . patient female 4 However , before the patient could receive her stent , she progressed to active labor and delivered a viable female infant vaginally . patient female 29 While cleaning a large plastic bin sprayed with ' Ambersil ' , a highly flammable mould-removing aerosol spray that can be purchased for domestic use , the 60-year-old female patient placed her face inside the bin to reach the bottom and received a large flash burn to her face and right arm that was 2.5 % TBSA ( total body surface area ) and superficial dermal in nature . patient female 0 Patient had completed her family so treated with intravenous dexamethasone-cyclophosphamide pulse ( DCP ) regimen with excellent response . Patient male 7 The fracture healed satisfactorily , and the patient regained his ankle function and range of motion by 2 months . patient female 24 Preoperatively , 14 patients had discontinued HIIT because of activity-related hip complaints , 17 patients had scaled back involvement in HIIT , and 1 patient maintained her baseline routine . patient female 7 After stabilizing her blood pressure , the patient was started on fenofibrate to treat her high cholesterol and improve her renal function . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had complete resolution of his preoperative symptoms . patient male 1 The patient iced his elbow immediately after he stopped playing . patient male 1 The patient began substituting baths for showers , experiencing some gradual improvement of his symptoms . patient male 0 Patient did not have any other complaint and his physical examination of the patient was normal . Patient male 2 For a patient receiving his first allograft at 20 years of age , several reoperations will have to be performed later in life . patient male 2 The other patient completed his chemotherapy and remains in remission . patient male 8 Immediately after undergoing anterior cervical discectomy , the patient developed severe weakness of his left hand and lower extremities . patient male 6 Additionally the compliance of a cooperative patient taking his blood pressure twice daily is at a high level . patient female 1 One patient developed venous thrombosis of her lower extremities and 4 were suspected to have the same condition . patient male 7 After 3 months of follow up , patient has got full functional recovery of his affected limb . patient male 6 One year after surgery , the patient can put his heel on the ground and has almost complete range of motion in the knee and ankle joints . patient female 1 One patient stopped taking her concomitant medication of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent , while the others were able to reduce the intake of such drugs substantially . patient male 1 The patient should empty his bladder just before administration of the drug . patient female 1 The patient resumed her normal unrestricted activity level on postoperative day 3 . patient male 17 Once installed , there is no requirement for further surgery to effect battery changes , and the patient can control his heart rate over a wide range to suit his needs . patient female 1 The patient subsequently had computed tomography scan of her brain that showed an optic nerve sheath diameter of 7.56 mm as measured 3 mm posterior to the globe . patient male 1 The patient could barely move his legs and arms , and his state has been followed by a hypertensive crisis , which required an immediate intravenous treatment . patient male 11 Foreign accent syndrome is a rare neurological disorder in which the patient speaks his mother language as would a foreigner and sounds as foreign " accent " to native listeners . patient female 29 After building up a therapeutic interpersonal relationship , the technique of brain plasticity and mirror visual feedback were performed using multiple nursing care methods in order to help the patient suppress her visual hallucinations by enhancing a different visual stimulus . patient female 21 One patient who underwent the transpsoas XLIF approach suffered an intraoperative bowel injury necessitating laparotomy and segmental bowel resection ; this patient later underwent an uneventful posterior-only correction of her scoliotic deformity . patient male 6 At 1 year after surgery the patient is asymptomatic and has resumed his heavy manual work . patient male 19 TMA in diabetic patients , although at a high risk for an extrasurgical procedure , once successful , the patient will regain his previous lifestyle . patient female 10 Proper evaluation and management of this case can help the patient and the parents to accept her condition and be able to live a good social and economically productive life . patient male 27 GAS is recommended for further study in spite of its obvious shortcommings : there seems to be no other way of quantifying , to what degree a patient realized his individual potential . patient female 2 One EC-MPS patient lost her kidney graft from proteinuric kidney disease . patient female 1 The patient gradually lost all her other toes and fingers except for the first joint of her left index finger . patient male 16 Initial results from a study of continuous speech production with instantaneous acoustic feedback show the BCI user was able to improve his control over an artificial speech synthesizer both within and across recording sessions . user female 13 administration of 15 mCi of Tc-99 m for a brain scan , the patient breast-fed her infant ; then became concerned about the possibility of radioactivity in her breast milk . patient female 1 One patient changed her eating habits : she now prefers vegetarian food . patient female 9 On temporary manual occlusion of the fistula , the patient was noted to have increased her blood pressure and decreased her heart rate , suggesting significant hemodynamic effect of the fistula . patient male 8 Severe hepatic and renal failure resulted but the patient completely recovered following treatment by active measures to reduce his core temperature . patient male 3 Not a single patient could have his spike activity explained by a combination of cortical sources . patient male 1 The patient could no longer access his memories . patient male 12 To the best of our knowledge , he is the only neurological patient who made his wife a mistress . patient female 6 At a 3.5-year follow-up , the patient reported continued resolution of her left axilla but disease persistence in her right axilla . patient male 4 Before PNS , the patient did not move his shoulder and elbow because of severe pain , but the treatment greatly alleviated this pain . patient male 7 In the case at hand , our patient had an extremely unusual presentation , given his age and tumor location . patient male 5 In one case , the patient was unable to receive more than 600 rad ( 6 Gy ) of radiation and his improvement was clearly related to the chemotherapy he received . patient female 1 Our patient had typical lymphangioma circumscriptum of her inner thigh , which was associated with deep lymphatic involvement and enlargement of the extremity . patient male 1 The patient undergoing a lumbar spine scan experienced a " power-on-reset " of his ICD without permanent impairment of his device . patient male 2 A kidney patient recalls his experience of almost 45 years of renal replacement therapy covering nearly 25 years of dialysis and 20 years with a transplant . patient female 1 Our patient was able to resume her typical training . patient male 20 The cancer is than more hit , by the high local anticancer drug concentration , and doses chronomodulations preserve the patient by following his tolerance . patient male 1 One patient had an asymptomatic occlusion of his graft . patient female 9 Shortly after waking up from the procedure , the patient complained of inability to move her right arm and leg , numbness of her right hemibody below the neck , and urinary retention . patient female 4 Following treatment , the patient reported and demonstrated markedly improved mood and functionality , enabling her transfer to a palliative care facility . patient female 6 During and afer irradication , our patient never missed her menstrual periods . patient male 5 18 months after therapy the patient remains free of gastrointestinal complaints and has regained his body weight with normal albumin levels . patient male 2 The average patient spent nearly half his total income on illegal drugs . patient female 8 There were no responses seen , although one patient achieved stability of her disease for five courses . patient male 15 Previous case reports have described the management of these patients with general anaesthesia , our patient had his orchidopexy with caudal epidural analgesia using plain bupivacaine 0.5 % . patient male 13 In turn , the adherence to care leads to greater autonomy for the patient who is thus able to better manage his illness . patient female 2 Although the patient received a relatively low total dose ( 120 mg/kg ) , her age and advanced liver disease may have played a role in the ARA-AMP neurotoxicity . patient male 2 [ A patient who for one year shared his apartment with his dead lady-friend 's corpse ] . patient female 6 At the 1-year follow-up , the patient is free of any symptoms , has no diet restrictions , and has increased her body weight as well . patient male 14 With timely diagnosis and early institution of treatment of the underlying malignancy , our patient began to show gradual improvement of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient sustained his injury the previous day , when he threw a left hook into the body of his sparring partner , creating a sudden high-energy external rotation force . patient male 4 In retrospect , the patient always had his dog with him in the truck cab and was regularly licked in the face . patient male 20 At the latest follow up -6 months for the right knee , 3 months for the left knee- , the patient resumed his sports activities . patient male 4 The ordinary adult DMD patient states his quality of life as excellent ; he is worried neither about his disease nor about the future . patient male 1 The patient had dramatic improvement of his pain and is now being followed up regularly . patient female 1 The patient initially did not have evidence of leukemia and her marrow cell culture in soft agar ( CFU-C array ) showed normal in vitro growth pattern . patient male 1 The patient returned to Olympic weightlifting and decreased his Fear Avoidance Behavior Questionnaire ( FABQ ) score from 22 to 4 during the course of physical therapy . patient male 1 The patient has his own bedpan , urinal , crockery and cutlery . patient male 6 The case of a 27-year-old male patient with scalp psoriasis who was referred to our clinic for generalized psoriatic lesions developed two weeks after tattooing his skin at the age of 18 was presented ; the case illustrated the possibility of Koebner phenomenon induced by skin tattooing in patients with psoriasis . patient male 1 The patient gradually recovered his spontaneous breathing and was discharged after 90 days with instructions to use VNP at night . patient male 11 We describe successful results with photopheresis for refractory disease in a patient who chronicled his quality of life weekly for more than 15 years before and during extracorporeal photochemotherapy . patient male 12 Operative release of the transverse carpal ligament was subsequently performed but the patient experienced only temporary relief of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient changed his gait pattern during AR parkour compared to the pattern observed during the clinical gait assessments . patient male 1 The patient underwent living donor liver transplantation using the graft of his 34-year-old daughter . patient female 13 A follow-up and rehabilitation care team implemented concerted , cross-disciplinary support with a patient nearing the end of her life . patient female 8 We describe how this is done in a patient who had her ipsilateral hip fused in 30 ° of flexion . patient male 22 3 weeks after the surgical intervention , a prosthetic replacement in the form of a removable bridge was fitted so that the patient could resume his activities 4 weeks after the operation . patient male 6 At 6 months follow up the patient was able to use his arm without any painful stimuli and a CT scan showed the presence of postero-medial callus formation . patient male 12 The fistula was successfully occluded via endovascular transarterial embolization , and the patient had stabilization of his neurological deficits . patient male 2 When the patient has this attitude and has modified his oral hygiene habits in accordance with the recommendations of the general dentist , the patient then has the right to expect that most forms of gingivitis and periodontitis will occur only rarely , if at all . patient male 1 The patient went on to receive bortezomib , achieving a biochemical response and stabilization of his advanced renal dysfunction ; however , bortezomib was discontinued due to toxicity . patient male 7 At 10 months of age , the patient was unable to hold his head up and make eye contact with others . patient male 1 Our patient had complete resolution of his neck and left arm pain . patient female 30 To the best of our knowledge , the wide spectrum of side effects , the short time lapse after onset of chemotherapy , and their severity are uncommon in a patient receiving her first chemotherapeutic treatment with MTX . patient male 1 The patient experienced rapid relief of his symptoms . patient female 6 After pectoralis minor tenotomy , the patient had total resolution of her symptoms . patient female 6 The impact was frontal and the patient driving and wearing her seatbelt . patient male 17 Combined variants in reading epilepsy ; coexisting anterior and posterior variants camouflaged as heat cramps where the patient finds his own diagnosis searching the internet . patient male 1 The patient is free to move his head during the procedure as the reference array does not move in relation to the cranial contents and the fiducials , preserving accuracy . patient male 11 A case of severe bilateral trench foot is presented in a patient who lived rough for 3 weeks without removing his boots . patient male 3 We report a patient with delayed postanoxic demyelination who had pseudodeficiency of arylsulfatase A , reducing his enzyme activity to 10 to 30 % of normal . patient male 15 This loss contrasts with the preservation of a wide set of complex notions that the patient exploits in order to overcome his deficit and get the right result . patient male 1 The patient underwent stabilization of his spinal injuries and is currently undergoing rehabilitation . patient male 3 Results : The patient , ( MK ) , improved his expressive productions post-treatment in automatic and self-generated phrases . patient female 4 Twelve weeks post-surgery the patient has regained close to 80 % of her ROM . patient male 8 A mentally competent , 73-year-old male nursing home patient suffering from progressive supranuclear palsy wished , in order to prevent further suffering , to end his life by taking sleeping tablets that he had saved up and by refusing artificial food and liquids . patient male 2 A second patient suffered from ischemic necrosis of the distal colon and lost his neosphincter . patient male 4 On examination , the patient was afraid of moving his neck abruptly and on gradual hyperextension of his neck , he started to complain of slight dizziness . patient male 36 We demonstrated that in transverse lesions of the cord with paraplegia a lowering of the level by one or more segments and an improvement of the radicular neurological deficit can considerably increase the chance that the patient may be able to use his upper extremities again . patient male 36 When working with an agitated patient , there are 4 main objectives : ( 1 ) ensure the safety of the patient , staff , and others in the area ; ( 2 ) help the patient manage his emotions and distress and maintain or regain control of his behavior ; ( 3 ) avoid the use of restraint when at all possible ; and ( 4 ) avoid coercive interventions that escalate agitation . patient female 1 The patient improved remarkably her visual acuity and visual field tests on the postoperative period , emphasizing the importance of early treatment for nerve function outcome . patient male 2 A 15-year-old patient with spastic quadriparesis and cerebral palsy underwent unexpected removal of his baclofen pump due to an infection that was encountered during a planned pump revision . patient female 7 However , with rivaroxaban therapy , the patient experienced complete regression of her painful lesions , thereby supporting a further role for NOACs in cutaneous vasculopathy treatment . patient male 1 This patient , treated only with prednisone , had a total remission of his symptomatology up to 11 years after the onset of the disease . patient male 1 Our patient sadly did not survive his injuries . patient male 14 After infusion of the LCs , PCR analysis became negative for CMV and the patient received his rescue bone marrow . patient male 10 We determined the molecular basis of this deficiency in a patient with neonatal presentation and later sudden death using reverse transcription and PCR amplification of his alpha subunit mRNA . patient male 5 According to this , the patient completely " invests " the doctor of his emotions as in the ancestral model of family relationship . patient male 2 An adult patient who received platelets from this same unit developed elevated liver enzymes and his wife also showed serologic evidence of hepatitis A. These are the first reported cases of hepatitis A associated with a blood transfusion since implementation of alanine aminotransferase testing . patient male 11 A complete workflow for dermatologic image calibration , which allows the user to continue using his own software and algorithms , but with a much higher informative content , is presented . user female 5 After extensive evaluation , one patient eventually admitted to self-inducing her lesions by creating suction against a bathtub . patient male 11 The known precipitating causes of MC were ruled out in this patient , which left his home medications as the likely cause . patient female 0 Patient was readmitted for infections and complications , but did eventually have her HCG return to zero . Patient male 2 The average patient had been disabled for about 6 years , and had had an average of two surgical attempts to improve his symptoms . patient male 6 Within the last few months the patient presented a rapid deterioration of his visual acuity . patient female 1 The patient underwent operative repair of her injury . patient male 21 Following excision of an accessory soleus and flexor digitorum accessorius longus , as well as simultaneous tarsal tunnel release , the patient experienced full resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 This patient had lost his right hand from the lower one-third of forearm six years before after a trauma from a mincing machine . patient male 9 The major difference in patient behaviour was that the patient , observed in his home , took the initiative and expressed his goals , which was not the case with the patients observed in the hospital . patient female 22 After reduction of the bladder eversion , bilateral ureteral stent placement , fistula repair using the Latzko technique and colpocleisis , the patient had rapid resolution of her renal compromise . patient female 1 The patient survived her severe hypernatremia , which has 70 % mortality with a serum sodium level of 160 mEq/L or above . patient female 1 The patient reported only therapeutic use of her medications . patient male 1 The patient demonstrated dramatic resolution of his foot plaques over the course of 2 years . patient male 7 At a 6-week follow-up appointment , the patient endorsed return of his bladder function and was noted to have some return of motor function to his left foot with 3 of 5 dorsiflexion . patient female 1 One patient did not clear her massive subarachnoid hemorrhage with tPA ; one patient had extremely poor collateral flow with occlusion of one cervical internal carotid artery and 80 % stenosis of the other cervical internal carotid artery ; the other two patients had a subarachnoid hemorrhage 7 to 12 days after their sentinel hemorrhage . patient female 0 Patient experienced grade 3 extravasation in her 3 Patient male 6 We report the case of a patient who with a SAA extending almost the full length of his splenic artery . patient male 1 The patient experienced reactivation of his dermatitis when rewearing a new unwashed dark T-shirt made of 100 % cotton ( in fact , the patient reported that it had to be washed at least 3 times before the skin reaction disappeared ) . patient male 12 After 3 injections of bevacizumab , and one of dexamethasone , the patient experienced a resolution of optic disc edema and a marked increase of his visual acuity and remained stable throughout the follow-up period . patient male 18 To emphasize the role of the donor-recipient match , we have reported herein a complex case of a patient who changed his preoperative risk status , being transplanted three times using donors of different risk levels . patient male 4 At six weeks one patient had recurrent STEMI after abruptly discontinuing all his medications . patient male 6 At 6 months follow-up , the patient had no pain in his elbow and minimal pain in his wrist on heavy lifting and had resumed his work as a laborer . patient female 4 An 81 year old patient , suffering from Alzheimer 's disease sustained a full thickness HCI Acid burn of her abdomen and chest wall due to leakage of gastric content from her gastrostomy feeding tube . patient female 2 Only one patient had an exacerbation of her psychosis with the combined treatment . patient male 22 In this study , we first document quantitatively the patient 's somatosensory illusion by using a somatosensory-to-visual matching task in which the patient modified the picture of his own face to fit his left-sided somatosensory misperception . patient male 1 Our patient made partial recovery of his renal function and became dialysis-independent after antituberculous therapy and oral steroids . patient female 16 Partial regression lasted for 11 months in one patient and for 12 months in the second patient who then underwent surgical resection of her hepatic metastases . patient female 17 The successful collaboration between veterinary anesthesiology , veterinary medicine , radiology , and general surgery allowed the patient to continue her normal activities as a full-duty service member . patient female 2 If the patient will give her consent , a double-blinded kit ( i.e. , the antibiotic with/without placebo , questionnaires and self-urinary samples ) will be given to the patient . patient male 9 Refraining drug use and attentive listening may help the patient restore his normal sexual life . patient male 5 Following surgery , only one patient experienced a permanent drop of his Karnofsky Performance Index ( from 70 to 60 ) . patient male 1 The patient developed a characteristic fish odour of his sweat , urine and to his breath after the consumption of choline-rich foods . patient female 3 A female burn patient appeared to retain her donor homografts , thereby negating the need for autografts . patient male 7 It consist of case records that the user can test his diagnostic abilities on . user male 3 Treatment of this patient with cyanide antagonists reduced his cyanide level , but this was not accompanied by improvement in visual function . patient male 1 One patient received his entire course of treatment via this large field . patient female 5 After the interventions , the patient was able to positively face her illness , effectively use methods to reduce the impact of hallucinations , and successfully lose 5.5 kg . patient male 5 One year postoperatively , the patient ambulated without the use of a protective orthesis and resumed his sports practice . patient male 1 The patient regained the mobility of his limbs . patient female 20 After thorough preoperative workup to rule out infection and deep vein thrombosis and consultation with a vascular surgeon , the patient underwent revision THA and excision of her pseudotumor . patient male 0 Patient Pol2 did not use high-glycaemic-index-products and his postprandial blood glucose did not exceed 7.0 mmol/l . Patient female 5 The MR-pathologic correlation of a patient who developed graft failure and recovered full function of her native liver after heterotopic liver transplantation is presented . patient male 5 In order to free the patient from whatever conditions hinder his will and to help him make choices , psychiatric treatment must consider man 's ethical dimension . patient male 18 With the use of manual physical therapy to increase hip ROM and lumbar stabilization therapeutic exercises , the patient was able to return to pain-free golf and to better his handicap by three strokes . patient male 1 One patient lost his pancreatic graft after 4 months due to a mycotic aneurysm . patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent operative fixation of her rib fractures , with successful resolution of her symptomatic pleural effusion . patient male 1 The patient noted immediate relief of his preoperative leg pain in the recovery room and ambulation began the same day . patient male 5 Despite aggressive management , the patient required enucleation of his right eye and image-guided ethanol sclerosis to limit tumor progression intracranially . patient male 12 This is to our knowledge the first case reported in which the patient required a very significant amount of extra insulin ( nearly five times his typical total daily dose ) after using high potency topical steroid cream . patient male 13 However , until truly adequate spontaneous respiration is observed for some time the patient must have his efforts assisted . patient male 0 Patient A required daily prednisone in excess of 30 mg ( for more than 6 months ) to control his painful angioedema sufficiently in order to continue working as a colorectal surgeon . Patient male 5 Soon after recovery , the patient noticed loss of vision in his right eye and was unable to lift his upper eyelid . patient male 9 The wound healed following surgical intervention , but the patient lost the use of his left eye . patient male 8 The developed method could detect that the Parkinson patient controlled his balance asymmetrically , that is , the right ankle and hip joints produced more corrective torque . patient female 9 After receiving encouragement from her naturopathic doctor , the patient initiated an 8-week program in mindfulness training following the Kabat-Zinn protocol and logged her daily blood pressure and symptoms before and after meditation sessions over an 11-week period . patient male 1 The patient describes his journey from progressive worsening of asthma and eventual diagnosis of EGPA to long-term OCS treatment and then participation in a clinical trial for this rare disease , involving the introduction of targeted biologic therapy with OCS tapering . patient female 17 A diet was designed within these limits , and a computer program was made to assist the patient in keeping her diet within the estimated limits . patient male 2 The hospitalized patient subsequently opted for a kyphoplasty and was able to resume his normal daily activities after the procedure . patient male 13 The ballistic movement of the lower limb was severe enough to cause the patient to fall out of his chair and limit his ability to perform activities of daily living safely . patient male 2 Only one patient rejected his allograft within 2 months . patient female 1 One patient ( 2.5 % ) improved her hearing level from 56.3 to 43.8 dB over a 39.5-month follow-up period . patient male 6 The clinical scenario may be a patient who accidentally breaks his titanium-framed glasses during a hyperbaric oxygen treatment in a monoplace chamber or using an oxygen hood . patient female 28 The oscillations are thought to arise from instability in the gaze-holding networks ( " neural integrator " ) in the brainstem and cerebellum.(1,2 ) Here we describe a patient with monocular PN in whom vibration on the skull from a handheld muscle massager strikingly diminished or stopped her nystagmus . patient male 5 Nine months postoperatively , the patient was able to extend his thumb and fingers independent of each other . patient female 23 In some jurisdictions there is a puzzling asymmetry between consent and refusal , where , for some kinds of treatment , the adolescent patient has the power to permit her own treatment but her refusal does not have the same kind of normative significance as refusal of treatment by a competent adult . patient female 1 The patient recovered her health . patient female 21 For each patient , CT scans were performed both when the patient breathed normally ( quiet respiration ) and when the patient held her breath after a deep inspiration . patient male 1 The patient struck his head against the floor ; thereafter an extradural hematoma was found and extracted . patient female 8 Seven months after the second procedure , the patient had her esthetic complaint solved appearing stable in the observation period . patient female 1 The patient had cosmetically pleasing relief of her torticollis and was doing well at 60 months after surgery . patient female 12 However , although this novel treatment option was successful , ultimately the patient had an amputation of her ring finger at the level of her middle phalanx . patient female 7 With the interruption of these drug the patient recovered her normal renal function , and a new treatment with Amphotericin B was tried with complete cicatrization of the lesions . patient male 2 After the patient provided his informed consent , he was treated as an outpatient with intradetrusor injections of botulinum toxin A , delivered under local anesthesia by a minimally invasive technique that used a flexible cystoscope . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful hospitalization and his blue discoloration of finger recovered normally . patient male 17 A second 12-hour infusion of urokinase at 5,000 U/kg/hr was performed ; at this time , the patient reported resolution of his flank and abdominal pain . patient male 6 Corticosteroids were tapered , and the patient experienced worsening of his renal failure and proteinuria . patient male 3 A 40-year-old male patient had his right femoral vein catheterised following admission with altered conscious state from polypharmacy overdose . patient male 15 Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia ( AIHA ) in childhood is associated with antibodies produced by the patient himself , which coat his red cells causing their hemolysis . patient male 16 A diagnosis of wood associated extrinsic allergic alveolitis was made and since changing his job the patient has remained well . patient female 13 After undergoing surgical resection of the left ovary and fallopian tube , the patient experienced complete resolution of her heart failure symptoms . patient male 18 This method , which can be used to estimate the average blood flow over 24 h while the patient undertakes his normal activities , should be useful in assessing the effect of therapy on the blood flow to the limb . patient male 2 RESULTS The patient treated with this approach had a complete resection of his cavernous malformation , and improvement of his symptoms . patient male 7 In a pulmonary rehabilitation programme , the patient must gain a better understanding of his disease and of the goals of the treatment . patient male 1 The patient can see the increasing success of the dentist 's work and judge the effect of his personal oral hygiene efforts . patient female 9 A patient-focused OMM approach was used to assist the patient in maximizing her sacroiliac function . patient female 3 A 17-year-old female patient consulted her ophthalmologist for blurred vision OU following an episode of a flu-like disease with malaise , fever and headaches . patient male 2 Each individual patient gets his own optimalized medicine , usually a mixture of different ingredients . patient male 4 Our case illustrates a patient who self-medicated his peptic ulcer disease with a regimen resembling a common early 20th century dyspepsia regimen . patient male 1 The patient recovered excellently and resumed his normal activities . patient male 1 The user can not put the contraceptive on without touching his sexual organs which have been humidified by the pre-ejaculatory secretions which are rich in HIV and which are secreted long before complete erection allows him to install the contraceptive correctly . user male 6 Symptoms have returned only when the patient has suspended his announcing behavior and have abated when this was resumed . patient male 7 On December 30 , 1998 , the patient fell from steps and struck his forehead hard , and then limb palsy occurred . patient female 1 A patient presenting for cerebral aneurysm clipping continued her angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor on the morning of surgery , and subsequently experienced significant postinduction hypotension that culminated in cardiac arrest . patient male 1 One patient exhibited a mild exacerbation of his ptosis . patient male 15 The application of Parse practice methodology with supplementary social-support theory can help a vagrant diabetic patient to meet his needs and improves his quality of life . patient male 1 One patient received a HLA-AB loci mismatched graft and his STR showed mixed chimeras at day 30 , and converted into full donor chimeras at day 60 after transplantation . patient male 13 Fingolimod was stopped as a precautionary measure in May 2017 , and the patient currently continues his follow up at our Department . patient male 1 The patient purchased a brand new box of daily disposable lenses from a retail store having known his back vertex power . patient female 4 Case II -- the patient , in a manic state used her vagina as a hiding place for keys she stole from a staff member . patient female 9 The lesions were preceded by pruritus , and the patient had changed her anti-hypertensive medication from telmisartan to telmisartan-amlodipine for previous 10 days . patient female 15 With expert occupational therapy , physical rehabilitation , nursing care , and medical treatment the patient regained her previous level of functioning . patient female 3 A 66-year old patient sustained a non-traumatic rupture of her left achilles tendon . patient female 13 Symptomatic pneumonitis developed in six patients ( 9 % ) ; only one patient had her radiotherapy interrupted because of hematologic toxicity . patient male 1 The patient resumed his normal activity . patient female 1 Our patient had a complete recovery of her thrombotic microangiopathy following plasma exchange therapy . patient female 6 The dual objective of curing the patient of her malignant disease while preserving her reproductive function was achieved in 53 % of the patients . patient male 7 In the older patient group , 1 patient lost his graft 16 months posttransplantation due to reduction of his immunosuppressives , necessitated by a severe CMV infection . patient female 1 The patient only partially recovered her neurological functions after one year . patient male 26 In one of the 2 adult cases with CCHB , the patient had evidence of having developed his CHB after birth , and the other adult patient probably had his CCHB since birth . patient female 3 We describe a patient with lupus pernio affecting her nose , which showed a dramatic improvement following treatment with the pulse dye laser ( PDL ) . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of both his cutaneous lesions and pruritus , which has continued through one year of follow-up . patient female 2 The first patient had her 1st relapse after 8 years and thereafter had 2 more relapses , within 3 months of each other , in spite of therapy with cyclophosphamide . patient male 2 The second patient had his relapses of nephrotic syndrome over a period of 10 years when treated with prednisolone and cyclophosphamide . patient female 13 Despite heightened suspicion , prompt diagnosis , and early surgical intervention , the patient had an incomplete resolution of her symptoms . patient female 1 One patient lost half of her initial BoNT/B responsiveness indicating partial secondary BoNT/B therapy failure . patient female 12 This unfavorable effect of CCA appeared to be reversible , since the patient recovered her urinary concentrating ability after the medication of CCA was discontinued . patient male 13 It incites patients to use popular health system and does n't permit the patient to understand his disease and his treatment . patient male 1 Each patient had his SaO2 recorded before premedication with placebo ( saline ) , midazolam 0.08 or morphine 0.15 with perphenazine 2.5 - 5.0 mg i m . patient female 1 The patient underwent percutaneous catheter aspiration thrombectomy of the right renal artery and her renal function recovered shortly after . patient female 12 That physician may find it difficult to reconcile the sense that the patient had not exercised freely her autonomy with the desire to be culturally sensitive . patient male 2 The 3rd patient who displayed choreoathetosis transiently improved his neurological condition immediately after transplantation and then remained stable . patient female 1 The patient had suddenly suffered severe neck pain during normal walking and developed rapid paralysis of her limbs . patient male 1 The patient completed a 2-week course of treatment with aqueous crystalline penicillin G and his symptoms subsequently improved . patient male 1 The patient can eat food and resume his daily work . patient female 1 The patient had unawareness of her right hand ( asomatognosia ) , right-sided visual unawareness ( hemineglect ) , aphasia and right-sided weakness ( hemiplegia ) prior to the stimulation . patient male 14 Psychological treatment is therefore essential : emotional catharsis , and the opportunity for the patient to tell his life-story , can enable the patient to gain a sense of order and perspective . patient female 2 Although the patient gradually achieved remission of her disease , she developed new pulmonary symptoms and a cavitary lesion in her right lung . patient female 9 At the end of the current investigation , the patient continued her multidisciplinary program , reporting an increase in the motivation for undertaking healthy behavior and a decrease in the anxiety feelings associated with her clinical condition . patient female 2 The first patient responded well to LHRH analog treatment and now has regular menses and has nearly achieved her target height . patient male 5 We report on a 54-year-old patient who had received his last booster vaccination 3 years before developing a severe TBE with delayed induction and longterm persistence of anti-TBEV-IgM-antibodies . patient male 14 This estimate is about the time ( 6 . 9 years earlier ) the patient received his last oral poliovirus vaccine dose , approximately 2 years before the diagnosis of immunodeficiency . patient female 6 In the first week , the patient lost her peritoneal ultrafiltration and needed daytime automatic peritoneal dialysis . patient female 0 Patient associated her discomfort with her overly enlarged and painful clitoris preventing its proper coexistence . Patient male 13 An alternative often used , a patient number , demands a highly cooperative patient , who keeps his special number in mind and presents it when visiting the doctor 's office . patient female 5 On two separate occasions the patient lost a significant portion ( 33 % to 50 % ) of her scalp hair . patient male 5 Cytotoxic cells derived from one patient who rejected his graft lysed donor PHA blasts . patient female 7 We present the case of an elderly patient who ingested her denture without any reported symptoms . patient female 1 The patient underwent physical rehabilitation in conjunction with the use of the patellar realignment brace and has had resolution of her painful symptoms for the past 4 months . patient male 17 Nevertheless , the role of patient is active and the positive effect can be achieved only if patient understand his role in process of therapy . patient female 1 The patient was incapable of extending her neck , although the deformity was passively correctable . patient male 1 The patient was unable to move his right arm , which was flexed at the elbow and locked in an overhead position . patient male 3 While one split-brain patient controlled his left hand predominantly by ipsilateral pathways in the pantomime condition , the error profile in the other two split-brain patients suggested that the right hemisphere controlled their left hands . patient male 7 While progressing in that direction , the patient will modify his representation of the disease and its treatment , and enhance his understanding of who he is and how he functions ( metacognition ) . patient female 1 The patient was placed on an anti-inflammatory ancestral diet and given recommendations to decrease the aerobic intensity of her exercise routine . patient male 7 During the entire course of chemotherapy the patient was able to continue his profession as a teacher without any restriction . patient female 34 Nine patients lost up to 21 kg ( 11 + /- 6.4 kg ) over 3 months after which they reached a plateau and then regained weight so that by 1 year only one patient had maintained her weight loss . patient male 9 At the final follow-up 2 years after surgery the patient was pain free and could resume his previous occupational activities . patient female 6 Six weeks after the surgery the patient received her speech processor . patient male 1 The patient received chemotherapy and his muscle strength was partly recovered in 4 months . patient male 12 The do not resuscitate ( DNR ) decision in taken when a patient is bearing an irreversible disease and his life is coming to an end . patient female 6 In the 6-year follow-up , the patient kept her heart function at class I , and had normal growth and development . patient male 4 A case of a patient , who sustained a traumatic amputation of his left index finger at the metacarpophalangeal joint and of his left thumb in the middle of the proximal phalanx 4 months ago and was initially treated elsewhere , is described . patient male 1 Disappointing patient satisfaction scores spurred CEO Loren Hamel , M.D. , and his team at Lakeland Health to launch the " Bring Your Heart to Work " initiative . patient male 16 If the injections were performed by medical staff of the " Sozialstation " , every second patient received his morning dosage only after breakfast or without any perceivable time-schedule . patient male 16 We describe a case of distal embolization from a thrombosed aneurismatic arteriovenous brachiocephalic fistula in a patient who vigorously used the affected arm for pushing his wheelchair . patient female 6 Half an hour after application the patient developed her typical ischemic pain which persisted for 2 hours . patient male 6 To describe a case of a patient with chronic pruritus of the upper back and arms who underwent complete resolution of his complaint following a short course of chiropractic care . patient male 16 By quickly recognizing the signs and symptoms of acute liver failure , you can help your patient improve his odds of surviving this often-deadly condition . patient male 1 The patient , an 18-year-old male , dislocated his left shoulder after a wave crashed on top of him . patient male 1 Our patient had successful resolution of his Zoon balanitis after 3 months of mupirocin ointment monotherapy.

< p > DISCUSSION : Zoon balanitis is a benign inflammatory dermatosis . patient male 2 The other patient did not develop central puberty under ketoconazole treatment and improved his predicted adult height from 172.4 to 181.1 cm . patient male 29 The symptoms persisted and remained of obscure origin until 1979 , when a detailed aetiological enquiry disclosed that during at least the first three years of his illness the patient had had on his desk a bar of metallic uranium which he frequently handled . patient male 9 Four patients with contralateral knee ligament surgery and 1 patient who sustained a traumatic rupture of his graft were excluded , leaving 39 patients for final evaluation . patient male 10 The responsibility for seeking treatment would be left to the patient who would see his personal physician or be recommended to a previously designated physician in his area . patient female 1 The patient had complete relief of her symptoms of wrist pain by 8 months postoperatively , when X-rays showed no further evidence of lunate collapse and an MRI scan demonstrated islands of revascularisation . patient male 3 Hence , the patient had reversed his functional asplenia . patient female 6 Attentive presterilization counseling may identify the patient who will regret the loss of her fertility . patient female 1 One patient requested additional refinement of her nasal tip . patient female 12 With extensive debridement , antibiotics , and meticulous wound care , one patient had progressive necrosis of her skin from 18 to 48 % TBSA , whereas the other progressed from 5 to 10 % TBSA only . patient male 30 By obtaining a small amount of data about the patient 's present life situation and his family of origin , the physician can gain a basis for understanding how the patient developed his unique way of acting and reacting to the physical and social stresses of life . patient male 2 In one patient who rejected his first graft , erythrocytosis recurred following a second , successful transplant . patient female 1 The patient underwent endovascular aneurysm repair and her aneurysm completely resolved on follow up CT imaging 16 months later . patient male 12 Urgent bilateral adrenalectomy provided rapid control of the hypercortisolism , and the patient was later able to undergo an uncomplicated total macroscopic resection of his locally metastatic primary tumor . patient female 16 At surgery a benign pure struma ovarii was diagnosed and following removal of the tumour the patient had immediate and complete resolution of her symptoms . patient female 6 For sex chromosome aneuploidies , one patient terminated her pregnancy on the basis of non-mosaic 47,XXX in the direct method prior to the availability of results from cultured cells . patient female 11 After 3 days , the epidural analgesia was stopped and the patient regained her preoperative motor function within 5 h. Despite the controversy surrounding the use of neuraxial techniques in neuromuscular disease , we found no well-founded basis for this in patients with SMA in the literature . patient male 1 The patient , a man in his 60s , visited his physician with hemosputum . patient male 40 If we assume that , in analogy to mammary cancer in the mouse , the cells of human breast cancers carry shared antigens ( although this is by no means certain ) , we could expect that sensitization of the patient induced by the first cancer would enhance his immune response to the second and that this might be reflected in an altered clinical course . patient male 28 After a posterior realignment of the fractured vertebra with an internal screw fixation and after an augmentation with non-absorbable cement in combination with a balloon kyphoplasty , the patient regained his mobility without any neurological restrictions . patient male 1 One patient died , having experienced a relapse of his infection after quinupristin/dalfopristin was discontinued . patient female 21 At her final evaluation 14 months later , it was noted that in addition to her improved knee symptoms , the patient lost 15 % of her initial bodyweight and exhibited significant gains in quadriceps strength . patient male 7 Except for one incident , when the patient reinjured his spinal cord , he did not lose function that he had already attained . patient male 5 It is recommended that each patient should have his own bowl , which should be disinfected after use , dried and stored upside-down . patient female 2 A 52-year-old patient , who had her last menstrual period 2 years before , was submitted to an office hysteroscopy because of an ultrasonographic finding of endometrial thickening preceding hormonal therapy . patient female 14 Current practice includes the use of a progestin in combination with estrogen if the patient still has her uterus : however , little is known about the effects of combination therapy on vascular reactivity . patient male 10 Four months later after successful weaning from ventilation , the patient could describe his sites of pain . patient male 1 Each patient had his own exercise prescription . patient female 1 The patient delivered her infant via caesarean section , at 34 weeks of gestation . patient male 26 The co-operation of the patient is a vital factor for success and the treatment regimen is divided into a series of self-contained stages to allow the patient to demonstrate his mastery of each before proceeding to the next . patient male 0 Patient underwent antituberculosis therapy and his extraoral swelling completely resolved after 4 months of the therapy . Patient male 8 Adequacy can be dramatically improved by having the patient raise his knee(s ) up toward his chest , a maneuver that takes just seconds to perform . patient female 1 The patient had observed the abnormal pigmentation of her skin 3 months earlier and noticed that it had become more evident after a sauna she had taken 2 days before our examination . patient male 10 In the 3 years since stopping steroid medication , the patient has shown gradual but possibly incomplete resolution of his cognitive deficits . patient male 1 The patient recovered from critical shock immediately after the start of PMX , which together with CHF , alleviated his systemic complications . patient male 8 The Posner 's paradigm was given to a patient who was found at the age of 74 to have spent all his life without the left parietal lobe as a result of a congenital perinatal insult and to a control subject . patient female 13 Aside from mild progressive shortness of breath during the past year , the patient had been asymptomatic all her life . patient male 7 Eleven months after PE treatment , the patient had no proteinuria and his plasma creatinine level was normal . patient male 6 Mind can be man 's own friend to elevate him or his foe debasing him . friend female 8 With the tooth prostheses in place , the patient gained more social confidence and started sharing her experience with other patients with the same condition . patient male 6 Nine months after surgery , the patient showed a complete recovery of his deficit . patient male 15 At present there are no evidence-based arguments to recommend a systematic surgical reconstruction to any patient who tore his ACL . patient male 3 Afterwards , the patient underwent enucleation of his left eye because of secondary glaucoma . patient female 4 Following surgery , the patient experienced immediate resolution of her pain and by 6 weeks was able to cease the use of all analgesics . patient female 1 The patient experienced resolution of her pain and prophylactic prevention of further torsion status after bilateral salpingectomies . patient female 13 After treatment with CHOP followed by 1 mg/kg of prednisolone daily , the patient obtained complete remission and her anemia improved to the normal level . patient male 8 Throughout the hospitalization and upon discharge , the patient continued his ART . patient female 11 Strikingly , performance on cancellation tests reverted to normal when the patient used her left hand . patient female 9 Consequently , spatial exploration reverts to normal when the patient uses her left hand , thus involving more directly the fronto-parietal attentional networks in the right-hemisphere . patient female 7 The tumor was partially resected and the patient recovered her lost visual field . patient male 15 Adjuvant chemotherapy with dacarbazine , nimustine hydrochloride and vincristine sulfate was performed , and the patient was able to recover his level of activity of daily living for 6 months . patient female 5 During each episode , the patient was treated using intravenous antimicrobials and her condition improved . patient male 1 The patient underwent a right pteronial craniotomy to remove majority of his tumor . patient male 1 This patient thus had major disabilities of his limbs bilaterally . patient female 1 The patient illustrated her observations with beautiful sketches , and the mechanism of visual hallucinations was studied . patient female 1 The patient tolerated her radiation course without notable radiation-related toxicity , and she remains without disease progression nine months later . patient male 1 The patient could maintain his functional capacity during CRT and enhanced his submaximal performance level to the end of the intervention . patient male 4 We conjecture that this patient unsuccessfully attempted to compensate for the silent periods by increasing the period of his chewing cycle . patient female 1 The patient could walk without any aid and carry out her daily life activities satisfactorily . patient male 14 Extracorporeal detoxification therapy was continued for 51 days ( 23 sessions ) until the patient underwent his successful liver transplantation in good general clinical condition . patient male 2 A single patient had begun his vaccinal calendar which had remained incomplete . patient male 5 In case 2 , the patient lost his graft and returned to regular hemodialysis at 36 months after diagnosis and 125 months after kidney transplantation . patient female 4 Described here is a patient who , within a few months after the onset of an autoimmune type 1 diabetes , increased her insulin requirements more than 20-fold , and despite this having a considerable difficulty maintaining her P-glucose < 40 - 60 mmol/L. On suspicion of TBIRS the patient was started on tapering glucocorticoids to overcome the autoimmune insulin receptor blockade , resulting in an immediate and dramatic effect . patient male 1 The patient , a 41-year-old male , had a total right orchiectomy of his testicular mass . patient male 1 This patient received an epilepsy surgery work-up with the intention to cure his drug-resistant epilepsy by performing a complete lesionectomy . patient female 11 The TTP was highly resistant to medical therapy ; however the patient underwent complete resolution of her TTP following H. pylori eradication . patient male 1 One patient had a recurrence of his primary malignancy ( non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma ) after 27 months , whereas another patient developed a de novo posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder after 57 months . patient male 7 Since switching to eculizumab treatment , the patient has not experienced another aHUS attack and his condition remains stable . patient male 1 The patient is performing his activities of daily living and basic functions independently . patient female 1 Each patient got her own score based on anamnesis , clinical examination , and transvaginal ultrasonography . patient male 17 Two other patients developed adenocarcinoma of the cecum 12 and 33 months after surgery , and one patient developed pseudomyxoma peritonei after 62 months , causing his death . patient male 10 The patient valve design is such that a spontaneously breathing patient draws his inspired gas entirely from room air . patient female 1 This patient presented in a manner typically managed by labor induction , thus delaying her diagnosis of uterine torsion . patient female 14 Hypertonic saline infusion was administered , the electrolyte disturbance returned to normal , the patient slowly regained her consciousness and her disorientation started to improve gradually . patient male 1 Our patient underwent complete excision of the lesion and has enjoyed complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 9 The authors present a case of hemoptysis in a patient who suffered sudden aggravation of his general state with the need for intensive care . patient male 1 A patient with a haemorrhage in the right mesial frontal lobe exhibited hypokinesia , bradykinesia and a hypometric movement disorder of his contralateral limbs . patient female 1 The patient resumed her normal activities of daily living , without requiring tendon transfer surgery . patient male 1 The patient experienced immediate , complete , and definite relief of his PLPH . patient male 2 As one patient put it after hearing his treatment options for a stage I testicular tumor , " If you 're gon na have cancer , this is about as easy a road as you get . " With recognition of the importance of orchiectomy , development of the nerve-sparing lymph node dissection procedure , and availability of modern chemotherapy regimens , testicular cancer has become one of the most curable neoplasms . patient male 6 During an emergency situation , the patient could lose his freedom as well as his autonomy and might become a technical subject rather than an ethical person . patient female 1 This patient had a positive progesterone test and her hormonal profile showed a maintained LH hypersecretion ( > 75 mUl/ml ) which , joined to the presence of a hypophyseal microadenoma lead to suspect the presence of a gonadotrophin secreting tumor . patient male 1 A patient approaching the final stage of his renal disease is faced with many difficult questions . patient female 1 The patient responded to a 6-week course of intravenous C-penicillin , regaining her voice on day 5 of commencement of antibiotics . patient female 9 Breast reconstruction with a latissimus dorsi flap in a patient who had had her axillary lymph nodes irradiated in childhood . patient female 2 Once the patient has completed her family , the choice of method for long-term contraception is intrauterine devices or sterilization . patient male 3 However , one patient retained his speech and mental abilities despite his pronounced motor regression and neurological involvement . patient male 7 Clozapine was then discontinued , and the patient was able to resume his previous Parkinson 's disease therapy . patient female 9 Despite attaining complete remission of her leukemia , the patient succumbed 8 weeks after presentation . patient male 1 The patient underwent an open surgical repair of his aneurysm with graft and liver resection which was complicated later with rupture of aneurysm followed by surgical bypass repair . patient male 5 By 10 months , the patient showed nearly complete recovery of his bilateral facial nerve function . patient female 3 A 32-year-old female patient was brought to the emergency room of our hospital , having been unable to walk or use her arms for 24 h. Neurological examination revealed quadriparesis . patient male 6 We present the case of a patient who successfully managed his type 2 diabetes solely through lifestyle modification . patient male 1 The patient underwent excision of mass and attached nerve tissue , followed his medial antebrachial nerve graft for repair of the defected radial nerve . patient female 1 The patient spontaneously controlled her HIV infection and recovered in a short period of time . patient male 1 The patient successfully underwent urgent coronary artery bypass grafting with a view to improve his left ventricular function and congestive heart failure symptoms . patient female 9 We report here the case of a female ISM patient with recurrent cutaneous symptoms that impaired her quality of life , with a follow-up time of 27 years . patient male 1 The patient experienced obvious relief of his testicular pain and swelling after each treatment course . patient female 5 Three months later , the patient underwent laparoscopic excision of her pelvic endometriosis , including a low anterior rectal resection . patient male 5 Two years later , the patient had recovered full use of his three languages . patient male 1 The patient had good palliation of his symptoms after removal of the stone . patient female 5 Despite early sodium replacement the patient dropped her Glasgow coma scale to 9/15 and developed tonic clonic seizures , requiring intubation and admission to the intensive care unit . patient male 27 Although the concentration of the agent decreased to 77.07 μg/mL that should be a comatose level , BIS values were gradually elevated , and then eventually the patient regained his consciousness . patient male 3 However , the patient was able to volitionally reduce the subluxation by abducting his shoulder . patient male 1 The patient described a marked worsening of his long-standing lesions of mycosis fungoides at the same time as the onset of cold sensitivity . patient male 5 Because of torticollis , the patient was unable to keep his head still for a sufficient period of time , to obtain T2-weighted imaging . patient male 1 One patient ( HLA-mismatched BMT ) rejected his graft and had a full autologous recovery . patient male 7 Two months after the trauma , the patient had regained full function of his hand . patient female 1 The patient successfully completed her curative neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy treatment without the need to permanently discontinue the capecitabine . patient male 1 The patient underwent a complete and detailed study of his neurophysiological parameters during sleep , before and after treatment with pramipexole . patient female 7 At the 3-year follow-up evaluation , the patient retained full function of her hallux and was free of symptoms . patient male 2 The difficult patient does not exist in isolation , a victim of his own drives and psyche , but rather is a specific socio-cultural actor living and emerging from a particular environmental context . patient male 3 They specify what patient can expect during treatment process and determine his status in contacts with the healthcare system . patient female 7 The study involved a 72-year old female patient with SC hemoglobinopathy consulting her gynecologist because of chronic leukorrhea . patient male 14 Stress was induced using the cold pressor ( CP ) test in which th patient places his arm in ice water for one minute . patient male 20 The mechanism of this injury was thought to be a combination of axial loading with a hyperextension force when the patient hit his great toe against a pipe . patient female 1 The patient subsequently underwent removal of her implant . patient female 1 The patient underwent endovascular embolization of her aneurysm with PED . patient male 11 One year after being diagnosed with mitochondrial hearing loss , the patient who refused CoQ10 treatment exhibited an 11-dB deterioration of his hearing thresholds . patient male 5 Six months post-laser , the patient regained his peripheral vision with resolution of the hemorrhagic PED and remains stable until now , one year after treatment . patient male 7 To ascertain if a bilaterally lung transplanted patient can climb a mountain higher than 4,000 metres and to compare the evolution of his physiological parameters during the ascent with those of healthy mountaineers . patient male 1 The patient was not symptomatic from the hernia and given his overall frailty , no surgical intervention was offered . patient male 3 We present a patient who described his symptoms as " cramps " in lower limbs and trunk on standing up , which were relieved on walking or resting . patient male 5 These findings indicate that this patient increased his vocal intensity using phonatory mechanisms that have been associated with the nondisordered larynx . patient male 9 In this case report , we present a polyglot patient who recovered from aphasia by speaking his newly active learned language . patient male 22 Exclusion of the pseudoaneurysm with no evidence of endoleak was noted on computed tomography 2 months postoperatively , at which time the patient reported complete resolution of his hemoptysis . patient male 1 Our patient exhibited his first perverted behavior when he was six years old . patient female 2 The second patient failed ALL therapy but responded to standard acute nonlymphocytic leukemia ( ANLL ) therapy , clearing her peripheral blasts . patient male 12 At his last follow-up appointment , 1 month after surgery , the patient reported complete resolution of his imbalance and left-sided facial numbness . patient male 1 One patient developed cushingoid features 6 weeks post his second OFCI . patient female 1 The patient regained her vision with relief of proptosis and pain . patient male 16 Due to the suspicion of an enteropathy caused by drugs , olmesartan was stopped and the patient showed a significant improvement of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient delivered her baby at 35 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy . patient male 12 Despite the perioperative vital signs and laboratory results were unremarkable , the patient could not recover his mental status and spontaneous breathing during emergence . patient male 3 Later , he patient had his hernia repaired by elective operation . patient female 32 The telephone counseling protocol probed for and addressed three psychologic barriers to adherence ( i.e. , attendance at appointment for colposcopy examination ) : 1 ) encoding/expectancy ( e.g. , did the patient understand her risk of developing cervical cancer ? ) ; 2 ) affective/emotional ( e.g. , was the woman worried about the condition and its consequences ? ) ; and 3 ) self-regulatory/practical ( e.g. , was the woman likely to forget medical appointments ? ) . patient male 13 In this rare condition , which follows a right parietal stroke , the patient rejects ( usually ) his left arm as " alien " . patient female 17 After 15 years on lithium the patient was diagnosed with hypercalcaemia ; at the same time the patient stopped her lithium medication . patient female 1 The patient achieved complete relief of her symptoms and is able to eat a regular diet without difficulty . patient male 6 The molecular genetic examination of the patient revealed his combined genetic predisposition to venous thrombosis ( Heterozygosity for Factor V. Leiden , Heterozygosity for prothrombin G20210A ) . patient male 1 1 patient who had his TEF ligatured directly experienced recurrence 1 month after surgery , but recovered after TEF suturing . patient female 6 At 13 months postoperatively , the patient rated her pain level at an average 5 of 10 in severity , with active assisted scaption to 125 ° , external rotation to 15 ° , and internal rotation to L5 . patient female 1 The patient used her psychophysical capabilities to control the pain and anxiety associated with the surgery . patient female 1 Neither patient fully recovered her motor function . patient male 1 The patient demonstrated self hitting behavior and predominantly intrapersonal functions of his NSSI on testing with the ISAS scale and elevated urgency scores on the UPPS scale . patient female 1 The patient regained her consciousness , was extubated and transferred to the intensive care unit for further follow-up . patient male 1 The patient can only open his mouth partially and the fragility of the mucosa ( development of bullae at the slightest touch of a dentist 's instrument even if lubricated , during digital examination , etc . ) makes intubation as well as surgical procedures very delicate propositions . patient male 14 According to Article 2 II of the German Constitution , the fact that the patient has withheld or expressly refused his consent , i.e. , in writing , mandates that the legal right of physical integrity be upheld with final legal effect , even in the case of an emergency . patient female 20 There was a significant reduction in the size of the lesions at the second week of treatment , allowing the patient to tolerate the prosthesis without pain , thereby improving her quality of life . patient female 1 The patient had requested her general practitioner to change the intrauterine device ( IUD ) which she assumed had been inserted immediately post-abortion . patient male 26 We found a non-match of the DNA profiles of the patient 's blood and the semen samples but could show that this was due to the patient having received a stem cell transplantation of his full brother as part of a cancer therapy in 1997 which was not known to us when the samples were first tested . patient male 5 After 6 months , the patient developed a gangrenous lesion of his glans penis with necrosis . patient male 9 At age 17 , ventilatory insufficiency developed and the patient was provided with a positive pressure device ( mouthpiece ) to augment his ventilation . patient male 20 Central among these concepts are ( 1 ) the idea that the role of the analyst is to help the patient dream his previously " undreamt " and " interrupted " dreams ; and ( 2 ) dreaming the analytic session involves engaging in the experience of dreaming the session with the patient and , at the same time , unconsciously ( and at times consciously ) understanding the dream . patient male 2 Whereas the patient experiences his immediate illness in terms of the ongoing flux of subjective time , the physician conceptualizes the illness as a disease state according to the measurements of objective time . patient male 1 The patient experienced a change of his acoustic sensations : the tinnitus was transformed into music , and 4 months later the music changed into commenting and imperative voices . patient male 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient had complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 49 In the current review , we list different AV substitutes , discuss their advantages and shortcomings , outline AVR results in children , and explore the divergence of outcomes in various age , anatomy and pathology subgroups ; all in the aim to identify optimal AVR choice for each patient taking into consideration his unique anatomic and demographic characteristics . patient female 10 After fenestrating the Softperm lens with an argon laser the patient was able to wear her lens for 10 hours without signs of corneal decompensation . patient male 23 The outcomes of a series of some 410 acute episodes from two family practice centers were rated on the degree to which the patient regained his usual functional status and his satisfaction with the outcome and the process of care . patient male 1 The patient has not suffered a recurrence of his nephrotic syndrome after three years of steroid withdrawal . patient female 7 After repair of the dura , the patient had dramatic improvement of her neurologic symptoms . patient male 8 After the launch of ketogenic diet , the patient has been seizure free for nearly a year and stopped all his antiepileptic drugs . patient male 3 A young hemodialysis patient underwent percutaneous thrombolysis of his clotted arteriovenous fistula . patient female 7 6 months after the laminectomy , the patient was able to perform her regular exercise . patient male 5 Physical laboratory examinations of this patient revealed his conditions of within normal limits with the exception of ECG findings . patient female 11 After such treatment , her SE was soon resolved and this patient regained her consciousness before resection of ovarian teratoma . patient male 1 The patient carries a higher level of deleted mtDNAs than do his relatives , corresponding to severity of symptoms and consistent with a predicted dosage effect . patient male 10 Outline the role of the medical staff in convincing the patient vial his relatives to accept a needed stoma RESULTS # ENTITYSTARTX00026 ; patient female 6 Management and outcome of an adult patient who presented with a rectovaginal fistula and underwent primary operative correction of her anorectal malformation using posterior sagittal anorectoplasty is reviewed . patient female 7 We go on to show that the patient had a substantial reduction of her GAD autoantibody burden following this therapy . patient male 1 The patient is unable to integrate present cues with premorbid experience , and bases judgments of his present orientation upon recollections from the past . patient male 33 The patient did n't refer his alcohol dependence before operation and withdrawal symptoms with agitation , tachycardia , tachypnea , tremors and vomiting appeared during his postoperative recovery in intensive care where the patient was unable to take any alcohol . patient male 7 After stabilizing his general condition , the patient with efficient respiratory and circulatory system was released home . patient female 6 After making the diagnosis , the patient received new treatment and her condition improved significantly . patient male 13 Motion artifact of the SpO2 value , which was easily evoked when a patient bent his elbow or shook his finger , often made the pulse oximetry useless . patient male 7 At an age of 50 years the patient experienced his first , self-limiting , tonic-clonic seizure during an infection , which is why valproic acid was started . patient male 22 Five thousands units of heparin ( FragminR , Pfizer , USA ) was used daily to prevent deep vein thrombosis until the patient could use his wheelchair . patient female 1 One patient did not take her medication and remains symptomatic ; one other patient did not respond , was diagnosed with carcinoma of the pancreas , and died from it . patient female 7 On correcting her dehydration jaundice resolved , patient improved symptomatically and was discharged two days later . patient female 3 Furthermore , this patient suffered a recurrence of her tumor in the pelvis , which showed both the fibrosarcomatous , as well as other sex-cord elements , confirming the sex-cord stromal differentiation of the sarcoma . patient female 1 The patient maintained a full range of shoulder and elbow movements , and she is able to live independently and resume her daily activities . patient male 7 Three months after the operation , the patient could perform his work without discomfort in his hands and showed normal range of motion in all fingers . patient male 1 One patient improved his conditions shifting from a stage B2S1 to B1S1 according to He et al. classification . patient male 1 A patient only worsened his conditions with treatment . patient female 15 During the course of recruitment for a randomized control trial , the author encounters a patient who changes her perspective on research and who inspires her to continue work in the field of palliative care . patient male 14 In this case , aphasia was determined to be an ictal semiology , as patient had complete resolution of his symptoms supported by a normal EEG after receiving seizure medications . patient female 13 Among other issues , it seems like grief is contagious and the bereaved friend changes her way of responding to the by-standing friend in ways that disturb expectations , values , and virtues of BF among girls in adolescence . friend male 1 Our patient , a 48 year old man , probably acquired his infection by contact with an infected dog . patient male 2 Subsequently the patient was able to increase his physical activity to NYHA class II and was followed in our outpatient clinic . patient male 13 Instability of the knee necessitated full-time support with a brace and the seventh patient manages his instability without a brace . patient male 9 Following steroid withdrawal and institution of gammaglobulin , the patient grew 6 inches within 2 years , regaining his vision , retrieving his stature , and normalizing his psychosocial development . patient male 20 Three analyses are presented in which acute trauma ( overwhelming internal or external stimulation so great as to preclude the patient 's utilizing his usual defenses adequately ) in childhood contributed to the development of masochism . patient male 9 This study aims to determine how the drug dependent patient subjectively experiences his purpose in life , as well as establishing guide-lines for activating an experience of a life with a purpose during the rehabilitation programme of the drug dependent patient . patient female 1 The patient was going through a tense emotional period and reported tightening of her teeth ( clenching ) ; she was under psychological and neurological treatment for depression including pharmacological therapy . patient male 15 The purpose of urodynamic testing is to measure and record pertinent physiologic variables while the patient is experiencing his usual symptoms . patient male 1 The patient with bipolar disorder also experienced complete remission of his symptoms of depression during the 1 year he was followed postoperatively . patient female 1 The patient had seen her general practitioner ( GP ) in the 2 weeks prior to this with exertional chest pain . patient female 2 The second patient had had her most recent crisis at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy . patient male 6 To report our findings in a patient with asteroid hyalosis ( AH ) who had a severe reduction of his visual acuity following cataract surgery . patient female 8 Over the course of 3 months , the patient had a complete recovery of her LV function and resolution of the LV thrombus . patient male 8 Additionally , during trial and post-implantation , the patient described almost complete resolution of his chronic facial pain . patient male 7 One year after the resection , the patient remains disease free and has regained the ability to move his lower limbs against gravity . patient male 1 The patient had a recurrence of his bleeding , necessitating intervention by our interventional radiology colleagues and then surgical intervention for definitive therapy . patient male 11 The author , aged 48 , an active Summit excimer laser user , had his own right myopic eye corrected by photorefractive keratectomy . user male 1 A user manipulated his tank , presumably to completely cut off all optical and acoustic stimuli and accidentally also covered the ventilation hole . user male 5 Preoperative angiograms revealed that the patient had a 90 % stenosis of his left internal carotid artery and a 35 % stenosis of right internal carotid artery , absent posterior communicating arteries , a totally occluded left vertebral artery , and a right vertebral artery that became compressed upon turning his head to the right , often precipitating the presyncopal attacks . patient male 7 After removal of the suprapubic tube the patient could empty his bladder completely with good stream . patient male 3 Clinically , the patient had no chest pain and his ECG changes normalized . patient male 10 Following penile aspiration and intercavernosal injection of phenylephrine , this patient had resolution of his priapism . patient male 1 The patient expects his doctor on one hand to be a reliable expert on the other hand to be an empathetic partner . patient male 10 After a short term improvement of his clinical status the patient underwent percutaneous tracheotomy due to weaning failure from mechanical ventilation , which led to the development of recurrent thyrotoxicosis , unresponsive to medical treatment . patient male 13 This new alternative for drug administration not only avoids absenteeism , with the patient having the opportunity to continue his own family and work life , but also reduces the costs associated with hospitalization . patient female 8 Of the three patients in CR , one patient with AML had her first donor lymphocyte transfusion ( DLT ) on the 7th day of the second FLAG-IDA course and she is disease-free on the 30th month of the second remission . patient male 8 Two years after beginning warfarin therapy , the patient has no symptoms and his liver function remains normal . patient male 1 The patient survived his acute illness with resultant severe neurological sequelae . patient male 1 One patient who had open repair experienced skin incision pain and dysesthesia and graded his operation as fair . patient female 1 The patient continued to take her previous regimen as well as the new one , and was found unresponsive by her husband . patient male 4 Results show that the patient was able to improve his performance and maintain the acquired progress at a 1-month follow-up assessment . patient male 10 No perioperative stroke occurred in both cases : our second patient showed a partial resolution of his motility deficit . patient male 25 Withholding and withdrawal decisions theme is taken by the standpoint of the doctor initiating this thought , the patient request , and the case of patient who can not express his will . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient noted immediate improvement of her symptoms . patient female 6 At a pretransplantation interview , the patient did not mention her history of rhinoplasty . patient male 1 The patient was then able to email his cardiologist the tracing , which led to an electrophysiology study and successful slow pathway ablation procedure . patient male 1 The patient experienced extreme obstructive pulmonary changes but his FVC and DLco findings were within the normal ranges . patient male 4 Results demonstrated that the patient successfully restricted his fluid intake at or below recommended levels 83 % of days after fading of treatment began . patient male 1 The patient had repeatedly pulled out his gastrostomy tube despite the use of four-way restraints , a posey , behavior modification and anti-psychotic medications at levels near sedation . patient female 2 The other patient had first only a resection of her cystic lesions and had to be reoperated because of the results of the pathological examination . patient male 6 After approximately one month , the patient had recovered his sight and the brain injuries had disappeared . patient female 1 The patient was treated for both AML and Brucellosis without any problems and discharged from the hospital after scheduling her follow-up visits . patient female 2 An eighth patient had a pustular flare of her usually mild psoriasis . patient male 6 Four months after surgery , the patient resumed his previous employment and continues to do well after 1.5 years of follow-up . patient male 3 We experienced a patient who displayed almost complete cessation of his action tremor with thalamic stimulation . patient female 18 The case demonstrates the use of LOCATOR R-Tx ® abutments ( Zest Dental Solutions ) to enable the patient to regain her smile and confidence , showing the versatility of these overpartial abutments . patient female 1 The patient was unable to take her usual oral immunosuppressants due to the severity of her psychosis and she eventually required alemtuzumab parenterally as rescue therapy from rejection . patient male 1 The patient did very well and had normalization of his neurological exam within 24 hours . patient female 7 Upon follow-up 6 weeks later , the patient was without complaints or neurologic deficits and had resumed her previous activities and work . patient male 10 After admission , antibiotic therapy was initiated , as the patient developed fever and his blood cultures grew S. gordonii . patient female 1 The patient insisted on preserving her uterus and was concerned with the cosmetic results after the surgery . patient male 7 One year after the surgery , the patient was able to move his knee joint without pain and had an active range of motion of 0 ° ( passive 20 ° )-145 ° . patient female 5 In the postoperative period the patient experienced a regression of her symptoms . patient male 1 One patient received small bowel transplantation and no longer required use of his patent fistula . patient female 31 The cervical ectopic thyroid was followed up by ultrasound , which showed an increase in the size of the lesion and an internal echo texture that became slightly heterogeneous after the patient had her second child . patient female 15 At laparotomy , a right ovarian sertoliform endometrioid carcinoma was removed , following which the patient developed menopausal vasomotor symptoms and improvement of her virilism . patient male 1 The patient resumed his testosterone therapy postoperatively . patient male 4 However , the present patient had his first episode when the ulcerative colitis was in remission . patient male 2 The other patient had cut his hands during discussion . patient female 1 One patient , the only case of a retroperitoneal approach , had recurrence of her symptoms and cyst 2 months after the operation and required open surgical repair . patient male 22 The human being must always be considered holistically to prevent concentration on an individual illness and to meet the expectations of each patient regarding his right to individuality . patient male 5 We report on a 27-year-old patient who sustained a massive PTE while undergoing a second-stage anterior release and posterior fusion of his thoracolumbar spine for idiopathic scoliosis . patient female 13 No hemorrhagic cerebral complications were observed in the postoperative period , and the patient had an improvement of her neurologic status ( a reduction of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score from 7 to 3 ) . patient male 1 The patient underwent a decompressive hemicraniectomy and clip-wrapping of his ICA pseudoaneurysm with successful obliteration of the fistulous connection . patient female 7 After installation of the prosthesis , the patient had an excellent adaptation and acceptance , thus restoring her function and psychologic condition . patient male 1 The user can define his phenotyping schemes in a web tool without in-depth knowledge of the system and thus adjust it more easily to new research aspects than in a classical laboratory information management system ( LIMS ) . user female 1 The patient exhibited improvement of her psychiatric symptoms after treatment with a combination of fluoxetine ( 30 mg ) and aripiprazole ( 10 mg ) . patient male 13 Upon first post-procedural follow-up , and moreover at his 6-month follow-up , the patient reported complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient returned to work and he was able to climb stairs and load his left limb normally . patient male 11 The goal of treatment at the start is to help the patient recover his ability to use language to describe his inner life . patient female 1 The patient in Case 1 changed her swimsuit and was treated with 50 mg of oral minocycline daily . patient male 6 Shortly after the surgery , the patient began to complain of transient visual changes , presyncopal spells , and dizziness upon turning his head to the left . patient female 1 A patient with portal hypertension developed thrombosis of her transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ( TIPS ) and the portal vein . patient female 22 Within 48 hours of administering full dose of oral propranolol ( 2 mg/kg/day ) , the lesion decreased considerably , and the patient was able to open her eye . patient male 5 Three years postoperatively , the patient was without pain and had excellent use of his hand without strength or motion deficit . patient male 13 At six weeks follow-up , full range of motion was achieved and the patient was able to use his hand in daily activities . patient male 1 The patient made an uncomplicated recovery and on follow up his symptoms disappeared . patient male 30 In the context of chronic pain , hypnosis enables to help controlling the intensity of the pain , managing the pain and the emotions accompanying it and to help the patient finding his own resources allowing him getting involved in his treatment . patient female 6 At the follow-up control , the patient had improved her pain and flexibility of the hip , and gradually she returned to daily activities and yoga exercises . patient male 3 Moreover , the patient brought his wrongly labelled tablets into hospital and was allowed to use them there , contrary to normal hospital policy . patient female 19 Afterward , she was seen at our institution ; during the study , the suspicion had arisen that the patient had manipulated her ulcer , after the diagnosis of factitious disease was communicated , she admitted . patient male 1 The patient resumed his pre-injury activities 9 weeks after trauma . patient male 1 One patient experienced postoperative paraplegia and his cerebrospinal fluid lactate concentration was much higher than that in the other case , whose postoperative outcome was uneventful . patient male 1 The patient underwent cochlear implantation and his quality of life was improved as evaluated by the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit inventory . patient male 7 To test this concept , the neuroprosthesis user operated his system with the cortical signal , and was able to effectively manipulate several objects . user male 9 A 32-year old Bipolar Disorder ( BD ) male patient donated his Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) . patient female 9 It is performed as an outpatient procedure and the patient can resume her normal activities the day following the procedure . patient male 1 The patient underwent physiotherapy and experienced significant improvement of his gait within three months after intervention . patient female 2 A single patient continues to receive calcium and calcitriol supplementation 1 month following her third central compartment dissection for recurrent thyroid cancer . patient female 1 The patient declined bilateral oophorectomy and removal of her remaining cervix . patient male 7 The aim is to help the individual patient to do his best , given his illness , his symptoms , and his cultural , familial and personal background and beliefs . patient male 12 The low profile LVAD inserted percutaneously by the American team stabilized the patient ( a U.S. citizen on assignment in Panama ) , enabling his air ambulance transport back to South Florida . patient male 1 The patient , who had taken his telmisartan ( 80 mg ) tablet in that morning , complained of nausea and dizziness during the first medical examination . patient male 1 A patient who failed conventional treatment for hypotony and eventually benefited from a novel surgery to correct his cyclodialysis cleft is described . patient male 1 The patient is very pleased and has increased his activity . patient male 7 Two days after partial AVM occlusion the patient developed transient worsening of his symptoms . patient male 10 The analyst is conceptualized as a vehicle through which the patient resolves his intrapsychic conflicts . patient male 5 The follow-up revealed that the patient reassumed his professional career . patient male 1 One patient normalised his PSA with a further two having a greater than 50 % decline leading to an objective response rate of 10 % . patient female 7 In this narrative , I describe a patient who has lost 25 % of her starting body weight and the behaviors that she practices to maintain this weight loss . patient male 5 On day 22 , the patient took his morning dose of bupropion as scheduled , which resulted in his symptoms returning . patient male 1 The patient was discharged with suggestion to reduce his training regimen . patient female 1 One patient demonstrated significant and progressive improvement of her preoperative memory deficit . patient male 10 His most important contributions are reviewed herein by a close friend . friend female 1 The patient signed her own discharge from hospital against medical advice on the 7th day . patient male 1 The patient , who had also suffered from alcohol dependency , decreased his alcohol consumption as a result of responding to therapy , and successfully became re-integrated into society . patient male 1 The patient exhibited a striking improvement of his AA on baricitinib over several months . patient male 1 The patient was able to do his outpatient rehabilitation program without any complications . patient male 27 So it seems possible to prevent these forms of schizophrenia when we succeed in providing a close contact of the child and the adolescent with an intimate friend who directs his thinking outwards and protects him from withdrawal . friend male 5 With close follow-up , the patient had rapid radiographic progression of his disease to his cerebral hemispheres . patient male 2 Although the patient showed an exacerbation of his neglect after withdrawal from methylphenidate , performance gains persisted after withdrawal from bromocriptine . patient male 15 This modeling results in a development of a new perceptual style so that the addict patient is better able to clearly perceive his own behavior and the behaviors of others when involved in an emotional situation . patient male 20 Nutrient deficiency was not suspected initially in this case because there was no history of protein-calorie malnutrition , but the patient reported a diet devoid of fruits and vegetables and had not been taking his dialysis vitamin as prescribed . patient female 1 The patient consulted her dentist for what she thought was a dental abscess in the bicuspid region of the lower left jaw . patient female 15 The foreign body granulomas could not be treated satisfactorily with intralesional steroids , and the patient required a surgical excision of her granulomas . patient male 1 The patient empties his reservoir 2 - 3 times a day by inserting a catheter through the valve . patient male 1 One patient who refused to angioplasty later clotted his fistula during the follow-up period . patient male 6 When reviewing his medications , the patient concluded that the only new one before the appearance of his symptoms was tadalafil . patient male 1 The patient attributed his lack of mobility secondary to the thrombotic pain . patient male 1 One patient reinjured his reconstructed ACL and was excluded . patient female 25 Four patients from group A developed pin-track infections that gradually resolved after removal of the K-wires , whereas no infections occurred in group B. One patient refractured her humerus after K-wire removal . patient male 18 Of the cases , 5 suffered from marked extra-ocular myopathy , 6 from corneal lesions , and one patient had lost his visual faculty . patient male 13 Regression can be of such size , as to lengthen significantly life of patient , relieving essentially his complaints . patient male 2 The average patient loaded his hip joint with 238 % BW ( percent of body weight ) when walking at about 4 km/h and with slightly less when standing on one leg . patient male 14 Combined therapy of amphotericin B and 5-fluorocytosine had little or no effect as the patient continued to have spiking fever and his condition remained more or less unchanged . patient male 10 A case report is presented in which a type-II diabetic patient significantly improved his dysfunctional patient male 3 To study a patient with corticobasal degeneration to quantify his manual approach behavior and to test a possible working memory hypothesis . patient male 1 One patient has profound impairment of his primary visual pathway but has good vision for traveling , while the other child presented with the symptoms in reverse . patient male 1 The patient reported a total recovery of his perfect pitch when CBZ stopped completely 11 years later . patient male 8 Following a right cerebral hemispheric CVA , a patient showed extensive reduplication of place ( his hospital ) and occasional reduplication of person . patient male 13 Neurotic anxieties and symptoms are decreased and loos their importance so that the patient is able to handle his sexual disturbance . patient male 1 One patient lost his kidney graft due to severe acute rejection . patient female 7 The leak was controlled , and the patient had near complete resolution of her paraparesis 1 year after her surgery . patient male 25 Computed tomography angiography ( CTA ) of the neck and selective digital subtraction angiography ( DSA ) of the vertebral arteries revealed that when the patient turned his head to the extreme right position the dominant right vertebral artery was compressed between the posterior aspect of the thyroid cartilage and anterior aspect of the right transverse process of C6 resulting in focal stenosis , while the left vertebral artery is severely compressed with significant flow limitation at the level of C1 - 2 . patient male 4 In future , each patient should have his own unique chemotherapy protocol . patient female 7 We present the case of a female patient operated on for colorectal cancer and receiving her first postoperative chemotherapy cycle . patient male 13 The reported clinical case focuses on the choice of anticoagulation therapy in a patient with chronic and severe coronary artery disease and new diagnosis of atrial fibrillation who , considering his specifically high coronary thrombotic risk , probably should continue antiplatelet therapy . patient male 1 The patient stabbed his thorax with a needle ( a wire 9 cm long ) which penetrated the right lung near the heart . patient male 1 The patient underwent open reduction of his hip and capsule repair . patient male 3 A 17-year-old male patient referred to our clinic because of complaints of diplopia , difficulty in opening his mouth , pain in the face , dyspnea , and chest pain after head trauma from a motor vehicle accident . patient male 10 Here , we report a case of KPEE in a patient who lost his vision in one eye after treatment . patient male 21 Mild therapeutic hypothermia was induced and body temperature was kept at 33 ° C for 24 h. After rewarming , the patient recovered his consciousness without any neurological deficit . patient female 1 The patient experienced a relapse of her severe depression when ECT had been withheld because of increased concerns regarding medical risk given her age and degree of aortic stenosis . patient male 9 The rationale is that the therapist can take the patient into a state of salutogenesis , or existential healing , using his skills and knowledge . patient male 3 A 23-year-old male patient with sickle-cell disease reported his third episode of priapism complicated by the presence of a corpus cavernosum abscess after the performance of a Winter procedure 20 days prior to his presentation . patient male 10 Here , we present the case of a 20-year-old male patient with a 2 year history of blurry vision and dysesthesia involving his right occiput and upper neck . patient female 1 The patient has completed her pregnancy and delivered by caesarean section . patient female 7 Despite difficulties of therapeutic compliance , the patient completed her cancer treatments after two years , she also cured of her tuberculosis . patient male 13 This is a case of lateral perforation of Austin Moore prosthesis where the patient was able to carry out his daily activities for seven years . patient male 18 He is not an authority figure who diagnoses and prescribes , but acts so as to help the patient diagnose the nature of his own dysfunction and assist him to draw on his own resources for growth and change . patient male 8 A case report and long-term follow-up of a patient who caught his hand in a generator fan at work is presented . patient female 17 A percutaneous endoscopic colostomy tube was placed in the sigmoid colon endoscopically using a colonoscope and the patient irrigated two liters of water through the percutaneous endoscopic colostomy twice each day and was able to successfully evacuate her rectum without excess straining or discomfort . patient female 4 The one unmarried female patient developed amenorrhea post-transplantation and had resumption of her menstrual cycles after discontinuation of sirolimus . patient male 1 The patient regained adequate function of his hand , and was able to return to work full-time as a manual labourer . patient male 1 The patient had his therapy discontinued in June 1995 and remains in first complete remission as of May 20th , 1996 . patient male 7 In this country , treatment of a patient with amebic disease should include investigation of his home and family . patient male 12 The entire musculo-skeletal unit of the finger is intact , and the patient can often move the parts of his naked hand quite normally . patient female 9 During the subsequent follow-up at 6 months , the patient has shown significant symptomatic improvement and has resumed her routine daily activities . patient male 4 In addition , the patient was unable to move his left leg and presented palpable pea-sized nodules of his left calf . patient male 6 After two weeks of treatment the patient was able to move his leg without pain . patient male 18 " " is a project led by the canton of Geneva , making it possible for every patient to access his own electronic health record ( EHR ) and to share the medical files with his doctors . patient male 3 As a result patient with one large pulmonary vessel occlusion ( a. lobaris superior sinistra ) improved his clinical status as well as hemodynamic and echocardiographic outcome . patient female 1 The patient felt much relief of her symptoms following the LP . patient female 14 This case report shows that appropriate treatment of metastatic gestational choriocarcinoma can cure the patient without compromising her fertility . patient male 0 Patient had modest improvement of his neurological deficits at a follow-up of 6 months . Patient male 3 A twenty-year-old male patient had injured his left arm in a hyperabduction and hyperextension position while he was carrying a refrigerator with his arm . patient female 7 We report the case history of a patient who ultimately underwent reversal of her gastric bypass . patient female 2 When the patient finishes her fertility plans , the option of hysterectomy should be considered . patient female 1 This patient underwent fixation of her femoral fracture above a total knee replacement using a two-ring above-knee Ilizarov external fixator . patient male 6 The painting shows an upper-class male patient lifting his shirt to reveal a muscular torso for examination by the doctor in the scene and the viewers outside it . patient female 14 We recommend uterine preservation until the age of 18 , at which point the patient may select her treatment option . patient male 1 Each user only remembers his weak password shared with a trusted server , and then can obtain a common session key . user male 2 The elderly patient has his own diabetic history , diabetic complications and also has different environments including family , financial , social . patient female 1 The patient was able to open her mouth to approximately 40 mm after surgery . patient female 5 After the surgery , the patient gained a functional recovery of her previously afflicted finger . patient female 4 We report on a patient who had her MACE channel successfully salvaged in the immediate postoperative period using a colonoscopic retrograde wire and catheter placement after failing antegrade percutaneous endoscopic management . patient male 2 A 21-year-old patient experienced asthmatic attacks when cleaning the cage of his budgerigar . patient female 21 The postoperative course was good , with a defecation frequency of 4 - 5 times/day without fecal incontinence , and the patient resumed her preoperative lifestyle with very few alterations . patient male 7 In the days preceding admission , the patient had not taken his medications consistently , including the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor , pyridostigmine , for the management of his myasthenia gravis . patient male 11 A 62-year old sporadic Alzheimer 's disease ( sAD ) male patient with APOE3 ( ε3/ε3 ) genotype donated his peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMCs ) . patient male 1 The patient was treated with a third aortic valve using an alternative transcaval approach , significantly alleviating his symptoms . patient male 2 Although a patient may inform his care provider that he is sexually active or potent , he may not be satisfied with his present level of sexual functioning . patient female 18 The religious minister , whether Jewish , Catholic or from any other Christian nomination , helps the dying patient to understand his her situation as an inevitable step towards Sheol ( in the Old Testament ) or Heaven ( New Testament ) . patient male 1 The patient underwent several procedures to enhance his appearance and function early on in life with an excellent outcome at intermediate follow-up . patient female 5 Dr. Rowena Ansbacher was a patient who 'd spent her working life at the University of Vermont as a passionate scholar of Adlerian psychology . patient male 2 The pacemaker patient stimulated by unchanged frequency may realize the necessary regulation of his minute output of the heart only through a change of the stroke volume , not through the otherwise usual change of the heart rate . patient male 15 The strategy has been tested on one healthy subject : experimental results show that the user is able to reduce his muscular activation when the assistance is switched on with respect to the free walking condition . user male 1 A patient with a 12-cm thoracoabdominal aneurysm developed sudden thrombosis of his aneurysm . patient male 53 To give up the treatment when the patient left the hospital was the main reason for the high re-admission percentage ( 76.59 % ) : 61.11 % of them gave up the treatment because they had no medical control ; 25 % because of bad economic conditions , and 13.89 % because the patient sometimes interrupted his everyday medication . patient female 15 No alteration in the ambulatory status of the patients was found , except in one patient who experienced bilateral hip heterotopic ossification and gradually lost her ability to ambulate . patient female 12 In this case , a multidisciplinary approach was used to assist the patient in carefully weighing the risks and benefits of her treatment decisions . patient female 4 As long as the patient is willing to keep her retainers . patient male 1 The patient used his CI without subjective degradation of performance . patient female 22 per day of lithium carbonate , disruptive manic behavior has been controlled and a subjective leveling out of mood has allowed that patient to develop more fully her cognitive and psychomotor capacities . patient male 1 The patient , however , who has so far kept his silence , objects to the administration of the serum . patient female 1 The patient was able to regain full control of her legs and full weight bearing after 3 weeks of treatment . patient male 7 One month after the procedure , the patient could effectively elevate his arm to 180 degrees and externally rotate his shoulder to 75 degrees . patient female 1 A patient with atypical partial lipodystrophy who had a transient initial response to metreleptin experienced acute worsening of her metabolic state when neutralizing antibodies against metreleptin appeared . patient male 1 The patient had a remarkable complete resolution of his ophthalmoplegia after four weeks of steroid treatment , with repeat MR imaging showing resolution of the initial changes . patient female 1 The user presses her fingertip on both the front camera and screen to increase the external pressure of the underlying artery , while the application measures the resulting variable-amplitude blood volume oscillations via the camera and applied pressure via the strain gauge array under the screen . user female 11 The mammary lesions are more likely to be detected when the patient places her arms at the sides of the body and uses the exhalation technique during liver MRI . patient male 1 The patient had a past history of myocardial infarction and his left ventricular ejection fraction was 21 % . patient male 1 This patient described his sexual status as comparable to that of age 24 when he fathered his only child . patient female 1 One patient had recurrence of her distal canalicular narrowing and needed a Jones tube . patient female 1 The patient recovered satisfactorily , was weaned from ECMO and commenced her rehabilitation program . patient male 6 This Case Report presents an HIV-positive patient who experienced a decrease in CD4 + cell count and an alteration of his clinical HIV disease course following radiotherapy for seminoma . patient male 3 Since only the patient can judge his own quality of life , his needs should receive increasing consideration in everyday practice . patient male 14 The fistula was demonstrated in case 1 by repeating the enema and having the patient raise his intraabdominal pressure , and in case 2 by having the patient hold while attempting to pass flatus during a cystogram , which demonstrated gas bubbles entering the bladder . patient male 29 It is assumed that a pseudotumour of the mesentery had developed after chronic repetitive abdominal trauma caused by the continuous vibration of a pneumatic jackhammer , on which the patient pressed his abdomen during construction work . patient female 1 The patient had previously fallen on her face in her garden , causing the loss and breakage of her dentures . patient female 1 The patient underwent endovascular treatment of her aneurysm using stent-assisted coiling . patient male 10 Despite medical management to manage his intraocular pressure , the patient required a second vitreous tap . patient female 5 After palliative rehabilitation , the patient was able to get out of the bed and improved her daily living activity level through physical therapy . patient female 19 Professional 's authority is transformed into a role of a patient 's partner and trainer , with whom the patient negotiates the best treatment for him or her . patient male 1 The patient showed dramatic improvement of his symptoms postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient underwent successful ablation of his left inferoseptal accessory pathway . patient male 7 With this strategy , the social tool user increased his juice intake 10-fold . user male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had immediate resolution of his shoulder pain and an improved range of motion . patient male 1 One patient met all three criteria and was able to increase his acuity by shaking his head . patient male 12 The authors report a case with idiopathic orthostatic hypotension in which the patient prevents his blood pressure from falling to a symptomatic level by leg-crossing in a sitting position . patient male 15 Follow-up evaluation , sixteen months later , showed no evidence of recurrence , and the patient has regained his previous level of sportive activities . patient male 1 One patient with endoleak is awaiting his 3-month control and 2 patients show tiny endoleaks but reduction of aneurysm size . patient female 18 In contrast to her twin , who markedly increased her sodium retention in response to ACTH , our patient showed increased natriuresis , suggesting a deleterious effect of her adrenals on sodium homeostasis . patient male 11 As open surgery was felt to be not feasible , the patient underwent percutaneous repair of his mitral valve using the MitraClip ® device , and , after months of ventilatory support , was then weaned from the ventilator in a matter of days . patient female 17 Raloxifene , a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator ( SERM ) was added to the treatment , the patient achieving complete remission of her depressive symptoms . patient male 2 Only one patient had had radiological investigation of his sinuses in the past . patient male 1 The patient accepts his current situation , participates in his care and meets his needs . patient male 8 Surgery significantly improved the symptoms , with the patient reporting resolution of his chest pain , as well as no documented inappropriate defibrillator activity on follow-up appointments . patient female 20 The author conducted a clinical interview , refraction , ocular examination , and contact lens evaluation of a 38-year-old female patient who had undergone a lensectomy in her right eye and the enucleation of her left eye . patient male 1 The patient was not able to lift his left eyebrow right after the surgery . patient female 7 The case report shows a 29-year-old female patient who suffered with SOM symptoms for 8 - 10 years and then experienced a worsening of her symptoms shortly postpartum . patient female 1 The patient delivered her baby via Cesarean section at 34 weeks of gestation . patient female 1 The patient reported significant pain reduction , resumed her anticoagulation , and was discharged home . patient male 1 One patient ( 6.3 % ) did not take his anti-infective treatment . patient male 9 There was no major cause of non-adherence ; every patient had his own reasons . patient female 1 The patient had been suffering from a dull abdominal pain for nearly four weeks before consulting her family physician . patient male 1 The patient had no melena or anemia and his condition improved after endoscopic mucosal resection . patient female 15 After 5 years of primary infertility , three IUIs , and one IVF , the patient underwent her second IVF cycle with transfer of two fresh embryos on day 2 . patient female 1 The patient viewed treatment as her only possible means of keeping her child . patient male 1 The patient opened his eyes spontaneously on day 5 , obeyed commands on day 6 , and was discharged on day 18 . patient male 1 The patient retained his consciousness until he was anesthetized with thiopentone and N2O-O2 and had a vivid recollection of the accident . patient female 1 The patient recovered her speech and was fully oriented before leaving for rehabilitation on postoperative day 3 . patient female 1 The patient successfully discontinued her hypnotics and had restored sleep quality after the intervention with WWaS-assisted CBT-I. Several limitations of WWaS were summarized , and pertinent approaches for enhancing future work were discussed . patient male 1 The patient received 8 weeks of intravenous ceftriaxone for Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteremia and underwent revision of his cervical fusion 3 months after hardware removal . patient female 15 There are few cases reported in literature ( 1 - 7 ) , and the patient presented here have important particularities : one of the youngest children ever-mentioned with this complication , the third-member of her family with this disease and the first patient who did n't receive a second intravitreal bevacizumab at six weeks after first treatment , even though BCVA was lower than expected . patient male 11 The longest follow-up period has been 4.3 years , and this patient has maintained excellent control of his spasticity with a stable dose of 2 mg of morphine daily . patient female 10 The scintigraphy showed signs of acute renal failure while the patient was on enalapril for controlling her hypertension . patient male 1 The patient underwent open reduction and repair/reconstruction of his multiligamentous knee injury . patient male 2 Postoperatively the patient was able to clench his teeth well , chew properly and there was no open bite . patient male 5 Fondaparinux was discontinuated and the patient presented a complete resolution of his medical status . patient male 18 After two weeks of therapy with feedback technique incorporated in a functional context of gait therapy , the patient was able to advance his left lower extremity with proper foot placement . patient male 8 Following laparoscopic resection of the tumor , the patient had complete resolution of his symptoms and maintained normal glucose levels . patient male 1 One patient had recurrent priapism months after embolization and had his penis surgically removed for severe necrosis . patient male 2 When a patient is unable to swallow enough calories by mouth and has his digestive tube working normally , the Enteral Nutrition ( EN ) is prescribed . patient male 1 The patient developed significant hyperopia and irregular corneal astigmatism in the left eye after the operation , reducing his best-corrected visual acuity . patient female 7 On the Dynamic Gait Index , the patient improved her score from 19 to 21 . patient female 3 Post-operatively , the patient had complete resolution of her symptoms and normalization of testosterone level . patient male 28 This paper proposes that residents be taught , and practicing family physicians use , a patient-centred method of consultation in which the physician attempts to understand how the patient interprets his illness , as well as to establish the relationship between illness and organic pathology . patient female 1 The patient had n't injured her thumb and it did n't hurt . patient male 7 When the second relapse occurred , the patient provided his consent for surgical removal of the part of the urethra with anastomosis of the remaining part of the urethra with the skin from the abdominal part of the penis . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient presented progression of his disease , so the area of neurosurgery considered that the lesion was unresectable due to its location and the risk of sequelae . patient male 1 The patient recovered his baseline visual acuity with a functioning bleb out to 6 months postoperatively . patient female 6 In this case report , a patient with new daily persistent headache and severe somatic dysfunction had resolution of her pain after osteopathic manipulative treatment . patient female 24 We report a rare case of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma ( T-ALL ) relapsing as AML and then returning as T-ALL again in a patient who began her therapy during the third trimester of pregnancy . patient female 12 The pain was so intense that normal walking was difficult for the patient and ineffectiveness of her treatment made her suicidal . patient female 8 After superficial temporal-middle cerebral artery bypass , this patient underwent a trapping procedure and decompression of her symptomatic giant aneurysm . patient female 8 A case history is presented of a 10-year-old patient , who accidentally injured her maxillary central incisor . patient female 1 One patient had an exacerbation of her pancreatitis one day after ESWL , which resolved rapidly with medical treatment . patient male 9 After chemotherapy and allogenic bone marrow transplant , the patient had complete remission of his disease . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient had complete resolution of his radicular pain and remained pain-free at the latest follow-up . patient male 16 Renal function stabilized or improved in four patients and deteriorated in two patients , and one patient has lost his allograft , after follow-up from 2 to 25 months . patient female 10 Three months later that had beginning the treatment , the patient recovery her normal facial muscle activity . patient male 20 However , the discharge report is often sent several days after discharge , and may not be received when the patient first visits his general practitioner after discharge . patient male 2 ( One patient withdrew his consent before taking the first dose of the allocated medication ; thus , only 108 patients were included for analysis . ) The incidence and severity of colds and respiratory infections were determined during 8 weeks of follow-up , based on patient reported symptoms together with findings on physical exam . patient male 8 Four months after initiation of treatment , the patient developed red eyelids and conjunctivae , with painful gritty eyes , limiting his capacity to read . patient male 1 The patient finally achieved partial response and his status remains unchanged . patient male 1 The patient had a severe abrasion of his teeth as well as reduced vertical dimension ( 2.5 cm ) . patient male 1 The patient was unable to distinguish faces of familiar persons such as his family and friends , as well as those of unfamiliar persons such as doctors and nurses . patient male 7 In addition to diet changes , the patient used red yeast rice and succeeded in lowering his level of serum lipids . patient male 1 The patient suffered intermittent swelling of his right foot and pain for one year due to trauma and was not treated . patient female 10 However , being given right diagnosis and proper managements the patient could be able to complete her adjuvant chemotherapy according to the planed time schedule , without any delay . patient male 3 Initially , the patient required maximal assistance from 2 clinicians to complete a slide board transfer , propelled his wheelchair 25 ft with minimal assistance , and scored 9/56 on the Function in Sitting Test . patient male 21 By the established profile of complaints and a decrease of frequency from 76 % pre- to only 40 % postoperative the patient with atrial septal defect can not estimate his individual risk and needs an adapted long-term concept for his cardiological care . patient female 16 Five months after the treatment , magnetic resonance imaging showed definite tumor shrinkage , and the patient had been living her daily life without any troubles . patient male 22 Treatment consists of establishing normal atrioventricular synchrony either by implantation of an atrial or AV-sequential pacemaker or by re-programming so that the patient has , primarily , his own rhythm . patient male 2 One XLP patient was found also to have Klinefelter syndrome , having inherited two copies of his maternal XLP-carrying X chromosome . patient female 31 In this article , we present the case of an infant , aged 22 months , who showed these clinical characteristics and was treated with a dental device to prevent the patient from injuring her tongue . patient female 2 Ultimately the patient was able to resume her artistic career , thanks to the heuristic , holistic approach to therapy . patient male 13 After thorough cement removal combined with extensive decompression and posterior stabilization , the patient reported gradual improvement of his symptoms and was able to return successfully to his work a few months later . patient male 5 On day 30 , the patient reported complete recovery of his sense of smell . patient female 3 At present this patient is happy to manage her bladder with suprapubic and urethral catheters . patient male 14 A design of prosthesis that is aesthetic and stable can be precious to a patient who has lost part of his face due to surgical excision . patient male 2 The only patient in group II had his ascending aorta and arch replaced , with reimplantation of left common carotid and innominate artery . patient male 1 This patient has unintentionally lost about 50 % of his body mass and is suffering from progressive cerebellar manifestations with radiological evidence of cerebellar atrophy , in contrast to the usual ECD manifestation of cerebellar infiltration . patient female 1 The patient requested removal of her Essure microinserts and endometrial ablation . patient female 1 One patient continues her pregnancy with a 47 XYZ pregnancy . patient male 15 However , since different users may share the same attributes in the system , a user may leaks his private key for illegal data sharing without being detected . user male 3 A 37-year-old male patient had aspirated his bridge while sleeping and the bridge remained unidentified for 1 year despite the radiographic controls . patient female 11 This case report demonstrates a challenging situation to a periodontist where patient had completed her orthodontic treatment but ended up with severe periodontal disease . patient male 1 The patient received his maintenance therapy after admission to the internal medicine department and was discharged from the service after 3 days . patient female 1 One patient changed her lifestyle because of her knee . patient male 1 Our patient had no history of neuroleptic use and his laboratory and neurologic examinations were normal . patient male 7 A case is presented in which a patient preferred a reverse Galilean telescopic spectacle of his own design to a contact lens . patient female 10 Because of a blue discolouration of her mucosa a 58-year-old patient visited her new dentist . patient male 6 Immediately following the procedure , the patient was able to open his mouth completely and put in his dentures . patient female 9 Within 2 months of starting thalidomide therapy , the patient experienced resolution of her symptoms and of her vulvar lesions . patient male 14 Four patients had epilepsia partialis continua persisting for 72 - 360 h , one patient had focal seizures and his MRI revealed T2 hyperintensity in frontal region in one patient and cerebellar vermian hyperintensity in another . patient male 0 Patient 1 had prostate carcinoma and his blistering was resistant to therapy . Patient male 6 Although it resolved spontaneously , the patient abandoned his control tests and died 5 months after the procedure . patient male 5 We present a very rare patient who had his right neck cut caused by a flying piece of sheet metal during a typhoon . patient male 1 The patient regained his heart rate and blood pressure after several minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation . patient male 1 The patient underwent extensive genetic testing and analysis in an attempt to diagnose the cause of his condition . patient male 1 The patient complained of a progressive inability to fully extend the ring and middle fingers of his dominant hand over the last three years . patient female 1 The patient recovered her visual function after sphenoidotomy . patient male 4 However , often the patient is unable to determine his own fate . patient male 2 The first patient was an art teacher and could accurately depict his abnormal visual perception . patient female 10 The report describes a successful desensitization protocol which allowed the patient to complete her treatment cycle despite the allergic reaction to Pergonal . patient male 4 Outcome Measures • The patient completed questionnaires ( numerical rating scale , verbally reported at the beginning of each visit ) indicating his level of pain on a scale of 0 to 10 , with 0 = no pain and 10 = worst pain . patient male 1 Each patient assessed his current health state and three hypothetical states that might occur in the future , and provided rankings of the importance of the six attributes . patient female 5 Five hours postoperatively , the patient suffered a hypotensive attack and her abdomen was distended . patient male 1 The patient has his left leg massaged through alternative treatment , causing it became bruised and wounded . patient male 14 We present a rare case of acute exercise-induced bilateral upper-arm compartment syndrome in a patient who , after a year-long hiatus from exercise , subjected his upper-extremities to the stress of over 100 pushups . patient female 20 Results of the MAL indicated an improved self-report of both " how well " and " how much " the patient used her affected limb in 30 specified daily tasks . patient male 3 Fortunately , our patient had retained his oral commissure function . patient male 8 It was found that ( 1 ) the patient was able to monitor his progress continuously for 118 days ; ( 2 ) the information generated appeared to be valid ; and ( 3 ) this information was integrally associated with a functional improvement in the patient 's condition . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient continues to improve her range of motion and strength through rehabilitation . patient male 10 With a comprehensive regimen of physiotherapy and splinting , the patient regained an almost full range of movement in his right thumb and was able to resume his regular duties in the operating theatre two months after his operation . patient male 18 The Bad Reichenhall model is characterized as an integrated concept with the following main thrusts : helping the patient to better cope with and accept his disease , to provide education and behavioral training with the aim of permitting the patient to adapt his activities to the constraints of his disease . patient female 1 The patient receives integrated care of her breast problem in one visit , and our residents gain the experience of diagnosing and managing breast problems which , before establishment of this clinic , were referred to the general surgery department . patient male 4 At present , the patient is eating a diet of his choice some 7 months post surgery . patient male 1 One patient resolved his symptoms spontaneously . patient female 8 However , the tremor became worse when the patient kept her finger near the target . patient female 23 We report the first known case of metaplastic squamous cell breast cancer which was detected on screening mammogram and followed up as the patient delayed her treatment . patient female 1 The patient had restoration of her cosmetic deformity and no postoperative morbidity . patient female 21 A hypnotic trance was induced by instructing the patient in muscle relaxation , modeling relaxation with exhalation , and having the patient focus her gaze on the hypnotist repeatedly fingerspelling R-E-L-A-X. Hypnosis facilitated automatic handwriting , allowed the first meeting with an alter personality , and speeded the diagnostic process . patient female 1 The patient had her allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant as planned without any further hepatic complications . patient male 9 Although no definitive diagnosis could be made , the patient was scheduled for surgery in June 2017 after obtaining his consent . patient male 1 One patient had a complete remission of his disease but this relapsed after 1 year and proved refractory to chemotherapy . patient female 1 This patient had her intraocular contents protruding and experienced complete vision loss in her right eye . patient female 5 At 24 months , the patient walked without any walking aid and had recovered her previous functional status . patient male 9 Two of the cases involved recurrent tumor , 1 patient had undergone his 1st surgery at a different institution and died during the 2nd procedure , so his data were incomplete . patient male 1 The patient recovered and has resumed his daily activities at the circus , with the exception of sword swallowing . patient male 1 The patient then underwent his second renal transplantation and was administered an immunosuppressive cyclosporine-based regimen in 2015 . patient female 1 The patient had an atypical course of her disease with development of the initial malignancy at an older age and a remarkably long survival period despite developing aggressive tumors . patient male 5 Subtotal excision was performed and patient had partial recovery of his neurological deficits . patient male 4 Since starting eculizumab the patient has had no further thrombotic events and his quality of life has dramatically improved . patient male 24 A new , simple technique for inhalation of aerosolized drugs is described : During the breathholding period after inhalation from a pressurized aerosol the patient lifts his right and lowers his left shoulder and vice versa to " disperse " the drug as well as possible in the lungs . patient male 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient reported no instability or pain and had resumed his activities of daily living without difficulty . patient female 6 SCS immediately abolished pain and the patient was able to perform her normal daily activities within 1 month . patient male 1 The patient fell 3 ft and injured his abdomen in the right upper quadrant four days before his emergency department visit . patient female 1 The patient has a family history of OI and her father has a history of tooth loss . patient male 17 There is a reduction in unnecessary repeat examinations , there is no loss in information and the patient knows his personal urologist . patient female 1 The patient underwent the insertion of a Gelhorn pessary and perineorrhaphy to reduce her procidentia , cystocele and enterocele . patient female 7 We expect that the case of our patient , who delivered her baby vaginally at 36 weeks of gestation and underwent definitive treatment ( nephrectomy ) thereafter , to further enhance the knowledge about the management of these rare tumors during pregnancy . patient male 2 Because the patient was always thrusting his tongue and biting with his upper and lower primary incisors during the myoclonus and convulsions , traumatic decubital ulcers on the dorsum and ventral surface of the tongue were formed . patient male 1 One patient who was unsatisfied with the procedure had reinjured his superior labrum and required a second operation . patient male 12 In 5 patients , no major effect was observed , and 1 patient showed deterioration of his liver functions . patient male 9 The alimentary and nutritional education that would help the patient gain an adequate control of his metabolism and nutrition becomes vital . patient female 1 The patient was able to open her eyes shortly after the procedure , as she woke up from anesthesia . patient male 13 Pre- and postoperative cryoprecipitate infusions controlled bleeding following the second operation until the patient discontinued his infusions , resulting in a wound hematoma . patient female 17 Postoperatively , the patient was initially hypotensive and subsequently became normotensive , and on follow-up , the patient had resolution of her symptoms and was stable . patient female 1 Our patient did not respond to nonoperative treatment and required surgical intervention to alleviate her symptoms . patient female 0 Patient DF , an extensively-tested woman with visual form agnosia from ventral-stream damage , is able to scale her grip aperture to match a goal object 's geometry when reaching out to pick it up , despite being unable to explicitly distinguish amongst objects on the basis of their different geometries . Patient male 2 The third patient , a 45-year-old man , changed his drinking behaviour after receiving lifestyle intervention from the internist . patient male 12 Only one case of blood stream infection occurred , in a confused patient who damaged his catheter . patient male 5 Self-help groups can help the patient to recognise his difficulties and take responsibility for himself by coming to terms with his illness . patient female 42 We present a new technology ( AeroForm Tissue Expansion System ) , which has the potential to improve the process of breast tissue expansion by providing a method for low-volume incremental filling , eliminating the need for injections and directly involving the patient by allowing her some control over the expansion process . patient male 7 After one year of follow-up , the patient was pleased with the overall result and noted marked improvement of his oral competence and overall appearance of the lip . patient male 11 One local tumor recurrence occurred 12 months after operation in a patient who discontinued his adjuvant chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient , a 28-year-old male , had his right lower mandibular third molar extraction in January 2006 . patient female 1 The patient had immediate cessation of her neuralgia , with a small area of hypesthesia above her left cheek . patient male 7 During a seven month rehabilitation , the patient showed significant improvement of his severe left neglect . patient male 36 These paradigms are similar to the methods used to induce expectation violations in clinical settings : ( 1 ) the confrontation with an expectation violation situation and ( 2 ) an enhanced confrontation in which the patient actively challenges his expectation . patient female 12 After an extended course of intravenous ( IV ) antibiotics , the patient underwent a successful two-stage revision of her prosthesis . patient male 11 A high adherence can be achieved by individual training of the patient regarding the handling of his disease , the use of telemedical devices and an easy-to-use telemonitoring system . patient female 11 This study was initiated following a serendipitous finding in which a patient who presented with both a mood disorder and psoriasis experienced significant improvement of her psoriasis following treatment with topiramate . patient male 21 Moreover , the proposed scheme presents efficient login and password change phases where incorrect input can be quickly detected and a user can freely change his password without server assistance . user male 1 The patient gets an explanation of his risk and the reassurance about his excellent prognosis and some preventive lifestyle modifications such as sufficient volume intake . patient male 5 G.D.M. , a 27-year-old male patient , sought professional help to correct his cosmetic flaw , caused by a condylar fracture when he was 8-years-old . patient male 1 A patient who had a satisfactory aesthetic result after frontal skull bone reconstruction with bioceramic injured his head after falling out of bed . patient male 12 While still on treatment with vinblastine-sulfate the decanulement was possible , the patient could resume his profession as bassoonist . patient male 1 The patient had suffered a perforation of his rectal wall two weeks after his initial presentation and passed away shortly thereafter . patient male 15 This case report describes convulsions and hemiparesis after retrobulbar injection with good outcome in a patient undergoing outpatient cryocoagulation of his right eye . patient male 5 An institutionalized high care dementia patient , who is unable to maintain his own oral health , presented with five lower anterior carious root stumps supporting a lower overlay denture . patient male 2 If the patient is unable to make his own decisions for health reasons a caretaking person is appointed by decree . patient male 1 The patient regularly used his mobile phone , predominantly on the left cheek . patient female 7 Six months after the procedure , the patient experienced distinct improvement of her condition and was able to eat both pulpy and solid foods again . patient male 2 When the patient subsequently reported progressive paresthesias of his lower extremities , an MRI revealed an enhancing , cystic tumor of the thoracic spinal cord that was diagnosed as GTNI by histological analysis . patient male 0 Patient showed signs of cardiac tamponade , his condition improving after pericardial drainage and parenteral and intrapericardial administration of ciprofloxacin . Patient male 10 The vast majority of the mass was removed and the patient had resolution of his facial pain postoperatively . patient female 8 Documented reasons for unfulfilled permanent contraception requests included patient changing her mind related to procedural issues ( 21 , 18.9 % ) , invalid consent ( 20 , 18.0 % ) , maternal obesity ( 17 , 15.3 % ) , lack of operating room availability ( 14 , 12.6 % ) and ambivalence about permanent contraception ( 5 , 4.5 % ) . patient male 4 However , when the patient discontinued his medication , the bezoar recurred . patient male 3 Preoperatively , this patient had been able to open his mouth sufficiently to an extent of at least three finger breadths in width . patient male 4 During admission , the patient noted a recurrence of his left inguinal hernia . patient male 9 However , on the 16th hospital day , the patient pulled out his nasogastric tube and received two doses of phenytoin without Osmolyte . patient male 8 Through rupture of this anomalous tendon , the patient can be viewed as having corrected his aberrant tendon to conform with the more prevalent anatomical configuration and function . patient female 2 One female patient had her menarche delayed until the age of 19 years but has subsequently had the only successful pregnancy in a patient with this syndrome of which we are aware . patient male 6 Anticoagulation was a challenge in this patient given his mechanical mitral valve and acquired haemophilia A. Although the patient was at risk of thrombosis due to a mechanical mitral valve , he had a bleeding diathesis and anaemia not responsive to transfusion . patient male 5 After the surgery , the patient experienced total remission of his symptoms . patient female 4 We describe a female patient who had her PDPH successfully treated with epidural saline delivered by a patient-controlled analgesia device ( Abbott Pain Management-APM ) without molestation of her daily activities . patient female 1 The patient underwent a three-stage correction of her spinal deformity ( anterior thoracic and lumbar release and posterior release , correction of the deformity with instrumentation and fusion ) supported by Halo traction and physiotherapy . patient male 3 We report a patient who developed arthritis of his left knee , followed 2 weeks later by skin lesions which evolved into histologically proven eosinophilic fasciitis . patient male 3 History revealed the patient was taking his phenytoin daily without water . patient male 12 Within 4 months of commencing stimulation of the left GPi , the patient had resolution of his neck pain and was able to keep the head straighter for longer time intervals . patient male 14 From the psychological point of view , regional anesthesia is something special because the patient experiences his operation consciously . patient male 14 Doctors need to be aware that such a possibility exists and verify that the patient has understood the real meaning of his words . patient male 2 The reported patient developed metastatic cutaneous lesions of his colon cancer not only on the abdomen but also on the scrotum . patient male 19 Of the known forms , static and progressive ( 1 ) , we report the case of an African patient , of Bantu origin , who had a progressive deformity of his left hand . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical removal of the adenoma and his postoperative course was uneventful . patient female 8 At follow-up 12 months after surgery , the patient reported complete resolution of her headache . patient male 1 One patient with stress urinary incontinence showed a slight worsening of his urinary status after radiotherapy . patient male 8 After lengthy anterior cervical spinal surgery , the patient did not regain his consciousness during the stay in the postoperative care unit . patient male 1 The patient gave his informed consent for the publication of the case , and approval was obtained from the research department of the hospital where the procedure was performed . patient male 1 The patient was not wearing a self-contained breathing apparatus and his duration of exposure was 7 - 8 min , by which time he had blacked out for about 1 min . patient male 10 The first aim is to relieve pressure so that the patient can regain his mental balance and thereby his self-confidence . patient male 4 Psychotherapy must help the patient to find his personal inner truth . -- To reality on the other hand do belong all objects , all processes and events , as do all other people and their individual inner thruths . patient female 1 This patient exhibited disordered eating secondary to the worsening symptoms of undiagnosed inflammatory bowel disease ( IBD ) and had altered her eating habits to reduce the diarrhoea and rectal bleeding she was experiencing , contributing to significant weight loss . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and his disease is in remission . patient male 4 At the follow-up the patient was asymptomatic and had resumed his physical exercises and soccer training . patient male 1 The patient is now able to purse his lips and has regained sensation and the use of his orbicularis oris and musculus mentalis , even though no attempt was made to repair the motor nerves or sensory nerves . patient male 6 The right of a competent adult patient to give his informed consent before medical treatment can be started , is a patients ' right that is recognised all over the world . patient female 16 When performing a total body skin examination , we discovered a melanoma in situ when a patient took off her wristwatch . patient male 11 The achievements of Hahnemann 's therapy were so remarkable that the patient engaged his disciple Dr . patient female 5 Upon diagnosing and treating a patient who spontaneously fractured her sternum during labor , we reviewed previously reported cases and highlight key points of this entity . patient male 30 A case study of how wartime internment reverberated in the life and work of Japanese American intellectuals , this essay discusses the career and interests of Tamotsu Shibutani , a sociologist who began his training as part of Dorothy Swaine Thomas ' Japanese American Evacuation and Resettlement Study ( JERS ) . sociologist male 9 Micafungin was switched to voriconazole ; however , the patient did not show any improvement of his groin pain . patient male 7 At the sixth postoperative week , the patient had regained his independence and gained 1.5 kg . patient female 9 Through her restrictive food ritual , this type of patient may organize her internal states by repeatedly creating an illusion of what it is that she needs and desires . patient female 1 The patient weaned her baby and stopped taking the daily potassium iodide tablet 6 weeks postpartum , and the baby began to be fed with relatively iodine-rich formula milk . patient female 9 Because of the weight of the tumour , the patient could not leave her bed for more than 6 months . patient female 4 Prior to SMT the patient developed left-sided chest wall pain , secondary to metastasis , in addition to her left-sided facial , dysesthetic pain . patient female 9 The most rapid weight gain was recorded in a patient who increased her body weight by 24 % over a period of 3 months . patient male 1 A patient who " lost " his right contact lens three years prior to our examination was found to have a mass in the right upper lid which contained the hard contact lens . patient male 5 Immunosuppression was discontinued and the patient healed his wounds without complication . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his symptoms and complete normalisation of his liver function tests after 6 months of the treatment . patient male 26 After a single treatment of cutaneous parastomal infiltration of porcine collagen ( Permacol Injection ) , applied stoma bags achieved a watertight seal , and the patient experienced complete and sustained resolution of his symptoms . patient female 2 If a patient did not keep her appointment and did not reschedule , this was considered a failure . patient female 7 On the advice of an acupuncturist a patient requests her dentist to remove her amalgam fillings which are of a good quality . patient female 8 There was one new avulsion , in a patient who had delivered her first baby by emergency Cesarean section and her second by vacuum delivery . patient male 1 The patient is still under sunitinib treatment and has recovered his normal daily activity . patient male 11 After 2 months of stable , therapeutic INR levels , the patient abruptly decreased his smoking from 1 pack/day to one-half pack/day and then subsequently stopped smoking completely . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her symptoms after treatment with BART . patient male 5 After two years , the patient has recovered part of his neurological deficiency . patient male 1 The patient had also noticed a darkening of his urine during this period . patient female 21 In the other combinations , a significant part of the CTL activity was directed against the male antigen H-Y. In the patient who rejected the marrow of her HLA-identical brother at day 250 , two clones recognised H-Y , while five others recognised at least three distinct autosomal mHags . patient male 1 The patient survived his injury and on post-op day two , a holosystolic murmur was noted during physical exam , but he remained hemodynamically stable and intubated . patient female 1 The patient was symptom-free for one year taking her anticonvulsant medications . patient female 12 Clinical examinations and investigations failed to reveal any clear cause and the patient returned her ability to talk and discharged home with normal voice . patient female 22 One patient , with a self-perspective inhibition deficit , almost always used the reality-based response strategy ; in contrast , the other patient , with a deficit in taking other perspectives , tended to use the simplified mentalising strategy without necessarily transposing her own perspective . patient male 3 An adult male patient was admitted to our laboratory for serum TSH and PRL tests and came back questioning the accuracy of his previous results . patient male 8 The authors present the case of a single patient who experienced continued correction of his contractures with only minor and self-limited adverse reactions after administration of 12 collagenase doses through 15 injections during a 4-year period . patient female 6 In the current study , 1 patient could not dorsiflex her foot during the wake-up test . patient male 23 After 3 weeks of relative rest through use of a sling and pain relief with an NSAID the pain had diminished and the patient had resumed his daily activities . patient male 29 Our objective is to exploit different eHealth technologies available or planned in Switzerland to improve the information flow of the medication data among the stakeholder and to support the patient in managing his medication . patient female 20 Postoperative magnetic resonance imaging scan revealed excellent decompression of the syrinx , and through 1 year of follow-up , the patient has had no recurrence of her syrinx-related symptoms . patient female 1 The patient recovered satisfactorily from her surgery and achieved improvement of her ataxia and level of consciousness . patient female 1 The patient underwent endovascular coil embolization of the aneurysm and had complete resolution of her abducens nerve palsy . patient male 2 However , patient declined treatment and his rash self-resolved within a couple of months . patient female 4 After surgery , the patient regained full function of her index finger . patient male 2 Not every patient who consults his physician because of reddening , pain , burning or itching sensation in an eye suffers from a bacterial or viral infection of the anterior eye segments . patient female 4 A 27-year-old white female patient , claiming her psychiatric disorder to stem from a mercury intoxication caused by amalgam restorations , was examined . patient male 33 Nurses will often be at the forefront in a health care team which decides that it is ethically acceptable to allow a particular patient to die but the possibility of actually killing another patient who requests his own death is met with heartfelt resistance . patient male 8 At 2 years after the operation , 1 patient has maintained his neurological status and showed no recurrence on imaging studies . patient female 25 If cardiopulmonary arrest occurs in a woman with a gestational age of more than 24 weeks , a perimortem Cesarean section is advised if the patient has not recovered her pulse after the first four minutes . patient female 1 The patient began her prenatal control at 29th week . patient male 6 Disregarding all safety rules , the hunter had placed his superposed rifle-shotgun on the chair and pulled the barrels of the cocked gun towards his body . hunter male 12 Instead , we performed several urological procedures with unsatisfactory outcome ; the patient lost his left kidney . patient female 7 Following appropriate clinical examination and investigations the patient underwent arthroscopic surgery of her hip . patient female 1 The patient slowly regained her upper and lower limb function ; she was successfully weaned off the ventilator and was discharged for rehabilitation . patient male 8 On repeat echocardiogram 3 months later , the patient had complete recovery of his ejection fraction ( 60 - 65 % ) . patient male 25 A treatment support group [ TSG ] is a non-statutory body of socially responsible citizens and volunteers to provide social support to each needy TB patient safeguarding his dignity and confidentiality by ensuring access to information , free and quality services and social welfare programs , empowering the patient for making decision to complete treatment successfully . patient male 1 The patient received his first dose of GnRH agonist ( leuprolide 11.25 mg ) against prostate cancer . patient male 1 The patient first developed sudden numbness of his left lip and warmth in left ear which travelled to the rest of left face . patient male 1 The patient retained his pacemaker for cardiac arrhythmia . patient male 1 One patient required extension of his fusion at 12 months for adjacent segment stenosis . patient male 6 Six days after chemotherapy , the patient showed impaired consciousness and his serum sodium concentration was found to be 125 mEq/L , but no edema or dehydration was noted . patient male 24 We present a rare association of subcutaneous emphysema , tension pneumothorax , pneumomediastinum , and pneumoperitoneum following a tracheostomy tube exchange in a 56-year-old patient who had his tracheotomy placed a month ago . patient male 8 In the 3 days before admission , the patient had discontinued his medications after his family member 's death . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the procedure and had resolution of her chest pain . patient male 6 After treatment with Doxycycline , the patient presented a significant improvement of his clinical and radiological image and a four-fold decrease of the antibody titre for R. conorii . patient female 1 The patient expressed her desire preserve fertility . patient female 1 The patient was asymptomatic at the end of 18-month follow-up and was continuing her normal daily activities . patient female 1 The patient reported subsiding of her dysmenorrhea on the postoperative third month . patient male 1 The patient has completely recovered and keeps his wellness untill now after six months from the surgery except for loss of left eye vision . patient male 1 The patient was able to complete his schooling despite the mild cognitive and behavioral sequelae . patient male 13 The physician after clearing up the individual situation has to orally inform the patient taking his intellectual level into account . patient male 29 The advantages of spiral CT mainly reside in the possibility to scan the entire liver volume in a single period of about 20 to 30 seconds , while the patient holds his breath . patient male 6 Domino liver transplantation , wherein a patient who himself undergoes liver transplantation in turn donates his liver to another recipient , has been performed since the mid-1990 s. Although livers from a handful of metabolic disorders cured by liver transplantation have been used for domino transplantation , familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy ( FAP ) livers are by far the most common source . patient male 9 In this article , we presented a 39-year-old male patient who swallowed his denture while sleeping . patient female 15 Cervical pregnancy complicated with massive bleeding usually results in abdominal hysterectomy , and thus the patient loses her fertility potential . patient male 1 The patient is alive and pursuing his previous occupation with no evidence of tumor recurrence . patient female 6 This is a case of a patient , who had peripheral blood progenitor cells transplantation as treatment for aplastic anaemia and changed her blood group phenotype from Rh plus to Rh minus . patient female 2 The first patient with lymphoid CD20 + PTLD had a partial resection of her tumor performed . patient female 5 During the admission period the patient developed diffuse peritonitis and her infection parameters were rising . patient female 1 The patient had immediate improvement of her hearing post-operatively , with repeat hearing tests showed resolution of her hearing loss . patient female 8 However , upon discontinuation of prednisolone , the patient developed severe arthritis of her right ankle and the proximal interphalangeal joint of her right middle finger . patient male 3 We studied a patient with GSD who had massive resorption of his mandible , which extended to his maxilla , zygoma , right parietal region , and cranium . patient female 17 Starting from the fourth month of treatment , when reviewing the status of her disease , the patient denoted a clear improvement at different levels . patient male 4 In addition , the patient had monomelic spinal muscular atrophy of his right shoulder girdle and arm . patient male 9 After admission and initial management with antibiotics , the patient developed crepitus in the arm and myonecrosis necessitating a fasciotomy and later an emergency amputation of his left upper limb . patient male 3 The first described patient had a clinical and radiological provable fracture of his nasal bone with a frontal impression . patient male 1 The patient died on day 56 after starting his salvage chemotherapy . patient male 4 Simply summarize what the patient said by using his own words rather than paraphrasing and without digressing to other subjects . patient female 1 The patient had a nearly complete resolution of her esophageal disease with a single infusion of infliximab . patient female 1 The patient regained her vision four days after the onset . patient female 9 The unusual feature of the case was that the patient not only misidentified members of her own family but also claimed that she herself had been replaced by a double . patient male 6 Six weeks after surgery , the patient had regained his normal voice with no complications . patient female 5 At 4-week follow-up , the patient noted resolution of her symptoms in the left eye but had developed floaters and blurry vision in her right eye . patient female 10 The third phase was the acceptance/ reconstruction phase : the patient accepted the fact of her amputation with time and started her rehabilitation . patient female 1 The patient was referred for evaluating her progressive jaundice and right upper quadrant pain . patient male 7 In our study , a 52-year-old male patient who had aspirated the front part of his lower dental prosthesis accidentally is presented and the foreign body is extracted by using rigid bronchoscopy . patient male 1 The patient reported a sensitive improvement of his quality of life . patient male 14 These symptoms disappeared completely after 4 weeks of treatment with creatine after which the patient regained all his previous mental abilites . patient female 5 On postoperative examination , the patient had no neurologic deficits and full resolution of her painful symptoms . patient male 10 During his stay in the residential care facility , the patient informed his general practitioner and the nursing staff that he wanted to die . patient male 1 The patient , a farm worker , attributed his illness to the dust inhaled while digging a water well during the dry season of the year , some weeks before the onset of the clinical manifestations . patient female 2 The first patient received an insufficient dose of anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation and the second patient dicontinued her anticoagulantia to avoid bleeding during a routine colonoscopy . patient female 1 The patient had a severe infection associated with RSV , which was very likely the cause of her central nervous system infection and acute neurological complications . patient female 2 The second patient lost 18.8 % of her body weight and was maintaining a 9.5 % weight loss after 6 years . patient female 2 The third patient lost 14 % of her body weight during a 6-month period and gradually returned to her baseline weight during a period of 5 years , after which she was referred for bariatric surgical treatment . patient male 1 The patient has successfully administered his own subarachnoid clonidine for over 18 months with no signs of tolerance or toxicity . patient female 13 Two epidural blood patches , performed by neuroradiologists , were needed before the patient experienced complete resolution of her headache . patient male 31 Although his measured peak heart rates during the sport-specific sessions were significantly higher than the calculated maximum heart rate limits usually imposed on patients during conventional CR exercise training , the patient had no adverse events and safely reached his fitness goal . patient male 8 With a follow-up of 13 months , the patient had total relief of his preoperative symptoms without complication . patient male 1 The patient had his first depressive episode during the peripartum period of his spouse , followed by two mixed episodes with psychotic features that leaded to his compulsory psychiatric evaluation and subsequent hospitalization and the diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder I. There is a well-known correlation between the peripartum period and mood disturbances to the point of inducing full blown episodes , suggesting of a bipolar disorder initiation or mood episodes relapsing in female patients already diagnosed with bipolar disorder . patient male 18 The simple ability to care for his own personal needs can do much to help the elderly disabled patient regain his dignity and self-respect and remove his fears of becoming a burden on his family or society . patient male 2 The third patient had a right-brain stroke and was able to state his position verbally but denied many of the consequences of his stroke . patient female 1 The patient had her dental implants removed and had complete resolution of her sinus symptoms with no change in her nail findings . patient female 1 The patient has resumed her daily life as a farmer . patient male 16 Two other patients remained medication-free after the operation experiencing partial diabetes remission , and the third patient significantly reduced his daily insulin requirements immediately after surgery . patient male 1 The patient persisted with recurrent and distant disease , although it was reduced and stabilised , allowing his survival for the last 3 years since the extended surgery . patient male 1 The patient tolerated his treatment without serious acute or long-term side effects . patient female 1 The patient was able to walk and use her hands 48 hours after the placement of the catheters . patient male 4 Severe pain discouraged the patient from using his left hand . patient male 7 Analgesics were no longer needed and the patient was able to reuse his left hand in his everyday life . patient male 2 A male patient of 1 year and 7 months of age , who began his condition with anemic , febrile , infiltrative syndrome and hyperleukocytosis is described . patient male 5 Three months later , the patient presented a marked deterioration of his general condition . patient female 7 Over the preceding 5 years , the patient had tried a number of conservative therapies to relieve her pain without success . patient male 1 No patient rated his result as mediocre . patient male 1 The patient experiences his fate , to depend on circumstances and particularly on other individuals , their benevolence , their acceptance , their help . patient male 3 A 78-year-old male patient noticed edema of his lower legs in February 2009 and was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome . patient female 5 For good compliance , the patient had her medication explained by a pharmacist . patient male 2 After the patient lifted his shirt , the full extent of the discoloration was seen configured in a symmetric fashion over the anterior torso and abdomen ( Figure 1 ) . patient male 14 The legislator can not guide the physician 's therapeutic decisions , but an invalid patient can who has expressed his desire to die and unmistakably advised his physician on when to refrain from which procedures . patient female 1 The patient reversed her decision and decided not to have the oncological operation , as she felt well at the moment and considered the limited additional survival time not worth the anxiety . patient female 16 These patterns could blindly identify the time preceding the baby 's delivery by C-section when the patient systematically brought her hand to her abdominal area . patient male 11 The authors present a case of a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patient with biopsy proven Cat-Scratch disease , his clinical manifestations , and response to therapy . patient male 9 This article examines a recent claim in which a patient alleged his general practitioner had incorrectly diagnosed him as suffering from psychosis . patient male 2 The first patient stopped his initial treatment , relapsed and died of cerebral infarction . patient female 7 Despite treatment with plasma exchange , the patient developed progression of her lesions and bilateral glaucoma . patient male 4 It describes a demented patient who revises his succession in favour of a lady with bad reputation . patient male 1 The patient received his postoperative care in the ordinary surgical ward and was discharged a few days later . patient male 20 One patient was totally asymptomatic and his villous adenoma was diagnosed radiologically during investigation of anaemia , while the second patient had his two villous adenomas discovered incidentally during surgery for a bleeding leiomyosarcoma of the stomach . patient male 1 The patient exhibited temporary exacerbation of his gait ataxia , but the symptom improved 3 months after surgery . patient female 2 The first patient experienced a large brain necrosis and deterioration of her porphyria . patient female 25 This case highlights the role of surgical debulking in the management of an intractable case of lower limb lymphoedema with symptoms so severe that the patient requested amputation of her left lower extremity . patient male 20 Two patients had their systems explanted because of loss of stimulation effect or significant improvement of pain , and one patient had part of his hardware removed because of infection . patient female 17 Considering her history of previous chemotherapy and systemic leukemic phase of the disease , we treated the patient without performing splenectomy , with successful use of a combination of rituximab/bendamustine hydrochloride and of rituximab/cladribine . patient male 10 The profession must accept this responsiblity , so that the patient can be aided in maintaining and sustaining his general health . patient female 7 As there was no improvement , the patient visited her primary care physician on day 16 of administration and the patient was brought urgently to our hospital on the same day . patient female 1 The patient demonstrated complete abolishment of her symptoms , both objectively and subjectively after 3 sessions over 4 weeks of care . patient male 1 The patient with Morquio 's syndrome , a 15 year old boy , had no neurologic symptoms and his somatosensory evoked potential ( SSEP ) was normal . patient female 1 The patient received her psychiatric medication intravenously . patient male 6 This report addresses a 42-year-old asymptomatic patient who underwent prosthetic replacement of his tricuspid valve 31 years previously for Ebstein 's malformation . patient female 5 Eighteen months after injury the patient was able to fully abduct her right eye with jaw thrust to the left . patient female 9 During the first 3 weeks after transplantation , the patient accepted her new face ; 6 months after surgery , the functional outcome has been excellent . patient male 1 This patient required the administration of intraspinal morphine , intravenous hydromorphone , and intravenous midazolam in order to effectively manage his pain . patient male 2 The second patient developed a progressive tremor of his head and arms , worsened during sitting and standing . patient male 18 One patient among 13 patients ( 1/13 ) has lost his implants in the auricular area , 1 patient among 8 patients ( 1/8 ) lost his implants , and 1 patient among 3 patients ( 1/3 ) has lost all of her implants . patient female 1 The patient was able to feed her canary with birdseeds after she removed black seeds . patient male 3 We describe a patient who expelled his hepatic artery catheter rectally , following removal of the catheter port for sepsis . patient female 1 The patient experienced symptomatic improvement of her epiphora post-operatively . patient female 2 The 49-year-old patient ( breast cancer diagnosis 5 years before the study , currently in remission ) collected her full urine output for 28 days in 12-h intervals ( 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ) . patient male 19 A case is reported in which initial evaluation by CT did not show hemoperitoneum or splenic laceration in a patient who ruptured his spleen 10 days following the initial injury . patient male 1 The patient had almost complete control of his left arm tremor postoperatively , and his weakness soon resolved . patient female 1 This patient subsequently had 3 normal-term deliveries over 7 years and did not have any clinically significant regrowth of her tumors during this time . patient female 8 The further postoperative course was unremarkable and the patient retained her preoperative visual acuity of counting fingers . patient male 8 Then , what a singular relation ! The patient confinding the anaesthetist all his vital functions without knowing him . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his pericardial effusion both clinically and radiologically . patient male 1 The patient described his symptoms as pain in the right low back , pain shooting into the right lateral thigh and lower leg , and numbness into the right lateral foot . patient male 12 Computed tomography was ordered only after 5 months , during which the patient lost over 25 % of his body weight . patient female 5 Three years later , the patient has no sequelae of her deep vein thrombosis . patient male 10 The illness diary method includes the following approach : The patient presents his symptoms and the doctor may suggest the use of an illness diary . patient female 1 The patient underwent routine weight-bearing radiography of her left foot and weight-bearing computed tomography ( CT ) of both feet . patient male 1 The patient moved his extremities postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient eventually died of metastasized cancer 32 months after therapy had been initiated , his organ grafts functioning well until his death . patient male 3 A 69-year old patient developed dark red plaques located at his trunk , rima ani , both sides of his elbows and on his fingers after oral administration of tamsulosin ( Alna ) . patient male 1 The patient can maintain his social and professional habits . patient male 4 On cefuroxime , the patient had a complete resolution of his Nocardia pneumonia . patient male 1 The patient has developed the capacity to bend the course of his psychosis to his will , forcing it to serve his practical needs . patient female 6 At 3 months follow-up , the patient was able to purse her lips and had regained sensation . patient female 14 In this narrative essay , the author , a medical student , describes a patient who was nearing the end of her life and who feared passing away before she could witness her daughter 's wedding . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful recovery and her UTI 's subsided consequently . patient male 2 Because this patient had an unusual underlying condition and his tumor had a unique histological appearance for TS , it was hypothesized that this genetic defect may predispose to malignant gliomas with oligodendroglial features . patient female 1 The patient sensed her aura and reached for the alarm button 2 s before a cardiac asystole was documented in the ECG . patient male 7 This is a case report of a patient that suffered a cat 's bite of his right prosthetic knee and against all odd was able to save it without surgical intervention . patient female 16 A computed tomography scan performed 3 months later showed that the fracture had healed ; the patient was able to resume her usual activities . patient male 1 The patient was treated conservatively by strictly controlling his blood pressure . patient male 1 The patient exhibited rapid deterioration of his condition with poor initial response to immunosuppressive treatment . patient male 1 The patient had an abnormal baseline activated partial thromboplastin time ( aPTT ) , complicating management of his therapy . patient female 3 We describe a patient who discovered her own pathogenic LMNA mutation that offered a unifying diagnosis explaining her ARVC and Charcot-Marie-Tooth phenotypes as well as musculoskeletal abnormalities . patient female 7 Interestingly in the present case , the patient had her menarche seven years ago , but dysmenorrhea started only 1-year back . patient male 2 Just 1 patient could not improve his walking-distance -after 3 periods of therapy . patient female 7 Using common sense guidelines , the obstetric patient will feel better about herself and her ability to control , in a positive fashion , her pregnancy outcome . patient male 1 The patient could flex his knee up to 130 deg at the 3-month follow-up . patient female 1 The patient remains asymptomatic , has no proteinuria and her kidney function is intact . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical resection of his primary mass , and pathology confirmed no evidence of residual disease . patient male 12 Chemotherapy was administered and clinical signs regressed but eight months later the patient presented a recurrence of his tumor in the distal tibia with new localisation in the left fifth rib , in the right clavicle , in the frontal bone , in right ischio-pubal branch and in the right proximal femur . patient female 60 This " integrative single-case study " investigated the bidirectional cause and effect relations between various emotional states ( i.e. , mood , irritation , mental activity ) and urinary IL-6 levels in a 49-year-old female breast cancer survivor ( woman ) under conditions of " life as it is lived . " During a period of 28 days , the patient collected her entire urine in 12-h intervals for IL-6 measurement and completed each morning and evening a list of adjectives regarding mood , irritation , and mental activity ( 55 measurements in total ) . patient female 4 Following cystectomy , the patient restored her baseline functional status with preservation of the right recurrent laryngeal nerve . patient male 45 Multivariate statistical methods revealed that among the clinical , demographic , and legal information available to clinicians at the time a formal release recommendation was made two factors emerged that were significantly related to release recommendations : PCL-R score and the age at which the patient committed his first criminal offense . patient male 5 Following acute management , the patient underwent transphenoidal debulking of his pituitary gland with resolution of his third nerve palsy . patient male 4 Ten years ago our patient had average cognitive and language functions , indicating very good adaption of his single right hemisphere . patient female 1 The patient had a history of 3 pregnancy losses and her fourth pregnancy was treated appropriately , resulting in the birth of healthy full-term baby . patient female 1 The patient completed her soccer season without incident , consistent with the findings of the established clinical guidelines . patient female 12 We present the case of a seventy five year old female diabetic patient , who sustained an inter-trochanteric fracture of her left hip and was treated by dynamic hip screw fixation on the same day . patient male 4 The fact that the patient spent his vacation at a Black-Sea resort every year strongly pleads for a direct inoculation of the halophilic Vibrio . patient female 6 At 6 months follow-up , the patient normalized her vitamin deficiency and had a normal level of serum protein . patient female 1 The patient , who had a history of acupuncture and cupping on her left forearm for treating her myalgia , developed painful papules . patient female 7 The post-operative complications were rare , 1 patient lost her sight after operation , and no patient got infected at the site of operation ( nor intracranial infection ) . patient female 1 Our patient discontinued the heating pad and her rash resolved . patient female 14 Instead of the commonly reported frontal mirror view ( fantôme spéculaire ) , the patient saw her head and upper trunk laterally in side view ( fantôme de profil ) . patient male 13 Subsequently triple therapy with warfarin , aspirin and clopidogrel was restarted and the patient progressed asymptomatic and performed his daily activities normally . patient male 1 One patient with transverse myelitis , refractory to cyclophosphamide had an improvement of his walk perimeter ( 160 meters vs. 116 ) . patient male 1 The patient received his first round of chemotherapy for colorectal cancer , and then a second round after the cancer metastasized to the liver . patient female 12 Taken her previous medical history and clinical manifestations into consideration , the patient was eventually diagnosed as neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders . patient male 1 One patient with a poor initial performance status ( three in the WHO scale ) stopped his treatment on the 6th week due to a grade 3 mucositis with deglutition pneumonia . patient male 3 Accepting that the patient set his own treatment goals helps reinforce therapeutic rapport and diminish drop-out . patient male 6 After 18 months postoperative , the patient was able to carry out his daily activities without pain .The ankle and foot are rarely affected and account for only 1 % of all TB infections . patient male 1 The patient recovered his own activity . patient male 6 Advised by his physician , the patient can choose his most acceptable examination method from this whole set of screening tools . patient male 1 The patient returned to his preinjury level of work and has had complete resolution of all wounds including his split-thickness skin graft donor site . patient female 1 Each patient served as her own control by having the other side of her pelvic nodes sent as four different specimens . patient male 12 By loosening the grip of his perseverative , distorted ideation , the patient is enabled to formulate his experiences more realistically . patient female 15 Two and a half years after completion of helical tomotherapy ( HT ) , the patient experienced clinical and radiological complete remission of her brain disease . patient female 6 No delayed toxicity occurred and the patient kept her hair without need of radiosurgical procedure . patient male 24 We compared the grip force and handwriting performance of writer 's cramp patients with that of control subjects and with that of a stroke patient suffering a purely somatosensory deficit of his dominant hand ( patient S1 ) . patient male 1 Our patient underwent surgical excision of his left adrenal gland with normalization of blood pressure . patient male 1 The patient tolerated local radiotherapy well and had complete resolution of his pedal lesion . patient male 1 The patient subsequently had a resolution of his depressive illness , with a concomitant improvement in cognitive functioning . patient male 18 Regardless of the complicated surgical history and extensive soft tissue damage , limb function was restored and the patient regained his independence . patient female 1 The patient underwent laparoscopic repair of her spigelian hernia the following day and made a fast and uneventful recovery . patient male 3 The only pre-sensitized patient who received his second transplant rejected it during the first week , possibly due to a deleterious effect of the F ( ab ' ) 2-fragments . patient male 1 The patient developed the sudden onset of irregular , large amplitude , increased involuntary movements of his left upper and lower limbs with a flinging pattern . patient male 8 We describe two patients , an inherited ATTRm patient who underwent liver transplant and his liver recipient who developed acquired ATTRm 8years following transplantation . patient female 1 The patient received her second dose of the HPV vaccine 2 months later without further lymphadenopathy . patient female 1 The patient had near-complete resolution of her HC-HB on discharge and had no complications related to the administration of intravenous rtPA . patient female 1 The patient had resolution of her left-sided pelvic pain . patient female 1 The patient gradually recovered 2 weeks later , and was able to resume her normal daily life . patient male 7 At 12.5 years of age , the patient continues to require massive sodium supplements and his diet contains less than 0.5 mEq/kg potassium daily ; his height and weight are at the 95th percentile , thus demonstrating that normal growth may be achieved with strict dietary manipulation in a patient with persistent , severe PHA . patient male 7 We report here about a 53-year-old MSL patient who increased his body weight by 37 kg over 10 years . patient female 6 Between 32 and 34 weeks the patient discontinued her digitalis intake , and a fetal pericardial effusion indicated subsequent cardiac failure . patient male 32 While most patients with VSD often have rupture of their right coronary sinus of Valsalva into the right ventricle due to poor structural integrity , we present a rare case of a patient with VSD who had rupture of his noncoronary sinus of Valsalva into the right atrium . patient female 1 The patient had immediate resolution of her symptoms and return of normal ventricular wall motion . patient male 1 The patient has well-controlled hypertension and his last hospital admission was 20 years ago for repair of a rotator cuff injury . patient female 5 We found that every third patient will have the sum of her pelvic outlet over- or underestimated by at least 4 mm , and 3 % by more than 10 mm . patient male 1 The patient regained his normal endocrine and spermatogenetic functions postoperatively . patient male 6 Twelve weeks after the injury the patient resumed his normal sport activities . patient female 3 We helped this patient learn behavior modification methods in order to achieve her goal of better HbA(1)C control . patient female 1 The patient was able to self-monitor her personal health status via blood sugar level and conduct personal healthcare maintenance work . patient female 11 During the nursing process , we expressed empathy , encouraged the patient to express her feelings , and provided disease-related information . patient female 10 The article reports on the nursing experience in helping the patient manage her autonomic dysreflexia ( AD ) , training the patient in self-catheterization , and using relevant social resources in order to achieve a successful return to her studies at school . patient male 8 24 h urine collection should be conducted when patient receives his usual diet and fluid intake with normal activity . patient male 3 We treated our patient operatively , first correcting his worsening valgus deformity with an external fixator , then reinforcing his healed fracture with a long distal tibial plate . patient male 10 In this test binocular visual acuity is measured while the patient shakes his head two or three times per second , ten to twenty degrees horizontally or vertically , and compared with that when his head is still . patient male 6 History taking subsequently revealed that the patient was also experiencing intermittent numbness of his left lower lip , tinnitus , and a feeling of fullness in the left ear . patient male 32 Acute operative stabilization for the initial anterior dislocation is considered for : ( 1 ) initial dislocation that requires a reduction ; ( 2 ) a young , athletic , high demand patient ( < 25 years of age ) who is unwilling to modify his lifestyle ; ( 3 ) subjects with no prior shoulder subluxation or impingement history ; ( 4 ) subjects with no neurologic injury ; and ( 5 ) subjects with no greater tuberosity fracture . patient female 1 A patient who was developing her career as a writer evolved a unique process of reading her fiction aloud during analytic sessions . patient female 3 We evaluated the patient by measuring her best-corrected visual acuity ( BCVA ) and by slit-lamp biomicroscopy , fundus color photography , and optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) over a 10-year period . patient male 1 The patient started to experience angina and his ECG showed ST segment elevation in the inferior leads . patient male 1 This patient in case presented typical clinical features of GHI and his laboratory findings at prepubertal age were typical of those observed in GHI patients ( low IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels , with high basal and stimulated GH levels ) . patient female 7 Vision also improved , so that the patient has now been able to resume her work as a bank employee . patient male 33 Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm implemented in Stan software and the estimated population parameters in this population as priors , the a posteriori distribution of the hazard function is computed for a new patient knowing his PSA measurements until a given landmark time . patient male 23 During a follow-up period of thirteen months ECG became normal after a short time while the echocardiogram maintained its initial abnormalities and the patient maintained his compromised functional class . patient male 1 The patient was admitted to this unit in order to readjust his medication Administration of talipexole hydrochloride was initiated , the patient complained of an aggravation of Parkinsonism , and increases in serum creatine phosphokinase ( CK ) levels to 1,875 IU/l was observed . patient male 15 When therapy with phenobarbital , a structural congener of phenytoin , was begun , the patient had an exacerbation of his rash and became febrile again . patient male 2 A single patient underwent a secondary open direct browpexy to optimize his result . patient female 3 Despite preeclampsia our patient successfully completed her 6th pregnancy after treatment with corticosteroids , subcutaneous heparin , and low dose aspirin throughout the pregnancy . patient female 1 The patient had endoscopic transsphenoidal of her pituitary adenoma in her 18(th ) week of pregnancy . patient female 1 A patient presenting with an Anton-Babinski syndrome accompanied by a delusional conviction recognised her left upper limb with the aid of her right hand , but immediately denied its existence when she viewed it directly . patient male 7 The G gamma/A gamma ratio of the patient who received his transplant from the donor with hereditary persistence of fetal Hb was markedly elevated , similar to that of the transplant donor 's cord blood , and this ratio remained elevated in subsequent months . patient female 1 The patient persistently turned her head to the right and slightly flexed her neck to loosen the suture to avoid discomfort . patient male 7 After information and motivational sessions , the patient chooses his own therapeutic plan . patient male 5 This case report describes a patient with erotomania who developed stalking behavior and victimized his attending psychiatrist . patient male 14 True ankylosis of the temporo-mandibular joint must be differentiated from other reasons why a patient is unable to open his mouth properly . patient male 7 There are several possible reasons why a patient can not open his mouth widely . patient male 23 The activity is defined by the presence of a 3 cycle/second spike and wave on the EEG which is recorded concurrently while the patient is speaking his thoughts freely during interviews . patient female 1 One patient had a rapid deterioration of her clinical condition and died without CT control . patient male 1 The patient presented late initially , having his first operation at 1.56 years of age . patient female 1 The patient ruptured her membranes at 31 weeks of gestation and pelvic MRI revealed an anterior placenta invading the myometrium and extending to the external serosal surface consistent with placenta increta . patient female 0 Patient 1 had normalization of her CA-125 after the first cycle of chemotherapy and has remained normal , almost 3(1/2 ) years after diagnosis . Patient female 0 Patient 2 had normalization of her CA-125 after the first cycle of chemotherapy . Patient female 6 After healing is complete , the patient regains function of her own airway . patient female 3 Ultimately , the patient will maintain her own airway with tracheostomy tube removal . patient male 1 The patient with methanol intoxication after use of ethanol containing alcohol had retained his visual functions ; he was found to have microcysts and RNFL thinning during the first few months after the intoxication , but they were within normal range of OCT parameters . patient male 17 The source of the patients abscess was hematogenous and at 6 months of clinical follow-up , the patient has no motor or sensory function of his bilateral lower extremities . patient male 4 Immediately after surgery the patient reported complete relief of his preoperative arm pain . patient female 1 No patient treated initially with surgery suffered progression of her pericardial disease . patient male 16 In the first pilot study in Germany on this subject , we investigated how the additional patient medication counseling by a clinical pharmacist prior to discharge improves the patient 's knowledge of his drugs . patient male 0 Patient medication counseling by a clinical pharmacist prior to discharge improves the patient 's knowledge of his drugs as an essential requirement of good compliance . Patient female 12 The itch is so prominent and disabling that the focus of the patient has shifted from treating her vitiligo to ameliorating the pruritus . patient female 2 The fourth patient developed a delayed urticaria reaction and gastrointestinal symptoms 6 h after completing her 1st desensitization . patient female 5 At 6 weeks follow-up , patient was able to do her routine activities independently with ROM of 20 ° to 140 ° and minimum pain . patient male 2 When the patient is unable to control his symptoms with pharmacological therapy alone , anti-reflux surgery may be indicated . patient female 10 After surgical intervention and with maintenance posaconazole therapy , the patient had resolution of her dyspnea and improved uncorrected ( aphakic ) vision with a clear corneal graft , quiet anterior chamber , and normal optic nerve and retina . patient male 1 The patient developed a severe dilatation of his hypocontractile gallbladder with distension of the intra and extrahepatic biliary ducts , the choledochus and the main pancreatic duct , without lithiasis or other abnormalities at the papilla , which resolved spontaneously in a month . patient male 5 After one week , the patient stopped his sucking habit completely . patient female 6 At the 2-year follow-up , the patient was able to walk with support and to perform activities of daily living and had regained her urinary function . patient male 9 After 5 weeks of individualized vestibular rehabilitation , the patient significantly decreased his fall risk from 11 to 20 of 24 on the Dynamic Gait Index . patient male 1 The patient had a complex spinal reconstruction with 84 ° of sagittal correction , normalizing his sagittal alignment . patient female 6 In 100 attempts , only one patient missed her follicles , 9 hospital visits occurred for circumstantial reasons and 90 attempts were completed without any hospital visit between initiation and puncture . patient male 1 The patient had a history of primary generalized epilepsy and admitted to dropping off his anti-epileptic medication . patient female 7 Six days after bipolar hemiarthroplasty , the patient experienced her first dislocation , and immediate reduction of the dislocated hip was easily achieved . patient female 1 The patient had an obvious limp on the affected limb but managed her activities of daily living well without a shoe raise or brace . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient could elevate his right arm without coughing . patient male 5 We report a 47-year-old male patient who presented with neck pain and decreased ability to use his fingers that had progressed over 3 years before presentation . patient male 1 The patient ( O Negative ) had his mother ( B Positive ) as the ABO non-identical donor . patient female 1 The patient recovered her baseline muscle strength after this event . patient male 5 At one-year follow-up , the patient is able to move his knee almost full range of motion and the Lysholm knee score is 81 . patient female 0 Patient experienced a rapid resolution of her urinary incontinence and hip pain . Patient male 1 Our patient developed a rapidly progressing bilateral corneal ectasia and phthisis of his right eye during a time period of 4 years . patient male 4 Six months later the patient developed corneal hydrops of his left eye . patient male 10 After beating his hand against a wall , a 22-year-old patient visited our clinic complaining of a swollen and painful wrist . patient female 1 The patient required minimal analgesia and her pain was nonabdominal . patient male 35 The results showed that motor information ( e.g. , grip types and single finger movements ) could be extracted with classification accuracy around 85 % ( for three classes plus rest ) and that the user could improve his ability to govern motor commands over time as shown by the improved discrimination ability of our classification algorithm . user female 1 The patient recovered to MCI and improved her daily life owing to the treatment with dapsone . patient male 14 At the last follow-up , healing of the bone flap was observed ; the patient experienced useful motion of his upper extremity without any evidence of recurrent infection . patient female 3 On follow-up , patient had regained full strength of her extremities with no sensory deficits . patient male 7 We describe the case of an obese patient who underwent coronary artery bypass ( his third such procedure ) and hiatal hernia reduction during the same operation , followed by transmyocardial laser revascularization and full chest closure the next day . patient male 6 We present a case of a patient who underwent successful concomitant surgical management of his massive pulmonary embolism and severe multivessel coronary disease . patient male 3 A presensitized uremic patient , initially considered unfit for transplantation , lost his cytotoxic antibodies during prospective multiple transfusion therapy . patient female 4 After implantation , the patient was able to close her eye and expressed high cosmetic and aesthetic results . patient male 45 Medically indicated pain treatment which has a potential or certain life-shortening effect ( indirect active euthanasia ) is permitted under certain conditions : if there are no alternative and equally suitable treatment options without the risk of shortening the patient 's life , if the patient has given his consent to the treatment and if the physician does not act with the intention to kill . patient male 8 After receiving paracentesis and fibrinolytic agents , the patient recovered his vision gradually , while the ophthalmoscopic findings progressed to show central retinal vein occlusion ( CRVO ) changes consisting of dilated and tortuous retinal veins and scattered intraretinal hemorrhages . patient male 3 This way the patient will be empowered to make complex medical decisions , considering his personal situation and previous experiences as well as his own set of values . patient male 9 During 24 months of follow-up until now , the patient did not develop new thrombosis or relapse CAPS and his state remained stable . patient female 2 A 27-year-old patient had her mandible reconstructed following wide resection of an ameloblastoma . patient male 0 Patient was pain-free , recovered full function of his finger , and remained without pain at one month post-surgery . Patient male 5 A case report of a patient who discovered his HIV infection concurrently with an advanced immunodeficiency and a dual Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans fungaemia is discussed with reference to the changing epidemiology and clinical features of HIV infection and AIDS in the highly active antiretroviral therapy ( HAART ) era . patient male 1 No patient had recurrence of his pericardial effusion ( followed from 2 weeks to 32 months ) . patient female 14 We report the case of a colonic cancer in a 78 years old female patient , who underwent her first operation in 1987 for a symptomatic T4 carcinoma . patient male 12 It is postulated that because of his blunted ventilaory drives , the patient progessed to coma on exposure to low ambient oxygen tensions ( i.e. , high altitude ) without ever increasing his ventilation . patient male 22 The purpose of this program is to improve the experience of chronic disease by patients , from meetings in which an expert patient provides his knowledge and experiences to a group of patients with the same disease , with the aim of promoting changes in habits and lifestyles that improve the quality of life and the coexistence of the person with his chronic process . patient male 1 One patient with a large trabecular VSD underwent surgical closure of his defect after four months . patient male 30 With a mean follow-up of 33 + /- 20 months , the results demonstrate , apart from the early death indicated above , another death at 50 months of a patient who had lost his pancreas due to early venous thrombosis and who died with a functioning kidney . patient female 7 After 3 years of knee arthroplasty the patient has painless , stable knee with good range of motion and is able to do all her activities , of living in a hilly terrain . patient female 4 It appeared that the patient had dilated her urethra , not her vagina , and that she had had urethral coitus . patient male 5 Despite intensive nutritional rehabilitation , patient did not regain the use of his lower limbs . patient female 1 One patient injured her elbow postoperatively , which resulted in fragmentation of the proximal segment and loss of fixation . patient male 1 One patient had a large portion of his small bowel resected many years prior to the onset of the renal failure and the second patient had chronic pancreatitis causing steatorrhea . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient experienced complete resolution of her personality changes , and her weight decreased back to baseline . patient female 5 Some days later , the patient consulted her dentist for an ulceration of the oral cavity floor in front of tooth 33 ( left mandibular canine ) extending to the left inferior side of the lip . patient male 25 The authors discuss their observations of acute psychiatric patients in a day hospital , noting the universality of the existential concerns that arise once the patient has confronted his illness . patient female 1 The patient could not open her eyelids to verbal command or voluntarily until about two weeks later , when she became able to open her eyes but showed difficulty keeping her left eye closed . patient female 9 Our purpose was to determine whether an apparently healthy patient who died under general anaesthesia had malignant hyperpyrexia by examining her relatives and to suggest protective measures for the relatives of the deceased patient against this complication during future general anaesthetics . patient female 6 Thorough history taking revealed that the patient had fallen and struck her head against a flowerpot . patient female 24 For this section of JAPA , we have collected three papers that explore some of the unique challenges and opportunities that arise when a patient brings her baby to treatment . patient male 1 The patient has not had recurrence of his aneurysm following this course of management . patient female 5 After its partial removal the patient regained her ability to urinate . patient male 2 Since a patient may not understand the significance of his symptom and may consult a general surgeon , physician , ophthalmologist and/or paediatrician , these specialists should be alerted to the recognition of this disease . patient male 6 At 37 months post-transplantation , the patient has fully incorporated his transplant into his self-image and is back at work . patient male 9 The procedure was terminated before wire placement in one patient who was unable to successfully hold his breath . patient male 1 The patient had little factual recall of his prolonged ICU care but had multiple delusional memories from this period . patient female 20 Complete remission of psychotic symptoms was achieved for the first time in 19 years , but these recurred when the patient discontinued her clorazepate . patient male 14 In this aspect patient is the subject and the therapy is addressed to the patient taking into account his system of values with reference to the illness . patient female 10 The purpose of this case report is to describe a patient who developed acute paralysis and aphasia while receiving her initial infusion of irinotecan . patient female 1 The patient , however , had done her part , and when Fromm-Reichmann speaks of the patients ' " treatment history " she is referring to the patient 's manuscript , which I read at that time . patient male 1 The patient had excellent fragmentation of his calculus . patient male 11 After fluid and salt supplementation was combined with hydrocortisone , the patient regained his strength and could leave the hospital . patient male 17 Two of the healed five , subsequently developed osteoarthritis and had total hip arthroplasty where as one patient had already developed degeneration of his hip at the time of diagnosis and hence treated with total hip arthroplasty . patient male 3 Remarkably , the patient lost weight to a BMI of 27 kg/m(2 ) ( ie . lost 80 % of his original excess body weight ) , thus challenging the widely held opinion that gastro-gastric fistulas inevitably lead to poor weight loss . patient male 2 A second patient underwent removal of his right orbital floor , medial wall , and inferior portion of his lateral wall during excision of a cylindrical cell papilloma of the paranasal sinuses . patient female 1 The patient has continued to use her implant daily for 20 years , and it has greatly enhanced her quality of life . patient male 7 We report the clinical course of a patient who developed a Rhizopus infection of his right lung and pleural cavity , 11 months after receiving a T-cell-depleted , haploidentical donor peripheral blood stem cell transplant . patient female 5 1 year after surgery the patient has regained her weight and is feeling well . patient female 11 Interestingly , despite of the type IV genital circumcision , the patient expressed her interest in reassigning her sex from female to male . patient female 1 The patient also had progressive hoarseness of her voice and intermittent dysphagia . patient male 5 The caps also enabled the patient to easily insert and withdraw his denture , even though he displayed limited manual dexterity . patient male 1 The patient underwent an emergency bifurcated graft of his internal iliac aneurysm and was successfully treated with appropriate antibiotics . patient male 6 At this three-week follow-up , the patient reported no discomfort and his swollen salivary glands , neck lymph node and pancreas had returned to normal size . patient female 2 The above patient produced the abscesses by deliberately traumatizing her skin . patient male 18 The first stage of the trials , described in this paper , involved the participation of one hemiplegic patient who is not able to bend his right knee . patient male 9 He is working on a comprehensive treatment but his patient has deliberately concealed his terminal state of health . patient female 1 One patient lost her graft and subsequently died from complications related to donor-contracted hepatitis B. One-year graft survival was 89 % for tourists and 98 % for the matched UCLA cohort ( P = 0.75 ) . patient female 1 The patient received conservative medical treatment and her symptoms spontaneously subsided . patient male 2 When the patient survives his illness , cranioplasty with autologous bone graft or other reconstructive materials is considered to repair the skull defect . patient male 2 In a patient who has ruptured his oesophagus a major objective should be to prevent access of swallowed material or refluxed gastric contents to the area of the rupture . patient female 1 A patient with anorexia nervosa refused treatment for her thyrotoxicosis for 18 years in an attempt to keep her weight low . patient male 1 The patient had been treated with multiple courses of oral and intramuscular prednisolone over a 10-year period to suppress his recurrent and episodic symptoms . patient female 5 It is likely that the patient denied the existence of her menstrua and that the term ' spurious ' primary amenorrhoea would most appropriately described this condition . patient male 9 The application of this method is demonstrated on a patient who lost his left eye and part of the jaw bone during surgery for cancer . patient male 9 This report describes a case in which a pediatric patient wounded his ankle when he stuck an object inside the cast while trying to scratch himself . patient male 60 The latest research adopted software technology to redesign the mouse driver , and turned a mouse into a useful pointing assistive device for people with multiple disabilities who can not easily or possibly use a standard mouse , to improve their pointing performance through a new operation method , Extended Dynamic Pointing Assistive Program ( EDPAP ) , where the user can swing his hand on the desktop to quickly move the cursor to a target . user female 1 The patient related her symptoms with the emission of dusts and steam from a factory in the neighbourhood producing manufactures using polyester resins dissolved in styrene . patient female 2 The other patient had her prolapsed tube diagnosed and resected laparoscopically . patient male 1 The patient recovered his hearing in the left ear after three days of treatment with intravenous piracetam , 10 g/day . patient male 3 We report a patient who suffered from squamous cell carcinoma of the skin overlying his right cheek . patient male 6 On postoperative day 5 , the patient experienced upper eyelid swelling after closing his eyes suddenly and standing up abruptly . patient male 10 The weight effect has been successfully compensated so that the user can move his arm freely while wearing the exoskeleton without feeling its mass . user male 6 We report a case of a patient who developed recurrence of his ameloblastoma in his fibula flap mandibular reconstruction despite clear resection margins 23 years after resection . patient male 12 At eighteen months after surgery , no complications were observed and the patient had resumed all his daily activities , despite a residual 2-cm limb-length discrepancy . patient male 28 Seven patients dropped out , six of them for side effects , due to hydroxycloroquine in 1 case and to gold sodium thiomalate in 5 cases ; 1 patient withdrew his consent . patient female 1 The patient is currently 22 years old and is earning her teaching degree for K-12 art education . patient male 1 The patient rated his pain during this procedure as 2/10 . patient female 11 In the last 8 months of the 18-month period , the patient managed her symptoms using an ankle-foot orthosis . patient female 4 Before admission , the patient had expressed her desire to discontinue treatment on several occasions . patient female 3 To assist this patient in managing her flatfoot posture and PTTD , 3 orthoses were considered : an off-the-shelf ankle-foot orthosis ( AFO ) , a custom solid AFO , and a custom articulated AFO . patient male 11 At the time of the initial physical therapy examination , the patient was still not able to bear full weight on the right lower extremity or actively fully extend his right knee . patient male 3 However , the patient was still not able to actively extend his knee , suggesting a possible rupture of the patellar tendon , which was later confirmed on magnetic resonance imaging . patient male 7 The pain could be intense and the patient had found an analgesic position by pushing on his groin or by flexing his thigh on the pelvis . patient female 14 Three months after the initiation of gabapentin therapy ( 1800 mg/day ) , the patient reported complete cessation of her menses . patient male 8 Nevertheless , the nurse 's assessment of the patient marks a key point in this career , his entry into a formal institution . patient male 8 At 2.5 years after the injury , the patient has symmetrical range of motion versus his contra lateral normal hip . patient male 10 Indeed the process of narrative insight essentially consists in the patient adapting his life story to his conceptions and his values . patient male 0 Patient got TAVR and his postoperative course was complicated by complete heart block , aorto-RV fistula , and ventricular septal defect ( VSD ) formation as a complication of TAVR . Patient male 10 Eight have had successful ACE management , of whom 1 patient has had his tube removed after resolution of symptoms . patient male 11 After ceasing clozapine and inducing standard heart failure medications , the patient presented the excellent recovery and the normalization of his echocar- diogram . patient female 1 Our patient could not put her erotic attributes in sexual relations , so she had numerous heterosexual , bisexual and homosexual relationships . patient male 0 Patient regained consciousness and could move his limbs . Patient male 1 The patient or pupil must refine his perception of vibration and touch in order to enhance his proprioceptive skills . patient female 1 The patient could stand in the erect position and raise her lower limbs within 2 weeks . patient female 13 Through extensive counseling and education , the pharmacist is able to help the patient better manage her new medication regimen and understand expected outcomes . patient male 1 The patient who reported taking 90 times his usual dose in suicide attempt was the only patient to have significant clinical effects . patient female 7 Within 1 week symptoms ceased and the patient regained her normal activities without any sequelae . patient male 1 The patient had been on oral propranolol for the past five years and had taken his last dose of propranolol approximately ten hours before the administration of parenteral verapamil for treatment of a supraventricular tachycardia documented by an electrocardiogram . patient male 1 The patient sometimes could recall his behavior and believed it to be voluntary . patient male 6 At the 2-year follow-up , the patient had no pain and resumed his regular daily activities . patient female 1 The patient underwent a selective reduction of her pregnancy to two fetuses at approximately 13 weeks gestational age . patient female 13 An axillary nerve type lesion was observed for 7 weeks , until the patient fully recovered all functions of her arm . patient female 1 The patient suddenly lost her visual acuity resulting in a permanent visual deficit in spite of the massive steroid therapy given . patient male 1 One patient died from a very advanced cardio-myopathy after having stopped his own assisted ventilation . patient female 1 The patient underwent a radical resection of her lower abdominal wall panniculus , which showed a multicentric , high-grade angiosarcoma with bilateral superficial inguinal lymph node metastases . patient male 17 Despite prompt initiation of pulse steroid and high dose intrathecal cytarabine followed by cranial irradiation , the patient never regained his vision . patient male 14 A commentary is provided to evaluate the efficacy of treatment and to assist the user in improving his prescription of tobramycin or vancomycin . user male 5 On a pharmacovigilance strategy the patient also has his say . patient male 4 The interest of the patient includes his ( her ) autonomy for which it is necessary to inform about different possibilities of treatment before informed consent . patient male 2 However each patient has his ( her ) personal characteristics and thus different wishes to be informed and to participate to medical decision . patient male 6 By 2 weeks of age the patient had complete resolution of his cyanosis and improved tricuspid regurgitation following the normal decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance . patient male 5 In one case , the patient chronically rejected his liver graft ( treated with successful retransplant ) while maintaining good function in his kidney . patient male 1 The patient , 62 years of age , saw his general practitioner , Dr Baldwin , on 10 November 2001 for a check up . patient male 1 The patient presented with minimal disease in a highly symptomatic location , allowing early initiation of therapy and extending his life by nearly four times the average life expectancy for this aggressive chronic leukemia . patient female 1 The patient gave her informed consent for excision of the fistulous tract and/or total abdominal hysterectomy . patient male 1 The patient underwent a craniotomy and clipping of his aneurysm . patient male 11 After 4 weeks of immobilization the splint was removed and the patient could actively flex his elbow from 30 ° to 100 ° . patient female 4 On presentation , the patient knew well the ramifications of her gum scratching behaviour , however , was unable to stop . patient male 1 The patient received standard topical antimicrobial therapy and the majority of his burn wound healed . patient male 5 On postburn day 25 the patient underwent multiple tooth extractions plus excision and grafting of his unhealed burn after preoperative infusion of cryoprecipitate . patient male 4 This intervention allowed the patient to resume his former condition as an extremely physically active patient with paraplegia . patient male 29 Although his high level of spinal cord injury made ambulation unlikely , an occupational therapist and a rehabilitation engineer , working together , devised a method to help the patient meet his ambulation goal . patient male 20 After a cerebral infarct the joint efforts in our center for rehabilitation ' Hoensbroeck ' are intended to help the patient regain his equilibrium . patient male 18 The case report indicates that letters to patients provide a useful source of information and can help the patient to understand the nature of his illness . patient male 2 Neither the patient nor family could provide details of his home pharmaceuticals . patient male 1 The patient underwent emergency lifesaving exploratory laparotomy and subsequently needed repair of his left upper limb ulnar artery injury . patient male 5 The way by which the patient waives his right for confidentiality is not defined by the Law or by regulations . patient male 13 In such cases , the physician should transfer the information even if the patient did not waive his right for secrecy . patient male 5 Due to a granuloma the patient experienced problems in bandaging his ileostomy . patient male 21 A saphenous vein bypass graft from the contralateral superficial temporal artery to the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery was performed in a patient who required occlusion of his left common carotid artery . patient male 1 The patient had full remission of his symptoms within 24 hours . patient male 5 Immediately after the trauma the patient complained of neck pain and decreased ability to feel and move his extremities . patient male 8 At both the 1-month and 15-month follow-up the patient retained the ability to relax his facial muscles with similar carry-over to speech . patient female 12 As of July 2014 , treatment has not been changed and the patient reports her well-being . patient female 1 The patient showed significant improvement in the scores , as well as in her symptoms . patient male 1 The patient had stopped taking his antituberculosis medications two weeks before hospitalization . patient male 10 The present report describes a case , in which the patient regurgitated his giant polypoid mass into his mouth and captured it between his teeth and buccal surface until the emergency endoscopic removal . patient male 10 After receiving the fifth application of his chemotherapy , the patient was admitted to hospital because of neutropenia and severe erythema . patient male 4 It also made the patient independent of otherwise unavoidable transfusions , thus improving his quality of life . patient female 13 We were able to successfully occlude the lesion using Onyx embolization and the patient had significant improvement of her pretreatment trigeminal neuralgia . patient female 1 One patient reported only slight improvement of her symptoms . patient female 3 Nowadays , the patient has regained her previous quality of life . patient female 1 The patient had a satisfactory correction of her scoliosis and made a good recovery . patient male 1 The hunter did not fire his rifle because of concern about accidentally shooting his dogs . hunter female 5 Two years later , the patient had her first locoregional recurrence with adenosquamous cell carcinoma , and pneumonectomy with adjuvant chemotherapy rendered her disease free . patient female 8 Two weeks after the onset of ALO the patient visited her physician , who suspected carbidopa-levodopa of causing the problem ; the drug was discontinued . patient male 14 If overfilling is suspected , after waiting approximately 15 minutes for absorption , the patient will then be able to move his condyle more freely . patient male 1 The patient received a kidney transplant in the orthotopic intra-abdominal position , using his own renal vein for renovenous anastomosis . patient female 1 A patient had bilateral HV and crossover deformities of her feet . patient female 1 This patient survived her infection with intact pituitary function following a transsphenoidal approach . patient female 1 The patient had a good clinical outcome after several months and was able to resume her normal activities . patient female 1 A patient with keratoconus suffered two traumatic ruptures of her corneal graft wound , both of which were successfully repaired with restoration of graft clarity . patient female 2 The fifth patient treated with antiprogestin ( CDB-2914 ) had degeneration of her tumor , progression of its size , and an improvement in symptoms . patient female 1 This patient responded to amphotericin and three antituberculous drugs but nevertheless had significant sequelae of her illness . patient female 1 The patient was able to clear the EVD and did regain some functional use of her arm and leg . patient female 1 The patient underwent elective laparoscopic resection of her tumor after extensive radiographic and endoscopic work-up for chronic , non-localizable abdominal pain . patient male 1 The patient , a machine operator , suffered multiple fractures of his forearm , wrist and hand when his left hand was caught in a machine roller . patient female 2 After the patient enhanced her nutritional intake of zinc rich foods , her serum zinc content rose to 88 & mgr;g dl(-1 ) and her symptoms improved . patient male 13 When direct care nursing developed aimed at improving levels of hope that the patient achieves his spiritual suffering terminal decline . patient male 6 While inspiring room air , our patient spent approximately 50 % of his non-REM sleep time in OAE . patient female 1 The patient induced her husband to bring his own stools into the ward , these then being substituted for her own . patient male 10 While preparations for open reduction were being made , the patient , a veteran of many dislocated and jammed fingers , offered his own solution . patient female 1 The patient had undergone , 8 weeks before , her second successful attempt at in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer . patient male 0 Patient then regained his routine activity over a period of 6 months and on follow-up at 1 year no avascular necrosis changes were seen in the femur head . Patient male 1 The patient lost his potency due to poor blood flow into the cavernous . patient female 5 Two years postoperatively , the patient has continued to have regression of her symptoms . patient male 5 At 12 months , the patient only complained of moderate pain on heavy lifting and had resumed his work . patient male 17 One and half years of follow up did n't show any sign of recontracture , and the patient was able to perform his routine activities . patient male 1 A patient who lost his graft early postoperatively was retransplanted but died of sepsis shortly there after . patient male 5 At final follow-up , the patient had reestablished his previous level of activity . patient female 2 Since the patient could not tolerate her symptoms , we decided to close the fistulous tract surgically . patient female 1 One patient stopped using her Bion before the 12-month follow-up visit . patient male 1 The patient had recently purchased " Hurricane " as a sleep aid and to treat his panic attacks . patient male 8 The authors report the case of an elderly patient who suffered ipsilateral anterior dislocation of his left knee and medial subtalar dislocation of his left foot . patient male 6 During his hospital admission , the patient required multiple procedures for sustained upper extremity fractures and subsequently underwent surgical fixation of his anterior and posterior pelvic ring injuries 2 days after admission . patient male 1 The patient was unable to extend his right knee . patient female 19 The clinically detailed report of a successful uterus transplantation and live birth in Sweden , in which a family friend donated her uterus , provides a basis for expanded practice . friend male 23 When malignant regression threatens , the analyst must set firmer boundaries , including limits on her openness , in order to help the patient shift his focus away from expectations of the analyst and toward greater self-reflection . patient female 1 The patient had no further episodes of GI bleeding and her endoscopic evaluation was otherwise negative . patient male 1 The patient was diagnosed in 1990 with lobular MPGN type I , receiving his first renal graft in 1996 . patient female 1 One patient also cleared her chronic hepatitis B carrier status due to acquired immunity . patient male 4 Here we report a patient who relieves his phantom sensations and pain , experienced as itching and cramping , through scratching or massaging his prosthesis or the leg of another person . patient female 1 The patient successfully completed her pregnancy and ultimately underwent resection of a giant hepatic angiomyolipoma . patient female 9 For ' Lanka mansat ' , the traditional birth attendant applies mild pressure inside the baby 's mouth on the soft palate using her index finger . attendant male 1 The patient recovered normal activity including his surfing . patient male 23 There is no significant difference between both routes of administration either SLIT or SCIT in achieving clinical and immunologic improvement ; so the patient can choose his preferred method for therapy . patient male 0 Patient was advised regular follow up and on 3 months follow up his clinical picture was same . Patient female 22 Within a few days of her admission , following the commencement of steroid therapy , and a grand mal seizure , the patient developed paralysis of her lower limbs , due to an acute demyelinating polyneuropathy , and subsequently a retinal vasculitis . patient male 1 The patient recorded his training as he prepared for an endurance event that was to occur 3 months after RP , the Norwegian Foot March , a 30-km road march carrying 11.4 kg . patient male 4 We report a 40-year-old patient with familial retinoblastoma also affecting his elder son , who developed multiple fibromas on the periungual or subungual areas of all the fingers . patient female 2 Every female patient presented normal ovulation , tubal patency and morphologic and functional integrity of her genital tract . patient female 1 The patient also received Chinese herbal medicine ( CHM ) on an as-needed basis to manage her symptoms . patient male 8 After 8 months of topical application , the patient has marked improvement of his corneal disease , both subjectively and objectively . patient male 9 Although the molecular analysis revealed a difference between a patient who rejected the transplant and his donor , the RFLP typing confirmed the serological identity of the HLA class II antigens in all the other donor-recipient pairs studied . patient female 8 After nonsurgical management at local hospitals , the patient had her indwelling T-tube removal during laparotomy in our center finally . patient male 1 The patient had missed his last three dialysis sessions after Hurricane Maria forced him to leave Puerto Rico . patient female 1 The patient in this case reported resolution of her knee pain after 5 treatments over the course of 10 days . patient female 17 Following a comprehensive medical workup , brief psychodynamic psychotherapy , and the initiation of pharmacotherapy , the patient had a resolution of her symptoms , and at a 2 month follow-up , remained asymptomatic . patient male 22 Delay in diagnosis is explained by the lack of dracunculosis in the area , and by the migratory habits of this young patient who did consider his filariosis as a benign occurrence . patient male 10 As physicians , we must at least assist the obese patient in tailoring a sensible plan to suit his needs . patient male 4 When lying , the patient was able to stretch his neck , and he could stand and walk with the aid of a walker . patient female 13 Following the treatment , in the postanesthetic recuperation ( PAR ) , the patient related her pain as VNS 3 , and was released after five hours with VNS 2 . patient female 3 We present a patient with CACS who suffered a recurrence of her original abdominal complaints. patient female 1 One patient rejected her first HSCT after 10 weeks and had a second successful transplant from the same donor . patient male 2 One male patient rejected his TCD haploidentical HSCT from his mother , and subsequently had a successful fully matched unrelated UCB transplant . patient male 3 However , the patient stopped taking his medication , resulting in worsening of the LV function . patient male 6 We preferred conservative treatment and the patient continued his antiepileptic treatment . patient female 2 Only 1 patient refused follow-up imaging and her symptoms remain improved after 1 year . patient male 1 The patient experienced oedema and blistering of his penis , increasing in severity and duration following each subsequent exposure . patient male 2 The third patient had congenital hemophilia and immunoadsorption was effective in reducing his inhibitor level , allowing him to undergo immune tolerance therapy . patient male 7 The second patient concerns a 45-year-old male patient , who had a gun shot accident of his right hand . patient female 4 But only one aged patient who had repeated Matas maneuver had spontaneous improvement of her signs . patient male 4 The removal of a patient from a laminar air flow room during protected isolation poses the risk of his microbial contamination and infection . patient male 0 Patient 2 , a 39-year-old man , did undergo excision of his mass , and he also experienced an alleviation of OSAS . Patient male 3 The partially successful patient receiving an allogeneic transplant had infectious keratitis delay of his re-epithelialization ; he has only minimal visual improvement but has re-epithelialized . patient male 1 The patient receiving the second allogeneic graft lost his donor epithelium at day 4 . patient female 10 Picture books were used to establish rapport and help the patient express her feelings , needs , and desires for parental love and company . patient male 2 The second patient could control his sexual impulse . patient female 4 Described here is a patient who within a few months after the onset of autoimmune type 1 diabetes increased her insulin requirements more than 20-fold ; despite this she had considerable difficulty maintaining a plasma glucose value of < 40 - 60 mmol/L ( 720 - 1100 mg/dL ) . patient male 2 The first patient developed his rupture several weeks after outflow ligation and apparent thrombosis of the aneurysm . patient male 14 A syringosubarachnoïd shunt has been carried out with excellent post operative results as the patient has recovered all his sensory and motor functions . patient female 10 Postoperatively , the benefit quickly became evident , as the patient exhibited a marked improvement in her dystonia , including her writing difficulty . patient female 1 The patient noticed a dramatic recovery of her symptoms within 2 days , with both reduction of the paresthesias and functional improvement . patient male 3 We report a patient supported with the Novacor Left Ventricular Assist System for more than 6 years and chronicle his progress as an illustration of the clinical , practical , and emotional challenges of this therapy and the benefits of an intervention that can return a morbidly ill patient to an essentially normal lifestyle . patient male 10 Despite the size and invasiveness of the tumor , the patient had resolution of his clinical symptoms , dramatic reduction of his hyperprolactinemia , and near-complete disappearance of his tumor following medical treatment . patient female 1 No patient had complete loss of her flap regardless of body mass index . patient female 1 Our patient tolerated her procedure well without evidence of residual disease over 6 months postoperatively . patient male 13 After many pharmacological attempts to improve his cognitive and behavioral problems , the patient showed a significant improvement in the cognitive , functional and behavioral impairments after treatment with an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor . patient female 2 Although the patient was able to stop wearing her compression garment while continuing independent manual lymph drainage and upper extremity wrapping , the post-surgical intervention was not a success because the patient 's circumferential measurements remained meaningfully higher than at her initial examination . patient male 1 A patient with positive smear tuberculosis infects approximately 50 % of his domestic contacts ; post-primary morbidity may reach 10 % of the cases infected under the age of 24 years . patient female 1 The patient attained long-term resolution of her complaint and at 12 month follow-up reported no recurrence of symptoms . patient female 2 When this patient refuses surgery and stops her radiotherapy , one expert suggests waiting until the mucositis resides and proceeding with a resection ( Dr. Donald ) . patient female 2 The first patient presented with overhanging mass of skin folds on the right side of her face , completely obliterating her right eye . patient female 2 Managing the patient who requests removal of her silicone gel implants , either intact or ruptured , can be difficult because the treatment depends on the desires and perceptions of the individual patient , especially in the present absence of data concerning the possible long-term adverse consequences of a silicone gel implant , intact or ruptured . patient female 8 The paper describes the processes by which the patient was able to use the two stages of her treatment to accomplish her goals : to feel greater pride in life and then , with the help of a physician , to die as she had wished . patient male 1 Our patient subsequently developed a fever and shortness of breath and his nasopharyngeal swab performed on admission to hospital returned positive for COVID-19 . patient male 1 Each patient had his own " twin " control . patient female 2 When the patient first presented her serum calcium level was 15.5mg/dl , intact parathyroid hormone level 118 pg/ml , calcitonin < 2 pg/ml , magnesium 1.2mg/dl , and phosphate 1mg/dl . patient male 1 The patient recovered his penile functional capacity improved aesthetically and his anguish disappear . patient female 1 One patient developed a progression of her rectocele . patient male 5 Immediately after operation , the patient reported an improvement of his neurological deficits . patient male 1 The patient noted complete resolution of his tinnitus in the recovery room . patient female 31 After resection of the necrotic gastrostomy site , takedown of the ligament of Treitz to free the fourth portion of the duodenum , and insertion of a feeding jejunostomy , the patient was again able to gain weight and tolerate her tube feedings . patient male 15 Erectile impotence of venous origin can be suspected from a very suggestive sign : the patient can maintain his erection more easily when standing . patient female 1 One patient who reduced her dose to a conventional level had a return of her pulmonary arterial pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance toward previous levels . patient female 1 The patient received conservative treatment with regression of the symptoms and rapid improvement of her general condition . patient female 7 At the 1-year follow-up , one 2-stage patient lost her prosthesis as the result of multiple implant failures . patient female 1 The patient underwent successful resection of both her breast and lung cancers , and using standard Sanger sequencing the breast cancer was shown to harbor the identical PIK3CA mutation identified in peripheral blood . patient female 39 In the case described , the therapist made it clear that he disagreed with the patient 's delusional viewpoint , but at the same time was interested in hearing the material as a source of ideas about how the patient experienced her world , and how to discover what remained of her capacity for self observation and nonpsychotic thought . patient male 7 Here we assessed whether GK , a patient with simultanagnosia , shows averaging of stimulus properties when distributing his attention across a set of items . patient male 14 After thorough counseling , surgical resection was done with few post operative complications and patient recovered well with ability to perform his daily activities with partial support . patient male 59 In the second patient , longitudinal division of the muscles of the upper arm into different compartments and interweaving of the long tendons of the forearm into these muscles as well as early intensive mobility training and reintegration of the replanted hand in the body scheme resulted in the rapid gain of extremely good functional results so that the patient is now able to employs his heterotopically replanted hand quite effectively in his activities of daily living as a farmer . patient male 1 The patient resumed normal muscle function and his previous level of activities . patient male 1 The patient subsequently underwent resection of the inferior angle of his right scapula and had complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 12 CT scan confirmed the contained rupture of the aortic aneurysm and the patient underwent successful repair of his aortic aneurysm . patient female 1 The patient steadily and gradually recovered her oral maneuvers and ability to speak several months later . patient male 1 The patient was treated with gonadotropin and was able to impregnant his wife during the treatment . patient female 1 My patient has narcolepsy and is currently breastfeeding her 3-month-old infant . patient male 8 Of the 21 accepting home treatment , one patient did not receive his insurance agreement and could not participate in follow-up . patient male 18 The examination included : rhinoscopy , subiective visual analogue scale ( VAS ) score , in which a patient described his symptoms in points from 0 , ( always very good nasal airflow ) to 10 points ( always total obstruction ) and anterior rhinomanometry . patient female 1 This patient had her first seizure at 8 months old , and also has ID and aggressive behavior . patient female 7 An urgent parathyroidectomy was performed on one patient , which relieved her symptoms ; the other required local surgery but refused parathyroidectomy and died . patient male 1 The user may introduce his own scales . user male 10 Six different comparison matrices may be used , but the user can also introduce his own matrices . user male 12 We reported a case of cervicofacial and retropharyngeal emphysema in a 54-year-old patient who stated concerns after blowing his nose several times after a traumatic episode involving orbitozygomatic region . patient male 34 Despite an obviously broad acceptance of living wills especially in the elderly population , there are hardly any consequences on the daily patient care in an emergency department by now , as hardly any patient has hers or his living will on hand at admission . patient female 11 DM was diagnosed at the age of 7 years and the patient suffered a rapid and aggressive progression of her disease with early development of DN and diabetic retinopathy . patient male 4 At present , the patient has completely recovered his range of motion and has obtained his driver license . patient female 1 The patient had a rapid response of both her mucocutaneous lesions and renal dysfunction after the initiation of systemic steroids . patient male 9 After 10 months of alcohol abstinence a malnourished alcoholic patient improved his nutritional status . patient female 1 The patient showed signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism and her laboratory tests were : TSH of 351 microUI/mL , free thyroxine of 0.20 ng/dL , and total triiodothyronine of 27 ng/dL. She was submitted , under medical supervision , to a levothyroxine overload test with no evidence of malabsorption of the thyroid hormone . patient male 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well and has resolution of his corporal disfigurement . patient male 9 Previously , an fMRI study of a developmental amnesic patient whose anoxic hippocampal damage was incurred perinatally revealed his residual hippocampal tissue to be active during memory retrieval . patient female 1 The patient remains on this regimen while maintaining her quality of life and she has been under follow-up as an outpatient for 36 months . patient male 11 The patient 's wound healed following surgical intervention , but the patient lost the use of his left eye . patient female 12 This poem focuses on the positive outcome of saying no to a patient regarding her controlled refill request . patient male 23 Three months after onset ( 5 weeks after the initial evaluation ) , the patient had normal gait without pain , whereupon the patient resumed his sport activities , beginning with jogging . patient female 21 The difficulty was overcome by installing an alternative IMV system ( Hudson " disposable IMV valve " ) through which the patient drew her spontaneous breaths . patient female 1 The patient fell into a hole , injuring her left foot . patient female 1 The patient could eventually perform her daily activities satisfactorily , without coccydynia , after 24 weeks of treatment . patient male 5 So far not a single patient has lost his life , his larynx or his voice , or needed an additional external operation or irradiation . patient male 2 To evaluate patient with cardiomyopathy 's progress after cardiac transplant , by analyzing his survival , complications and cardiovascular responses after nearly four years of surgery . patient female 4 The daughter of the patient still maintained her pathological beliefs , adopted from her ill mother . patient male 5 In the second case the patient had been afflicted with muscular weakness of the shoulder girdle for 2 months and was unable to keep his arms raised over his head . patient male 1 The patient gave his permission for publication of the case . patient male 9 In one case , with similar histopathology , the patient had acquired his infection seven years previously and he presented with the largest number of disseminated cutaneous lesions . patient male 2 The second patient lost his both hands in a mine blast . patient female 1 The patient reported increased ambulatory endurance and independence with functional activities ( ie , walking and turning her head , and stair negotiation without use of a railing ) . patient male 1 The patient can use his sound extremity to control FES system to generate the electrical stimulation so that the paralyzed muscles will be excited . patient male 6 Six months after surgery , the patient had complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient resumed his full professional activity after consolidation of the fracture site . patient male 6 At the time of presentation the patient had a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding tube and was unable to handle his oral secretions . patient female 4 History revealed that the patient had a fall from bicycle and injured her left eye one month earlier . patient male 5 In most cases , the patient can expect a short convalescence and preservation of his injured gonad . patient male 1 The patient refused right nephrectomy , and completed his pharmacological treatment . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and his neurologic symptoms were improved . patient male 2 The first patient recovered his vision within 2 years , but the other 2 remained blind . patient male 3 A 51-year-old male patient with diabetes mellitus consulted his home doctor because of high fever and right flank pain . patient male 26 Immune T-cell lines could not be developed from the cells of five patients who died or eventually had a relapse of disease , but in one patient who had an unusually long remission of his disease after therapy , immune T-cell lines were propagated that could produce their own T-cell growth factor and proliferate upon stimulation with autologous tumour cells and also specifically lyse HTLV-infected target cells . patient male 17 As such , the diagnosis of psychogenic hemiplegia was established , apparently within a period that the patient had experienced severe emotional stress while questioning his gender identity . patient female 4 After this , the patient underwent a complete resection of her tumor , and is currently disease free , 6 months after surgery . patient female 1 A patient with Sjögren 's syndrome exhibited markedly impaired stimulation of her granulocytes via Fc-receptors ( FcR ) , four other stimuli elicited a normal chemiluminescent response . patient female 1 One patient had her gallbladder removed incidentally at the time of surgery for a bleeding gastric ulcer . patient male 18 Azathioprine had been at a stable dose of 75 mg per day ( 1 mg/kg ) and the patient had received his 14th infusion of infliximab 4 weeks prior to presentation . patient female 1 One patient developed depression after transition and interrupted her own treatment . patient female 3 We describe a patient who developed partial and secondary generalized seizures during IFN-alpha therapy while displaying a focal disruption of her blood-brain barrier ( BBB ) corresponding with pathological electroencephalography ( EEG ) . patient male 2 The second patient had a minimal access implantation of his HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device ( HVAD , Medtronic Inc , Framingham , MA , USA ) . patient male 4 At follow-up , the patient had no restriction of his everyday activities and was very satisfied . patient female 11 A gross total resection was achieved and , postoperatively , the patient had resolution of her radiculopathy . patient male 11 Upon removal of the bezoar via upper gastrointestinal endoscopy , the patient experienced immediate relief of his symptoms . patient female 2 Only one patient had anti-IgA. Her antibody titre did not change during treatment . patient male 8 More than 4 years after transplantation , the patient has catch-up growth and his serum creatinine is 1.4 mg/dl . patient male 0 Patient completed his 24 months of pembrolizumab and was started on prednisone and colchicine with improvement in his symptoms . Patient male 1 The patient showed significant improvement of his motor and sensory functions . patient male 37 The main problems which we have faced with care for terminal cancer patients are as follows : ( 1 ) For emergency case , such as sudden changes in patient condition , if a hospital where the patient used to stay can not accept his return , our clinical coordinator makes a contact with closer hospital and asks them to hospitalize the patient . patient female 16 After surgical decompression and abscess drainage , long-term intravenous antibiotics , and physical therapy , the patient has regained some functional use of her left upper extremity . patient female 1 The patient refused biopsy of her lesion and traditional treatments and , instead , initiated using A. vera eye drops 3 times daily . patient male 31 In the experiment , we measured seating pressure , the trajectory of the seating pressure 's center , position of ischia , and force on the weight bearing arm when a user was walking while locating his hip on the cushion for ischia . user male 2 Although the patient was only 6 years old , to resolve his walking problem and social withdrawal , derotational osteotomy was performed in the subtrochanteric area . patient female 7 Eight years prior to examination , the patient had discontinued her thyroid maintenance medications . patient male 2 As one patient lost his implant and another refused further participation after final prosthesis insertion , 44 ISSCs/patients ( 19 females , 25 males ) were available for evaluation . patient female 4 A 48-year-old female epilepsy patient of Han Chinese genetic descent carrying heterozygous mutations in PIK3R2 donated her peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMCs ) . patient female 9 The single metastatic tumor was resectable , and the patient had resolution of her symptoms following surgery . patient male 6 Following Infusaid pump insertion , the patient lived for 22 months and obtained substantial relief of his cancer pain with no adverse side effects . patient female 6 One important issue is that the patient went to see her family doctor instead of resorting to complementary consultations . patient male 6 After 18 months of disease the patient has a contracture of his right shoulder , induration and painful movements right forearm , pronounced tremor of the head and hands , balance disorders , neck pain and back pain , difficulty in walking . patient female 1 Our patient both simulated and stimulated her arrhythmias with an ECG rhythm generator and intentional caffeine intoxication . patient male 6 At 1-year follow-up examination , the patient retained almost full function of his hallux . patient male 6 After half a year , the patient gained a functional recovery of his previously afflicted wrist . patient male 1 The patient underwent a transurethral resection of the prostate to reduce his bladder outlet obstruction , and subsequently underwent an open diverticulectomy . patient female 18 [ Conclusion ] Bridging exercise on a plinth is effective at balancing body weight-bearing and resulted in the patient putting her weight on both feet evenly and in both the anterior and posterior directions . patient female 14 Although the choice of drug was rendered difficult by other adverse reactions , the patient was able to complete her tuberculosis treatment with RFP , EB , and TH . patient female 6 The symptoms had started after the patient dyed her eyelashes and eyebrows with henna . patient male 19 Several hours after surgery , the patient 's subjective vestibular symptoms lessened and 7 days after surgery , the patient felt slight dizziness when moving his head and no apparent spontaneous nystagmus was observed with an infrared charge-coupled device camera and was discharged from the hospital . patient male 1 The patient sought help for a fixed implant prosthesis and disagreed with the proposed plan to restore his missing teeth using a removable prosthesis . patient male 1 The patient with persistent Hodgkin 's disease had his treatment regimen successfully altered . patient male 3 The cervical SCI patient could raise his lower legs against the gravity in the wheelchair and shake his toes under control . patient male 1 The patient did not have a personal history or risk factors of coronary artery disease and his electrocardiogram ( ECG ) before starting chemotherapy was completely normal . patient male 1 The patient recalled his symptoms worsening dramatically immediately after he had undergone two MRI scans on a day on which he was not dialyzed . patient male 3 Moreover , the user can set his preferences and the appliances are auto turned off and on to meet user-specific requirements . user female 2 An additional patient in Group 2 had a shift of her distance-near disparity , shifting from relatively exotropic to relatively esotropic disparity postoperatively . patient male 7 At followup after 31 months followup the patient had fully resumed his previous athletic activity level and was symptom-free . patient female 35 In most cases radiation treatment of the tumor did not significantly alter the mixed hemadsorption titer but in 10 surviving patients there was a significant increase in reactivity as the tumor was treated ; 1 patient who had recurrence of her cancer lost reactivity in later sera . patient male 11 Sixteen patients received their test epidural dose preoperatively , and one patient had his in the recovery room . patient male 1 The patient lost his symptoms after curative tumor resection . patient male 10 Follow-up examination showed significant clinical and electrophysiological improvement after the patient stopped wearing his inflatable ice hockey skates . patient female 6 Despite acute radiation therapy , the patient could not recover her neurological function and passed away shortly after the diagnosis . patient female 1 The patient had significant improvement of her symptoms and no complications at 12 months follow-up . patient female 9 In this article , the first coauthor , a patient with a basal cell carcinoma on her upper lip , discusses her experience with Mohs micrographic surgery for the treatment of the skin cancer . patient female 1 The patient , a 65-year-old woman had an amelanotic choroidal tumor of her left eye . patient male 13 However , this reaction was caused by different compounds , and after the patient had changed his work environment . patient male 1 The patient had full resolution of his pain and restoration of his neurologic function . patient male 1 The patient can walk with loading in 3 weeks after the surgical operation , and can regain his ( or her ) daily work and life in 2 to 3 months of the operation . patient male 36 At 36 months follow-up , bilateral foot and ankle functions were satisfactory , Maryland scores of the right and left foot were 85 ( good ) and 90 ( excellent ) , respectively , and the patient regained his full activity level by the 5th month postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient had maintained his highest functional level as an independent community ambulator . patient female 5 The next day , the patient developed recurrent chest pain and her EKG showed diffuse T-wave inversion in precordial leads with reemerging ST segment elevations concerning for stent thrombosis . patient male 1 The patient underwent open reduction of his fractures and the patient was discharged on the eighth day after the trauma . patient female 1 The patient also had a neck stiffness and her Kernig and Brudzinski signs were positive . patient female 5 Sixteen months after surgery the patient underwent posterior spinal fusion to address her scoliosis progression during the growth spurt . patient male 1 One patient who did not complete his radiation course was excluded , leaving 46 patients for analyses . patient male 1 One patient presented a transient worsening of his neurological status , and 2 patients developed a fixed deficit . patient male 1 The patient had a complete response following combination chemotherapy for his seminoma and subsequently underwent complete resection of his ganglioneuroma . patient male 1 The patient again discontinued his testosterone treatment , and the hematologic abnormalities recurred but were again corrected after supervised testosterone therapy . patient female 9 At 3 months after the endoscopic treatment , the patient underwent living-donor liver transplantation using the left and caudate lobe of her daughter . patient female 17 Pretreatment prolactin values , which were higher than normal , dramatically decreased by 90 % in one patient who had a partial remission of her disease , and they further increased in another patient who relapsed while on therapy . patient female 6 During the 1.5-year follow-up time the patient repeatedly expressed her satisfaction with the improvement of her smile . patient male 7 We describe a case of a 15-y-old patient , who had tricuspid valve endocarditis in a morphologically normal valve after having his ear pierced , without history of parenteral drug addiction and vascular catheter use . patient male 7 To emerge from this conundrum , the patient employed his relearned habits ; the above antidepressant cocktail ( bupropion , SAMe , and vit-D3 ) ; and with 30 fractionated stereotactic radiation treatments shrank his tumor and gained relief . patient male 8 It was performed in two , the third patient eventually died without having repeated his request . patient male 10 Due to his psychosis and lack of pain , the patient refused medical treatment and his leg henceforth developed mummification necrosis . patient female 1 The patient remained asymptomatic and resumed her daily activities . patient male 13 We report , with review of the literature , the case of a patient who developed a subcutaneous abscess after intravenously injecting his own semen in an attempt to treat longstanding back pain . patient male 25 Four patients with pelvic fracture had complete posterior urethra disruption , three patients after straddle injury developed obliterating stricture of the bulbar urethra and one patient had torn his bulbar urethra apart by a sharp hook . patient female 2 The fifth patient , who had already approached her adult height at the time of diagnosis , had been off therapy only 1 year and had a mean growth hormone level intermediate between those of normal controls and previously reported children treated with 2400 cGy . patient male 10 Despite of our efforts to save his life , the patient died six hours after the arrival . patient female 1 The patient then underwent pericardial patch repair of her perforated esophagus . patient female 1 The patient presented continuous right temporalgia and right facial twitch while opening her mouth . patient female 4 A 23 year-old female patient had her first pregnancy and delivered a full-term healthy baby girl . patient female 1 Our patient continued her iron therapy for 17 months after her initial complaint . patient female 1 The patient had a thickening and enlarging of her ectopic breast tissue , on the left arcus costarium . patient male 1 The patient experienced resolution of his symptoms after 3 days of treatment and remained symptom-free 6 months after completion of therapy . patient male 5 It remains unclear whether this patient deliberately misled his providers or if the erroneous data reflected underlying cognitive dysfunction . patient male 5 On follow-up examination , the patient demonstrated improvement of his back pain and resolution of radicular symptoms . patient male 7 Several weeks later on follow-up , the patient presents with dysphagia and pain when turning his head to the right . patient male 1 This patient was dependent on scleral contact lenses for his irregular astigmatism post PKP to achieve his best-corrected visual acuity . patient male 1 The patient experienced marked relief of his neck pain after deactivation of the dystonic right sternocleidomastoid muscle by partial myectomy and the left posterior neck muscles by selective posterior ramisectomy . patient male 1 The patient had immediate relief of his symptoms and no postoperative complications . patient male 5 Statistical routines will help the user reflecting his work and its quality . user male 1 The patient could resume his job eight weeks after the operation , and light training after a further six months . patient female 21 In addition , a heterozygous mutation ( causing an S890I change ) in factor H of complement was found in the patient who developed chronic renal failure but not in her sister , who presented with exclusive neurologic symptoms . patient male 9 We used a diagnostic code to identify if a patient received his first prostate biopsy between 1992 and 2012 ( the last year for which records in the Ontario Cancer Registry were complete ) . patient male 1 The patient subsequently was able to undergo surgical correction of his anomalous coronary to mitigate the risk of sudden cardiac death . patient male 1 The patient cleared his infection with proper management and only suffered minor complications of mild pneumoperitoneum and pneumothorax during his hospitalization . patient male 1 Each patient also has an individual acceptance of his symptoms , an individual tolerance to therapy according to his performance status , and an individual approach to medication or to surgery , whilst the doctor has novel experience with new drugs and instrumental procedures , his own individual availability of treatment options , and must always take the cost-effectiveness of a treatment into consideration . patient male 1 Our patient had complete coverage of his phantom limb pain after his previously placed SCS was changed from a constant voltage to a constant current system , and percutaneous leads were connected to his system . patient male 13 Considering his age and the absence of neurological deficits or pain , the patient refused the option of tumor removal and cranioplasty , yet agreed to a biopsy , which confirmed the suspected diagnosis . patient male 1 One patient noticed a swelling of his ipsilateral eyelid during an irrigation procedure for the maxillary sinus , which was also followed by endonasal surgery . patient female 1 The patient fully received her iron supplement medication by nursing staff for two and a half months during an unexpected prolonged hospital stay after her suffering an acute ischemic cerebrovascular accident . patient male 1 The patient had already finished receiving his first cycle of chemotherapy shortly before the discovery of the abdominal nodules and at the same period a chest X-ray , revealed shadows at the base of the right lung . patient male 1 The patient had serial debridement of his wound and broad-spectrum antibiotics and subsequent partial thickness skin grafting . patient male 7 Sixteen cases were not satisfactory : the patient could n't overcome his anxiety ; the anaesthesiologist made technical mistakes ; unbearable pain at the infero-internal face of the knee during the stripping . patient female 3 Following bi-parietal lesions patient AT showed a severe inability to relocate her attention within a visual field which perimetry proved to be near-normal . patient female 10 At the latest follow-up ( 46 months ) , the patient has had no recurrence of her symptoms . patient male 4 Three months after implantation patient describes complete resolution of his stress urinary incontinence . patient male 1 The patient recorded his training as he prepared for an endurance event that was to occur three months after RP , the Norwegian Foot March ( NFM ) , a 30-km road march carrying 11.4 kg . patient male 2 Postoperatively the patient had alleviation of his symptoms , and at the 6-year follow-up evaluation , he was completely symptomless . patient male 11 With the decrease in the dosage to 18 mg , the patient was able to maintain his nonuse of marijuana . patient female 5 After IVIG 4-day , the patient had recovery of her strength . patient male 1 The patient loses his moral right to be informed , to ask , to have doubts or to disagree . patient female 0 Patient 4 : 91-year-old woman with recurrent metastatic sebaceous cell carcinoma of the left lower eyelid obstructing her vision . Patient female 1 The patient underwent enucleation of her right eye and has been free of metastatic disease 3 years later . patient male 1 The patient recovered all his activities after 30 days . patient male 5 The authors report on a patient who fell and struck his right hypothenar against a sharp edge . patient male 17 Cushing transplanted a pituitary gland obtained from a spontaneously aborted fetus into the cerebral cortex of the patient , who showed marked improvement of his somnolence and confusion , whereas his polyuria and polydypsia persisted . patient female 5 At her baseline , the patient was able to perform her activities of daily living but required assistance with independent activities of daily living . patient female 8 This case report describes the experiences of one patient with osteoarthritis , using examples of her poetry to illustrate her social , psychological and emotional transformation . patient female 1 This patient has since completed the reminder of her lower limb varicose vein treatment . patient female 1 One patient had full correction of her enophthalmos , which was maintained over 12 months . patient female 1 The patient has extreme pigmentation of her skin and abdominal viscera , as seen on physical examination , gastroduodenoscopy , and laparotomy . patient female 1 This patient consequently repossessed her own language of expression in a body that was shattered by cancerous illness and the consequences of treatments . patient male 1 Our patient may have had chronic histoplasma infection of his retroperitoneal lymph nodes , triggering fibrosis in the area surrounding the adjacent celiac artery and abdominal aorta , thus leading to symptomatic MALS . patient male 8 Here , we report a case of a patient affected by psoriasis and diabetes , who - after using Apremilast - improved his glucose metabolism as well as his need of anti-diabetic drugs and his psoriasis . patient male 28 Oral discomfort , swallowing , and speech disorders lasted 2 1/2 to 6 weeks postoperatively , depending upon the age and the patients mental activity , since the patient has to learn by using his tongue for mimical expressions . patient male 4 It is hypothesized the patient perforated his nasal septum due to chronic intranasal inhalation of cocaine and he subsequently aspirated his septum as a result of central nervous system depression secondary to alcohol intoxication . patient male 1 The patient reported reduced smearing , shadowing , and night vision concerns , meeting his visual expectations and goals . patient male 16 As protocols are being validating around the World to redeem elective surgeries , a symptomatic obstructed patient could be operated knowing his COVID-19 status with a molecular PCR , a cleaned epidemiological interview with a normal preoperative protocol . patient male 1 The patient survived his injury . patient male 11 By using two innovative techniques , the authors found that the patient was able to survive his injury and return to his home . patient male 6 After a delayed diagnosis , the patient responded favorably to surgical drainage and parenteral penicillin G , but required a manipulation of his knee under general anesthesia . patient female 3 After extubation , patient was unable to move her right lower extremity with flaccid paralysis . patient female 10 Here , we report on an updated case of a patient who received her diagnosis in 2005 and has had disease progression with new lesions on six occasions over the last 8 years . patient male 4 The single , retired patient never admitted former cardiac hospitalizations and restrained the physicians from contacting his local doctor . patient female 3 Clinically , the patient showed a deteriorating spastic paraparesis of her lower extremities . patient male 12 Clinically , the major presentations of pneumococcal infection were pneumonia in the patient who was rejecting his kidney and pneumococcemia of sudden onset that was often fatal . patient male 1 The patient had a 16-year medical history of AS and sought assistance due to TMJ pain and incapacity to open his mouth . patient male 53 Nevertheless , the theory of seduction comes back recurrently in the works of Freud , and as late as 1906 , in My Views on the Part Played by Sexuality in the Aetiology of the Neurose , he seems to down play the importance as a aetiology feature , considering that the hysterical patient falsified his memories and replaced them with fantasies . patient female 1 The patient , R.C. , finished her chemotherapy for breast cancer on June 4 , 2007 . patient male 34 Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) showed continuous spike and slow-wave activity , which was confined to the posterior regions ; this was related to eyes closed or darkness , but it was inhibited when the patient opened his eyes in an illuminated room or during retained central vision in darkness . patient female 3 One tissue adhesive patient developed hypertrophic scars of both her breast reduction and abdominoplasty scars requiring additional treatment . patient male 3 Thus , the patient transcribes his " occlusal signature " and provides both the practitioner and the dental technician with precise data for the mounting of denture teeth . patient male 7 Five months after the operation , the patient stopped attending his periodic checkups . patient male 1 No patient who has had his ring finger revascularized has requested its amputation because of appearance , painful neuromas , stiffness , or cold intolerance . patient female 1 The patient mentioned failing examinations the day before surgery and discontinuing her prescribed antidepressant medication , leading us to diagnose conversion disorder , with eventual confirmation by neuroimaging and follow-up examinations . patient female 7 After a stressful life event , the patient had developed both psychogenic dysphonia and the compulsive habit to remove the hair of her scalp , eyebrows , and axillary and pubic areas by shaving . patient male 18 The use of revision extended-configuration implants and their three-point fixation assures primary and secondary stability and helps the patient resume his activities . patient female 1 The patient thereafter regained all neurological and end-organ function and at the 6-month follow-up has had no progression of her aneurysm ( Fig. CC1 - 1 ) . patient male 6 After changing his medication , the patient developed severe delirium that resolved rapidly after i.v . patient male 1 The patient acquired the ability to freely move his phantom limb , and a telescopic effect was observed where the position of the phantom hand was restored to the anatomically correct distance . patient female 6 Alectinib was held , and the patient showed clinical and radiographic improvement of her interstitial lung disease . patient male 1 The patient had reattained his previous activity level and experienced neither pain nor other complications . patient female 24 Occupational therapy closely resembles the actual living situation more so than any other treatment setting and therefore provides a realistic environment in which the patient can test her developing skills in living . patient male 3 Additionally , the patient had an 80 - 90 % stenosis of his mid-right coronary artery ( RCA ) . patient male 7 In the control group , only 1 patient showed his HBV DNA content dropping from 1.1 x 10(5 ) to below 10(3 ) . patient male 28 Physicians should talk with patients about the meaningfulness of life-sustaining treatment while there is time , to avoid the situation that such questions come up just when a patient has lost his capacity to communicate . patient female 1 The patient underwent a corpectomy of her affected vertebra with conversion to a total spondylectomy when intraoperative frozen section was consistent with plasma cell neoplasm . patient male 6 Despite optimal medical management , the patient had deterioration of his cardiac function and he underwent heart transplantation . patient female 11 Her parents revealed that at 6 months of age , the patient had fallen from her bed and struck her face on the floor ; however , there were no teeth present in the oral cavity . patient male 17 Two months after closed reduction , complete clinical recovery of right femoral nerve was achieved and the patient was able to resume his job . patient female 1 This patient presented the classical clinical characteristics of the syndrome and the course of her illness serves to re-emphasize the seriousness of the disease and the importance of early management of anorexia nervosa . patient male 1 The patient described his dyspnea as exertional progressing over 1 week to rest dyspnea . patient female 7 Here we report the case of a patient who was able to normalize her thyroid hormones as well as her autoimmune markers in 6 months with the exclusive implementation of lifestyle interventions . patient male 1 The patient maintained his intact neurological status at 6 month follow-up with full resumption of activities of daily living without any significant morbidity . patient female 4 The management of this patient was difficult especially considering her mental status . patient male 9 All this was useless in our case since the patient had a drastic deterioration of his general clinical conditions . patient male 20 After initial consultation in which the physician fully explains the procedure to the patient , it is mandatory that the patient give his full consent . patient male 6 Tracing back his history , our patient was discharged from the hospital recently with a diagnosis of superior mesenteric artery dyndrome ( SMAS ) , hypersensitivity pneumonitis , and asbestosis with soft tissue pleural plaques and calcified pleural plaques . patient male 32 In young patients receiving an initial oral CyA dose of 17 mg/kg per day , steroids were stopped at the 6th month in order to achieve catch-up growth : only one such patient lost his graft . patient male 10 Hypercalcaemia was suspected after finding radiological muscular calcification ; the patient was able to start his sporting activities again two months after excision of the adenoma . patient female 1 A patient suffering from dysmenorrhea monitored her monthly menstrual cramps by using pain diaries . patient male 11 Approximately 2 years following the diagnosis of his myeloprolioferative disorder the patient presented with dyspnoea . patient male 1 The patient had a full recovery after HBO2 T and had complete relief of his chest pain after compression . patient male 15 After he began using his upper extremities for weight bearing and load bearing , the patient developed bilateral severe neurogenic arthropathy of his hands and wrists . patient male 31 Among the patients who survived , seven completed chemotherapy without disease progression , one MALToma case did not receive chemotherapy after thyroidectomy but was still alive with PTL , and one patient just finished his second course of chemotherapy . patient male 6 Six months after surgery , the patient reported complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 4 Every specialist examines the patient using his specialized method . patient male 36 The Authors therefore retain that a periodic outpatients ' check-up of the pacemakers is of little use as regards the patients ' safety and the complete utilization of the device , while they advise that the patient be educated so as to be able to carry out his own daily control of the pacemaker . patient male 21 Recovery started on the 2nd day of hospitalization when the patient showed progressive decrease in pain and weakness ; furthermore the patient reacquired his mobility . patient male 7 At the time of presentation , the patient was not satisfied with his vision in the right eye and requested an attempt to improve his vision with a contact lens . patient male 1 The patient underwent intraperitoneal administration of cisplatin and his ascites was diminished . patient female 1 The patient gradually regained her ability to walk , but the neurogenic bladder persists . patient male 8 During the second day of hospitalization , the patient deteriorated his AV conduction , and a temporary-permanent pacemaker was implanted allowing ambulating in hospital the very same day . patient male 7 After 4 years of treatment , the patient continues to experience marked improvement of his AS symptoms without any significant adverse effects . patient male 1 The patient continued to have ulcerations despite efforts to control his high blood pressure , cold avoidance , local wound care , and treatment with pentoxifylline 800 mg three times daily . patient female 4 Case report : a patient who had not removed her lower denture for 54 years . patient female 1 The patient developed immediate and complete relief of her visceral pain after the procedure , which was sustained through the 11-wk follow-up period to date and was able to be weaned off narcotics . patient male 8 Only a few months after transplant , the patient suffered his second relapse and was deemed a candidate for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-Cell Therapy ( CAR-T ) . patient male 1 The patient with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis improved his renal function after oral prednisone and intravenous boluses of methylprednisolone and cyclophosphamide . patient male 3 Overall , the patient has had two recurrences of his disease but has survived for more than 2 years with chemotherapy alone . patient female 1 The patient probably acquired her infection some years previously from pet cats or dogs that had become infected by ingesting infected rodents . patient female 1 The patient has the ability to impact her own therapy by choosing a physician through personal interview and thus considering the physical and psychological support offered . patient male 5 Eight weeks later , the patient could independently complete his basic activities of daily living and demonstrated little , if any , disordered movement . patient female 11 Total hysterectomy with salpingoophorectomy was proposed to patient , however , patient expressed her will for fertility preservation and gave consent only for the resection of a single ovary . patient male 4 The fact that the patient did not utilize a greater fraction of his pressure-generating capacity suggested preferential impairment of the automatic respiratory centers . patient male 5 At final follow-up , the patient was asymptomatic and resumed all his activities . patient male 3 After 3 months patient had substantial improvement of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient had only a partial recovery of her neurologic symptoms eightweeks after vigorous therapy for this condition . patient male 1 The patient injured his right thigh with a kitchen knife ; he was urgently hospitalized to a referral hospital 8 days later due to the occurrence of hematoma at the same site . patient female 12 Despite prolonged tube thoracostomy drainage , and subsequent thoracoscopic pleuredesis , the patient continued to have an air leak and non-resolution of her pneumothorax . patient male 6 It was also discovered that our patient had fractured his radius twice , with minor trauma , during the preceding year . patient male 1 The patient received arthrocentesis in an attempt to treat painful locking episodes of his right temporomandibular joint ( TMJ ) . patient female 1 The patient shows a poor metabolic control and her body mass index is within the normal range . patient female 6 The suspicion was raised that the patient had not been taking her prescribed medications . patient female 4 We report on a patient who started her dialytic programme when she was 95 . patient male 24 Intravenous administration of 90 mg commercial serumcholinesterase , the equivalent to 1000 ml fresh human plasma , restored twitch and tetanic responses and the patient could lift his head 15 min after the beginning of the enzyme injection . patient male 21 At a mean follow-up of 19 months , results were satisfactory in 12 patients ; there was one recurrence and one patient had reinjured his knee . patient male 38 The mobilization of archaic defence mechanisms in both the doctor and the patients can lead to an insoluble double-blind situation unless the doctor is able to give up his defence position and thus make it possible for the patient to give up his own fear of death and to accept the nature of his illness . patient female 1 The patient underwent surgical removal of her tumor . patient male 5 We report on a 44-year-old patient with erythropoietic protoporphyria who could effectively control his photosensitivity for 22 years with oral carotinoids . patient female 4 A 39 year-old female patient consulted her urologist regarding chronic urinary tract infection . patient female 1 The patient did not suppress her viral load on this regimen and later admitted to only taking dolutegravir 50 mg in the morning because of insomnia . patient male 1 One patient had complete resolution of his proximal lower-extremity weakness/numbness within 48 hours . patient male 3 We present a patient who developed a cryptococcal infection of his VP shunt more than two decades following shunt placement . patient male 13 About 30 minutes after transferring to postanesthesia care unit ( PACU ) , patient was awake and complained of losing his eyesight . patient female 1 The patient experienced complete relief of her pelvic pain after the procedure . patient female 2 A 51-year-old patient visited her doctor complaining of an intensive pain which suddenly appeared in her low back . patient male 6 Mirroring his first episode , the patient saw a complete resolution of his rashes with careful avoidance of tomato-based products and required no other interventions . patient male 4 This manuscript describes a patient who developed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of his right testis one year following kidney transplantation . patient female 1 The patient underwent endotracheal intubation and a propofol infusion terminated her seizures . patient male 37 Their equivalents in medicine or neurosurgery have been to protect the physical integrity of the patient with less iatrogenic injury , minimum damage and the same therapeutic effect in the most effective way and to enable the patient to regain his health in the shortest span of time . patient male 4 The device allowed the patient to complete his own daily oral hygiene . patient female 13 An echocardiogram revealed severe collapse of the inferior vena cava each time the patient changed her posture from a supine to a sitting position , which was related to the syncope . patient male 33 Within an empowerment strategy , in the Freirerian sense , the important thing is that both the patient and the nurse together critically reflect on the meanings of the sickness so that the patient can be able to make his own conscious choices . patient male 6 In other words , when the user oriented his head toward the aircraft position , the related sound was amplified . user female 7 After one year of treatment , the patient stopped taking antiepileptic drugs and her electroencephalogram ( EEG ) was also back to normal . patient male 1 The patient is currently living his normal daily life . patient female 3 Additionally , our patient had her metastatic cerebral melanoma ten years after removal of a superficial spreading melanoma . patient male 9 After achieving complete remission of his leukemia , the patient received an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant . patient male 4 Over 7-year follow-up , patient is successfully performing his duties with X-rays bearing no signs of avascular necrosis ( AVN ) or hip arthritis . patient male 2 The second patient underwent gross total resection of his thoracic neoplasm . patient male 1 One patient completed his designated treatment and initially showed complete remission ( CR ) ; eventually suffering from relapse . patient female 1 This patient was treated using botulinum toxin type A ( BT ) to camouflage the deformity and improve her facial aesthetic . patient male 1 The patient is satisfied with stoma sealing and is changing his stoma appliance every 5 - 7 days without skin excoriation . patient female 1 The patient achieved 100 % survival of her left ear graft and 95 % survival of her right ear graft . patient male 1 The patient spontaneously described the sensation of his arm being separate from his body . patient female 32 Although oocyte cryopreservation is still labeled an experimental procedure , this case demonstrates that oocyte cryopreservation used for electively deferred reproduction can subsequently serve in the treatment for secondary infertility when the patient becomes her own oocyte donor . patient male 1 The patient underwent open reduction and internal fixation of his patella , combined with release of the iliotibial band . patient male 14 This information will be reported as close to the data as possible so the user can make his own judgment on the conclusions drawn for a particular study . user male 18 Its rare incidence and vague clinical presentation make it a difficult diagnosis , more so in a nonverbal patient who can not express his pain , which is the first and most prominent symptom . patient male 13 We also created the " Journal of Maxillo " in which every injured patient can write his own story . patient female 1 The patient underwent frameless stereotactic cyst aspiration and Ommaya reservoir placement and her hemiparesis subsequently improved . patient female 10 One month later the fistula tract had resolved and the patient continued to desire a pessary to manage her pelvic organ prolapse . patient male 1 The patient returned to full work duties as a police officer and resumed his full recreational activity . patient female 12 Despite changing her antiretroviral therapy and multiple modalities of immunomodulation , the patient failed to respond adequately to treatment . patient male 14 French laws fail to indicate what should be done when an otherwise legally competent patient transiently loses his decision-making capacity . patient male 6 During the following 2 months the patient experienced dramatic progress of his metastatic disease and finally died at multi-organ failure . patient male 5 The clinical examination of a patient should be the basis of assessing his water and electrolyte state . patient male 16 A little-known event in psychoanalytic history is instructive : E. Pickworth Farrow , a former psychoanalytic patient , devised a self-analytic process through writing down his free associations . patient female 13 Following resection of the tumor , an immature teratoma by pathology , the patient had significant recovery of her cognitive function with some psychotic sequela . patient male 4 At screening , the patient was not able to voluntarily extend his interphalangeal or metacarpophalangeal joints beyond the 10 degrees required for constraint-induced movement therapy . patient female 1 One patient died of exsanguination from a known vaginal metastasis after completing her second cycle . patient male 1 One patient lost his implant after 5 weeks . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful recovery and is awaiting definitive inguinal hernia repair andtakedownn of his colostomy . patient male 1 One patient developed bacterial endocarditis of his prosthesis at seven months postoperatively and died as a result of a fulminant sepsis . patient male 9 15 patients were cured completely from dysphagia , one patient had marked improvement of his dysphagia , and one case with a resistant stricture was referred for esophageal replacement . patient female 9 Each treatment group included 14 patients , and each patient made her own treatment choice . patient male 1 The patient had no history of systemic diseases and his chief complaint was spontaneous pain in left posterior region of mandible . patient male 1 A patient with total glossectomy can be rehabilitated by silicone tongue prosthesis as an aid to improve his speech and swallowing . patient female 2 After the patient lost her consciousness , resuscitation , intubation and artificial ventilation breath control were realised immediately , the doses of 13 mg of adrenalin were applied . patient male 22 This therapy does not try to solve the patient 's problems for him , but rather establishes the conditions under which a patient can work out his own salvation . patient male 1 The patient recovered well without neurological deficits and had complete resolution of his symptoms . patient male 6 We discuss the case of a patient who at the age of 58 presented his first delusional-manic episode . patient male 3 However , the patient who has lost his ability to have sexual relations because of significant angulation is a candidate for penile straightening surgery ( e.g. graft ) ( 1 , 11 ) . patient female 1 The patient had been unable to open her mouth more than 1 mm since she suffered a fall at the age of 5 . patient female 0 Patient 1 carried the recurrent microduplication Xp11.22-p11.23 , her phenotype and X-chromosome inactivation ( XI ) pattern was consistent with previous reports . Patient male 1 No patient of this group had good neurological outcome or improved his neurological outcome between ICU and 6-month follow-up . patient male 1 The patient underwent reconstructive surgery 2 months after discharge , recovered well and regained his weight within one year . patient female 19 When a patient 's decision-making capacity is severely impaired , how does the physician balance obligations to protect the patient from harm ( beneficence ) while also respecting her reproductive preferences and decisions ( respect for autonomy ) ? patient male 1 The patient underwent several surgical interventions to relieve his symptoms because the non operative treatments , based on liquid diet and laxatives , did n't show great effectiveness . patient male 6 We present a case of a patient who auto-amputated his penis . patient male 8 Here , we present a case of a patient with hyperlipoproteinemia who developed acute worsening of his hypertriglyceridemia and onset of acute panceatitis that became recurrent following elective splenectomy for suspected lymphoma . patient male 1 The patient shares his journey from diagnosis to recovery . patient female 20 The most conspicuous neurological sign was a dystonic posturing of the right hand , which was only elicited when the patient outstretched her arms with the eyes closed . patient female 7 At 20 weeks of gestation , a patient with previous endometrial ablation had ruptured membranes and delivered her fetus but not her placenta . patient male 6 This case report is on a patient who , in the shadow of severe psychotic manifestations with overwhelming socio-cultural contents , completely self-mutilated his external genitals . patient male 2 An ultra-orthodox patient will first consult his rabbi , and after receiving his recommendation , will turn to psychiatric treatment . patient female 1 One patient lost her graft due to chronic allograft nephropathy in the second year postransplantation . patient female 20 However , she reported no feelings of fear or helplessness because she had faith in the anaesthesiologist , a close friend of the patient 's family for many years , who kept her calm and comfortable by talking to her during the entire period . friend female 32 With lamotrigine treatment , the patient who had not had surgery had complete cessation of monthly episodes of status epilepticus and a dramatic reduction of generalized tonic-clonic seizures , and the other patient who received lamotrigine had a 50 % reduction of her atonic seizures . patient male 5 At the 5-month follow-up , patient exhibited resolution of his symptoms . patient male 5 In course of rehabilitation our patient improved his endurance with satisfying range of motion of right hip ( flexion 90 degrees , abduction 40 degrees ) and strength of hip and thigh musculature . patient male 17 Three weeks later , distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and hepatic lobectomy were successfully performed , and the patient resumed his normal life . patient male 4 Two weeks later the patient had a worsening of his conditions : he developed left hemiplegia with motor focal seizures and the day after he was deeply comatose ( GCS = 4 ) . patient female 1 The patient lacked any history of direct trauma and her pain was radiating to her left leg , increasing with physical activity , she had no pain at nights . patient female 8 In this case report , we present a patient who did not experience her first episode of visceral angioedema until after she had been on ACEi therapy for 5 - 7 years . patient female 3 A 19-year-old female patient consulted for toxic epidermal necrolysis ( TEN ) affecting 30 % of her body surface , with a positive Nikolsky sign and severe mucosal lesions . patient male 6 At age 48 years , the patient had the left part of his tongue removed because of cancer . patient male 3 We present a patient with multiple CTCL lesions on the bilateral feet , which impaired his ability to ambulate . patient male 9 The radiation therapy was well tolerated , and the patient was able to regain his mobility after completing radiation therapy . patient female 1 The patient monitored the frequency , duration , and her distress over the voices on a daily basis during baseline and intervention phases across a study period of 80 weeks . patient male 5 Six months later , the patient was receiving monthly B12 injections and his mental status remained normal . patient female 2 A 47-year-old patient with severe decompensated alcoholic liver disease developed a progressive deterioration of her renal function ( serum creatinine 4.0 mg/dL ) with a renal failure index ( RFI : UNa/U/PCr ) consistently less than 1.0 . patient female 4 Intriguing evidence comes from patient S.M. who lost her left and right amygdalae to disease . patient male 39 The auditory insult resulted , in the case involving a cord-type telephone , from the transmission of a loud , extraneous sound probably due to a misfunction of the circuit and , in the second case , from the patient holding his cordless telephone against his ear when ringing occurred . patient male 8 Interpretations are used when they can help the patient understand his sometimes intense feelings about any empathic failure on the part of the therapist , and understand why he ( the patient ) needs to restore solidity and comfort after being injured by any failed empathic ( self object ) ties . patient female 2 The postpartum patient often uses her prepregnancy appearance as a barometer for her postpregnancy goals . patient male 4 Three years later the patient remains ambulant without the need of any assistant device and preserved his pulmonary function . patient female 1 The patient underwent decontamination and medical treatment for her burns and during her inpatient stay , it became apparent that the burns were more likely sustained from an intentional rectal administration of lighter fluid . patient male 8 The authors report a case of an ESRD patient who had severe tumoral calcification of his shoulder , hands , and feet despite daily conventional hemodialysis . patient male 10 The authors examined the neural function of a postmeningitic deaf-blind patient who regained his hearing with a multichannel cochlear implant . patient male 5 During the seizure , the patient bit his tongue , which resulted in massive bleeding from the wound and haematoma formation at the oral cavity floor . patient female 22 The production of an arterial embolus finally got over the difficulty of removing the residual troubles at the same time allowing the patient to keep her uterus . patient male 9 After an 8-year history of severe CD , the patient developed a fixed rotation of his head to the right . patient female 1 The patient expressed her better satisfaction of this definitive prosthesis supported with eyebrow transplantation . patient female 5 If so , then a patient may give her consent to an intervention that has already been performed and thereby justify a physician 's ( paternalistic ) act retroactively . patient female 2 An additional patient required the removal of the screws transfixing her trochanter due to persistent irritation . patient female 2 The index patient , a 39 year old female with normal development , had her first seizure at 24 years with no evidence of any precipitating factors . patient female 5 This article describes a recent patient who presented with typical JDM and uses her case to discuss aspects of the childhood inflammatory myopathies . patient female 1 The patient reported complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 16 Using the endoscopic vein harvesting system , the shunt catheter was removed minimally invasively and the patient had complete resolution of his symptomatology . patient male 1 One patient lost his kidney from recurrent disease soon after transplantation . patient female 16 Shortly after , nodular lesions appeared compatible with local recurrence of the disease , and the patient showed severe deterioration of her clinical condition , being proposed for palliative chemotherapy . patient male 17 Due to the imminent threat of brainstem herniation while being imaged in the CT scanner , the patient underwent an emergent craniotomy to evacuate his evolving intracranial bleed . patient male 17 After stabilization of intracranial pressure ( ICP ) and hemodynamics , on hospital day 4 , the patient returned to the operating room to diagnose and repair his tracheobronchial injury . patient male 1 The patient has had no reaccumulation of the fluid as of 10 mo post-procedure and has resumed all his normal activities with no symptom limitation . patient male 1 The patient received supportive treatment , with complete radiological resolution of the gas emboli , while maintaining his previous confusional state . patient male 12 After falling off a slide at 22 months of age , the patient had onset of pain and an abrupt worsening of his torticollis . patient female 5 At 3 months , the patient then experienced an important diminution of her neuropathic pain , electrochemical skin conductance had normalized both in the hands and feet and intraepidermal nerve fiber density at distal leg increased almost reaching normal range . patient female 1 The patient experienced an important diminution of her neuropathic pain . patient male 3 The third refractory patient who was splenectomized prior to gammaglobulin therapy had spontaneous remission of his ITP 5 months after the last dose of Gamimune . patient male 6 During his hospital stay , the patient noted improvement of his symptoms and thus was managed non-operatively without complication . patient female 20 After 2 months follow-up , we observed the complete healing of the rectovaginal laceration with no fistula formation and the patient resumed her sexual activity . patient male 6 Within several days of hospitalization , patient developed acute worsening of his chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure thought to be due to worsening of pulmonary arterial hypertension with right heart failure . patient male 15 Our goal is to attain , through surgery , hearing thresholds that will enable the patient to discard his hearing aid . patient male 26 For better and earlier understanding of the actual mechanism of upper airway obstruction , the radiological data should be obtained during the same circumstances that the patient is experiencing his maximum discomfort . patient male 6 We describe the case of a patient with polymyositis and anti-Jo-1 antibodies who experienced a relapse of his inflammatory muscle disease after 7 years of clinical remission . patient female 5 At age 25 , the patient married a woman and adopted her children . patient female 1 The patient had a partial recovery of her renal function and showed improved proteinuria to a subnephrotic level after discontinuing zoledronate . patient female 9 At the end of her postoperative course , the patient reported a reduction in pain and no recurrence of her symptoms . patient male 3 A 39 year-old patient consulted his family doctor due to migratory polyarthralgia , with C-reactive protein 7.99mg/dl , ESR 89 mm and normal anti-streptolysin O ( ASO ) . patient male 16 Angiography demonstrated that the kink in the right VA at its origin became worse with the patient 's turning his head to the left . patient male 7 On the second postoperative day , the patient developed syncope and his blood pressure and oxygen saturation decreased . patient male 1 One patient re-fractured his elbow after discharge by falling on the ice . patient male 4 In addition , the patient himself assessed his ability to resume sport activities on the 5-point Likert scale . patient female 3 When the deafferented patient saw and heard the outcome of her tapping movements , there was a greater variability in successive intervals between taps than when vison and hearing were blocked . patient female 12 Bismuth was held on admission and over the ten day hospitalization , patient showed gradual improvement of her cognitive function . patient female 5 While on infliximab , the patient had spontaneous and complete resolution of her cholesteatoma without any surgical intervention . patient male 1 The patient with chondrosarcoma had relief of his cardiac symptoms with digitalis and furosemide . patient male 13 As NEN was confined to liver graft only , in 2018 , the patient underwent his second LT . patient female 1 The patient developed a subsequent flare of her systemic lupus erythematosus , potentially indicating that complement inhibition by eculizumab is not effective in preventing lupus flares . patient male 1 Our patient underwent computed tomography of his abdomen , which showed a relatively homogenous left adrenal tumor measuring 5.2 × 4.3 × 7.1 cm . patient male 3 A 13-year-old male patient had lost his lower second premolar and first molar on the right side , secondary to the surgical removal of an odontogenic keratocyst a year ago . patient male 15 This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment of simple schizophrenia in a 31-year-old male patient who bit his own tongue and lower lip . patient male 13 3 patients had their blood withdrawn within 6 h after injection , another patient had his left hip-joint biopsied after 24 h , the samples undergoing subsequent immunocytochemical dyeing . patient male 9 The staff physician is displeased and states that the patient should not be mistrusting his physicians . patient male 9 Later , when booking his follow-up appointment , the patient asks not to be seen by the resident . patient female 1 The patient had her delivery at 38 patient female 1 The patient preserved her fertility through successful repair of the uterus . patient male 1 One patient who initially refused chemotherapy because of CID was able to complete his treatment . patient male 6 At six months post-operatively , the patient had maintained a satisfactory correction of his left forehead and scalp regions with minimal resorption of fat . patient female 14 The IVC was largely patent at the end of the procedure , and the patient experienced complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 7 The primary wish of the very anxious patient was to improve the masticatory function and his aesthetic appearance with the least invasiveness and as efficiently as possible . patient male 5 We report here a male patient who injured his left elbow while arm wrestling . patient female 1 The patient lost 16 % of her total body weight with this procedure . patient male 9 After the diagnosis of gangrene and osteomyelitis , the patient underwent a TMA of his right forefoot . patient male 13 In the interpretive model , the physician 's task is to help the patient to identify and express his values . patient male 1 The patient has resumed full activity and his normal upper extremity pulses and pressures . patient female 1 The patient had recently began her menstrual period , and we speculate that hormonal fluctuations contributed to this process . patient male 7 In the immediate postoperative period , the patient complained of a profound loss of sensation in his left arm and an inability to flex his left elbow , suppinate his arm , or abduct and rotate his shoulder . patient female 1 Our patient had irregular , involuntary , brief , fleeting and unpredictable movements of her left upper and lower extremities , consistent with chorea . patient female 1 The patient also had abnormal dystonic posturing of her left arm while walking . patient female 12 Here , we report a case of breast carcinoma-to-meningioma metastasis in a patient who developed subacute neurological decline while undergoing long-term treatment of her primary , late-stage breast cancer . patient male 1 The patient had passed his scrotum through the metal ring eight years before . patient female 1 The patient fractured her right hip while in the United States . patient male 5 During the diagnostic examination the patient noticed a snapping noise in the cervical column when moving his head and an abrupt recovery of the neurological deficits occurred . patient male 1 Our patient developed his pseudocyst after a rugby-related injury . patient male 5 After 14 days , the patient showed marked clinical improvement , became afebrile , and regained his OD visual acuity . patient female 5 After the operation , the patient was able to close her eyelids , and epithelial problems were resolved . patient male 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient had returned to his preoperative level of activity and showed continued improvement of his lymphedema symptoms . patient male 1 Our patient noted marked clinical improvement of his DSAP following his chemotherapy for lymphoma . patient female 1 The patient subsequently fractured her right femoral shaft , and a femoral nail was inserted . patient male 25 In particular , we analyze how the AAD accuracy affects the noise suppression performance of an adaptive MWF in a sliding-window implementation , where the user switches his attention between two speakers . user male 1 This patient remains asymptomatic nearly 2 years after its use , longer than with any previous procedures to correct his chronic CSF leakage . patient male 1 This patient significantly outlived his expected survival and , moreover , did so with very good quality of life . patient female 1 The patient had recurrent headaches and reported an increasing size of her shoes and gloves during the previous 4 years . patient male 16 By turning his head into the direction of the weak left lateral rectus muscle , the patient could fixate both eyes on target and maintain binocular vision . patient male 1 The patient subsequently underwent enucleation of his left eye . patient male 37 The medical privilege , as it is commonly known , now embodied in Rule 503 of the Mississippi Rules of Evidence , contains the limiting language that the privilege is waived only to the extent that the patient places his medical condition at issue in a judicial proceeding . patient female 8 At the end of the rehabilitation program the patient was able to fully resume her job . patient female 3 A 42-year-old female patient presented with pain and tingling down her right arm and a mass at the right medial upper extremity . patient female 3 The very inhibited patient who could not openly express her life experiences , emotions , and conflicts found it easier to report her dreams at the beginning of the therapeutic process . patient male 1 The patient also reported daily his mood on the Profile of Mood States ( POMS ) . patient male 7 After evacuation of the hematoma , the patient had immediate improvement of his neurologic deficits . patient male 6 At four-month follow up , the patient could fully extend his thumb , middle and ring finger , while the index was limited by 10 ° at the DIP joint . patient male 1 The patient was able to continue using his right hand for functions of daily living and was free from local recurrence until he died from distant metastases 2 years later . patient male 5 Following immunomodulator discontinuation , the patient experienced spontaneous regression of his skin lesions . patient male 1 This patient gradually regained his topographic orientation over the course of 3 months . patient male 1 The patient recovered well postoperatively and had regained his complete power of both lower limbs . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her pain . patient male 6 We experienced a case of hemodialysis patient who had difficulty in controlling blood pressure during dialysis because of his baroreflex failure syndrome and successfully controlled his blood pressure by adjusting dialysate temperature . patient female 8 Droxidopa significantly improved her symptoms , with the patient reporting resolution of her chest pain and significant improvement of dyspnea and dizziness . patient male 11 Nurses were concerned by the risk taken if a previously intoxicated patient received his dose of DAM . patient female 7 At 1 month after surgery , the patient had lost 10 % of her TBW , and at 1-year follow-up , she had lost 31 % of her TBW . patient female 11 We present here a challenging case of a middle aged psychiatric patient who swallowed long and sharp arms of her spectacles that were successfully retrieved endoscopically . patient male 6 This timely diagnosis resulted in the patient being taken expeditiously to the operating room and saving his life . patient male 13 Complete pain relief was achieved immediately after the second operation , and the patient resumed his daily activities . patient male 7 Two weeks after the vertebroplasty , the patient resumed his rehabilitative treatment without presenting cervical pain or mobility limitation . patient female 14 Results-Scores obtained in all the areas treated showed that , at discharge , the patient clearly increased her cognitive abilities , memory and language competence index ; her intelligence quotient score increased from 51 to 80 , and the index of functional independence measure reached a value of 120 over 126 ( maximal value ) . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical resection of his lesion . patient male 5 Quantitative stool cultures of our patient were obtained a month later as well as at the end of his treatment to record his corresponding sensitivities to the medication . patient male 6 On hospital day 12 , the patient removed his endotracheal tube , and a sputum sample was obtained for culture . patient male 5 On 12-month follow-up , the patient is in complete remission and has optimal mobility and functionality of his foot . patient male 1 The patient is now enjoying his healthy daily life with no postoperative complication 2 years after operation . patient male 11 In combination with age-related cortical atrophy on the MRI , our patient risked being misdiagnosed with Alzheimer 's disease or another dementing disorder if not for the systematic investigation to resolve his symptoms . patient male 8 We present the case of a 42-year-old male patient , who began his condition with a diffuse clinical setting , characterized by headache , amblyopia , and alterations of consciousness . patient male 1 The patient recovered well and was able to do his daily activities by himself . patient male 1 One patient had his DBS system removed after one year due to the device becoming the object of his obsession . patient male 2 When a patient is unable to lift up his knees by himself , the result of the Spinal Injuries Center test is considered to be positive , and hysterical paralysis is diagnosed in such patients . patient male 2 The pediatric patient underwent a subtotal removal of his brain tumor , and subsequently received multimodal treatment comprising radiotherapy ( 30.6 Gy to the whole brain and 50.4 Gy to the local lesion ) and immunochemotherapy with MCNU ( 80 mg/m2 , day 1 ) , VP 16 ( 50 mg/day , days 2 to 6 ) , and interferon-beta ( 3 x 10(6 ) units/day , initiating on day 2 for 4 weeks ) . patient female 1 One patient had undergone previous fixation of her fracture using Rush intramedullary rods . patient male 7 This paper describes devices to help a patient with C6 quadriplegia independently place his own utensils and eat with an almost normal appearance . patient female 13 Clinical and endocrinological abnormalities disappeared after removal of the tumor , and the patient experienced her menarche . patient male 6 In this article , a motivated patient discusses his experience with generalized plaque psoriasis . patient female 5 At eight-month follow-up , the patient showed complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 23 One patient died two days after surgery , where a pulmonary embolism was assumed to be the cause of mortality , and one patient sustained a temporary worsening of his neurological deficit postoperatively . patient female 1 One patient did not engraft her first matched unrelated donor and underwent a second transplantation from another matched unrelated donor , after which she engrafted well . patient male 1 The patient had minimal disability of his elbows despite the striking radiological abnormality and was functionally independent . patient female 8 We developed and assessed a system to support patient recruitment using HIS data . patient male 15 A common problem for Emergency Room doctors on call is whether or not an arrested patient is sufficiently healthy to allow his transfer to jail . patient female 9 Brain-type natriuretic peptide levels peaked at 1447 pg/dL. The patient responded to therapy for heart failure and showed resolution of her diastolic dysfunction by 1 month postpartum . patient male 1 The patient maintained his vital signs throughout his ambulance ride to the hospital and was clinically stable at time of arrival to the emergency department . patient female 10 We should suspect corticobasal degeneration as the etiology for this patient taking her symptoms and findings on MRI and SPECT into consideration . patient female 6 We report the case of a patient with SLE who lost her first allograft 4 years after transplantation with a diagnosis of de novo fibrillary glomerulopathy . patient female 13 After administration of diuretics , colchicine , and systemic PUVA therapy , the patient lost her edema , her skin became tender and free of telangiectases , and laboratory alterations normalized . patient female 1 This patient underwent surgical excision of her atypically symptomatic oral lesion , with complete resolution of symptoms . patient male 7 After a 10-day course of metronidazole the patient experienced catch-up growth and completed his pubertal development . patient male 5 While waiting for surgery the patient fell up his stairs at home , causing forced hyperflexion of his knee . patient male 6 On the 3rd day , the patient showed progressive amelioration of his dyspnoea , oxygen needs and chest infiltrates . patient female 1 The patient used a wheelchair as well as her prosthesis for everyday mobility . patient female 7 Over the next 3 months , the patient had a resolution of her pain and , at 2-year follow-up , the patient remained disease-free . patient female 1 One patient with high-output stoma and relatively low oxalate levels had lost her first kidney transplant because of recurrent oxalate depositions but now receives intravenous fluid at home on a routine basis 3 times per week to prevent dehydration . patient male 1 One patient developed his symptoms within hours after a single drug dose whereas the two others had a prolonged symptomatology which lasted for several days after the administration of different neuroleptic drugs . patient female 2 The first patient breastfed her baby for three months , while the second one did not breastfeed her baby at all . patient female 1 The patient had had her last menstrual period two years earlier . patient female 13 Through ureteral stent placement and manual disimpaction of the barium fecaloma , the patient was able to recover her normal renal and bowel functions . patient female 3 At re-warming , patient had resolution of her cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension . patient male 2 As the patient grew physically , both his forced expiratory volume in 1 s ( FEV(1 ) ) and his left lung volume increased slowly but steadily during an observation period of two years and four months after transplantation . patient male 1 The patient experienced his first major depressive episode after the bankruptcy of his company . patient male 1 The patient missed his first scheduled clinic appointment and he continued taking RIF-INH despite his symptoms . patient male 10 After removal of the fibrotic tissue and electrodes , the patient had resolution of his thoracic radicular pain and a return of his pre-SCS pain and minimal neurologic and functional return . patient male 1 The patient finally mentioned his guinea pig farm with around 50 animals , 20 of which had recently died for unknown reasons . patient male 6 Bendik Riis , himself a psychiatric patient , with his huge painting Castraktion , shows his fear of castration and lobotomy , and also his opinion of the health authorities ' lack of respect for the patient . patient male 46 These questions are analysed here against the background of the perspective of the relevant interest groups and are graded with regard to the disease and treatment concerned , how far the disease has advanced , the age of the patient , and whether or not the patient is competent to make his own decisions . patient male 18 Although the shaft of the screw remained in the bone , the lesion healed uneventfully , and the patient resumed his interest in sports . patient female 1 The patient had successful reconstruction of her orbit with bone-anchored implant . patient female 2 The first patient was 81 years old and presented a palatal hyperplasia , covering the posterior edge of her dental removable prosthesis . patient male 5 After 3 months , the patient underwent his eighth ablation session because of AT recurrence . patient female 1 Our patient presented with pain , swelling , and erythema of the right thumb after having punctured her thumb with a cactus thorn . patient female 5 At 2-wk follow-up , our patient showed near-complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 7 Because of an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder the patient had recently increased his dose of methylphenidate , but still within the therapeutic dose range . patient female 16 While there was significant delay in obtaining brain imaging in the first patient , the second patient had timely recognition of her ischemic infarct , underwent emergent surgery , and is now doing well . patient male 1 One patient , who cleared HDAg has complete biochemical remission of his liver disease with 2 years of follow-up . patient male 31 Only 1 patient died ( 3 months after transplantation as a result of a primary Epstein-Barr virus infection-induced lymphoproliferative disorder ) , 1 patient 's graft never functioned , and another patient lost his graft after 3 years because of chronic rejection . patient female 12 Second surgery was required in 5 ( 14 % ) and one patient who had reactivation of her TED required a third surgery . patient male 8 A preliminary aim was to determine if a patient who had suffered a traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) could tolerate removal of his remaining teeth and replacement with partially implant-supported prosthetic replacements . patient female 10 Following 3 days of treatment with oral aripiprazole , the patient became more cooperative with hospital staff , took her prescribed medications , and demonstrated a reduction in paranoid behavior and delusional thinking . patient female 3 We helped the patient achieve her wish to end her life in peace . patient female 8 Following a short course of corticosteroids , the patient had resolution of her cholestatic hepatitis , rash , eosinophilia , and gastrointestinal symptoms with no residual manifestations at 7 months follow-up . patient male 7 We present a unique case of a patient who experienced recurrent infections of his implantable cardioverter defibrillator ( ICD ) site with the bacterium Serratia marcescens . patient female 1 The patient had premature shedding of her deciduous dentition . patient female 1 The patient also reduced her mycophenylate dose from 1,500 mg per day to 500 mg per day and required no steroid pulse therapy during the 15-month follow up . patient male 3 Remarkably , our patient showed nearly complete ( 95 % ) response of his MF with no apparent side effects from radiation . patient female 12 After three sessions of hemoperfusion via the indwelling double-lumen catheter , the patient could tolerate ambient air and her urine output was good . patient female 5 Nine months later , the patient experienced a 90.90 % decrease of her HDL-c levels . patient male 1 The patient resumed his original job as a painter . patient female 23 Among others , the following factors are included here : explanation of both diagnostical and therapeutical methods to the patient , informing the patient about results obtained from the examination , telling him or her general conclusions and recommendations , informing patients of social associations of the disease , developing in the patients those attitudes which support their cooperation with physicians and the patient 's will to live , ability to treat serious and terminal patients properly , ability to treat patients ' relatives and communicate with other members of a medical team . patient female 1 The patient also states her views of what happened and how she feels . patient male 12 No surgical complications were detected and according to the clinical scales the patient experienced a marked improvement of his symptoms , although he never showed obsessive-compulsive disorder components of any type . patient female 14 After surgery , the encasement of the left colon was improved , and the patient was able to move her bowels twice per day . patient male 8 As a result of the operations , this patient can open his eyes fully and the secretions have decreased . patient male 7 By diverting his dispensed medication , our patient collected 11 buprenorphine tablets ( 8 mg each ) , which he took in one day . patient female 2 The third patient underwent a revision of her hip arthroplasty because of acetabular loosening after a fall 21 months postoperatively . patient female 6 A case-study is presented of a patient who had her dosage of clozapine reduced and the subsequent health and lifestyle benefits from this reduction . patient female 15 As these photoparoxysmal responses were observed not only during photic stimulation , but also when patient was closing her eyes during an eye-opening test in complete darkness , we propose the existence of an alternative pathway such as from the extraocular muscles or orbicularis oculi , or activation of cortical activity due to the change of consciousness by closing eyes in inducing photosensitive epilepsy . patient male 7 Thus when an injured tetraplegic or paraplegic patient recovers his sensitivity to pain , he finally must recover his motor function and on the contrary , the recovery of motility is impossible without a return of pain sens . patient female 7 This article reports the case of a patient who experienced depigmentation of her eyelashes , eyebrows , and temporal scalp hair six-to-eight weeks after initiating treatment with dasatinib ( BMS-354825 or Sprycel ) , a novel dual Bcr-Abl/Src family tyrosine kinase inhibitor for chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) . patient female 1 The patient reports complete improvement of her headaches and has been uneventfully followed since surgery . patient male 5 This brief account of a patient severely affected with familial hypercholesterolemia and with coronary artery disease since age 13 reviews his therapy and survival into the fifth decade of life . patient female 1 Each patient rated her level of satisfaction according to a 5-point scale at the end of each postoperative day as an average for that day . patient female 14 After undergoing bariatric surgery and losing 30 % of her body weight , the patient was accepted for cardiac surgery to replace the aortic valve and to bypass the left anterior descending coronary artery using the mammary artery . patient male 8 Eight and 18 months after parotidectomy , the patient had local recurrence of his salivary gland tumor . patient female 22 A dramatic disappearance of ascites and relief of abdominal pain , as well as a rapid recovery of food intake enabled the patient to be withdrawn from nutritional support through central venous catheter , indicating this schedule 's contribution to improve her quality of life . patient female 11 Four mini implants were placed in a 40 year old female patient replacing her mobile mandibular anterior teeth . patient male 1 One patient who took 70 U of insulin reduced his daily intake to 35 U 2 months postoperatively . patient female 7 The legal question arose when a pregnant patient delivered her baby , but the umbilical cord was not cut . patient male 17 After six weeks in bilateral broad arm slings , with pendulum exercises from two weeks , the patient began to mobilise his arms and he achieved a full range of movements . patient male 1 One patient whose treatment included erythromycin had radiologic improvement of his pneumonia despite deteriorating ventilatory function that led to death . patient male 27 In the spirit of active participation , which is essential to lifestyle change , the discussion returns full circle to a concluding statement from the clinical case patient who provides his point of view on lifestyle change while living with CKD . patient male 1 The patient rapidly improved with supportive care and had complete resolution of his bilateral infiltrates on repeat chest x-ray two weeks later . patient female 1 The patient had immediate relief of her symptoms for 36 hours , confirming the diagnosis of genitofemoral neuralgia . patient female 26 In our case , there were no clinical pharmacist involved in the care of this patient , and as a result of such negligence , the patient lost her life . patient female 6 At the current follow-up , the patient reported complete resolution of her symptoms . patient male 1 One patient rejected his transplant ; when immunosuppression was stopped he developed symptoms suggestive of recurrent ScP. Immunosuppressive therapy was restarted and he remains well 3 years later . patient female 33 She was not a good risk for either open cholecystectomy or postoperative hemodialysis , and the relatively noninvasive surgical approach of laparoscopic cholecystectomy was considered to minimize postoperative morbidity and to allow the patient to resume her CAPD treatments after a short postoperative recess from dialysis altogether . patient male 1 The patient had a significant shrinkage of his choroidal melanoma from a height of 4.2 mm to 2.4 mm within 2 months . patient male 0 Patient regained his consciousness and disclosed heroin abuse and drinking alcohol . Patient female 4 After one week , patient presented with vaginal bleeding and diagnosed with missed abortion and lost her desired uterine pregnancy . patient male 6 By 11 months postoperative , the patient experienced resolution of his arm pain , extension and flexion improvement from 0 to + 140 to + 15 to + 150 , elimination of the Tinel sign and of concomitant arm deformity , and improvement of elbow strength . patient male 11 Unlike the good prognosis usually associated with this infection , the patient eventually died , reflecting the aggressive nature of his underlying condition . patient male 5 This case is about a patient who was victim of sexual abuse , suffered from schizophrenia and abused his biological daughter . patient female 15 In 3 weeks metastatic lesions had diminished in size , ascites had decreased and the patient had regained her appetite and put on weight . patient female 1 The patient kindly shares her experience of living a life marked by the severe dual sensory loss associated with Usher syndrome . patient male 6 Immediately after the injection , the patient felt his legs " going dead " ; paraplegia of the lower extremities was noted . patient male 23 While the doctor is searching for a diagnosis , the patient is quietly summing up the doctor . And it is often the patient who reaches his conclusion first . ' This quote from William Evans illustrates how the consultation involves a two-way analysis by both doctor and patient . patient male 1 One patient failed to respond to therapy despite maximum dosage , but was able to reduce his corticosteroid dose . patient male 10 Surgical success was defined as clear pupillary axis when the patient voluntarily opened his eye and margin-reflex distance ≥ 3 mm . patient male 17 After we provided generous analgesia and performed simple investigations that failed to identify a diagnosis , the patient removed his cap to reveal an assortment of metallic objects embedded in his scalp . patient male 13 It is our recommendation that treatment should be conservative initially , with the patient being encouraged to urinate , exercise , increase his fluid intake , and take oral analgesics . patient male 11 This method provides a means of determining whether or not a patient is taking his prescribed disulfiram . patient female 3 A 42-year-old female patient on hemodialysis ( HD ) developed S. aureus endocarditis of her aortic and mitral valves following the unsuccessful antibiotic treatment of an infected vascular access . patient male 1 Each patient had his own control , tightly matched in clinical risk factors . patient male 1 The patient relates his personal experiences in struggling with cancer , including physical limitations , but also details his psychological , existential and spiritual distress through the cancer journey . patient male 4 Following rehabilitation , the patient demonstrated increases in the rate-pressure product of his anginal threshold , as well as his symptom-limited walking distance . patient female 7 Ten months after the event , the patient was entirely asymptomatic and showed further improvement of her ejection fraction to 0.45 . patient male 1 The patient underwent a multidisciplinary approach and his clinical diagnosis was associated patient female 11 The multidisciplinary in-hospital rehabilitation program and integrated homecare approach allowed the patient to improve her functional capacities and go on with living at home . patient female 21 Based on these results , her insulin regimen was adjusted and the blood glucose levels were greatly improved throughout and the patient was able to meet her target blood glucose range ( 72 - 140 mg/dL [ 4 - 7.8 mmol/L ] ) in 70 % of the time . patient male 5 At latest follow-up , the patient had recovered his shoulder function . patient male 1 The patient now empties his bladder , with a postvoid residual < 50 mL and the absence of urinary tract infection after 6-month follow-up . patient male 19 The therapy in this case will ideally provide a lifetime of protection from recurrent systemic embolization while allowing the patient to continue his active duty military career without restriction due to oral anticoagulation . patient male 7 On day 51 of treatment , the patient had no symptoms and his physical and neurological examinations were normal . patient male 3 However , the patient defaulted his follow-up and presented with right eye preseptal abscess secondary to infected surgical wound 1 month after surgery . patient male 12 One of the emphases and perspectives of the theory is that the patient is the expert in knowing his own needs . patient female 7 After ten weeks of treatment , the patient was able to raise her head and maintain it horizontally . patient male 16 Contrary to scoliosis , the characteristics of camptocormia are not permanent , which means that the patient is able to straighten his posture . patient male 13 The staff at the care home where the patient lives report that the patient is spitting out his medication and they have not been able to persuade him to swallow his tablets for a week . patient male 3 A 30-year-old male patient presented with red patches since birth , and then turned to purple patches , involving his face , breast , lower extremities , scrotum as well as penis . patient female 1 The patient received acyclovir and coumadin and her condition improved rapidly . patient male 6 At the 3-year follow-up , the patient was painfree and had full extension of his left index finger , with proper alignment of the carpal bones and union of the 4 bones . patient female 1 The patient had no other systemic symptoms and her prior drug history was not remarkable . patient male 2 One immunosuppressive patient lost his life before initiation of treatment . patient male 4 Of these , one patient lost his bowel autograft due to arterial thrombosis 48 h later . patient male 19 Urethral strictures and fistulae were the commonest complications in , respectively , three and four cases , and one patient had his penile prosthesis explanted because of infection . patient female 24 Primary outcomes will be : 1 ) calls to the Cancer Information Service ; 2 ) timely medical follow-up , operationalized by whether the patient keeps her colposcopy appointment within six months of the abnormal Pap ; and 3 ) patient satisfaction with provider-patient communication at follow-up . patient male 7 His general condition was detoriated and the patient lost his consciousness . patient female 6 However bloody diarrhea persisted and the patient developed anemia and hypoalbuminemia and was unable to prolong her gestation time . patient female 1 The patient subsequently received her fourth kidney transplant . patient male 1 The patient later recalled rubbing his eyes after exposure to Epipremnum aureum ( Golden Pothos/Devils Ivy ) sap . patient male 1 The patient reported inability to extend his thumb at his 6-week postoperative follow-up visit . patient male 1 The patient achieved complete remission of his tumor for 14 months . patient male 13 The experienced clinical diabetologist first checks the skin at the area where the patient usually injects his insulin when he sees widely fluctuating blood glucose levels in the diary of the patient . patient male 5 Through this system , the user can access his computer and manipulate ( open , close , copy , paste , and delete ) files such as documents , pictures , music , movies and so on . user female 1 The patient had not disclosed her history of a total colectomy for recurrent ulcerative colitis and developed bilateral stromal inflammation and corneal melting along the flap edge with ulceration within 3 days of uneventful bilateral LASIK for myopia . patient female 1 The patient then underwent wide local excision of her ileostomy with bowel resection and ileostomy re-siting , bilateral complete ilioinguinal lymphadenectomy and a right Level III axillary dissection . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient immediately regained control of his right vocal fold , and he experienced no permanent injury . patient male 1 The patient developed permanent pure motor deficit of his lower extremities , absence of sphincter control , and mild cognitive impairment . patient male 5 After 6 weekly visits the patient regained complete command of his native language . patient male 10 FELD is safer when performed under local anesthesia because the patient is awake to report his discomfort and thus possible to prevent serious neurologic sequels . patient male 3 An 84-year-old male patient with past gastrectomy had MW ablation of his liver tumors complicated by GPLA . patient female 2 When the patient opened her mouth the lesion disappeared . patient male 1 One patient completed detoxification but stopped his treatment earlier , two patients did not completed detoxification and left the program . patient male 7 One serious adverse event occurred : one patient developed antibiotic-associated colitis , prolonging his hospital stay by two weeks . patient female 9 Here we highlight a recent study of a neuropsychological patient who has lost her ability to read music , but not text , in the absence of any other musical deficit . patient male 5 We report a 69-year-old depressed patient who committed suicide by disconnecting the driveline of his left ventricular assist device almost 3 years after implantation . patient male 35 When the expressions were shown explicitly , that is without filtering , the control group and the partially callosotomized patient based their judgement on the face shown in the LVF , whereas the complete split-brain patient based his ratings mainly on the face presented in the right visual field . patient male 1 The patient continued his follow-up visits at Rheumatology Department and there was no recurrence of cyst-related symptoms in 1-year follow-up . patient female 5 Condemned by doctors , the patient implored her healing to a miraculous image of Mary , the Virgin , which devotees brought over her in the days when the Assumption festivity was coming . patient female 1 The patient underwent an image-guided endoscopic resection of her superior articulating facet osteoblastoma . patient female 1 The patient did not have any complaints and had had been functioning well post her arthroplasty . patient male 1 The patient underwent cardiological investigations including echocardiography and His bundle electrography that resulted to be normal . patient female 1 One patient experienced her first pregnancy while under treatment and presented a late flare 8 months after delivery . patient male 1 The patient had resumed all his normal activities . patient male 4 Additional clinical history revealed patient having received gadolinium in 2003 and 2004 , preceding his dialysis that began in 2009 . patient male 13 A > 12-core scheme may be considered as an alternative in a single patient given his clinical features ( large volume , low PSA levels ) . patient male 10 At follow-up seven patients had occasional backache but only one patient had changed his job and no patient had lost any time off work in the previous year . patient female 13 We were able to successfully occlude the lesion using Onyx embolization and the patient had significant improvement of her pre-treatment trigeminal neuralgia . patient female 7 Six weeks after switching to sertraline the patient reported a slight improvement of her cutaneous pigmentation . patient male 13 Using a representative sample , we assessed the time during which a 10-year-old patient had worn his upper plate over a 5-month period in relation to treatment progression . patient male 13 Moreover , our system may be used to evaluate the recovery of a patient , offering intuitive information of his walking pattern in an assessment report . patient male 21 After 12 months of a medical treatment with somatostatin analogues , the evolution of blood parameters was favorable , but the patient has discontinued his treatment . patient male 1 The patient described significant pain relief and stopped his analgesic intake 3 weeks after therapy . patient male 4 Following surgery , the patient remained well and has resumed his regular daily activities . patient male 23 The thread was then pulled in parallel with the arms of the facebow by the force gauge until the prosthesis dislodged while the patient opened his mouth . patient female 17 Despite disease progression and metastases , eculizumab treatment was associated with recovered renal function and enabled the patient to avoid dialysis , improving her quality of life . patient male 8 After 5 years of close observation , the patient showed normal morphology and growth of his mandible , but surprisingly developed a left mandibular third molar ( tooth 17 ) in the site of the mandibular resection and reconstruction . patient male 1 No patient recovered his previous hormonal function . patient male 1 The patient underwent two-stage endovascular embolization of his AVM followed by Gamma Knife radiosurgical treatment ( 18 Gy delivered to the 50 % isodose line ) . patient female 1 The patient had moderate improvement of her vision and a more comfortable sensation in her eye after treatment . patient male 16 The first stage of the trials described in this paper involved the participation of one hemiplegic patient who has difficulties to flex his right knee . patient female 1 The patient had completed her high-school education and had superior verbal long-term memory , normal short-term memory , and normal priming , but manifested grossly deficient scores in various frontal lobe-sensitive tests . patient male 1 One patient with immune thrombocytopenic purpura recovered his platelet count at 3-year follow-up . patient male 22 Costs were reduced by : ( i ) using oral medication whenever possible ; ( ii ) having a relative of the patient prepare his food under medical guidance ; ( iii ) starting G-CSF on day 7 rather than on day 1 ; ( iv ) short-term storage of the PBSC in an ordinary refrigerator at 4 degrees C without cryopreservation ; ( v ) infusing a large number of CD34 + cells , which shortened the time to engraftment ; ( vi ) delegating many of the functions of a marrow transplant nurse to a resident physician . patient male 12 After resuscitation , the blood pressure was 200/100 mm Hg ; the patient moved his arms and legs at times , but he did not regain consciousness . patient male 1 The patient immediately complained of significant pain in his neck , shoulder , and right arm and the inability to move his right arm . patient male 1 The patient , with a 31-year history of schizophrenia , did not fully understand his disease . patient male 12 In doing so , a definitive diagnosis was reached , and our patient was able to resume his occupation as a laborer without the restrictions that would have accompanied elbow arthroplasty . patient male 13 After 6 years of follow-up , there was no recurrence , and the patient continued his normal daily life . patient male 4 To analyze how the patient himself perceives his physical and social situation 1 year after Guillain-Barre syndrome ( GBS ) . patient male 1 One patient who was treated with methoxsalen plus UV light ( PUVA ) therapy had clearance of his disease clinically and histologically . patient male 1 The patient , a 56-year-old man , complained of episodic bilateral blindness when rotating his head more than 90 degrees to the right . patient male 9 We report here the case of an HIV seropositive patient with an isolated intracranial recurrence of Hodgkin 's Lymphoma ( HL ) who achieved long-term control of his cranial disease and continues to have a high performance status more than 3 years following treatment . patient female 1 The patient retained her uterus and had a successful pregnancy two years later although caesarean section for uterine rupture was required . patient male 11 After the scans in this neutral position were completed , the patient actively rotated his neck as far as possible taking care that the shoulders remained in the horizontal plane . patient female 1 The patient narrated her ability to manage the psychological stress associated with the cancer treatment . patient female 1 The patient successfully underwent an appendicectomy and repair of her femoral hernia . patient male 35 Physician judged patients ' participation slightly more pointly while the known discrepancies between physicians ' and patients ' point of view remained , i. e. the physician does n't " touch up " knowing the patient will read his report . patient male 6 At 3.5 years postoperatively , the patient maintained his job as a professional coach and did not have any specific complaints when teaching and demonstrating archery skills . patient male 21 An abscess had formed around the stent , which was patent ; intravenous antibiotic therapy quelled the symptoms , and the patient discontinued his oral antibiotic regimen weeks after discharge . patient male 8 We report a case of a 35-year-old epileptic patient who suffered seizures while brushing his teeth . patient male 2 Since the patient had lost his eye when he was 2-year-old , the development of eye and periorbital tissue on the defect side lead to hemiatrophy ; in our approach , we have attempted to build the prosthesis in par with the normal side so that the fullness on the defect side was restored to that of the contralateral side . patient male 1 A patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia who had received CNS sanctuary treatment with cranial X-irradiation and intrathecal methotrexate displayed his first sign of relapse as iritis with malignant hypopyon . patient female 1 The patient was asymptomatic when moving her knee after arthroscopic synovialectomy and removal of the loose bodies . patient female 3 A 74-year-old female patient who had undergone enucleation of her right eye was restored with a stock ocular prosthesis . patient female 5 In this case , the patient developed S. intermedius , mitral valve SBE complicated by a cerebral vascular accident , and embolic occlusion of her leg . patient female 10 Near total resection of the masses was achieved and the patient had complete resolution of her vision post-operatively . patient male 7 The response was not homogeneous : one patient did not respond and reduced his dry weight , in 5 the weight gain was minimal ( less than 1 kg ) and in the remaining ten the response was good , with an increase in dry weight ranging between 1.5 and 5.5 kg . patient female 4 18 months postoperatively the patient demonstrates normal function of her forefoot without complaints or signs of inflammation . patient female 1 The patient had chronic pain and paresthesia of her left lower lip . patient male 30 Affective neglect and parental overprotection are often cited , although dysfunctional behaviour control may have a regulatory effect on these factors and a crucial impact on psychic reality of the patient recalling his childhood . patient male 4 Pierre Galletti , my friend and colleague , passed away on March 8 , 1997 , having left his mark on the emerging field of biomedical engineering . friend male 7 The interaction between a clinician and a patient who put his problems down to myalgic encephalomyelitis is described . patient female 15 It was only after a fourth transplant was done with a nonrelated donor that the patient resolved her diarrhea within 48 hours . patient male 9 Information in necessary before operating , to let the patient assess his own resources and prepare his own psychological adaptation mechanism . patient female 1 The patient reported an immediate and complete disruption of her addiction to cigarette smoking following her stroke . patient female 6 Two months after operation , the patient resumed her daily activities and went back to work with satisfactory use of her right thumb . patient female 6 We report a case of a patient who self-injured her ear and peri-auricular skin . patient male 6 This is particularly true when the patient resumes his own daily and work activity , which must nevertheless be encouraged and aided . patient male 11 Complete recanalization of the left internal CA was achieved and the patient showed a dramatic improvement of his preoperative deficits . patient male 8 Psychosexual therapies combine behavioral interventions to help the patient learn to control or delay his ejaculation and to assist him in regaining confidence and lessening performance anxiety . patient female 1 The patient had an outstanding improvement and overcame her condition after intensive care support . patient male 9 It is imperative to give post-vasectomy information where the patient must continue using his habitual anticonceptive method until the azoospermia shown in 2 semen analysis confirm the sterility of the patient so that the urologist has no legal problem . patient male 1 This patient continues to see 20/20 in each eye and comfortably wears his lenses for up to 6 hours . patient male 1 The patient regained his function and was asymptomatic at 2 year follow up . patient male 19 Since the patient with panic disorder externalizes his anxiety , he has periods of complete remission , whereas the patient with generalized anxiety disorder internalizes his anxiety , thus experiencing it as an ego-syntonic feature , with which he can not cope . patient female 1 The patient had her right oviduct removed by means of laparoscopy . patient male 1 The patient had full relief from tingling and numbness with no neurological deficit and could resume his daily duties . patient female 27 A course of palliative chemotherapy with cisplatin and 5-fluorouracil was then given , but the patient 's condition deteriorated and 6 months after her initial observation the patient died . patient female 11 At one year follow up radiographs showed good healing and clinically patient had a good elbow movements and was able to carry out her daily activities . patient male 7 Out of these patients , only one patient ( 1/7 , 14 % ) lost his graft . patient female 1 The patient had her first medical review the day after returning from her trip . patient male 1 The patient lost his vision within 10 days to counting fingers . patient female 1 The patient started her current illness at 28 weeks of pregnancy with an exacerbation of a deep , oppressive thoracic pain and orthopnea . patient female 1 A patient at 38 weeks of gestation when taken for emergency cesarean section had her oxygen saturation of 66 to 70 % ( by saturation probe on monitor ) in operation theatre . patient male 9 Outpatient follow-up at 3 months has shown that the patient has returned to a similar level of preinjury function and is still able to carry out his daily activities with walking aids and bilateral leg prostheses . patient female 1 The patient recovered her muscle strength but still had nonfluent speech in mild extent . patient female 1 The patient recovered her motor and sensory functions immediately after the surgery . patient male 2 The young patient is now able to wear a fine ophthalmic prosthesis and his appearance is greatly improved . patient male 9 Due to the presence of genetic abnormalities , the patient underwent screening imaging of his neuraxis . patient female 9 There were strong indications that while in-hospital , the patient resumed the activities of her previous profession . patient female 0 Patient # 3 could use her eye in a nearly straight ahead position in slight down gaze . Patient female 9 Without the use of any oral opioids , the patient scored her surgical pain 0 to 1 ( on a scale of 0 to 10 ) while at rest and 2 to 3 for 2 physical therapy sessions during which she used the bolus function to reinforce her analgesia . patient female 1 The patient underwent delayed surgical repair of her hernia using biological mesh , without recurrence , with a clinical course complicated by pregnancy . patient female 4 After 15 months the patient was pain free and could complete all her activities of daily living without impediment . patient male 1 The patient had a complete remission of his PRP with topical steroids alone , but died of the malignancy . patient male 5 After the operation , the patient was able to lift and abduct his right arm , and his shoulder did not droop . patient female 1 One patient experienced complete regression of her bilateral carotid body tumors over the ensuing 2.5 years and the other 3 patients have had no evidence of disease progression of their chemodectomas for 2 , 3 , and 4.5 years , respectively . patient female 16 We started the hyponatremia correction and , in 5 days , the mental status of the patient gradually returned to a normal baseline , paralleling the resolution of her hyponatremia , without recurrence . patient male 20 Ten weeks after the operation , it was found that the dislocated left arytenoid cartilage had spontaneously repositioned and the patient regained his normal voice . patient male 3 Our 45-year-old male patient presented with metastatic renal cell carcinoma ( mRCC ) ; we effectively managed his aggressive , progressive disease across six lines of treatment , including sequential monotherapy and combination therapy , with targeted agents like sunitinib , everolimus , sorafenib , temsirolimus , and bevacizumab , resulting in a > 48-month survival . patient male 11 After exploring his options with regards to fertility treatment , the patient chose to undergo second orchiectomy with a subsequent , unsuccessful , attempt at sperm retrieval . patient male 1 The patient had injured his head while mustering cattle 4 years earlier . patient female 1 The patient reported transient fecal staining of her vagina after stoma reversal , which resolved with conservative treatment . patient male 37 All hitherto trained students who attended the classes on communication skills acquired within the repertoire of skills used in discussions with patients the skill of a non-directive interview focused on elucidation of the problem on which the patient saw his doctor . patient male 2 Now the patient is discharge and sinus free , and has resumed his work . patient male 20 The patient received prompt administration of diphenhydramine and hydrocortisone , which led to the amelioration of symptoms and allowed the patient to complete his immunotherapy treatment . patient male 13 Clinically , 16 patients had 100 percent take of skin grafts and one patient had approximately 97 percent take of his graft . patient male 1 The patient described his symptoms as a shooting pain from the buttock to the lateral part of the foot , along the back of his thigh and calf , sometimes accompanied by paresthesia . patient male 14 After 4 weeks of wearing the dynamic orthosis , these authors noted that the patient was able to actively extend all his fingers orthosis-free , with no evidence of claw .-- Victoria Priganc , PhD , OTR , CHT , CLT , Practice Forum Editor . patient male 1 One patient used his CPAP approximately 3 nights per week and more than 4 hours per night . patient male 1 One patient used his CPAP a total of 3 nights in the whole month . patient female 2 The first patient could not control her fluid intake and required frequent hypertonic exchanges . patient male 8 Intrathecal morphine therapy was re-instituted , and the patient reported a significant decrease of his pain , an improvement in quality of life , and no complications related to pump functioning . patient male 15 Examination showed bulging from the anterosuperior wall of the EAC on each side when the patient opened his mouth , which pushed the tympanic membrane medially . patient male 1 The patient experienced a rapid worsening of his liver function and died 3 weeks later of hepatic failure without any surgery and chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient has experienced clinical improvement of her back pain . patient female 6 CSE analgesia was provided when the patient described her pain as the top on a scale of 10 during induction of labor with oxytocin infusion . patient female 4 Office evaluation revealed a patient who moved her head rhythmically from side to side as she stared into space , generally unresponsive to external stimuli . patient male 6 Here Mick Renoden , a service user on the clinical audit group with a 22 year history of contact with mental health services , describes his own experiences with clinicians and medication . user female 1 The patient was not able to tolerate her oral secretions . patient female 1 The patient had a complete resolution of her symptoms with carbohydrate loading and high caloric diet . patient female 1 The patient was able to retain her female sexual identity after surgical and medical treatment . patient male 9 In this case , the authors present a male patient who underwent a wide resection of his mustache area because of vascular malformation and reconstructed with hair-bearing temporal artery island flap . patient female 6 First case was a 42-year-old female patient who had been picking her skin from her arm area , especially in stressful times . patient male 9 Treatment initiation , implementation or whether or not the patient takes his dosing regimen as prescribed , persistence or the length of time between initiation and discontinuation , and treatment discontinuation were used to describe adherence . patient female 9 What the courts did not decide is when a patient is incompetent to decide her own fate , and what is the duty of the hospital to intervene with a suicidal patient . patient female 8 Initial results indicate that this protocol helps this patient improve her HbA1c value . patient male 1 The patient recovered well without neurological deficits , had complete resolution of his symptoms , and our surgical collaboration resulted in overall preservation of his hairline and facial symmetry . patient female 7 After the disease was diagnosed , the patient quit her university education and began to live inactively far from her social environment , usually spending lazy time at home . patient male 1 The patient acquired significant improvement of his neurologic function 2 days after the surgery , and he could walk by himself without assistance . patient male 1 The patient is undergoing chemotherapy of his recurrent desmoid-type fibromatosis . patient male 1 One patient is alive but suffered a relapse of his GCT , and one patient is alive and well . patient male 8 Shortly before admission to our hospital , the patient had discontinued his hydrocortisone medication . patient male 17 This case report describes a cast chrome cobalt MAD and its application in the management of a patient who , having very successfully managed his snoring and mild OSA with a removable cast chrome cobalt MAD , wished to continue this management while undergoing active orthodontic treatment using removable aligners . patient male 17 About 1 week before and 1 week after the main treatment day the weakened state of the patient necessitates his participation in an Oxygen Multistep Therapy with immunostimulation . patient female 1 The patient was able to initiate pain-free active motion of her left fifth digit . patient male 1 The patient had an amputation of his left , dominant forearm ( result of a circular-saw accident ) 8 years prior to the transplantation . patient female 14 69/70 ( 98 % ) of planned chemotherapy doses were ultimately delivered with 1 patient electively forgoing her final treatment . patient male 1 One patient assaulted his escort nurse during a leave and four patients attempted unsuccessfully to flee their escort nurses during escorted off-ground leave . patient female 5 We report a 31-year-old female patient with cutaneous sarcoidosis , who showed a complete remission of her single system skin disease after an 8-month therapy with oral isotretinoin ( 1 mg/kg/day ) . patient male 1 The patient had received his third combination infusion of the anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody Ipilimumab and the immune checkpoint inhibitor Nivolumab and developed severe watery non-bloody diarrhea the same day . patient male 1 One patient experienced worsening of his renal function and eventually required dialysis . patient male 1 One patient ( 10 % ) had rethrombosis of his stent due to undertreated common femoral vein disease in the setting of a new myeloproliferative neoplasm and an inappropriate cessation of therapeutic anticoagulation . patient female 4 Although hyperthyroid , the patient maintained her fertility . patient female 24 Five of 12 ( 42 % ) patients showed at least a 50 % reduction in total lesion diameter over 24 weeks with 1 patient showing complete regression of her lesion . patient female 1 One patient , already the mother of a normal son , is awaiting her second baby ; she was treated by portocholecystostomy at 2 months of age . patient female 27 Though laparoscopy was envisioned , due to the size of the mass , a right salpingectomy was performed during the second trimester by laparotomy , and the patient had an uncomplicated course of her pregnancy following the intervention , delivering a healthy infant at term . patient male 17 The decision of what form of treatment to offer the individual patient requires considerable discussion with the patient concerning his priorities and goals of therapy . patient female 1 The patient experienced resolution of her presenting symptoms 3 weeks after the procedure , with no adverse effects . patient female 10 After 2 embolization procedures of the uterine arteries , the patient experienced a recurrence of her symptoms , requiring definitive treatment with a hysterectomy . patient male 1 The patient underwent his chemotherapy cycles without major complications . patient male 4 During several weeks the patient assesses his sleep quality , sleep-related behaviours and mood by means of questionnaires . patient female 1 The patient made an uneventful recovery during the following 9 days , preserving her repair . patient male 1 The patient resumed his previous occupation with adapted workload and is satisfied with the treatment result . patient male 2 The other patient underwent chemotherapy and his condition is stable . patient female 21 HELD : Prior judicial approval is not required for a surrogate to exercise the state constitutional right of self-determination of a patient who has become incompetent and who , while competent , specifically expressed her wishes regarding medical treatment decisions orally or in writing . patient female 4 During follow-up , one patient had a relapse of BKV nephritis during pregnancy and lost her graft . patient male 22 The aim is toward the development of a swift BCI ( sBCI ) that robustly detects the exact time point where the user starts modulating his brain signals . user male 20 Sometimes , the only sign of a blow-out fracture is the abrupt inflation of periorbital tissue with air when the patient blows his nose . patient female 16 This understanding leads , he argues , to a different guiding question : what could the patient choose , given her values ? patient female 18 But by meeting her primary concern of aesthetics and making sure she has a pain-free experience , the patient went on to undergo full periodontal care with excellent results . patient male 6 Despite treatment with prednisolone , our patient could not regain his unrestricted mobility and self-help competence . patient male 4 To date , the patient has completed his 15th cycle of 5-FU mono therapy with the disease status remaining stable during 18 months of follow-up . patient male 1 Our patient has maintained his full knee range of motion and has minimal symptoms and hence was treated nonoperatively . patient female 1 The patient underwent MR-guided laser-induced thermal ablation of her tumor . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well and has had resolution of her symptoms since surgery . patient male 10 Interestingly , further analysis of the family revealed that the patient had inherited his deletion from his mother , who has a mos 46,X , del(X)(p22)/45,X/46 , XX karyotype . patient male 1 The patient had complete resolution of his bradycardia and AV block after chest tube placement . patient female 7 During the fifth treatment session , the patient experienced dramatic relief of her symptoms after a palpable release during the manual manipulation portion of her therapeutic regimen . patient male 4 Shortly after , the patient clearly improved his symptoms , before receiving chemotherapy and prednisone . patient female 1 The patient was able to resume her sports activities 15 weeks after surgery . patient male 11 A diagnosis of baker 's asthma was made , and the patient quit his job immediately after medical advice . patient male 2 The second patient required mechanical ventilation , had a progressive deterioration of his clinical conditions , and had a fatal outcome . patient male 1 The patient externalizes his infantile traumatic environment to construct a current world after his early environment which he finds both threatening and familar . patient female 1 The patient had a 4-year history of alendronate and calcium use to manage her osteoporosis . patient male 1 No patient lost his graft during the study . patient male 1 The patient showed clinical and laboratory improvement of his renal function after the infusion of dobutamine . patient female 6 In preparation for systemic therapy the patient discontinued GA , and shortly thereafter experienced spontaneous and complete clinical and radiographic resolution of her disease . patient male 1 The patient improved but did not reach his previous level of athletic performance . patient female 1 The patient collected her entire urine for 56 days in 12 h-intervals to determine sTNF-R55/creatinine and protein/creatinine levels ( ELISA , HPLC ) . patient female 17 Given the patient 's age and no reports of purposeful ingestion , it is most likely the patient had ingested this disk foreign body in early childhood , leaving her asymptomatic for 8 years prior to presentation . patient male 3 We present a patient with NPH who had total removal of his eutopic parathyroid glands but continued to have parathyroid hormone secretion from presumed ectopic parathyroid tissue . patient male 6 On follow up examination , the patient demonstrated improvement of his back pain and resolution of radicular symptoms . patient male 10 Surprising-ly , during the first clinical trial , one psoriasis patient experienced complete remission of his skin manifestation . patient male 15 Legally , an Advanced Euthanasia Directive ( AED ) can replace direct communication if a patient can no longer express his own wishes . patient male 23 The reason lies in different ways of assessing : the physician describes phenomena of the patient that are controllable by standardisation , the patient ascribes his own experience uncontrollably individually . patient male 1 Each patient had his blood pressure recorded by three methods : OBP using a digital sphygmomanometer device , unattended ASqBP using sequential BP devices with recording of the readings over 30 min , and ABPM that was performed within 48 h of office visit using portable BP devices with BP recording over 24 h. patient male 16 But then he gives up the aim of profoundly changing something in the sense that the patient can give up his symptoms and take more self-responsibility for his acting . patient male 15 Not only does the therapist provide a holding environment for the patient , but the patient does his share to support the therapist in his aims . patient male 19 Out of these 4 patients , 3 had an intraneural ganglion cyst involving the peroneal nerve , and 1 patient had his tibial nerve involved . patient male 5 By 1 month , the patient made gradual improvement of his mobility and ADL but requested discharge despite not having achieved his rehab goals . patient female 1 The patient sought chiropractic evaluation of her condition to avoid further surgical intervention . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical excision and his symptoms subsided . patient female 4 On workup , our patient exhibited mild splenomegaly and low-level involvement of her peripheral blood and bone marrow by a kappa-restricted B-cell population . patient female 10 Considering her longstanding history and absences of cytopenias , our patient has been followed without splenectomy or systemic therapy . patient female 3 We believe the patient was exposed to these microbes by cleansing her skin with saliva prior to injection . patient female 0 Patient reported complete resolution of her LUQ pain at a 5-week and 3.5-month follow-up . Patient female 13 More interestingly , longitudinal examination over the next 2 years showed that the patient experienced no residual effects or further recurrences of her previous chronic problem after her initial course of chiropractic care . patient female 1 The patient had noticed increasing discharge and swelling of her right eyelid . patient male 6 A comprehensive education of the hyperlipidemic patient is urgently needed in order to improve his knowledge about hypolipidemic diet and to obtain his motivation which is essential for a long term compliance . patient female 7 Following the adipose injection procedure , the patient experienced almost complete resolution of her CPRS-associated pain symptoms , along with improved cosmetic appearance of the area . patient female 2 Only the patient with early breast cancer and primary surgery by a gynaecologist retained her breast . patient female 16 The aim and objective of this report was to assess a case of a 55-year-old female patient who had lost all her teeth , except maxillary canines # 13 and # 23 and with severe bone loss in the mandible . patient male 1 The patient with the lowest titer lost his graft due to recurrence , two other patients had reversible recurrence after 1 year and 5 years , two patients lost their grafts due to unknown/unrelated causes , and two patients ' grafts remain without recurrence . patient male 22 Propensity score analysis is a post hoc adjustment method which consists in deriving the conditional probability of receiving the treatment for a patient given his measured baseline characteristics ( i.e. , the propensity score ) . patient female 1 The patient restored her menses after the operation and a fertility evaluation including serial beta-hCG levels and hysterosalpingography showed them to be within the reference ranges . patient female 10 A 66-year old mild cognitive impairment ( MCI ) female patient donated her Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMC ) . patient male 1 The patient had a successful procedure , was discharged on postoperative day 2 , and achieved surgical cure of his prostate cancer . patient female 3 Management of this patient was to change her belief that bending over and sitting would cause damage to her disc , combined with active exercises for graded exposure to lumbar flexion to restore normal movement . patient male 4 In this case the patient was able to regain his initial visual activity after intrathecal and systemic polychemotherapy . patient male 1 One patient withdrew his request after pain control , returned home and died several weeks later . patient male 4 Six years before the patient underwent a laparoscopic intervention to repair his umbilical hernia , with the positioning of a polypropylene coated mesh . patient male 1 The patient described his visual hallucinations as " rotating light like a firefly " and " mimicking a stream " . patient male 1 The patient opened his eyes on verbal command at an effect-site concentration of 1.2 microg ml(-1 ) after the procedure . patient female 12 The wrist locked when the forearm was fully supinated , and the patient was not able to pronate her forearm without reducing the ulna by pressing the left ulna down toward the DRUJ . patient male 8 We report a case of a 55-year-old male patient with perineal CSH who suffered worsening long-term pain despite multiple surgical procedures to alleviate his symptoms . patient female 6 Postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was able to perform her daily activities without any difficulty or pain . patient female 1 One patient experienced amelioration of her symptoms after Silastic tube intubation of her canalicular system . patient male 15 An initial plan was made for urgent primary ureteroscopy and lithotripsy , however , the patient spontaneously passed 20 - 25 calculi at home whilst awaiting his operation date . patient male 15 After changing his dialysis catheter and extending the vancomycin treatment to 15 days , the patient was discharged with cure . patient male 3 Initially , the patient reported discrete itching of his abdominal skin and was in moderate respiratory distress . patient female 1 The patient had no evidence of recurrence after 80-month follow-up and her renal function remained normal . patient male 20 It is believed that a fracture of the medial orbital wall was caused by the increased intraorbital pressure when the patient hit his forehead on the snowy ground , allowing air to enter the orbit when he blew his nose . patient male 1 The patient subsequently had a full recovery of his hearing . patient female 1 Each patient recorded her VMF each day and was monitored by finger thermistor for three hours every two weeks to record VMF . patient male 1 One patient with SSCD , who could hear only his eyeball movements , had other disabling symptoms deserving operation through a middle fossa approach with an immediate relief of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient suffered no clinical sequelae of her STEMI . patient male 1 The patient had achieved second complete remission and his skin lesions were completely regressed . patient female 1 The patient had suffered from respiratory difficulty for a long time and had stopped using her antithyroid medications after the first trimester of pregnancy . patient male 9 The surgical approach and the centre at which the patient can best have his surgery are still under debate . patient male 13 CPAP use and a euthyroid condition induced by 175 μg/day levothyroxine allowed the patient to proactively reduce his body weight . patient male 5 With physical therapy , the patient regained full flexion and extension in his arm at the elbow , partial extension of his wrist , and range of motion and strength in his hip . patient female 10 The purpose of this case report is to describe a patient who regularly practiced self-manipulation of her neck who presented with shoulder and neck pain and was undergoing a vertebral artery dissection . patient female 1 The patient continued to receive chiropractic treatment of her original cervical and lumbar spine complaints , further suggesting that the pelvic mass was not a source of her musculoskeletal complaints . patient male 4 In no case the patient has wished his death . patient female 3 A 56-year-old female patient displayed an increased volume of her left lacrimal gland with pain and inflammation . patient male 5 After 13 treatments , the patient had a complete resolution of his symptoms with a pain score of 0 of 10 and an Oswestry score of 2 % . patient male 8 After the foreign body was removed , the patient regained his previous visual acuity . patient female 6 The anamnesis further revealed that the patient was born in Colombia and visits her native country on a regular basis . patient female 1 One patient had her professional life affected due to the increased number of defecations . patient female 5 This case demonstrates how the patient drastically improved her quality of life and reinforces the need for more rigorous testing on the use of medical cannabis to support patients and better manage the symptoms associated with their medical conditions . patient male 15 Comprehensive treatment provided by an ostomy care team facilitated the recovery and healing of a patient who had a complicated mucocutaneous separation of his urostomy . patient female 7 Six months after the procedure , the patient had resumed her daily activities , showing a good functional result . patient female 1 The patient who had discontinued her medication excreted a normal amount of aldosterone ( 20.0 nmol per square meter of body-surface area per day ) while following a diet low in sodium . patient male 9 Within a few days , pain resolved and the patient regained his mobility . patient female 8 On examination in our emergency department , the patient had pooling of secretions and was unwilling to range her neck due to pain . patient female 23 After the treatment , although the right condylar process had settled just beneath the articular tubercle , the dislocation had improved and the patient was able to close her mouth without difficulty . patient female 19 A discussion of five key themes of Jungian theory is followed by an account of clinical work with a patient who enacted her inner world through the use of material objects brought to the consulting room , presenting difficult technical dilemmas concerning boundaries and enactment . patient female 9 Over 2 years following successful renal salvage , the patient has maintained a normal glomerular filtration rate and patency of her bypass by duplex follow-up . patient male 1 The patient was suffering his first psychotic episode and had symptoms typical of schizophrenia . patient male 12 In our case , an objective clicking sound was produced when the patient opened his mouth . patient female 17 After practicing pelvic floor exercises , adjusting her fecal behavior and modifying her food intake , the patient regained control of her fecal function and improved her quality of life . patient female 1 No patient rated her cosmetic outcome as " poor . " Analysis indicated low agreement between patients ' self-assessment and clinician-directed evaluation of aesthetic results . patient male 3 We excluded a patient who had his nonunion site explored followed by bone excision and transport . patient female 17 One case of delayed recovery from ONP was observed at 16 months after treatment , and the patient underwent a second coiling procedure to treat a recanalization of her aneurysmal sac . patient female 6 We performed exome sequencing in a patient exhibiting a syndromic developmental delay and in her unaffected parents and report the phenotypic features . patient female 1 The patient experienced her first episode at age of 3 years , her second when she was 13 years old , and the last at the age of 25 during pregnancy . patient male 8 Here we have reported the case of a patient who developed onycholysis of his fingernails with sparing of the toenails following administration of diclofenac therapy for lower back pain . patient male 22 Our experience with acute subendocardial infarction , hertofore regarded as a relatively benign event , indicates that the immediate prognosis of the patient who sustains his first episode of subendocardial infarction is not at all benign , and , indeed , subendocardial infarction frequently heralds transmural infarction within the acute phase of the disease . patient male 22 The point of importance that emerged from this analysis was that the measures of rehabilitation should not only aim at making the patient meet the original demands but to try and change the environmental expectations to reduce his stress in coping . patient female 8 About 24 hours after hospital admission , the patient had sudden deterioration of her mental status . patient male 13 Two of the three patients needed long-term renal replacement therapy with the third patient recovering his kidney function after 2 months . patient male 1 The patient had been noncompliant with atenolol and methimazole for the past month after losing his medical insurance . patient female 6 We present a case of a patient who was pregnant and had symptomatic , intermittent obstruction of her St Jude mitral prosthesis showing a very unique Doppler flow pattern suggesting impaired disk movement with every other cardiac cycle . patient male 1 The patient , a 29-year-old man , developed acute burns of his lips and oropharynx and presented with signs and symptoms of acute upper airway distress within an hour of the injury . patient male 1 One patient lost his renal graft owing to renal graft thrombosis , and grade II chronic allograft nephropathy was diagnosed by renal biopsy on the 62th day after renal transplantation in another patient . patient male 1 The patient died 8 months after the surgical extirpation of his retroperitoneal tumor . patient male 10 Evacuation of the hematoma was performed , during which the patient received his second known exposure to topical bovine thrombin . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of her preoperative symptoms after surgical excision . patient female 1 The patient is still under the care of the oncology and cardiovascular surgery clinics and continuing her chemotherapy regimen . patient male 9 Once the facial nerve had been resected , the patient recovered some facial motricity and his masticatory function improved on the day following the operation . patient female 1 The patient did well post-operatively and has continued to honour her outpatient follow-up appointments . patient female 7 In our group of patients only one patient had an exacerbation of her MG after using an aminoglycoside . patient male 1 One patient had recurrence of his disease , and one needed prolonged wound care after wound breakdown . patient male 1 The patient has an underlying history of stroke with neurological deficit include his gag reflex . patient male 8 Despite immunosuppressive therapy including monoclonal antibodies , the patient progressively lost his hearing . patient male 1 One patient with melanoma had a mixed response and one patient with mesothelioma transiently cleared his ascites of malignant cells . patient female 1 The patient struck her face on the side of her car resulting in a limbus rupture in her cornea through the horizontal incisions of a four-incision radial keratotomy . patient male 19 At the age of 30 , while he had stopped his consumption of amphetamines for 9 months , the patient , overwhelmed with the delusions , murdered his wife . patient male 11 One year after operation , the follow-up examination revealed that the patient could walk by crutches without discomfort , his daily life and work recovered to normal . patient female 5 Within 5 min , the patient was unable to move her lower limbs . patient female 1 The patient could not open her eyes , perform basic activities or achieve effective rehabilitation . patient female 6 For the 11 months that the patient has been taking the drug her arrhythmia has not recurred . patient female 8 This resolved on conservative therapy , and the patient went on to use her implant successfully . patient female 12 Some women may be candidates for self-start therapy , in which the patient accurately recognizes her UTI symptoms and then starts previously prescribed antibiotics . patient male 1 The patient also completed the International Restless Legs Syndrome Scale questionnaire to objectively quantify the severity of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient had a severe , destructive , and multilating arthropathy of her hands , with distal phalangeal deformity . patient male 3 Study of a patient with damage to the hippocampus and surrounding neocortex reveals intact topographical knowledge of his childhood environment . patient female 14 One of the pediatric patients fully recovered her renal function , the second pediatric patient lost 20 % of her baseline GFR at 6 months posttransplantation . patient female 1 The patient required a simultaneous , unplanned , emergent repair of her severe pectus excavatum because of hemodynamic instability after sternal closure . patient male 10 The fistula was surgically resected , and postoperatively , the patient improved and regained his weight . patient male 9 After sheath removal from the left atrium , the patient flexed his thighs , resulting in a ' foetal position ' developing tamponade due to an right atrial ( RA ) appendage perforation from sheath migration . patient male 16 A more durable response was achieved after vincristine and dexamethasone were administered , which allowed the patient to resume his previous intermittent hemodialysis ( IHD ) schedule . patient male 1 The patient regained his full sensorium and was eventually discharged to home . patient male 31 Qualitative results of such determinations may be of some interest but due to the enormous interindividual variations of quantitative data , the idea of using hair analysis to ascertain whether a patient has taken his treatment exactly as prescribed , clearly appears to be inapplicable . patient male 24 Meticulous counseling regarding the potential morbidity associated with the operation that may affect the patient 's quality of life should be made before the patient gives his informed consent . patient male 1 The patient died from systemic disease progression soon after finishing his radiotherapy . patient male 16 On the other hand , he/she begins to rebuke partner 's supposed negative attitudes ; the patient may start to use his psychological problems as an excuse and expects others to help him and solve the situation . patient female 1 The patient experienced resolution of her endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia with conversion to atrophic endometrium after management with levonorgestrel intrauterine device . patient male 1 The patient commenced his comprehensive physiotherapy programme in January 2018 . patient female 6 Due to disease severity , the patient was treated with the anti-interleukin-1 drug anakinra , showing a prompt resolution of her clinical manifestations . patient male 3 We report a patient who experienced spontaneous total regression of his giant bulla following intensification of his inhaled bronchodilator and airway anti-inflammatory therapies . patient female 1 One patient stopped taking her medications after CAS placement and became symptomatic 8 months later as a result of a severe in-stent stenosis . patient male 7 Four weeks following this operation , the patient slipped and fell while wearing his knee brace and was found to have sustained a quadriceps tendon rupture . patient female 5 At 1 year , the patient regained active extension of her big toe and had no gait disturbances or functional impairment . patient male 1 Our patient underwent surgery for a recurrence of aortic cross mycotic pseudoaneurysm at the level of the aortic homograft he had had 7 years before . patient male 4 Nine weeks previously the patient had visited family in western Turkey , where , as far as is known , he did not come into contact with anyone who had tuberculosis . patient male 9 After administration of 140 meq potassium phosphate , the patient began to improve , and 12 h after the onset he was able to walk normally . patient male 1 The patient remained asymptomatic for 19 years which at that time he presented with liver metastasis , ascites and renal failure . patient female 16 However , it remains a task of the physician after the operation to actively support the patient in dealing with the traumatization she has experienced . patient male 1 One patient developed a subdural haematoma 6 weeks postoperatively subsequent to a fall where he hit his head . patient male 17 The patient 's mother reported one incidence of reported ear pain that resolved spontaneously , but the patient denied placing any object into his ear both in our clinic and at the time he reported ear pain to his mother . patient male 9 A case is reported of a 33-year-old white male patient who had a 3-year history of progressive dysphagia to the point that he was only able to swallow liquids . patient male 7 Additionally , it was discovered that this patient had recently vacationed in Florida where he consumed raw oysters . patient male 9 The procedure consisted in an aversive stimulus that the patient received every time he traced one of the four maze-paths connected to an electric shock generator with a stylus . patient female 1 The patient remained on treatment with imatinib mesylate for 3 months during which she suffered daily fever resulting in discontinuation of the treatment . patient male 10 The two most compelling arguments pro DOAC were when the patient had no chemotherapy and when he expressed unwillingness to apply injections . patient male 2 When the patient awoke from the anaesthetic he had paralysis of his bladder and bowels . patient female 1 The patient underwent bilateral nephrectomy and chronic hemodialysis treatment ; unfortunately , after one month she died from cachexia . patient male 1 The patient received a stem cell transplant from an unrelated bone marrow donor after which he contracted a serious CMV infection manifested in the lungs and retinae . patient male 1 Our patient tends to cling to the self of others , borrowing their identities at least for the period he is able to remember . patient male 2 A 52-year-old patient with no remarkable urological or dermatological history , complained of an excrescence in the right hemiscrotum that he had noted for several years . patient male 1 The patient went to an Adult Day Care Center on a daily basis where he demonstrated wandering behavior with a high rate of escape attempts ( the number of times the Center 's glass exit door was approached ) . patient female 1 The patient wore a cast with the ankle in a neutral position for six weeks , following which she experienced repeated subluxation of the peroneal tendons . patient male 1 The patient presented with a painful red plaque located where he routinely wore a ruby ring . patient female 1 Our patient underwent surgery based on the presumption that she had a symptomatic cystic neoplasm . patient female 1 The patient ( SD ) reported in this study fits the deep dyslexia profile to the extent that she makes several semantically related reading errors . patient female 7 One year after the treatment , the patient presents a chronic episode of melena and symptomatic anemia and 1 week before the admission she had hematochezia . patient female 5 We treated an 82-year-old female patient who consulted for a painful ulcerous lesion she had had for a year and which produced halitosis and discomfort when swallowing . patient female 9 Three patients showed partial relief of symptoms and 1 patient showed no improvement after 1 month of treatment at which time she withdrew from the study . patient female 2 A female patient with a VVI pacemaker suffered from traveller 's diarrhoea which she treated with tea and water . patient male 1 The patient was on CPB for 9.8 hours with a total cross-clamp time of 7 hours , during which he received 72 liters of all-blood adenocaine microplegia . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient was conscious and pain free ; however , on postoperative day 1 she developed headache and nausea followed by a decreased level of consciousness . patient male 1 The patient did well for about 6 months at which point he developed anterior chest wall pain for which he applied a heating pad . patient male 1 The patient remained asymptomatic for about 3 years when in 2018 he presented to the Emergency Department with increasing headaches and peripheral vision loss . patient female 5 Despite repeated questioning , the patient did not admit until 18 months after her initial surgery that she had begun self-treatment with dilute proparacaine shortly after RK and continued it after her keratoplasties . patient male 1 The patient refused laparoscopic resection because of the morbidity he had experienced with a previous laparoscopic surgery . patient female 12 Although cervical cancer at this stage carries an excellent prognosis , the patient was unable to pay for the diagnostic testing , surgery , and additional treatment that she needed and was therefore told that she would be treated in an emergency situation only . patient female 0 Patient did well for the first six months after surgery when she began to present dyspnea on light exertion . Patient male 1 The patient has had complete amelioration of the disabling symptoms and participates in many activities that he could not tolerate previously . patient female 1 The patient was fine until 9 months postoperatively when she complained of a decrease in visual acuity due to capsular fibrosis . patient male 1 One patient with an HE episode stage II showed no effect over 12 h. After this time he progressed to HE stage III ; BA therapy was stopped . patient male 13 All this information is important to the physician because it implies that the patient treated in the hospital should not return to an adverse environment where he will find the same factors that will lead him again to disease . patient male 1 The patient lost consciousness during a party in which he drank an unknown amount of ethyl alcohol mixed with an energy beverage ( " Red Bull " ) . patient female 1 The patient returned 3 years later for reevaluation , at which time she reported the birth of another healthy child by cesarean delivery 10 months previously . patient female 1 The patient made an uneventful recovery , and three years after initial presentation she remains free of cardiac symptoms . patient male 1 One patient developed a restenosis after only 4 days for which he underwent a re-PTA procedure . patient male 2 Since the patient could write with his right hand he underwent several writing tasks with either hand , and a thorough assessment to clarify the nature of MW . patient male 1 The patient can now interact more freely with his peers , because of the dental treatment which he has received . patient male 1 Our patient subsequently presented with a symptomatic splenic lesion consistent with metastatic disease , for which he underwent laparoscopic splenectomy . patient female 1 The patient was recovering well postoperatively until the eighth postoperative day when she developed acute dilation of stomach and unfortunately died on day 17 . patient male 1 A patient presented with esthetic concerns that he believed would require lengthy orthodontic treatment , as well as jaw surgery , in order to correct . patient male 16 In addition to decreasing daily costs and the number of patients admitted to hospital , a patient can receive treatment at home , on the tatami where he feels comfortable . patient male 1 The patient practiced the Farnsworth D15 test and returned for a follow-up visit in which he performed the test perfectly four times ( i.e. , twice in the regular order and twice using cap 15 as the pilot cap ) . patient female 1 Our patient presents from her birth the affection of both index fingers , in one of which she has micronichia and in the other polionichia . patient male 1 The patient had suffered from low complement nephritis , for which he had received prednisolone therapy . patient male 2 The second patient , with tuberculoid leprosy , presented with allergic contact eczema due to neomycin which he had applied over the plaque for scaling and crusting . patient female 1 The patient was free of musculoskeletal symptoms for 6 months , at which time she started to complain again about pain in her back and bowel . patient female 26 Two years later , the bone X-ray demonstrated syndesmophytes and multiple calcifications in the ligament and tendon insertions , suggestive of long-term enthesitis , but the patient had occasionally noticed mild lumbago up to the time she visited our hospital , with spontaneous pain in the bilateral shoulders and lower back . patient female 1 The patient received progesterone at the same time she was receiving immunosuppressive drugs . patient female 2 The second patient was on gatifloxacin post-LASIK when she had methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) keratitis diagnosed . patient male 1 One patient had lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma and had received chemotherapy over a year prior but was not receiving therapy at the time he contracted adenovirus hepatitis . patient male 6 In the summer of 1992 a patient died of a leptospiral infection which he probably had contracted while he was swimming in an artificial lake in the region of Tübingen/Reutlingen . patient male 1 The patient had been on maintenance haemodialysis for one year for chronic renal failure during which time he reported multiple episodes of cervical trauma . patient female 5 It was noted that the patient presented with multiple cutaneous calcified nodules to bilateral lower extremities , which she stated has been present for approximately 40 years . patient male 1 One patient had sudden sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo develop 3 months after scuba diving , which he related to noise exposure . patient female 12 After undergoing extensive examinations which were unrevealing for a diagnosis , the patient admitted to a recurrent maneuver , which she secretly used to relieve anxiety and stress . patient male 6 In the first case , the patient was ambulatory with a slight limp and lateral knee pain that he rated as 3 out of 10 . patient male 16 57 ( 88 % ) patients showed an improvement of symptoms after surgery and only 1 patient fared worse during the follow-up period due to a stroke he suffered two years after bypass surgery . patient female 1 The patient was receiving 60 mg/day fluoxetine since the last four years which she and her attendants concealed during the preoperative evaluation . patient male 1 The patient improved over 1 year in which he received chiropractic care , including manual treatments such as spinal manipulative therapy and soft tissue therapies . patient male 12 A behavior control technique is presented , consisting primarily of having a patient give up some portion of his reinforcers ( usually money ) with the understanding that he must behave in therapeutically prescribed ways in his natural environment to re-earn the reinforcers . patient male 1 The patient came to our clinic for the first time when he was 44 years old . patient male 1 The user can access different levels of knowledge or information from any stack he is consulting or operating . user male 19 ( III ) The pain intensity during the intervention was measured by visual analogous scale , on which the patient denoted the intensity of pain he had felt during the intervention . patient male 1 The patient received antivenom and was transferred to a tertiary care facility where he had cardiovascular collapse and persistent coagulopathy requiring 28 vials of Crotalidae polyvalent immune Fab antivenom for initial control and six vials for maintenance . patient male 12 Probably due to a subsequent clot at the arterial lumen port the patient developed SVC syndrome and when the catheter was run in the reversed flow direction he developed hypovolemic shock . patient male 1 The patient with adult polycystic liver disease had two symptomatic recurrences : at 26 months where he underwent a repeat laparoscopic fenestration and at 43 months where he underwent an open fenestration . patient male 1 The patient underwent a tracheostomy and was subsequently treated with cyclophosphamide and corticosteroids to which he responded . patient male 1 The patient would masturbate with women 's shoes , which he had bought or stolen from others . patient female 1 The patient presented with a rapidly growing right breast mass , which she had had for 2 - 3 years . patient female 5 The pattern originated from a patient shortly admitted to the department where she worked at the time . patient male 5 Three weeks before hospitalization the patient returned from Kupres ( Bosnia and Herzegovina ) where he was working for the past year on a sheep farm and consumed unpasteurized dairy products of sheep origin . patient male 1 The patient also suffered from trigeminal neuralgia , which he was not treating due to inefficacy or side effects of all previously tried medications . patient male 7 At 4 years after onset , the patient showed motor recovery in the right finger extensors to the extent that he was able to move against gravity . patient female 1 The patient then received rFVIIa almost daily over the following 9 days to which she remained unresponsive , ultimately resulting in death . patient male 1 The patient engaged in semipurposeful behaviour for which he had no memory , and the EEG demonstrated waking rhythms . patient male 12 Seventeen years following the successful resection of the bronchial carcinoid tumour the patient remains under annual endocrine follow-up for monitoring of the hypopituitarism he developed after the original interventions to his pituitary gland , while there has been no evidence of active acromegaly or recurrence of the carcinoid tumour . patient male 9 We report here the case of a 75-year-old male patient who developed severe side effects after treatment with capecitabine ( Xeloda ® ) that he received as adjuvant chemotherapy . patient female 21 In spite of dropping of the level of beta-hCG , the trophoblastic tissue was still present 6 weeks postnatally where the patient complained of vaginal bleeding where she opted to abdominal hysterectomy . patient male 1 The patient entered blastic transformation within half a year , by which time he had acquired an isochromosome 17 in addition to the variant translocation . patient female 5 After several complications , the patient quitted conventional treatment and admitted to an Ayurvedic outpatient clinic where she received a complex Ayurvedic treatment , which included botanicals , dietary and lifestyle advice , manual therapy , yoga , and spiritual elements . patient female 2 A female patient with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase ( MCAD ) deficiency developed normally until 13 months of age after which she showed a gradual developmental delay , followed by progressive dementia , and a decrease in head circumference growth culminating in the diagnosis of Rett syndrome at 3.5 years . patient female 17 This report is a case of cytomegalovirus involving the esophagus in association with systemic sclerosis in a patient immunosuppressed because of drugs that she had been taking . patient female 1 The patient suddenly developed acute abdomen while lifting a disabled person at a nursing home where she worked as a nurse . patient female 2 Although the patient needs careful monitoring following the surgery , to date she has been disease free for 12 months . patient female 1 The patient had a past medical history of non-Hodgkin lymphoma 10 years after CV onset for which she went into complete remission . patient female 2 The first patient had a positive antibody test early in pregnancy for which she did not need treatment , the second had a positive antibody test late in pregnancy and the third was seropositive and on medication , but had the wish to become pregnant . patient female 1 The patient presented 2 hours after envenomation to the local military treatment facility , where she was minimally symptomatic initially . patient male 1 The patient had been doing well until a couple of months ago when he developed severe venous stasis and ulcers of the left cruris , due to a high-flow nonhealing complex AVF with additional iliac vein occlusion . patient female 6 Due to the fact that the patient had residual disease , at the second-look surgery she received consolidation therapy with intraperitoneal and intravenous chemotherapy carboplatin . patient male 5 It appeared that only one patient with failure would have received a redo endovascular procedure at the time he had a restenosis . patient male 1 Each user adjusted his hearing aid gain to the level he determined to be best for telephone communication with each coupling method . user male 1 The patient remained tumor-free until 2008 , at which time he presented with right-sided weakness and numbness , left eye pain , vomiting and weight loss . patient male 1 Our patient had an uneventful immediate postoperative course ; however , 4 months after the operation he suffered pneumonia and cytomegalovirus infection . patient female 1 The patient refused further interventions and transitioned to hospice care where she expired after two months . patient male 1 The patient experienced a paradoxical , but consistent side effect of feeling inebriated each time he took naltrexone . patient male 2 The fifth patient experienced a decrease in fusion and stereopsis at the time he became anisometropic after bilateral LASIK . patient male 1 Our patient lived with two dogs and a cat with which he was very close . patient male 1 The patient was subsequently sedated , intubated , paralysed and admitted to the intensive care unit , where he remained for 38 days . patient female 8 We discuss the management of anesthesia in a patient brought to hospital following a traffic accident in which she suffered distal laceration of the trachea and unstable vertebral fracture that met surgical criteria . patient male 22 We present the case of a 45-year-old male patient with sizable , palpable abdominal tumor , the gradual swelling of which the patient himself combined with the blunt abdominal trauma he acquired from an opponent 's knee in a football game 5 months ago . patient male 1 The patient , a 42-year-old peasant , lived in Corrente - State of Piaui , where he certainly acquired the infection . patient male 1 The patient has not relapsed in the 5 years that he has not been taking imatinib . patient male 23 In this paper , we study the realism of unconstrained trajectories produced during virtual walking by addressing the following question : did the user reach his destination by virtually walking along a trajectory he would have followed in similar real conditions ? user female 1 The patient had vague and variable symptoms and it was not until five years after first presentation that she had developed clinical and electrocardiographic evidence of right atrial hypertrophy , and angiocardiographic evidence of a fist-sized myxoma which was subsequently removed surgically . patient male 1 The patient had been in good health until one year previously , when he started to complain of nuchal pain . patient male 1 The patient did not return until about 10 weeks later , at which time he presented with a history significant for newly-diagnosed intermediate-grade non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma . patient female 3 Specifically , the patient experienced marked improvement in balance and gait as well as increased strength in the legs to the extent that she was able to abandon the use of a walker within 48 hours after initiation of magnetic treatment . patient female 2 The first patient , a 26-year-old woman , suffered for 3 years from such severe camptocormia that she became unable to walk and was confined to bed or a wheelchair . patient male 11 It is the purpose of this case report to describe a patient who had fatal dermal paraquat absorption after a crop-dusting accident in which he sustained 37 % TBSA burns . patient male 9 A case is reported of an associative visual agnosic patient who could not draw from memory objects he could recognize , even though he could copy drawings flawlessly . patient male 2 The second patient has deteriorated markedly and 6 months after the initial illness he had severe heart failure . patient male 1 This patient was diagnosed to have pneumocephalus on CT scan study and was treated with antibiotics to which he responded well , and the repeat CT scan done after two weeks showed normal study . patient female 2 The female patient developed a carcinoma of the breast at the age of 26 , from which she died 5 years later . patient female 1 The patient was suffering from so severe lower extremities pain and rheumatoid changes in knee joints that she had to walk on crutches . patient female 1 The patient was unaware of any incident where she noticed an acute change after her hip arthroplasty surgery . patient male 1 The patient recovered from his skin symptoms after 4 weeks during which he received systemic corticosteroids and antibiotics . patient female 1 The patient then suffered from a complex postoperative course during which she developed an intestinal fistula which freely drained into the wound and gradually led to its complete dehiscence . patient male 3 Nevertheless , the patient is likely to develop static trouble and infertility because of the spine sequela and testicle atrophy he presented . patient male 2 As the patient in 2016 was ineligible for clinical trials he received immune checkpoint anti-PD-1 therapy with pembrolizumab ( 200 mg every 3 weeks ) , on compassionate use basis , after the failure of second-line treatment . patient male 2 Making the patient aware of the main side effects of the treatment that he will face rapidly ( digestion troubles essentially ) is a simple way to reduce the risks of early abandon of the treatment . patient female 1 The patient reported hearing impairment and was diagnosed with Susac syndrome for which she has responded extremely well to long-term immunosuppressive therapy . patient male 1 The patient received a radiofrequency atrial pacemaker , and at the first sign of a tachyarrhythmia he switched on the instrument for 1 - 2 sec , and the attack was promptly terminated . patient male 1 The patient had a history of a Leydig cell tumor ( LCT ) in the right testicle for which he underwent radical orchiectomy at the age of 60 years . patient female 1 The patient in this paper had omental-collagen reconstruction of her cord and has clinically progressed to the point where she can ambulate with the use of a walker . patient female 1 The patient attended to a hospital the day she sustained the injury , where the Lisfranc fracture was missed . patient male 2 Although our patient had an increase in the number of new sebaceous tumors at the same time he experienced deterioration of the immune system , he is doing well 15 years after resection of adenocarcinoma of the colon and 16 months after metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the skin . patient male 12 Severe hypothermia occurs when body temperature falls below 28 degrees C. The patient may be unconscious , with such severely depressed vital signs that he appears to be dead . patient male 2 The first patient , a 60-year-old Hispanic man , had asymptomatic type 2A IJRT with subretinal neovascularization diagnosed for which he underwent photodynamic therapy on 2 separate occasions . patient male 1 The patient , a 30-year-old immigrant from Somalia , revealed in a subsequent consultation that he regularly used khat . patient male 1 The patient reads the therapist 's chart note and may respond in any way he desires . patient female 1 The patient was receiving 60 mg/day fluoxetine for the last 4 years , which she and her attendants concealed during the preoperative evaluation . patient male 10 Many of the innovations were driven by a visionary medical superintendent , Chris McCaffrey , and the staff he appointed . superintendent male 1 The patient underwent subtotal gastrectomy , but 4 months later presented hepatic metastases , and 6 months after the initial diagnosis he succumbed to the disease . patient female 23 Interest in this subject arose from a patient seen at our service , in which dysmetropsia of body image was reported by the patient , when she saw it in her son . patient female 10 Herein , we describe the case of a 23-year-old female patient who presented with heart failure and severe mitral regurgitation eight months after an index SCAD event during which she underwent extensive stenting of the left anterior descending artery . patient female 9 Apart from possibly having a hypoplasic uterus , the patient is also prone , in the case where she has an undersized uterus , to having a much narrower than normal cavity . patient female 5 Although initially after surgery the patient had nearly complete ophthalmoplegia , at her 1-year follow-up examination she had normal ocular motility and visual acuity . patient female 1 One patient showed a decreased ability to kill C. albicans at a time when she had active pneumonia due to Pneumocystis carinii . patient female 3 However , the patient developed a massive right cerebral infarct in the postoperative period following which she expired . patient male 13 Severe hypothermia occurs when the body temperature falls below 28 degrees C. The patient may be unconscious , with such severely depressed vital signs that he appears to be dead . patient female 1 The patient received ceftriaxone for a total of 14 days after which she improved and was discharged from the hospital with right sided weakness . patient female 8 The next morning after the operation , the patient complained of dysphonia and a sore throat .7 days after the operation she was still complaining of dysphonia . patient female 1 The patient revealed during labor that she had syringomyelia associated with Chiari type I malformation , after having made no mention of it in previous history taking . patient male 1 The patient was alienated from the objective world to which he had once been accustomed as the object lacked vitality and familiarity . patient male 2 A 76-year-old patient consulted for a painful left scrotal tumor that he had noted for some time and that had slowly and gradually grown . patient male 8 We report the case of a 32-year-old male patient involved in a road traffic accident in which he sustained a grade II open supra- and intercondylar fracture of the left distal femur with substantial bone loss of the lateral femoral condyle and trochlea ( AO classification type 33 C3 ) . patient male 10 After initial improvement diarrhoea and obstipation alternated so that the patient finally gave permission for coloscopy to which he had not consented at first . patient male 9 A first step comprised the evaluation of how the patient perceives and interprets his illness and what type of information he wants to receive . patient male 1 The patient remained in the intensive care unit , where he required a tracheostomy to be weaned off the ventilator . patient female 1 The patient spent 4 days in intensive care where she recovered well . patient male 8 We report the case of a 47-year-old male patient involved in a road traffic accident in which he sustained an open distal femoral intra-articular fracture with substantial loss of distal femoral shaft and the entire metaphyseal regions . patient male 12 Following the initial bypass and aneurysm trapping six years prior , the patient was neurologically stable until three months prior to admission when he developed new diplopia and left third nerve palsy . patient female 1 Our patient had already performed surgical visit and intervention of thyroidectomy had been proposed to her , which she refused . patient male 1 The patient , resident in Limeira-SP , traveled to Nicaragua on May 16th , 1998 , where he stayed for two months . patient male 1 The patient experienced acute dystonic reactions on three separate occasions when he forgot to take his methylphenidate medication . patient male 1 A patient tells his home health nurse through an interpreter that he does not understand the treatment consent form . patient male 2 The present patient is different from other similar cases in that he was an active healthy man without any risk factors for the development of thrombosis . patient male 1 One patient was so uncomfortable from the microscope that he required supplemental retrobulbar anesthesia . patient female 1 The patient received various regimens of chemotherapy , but 6 months after the biopsy she died with progression of the tumor . patient female 5 These studies suggest that the patient may have suffered from a post-viral hepatitis A encephalitis from which she fully recovered . patient male 1 The patient had returned to work , where he sits for an average of 8 hours per day , but his pain became unbearable , so he went to the emergency department on July 3 , 2014 . patient male 5 Following the stroke , the patient went through intensive rehabilitation where he had a good functional outcome . patient female 18 Only after taking a detailed medical history was it discovered that 1 year before our examination , the patient had traveled to Kenya , where she had experienced contact with the insect . patient male 1 The patient suffered from cyanotic congenital heart disease for which he had undergone Fontan operation previously . patient female 1 The patient came to our clinic for the first time when she was 47 years old . patient male 1 This patient also discovered for the first time that he had chronic hepatitis B and C infections due to this facial nerve palsy . patient male 1 One patient died due to a severe fungal sepsis he had acquired prior to transplantation . patient male 1 The patient deteriorated rapidly and unfortunately 6 days after presentation he died . patient male 1 The patient focused on the device 's shape which he found too voluminous and unaesthetic , and was unable to give an opinion about the device 's functioning . patient male 12 Because of the haematemesis a gastroscopy was performed , during which the patient went into acute shock from which he died . patient female 19 This report presents the long-term effect of plate osteosynthesis to repair a right forearm fracture in an 11-year old patient , who 6 years later requested removal of her plates because of the pain she was experiencing in the area . patient male 10 As illustrated in this report , these procedures helped the patient move from a state in which he had virtually no complex ideas about himself or others to one in which he had developed integrated and realistic ideas about his own identity and the identity of others . patient male 1 The patient was well until the age of 42 years in January of 1993 , when he noted an onset of difficulty in using his right hand and then the right leg . patient male 10 As illustrated in this report , these procedures helped the patient move from a state of having no complex ideas about himself or others , to one in which he could begin to develop integrated and realistic ideas about himself and others and use that capacity to think about life challenges . patient male 63 The available time for the investigation and treatment in these cases is short because of the ease and rapidity of spread of these tumors ; thus , it is of great importance : that the nature , site and extent of the tumor is determined quickly ; that the patient 's general condition is determined and improved as far as possible and the patient receives treatment also for other diseases he may have ; and that the tumor is radically eliminated whenever possible without delay . patient female 2 The fourth patient discontinued herbal tea after 21 days when she developed a skin rash . patient male 2 When the patient presented to our service he was taking NVP , zidovudine , and lamivudine . patient female 1 The patient had been secretly ingesting between 20 and 30 Os-Cal 500 tablets daily which she repeatedly denied and which eventually were found in a false compartment of her purse . patient male 12 For every INR value that was below the therapeutic goal , the patient was not taking prednisone ; every time the INR value was above the therapeutic goal , he was taking prednisone . patient female 2 The third patient , after several months during which she was free of symptomatology discontinued lithium against the psychiatrist 's advise and received only 3 mg of risperidone daily . patient female 0 Patient 1 developed a chronic right knee effusion , and progressed to Kellgren-Lawrence grade 3 bilaterally by the time she had a right total knee replacement at age 58 . Patient female 1 The patient carried her pregnancy for the first time until approximately 37 weeks when she delivered by Caesarean section a healthy female baby weighing 3700 g. patient male 7 After this two-month therapy period , the patient entered for the first time a daily rehabilitation program in the community , where he was doing well ( this after a few prior hospitalizations ) . patient male 8 The intractability of his ulcerative colitis caused the patient to present to surgery , where he underwent restorative proctocolectomy . patient male 1 One patient developed seizures soon after ropivacaine infusion from which he recovered uneventfully . patient male 4 Delayed presentation of the patient led to serious complications to which he succumbed . patient male 1 The patient , a 34-year-old man , presented to our tertiary care university teaching hospital where he underwent hemilaryngopharyngectomy with radial forearm free flap reconstruction and 11 of 15 cycles of chemotherapy . patient female 4 Jaundice developed and the patient went into grade IV hepatic encephalopathy following which she died . patient female 5 During the entire course the patient had no infections , and apart from a transient eosinophilia she had no signs of graft-versus-host reaction . patient male 8 During the course of Dapsone treatment , the patient had developed similar swellings twice previously each time when he stopped the drug for about a month . patient male 6 Patient mobility is increased when the patient is taught purposeful activities and to concentrate on the way he walks . patient female 2 A young patient with familial Mediterranean fever ( FMF ) developed leukopenia each time she took colchicine . patient male 1 The patient had required no therapy for his CLL until August , 1988 , when he developed hemolytic anemia and was treated with oral chlorambucil , 4 mg/day , and a tapering course of prednisone . patient female 1 The patient had traveled to Jamaica 3 weeks before presentation , where she smoked marijuana once but otherwise had not used illicit substances nor had she used tobacco or alcohol . patient male 4 Upon his diagnosis the patient searched for all the information he could get about diabetes and implemented this new knowledge in his everyday life . patient male 1 The patient first presented at the chest pain unit , where he reported of respiratory distress and showed systemic signs of an infection . patient female 1 The patient then did not return to our department for about one year , during which time she continued to take the same medications . patient male 1 The patient returned to sports at the same level he had before surgery and achieved full strength and range of motion . patient female 2 The third patient had a sessile elevated lesion in the sigmoid colon for which she underwent sigmoidectomy . patient male 1 The patient complained of pain and pulsatile soaring swelling on his right foot which he noticed two months before presentation . patient female 7 Later , it was learned that the patient feeds chicken in her garden in the village where she lives . patient male 1 The patient came from the People 's Republic of Angola , where he stayed 7 years , with history of various episodes of malaria . patient female 5 A 23 year old female patient developed postoperative progressive gangrene twice after surgical treatment when she was nine and twenty-three years old . patient female 0 Patient 2 has experienced no further pain of angina except on occasions when her TENS unit was not working or she neglected to use it as prescribed . Patient male 3 However , the patient complained of chest tightness and dyspnea , similar to the symptoms he experienced after running . patient female 15 This is exactly what leading dementia nurse Jeni Bell did when the daughter of a patient came to one of the cafés she runs to support the carers of patients with dementia at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust . patient male 1 The patient then returned back multiple times to the ER for the same complaint along with bleeding per rectum for which he underwent further investigations . patient male 0 Patient was asymptomatic for 10 years after which he presented to us with swelling and pain in the medial aspect of thigh . Patient male 7 The authors describe the case of a patient who became deeply comatose and ultimately died after a traffic accident in which he suffered the exposed right femoral and tibial fracture in the absence of other injuries . patient male 1 The patient presented with hematuria and flank pain for which he underwent a computerized tomography ( CT ) scan of the abdomen and pelvis with and without contrast . patient male 1 The patient had recovered neurologic function by the time he reached the recovery room . patient female 3 A 55-year-old female patient reported generalized edema for years in that she woke up in the morning with her legs swollen and the edema worsened during the day . patient male 16 In one case , two infection sources were possible : one from Italy , where the patient worked three years , the other from the Southwest of Romania ( Dolj County ) , where he was resident and where few human and canine leishmaniasis cases were registered in the past . patient female 1 This patient presented with a solitary lung tumour for which she underwent left lower lobectomy and continues to be tumour free 54 months after surgery . patient male 1 The patient had episodes of severe pain in the right lower abdomen for which he underwent barium meal study . patient female 5 As a result , the patient was able to transfer to a public hospital where she received free medical assistance and regained hope in her therapy . patient female 2 Although the patient improved initially , after 4 days she presented with features of parkinsonism . patient female 2 Although this patient may have been experiencing pain , by applying make-up in this manner she sought to exaggerate the severity of her condition and as a result underwent potentially unnecessary procedures . patient male 18 The worked examples started with the description of a clinical situation in which a student apprentice diagnoses a patient and commits errors in the conclusions he draws from the information presented . patient male 7 However , at 15 months , the patient aspirated during a breakthrough seizure from which he did not recover and died soon after from related complications . patient female 2 The other patient had profuse nosebleed and was treated with posterior tamponation during which she sat for about 10 min with the neck hyperextended . patient female 1 The patient presented 25 years after an anterior thoracic surgery she had undergone for a thoracic disc herniation , with a dural-pleural fistula and ventral herniation of the spinal cord into the defect . patient female 7 At year six after transplantation , the patient experienced disease progression by meningeosis leukaemia to which she succumbed despite intrathecal chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient suffered an acute coronary syndrome-inferior wall STEMI , and was thrombolysed elsewhere within a window period of 4 h. He had post myocardial infarction ( MI ) angina and was referred to our center after 3 days of thrombolysis . patient male 1 The patient eventually recovered and on the 53rd hospital day was transferred to the rehabilitation service , where he spent the next four weeks recovering movement in the left arm . patient male 14 " Prescription " in this sense includes the physician 's attitude ( as the patient sees it ) and subtleties in the way he fits his instructions to the kind of patient he is dealing with . patient male 1 Our patient underwent surgical removal and radiotherapy ; five years after the operation he is alive and without evidence of recurrence . patient female 9 Five years after presenting with the tumor , the patient had her first pregnancy , at which time she developed fulminant lymphocytic mastitis . patient female 2 The second patient presented asthma for two years when she developed a mononeuritis of the left leg and then a hypereosinophilia with cutaneous eruption of hands and feet , and a myo-pericarditis . patient female 1 The patient came to our psychiatric clinic for the first time when she was 49 years old . patient female 7 This article reports a case of a patient operated for tubercular intestinal perforation following which she developed postprandial abdominal pain and recurrent vomiting in the postoperative period . patient female 1 The patient had continuous electrocardiogram monitoring via an external defibrillating unit to which she remained connected by external defibrillator pads . patient male 1 The patient regained consciousness after 48 h , was extubated and transferred to the internal medicine department where he died 3 days later . patient male 6 In this case study , a patient presented with massive lymphadenopathy and right lower limb swelling , which he developed over 6 weeks . patient male 9 In this text we present the case of a patient who suffered this complication after not being diagnosed with the fracture he suffered and opted for secondary reconstruction with good results . patient male 8 Successful rehabilitation depends on many factors-the knowledge the patient has about his condition , his own motivation and the support he receives from family and friends . patient female 1 The patient deteriorated suddenly and was transferred to a neurosurgical center where she underwent an emergency craniotomy with evacuation of the intracerebral hematoma and an intraventricular drain was placed . patient male 1 The patient had been recommended hip replacement therapy , but told that in order to qualify for surgery he needed to give up smoking four weeks prior to and after surgery . patient female 1 The patient progressed to the point where , at last follow-up , she was working in an administrative job and was able to bear full weight on the involved foot , despite development of mild pain on physical exertion . patient female 8 Upon being given the seventh dose , the patient displayed symptoms of myelophthisis , and was admitted to an Intensive Care Ward , where despite the treatment , she died . patient female 10 Sixty minutes after she recovered from general anesthesia , the patient developed symptoms of slurred speech and right limbs weakness . patient male 1 The patient remained in clinical remission over two years in which he underwent regular follow ups at outpatient clinic . patient male 2 As the patient had started improving by the time he sought neurosurgical consultation , he was treated conservatively , and he improved over a period of 2 months . patient female 1 The patient reported having experienced a similar skin eruption during a previous three-month regimen of ETV , for which she had self-discontinued the medication . patient male 6 We report on a 50-year-old male patient who presented with a scrotal mass which he had noted two years earlier . patient female 1 The patient improved slowly but almost completely after about 6 months of immunosupressive therapy , which she is still receiving . patient male 1 The patient had suffered from a cold with fever for a month when he was a child . patient male 3 A twenty-two-year-old male patient presented to our trauma center after a motor-vehicle accident in which he sustained multiple injuries , including a volar dislocation of the hamate and ipsilateral scapholunate dissociation . patient female 9 Valproate could have probably precipitated NMS ; although the patient was taking antipsychotics for a long time , it was only with the addition of valproate that she developed these symptoms . patient male 1 The patient suffered from an acute myocardial infarction from which he recovered completely when he was 42 years old . patient male 1 One patient had chest pain 18 hours after stent deployment ; by the time he arrived at the catheterization laboratory the pain had subsided and the angiogram revealed a patent artery with normal flow . patient male 1 The patient had been taking triple antiretroviral therapy ( three reverse transcriptase inhibitors ) for one week when he presented with blurring of vision in the left eye . patient male 2 If the patient pushes the pulp of his thumb against a barrier he produces stress in abdduction . patient male 5 Here we report a 70-year-old patient having hoarseness of voice for six years for which he was on symptomatic treatment . patient male 1 The patient developed pulmonary oedema , and was mechanically ventilated for 22 h. He eventually made a good recovery . patient male 6 We report the case of a patient who presented with a new diagnosis of thrombocytopenia at the same time that he presented with prostate cancer metastatic to bone . patient female 32 In 1987 , CDC and the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) investigated a case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease ( CJD ) in a 28-year-old woman in the United States ; the patient had onset of CJD 19 months after an operation in which she received an imported , commercially prepared , cadaveric dura mater graft ( LYODURA , processed by B. Braun Melsungen AG of the Federal Republic of Germany ) , ( 1,2 ) . patient male 17 In the present work , we report the characterization of a Cryptosporidium parvum strain isolated from a patient who nearly drowned in the Deule River ( Lille , France ) after being discharged from the hospital where he had undergone allogeneic stem cell transplantation . patient male 1 One patient with initially global aphasia had echolalia for some weeks when he started talking . patient male 9 This 15-year-old , severely disabled , tube-fed , male patient with cytochrome oxidase deficiency had taken valproate for 3 years when he developed fever for 3 weeks . patient male 25 The authors describe a case of nosocomial myiasis of cavities caused by larvae of the fly Lucilia sericata ( Meigen 1926 ) , in a patient hospitalized at the resuscitation unit after a motor car accident where he suffered fractures of the skull and other injuries . patient female 8 We present the case of a young female patient diagnosed two years ago with rheumatoid arthritis ( AR ) for which she is taking methotrexate ( MTX ) , who develops cutaneous lesions highly suggestive of porphyria cutanea tarda , diagnosis confirmed by biochemical means . patient male 4 We present an elderly patient with newly occurring ' blackouts ' without obvious triggers and transient states of confusion for which he was amnestic . patient male 12 One patient had a perforation and was subjected to antrectomy ; another patient had pain every time he received EBD ; he also had surgery . patient male 6 We report the case of a patient who developed a striking linear flagellate dermatitis without urticaria three days after returning from a trip from Tokyo where he had eaten shiitake mushrooms . patient male 3 During follow-up , patient developed a 6 cm recurrence at left lung base 17 months after surgery for which he received sorafenib therapy . patient male 8 We present the case of a dyslipidemic male patient , previously diagnosed with coronary artery disease for which he previously underwent percutaneous coronary intervention with the placement of two bare metal stents on the left anterior descending artery . patient female 22 The decreased kyphosis after surgery compared to that at pre-injury might have caused a subsequent horizontal shear force to L1 when the patient sat on the bed and when she walked . patient female 1 The patient showed good control of parkinsonism until December 24 , 2010 , when she awoke with abrupt worsening of parkinsonian symptoms . patient female 1 The patient was relatively well until 48 years of age , when she underwent surgery because of a cerebral abscess without cerebral complications but with some deterioration of her cardiac function . patient female 1 The patient refused any more aggressive treatments and was discharged to a hospice where she passed away 13 days after presentation . patient female 1 The patient was on amiodarone and was consuming leafy vegetables resulting in frequent raise in prothrombin time during which time she developed bleeding into the right femoral pseudoaneurysm which had developed following catheterisation for thrombectomy . patient male 5 Simulation is defined when a patient desires a given condition to such an extent that he either initiates the symptoms through physical means of direct harm to his eyes ( positive simulation ) or imitates the symptoms even though he is healthy and otherwise free of pathology ( dissimulation or negative simulation ) . patient female 7 After a road traffic accident a pregnant patient at 34 weeks of gestation developed ARDS following blunt chest trauma , for which she required mechanical ventilation . patient male 1 The patient underwent a rehabilitation program at the end of which he was able to ambulate independently . patient male 3 Then , the patient underwent a total hip replacement with an acetabular reconstruction following which he went on to have a good functional outcome . patient male 1 The patient had no problems related to the procedure , and 6 months after the surgery he is able to perform sustained walking . patient female 4 Further evaluation of the patient by staff on the Psychiatric Unit led to the suspicion that she had suffered a stroke . patient male 10 Clinical presentation was initial indolent but later at the time patient presented to our institute he had developed pulmonary metastases and paraplegia due to involvement of spine . patient female 3 The 58-year-old female patient used immunosuppressives for her newly diagnosed systemic sclerosis at the time she likely developed a chronic Q fever infection . patient female 4 Additionally , the PCA patient also performed poorly during time reproduction experiments in which she overproduced the millisecond-range time intervals , while underproduced the second-range time intervals . patient female 16 Through this illustrative case study , we report the case of a 29 year old female patient followed for malignant paraganglioma due to which she initially had surgery . patient male 0 Patient moved to Chicago recently from Ecuador where he worked at a banana plantation and had frequent exposure to many insects and animals . Patient male 1 The patient became apneic unexpectedly at the same time when he fell asleep , with effect-site propofol concentration of 1.6 microg ml(-1 ) . patient female 1 Our patient differs from previously reported LGS patients without TRPS1 gene deletion in that she has the typical LGS facial dysmorphism and skeletal abnormalities . patient male 1 The patient recovered well , with no residual neurologic deficit and with resolution of the dyspnoic attacks he had suffered preoperatively . patient male 19 Here , we report the first P-ECMO procedure in North America for refractory ventricular fibrillation involving a 65-year-old male patient who was cannulated in the field within the recommended 60-minute low-flow window and transported to our institution where he underwent coronary stenting . patient female 0 Patient developed atelectasis of left lung with hemothorax for which she underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery . Patient male 1 Our patient , a 73-year-old male , purchased potassium permanganate over the counter mistaking it for magnesium salt , which he frequently used as a laxative . patient female 4 The next day the patient complained of a severe headache which she reported had started within ten minutes of epidural insertion . patient female 15 Testing revealed both elevated IgG and IgM antibodies for parvovirus B19 ; previously , the patient was positive only for IgG. On a subsequent visit she related that a community outbreak of parvovirus developed in her town and church group . patient female 1 The patient underwent a successful intraoperative resuscitation and was transferred to the intensive care unit where she subsequently developed disseminated intravascular coagulopathy . patient male 1 The patient had been treated with SAS and azathioprine ( AZA ) alone several times during the last years because he had not tolerated other DMARDs . patient male 28 In 3 patients , cardiac tamponade disappeared after anti-tuberculous therapy ; in 3 cases , pericardial drainage was performed ( anti-tuberculous therapy was not attempted ) ; 1 patient with cardiac tamponade was not drainaged because he was a terminal patient with an extensive lymphoma . patient male 17 The lung mass was primarily diagnosed as PCG by percutaneous needle aspiration and biopsy , and the patient was treated with oral steroid because he and relatives refused the operation . patient male 1 The patient was described as cebophalus according to Kundrat 's classification because he had a single nostril , hypotelorism and severe brain malformations . patient male 1 One patient was excluded from the review because he died 2 days after the burn injury ( 1 day after the laparotomy ) and nutrition intervention was not initiated . patient female 1 A patient with breast cancer was treated with adoptive immunotherapy of CTL because she had severe side effect from antineoplastics . patient female 1 The patient is evaluated cardiologically on a regular basis with emphasis on bradycardia and asystole episodes because she was symptomatic for many years . patient male 1 The patient was admitted to the hospital because he became worse after he had started treatment for severe AD . patient male 1 Our patient was referred because he suffered symptoms of bronchial asthma , rhinoconjunctivitis , and contact urticaria when pruning dried leaves from PC during the pollination months . patient female 5 A sixty-three years old female patient with subacute bacterial endocarditis was treated with clindamycin-2-phosphate parenterally , because she had a history of hypersensitive reaction to penicillins . patient female 0 Patient 3 was topically treated because she was pregnant . Patient male 3 A 67-year-old male patient was admitted to the emergency room because he received multiple gunshot wounds . patient male 2 A third patient , an 8-year-old boy with asthma being treated with fluticasone inhalations was presented at the emergency department because he could not be roused ; for the preceding few days he had been nauseous and pyrexic . patient male 10 Because he had signs of progressive septic shock , the patient was admitted to the ICU . patient female 1 One patient was treated only conservatively because she refused surgical treatment . patient male 1 One patient in this group was excluded from the analysis because he started spirometer exercises on postoperative day 1 . patient male 8 Amphotericin B was administered to all but 1 patient , who was not treated because he died the day after his culture was found to be positive for T. beigelii , before antifungals were administered . patient female 7 In still other studies , the female user is treated as a deviant user because she does not fit the conceptual models derived from studies of male abusers . user female 1 One patient was excluded from the study because she died . patient male 1 One patient was excluded because he had both urolithiasis and urinary tract infection . patient female 7 Because she was sexually active , the patient was also routinely screened for sexually transmitted diseases . patient female 1 The patient had not been diagnosed with Turner syndrome despite several physical characteristics of the syndrome because she had histories of natural childbirth . patient female 9 These findings satisfied the criteria for APS ; the patient was diagnosed with primary APS because she had neither typical symptoms nor signs of systemic lupus erythematosus or other immunologic disorders . patient female 22 We communicate a case of dermatofibroma recurrent of Darier and Ferrand localized in the left supra spinal region , that ulcerated when patient was irradiated with cobalt because she had a lung adenocarcinoma . patient male 5 In June 2012 , the patient was administered with cyclophosphamide as an initial treatment because he developed transfusion-dependent anemia . patient male 3 A sixty-one-year-old male patient with glottic carcinoma ( T1bN0M0 ) was treated with radiotherapy because he did not give consent to surgery . patient male 21 Because he was taking a number of antipsychotic drugs and since psychogenic polydipsia was present along with laboratory findings , the patient was diagnosed with SIADH . patient male 3 A 39-year-old male patient was observed in May 2005 at the Outpatient Department of Dermato-Venerology Szent Rókus Hospital in Budapest because he felt the sensation of a foreign body growing under the skin of his left big toe . patient female 5 We thus speculate that the patient was exposed to the virus from his mother because she had a febrile episode at her 5(th ) day after delivery , and her Cox B3 infection was confirmed by serology . patient female 2 A woman patient suffering from colo-enteric fistula , was not operated because she refused . patient female 1 Another patient , a 74-year-old woman , was transferred to our institute because she suddenly became comatose . patient female 8 At the age of 25 years , the patient was referred to our reproductive unit because she desired to conceive . patient male 37 In the remaining 16 patients the lymphoma diagnosis was reached either by mediastinoscopy ( 11 cases ) or anterior mediastinotomy ( 3 cases ) or core needle biopsy of the lung ( 1 case ) ; one patient was treated directly after the needle biopsy had been unsuccessful because he needed rapid therapy . patient female 6 We report the case of a patient with HC and association of apical aneurysm and myocardial bridging who had been initially not implanted because she had only one major risk factor . patient female 3 A 56-year-old female patient was admitted to our hospital because she was suffering from severe osteoporosis . patient male 0 Patient was discharged on the 3rd day because he had no problems during postoperative follow-ups . Patient male 2 The eighth patient was identified because he was the father of a patient in this series . patient male 1 The patient was not examined because he did not report to the clinic . patient male 10 We analyzed data of 9 of 10 patients ( one patient was excluded because he did not give consent for investigation ) . patient male 4 On day 23 the patient was again transferred to the intensive care ward because he presented epigastric pain and vomiting . patient male 1 The patient was diagnosed as silicoproteinosis with unusual histopathological features because he had worked in an antimony mine for only 3 years and had 86 % silica in a mineralogical analysis . patient male 0 Patient 1 was identified as compound heterozygote because he had both alterations ( E197D/P212R ) . Patient female 4 Of these , one patient was excluded because she did not have an abdominal computed tomographic ( CT ) scan . patient male 1 The patient was introduced to our hospital because he had relocated . patient male 1 One patient was excluded because he required a cartilage restoration procedure . patient male 9 One month after starting the antiviral therapy , the patient was admitted to the hospital because he developed rhabdomyolysis . patient female 1 The patient was diagnosed with posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome ( PRES ) because she displayed typical clinical symptoms and MRI findings . patient female 5 A 37 years old female patient was admitted because she had suffered repeated fever for 5 days , chest tightness and abdominal pain for 3 days . patient female 6 We also analysed a sporadic female patient with severe ID and epilepsy because she had strongly skewed X-inactivation . patient female 12 112 patients had not achieved complete remission after surgery , and 1 patient was treated by radiotherapy alone because she refused to surgery . patient male 1 One patient was excluded from analysis because he was unable to follow breathing instructions during the acquisition of CT scans . patient male 11 According to the International Nomenclature Committee for Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada diagnosis , the patient was diagnosed with incomplete Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada because he had not suffered any ocular trauma , had not undergone ocular surgery , and presented with bilateral multifocal choroiditis accompanied by signs of meningitis without skin abnormalities . patient female 27 Evidence for an Ab3 idiotypic network with an antibody cytotoxic for Raji human lymphoma was found in the only patient examined in detail thus far ; this patient was studied because she had a high titer , HAMA and prolonged survival . patient male 2 A 24-year-old patient was admitted to the intensive care unit because he had swallowed about 20 cocaine packets 48 hours before admission ; he also complained of abdominal cramps , perspiration and dizziness . patient male 1 The patient was treated by endotoxin adsorption therapy using polymyxin B-immobilized fiber because he continued to remain in shock even after successful endoscopic nasobiliary drainage . patient male 2 Only one patient was not operated on , because he was free from symptoms and the hematoma was small . patient male 4 We hypothesized that this patient was predisposed to the development of neuroblastoma because he carried in all his somatic cells a chromosomal abnormality involving the region frequently deleted in neuroblastoma tumor cells . patient female 2 A female patient 16 months old was brought to our outpatient clinic because she had had two episodes of endometrial bleeding . patient male 2 The other patient , a 55-year-old man , was admitted to our hospital for a detailed examination because he had right otalgia and progressive headache . patient male 1 One patient was excluded because he did not fulfill the prescribed treatment . patient male 9 Because he refused both biopsy and surgery , the patient was treated with an anticoagulant and antibiotic in our outpatient clinic . patient male 1 One patient was retrospectively excluded because he suffered from multiple system atrophy . patient female 21 On the basis of physical examination and radiological examinations , antibiotic therapy was initiated considering the inflammatory breast disease and the patient was referred to our general surgery clinic because she did not benefit from treatment . patient female 3 We discuss this patient because she is the first in the international bibliography . patient male 18 These groups mean theoretically an increasing global gravity : it is possible for example to hospitalize a parasuicidal patient because he wants to die , even without depression . patient male 2 Furthermore one patient with contact dermatitis should have not been included because he had a history of cutaneous reaction related to the use of the same antiseptic . patient male 1 One patient was excluded because he received radiation therapy between the two scans . patient male 2 The male patient is treated because he is a carrier of HPV who can infect previously uninfected women and possibly reinfect an already treated partner with a potentially oncogenic virus . patient male 2 One additional patient was treated because he had a history of previous incomplete treatment for active TB . patient female 12 Because she received multiple medications including anticonvulsants and a neuroleptic , our patient was initially diagnosed with neuroleptic malignant syndrome , a disorder characterized by autonomic dysfunction , hyperthermia , muscle rigidity , and mental status changes usually caused by the use of a neuroleptic agent . patient male 1 The patient was discharged 3 days after the surgery because he showed good clinical course and was kept under careful observation . patient male 1 The patient had been referred to because he could not afford Orthodontics . patient female 3 A 72-year-old female patient was referred to our department because she felt pain at the anus with pus discharge . patient male 7 Twenty patients were involved , but one patient was n't analyzed because he did n't meet the EGDT criteria . patient female 3 However , the patient was not diagnosed with chronic active EBV infection until the third admission , 18 months later , because she did not exhibit typical clinical manifestations of infectious mononucleosis , i.e. , fever , lymphadenopathy , hepatomegaly , or increased atypical lymphocytes . patient male 2 A 61-year-old patient was examined in hospital because he had suffered from fatigue and weight loss for several years . patient male 6 The gradual dose increase provided the patient enough time to experience the effects of ITB , because he feared that ITB therapy might cause functional loss . patient female 6 We present a case of female patient who was referred to the consultation because she was about to start chemotherapy with an anti-CD20 agent and had a positive anti-HBc and anti-HBs . patient male 1 The patient had been stably maintained on subcutaneous epoetin therapy with an average Hb concentration of > 13.0 g/dl because he developed angina symptoms when his Hb level fell to 12.2 g/dl . patient male 1 One patient was withdrawn because he suffered a myocardial infarction . patient male 1 One patient was excluded at second survey because he changed his feeding strategy . patient male 1 One patient was considered unevaluable because he died of his underlying condition during treatment . patient male 1 The patient was not followed up regularly because he studied abroad . patient male 1 The patient was examined periodically after colorectal surgery except for duodenoendoscopy because he had also previously undergone distal gastrectomy with gastrojejunal anastomosis for a duodenal ulcer at 27 years of age . patient male 3 A 29-year-old male patient who received systemic chemotherapy in another healthcare center due to Major B-Cell Lymphoma was examined because he had stomachache after the treatment . patient female 3 A 70-year-old female patient was admitted to the intensive care unit because she had a severe case of pneumonia and a pulmonary thromboembolism . patient female 1 Another patient developed mild cystocele ( Ba = 0 ) , but was simply observed because she did not complain of any symptoms caused by vaginal descent . patient female 1 One patient was excluded because she received another nasal surgery , partial turbinectomy , and submucous resection of the nasal septum , after FESS . patient male 7 In this report , we describe a patient who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting ( CABG ) through bilateral thoracotomy and distal median sternotomy , because he had received terminal tracheotomy as a treatment to prevent aspiration pneumonia due to Wallenberg 's syndrome . patient male 18 In 1 patient we found clear and reproducible ultrastructural abnormalities in the skin biopsy , but the second patient from the family was not studied , because he died as a result of CAD before this study . patient male 1 A patient who underwent coronary artery bypass operation 4 years ago was recatheterized because he developed chest pain . patient male 1 The patient was successfully resuscitated because , in both circumstances , he was ' lucky ' to arrive at hospital within a few minutes of the onset of chest pain , and to have ventricular fibrillation in the Emergency Department . patient male 3 A 50-year-old male patient was admitted to our department because he presented with diabetes mellitus and a recurrent ulcerated skin rash . patient male 1 The patient is being followed conservatively because he is asymptomatic . patient male 1 The patient was diagnosed with BRIC2 because he had non-synonymous mutations ( c.1211A > G [ p . patient female 1 Another patient was submitted to myomectomy six months after the procedure because she wanted to become pregnant , despite partial fibroid size reduction . patient male 16 However , stenosis recurred in one of these patients 3 months after PTA , but the patient is being followed because he is asymptomatic . patient male 14 Biopsy of the mass demonstrated a high-grade B-cell non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma , and the patient was classified in group IV-D of the human immunodeficiency virus infection because he had HIV serum antibodies and a reduced CD4/CD8 lymphocyte ratio . patient male 1 One patient from the placebo group was excluded because he did not consent to undergoing peak expiratory flow rate . patient male 7 Sixteen months after the surgery , the patient was admitted to the hospital because he was vomiting blood . patient male 6 Twenty-four months after surgery , the patient was readmitted because he was once again vomiting blood . patient male 1 The patient was admitted because he developed left ocular pain , headache , bilateral visual loss and left abducens nerve palsy . patient female 1 Our patient with HMC and PAP was diagnosed with MKS because she has two typical abnormality of MKS and she has no definite complications of retinal disease , learning disability , obesity and renal failure that develop in Bardet-Biedl syndrome , but not in MKS until 33 months of age . patient male 23 Although a minimally invasive procedure can be performed for a vitellointestinal artery aneurysm in patients with asymptomatic Meckel diverticulum , we treated our patient surgically because he presented with hemorrhagic shock and had been unresponsive to an H(2)-receptor antagonist . patient female 1 The patient was brought to Mount Vernon Hospital in New York because she exhibited acute disruptive behavior following endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and laparoscopic cholecystectomy performed on 2 consecutive days . patient male 1 One patient was excluded because he only had nerve root symptoms . patient female 1 One patient was excluded because she became pregnant at the second month . patient male 1 One patient was not included in the analysis because he died of intracranial hemorrhage and GVHD only 3 days after the treatment . patient male 3 The single AFTER patient with PE was not screened for UEDVT because he had no high-risk criteria . patient female 0 Patient was put on anti-tubercular chemotherapy , but recurred after three months with three masses in the same area because she did not adhere to the treatment . Patient male 5 It was presumed that the patient had been infected from a wild boar ( Sus scrofa leucomystax ) because he consumed meat/viscera from a wild boar that he had captured himself as a hunter approximately 2 months before disease onset . patient male 1 One patient was eliminated from treatment because he was a heavy cigarette smoker . patient female 15 Seven patients were in the decreased-extent group and six in the increased-extent group ; one patient was excluded because she did not demonstrate any change in CSD . patient male 4 Paradoxically , although a patient is considered to present FBSS because he has already undergone spinal surgery , any new symptom in the back or deterioration of back pain must not be immediately attributed to FBSS , but could be related to another cause independently of the initial mechanical problem . patient female 3 A 48-year-old female patient was admitted to our department because she presented with unclear recurrent severe erythematous rash . patient male 1 One patient was excluded from analysis because he was taking phenytoin chronically . patient male 1 The patient was examined at the emergency room because he could not remove it on his own . patient male 1 This patient is reported because he demonstrated the reduced bleeding which occurred with the bronchoscopic CO2 lasing as compared to bronchoscopic forceps removal . patient male 1 The patient and his family had no history of other PNSTs , other neural-origin tumors , or genetic disorders , including neurofibromatosis . patient female 18 The comparison of the alleles of polymorphic loci located on the short arm of chromosome 18 between the patient and her parents showed a maternal origin of the abnormal chromosome . patient male 1 The patient and his mother were treated with enzyme replacement therapy using recombinant alpha-galactosidase A. patient male 1 The patient and his family refuse the recommended hospitalisation and operation and leave the hospital on their own responsibility . patient female 7 MEN1 screening was carried out for the patient and her family members . patient female 12 The study revealed no identifiable risk factors in the characteristics of the patient or her baby , labour and delivery . patient male 6 Blood samples of a male infant patient of X-SCID and his mother in family 1 and the parents of another deceased child with X-SCID in family 2 from January 2012 to February 2013 were collected . patient male 3 We describe a patient ( 27-year-old man ) and his twin-sister with early-onset bleeding diathesis and recurrent gastro-intestinal ( GI ) ulcers . patient male 9 Whole exome sequencing was performed on DNA from the patient and his biological parents . patient female 1 The patient and her mother both excrete quite large quantities of an unidentified peptide . patient male 32 On investigation into the relation between coping and disease it is important that one should not only focus on the disease and the treatment , but particularly on the relation between the patient , his immediate environment and society , which relation should be adapted . patient female 16 The coding regions of PLA2G6 gene was subjected to Sanger sequencing using blood DNA from the patient and her parents . patient female 17 Regardless of the severity of the anomaly , receiving the information can be traumatic for the pregnant patient and her partner . patient male 15 So a proper cardiac information technique is indispensable ; it has to involve : the patient , his family , his physician and , more generally , politicians , medical workers , employers . patient female 8 All named contacts were ranked by the index patient and her friends on a closeness scale for social contact . patient female 1 Our patient and her parents were pleased with the cosmetic result . patient female 5 Her daughter was a RTT patient with preserved speech variant , and her XCI pattern was random . patient female 10 Routine G-banding was performed to analyze the karyotype of the patient and her parents , and array comparative genomic hybridization ( array CGH ) was used for fine mapping of the aberrant region . patient male 31 The arguments pro- or contra- the announcement of the diagnosis to the patients are discussed then a strategy of announcement is proposed in order to give a clear message to the patient , his family and caregivers . patient male 47 We conclude that , in spite of the limitations pointed out , there are at least two reasons to continue performing exercise tests in all uncomplicated infarctions : a ) a negative test , due to its high negative predictive value for adverse events , reassures the patient and his family and prompts an early discharge , and b ) some patients , despite an uncomplicated in-hospital evolution , have a " strong " positive response that suggests multivessel disease and a possible benefit from myocardial revascularization . patient male 40 In these cases more exact information about the misperceptions -- whether they are monocular or binocular , present in the whole visual field or a hemifield -- may contribute to diagnostic accuracy and to a more comprehensive understanding of the patient and his state of mind . patient female 29 Based on the current limited data on potential benefits and harms and expert opinion , the decision to perform a pelvic examination should be a shared decision between the patient and her obstetrician-gynecologist or other gynecologic care provider . patient male 19 Modern diagnostics work in three steps and take into consideration from the beginning the therapeutical requests by both the patient and his partner . patient female 4 Despite denial by the patient and her daughter of a family history of neuropathy , both had a pes cavus deformity with muscle atrophy and partial foot drop gait . patient male 10 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the patient and his parents , and amniotic fluid was taken from the mother during the second trimester . patient female 4 Genomic DNA of the patient and her parents was extracted by a standard method . patient male 29 The feasibility has been studied of linking pharmacy-based dispensing data and hospital-based morbidity data by using as a linkage key a combination of gender and birth date of the patient and of his general practitioner ( GP ) code . patient female 26 This approach demands : 1 ) a practitioner who offers a thorough explanation of the diagnosis and possible treatment approaches ; 2 ) time for the patient and her partner to assimilate this information and test treatment options against their personal value system ; 3 ) a third , but disinterested , party to facilitate patient understanding and value clarification ; 4 ) a practitioner either willing to support the patient 's decisions or refer her to another practitioner who will . patient female 21 Monozygosity is investigated by the complete history , physical , and imaging data , antenatal and birth reports of both the patient and her monozygotic twin sister . patient male 13 Good basic nursing care for the patient and support and counselling for the patient and his family are essential components of holistic care . patient male 29 Advising the patient and his circle of relatives and friends in crises , discussing topics important to the patient and negotiating in difficult situations makes it possible for the patient and his relatives and friends to take active part in coping with the illness . patient female 3 Interestingly , the patient and her younger son had higher levels of remnant-like particle (RLP)-cholesterol than her elder son ; the former two had apolipoprotein E phenotype E3/E4 , while the latter had E3/E3 . patient female 4 After consultation with the patient and her family , rotation plasty was performed . patient male 9 Finally , the problems experienced by a liver transplant patient and his physician during the postoperative period are identified and discussed . patient female 1 The patient and her family requested a surgical correction . patient male 25 According to the history of his father and the results of molecular genetic analysis , the diagnosis of Carney complex can be established on this patient and his father . patient female 11 Magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) was performed in a female patient and her brother . patient female 2 In the patient and her brother the distal radial artery was absent in the normal position . patient male 15 The physician in charge of the treatment has to set up a contract with the patient and his family . patient female 23 It demonstrates that comprehensive breast centers directed by full-time breast imagers have a significant impact on medical care from the perspective of the patient , her physicians , and the health care system . patient male 10 Ocular motility examination disclosed aperiodic alternating skew deviation in the patient and his younger brother . patient male 12 Genetic testing confirmed an AHPI gene mutation on chromosome 6p23.3 in the patient and his siblings , confirming the diagnosis of Joubert syndrome . patient male 1 The patient and his family members were subjected to mutation detection in the candidate gene SOX10 by Sanger sequencing . patient male 34 The duration of HIV infection and , particularly the viral load strongly influences the current CD4 + lymphocyte count , although other variables should exist ( virus with syncytium-inducing phenotype , age of the patient and his immunegenetic repertoire ) influencing the different decline seen in CD4 + T-cells . patient male 22 Given the changing needs of the user , the model of public service administration that was once constructed in ignorance of the user and his concerns no longer finds its place . user male 1 The patient and his family refused blood products and the anemia was refractory to erythropoietin and elemental iron therapy . patient male 5 Psychosocial care should concern the patient and his relatives . patient female 9 We studied the affected family with the 32-year-old female patient , her mother , her younger sister and her daughter . patient female 5 Before an operation , each patient and her family should be counseled and informed regarding the risk for complications included hysterectomy . patient male 1 The patient , his mother , and siblings were hemizygous for GALNS and APRT loci , evidenced by informative RFLP and gene dosage analyses combined with a fluorescence in situ hybridization , utilizing a partial genomic clone of GALNS , but heterozygosity was retained at the DPEP I locus and proximal D16S7 . patient female 19 An appreciation of the available resources and the conviction to find the best available evidence will best serve the patient and her fetus . patient male 16 In early dicharges it is important to consider also the psychosocial impact of discharge on the patient and his relatives . patient female 12 Surprisingly , a known mutation ( R147H ) was identified in a patient and her clinically unaffected mother . patient male 17 Diagnosis and treatment of postradiation sexual dysfunctions must integrate pretherapeutic evaluation and information to provide to the patient and his partner a multidisciplinary sexual medicine management . patient male 29 The documents of the case indicate that only the identity number of the patient would be encrypted in the database , and that names , both those of the patient and his relatives , as well as the precise address , would be omitted . patient female 21 Following delivery , we performed whole exome sequencing , using next generation sequencing , to analyze the DNA samples of the patient and her family , and to identify the disease-causing mutation or variant . patient male 35 The " indirect " methods are represented by the analysis of the administrative databases ( prescription , rate of prescription refills ) ; pill counts ; electronic medication monitors ; the self-reported measures by the patient or his close relations ( questionnaires , diaries , interviews ) ; the opinion of the healthcare provider . patient female 10 A molecular genetic analysis of the CYP11B1 gene in this patient and her parents identified a known missense mutation g.5194G > C ( p . patient male 33 There was a heterozygosis deletion of a 5Mb region in chromosome 15q11.2-q13.1 by the genome-wide copy number variation analysis , but no abnormality was observed in high resolution chromosome assay in the child patient and his parents . patient male 7 The peripheral blood was collected from the patient who was diagnosed as having Prader-Willi syndrome , as well as his parents for conventional cytogenetic G-banding and high resolution chromosome assay . patient male 33 However , rurality also has several advantages for the deinstitutionalization movement , including the existence of a strong sense of community , and the increased opportunity for the therapist to know personally the patient , his family , and his friends and thus to make more humane decisions concerning his treatment . patient female 13 Each decision should be individualized , based on the distinct characteristics of the patient and her disease . patient female 1 The patient and her healthy baby were released home on 24th day following the delivery and operation . patient female 16 HLA analysis revealed that haplotypes including DR4 , DRw9 and DRw53 were positive in both the patient and her mother . patient male 1 A patient and his identical twin brother , attending Moorfields Eye Hospital , were reviewed . patient female 4 We suspected that this patient and her mother have hypoparathyroidism , sensorineural deafness , and renal dysplasia syndrome . patient female 12 A heterozygous GATA3 gene mutation ( c.736delGinsAT ) was found in this patient and her mother , but not in her father . patient male 6 Facilitation of compensation by informing the patient and his physician of the mechanisms . patient female 15 Clinical symptoms attributable to hyperammonemia ( vomiting , apathy ) were found in only one patient , and her serum ammonia was as high as 426 micrograms/dl . patient female 22 Ongoing challenges included integrating rehabilitation care into the intensive care , developing effective multi-dimensional communication strategies , facilitating appropriate involvement of the patient and her family , operationalising trips outside the intensive care environment and adapting the model of nursing care to suit the context . patient male 2 Neither the patient nor his affected relatives had experienced frequent or unusual bacterial infections . patient male 22 Circumcision , a traditional procedure , is an important ritual for Muslims and Jews and an important social problem for the hemophiliac patient and his family . patient female 19 In an attempt to learn the biochemical effects of this mutation , we cultured skin primary fibroblasts from the patient and her daughter , and we assessed A beta(1 - 40 ) and Abeta(1 - 42 ) production . patient male 2 In this patient and in his family no other signs of von Recklinghausen 's disease were found . patient male 13 With respect to the fact that home ventilation has marked consequences for the patient and his carer organic disorders of brain function raise two questions : ( 1 ) Is the patient able to understand and critically reflect the consequences of long-term mechanical ventilation ? ( 2 ) Is the patient able to understand and manage the practical aspects and skills of home-ventilation . patient male 29 A partial deletion involving exon 3 associated with a single base change ( A to C ) was found in the alpha-galactosidase A gene of a hemizygous male Fabry patient and his mother , a heterozygous proband . patient male 12 The large number of tests requested and the dramatic consequences for the patient and his relatives necessitate high quality standards . patient male 17 Therefore , the diagnosis of the MEN 1 syndrome is of great clinical importance to the gastrinoma patient and his family . patient male 38 The care plan should include helping the patient and his family understand the meaning of the patient 's pseudoseizures , recognizing the effect of stigma on the patient and his family , assessing the coping skills of the patient and his family , and setting realistic expectations for the patient regarding prognosis and treatment . patient male 10 Clinical , hormonal and genetic studies were undertaken in the patient as well as his parents . patient male 2 The affected patient ( and his relatives ) should always be informed as to what has happened , should be provided an explanation and , when appropriate , an apology . patient male 28 This paper summarizes the forms of the disorder and their indirect manifestations in the doctor 's office , discusses the reasons for concealment on the part of the patient and/or his relatives , and describes the family doctor 's help in three areas : aiding the " birth of revelation " ; initiating pharmacotherapy and supporting behavior therapy-related self-help for patient and relatives ; motivating patient and relatives to seek expert psychiatric and psychotherapeutic aid . patient male 37 We have compared the capacity of different allogeneic lymphoid cells to stimulate CMC to fresh ( i.e. , patient ) and cultured ( MOLT 4 , K562 ) leukaemic target cells in lymphocytes from an acute leukaemic patient and his HLA-identical siblings . patient male 34 When a disease was discovered , there were great differences among types of disease in the attitude to give the name or condition of the disease to the employer without the consent of the patient or his family . patient male 21 Here we identify a rare coding variant in the KALRN gene region that encodes the catalytic domain , in a schizophrenia patient and his sibling with major depressive disorder . patient male 26 Such micromanifestations are theoretically important as clues on the trail of hereditary and practically useful as indicators of hyper- and hypodontia and dystopias in the same patient or among his close relatives . patient male 10 Several models are described that show the interrelationship between the patient and his behavior/personality , the dentist , and the proposed plan of treatment for each patient . patient male 9 A novel apo E mutation was identified in this patient and his family . patient male 8 Mapping the alpha-globin genes in an Algerian HbH patient and his family . patient male 10 Stroke has an important psychological and emotional impact on the patient and his environment . patient male 14 After stroke it is important to evaluate the relational and sexual aspects of the patient and his sexual partner . patient female 20 Using the SSCP technique and direct sequencing of PCR amplified genomic DNA fragments of the Cx32 gene from a Moroccan patient and her relatives , we identified the first de novo mutation of the Cx32 gene , consisting of a deletion of a G residue at position 499 in the Cx32 open reading frame . patient male 25 The transfer process consists of four stages -- planning , preparation , transfer , and adjustment -- each of which presents different tasks for the patient , his family , and staff . patient female 10 This test , and NA half-life were normal in the patient and in her mother , and altered in the other relatives . patient male 7 Classical measles had been diagnosed in the patient and his siblings nine months previously . patient male 7 Analysis of isolates recovered from the index patient and his contacts showed person-to-person transmission of this opportunist organism . patient male 1 The patient and his normal identical twin are 50-year-old physicians . patient male 7 This created a different negotiation between the patient , his parents , and the medical team , and eased the concern and anxiety of the mothers . patient female 1 Both patient and her spouse are of Ashkenazi Jewish descent and are non-consanguineous . patient female 14 In search of a possible metabolic defect , we evaluated glycogen metabolism in this patient and her clinically unaffected daughters . patient male 18 After excluding chronic hepatitis , autoimmune disorders , and alcohol or drug injury , genetic analyses of the patient and his parents revealed simultaneous manifestations of Gilbert 's syndrome and hereditary hemochromatosis , though his parents did not develop related symptoms . patient female 23 The algorithms presented here for quantifying surgical outcomes in breast reconstructive surgery will provide a foundation for future work on assisting a cancer patient and her surgeons in selecting and planning reconstruction procedures that will maximize the woman 's psychosocial adjustment to life as a breast cancer survivor . patient female 1 The patient and her family were informed about the 0.05 - 0.1 % risk of cardiac malformations of the newborn , but decided to maintain her pregnancy and not to discontinue the use of lithium , fearing a relapse of her psychiatric ailment . patient male 8 Asthma from childhood at age 21 : the patient and his disease . patient male 16 5821G > A mutation was indentified by gene sequencing on tRNA-cys of mitochondrial gene in the patient and his mother . patient male 7 Based on the Waardenburg criteria , our patient and his six siblings all have Waarenburg syndrome . patient male 15 The HAE National Educational Therapeutic Program " Educreak " is in place to allow the patient and his close family or partners to acquire skills for greater autonomy in day to day disease management . patient male 1 The patient and his two daughters were afflicted with the same corneal opacities and hypoalphalipoproteinaemia . patient male 23 It is the responsibility of the physician-geneticist to penetrate each problem as deeply as possible with as little discomfort and risk to the patient and his family as possible . patient male 31 Analysis of SCN1A , a sodium channel gene , revealed a novel mutation ( c.3250A > T [ S1084C ] ) in the cytoplasmic loop 2 of SCN1A in both the patient and his father . patient male 8 [ Relation of the family physician to his patient and evaluation of the patient : aspects of willingness to comply ? ] . patient female 9 Pyrazinamide and probenecid tests were undertaken on both the patient and her parents , who had borderline hypouricemia , to determine their renal tubular handling of uric acid . patient female 4 Results showed that the patient and her mother had a subtotal reabsorption defect , while the father had defective postsecretory uric acid reabsorption . patient female 13 Karyotype 46,XX , t(6;18)(q23.2;q11.2 ) was identified on G-banded karyotype analysis of the patient and her father , after which whole exome sequencing was carried out , but this was thought to be a coincidental finding . patient male 8 DNA sequencing of the lysozyme gene in the patient and his mother detected a heterozygous c.305T > C alteration in exon 3 , which causes a leucine to serine substitution at codon 102 ( Human Genome Variation Society nomenclature : p . patient female 2 Both the patient and her baby continue to do well 10 months after delivery . patient female 1 The patient and her physician may be concerned about potential harm to the fetus from radiation exposure . patient male 9 Fibrinogen Seoul II was found in a 51-year-old male patient and his family in Seoul , Korea . patient male 6 However , after discussion with the patient and his family , we decided to stop the ECT . patient female 9 Keratoconus and Fuchs ' corneal endothelial dystrophy in a patient and her family . patient male 7 An essential point is respect of the patient and his ideas . patient male 12 Training skills that facilitate patients ' trust , being observant of the patient and his learning needs and adjusting the patient education to individual needs and situations should be key objectives in health professionals ' training in patient education . patient male 17 The steps used to construct an appropriate food plan for the diabetic child and to educate the patient and his family in the goals and implementation of the plan are outlined . patient male 21 DNA sequencing revealed a heterozygous G > A missense mutation at position 949 in Exon 9 of THRβ both in the patient and his mother , which led to the transition from alanine to threonine at position 317 of THRβ protein ( A317 T ) , whereas the rest of the kindred did not share this mutation . patient male 26 Good care for all patients , including immigrants , means patient-centred personal care by a physician with the specific knowledge and skills necessary for this individual patient and his specific context . patient male 10 Recurrent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) infection in a patient with diabetes and in his wife is described . patient male 37 A 5-mg tablet of oxybutynin chloride was crushed and suspended in 10 ml of boiled and cooled water and instilled into the bladder after emptying it completely ; this was carried out thrice daily either by the patient or by his carer . patient female 14 Comprehensive information on the benefits and risks of treatment should be explained to the patient and her family , with particular attention to the safety of the mother and fetus . patient male 59 However , there was a " turbidity " warning message for patient II and his red cell indices were RBC , 4.74 x 1012/L ; HCT , 0.492 L/L ; HGB , 182 g/L ; MCHC , 370 g/L , and TG , 12.98 mmol/L. After the plasma exchange , there was no " turbidity " warning message for patient I and his red cell indices were RBC , 4.83 x 1012/L ; HCT , 0.444 L/L ; HGB , 164 g/L ; MCHC , 369 g/L which were consistent with the results before the plasma exchange . patient male 15 Development of biochemical recurrence with a rising PSA level causes significant anxiety for both the patient and his treating oncologist . patient male 7 [ Day care , the day care patient and his partner ] . patient male 21 The aim of this contribution is to examine what the consequences are of an admission to a psychogeriatric dayhospital for a patient and his partner . patient male 41 In the first place attention has been payed to some complicating factors : on the one side the organization and function of daycare among other institutions , on the other side , at greater length , the direct care to a patient and his partner . patient male 15 Then , an account has been given of a pilotstudy regarding the experience of a patient and his partner in case of an admission to a psychogeriatric dayhospital . patient male 9 The importance of obtaining a good history from the patient and/or his family is stressed . patient male 13 The highly specialized treatment of the child with a fatal illness confronts the patient , his relatives and the staff with continuous psychological stress . patient male 22 In both adults and children , the seizure type and frequency of occurrence largely determine the burden of epilepsy , for the patient and his family . patient male 30 GPs are a primary target group for CPR-training and should learn how to counsel potential bystanders of a cardiac arrest to attend a CPR-course without inflicting additional anxiety on the patient or his family . patient female 21 A partial deletion of the nuclear DNA D4Z4 region with residual repeat sizes of 25 kb was also found in the patient and in her mother . patient female 6 Molecular karyotyping was performed on the patient and her parents . patient male 29 Similar to the experience of finding a lump upon physical examination of the breast , the detection of an intrascrotal mass is often a frightening experience for both the patient and his physician . patient female 3 Obviously , the patient and her daughter did n't follow the given restrictions . patient male 17 When a patient less than age 55 presents with ANL , it can be recommended that the patient and his family be HLA typed prior to initial induction chemotherapy . patient female 19 Direct sequencing of the MC4R , MC1Rand for the knownFTOsingle nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ) rs9939609was performed for the patient and her family . patient female 9 Met215del ( c.643_645delATG ) deletion was identified in the patient , her father and her brother , both of whom exhibited a milder phenotype . patient female 1 The patient and her mother were also found to be carriers of the obesity risk associated FTOrs9939609SNP . patient female 6 Molecular genetic analysis demonstrated that the patient and her son had a single heterozygous missense mutation ( G-->A ) at nucleotide 1829 in 1 AVP allele , yielding an abnormal AVP precursor with lacking Glu-47 in its neurophysin II moiety . patient male 4 Laboratory results from the patient and his family show considerable variation of factor VIII-related properties between various individuals . patient male 9 DNA breakage of peripheral white blood cells from the patient and his parents was examined with SCGE . patient male 53 The MRI method in fetal patients allows to obtain more details regarding the CL-CLP studied , allowing the medical-surgical team to plan , before the birth , the type of postnatal assessment and surgery to be performed , thus minimizing the impact on neonatal health and improving quality of life of both the patient and his family . patient female 12 Specific genetic testing should be based on the family histories of the patient and her partner . patient female 14 Though the eclampsia was recognized several times during and after the operation , the patient and her baby had no complication nor sequela on their discharge . patient male 1 The patient and his partner have integral roles in the decision making process , since preferences regarding the importance of sexual activity , and the risks and benefits of treatment will vary greatly among individuals . patient male 27 The pathologic behavioural risk comprises both psychiatric emergencies and an extensive area of processes in the evolution of which may occur situation of severe prejudice for the patient and his environmental relations . patient male 17 Knowledge of the HPV-associated clinical pictures is therefore the prerequisite for diagnosis and treatment of both the patient and his sexual partner . patient female 1 The patient and her nonidentical twin sister , who also had anti-Jka in her plasma , were products of an uncomplicated in vitro fertilization , full-term pregnancy , and vaginal delivery . patient female 8 Red blood cells ( RBCs ) from the patient and her sister typed as Jk(a-b+ ) by direct hemagglutination , and this phenotype was confirmed by negative adsorption and elution studies . patient female 2 The index patient and her sister were identified at neonatal screening for CH and treated with L-thyroxine ( L-T4 ) . patient female 15 A novel homozygous point mutation in exon 10 of TG gene was identified in the patient and her sister . patient female 1 The patient and her daughter , who has the same condition , have high levels of Hb F ( 27%-35 % ) ; the mechanism responsible for the greatly increased gamma chain production remains unclear . patient male 2 Management The patient and his spouse were referred for counseling , and the patient was referred for follow-up examinations . patient female 18 The known possible consequences , and other associated risks and benefits , should be discussed with the pregnant patient and her spouse , in order to allow their input into the obstetric decision-making process and to individualize management . patient male 40 Feeding problems regarding the task aspect were mentioned first by the caregivers in the interviews in spite of the fact that the patients had severe communication problems which could be expected to cause great problems in the relationship between the patient and his caregiver . patient male 1 Our patient and his family members were informed that the data concerning this case would be submitted for publication . patient male 19 The group deliberates in a case-oriented manner , exchanges experience and thus aids the participants to better understand the patient and his interaction with the physician , improving also conversational competence . patient female 57 Margin widths , determined by direct measurement or ocular micrometry , and standardized evaluation of the tumor for nuclear grade , comedonecrosis , and size were performed on 469 specimens of ductal carcinoma in situ from patients who had been treated with breast-conserving surgery with or without postoperative radiation therapy , according to the choice of the patient or her physician . patient male 10 Early prediction of post-injury psychological status may also help the patient and his family in coping with the difficulties related to the trauma . patient female 36 An academically perfectionistic and interpersonally compliant 13-year-old girl raised in a traditional , sheltering Muslim home in Lahore , Pakistan developed restricter anorexia nervosa in the context of being teased about her weight by her closest friend and younger brother , and in a context of family weight preoccupation . friend male 6 Professor Betlheim was Michael Balint 's friend and his followers introduced the method not only in medicine but also in other professions : social work , pedagogy , psychology , sociology etc . friend male 20 The facial soft tissues are the crucial interlink between the underlying skeletal and dental structures and their perception by the patient and his social environment . patient male 6 Andrew Wyeth 's painting of his friend and neighbor Christina Olson , Christina 's World , arguably the best known picture by a living American painter , depicts a woman crawling across a field while gazing toward her house . friend male 4 Porphyrin studies on the patient and his family demonstrated that the family has acute intermittent porphyria . patient female 12 Four hour-long sessions were sufficient to gather information and to counsel the patient and her family . patient female 28 G-banded chromosome analysis , array-CGH , fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) and real-time quantitative PCR ( RQ-PCR ) were used to ascertain the karyotype of the patient and her relatives . patient male 28 This account of the Edinburgh surgeon , Alexander Wood ( 1725 - 1807 ) , brings together information from a number of sources including the diaries of his friend and patient , James Boswell , and anecdotes recorded by James Paterson who wrote the biographical notes for Kay 's Portraits . friend male 29 To characterise and investigate the functional consequences of a novel TNFRSF1A splice site mutation causing tumour necrosis factor receptor associated periodic syndrome ( TRAPS ) in a 16-year-old male patient and his mother . patient male 11 Genomic typing of the strains of Staphylococcus aureus obtained from the patient and from his mother ( found in the endocervix culture 48 h before delivery ) was identical . patient male 7 Mutational DNA screening was performed in the patient and his mother . patient female 50 Among the important factors to be weighed in considering a recommendation for abortion or sterilization are : the pattern of previous psychotic reactions ( severity , duration , reversibility , relation to pregnancy ) , the physical constitution of the patient , the religious and other personal beliefs of the patient and her family , the desire for parenthood , and the number of living children . patient female 14 After the most common acquired risk factors for thromboembolism were ruled out , the patient and her family members underwent genetic diagnostic testing . patient female 2 Neither the patient nor her immediate relatives had past histories of abnormal bleeding . patient female 14 Additionally , 6 polymorphisms in the FV gene were analyzed for the heterozygous R2 patient and her family . patient male 8 Study of DNA repair on a xeroderma pigmentosum patient and his heterozygotic parents . patient male 16 Chronification , deriving from the interaction with the therapeutic system , can be avoided if the patient and his milieu , in a common effort , give up the idea of illness and allow confrontation to the aggressive stimuli of society . patient male 23 Clinical examination revealed T3N1M0 lung cancer , so right pneumonectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection was performed after obtaining informed consent from the patient and his parents . patient male 14 Normally the abnormality of the patient is not recognized as such neither by the patient nor by his doctor , but seen as seemingly normal personality traits . patient male 1 The patient and his partner were classified prospectively after proper counselling : group I ( n = 56 ) received ICI twice per week ; group II ( n = 55 ) received sildenafil 100 mg twice per week ; and group III ( n = 54 ) used VCD twice per week . patient male 23 An informed health care worker can reasonably assess whether this is the case , and can help to alleviate the fears of the patient and his family . patient female 25 Sexual dysfunction in women is a health issue often overlooked by medical personnel , but it is a topic of great importance to both the patient and her sexual partner(s ) . patient female 25 Dyspareunia that occurs after a period of good sexual adjustment may be more amenable to an office-based counseling and educational approach , assuming that the patient and her partner are comfortable and cooperative in approaching the problem . patient male 11 Unawareness of the meaning of these symptoms often mislead both the patient and his physician . patient female 11 Complement assays and measurement of FI activity were performed in the patient , her family , factor H-deficient patients , a patient with C3-nephritic factor and 11 healthy controls . patient female 9 Genetic sequencing of the FI coding regions in the patient and her parents was performed . patient male 25 These circumstances should be taken into account by offering sufficient information , including that on the availability of postoperative proerectile therapy , for both the patient and his partner as early as possible , i.e. , at the stage of choosing a treatment option . patient male 29 It is clear that motor alterations cause major physical disability , but neuropsychological alterations affect cognitive behaviour and emotional aspects which are very disabling and seriously affect both the patient and his family and also his return to social , family and working life . patient male 19 Data concerning 258 patients were collected by the mean of a standardized questionnaire from 3 different sources : the patient , his general practitioner , and his gastroenterologist . patient male 22 The impact of this hospitalization on our family is presented , including : 1 ) normal but bothersome behavioral changes in the patient and his sibling ; 2 ) the effects of excessive parental stress ; 3 ) the development of parental coping strategies ; and 4 ) stresses and coping strategies specific to a physician-father . patient male 23 Our study confirms the usefulness of temporary observation in childhood to reduce both the number of hospital admissions and the discomfort of the patient and his family . patient male 30 Genetic analysis of the patient and his parents , who had no medical past history , revealed heterozygous 1147G > A ( E383 K ) mutation of NOD2 in the patient and in his father , so the patient was diagnosed with Blau syndrome and his father as an asymptomatic carrier . patient male 15 Short time clinical controls , some few laboratory tests and many detailed talks with the patient and his parents are basic requirements for successful treatment and lead in more than 80 % of the juveniles to a normal school education and adequate vocational training . patient female 24 The common clinical problem of recurrent symptomatic urinary tract infections ( UTI ) in young women may be inconvenient and distressing to both the patient and her family , particularly if the infections are not managed in a rational manner . patient male 32 Thus , what should the physician do with regard to the " at risk " older driver to ensure good medical practice while maintaining a sound ethical and legal posture toward the patient , his family , and the state and its agencies ? patient male 1 The patient and his healthy non-consanguineous parents underwent detailed ophthalmic evaluations including electro-oculography ( EOG ) , spectral-domain optical coherence tomography ( SD-OCT ) , and fundus autofluorescence ( FAF ) imaging . patient male 22 For clarify the exact mode of inheritance , the determination of the ferrochelatase activity and the identification of the mutations in the patient and his parents are necessary . patient female 11 A comprehensive hematology and DNA analysis was applied in the index patient and her mother . patient male 7 The inquest shows that information of the patient , his family and occupational environment is not effective enough . patient female 1 Our patient and her siblings were smokers and had also had exposure to kerosene , a low-viscosity hydrocarbon . patient male 6 Serological studies and genotyping of the patient and his parents were performed . patient female 26 We used cloning strategies to evaluate the effects on mRNA stability and found that 5/27 and 0/17 clones have the " C " mutant allele in patient and her great uncle , respectively . patient female 35 OTC deficiency was diagnosed on the basis of : 1 ) decreased enzyme activity in leukocytes;2 ) hyperammonemia in response to protein intakes in excess of 2.0 g/kg/day ; 3 ) orotic aciduria in the patient and her asymptomatic mother ; 4 ) suggestive evidence of x-linked dominant inheritance ; and 5 ) exclusion of citrullinemia , argininosuccinic aciduria , argininemia , and disorders of lysine metabolism that are associated with hyperammonemia . patient male 13 In all cases it should be integrated in a comprehensive approach of the patient and his history . patient male 8 Is sufficient respect and care given to the patient and his family ? patient male 10 However , lack of discipline on the part of the patient and his family constitutes a real contraindication of a psychological type , in certain cases . patient male 1 The patient and his workplace were both evaluated for mercury exposure . patient female 26 The age and general condition of the patient , the extent of the tumor , the stage of gestation , and the informed opinions of the patient and her spouse help to determine the therapeutic strategy . patient female 19 Since the mutation does not produce a dominant negative protein in heterozygous carriers , the clinical phenotype in our patient and her relatives is very mild with only unspecific myalgia . patient male 19 The English literature has no record of any association with mitral valve disease which was a feature of our patient and his father both of whom were suffering from the syndrome . patient male 9 Therapeutic education is an educational approach that allows the patient and his entourage to acquire or maintain the skills necessary to manage their daily lives . patient female 8 This new allele was carried by a Caucasian patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and by her healthy daughter . patient male 24 A decision always has to be made regarding the form of epilepsy and the individual situation , which has to be discussed with the patient and perhaps his family . patient male 17 His death in 1961 of colon obstruction was a result of his own difficult behavior as a patient and his denial of a decompressive colostomy , contrary to his own teachings . patient female 9 A reciprocal t(17;22)(q11.2;q11.2 ) was found in a female patient with neurofibromatosis type 1 ( NF1 ) and in her affected daughter . patient female 7 We analysed the transthyretin gene of the patient and her asymptomatic son , and found in both cases , the point mutation leading to the single amino acid substitution of a methionine for valine at position 30 , which is typical of type I FAP . patient female 25 A read depth-based copy number variation ( CNV ) detection algorithm using WES data of the family predicted a large heterozygous deletion mutation in the patient and her mother , which was validated by digital polymerase chain reaction , indicating that the patient was compound heterozygous for the paternal nonsense mutation and the maternal deletion mutation spanning the site of the single nucleotide change . patient male 25 Thorough curettage and artificial bone grafting was performed because of the age of the patient , his senile dementia and the strong desire of the patient and his family . patient male 10 Negative consequences of this development exist not only for the patient , but also for his personal environment and for the physician . patient female 14 Aggressive management of this unusual case resulted in a successful outcome for both the patient and her child . patient male 7 An efficacy assessment was made by the patient and his partner , and the score of the International Index of Erectile Function ( IIEF ) was recorded . patient male 3 Besides , the patient and his direct family members ( 4 children and 2 sisters ) were also genetically screened . patient female 28 It is paramount that healthcare professionals are able to recognize the signs and symptoms of flakka ingestion , know the steps to take to ensure safety of the patient and those around him or her , and also know how to facilitate the patient 's recovery . patient female 1 The patient and her mother both denied foreign body abusing history . patient female 15 We report a case of multiple familial trichoepithelioma ( MFT ) in a 55-year-old female patient and her son who came with complaints of single ulcerated mass involving the left nasolabial fold and cheek . patient male 12 The medical management of angina pectoris requires a comprehensive approach to the patient and his family , including attention not only to established physiologic and pharmacologic principles , but also to the emotional aspects of his illness . patient female 24 The use of narcotics by adolescent females is a growing problem , yet very little is known about the long-term consequences for either the user or her future offspring . user male 2 The second patient and his father with antinuclear , anti RBC , and antithyroid auto-antibodies shared an HLA haplotype not present in other sibs . patient male 11 To be able to give the most relevant information to the patient and his family , and to use this information to optimise the medical management have become new objectives . patient male 29 Efficient treatment of phenylketonuria has to go beyond recommendations for blood Phe level control and must include adequate dietary training , medical as well as psychological counselling of the patient and his family , and a protocol for monitoring outcome . patient male 6 After discussing treatment options with the patient and his parents they opted for the least invasive procedure possible . patient male 10 Cosmetic appearance , which was the major concern of the patient and his family , was greatly improved by the use of the carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) laser . patient male 8 Karyotype demonstrated a t(1;11)(p22;p13 ) translocation in the patient and his phenotypically normal father and brother . patient male 59 A family physician managing a 54-year-old patient with a past cranio-cerebral trauma in his medical history , followed by an intracerebral hematoma in the right frontal lobe , with secondary posttraumatic epilepsy , repeatedly prescribed anti-epileptic drugs ( recommended by a consulting neurologist ) and described in the patient 's medical records frequent generalized seizures as reported by the patient and his wife . patient male 14 In these cases , decisions can only be collegial , and respect for the patient and his choices remain essential . patient male 30 The achievement of this involves an aggressive and positive approach to the overall treatment plan , with involvement of all of the members of the treatment-rehabilitation team , including the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her parents required termination of pregnancy , irrespective of the diagnosis of an ovarian lesion . patient male 8 It can provide an accurate location of the patient and his essential ECG details for remote heart disease first-aid . patient male 16 Following a severe knee sprain during which the anterior cruciate ligament has been torn , the patient and his doctor are facing the choice between a conservative treatment or a surgical approach . patient female 3 In the index patient and her father a novel heterozygous germline was identified ; nonsense mutation ( p.145X ) in exon 2 of VHL , leading to a truncated VHL protein lacking the last 66 amino acids . patient male 31 Genetic testing revealed a heterozygous G to C mutation at the first base of codon 389 of the MAPT gene , changing glycine to arginine ( G389R ) , in the patient and his unaffected elderly father . patient male 4 Psychoeducation provides to the patient and his family members full information about schizophrenia and all aspects of the treatment . patient female 18 Southern blots using the dystrophin cDNA revealed no evidence of a deletion within the DMD gene in the patient or in her mother . patient male 14 We discovered the association of ACC and intestinal lymphangiectasia ( IL ) in a patient and probably in his brother . patient female 2 A female patient and her husband with non-obstructive azoospermia received a transfer of vitrified-warmed blastocysts from vitrified-warmed oocytes and frozen-thawed sperm . patient female 5 Through raising awareness of this patient and her disease course , we hope that future policy decisions , primary care , and hospital level management will be informed accordingly for treatment of pregnant women with suspected GAS infection . patient female 15 Genetic analysis revealed a previously unreported fibrinogen mutation ( hypodysfibrinogenemia Dresden I ) in the patient and in her relatives . patient male 7 When and how should we tell the patient and his family about it ? What are the pros and cons of formally telling the patient ? patient male 17 The therapeutic approach towards psoriasis will be selected in a multidisciplinary spirit , and after considering the patient himself , his disease and his lifestyle . patient male 12 The enhanced precautions included preventing aerosol spread of the virus from the patient or his clinical specimens . patient male 15 Results from this evaluation highlight the obvious need for proper preoperative counseling for both the patient and his partner to minimize unrealistic expectations . patient female 5 Data were collected concerning the patient , her clinical state and haemoglobin levels throughout her stay in hospital , the diagnosis , the transfusion , and the complications encountered . patient female 1 The patient and her partner desired embryo cryopreservation with plans for future use in a gestational carrier . patient male 7 The quality of the relationship between the patient and his medical doctor is a key point to reach the optimized and individualized treatment . patient male 26 Quality of life ( QoL ) was assessed by the investigators who answered the question ' How did therapy with donepezil influence the QoL of the patient and/or his family over the observation period ? ' and was graded using three ratings : improved/unchanged/worsened . patient female 2 Both the patient and her family desired home care , and the patient returned home on April 11 . patient male 11 Outgrowth and monolayer formation was unrelated to the age of the patient or his treatment with anti-androgens . patient female 12 A functional defect in apoptosis was detected in cells from the index patient , a 5-year-old girl suffering from Canale-Smith syndrome and a T-cell lymphoma , as well as in her father , who had a history of splenomegaly and mild hemolysis , and her paternal uncle who had been cured of Hodgkin 's disease ( HD ) . patient male 14 Analyses of the Whole Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing ( WMGS ) results of the recruited patient and his mother at different read coverage , first at 100 × and later repeated at 500 × , revealed a novel disease-associated variation in the already known disease-associated MT-ATP6 gene . patient male 26 This challenge can be surmounted not only through technical progress but also by safeguarding the correct ethical behavior at the base of each relationship between a patient and his physician . patient male 24 Conducting activities in accordance with the current medical knowledge leads to much lower mortality and results in a better quality of life for the patient and his family . patient male 44 We describe here a novel c.137 + 5 G > A intronic mutation in the SH2D1A gene of the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM)-associated protein ( SAP ) in association with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced fatal infectious mononucleosis ( FIM ) in an 8-year-old male patient and his 3-year-old step brother . patient male 8 One case demonstrated the anomaly in both the patient and his father . patient male 1 The patient and his family refused surgery , however . patient male 4 Genetic testing of the patient and his mother identified a 2 bp deletion in the invariant splice consensus sequence of intron 18 of L1CAM , predicting a largely truncated or absent protein . patient female 10 Venous gasometry showed raised levels of carboxyhemoglobin in both the patient ( 30.4 % ) and her companion ( 31.2 % ) . patient male 10 This data is probably related to the personality of the patient or to his family or social circumstances in the case of tension headaches . patient female 1 The patient and her parents reported marked improvement in self-esteem following dental treatment . patient male 21 It is intended for patients suffering from heart failure and requires efficient and coherent communication between all the caregivers , the patient and his close relatives , in line with the principle of good treatment . patient male 25 As a result , there is still an unacceptable rate of secondary amputations which lead to tremendous waste of resources and psychological devastation of the patient and his family . patient female 5 The symptoms presented by our patient and her mother are similar to this genodermatosis . patient female 1 The patient and her son had alpha-Gal A activity in leukocytes that was remarkably below the limit of controls . patient female 9 Sequencing of the TR beta gene showed that the patient and her father had a codon 453 mutation resulting in a CCT ( proline ) to ACT ( threonine ) substitution . patient male 16 Psychological factors influence patients and the urologist should be ready to inform and reassure both the patient and his family . patient female 11 Chemical laboratory values indicated a reduction in apolipoprotein B in the patient and in her children as well , who showed no clinical symptoms . patient female 3 We informed the patient and her family that she had a Stage I tongue carcinoma and needed to receive treatment immediately . patient female 8 Through the hospitalization of about two mouths the patient and her neonatus had gotten the best of care in our department and pediatric department separately . patient male 33 The results allowed us to formulate a definition of " pseudoremission "-- a condition , which occurs in patients with epilepsy treated by antiepileptic drugs when the seizures are not diagnosed by the patient and his relatives . patient male 17 There was no significant difference in expression of Fas ( CD95 ) in the PBL of the patient , his father , or the normal control , or the splenic lymphocytes . patient male 10 Compared with the normal control , the PBL of the patient and his father failed to progress to apoptosis . patient male 4 PBL from both the patient and his father expressed CD95 , but failed to proceed to apoptosis after stimulation , suggesting a functional defect . patient male 11 The CRX gene was analyzed by direct genomic sequencing in a patient with LCA and in his healthy parents . patient male 14 Reduced CTLA4 expression in a subset of regulatory T lymphocytes was identified in the patient and his unaffected mother carrying a heterozygous LRBA mutation as compared to control in a dose-dependent manner . patient male 10 It requires a good understanding of therapeutic modalities by the patient and his family . patient male 20 The most severe respiratory complication of massive obesity is this syndrome which must be looked for systematically by questioning the patient and her husband or his wife before serious cardiopulmonary and neuropsychic disorders appear . patient female 23 Unique considerations for movement disorders during pregnancy include investigations and their safety during pregnancy and the impact of treatment on both the pregnant patient and her fetus . patient male 29 One hemizygous splicing pathogenic mutation c.31 + 1 G > C of exon 1 in the DMD gene ( chrX33229398 , NM_00 4006 ) was finally identified in the patient and his nephew , but it was carried in his mother and sister . patient female 9 During the course of fructose infusion in both the patient and her brother with HFI , the following metabolic changes were noted : hypoglycemia , elevated rise in the blood fructose concentration , hyperlactacidemia , elevated rise in the blood fructose concentration , hyperlactacidemia , and hyperammonemia . patient male 22 In the good ole days of modern medicine , medicine was a profession and a physician had a special bond with his patient and his community . patient male 19 In contrast to a typical medical emergency situation the doctor is usually not particularly welcome by the disturbed psychiatric patient and his family . patient male 11 Unnecessary hesitation is not asked here for the sake of the patient as well as his family . patient male 10 Symptomatic management includes pharmacotherapy , socialization , support for the patient and his family and , ultimately , institutionalization . patient male 4 In 1933 , his friend and teacher Dr. De Mets in Antwerp already wrote on Hissette 's discovery in the Belgian Congo : " This study is of exceptional value to specialists which is not only a tribute to its author , but to our common native country ( Belgium ) . " friend male 17 An interview in the presence of the spouse has improved hypersexuality screening and information given to the patient and his close contacts regarding the side effects of treatment , and particularly the occurrence of hypersexuality . patient male 9 Immunological studies , done after recovery , on the patient and his two brothers revealed normal immunoglobulin , IgG subclasses , C3 , C4 and CH50 levels . patient male 24 Haemolytic activity of the alternative complement pathway could not be detected , and properdin concentrations were < 0.01 mg/l in serum samples from the patient and his brothers . patient male 14 The problem of proper diagnosis is capital in instituting proper therapy , advising the patient and his family , and unfortunately in today 's medical climate , for medical legal reasons . patient male 23 Apart from the main indications like overweight , patient history and obesity-associated disorders it is indispensable to include the psychological status of the patient and his capability of compliance into the decision-finding . patient male 12 We describe the clinical , histologic , and immunopathologic features in a patient with anti-p200 pemphigoid , as well as his favorable response to treatment with systemic glucocorticosteroids and dapsone . patient female 21 Careful CTPA scan protocol selection and additional optimization of scan length may result in significant radiation dose reduction for a pregnant patient and her fetus , whilst maintaining diagnostic confidence . patient male 15 The panel has thus established a list of recommendations to maintain optimal relationships between the patient and his relatives and friends during the hospital stay . patient female 5 Therefore , both the pregnant patient and her physician are often in a dilemma as to the optimal course . patient male 5 Extensive pathological examination of this patient and his affected brother revealed no evidence for specific abnormalities relevant to fragile X syndrome ; cerebellar hypoplasia , which has been reported in this disorder , was not evident in either patient . patient female 23 Plasma levels of the major norepinephrine ( NE ) metabolite , 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol ( MHPG ) , were measured in a rapidly cycling bipolar patient and her first-degree relatives . patient male 16 The results obtained by the currently applied therapy were not designated as satisfactory both by the patient and by his doctor . patient male 11 Roentgenographic measurements are used in the facial diagnosis of a male patient ( proband ) and his mother with unusual craniofacies . patient male 3 An additional male patient and his affected aunt , both with trisomy 10p due to unbalanced segregation of a familial translocation , are also discussed for overlapping features and differential clinical diagnosis of the two conditions . patient male 14 Decision making was guided by the desire to achieve oncologic results adapted to the patient and his age , as well as functional preservation taking into account life expectancy . patient female 10 Revisional surgeries may yet be performed ; notwithstanding , the patient and her parents are pleased with the current results . patient female 2 Both the patient and her son are doing well more than 2 years after the procedure . patient male 37 The overall goal of all therapeutic interventions in Alzheimer 's disease ( AD ) is to : ( a ) optimize the impaired functions and ( b ) restore an affordable quality of life for both the patient and his surroundings . patient male 13 A family-based approach that aimed to enhance the problem-solving capacity of the index patient and his family caregivers was compared with a patient-oriented approach of similar intensity over a two-year period . patient female 1 The patient and her family wanted living infants and hoped that they were separated surgically . patient male 38 These observations suggest that the statistical superiority of Holter monitoring is debatable and imply that it is often necessary to request both investigations for the exact diagnosis of the arrhythmia and for the eventual therapeutic management of the patient and his mode of life . patient male 18 The dental model was used in the diagnosis and orthodontic treatment planning , and to communicate with the patient and his parents . patient male 7 Renal failure potentially compromises not only the patient but also his comrades through reduced staffing and inability to execute the military mission . patient female 12 We measured urinary uracil and dihydrouracil , and genotyped DPYS in the patient and her family . patient male 47 It is suggested that an interdisciplinary ( cardiologist , psychologist , physiotherapist , nurse , dietitian ) family-oriented rehabilitation program , which provides medical follow-up , accurate information , psychological understanding and support , and physical training , will contribute to the improvement in life-style for the patient and his family . patient female 6 Anticardiolipin antibodies were found in the patient , her mother and 3 siblings , suggesting the importance of genetic factors . patient female 2 Both the patient and her donor were negative by HIV antibody testing prior to transplantation , but were found to be infected in the ninth month after transplant . patient male 5 The psychoanalyst , the demented patient and his disease ] . patient female 1 The patient and her partner should be involved in the various steps of the process , after being properly informed . patient male 13 Structural hemoglobinopathy due to carriage of Hb Camden was diagnosed in a male patient and his mother . patient male 24 This system employs an easily updated record in the patient 's hospital or clinic chart as well as a wallet-sized data card for the patient or his family to carry . patient female 21 Every affected child needs a sensitive evaluation of the complaint including an assessment of the impact of the condition on the patient and her family . patient male 18 Analysis for resistant genes revealed gPRSP ( pbp1a + pbp2x + pbp2b gene variants ) in both the patient and his grandchildren , none of whom had received pneumococcal vaccines of any kind . patient female 10 Here we describe siblings with osteopetrosis , a 23-year-old female patient and her older brother , both of whom had suffered from bilateral femoral fractures at their childhood . patient female 14 The need to develop and adopt a comprehensive uniform record system for the pregnant patient and her child is underscored . patient female 21 The goals of palliative care are relief of suffering and provision of the best possible quality of life for both the patient and her family , regardless of where she is in the natural history of her disease . patient female 21 The abnormal hemoglobin , hemoglobin Köln ( beta chain , Val98 - ->Met ) , had previously been confirmed in the patient at the age of 21 years , as well as in her mother , by polymerase chain reaction-based direct sequence analysis of the beta globin gene . patient male 18 We evaluated the clinical , molecular , platelet ultrastructure and platelet function data obtained from one Spanish HPS patient and his relatives . patient male 7 The importance of regular reassessment of the patient and his needs , and the settling of realistic analgesic treatment objectives , such as an initial target of a pain-free full night 's sleep , is stressed . patient female 40 We describe the development , implementation , and evaluation of a chronic disease/geriatric medicine curriculum designed to teach Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education core competencies and geriatric medicine competencies to residents by using longitudinal encounters with a standardized dementia patient and her caregiver daughter . patient male 48 Although the focus of his remarks is fundamental change in residency training , his comments apply equally to the norms of surgical practice , especially palliative care : " We can start by building a sense of mutual respect for the broad range of individuals [ including the patient and his family ] involved in the care of our surgical patients , from nurses to allied health care professionals , from anesthesiologists to environmental service workers . patient male 20 He teaches this to the jury and by describing the economic effects of the injury and its effect of the patient and his family , he obtains the maximum financial compensation . patient male 7 Further analysis by Sanger sequencing of the patient and his parents revealed a de novo occurrence of the variant . patient male 35 Recognition of the dying phase , i.e. , the period during which death is expected to occur within hours or days , is important because it enables marking the imminence of death , informing the patient and his relatives , and adjusting care where needed . patient male 12 Undergoing lung transplantation places a heavy ( psychic ) burden on the patient and his parents . patient male 10 Self-management programmes may be of great psychological value for the patient and his environment . patient male 6 Communication between a therapist and a patient and his family ( interpersonal attitudes ) . patient male 3 Furthermore , the patient ( and his family ) can prepare themselves for the period to come . patient male 30 After separation by differential centrifugation , the various fractions each show a characteristic response to pO2 changes , pH , osmolarity and other parameters , which are specific to each patient and his pathological status at a given time . patient male 14 It is concluded that nutrition education can enhance quality of life , for the patient and his family , throughout his illness and after his recovery . patient female 2 A 30-year-old patient and her 27-year-old brother were referred for progressive spastic paraparesis . patient male 1 The patient and his relatives were successfully treated with Ivermectin 200 μg/kg with a second dose 2 weeks later . patient male 1 The patient and his family declined further treatment . patient male 11 There were no duplications or deletions in other exons in the patient or his parents . patient female 4 After explaining to the patient and her family the need for surgical removal of the catheter and its associated risks , the catheter was successfully removed by an orthopedist by laminectomy . patient male 11 Occasional mild visual hallucinations occurred but were not concerning to the patient or his wife . patient female 42 However , it is vital to have in mind the likelihood of side effects , which include mainly serious vitamins , micro- , and macronutrient deficiencies that usually leads to constant and lifelong supplementation and the need of medical supervision of the patient and her child . patient female 17 A pericentric inversion involving a portion of the centromeric heterochromatin of chromosome 9 was identified in the patient and her mother . patient male 4 The questioning of the patient and his parents and clinical examination ( muscular , articular and occlusal ) are essential and very often sufficient for establishing the diagnosis . patient male 13 This study aims to investigate the personal experiences of a blind face transplant patient and his partner . patient male 16 Furthermore , the 1996 Law directs the internal examination committee to reveal its findings to the patient or to his representatives . patient male 4 Sequence analysis in the patient and in his parents revealed heterozygous mutation c.418 G > A in exon 2 inherited from the father and maternally inherited heterozygous insertion of 19bp at position 17 in the coding region of the SCO2 gene . patient male 2 Since the patient and his family members refused a surgical intervension and chemotherapy , he received an external radiotherapy ( total dose : 60 Gy ) to the pelvic space and showed complete response after radiotherapy . patient female 19 The primary purpose of prenatal screening is to determine the risk of a disease or condition affecting either the patient or her fetus . patient male 1 The patient and his mother both had histologically confirmed LPG . patient male 14 To adequately follow-up the patient with a DDD pacemaker , one must know the patient and his underlying rhythm , the pulse generator and its programmable flexibility , and any peculiarities of the particular pulse generator . patient male 32 Transferring a patient undergoing an allogeneic stem cell transplantation to the intensive care unit ( ICU ) is always a challenging situation on a medical and psychological point of view for the patient and his relatives as well as for the medical staff . patient male 59 We are of the opinion that the current provision of legal assistance is lacking the necessary balance between medical and legal considerations ; the ' wish for freedom ' as a default , although illogical , is within the new system of legal aid , and is more considerate and important than the ' best interests ' of the patient and his health . patient male 37 Therapeutic collaboration can be defined as the practical application of a common work in the bosom of the hospital staff in order to obtain , at a collective degree , a " therapeutic alliance " between the patient , his family and the crew . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused surgical intervention . patient male 11 Ala1328Thr ( A1328 T ) mutation of MYH7 in the affected patient as well as his asymptomatic father and asymptomatic brother . patient male 2 [ The patient and his family ] . patient female 1 The patient and her husband carried out this regimen for a year at home . patient male 30 His greatest responsibility is to weigh the significance of such findings against the effects of human variation , growth , maturation and senescence , and the life situation of the patient or his family . patient male 8 The results revealed a 22q11.2 deletion in the patient and his sister from one of six markers ( i.e. D22S941 ) . patient female 8 Genital malformations can be particularly disturbing to the patient and her family because they not only have reproductive implications but also significant psychological and sexual overtones that need to be addressed and dealt with in a sensitive and reassuring manner . patient male 3 Together with his friend and colleague , Professor David Marsden , he also served as the first co-editor of the journal Movement Disorders . friend female 1 The patient and her husband were advised home quarantine for 14 days . patient female 6 Blood samples were obtained from the patient and both her parents , and direct genomic sequencing for DNA analysis was performed on the blood samples . patient female 22 In this paper the application of Parse 's theory on Human Becoming is seen through a nurse 's experience with an oncology patient and her family . patient female 24 During that transition , new light is shed on the situation whereby the ultimate meaning changes and transformation occurs for the nurse , the patient and her family . patient female 6 Therefore , we suspected both the patient and her daughter had MIDD , and found alterations in mitochondrial DNA3243A-G. MIDD is a condition that needs to be diagnosed accurately and treated at an early stage , since diabetic complications can progress rapidly and could cause myocardial complications and mitochondrial encephalomyopathy , lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes ( MELAS ) . patient female 9 Countertransference and clinical choices in public-sector treatment of a patient and her family . patient male 18 A " customized " solution responding to patient 's needs and resulting from a decision shared with the patient and his partner will allow a better compliance and efficacy of the treatment . patient male 21 A heterozygous deletion of a single base ( A4704 ) from exon 37 of the fibrillin-1 gene was defined in a patient with Marfan syndrome and subsequently in his previously undiagnosed father . patient female 19 We identified a 254-kb deletion in the 22q11.2 region , including only the TOP3B gene , detected in the patient and her father . patient female 10 Psychological impact of the diagnosis of breast cancer on the patient and her family . patient female 9 MLPA confirmed duplication of the NR0B1 gene in the patient and her mother . patient male 3 DNA of the patient and his parents was extracted and sequenced by high-throughput sequencing . patient female 18 As she was elderly and a poor surgical candidate , watchful waiting was recommended after discussion with the patient and her family . patient female 6 Antinuclear factors were positive in the patient and her mother , corresponding to antiSSA and antiSSB antibodies . patient female 5 The satisfaction expressed by the patient and her comfort during the procedure support the choice of this approach for intractable painful ulcers of lower limb . patient male 4 E121del ) in the patient and his mother in family 1 , and c.510 - 511insGAACT ( p . patient female 1 The patient and her parents are satisfied with the results . patient male 1 The patient and his family expect a medical answer to the problem . patient female 28 Ultimately , the timely diagnosis of ovarian cancer will rely on clinical judgment and careful analysis of presenting symptoms within the context of a thoughtful dialogue between the patient and her physician . patient female 9 We first summarise the experience of a chronically dependent patient ( as recounted by her daughter ) and her family during their efforts to refuse treatment and receive palliative care only . patient male 23 To best help patients and optimize outcomes , a team-based approach is needed that includes psychosocial assessment and appropriate resource referrals for the patient and his sexual partner . patient female 33 As a result of having a low threshold of suspicion for underlying CD , a diagnosis has been made and the long-term health risks of undiagnosed disease have been improved in both the patient and her immediate family . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused vaginal surgery in order to preserve hymenal integrity for sociocultural beliefs . patient male 27 Testing of the effectors on a panel of unrelated individuals indicated that it was best seen in association with HLA-B7 , which was common to both the patient and his sibling donor . patient female 13 Working with and through this phenomenon creates a corrective emotional experience for the patient and the opportunity for him or her to mature in a more normative healthy fashion . patient male 4 Adequate instruction of the patient and of his physician is to be preferred to the use of an application form . patient male 16 The main task of the psychotherapist is to comprehend , through the preliminary communication of the patient and his associations , defensive and reactional effects leading to such attitudes as inhibition , resistance , regression ... or compensation , perseverance , obstinacy or egocentrism , exaltation , revolt , negativism . patient male 12 We have discovered a previously unpublished HLA-DRB1 allele , observed in a patient ( SB ) , his mother , and one sibling . patient male 14 A novel homozygous 1439 C-->T mutation of the LDL-R gene was detected in the patient and his family . patient male 1 This patient and his novel inversion provide further evidence that int22h is associated with instability in Xq28 . patient female 6 Based on whole-exome sequences of the patient and her healthy parents , a novel homozygous deletion variant ( NM_014363 : c.9495_9508del ; p . patient female 24 An increased number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes with polar distribution of Concanavaline A ( Con A ) receptors ( capping ) was found in one patient and her parents . patient female 14 A similar deletion has only been described once in the literature in a female patient and her mother ; both have intellectual disability and dysmorphic facial features . patient female 41 Primary care physicians should be able to recognize the presenting signs and symptoms of TS , and once the diagnosis is confirmed by a chromosome analysis , they should be able to serve as a valuable source of support for the patient and her family and understand the most current treatments available . patient female 7 Laparoscopy was substantially less costly to the patient and her employer while more profitable for the hospital . patient female 5 After adequate treatment of the patient and her infected animals with griseofulvin and disinfection of the environment , her skin lesions resolved dramatically , with regrowth of hair . patient male 2 The index patient and his brother reached their early motor milestones in due time and had normal language development . patient female 6 Using DNA samples from a RTT patient and her parents , we sequenced three exons and flanking intron regions of the MECP2 gene using the polymerase chain reaction . patient male 8 Direct sequencing of the SERPINC1 gene in the patient and his father revealed a heterozygotic missense mutation , a cytosine to thymine substitution at nucleotide position 235 in exon 2 of the SERPINC1 gene ( p . patient male 15 Therapeutic adherence is a parameter influenced by multiple factors ( affecting the doctor , the patient and his relatives ) , and its extent is determined by the interaction of these factors . patient male 22 This represents a challenge in the daily work of the medical geneticist , because giving information in a meaningful way to the patient and his family implies an emotional and psychological burden . patient male 7 Additionally , a dietary counselling of the patient and his family should be offered . patient female 9 The physician must carefully evaluate risk features of each patient and her disease to select one who is most likely to gain advantage from chemotherapy . patient male 35 This approach at the aged clinic must take into consideration the specificity of the correlation to the body of the aged person beside the advantages and the needs that resent this approaches to both the patient and his therapist . patient male 22 Finally , the organization needs to assume , at all care levels , an approach of psychological and psychotherapeutic support to the patient and his family . patient male 1 One patient and his parents and brother from one family have had no mutation in open reading frame of the M1S1 gene . patient male 8 This surgery is a serious situation for the patient and also for his relatives . patient male 28 This paper examines medical reassurance as an important aspect of an interaction between the patient and physician , and presents specific features of the relationship between the hypochondriacal patient and his psychiatrist in the light of the patient 's reactions to attempted reassurance . patient male 1 The patient and his parents refused further treatment , and the patient is being followed in our clinic . patient male 10 Presented case emphasises the significance of accurately gathered anamnesis with patient and his family . patient male 15 In this report , asymptomatic isolated lower lip sinuses without any cleft syndrome in a patient and his father are presented . patient male 8 Elevation of serum PSA causes concern for the patient and his physician since the best way to treat these patients is yet unknown . patient female 8 Genome-wide SNP array of the family ( the patient and her parents ) showed complete maternal isodisomy of chromosome 12 . patient male 11 Other potential causes of renal failure were not present in our patient and his renal function gradually recovered with the cessation of suramin treatment . patient female 20 We describe a relatively unsuccessful attempt by a patient 's caregivers to buy time to maximize the interests of the patient and her family and discuss the way in which the family dynamics militated against the rather obvious solution of promoting the patient 's right to refuse treatment . patient female 8 Her previous history , multiple interviews with the patient and her parents , and clinical examination showed no evidence or signs of sexual abuse . patient male 20 However , regardless to all the professional advance made in this field , the primary human approach to the aged patient and to his life expectancy should be made due allowance for . patient female 11 Although the distribution of alpha1 and alpha2 chains in the index patient and her affected sister were normal , the alpha3 and alpha4 chains were completely defective in the renal basement membrane ( BM ) . patient male 10 No apparent organic causes were identified , but because the patient and his wife rejected psychiatric treatment and memory deficit characteristics were compatible with that of an organic origin , the patient was referred to a physiatrist . patient male 6 Counseled by the physiatrist , the patient and his wife accepted suggestions to undergo psychiatric treatment . patient male 21 The results must , however , always be based on a spotless professional approach oriented on the mental health or the patient and his right to decide on his own integrity . patient male 10 Genomic DNA was isolated from the peripheral blood of the patient and his family members . patient male 8 History of migrainous headache was present in the patient as well as his mother . patient female 12 Identification of a novel HLA-B allele , HLA-B*08:177 , in a Hungarian patient and her HLA identical sibling . patient female 4 However , both the patient and her husband denied any orogenital sexual history before . patient female 15 SNP arrays were used to analyze chromosome abnormalities in normal and tumor samples from the patient and her parents . patient female 9 In addition , psychological counseling was provided to the patient and her family . patient female 1 This patient and her similarly affected daughter represent the first reported association between cranial arteriopathy and intergenerational passage of VKH syndrome . patient male 5 The clinical data of a patient and his mother suffering from TCS was reported and the relevant literatures were also reviewed . patient female 13 The management of pregnancy in the IBD patient should be multi-disciplinary involving the patient and her partner , the family physician , the gastroenterologist and the obstetrician . patient female 6 Molecular biology demonstrated that both our patient and her mother were heterozygous for complete OCT deletion . patient female 17 Analysis of the plasma von Willebrand factor-cleaving metalloprotease , ADAMTS13 , revealed low protease activity in the patient and her two siblings , and a mild deficiency in both parents . patient female 14 We speculate that the PRRT2 mutation had caused the BFIE-like seizures both in the patient and her father , whereas other unknown genetic factors specific for the patient might be associated with the atypical seizures observed only in her . patient male 5 In order to situate the patient as well as his family and social relations , a Social Service professional has been appointed , and same , from a group of 37 patients under treatment ( there were 15 deaths ) , has selected for the survey 17 residents in the metroplitan region of São Paulo , because of contact with them was easier . patient male 1 The patient , as well as his employer , is convinced of subjective models of etiology , which cause the attitude that circumstances of living must change rapidly . patient male 11 Inpatient video EEG monitoring captured several of the events that the patient and his wife had described ; the patient seemed " uninhibited " in his behavior . patient male 1 The patient and his family must be informed thoroughly about the natural history and the prognosis of ALS , depending on the individual disease process . patient male 15 The family study of this subject and endocrine studies document androgen resistance in the index patient and his affected uncle . patient female 11 This sequence variant was found not only in the XY female patient but also in her father , who is a phenotypically normal male . patient male 11 The main reason for the poor results was delay by the patient or his parents in seeking medical attention . patient male 37 Methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification ( MS-MLPA ) and subsequent PCR analyses identified a methylation defect at exon A/B of GNAS and a microdeletion involving exons 4 - 6 of the GNAS neighboring gene STX16 in the patient and in his asymptomatic brother . patient male 3 Clinically , the patient and his wife reported a clear reduction of excessive daytime sleepiness and an improvement in self-reported functioning and well-being without any important side effects . patient male 19 A nonsense mutation caused by a 508C-->T transition at a CpG site in HPRT exon 7 in the second patient and his younger brother is the fifth mutation of this kind among LN patients . patient male 2 After the patient and his wife proved competence in managing the device , they were able to take several daylong excursions outside the hospital . patient female 3 The breast reconstruction patient and her health insurance carrier . patient male 7 In order to give help to the patient and his nearest family , the doctor needs knowledge about the dying process and how to relieve suffering . patient female 12 In this report , four female members of one family , the patient , her mother , the maternal aunt , and the maternal grandmother , with Bell 's palsy are described . patient female 7 Peripheral blood DNA was extracted from the patient , her mother , aunt , and a healthy sister . patient male 13 We report a case of acute myocardial ischemia in a young healthy male patient and his 5-year follow-up . patient male 2 Both the patient and his wife were found to have elevated blood arsenic levels , and the arsenic concentration in their artesian well was 14.2 ug/L ( maximum acceptable concentration : 10 ug/L ) . patient male 16 The present paper has the objective of demonstrating the content-analytical assessment of problems reported by the patient and of his expectations in respect of psychotherapeutic treatment . patient male 17 Henrik Ibsen 's last six years were characterized by disease , and the relationship between the famous patient and his doctors during these years has a certain historical interest . patient female 15 These findings prompted haemoglobin electrophoretic studies , which showed previously undiagnosed haemoglobin SA in this patient and her family . patient male 30 Basic knowledge of Bowen 's Disease in Primary Care is important given that it is essential to reach a diagnosis as early as possible , in order to monitor the patient and his partner and so avoid any future complications arising from the pathology 's presence , such as tumour processes affecting the uterine cervix . patient male 25 Subsequent transplantation of his left kidney to his son afforded a unique opportunity to assess renal sodium conservation in each kidney separately : both the patient and his son were unable to achieve balance in response to dietary sodium restriction after transplantation , indicating that the sodium wasting was due to a process intrinsic to both kidneys . patient female 1 The patient and her mother denied any unusual hobbies or sports in which the patient 's fingers might be traumatized . patient male 20 In acetabular fractures , indications depend on the dislocation of the fracture and of course also the needs of the patient and his general condition . patient female 14 An integrated HBV DNA sequence was detected in the tumor part of one HBsAg-negative patient , but not in her nontumor counterpart . patient male 1 The patient and his friends strongly denied the use of psychoactive substances . patient male 24 Whole-exome sequencing data were interrogated for mutations in desmosomal and other skin structural genes , followed by Sanger sequencing of candidate genes in the patient and his parents . patient female 10 Southern blot analysis of DNA from the tumor , the patient and her parents demonstrated that the normal X chromosome , lost in the tumor , was the paternal one . patient male 19 Additional protein fraction migrating slower than spectrin has been detected in erythrocyte membranes from an ataxia-telangiectasia ( A-T ) patient and from his mother ( A-T heterozygote ) . patient male 19 Passive euthanasia is defined as the physician 's abiding by the rational valid refusal of life-sustaining treatment of a patient or his surrogate decision-maker . patient male 5 For religious reasons , the patient and his family refused blood transfusion , plasma exchange and liver transplantation . patient male 8 A clear information must be given to the patient and his family before such an operation . patient male 22 Cellular and genetic analyses of interleukin-2 ( IL-2 ) production and IL-2 receptor ( IL-2R ) expression were examined in a immunodeficient patient and his family members . patient male 3 The only male patient and his son were asymptomatic . patient male 5 Pathogenetic gene mutations of the patient and his parents were verified by Sanger dideoxy sequencing . patient female 9 Blood examinations showed hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis in the patient , but not her mother . patient female 11 We detected a known gain-of-function mutation in CASR in both the patient and her mother . patient female 3 Both the index patient ( BMI 42.06 kg/m2 , height 171 cm , age 19.6 years ) and her mother ( BMI 37.55 kg/m2 , height 164 cm , age 42.5 years ) were heterozygous for the deletion . patient female 1 The patient and her father presented , respectively , isolated nephrotic proteinuria and chronic renal failure . patient female 9 Analysis of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) from the patient and her mother showed no deleted mtDNA . patient male 14 Data collection was done through observations , interviews and discussions conducted concurrently with the patient and his family . patient female 34 Among the value-influenced participants who received the " do-something-extra " version , 45 % ( 95 % CI : 38 - 51 ) stated that they would make an extra effort to accommodate the patient and her needs , while the proportion for treatment was 22 % ( 95 % CI : 16 - 27 ) . patient male 4 The interaction between the patient and his ventilator are therefore crucial for tolerance and acceptability and part of this interaction is the facility to trigger the ventilator at the beginning of the inspiration . patient male 3 Risks to the patient and his joint can be minimized by careful management of these known variables . patient male 11 The DAX-1 gene was analyzed by direct DNA sequencing in the patient and his parents . patient male 22 The substitution of guanine for cytosine at the splice donor site ( IVS1 + 1G > C ) was observed in our patient and his mother . patient male 3 Histocompatibility between the patient and his donor is a prerequisite for the success of transplantation of haematopoietic stem cells ( HSCT ) . patient female 36 We examine the impact of three principal factors : incongruity between expectations and reality for both patient and clinicians ; the actors ' ethnic backgrounds ; and the history and nature of relationship dynamics between the patient and her male partner . patient female 1 The patient transferred to another hospital for subsequent treatment , and her outcome is unknown . patient female 1 The patient and her family need counselling regarding the diagnosis , long-term prognosis , options of termination of pregnancy , choice of chemotherapeutic agents and their effects on the fetus and pregnancy . patient male 19 The lengthy evolution , the uncertain prognosis and the functional handicap yield a complex and heavy burden on the patient and his family . patient male 14 An esthetic , functional , and stable outcome was achieved that satisfied both the patient and his parents . patient female 24 This article examines one patient 's experiences with weight bias in an inpatient eating disorder treatment setting with a focus on interactions between the patient and her primary therapist . patient female 6 Psychological counseling was provided to the patient and her family . patient male 3 Height of the patient and his family members were measured and compared to normal control . patient male 7 We examined the GHR gene in the patient and his parents . patient male 35 Indeed , the causative treatment of drug contact dermatitis is based on the prescription and effective application of strict avoidance of the causative allergen , a procedure which necessitates special informative measures to both the patient and to his medical care environment . patient female 25 Transporting the high-risk pregnant woman to a tertiary center prior to labor or delivery , in an attempt to offer more intensive care to the patient and her infant , has gained increasing support from medical communities over the past few years . patient female 25 Twelve months later , mutations of the TGFBR1 gene were demonstrated in 18 families ( 67 individuals ) with Ferguson-Smith disease ; among whom our patient and her mother were family 11 . patient male 15 In addition , iatrogenic problems may also be found in the general management of the patient and his family . patient male 31 As acromegalic patients are more subject to sleep apnea ( 30 % prevailing ) , the relationship between the amount of sleep apnea and hypopnea ( AHI ) in an acromegalic patient and his bone , tissue and hormone factors has been researched , in order to act on the causes of sleep apnea . patient female 14 As far as we know , this paper is the first report of a patient with von Recklinghausen 's disease associated with both pheochromocytoma and non-medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland , and her family . patient male 12 Pro564Ser ) that may contribute to the disorder was found in this patient and his mother . patient male 2 Only one patient and his normal-hearing father showed a heterozygous missense mutation ( R150Q/WT ) in the 6th coding exon of the pres gene . patient male 10 A comprehensive Ilizarov program is necessary to address the total patient and his multiple needs in any facility where the Ilizarov method of treatment is adopted . patient male 22 The Ilizarov program is a multidisciplinary team approach that provides a structure for administering and providing total patient care for the Ilizarov patient and his significant other(s ) . patient male 14 Predicting mortality in patients allows to target care management programs and to inform the patient and his family of the risks . patient male 9 Environmental modification and contrast-enhancing measures were explained to the patient and his parents . patient male 1 The patient and his parents were tested for TCN2 mutation . patient male 20 The mutant mtDNA was heteroplasmic ( 80 % mutant ) in patient muscle but was undetectable in blood from the patient and his healthy mother and sisters . patient male 19 Managing pain effectively is one of the biggest challenges in medicine , let alone when dealing with the dying patient and his family . patient male 25 Awareness of illness is a form of self-knowledge concerning information about the pathological state , its functional consequence , and the way it affects the patient and his interaction with the environment . patient female 20 The haemoglobin alpha/beta glycation ratios , as measured by electron spray ionisation mass spectroscopy ( ESI-MS ) , for the patient and her three children also carrying the mutation were decreased by values of 0.56 and 0.51 , 0.50 and 0.49 , respectively ( reference value 0.66 ) . patient male 26 However , in adults the decision is not so clear , and each case has to be decided individually and the best treatment agreed by the patient and his doctor . patient female 29 Finally , the family physician is in a key position to coordinate the necessary services , provide access to rehabilitation programs and offer the necessary psychological support to the patient and her family . patient female 5 The genetic testing of the patient and her family revealed a de novo novel missense mutation ( Ser4155Tyr ) in the exon 90 of the ryanodine receptor gene . patient male 13 Thus , when protocols for endoscopic examination are established the history of the patient and his lifestyle must be taken into consideration . patient male 31 We present a 16-year-old boy who admitted with symptoms related to CM-I. With careful examination and further genetic investigations , a diagnosis of Crouzon syndrome was made , of which the patient and his family was unaware before . patient male 15 Secondly there is the highly personalised system , constituted by the clinical dialogue of the patient and his personal doctor , the structure of which , at present , defies any simplification and which we abandon at our peril.(5 ) Continuing care by group-practice teams operating under one roof eliminates the need for fragmentation of primary clinical records.(6 ) A simple up-dated manually-prepared paper summary of clinical problems encountered and therapeutic activity taken , may well be the essential core of this shared record . patient male 17 Patients were evaluated every 3 months , and information regarding hospitalizations between visits was obtained from the patient , his family , and/or hospital records . patient female 9 Coagulation measures were performed in a 74 year old patient and her immediate family . patient male 15 Conventional , modified and extended activated protein C ( APC ) resistance assays in this patient and his family members clearly showed that factor V Arg306 -- > Gly mutation is not associated with APC resistance ( APC sensitivity ratio < 2 ) . patient male 7 The core family , consists of the patient and his parents , was recruited . patient male 14 These range from controversy as to whether the diagnosis should be divulged to the patient or only to his family to whether the disease should be treated and , if so what is best for the patient . patient male 1 The patient and his family chose for him to undergo radical surgery ; therefore , right trisegmentectomy of the liver was performed for Stage III HCC . patient female 10 Management of RPL should also include extensive counseling for the patient and her family . patient male 4 Neither complaint from the patient or his family nor sick leave of staff was recorded . patient female 18 A comprehensive treatment plan was made based on conservative management that included motivation and intense counselling of the patient and her parents so that she quits the habit of chewing areca nut and tobacco , along with systemic treatment of vitamin B complex supplements , antioxidants , multivitamins and oral physiotherapy . patient male 28 The finding of a " scimitar sacrum " makes it essential to perform a contrast enema of the anorectum and a CT of the pelvic structures in the patient and his family . patient female 6 The study population was a POF patient and her family . patient male 5 Comparison of these with the patient or his photographs showing the result allow us to make accurate judgments about long term effects of each surgical maneuver . patient female 9 Measurements of [125I]IGF-I binding by suspended fibroblasts from this patient and her parents failed to demonstrate significant abnormalities in either the number of binding sites or the affinity of binding . patient male 4 A comparison of the patient and his twin brother with the same examination methods at the age of 9 and 18 gave similar results . patient male 3 Nevertheless , the patient and his parents strongly preferred a non-surgical treatment approach . patient male 25 Flow cytometric analysis of the peripheral monocytes using the anti-BTK antibody was used to characterize the expression of BTK in a 21 year old male patient and his mother . patient male 5 The other author , his friend and health care proxy , describes the advocacy and personal assistance she gave him in the face of often inadequate care that at times threatened his safety , comfort , and emotional well-being . friend male 16 Conservative treatment is advisable for minimally displaced fractures when a rapid recovery is not required ; patient and his family should be informed on the risk of non-unions and the eventuality of a delayed surgical approach . patient male 1 The patient and/or his family , all attending physicians and the nursing staff have to agree when limitation of care is taken into account . patient male 9 Whether treatment has been limited or not , the patient and his family deserve all our medical and psychological skills -- until the end . patient female 8 ciHHV-6 was transmitted from a parent to the patient and her identical twin , and from the patient to her son . patient female 6 After obtaining informed consent from the patient and her family , the initiation of PD was performed at the age of 15 years before the ESRD state(serum creatinine level 2.0 mg/dL ) . patient male 28 Selected individual case histories concerning surgery for metastases make it abundantly clear that the answer to the title 's question must be found a new by each individual patient and his surgeon . patient female 4 Molecular analysis in the patient and her parents revealed the mutation I304F of TGM1 . patient male 31 On the contrary , for pulmonary resection , all the experiences prove the practicability of the program , but only after careful selection of the patient , deep information of the patient and of his family and mostly , a proved integration between hospital and territory to warranty the continuation of the cures . patient male 21 PCR/SSOP analysis showed the DR2-associated alleles in all the family members but the DRB5 locus appeared to be absent in the patient and his brother . patient female 6 Detailed history was obtained from the patient and her family members . patient male 22 PCR amplification of the complete coding sequence as well as the exon-intron junctions of AAAS gene was performed in DNA from the patient and his parents . patient male 1 One patient and his family eventually elected to have a shoulder disarticulation followed by fitting with a myoelectric prosthesis . patient female 6 Genetic analysis of NBS1 in this patient and her healthy parents indicated that she inherited the germline I171V mutation from her father and the wild-type allele from her mother , and that the second I171V hit occurred on the wild-type allele early in embryonic development . patient male 6 Here we present a Congolese male patient and his mother , both affected with Apert syndrome of variable severity , carrying a previously undescribed heterozygous mutation of three consecutive nucleotides ( c.756_758delGCCinsCTT ) in the IgII-IgIIIa linker region . patient male 30 His symptoms are reviewed ; some comments are made relating to the errors in diagnosis , the quality of the treatment , its poor results , the optimism of the patient and his lucidity , and finally the moving confidence demonstrated by him in his successive physicians ( Figures 1 - 4 ) . patient male 25 This is a single case study of a parallel relationship between ( a ) the patient and his romantic partner and ( b ) the patient and his therapist . patient male 10 This behavior also demonstrates both responsibility and respect to the patient and his family . patient female 6 Surgical intervention was discussed with the patient but due to her frailty , it was deemed not in the patient 's best interests . patient female 1 The patient and her family showed no evidence of glaucoma . patient female 4 DNA samples from the patient and her family were used for molecular studies to determine the boundaries of the chromosome 1 deletion using polymorphic markers located on chromosome 1q21 to 1q24 . patient female 3 To study the patient and her family to elucidate the molecular defects in the pedigree and to evaluate her clinical evolution . patient male 8 If not , the worker should encourage the patient and his family to seek legal advice so that the patient can receive medical treatment free of legal and financial concerns . patient male 1 The patient and his family refused post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy and radiation therapy . patient male 2 An additional patient , as well as his mother , had an apparently balanced 15/17 translocation [ 46,XY , t(15;17 ) ( 15q;21q ) ] . patient male 21 In order to study the parental origin of the rearrangement , we analyzed selected SNPs in the deleted area in the patient and his parents , showing Mendelian incompatibilities suggesting a de novo deletion on the chromosome of maternal origin . patient male 49 Each of the four main themes included two subthemes which were having peace and wise quietness , reverence for the patients , physicians and nurses , distancing themselves from stressful situations and displacing staff who cause stress , and the nurse 's trust in God as well as the patient and his family`s trust in God , respectively . patient male 11 This transition must be prepared early and in collaboration with the patient and his family . patient male 31 We report familial adenomatous polyposis coli ( FAPC ) with epidermoid cysts , osteomata , and areas of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium ( CHRPEs ) in a male patient and his maternal aunt , both of whom suffered a mild to moderate degree of mental handicap . patient female 8 Genomic DNA , isolated from leukocytes of the patient and her father , was digested with a variety of restriction endonucleases and subjected to Southern blot analysis . patient female 27 Articulate software was used to create two complementary 20-minute modules that incorporate teaching points , interactive quizzes , and video clips of a clinician interviewing a standardized patient and her husband during the course of an initial clinical evaluation . patient female 14 Considering her severe physical handicap and anticipated problems in optimising menstrual hygiene , the patient and her parents opted for hysterectomy which was performed uneventfully . patient male 7 Standard G-banding was carried out for the patient and his parents . patient male 12 Rehabilitation after stroke reduces disability and improves the adaptation of both the patient and his environment . patient male 28 In addition , potential surgical wrongdoing at the referring hospital brings up the more difficult ethical questions of the consultant 's responsibilities , which must be to the patient and his family , as well as to the attending and referring physicians . patient male 13 BAC clone RP11 - 171N2 was identified as a breakpoint-spanning clone in the patient and his mother . patient male 11 Molecular genetic analysis of P. multocida isolates obtained from the human patient and his pet strongly suggests a zoonotic transmission of this bacterium . patient male 15 The DRB1 * 1147 allele was detected during routine human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-typing of a patient and his family prior to bone marrow transplantation . patient male 6 This allele was found in the patient and his two sisters and five brothers . patient male 5 A detailed assessment of the patient and his requirements needs to be performed before embarking on a thumb reconstruction . patient male 7 Lys40del ) mutation was identified in the patient and his brother , who subsequently had the same phenotype . patient female 8 DNA was prepared from blood samples from the patient and her partner using standard techniques . patient male 4 Written by his personal friend and professional colleague , Conrad Meyer-Hofmeister , this obituary was read to the Society of the Zurich Masonic Lodge " Modestia cum Libertate " on January 25 , 1873 . friend male 7 Decreased arylsulfatase A activity was present in Patient 1 ( 17.6 ) and his family members ( 24.1 - 40 nmol/mg/hour ) . Patient male 5 It is important that the patient and his parents fully understand the dental problems related to his physiologic and psychologic conditions . patient male 4 Genetic testing of the patient and his affected cousin was negative for the CCM1 gene . patient male 12 The goals of treatment include alleviating symptoms ; preventing complications in the patient and his sexual partners ; reducing the transmission of coinfections ( particularly human immunodeficiency virus ) ; identifying and treating the patient 's contacts ; and encouraging behavioral changes that will reduce the risk of recurrence . patient female 2 Both the patient and her father had a His-58(E7 ) → Leu mutation in α1 . patient female 18 The TAU program included sessions for the patient alone as well as sessions with a psychiatrist for the patient and her parents . patient male 10 Our group collected samples from the patients , a 49-year-old patient and his son . patient female 4 On request of the patient and her family no treatment was given . patient female 2 The index patient and her brother both had poor sucking power and feeding difficulty at birth and episodes of oculogyric crises , truncal hypotonia , limb hypertonia , sleep disturbances , irritability , and motor delay . patient male 6 The purpose was to train the patient and his partner on this technique . patient female 38 The need for radiographic and clinical follow-up for up to 10 years , initially performed every 6 months during the first 2 years and afterwards annually , in addition to the risk of late recurrence were explained for patient and her guardian . patient female 10 We performed targeted WES analysis of DNA collected from the patient and her parents . patient male 6 In this family , both the patient and his father were heterozygous for the Fas mutation T1045C ( Leu 268 Pro ) . patient female 3 The family B patient and her mother showed the Fas mutation G943 T ( Arg 234 Leu ) , both being heterozygous for it too . patient male 22 The decision to undergo living donor transplantation determines a particular condition characterized by strong mental and emotional anguish , both for the patient and his family . patient male 9 At last they confront the rehabilitation problem of aphasic patient and his reinstatement in the social and family life . patient female 21 However , it must be remembered that the diagnosis of a chronic disease may have far reaching effects for the individual patient and her family . patient female 22 Genetic testing showed a known putative splice site mutation ( c.174 + 1G/A ) as the prime cause of VWS in our patient and her family . patient female 5 After a discussion with the patient and her family , we decided to perform CNA . patient female 13 From medical records and discussion with family members , longitudinal follow-up of the patient and her descendants was obtained . patient male 17 It is a surgical procedure whose complexity and stakes vary according to the specific anatomy of the patient and his tumor . patient male 21 To capture this complexity of autonomy , the results have been structured in themes with regard to the self of the patient and his independency . patient female 4 The sera of the patient and her family were reactive for HTLV-I antibody . patient female 4 Karyotypic analysis of a patient exhibiting a phenotype of isolated lissencephaly , and of her parents , revealed a de novo balanced translocation , t(8;17)(p11.2 ; p13.3 ) . patient female 6 Further directed testing of the index patient and her family members including genetic analysis revealed a rare pathogenic variant of COL4A homozygous autosomal recessive Alport syndrome . patient female 8 The HLA B72 allele was identified in the patient and her two sisters , demonstrating the familial characteristic of the disease and the presence of this allele in a female patient with Behçet 's disease . patient male 16 Satisfactory surgical results can be obtained in a high percentage of cases , and if the patient and his partner are well informed preoperatively , patient and partner satisfaction can also be very good . patient female 30 This was explained by the pattern of X-chromosome inactivation , studied by means of the human androgen receptor ( HUMARA ) assay , which proved to be skewed in the patient , her mother , and one of the patient 's daughters . patient male 56 Spinal cord damaged patients should be transferred to a specialised comprehensive centre as soon as possible after injury so that the requirement for ventilation can be minimised , the incidence of cardiac and respiratory arrest reduced , optimal methods of ventilation and weaning employed and global emotional and educational support provided from the outset for the patient and his family . patient male 37 Although the number of declarations given by professional corporations increase decisions of the jury help the medical practitioner in making his difficult decisions , but making the individual decision personal communication of the medical staff with the patient or his foster play an important role . patient male 12 An R122H mutation in the cationic trypsinogen gene was identified in this patient , his brother , and his mother , indicating that they have hereditary pancreatitis . patient male 9 Sequencing of the PSTPIP1 gene was performed in the patient and his extended family . patient female 39 To investigate the possibility that deletion en block in the HLA region had caused the combined deficiency of neuraminidase and 21-hydroxylase in a female patient , genetic markers on the short arm of chromosome 6 were examined in the patient and her parents , and 21-hydroxylase genes of the patient were analyzed by the Southern blot technique . patient male 4 We have identified a patient and his father with low levels of RBC CA activity . patient female 14 Coproporphyrinogen oxidase activity was decreased to 49 % and 58 % , in the patient and her father , respectively . patient female 10 Coproporphyrinogen oxidase concentration was enhanced 1.8-fold and 2.7-fold in the patient and her father , respectively . patient female 12 The gene defect was confirmed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis in the patient and her father . patient female 11 A year apart from the episode of acute pancreatitis both the patient and her baby are doing well . patient male 11 ASD have an impact on the quality of life of the patient and his family . patient male 28 Patient 1 , a 17-year-old boy who contracted measles in the acute phase of infectious mononucleosis caused by Epstein-Barr virus ( EBV ) , transmitted the disease to patient 2 , his father . patient male 14 The first condition in treatment of the anxious disorders is detailed knowledge of the patient and his understanding the essence of illness . patient female 7 Biographical details of Murray and her close friend and collaborator , Julia Turner , are presented , and possible routes by which the two women may have met are explored . friend male 23 The dispersion of individual values within a same histological type suggests that the LI is interesting as an individual value depending on the patient and his own cancer . patient male 8 The aim of management is to help the patient and his partner enjoy sexual function to the full within whatever limits are set by irreversible factors . patient male 14 Management therefore involves correcting potentially reversible physical and psychological factors , and helping the patient and his partner adapt to the remaining irreversible changes in sexual function . patient female 2 A female patient and her husband with severe oligoasthenspermia are reported . patient male 10 Genetic testing for hereditary MTC is very important for the patient and his family , but the patients must be receiving appropriate genetic counseling . patient male 15 Prostate cancer and its treatment can result in numerous physical and psychological morbidities for the patient as well as his partner . patient male 13 To ensure early treatment of acute asthma satisfactory and skilled cooperation of the patient and his closest surroundings is essential . patient male 19 From an esthetic standpoint , there was a small amount of gold showing but not enough to bother the patient , his parents , or the dentist . patient male 22 Instrumentation , materials ( including composition , configuration and placement ) are delineated , suggesting that tailoring the mesh to the individual patient and his hernia are justified , after looking at the outcomes for different mesh sizes . patient female 14 The results obtained showed marked and dose-related increases in induced chromosomal aberrations in the patient and her heterozygous mother compared to the intrafamilial wild-type control . patient male 19 The questionnaire gained information about sexual activity , before and after the operation and the overall satisfaction of the patient and his partner and whether they felt the operation was a success . patient female 14 The material was collected from case records as well as from interviews with the patient and her therapist . patient male 4 The relation between the patient and his physician is based on full trust . patient male 13 PE can have a significant impact on the quality of life of the patient and his sexual partner , and may lead to psychological distress and loss of self-esteem . patient female 15 However , because the possibility of a malignant tumor was not completely negated and the patient , as well as her family , hoped to receive surgical treatment , we performed the tumor resection . patient female 4 However , if the patient or her family refused autopsy , a combination of patience and learned communication can pave the way to their understanding and acceptance of the procedure . patient male 8 After the first course of chemotherapy , the patient and his family decided not to continue treatment because of socio-economic reasons . patient male 4 Typical features of a patient with WBS and his dental development in a follow-up from 8 to 25 years of age are shown . patient female 17 There was no complaint in 6 months of follow-up , and the small incisional scar satisfied the patient and her parents . patient female 7 Also , achlorhydria was present in this patient and her serum gastrin levels were very high ; 315 - 775 pg/ml . patient female 10 A new type of alpha-thalassemia-1 was characterized in one Spanish patient with Hb H disease and in her mother . patient female 11 A bilingual conference was held in order to assist a Spanish-speaking patient and her physicians in planning for her care . patient female 13 One of the authors translated and served as interpreter and liaison between the patient and her other physicians . patient male 27 Array-CGH analysis revealed an interstitial 429.5 Kb duplication of chromosome 18p11.32-p11.3 containing four genes , namely : SMCHD1 , EMILIN2 , LPIN2 , and MYOM1 both in patient and his father . patient female 23 Outpatient management of women requiring treatment and prophylaxis against thromboembolic conditions during pregnancy and the postpartum period requires a coordinated effort between the patient , her obstetrician and , in certain cases , a hematologic consultant . patient male 17 These repeated earlier experiences of silent submission and stifled protest , and the silent suffering of the patient and his family , were an integral part of his humiliating and emasculating adolescent experiences . patient female 1 This patient ( and her female maternal relatives ) needs a long-term follow-up in order to evaluate the function of endocrine glands and to initiate early treatment for hormonal deficits , as well as to detect the non-endocrine components of disease . patient male 16 In order to prevent or limit possible side effects , information must be given to the patient and his family on the cardiovascular and metabolic risks . patient male 13 It is likely that the 11bp deletion caused the Saethre-Chotzen syndrome in the patient and his mother , and another , not yet identified genetic defect , seen in the patient but not in the mother , is responsible for the hyper IgE phenotype . patient female 31 The management of a pregnant patient with HL requires a multidisciplinary approach combining expertise in medical oncology , high-risk obstetrics , and neonatology , as well as effective communication with the patient and her family . patient male 10 It is associated with catastrophic sequelae not only for the patient but also for his family members , and imposes an enormous socioeconomic burden . patient male 20 The study was based on 24 parameters collected in an ordinary cardiology consultation and from an open discussion between the patient and his ( or her ) partner and a psychiatrist . patient male 16 To explore the communication between the primary care physician , the hospital medical staff , the patient and his family during hospitalization . patient male 7 HospitaL admission is a crisis for the patient and his family and can interfere with the continuity of care . patient male 8 After due deliberation and with the consent of patient and his family , ultrasound-guided paravertebral block was performed . patient male 19 The two generations of a family which have been observed since three years show these disturbances in a 42-year-old patient and all his four children . patient male 5 The general well-being of the patient and his quality of life improved . patient male 7 Therefore , the preoperative preparation of the patient and his abilities for postoperative rehabilitation should be carefully addressed . patient male 18 Gene analysis confirmed inherited dysfibrinogenemia , with a heterozygous mutation in FGA ( Aα Arg16His ) in the patient and his mother . patient male 12 If not , which system of categorization is more useful to the patient and his physician , the molecular one or the clinical one , and why ? The present review will summarize the current knowledge of molecular markers in MPDs and discuss today 's answers to the above questions . patient male 10 Novel compound heterozygous mutations in SLC34A3 were found in one patient and his asymptomatic sister : c.1335 + 2T > A and c.1639_1652del14 . patient male 1 The patient and his wife wanted to try a ventilator for a period of time before considering a " No CPR " order . patient female 18 Combined treatment of amphotericin B and flucytosine , including ventriculo-peritoneal shunt gave a favorable outcome for both the patient and her child . patient female 13 The case illustrates the deep partly conscious and partly unconscious interaction between a patient and her analyst over many years of treatment and the profound effect this has on the outcome . patient female 1 The patient and her fetus/baby almost became mortalities but for prompt intervention . patient male 8 However , the physician should discuss with the patient and his parents over a period of several months before collecting a semen sample and performing bilateral testicular biopsy . patient female 5 Blood DNA samples of this patient and from her parents were screened for causal variants in patient female 5 Subsequent electroretinogram examination of the patient and her younger sister showed severely reduced rod responses with accentuated fast cone ( S-cone only ) response , confirming the diagnosis of ESCS as the underlying dystrophy . patient female 5 The series comprises a proband patient aged 55 years and her two affected daughters aged 32 and 23 . patient male 30 Aim of home healthcare is the provision of nursing care of high quality under medical follow-up and at the same time the provision of social and psychological support of the patient and his family . patient male 3 Study of this patient and his siblings showed a distinct form of late-onset diabetes associated with nerve deafness but no clinical features of the MELAS syndrome . patient male 10 Althouth zuclopenthixol was instantly retracted from the therapy , the patient and his family rejected any further psychiatric treatment . patient male 7 Psychiatric evaluations were done of both the patient and his wife . patient female 9 This was confirmed in genomic DNA from both the patient and her parents , who were heterozygous for the mutation . patient male 2 For the patient and his partner , erectile disorders may represent a highly stressful situation . patient female 18 We performed high-resolution banding , comparative genomic hybridization ( CGH ) , and FISH studies in both the patient and her mother to define the abnormality and determine its origin . patient female 9 Then the possibility of infliximab was discussed with the patient and her parents and treatment with infliximab was started . patient male 7 Intelligibility also improved according to both the patient and his relatives . patient male 32 This article exemplifies how one of the current trends in Medical Psychology discipline is to enhance adherence by establishing a secure therapeutic alliance which is based upon a positive relationship between the patient and his doctor , increasing patient 's confidence and sense of self-efficacy , and recruiting family members and friends to the patient 's process of change . patient male 21 Chimerism studies on the patient 's peripheral blood identified a population of CD3 cells that did not originate with either the patient or his liver donor . patient male 29 A novel COL1A1 missense mutation ( c.2T > G ) disrupting the start codon of the gene ( ATG to AGG ( Met1Arg ) ) was found in the patient and his mother . patient female 10 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood sample from the patient and her parents , as well as cord blood sample from the fetus . patient female 4 BCKADC activities of the patient and her parents were measured using lysates of lymphocytes isolated from peripheral blood specimen before the transplant . patient male 4 Clinical data of a patient and his family members were analyzed . patient female 6 Further testing revealed that both the patient and her father had the HLA-B40 group antigen and also had ADAMTS-13 von Willebrand factor-cleaving protease deficiency as well as factor-H deficiency . patient male 16 This paper analyses the understandings of Daoist alchemy and Chinese sexuality of Joseph Needham and his friend and correspondent , the Chinese-Swedish writer Jolan Chang ( Chang Chung-lan , 1917 - 2002 ) . friend female 33 Girls growing up in families with a history of vWD or other inherited bleeding disorders should be tested pre-menarchally to determine whether or not they have inherited the disease to allow both the patient and her family to prepare for her first and subsequent menstrual periods ( III-C ) . patient male 42 The authors describe the gap between the implementation of a new technology in medicine and the development of a psychological and ethical framework that is thought to complement this implementation in order to guarantee the conditions for an optimal information of the patient and his relatives . patient female 10 This case illustrates a favorable outcome in a pregnant NMO patient and her child after therapy with rituximab . patient male 4 After discussion with the patient and his family , the staff decided to start hybrid dialysis , consisting of once-weekly in-hospital haemodialysis and home peritoneal dialysis for the remaining days . patient female 15 We also describe the feedback session in which the assessment results were provided to the patient and her spouse by both physician and psychologist . patient female 9 Multiperspective commentary about the assessment is offered by the patient and her husband as well as the physician and psychologist assessors . patient male 10 Thus , the announcement can be better adapted to each patient , his expectations and his abilities . patient female 8 Amniocytes of the fetus and blood of the patient and her parents were analyzed by cytogenetics and fluorescence in situ hybridization . patient male 6 [ Hospice care for an AIDS patient and his family ] . patient male 16 The first author applied the principles of hospice care and family-centered nursing care to enable the patient and his family to obtain physical comfort , to reduce the patient 's fear of death , to enable him to enjoy the love of his whole family , and obtain his wife 's forgiveness . patient male 24 The responsibilities of treating patients with ED include educating the patient about sexually transmitted diseases , providing general sex education and counseling to the patient and his partner , and providing a treatment that is appropriate for the cause of the problem . patient male 34 In the early 1990s , with the growing number of nonspecific and effective as well as less invasive tests , a new algorithm was developed that tailored evaluation to the treatment goals of the patient and his partner . patient female 27 DICER1-associated tumors may have distinctive morphologic appearances that may prompt the pathologist to consider an underlying tumor predisposition syndrome and therefore consideration of genetic evaluation in the patient and her family . patient female 2 Both the patient and her father had large granules in their platelets , with exocytosis being easily observed . patient male 24 Based on the STAS evaluation result , the willingness to care for the patient by the family was significantly higher when anxiety between the patient and his family is low , understanding of the state of the disease is good and communication between the patient and the family is good . patient male 13 We also thought that it is important to provide appropriate information to the patient and his family , and to resolve individual patients ' problems as well . patient male 14 The pharmacists suggested changes in the pharmacological and physical regimen that satisfied both the patient and his family . patient male 18 We extracted genomic DNA from peripheral blood lymphocytes and performed whole exome sequencing ( WES ) in this patient and his unaffected parents and siblings . patient male 12 With informed consent obtained , peripheral blood samples were obtained from the patient and his family members . patient male 14 Finally palliative care and medical and social assistance should be provided to help the patient and his family . patient female 22 G-banded chromosome analysis , fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) , and whole genome DNA microarray were used to analyze the patient and her fetus . patient male 19 Many delivery systems for androgen substitution are now available ; the preparation chosen depends on the choice of the patient and his physician . patient male 10 Sphingolipid activator protein deficiency in a 16-week-old atypical Gaucher disease patient and his fetal sibling : biochemical signs of combined sphingolipidoses . patient male 12 Working satisfaction is mainly caused by the quality of the relation with patient and his family for 45 nurses ( 71 % ) ; this aspect also prevails satisfaction linked to the opportunity of working in autonomy ( 29 , 46 % ) . patient female 11 After a more detailed history emphasizing the close bond between the patient and her father , a poor peer-relation exchange and psychological stress , we were able to identify conversion reactions through the patient 's motor signs . patient male 23 Apart from 8 non-pathogenic variants , we detected heterozygosity for the unknown duplication , c.1056_1057dup , leading to a premature termination in one patient and his growth retarded sister . patient male 3 However , the patient and his sister exhibited spontaneous catch-up growth in later life . patient male 17 Although this association was first recognized by Edward Jenner , Hunter 's pupil , consideration for his friend and teacher kept Jenner 's insight unpublished during Hunter 's lifetime . friend female 52 A 28-year-old woman with sickle cell anemia suffered a left hemispheric cerebrovascular accident associated with severe right-sided weakness during a delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction owing to anti-rh ' ( C ) and anti-S. The anti-rh ' ( C ) had been identified four years earlier at a different hospital but neither the patient , her family , nor any member of the staff of the hospital where she was transfused was aware of this information . patient female 1 Another patient , a 3-yr-old girl , presented with easy bruising and epistaxis , and her CBC showed pancytopenia with increased blasts . patient female 14 Questioning is not always sufficient to determine the history of herpes infection of a patient and her partner ( NP2 ) and the clinical examination is not always reliable ( NP2 ) . patient female 9 Molecular study of fibrinogen gene was performed in the patient and her family members . patient female 12 Genomic DNA was extracted to look for BEST1 gene mutations in the patient and her parents . patient male 7 Failure to recognize this stage exposes the patient and his family to increasing disability . patient male 11 In order to improve both discussing the CPR policy preparing the patient and his representatives and communicating more extensively during the interview are recommended . patient female 30 Involving the patient in the collection and interpretation of their clinical data via a computer system ( as utilized within our clinical unit ) , is both acceptable to the patient and her referring doctor . patient female 8 The patient was clinically examined , and the patient and her biological parents underwent genetic analysis using whole exome sequencing ( WES ) and Sanger sequencing . patient female 1 The patient and her husband underwent skin prick tests to the popsicle and carmine . patient male 18 The Surgical Informed Consent ( SIC ) is a comprehensive process that establishes an information-based agreement between the patient and his doctor to undertake a clearly outlined medical or surgical intervention . patient male 6 Val4Serfs*15 ) variant occurred in the patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome in whom the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy was not confirmed and his mother who had concentric left ventricular remodeling but normal left ventricular mass and function . patient female 12 We performed targeted next-generation sequencing of 4813 clinically relevant genes in the patient and her parents . patient male 12 However , once diagnosed , " breaking bad news " to the patient and his family that he/she has cancer is still a big challenge as it is a life-changing event not only for the patient but their families as well . patient male 31 It gives an insight into the emotional ordeal that clinicians dealing with terminal-illnesses like cancer go through on a daily basis while trying to diagnose it and communicating it to the patient and his family . patient female 9 To confirm the safety of breastfeeding and guide the patient and her clinician , cyclosporine concentrations in maternal blood , breast milk , and infant blood were measured . patient male 8 PCR-restriction analysis for the mutation revealed that the patient as well as his daughter was a heterozygote for the mutation , indicating that the patient was a compound heterozygote . patient female 11 This mutation was not present in the blood samples of the patient and her parents . patient female 1 The patient ( and her baby ) had a rapid , uneventful recovery identical to that of a nonpregnant patient . patient male 6 At the 3-year follow-up , the patient and his family reported marked improvement of quality of life , imaging showed solid fusion and the wound was unremarkable . patient female 9 In addition , the system generates letters to the patient and her physician that describe mammographic findings and letters reminding them of routine screening visits . patient male 11 The lesions are often the reason for significant distress of the patient and his sexual partner , thus requiring occasional treatment , removing the lesions in a non-aggressive manner . patient male 4 Questioning of the elderly patient , his family , or others around him as early as possible after the onset of an acute attack is likely to elicit a history of pain , which may lead to the correct diagnosis . patient male 9 The perioperative period was investigated by telephone call to patient or his family . patient female 18 For the first time , we describe a later onset and slower progression of EPM2A-deficient LD seen in Patient 4 and her three sisters who were doubly heterozygous for R241X and G279C in exon 4 . Patient male 11 The staining of the bone marrow biopsies for CD68 enabled the patient and his sibling to be diagnosed with cystinosis ; these patients were not correctly diagnosed over the previous 6-year period . patient female 7 The author provided supportive care to the patient and her family , counseled them , and transferred the child quickly to a treatment center . patient male 34 Single-stranded 5 ' and 3 ' end-labeled DNA probes coding for 80 % of the carboxyl-propeptide of the pro alpha 2(I ) collagen gene were hybridized to mRNA isolated from cultured fibroblasts of the patient and his parents . patient male 18 A further observation was that synthesis of pro alpha 2(I ) chains was decreased in fibroblasts from the patient and his parents . patient male 40 The decrease in the synthesis of pro alpha 2(I ) chains is not caused by decreased transcription of the pro alpha 2(I ) collagen alleles , since the pro alpha 1(I)/pro alpha 2(I ) mRNA ratios were normal in the patient and his parents . patient female 6 Selecting an appropriate method for a patient and her medical profile is rewarding and challenging in view of new medications , novel delivery systems , and evolving research . patient male 1 The patient and his father were studied for the presence of mutations in the CFTR gene using the DHPLC system to analyze all CFTR exons . patient female 29 A long experience in the treatment of endometrial cancer shows that the therapeutic measures vary considerably with regard to the extention of the tumor , the age of the patient and her general condition . patient male 2 Interviewing the patient and his sister revealed a report of sexual abuse through the anus by his father . patient male 4 Cytogenetic analysis of the patient and his parents revealed a karyotype 46,XY , der(18 ) , t(2;18)(p24;q22)mat in the patient . patient female 23 In addition , hospitalisation of the patient , with the negative impact it could have on the quality of life of both the patient and her family , was avoided . patient female 3 The 34-year-old female patient and her unaffected parents underwent comprehensive ophthalmic examinations , including visual acuity measurements , perimetry , electroretinography ( ERG ) , and optical coherence tomography . patient male 16 Early diagnosis is important if additional support and resources are to be made available to the patient and his family . patient male 8 After a long time medicine has rediscovered the patient and his subjective view . patient female 2 The index patient and her daughter were affected with aniridia accompanied by congenital cataract , nystagmus , and glaucoma . patient male 7 Mutations in the CYP11B1 gene of the patient and his parents were examined using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) resequencing . patient male 16 The phenomenon of " scratching " is analysed descriptively from observations of the behavior of the patient and his family . patient male 46 Their effectiveness is , however , a function of the rigour with which they are applied : --as regards degree : the support must be applied in the correct dosage , as , for example , must heparin and digitalin ; --as regards staff : the patient and his associates must collaborate closely , and nursing staff are indispensable ; --as regards skill : the faith of the physician alone can overcome the doubts or scepticism of others . patient male 1 The patient and his mother gave written consent for this procedure . patient female 12 DNA sequencing was performed to detect variants of CYP17A1 gene in the patient and her family members . patient male 4 The education of the patient and his family is an important part of the treatment process . patient male 23 It will often provide vital data , afford diagnostic insight , help crystallize the plan of management and enhance the relationship between the patient and his family . patient female 17 In this regard , web-based , multi-factorial calculators , best exemplified by Adjuvant ! , permit a patient and her caregiver to estimate her absolute odds of benefit from chemotherapy , thus better informing women in their assessment of benefits and risks ( ) . patient male 14 These pathologies are rare in clinical practice but they mean a lot for the patient and his family . patient female 14 Genetic analysis revealed a T348 M mutation of the NLRPR 3 gene in the patient and her mother . patient male 5 Based on observation of the patient and his family in the hospital , surreptitious administration of a poison by his mother was suspected , and toxicological analysis was carried out on stools from the boy and on medicine administered to him by his mother . patient female 2 The index patient and her family had clinical , biochemical , and genetic analyses performed . patient male 2 Neither the patient nor his parents reported any subjective changes in the symptoms of dystonia . patient male 11 Existence of human leukocyte antigen ( HLA ) cross between the patient and his relatives may influence the T cell-mediated immunity , which might explain this patient 's recovery . patient female 5 It was clear that the patient and her adult children did not want the genetic testing and that they would have been burdened with the results . patient female 6 Pregnancy in adolescents : helping the patient and her family . patient male 3 According to the patient and his family , the ptosis and dysphagia had been recognised 5 years previously . patient female 9 The intended care was explained in detail to the patient and her accompanying daughter . patient male 4 Major questions from the patient and his next of kin are whether the inhibitors will disappear , and whether there is a therapy available that can cure this complication . patient male 9 Two patients with LGMD were homozygous and the third patient and his asymptomatic sister were compound heterozygous for the c.191dupA mutation and a novel p . patient female 35 One year before admission , a diagnosis of dissecting aortic aneurysm ( Stanford A type ) was made based on results of magnetic resonance imaging and transesophageal echocardiography ( TEE ) ; however , the patient and her family refused surgical therapy . patient male 19 Video-tape recorders were used to record the CRT display of the HIS/RIS terminals and the simultaneous conversation between a patient and his physician in the clinics of our hospital . patient female 3 we describe a patient and her family history , affecting neurologic , cardiovascular and endocrine systems . patient female 14 Additionally , a slightly reduced total protein S plasma concentration was found in the patient and her two children . patient female 17 There was no correlation between the observed effects of tamoxifen and the pretreatment estrogen-receptor status of the patient or her response to tamoxifen therapy . patient male 17 Non-invasive head immobilization in the frame is highly stable , although it requires good communication with the patient and his full cooperation . patient male 8 Cancer has a profound psychological impact upon the patient and his family , and the psychological responses , primarily of the patient himself , the close family , physician and nursing personnel , but also of the extended family , and society in general , become a complex interrelationship . patient male 16 It has been very important to make diagnosis of MEN 2-A because we can introduce the patient and his family to a program of screening to precociously single out the presence of the typical signs of this pathology . patient male 11 Activity of this enzyme in cultured skin fibroblasts derived from this patient , his father , and mother were 17 % , 66 % , and 39 % of control values , respectively . patient male 6 We obtained informed consent from the patient and his family before trans-arterial chemo-embolization(TACE)was performed . patient female 6 Although methylation results from our adult patient and her sister may not represent the pattern that was present during kidney development , we could at least confirm a lack of obvious differences at the genome level , which suggests that nongenetic factors may be involved in the pathogenesis of renal agenesis . patient female 21 As genetic anticipation for renal cancer is a well-documented entity for HLRCC syndrome , early recognition is crucial for both the patient and her family in order to provide appropriate counseling and initiation of surveillance . patient male 30 These patients are best approached when hospitalized like any other adolescent and offered a thorough health screening , within an integrated and multidisciplinary framework which allows working with both the patient and his family . patient male 13 However , a cutaneous portal of entry can not be excluded as the patient and his General Practitioner reported chronic ulcerations of both feet . patient male 11 High-resolution chromosomal banding was performed to analyze the karyotype of the patient and his parents , array comparative genomic hybridization ( array-CGH ) was employed to investigate the precise location of the aberrant fragments , and quantitative real-time PCR was used to confirm the results . patient male 17 Investigation of the complement system revealed deficiency of the 8th complement component ( C8 ) in the patient and his sister . patient female 4 In addition , the patient and her mother reported on depression , anxiety , and quality of life at intake and after 12 months , and the therapist treated psychological symptoms with CBT . patient female 8 Genetic analysis was performed on TRAF6 in a patient with HED , her parents , her sister and 150 ethnically matched , healthy individuals . patient female 9 At age 13 years , exome sequencing on the patient and her parents revealed a de novo novel missense mutation in SPOCK1 ( coding for Testican-1 ) on chromosome 5q31 : c.239A > T ( p . patient male 7 Before having a chromosome investigation , the patient and his partner had undergone intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) treatment resulting in the birth of a healthy 46,XX child . patient female 15 The findings indicate that breast pumps may be a potential source of contamination of the user , her breast milk , infant and environment . user male 9 We did molecular studies and haemoglobin analysis of the patient and his parents . patient male 2 Both the patient and his father had large platelets , thrombocytopenia and characteristic granulocyte inclusion bodies ( Dohle-like bodies ) . patient male 7 Platelet glycoproteins ( GPIb ) of the patient and his father were also slightly lower than normal . patient male 0 Patient and his father both had giant platelets , thrombocytopenia , leukocyte inclusions and mutation of MYH9 . Patient male 12 Urgent plasma exchange , continuous hemodialysis , and intravenous cyclophosphamide saved the patient and his renal failure ameliorated . patient male 4 Facilitating communication among the patient , his family , and the health care professionals involved is a constant focal point of the social worker 's treatment plan . patient male 12 His572del ) , was identified in exon 13 of TGFBI in the patient and his sons . patient male 12 Treatment should be aimed at reducing emotional and physical morbidity in the patient and his partner . patient female 12 Values above this may be due to disorders that can endanger the patient or her pregnancy . patient male 9 [ Health care and communication with the terminal cancer patient and his family in a health area ] . patient male 35 Arteriovenous fistulas or AVGs were provided to our patients ( only 2.6 % of them have a CVC ) , and AVF rescue operations were performed in the shortest possible time with advantages for the patient and his vascular access . patient male 24 During the visit the nurse evaluated the heart failure status and the treatment , gave education about heart failure and social support to the patient and his family . patient male 36 Not all men with erectile dysfunction will respond to systemic therapy ; those who fail may be candidates for penile prosthesis implantation if second and third lines of treatment also fail or are rejected by the patient and his partner . patient male 13 Education on the pathogenesis and natural history of the disease will allow the patient and his partner to make an informed decision in regards to treatment options and expected outcomes . patient male 12 It is important for the family physician caring for the gay male patient , his family , or both to understand that the pattern of knowledge and supportiveness among family members concerning sexual orientation and HIV status is selective , even within the same family . patient male 4 Gene analysis of the patient and his mother showed that both were homozygous for the M694I mutation in the MEFV gene . patient female 1 The patient and her mother both presented an MFDH phenotype although the phenotype in the mother was much milder than her daughter . patient male 19 The mutation was heteroplasmic ( 75 % ) in the muscle , but undetectable in accessible tissues from the patient and his maternal relatives . patient female 10 Specialists in gynecologic oncology and infertility together with an informed patient and her family should make treatment decisions . patient female 9 Mutation screening revealed no gene mutation differences between the patient and her twin sister for the 11 candidate genes . patient male 3 We describe a patient and his spouse in whom we have used such genetic analysis to provide an accurate estimate of the chance that their future offspring may suffer from EPP . patient male 8 Heterozygous MYH9 S96L mutations were found in the patient and his father , resulting in the diagnosis of a familial case with MYH9 disorders . patient male 46 They can operate if placed both at the patients bed , on human body surface as well as inside the body and due to the progress in telecommunication technologies they can send information originating from their sensors via mobile phones or tablets , both to the patient and also to his physician ( health care institution ) . patient female 14 In a later study myotonic discharges were found electromyographically in the muscles of the patient and her brother . patient male 17 Despite the recent emphasis on the need for open communication about the impending death between the dying patient and his family , interviews with 73 women whose husbands had died of cancer revealed that 40 % of those who had been told their husband was dying refused to accept the warning . patient male 26 In ENT-patients , traumatologic patients and patients from the department of maxillo-facial surgery , screening methods based on a simply-structured questionnaire relating to information from the patient and his surroundings and selected laboratory parameters should be used . patient male 9 At last , the video device gives to the patient and his family a real feeling of security during the early phase of the hospitalization . patient male 10 Because information on the incorporated toxic substance provided by the patient or his relatives is known from experience to be unreliable in about 40 % of all intoxications , a screening procedure that covers most relevant drugs and toxicants is required rather than an analytical procedure optimized for the identification of a single class of substances . patient male 9 As carriers of hereditary PS deficiency , both the patient and his father showed a heterozygous C82792 T point mutation in the 10th exon of their PS gene which resulted in the substitution of arginine314 by cysteine in the polypeptide chain of PS protein . patient male 4 Blood samples from the patient and his family members were collected for detection of the coagulation parameters by one-step clotting method , and the protein S ( PS ) and protein C activities were measured by a chromogenic assay . patient female 7 Whole exome sequencing was performed in the patient and her relatives . patient male 9 Treatment of PAD depends on the condition of the patient and his comorbidities . patient female 23 An understanding of the metabolic alterations seen in normal and diabetic pregnancies can lead to an optimal plan of care for the diabetic patient and her infant . patient female 20 These findings are interpreted with respect to different types of resistance to psychotherapeutic treatment both on the part of the patient and her family . patient male 10 The role of the pharmacist in helping to guide the patient and his family through the grief and bereavement process of death is described . patient male 15 The pharmacist 's role is one of understanding , tolerance and empathy for the dying patient and his family . patient male 12 We aimed to identify the gene mutation underlying HCM in an Italian patient and his family composed of 13 relatives . patient female 10 Furthermore , the psychologic agony of the unknown for the patient and her family is avoided . patient male 27 Observation of implicit communications through gestural interaction provides an important alternate means of getting information about interpersonal relationships which does not necessarily require the cooperation of the patient or his parents . patient male 6 Physical examinations were conducted for the patient and his affected family members . patient female 11 Although the TOT is effective for treating SUI , counselling the patient and her partner is important in correcting false ideas and expectations about future sexual activity . patient female 13 Empirical data are drawn from an acute psychiatric setting and focus on one patient in different situations and on her relationships with nurses . patient female 21 PCR-DNA direct bidirectional sequencing was applied for mutation screening of 14 exons in autoimmune regulator ( AIRE ) gene in the patient and her parents . patient male 20 The family physician is in a unique position to identify , educate , assess , and intervene with the grieving patient and his family . patient female 8 Careful monitoring of the clinical condition of the patient and her free anticonvulsant levels will obviate much of this difficulty . patient female 1 The patient and her parents were highly satisfied with the result . patient male 22 The sociological concepts of " biographical disruption " , " illness trajectory " , " endless work and care " of the patient and his family are useful for analysing the experience of illness , and doctor-patient relationships . patient male 10 Both LUTS and PE cause distress and dissatisfaction for the patient and his partner . patient male 33 In this Joint Care Award entry , Neville Millward , community care officer for the London borough of Barnet , describes a scheme to provide the necessary care and support to both the patient and his family . patient female 25 Although the presentation was not the typical tumour presentation of Li-Fraumeni syndrome ( LFS ) , we proceeded to undertake tumour genetic testing of the patient and her parents . patient female 5 LFS was diagnosed in this patient and her father with a sequence variation of CGG > TGG , R248W , which is one of the most common transcriptionally inactive mutations detected in LFS . patient female 5 On detailed history , the patient admitted to using amphetamines , and her urine drug screen was positive for them . patient female 5 The poor condition of the patient and her refusal to tissue sampling did not allow us to practice another invasive biopsy . patient male 1 The patient and his illness are the object of minute descriptions in order to secure an effective therapy . patient female 32 In family 1 , of Gypsy ethnical background , exon-specific polymerase chain reaction and sequencing revealed a not previously described single base deletion of nucleotide 1309 ( exon 10 ) in the patient , as well as in her father , leading to a stop codon that causes the premature truncation of the C7 protein ( K416 X 419 ) . patient female 3 Additionally , the patient and her mother displayed a missense mutation at position 1135 ( exon 9 ) located in the first nucleotide of the codon GGG ( CGG ) , resulting in a change of amino acid ( G357R ) . patient female 2 Both the patient and her partner must be aware of the risks and the chances of success . patient male 8 When dealing with the management of the dying patient and his family , systematic research has been very limited . patient male 10 Several established mechanisms could explain the mutation in both the patient and his asymptomatic mother ( susceptibility allele requiring additional environmental factors , somatic mosaicism , multigenic inheritance ) . patient male 1 This patient and his family history did not show polyposis compatible with FAP or hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer ( HNPCC ) syndrome . patient male 2 A Negro patient and his autopsy findings are described . patient male 25 Hospice care should now be considered to be a new concept of medical treatment or a new medical field which must include not only the patient himself with incurable malignant disease but also his family or relatives in considering the target of treatment and care , in order to improve the quality of the patient 's life even though shortened by the malignancy . patient female 5 During autumn 2015 , the patient and her parents arrived at the paediatric dentistry clinic . patient female 2 Neither the patient nor her family members had neurofibromatosis . patient female 11 This novel missense mutation was found as a heterozygote in one patient and her mother , but not among 202 healthy controls nor among 107 children with undefined encephalomyopathy . patient female 39 Each of the 167 patients was allocated to either the cervical ripening balloon ( CRB ) group ( with double-balloon catheter ) or the non-CRB ( without double-balloon catheter ) group , by the choice or preference of the patient and her attending physician . patient male 44 Furthermore , in the first group , either stronger action may be taken against the will of the patient ( e.g. in the context of compulsory medication in psychiatry ) or a possible breach of the duty of care is more obvious for the patient or his relatives or at least recognizable even without medical knowledge . patient female 1 The patient and her family stressed that the integrity of the hymen must be maintained at any cost , for cultural reasons . patient female 5 SNP microarray analyses of the patient and her unaffected parents confirmed the deletion breakpoint and revealed a de novo mutation of paternal origin . patient male 1 This patient and his younger brother exhibited hearing loss and cleft palate . patient female 1 The patient and her partner are challenged to adjust their sexual repertoire to these changes . patient female 7 Additional cardiac surgery was refused by the patient and her physician . patient male 3 We informed the patient and his family members of the situation , and once written informed consent to treatment was provided , we rushed him to the operating room . patient male 15 By understanding the use of these drugs , it will be possible to give the patient and his family a better quality of life . patient male 10 Then , apatinib treatment started promptly on demand by the patient and his family . patient male 7 The results of HLA typing of the patient and his family demonstrated that the infant was identical with his father for HLA class II antigens ( DR , DQ ) and , concerning HLA class I , he had in common the remaining paternal haplotype ( A29 , B44 ) . patient female 24 Direct sequencing analysis showed a C to T substitution at 1939 in exon 13 ( c.1939C > T ) in heterozygous state in the patient and her mother . patient male 21 A positive answer for " fear of being sued " was declared in 21 % , and " pressure from the patient or his relatives " in 8 % of all questionnaires . patient male 5 Kidney biopsies on the index patient and his neighbour showed an acute diffuse prolipherative glomerulonephritis compatible with acute post-streptococcal nephritis and microbiological analysis of renal tissue revealed in both cases S. pyogenes and S. constellatus . patient male 23 Dealing with this disorder and other related dementias requires a multidimensional strategy that is able to face the different needs raised by the patient and his family . patient male 2 [ The patient and his psychotherapist : an analog study on the choice of therapy and reflections on the significance of person perception in psychotherapy ] . patient female 22 The couple can not survive and find a harmonious intimate life without communication about sexual health between the medical team , the patient and her partner . patient female 50 All doctors and nurses must be able to initiate the subject throughout the course of care by respecting four prerequisites : to be aware of the importance to approach this subject , to create a climate of trust , to dare the questions and to respect the rhythm of the patient and her partner . patient male 15 Fortunately , recent developments in determining the significance of a PSA recurrence may help the patient and his physician to make a more informed decision regarding treatment options . patient female 7 A collective decision-making body consisting of the patient , her family and surrogates , and the clinician , should make progressive decisions as a whole over years of the disease course . patient female 8 A study of acetylation of isoniazid in this patient and her 3 sisters , showed that they were all of the slow acetylating phenotype . patient male 2 The index patient , a 19-year-old male , as well as his 12-year-old sister are carriers of both deletions , one of maternal and the other of paternal origin . patient male 4 The evaluation of the patient and his burned body surface is one of the fundamental prerequisites for his care on site as well as for the initiation of his care journey . patient male 14 In addition , a previously documented recessive G482R mutation was identified in a heterozygous patient and his nonsymptomatic father , indicating that this mutation might indeed function recessively or dominantly with incomplete penetrance . patient male 8 The correct diagnosis of benign hyperthyroxinemia in this patient and his family members will spare them the unnecessary testing and treatment for thyrotoxicosis that has befallen some such patients . patient female 14 We sought to determine whether postal reminders to be sent after delivery to a patient , her physician , or both would increase screening rates . patient male 13 A DNA analysis revealed large-scale copy number polymorphism of chromosome 4 in the patient and his family , which may include the phenotype of the cranium . patient male 14 The diagnosis of diffuse metastasis was revealed ( A + O ) to the patient or to his spouse in 23 % and 95 % of the cases , respectively . patient male 14 It seems to us that the magnitude of the full truth told to the patient or his family in Northern France area , is somewhat intermediate between the attitude of doctors in Northern Europe and in Latin Mediterranean or Eastern Europe countries . patient female 14 In spite of our suggestion that thoracoscopy for further examination was necessary , the patient and her husband had refused the operation for months . patient male 39 Deletion analysis of the SMN1 exon 7 by conventional PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism ( RFLP ) and allele-specific PCR , and gene dosage of SMN1 and SMN2 by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification ( MLPA ) were performed for the patient and his parents ; reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR and sequencing were performed for the patient . patient female 18 Thus , we conducted parent-of-origin studies in our AD/monosomy X patient by genotyping X chromosome markers in the patient and her family . patient male 17 The gene mutation analysis revealed the homozygosity of FMF ( F479L ) gene mutation in both our patient and his grandchild . patient male 1 The patient and his family were spared expensive and time-consuming tests ( e.g. , magnetic resonance imaging ) or further referral . patient male 8 [ Mutation analysis of SMN gene in a patient and his family with spinal muscular atrophy ] . patient male 4 Their remarks about the patient and his family situation reveal much about the dynamics of the hospital hierarchy -- and , incidentally , the difficulty of uncovering the " facts . " patient male 12 However , the crucial factor remains the physician 's commitment to his patient and his disease , since education and treatment must be geared to the needs of the individual patient . patient male 1 The patient ( and his attorney ) blame the eye drops and the prescribing ophthalmologist . patient male 31 Diagnosis could have been made sooner had the physician been familiar with the patient 's baseline mental status or had cultural and language barriers not stood between the physician and the patient and his mother . patient male 9 The development of a sound relationship between the hypertensive patient and his physician and the degree to which the patient is able to accept the drug treatment seem to be influenced not only by the personality structure of the individual patients but also by the interaction pattern of the whole family . patient female 4 Full consent by the patient and her family is necessary to decide whether the pregnancy should go on , and close cooperation among participating departments is indispensable for the treatment for this condition . patient male 47 On the basis of personal experience of many patients affected by neoplastic lesions , the conviction that the assistance provided to a terminal cancer patient in the hospital ward is deficient and takes no account of the medical , emotional , social and spiritual needs of the patient and his family , is expressed . patient male 10 The rheumathologist consultation revealed a history of Behçet in the patient and his brother and HLA B5 was positive . patient male 8 Since his recovery from the infarct , the patient and his family continue to relate significant arousal symptoms but deny any continued history of preoccupation with traumatic memories , reminder avoidance , or nightmares . patient male 13 There were no clinical findings relating to von Recklinghausen 's disease in the patient or his siblings . patient female 32 With such a followup , we believe the mortality should fall well below 5 percent in a 20-year followup , and believe this is a risk that may be acceptable to the patient and her surgeon . patient male 12 PCR and direct sequencing revealed identical epithelial sodium channel haplotypes in the patient and his father . patient male 17 In particular , this exon was retained into transcripts originating from the GHRfl-W16X allele in both the patient and his mother . patient female 13 The glioblastoma contained 95 % mutant p53 alleles , whereas blood from the patient and her parents contained only normal background levels of red colonies . patient female 9 The potential benefit or danger of surgery to the patient and her pregnancy was thoroughly considered . patient female 19 As multiple cavernomas are more common in familial cases , genetic analyses and neuroradiological imaging were performed in the patient and her parents to see whether there was any evidence for inheritance . patient male 8 The drug-resistance must be certain , and the patient , or his family , must be strongly motivated to undergo surgery . patient male 22 Both of the patients reported herein had chromosome microarray analysis , which showed normal results in Patient 2 but abnormal results in Patient 1 and his mother who both had a chromosome 11q25 subtelomere deletion . Patient male 9 They argue for advocacy of the two , both patient and " his " family . patient male 17 In general , hemospermia represents a trivial condition : nevertheless , it is often alarming for the patient and his partner . patient male 14 He first tries to find the possible utility for the psychic economy of the patient and his environment . patient male 19 Ultimately , the success of reassurance relies as much upon the physician 's ability to effectively communicate with the patient and his commitment to the doctor-patient relationship as it does to his understanding of human pathology . patient male 10 Mutation analysis of the GFAP gene was performed in the patient , his mother and healthy brother . patient male 26 A novel heterozygous mutation in exon 4 , 681G-->C , predicting an amino acid substitution E223Q in the rod region of GFAP was detected in the patient and his mother but not in his healthy brother or 150 control chromosomes . patient male 22 Most physicians , therefore , encounter a variety of developmental disorders , and must frequently deal with problems faced by a handicapped patient and his family . patient male 18 Announcing to a patient that he has cancer is a key moment both in the relationship between this patient and his doctor and in the setting up of quality communications . patient male 9 The authors show that therapeutic education of the epileptic patient and his proxies is necessary but not yet organized for drug-resistant epilepsy ; the objectives of this education are detailed after looking at the current status and the needs . patient female 7 Investigation of the clotting factors in the patient and her family revealed a hereditary deficit of antithrombin III . patient female 9 DNA was extracted from blood samples from the index patient , her mother , and her four children . patient female 10 Routine G-banding were performed to analyze the karyotype of the patient and her parents , and array comparative genomic hybridization ( array CGH ) were used for finely mapping the aberrant regions . patient female 31 Imaging performed as part of our pre-cochlear implant battery revealed bilateral enlarged vestibular aqueducts and thus the decision to proceed with a right cochlear implant was made following discussion with our patient and her family in regard to not only general surgical risks but specifically the remote risk that the surgical drilling required during the procedure could risk a deterioration of the hearing in her left ear because of the enlarged vestibular aqueduct on that side . patient male 9 We performed molecular screening of HNF-1β in a 13-year-old patient and his affected father , and analyzed polycystic kidney disease 2 ( PKD2 ) gene and suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 ( SOCS3 ) expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines and lymphocytes from both patients . patient female 17 Molecular analysis using Southern blot hybridisation , PCR , and direct DNA sequencing showed that neither the patient nor her brother had a detectable deletion or other abnormalities of Y chromosome sequences , including the SRY ( sex determining region of the Y chromosome ) gene sequence . patient male 23 More productive treatment strategies are presented , emphasizing the need for a long-term relationship with a primary care provider who will treat the patient and his symptoms seriously and respectfully but who is not compelled to invasively evaluate all symptoms . patient female 14 Spindle-like inclusions with yellow fluorescence were clearly displayed in the neutrophils of the MHA patient and her father , that matched very well in shape , size and localization with the inclusions , revealed by Wright-Giemsa 's stain . patient female 19 As for NMMHC-A expression , Western blot assay showed that NMMHC-A was upregulated in the neutrophils of the MHA patient ( 60.9 ) and her father ( 58.9 ) . patient male 47 The functions of a comprehensive Spinal Cord Unit do not cease with the discharge of the patient from in-patient treatment after rehabilitation ; they extend to aftercare , both in medical follow-up and prevention and treatment of complications , and in ongoing support and education of the patient and his family . patient male 14 Increasing the number of living donors depends largely on the professional training of the patient and his family . patient male 8 According to clinical and analytical data from our patient and his family , it is suggested that , in spite of the preservation of the fibrinolytic system in this case , a localized deficiency in fibrinolysis could exist in view of the clinical behaviour of the skin lesions described . patient male 4 Genetic analysis of the patient and his family revealed that the patient was homozygous for the mutation , whereas his parents ( father currently aged 69 and mother 63 ) , who are free from any malignancies and atypical moles , are both heterozygous for the mutation . patient male 24 Physicians of several disciplines , primary medical care , social service and nurses should work as an integrated medical network model focusing on the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her family asked that that pregnancy be terminated . patient male 23 It was suggested that a necessary on management of symptoms for a terminal cancer patient before home drug therapy , a education to patient and his family by drug consultation before and after home drug therapy , a confirmation of dyspnea and pain for a terminal cancer patient from one drug to the next , and a importance of communication between medical staffs . patient female 7 Moreover , the visiting nurse supported the patient and her family with an encouragement that they could live their favorable life till the end . patient female 18 Thus , it was confirmed that participation of a visiting nurse in the home healthcare could give the patient and her family a better , satisfactory life till the end . patient male 5 The interactions between the adolescent patient , his illness , his treatment and his environment work in such a way that they can only be taken into account globally . patient male 5 Pro229Gln ) ] in the patient and his mother . patient male 25 This article reviews the history of this operation , examines the controversy that surrounds it , and emphasizes the performing practitioner 's responsibility to the patient and his family in guiding them through the complicated decision making surrounding newborn circumcision . patient male 16 All drug effects can be explained as results of complex interactions between the drug , the patient and his condition , and additional extrinsic factors . patient female 10 These longer hospital stays can present significant burdens to the patient , her family , and the healthcare system . patient female 28 The proportion of 3271T > C mutant genomes in various tissues , including urinary sediments , hair follicles , blood leukocytes , and buccal mucosa cells from the patient and her mother , was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction . patient male 21 In open units , patient and his family have free transit and in closed units , like critical care unit , patient and his family have limitation in transit . patient female 4 Genomic DNAs from the patient and her parents were extracted using standard procedures from the peripheral blood leukocytes . patient female 29 Ten restriction fragment length polymorphisms ( RLFP ) detected by 8 independent probes were used to detect homologous sequences from chromosome 21 in genomic digests of DNA from one patient and her parents . patient female 12 Qualitative analysis was used to examine 3 audio-recorded semistructured interviews with 1 patient , her family , and her cardiologist . patient male 7 The percentage of postoperative satisfaction in both patient and his partner was 68 % ( 17/25 ) and 44 % ( 7/16 ) in Group I , 80 % ( 39/49 ) and 66 % ( 25/38 ) in Group II and 75 % ( 49/65 ) and 62 % ( 32/52 ) in Group III , respectively . patient female 14 PCR-restriction analysis with restriction enzyme Tsp EI for the mutation revealed that both the patient and her son were heterozygotes for the mutation . patient male 4 Genetics consultation enabled our patient and his family to begin appropriate cancer screening and provided reproductive options , including prenatal/preimplantation diagnosis . patient female 17 The functional effect of this deletion was investigated ( i ) in lymphoblastoid cells from the affected patient and her mother , who was also found to harbour the mutation and ( ii ) in HEK293 cells expressing recombinant mutant channels . patient female 2 In the patient and her patients , the abnormal fibrin polymerization rate was only slightly corrected by addition of calcium ions . patient male 7 S393L was observed in a 75-years-old male patient and in his two affected siblings . patient male 21 The diagnosis of the post-traumatic brain damage has been excluded during the following diagnostic investigation , the symptoms represented by the patient and his bad general condition , however , has still reminded the same . patient female 6 Results of laboratory tests of the patient and her family are presented . patient female 7 This paper describes the interactions of a patient and her therapist in the course of psychoanalytic psychotherapy , during which there occurred two significant impasse enactments . patient female 16 The program involves learners in a variety of ethical and legal dilemmas that centers around a patient , her family , and a variety of health care professionals . patient male 11 A case study is presented to describe the experience of one patient and his family members . patient male 14 Sequence analyses of SP-C and ABCA3 genes were performed using DNA samples from the patient himself , his parents , and his brother . patient male 16 These analyses revealed novel compound heterozygous mutations in the coding exons of ABCA3 in both the patient and his brother : c.2741A > G , of paternal origin , and c.3715_3716insGGGGGG , of maternal origin . patient female 17 Overall , this combined treatment required a highly competent multidisciplinary team , and exceptional commitment by the patient and her family . patient male 5 Our goal is that the patient or , in his absence , the main career can improve the self-administration of the drug . patient female 10 Successful use of the pump requires in-depth education of the patient and her family . patient male 23 Transfer from the intensive care unit is not always perceived in a positive light and often the transition is dreaded by both the patient and his family . patient male 22 PCR amplification of several sequence tagged site markers in the three AZF regions of the Y chromosome was carried out in a patient with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia , his father and his naturally conceived son . patient male 4 The nurse assisted the patient and his partner to make a self-determined decision not to resuscitate . patient male 13 A prognosis is rather based upon the attitude and behaviour of the single patient and his social surroundings , as well as upon the pathological process . patient male 6 [ Experience assisting an AIDS-infected homosexual patient and his same-sex partner make a do-not-resuscitate decision ] . patient female 7 Chromosomal study revealed no abnormality in the patient or her family . patient female 17 The treatment of patients with uncomplicated , but symptomatic gastrointestinal endometriosis depends on the age of the patient and her childbearing attitude . patient male 10 Moreover the authors obtained an immediate take off of the patient and his discharging after a few hours under observation . patient male 22 It is important that the hand surgeon recognize that tendon xanthoma is a physical sign of a potentially life-threatening disorder to the patient as well as his family , and that this disorder may respond favorably to early examination and management . patient male 18 Value-based ecological thinking should be just as relevant in situations as diverse as our relationship to the individual patient and his community , and our own relationship to the industrial society and our common global environment . patient male 18 In one patient with hepatosplenomegaly , recurrent infections and an elevated IgM level , sequence analysis of the patient and his two unaffected parents identified ATM ( ataxia telangiectasia mutated ) as the underlying defect . patient female 1 The patient , her management and clinical course , and the pathology of the explanted lens are discussed . patient male 1 Each patient and his EEG were recorded simultaneously by a multicamera videotape technique and each recording was repeatedly viewed and described in writing by two observers who subsequently resolved any differences by joint viewing . patient female 29 In this article , we aim to initiate a discussion regarding the need to address CSA in the palliative care setting , using the example of an advanced cancer patient and her caregiver sister who revealed their common past . patient female 1 Our patient and her jaundiced siblings have 11 children , all healthy and anicteric . patient female 2 In this patient and in her daughter , TGFBR2 genotyping disclosed in the kinase domain of the protein the novel p . patient male 1 The patient and his family refused treatment for financial reasons . patient male 13 Consideration of hemochromatosis as a cause of cirrhosis is worthwhile both for the patient and his family , as the course of the cirrhosis may be benefited by periodic phlebotomy to reduce the iron overload , and disease may be prevented in asymptomatic relatives . patient male 13 The assessment of quality depends on the eye of the beholder , the patient , the clinician and his colleagues or society/third party payers . patient female 7 There were no adverse effects to the patient or her infant during the pregnancy or in the post-natal period . patient male 1 The patient and his parents developed inducible cytotoxicity to all targets after in vitro incubation of peripheral mononuclear cells with recombinant interleukin 2 ( rIL-2 ) for 7 days . patient male 1 The patient and his mother showed lower enhancement of cytotoxicity , while HLA identical father could induce good cytotoxic activity to all targets as well as normal controls , indicating that a low IL-2 induced cytotoxic activity observed in CAEBV was independent of HLA associated immunoregulation at least in the case 1 . patient female 16 To confirm 3 beta-HSD deficiency , we sequenced the type II 3 beta-HSD gene in the patient , her family , and the parents of her decreased paternal cousins . patient male 16 At the end of the allergology work-up , a course of action is proposed to the patient and his family practitioner as far as the rechallenge of the drug is concerned , In case of non-allergic urticaria , much more frequent than allergy , taking the drug is possible with a premedication with antihistamines . patient male 14 An early onset RP phenotype was presented in both ocular fundi of the index patient and his brother : arteriolar attenuation , and retinal pigmentary changes in peripheral fundus and waxy disc pallor . patient female 8 We evaluated whether treatment with doxycycline of the patient and her sexual partner would be beneficial . patient male 55 The results revealed four subthemes which , combined , compose this main theme : In a context of the implementation of best practices guidelines in nursing care , clinical assessment carried out by surgery nurses is an implicit , tactful , adapted and ongoing process , facilitated by the nurse 's commitment to know the patient , his history and its future in order to promote positive outcomes . patient male 8 This article deals with specific aspects of the patient with sepsis and his treatment . patient male 2 Only the patient or his surrogate should make the decision regarding initiation or cessation of dialysis . patient female 6 The administration of hCG by the patient or her partner did not have a significant effect on clinical outcome . patient male 18 Subjectively , the inability to delay ejaculation and the distress resulting from it , is relevant for the patient and his partner . patient male 23 Thereafter , the family doctor can check the results at a glance and use them as a basis for further talks with the patient and his therapeutic approach . patient male 53 Five criteria influenced the decision to be vaccinated or not : how people understand the epidemic and the threats it represents ; their representation about the vaccine ( and its harmlessness ) ; their beliefs and representations about vaccination ; the influence of the health professionals ' opinion ; the discussions between the patient and his acquaintances ; and how the patient seeks for information . patient male 37 The various interventions conducted by pharmacists were as follows : achievement of a medication review that could be focused on the reduction of the anticholinergic burden or the number of psychotropic drugs , therapeutic education of the patient and his caregiver concerning the treatment management , personalized pharmaceutical follow-up , screening and orientation of patients with a cognitive impairment or caregivers with signs of fragility ( burden , anxiety or depressive symptoms ) . patient male 1 The patient and his Neurologist felt that this deterioration was biological , rather than psychological in nature . patient male 31 In the second family , sequencing revealed a G > A transition in the acceptor splice site in intron VII/exon VIII ( IVS7 -1G > A , TPMT*15 ) in the patient and his mother ( 6.9 U/ml pRBC ) . patient male 15 This paper examines how the home setting influences physician control by including information about the patient and his disease which the clinic context actively excludes . patient male 24 The term " hospice " refers not only to certain facilities , but also to a philosophy of comprehensive , humanistic treatment for the patient and his family . patient male 17 Cases are presented that illustrate the benefits of such an approach to the care of the dying patient and his family . patient male 11 Whole exome sequencing was performed to investigate genetic variations of the patient and his parents . patient male 87 The strong teamwork of clinicians , the clinical microbiologist and the radiologist allowed the prompt formulation and confirmation of the clinical suspect ( regardless of the paucity of symptoms and systemic signs ) , the rapid isolation of the microorganism and the prompt initiation of a specific therapy , thus obviating the need for a more invasive bone biopsy , which would have been hazardous considering the risks associated with an invasive procedure , and much higher in our case because of the young age of the patient and his prematurity . patient male 58 Validity , reliability , practicability , and acceptance of criteria and procedures of assessment of capacity to consent and of voluntariness of the patient , substitutes in the case of loss of these prerequisites of " informed consent " , and its limitations , e.g. by the other ethical principle of the " best interest " of the patient or by his sociocultural context , are in need to be evaluated empirically in practice . patient male 4 Dignity of the dying patient and his family is maintained , and home care is a vital component . patient male 32 Key issues in the case are presented sequentially with relevant literature integrated and applied to clinical progress , focussing on the complex physiological , psychosocial , spiritual and environmental needs of the patient and his family . patient male 20 These findings appear relevant to ( i ) clinically suspect BZI and ( ii ) plan rehabilitation and inform the patient and his family of likelihood of full language recovery . patient female 16 Complete amenorrhea may be difficult to achieve , and realistic expectations should be addressed with the patient and her caregivers . patient male 8 After harvesting peripheral blood samples from the child patient and his family members , GAP-polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and reverse dot-blot tests were used to identify thalassaemia genotypes . patient female 20 Having an awareness of these medical and survivorship issues allows the general practitioner to provide important support to both the patient and her family . patient male 56 Tangier disease is characterized by a deficiency of high-density lipoproteins and of their major protein constituent , apolipoprotein ( apo ) A-I. We used high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis to examine the principal plasma apolipoproteins ( A-I , A-II , A-IV , E , C-II , and C-III ) of three persons with Tangier disease , one homozygous patient and his two heterozygous children , comparing the patterns with those for healthy subjects . patient male 8 This paper examines the legal rights of a patient and his family in a situation where the patient 's life is maintained by a life support system . patient male 31 It examines the duty and liability of a doctor who is of the view that the life-support should be terminated and , whether , in such situations the consent of the patient or his family or the Court is required . patient female 15 A family screening programme discovered such a tumour in the offspring of a 47-year-old female patient and her 56-year-old sister . patient male 10 The positive diagnosis relies on the symptoms reported by the patient and his relatives , and the use of introspective and behavioural subjective scales and objective tests . patient male 1 The patient and his psychiatrist do not envisage changing or stopping his antipsychotic treatment . patient male 1 The patient and his parents were interested in using a fixed prosthesis as an interim space-maintaining restoration , which would boost the patient 's self-esteem . patient male 28 In elderly patients , drug therapy , endoscopic and surgical procedures must be adjusted to the biological age , the current drug therapy and the wishes of the patient and his relatives . patient male 18 The impact of the disorder on the patient 's life is evaluated , and the attitudes of the patient and his family toward the sleep problem are assessed . patient female 15 But the benefits are primarily social , and add to the convenience of both the patient and her doctor . patient female 6 The CYP2D6 gene locus of the patient and her son were extensively genotyped including copy number variation and gene resequencing . patient male 17 An attempt was made to determine the impact of facial deformity on social function for both the patient and his family and how function was altered by surgical correction . patient female 21 The diagnosis is often incidentally made by discovery of bilateral jaw cysts , as it was in the case of our patient and her family . patient male 15 The German compulsory health insurance body is legally obliged to clarify the facts concerning a patient and his illness . patient female 22 This program focuses on four goals : improving eating behavior , improving socialization , achieving initial weight gain , and engaging the patient and her family with an outpatient psychotherapist . patient male 13 We examined TLR-induced production of TNF-alpha and IFN-alpha in PBMCs from an IRAK-4-deficient patient , his heterozygous carrier parents , and normal controls . patient female 21 In terms of the LHCR use , the form included questions on whether a file had been created to import available patient , admission and surgery data from the hospital information system ( HIS ) , whether adverse event data had been entered into the database , and whether any bottlenecks had been encountered . patient male 12 During an anaesthetic procedure the anaesthetist 's main concern is for the patient and his vigilance ensures that the patient is given the best care possible . patient female 5 Students interacted with a standardized patient and her son during an asynchronous Team Objective Structured Clinical Exam ( TOSCE ) , after which they were scored on their teamwork skills using newly designed teamwork rating scales . patient male 28 Except in older patients , there was good agreement between the feeling of physical fitness as reported by the patients and sexual performance as reported by both the patient and his spouse . patient male 25 This mutation produces an aberrant splicing of mRNA that could lead to a truncated protein , without activity , explaining the clinical picture of this patient and his family . patient female 3 To study a patient and her family with recurrent swelling attacks during pregnancy . patient male 10 The objective of this study is to report a Brazilian patient and his family with inclusion body myopathy associated with Paget 's disease of bone and frontotemporal dementia ( IBMPFD ) . patient male 5 Gly97Glu ) mutation in the patient and his nine family members . patient male 5 The clinical presentation of the patient and his family was characterized by different degrees and evaluations of IBMPFD . patient female 21 Potential obstetrical complications , long-term teratogenicity of anti-cancer drugs or breast-feeding are another points that have to be discussed with the patient and her husband . patient female 7 ( 2 ) Val-781-Ile occurred with the patient and her father in family 4 . patient male 22 These methods should necessarily take into account the specific needs expressed in the symptoms and guarantee a more holistic perspective of the patient and his situation . patient male 25 The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate depression , QOL , treatment adherence and presence of side effects from the perspective of the patient and his parents , and to compare scores with norm data . patient female 7 Genotyping of the HPA-1 systems of the patient ( HPA-1B/B ) and her sister ( HPA-1A/B ) enabled us to elucidate the mechanism underlying the persistent thrombopenia and the inefficacy of transfusion . patient male 18 This novel missense mutation which was also identified by MboI restriction enzyme analysis , was found in both patient and his father but not in any other unaffected family member or 50 unrelated normal individuals . patient male 16 To evalute current preoperative counseling practices , counseling deficits , and needs as perceived by the patient and his family , we surveyed all persons who had undergone laryngectomy at this institution since January 1974 . patient male 3 [ The stroke patient and his family ] . patient female 11 After the operation , it was considered important to provide the patient and her mother with training regarding how the defect should be cleaned , trismus prevention , and how the prosthesis should be fitted . patient female 10 Routine G-banding was performed to analyze the karyotype of the patient and her parents , and molecular karyotyping was performed using SNP array . patient female 16 FISH with locus-specific probe RP11 - 293L20 from the deleted region on metaphase preparations of the patient and her parents confirmed the de novo occurrence of the deletion . patient male 20 This case study will discuss the treatment of a malignant fungating wound and the effects that it had on a patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient and his elder sister were homozygous for this deletion , whereas both parents were heterozygous . patient male 33 The clinical report is divided into three phases ( 3 , 5 and 18 months post-TBI)--ranging from the first psychological-neuropsychological assessment to the patient 's socio-educational re-integration -- and includes self-reports by the patient and/or his mother , a discussion of the QoL and neuropsychological data , and a presentation of the work carried out in the cognitive behavioural rehabilitation . patient female 29 Although many attributes of the patient 's tumors suggest a hereditary disorder , thorough investigation disclosed no evidence of heritable conditions associated with any of these tumors in the patient or her family members . patient male 34 The author believes that this problem can be approached using the following recommendations : thorough patient education , simplicity of therapy , elimination of drugs with serious side effects , and involvement of the patient and his family members in the therapeutic program . patient male 18 The double diagnosis is a tool which can be used to develop an expanding ecologic perception of the patient and his illness . patient male 3 Having convinced the patient and his parents that no serious disease exists , no further investigation should be carried out unless new signs or symptoms appear . patient male 20 Special characteristics of the correlation physician-patient in the case of radiation treatment are interpreted considering the role adopted by the patient and his response to cancerous disease . patient male 11 We amplified and sequenced the entire FBP1 coding region of the patient and his family members . patient female 1 The patient and her partner had tongue piercing and had daily mutual oral intercourse . patient male 16 It provides a unique opportunity to work within a multidisciplinary team providing total care for a patient and his family . patient male 21 Dramatic increases in the cost of the end stage renal disease program are producing an emphasis on home dialysis with the patient and his family carrying the responsibility for this treatment . patient male 8 Under these circumstances latter must considered by the patient 's , or his relatives , opinion . patient female 9 All 8 members of a large family except for Patient 1 ( a cleaner ) and her grandson were without clinical and laboratory findings . Patient male 13 The possession of an adequate phallus is generally the prime consideration of the patient and his parents , and surgical reconstruction should aim to provide maximal correction of the anomalies at an early age . patient male 8 Standard ocular examinations were performed on the 44-year-old patient , his sister , and mother . patient male 1 The patient and his sister had a Thr448Pro mutation ( C-->A transition at the nucleotide number 1419 ) in exon 3 . patient male 1 The patient and his family members were also subjected to genetic testing . patient female 1 The patient , her husband , and providers decided together that further management would be palliative . patient female 21 They consulted with clinical experts within the hospital , and they used scientific rationale to select therapeutic interventions to support a patient and her family through several crisis situations . patient female 4 Lipid studies of the patient and her family members revealed elevated concentrations of apolipoprotein E ( apo E ) , the apo E phenotype E2/3 , and the genotype E3/3 . patient male 18 In certain circumstances , symptomatic treatment or the natural course of the disease will be best for the patient and his environment . patient male 5 Further provocation testing in the patient and his son confirmed familial Brugada syndrome . patient male 13 We took initiatives in medical and care services in order to support the patient and his family to alleviate his difficulties in ADL and QOL . patient female 21 Although genetic testing is available , many questions surround its use , including its likely emotional and financial impact on the patient and her family and the unresolved issue of how to interpret the results . patient female 10 The study of one family indicated that the XbaI polymorphic patient and her polymorphic unaffected offspring had higher than normal levels of constitutive IL-6 mRNA . patient male 6 Before applying this therapy , the patient and his doctors had tried other methods , specifically glucocorticoids , intradermal injection , and even surgical treatment , but none of them had presented satisfactory effects . patient female 1 The patient and her family consented to emergency craniotomy . patient female 13 DNA fragments of the SRY gene from the typical XY female sex reversal patient and her father were amplified by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) . patient female 5 The core members were the patient and her sister . patient male 25 A splicing defect IVS10 + 1 , g-->t , which is known to cause the deletion of exon 10 , was identified in the index patient as well as in his symptomatic older sister and his asymptomatic mother . patient male 10 They are crucial to the interprofessional team to inform the patient and his relatives , to gather new information as well as to plan further diagnostics , evaluation of prognosis and therapy . patient male 24 We need prospective multicentric studies , with testing tools allowing better sharing of the decisions on active treatment between the medical team , the patient and his family . patient female 7 Throughout the 7-month follow-up period , the patient and her husband ( who were blinded as to which side received the SBS ) and the author consistently observed more favorable results for the SBS side , which included greater postoperative comfort , better shape , higher buttock position , less recurrent laxity , and less descent of the scar . patient female 20 Additional molecular analyses determined the exact size and breakpoints of the deletion as well as methylation states in both the patient and her mother . patient male 6 L4838V ) were found in the patient and his father . patient male 9 Not only do psychoanalytic principles help in understanding the patient and his reaction and interaction , their application in a consultation also has therapeutic benefits . patient male 11 This strategy should be adopted regardless of the age of the patient or his general state of health . patient female 8 Since eosinophilic pneumonia was diagnosed simultaneously in the patient and her tame cat , it can be suggested that inhaled environmental antigens in the home caused the eosinophilic pneumonia . patient male 1 The patient and his mother had mutation 1 ( nonsense mutation ) in one chromosome . patient male 6 Molecular analysis detected , in the patient and his mother , a nonsense mutation in exon 1 of the transmembrane segment of the CD40 ligand . patient female 7 Besides the obvious psychosocial benefit to the patient and her partner , the incorporation of viable tissue into the pelvic cavity decreases the incidence of infection and small-bowel complications . patient female 26 The Medical Disciplinary Court of The Hague recently imposed an official warning on two physicians who did not yield to the pressure exerted by a 102-year-old patient and her family to start palliative sedation . patient male 11 Therefore , Dent disease was suspected and genetic testing in the patient and his nephew revealed a CLCN5 mutation . patient male 9 Differential diagnostics requires a number of tests regarding the patient and his relatives . patient female 19 The recognition that cognitive impairment is related to the preceding TTP can provide substantial emotional support for both the patient and her family . patient male 12 Genetic analysis for TBX5 and SALL4 mutations were negative in both the patient and his mother . patient male 34 Atkinson has classified four main types of arguments , the ethical principle to be informed , talk to explain and give sense to the symptoms , reduce the feeling of guilt perceived by the patient and his relative and enhance the collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff . patient male 11 A new mutation of 146_154 del CCTTCCTGG was found in the patient and his father , and was absent in the controls . patient female 1 The patient and her father were homozygous for an intragenic TaqI RFLP ( 1.25-kb fragment ) whereas the mother was heterozygous ( 1.25- and 1.91-kb fragments ) , indicating that the mutation was present on the allele carrying the 1.25 kb TaqI fragment . patient male 9 However throughout this period we motivated and instructed the patient and his mother how to brush his teeth . patient male 31 Once healing had been achieved , he was transferred to our Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and rehabilitative management was begun , including prosthetic measurement and psychologic intervention for the patient and his parents . patient female 50 HLA typing of the family members showed that the diabetes was probably associated with an HLA AW30 , BW38 , DR4 haplotype , found in both sisters and in their father , and that the thyroid disease was associated with the A29 , B7 , DR6 haplotype found in the patient and in her mother . patient male 5 No relevant features in this patient or his family were identified . patient male 24 The mechanisms of some disorders are analyzed , and emphasis is placed on the usefulness of psychiatric and/or psychological assistance not only to the patient but also to his wife and to the medical staff . patient female 17 The resulting multimedia presentation was finally posted on the Internet on a website to which only the patient and her relatives and friends had access via a password . patient male 1 The patient and his mother underwent a detailed neurological examination and fibroblast lines were established . patient male 7 HNF-1alpha gene mutation was found in the patient as well as in his father and sister . patient male 8 By being open to cues given by the patient and his relatives , and by having perceptions of these cues verified , an important step is taken in deciding on appropriate psychological care . patient male 2 Neither this patient , nor his relatives , had choreoathetosis but he displayed rigidity and bradykinesia . patient female 9 Selective arterial embolization was recommended , however , the patient and her relatives did not consent to proceed to treatment , and she remained in close surveillance thereafter . patient male 2 Both the patient and his parents also had blood samples drawn , and their DNA was analyzed by direct genomic sequencing . patient male 19 Later , the possibility of NAIT was ruled out by the result of the platelet antigen genotyping of the patient and his parents . patient female 7 Southern blots of genomic DNA from the patient , her mother , and her daughter hybridized to human fibrinogen probes showed alpha , beta , and gamma fibrinogen genes to be present and without structural alterations when compared to normal controls . patient female 17 Studies of collagen biosynthesis and prolidase activity were performed on cultured skin fibroblasts obtained from a female patient and her father , who displayed variable phenotypes of mild osteogenesis imperfecta ( OI ) . patient female 2 In this patient and in her 3-year-old sister with uncomplicated varicella , the concentrations of antiprotein S antibodies were measured and followed with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay techniques . patient male 27 Only a minority will require drug treatment , which must be prescribed by a specialist in the context of a comprehensive cardiovascular risk assessment , including the patient and his family . patient male 33 By comparing the in-patient and out-patient psychotherapeutic treatment of a patient with encopresis in early adolescence the authors develop a psychoanalytical understanding of the psychotherapeutic effects which the different settings have on the patient and his parents . patient female 1 The patient and her baby were safely discharged . patient female 18 A genetic analysis of RING-finger protein (RNF)-213 , an MMD susceptibility gene , revealed that not only the patient , but also her sister , brother , and daughter had the heterozygous variant of the RNF-213 gene . patient male 9 RET gene analysis was performed in both the index patient and his family . patient female 20 Based on these findings , the fetus was diagnosed with OI type 2 , and it was explained to the patient and her family that this disease was fatal . patient female 9 Despite a lack of specific medical indications , the patient and her husband firmly but politely request that the attending obstetrician/perinatologist perform an immediate cesarean section in order to alleviate the couple 's anxiety about possibly never having a family . patient female 18 The reason for this is probably that the aim is not a better quality of life for the patient and her loved ones but profit . patient male 8 The consequences may be serious for the individual patient and his family , a serious problem for the hospital department concerned and a burden on the Norwegian health services . patient male 24 With primary care provided by the non-profit clinic , his clinical status improved on dialysis , but socioeconomic and psychological challenges persisted for the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her daughter had a rare HPA-1b platelet phenotype , but also belonged to the HLA DR3 phenotype , frequently associated with PTP . patient male 19 A novel , heterozygous point mutation ( g.1755 G > A , named prothrombin-Edmonton ) was detected in the patient and his mother , resulting in the mutation of Arg-4 in the prothrombin propeptide to Gln ( R-4Q ) . patient female 17 In this case , a physician rejects a patient 's concerns that tainted water is harming the patient and her community . patient male 36 The second half of the XXo century and especially the last 30 years have been the source of a great improvement for surgical treatment of spinal pathology essentially in 3 directions :-- First , for the patient himself and his comfort by suppression for most of the cases of any post operative external support thanks to the rigidity , security and strength of segmental fixation given by the hooks , screws and rods systems , as well for posterior as anterior instrumentation . patient male 4 DNA analysis from the patient and his family showed that he was homozygous for a recently identified point mutation at the exon 5/intron 5 junction ( a G-to-A change ) ; two other family members were heterozygous for this mutation . patient male 22 Direct sequencing of PLP gene detected a novel mutation in exon 6 , a missense mutation 725C-->A ( Ala242Glu ) in the patient and in his mother and later also in his maternal grandmother . patient male 47 A review is provided of the technique for PR , how PR combines with the other steps of hypospadias repair , the risks of complications related to the urethroplasty and specific to PR , and the results of PR with particular regard to the relevance for the patient and his family . patient male 18 Cosmetically , reconstructed prepuces are not fully normal , but the abnormality could be less important for a patient and his parents that the complete absence of the prepuce . patient female 29 To address these challenges , a multidisciplinary approach to care that includes both cardiologists and obstetricians could leverage the knowledge of both specialties and support streamlined communication between the patient and her providers . patient male 12 Here we demonstrate the detection of a point mutation in a DMD patient and his mother , a carrier . patient male 7 Self-injection of PGE1 , either with the patient or his partner administering the injection , is a minimally invasive and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction in patients with organic or psychogenic erectile dysfunction . patient female 18 Finally CO intoxication was diagnosed when levels of carboxyhemaglobin of over 30 % were found in both the patient and her sister . patient male 47 The most prominent enablers were organizational support ( e.g. for standardized medication review ) , involvement of multidisciplinary teams in medication review and the perception of the importance of coming to a joint decision regarding deprescribing , which highlighted the need for interdisciplinary collaboration and involving the patient and his family in the decision-making process . patient male 24 One mutation was identified in DNA isolated from prostatic cancer tissue , and the mutation was also detected in the leukocyte DNA of the patient and his offspring . patient female 28 We developed a real-time location-based outpatient guide system that consists of Bluetooth access points ( APs ) for indoor navigation , an Android-based guide application , a guide server , and interfaces with the HIS . server female 6 In 82.8 % of cases the patient or her partner found the lump , while 12.3 % of lumps were found by the family practitioner . patient male 19 Extensive hematologic studies for causes of vein occlusion were unremarkable with the exception of increased plasma homocysteine in the patient and in his asymptomatic father . patient female 37 Genetic testing revealed a heterozygous guanine to cytosine mutation at the first base of codon 389 ( Exon 13 ) of MAPT , the tau gene , resulting in a glycine to arginine substitution , in the patient and her non-affected father . patient male 8 Serum C3 concentration was significantly reduced in the patient and his mother ( 610 and 750 micrograms/ml ; normal + /- 1 SD = 1,240 + /- 240 micrograms/ml ) and was at the lower limits of normal in the affected aunt ( 770 micrograms/ml ) . patient male 22 A cytologist needs to be familiar with clinical manifestations of the disease and to be informed on all relevant data on the patient and his current and previous medical history , in order to be able to issue findings that are understandable and usable to all clinicians and patients . patient male 4 Genomic DNA of the patient and his parents was extracted from peripheral blood samples and sequenced by exome capture sequencing . patient male 25 An underlying new heterozygous donor splice-site mutation in the type VII collagen gene ( IVS55 + 1G > C ) was found in both the patient and his family members with nail dystrophy . patient male 11 Routine G-banding was carried out to analyze the karyotypes of the patient and his parents , and next generation sequencing for copy number variations ( CNV-seq ) was used for the fine mapping of the aberrant chromosomal regions . patient female 7 The telomere lengths in leukocytes of the patient and her relatives were shorter than those of the age-matched controls and were progressively shorter in subsequent generations of family members with the 216_229del allele . patient male 14 Whole-exome sequencing ( WES ) was performed using peripheral blood genomic DNA from the patient and his parents . patient male 20 The point is to organise and maintain the function of a group of caregivers around and together with a specific patient and his environment . patient male 19 With the " Continuity " concept , we intend to maintain a fairly clear therapeutical relationship both with the patient and his environment , thus preventing , as far as possible , defects in the future . patient male 23 It is not delineated by the nature of a patient 's illness , but involves the family physician 's ongoing commitment to the patient and his family as persons . patient female 22 This study reinforces the importance of being aware of patient discomfort during pelvic exams and of developing strategies that fit the individual patient and her needs . patient male 30 In this approach , all important decisions regarding the patient , including hospitalization or pharmacotherapy , are discussed not only with the entire therapeutic team , but also with the patient and his family members . patient male 45 The informed consent obtained by the primary care physician had the following characteristics : ( 1 ) The physician transmitted accurate and detailed information on the treatment methods , side effects , and prognosis by appropriate communication techniques with consideration for the feelings of the patient and his family , and proposed choices so that they could participate in the decision of treatment principles . patient male 15 With the progression of the disease and explanation by the primary care physician , the patient and his family expressed and shared feelings such as grief and powerlessness and supported each another . patient male 27 After 4 courses , the remarkable shrinking of the primary tumor and metastatic lymph nodes enabled us to assess the possibility of radical resection , but the patient and his family declined it because of his advanced age . patient male 3 The single drug user and his audience . user female 9 [ Relation between the body weight of the pregnant patient and her serum alpha fetoprotein levels ] . patient male 21 Furthermore , a conversation serves not only to obtain informed consent but also to align the views and expectations of the patient and his treating physician . patient male 13 By this means an abnormality in intracellular killing of Pseudomonas cepacia in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease and in his heterozygotic mother was found . patient male 9 This article will review the process of teaching a patient and his partner how to successfully operate the device . patient male 11 Nutrition is a basic human right and is conceived by the patient and his family , as well as by the medical community and human society , to be vital for survival . patient male 15 Before additional diagnostic tests or exploratory surgery were performed , a deeper interrogation of the patient and his family revealed events compatible with episodes of hypoglycemia since childhood . patient male 9 Arg259Cys ) mutation in MFN2 was detected in the patient and his clinical affected mother . patient male 33 Given the difficulty of making the diagnosis and the potential side effects from performing interventions in patients with a congenital anemia of unknown etiology , we opted to perform whole-exome sequencing on the patient and his parents . patient male 3 Treatment of the patient and his diseased cousin with biotin and thiamine was initiated with gradual improvement of symptoms within few days . patient female 23 DNA sequencing of NFKB2 identified a heterozygous nonsense mutation ( c.2563 A > T , p.855 : Lys > * ) in the patient but not her parents . patient female 3 WES of the patient and her parents was performed . patient male 10 Emphasis must be placed on the initial management of the patient and his life-threatening injuries . patient male 34 Using Titchen 's Skilled Companionship Model as a guide as well as empirical and theoretical knowledge on nurse-patient relationships , this paper presents a reflection on a relationship that the author developed with a patient and his family encountered in her practice as a critical care nurse . patient female 26 Urine steroid profiling substantiated the diagnosis and DNA analysis of the epithelial sodium channel ( ENaC ) revealed a novel heterozygous beta ENaC mutation in the patient and in her hypertensive father . patient male 11 It is a difficult and challenging problem for staff , the patient , and his family . patient male 6 By way of example of a patient and his family and by means of the literature , the present knowledge of pathogenesis and therapy of hereditary non-allergic angioneurotic edema has been reviewed . patient female 10 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples from the patient and her parents . patient male 13 G-banded karyotyping and chromosomal microarray analysis ( CMA ) were performed for the patient and his parents . patient female 1 The patient and her family were referred for additional genetic testing and cardiovascular workup . patient female 3 tablets for the patient and her sexual partner ) the success rate improved to 100 % . patient male 13 Only when this understanding has been gleaned can a possible danger to the patient or his co-workers be correctly evaluated . patient female 14 Immaculate control is essential and can only be accomplished by close co-operation between the patient and all her medical attendants . patient male 15 The essential overriding concern then could well be represented by the center diagram ( the patient and his family ) and the supporting persons - communicating before , during , and after the consultation - completing a process which could bring about improvement in the quality of life for the patient , the referring physician , and the family . patient male 4 Sanger sequencing of the patient and his parent confirmed this mutation and demonstrated it to be de novo . patient male 7 It became possible to communicate with the patient and his trachea was extubated on the 4th postoperative day . patient male 7 Analysis of the speech disorder in our patient and his children revealed disturbances in the coordination of jaws , larynx and tongue with a poor control of pitch and volume and impaired intelligibility . patient female 1 The patient and her family also received counseling to advise on behavioral and legal issues . patient female 8 Similar symptoms were already observed earlier in the patient as well as her father , although such symptoms were never as dramatic as they were on this occasion . patient male 13 Instead , a successful combination of non-surgical management strategies was employed by the patient and his health care team . patient male 22 One cornerstone of this programme is the desire to focus the intervention in the person 's home , when desired by the patient and his family . patient male 20 Genetic analysis for INVS disclosed a heterozygous mutation of TrG at position rs7024375 in the 5'UTR of INVS in the patient and his mother , while no abnormalities were found in any of the 17 exons of INVS or NPHP1 , 3 and 4 . patient male 10 As the symptoms persisted for 6 weeks , the young patient and his parents visited our institution . patient female 11 The results were confirmed by quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the patient and her parents . patient male 14 The importance of the rate of inappropriate days related to a choice of the patient or his family was probably a Geriatric specificity . patient male 23 An implantable loop recorder was useful for diagnosing pre-syncope ; however , in the present case , it was difficult for the elderly patient and his wife to perform telemetry monitoring . patient female 19 Long-term HRT in women treated for a gynaecological cancer must be based on the medical history of the individual patient ( and her family ) . patient male 22 In caring for these patients who have advanced prostate cancer , it is important to first assess the health status of the patient and his goals of care . patient female 6 Southern analysis of DNA from the patient and her phenotypically normal mother and two brothers ( her father is deceased ) ascertained the parental origin of the 14;14 Robertsonian translocation . patient male 1 The patient and his family rejected invasive therapies such as coronary-artery bypass graft or percutaneous coronary intervention . patient female 12 The decision about planned mode of delivery must be shared by the patient and her physician and made by the 8th month , taking into account the individual risk factors for TOLAC failure and uterine rupture ( professional consensus ) . patient male 11 Mutational analysis of the L2HGDH gene was performed on the L-2-HGA patient and his parents , which revealed two novel mutations in exon 3 : a homozygous missense mutation ( c.407 A > G , p . patient male 12 If the health condition is critical , the system will alert the patient and his medical practitioner for further diagnosis . patient male 36 We have studied the molecular basis of MSUD by determining the enzyme activity and levels of BCKDH protein and mRNA , and by enzymatic amplification and sequencing of BCKDH E1 alpha-specific mRNA , from an MSUD patient and his parents . patient female 17 We have analyzed the immune response to a number of different protein and polysaccharide Ag in the patient and her parents . patient male 30 In times of increasing negative technical interferences in the doctor-patient relationship , the Center acted as an open cultural space proposing a medical model concerned with the wholeness of the patient and his psychophysical wellbeing . patient female 13 In this paper , we present clinical and genetic studies of an Iranian patient and her family members . patient male 5 W33 G ) in the patient but not in his parents . patient female 9 Patients were given scenarios depicting interactions between an obstetric patient and her physician throughout the patient 's pregnancy , labor , and delivery . patient female 34 Further , when caring for these patients who are at high risk for HIV and other serious blood infections , the I.V. nurse may experience a conflict between her desire to care for the patient and her fear of contracting HIV or another infection through patient contact . patient female 11 We report the first case of pregabalin toxicity in a hemodialysis patient and her successful treatment with hemodialysis . patient male 11 3 . How reaction of the marital partner can affect the patient and his experience of pain . patient female 5 Tdap given to the postpartum patient and her cocoon family is an alternative strategy . patient male 6 Despite the advanced age of the patient and his poor general condition , surgery was performed with the patient in a supine position . patient male 6 The comprehensive clinical evaluation of the patient and his family , focused on the associated clinical features ( facial dysmorphisms , short stature , brachydactily ) , led us to suspect a hereditary condition . patient male 12 The details of the ketoacidosis episodes and the psychosocial characteristics of the patient and his family were summarized from the medical record . patient male 7 We describe two siblings ( a male patient and his older sister ) with a novel mutation in the peptide transporter associated to antigen processing ( TAP ) . patient male 7 Characterization of Danon disease in a male patient and his affected mother . patient male 8 The clinical and imaging data of a CADASIL-like patient ( the pro-band ) and his family members were collected . patient male 19 Here , we reported the clinical characteristics of a case with ARPKD and analyze the genetic features of this patient as well as of his father using targeted exome sequencing and Sanger sequencing . patient female 32 The probable cause of this condition is an estrogenic inhibition of the calcium mobilizing effect of parathyroid hormone ( PTH ) or vitamin D. The possible consequences of OC therapy in this patient and patients like her include those of milk hypocalcemia , moderate hypophosphatemia , or the neurotoxic actions of excessive levels of circulating PTH . patient female 5 The favorable course of our patient and her infant do not rule out possible fetal damage from which he recovered , as his mother did . patient female 2 Thereafter the patient and her husband were offered specific pre-conception counseling . patient female 10 As insulinoma is often associated to the MEN1-syndrome , the patient and her relatives are now being investigated for this condition . patient male 11 A novel mutation , c.133_136delCCAG , was identified in one Han patient and his unaffected mother . patient male 8 The c.649dupC mutation was detected in another Han patient and his unaffected father . patient male 10 To our interest , c.649dupC was detected in the Mongolian patient but not in his parents . patient female 7 Mass spectrometric analysis of hemoglobins from a patient and her parents suggests inheritance of mutant beta globin genes from both parents . patient female 11 In this study , we demonstrated that C3 genes of this patient and her parents have no gross structural aberration . patient male 29 When a new MTC case is diagnosed , the distinction between a true sporadic and a de novo hereditary case is important for future clinical management of both the patient and his family . patient female 6 Laboratory and clinical data for the patient and her family are reviewed . patient female 12 The coinheritance of beta- and alpha- thalassemia : a review of one patient and her family . patient male 7 The orthopaedic options were reviewed with the patient and his brother . patient male 7 The main difficulties encountered were assessing the patient and his wound , misuse of immunoglobulin injections , and ignorance of recommendations . patient male 32 Considering the fact that pazopanib treatment was very effective in our patient , this side effect could be a good predictor of therapy success , although it presents very stressful event for patient and his family . patient male 13 Management of bleeding included local wound care measures and psychosocial support for the patient and his wife . patient male 17 Cerebral palsy is a disease causing significant medical , emotional , financial and social difficulties for the patient and his family , medical staff and society . patient female 4 Exome sequencing of the patient and her two parents revealed a heterozygous two base pair de novo deletion , c.1897_1898delCA , p . patient male 13 Consistency was found between the SRY gene and the chromosome gender in the patient and his parents . patient male 24 The conclusion of the assessment of driving ability must not be pronounced like a verdict , the physician should rather counsel and support the patient and his family on the difficult road towards driving cessation . patient female 23 This mutation has been previously reported in a heterozygous state in a patient with Hirschsprung 's disease unaccompanied by WS , but the patient and her parents did not show any symptoms in gastrointestinal tract . patient male 5 The preoperative condition of the patient and his immune system play an important role in their development . patient male 8 In order to minimise emotional damage to the patient and his relatives and to improve the quality of medical practice , acknowledgement of having made a mistake comes first ; the general practitioner should be aware of personal defence mechanisms such as projection , denial or rationalisation . patient male 6 Thereafter management with respect to the patient or his relatives should be established with aid of the group . patient male 22 The boundaries between AS and schizophrenia are still not clear even if this distinction is necessary for the appropriate treatment of the patient and his family . patient male 18 The third category consists of methods which are based on the clinical evaluation during the interview with the patient and his familiars , giving emphasis on the frontal functions of the patient . patient male 4 Genetic analysis on our patient and his sibling revealed a nonsense patient male 14 In the context of his time and his position , Dr McIntire served his patient and his country well by making appropriate medical and wise personal judgments . patient male 10 The disclosures should be made by the physician to his patient , and not through use of consent forms which are not particular to individual patients . patient male 17 Leu307Arg ) in the patient and his father and a heterozygous deletion comprising exon 1 in the patient and his mother . patient female 28 To characterize the breakpoint on chromosome 22 in this patient in relation to a candidate gene ( NF2 ) responsible for NF2 , we analyzed DNAs from this patient and her parents using parts of NF2 cDNA as probes . patient male 29 Nearly two decades ago , Hossam Haick was working on a Ph.D. degree in chemical engineering at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology when terrible news hit : his friend and officemate had leukemia . friend male 4 Venous blood of the patient and his parents was collected to determine apolipoprotein E , angiotensinogen , angiotensin-converting enzyme , and very low density lipoprotein receptor genes . patient male 10 Analysis of red blood cells by flow cytometry revealed the patient and his grandson to have reduced Kell antigen expression . patient female 18 In the latter , a very large allele ( 12 copies of the repeat unit ) in a patient and her mother failed to amplify on initial attempts , but was successfully amplified by reducing the concentration of genomic DNA used in the reaction . patient female 1 The patient and her husband were very satisfied with the treatment approach , especially the encouragement and guidance received in physical therapy . patient male 31 Through analysis of the exomic sequence of the 3 individuals from the same family , we identified that with respect to AD , there were 162 genes mutated in both this patient and his father but not in his mother . patient male 1 The patient and his family reviewed the manuscript , and written consent to publish this case report was obtained from the patient . patient male 21 On further examination , there was an ataxic gait and slurred speech , which was reported to be new by the patient and his accompanying partner . patient male 3 Konorski and his friend and collaborator , Stefan Miller , distinguished instrumental conditioned reflexes as a separate type of acquired behavior , different from classical ( Pavlovian ) conditioned reflexes . friend male 27 The PRM physician 's role is to coordinate the individual PRM project developed in team with other health professionals and medical specialists , in agreement with the patient and his family , according to the specific medical diagnoses . patient female 13 An abdominal hysterectomy with adnexectomy was performed following an in-depth consultation with the patient and her daughter . patient female 33 We detected the Bloom syndrome gene , BLM , which is one of the members of the RecQ family of DNA helicases , and found changes in 2 heterozygous nucleotide sites in the patient as well as her father and mother . patient male 5 Whole exome sequencing of the patient and his parents ruled out mutations in 11 known hypodontia-associated genes including WNT10A , MSX1 , EDA , EDAR , EDARADD , PAX9 , AXIN2 , GREM2 , NEMO , KRT17 , and TFAP2B . patient female 7 After a successful delayed delivery , the patient and her infant were discharged home . patient female 2 The pregnant patient and her fetus may be spared general anesthesia and the attendant risks of abdominal surgery . patient male 13 It can be solved only by a systematic and interdisciplinary approach to the patient and his disease . patient male 1 The patient and his mother were shown to have a recurrent donor splice site mutation within intron 81 ( 6573 + 1 G > C ) , a recurrent Japanese mutation that activates a cryptic donor splicing site and results in a downstream PTC . patient male 1 The patient and his father shared a single-nucleotide deletion within exon 64 ( 5504delA ) , which causes a downstream frame shift in five amino acids before creating a PTC . patient male 16 Prerequisites for success in domiciliary assisted respiration for chronic respiratory insufficiency are the understanding of the patient and his active participation in the treatment as well as adjustment and attitude of his environment . patient female 13 We generated induced pluripotent stem cell ( iPSC ) lines from a female patient and her son . patient male 15 Surgery was not considered as a possible option due to the critical condition of the patient and his severe comorbidities . patient male 12 Whether or not there is a relationship between the translocation in our patient and his infantile spasms is unknown . patient female 8 Case 9 was unusual in that both the patient and her 2-year-old sister displayed INI-1 immunonegative posterior fossa tumors and extended survival . patient male 11 As quality in end-of-life care for the seriously ill and dying patient and his relatives is the central aim of palliative care , the development of clinically relevant quality indicators is essential . patient female 14 Complications during pregnancy heralds a time of increased stress and anxiety for the obstetric patient and her family . patient male 7 In consideration of the wishes of the patient and his family , he was allowed to go home . patient male 1 The patient and his parents showed serological cross-reactivity with both HTLV-I and HTLV-II group-specific antigens . patient male 0 Patient and his family was counseled about support groups , and local meetings to ease the mental distress associated with this condition . Patient male 12 We retain four main ethical topics : the information given to the patient and his family , the acceptance of the person , the balance of benefits/risks and one 's individual ethics as opposed to the ethics of a group . patient female 26 This study was designed to assess the extent to which DST nonsuppression in bulimic women could be predicted by the incidence of major depression in the patient and her family and by other factors known to affect DST results , such as suboptimal weight . patient female 6 Peripheral blood cells obtained from the patient and her brother did not respond to stimulation with either interleukin-1beta or lipopolysaccharide . patient male 19 Telemedicine is an integrated , biomedical and psychosocial , secondary prevention intervention , where a specialized team guides the patient and his family in the course of the disease by reducing the stress of caregivers and allowing patients to stay longer at home , reducing , consequently , costs related to go to the specialist clinic . patient male 5 Genomic DNA from an affected patient , his biological parents , and a sibling was amplified and ANKH was sequenced . patient male 27 This surgery could have some psychologic consequences , and when the circumcision in not according to religious convictions , it can not be live well for the patient and his family . patient male 5 D49H ) , in the patient , his sister , and father . patient male 13 The occurrence of infection depends on different factors related to both , the patient and his disease , and treatment organisation as well . patient male 8 With regard to the genetic aspects , the patient and his mother harbored a novel point mutation of the decorin gene . patient male 10 They must take into account the psychosocial dimension of the patient and his family and must be based on serious neurobiologic knowledge . patient female 48 A ~98-kb homozygous deletion of 6p24.3 involving the first three exons ( two non-coding and one coding ) of GCNT2 isoform A , the first exon ( coding ) of GCNT2 isoform B , and part of the intergenic region between GCNT2 and TFAP2A was identified in the patient and her brother while both parents were found to be heterozygous carriers of the deletion . patient male 17 We could not demonstrate any mutation in thyroid receptor beta1 , beta2 or alpha gene of this patient and his parents . patient male 21 If the repair is performed before the age of memory recall , there will be less psychological trauma to both the patient and his parents . patient female 6 Cytogenetic and molecular studies in the patient and her parents showed a de novo translocation 46,X , t(X;15)(q27.1;p11.2 ) in the patient , indicating a possible break near the factor IX gene . patient male 13 Molecular studies revealed a heterozygous R185Q missense mutation in the CASR in the patient and his father , whereas normal sequences for the CASR gene were present in the patient 's mother . patient female 18 When a surgical procedure that will probably have an impact on sexual function is contemplated , provide the patient and her partner with advance counseling . patient male 1 Our patient and his father were both heterozygous for the H1/H2 haplotype , whereas the mother was homozygous for the H2 haplotype . patient male 15 The main features are authority and truthfulness -- esteem and respect -- understanding of the patient and his position . patient female 31 The informative content of the summaries were illustrated by investigation of the extent to which the summaries contained information about the diagnosis , treatment , laboratory investigations , information to the patient and her relatives and information about contact with the general practitioner . patient male 15 A patient 's ability to have erections and ejaculations are recorded through interviews with the patient and his partner . patient male 18 Upon Sanger sequencing , we confirmed these mutations in all affected family members and showed that the index patient and his affected sister inherited one mutant allele from each unaffected parent . patient male 12 The results led to the discovery of an elaborate deception by the patient and his subsequent need for psychotherapy . patient male 19 Medication adherence can be defined as the link between " what the patient implements " and " what the patient and his doctor have decided together after negotiating without constrains " . patient male 11 When one or more of these features are present in his patient or family or both , appropriate genetic counseling and management should be provided . patient male 6 In order to prepare the child patient as well as his parents for surgery , specific programs have been developed in a plastic surgical division . patient male 13 Especially concerning sexuality and suicidality geriatric and ethic interest must focus on the patient and his subjectivity and not start abstractly from principles and norms . patient male 6 The surgical procedures have saved the patient and his lower extremities . patient female 37 The objectives of an oncogenetic consultation are to understand the origin of a personal and family history of breast cancer by using the resources of formal and molecular genetics and to guide the management of the consulting patient and her relatives . patient male 12 Such " diagnoses " may result in drastic , and for the patient and his family , often stressful , consequences . patient male 1 This patient and his other affected family members , his father and two siblings , were started on the tumour screening procedures recommended for patients with PTEN mutations . patient male 26 Thus , in our case of CBAVD , the risk of chromosomal aberration following ICSI , in the absence of a CFTR mutation in the male patient and/or in his partner , was not higher than in normal fertile men . patient male 11 We present two cases of May-Hegglin anomaly incidentally discovered in a patient and his brother during investigation of the patient for end-stage renal failure and workup for renal transplantation . patient male 5 We now report on a patient and his brother in which the MHA was discovered during workup of the patient for end-stage renal failure and renal transplantation . patient female 8 We recommended postoperative chemotherapy ; however , the patient and her family refused consent for chemotherapy . patient male 5 Further genetic analysis of the patient and his parents revealed compound heterozygous mutations of the FBXO7 gene ( NM_012179.3 ) in the patient ( a nonsense c.1408 G > T ( p . patient male 6 DNA samples were extracted from the patient and his parents . patient male 18 This guide was tested in the context of a master thesis in a multidimensional interview with a schizophrenic patient and his family . patient female 4 However , neither the patient nor her family members had traveled abroad . patient male 7 Ala214Pro ) was identified in a sporadic patient and his asymptomatic mother . patient female 4 Genotyping studies of one patient , her brother , and her son ruled out the possibility of microchimerism . patient female 9 The ATM coding region was sequenced in the A-T patient and her parents . patient male 4 The involvement of the patient and his family in the disease , as well as follow-up in the primary care center , were essential to obtaining improvement . patient female 6 The rate of satisfaction for the patient and her bed-partner is about 50 % , in relation to a degradation of therapeutic effect in the long run . patient female 11 Oedipal complexes existing between the patient and her parents , the patient and her grandparents , and between the patient 's mother and her parents , are described . patient male 13 To achieve a proper metabolic control with this method of treatment , the patient and his family requires appropriate education including knowledge of diet management , insulin therapy and manual competence of pump device . patient male 13 While this multimodal treatment and management is complex , it supports the ADHD patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient and his family members underwent genetic tests related to XLI and CN-I. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction on genomic DNA was performed to determine the gene copy number , while single nucleotide polymorphism array analysis was conducted to identify deletion mutations . patient male 6 Family pedigree analysis showed that the patient and his two cousins were all affected by ichthyosis , which was in accordance with the inheritance pattern of an X-linked recessive disease . patient male 30 To define the mechanisms producing partially reduced plasma carnitine levels in the parents of affected patients , we examined carnitine transport in vivo and in the fibroblasts of a new patient and his heterozygous parents . patient male 2 Neither the patient nor his brother were able to generate anti-leukemic CTLp or TH1 . patient female 6 Long term clinical courses of a patient and her family with idiopathic cardiomyopathy and WPW syndrome were described . patient female 10 Sequencing of KCNJ2 revealed the R218W mutation in the index patient and her 6-year-old daughter , who presented dysmorphic abnormalities ( micrognathia , clinodactyly of fourth and fifth fingers , short stature ) and OSA . patient female 26 Peripheral venous blood samples and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks of choriocarcinoma tissue microdissected from haematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of tissue by microdissection method were available from the patient and ( or ) her husband . patient female 19 Cesarean delivery was performed followed by craniotomy in the same setting under general anesthesia with good outcome of the patient and her baby . patient male 3 We present a patient and his maternal uncle who have a subaortic ventricular septal defect and aortic root dilation . patient male 20 An important conclusion which can be reached is that co-operation between the medical professionals , the information services and the patient and his family is essential if the information needs of the cancer patient are to be met satisfactorily . patient female 19 Attempts were made to study chromosomes and 11 polymorphic enzymes in the moles and in the blood of the patient and her spouse , although not all studies were possible on every case . patient male 24 De-emphasizing drive and ego psychology had considerable consequences for psychoanalytic technique as well as for the analyst 's Menschenbild , his relationship to the patient and his critical self-reflection . patient female 18 In any case , intensive care nurses are called on to provide physical , life-saving care to the patient and her fetus . patient female 1 The patient and her mother agreed to undergo all examinations , and some symptoms ' went away ' during the examinations . patient female 4 The behaviour of the patient and her mother during hospital stays , ambulatory care , and the psychiatric observations all pointed towards MPSB . patient male 19 The ejaculation responses obtained by JS ( first author ) were reproduced when the PVS was performed by the patient or his partner , indicating that the vibrator output is more important than PVS experience . patient male 29 Psychosocial rehabilitation , and choral singing in particular , allow the recovery of lost or compromised ability of patients with mental illness and they facilitate the reintegration of the user in his family and into his social context . user male 23 Single biopsies may be not only useless , but hazardous to the patient while " pseudonegative " resolutions of a morphologist soothe the patient and his physician and delay the time of examination . patient female 11 Real-time PCR demonstrated a deletion of the GCK gene in the patient but not her parents , and CGH array revealed a deleted region of approximately 12 Mb in the 7p13 - 15 region . patient female 18 To report a novel mutation of the TNF receptor type 1 gene ( TNFRSF1A ) in a Finnish patient and her mother , both suffering from periodic fever . patient female 13 Routine and high resolution G-banding was performed to analyze the karyotype of the patient and her parents , and array comparative genomic hybridization ( array CGH ) was used to detect small chromosome anomaly . patient male 18 We report a point mutation in the ligand-binding domain of the TR beta 1 gene in an affected patient and his daughter . patient male 10 Hate emanates from a variety of sources , including the patient , his family , and staff ; it can also stem from various systems influences and is perpetuated by power , envy , and greed . patient female 8 Concerned the feelings of the doctor when the patient and her husband are in a situation of obstetric failure : 49 % shared positive feelings in experiencing obstetric failure in patients , 38 % concentrated on themselves and their own feelings and 4 % gave a decided negative reply . patient female 4 Further evaluation of this patient and her family is planned and may help elucidate the important role of PAI-1 in the complicated balance between hemostasis and hemorrhage . patient female 6 Additionally , psychologic distress that the patient or her partner experiences during diagnosis and treatment of malignancy can impair a healthy female sexual response cycle . patient female 17 A sexual rehabilitation program in an oncology setting is necessary to provide comprehensive care to the cancer patient and her partner . patient male 11 Exome sequencing was performed on the genomic DNA of an Iranian patient and his affected brother who both report non-syndromic HL . patient male 9 The deleted exons were confirmed by PCR in the patient and his affected brother , who both have non-syndromic HL . patient male 11 The change of appearance and shape of body demands adaptations of patient and his neighbourhood . patient male 5 Immunochemical experiments showed that the patient and his sibling had complete absence of C4A and C4B proteins and were negative for the Rodgers and Chido blood group Ags . patient male 8 Segregation and definitive RFLP analyses demonstrated that the patient and his sibling inherited two identical haplotypes , HLA A2 B12 DR6 , each of which carries a defective long C4A gene and a defective short C4B gene . patient male 10 He must assume the role as financial advisor for the patient and his family with recommendations that are individualized , considering the patient 's financial circumstance , age , general physical condition , support mechanisms , community resources available , family attitude , available consultation , and stage of disease . patient male 61 Ideally , we should strive to develop many thousands of cancer centers in individual family physicians , as well as other primary care physicians ' offices across the country where correct information about cancer and proper diagnostic and therapeutic procedures can be obtained in that office or through proper consultation , with the alternatives in such procedures clearly provided to the patient and his family . patient male 14 One showed engraftment but died of acute graft-versus-host disease ( GVH ) ; this patient and his donor were hepatitis B antigen positive . patient male 3 Interestingly , our patient and his father with the mutations had more residual hearing compared with patients with the dominant mutation alone . patient male 2 But the patient and his family rejected further examination for CoA and high blood pressure was treated after that time . patient male 16 However , the conditions of seniorisation of the decision , the collection of opinion of the patient and/or his close relations and the traceability are tracks of improvement to be implemented in certain circumstances of admission or non-admission . patient male 27 A novel heterozygous splicing mutation c.6579 + 2 T > C ( IVS 34 + 2 T > C ) of NF1 gene was identified in the patient and his mother . patient male 4 The participation of the patient and/or his close relations , as that of the ancillary medical personnel was rare . patient female 17 The mutation was heteroplasmic ( 91 % ) in muscle but undetectable in accessible tissues from the patient and her maternal relatives . patient female 16 Once the patient is hemodynamically stable , psychosexual assessment and support should be offered to the patient and her partner . patient male 5 Genetic testing revealed that the patient and his daughter had VHL disease . patient female 4 Both , the female patient and her donor were previously typed HLA identical , which was confirmed with the exception of the novel DQB1 allele . patient female 9 We performed G- and R-banding cytogenetic analysis of the patient and her family members including her father . patient female 7 Using molecular approach , we screened the patient and her father for mutations in the SRY gene . patient female 1 Both patient and her father showed the same deletion of cytosine within HMG box resulting in frame shift mutation ( L94fsX180 ) , the father in a mosaic pattern . patient female 25 Increased awareness of domestic violence and routine inclusion of some screening questions in the medical history can facilitate detection and prevent further injury to a patient or her children . patient female 10 Karyotype , M‑FISH and OaCGH analysis were performed on the patient and her parents . patient female 5 Both peripheral blood smears of patient and her mother showed typical elliptocytosis and they were diagnosed as hereditary elliptocytosis . patient male 15 They want to help developing of adjusted structures to a better global tacking charge of patient and his family in hospital and at home . patient male 9 Quantitative hemagglutination studies of the MN-hemizygous ( M/- ) patient and his family reported by German et al. are given together with data on the electrophoretic mobility of their red cells . patient female 22 Uterine bleeding in early pregnancy represents a definite threat to the developing embryo and constitutes a source of anxiety to both the patient and her clinician . patient female 19 The bilateral uterine artery embolization followed by hysteroscopic removal of both the gestational products was successfully performed after our patient and her family chose to give up the intra-uterine pregnancy due to the risk of heavy bleeding associated with cervical pregnancy . patient male 12 Also , remember to position the patient properly and teach both the patient and his family effective feeding techniques . patient female 18 The patient showed good response to intramuscular injection of autologous whole blood with no adverse effects to the patient or her baby . patient female 11 One of the key areas of focus is education of the patient and her family members from the time of diagnosis throughout treatment and rehabilitation . patient male 53 This case generated a triple- layered ethical dilemma : ( i ) how to safeguard patient autonomy against paternalistic interventions by family members , ( ii ) how to respect the relational context in which patient autonomy can be realized , and ( iii ) how to respect the ethno-cultural values of the patient and his family . patient male 33 three categories emerged that show strategies such as denial and resignation in care , for support in the health team and the plurality and multiplicity of perspectives on the care , including the patient and his family and the search for personal and professional improvement . patient male 15 Consultations with adolescents have their specificities , there is a triangular situation between the adolescent patient , his parents and the physician . patient male 28 The setting of the consultation has to take into consideration the developmental stages of adolescence for to give an appropriate response to the expectations and needs of the patient and his parents . patient male 13 Treatment however , is simple and follows early detection of symptoms by the patient and his family . patient male 47 Since the most important aspect of caring for patients with metastatic lung cancer is to optimize or restore their quality of life ( QoL ) , we need to integrate standard oncologic therapy with early palliative care to achieve a better understanding of the disease by the patient and his caregivers . patient male 19 Although conceptual models of health assistance for individual with genetic disorders have already been proposed the burden for the patient and his family is still relevant . patient male 13 Dermanyssus gallinae , a nonburrowing , blood-sucking avian mite was identified on the patient and his bedding . patient male 11 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood sample from a child patient and his parents . patient male 13 Laboratory tests and direct sequencing of PROC and SERPINC1 were conducted for the patient and his family members . patient male 15 The quality of the assistance strongly depends on the quality of the interactions between the patient and his ventilator which are crucial for tolerance and acceptability . patient female 16 We report a case of idiopathic recurrent hydramnios associated with human leukocyte antigen compatibility between the patient and her husband . patient male 14 These cancers are often underdeclared by medical professionals leading to possible prejudice to the patient and his entitled beneficiaries . patient male 3 We informed the patient and his family of the risk of a kidney biopsy and subsequently received informed consent for the procedure . patient female 11 A novel reassortant wild bird-origin H7N4 virus is identified from the patient and her backyard poultry ( chickens and ducks ) by sequencing , which is distinct from previously-reported avian H7N4 and H7N9 viruses . patient male 14 Restriction endonuclease mapping data are presented for the DNA of a young Indian homozygous patient ( and his heterozygous parents ) who were identified 10 years ago as having a G gamma-hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin ( Sukumaran et al , 1972 ) . patient female 1 The patient and her obstetrician-gynecologist should maintain an appropriate level of suspicion when potentially relevant signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer are present . patient male 16 We emphasize on the fact that part of the costs , especially those supported by the patient and his close relations , are most of the time excluded from the analysis . patient male 7 Routine karyotype analysis was performed for the patient and his parents . patient male 8 Karyotype analysis revealed no obvious anomaly for the patient and his parents . patient male 11 Semen thus obtained can be used for artificial insemination if a patient and his spouse wish to become natural parents . patient female 18 The general belief exists that diagnostic ultrasound ( DUS ) does not pose any risk to the pregnant patient nor to her fetus . patient male 32 Whilst wearing an acrylic partial denture at night adds to the price paid by the remaining tissues , the mechanical features of the partial denture , and the overall features of the patient and his remaining dentition appear to be insignificant in determining the Biological Price . patient female 5 We describe a 14-year-old Somali patient and her 3-year-old maternal half-brother with novel homozygous CHST3 mutations . patient male 33 In 52.5 % of the patients , renal function did not reach normal however , gradually improving it got stable at a certain level which was sufficient for the improved conditions of a patient and his future life . patient male 7 Instead , the satisfaction of both the patient and his partner has a rising weight in the final evaluation of a therapy . patient male 11 The WT1 deletion was not present in leukocyte DNA from the patient or his mother . patient male 13 However , the mutation was absent both in the constitutional DNA of the patient and his mother . patient female 5 On 22 postoperative day the patient and her child were discharged home in good condition . patient female 36 The presented case demonstrates the importance of the problem and forces obstetricians to be more vigilant in determining the diagnosis and decision-making , because of its meaning for the health and even the life of the patient and her child . patient male 17 One should bare in mind that the use of sildenafil may not be readily disclosed by the patient nor his doctor . patient female 1 The patient recovered from surgery without sequelae , and her preoperative symptoms resolved . patient female 12 This treatment is also non invasive , therefore well accepted by the patient and her parents . patient male 8 Serum and urine samples were taken from the patient , his sister and parents and underwent HPLC-MS/MS and HPLC-TOF analyses . patient male 10 We have identified by the first time in a young patient and his only sister a familiar genetic defect of an enzyme called ACOX2 , which participates in the transformation of cholesterol into bile acids as a cause of increased serum transaminases in the absence of any other symptomatology . patient female 19 The prescribing of any sleep aid in pregnancy must include consideration of the risks and benefits for both the patient and her fetus . patient female 5 Information given jointly to the patient and her family lessens the burden for the patient . patient male 36 After all best possible medical measures have been employed , the final tasks of the family physician include speaking and listening to the patient , ideally without time pressure , and providing supportive information for the patient and his family . patient female 4 However , both the patient and her sister had evidence of active infection with the recently discovered human herpesvirus-6 . patient female 10 Seven years after the onset of the illness , the patient and her sister remain chronically ill . patient female 21 X-inactivation studies were performed using the human androgen receptor ( HUMARA ) gene and revealed similar X-inactivation ratios for both the patient and her sister ( 11:89 and 12:88 , respectively ) from peripheral serum samples . patient male 18 Reviewing the literature , it is thought that in the presented case the long survival time of the patient and his protracted preterminal immobility could have contributed to the unusual formation of multiple skeletal muscle metastases . patient female 25 The patient had no obvious signs of bleeding ( except bruising on 1 episode ) or signs of infection determined through physician evaluation of the patient and her stools . patient female 41 More than one year after these ocular symptoms were presented , it was discovered that the eye diseases were in fact attempts by the patient to escape from the psychic anxieties which were the result of an incestuous relationship between the patient and her father . patient male 35 This type of Internet medical service for patients who have undergone a surgical operation requiring regular follow-up appears to be a useful approach for the future by allowing : maintenance of close contact between the patient and his doctors while avoiding the problems related to hospital visits , regardless of the patient 's place of residence . patient female 11 Breast cancer diagnosed during pregnancy is a challenging situation for the patient and her medical team . patient male 25 The stability of the PaO2 during the weeks of respiratory reeducation with specially controlled medical treatment , as well as the willing consent of the patient and his family , are indispensable conditions for the prescription of OLT . patient male 9 Care should be taken to fully educate the psoriatic patient and his family . patient female 24 The KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes encoding the K(ATP ) channel subunits and microsatellite markers on chromosome 11 were analyzed in DNA samples from the patient and her parents . patient male 18 The KCNJ11 and ABCC8 genes and microsatellite markers on chromosome 11 were analyzed in DNA samples from the patient and his parents . patient male 39 Six hundred and ninety bleeds into the knees , ankles and elbows of severe haemophiliacs presenting for treatment within 3 h of the onset of symptoms have been studied with the aim of providing clinical information for the haemophiliac patient or his parent treating early bleeding episodes at home . patient male 16 This must be distinguished from the right to choose a certain treatment according to the medical attendant and his intention to agree to or forbid a certain treatment . attendant female 12 The presence or absence of a microdeletion on chromosome 22q11.2 in the patient and her parents and mutation screening of FZD4 and LRP5 in the patient . patient male 5 D68N ) in a single patient and his reportedly healthy mother . patient female 13 When present , they can cause significant physical and emotional distress for the patient and her parents , and prompt an evaluation for sexual abuse and sexually transmitted diseases . patient male 7 Psycho-social treatment goals useful to the COPD patient and his family will be raised and elaborated on . patient male 17 C perfringens of the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis-defined molecular subtyped was isolated from stool samples of one patient , his wife , and food from a restaurant they patronized . patient male 6 Genomic DNA was extracted from this patient and his parents and complete TCOF1 gene coding exons were amplified by specific PCR primers . patient male 9 When using a post-traumatic stress framework we tell the patient and his family that we acknowledge he has defensible reasons for not managing with an event which , we acknowledge too , was traumatic for him . patient male 22 In that way we begin to explore what each person is experiencing , because the traumatic experiencing is generally shared by the patient and his family . patient male 7 The trial of strength played between the patient and his family is going to be played with the clinician . patient male 27 Each one tries to make the other guilty and disgraced , and the clinician is at risk to feel and/or make feel in the same way the patient and his family . patient female 6 As for the age of the patient and her general condition a secondary procedure with total resection of the mucinous cyst was not carried out . patient female 6 Upper limbs were affected in one patient ( as well as in her sib without tibial defects ) . patient female 12 A da Vinci-assisted duodenojejunostomy was performed after obtaining informed consent from the patient and her parents . patient male 7 We identified homozygous STAR mutations in this patient and his affected siblings . patient male 28 However , we think that there are still other considerations that have not been given sufficient emphasis to justify an innovative procedure and are mainly determined by the patient and his environment , along with other quality-of-life issues , including social acceptance ( according to cultural norms ) , appearance ( body image ) , and function . patient female 18 A novel germline mutation of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 ( MEN1 ) gene in a Japanese MEN1 patient and her daughter . patient female 1 The patient and her family members were informed that LRLT might be possible , and they indicated that the patient 's 57-year old father was willing to act as the donor . patient male 9 Pro : MLH1 promoter methylation was found in a patient and his mother giving evidence for a familial predisposition for an epimutation in MLH1 . patient female 5 We analyzed a Japanese MEN1 patient and her daughter for germline mutations of the MEN1 gene . patient male 34 The change in attitude of the doctor will have to be more integrative by being able to deal with various levels and depth of behavior and functioning in multiple ways as related to the patient and his community . patient male 7 We analyzed DNA samples from a male patient and his parents seen during surgical screening for an Operation Smile medical mission in the Philippines . patient female 13 In negotiating perspectives , we balance the etic commitment to protect the vulnerable patient and her fetus from harm with the emic concern to empower a decisionally incapacitated woman . patient female 4 Clinical examination of the patient and her mother were suspicious for OS-CS . patient male 8 The disease derived from working conditions that the patient and his only colleague , both craftsmen operating in their own workshop , did n't recognize as hazardous prior to an external intervention . patient male 22 Clinical examination suggested features of Loeys-Dietz syndrome type II , and subsequent demonstration of a mutation in the TGFBR1 gene in the patient and his son confirmed the diagnosis . patient male 6 The uncomplicated postoperative course of the patient and his hitherto good condition showed that both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were the best possible . patient female 18 Clinical evaluation , MR scan , neuropsychological and neurophysiological investigation did not reveal substantial differences between our homozygous patient and her heterozygous relatives sharing the same mutation , or between our patient and a group of heterozygous individuals with the same mutation but from different families . patient male 6 This mutation was present in a patient with LCA , but not in his healthy parents . patient female 11 The present study describes the results of molecular analysis of this patient and her family , in which three novel mutations ( Arg21Gln , Val335Leu , and Glu386Ter ) of the gene coding for DPD were identified . patient male 21 In this series of patients with IMSCT and severe preoperative neurological deficit , tumor removal led to functional improvement in the patient and his independence in everyday life in 52 % of cases . patient female 6 In the care of a pregnant patient and her unborn , medications should be used only when absolutely necessary ( Figure 2 ) . patient male 10 A heterozygous 743G > A mutation was found in the patient and his mother , resulting in the substitution of glycine ( G ) by arginine ( R ) in codon 222(G222R ) in the putative membrane-spanning domain in human G6Pase , but not in his father and his sister . patient male 19 This study demonstrates the clinical manifestations and CTSC mutational and enzymatic activity analyses in a 5-year-old Thai male PLS patient and his parents . patient female 6 The presence of ambivalence in the patient and her mother concerning their systems of belief , and their unwillingness to accept totally the treatment modalities of either modern medicine or voodoo , probably prevented the patient 's predicted death . patient male 43 He was found , at biopsy , to have a fascicular neuroma of his right sural nerve , unassociated with his underlying neuropathy , apparently due to blunt trauma , as electroneurographic needling of this nerve could safely be ruled out by the patient and his physicians . patient male 21 If malignant arrhythmias or obvious ST-T changes appeared in the electrocardiogram records was automatically transferred to the monitoring center , the patient and his family members were informed , and the corresponding precautionary or therapeutic measures were implemented immediately . patient male 3 However , the patient and his family chose not to continue hemodialysis even when the symptoms of uremia appeared . patient male 16 Indeed , genetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA clarified the existence of A3243 G mutation in the patient and his sister . patient male 11 The ethical position for health workers could be to help the patient and his ( her ) family to regain their self esteem and dignity according to their own values and history . patient male 1 The patient and his family administered the medications . patient male 61 The impact of such surgery includes ( 1 ) enhanced quality of surgery by reducing the possibility of incomplete removal of tumor , ( 2 ) decreased financial cost to the patient when compared to hospital treatment , ( 3 ) better utilization of the doctor 's time and facilities , ( 4 ) decreased disruption in the life of the patient and his family in terms of time off from work , surgery schedule flexibility , and a decrease in patient anxiety . patient male 10 It may have negative medical and social impacts on a patient and his family . patient male 13 The ethical issues regarding this patient 's care were discussed extensively with the patient , his parents , and the hospital administration . patient male 18 Such problems can be summarized as concerning the psychological attitude of the patient , the relationship between the patient and his family and the relationship between the patient and the hospital . patient male 6 A questionnaire was send to the patient and to his ophthalmologist . patient female 2 The Turkish patient and her affected relatives all had a heterozygous A to G transition at codon 557 ( AAG-->GAG ) of exon 10 of MEN1 that results in a replacement of lysine by glutamic acid . patient female 14 Patients and their sexual partners were randomized into three treatment groups : both the patient and her sexual partner received a single dose of azithromycin ( group 1 ) ; the patient was given a standard course of erythromycin , while her partner was given a standard course of tetracycline ( group 2 ) ; and the patient was given a single dose of azithromycin with the sexual partner given a standard course of tetracycline ( group 3 ) . patient male 6 A prostate cancer diagnosis affects the patient and his spouse . patient female 9 Asp303Asn mutation in the NLRP3 gene in both our patient and her son . patient male 7 The cost-cutting treatment plan recommended to the patient and his parents by the general dentist was to use orthodontic rubber bands to loop the teeth and close the diastema . patient male 10 By an isoelectric focusing analysis , we found that the patient and his father shared a variant TF protein with an abnormal isoelectric point . patient male 12 In the present study , we investigated the TF gene of the patient and his family . patient male 4 We showed that the patient and his father shared a variant TF gene bearing a GAA to AAA transition at codon 394 . patient female 1 The patient and her friends and family did not remember any event justifying their presence . patient female 7 Haplotype analysis indicated that both the AS patient and her normal sibling had inherited the same maternal UBE3A gene and its 5 ' flanking region . patient male 9 As his condition deteriorated , the plan for this patient and his family involved working within an interdisciplinary team that included nurse practitioners and intensive care unit nurses . patient female 24 Surface marker study showed their phenotype as CD 4 + 5 + 8- , Leu 7 + and anti-ATLA antibody was positive in the patient , her son and her daughter . patient female 7 Accommodation for the individual nature of the patient and her disease is essential . patient female 7 Clinical phenotypes and hormone profiles of the patient and her mother were investigated . patient female 10 Genotyping analyses of the CYP19A1 gene were performed in the patient and her parents . patient male 1 The patient and his family have given permission to present specifics of his case and to use his name and photograph . patient male 1 One patient and his asymptomatic daughter had a significant decrease in ferrireductase activity . patient male 3 However , the patient and his family refused surgery , and were discharged . patient male 20 According to the initial survey for family history of the proband with the germline TP53 D49H mutation , one osteosarcoma patient and his pedigree fulfill the criteria for Li-Fraumeni-like syndrome and the 2009 Chompret criteria for germline TP53 mutation screening . patient female 21 No mutation in other KS genes , KS 1 , prokineticin-2 , prokineticin receptor-2 and FGF-8 was detected in the affected patient or in her family members . patient female 13 The type of insurance , education level , and employment status of a patient , but not her race or ethnicity , appear to influence the use of breast reconstruction . patient male 18 There is rarely evidence of this discussion in the medical records or of the information given to the patient and his family , thus increasing the difficulties of decision-making , especially at nights or weekends . patient male 7 A global and multidisciplinary approach of the patient and of his family is mandatory . patient female 23 The case study also illustrates the role of nursing interventions , the use of technology , and interdisciplinary collaboration in caring for the patient and her family . patient male 7 Kinetic studies of zinc metabolism in the patient and his mother with stable Zn isotopes show the presence of increased exchangeable Zn , with a rapid flux from plasma to a stable pool . patient male 7 Here we report the cases of a patient and his mother who both developed right HFS in their early twenties . patient female 2 Both the patient and her mother have short stature . patient male 10 Erectile dysfunction often affects the quality of life of the patient and his partner , and it is very important to offer adequate therapy that respects the individual circumstances of each patient . patient female 15 DNA was prepared from formalin-fixed , paraffin-embedded blocks of molar tissue and blood from the patient and her partner . patient male 5 After 5 years , the patient and his renal allograft function are both well . patient male 19 Reverse transcriptase-initiated PCR ( RT-PCR ) of lymphocyte mRNA showed both normal and small size fragments in the HPD patient and his asymptomatic mother . patient male 1 The patient and his mother were heterozygous for G -- > C substitution at conserved consensus sequence GT at 5 ' end of the intron 2 . patient male 24 There were no side-effects that required returning patients to the hospital , and the treatment was given in conditions of maximum comfort for the patient and his family . patient male 37 In light of these findings , we can conclude that giving methylprednisolone intravenously to M.S patients during an acute exacerbation , in the HH framework , is a safe and cost effective treatment , preferred by the patient and his family . patient male 24 We analyzed the patient , his mother , and normal controls by a Sac II digestion study of exon 7 and found that the patient and his mother had the same C to T point mutation at base 6218 . patient female 24 PCR was used to amplify the exons 25 , 31 approximately 32 , 38 and 40 of the MYH 9 gene in the MHA patient and her diseased father . patient male 12 A recombinant gene for HLA expression is present in either the male patient or his female sibling . patient male 15 What was probably his fourth and most devastating stroke was diagnosed and treated by his friend and personal physician , Admiral Cary Grayson . friend female 12 A novel missense variant was detected in the C-terminal region in a patient and her father who was normal . patient male 15 We analyzed whole-genome sequence data and performed functional molecular studies on cells derived from the patient and his family . patient female 4 We describe a young patient with apparent full immune competence , who suffered from disseminated CA infection , her presentation , diagnosis and therapy with amphotericin B deoxycholate , which lead to her complete recovery and return to a productive life . patient female 1 The patient , her twin sister , and her mother also presented with cerebral cavernous malformations . patient female 16 The diagnosis of Leber congenital amaurosis was suggested , and a genetic CRB1 sequencing for the patient and her two younger siblings , who also had severe vision loss , was done , upon which the diagnosis of Leber congenital amaurosis associated with exudative retinal detachment due to coat 's like vasculopathy was made . patient female 1 The patient and her non-consanguineous healthy parents and brother were studied with whole exome sequencing ( WES ) to further investigate the genetic basis of this complex phenotype . patient female 18 The possibility of preterm delivery and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ( ECMO ) treatment were considered , however the patient and her fetus recovered gradually on conservative treatment . patient male 52 As a preventive measure for all , and especially to the high risk group , we would suggest that high school pupils work for 1 - 3 months in rehabilitation centers in which they can see the consequences of accidents and thereby gain an understanding of the effects of injury on the patient and his family . patient female 10 In order to arrive at the optimal decision , the patient and her family have to be optimally informed . patient male 15 The main limitations to HIV testing prescription were : a consultation for another purpose , patient or his life style were known , and lack of HIV infection symptoms . patient female 24 [ Multiple cognitive functional assessments used to modify the disturbed behavior of an elderly woman with dementia from the viewpoint of psychoeducation for the patient and her family ] . patient male 38 Clinical trials have generally only considered time , measured by ejaculatory latency , as an indicator of efficacy , but ejaculatory control , sexual satisfaction , and distress are important aspects of PE , which impact both the patient and his partner . patient male 8 The quality of life of a colorectal cancer patient and his family is deeply modified when faced with this diagnosis as a result of physical and psychological changes induced by it . patient male 5 After thorough discussion with the patient and his family , we decided to start the patient on interferon (IFN)-α therapy . patient male 9 The establishment of a precise diagnoffort involving both the patient and his family , but because of the important differences in prognosis and management of these various syndromes , an accurate diagnosis is of fundamental importance . patient male 41 The authors concluded that the resistant epilepsy is best managed by a specialised , multidisciplinary team , and pointed out the need of a correct diagnosis of the seizure type , an adequate drug therapy and a good engagement of the patient and his family in the treatment . patient female 6 Basing on the example of one patient and her family , the system family consultation -- as a way towards therapeutic dialogue -- is presented . patient female 19 Control examinations revealed minimal decrease in sensory language function , however , it was not noticeable for either the patient or her surroundings . patient male 10 REP-PCR DNA fingerprints of H. pylori isolates from the index patient , his mother , and both of his brothers were identical or highly similar . patient female 4 We studied a Vietnamese patient and her family suffering from severe cutaneous photosensitivity with skin fragility , bullous lesions and hypertrichosis on light-exposed areas . patient female 5 It is for the individual patient and her practitioner to weigh the risks and benefits in selecting her options for prenatal diagnosis . patient female 14 We carefully explained the need for and the risks associated with surgery to the patient and her family . patient male 23 Determination of e antigen status in renal unit patients who are carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen may be of value to the patient and his home environment . patient male 10 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples from the patient and his parents . patient male 4 The DNA of the patient and his parents was extracted and sequenced by next generation sequencing . patient male 11 Centrometric fission of chromosome 10 is reported in a 25-year-old psychiatric patient and his 5 1/2-year-old normal daughter . patient female 19 We performed a mutation analysis of the PRRT2 gene and found a c.841T > C mutation in the present patient , her father , and in her younger brother . patient female 13 Finally , the decision for pregnancy must be carefully considered by the diabetic patient , her husband , and her physician long before pregnancy occurs . patient male 4 This acceptance enables the patient and his family to develop a new meaningful future . patient male 5 It has to regard the patient and his family as well as to create new ways in social politics . patient female 25 The nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary perinatal team is in a key position to provide continuity of care and supportive attention to the patient and her family . patient male 4 [ The spina bifida patient and his family : psychologic and social aspects . patient male 4 Genetic studies from the patient and his parents revealed that the patient carried two different and novel mutations of the ABHD5 gene : a nonsense mutation in exon 6 ( transmitted by the father ) and an insertion/deletion in exon 4 ( transmitted by the mother ) . patient male 24 A thorough analysis of these modalities of reaction may allow prompt recognition of problems related with psychologic and social adaptation of both the pediatric patient and his family , and may allow the adoption of pertinent strategies of intervention , in order to guarantee a better compliance throughout the whole therapy . patient male 22 The third considers a diagnosis ( and typology ) as a part of the " information " for the therapist , his patient , his family and his interpersonal context . patient male 5 A satisfying relationship between the patient and his doctor has to be regarded as the basis of the treatment . patient male 37 Conceptions were collected at 4 different occasions during the 6-month period ( before , and 2 weeks , 3 months , and 6 months after treatment initiation ) by means of interviews with a 33-year old male patient and his female partner . patient male 32 A close collaboration between physician , nurse , social worker and psychologist enables the team to implement the comprehensive program in a more efficient way and with the active participation of the patient , his family and social environment . patient male 17 Western blotting assays of leukocyte protein extracts showed that the relative expression of α-Gal in both the patient and his sister was significantly lower than in sex-matched hemizygous or homozygous controls for the g.1170C allele , either normalized to the β-actin immunoblot expression or standardized to a known amount of recombinant human α-Gal . patient female 14 Careful patient selection is important , as is developing a clear understanding by the patient and her family in what to expect with an orthotopic diversion . patient male 6 4 . A better education of patient and his family decreases the frequency of peritonitis relapses . patient female 20 Targeted quantitative RT-PCR and expression profiling of 84 genes from the Wnt signalling pathway in peripheral blood from the index patient and her healthy mother revealed increased mRNA levels of CCDC88C indicating transcriptional upregulation . patient male 15 In this study , renal epithelial cells were obtained from urine samples of a DMD patient ( 4 years old ) and his recessive carrier parent ( 35 years old ) . patient male 1 The patient and his family were not aware of these asymptomatic truncal plaques . patient male 7 Anaesthetic considerations include preoperative familiarisation with the patient and his family . patient male 10 DNA sequence analysis of the MEN1 gene in the index patient and his father and brother revealed a previously reported " pW183S " heterozygous mutation . patient female 14 Homozygous and heterozygous Y658C ( c.1973A > G ) alleles were detected in the patient and her child with severe and mild ADAMTS13 deficiencies , respectively . patient female 19 Diagnosis of the confabulation phenomenon has had three clinical consequences : 1 ) information has been given to the patient , her family and other people close to her ; 2 ) reeducation by means of voluntary memory control prior to speaking has been proposed ; 3 ) reporting on the case has been improved . patient female 12 Replication studies on lymphocytes and fibroblasts showed nonrandom X-inactivation in both the patient and her mother . patient female 18 Apart from the marker chromosome , no other copy number variations ( CNVs ) were detected in the patient or her family . patient male 11 CI of the virus was traced to the mother of one patient and his donor . patient male 5 Following several weeks , the patient presented with aggravated dyspnea and hemoptysis , and his Modification of Diet in Renal Disease estimated glomerular filtration rate indicated acute kidney injury . patient female 2 Both the patient and her affected father were found to have a deletion of 17q12 , which encompasses the HNF1B ( hepatocyte nuclear factor beta ) . patient male 31 However , angiographic cure of the AVM was expected to be made possible by the occlusion of this pedicle , and the procedure was continued due to the request of the patient and his family.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient male 23 While terminal palliative care focuses primarily on the management of symptoms of immediate dying , early palliative care provides an opportunity for the patient and his loved ones to understand the trajectory of the illness , to receive support for coping with the diagnosis , increase the quality of decision-making to match the patients values and preferences . patient female 5 VNS was safe for the patient and her child . patient male 17 Dental deontology is a branch of medical deontology which defines the relationship of a dentist with his patient and other medical workers . patient male 6 Suddenly , a physician watching the patient and his ECG compressed his chest and interrupted its motion . patient male 1 The patient and his wife were treated with intracytoplasmic sperm injection , resulting in pregnancy . patient male 11 This right to correct and complete information on behalf of the patient and his admission to proceed with the recommended diagnostic or therapeutic procedure is formalized in the document commonly known as informed consent . patient female 7 A mutation analysis was performed in the patient and her parents . patient male 55 Dental professionals may be the first line of defense in the detection and referral of a patient suspected of having cardiovascular disease , an uncontrolled disease status , or oral adverse drug reactions , and they have a key role to play in oral and systemic disease prevention and treatment , in partnership with the patient and his physician . patient male 6 Culture of erythroid progenitors from the patient and his parents revealed hypersensitivity to erythropoietin ( EPO ) . patient male 8 This article describes the clinical presentation of a patient and his mother and summarizes essential features of the disease and the current recommendations for the prevention of sudden cardiac death . patient female 9 An understanding of the reproductive goals of each individual patient , as well as her medical condition and medication , should be taken into account when counselling women on their contraceptive options . patient female 14 The combination of this finding with a maternal history of Tuberous Sclerosis allowed the patient and her family to make a more educated decision regarding termination of the pregnancy . patient male 13 During the oppositional stage of development many unresolved conflicts had developed between the patient and his parents . patient male 7 Based on the positive reactions of the patient and his family , we propose to incorporate this process into Dutch intensive care practice guidelines . patient male 17 Here , we report on a new pedigree with a germline ETV6 mutation in which the index patient and his father developed high hyperdiploid ( HeH ) ALL and polycythemia vera at age 13 and 51 , respectively . patient male 19 As demonstrated in our case report , the success of the treatment was dependent on the cooperation of the patient and his parents . patient male 7 Because of the good participation of the patient and his parents , orthodontic treatment was successful in the patient , achieving a normal overjet in combination with successful orofacial therapy . patient male 18 Karyotype analyses identify a balanced ROB involving the long arms of chromosomes 13 and 14 both in the patient and his father . patient male 8 With this recognition comes the reassurance to the patient and his family that it is a temporary phenomenon that should resolve in time . patient female 3 Investigation of the patient and her family showed that the methaemoglobinaemia resulted from a recessive deficiency of NADH-diaphorase enzyme . patient male 18 During the process of PICC implantation , the author analyzed the characteristics of this case and assisted the patient and his primary care giver in choosing a suitable catheter and self-care techniques to achieve minimal complications during implantation . patient female 6 An asymptomatic , normotensive sipple syndrome patient with glucose intolerance and hypercholesterolemia , and her kindred . patient female 9 Cathepsin C gene mutations were not found in our patient or her mother . patient male 9 Chronic gout has an important impact on both the patient and his family . patient female 28 In view of the complex issues involved in the management of these conditions , expert opinion in pathology , genetics and treatment may be essential to offer the patient and her family the best chance of a good outcome . patient male 8 Southern blot analysis of blood-leukocyte DNA from the patient and his parents demonstrated no apparent abnormality in the beta-globin gene promoter or coding regions . patient male 27 In addition , the coding region and flanking intronic sequences of FOXE3 , FOXC1 , PITX2 , CYP1B1 , PAX6 , and B3GALTL were sequenced in one patient and his relatives . patient male 11 Although functional pain must be accepted as a fact by the patient and his physician , the relevant somatic investigation is indicated . patient male 19 A point mutation designated c.794GA ( R265H ) in exon 10 of GNAS1 was identified in DNA from the patient and his mother . patient male 11 The training process is analysed as a two-level communication between the patient and his trainer ; the therapeutic relationship and the training programme . patient male 11 This study investigated patients with granular dystrophy and identified a homozygotic patient and his family with a mutation in the betaig-h3 gene . patient female 1 The patient and her family fully understood the risks and wished to participate in the sleepover program . patient female 7 In preparing for the sleepover , the patient and her family learned to operate the VAD , and she was able to move to the lavatory and through the house with the help of only her family . patient female 8 We present a case of an adult female patient with Noonan syndrome and her affected mother with a rare RAF ] germline mutation c.1279A > G ( p . patient male 9 Mitochondrial DNA mutation at 11,778 was found in the patient and his uneffected mother and brother . patient female 2 However , patient expired within 48 h of presentation but her liver autopsy revealed multiple epithelioid cell caseating granulomas with positive staining for acid fast bacilli ( AFB ) . patient female 10 This article discussed how the views of a terminal cancer patient and her family , who were immigrants from Romania , differed from those of her North American caregivers . patient male 22 He told them about the surgical management of problems of the lumbar spine and the necessity of treating the " whole " patient , as well as about his theory as to the cause of low back pain . patient female 4 The findings in the patient and her family from which this diagnosis was arrived at are discussed . patient male 2 One ALD patient and his mother , a female carrier , had the decreased beta-galactosidase activity . patient female 14 The goal is to decrease or eliminate risks that can cause detriments to the patient or her future pregnancies . patient male 18 There is no evidence of renal cell carcinoma , nor features of von Hippel-Lindau 's disease in this patient or his family . patient female 26 In order to endorse this association , we link the development of intracranial aneurysms with STAT1 GOF mutation by presenting the two different cases of a patient and her mother , and demonstrate upregulated phosphorylated STAT4 and IL-12 receptor β1 upon stimulation in patient 's blood cells . patient female 5 Breast cancer affects both the patient and her loved ones . patient female 8 Cancer and its treatment have impacts on the patient and her marriage ; therefore , the focus for the clinical care should be on the couple rather than just the patient . patient female 12 We performed WES of genomic DNA extracted from the blood of this patient and her mother , who did not have the disease , as a negative control . patient male 16 Gc-system typing by isoelectric focusing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and quantitative assays were carried out on a patient with a karyotype of 46,XY , del(4)(q12q21.1 ) and on his parents with normal chromosomes . patient male 28 Although a father-child incompatibility within the Gc-system suggested that its locus is on segment 4q12 - 13 , the serum concentration of vitamin D binding protein in the patient and his father were only about half of that of his mother and control individuals . patient male 20 A change in the colour of urine is always of clinical significance , and a source of concern for the patient and his physician . patient female 15 The injection-based procedures provided much preferable alternative to surgery from the perspective of both the patient and her family . patient female 17 The coexistence of 13 reported SNPs and 11 novel SNPs of CLCNKB gene were found in the patient and her parent . patient female 14 Interestingly , these mitochondrial abnormalities were not detected in the blood of either the patient or her son , suggesting that the patient 's rapidly progressive late onset scoliosis was due to the acquired paraspinal mitochondrial myopathy ; the cause of non-progressive scoliosis in the other two family members currently remains unexplained . patient male 24 The offwork time after the operation will depend on the kind of the surgical intervention , on the age and the condition of the patient and his profession . patient male 8 This is done in full view of the patient and his family . patient male 13 Southern blot analysis of the OAT gene showed the partial deletion in the patient and in his father and daughter and in one son . patient male 24 His text performs a dialogue with its audience whereby Jung persuades us of this truth , and also reveals Jung 's dialogue with his patient and with his own ideas . patient male 34 Must the psychosocial aspects of coronary disease be integrated in new ways into the management of myocardial infarction ( comprehensive coronary care ) in order to improve prognosis and quality of life for the patient and his family ? patient female 5 Examination of cDNA from the patient and her mother showed that she was homozygous and that her mother was heterozygous for a A-->T transversion at nt1109 producing a deduced amino acid change of His370Leu . patient male 13 This may alert other clinicians to the possibility of multiple tumors in the patient or his family members . patient female 9 However , the cervical culture results predicted neither the patient prone to infection nor her response to antimicrobial treatment , suggesting the need for more data concerning the virulence properties of the bacteria , together with isolation of the organism from an infected site . patient male 3 We interviewed the patient , his son , his aunt , and 2 consulting physicians and also reviewed relevant laboratory results to determine whether his HES had returned and whether his residual morbidity had changed . patient female 14 Twenty Chinese patients with hepatic disease and low cholinesterase activity , and one Japanese patient and her mother were tested for BChE activity and BChE phenotype . patient male 6 An adequate rehabilitation plan for the patient and his family must take into account all these issues . patient male 21 Once the cause has been established , through careful history taking and appropriate testing , the physician , along with the patient and his partner , can choose the most desirable treatment method . patient male 13 Knowledge of these appearances enables the radiologist to define his attitude to the patient as well as his remarks on the case . patient female 8 Affliction from cancer imposes heavy stress on the patient and her family , which raises important psychological problems . patient female 15 The evidence suggests that medical treatment of breast cancer produces psychosocial trauma in both the patient and her husband due to the loss of the breast and/or physical disfigurement . patient male 1 The patient and his family desired left nephrectomy despite his poor condition in general . patient male 18 A few years before I started my graduate studies , Carl Woese was establishing a collaboration with his friend , colleague , and my PhD advisor , Harry Noller . friend male 6 [ The interaction between the parkinsonian patient and his caregiver during feeding : a theoretical model ] . patient male 4 Genomic DNA from the patient and his parents was extracted using standard procedures from the peripheral blood leukocytes . patient female 5 Patients A 28-year-old female Brazilian patient who presented with early-onset cerebellar ataxia and epilepsy , and her 9 asymptomatic relatives . patient male 2 A 25-year-old patient and his sister had Marfan 's syndrome and recurrent pressure neuropathy . patient female 36 As a result , all ovarian cancer patients who are of Ashkenazi Jewish descent should be counseled regarding BRCA 1 and 2 genetic screening , as well as the potential implications of these results for the patient as well as her relatives in terms of prognosis , screening , chemoprevention , and consideration of prophylactic surgical procedures . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused transfusion , despite anemia , stating their affiliation with Jehova 's Witnesses . patient female 9 Invasive cancer dia-gnosis in pregnancy is difficult for a patient , her family and doctors . patient female 7 Hormonal treatment is often requested by the patient and her family to alleviate abnormal bleeding , cyclic mood changes , dysmenorrhea , or a combination of these , to assist with menstrual hygiene , and to provide contraception . patient male 1 The patient and his first-degree relatives have been referred for genetic counselling and screening . patient male 5 Clinical characterization of a male patient and his affected sister revealed a typical USH2 phenotype in both . patient male 3 " Neither the patient nor his relatives had bone or nail abnormalities ; however , 2 other sibs had died of complications of end-stage renal disease at age 6 and 9 , leading us to suspect autosomal recessive inheritance of a severe nephropathy or glomerulodysplasia . patient male 8 Two different mutations were observed in the index patient and in his family members . patient male 18 At admission to hospital , a data sheet was filled out with necessary data collected directly from the patient and his medical file . patient male 14 Knowledge about these symptoms is essential for effective rehabilitation , good information to the patient and his caregivers , and for prognostic purposes . patient male 24 The clinician 's awareness of the conservation-withdrawal phenomenon can avert the unnecessary use of psychotropic medications and avoid the alienation that arises between the patient and his primary physician when an unwarranted psychiatric diagnosis is applied . patient male 9 After 3 ECT sessions , the communication between the patient and his family in the last moments of his life improved . patient male 19 To ameliorate this issue , the author implemented family-centered care ( the FOCUS family intervention ) to help the patient and his family . patient male 7 This new variant was found in the patient and in his son . patient female 25 McDonald cerclage can be easily and safely placed under pudendal anesthesia , resulting in cost savings and improved use of time and resources for the patient and her physician . patient male 6 Genetical and haematological data of the patient and his family showed that the two parents , heterozygote for sickle cell disease , and the homozygote patient , also had alpha-thalassemia . patient male 9 The programme consists of a team approach to the patient and his problems , using a variety of techniques to produce pain relief . patient male 8 This paper discusses the relationship between a hospital patient and his healthcare worker who is HIV positive or has active AIDS . patient male 35 The increasing emphasis placed on patients ' rights , in dentistry as well as in other areas , is also having repercussions on the structure of the relationship between health care staff , the under-age patient and his /her parents . patient male 22 So far , potency has been the only parameter for evaluating the results of surgery , but in our view both the patient and his partner should be satisfied aesthetically and functionally . patient female 6 Iatrogenic incontinence is distressing to the patient and her doctor . patient female 27 The widespread use of hormonal contraceptives for a prolonged time in women during the child-bearing period necessitates that appropriate precautions be taken to ensure safety for the patient as well as for her progeny . patient male 19 A novel human leukocyte antigen DRB1 allele , DRB1 * 1219 , has been identified in a Chinese leukaemia patient and his family by polymerase chain reaction sequence-based typing , which has one nucleotide change at position 341 ( C-->T ) in exon 2 from the closest matching allele DRB1 * 120201 , resulting in an amino acid substitution from Ala-->Val at codon 85 . patient male 32 Denial of care to a HIV infected patient may be justified when the operative risk is considered too high and the expected benefit too low because of the precarious condition of the patient and his shortened life expectancy . patient female 5 Leukocytes were obtained from the patient , her mother and sister , and normal control subjects . patient female 1 The patient and her family accepted radiotherapy instead of surgical treatment . patient female 9 CD36 platelet antigen typing was negative for both the patient and her HLA-identical donor sibling . patient male 13 That associated with a wide range of physical and mental symptoms for the patient and his family and can affect the quality of life of women 's life . patient male 15 First , a medical prescription appears to be important to initiate the relationship between the patient and his practicioner . patient male 14 We report a case that illustrates the natural evolution of osteomalacia in an adult patient with untreated CD and his response to vitamin D supplementation . patient female 13 Several explanations are offered for the different expression of the translocation between the patient and her father . patient male 27 Interestingly , two novel thick filaments , D896N ( homozygous ) and I524 K ( heterozygous ) mutations , in the MYH7 gene were identified exclusively in patient # 1 and his family members . patient male 8 Haplotype analysis of the apoB alleles from this patient and his family members revealed him to be a genetic compound for the disease . patient female 10 Total DNA was isolated from blood cells of the index patient , her mother , and an unaffected brother . patient female 11 Unique DNA fragments of 1.4 kb were obtained from the index patient and her mother , but not from the healthy subject . patient female 1 The patient and her mother showed a fasting hyperprolinemia and an abnormal clearance curve after the proline load in the serum . patient male 17 The patient was most likely infected in the Laurentian Mountains of western Quebec , but neither the patient nor his parents remembered any direct contact with an animal . patient female 9 Arg274Gln ) in the STAT1 gene of both the patient and her father . patient female 20 We performed several immunological analyses of blood and liver samples , and searched for gene mutations for CMC in the patient and her father . patient male 10 Hypothetical connections are discussed between the psychosocial situation of the patient and his physical condition and possibilities of their research . patient female 9 Consequently , we conducted a comprehensive interview with the patient and her family who repeatedly denied mental problems and the use of topical products on the skin during the headache episodes . patient female 15 Total parenteral nutrition enabled continued fetal growth , resulting in a good outcome for the patient and her infant . patient male 6 Because of the tendency of the patient and often his family to deny alcohol dependence , diagnosis is only possible by taking psychiatric , somatic and psychosocial aspects into consideration in addition to an independent history . patient female 13 This personal reflection chronicles one critical care nurse 's experience with a neurological patient and her family . patient female 7 Novel SOST gene mutation in a sclerosteosis patient and her parents . patient male 11 We found a Pro418Arg mutation in the SH3BP2 gene of the patient and his mother . patient male 21 Therefore , it is necessary to have a capability of " home medical support hospital " with functions like helping the patient and his family to prepare for a home care transition and a way to cope with emergency situations . patient female 7 The eight ayurvedic preparations consumed by the patient and her serum levels were analyzed for arsenic content . patient female 16 The most common reason why obstetricians perform CS due to maternal request was ' anxiety of patient and her partner and due to their insistence ' . patient female 15 Molecular analysis of the nine most common pseudogene-derived CYP21A2 point mutations was performed in the patient and her family members using the polymerase chain reaction/amplification-created restriction site ( PCR/ACRS ) method . patient male 18 Because of declining health in 1924 , Dr. Gibney retired and was replaced as Surgeon-in-Chief by his long-term friend and colleague , Dr. William B. Coley in January 1925 . friend female 7 Written consent will be obtained from each patient and her husband before any study procedure is performed . patient female 19 The decision for prophylactic oophorectomy as a complementary procedure to other indicated gynecologic surgeries should depend on the individual patient and her ability to comply with lifelong estrogen replacement therapy . patient female 25 What do you and your staff do ? What are the patient 's options for care and management?What issues are there in caring for this patient and her fetus and eventually her newborn ? patient male 11 How would you proceed with next steps to best support your patient and his family in obtaining further clarifying evaluation ? patient male 8 We hope that further clinical follow-up of this patient and his family will shed a new light on the role of MAGEB genes . patient male 29 A heterozygous mutation c.371 G > A in exon 4 , which caused an amino acid substitution from arginine to histidine at codon 124 , was identified in the patient and his father . patient male 9 We conducted radiotherapy to relieve symptoms , as the patient and his family refused aggressive treatment . patient male 8 Molecular genetic studies were also performed in the patient and his three daughters . patient male 16 Additionally , the uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase activity was 55 - 66 % of the control in the patient and his family . patient male 11 Coexistence of deficiencies of uroporphyrinogen III synthase and decarboxylase in a patient with congenital erythropoietic porphyria and in his family . patient female 11 There were no adverse consequences of this procedure either for the patient or her donor twin . patient female 17 The decision should be evaluated for each single patient , taking into account the prognosis of the patient and her desire of pregnancy . patient male 42 Conclusions are drawn about the feasibility of carrying out a controlled drug trial with a patient on a ward but the most important aspects are the ability of nurses to perform objective assessments and the value of this approach when assessing a patient and his response to treatment . patient male 10 This study mentions some daily difficulties felt by the diabetic patient and his family to control the disease . patient female 9 It also discusses the effects of CF on the patient and her family , and how it affects their quality of life and well-being . patient female 3 It involves the patient , her environment , partner , prenatal care , labor , delivery , and neonatal time periods . patient female 16 While these situations pose unique challenges , they also present a significant opportunity to benefit the patient and her family . patient male 1 Each patient and his doctors have to develop individual relationships based on honesty , trust , and close communication . patient female 24 When a biochemical analysis was performed in our patient and her parents who had consanguinity , a decreased PK activity was detected in the patient and her father . patient female 24 After the molecular study of PKLR gene , a new homozygote variant , c.1708G > T ( pVal570Leu ) , was found in our patient and her father . patient male 6 Clinical data were obtained from a patient with lifelong generalized skin peeling and both his parents . patient female 1 The patient and her family were satisfied with the result of the surgery . patient male 2 An 18-year-old patient and his 40-year-old maternal uncle were evaluated . patient female 23 Factors contributing to inequitable health for women are complex and include policy , community , healthcare access , and the interaction between the patient and her healthcare provider working within the healthcare system . patient male 6 This factors are related with the patient and his social familiar background . patient male 13 The microbiological findings in the case presented here suggest that colonization of the patient or of his close environment may be important in the pathogenesis of S. agalactiae-induced CAPD peritonitis . patient male 18 In civil lawsuits , however , there is no obligation to hand over medical records , although the patient or his representative may be entitled to examine them . patient female 5 Utilizing VV ECMO , this patient and her fetus survived acute hypoxemic respiratory failure due to COVID-19 . patient female 11 A multiprofessional approach to care along with inclusion of both the patient and her husband in decision making achieved the best possible quality of life for them both . patient female 2 While the patient and her family members feared a serious medical condition which had so far been an obscurity despite a number of investigations , we tried to diagnose the patient starting from the basics , which after a proper history revealed a levosulpiride-induced galactorrhoea . patient female 38 In so doing , clinicians ' practices become understandable as labour to meet a diversity of - at times conflicting - individual , organizational , and societal mandates that necessarily include , but extend well beyond , the patient and her immediate social network . patient male 27 Traumatic brain injury occurs abruptly , involves multiple specialized teams , solicits the health care system in its emergency dimension and engages the well being of the patient and his relatives for a life time period . patient male 8 After approximately 11 weeks of hospitalization , the patient and his family made an informed decision to continue supportive care at home . patient male 10 The focus is on the process of working with the patient and his close relatives using an adapted FI model . patient male 7 This procedure involves data collection about the patient and his disease , the results of various tests and laboratory findings , the interpretation of the data and a diagnostic summary . patient male 1 The patient and his family , however , refused further treatment and the patient died of disseminated disease 8 months later . patient male 1 The patient and his family reported strict adherence to therapy , but no improvement was observed . patient male 1 The patient and his mother were heterozygous for a 6.7 kb deletion of the GH-1 gene . patient male 43 A T-->C transition at position -123 , an A-->G transition at position -6 and an A-->T transition at position -1 in the GH-1 promoter region and the addition of AGAA at base 250 in intron I were observed in one allele of the patient and his father . patient male 12 In view of the severe consequences of this disease for each individual patient and his family , but also in view of the immense costs incurred by each relapse , we must not rest content with this situation . patient female 12 But regretfully , due to economic reasons and surgical risk , the patient and her mother refused operation . patient male 6 Supportive psychotherapy and education of the patient and his family on the special aspects of HIV-associated psychiatric disorders are also cornerstones of treatment . patient male 6 The family study indicates that the patient , as well as his sister , a maternal uncle , and a first cousin , all have inherited a single HFE allele that contains two mutations H63D and E168Q . patient male 8 The clinical symptoms and laboratory findings of the patient and his relatives are consistent with the conclusion that the E168Q mutation by itself is unlikely to result in hemochromatosis . patient male 23 For the physician , whom Jackson and Colman called " Dr Z " in their report in Brain(2 ) had been Jackson 's patient since 1877 and his own account of his epileptic experience had occupied six pages of Jackson 's 1888 article " On a particular variety of epilepsy .... "(7 ) Jackson had himself witnessed several of Dr Z 's attacks . patient male 5 A new examination of the patient and his similarly affected father , who was initially referred as healthy , led us to suspect LEOPARD syndrome , The diagnosis was then confirmed by the occurrence in both patients of a heterozygous mutation c.1403 C > T , p.(Thr468Met ) , of PTPN11 . patient male 13 A simple , clear approach may be effective for the physician , the patient and his family . patient male 18 It suggests to be very careful when interpreted the result of a single densitometry without personal contact with patient and his history , or without sufficient knowledge of densitometric methods . patient female 6 Among the attending physician , the patient , and her family , this imaginary tale was an important means of communication . patient female 4 Detailed studied on the patient , her family , and two additional 18q -- patients suggest that the association with erythropoietic protoporphyria is coincidental and that the cystinuria gene was inherited from the patient 's father . patient female 18 While interpreting data and explaining a newly described phenomenon created uncertainties for the genetic counseling team , the patient and her husband were primarily dealing with grief surrounding the loss of a wanted pregnancy . patient female 1 The patient , but not her paternal affected relatives , also had a common heterozygous polymorphism ( D418D ) in exon 9 . patient male 14 Advantages of this compound include a much lower dose of radiation absorbed by the patient and his surroundings , a simplified measurement technique , and considerably reduced expenses . patient female 16 Before initiating treatment to induce ovulation in cases of PCOS , an appropriate evaluation of the patient and her partner , based on individual considerations , is important to optimize outcome . patient female 14 The outcomes of such care will have long-term effects on both the breastfeeding surgical patient and her infant . patient female 17 A genetic variant in the gene for phosphoglucomutase 1 ( PGM1 ) was identified in the index patient and her two brothers , all were found to be homozygous for the genetic variant ( G230E ) NM_002633.2:c.689 G > A in PGM1 . patient male 47 Among the nonmedicamentous strategies , cognitive behavioural treatment can be effective and the so called " psychiatric management of the patient with CFS " has been proposed as a global , pragmatic , individualized , comprehensive approach which must be completed with other interdisciplinary interventions on the patient and his environment . patient male 15 Premature ejaculation can have a significant adverse effect on the quality of life for the patient and his sexual partners . patient female 9 HSV-specific CD4 + CTLs generated from lymphocytes of the patient and her mother exerted cytotoxicity against HSV-infected cells from the patient ( Fas-/- ) and from her mother ( Fas+/- ) to almost the same degree in an HLA class II-restricted manner . patient female 5 A genetic study of the patient and her parents revealed a mutation of the CLCNKB genes . patient male 13 A DNA ( deoxyribonucleic acid ) analysis of blood samples obtained from the patient and his eldest daughter revealed autosomal dominant hypocalcemia ( ADH ) with mutations in the calcium-sensing receptor ( CaSR ) gene . patient male 11 IF has now been isolated from the gastric juice of the patient , his sister , and both parents , who are first cousins , by using affinity chromatography on B(12)-Sepharose . patient female 1 Both patient and her mother had no history of muscle weakness and showed normal levels of muscle-specific enzyme . patient female 1 The patient and her family declined palliative chemoembolization of the liver lesions or palliative chemotherapy and desired home hospice . patient male 24 It is concluded that halogenated inhalational anaesthetics are established as bronchospasmolytics , and that their use in bronchospastic disease should be individualized to the patient and his other specific disease process . patient female 2 Both the patient and her doctor were convinced that skin lesions were caused by the contact with metals , oils and greases . patient male 9 Max Gottesman wrote the following tribute to his long-time friend and colleague . friend male 12 Most are conflicts of values between the different parties involved : the patient , his relatives and/or representatives , health professionals , and the institution . patient male 16 T cells using the same TCR beta-chain were observed in distinct halo nevi of the same patient but not in his peripheral blood , demonstrating a local expansion of common clones that are most likely activated by the Ag(s ) shared by independent halo nevi of the same patient . patient female 6 We describe a case of a patient and her family with compatible symptoms of CADASIL disease , in which a variable not yet described in the Notch3 gene was detected , that generates a probably pathogenic change in the protein . patient male 1 The patient and his parents are studied using next-generation sequencing technology . patient female 6 Health education of the traditional birth attendant and her clients by relevant intervention agencies is strongly advocated . attendant male 19 A deletion of 4 bp , TTTG , was identified in exon X when using genomic DNA from the patient , his father , and his paternal grandmother . patient male 30 The case described in this article calls into question generally reliable assumptions about determination of death by neurological criteria , where the best the clinical team could do for the patient and his family was " the least bad option . " patient female 1 The patient , her mother , and her maternal grandmother were compound heterozygous for , and each expressing a different combination of , previously reported patient female 12 A structured discussion of the risks and benefits of options with the patient and her support team is recommended to facilitate the decision-making process . patient male 25 But Hippocrates is known to have said that the efficiency and good results of the treatment depends not only on the physician but on the patient and his engagement , his observance of the doctors ' advice , his attitude to his own psyche and body , both in health as in illness . patient male 5 Serum and DNA from the patient and his mother were analyzed . patient male 31 We hypothesize that this GHR variant can not anchor to the cell membrane , and the continual secretion into the circulation explains the elevated levels of serum GHBP detected in the patient and his mother . patient female 1 The patient and her husband desired to have children without the abnormal chromosome balance and wished to reduce the likelihood of spontaneous abortion or need for therapeutic abortion . patient female 35 Fluorescence in-situ hybridization ( FISH ) probes for the alpha-satellite region of chromosome 8 and for a region on the short arm of chromosome 5 ( 5p15.2 ) were tested initially on lymphocytes from the patient and her sisters . patient male 13 There were subjective reports of improvement in cognitive and adaptive functioning from the patient and his spouse over this time period . patient female 19 We used exome sequencing to study a patient with bilateral CL/P and identified a single nucleotide deletion in the patient and her similarly affected son — c.546_546delG , predicting p . patient male 17 If sulfonylureas or insulins are applied for treatment the risks of hypoglycemia must be explained to the patient and his family , and must be prevented by all means . patient female 1 The patient and her parents and sister were subjected to microbiological testing to identify the microorganisms involved in the disease . patient male 12 A peculiar attention has been paid to the para-clinical evaluation of the patient and his partner . patient male 28 Since only the plasminogen ( PLG ) activity was reduced on laboratory tests before surgery for lumbar disc herniation , coagulation and fibrinolysis studies were performed in the patient and his family . patient male 8 The PLG activity was 8 % in the patient and his sister , 55 % in his father , and 53 % and 48 % in his nephew brothers . patient male 20 IEF of PLG antigen showed abnormal patterns in which all bands were shifted slightly to the cathode side in the patient and his sister , but his father and nephew brothers exhibited duplicated bands showing combinations of normal and abnormal patterns . patient male 14 Potential mutation in electron transfer flavoprotein dehydrogenase ( ETFDH ) gene ( for the patient and his parents ) and carnitine transfer protein gene ( SLC22A5 ) ( for the patient ) was screened . patient female 10 Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes of the patient and of her healthy family members following standard procedures . patient male 10 Timing of postimplant PSAs was at the discretion of the patient and his doctors . patient female 3 A 35-year-old female patient and her partner with male-related infertility . patient male 3 Experiences of an patient and his nursing team ] . patient male 1 The patient and his sister carried novel , compound heterozygous IGF1R missense mutations , E121 K ( exon 2 ) and E234 K ( exon 3 ) , inherited from the mother and father , respectively . patient male 6 Informed consent was obtained from each patient or his next of kin . patient female 20 The ergonomic situation at home should be evaluated to ensure that any ergonomic changes necessary for the care of the patient and her newborn , take place in time . patient female 11 This discusses a critical care nurse 's journey with an obstetrical patient and her baby . patient female 24 It is of interest that 46.5 % of the in situ cancers and 68.8 % of the invasive cancers were detected either by the patient or her doctor on clinical examination . patient male 21 To ascertain the Hutterite BBS locus , we performed a genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ) analysis on a single patient and his three unaffected siblings from a Hutterite family . patient male 12 The analysis identified two large SNP blocks that were homozygous in the patient but not in his unaffected siblings , one of these regions contained the BBS2 gene . patient female 8 Cytogenetic analysis of blood samples obtained from the patient and her family revealed no chromosomal abnormalities . patient male 8 Of dogs and hookworms : man 's best friend and his parasites as a model for translational biomedical research . friend female 3 This places the patient and her fetus at risk for potential adverse outcomes due to increased seizure activity . patient female 7 After discussing the treatment possibilities with the patient and her parents , the decision was made to wait until growth potential decreases ( following the adolescent growth spurt ) and to correct the problem with orthognathic surgery . patient male 1 The patient and his family had no history of arrhythmia and syncopal attack . patient male 9 Trio whole-exome sequencing analysis of DNA samples from the patient and his parents revealed a de novo novel missense mutation ( c.1150G > A , p . patient female 11 This article describes the complex nursing and social needs of a patient and her carer which were addressed before discharge home from units for the care of older people . patient male 13 A crisis is an episode of desorganisation of the individual balance for the patient and his circle , but it is also an occasion for adaptation to the new systemic context created by the disease . patient female 15 Further , the finding of a breast mass in adolescence can be unsettling to the patient and her family . patient male 9 The existence of autoimmune skin disorders in both the patient and his offspring ( vitiligo and subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus , respectively ) implies that the coexistence of MDS and RP may have been caused by a functional disturbance of the immune system . patient male 4 In concert with the patient and his mother , the decision was made to excise the mass because of psychosocial concerns . patient male 2 The investigated patient and his two sons were subjected to HLA typing . patient male 9 We also report the case of a 40-year-old male patient and his family affected by NPS and includes clinical , radiographic as well as arthroscopic findings . patient female 18 The decision of PO as a concurrent procedure to other indicated gynecologic surgeries should depend on the individual patient and her ability to comply with lifelong estrogen replacement therapy . patient male 34 A 16,747,601 bp duplication of 9q21.32q31.1 inserted into band 4q25 and a balanced ( 4;9 ) insertional translocation were identified by single nucleotide polymorphism array and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis respectively in the patient and his healthy father . patient female 10 The decision to become pregnant should be made by the patient and her husband after they are appropriately informed about the risks involved . patient male 12 This surgery must be decided very carefully and requires to inform the patient and his family of the high rate of complications . patient female 11 The same strain was detected in the subgingival plaque of the patient but not in her vaginal tract . patient male 47 The integrated renal replacement therapy ( RRT ) concept assumes that all its methods : kidney transplantation ( Tx ) , hemodialysis ( HD ) and peritoneal dialysis ( PD ) can be applied in a complementary manner , according to the clinical situation of the particular patient and his preferences . patient male 1 The patient and his wife were admitted to the emergency room with abdominal pain , nausea , and vomiting 20 hours after consuming Lactarius volemus , an edible type of mushroom . patient male 23 The objective of this article is to reflect about the process of communication and its relevance for the nurse 's team , the patient and his family in this unit . patient male 6 Sera derived from both the NLE patient and from his mother exhibited a cytotoxic effect on NLE keratinocytes , but not on control cells , in the presence of complement . patient male 13 Disposable gloves were used by all staff having direct contact with the affected patient or his immediate environment , and patient isolates were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis ( PFGE ) of genomic DNA . patient female 17 The termination of pregnancy had been suggested by the obstetrician and the decision was made by the patient and her husband . patient male 3 DNA from the patient and his parents was submitted for mutational analysis of exons 9 and 10 of the TSH receptor . patient female 16 The analysis of apoB gene , the main candidate gene in FHBL , revealed that the patient and her mother were heterozygotes for a novel nonsense mutation ( Y1220X ) predicted to cause the formation of a short truncated apoB ( apoB-26.87 ) not secreted into the plasma . patient male 1 The patient and his two siblings were found to be heterozygous for factor V Leiden mutation . patient female 23 Being affected by one of the heritable gynecologic malignancies is a logical entry point into the genetic counseling and testing pipeline for the patient and her family members . patient male 3 Also , the patient and his family should be informed of any restriction on the possibilities of treatment . patient male 2 Neither the patient nor his family had any previous history of bleeding symptoms . patient male 31 In the presence of a renal biopsy picture of FSGS and in the absence of either electron microscopy studies or molecular genetic studies that point to TBMN and COL4N , the patient and his family may be mistakenly diagnosed with hereditary FSGS leading to unnecessary further investigations , erroneous family counselling and improper corticosteroid treatment . patient female 9 PCR and Sanger sequencing was carried out for the patient and her parents . patient male 5 Genetic testing indicated that the patient and his mother have both carried a heterozygous c.130G > A ( p . patient female 16 Discussion after the completion of the history and pelvic examination should center on education of the patient and her family about the multifactorial nature of chronic pain , and hence the necessity to use multiple treatment methods . patient male 8 G-banded chromosomal karyotyping was carried out for the patient and his parents . patient male 4 The karyotype of the patient and his parents were normal . patient female 19 A discussion of the management of ovarian cancer invariably involves the problems of death and dying faced by the patient , her family , and her physician . patient male 15 The medico-social management of the patient with respiratory failure involves firstly the education of the patient and his family or carers about the objectives and practicalities of the treatment . patient male 15 On the doctor-patient level , the therapist has to maintain a therapeutic alliance with the patient and his family and adjust the medication accordingly , in order to maximize the benefit and minimize side effects . patient female 10 Analysis of cloned segments of X chromosome DNA from the patient and her son showed the XmnI(Asp ) alleles of pERT 87 - 15 and the TaqI alleles of pERT 87 - 8 in both patients . patient male 6 Whole exome sequencing in the index patient and his mother detected a candidate variant in a homozygous state in the index patient ( PGAP3:c.557G > C , p . patient male 2 Both our patient and his mother had elevated free thyroxine , free triiodothyronine , and non-suppressed thyrotropin ( TSH ) concentration . patient male 11 The main goal of palliative care is to get well-being to patient and his family with all available means and resources . patient male 12 Seeing , in a realistic way , the situation of the obese patient and his environment may make physicians more willing to realise their commitment towards this group of patients whose needs for support and recognition have generally been neglected by the medical profession . patient male 6 Obesity -- as seen by the patient and his family . patient female 24 The case was " solved " when the loss and sadness of aging was discovered and accepted during a cathartic session involving the diabetic patient , her husband , their family physician , and myself , a consultant . patient male 7 The information must be extended to the patient and his entourage . patient male 8 The percentage of postoperative satisfaction in both the patient and his partner significantly increased ( P<0.001 ) . patient female 14 Theories and models of loss , grief , and mourning are explored for the patient , her family member , and the medical treatment team , through a personal reflection when treating a patient undergoing a course of radiation treatment in a large cancer center . patient male 8 Pain has a significant negative impact on the patient and his family , therefore it needs to be managed urgently and appropriately . patient male 12 A sperm-FISH analysis of a 46,XY , t(1;16)(q21;p11.2),t(8;9 ) ( q24.3;p24 ) patient and his 46,XY , t(8;9)(q24.3;p24 ) brother and cousin . patient female 41 As a number of these viruses have been documented to be efficiently transmitted through the vertical route , the issue of blood transmitted viral infection monitoring becomes particularly important in order to provide protection or treatment both to the pregnant thalassaemic patient herself and to her foetus/newborn . patient male 5 The hemoglobin electrophoresis of the patient and his father were compatible with the beta-thalassemia trait . patient male 4 The personality of the patient and his psychological structure have an important influence on the final decision . patient female 8 Serum lipids were studied in detail in the patient and her relatives ; there was a marked reduction of the low and very low density lipoproteins in the patient only ( LDL/VLDL ) . patient male 15 Selective deficiency of the eighth component of complement ( C8 ) was demonstrated in the patient , his twin brother , and in one of five siblings . patient female 19 An identification of BRCA1 mutations in our patient allowed precise genetic counseling and also triggered cancer screening for the patient and her family members . patient female 4 Only then can the patient and her surgeon make an intelligent decision regarding management . patient male 9 Lys198fs ) resulting in a truncated protein in the patient and his father . patient male 13 Molecular characterization of amplified HTLV-I proviral DNA has been performed both in the patient and his mother by LTR sequence analysis , and HLA genotype inheritance was evaluated . patient male 21 AIM . : The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact of a first treatment with PDE5i on the patient and his partner and the management of ED by GPs . patient female 1 The patient and her disease characteristics were analyzed , including age at onset , age at diagnosis , clinical presentation , clinical classification , family history , laboratory findings and MMACHC gene mutation . patient female 5 The favorable outcome of the patient and her fetus should owe much to the mild phenotype of her disease . patient male 6 Blood samples were collected from the patient and his parents for the extraction of genomic DNA . patient male 14 There is immense need for continuous , effective and reinforcing health education to the patient and his family . patient male 11 This study aims at identifying the social support network of a user and his family in a Psychosocial Care Center ( CAPS ) follow-up . user male 1 The patient and his caregiver were unable to make multiple trips to the clinic for treatment . patient male 33 Independent predictive factors for poor socioprofessional outcome were primary disease severity ( onset in infancy or hereditary disease ) , the presence of comorbidities or sensorial disabilities , low educational level of the patient or his parents , female gender , and being on dialysis after graft failure . patient male 3 Acknowledging to a patient or his family that an error occurred during treatment is one of the hardest things a physician or hospital executive will ever have to do . But doing so promptly , truthfully and with a sincere " I 'm sorry " is the right thing , experts say , and , in the process , may diffuse anger and allow for a fair financial settlement . patient male 6 Prophylactic and therapeutic programs for individual patient and his family member should be constructed . patient male 12 3 . to consider whether a treatment will be worthwhile for the patient and his family bearing in mind his prognosis and adverse effects of invasive procedures . patient male 20 4 . to discuss all reasonable treatment options ( including the decision of " no intervention " ) with the patient and his family , allowing them to make the final decision as far as possible by themselves . patient male 5 Subsequent genetic analysis of this patient and his parents revealed two different heterozygous mutations of ADAMTS13 , including a missense mutation in exon 26 ( c . patient male 17 Because the choice between quantity and quality of life is a highly individualistic one , both the patient and his partner should be involved in making decisions about prostate cancer screening . patient male 9 Finally , it has lasting detrimental effects on the user and his neighbor , even when it occurs in a casual setting . user female 16 The lesion was further evaluated with a MRI study , and ( following discussion with the patient and her family ) elective surgical resection of the lesion was performed . patient male 16 An early diagnosis of Alzheimer 's disease is nowadays required for a better assistance of the patient and his family , and also to carry out therapeutic trials at that stage . patient male 10 Organ donation from corpses is now legal - provided the patient or his legal guardian does not object to such donation before the former 's death . patient female 14 Molecular genetic testing of the GLUD1 gene identified heterozygous mutations in all patients ( patient 1 and her mother a novel c.1526G > C mutation ; patient 3 a known c.809C > G mutation ) . patient male 8 Analysis of the SAP precursor cDNA from the patient and his fetal sibling showed an A to T transversion in the initiation codon . patient male 3 Studies of the patient and his parents resulted in a diagnosis of inherited protein S deficiency . patient male 19 The physician in charge of a dying patient , however , should only consider what is best for the patient and his family and give no priority to transplant surgeons and their patients . patient male 8 Mutation analysis of the MID1 gene in the patient and his mother demonstrated that the patient had a novel insertion mutation ( c.1798_1799-insC ) , and his mother was a heterozygous carrier of the mutation . patient female 12 Breast disorders in the adolescent female can cause significant anxiety for the patient and her family and pose a clinical challenge for her health care provider . patient male 10 The duty to analyze intersectionally the entire context of the patient and his family context is also highlighted . patient male 26 We have studied the etiology of MSUD by determining the enzyme activity , protein , and mRNA levels of BCKDH in fibroblasts from a classic MSUD patient and his parents . patient male 1 In patient 2 and his older brother , we identified a homozygous single base exchange ( G to T ) in codon 255 ( GAG ) , causing a premature stop codon E255X ( TAG ) . patient female 1 The patient and her siblings are currently pursuing appropriate medical care and genetic counseling . patient male 5 Self-care aids for the parkinsonian patient and his family . patient male 5 The physical condition of the patient and his cooperation during and after treatment were observed to be significant factors in the treatment of chronic denture stomatitis . patient female 9 Pharyngeal swabs and serum samples were collected from the patient and her contacts . patient male 27 What could be stressed as a specific reflection subject is the perception of the team and its interdisiplinarity : the latter implies a common project around the patient and his family ; it seems that if the will of the teams is indeed an interdisciplinary organization , in the praxis , it is not yet achieved . patient male 63 To conclude , this study allowed us to describe an experience rather precisely ; we could thus stress the perception by the patients and the families of a team , what , we think , can help the latter in their daily practice but also in a deepened reflection on the interdisciplinarity conditions and the implementation of real team projects , involving the patient and his family . patient male 16 Three different stages must be considered : preoperative instructions of the patient , mobilization of the patient and his joints , water gymnastics to enable the patient to obtain total independence . patient female 16 The mutation was found in combination with the South-East Asian alpha0-thalassaemia deletion in an haemoglobin (Hb)H patient and her sister , both of Thai origin . patient female 9 We sequenced the CLCN7 and TCIRG1 genes of the patient and her parents and identified a novel c.285 + 1G > A ( IVS3 + 1G > A ) mutation and the known c.896C > T ( p . patient female 1 The patient and her immediate family provided consent for exome sequencing , and they were screened with a questionnaire to identify family members with a history of LA resistance . patient female 2 Both the patient and her mother , who had also had postviral polyneuritis in the past , harbour a mutation in Ran-binding protein 2 ( RANBP2 ) ; this occurred de novo in the mother and confers genetic susceptibility to ANE . patient female 22 In medical practice shorter consultations allow more patients to be seen , whereas longer consultations result in a better understanding of the patient and her problems . patient male 15 Use of the PCR determined the glycosylasparaginase cDNA sequence from both parents of the British patient and his AGU-affected brother . patient male 1 The patient and his relatives underwent detailed ophthalmological examination , including electrophysiological testing . patient female 2 A POI patient , her family members , and another 192 control women with regular menstruation . patient female 7 Sanger sequencing was carried out for the patient , her sister , and parents . patient female 7 Because MEN 2B was suspected , the patient and her family members underwent genetic analysis . patient male 4 Genomic DNA from the patient and his family members was extracted routinely from peripheral blood leukocytes . patient male 20 Genetic analysis revealed a novel mutation in exon 15 of the APC gene ( NM_000038.5 : c.7647_7648_delTG ) for the patient , his mother , and his sister , whereas no mutation was found for his father who had no gastrointestinal polyps . patient female 7 Soft markers frequently arouse anxiety in the patient , her family , and the referring clinician . patient male 21 The palliative care model attaches great importance to the management of the emotional dimension in the relationship with the terminally ill patient and his family . patient male 7 Phylogenetic analysis including sequences from the index patient and his spouse sampled at different time points , as well as control sequences belonging to the same HIV-1 subtype , revealed that there is no evidence of coinfection or reinfection with Y181C resistance strains , while the virus for both subjects was classified as subtype CRF14_BG . patient female 15 Very high insulin demands in this fourth pregnancy and an unusual phenotypic appearance in the patient and her mother raised suspicion of an underlying condition . patient female 5 We report on a new patient with cblF complementation group that is associated with an elevation of both methylmalonic acid and homocysteine , and her outcome in response to routine therapy and a dietary restriction . patient female 1 The patient and her baby were discharged on the postoperative day 14 without any complications . patient male 12 Cytoplasmic vacuoles were seen in granulocytes , monocytes and lymphocytes of the patient and his father . patient male 21 A mutated allele in exon 7 and a polymorphism in exon 5 were found in GNAS1 gene in both of the patient and his father . patient male 16 The mutations identified here include N263S identified in two independent CAD patients , P279L in one patient and his father with the diagnosis of CAD and G283D in one patient . patient female 22 Targeted oligonucleotide-selective sequencing of 101 cardiomyopathy genes revealed the genetic diagnosis , and the mutation was verified by Sanger sequencing in the patient and her parents . patient male 21 Several concepts of classic causes of emotional disturbances that abet asthmatic attacks in children may be helpful in management of the patient and his environs . patient male 11 Recently , a close nursing student friend of mine became a patient and his experience was of heartless , unloving nursing . patient female 5 Whole genome sequencing of 1 patient and her parents , followed by DNA sequencing of family members and healthy controls , showed the presence in both patients of a homozygous missense mutation in MALT1 that resulted in loss of protein expression . patient female 5 The implications of notifying the patient and her physician of any discrepancy in a Papanicolaou smear may lead to media attention and litigation . patient female 10 For genetic analysis , peripheral blood was obtained from the patient and her sister . patient female 10 Although health care recommendations should be agreed upon by a patient and her provider , patients can not always follow these recommendations . patient female 13 The specific choice to use the vertical profunda artery perforator flap for this patient and her neuropathic wound type was made based on its excellent flexibility , durability , and donor site appeal . patient male 1 Both patient and his father carry the same mutation . patient male 19 In the light of these discussions the responsible team should develop a treatment plan , in concert with the patient and his family whenever possible . patient male 10 The genetic structure of CPT II was analyzed in the patient and his family . patient female 0 Patient and her family are very satisfied , and the medical team evaluates that the treatment is being well succeed . Patient male 7 Peripheral blood samples were collected from the patient and his parents . patient female 12 Part of the E-2 region of HCV was directly sequenced in the patient and her sexual partner . patient female 10 The average nucleotide divergence between the sequences of the infected patient and her sexual partner was 5.1 % , compared with an average nucleotide divergence of 19.4 % ( range 16.6 - 21.8 % ) between the sequences of the patient and those of controls . patient male 6 DNA analysis was performed in the patient and his clinically unaffected mother , maternal grandmother and sisters . patient male 1 The patient and his family gave us informed written consent , then cerebral angioplasty and stenting(CAS ) was performed for the left VA stenosis , which was sufficiently dilated . patient male 18 An inherited , interstitial subtelomere deletion of approximately 1.3 - 1.4 Mb at 3q29 was identified in a patient and his father utilizing BAC array comparative genomic hybridization ( a-CGH ) . patient female 22 Such centralized care requires separation of women from their families , resulting in significant medical , emotional and economic costs for the patient , her family and community . patient male 10 The genetic investigation was performed by whole-exome sequencing in the patient and his parents . patient male 3 [ The geriatric patient and his nutrition ] . patient female 9 A case report of the interventions made with this patient and her clinical outcomes . patient female 17 Both children and their pet cats were infected with B. henselae genotype II , and the third patient and her cat were infected with B. henselae genotype I. In all cases , there were no essential differences in the clinical manifestations of the infection caused by these 2 genotypes of B. henselae . patient male 30 Political , social , psychological , historical , statistical , theological , ethical , legal , ecological and economic problems and discussions are typical for an intensive contact between a patient and his doctor . patient female 29 The concerns of an affected woman planning a pregnancy , and the dilemmas involved in decision-making regarding prenatal diagnosis and possible selective abortion were exposed and explored with the patient and her husband . patient male 20 Surgeons should be aware of the brachial plexitis syndrome in order to properly make an early diagnosis and educate the patient and his family on the etiology of this syndrome . patient male 14 Alzheimer 's disease and related syndromes have heavy social and human consequences for the patient and his family . patient female 13 In conclusion , we identified a novel V2R gene mutation in a female patient and her sons with congenital NDI , and her phenotype may be caused by skewed X chromosome inactivation . patient female 15 Advantages and disadvantages of both cesarean-hysterectomy and conservative treatment should be clearly explained to the patient and her partner , who have to be involved in the decision process . patient female 10 We used WES to analyze the DNA sequences of the patient and her parents and to search for de novo variants . patient female 6 Basing on the example of one patient and her family , the advantages and disadvantages of a systemic consultation are presented . patient female 12 The genomic DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the patient and her family members . patient male 5 Information was gathered regarding each patient , his parents , the pregnancy , and his twin or triplet siblings and other siblings . patient male 13 The diagnosis of NSU should lead to the correct treatment of the male patient and of his sexual partners . patient male 25 These are briefly discussed with the aim of both understanding and being aware of the difficulties to achieve the most complete approach possible towards the patient and his problems . patient male 11 The relation of the therapist and his teaching role for the patient and his close family are presented as being extremely useful . patient male 11 The occurrence of an inhibitor represents a major hardship for the patient and his family , and can result in high morbidity and a significant reduction in quality of life . patient female 8 Microarray analysis was carried out also in pregnant patient and her asymptomatic mother and gave positive results on both . patient female 5 Before the procedure , the patient and her close family , including her husband and 2 sons were given thorough explanation of the procedure , its risks and benefits . patient male 21 The child 's psychiatrist role will be to take care of the exchanges , and listening among the doctors , the patient and his family are favoured . patient female 9 METHODS Routine G-banding has been previously performed on the patient and her parents . patient male 10 In this clinical report , we present a 12-year-old male patient , his brother , and mother with pericentric inversions of chromosome 11 associated with submicroscopic interstitial deletions of 11p13 and duplications of 11q22.3 . patient male 19 The patient 's phenotype includes intellectual disability , speech abnormalities , and autistic behaviors , but interestingly neither the patient , his brother , nor mother have aniridia or other eye anomalies . patient male 8 A mutation in SCN5A was identified in this patient , his father , and his grandfather . patient female 7 Ultimately , after shared decision-making between the patient and her physicians , the patient elected to proceed with RPN . patient male 13 The decision to treat obstructive nephropathy in the palliative setting should include the patient , his family and members of the support team . patient male 12 Complete clinical evaluation and sequence analysis of the TTR gene of the patient and his family were performed . patient male 34 Currently , the choice of tactics of treatment of the patient with prostate cancer ( PCa ) requires to take into account the degree of differentiation and stage of tumor , age of the patient and his somatic diseases , the risk of complications , as well as the patient 's desire and physician 's experience . patient male 2 The drug-consuming patient and his drugs . patient male 23 Delay in discharge of psychiatric patients frequently is attributed to the lack of available community resources , or to the unwillingness of the patient or his family to accept discharge or transfer to another facility . patient male 7 The information " general knowledge of the patient and his social setting " was frequently chosen by GPs , as well as " subjective cognitive complaints of the patient " and " information from significant others " . patient female 7 For confirmation , genomic DNAs from the patient and from her parents were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method . patient male 13 Autoradiographic as well as Q- and G-banding techniques were performed in both the patient and his father . patient female 23 A mechanism of formation is proposed for the deletion/insertion , and both multiplex and qPCR indicated that the deletion/insertion was present in the patient , her brother , and her father . patient female 3 We describe a patient and her family with hyperferritinaemia and low transferrin saturation with iron accumulation in the central nervous system ( CNS ) and liver due to hereditary aceruloplasminaemia . patient male 16 Anxieties , insecurity and impaired ability to communicate with each other characterize the relationship of the patient and his mother . patient female 12 This led to the initial false assumption of HLA identity for the patient and her two sisters . patient male 6 Particular focus is placed on the patient and his needs . patient male 6 3 ) pathologic history of the patient and his tumour . patient female 3 What an adolescent patient and her parents define as a gynecologic emergency often proves to be merely a prolonged period . patient female 43 In this case analysis deception or lying to a dying patient is discussed within the context of different relationships : the relationship between the patient and her family doctor , the relationship between the patient and the surgeon and the relationship between the patient and her family . patient female 9 The primary responsibility of the surgeon was towards his patient rather than her family . patient male 5 Genomic DNA samples of the patient and his parents were converted to a final concentration of 50 ng/ml . patient male 4 The karyotypes of the patient and his parents were normal . patient male 6 Because of the age of the patient and his general condition , it was felt justified to just marsupialize the lesion instead of a more radical removal . patient male 14 Sanger sequencing of the variants detected in whole exome sequencing was performed in the patient and his parents . patient male 15 This heterozygous variant can explain the hypercalciuria and kidney stone that occurred in both the patient and his father . patient male 19 " Restrictiveness " is neither a narrow legal concept nor a clinical concept that encompasses all aspects of a patient and his treatment ; it refers to several features of treatment that can infringe on individual freedoms . patient female 20 Therefore , a fetal board provides prospective opportunities for clinical diagnosis , counseling , and comprehensive care of the maternal patient and her fetus before , during , and after delivery . patient male 1 A patient and his parents , deficient for lymphocyte function associated antigen-1 ( LFA-1 ) and Mo1 ( OKM1 ) , were studied with respect to leukocyte surface marker expression and functional properties . patient male 3 Granulocytes of the patient and of his deceased sister showed normal phagocytosis , but they had a dysfunction in the activation of the oxidative metabolism . patient male 9 The major functional defect observed with leukocytes of the patient and his father was an apparent B cell defect . patient male 4 The B cells of patient and of his father only produced Ig when cultured with T cells of the father , and not with normal donor T cells or T cells of the mother , in the presence of exogenous interleukin 2 ( IL 2 ) . patient female 21 The molecular genetic study of the AGXT gene , showed the existence of a R197Q mutation in exón 5 of the patient and her father . patient female 21 Standard clinical cytogenetic analysis indicated that both members had normal peripheral blood karyotype , with no evidence of mosaicism in either patient or her partner . patient female 7 Informed written consent was obtained from the patient and her family . patient female 24 To study the proposed end-organ resistance to cortisol , we examined the glucocorticoid receptor ( GR ) in lymphocytes and in fibroblasts from this patient and from her son . patient male 11 TLR-induced TNF-alpha and IFN-alpha production by PBMCs was impaired in the patient and his brother . patient female 4 The benefits for the patient and her family include understanding of possible genetic risk and enhanced pregnancy outcomes . patient male 37 Its interest results from easiness to get quickly many cylindrical and known bore grafts from the receiver himself what confers an optimal compatibility , with fast and not very painful operative effects , easily accepted by the patient and his surgeon . patient female 12 Husbands and partners are also affected , and adjustments of both the patient and her partner are expected to continue for years . patient female 6 Karyotypes of peripheral blood of the patient and her parents were normal . patient male 25 We present some of those conflicts , especially those caused by the survival of totally dependent patients and those related to our communication with the patient and his family . patient male 12 Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) identified Arthroderma benhamiae in both the patient and his guinea pig . patient female 8 The aesthetic result was satisfactory both for the patient and for her parents . patient male 6 Including the active participation of the patient and his impaired hearing a much more accurate finding of symptoms is possible than with the standard methods of audiometry . patient female 10 Whole Exome Sequencing ( WES ) was performed in the patient and her parents , in addition to Sanger sequencing that was carried out to confirm the results . patient male 5 The microHC gene of the patient and his parents were amplified by polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) from genomic DNA . patient male 63 The indication to place a nephrostomy in patients with obstructive uropathy secondary to prostate cancer must be approached individually , according to the general conditions and the quality of life of the patient with base in scales defined in literature ( ECOG and Karnofsky ) and in factors of good or bad prognosis , always considering ethical considerations and the consent of the patient and his family . patient male 23 The principal causes were : dietary error or increased physical activity ( 43.7 % ) ; increase in daily insulin dose by the patient or his doctor ( 14.6 % ) ; and other illnesses , mostly involving the gastrointestinal tract ( 10.9 % ) . patient male 34 A new mutation(1253G-->T ) of exon 7 of the IDS gene was found by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing in the patient , The PCR-restriction enzyme digestion showed that enzyme digestion location appeared in the patient and his mother , which verified the results of sequencing analysis . patient male 9 We examined the expression of dystrophin in a BMD patient and in his asymptomatic mother by Western blot and immunofluorescence . patient male 8 Whole-exome sequencing using the peripheral blood of the patient and his parents ' revealed a heterozygous missense mutation in exon 17 of the STAT3 gene ( c.1673G > A , p . patient male 5 LEPR genetic analysis of the patient and his relatives was performed . patient male 9 Diagnosis was based on : poisoning reported by the patient or his family , clinical data , biological findings and qualitative determination of PPD . patient female 6 Due to the age of the patient and her wish to preserve fertility , it was decided not to perform extensive surgery but to perform hysteroscopy again in a follow-up visit after 3 months . patient female 8 In the course of the treatment , the patient and her therapist struggle with what she can hope for as her dementia progresses . patient male 7 Surgical options were discussed , and the patient and his family elected to pursue minimally invasive pulmonary valve replacement with left pulmonary artery augmentation through a 5-cm left anterior mini-incision . patient female 14 Therefore , since breast cancer treatment should be based on individual features of the patient and her tumor , tailored therapy should be an option by integrating cancer biomarkers to define patients at risk and to reliably predict their course of the disease and/or response to cancer therapy . patient female 14 METHODS Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood and oral swab samples from the patient and her relatives . patient male 1 Each patient and his nutritional needs are evaluated on an individual basis . patient male 24 We suspected that the patient had USS and performed assays of ADAMT13 activity and its inhibitor , followed by ADAMTS13 gene analysis of the patient and his parents . patient male 1 The patient and his family refused surgery . patient male 1 The patient and his family were informed as to the nature of the delirium and the precautions to be taken in case of any future disease or operation . patient female 16 The 574 and 598 alterations have been confirmed by amplification directly from genomic DNA from the patient and her mother . patient female 20 When a physician projects that there is no hope , or if a cure is no longer probable , the patient and those close to him or her may feel helpless and hopeless . patient male 2 The BCI user and his family state that the BCI had restored his independence in social interactions and at work . user female 1 The patient and her children survived after careful care and treatment . patient male 8 DNA banking effectively preserved the right of our patient and his wife not to learn his HD genetic status during a stressful time of disease progression while providing the option for family members to learn this information in the future if desired . patient male 24 The history delineates the severity , circumstances , and time course of the present attack , placing it in the clinical context of the patient and his disease . patient female 14 The mean follow-up is 36 months and the results were very satisfying for the patient and her surgeon . patient male 2 The third patient and his parents had a normal level of GHBP , suggesting a defect limited to the intracellular domain of the receptor or lying beyond the receptor . patient male 7 Following the collection of DNA from the patient and his family members , the TGFBI gene was screened for mutations previously associated with lattice corneal dystrophy and any novel coding region changes . patient female 7 Examination of the mitochondrial DNAs of the patient , her daughter , and her two grandchildren revealed two homoplasmic mutations at positions 13708 and 15257 of the mitochondrial genome . patient female 0 Patient and her close acquaintances noticed a great improvement in her pronunciation and enunciation of sounds like " t " , " d " , " n " , " l " , " th " , following removal of excess gingival palatal tissue and was also appreciated with visual analog scale score . Patient male 31 The therapeutic approach to the cognitive disorder is selected according to the disease stage and should be multiprofessional , including the best applicable medical and nonmedical treatment and support for the patient and his family . patient male 12 A novel four extra-repeat insertional mutation of PRNP was found in the patient and in his 59-year-old healthy sister . patient male 6 We report the case of a patient with evidence of duodenal diverticulitis in association with gallbladder inflammation by contiguity , as well as his diagnosis and management . patient male 26 The shade side of the sport ( not only high-performance- , but also amateur sports ) is sudden cardia death , a dramatic event for the patient and his family . patient male 4 L65Qfs*10 in both the patient and his mother . patient male 26 Laboratory studies including activated partial thromboplastin time ( APTT ) , prothrombin ( PT ) , and thrombin time ( TT ) were tested in a patient and his family members . patient male 16 She was nominated for the ' unbelievably kind and empathetic ' care she provided to a patient and his family . patient female 5 After extensive counseling of the patient and her family , laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy and cold knife conization were performed . patient male 9 The bloody semen is often very worrisome for the patient and his sexual partner(s ) . patient male 6 [ Fragmentation needs integration : the patient and his nursing care ] . patient female 5 Family study showed that the patient as well as her father and sister are heterozygous for the abnormality . patient male 34 In the intervention group , the DA will be offered after diagnosis , and a summary of the patients ' preferences , which were identified with the DA , can be discussed by the patient and his clinician during later consultation . patient female 8 In both cases , informed advice to the patient and her partner can provide simple ways of modifying and diversifying sexual practice , slight changes can be sufficient . patient female 18 Appropriate transition of care for the adolescent from pediatric to adult healthcare providers should include education of the patient and her parents regarding the chronic nature of the syndrome and the need for continued follow-up . patient male 21 Urine glycosaminoglycans ( GAGs ) assay , PCR and DNA sequencing were performed to detect mutation of IDS gene of the patient and his parents . patient female 6 In addition , another symptomatic Japanese patient and her presymptomatic sibling who were detected by MS/MS selective screening were successfully diagnosed by our enzymatic assay . patient male 10 Serum plasminogen activity was low , not only in the patient but in his elder brother and daughter . patient female 1 The patient and her family proposed lung transplantation , and we concluded that a living-donor lobar lung transplant would be a suitable treatment for her disease . patient male 9 Final decisions regarding care should be made by the patient and his primary caregiver . patient female 25 Restoration of the missing maxillary lateral incisors with IPIs and temporary crowns proved to be a convenient , long-lasting and psychologically acceptable solution to the patient and her family . patient male 16 Neuropsychological reassessment is pending , but no apparent change in cognition has been noticed by the patient or his family . patient female 2 Neither the patient or her relatives had any history of tobacco use . patient male 11 Novel prognostic factors are either ( 1 ) independent from the patient and his disease , ( 2 ) inherent on the patient 's characteristics or ( 3 ) based on tumour biology . patient female 14 The PPH with DIC was stopped by these measures seven hours after C/S. The patient and her baby left the hospital with no complications . patient male 19 This study describes successful genetic testing for molecular diagnosis , and subsequent prenatal diagnosis , of FA in a patient and his family in Korea . patient male 18 We identified a novel missense mutation L658F in KHD of NPR-B in homozygous and heterozygous states in the patient and his parents , respectively . patient female 2 A 30-year-old patient and her 30-year-old husband , diagnosed with asthenoteratozoopermia , underwent ICSI because of three unsuccessful IUI attempts . patient female 6 We present the case of a patient who developed intracerebral hemorrhage following phenylpropanolamine ingestion post-partum 4 years following the recall , as well as her difficult recovery process . patient female 30 With the exceptions of malaria , toxoplasmosis , and African trypanosomiasis , when infection does occur , treatment decisions should be based on the impact of the infection on the patient and her fetus on an individual basis . patient male 49 DNA sequencing of the beta globin gene confirmed a GGC to a GAC mutation at codon 29 ( gly to asp ) for Hb Lufkin on the patient and also revealed a beta(0 ) thalassemia mutation , IVS-1 - 1 ( G to A ) , on both the patient and his mother . patient male 18 Extensive analysis of other complement regulatory protein- and polymorphism-associated risk factors did not uncover a difference between the patient and his sister . patient male 19 Chronic testicular pain although becoming very common in our patient population poses a challenge to the physician , the patient and his family . patient male 16 This paper describes a model of treatment which emphasizes that well-intentioned attempted solution behaviors by the patient and his family frequently serve to perpetuate the very drinking behavior they intend to eliminate . " Second order , " illogical interventions can be a powerful clinical method for overcoming this vicious cycle of repetitive abusive drinking . patient male 28 The model is family oriented and conceptualizes cessation of drinking ( in the motivated patient ) as a product of undoing the commonsensical but ineffective attempts of the patient and his family . patient male 6 Cancer screening was begun for the patient and his descendants . patient male 5 The AIRE genes of the patient and his family members were sequenced to identify whether the APS-1 patient had an AIRE mutation . patient male 15 A small percentage of mutant p53 mRNA is present in the somatic cells from the patient and his mother . patient male 8 DNA was obtained from the blood of the patient and his parents . patient female 8 The first case was a Turner 's syndrome patient and her husband had azoospermia . patient male 7 The PEX7 gene was sequenced in the patient and his parents . patient male 20 The clinical management of chronic illness includes a consideration for the social , cultural , and psychological situation of the patient and his family . patient male 10 Typing results showed that the father descended HLA-B27 antigen on patient and his brother . patient female 2 The index patient and her mother had a history of developmental delay , mild facial dysmorphism , Axenfield eye anomalies , slight intellectual disability , and subsequently developed levodopa-responsive parkinsonism in early adulthood . patient male 15 This might lead to a more appropriate rehabilitation , less anxiety and depression in the patient and his family , and a more efficient use of limited resources . patient male 22 Systemic blood pressure has assumed an identity of its own with a rigid norm , deviation from which causes dismay to the patient and his advisers . patient male 7 A mucopolysaccharidosis ( MPS ) type II patient and his parents from an ethnic minority in Yunnan province were studied to identify their possible mutation in IDS gene to establish the basis for prenatal gene diagnosis . patient male 13 Urine glycosaminoglycans ( GAGs ) assay was used for preliminary diagnosis of the patient and his parents with the disease . patient male 21 Two-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization ( X and Y chromosomes ) and microsatellite genotyping were used to compare samples from the patient ( transplant recipient ) , his sister ( donor ) and the skin biopsy sample , which confirmed that the origin of the neoplastic cells was the donor graft . patient male 2 Both the patient and his mother exhibited the specific clinical and pathological manifestations of EI . patient male 9 Consistent with immunoblotting studies on electrophoretograms , both the patient and his affected fetal sibling were found to be deficient in immunoreactive SAP-2 . patient female 15 Detailed ophthalmological and electrophysiological examinations were carried out and blood samples were taken from the patient and her father for molecular genetic analysis by direct DNA sequencing of the NF1 and the ancient conserved domain protein 4 ( CNNM4 ) gene . patient male 39 Furthermore the exclusion of contraindications is required : severe irreversible secondary organ damage ( especially of kidneys and liver ) , malignant tumors and systemic malignancies , severe pulmonary hypertension , florid infections , unstable psychosocial conditions of the patient and his surrounding . patient female 12 The nerve was dissected free , the tumour removed , and the patient and her voice recovered fully . patient male 4 The DNA of the patient and his parents was extracted and sequenced by next generation exome capture sequencing . patient male 26 Routine karyotyping , chromosomal microarray analysis ( CMA ) , and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) were used to detect chromosome abnormalities in the patient and his families . patient male 34 Clinically , it is necessary to perform a thorough preliminary clinical and anamnestic evaluation which can orient subsequent investigations to achieve a diagnosis in the least time possible with the minimum discomfort to the patient and his relatives , not to mention lower costs for society . patient male 18 Then , palliative care , the scope of which is to achieve the best life quality for the patient and his family is discussed . patient male 3 Depending on the patient and his age , on the cancer and its treatment , recovery of a normal spermatogenesis may be observed in a minority of cases and sometimes lately . patient male 21 Using 2 common polymorphisms in F8 exon 14 , we were able to show that the same allele shared by the patient , his mother , and his sister was not detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) from total blood mRNA . patient male 15 Chromosomal microarray analysis revealed a deletion of exons 3 - 5 in NR3C2 in the patient and his asymptomatic mother who also had elevated serum aldosterone level , confirming that he had primary or autosomal dominant PHA1 . patient male 21 A novel nonsynonymous variant in the INSR gene was uncovered by whole exome sequencing and confirmed using Sanger sequencing in the patient and his parents . patient female 8 Today , 2 years after delivery , the patient and her baby are doing well . patient male 6 After two recurrent hemorrhages , the patient and his family declined twice the offered surgical procedures to evacuate the hematoma of the pons . patient male 33 This type of analysis makes it possible to individualize the guidelines of international panels of experts , but ultimately the decision to operate or not must also consider the psychological profile of the patient and his attitude towards risk ( " risk-seeking or risk-averse " ) . patient female 19 Fertility and results of infertility therapies are submitted to amajor drop in relation with the age of the female patient and her so-called ovarian reserve . patient female 21 Early delivery and subsequent chemotherapy was chosen after considering the gestational week , her general condition and the wishes of the patient and her husband . patient male 25 However , it may emerge at any time during the adult years , and may bear a close relationship to ongoing psychosocial issues affecting the patient and his partner . patient male 18 On the basis of this case report the prehospital management is discussed focalizing the complete treatment of the patient and his amputated extremity as well as the transport from the scene of accident to a suitable hospital . patient male 1 The patient presented with acute symptoms of dyspnea 16 years after surgical resection of the primary tumour , and his dyspnea progressed to cardio-respiratory arrest within the first few days of hospital admission . patient male 5 The struggle between the elderly patient and his social environment leads to a loss of self-esteem accompanied by fear and anger . patient female 9 A germline E-cadherin gene mutation was identified in this patient , her brother , and three first cousins . patient female 36 She was first seen in 1979 at the age of 23 years , with a molar pregnancy and subsequently had 6 consecutive moles , the last being in July , 1986 ; at this visit the patient and her husband were very depressed , and convinced that a normal pregnancy was unlikely and requested a hysterectomy . patient female 9 During the first two months of HoT , the patient and her family were visited on average three to four times per week , during the third and fourth months of HoT once or twice a week by a multi-professional team . patient male 12 However , the aim of every evidence-based medicine should be giving every patient and his relatives the best possible quality of life , including symptomatic treatment options and prevention of possible complications . patient male 12 A frank opening discussion of the diagnosis paves the way for the patient and his relatives to deal with the situation and to develop together a solution strategy in the challenging setting of dementia , which always affects the whole familial and social system . patient female 14 For fear of the side-effects caused by dexamethasone and the antibiotic drugs , the patient and her parents asked for treatment with Chinese herbs instead of dexamethasone and antibiotics . patient male 14 After gaining permission to trim the patient 's facial hair by engaging with the patient , his family and religious leaders , his mask fit objectively improved , his hypoxaemia markedly improved and an unnecessary intubation was avoided . patient male 14 The created pseudojoints in the reconstructed penis allowed for pain-free vaginal intercourse between the patient and his wife because of its now semirigid structure . patient male 1 The patient and his parents were satisfied with his appearance after surgery . patient male 1 The patient and his wife were unaware of any sleep problems . patient male 6 [ Patient education of the depressed patient and his family ] . patient female 11 Judaism is wrongly blamed for exacerbating the dilemma facing this Orthodox patient and her family . patient male 5 The information available to the patient and to his family today pose new conditions for the care of the depressed ; it facilitates the acceptance of the illness and of its effects , it is indispensable for the therapeutic relationship as well as for the effective observance by the patient of his treatment , and thus contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of the depressed . patient female 9 We present a case of MFT in a female patient and her father with malignant transformation to basal cell carcinoma ( BCC ) in the father . patient male 6 This noise , audible to the patient and his family without a medical device , proved to be the Hamman sign , a rare although typical sound formerly related to pneumomediastinum that can be exceptionally encountered in isolated left pneumothorax . patient female 4 After consultation with the patient and her family , it was decided to cryopreserve the unfertilized oocytes . patient female 19 This may permit a delay in surgical intervention to facilitate other investigations and to allow thorough counselling of the patient and her family about the implications of the diagnosis . patient male 10 The relationship between graded functional ability of a neuromuscular disease patient and his routine daily activities remains unknown . patient male 7 Considering the poor general condition of the patient and his decision to avoid invasive procedures , a novel treatment option was offered to provide relief from spasticity and pain : stereotactic image-guided irradiation delivered to the sensory root . patient male 6 Among those , characteristics of the patient and his family background , such as conformity and degree of consistent parental support and supervision are interpreted as determinants of satisfactory adherence , whereas treatment related and interactional correlates , such as duration of treatment , dominance of provider , and interpersonal perceptions , are conceived of in terms of mutually interdependent and/or consequent variables . patient female 13 Due to unspecific symptoms , misdiagnosis is likely and could potentially endanger a patient as well as her fetus . patient male 1 One patient and his mother had insulin antibodies . patient male 7 The results of karyotype analysis of the patient and his parents were normal . patient female 9 Cytogenetic studies demonstrated a balanced inv(7)(q22.1;q36.3 ) in the patient and her father . patient female 9 During antenatal care , it is recommended that the patient and her obstetrician-gynecologist or other obstetric care provider formulate a postpartum care plan and identify the health care professionals who will comprise the postpartum care team for the woman and her infant . patient male 1 The patient and his consort were treated with oral ampicillin for ten days . patient male 18 One mutation , a heterozygous deletion mutation in exon 11 ( c.3051_3052delCA ) , was identified in the patient but not in his relatives . patient female 12 Southern blot analysis revealed the presence of an anomalous band in the patient and her father , in the region encompassing exons 13 - 19 , approximately 0.6 kb shorten than the one present in normal controls , in addition to the band of the correct size . patient female 6 Primary colposcopy facilitates empowerment of the patient and her partner through the opportunity for demonstration and explanation of disease processes and options for management . patient female 9 Prior to the development of dementia , both the patient and her brother showed autistic like features , signs of ideomotor apraxia and weakness in verbal comprehension . patient female 15 Screening tests for patients with suspected LS enables surveillance of other tumors in the affected patient and her family with the potential to decrease morbidity and mortality . patient male 18 Sequencing analysis of the calcium sensing receptor gene revealed a novel heterozygous mutation ( 3193delA ) in the patient and his family members with hypercalcemia , but one with normocalcemia . patient male 5 At this time nurse supports patient and his family in a psychological way , giving tips and advice at the same time . patient male 9 Recovery strictly depends on the quality of information that patient and his family receive . patient male 22 We report the identification and sequence analysis of a new HLA-A11 * variant , A*11:60 allele , found in a Taiwanese leukaemic patient and his siblings . patient female 12 The use of these substances presents a multitude of problems for the patient , her unborn child , and the physicians involved in their care . patient male 9 Further molecular studies revealed shortened D4Z4 fragments in the patient and his asymptomatic father , establishing the diagnosis of facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy ( FSHD ) . patient male 26 Eventually , a donor splice site mutation ( c.4071 + 1 G > T ) was found by direct sequencing of the dystrophin gene in the patient and his mother and confirmed the diagnosis of Becker 's muscular dystrophy along with FSHD . patient female 17 Postpartum , the patient was transitioned to warfarin therapy , and at 6 weeks postdelivery neither the patient nor her infant had developed any new problems . patient female 2 The index patient , her mother , and a sister presented with a stereotypical clinical picture characterized by paroxysmal itch attacks involving the shoulders , upper back , and upper limbs , followed by transient burning pain , and triggered by environmental warmth , hot drinks , and spicy food . patient male 28 Severe Lower Limb Ischemia by Massive Arterial Thrombosis Revealing an Acute Myeloid Leukemia Needing for Leg Amputation : Clinical and Emotional Aspects Related to the Communication with the Patient and His Family . Patient male 17 We particularly focused critical and emotional aspects related to the communication about the leg amputation with the patient and his family . patient male 13 Furthermore , when coronary calcification is discovered incidentally by the radiologist , the patient and his physician should be alerted to its presence as it represents a significant risk factor for the subsequent development of symptomatic coronary artery disease . patient male 12 We searched for AGXT , GRHPR and HOGA1 gene mutations in this patient and his parents . patient female 6 L39PfsX35 ) was found in the patient and her father . patient male 10 No mutation was found in IL-2RG and RAG1/RAG2 of the patient and his parents . patient male 7 Because of the persistent symptoms of the patient and his history of hemorrhaging , a treatment plan based on staged radiosurgical treatments of different portions of the AVMs ( three sessions , spaced 6 mo apart ) , followed by delayed microsurgical removal of the much-reduced residual AVMs ( 3 years later ) , was undertaken . patient female 4 This methodology allows the patient and her physician to optimize choice of therapy . patient female 1 The patient and her parents underwent next-generation sequencing patient female 36 We have followed one of the first patients described with EV in Basel , Switzerland , in 1930 until today and demonstrated the TT genotype ( SNP rs7208422 ) in the EVER2/TMC8 gene in this index patient and her sister . patient male 18 Using biochemical means and electron microscopy of skin biopsy specimens , both diagnoses could be proven in the patient and his mother . patient male 60 Animal rights issues concerned more than mere science for Darwin , however , and where debates over other scientific issues failed to inspire Darwin to become publicly active , he readily joined the battle over vivisection , helping to draft legislation which , in many ways , was more protective of animal rights than even the bills proposed by his friend and anti-vivisectionist , Frances Power Cobbe . friend male 1 The patient and his family refused genetic testing , however , so far , the patient has not developed any VHL-associated lesions for more than four years . patient male 26 What made me choose this perspective was the study of the Polish 19th Century approach to the history and philosophy of medicine , in which the patient and his health was an end in itself . patient male 8 As a result of informed consent with the patient and his family , we decided a conservative treatment , and started chemotherapy using S-1 . patient female 1 The patient and her family were interviewed , and her clinical history reviewed . patient male 17 Confidential information should be disclosed only as needed for continuing care or upon written authorization by the patient or his legal representative or where such disclosure is authorized by federal or state law , subpoena , or court order . patient male 11 We evaluated postoperative pain , snoring and the satisfaction of the patient and his enviroment . patient male 23 Of these , 30 % of people then have persistent signs of disability that results in a disability , sometimes painful existence the patient and his relatives . patient male 22 Factor XI coagulation activity and antigen levels were extremely low ( less than 1 % of normal level ) in both the patient and his brother , and they were half the normal levels in both parents . patient male 11 [ Strabismus surgery under subconjunctival anesthesia : technique and evaluation by patient and his surgeon ] . patient female 11 However , no previous international travel history was documented for the patient and her family , even to neighboring cities . patient male 10 A total of 56 close contacts , including his girl friend , relatives , friends and medical staff who had taken care of him , were brought under medical observation for 7 days but none of them showed signs of infection . friend female 4 After discussions with the patient and her nurse practitioner , a medication plan was created for the patient to follow . patient male 4 A pharmacist provides the patient and his family with indepth information on the disease and on deferoxamine dosage , preparation , subcutaneous administration , stability , storage , side effects and precautions . patient female 7 What is a clinician to do-believe the patient or her urinary diary ? patient male 11 Finally , it explains what information should be given to a patient and/or his family in order to help him re-integrate back into his normal environment in periods of remission . patient male 33 Physicians should be wary of early identification of this disease for dynamic monitoring , the appointment of symptomatic therapy , prevention of anxiety and depression and the generation of behavior algorithm in the patient and his relatives in order to maximize social and household adaptation . patient female 9 Beta-mannosidase deficiency : heterogeneous manifestation in the first female patient and her brother . patient male 6 This process has to involve the patient , his family and carers , ethical and palliative care counsel should be available . patient female 21 Review of current literature has shown that this procedure can be done safely and with an excellent outcome for both the patient and her fetus . patient female 21 We provide practical pointers to increase the chance of early diagnosis and explore the impact of a late diagnosis for the patient and her family . patient male 13 Sanger sequencing was performed to validate the variants of candidate genes in the patient and his parents . patient male 27 The cardiologist should know these facts and not wait until the patient asks about them ; he should have the initiative to openly discuss them with the patient and his partner from the period interhospitalary convalescence of the MI . patient male 20 A clinical investigation was performed and targeted next-generation sequencing ( NGS ) was used to identify COG5 variants in the patient and his family . patient female 4 Karyotypic analysis of the patient and her husband was normal . patient male 1 The patient and his family were educated on ways to decrease the risk of spinal cord injury with contact sports , after which the patient was allowed to participate fully in sports without restrictions or adverse events . patient male 18 One heterozygous , novel , and rare missense mutation ( R108C ) was identified in a single schizophrenia patient and in his healthy mother . patient female 22 Previously described heterozygous mutation c-127C > A in the 5'untranslated region ( 5'UTR ) of the ANKRD26 gene was detected in the patient , her aunt , and her grandmother . patient male 10 Following kidney allotransplantation a great number of complications threaten the patient and his graft , e.g. acute tubular necrosis , acute and chronic rejection , urologic and vascular complications and complications due to the immunosuppressive treatment . patient male 12 hominis was isolated from the sternotomy wound and pleural fluid of this patient but not from his blood . patient male 15 Swift movement of patients from room to room can occur without losing track of the patient or his chart . patient male 14 The key to effective treatment is its individualization connected with proper education of the patient and his caregivers . patient male 18 Mannosidosis : phenotype of a severely affected child and characterization of alpha-mannosidase activity in cultured fibroblasts from the patient and his parents . patient male 10 It is concluded that an adequate initial interview of a patient and his next of kin will achieve a diagnosis which is correct in its major category on 95 per cent of occasions . patient male 7 Informed consent has been obtained from the patient and his immediate family regarding this case report . patient female 2 The pregnant patient and her partner . patient male 19 The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the mutation causing the FVII deficiency in a Chinese patient and his family . patient female 46 The study showed : 1 ) The presence of an anti-D antibody in a Rh positive patient who had been previously sensitized ( by blood transfusion ) ; 2 ) This antibody was able to react with Rh positive rbcs but not with those of the patient and her family members who had the same partial deletion ; 3 ) The defect was transmitted heterozygously , with a high degree of penetration , but with variable expression ; 4 ) A low antigenic density for her D antigen by flow cytometry . patient male 4 Trp281Arg ) in the patient and in his brother ; his mother and sister were diagnosed as heterozygous carriers of the same gene mutation . patient female 9 This nonsense mutation was found in a symptomatic female patient and her asymptomatic mother whose son died of OTC deficiency during the neonatal period . patient male 14 Thus , when the " end-stage " get close clinicians have to engage the patient and his relatives in an advance care planning aimed to share a decision making process regarding all future treatments and related ethical choices such as patient 's best interests , rights , values , and priorities . patient female 1 The patient and her family were informed about the " benign " result and the patient was sent home . patient female 26 Instead , we found a C to T transition causing an arg to cys amino acid change within the same codon in one Polish breast cancer patient and her daughter . patient female 8 An epidemiological and laboratory evaluation of the index patient and her sexual partner identified only one risk factor for enhanced HIV-1 transmission : the patient 's use of oral contraceptives . patient male 32 One must also be prepared to play a central role in the ongoing care , in working with a group of consultants , and in providing the necessary emotional support to the patient and his family . patient male 10 Genetic advice must be based on perfect knowledge of the patient and his family , yet the final decision remains with the family . patient male 4 The viruses from the patient and his backyard chicken feces shared high homologies ( 99.9 - 100 % ) in all the eight gene segments . patient male 21 Comprehensive care for the person with hemophilia is defined as the continuous supervision of all medical and psychological aspects affecting the patient and his family and it demands the establishment of specialized centers , called Hemophilia Treatment Centers . patient female 16 Nurses were more disturbed by amnio abortions in which they played major roles in supporting the patient as well as in her abortion . patient male 1 The patient and his family adjusted well to this decision , although not all orthopedists and therapists adjusted easily to the choice . patient male 31 All patients for whom antitumor therapy does not offer a reasonable possibility of cure are eligible for Church Hospital 's multidisciplinary program , the focus of which is on both the patient and his family . patient female 36 Attention to the details of current investigations , efforts to control the risk factors , and the perspicacious use and suitable monitoring of pharmacological agents can be expected to reduce the risks for both the pregnant patient and her attending physicians . patient male 4 Mutation analyses of the patient and his mother revealed a Y279 G mutation in exon 7 of the PTPN11 gene . patient male 9 We conducted both clinical and genetic analyses on the patient and his family . patient male 8 An informed consent has been obtained from the patient and his guardians . patient male 41 103 male patients with coronary heart disease and their partners filled out the Questionnaire about the Perception of an Illness and its Consequences ( Fragebogen zur Wahrnehmung der Krankheit und ihrer Folgen , FWKF ) which is available for both the patient and his partner . patient male 16 Four scales were derived which enable a diagnosis of the perception and coping modi of the patient and his partner and to draw conclusions about the partner interaction . patient male 37 This study aims at better identifying the patients with Alzheimer 's disease at high risk of developing behavioural symptoms , to anticipate , detect and quickly treat these disorders and so , prevent serious consequences for the patient and his caregivers . patient female 13 Cardiological studies showed a prolonged QT interval ( 0.6 s ) in the patient and her daughter , associated with hypokalemia ( 3.4 mmol ) in the former . patient male 7 Providing a complete effective biofeedback to the patient representing his compliance to the therapy and his performance is thought that his active participation will be enhanced significantly , thus , improving his rehabilitation . patient male 13 The analysis of the different factors leading to non-observance ( linked to the patient and his ( her ) environment , to the disease and its symptoms , to the care system ) permits to propose different approaches aimed to improve therapeutic observance . patient male 10 Here Hamilton and Neubauer explore the nursing complexities when a patient or his family is pulled in two directions : toward the technological possibilities of the acute care setting and toward human values better expressed in the home . patient female 18 The date of diagnosis of the UF patient was assigned as the index date for both the UF patient and her matched control . patient male 10 No correlations were found between the objective status of the patient and his emotional well-being . patient male 8 Sequence analyses of amplified DNA from a Yugoslavian patient with Hb Lepore-beta-thalassemia and from his father with a simple beta-thalassemia trait have revealed a T----A mutation within the ATA box at a position 30 base pairs upstream from the Cap site . patient male 5 The classical contract between the patient and his doctor is altered in this situation and the numerous consequences of extrapolation of results to the general population must be considered . patient male 16 Of course , the applicability of a shared model depends on the particular situation of the patient and of his demand . patient female 6 We performed high-throughput sequencing on a patient with FMD and her probable healthy daughter , then annotated the frequency of a variant in a control or general population and assessed its deleterious effects according to published guidelines . patient male 10 Investigation of the catalase activity in the hemolysate of the patient and his brother confirmed this suspicion and resulted in the first diagnosis of this condition in Austria . patient male 13 It 's attraction is based on the helplessness and the hopelessness of the patient and his physician , making them prone to cling to the magic power of alternative medicine theories . patient male 7 We performed whole-exome sequencing DNA from a patient with idiopathic CP and from his parents , who did not have CP . patient male 17 A majority ( 77.6 % ) of the physicians under investigation would tell a terminally ill cancer patient or his family about the possibility of DNR and ask them to consider signing a consent form . patient male 3 introduction of the patient and his team , 2 . organisation of the preliminary examinations , 3 . patient male 28 Once complications from hyperleukocytosis are apparent , nursing interventions are aimed at easing respiratory distress , minimizing increases in intercranial pressure , and providing emotional support for the patient and his family . patient male 92 It is defined by the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders as " ejaculation occurring , without control , on or shortly after penetration and before the person wishes it , causing marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.([1 ] ) Although the timing of intravaginal ejaculatory latency time ( IELT ) ( i.e. , time from penetration to ejaculation ) is not included in this definition , an IELT of < 2 min , or ejaculation occurring before penetration , has been considered consistent with PE.([2 ] ) Management involves both the patient and his partner . patient female 1 The patient and her husband decided to have an abortion because they worried that the cabergoline might have harmed the fetus . patient male 7 After sequencing the parents of the index patient and his maternal grandparents , this mutation turned out to be de novo in the mother . patient male 11 The chromosome fragility with mitomycin C was increased in both the patient and his sibling , confirming a diagnosis of Fanconi anaemia . patient male 21 Other difficult decisions are always made easier by a primary physician who can relate to the consultants as well as the patient and his family . patient male 5 The genomic DNAs of the patient and his parents were isolated from whole blood . patient male 32 The discovery of the appearance of a serious disease , and the necessity for diagnostics , treatment and rehabilitation , particularly when malignity is involved , represents exceptionally stressful news for the patient and his family . patient male 62 ; education in the area of the family life cycle , and the effect of the disease as an unexpected life crisis on the family dinamic ; education in the area of fundamental principles of psycho-and pharmaco-therapy , as well as the provision of support to the patient and his familly ; training in the skills of announcing bad news to the patient and his familly through the explanatory presentation of the case and supervised simulation of sessions . patient female 10 The final decision , of course , rests with the patient and her treating physicians and is subject to medical/legal interpretation . patient female 29 The exploration was performed by direct sequencing of POLD1 gene exon 15 in the male patient with a classical MDPL phenotype and by whole exome sequencing in the female patient and her unaffected parents . patient male 6 It is important to inform the patient and his family about the nature of the disorder and consider persisting disorders during rehabilitation . patient female 34 The histologic stage of disease aggravation of the patient was stageI. Post operatively , 2 years and 6 months later , we recognized a metastasis node on the lung upper right lobe of the patient and her CA19 - 9 value climbed dramatically . patient female 25 Active case finding identified one case of rhombencephalitis ( female , age 48 ) among another group of four guests , among whom only the patient and her asymptomatic husband had eaten jellied pork on September 6 . patient male 17 A cohort study of 48 BPEI patients without PRRT2 mutations revealed a different CLCN6 SNV in a patient , his sibling and his father who had a history of febrile seizures ( FS ) but not BPEI . patient male 22 Thus the dentist may be the first to detect disorders of development and metabolism of importance to the general health of the patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient , his parents , and his teacher were all happy with this type of treatment . patient male 27 The value of both exercise and support for the part can not be overemphasized nor can one underestimate the importance of the interest and ambitions of the patient and his family . patient female 5 Some participants thought both the patient and her daughter had diffuse Lewy body disease . patient male 7 We investigated filaggrin null mutations in the patient and his family and correlate them with the severity of the disease . patient female 11 Clinical data and peripheral venous blood samples were collected from the patient and her parents . patient male 9 Peripheral venous blood sample and clinical data from the patient and his parents were collected . patient male 5 The results revealed that the patient and his mother have both carried a novel frame-shift mutation c.1110InsG ( p . patient male 10 Q320X ) in exon 5 was also detected in the patient and his father and grandmother . patient male 22 Here we report his clinical history , and copy number variants ( CNVs ) identified by microarray and real-time PCR in the patient and his parents . patient male 5 Subjects were a 33-year-old male patient with 15q11 and 22q11 CNVs , and his normal parents . patient male 20 To search for CNVs in more detail , whole-genome array-CGH analyses including ∼ 420,000 probes were carried out in the patient and his parents . patient male 7 A more definite prognosis for both the patient and his remaining dentition can be established before the final overdenture is completed . patient female 11 A striking difference in bleeding phenotype was observed between the homozygous patient and her asymptomatic brother with the same FV genotype . patient male 10 The three-dimensional ( 3D ) facial surface images of a patient and his relative were reconstructed using data obtained through optical scanning . patient male 13 " Low activity " variant of blood plasma alpha-fucosidase was detected in one patient with pseudo Hurler polydystrophy and in his father . patient female 7 After discussing risks of operative procedures with patient and her husband , it was decided not to proceed with surgery . patient female 10 Cytogenetic and carrier studies revealed structurally normal chromosomes for this patient and her parents and demonstrated that this mutation arose through a de novo gametic event . patient female 11 This was coupled with a history of herpetic stomatitis of the patient and her husband 2 weeks prior to the curettage , raising the question of viremia and transplacental herpetic endometrial infection . patient female 20 In this brief report , a maternal history of SLCT led to identification of a deleterious DICER1 mutation in the patient and her asymptomatic infant . patient male 24 Mutation c.453_453 + 6del7insA affects the exon 3B donor splice site and disrupts the PLP1-transcript without affecting the DM20 , was found in a patient with severe Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease and in his female cousin with early-onset spastic paraparesis . patient male 30 Mutation c.191 + 1G > A causes exon 2 skipping with a frame shift , is expected to result in a functionally null allele , and was found in a patient with mild Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease and in his aunt with late-onset spastic paraparesis . patient male 18 Luke's-Thailand or Hb St. Luke 's [ A2 ] HBA2 : c.287C > G. DNA analysis of the patient and his mother identified the in cis α-globin gene triplication . patient male 11 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the AS patient and his parents . patient female 12 Sanger sequencing was used to evaluate the BRCA1/2 gene status of the patient and her sister to identify the genetic mutation sites . patient male 36 Reminiscence may thus become a source of continuous strain to the persons entrusted with caring for the patient ; on the other hand , it may as well open avenues to a deeper understanding of the patient and his world . patient female 1 The patient and her mother and sister were found to have the same , novel frameshift mutation resulting from a single base deletion in exon 6 coding cAMP-binding domain A , denoted c.597delC in PRKAR1A . patient male 5 The psychological experience of the patient and of his family is thoroughly addressed . patient female 21 Bilateral ovarian biopsies were performed to evaluate the efficacy on the preservation of ovarian tissue , upon the consent of each patient and her parents . patient female 10 Molecular analysis showed a point mutation in Jagged1 in the patient and her mother . patient male 22 The patient 's hand X-ray showed that bone age was similar to chronological age.edpract;archdischild-2019 - 317564v1/F1F1F1Figure 1Disproportionate mesomelic short stature in the patient and in his father . patient male 41 b ) systematic concomitant research in rehabilitation , c ) legal and administrative adaptations , d ) the development of a general " rehabilitation mentality " ( as we have come to call it ) , which means involvement with the patient and his environment throughout his entire life-span . patient female 9 Decisions regarding treatment have to be made with the patient and her family . patient male 21 The function of the consultation/liaison-psychiatrist consists in rendering information from the psychosocial context comprehensible after establishing a first contact with the patient and his family and after the first psychiatric assessment . patient male 13 Subsequent MLPA analysis identified a duplication of MTM1 exon 10 both in the patient and his mother . patient male 15 Delay in treatment or well-intentioned but inexpert attempts at dislodging the fish bone by the patient or his friends may result in perforation of the pharyngo-œsophageal wall with retropharyngeal inflammation and suppuration , a condition carrying high morbidity . patient female 13 Genetic testing was positive for abnormalities known to predispose to CCMs in the patient and her father , who also showed MRI evidence of CCMs . patient male 11 Diagnosis of an anticoagulant protein deficiency has serious implications for a patient and his kindred , and should therefore only be made on the basis of repeated abnormal determinations of a single protein in an individual patient , or documentation of the same protein deficiency in other family members . patient female 1 The patient recovered from the procedure without any complications , and her ophthalmoplegia partially improved . patient female 1 The patient and her parents are now very grateful and ready for the prosthodontic procedures . patient male 14 It has the advantages of a much lower absorbed dose of radiation for the patient and his surroundings , a simplified measurement technique and considerably reduced expenses . patient male 7 The walk-in clinic can provide the violent patient and his therapist sufficient " distance " from each other , so that excessive transference and countertransference reactions -- which can lead to acting out and violence -- are diluted . patient male 7 We performed a similar evaluation in our patient and his family to compare the results and identify new information on neuroanatomical abnormalities , hormonal alterations or genetic origins of schizophrenia . patient male 60 More and more advanced care planning is introduced in palliative care , focusing on an early identification of patients in a palliative trajectory and on the prevention of annoying symptoms , hoping that this approach results in an improved quality of life for the individual patient , less useless technical investigations and a better end-of-life care on the place the patient and his family desires . patient male 22 Therefore , in PDE5I-refractory patients , the choice of a specific next step should be individualized based on the preference of the patient and his sexual partner , the advantages and disadvantages of the various options , the concurrent medical illnesses and medications of the patient , and the patient 's response to treatment . patient male 6 Using DNA samples obtained from the patient and his family members , we sequenced nine exons and flanking intron regions of the STK11 gene using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and direct sequencing . patient female 31 Coagulation and metabolic parameters ( clotting tests , protein C , protein S , prothrombin , aminoacids ) were studied but disorders predisposing to thrombosis were not found both in the patient and in her parents . patient male 10 Furthermore , in one XPD patient and in one XPC patient and his parents , cytogenetically abnormal clones were detected . patient male 26 Teamwork , regular staff meetings and an adequate supply of technical aids are important characteristics of our approach , as well as preparations for discharging the patient and his aftercare . patient male 21 In this case , genetic confirmation obviated the need for additional testing such as MRI and lumbar puncture and helped the patient and his family understand his condition and prognosis . patient male 13 He was also the mid-wife of the late-life burst of creativity of his friend and patient Sándor Ferenczi . friend male 7 Permanent viral response was seen in the patient and his lesions recovered rapidly after the antipsoriatic and antiviral treatment . patient male 9 A diabetic foot infection represents a failure by the patient and his management team to understand and correct the multifactorial conditions that predisposed the patient to the infection . patient male 11 Improvement of facial features and a good psychological impact on the patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient and his wife had hemagglutination titers ( greater than 640 ) diagnostic of P. pseudominallei infection . patient female 9 G-banded chromosomal analyses of peripheral blood lymphocytes from the patient and her parents , and skin fibroblasts from the patient , did not detect any abnormality . patient male 10 Hence we hypothesize that the 7.8-kb fragment observed in our patient and his parents is not the product of unequal crossover during meiosis but due to a polymorphism of the SacI site in a proximal CMT1A-REP element . patient female 36 A new mutation in intron 2 ( IVS2 - 2Ag→G ) , which had never previously been reported in patients with porphyria or in healthy Chinese population , was identified in the heterozygous state in the patient and her mother . patient female 1 The patient and her fetus presented a challenge because of the anaesthetic restrictions imposed by VHLD , and her pregnancy . patient male 32 Although the clinical findings of the patient 's father fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for Marfan syndrome , arterial tortuosity , aneurysms , hypertelorism and a bifid uvula were noted in both the patient and his father . patient male 20 A molecular genetic analysis demonstrated a heterozygous missense mutation of the transforming growth factor-beta receptor II gene in both the patient and his father , which thus caused Loeys-Dietz syndrome . patient male 15 The general practitioner is in an unique position because of his contact with the cancer patient and his family during all stages of the disease . patient male 19 There is a need for awareness of these problems so that proper counseling can be offered to the burn patient and his family both during his hospitalization and after discharge . patient male 8 Defective cell mediated immunity was shown in the patient and his two cousins . patient male 7 We performed whole-exome DNA sequencing from a patient with idiopathic CP and from his parents , who did not have CP . patient female 5 Electrophysiological studies revealed that the patient and her healthy mother had demyelinating polyneuropathy . patient female 46 A novel out-of-frame duplication following the polyalanine domain in the FOXL2 gene was identified in a Chilean patient with BPES type I. This study characterized the molecular alterations in FOXL2 and confirmed the diagnosis , thereby providing information to allow for improved genetic counseling for the patient and her family . patient male 13 Functional taping showed efficacy , but was neither cost-effective nor practical for the patient and his family ; by contrast , a dynamic orthosis associated with training in a real-life environment was instead successful . patient male 18 The severity and frequency of these lung infections make it desirable to develop preventive measures applying to the patient himself ( antibiotic prophylaxis ) or to his environment . patient female 2 Additionally , patient 2 , her father and sisters , displayed a missense mutation in exon 9 ( G1135C ) resulting in a change of aminoacid ( G357R ) . patient female 7 Because both mutations were found in the patient and her sister , we analyse other defence mechanisms such as FcgammaR polymorphisms as well as mannose-binding lectin alleles ( MBL2 gene ) and MBL levels . patient male 11 We describe the clinical and molecular genetic findings in a LHON patient and his family with a new mtDNA mutation at np14568 in the ND6 gene . patient male 10 Berger C. Mayne ( 1920 - 2011 ) : a friend and his contributions to photosynthesis research . friend male 25 However , it is important to identify the origin of a collapse in order to start the right treatment and give correct information to the patient and his family . patient female 19 She is then faced by the nurse 's dilemma : a conflict between the loyalties she owes to her patient and to her physician team mate . patient female 8 We report results of DNA analysis from the patient and her parents with probes mapped to Xp21.3 - 22.3 in an attempt to localize a deletion in this region . patient male 5 Additionally , CT permits the patient and his family to be aware of their overall status and to subsequent treatment options . patient female 9 The successful and safe peripartum management of the pre-eclamptic patient and her infant is a team effort among the anesthesiologist , obstetrician , and neonatologist . patient female 18 This paper describes the interaction , flexibility and creativity between our unit , home care nurses , the patient and her family . patient female 13 This could have minimized the physical , mental and financial stress to the patient and her family . patient male 18 The emerged themes included past experience with medical uncertainty , individual personality , and the relationship between the patient and his physician . patient male 13 It was initially thought to be Down syndrome ; however , both the patient and his brother tested negative for Down syndrome on chromosomal analyses . patient female 16 A genetic mutation analysis disclosed a missense mutation in exon 7 of ACVRL1 gene in this patient and her daughter . patient male 23 A diagnosis of oral fibromas was made and treatment options of gingivectomy or electrosurgery combined with carbon dioxide laser were described to the patient and his parent . patient male 68 Responsible and well informed parents in relation to an unproven therapy should be free and have the right to decide whether or not to use a controversial procedure prior to a scientific determination of its validity ; they also must keep in mind that at least some procedures , beside of not been useful , could be harmful for the physical , emotional and economical well-being of the patient and/or his family . patient female 7 Ala203Thr mutation was found in a female patient , her sister , and their father and is associated with unilateral cleft lip and palate , hypodontia , and microdontia . patient male 31 The main task of palliative care units is to provide a dignified life for people with advanced progressive chronic disease through appropriate symptom management , communication between medical specialists and the patient and his family , as well as the coordination of care . patient female 8 On comparison with control subjects , only one patient and her normal-hearing mother showed a novel heterozygous variant in exon 1 c.569T > A ( p. Ile190Asn ) , which most likely represents a rare polymorphism . patient male 6 Digestion of genomic DNA from the patient and from his parents revealed that he was homozygous for the mutation and that his mother and father were carriers . patient male 18 Surgical intervention in our institution is based upon the latter , a selective principle of individualization of the patient and his injury . patient female 18 The focus of the article is on the problems of disease adaptation and the coping strategies of the patient and her primary caregivers . patient female 16 The primary goal of this care plan was to promote the quality of life of the patient and her family . patient male 17 In addition , an inherited missense mutation of uncertain clinical significance was identified in EP300 in one patient and his healthy father , and three patients had intronic nucleotide changes of uncertain clinical significance in CREBBP . patient female 20 The management of a pregnant patient with Hodgkin 's disease requires multidisciplinary approach as well as effective communication with the patient and her family . patient male 5 In addition to accompanying the patient and his family , the role of the general practitioner in respect to this law lies more specifically in helping patients who want to draft early directives or to designate a trusted person . patient male 42 The observation of an abnormal immunoblot banding pattern of apolipoprotein A-I ( apo A-I ) and of reduced lecithin : cholesterol acyltransferase ( LCAT ) activity in plasma led to sequence analysis of the genes for apo A-I and LCAT in this patient and his family . patient female 4 The odyssey of our patient and her mother in finding a diagnosis demonstrates impressively that the EPP is an important photosensitizing disease which must not be forgotten . patient male 4 Coagulation testing of the patient and his asymptomatic father revealed in both the presence of a clotting defect , consistent with inherited dysfibrinogenemia ( named Fibrinogen Thessaloniki ) . patient male 1 This patient and his younger brother died because of renal failure at the age of 25 years and 14 years , respectively . patient female 7 Exon 8 did not amplify for the patient , her father , and her two brothers . patient female 7 Southern blot of genomic DNA of this patient and her parents hybridized with probes specific of these chromosomes , revealed a DNA amplification of the 22q11 region for the patient , likely to correspond to a CES . patient male 3 In the first patient and his uncle additional hearing dysfunction and agenesis of the left kidney were diagnosed . patient female 1 The patient and her affected sister , who lacked AHO-like features , showed reduced serum levels of uric acid and increased fractional excretion of uric acid , a finding that was reported only once previously for PHP-Ib . patient female 20 Unlike the previous report , the fractional uric acid excretion and serum uric acid levels returned to normal in our patient and her sister after 3 months of treatment period . patient female 13 However , the lack of adequate preoperative preparation caused traumatic reaction from the patient and her parents : anxiety over appearance , crying , refusal of oral fluids and oral care , refusal of analgesia , and refusal to mobilize . patient female 4 Genomic DNA from the patient and her parents was amplified and sequenced . patient female 6 During the three decades of our patient and her recurrent problems , there has been an evolving knowledge of the mechanisms of APS and rheumatic fever , allowing us to extend our understanding beyond symptoms and syndromes , to a better realization of the underlying immunological relationship between the two . patient male 20 Although protein S deficiency has been reported in patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation , it was not present in this patient and his protein S activity was normal after the findings of infection and deep venous thrombosis disappeared . patient female 34 Because the cosmetic appearance after total mastectomy and reconstruction is not as good as that of the normal breast , this procedure must be employed cautiously and only with the total support of the patient and her husband or close family . patient female 17 To maximize benefit and minimize risk to the mother and fetus , an informed discussion with the patient and her medical team should result in an individualized treatment plan , taking into account the timing of the pregnancy and the stage and subtype of the breast cancer . patient male 43 recommendations have been just published by the anaes , defining the importance of respiratory functional testing in the follow-up of asthmatics , and proposing a gradation in the therapeutic adaptation to each consultation according to the levels of control and requirement that the patient and his doctor have defined together . patient female 18 A multiplex PCR ( mPCR ) protocol was applied to detect the dystrophin gene of the female DMD patient and her family members , whose haplotypes were analyzed in light of short tandem repeat polymorphism ( STR ) of five microsatellite markers ( located in 5 ' terminus and introns 44 , 45 , 49 , and 50 ) . patient female 14 STR haplotype may not be responsible for the pathogenesis of DMD in the female patient and her affected son . patient male 9 Prostate cancer can threaten quality of life for the patient and his spouse and the quality of his marital relationship . patient male 31 This information enables the physician to become better acquainted with the effects of the major crises of living on his patients and to use this information and insight to help the patient and his family to understand themselves better and to cope more successfully with the problems of living , aging , and illness . patient male 33 Studies of urinary amino acid excretion in the patient and all living members of his family , as well as studies of endogenous renal clearances of dibasic amino acids and cystine in the patient and his daughter , indicated that the patient had genotype + /11 heterozygous cystinuria . patient female 33 Just as during the antepartum period , in the immediate period surrounding delivery , obstetrical patients with cardiac disease ( both congenital and acquired ) will have specialized needs , tailored to the patient and her specific lesion . patient male 11 If a clinician 's basic approach to the evaluation of the patient or his treatment will not be substantially altered by polysomnography , it should not be undertaken . patient male 35 In this article , William Martin , who worked with Furchgott for 2 years ( 1983 - 1985 ) , following the exciting discovery of endothelium-derived relaxing factor/nitric oxide , pays tribute to his close friend and colleague . friend male 10 Both alleles of the MR gene were expressed in the patient and his clinically and biochemically normal father . patient male 36 A conservative heterozygous mutation ( A760 - ->G760 , Ileu180 - ->Val180 ) and a nonconservative homozygous mutation ( C944 - ->T944 , Ala241 - ->Val241 ) were identified in the complementary DNA of both the patient and his father . patient female 2 If the patient and her surgeon are in agreement about proceeding with a breast-conserving approach , there needs to be a clear understanding of the incidence and implications of local recurrence . patient female 1 The patient and her family rejected the option of lung transplantation , and selected immunosuppressive therapy ( steroid pulse therapy and cyclophosphamide pulse therapy ) . patient female 8 No deletion was detected in the affected female patient and her affected son . patient female 13 Examination of the female DMD patient 's STR haplotypes identified in the female patient and her affected son the same haplotype inherited from her unaffected mother , who was a likely germinal mosaicism . patient female 16 We next screened for potential genetic variants , using genomic DNA samples isolated from both the patient and her immediate family members . patient female 2 Neither the patient nor her family gave a history suggestive of a clinical porphyria . patient male 41 Apart from the shortage of qualified professional sex therapists , some factors from the patients and their partners are at work , such as stress of work , lack of time , home location , education background , relationship between the patient and his partner , attitude to sex therapy , and so on . patient male 25 A heterozygous G to A transition at cDNA position + 653 in exon 4 of the TGFB1 gene ( R218H ) was detected in the patient and his mother . patient female 4 RFLP analysis of the patient , her parents , and the hybrid cell lines showed that the translocation originated in the paternal genome . patient female 34 The clinical picture and a wave-like course of the disease were similar to the corresponding findings observed in children with multiple sclerosis who live in the European part of the USSR although both the patient and her parents are indigenous inhabitants of Uzbekistan and have never travelled beyond the borders of the republic . patient female 6 Vaginal hysterectomy was declined by the patient and her family . patient male 6 Scabies management includes treatment of the patient and his close contacts with antiparasitic drugs as well as thorough cleaning of clothes and bed linen . patient female 4 DNA analysis of the patient and her mother showed exon 17 heterozygous β-thalassemia ( c.52 A > T ) . patient male 6 In the second family , the patient and his sister had dRTA and Southeast Asian ovalocytosis ( SAO ) with different clinical severity . patient female 25 In our case , we decided to carry out a three-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy , preferring a mini-invasive approach considering the good performance status of our patient and her young age . patient male 1 The patient and his parents inquired about the Van Nes rotationplasty . patient male 1 The patient or his family members can be trained to perform many of the activities traditionally done by hospital personnel . patient male 10 The diagnosis was confirmed by computerized tomography in both the patient and his brother . patient female 15 This commentary also considers the role of a physician in orientation not only to the patient but also to her own thoughts , feelings , and emotions regarding a patient 's expressed desire to end her life . patient female 12 The hybrid SMN genes were detected in two normal individuals and one patient and her mother . patient male 24 In communities in which religious circumcisions are being performed relatively rare , the aesthetic result of a classic method may seem awkward to the patient and his family . patient female 25 During the 3-year follow-up period , neither infection nor significant cartilage graft resorption was observed , and the aesthetic result was acceptable both to the patient and her physicians . patient male 5 The TF analysis of the patient and his family suggests that the minimum TF requisite in this family may be close to 10 - 20 mg/dl ; subjects with more than 20 mg/dl are apparently healthy ; with less than 10 mg/dl they may develop severe growth retardation and anemia , and extreme deficiency may be lethal . patient male 21 This review describes the clinical manifestations of NGU compared with gonococcal urethritis and the means of diagnosis and management in the patient and his sexual partners . patient male 15 The aim of the treatment was defined in a " contract " signed with the patient and/or his family . patient male 12 The treatment requires transfusion of the specific factor and education of the patient and his relatives . patient male 9 Mutation c.1548G > A was detected in the index patient but not in his affected father , suggesting mutational mosaicism . patient female 18 Then , following Session 4 , she took Levenson 's suggestion to risk behaving more authentically with a friend and with her romantic partner . friend male 38 It is especially important that the primary care physician make this choice directly and with confidence , because the nuances of the disease and our knowledge about them are very complex and can easily distress and confuse the patient and his family . patient male 4 Genomic DNA of the patient and his parents was extracted and analyzed by using next generation sequencing ( NGS ) . patient male 3 A 68-year-old male patient presented with anemia , and his fecal occult blood test was positive . patient female 26 Analysis of human leucocyte antigen ( HLA ) gene polymorphism on deoxyribonucleic acid ( DNA ) demonstrated that tumor DNA contained both HLA locus antigens of patient and of her husband . patient male 20 On the basis of their research , they suggest a model for emergency services that includes an evaluation of the patient 's and his on her community 's resources and competence and minimizes subtle diagnostic considerations . patient male 22 The authors describe the individual fazes of the physiotherapy and summarize the principles , which lead to a successful rehabilitation of the patient and his early recovery as well as return to normal life activities . patient female 20 We identified a dominant COL2A1 mutation ( c.620 G > A p.(Gly207Glu ) ) indicating spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia in the female patient and her son , both being severely affected by skeletal deterioration . patient male 19 We report the identification of a novel HLA B*44 allele , officially named B*4453 , found in an Austrian patient and his two sisters . patient male 12 The stabilization of the pelvis also makes it easier to manage the patient and his mobilization for the implementation of subsequent investigations . patient male 36 The submental lymph node was extirpated and radiation monotherapy was applied according to the 2014 National Comprehensive Cancer Network Guidelines because the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status of the patient was grade 3 and the patient and his family did not desire surgery . patient male 8 [ Social service intervention with chronic insufficiency renal patient and his family ] . patient female 4 Biopsy specimens of the patient and her father revealed islands of bone in the reticular dermis and deep dermis , respectively . patient male 3 [ The recovered patient and his psychosis . patient male 8 Other autoimmune diseases may be present in the patient or his relatives . patient female 5 Ethosuximide pharmacokinetics in a pregnant patient and her newborn . patient male 4 R247H fibroblasts from the patient and his unaffected father presented unusual highly tubular mitochondrial network , significant increased susceptibility to apoptosis , oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling , and altered OPA1 protein profile , supporting the pathogenicity of this mutation . patient female 3 We describe a patient and her mother with concurrent autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease with liver cysts . patient female 16 Fifty-six molar tissues were used for absorption of HLA specificities determined by HLA typing of each patient and her husband . patient female 8 The patient was successfully managed ; both the patient and her baby are apparently doing well . patient male 8 Due to their concern about delirium , the patient and his caregiver opted to postpone the left frontoethmoidal sinus mucocele removal . patient male 17 Diagnosis of pseudoxanthoma elasticum was confirmed on the histology of the skin and molecular analysis in our patient and in his sister revealed the same homozygote mutation . patient male 46 aureus during dressings when the isolator was used ; on removal of the isolator canopy there was , in some experiments , a considerable increase in airborne bacteria , due to residual bacteria in the isolator of to the re-dispersal of bacteria which settled on the patient and his bedding during the dressing . patient male 27 This " good practice " of corticosteroid therapy makes it a well tolerated and observed treatment , and alleviates the fears that is often created in the patient and his physician . patient male 13 Data on family interactions may help predict the most appropriate intervention for the patient and his family . patient male 20 As such , the practitioner of Liaison Psychiatry is a general systems analyst who analyzes the illness situation of the patient and his attendants in an attempt to decipher the identified problem , explaining it by utilizing selected theoretical concepts from the basic sciences of behavior . patient female 9 E651V ) in STAT4 was identified in the index patient and her father . patient female 3 Karyotype of the patient and her husband was normal . patient male 7 In this review various factors concerning the patient and his milieu that account for the different prevalence of the severity of gingival overgrowth in clinical studies are analyzed and briefly discussed . patient male 9 Information for the case study was obtained from a patient and his gastroenterology specialist , who is a foremost expert in this field . patient male 37 On one hand , seriousness and acuteness of the pathology , on the other hand , environment specificity as well as their respective consequences result in the fact that the ICU is a peculiar context for the patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient and his partner presented to the clinic two years post successful natural conception of their first child with subsequent infertility . patient male 12 Molecular analysis demonstrated a mutation of FZD4 in DNA from both the patient and his asymptomatic mother . patient male 8 Analysis of this gene showed that the RDEB patient and his father were both heterozygous for a novel FBN1 mutation , C1971Y . patient male 5 CPT II mutations in the patient and his family were expressed in COS-7 cells and their molecular masses , enzyme activities , thermal instabilities and half-lives were analyzed . patient male 2 After the patient or his caregiver signed a written informed consent form , he was then randomly assigned to either IRR or UC.The costs and effects of IRR were compared to those of UC . patient female 19 Molecular analysis uncovered a novel splice mutation ( A4268 G ) in this neurofibromatosis 1 family , affecting our patient as well as her mother and brother . patient male 6 We performed exome sequencing in a patient with NDM and autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome and his unrelated , unaffected parents and identified compound heterozygous null mutations in patient male 5 Fanconi-Bickel syndrome -- the original patient and his natural history , historical steps leading to the primary defect , and a review of the literature . patient female 11 The answer to this question depends on the perspectives of the patient , her caregiver , and her society towards the relative toxicities and benefits of therapy . patient male 29 The findings should be used when designing new models applied in different healthcare systems within each country , with a focus on strategy aimed at the welfare of the patient and his family . patient female 7 To examine whether factors related to the patient or her treatment influence asthma severity during pregnancy . patient female 6 We performed an interview of the patient and her doctors . patient male 8 The emotional dimension is noticed , targeted atthe patient and his family circle . patient male 52 The professional role of PRM physicians in obesity is to propose a complete PRM treatment for the patients considering the comorbidities , impairments , activity limitations and participation restrictions , providing medical care and leadership to the multidisciplinary team , coordinating the individual PRM project developed in team in agreement with the patient and his family/care givers . patient female 9 An examination of the family members demonstrated that the patient and her father were carriers of the hemoglobin ( Hb ) variant Hb Andrew-Minneapolis . patient male 8 A molecular genetic analysis was conducted in the patient and his twin sister , but no reported mutations in the tRNA(Leu(UUR ) ) and tRNA(Glu ) genes were found , especially the two mitochondrial m.3243A > G and the m.14709T > C mutations in muscle and blood leukocytes . patient female 21 To address this objective , a quantitative proteomics approach was used to characterize differences in the serum proteome between a GBS patient and her healthy identical twin in order to lessen variations due to differences in genetic background , and with additional serum samples collected from unrelated GBS ( N = 3 ) and Spinal Cord Injury ( SCI ) ( N = 3 ) patients with similar medications . patient male 15 PCR was designed to amplify across the putatively deleted region of genomic DNA from the patient and his parents to locate the deletion breakpoints . patient male 7 Both transcript variants were found in the patient and his mother . patient male 14 On the basis of these laboratory findings and family data we established that the patient and his daughter had type I congenital AT III deficiency . patient male 23 Metaphase fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) analyses showed a deletion of the SHOX gene on the Y chromosomes of the index patient and his father , and on the X chromosome of his sister , indicating that a meiotic crossover of the SHOX gene region between the X and Y chromosomes had occurred . patient male 16 We analyzed whole genome sequence data and performed functional molecular studies on cells derived from the patient and his family . patient male 10 It causes a debilitating functional and psychological effect on the patient and his family . patient male 18 Here , we report on a family with two male siblings affected by CED : a 3.5 year-old patient and his 2 year-old brother . patient male 11 PJI becomes a long-lasting medical problem and a heavy burden on patient and his family . patient male 7 Knowledge of his underlying mutation allowed the patient and his family to receive appropriate gene-specific counselling and surveillance . patient female 19 I saw my attending physician give attention first to the person he was treating , and then to the patient and her clinical picture . patient male 14 We report two families with affected children carrying a SOX18 mutation : a living patient and his stillborn brother from Canada and a Belgian patient . patient male 8 Thanks to James H. Steele , his long-time friend and mentor , he started his public health career with the Centers for Disease Control ( CDC ) and was assigned to the New York State Health Department where he learned epidemiology and virology . friend female 3 We screened the patient and her family members for the mutation on HMBS , urine porphobilinogen and circulating fluorocytes . patient female 13 The presence of the T157 mutation was verified in genomic DNA from the patient and her mother by a PCR-based assay . patient male 23 Newly developed intragenic polymorphic probes ( UGT1 * 4 and UGT-Const ) were used on Southern blots of MspI-digested genomic DNA of the patient and his family . patient male 11 Comparison of the segregation of haplotypes with the mutation for the patient and his family revealed the allele identified by the A1-B1-C2 haplotype to be carrying the mutation . patient male 11 Clinical diagnosis of BCM was supported by genetic investigations of the patient and his family members . patient male 10 We conclude that this program is useful for such a patient and his family through the smooth introduction of home care , will increase the quality of the patient 's life , and will achieve an early discharge . patient male 9 PCR analysis with different primers on DNA from the patient and his family suggests the presence of a cytogenetically undetectable deletion , which was confirmed by Southern blot analysis . patient female 4 By ensuring that the patient and her family are informed , the clinical outcome might be optimized . patient male 17 Addressing the issues of erectile dysfunction and male infertility may help to preserve the relationship between the patient and his partner . patient female 2 Neither the patient nor her husband reported any personal or family history of skeletal or other structural malformations . patient male 18 However , many of these cases of haematospermia may still remain idiopathic and thus unsatisfactory for both the patient and his physician . patient male 4 In PCR-SSCP , the patient and his maternal uncle had an abnormal shift band , which was not found in normal controls , and his mother and maternal grandmother showed heterozygous bands . patient female 5 The HLA investigation of the patient and her immediate family did not demonstrate haplotype A10 , B18 , DW2 as is frequently seen in cases of L.E. associated with a C2 deficiency . patient male 8 To determine the extent of aggression from the patient or his family to which paediatricians and trainee paediatricians in the Netherlands are exposed . patient male 22 In patients poisoned with a cholinesterase inhibitor , the diagnosis may initially be missed especially when no history is available from the patient or his relatives . patient male 15 Both amphotericin B and low-dose flucytosine ( 50 mg/kg/d ) were concomitantly administered to the patient and his clinical symptoms improved . patient female 2 In one patient and her brother , both affected with the simple virilizing form and in their aunt , with the nonclassical form , an AG > GG transition was found in the acceptor site of intron 2 . patient male 3 In the third patient and his sister , we found a C > T transition in codon 408 . patient female 7 Taking this as a crucial point the patient and her partner should be informed about their chances depending on their individual findings and the facilities of the sterility centre . patient male 10 This unit enables the anesthesiologist to be close to the patient and his equipment , and minimizes the length of necessary tubing between patient and anesthesia apparatus . patient male 16 Almost all extensive tumors of the head or neck generate a fetor very unpleasant for the patient , his family , and the nursing staff . patient female 9 Successful asthma management requires an ongoing partnership between the patient and her physician to address physiologic ( eg , sex hormones , pregnancy , obesity , depression ) and nonphysiologic ( eg , smoking , medication nonadherence ) factors that may contribute to decreased asthma control . patient female 7 Data concerning the infectious status of a patient as well as her health state should be systematically recorded . patient male 16 After separation of PCR products of the gene and the pseudogenes it was shown that the patient and his father were heterozygous for the C-T 672 transition and the mother did not carry the mutation . patient male 20 They include issues concerning the training of health professionals , the technological resources needed , treatment planning , informing the patient and his family , the processes of prescribing , preparing , dispensing and administering cancer therapy ( orally , parenterally or intrathecally ) , assessing patient adherence and treatment toxicity . patient male 7 No metabolic derangements were identified in the patient or his family . patient male 21 The surgeon seems to us like an important element in the dynamic of the way anxiety is dealt with since the patient and his parents establish a truly transferential bond to him that is of great intensity . patient male 17 No mutations in MYOC , NTF4 , WDR36 , CYP1B1 , and TGM1 were observed in the patient and his family . patient male 20 These include characteristics of the patient , the patient 's presenting problem , the physician 's initial response to the patient and his problem , and the ability of the patient and the physician to come to an agreement on the nature and resolution of the problem . patient male 20 As he had failed a trial of optimal medical therapy and the cardiac surgeon 's reluctance for surgery , the patient and his family was counseled for high risk PCI with left ventricular assist device using the impella 2.5 . patient male 27 The modality of treatment -- individual or family therapy -- run either in combination or in a sequence , is related to criteria with respect to the patient and his family . patient female 6 The mutation was present in the patient and her family and was found to be associated with phenotypes ranging from ND to asymptomatic impaired fasting glucose ( IFG ) . patient female 12 These will all be reviewed in the context of the vulnerable female patient and her experience of increased or new distressing symptoms during her menopausal transition . patient male 18 An intensive epidemiological investigation , including serological examination of all family members and pets and cultures on the patient and his family pets ( cats and dogs ) , proved that the leptospiral organism was acquired by the patient 's exposure to his dogs . patient male 18 A liver enzyme study confirmed the diagnosis of GSD Type Ia. A genetic study showed that the index patient and his sister were composite heterozygotes for the known mutation R83C and the previously unreported mutation M5R . patient female 65 One hundred women underwent uroflowmetry once per day for the first 3 days after delivery , and the results compared to those of 53 nonpregnant controls in an effort to determine 1 ) whether urinary flow in the puerperium is different to that found without pregnancy , 2 ) whether uroflow parameters change as the puerperium progresses , and 3 ) which characteristics of a patient or her labour bear most influence upon the results of uroflowmetry . patient female 2 Both the patient and her sister were heterozygous for this mutation . patient female 10 R228C ) with an inconclusive role was found in one patient and her unaffected mother . patient male 41 The findings indicate that development of communication , education , reflection and a more structured organization of intensive care unit can improve results for CCNs and may improve the possibilities for CCNs to promote an excellent family nursing for the elderly patient and his relatives . patient female 21 The mutant mtDNA was heteroplasmic ( 85 % mutant ) in muscle but was undetectable in white blood cells from the patient and her mother . patient female 16 Genetic screening confirmed the presence of a MEN1 gene missense G to A mutation in the patient , her father , and her siblings at the splicing site of intron 6 ( IVS6 + 1G > A ) . patient male 4 The dreams of a patient and his art are used to illustrate a 10-year ' alchemical ' process of bringing repressed material into consciousness and transformation . patient female 1 A patient with recurrent ovarian cancer , now in a 12-year remission after recurrence , and her surgeon , discussed their experiences and feelings around the hopes and fears of cancer and its treatment . patient female 6 It is convenient to help the patient and her husband together . patient female 21 Not only has an improvement in vision been achieved an improvement in quality of life has also been expressed by the patient and her family . patient male 6 Overall , outpatient procedures make the patient and his family responsible , by stimulating his cooperation and avoiding regression and dependence , frequently encountered in conventional hospitalization . patient female 14 Given the lack of efficacy and the potential for harmful effects to both the patient and her offspring , low-dose aspirin should not be administered to infertile women undergoing treatment with assisted reproduction . patient male 14 Investigations including a biopsy of the vastus lateralis muscle and genetic testing of the patient and his mother . patient male 17 Genetic testing demonstrated a duplication of exons 8 through 9 of the dystrophin gene in both the patient and his mother . patient male 1 The patient and his family had often eaten uncooked crab , and his father had a past history of infection with Paragonimiasis westermani . patient female 15 We found a mitochondrial DNA point mutation at 8993 in blood samples from both the patient and her mother using a simple polymerase chain reaction method . patient male 2 An index patient and his normal-hearing father , both bearing a single heterozygous pathogenic c.262G > T ( p . patient male 3 We studied the patient and his family for genetic causes of this tumor . patient male 1 The patient and his family proposed lung transplantation , and we concluded that lung transplantation would be an appropriate treatment for his disease . patient female 33 The message to women should emphasize the value of colorectal cancer screening rather than the disagreement among experts over preferred screening strategies and should emphasize the value of shared decision making between the patient and her healthcare provider . patient male 13 Despite the fact that anti tuberculosis medicine was free of charge , each patient or his family spent an average sum of 87,500 CFA F ( US dollar 175 ) for a month 's admission ( the minimal salary ( SMIG ) in Senegal is 32,000 CFA F ( US dollar 64 ) , and 40 % of the patients and escorts had difficulties making this payment . patient female 10 After careful assessment and thorough consultation and counseling with the patient and her support person , therapy can be initiated , followed by some type of grief counseling with appropriate follow-up . patient female 15 This lamellar calcification led to the diagnosis of Gorlin-Goltz syndrome ( GGS ) in the patient and her daughter . patient male 10 An identified variant was confirmed by Sanger sequencing of the patient and his parents . patient female 10 As these changes were evident in granulocytic leucocytes of the patient as well as her mother , both her sisters and her son , with exception of her brother , the diagnosis of familial Pelger-Huet Anomaly was considered in this case . patient female 1 The patient and her family , however , refused surgery . patient female 14 this longitudinal case study reports on the effects of exercise training on a 7-year-old patient with JDM and on her unaffected monozygotic twin sister , who served as a control . patient male 8 Subsequent electroretinogram examination and genetic studies of the patient and his two younger siblings confirmed the diagnosis of ESCS . patient male 9 Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples of the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her father were heterozygous for a germline mutation in the form of a single-base substitution in exon 18 of the PTCH1 gene . patient male 15 At the beginning of programme participation , problems in work resumption as expected by the patient and by his physician were obtained , as well as depression and anxiety scores ( HADS-D ) . patient male 16 However , the decision to undergo early PSA testing should be a shared one between the patient and his physician based on information balancing its advantages and disadvantages . patient male 6 I679V , was identified in a patient with autism , as well as his father with learning disabilities . patient male 7 For personal and forensic reasons , our patient and his family requested removal of the bullet fragment almost one year following the injury . patient male 8 The genomic DNA was extracted from saliva of patient and his family , followed by PCR and direct DNA sequencing . patient male 39 The clinical utility of this testing has been widely debated , but it is evident that the use of genetics must be put in a more organic diagnostic pathway that includes the evaluation of risks and benefits for the patient and his relatives , as well as the costs of the procedure . patient female 1 The patient and her family chose to maintain the cryopreserved tissue for the patient 's potential future use . patient female 1 The patient and her parents refused surgical resection of these recurrent masses ; therefore , chemotherapy was promptly given . patient male 15 A deletion of the entire coding region of PKP2 excluding exon 1 was identified in patient 1 and his son . patient male 18 An operation in which the colonic/rectal wall is opened represents a destruction of a complicated balance between the patient and his intestinal micro-flora , giving way for infective micro-organisms to become established . patient male 9 The molecular basis of 3KTD was analyzed in a patient ( GK10 ) and his family at the protein , cDNA and gene levels . patient female 19 All children and their mother were submitted to coproparasitological analyses , which identified F. hepatica eggs only in the patient and in her twin sister . patient male 14 It was performed according to both clinical criteria ( including an interview with the patient and his family ) and neuro-psychological criteria ( memory tests , perceptive-spatial and logical functions tests ) . patient female 1 The patient and her healthy newborn child could be dismissed from hospital on the third day after surgery . patient female 10 After 17 years , the result was satisfactory for the patient and her family . patient male 20 Avoidance of such terms as " mental hospital , " " crazy person " is less traumatic to the adolescent patient and his family . patient female 5 Both siblings , the female patient and her brother , were HLA identical , and therefore , both figured out the novel DQB1 allele characterized by a nucleotide exchange ' C ' to ' T ' at position 565 , which is the last nucleotide of DQB1 exon 3 . patient female 10 Five members of the family from three generations ( the patient , her mother , her brother , and her two daughters ) were examined regarding the two disorders and the HLA class I and II specificities , performed by serology and molecular techniques . patient male 14 The main controversial developments are overspecialization and lack of understanding the psychodynamics of the patient and his environment in the education of young pediatricians . patient male 34 from a retrospective look at the creation and evolution of nursing autonomy in its knowledge and care practices , it exposes the use of autonomy in nursing care and foster the participation of the user and his family as the center of Best Practices in nursing . user female 29 Diagnosis of this condition with high-resolution imaging investigations performed during the antenatal period facilitates discussion of management plans with other clinical disciplines ( eg interventional radiologists ) , the patient , and her family . patient female 5 The KERA gene of the patient and her sons was directly sequenced . patient female 22 The possibility of malignancy and its therapeutic implications ( hysterectomy , salpingo-oophorectomy , delay to delivery ) must be discussed with the patient and her family ( the lives of two human beings together are affected ) . patient male 23 In turn , this capacity is reflected in the specific transference issue of ability to introject the therapist 's caring concern for the patient and for his wellbeing . patient male 7 When examined for coagulation studies , the patient and his father had decrease in AT III activity and antigen levels . patient male 11 Chromosomal analyses were performed on cultured peripheral blood lymphocytes of the patient and his parents and showed the patient 's karyotype mos 45,X[20]/46,X , idic(Y)(p11.32)[29]/46,XY[1 ] . patient male 10 In addition , it is a prerequisite that the informed patient and his primary care physician are fully involved in the collaborative treatment plan decided on . patient female 2 The initial patient , and later her newborn sibling , had mildly dysmorphic features , lactic acidosis and a defect in mitochondrial respiratory complex II associated with many biochemical features of a block in fatty acid oxidation . patient female 11 The first part of this case study presents a bipolar II patient and her first 3 T MR spectroscopy in drug-naive conditions , comparing to a healthy subject . patient female 23 A newly developed method based on the use of deuterium labelled cholesterol and plant sterols was used to measure sterol absorption in the patient and her relatives . patient male 1 The patient and his family are in permanent need of more knowledge and information about the disease . patient male 14 The time and effort spent for treatment can be a great burden for the patient and his family and friends , sometimes causing a handicap in school or profession life . patient female 1 The patient and her relatives were examined clinically . patient female 16 Confirmation and giving hope were also used as nursing therapeutics as well as information to the patient and her relatives about her illness . patient female 2 Both the patient and her father were found to be heterozygous for this mutation . patient female 2 Both the patient and her father were heterozygous for this mutation . patient female 8 Because orthognathic surgery was not accepted by the patient and her parents , a Herbst appliance became the choice of treatment . patient female 8 R1150W polymorphism in SCN9A was detected in the patient and her healthy father . patient male 32 In an effort to actively engage undergraduate and graduate students in an Ethical Issues in Biotechnology course , an activity was developed to encourage reflection on a classical ethical dilemma between a patient , St. Martin , and his employer/caretaker , Beaumont . patient male 11 Here we compared whole genome sequencing results from a male ALS patient and his healthy parents to identify relevant variants , and chose one variant in the X-linked ATP7A gene , M1311V , as a strong disease-linked candidate after profound examination . patient female 25 They tried to manage the situation by using the ' self ' to care for the patient and to be a problem solver for the patient and her partner or husband . patient female 8 As requested for the MTM appointment , the patient and her son brought in several large bags of her over-the-counter ( OTC ) and prescription medications from her home , including those that she was not currently taking . patient female 4 The pharmacist educated the patient and her son regarding her updated medication list and how to properly manage her medications . patient male 22 In everyday practice open and sensitively presented information on the diagnosis and prognosis leads to better acceptance of the disease by the patient and his family . patient female 4 Working closely with the patient and her family , caregivers provided personalised palliative care . patient female 12 In addition , a large heterozygous CYP21 conversion was identified in the patient and her father . patient male 14 Finally , we document a likely case of transmitted resistance in HSV-1 between the patient and his brother , who also suffers from DOCK8 deficiency . patient male 4 After discussions with the patient and his health care providers , a medication plan was created for the patient to follow . patient male 22 We aimed to assess the effectiveness of infection control measures among healthcare workers ( HCWs ) who were exposed to a MERS patient and/or his body fluids in our institute . patient male 7 Platelet aggregation studies were abnormal in the patient , his mother , and one of his nephews . patient male 4 The humanity of the patient and his primacy in the profession demand that in radiologic technology education and practice he be given the consideration he should and must have whenever he is in the hands of radiologic technology personnel . patient male 10 The filmings demonstrated that there were numerous contacts between the patient and his environment which , however , did not last longer than 105 s on an average . patient male 20 Together with the patient , the clinician can choose which drug and which treatment strategy is most suitable for the patient and his partner . patient male 5 Support was provided for the patient and his family at the end of life , culminating in a good death . patient male 11 This is a chronic illness that requires consideration of the whole patient , his family , and his place in society , both in the present and in the future . patient male 1 The patient and his father both had a diploid genotype ( c.848A/A and c.848G/G ) . patient female 17 Considering that the previous diagnosis might have been incorrect , venous blood samples were collected from the patient and her relatives for genetic analysis . patient female 7 Karyotypes ( GTG bands ) of the patient and her parents undertaken at HIMFG were normal . patient female 14 Array comparative genomic hybridization ( array CGH ) analyses of blood DNA of the patient and her parents carried out at BlueGnome 's Laboratory in Cambridge , UK , set in evidence amplification of genes SPNS2 , GGT6 , SMTNL2 , PELP1 , MYBBP1A , and ALOX15 in chromosome 17p of the patient . patient female 9 A good esthetic outcome was achieved and both the patient and her guardians were satisfied with the results . patient male 15 Hospitalization of the patient in an isolation ward caused an enormous burden for the dying patient and his family . patient male 25 Consistent but eventually reversible defects in lymphocyte response to phytohaemagglutinin and in augmentation of nitro-blue tetrazolium reduction by neutrophils during phagocytosis were demonstrated in the patient and in his monozygous twin . patient male 38 The development of the disorder was marked by high levels of cocaine ( and later crack cocaine use ) , repeated periods of abstinence followed by relapse in the past 4 years , with severe consequences to the patient and his family . patient male 4 [ Care for the Patient and his Family at the end of Life : Compassionate Advance Care Planning ] . Patient male 24 It is the aim of this paper to describe the concept of " compassionate advance care " as a way of caring for the patient and his family at the end of life from the perspective of both professionals , teachers and students of the health sciences , and persons with advanced disease and their families . patient male 5 With the exception of one patient and his mother who both originate from Corfu , all our cases come from the Greek island of Crete . patient female 13 Microphthalmos ( axial length ≤ 20 mm ) was found in the index patient and in her son . patient female 28 On the electroneurographic ( ENG ) study numerous anomalies of sensory and motor nerve conduction were seen , especially at sites of nerve trapping , both in the patient and in her mother ; genetic study showed deletions of chromosome 17p11.2 in both . patient male 2 Both the patient and his father ( who had childhood-onset insulin-requiring diabetes ) were found to be carriers of a heterozygous missense mutation C96Y in exon 3 of the INS gene . patient female 10 The genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood of the patient and her parents . patient female 7 We describe quantitative oculomotor findings in a patient with subclinical spinocerebellar ataxia type 7 ( SCA7 ) and a borderline mutation of 38 CAG repeats and her daughter with SCA7 and 46 repeats . patient male 8 Phenotype and genotype tests were performed in the patient and his family . patient male 14 Met402Thr ) was identified in the FX gene ( F10 ) from both the patient and his brother . patient male 23 The psychological adaptation of the young person to this form of management of renal disease was assessed by a semistructured interview of the patient and his parents . patient male 7 PCR analysis of genomic DNA from this patient , his mother , and his sister confirmed the diagnosis of the alpha-thalassemia trait . patient female 2 Both the patient and her only sister had suffered from a similar condition in their previous pregnancies . patient male 27 However , these results encourage the initiation of another prospective study using a control group to make a better assessment of the impact of education on the patient and his carers by the improved compliance in OCD . patient female 13 During the nursing process , the authors established a rapport relationship with the patient and her mother , educated them in skills for reducing hallucinations , and designed an individual body weight management program . patient female 24 The management of breast cancer and pregnancy occurring concurrently is a complex problem fraught with many dilemmas for both the medical team , the patient and her family . patient female 1 The patient and her family were greatly satisfied with the result . patient female 7 The failure of corticosteroid therapy in this patient and her death showed the poor prognosis of some patients with RDD . patient female 32 We present the case of a melanoma of the forearm notable for its depth ( Breslow index 35 mm ) , due to a longstanding lack of interest and care by the patient as well as her physician . patient female 14 In addition we observed a reduction of basal capping of B lymphocytes in one patient and in her parents : this phenomenon could be related to cytoskeletal disorders , possibly involved in the pathogenesis of the disease . patient female 12 Restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the DNA from the tumour , the patient and her partner were examined and in both cases the tumours were shown to be androgenetic in origin , having only paternal polymorphisms . patient female 10 Therefore , a preconception counselling is crucial to assist the patient and her family in planning the pregnancy and to optimise the management by implementing preventive measures that can allow the best outcomes for both the mother and the baby . patient male 15 The family doctor can therefore bridge the gap between hospital and home and between the patient and his family.(2 ) A strict referral and hospital admission policy by the family doctor has important consequences and gives him a key position in health care . patient male 2 Both the patient and his occupational therapist reported a substantial reduction in pain over the course of treatment , which allowed the patient to actively engage in his therapies . patient male 10 Such an approach takes into account the disease , the patient and his environment , and thereby validates an original approach to the study of motor behaviours in geriatric psychiatry . patient female 15 We isolated 2 subclones ( 1 IgM kappa , 1 IgM lambda ) from one patient ( FUR ) and 2 subclones ( both IgM lambda ) from another ( HER ) . patient male 11 The lymphocytic karyotype revealed a robertsonian translocation 14;22 in the sterile patient and his mother . patient female 9 Autoradiograms of quantitative Southern blots of DNAs from the patient and her parents were analyzed after hybridization with unique DNA sequences regionally mapped on chromosome 21 . patient male 16 Additionally , a description of possible psychological reactions to the disorder and their effect on the patient and his social network will be provided . patient male 13 Whom and what does he serve ? What is his relation to his patient and society ? patient male 72 For the realization of an overall concept for QM and QA in the hospital three categories of quality have proved to be worthwhile , namely the structure quality which deals with the quality related arrangement of the frame conditions of hospital productivity the process quality which comprises the improvement of diagnostic , therapeutic , care taking and medical activities in the hospital as well as interactions between the hospital staff and the patient or his relatives , and the outcome quality , which judges the changes in the patient 's condition by means of predefined target values . patient male 14 Detection of these variants may be critical in early diagnosis and management of the patient and his family and might prevent sudden cardiac death or alter heart transplantation or VAD implantation clinical decisions . patient male 42 The two isolates were similar in terms of antibiogram , multilocus sequence typing ( ST341 ) , virulence genes , and only three SNPs were found to differentiate the two NTTB C. ulcerans isolates supporting a zoonotic transmission to or between the patient and his dog . patient male 4 Equally important to the patient and his family are efforts to function as well and as comfortably as possible throughout the remainder of his life . patient male 1 The patient and his 32 travelling companions were traced for ZIKV infection . patient male 5 Psychosexual treatments may help the patient with PE and his partner to address their sexual problems and improve their overall relationship . patient female 2 The described patient and her husband were referred to genetic counseling clinic because of four reproductive failures . patient male 19 Although results regarding postoperative quantity and quality of life are encouraging , it must not be overlooked that the patient and his family face , and have to overcome , profound psychosocial problems . patient male 13 Multigenerational genetic analyses revealed mutations in the NOTCH1 and ACTA2 genes in the patient and his father . patient female 12 Through novel therapies and a multidisciplinary approach to care , both the patient and her child would overcome these unique and challenging conditions and survive . patient female 11 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples taken from the patient and her parents , and was subjected to whole exome sequencing ( WES ) and low-coverage massively parallel copy number variation sequencing ( CNV-seq ) . patient male 22 This paper highlights the relevance of studies on dialog in pain assessment situations and the importance of the specificity of both the patient and his pain . patient female 8 Peripheral venous blood samples were collected from the patient and her family members and subjected to G-banding karyotyping and single nucleotide polymorphism array ( SNP-array ) analysis . patient female 7 A genetic study carried out on the patient and her father confirmed the presence of a mutation of the KRIT1 gene with an autosomal dominant transmission . patient male 7 Peripheral blood samples were collected from the patient , his unaffected parents and 100 healthy controls . patient female 4 The course of this patient and her MRI findings enlarge the clinical and neuroradiological spectrum of fucosidosis . patient female 2 The infected patient and her newborn shared the ward and latrine with the maternity ward index patient . patient female 30 Dermatoses unique to pregnancy are rare but important to recognize because they may be intensely pruritic or painful to the mother , and they may pose significant risks to the patient , her fetus , or both . patient female 5 Peripheral blood samples of the patient and her parents were collected subjected to high-throughput sequencing . patient male 17 Sequence analysis revealed a novel A1270 G transition in exon 9 of the EDA1 gene in the patient and his uncle , whereas the patient 's mother and grandmother were heterozygotes . patient male 1 The patient and his family had many congenital anomalies including hereditary brachydactyly , syndactyly , and hyperopia . patient female 27 The decision to treat women who are already at a very low risk of recurrence with adjuvant chemotherapy must involve an honest and detailed discussion between the patient and her oncologist . patient female 6 Surgical excision was refused by the patient and her family . patient female 22 All 23 coding exons and flanking introns of the VPS33B gene were amplified and sequenced using peripheral lymphocyte genomic DNA of the patient and her parents . patient female 18 Acute hepatic failure in the 6th week postpartum was successfully treated by emergency liver transplantation , and the patient and her child were doing well at 8-month follow-up . patient male 17 The pediatrician , being a primary health care physician , has the task of bringing the small patient and his parents to the resolution of all those problems which are erroneously referred to a subspecialist . patient female 7 Because of the poor condition of the patient and her great age , we chose an antihypertensive therapy instead of a reoperation . patient female 5 After extensive counseling , the patient and her husband decided to deliver by cesarean section . patient female 2 Only the patient and her sister were colonized by an h-VISA MRSA strain ( clone USA 700 , ST72 , t148 , agr 1 and SCCmec IVa ) . patient male 12 The authors discuss actual concepts about the transmission of information to the patient and his family in oncology . patient male 35 In this article a particular patient/physician relationship is described and analyzed : The described interaction between patient and physician during a consultative investigation by several specialists differs markedly from the common trustful relation between a patient and his family doctor . patient female 3 We interviewed the patient and her providers and obtained financial information from local reimbursement and billing specialists . patient male 25 The basic attitude makes it possible or impossible to treat reactions of transfer and counter transfer within the team and in the relationship with the patient and his background . patient male 1 The patient and his family should be educated to assist the patient to enjoy a lifestyle and attitude which should be healthier than it was before the acute cardiac event . patient male 3 We report a patient and his family , who have branchio-oto-renal ( BOR ) syndrome and coexisting mitral valve prolapse . patient female 5 Genetic characterisation demonstrated that the patient and her father were heterozygous for a deletion of 36 nucleotides ( positions 554 - 589 ) leading to a mutant GPIalpha ( deletion of aminoacids from residue 169 to 180 and a Glu -- > Lys substitution at residue 181 ) . patient female 24 In addition , a C -- > T transition at nucleotide 515 in the other allele of the GPIbalpha gene was found in the patient and in her mother that results in the substitution of alanine for valine in codon 156 ( Bernard-Soulier type Bolzano ) . patient female 5 Genetic analysis revealed that the patient and her mother had a novel missense mutation ( D564N ) in the acidic motif in WNK4 , which leads to the diagnosis of PHA2 . patient female 49 A favorable issue of this case , within a follow up of one year , is due to the therapeutic and social potential of a community psychiatry 's setting , offering an individual follow up to both partners and a family approach including the ex husband of the female patient and her two minor children . patient male 41 The alternating chemo-radiotherapy is a very complex treatment that can not be easily applied in clinical practice ; a careful selection of patients is mandatory not only considering oncologic and medical criteria , but also the level of awareness of the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her husband were visiting their children and live in another state . patient male 18 A knowledge of the hemodynamic effectivity of the various compression stockings allows the optimal stocking selection for each patient and his individual clinical situation . patient male 10 Moreover , a novel mutation was found both in the patient and his mother : a 4 bp insertion ( AGCG ) at nucleotide 259 , in exon 1 resulting in a frame shift and premature termination . patient male 8 Genomic analysis of the DAX-1 gene in the patient and his mother . patient male 7 We collected peripheral blood samples of the patient and his parents and then extracted the genomic DNA . patient male 15 Mutations were analyzed in all exons and exon/intron boundaries of NPHS1 and NPHS2 in the patient and his parents as well as in 50 unrelated controls using polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing techniques . patient female 9 We conducted sequencing of genomic DNA from the index patient and her family members . patient male 20 We report a case of stent blockage by 2 large-sized tablets , about which the endoscopist did not forewarn the patient or his family . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused surgical treatment . patient male 23 Lifelong premature ejaculation ( LPE ) is characterized by persistently shorter intravaginal ejaculation latency time ( IELT ) than found acceptable by the patient or his partner . patient male 10 EE measures the quality of the social interaction between a patient and his most important (in)formal caregiver . patient male 38 Retrospective analysis of eight patients suffering from infantile cortical hyperostosis shows clearly autosomic dominant inheritance of the disease , the strong variation in the clinical expressivity , and therefore the need for an in deep work-up of the patient and his relatives in the presence of any suspicious symptom . patient female 1 The patient and her mother had typical clinical features , including tall stature during childhood , macrocephaly , intellectual disability , and characteristic facial appearance . patient male 47 Abdominal aortic and left common iliac aneurysms in a 79-year-old man who had undergone Miles ' operation for rectal carcinoma were treated with endovascular repair of an abdominal aortic aneurysm ( EVAR ) , taking into consideration the age , surgical history , and wishes of the patient and his family . patient male 14 This G----A transition ( Arg-119 to Gln-119 ) was present heterozygously in the index patient and his affected third cousin but was not present in normal non-Jewish individuals . patient female 29 Before parturition are there useful and valid predictors of successful or unsuccessful vaginal birth after previous cesarean birth that could be used to enhance the obstetric care of a patient and her pregnancy ? patient female 3 R131L in another patient ( AAO 30 years ) and in her affected sibling ( AAO 45 years ) . patient male 10 This allele was detected during routine HLA typing of a patient and his family prior to bone marrow transplantation . patient female 23 We have studied the relationship between the histocompatibility class I and II antigens and Sneddon 's syndrome ( SS ) in a Spanish patient with SS and her relatives ( 13 available members of an extensive 3-generation pedigree with diverse autoimmune hypercoagulation abnormalities ) . patient female 1 The patient and her father were diagnosed with a primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and were HLA-A30-B13-Bw6 . patient male 14 The law specifies how a doctor may write a medical certifcate and how a patient or his beneficiaries can obtain his medical records . patient male 5 Moreover , how should a patient or his beneficiaries obtain medical records ? patient male 3 [ The schizophrenic patient and his body : remarks on the psychosomatic economy of dissociative psychoses ] . patient male 43 It shows that only a common view of such phenomena , which includes the therapist as well as the patient and establishes a symmetry of experience , can lead to those processes of identification and counter-identification which ultimatively are helpful to both the patient and his therapist . patient male 11 In this study , we present a clinical case of a patient with neurofibroma in the oral cavity and infraocclusion of primary molars , as well as his dental management . patient male 18 It describes the research and interest of our bioethicist towards the concept of ' good ' of the patient and his four components . patient male 30 Follow up for out of hospital adverse events was carried out by review of the case notes , postal questionnaire , and where necessary , by telephone contact with the patient and his general practitioner . patient female 13 Melancholic type and her symbiotic relationship led to a situation unbearable to the patient and her close relative unable to delegate care to a specialized team . patient female 4 Intrauterine diagnosed sternal cleft patient and her management . patient male 17 Southern analyses and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) revealed that the DHTX-A breakpoint in the patient and his father lies within the intron between exons 6 and 7 of UVRAG . patient male 34 Furthermore , we have devised a semi-quantitative PCR to estimate the number of GLDC alleles by using psiGLDC as an internal control and have confirmed the homozygosity and heterozygosity of the deletion in the patient and his parents , respectively . patient female 30 Treatment of breast cancer during pregnancy requires an interdisciplinary approach and careful consideration of the patient 's stage of disease , the gestational age , and the preferences of the patient and her family . patient female 1 The patient and a number of her maternal family members also had congenital hearing loss . patient female 1 One patient and her family members . patient male 14 The genetic background of Ménière 's disease ( MD ) was studied in one patient with childhood-onset MD and his grandfather affected with middle age-onset MD . patient male 10 Prostate cancer can negatively impact quality of life of the patient and his spouse caregiver , but interventions rarely target the health of both partners simultaneously . patient female 4 The relation between the patient and her conversation partner during ELs is characterized by confirmation and communion . patient female 11 After the war she settled in London , marrying her long-time friend and wartime colleague , physical culturist Fred Hornibrook . friend female 20 Increased clinical awareness of the diagnosis and optimal management of these cases can lead to more positive outcomes for the patient and her child . patient female 10 The analysis of genomic DNA on blood samples of the patient and her sister was performed and the same mutations were identified . patient male 15 Immunosuppression in the next millennium will be based not merely on the survival of the patient and his graft , but more importantly on regimens that optimize the " Three C 's " : Co-morbidity , Cost , and Convenience . patient female 1 The patient and her baby were discharged uneventfully . patient male 6 As the correspondence with his Berlin-based friend and colleague Emil du Bois-Reymond ( 1818 - 1896 ) and the subsequent development of the myographion make clear , these curves were not meant as measurements but functioned as demonstrations . friend female 14 Before any medical or nursing intervention took place , a full assessment of the patient and her situation had to take place , which formed the basis for the formulation of a management plan . patient female 15 We have however detected to p53 germ line mutations in the lymphocytes DNA of the patient and her niece . patient male 23 Here , we present a transforming powder dressing which yielded fast , cost-effective healing of two such wounds , while also relieving the patient and his family of any wound care responsibility . patient male 35 The author proposes that in institutions the orthodox way of observing the patient psychotherapeutically has to be changed by concepts of brief therapy ; for this it is required to understand the dynamics of the patient and his response to treatment . patient male 12 Factor I levels were at the lower limit of normal in the patient and his brother . patient male 11 These findings , as well as the Swiss origin of the patient and his age at the onset of the disease , were consistent with acquired hemoglobin H disease . patient male 18 Although Brody later retracted these claims , he held to the view that physicians need not consult the patient or his family to determine their values before deciding not to treat . patient male 10 No evidence of contamination was found by history from the patient and his family and friends nor by examination . patient male 12 Massive sive as well as gross disfigurment reflect long-drawn neglect by the patient & his attendents , which seems to be a rare happening in today 's society . patient male 10 Other essential requirements are the best possible positioning of the patient and his ability to cooperate . patient male 20 An initial investigation should make it possible to define these objectives and to formulate hypotheses following the interview with the patient and/or his family and with the help of the overall anamnestic data . patient male 8 High-resolution GTG banding was performed to analyze the patient and his parents . patient male 40 Fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) with Cri du Chat syndrome region probe as well as subregional probes mapped to 5pter , 5qter , 18pter , 18qter , and whole chromosome painting probe 18 was performed to analyze the patient and his parents . patient female 7 DNA obtained from human leucocytes from a patient suspected of pseudovitamin D deficiency and her healthy parents was sequenced for a genetic defect in the CYP27B1 gene . patient female 33 However , best practice includes the assessment of women prepregnancy by a multidisciplinary team , with the aim of optimizing the clinical state , changing therapy to avoid teratogenic treatments and advising the patient and her relatives about the potential risks and possible complications that may arise . patient male 10 We report a milder reproductive phenotype both in a male patient and his sister . patient male 10 Day-case surgery appears to have similar social effects on the patient and his family as traditional hospital care . patient female 21 Whereas midtrimester diagnostic amniocentesis is widely considered to be a safe and accurate procedure , the possibility of hazard to the patient and her fetus remains and should be considered during the preliminary counseling session . patient female 7 She was a non-smoker , infrequent cannabis user , and her last menstrual period was normal . user female 7 Over a period of 13 years the patient and her family coped very well with the handicap . patient male 20 After approximately a decade , a slowly progressive , chronic rejection process gradually rendered the organ nonfunctional , and the patient and his providers deemed him appropriate for explantation . patient female 53 Despite the additional risks and complexities associated with pregnancy , IR procedures can be performed safely for the pregnant patient with knowledge of the special and general needs of the pregnant patient , use of acceptable medications and procedures likely to be encountered during pregnancy , in addition to strategies to protect the patient and her fetus from the hazards of radiation . patient female 19 However , no studies to date have been performed that evaluate the safety of TMS for a pregnant mother patient and her fetus . patient female 19 The outcomes imply that the mother 's traumatic past intensifies the distressing effect of cancer diagnosis upon both the patient and her mother . patient female 33 Judicious use of hormones may be appropriate in the well-informed patient who gives informed consent , but given the potential risk , these agents should be prescribed only after mutual agreement of the patient and her oncologist . patient female 6 One year after the operation the patient and her baby are alive and well . patient female 71 The two weight objectives comprising our therapeutic contract ( separation end weight and final discharge weight ) were significantly related to the clinical variables tested : separation end weight was explained by the theoretical separation end weight , the range of contract , and the desires of the patient and her parents ; final discharge weight was explained by patient body mass index before AN and by the desires of the patient and her parents . patient male 10 To screen for mutations in the CTSK gene of the patient and his family members , all of its exons and exon-intron junctions were PCR amplified from genomic DNA and sequenced . patient male 4 We describe the typical patient and his management . patient male 14 We then used 50 nanograms of chromosomal DNA extracted from peripheral blood of the patient and his parents to amplify with above primers . patient female 12 Continued careful assessment of the degree of glycemic control may enable the patient and her physician to plan the optimal time for attempting a pregnancy . patient male 35 In 2004 , a weekly short clerkship was introduced into the 6th year curriculum , aiming to expose students to a variety of cancer diseases and treatments and to internalize the comprehensive approach to the patient and his family by the multi-professional team . patient male 4 The willingness of the patient and his caregivers will also be a key for the therapeutic decision . patient male 7 He will be the link between the patient and his physician when a change in the patient 's eating habits is forseen for the treatment of his health problems . patient male 40 These studies refer to NR as a multidisciplinary approach ( a specially trained team of professionals ) with concrete objectives and established job descriptions , a suitable battery of instruments for measurement of the results , active participation of the patient and his family and correct follow-up in the community . patient male 1 The patient and his parents are currently undergoing whole exome sequencing including evaluation for epidermodysplasia verruciformis 1 and 2 gene mutations . patient female 11 A heterozygous G55fsX57 germline mutation in HNF-1alpha was identified in this patient , her diabetic father , and her 2 sisters . patient male 13 We report the coincidence of hereditary angioedema and rheumatoid arthritis in a male patient and in his father . patient male 1 The patient and his brother were both conceived by in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) . patient male 13 In a search for angiomas at other sites none were found in the patient or his family . patient female 4 Clinical evaluation of a patient with SLS and her unaffected parents revealed that the patient had infantile-onset retinal dystrophy and juvenile-onset nephronophthisis . patient male 7 V246 M variant was identified in a patient with photo-sensitive GGE and his father diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy . patient male 4 Genomic DNA of the patient and his parents was extracted and subjected to high-throughput sequencing . patient male 15 CNV-seq or single nucleotide polymorphism array ( SNP array ) were carried out for another patient and his family members . patient female 1 The patient and her parents were subjected to next generation sequencing ( NGS ) . patient male 38 In addition , the quantity of serum HIV1-RNA was 2.9 x 10(4 ) copies , the absolute count of CD4 + lymphocyte was 28/mm3 , and the CD4/CD8 ratio was 0.04 , despite clear denials by both the patient and his wife regarding any apparent infectious opportunities . patient female 3 We describe a patient and her family in whom the clinical features of reticulate pigmented anomaly of the flexures , also known as Dowling-Degos disease , are associated with those of Kitamura 's reticulate acropigmentation . patient female 10 Experts in gynecologic oncology and infertility together with an informed patient and her family should make treatment decisions . patient male 15 In particular , the patterns of clinical history in use ignore the individuality of the patient and his existential dimension . patient male 7 Sequence analysis of the mtDNA of the patient and his unaffected sister and niece was performed and showed a T to C missense mutation at np 11253 in the ND4 gene , leading to a replacement of an evolutionary highly conserved isoleucine by a threonine residue . patient female 26 A novel missense mutation , c.521(exon)G > T , p.(Gly174Val ) was detected by next-generation sequencing ( NGS ) and confirmed by Sanger sequencing in the patient and her parents . patient male 1 The patient and his mother were trained and assessed on the PD technique . patient male 1 This patient and his spouse did not choose assisted reproduction . patient female 6 Congenital hyperammonemia : symptomatic carrier girl patient and her asymptomatic heterozygous mother for ornithine transcarbamylase ( OTC ) deficiency : specific enzyme diagnostic and kinetic investigations for the detection of heterozygous genostatus . patient female 11 We studied two separate cases of small-cell carcinoma in a 21-year-old patient and in her 40-year-old mother , both of whom died of disseminated disease . patient male 20 The only therapeutic approach in patients with psychogenic bleeding is psychiatric with particular attention to the sociocultural background of the patient and his family . patient male 15 To provide the best possible care it is important to respect the decision of the patient and his family maximally and QOL takes top priority . patient male 12 If the psychoanalytic situation is regarded as a means to investigate the patient and his symptoms , his verbal behavior seems to depend on the unconscious motives forming his neurotic personality structure . patient female 15 The tumor was further demonstrated by PCR polymorphisms to possess two genomic DNA of the patient and her husband . patient female 13 With most hematologic cancers now requiring multiagent chemotherapy for optimal survival , the patient , her family , and her physicians are often faced with what seems to be a Faustian dilemma . patient female 12 This knowledge is required to aid in the decision-making of both the patient and her surgeon . patient male 37 " Emotional Expression " ( EE ) , which came out of research and studies undertaken by Brown ( 1959 ) and later on , Vaughn and Leff ( 1976 ) , defines interaction between a schizophrenic patient and his close environment according to 3 criterium : judgmental comments and criticism , hostility , emotional over-involvement . patient male 14 The purpose in fact is to bring about changes within the relationship of the patient and his environment so as to reduce judgmental criticism , hostility and emotional over-involvement ( information programs concerning etiology , therapeutical strategies in view of improving understanding of the illness and to reorganize proper family relationship ) . patient female 8 The highest PIIINP value was found in a patient with ascites and her PIIINP decreased after medication was discontinued . patient male 13 A cancer diagnosis provides significantly level of emotional distress and discomfort both for patient and his family . patient male 14 The surgical procedures is a stressful condition that require a positive adaptation for the patient and his relatives . patient female 1 The patient and her twins were discharged one week later in stable condition . patient female 18 In addition , antibodies to ATL virus-associated antigen ( ATLA ) were found in the serum of the patient and her family . patient male 14 The N2 and N4 groups were similar with respect to the characteristics of the patient and his tumour such as primary site , etc . , but the N3 group differed significantly : more patients were in poor general health and this group contained almost all the patients with no known primary tumour . patient male 2 The second patient presented at 6 months of age with infantile nephrotic syndrome , and his renal biopsy revealed membranous glomerulopathy and TRIs . patient male 3 Evaluation of the patient and his environment as a totality . patient male 8 The results of our follow-up study of this patient and his family with diseases of immunological aberration strongly support the need for close monitoring of such patients and their family members , since early serological evidence of organ specific autoantibodies may be an initial signal of later target organ damage . patient male 7 There was partial tumor resection in 1 patient accepted and his nerve function was unchanged . patient female 17 Currently , it appears that the best way to detect early ovarian cancer is for both the patient and her clinician to have a high index of suspicion of the diagnosis in the symptomatic woman . patient female 9 RNA samples were extracted from the lymphocytes of NF1 patient and her parents . patient male 3 A 4-year-old male patient ( P1 ) and his 7-year-old sister ( P2 ) , product of a nonconsanguineous union of Egyptian ancestry , underwent a comprehensive ophthalmic examination , retinal imaging with spectral domain optical coherence tomography and near infrared ( NIR ) fundus autofluorescence ( FAF ) , and full-field electroretinograms ( ERG ) . patient male 19 Genetic laboratory testing has unique characteristics , and results of germinal genome testing has consequences not only for the patient but also for his relatives . patient female 12 Repeated cytogenetic investigations ( G-banding and high resolution banding ) on the patient and her parents showed apparently normal chromosomes . patient female 21 A trisomy 7 mosaicism ( 46 , XX/47 , XX+7 ) was identified by quinacrine mustard fluorescence studies in a psychiatric patient and in her daughter who also had mental illness . patient male 12 Cys1449 * ) , were observed and verified by resequencing in the patient and his parents . patient female 11 After obtaining a thorough history , it was discovered that the patient and her family were exposed to mercury through a spill of elemental mercury in their home . patient female 1 The patient and her baby remain disease-free 16 months after disease diagnosis . patient female 22 Knowledge of the consensual sexual injuries that may occur in adolescent patients can guide diagnosis , treatment , and counseling for the patient and her family , preventing long-term medical complications and legal consequences . patient male 3 Simulations of a user and his wheelchair moving at 1.4 m/s on a tilted pathway were performed . user female 52 A summary of the treatment of a borderline patient illustrates ( I ) that psychoanalytic therapy with such patients is feasible within the framework of the structural hypothesis and ( 2 ) that the results of such treatment are influenced materially by the analyst 's use of his emotional responses to the patient and her production . patient female 18 Here we describe a previously unrecognized sequence change ( c.376G > A ) in PSEN2 in an EOAD patient and her likewise affected mother . patient male 20 It is important for the social worker to identify these stressful periods in order to give maximum help to the patient and his family . patient male 30 Because of the age , gender and social and medical history of the patient , these preliminary diagnoses were discounted , with a hypothesis of gastrointestinal disorder presented to the patient and his parents after consultation with oral medicine and oral pathology faculty . patient male 22 Awareness of lay beliefs about psychosis and the proper handling of such beliefs by the treating psychiatrist may facilitate cooperation with the patient and his family , increasing the prospect of a more favorable outcome . patient female 1 The patient and her monozygotic twin sister exhibited repeated partial seizures at two years of age and electroencephalogram ( EEG ) showed focal spikes in the occipital area and , on other occasions , the centro-parietal areas . patient female 7 Before the administration of ritodrine , the patient and her husband were given an extensive review of the risks , including blood transfusion , adult respiratory distress syndrome , disseminated intravascular coagulopathy , and maternal or fetal death . patient female 38 A resulting reduction in concentration x time ( C x T ) for drug exposure to the maternal system may reduce the efficacy of the antineoplastic agents , while an increase in C x T may expose the patient and her fetus to undue toxicity . patient male 13 The intensively , technically supported medical treatment produces within its demands towards the patient and his social context a kind of " human failure " , that is , the patient tends to not fulfill the highly demanding treatment tasks . patient male 25 The analysis of nurse 's and midwife 's positions shows that work in out-patient health service and in hospital offers a close contact with the patient and his environment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient male 27 After a gastrostomy in December 1999 , the patient returned home with the aim of improving his quality of life , as strongly desired by both the patient and his carer . patient male 9 The exact role of medical staff in convincing the patient and his relatives to accept the procedure is discussed . patient male 10 [ Nursing intervention in the case of coma concerning the patient and his family ] . patient male 6 D306N ) , which affects our patient , his mother , and his sister . patient female 5 1 . Understanding what a patient and her family want to do . patient male 15 When oncogenic pathogens are found , careful patient follow-up for recurrences and counseling for the patient and his sexual partner(s ) may be warranted . patient male 14 The family study was completed with genotypic and RBC membrane protein analyses in the patient and his family . patient male 33 Molecular study of the PK deficiency was performed in all the family members and demonstrated a heterozygous condition for the 1516 G->A ( 506Val->Ile ) mutation at the PK-LR gene in both the patient and his mother . patient male 10 Clinical , biological and molecular studies were performed in the patient , his parents and a brother , in order to characterize the specific PK-R gene mutation and the inheritance mechanism of the transmission of both red cell defects in this particular family . patient male 43 The review process highlighted articles illustrating two current trends related to care coordination and patient centered care : the enhanced capacity to predict the evolution of a disease based on patient-specific information can impact care coordination ; similarly , better perception of the patient and his treatment could lead to enhanced personalized care with a potential impact on care coordination . patient male 10 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples from the patient and his parents and subjected to next generation sequencing . patient male 7 Peripheral blood samples were obtained from the patient and his parents . patient female 34 One recent study demonstrated certain patient characteristics that were associated with good compliance with oral contraceptives , including white race , higher education level , suburban residence , and older age of both the patient and her mate . patient male 28 The magnitude of this phenomenon is not only related to its increasing frequency or life-threatening , but also to the psychosocial consequences of suicidal gesture both on the patient and his entourage . patient male 8 Finally , correct information and reassurance of the patient and his partner can prevent the negative role played by psychological factors on the sexual dysfunctions complained by the diabetic subject . patient male 16 During our radiooncologic experience , we have learned the problems caused by insufficient information on the patient and his tumor . patient male 15 Non weight bearing limits the subchondral fractures , but requires an important adaptation from the patient and his entourage . patient female 14 We herein presenting a case of non-syndromic multiple supernumerary impacted teeth in a female patient and her child . patient female 11 Care as a mutual endeavour : experiences of a multiple sclerosis patient and her healthcare professionals . patient female 5 Testing and counseling provided this patient and her family with information not only about the thyroid cancer in their family , but also about multiple endocrine neoplasia , a syndrome resulting from mutation of this particular gene . patient male 7 The treatment plan was discussed with the patient and his hematologist . patient male 15 The ergonomists at IPTN are keenly aware that there would be a conflict between the user and his working environment without proper attention to the human considerations in the design is left for ergonomists and innovative programs like IPTN 's participatory approach , to ensure that the human aspect is optimized in the man-machine interface . user male 71 A training program to equip the family physician to give such care should provide the physician with : ( 1 ) skills to detect incipient psychotic illness and the ability to intervene at this stage ; ( 2 ) a working knowledge of the psychoactive drugs ; ( 3 ) awareness of the available community resources and the ability to mobilize them to provide a network of support for the psychotic patient and his family ; and ( 4 ) an understanding of family dynamics and behavior . patient male 16 The home health care team , family physician , and outpatient neurological team rely on the patient and his family to have a solid knowledge base and continual telephone contact in order to maintain optimal care . patient male 31 A social work clinician filled the role of case manager with multiple functions of discharge planner , client advocate , counsellor and educator in her work with a young male AIDS patient and his family . patient male 11 He presents the therapeutic relation as a behavioural interaction between the patient and his therapist which is subject to laws of learning . patient female 3 A 74-year-old female patient and her 52-year-old son presented with segmental leiomyomas following the lines of Blaschko as well as disseminated skin tumors . patient male 4 The mother of the patient and his older brother had two mRNA species : one of normal size and one of the same size as the propositus . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused additional treatment . patient female 1 The patient and her mother had a history of Raynaud 's phenomenon . patient male 31 The observed results are : great prevailing of chronic gastritis and a high percentage of intestinal metaplasia which , in both cases are in close correlation with the age of the patient and not with his surgical age . patient male 13 A data-collecting sheet was used to collect the necessary data from both the patient and his medical file on admission into hospital . patient male 16 A novel allele HLA-B*2730 and the haplotype HLA-A*03-B*2730-Cw*02-DRB1 * 16-DRB5 have been found in a Slovene patient and his mother . patient male 11 The PCR-amplified genomic DNA fragments of the b5R gene from the patient , his mother , and normal controls were analyzed by restriction enzymes MspI and RsaI. A compound heterozygote Arg57Gln (CGG-->CAG)/Cys203Tyr ( TGC-->TAC ) was found in the b5R gene from the patient , and a CGG-->CAG mutant allele occurred in a chromosome inherited from his mother , while TGC-->TAC occurred in a chromosome inherited from his father . patient male 14 PCR amplification and subsequent nucleotide sequencing of the 11 beta HSD2 gene from the patient and his family members revealed that the patient has a compound heterozygous mutation of this gene . patient male 30 There is , it is suggested , a tendency for environmental features to be regarded as important even though , viewed objectively , they may have little relevance to the patient and his needs . patient male 15 Here , using a combination of direct-sequencing and mini-sequencing of the PLCζ gene from the patient and his family , we report the identification of a second PLCζ mutation in the same patient resulting in a histidine to leucine substitution at position 233 ( PLCζ(H233L ) ) , which is predicted to disrupt local protein interactions in a manner similar to PLCζ(H398P ) and was shown to exhibit abnormal calcium oscillatory ability following predictive 3D modelling and cRNA injection in mouse oocytes respectively . patient male 14 It is emphasized that most of these complications could have been avoided had the patient and his physician known that such anomalies were present . patient female 1 The patient and her family were subsequently introduced to a 22q11.2 DS patients ' support group . patient male 32 We think that , as for all medical decisions , the use of one or the other of these various techniques should be selected after a quiet and free discussion between the patient and his physician , preferably in advance and not in a situation of emergency and panic . patient male 15 In addition , carrier and prenatal diagnosis add important contributions to improve life for the patient and his family . patient male 1 The patient and his mother have 30 % to 40 % band and Pelger-Huet cells in peripheral blood smear . patient female 23 This article discusses the relevant ethical principles , identifies unique features of obstetrical ethics , examines ethical principles as they apply to pregnant patient and her fetus , and thereby , provides a conceptual framework for considering ethical issues and facilitating decision making in clinical obstetrics . patient male 5 Exome sequencing analysis of the patient and his parents revealed a mutation in the splice donor site of intron 2 of the AGT gene , c.856 + 1G > T. This mutation was a heterozygous form and inherited from his mother , and the mother was diagnosed with essential hypertension lasting over 20 years . patient female 34 Not only will the treatment strategy depend on whether there is ovulatory dysfunction , uterine pathology , or an abnormality of coagulation , the treatment strategy will also depend on the age of the patient and her desire for immediate or long-term fertility . patient male 20 The treatment should be directed to improve the family sanitary habites and the prescription of the choice drug to the patient and to his family . patient male 30 The physician should use the drug that better fits the patients convenience , keeping in mind the easy determination of the dose and the cost in order to offer the patient and his family the best choice . patient female 6 HTLV-1 sequences in lymphocytes of a patient with non-tropical spastic tetraparesis and her asymptomatic husband . patient male 6 After an intensive discussion among the patient , his family , surgeons , and the director of the hospital , we performed the operation without blood transfusion . patient male 13 Before surgery , we went through a detailed plan for phalloplasty with the patient and his family . patient male 27 The ownership stamp , project affiliation and date stamp of a dataset are used to regulate data access , which is restricted to data belonging to the user or to his projects and data , for which the embargo period has ended . user male 5 The results showed that the patient and his mother were homozygous and the father heterozygous for the splice site mutation . patient male 9 N101 K ) in SLC5A2 was identified in the patient and his mother , but not in 200 chromosomes from 100 healthy and unrelated individuals , or in 3,408 Japanese individuals in the Tohoku Medical Megabank . patient male 3 One infantile BS patient and his family had a novel SCN5A mutation ( c.4035G > T , p . patient male 11 HIVYU-6 and HIVYU-7 were isolated from an acquired immune deficiency syndrome patient ( MK ) and his asymptomatic sexual partner ( MM ) , respectively . patient male 2 Both the patient and his son were given the diagnosis of congenital ATIII deficiency . patient male 21 Although most of the complications of this disease are treatable , they impose huge costs on the healthcare system , the patient , and his family . patient male 11 We confirm here a case of hereditary sclerosing poikiloderma in a patient and his family with significant cardiac involvement characterized by heavily calcified stenotic aortic and mitral valves on echocardiography . patient male 74 We should consider peculiar aspects of this population , such as sarcopenia , malnutrition , psychological and cognitive deficits and increased risk of AKI , in order to reach a good quality of life , with improved doctor / patient relationship , a greater adherence to therapy , a reduction in health care costs , and if possible , adequate " end of life " , as far as it is approved by the patient and his family . patient male 5 R342X was observed in the patient , but not in his parents . patient female 9 Screening questionnaires and clinical interviews , education of the patient and her family , and appropriate use of medication and support will allow the primary care physician to manage the majority of these cases successfully . patient female 10 To gain insight into the experiences of a palliative care patient and her husband who were living on borrowed time . patient male 8 Proper insulin therapy requires close interaction between the patient and his doctor . patient male 5 The strains isolated from the patient and his dog were identical . patient female 27 Clinical descriptions are supplemented with roentgenologic , morphologic and electron microscopic findings as well as with the results of amino-acid analysis and of dermatoglyphic examination of the patient and her parents . patient female 7 The present case was a 43-year-old female patient and her clinical presentation was abdominal pain , abdominal distension , and abdominal mass sensation . patient male 1 The patient and his daughters were confirmed as having this mutation using primer-directed mutagenesis or allele-specific amplification . patient female 9 In addition , urinary excretion of oxypurines in the patient and her family was investigated . patient male 1 The patient and his family should be regarded as the unit of care . patient male 6 Physicians and nurses must inform both patient and his family before treatment . patient male 4 Genomic DNA from the patient and his family members was extracted and the AVPR2 gene was sequenced . patient female 35 In this case , autosomal dominant hypocalcemia ( ADH ) due to abnormality in the CASR gene was clinically suspected , but DNA sequencing analysis revealed no mutation of the CASR gene in either the patient or her mother . patient female 1 The patient and her behavior elicited considerable affect and controversy among members of her health team . patient female 10 We performed a prospective family-based study in 50 families ( patient and both her parents ) who were genotyped for three DRD4 promoter regions . patient male 17 In the intimacy of the residence , the care fit the evolution of the state of the patient and his expectations . patient female 13 Serum anti-Trichosporon antibody and the phenotype of HLA were studied in both the patient and her asymptomatic roommate , with whom she had no blood relationship . patient female 25 Though both were sensitized immunologically , HLA-DQ 3 , which was reported to be associated with Japanese summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis , was detected in the patient but not in her roommate . patient female 13 Treatment of genital form of NHL is determined by the age of the patient and her reproductive intentions , clinical stage , histological variant . patient male 19 A previously described possibly pathogenic mutation in the NKX2.5 gene ( c.73C > 7 ) was detected in a patient with isolated heart malformations and also in his clinically normal father . patient female 24 We also suggested strategies to avoid blood loss and the need for transfusions in order to respect the stated values and preferences of the patient and her family to the greatest degree possible . patient female 8 In order to protect the privacy of the patient and her family , details in this case have been changed and no identifiable information has been used . patient female 4 Skin biopsies of the patient and her mother proved to contain cells overexpressing p63 by immunohistochemistry . patient female 3 Karyotypes of the patient and her mother , and FISH studies on lymphocytes and tumor cells of the girl demonstrated a mosaic 11p15.5 deletion . patient male 1 The patient and his attending physician must be informed of the nonspecific diagnosis established during the first hospitalisation . patient female 19 Mastectomy poses a severe threat to body image and sexuality , interfering with the psychological well-being of both the patient and her partner . patient male 41 In addition , the sera of patients admitted to hospital for intentional drug overdosage were studied to compare the results obtained using the Remedi and Emit techniques , and also to compare these results with toxicological data obtained by questioning the patient and his immediate circle . patient male 19 This article uses a question about treating adolescent depression to illustrate this approach in the context of a particular patient and his family . patient male 18 The fact that such conditions as dizziness and disequilibrium have great influence on the social status of a patient and his ( her ) position in society accounts for the use of functional stabilometry in the clinical practice along with the evaluation of quality of life . patient female 17 Parameters such as retention , odor , irritation , itching , discharge , and convenience for the user and her sexual partner were tested . user male 14 We emphasize that the appropriate patient selection is critical : the ability of the patient and his family to care for the patient at home following surgery is of paramount importance in the decision to proceed with outpatient surgery . patient male 12 Mutation analysis of his father was normal , although that of the patient and his mother revealed c.535C > T ( p . patient male 23 The aim of this consultation is not only to make an aesthetic and orthodontic diagnosis but also a fine psychological analysis of the patient and his family before proposing a treatment plan . patient male 1 The patient and his family suffer greatly from economic , mental and physical disadvantage during the treatment and the care . patient male 11 Respiratory resuscitation and intensive care can be employed , if the patient and his relatives give their consent . patient male 38 The interview results demonstrate the theoretical strength of the signifier concept and reveal the process and context of the work of three particular physicians and the nature of the relations they were able to establish with this one patient and his son . patient female 35 In an attempt to find a potential molecular explanation for the mild phenotype observed , we carried out a conventional semi-quantitative and quantitative RT-PCR analyses which revealed two transcripts of almost equal amounts in the patient and her parents -- the expected full-length transcript carrying the 742insGG mutation and a second transcript with deleted exons 6 and 7 . patient male 18 Treatment decisions for prostate cancer are strongly associated with physician recommendations , and a high-quality relationship between the patient and his healthcare system is critical to successful active surveillance . patient male 1 The patient and his family were counselled on the available options as well as the need for any further studies . patient female 32 The aim of the present study was to perform comprehensive prenatal diagnosis using various detection techniques on a fetus in a high‑risk pregnant woman , and to provide genetic counseling for the patient and her family so as to avoid birth defects . patient female 26 Two unrelated affected children , two of their parents and one sibling were carriers for the 11 bp deletion in the E1 beta gene , one patient and her mother were heterozygous for Y393N in E1 alpha , while T841 G , G1031A and the -G deletion in E2 were not detected . patient male 1 The patient and his elder brother ( already dead ) had clinical onset at 2 years of age . patient male 9 Then Sanger sequencing was used for validation in the patient and his family . patient male 23 With improvements in prognosis for children with leukemia , there has been a corresponding increase in degree of adverse psychological effects on the patient and his family . patient male 33 Those drugs have not been approved by European authorities in this indication and , moreover , this combination presents adverse effects and contraindications that need to be known by the professionals , the patient and his family . patient male 6 A letter of information targets the patient and his family , another one targets the general practitioner . patient male 13 Cognitive deficit has a negative impact on the quality of life of the patient and his environment , to a large extent hindering the possibility of a full social and professional recovery . patient female 20 Until longer-term data and more quality comparison trials are available , tailoring one 's choice of MUS to the individual patient and her unique clinical parameters remains the best option . patient male 11 Hemizygous mutation in the CD40L gene was found in both the patient and his bother . patient male 12 The diagnosis of a cerebral tumor is received as dramatic by the patient or his family on account of the fonctional and symbolic idea of the brain and the perspectives of neurosurgical and psychological disabilities . patient female 1 The patient and her two daughters survived , and no disabilities were foreseen . patient male 29 In rehabilitation clinics or in outpatient settings , occupational therapists pass on these treatment measures , adapting the therapy contents to the status and possibly changed needs of the patient and his goals in the rehabilitation process . patient male 30 Not only are they related to self-and object representations past and present , but they may , in his imagination , be part of a network of interactions involving the patient , his family , and other of his objects as the result of the reawakening in the analyst of fantasies , memories , and expectations derived from his sibling and family relations . patient male 4 The relationship between the patient and his family was good in both groups . patient male 1 The patient and his family members were counseled about risk involved with tampering with Embeda . patient male 24 Follow-up was performed using a questionnaire to evaluate the success rate of the procedure , complications , and any treatment for infertility by the patient or his partner after the procedure . patient male 8 These symptoms have significant consequences for both the patient and his family environment . patient female 5 Subsequent genetic testing of the patient and her offspring revealed the same base-change in herself , one daughter , one son , and the only grandson , confirming hereditary disease classified as MEN2A-2 . patient male 10 Side effects from octreotide therapy were not reported by the patient or his family . patient male 4 Genetic studies of the patient and his children revealed no mutations in ACTA2 , TGFBR1 , TGFBR2 , TGFB2 , MYH11 , MYLK , SMAD3 , or FBN1 . patient male 55 The realistic message for tomorrow 's physicians must be ' to go forward ' together with his perennial humanistic values and clinical messages , combining the recent advances of biotechnology with the Hippocratic rationalism , which is based on logical reasoning , on careful clinical examination , and on a whole humane approach to the patient and his environment . patient female 12 The homozygous N34S mutation in the SPINK1 gene was found in the patient and her older sister , who was previously diagnosed with chronic calcific pancreatitis and had undergone the Frey operation . patient male 32 A convenience sample of two comparable groups of patients who had coronary artery bypass surgery was studied to assess the effectiveness of a structured teaching guide used by nurses in educating the patient and his family about normal postoperative recovery . patient female 10 After much discussion among the psychiatric treatment team , the patient , and her husband , primary care provider , nephrologist , and renal transplant surgeon , the decision was made to restart the patient on lithium given her previous treatment success . patient male 14 A reliable method of quality evaluation able to compare fairly institutions and inform a patient and his family of the potential risk of a procedure is clearly needed . patient male 11 Therefore , the indications for surgery should be discussed with the patient and his relatives , preferentially interdisciplinarily . patient female 19 Even though TP53 presented only five mutations , the rs11540652 single-nucleotide polymorphism classified as pathogenic was found in the patient and her relatives ; interestingly , several reports have related it to Li-Fraumeni syndrome . patient male 19 The outcomes model argues that decisions for screening and treatment of prostate cancer must be shared between an informed patient and his physician . patient female 21 Genetic screening identified a KCNE1 D85N variant , which has been reported to be a LQTS-causing gene variant , in the patient and her younger sister , whose QT interval was also prolonged . patient female 7 All treatment options were discussed with the patient and her family . patient female 7 A cesarean section was performed and the patient and her baby were healthy , with no sequelae . patient male 5 After a discussion with the patient and his family , he decided on hospice care and passed away in a few weeks . patient male 9 Visual communication is of vital importance for an ALS patient and his caregivers . patient male 2 Both the patient and his brother had the combination of Lowe 's syndrome and cancer . patient male 23 However , after he regained his consciousness , we were able to perform sequential MTX and 5-FU therapy with the consent of the patient and his family . patient male 8 In this context , taking care of the patient and his relatives is ethically , practically and emotionally complex . patient male 16 A case study is provided that shows the positive effects of growth hormone therapy on a patient and his family . patient male 4 Communicating with both the patient and his partner in a discreet , non-judgmental manner that fosters the physician-patient alliance can facilitate the recognition and treatment of ED . patient male 4 The education of the patient and his entourage is fundamental and must be offered to all patients . patient male 12 In some instances , Gardner 's syndrome may be diagnosed in a patient and his family as a result of observing the fundus lesions . patient female 17 We identified a novel mutation affecting ANK1 gene splicing ( a splicing mutation ) in both the patient and her mother , which is a substitution of T > G 2 nt after exon 25 in intron 26 . patient female 18 Patients were assigned to myomectomy or UAE on the basis of a best treatment decision made by the patient and her physician . patient male 14 There are very few specific hazards or significant limitations in daily life for the patient and his environment caused by the ICD . patient female 11 The results of sodium balance studies , performed preoperatively on our patient and her unaffected fraternal twin sister , and hormonal data are presented as well . patient male 5 The physical condition of the patient and his cooperation , the knowledge and experience of the physician , as well as the technical parameters of the DSA-unit , and the technique of examination determine the quality of any angiography . patient male 2 Both the patient and his 6 year old son showed the typical skin hyperelasticity and joint hyperextensibility of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome , suggesting autosomal dominant inheritance . patient male 28 A radioimmunoassay for apo B employing a polyclonal antisera to plasma LDL gave apparent plasma apo B levels of 0.6 , 66 , and 57 mg/dl in the patient and his father and mother , respectively . patient male 18 Urinary and fecal total , isomer I , and isomer III coproporphyrin excretion of a Rotor 's syndrome patient and his family were determined . patient male 25 Strategies for reducing dropout rates should include ( 1 ) longer transition periods for newly referred patients , ( 2 ) obligatory meetings with the patient and his family and therapist before inpatient discharge , and ( 3 ) improved orientation to the DTC program . patient female 3 A seven-year-old female patient and her family received genetic counseling and underwent full clinical examinations by an expert ophthalmologist . patient male 15 While similar WFS1 protein levels were detected in fibroblasts from healthy subjects and from the patient and his parents , a major sensitivity to staurosporine-induced apoptosis was observed in the patient fibroblasts as well as in patients with Wolfram syndrome . patient male 1 The patient and his brother were diagnosed with progressive muscular dystrophy by gene analysis . patient male 12 Similar MRSA ST398-t1451 strains were also detected in nasal samples from the patient , his brother , and nine pigs from his farm . patient female 15 Thus , the decision on PO as a concurrent procedure should depend on the individual patient and her ability to comply with lifelong estrogen therapy . patient female 13 In this study , we compared the transcriptome of PBMCs from a GBS patient and her healthy twin to discover possible correlates of disease progression and recovery . patient female 27 Quantitative binding assays using 125I-labeled Fab fragments of CD44 antibodies did not show any evidence for reduced levels of CD44 on RBCs from the parents of the patient or from her unaffected sister . patient male 12 A pharmacist is the final professional control before a drug reaches the patient and his role in preventing drug-drug interactions is crucial . patient male 8 In the triadic conversation , in which the patient , his relative , and the psychiatrist participated , different consecutive phases were distinguished . patient male 27 The Relative Prominent Information Phase ( RIP ) was characterized by the relative ’s statements on the patient ’s problematic behavior , and conflicting views between the patient and his relative led to denial of symptoms by the patient . patient male 12 In 2003 Premier Wen Jiabao publicly shook the hand of an AIDS patient and his government promised to introduce a range of free HIV-related services . patient female 2 Neither the patient nor her partners had history of relatives with omphalocele , although the patient 's brother and his son had large umbilical hernias requiring repair in infancy . patient female 17 Here , we document the identification of HBB : c.327 C > G in a 6-year-old female patient and her father from Nicaragua and Cuba , respectively . patient female 11 However , the details were not available , as neither the patient nor her relatives were aware of the history . patient male 16 Although his imaging studies initially suggested HCM , a detailed clinical and genetic evaluation of the patient and his asymptomatic father led to the diagnosis of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia ( ARVD ) in both . patient female 11 In addition , Fechtner inclusions were observed in neutrophils of the patient and her mother . patient male 19 The goals of therapy are to provide the patient with a means of obtaining an erection so that the patient and his partner may resume sexual relations as soon as possible following radical prostatectomy . patient male 3 Although a close friend of eminent physicians , his rationalism and scientific method placed him ahead of many practitioners of his time . friend male 6 Molecular and cytogenetic analysis of the patient and his family showed one deletion to be maternally inherited , extending over at least 27 kb and including the complete TAT structural gene , whereas loss of the second TAT allele results from a small de novo interstitial deletion , del 16 ( pter----q22.1::q22.3 - ---qter ) , in the paternally inherited chromosome 16 . patient male 13 The doctor 's personality is analysed in its various aspects , and the patient and his complaints are dealt with . patient male 25 It is felt that in each particular case different methods of functional diagnosis should be employed differentially , taking into consideration individual peculiarities of the patient and his affection . patient male 7 the issue of medical certificates to the patient and his relatives are suggested . patient male 42 Ritti was a student of Jules Luys and used the anatomical-functional discoveries of his teacher to explain that an automatic activity in the thalamus , by stimulating the cortex without reception of sensory information , created autonomous representations , perceived by the patient but not by his entourage , a process occurring spontaneously to some degree . patient male 7 Here we report the first Han Chinese patient with FSD , caused by de novo fibrinogen Aguadilla mutation , and his response to pharmacologic management . patient female 8 Despite adequate medical and genetic counseling , the patient and her legal representative refused further investigations - magnetic resonance imaging and genetic testing . patient female 19 Whole-exome sequencing ( WES ) was made and Sanger sequencing was used to confirm the CARD9 mutations in the patient and her family . patient male 6 Next stage was conversation with a patient and his family about motivation of longterm rehabilitation . patient female 7 ► After 40 months of monitoring both patient and her child are healthy . patient male 12 Palliative sedation should be performed in the best possible way for the patient and his family in order to efficiently reduce a refractory symptom . patient male 29 This disease is unfamiliar to many physicians , and our case highlights the importance of an awareness of this disorder , particularly because of its implications for both the patient and his family . patient male 14 Therapeutic intervention should be patient-oriented and based on the expectations and wishes of the patient and his partner , who should be included in discussions whenever possible . patient male 19 This preservation of quality involves , among other factors , in particular satisfactorily exhaustive information and guidance of the patient and his relatives ( by giving competent medical advice ) , clarification of the domestic situation already during the inpatient period , and cooperation with all aftercare institutions including the next of kin . patient female 24 An avoidable factor was established in 41 % of the cases ; in 60 % the responsibility for the avoidable factor lay with the patient and her relatives . patient male 3 Finally , the patient and his family should be informed about the prognosis of the disease , the technical options in the treatment of cardiovascular manifestations , and the possibility of assistance from the Marfan Foundation . patient male 3 We present a patient and his father with very slowly progressive fvFTD over decades . patient male 13 In this pathology , the ophthalmologist is a doctor who must cure his patient and enucleation is considered a failure . patient male 6 It is important that both the patient and his doctor understand what each expects of the other , so as to establish a satisfactory relationship between them . patient male 13 Outside the hospital , the systems to be recognized are those of the patient and his family , contact with prehospital care teams and transport to the hospital of reference . patient male 30 We also consider important aspects of the doctor-patient relationship , such as the style and empathy of the neurologist , and also the significance of the neurological disorder for the patient and his family . patient male 6 The screening hemostatic tests of this patient and his parents were within normal limits . patient male 18 A novel HLA-B ( human leukocyte antigen-B ) allele , HLA-B*4442 , was identified both in a Czech patient with leukaemia and in his mother . patient male 11 Despite showing a lesion consistent with a sarcoma , neither the patient nor his family was informed . patient female 23 A search for rare mutation of T in 28 selected patients with sacral agenesis/anorectal atresia identified a novel , rare variant in one patient and her mother . patient male 29 Late results from our study demonstrate a further loss of sufficient erection , also in men considered as persistent success by us , in the subjective view of the patient and/or his sexual partner . patient male 3 [ The cancer patient and his environment ] . patient male 14 These approaches provide additional ways of thinking about and understanding the first child analytic patient and his treatment . patient male 27 Pathologists should be aware that very rarely these two malignancies may occur concurrently , an event with potential prognostic , therapeutic , and medical-legal implications for the patient and his family . patient male 32 In this short review we attempt to high-light a number of syndromes in which the observant physician can occasionally diagnose a cancer-associated syndrome prior to development of internal malignancy and aid the patient and his physician in appropriate management , be it closer monitoring or therapeutic interventions . patient female 7 But what is the role of the patient and her family ? patient male 10 Here we are reporting two cases consisting of a male patient and his elder sister from Kagashima in Gifu City and both suffering from polyneuropathy of dissociation type and skin amyloidosis . patient female 9 These mutations were confirmed by Sanger sequencing in the patient and her parents . patient female 20 Prerequisite for the induction of labour is an individual risk-use analysis that should be clearly and thoroughly explained to the patient and her partner in a personal conversation . patient female 51 Breast cancer and its therapy , mainly surgery , systemic therapy ( anticancer chemotherapy , hormonal therapy , targeted therapy , and immunotherapy ) , and radiation therapy , are associated with significant adverse influences on physical and mental health , quality of life , and the economic status of the patient and her family . patient female 22 This article discusses some aspects of a breast cancer diagnosis and its impact on the various facets of the life of the patient and her family . patient male 16 Clinical data of the patient was collected , and venous blood samples were taken from the patient and his parents for the extraction of genomic DNA . patient male 10 With genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood samples of the patient and his parents , whole exome sequencing was carried out . patient female 4 Genomic DNA of the patient and her parents was extracted and subjected to high-throughput sequencing . patient female 14 At the age of 54 days after cardiopulmonary adaptation had been achieved , the patient presented with tachycardia following refractory apnea and bradycardia , and her skin became pale . patient male 1 The patient and his family need a strong support to endure this disease . patient female 17 As the homo- and autografts demonstrated the same survival pattern , the conclusion was drawn that the patient and her sister were very probably monozygotic twins . patient male 1 The patient and his family refused further adjuvant radiotherapy . patient female 25 Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) amplification and subsequent sequencing of all the coding exons of HSD17B3 gene were performed on genomic DNA from the patient , her family , and 50 controls . patient male 30 Treatment decision is depending from the primary tumor , presence of neurological symptoms , stability of the spine , extent of visceral and osseous dissemination , general state of the patient and his life expectancy . patient male 1 The patient and his mother were diagnosed as ADTKD and MODY5 due to HNF1B mutation . patient male 15 With the awareness of the potential for malrotation to predispose to midgut volvulus , the patient and his physician will have a higher index of suspicion when abdominal pain occurs . patient male 27 Most of the respondents reported the decision was often to always multidisciplinary ( 92 % ) , involving the family ( 68 % ) , and the patient ( 65 % ) , or his advance directives ( 77 % ) or his surrogate ( 81 % ) and the nurses ( 78 % ) . patient male 9 Essential in treatment is the psychological guidance of the patient and his parents to handle various problems which arise during development . patient male 28 Hospital stay was short , the morbidity of the donor site was eliminated , further procedures for removal of the plate were unnecessary and mobility of both the patient and his joints was maintained throughout the period of treatment . patient male 25 Potential advantages of day stay surgery are cost saving , improved utilization of staff and hospital facilities , and reduction of stress for the paediatric patient and his family . patient female 7 We discuss the difficulties experienced by the patient and her response to our inability to completely control her symptoms . patient male 6 Specific lifesaving measures will grant the patient and his physicians sufficient time to reach a decision regarding the initiation of curative induction chemotherapy . patient female 24 The conceptions indicate a number of characteristic patterns of relations between the patient 's parents as a married couple as well as between the patient and her parents , which , in the period of adolescence become the source of a crisis that assumes the form of anorexia nervosa . patient male 14 I. The absence of Con A-induced and spontaneous T suppressor cell activity in a patient and his kindred . patient male 8 Open brain biopsy ( after permission from the patient and his family ) revealed gliosis and perivascular infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages without vascular proliferation . patient female 17 Evaluation for menorraghia , DNA extraction , and fragile X gene analysis of blood samples from the patient and her mother . patient female 3 DNA of the patient and her only living parent ( mother ) was sequenced for the type II collagen gene ( COL2A1 ) . patient female 15 Consanguinity of the patient 's parents made it necessary to discard familial HLH in the patient and her sister with identical HLA markers and demonstrate that no cause other than the expansion of NK cells , which secrete high levels of gamma interferon , was inducing HLH in this patient . patient female 11 There were no signs suggestive of tuberous sclerosis either in the patient or her family . patient female 16 Complete genome sequences were obtained for Zika viruses isolated from the breast milk of a Venezuelan patient and her child , who was exclusively breastfeeding at the time . patient female 19 Careful individualised counselling and consideration are paramount and perhaps it would have been prudent to discuss vasectomy with this patient and her husband ( as the first line of contraception ) , as this may have avoided the ensuing complications arising from the chosen method . patient female 9 Therefore , peripheral blood samples were taken from the patient and her first-degree relatives . patient female 3 However , the patient and her family refused any surgery for the ethmoidal encephalocele . patient female 5 Blood samples of both the patient and her father were obtained , and genetic screening related to IBGC was performed using second generation sequencing with their consent . patient male 6 I173N ) in CYP12A2 in the patient and his brother . patient male 1 The patient and his family underwent genetic sequencing about the SLC12A3 gene . patient male 13 This area was later named " Broca 's area . " Both the patient and his medical records were the subject of numerous descriptions and citations in the medical literature . patient female 28 A novel T1658C mutation and a known A10006 G mutation were identified in the mitochondrial tRNA(Val ) gene and the tRNA(Gly ) gene , respectively , in the patient , her mother , and younger sister . patient female 15 At the same time , intrauterine pregnancy was electively terminated at the request of the patient and her family . patient female 9 Genotyping of the choriocarcinoma revealed alleles from both the patient and her husband and was classified as biparental in origin . patient female 1 The patient and her mother were HLA-A24 and HLA-DR 4 with the subtype HLA-DRB1 * 0408 . patient male 18 Possible hastening of death as a result of the administration of morphine was not always discussed with the patient , his family or other caregivers ; in 20 % of the cases , it had not been discussed with anyone . patient male 5 The clinical data from a patient and his family were collected . patient male 5 The genomic DNA of the patient and his family was purified from their peripheral blood . patient male 12 Based on the results of high-throughput sequencing , genetic variants in the patient and his family were verified and analyzed by Sanger sequencing . patient female 4 An Orofaciodigital Syndrome 1 Patient and Her Mother Carry the Same OFD1 Mutation but Have Different X Chromosome Inactivation Patterns . Patient female 11 The peripheral leukocyte X chromosome inactivation pattern was skewed in the patient but not in her mother , suggesting some role in their phenotypic difference . patient male 10 The entire coding region of the CaSR gene of the patient and his family members was sequenced . patient male 22 A mutation in the Wiskott-Aldrich ( W-A ) protein gene ( intron 7 + 5 G-->A ) was demonstrated both in the patient and his 26-year-old brother . patient male 1 This patient and his brother had a mutation of the W-A protein gene that unusually was in an intron rather than in an exon . patient male 1 Our patient and his mother have a mutation in the BTK gene , described as W281X . patient male 8 Hence , our consultation work is with the patient and his family . patient female 34 Although the tumor was located near the anal verge and might have invaded the surrounding organs , neoadjuvant chemotherapy(NAC ) with 400mg/day of imatinib was initiated to preserve anal function as requested by the patient and her family . patient male 12 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral whole blood samples collected from the patient and his family . patient male 8 After discussing the histopathologic examination results with the patient and his family members , the patient 's follow-upwas decided to consist of periodic checkups without any further surgical intervention . patient male 16 Adverse events constitute a serious public health problem , causing damages of varying degrees to the patient and his family , which also leads to an increase in the cost of the care process and hospital stay . patient female 20 Crossover events in the maternal germline furthermore resulted in different genetic material on the rearranged X chromosome between the index patient and her sister . patient male 3 For the cancer patient and his anxious family , it can be a nightmare . patient female 7 Code status was extensively discussed with the patient and her son who agreed to sign a DNR order . patient male 23 Similar sized expansions of the CAG trinucleotide repeats in one allele of the ataxin-3 ( ATXN3 ) gene were found in both the patient and his father , although in the other allele the length of the CAG repeats was shorter in the father compared with the patient . patient female 4 A352S ) in the patient and her elder sister was detected and shown to be associated with oocyte maturation arrest . patient male 25 It is important that healthcare professionals adopt a comprehensive approach in communicating information about prostate cancer treatment choices and potential side effects that includes the patient and his partner . patient male 11 During childhood and adolescence , personalized treatment strategies that suit the patient and his lifestyle are essential to ensure optimal outcomes . patient male 6 After an extended conversation with the patient and his care team , a decision to continue with medical management with close monitoring was made . patient male 6 Prerequisites are comprehensive information to the patient as well as his cooperation and that of his social setting . patient female 26 In order to assess the cause of the patient 's phenotype , conventional karyotyping , FISH , and a chromosomal microarray analysis were performed on the patient and her parents . patient male 18 Clinical and radiological evaluations , DTDST gene sequence analysis , and sulfate uptake assay were performed on the patient and his parents . patient male 17 Whole-exome sequence was carried out in the patients , and the variant of disease-associated gene in the patient and his parents was confirmed by Sanger sequencing . patient male 39 Chronic renal failure is among the chronic disease which due to persistence of the disease and long treatment process has various effects on the physiological , psychological , functional ability , lifestyle changes , and independence status of the patient and his family . patient female 32 We provided genetic counseling , as required , which included apprising the woman of the inheritance pattern , the importance of a genetic analysis , and the potential delivery risks for the patient and her offspring . patient female 19 A novel indel mutation , c.789_790delAGinsT , was identified in the exon 8 of the NF1 gene in the patient but not in her asymptomatic parents . patient female 35 Two known polymorphisms , c.888 + 108 C > T ( rs2953000 ) and c.888 + 118 G > T ( rs2952999 ) , was detected in the flanking of the indel mutation in the patient and her father . patient male 7 Compliance -- a joint effort of the patient and his doctor . patient male 14 This way of treating is due to the image of a magic-demoniac relationship between patient and his disease . patient female 28 A single-base transition , CCG to CTG at codon 626 in exon XV , resulting in the missense mutation Pro626Leu , was identified in an allele of the patient and in her son . patient female 8 Next generation sequencing was carried out for the patient and her relatives . patient male 23 The earliest the diagnoses , the much better the outcomes are . And consequently avert the psychological and the financial cost on the patient and his family . patient male 4 The karyotypes of the patient and his parents were analyzed with routine G-banded chromosomal analysis . patient male 12 The method used was patient card review and thelephone contact with the patient or his physician . patient male 8 Genetic counselors often impart anxiety-producing information to the patient and his family . patient female 10 Here we reprogrammed peripheral mononuclear blood cells from a BMKS patient and her unaffected mother into induced pluripotent stem cells ( iPSCs ) and differentiated the iPSCs into induced neural crest cells ( iNCCs ) , the key cell type required for correct craniofacial development . patient female 1 The patient and her diabetic mother were both found to have a heterozygous missense mutation ( V203A ) in the glucokinase gene . patient female 15 The primary objective of this study was to investigate the profile of the Dutch Persona user and her opinion about this relatively new way of natural birth control . user male 7 This extensive defect causes discomfort to the patient and his environment -- functional i.e. impaired speech , and cosmetic . patient female 16 The diagnosis is confirmed by the SNCF genetic study NPHS1 gene encoding nephrin performed in our patient and her parents showed a double mutation of which c.[106delG]+[2728T > C ] and p. at the nucleotide level . patient male 12 We confirmed the presence of a FH germline mutation both in the patient and his mother . patient male 22 This tumour , I have remarked , originated in a mole , and it is worth mentioning , that not only my patient and his children had many moles on various parts of their bodies , but also his own father and brothers had many of them .... These facts , together with a case that has come under my notice , rather similar , would incline me to believe that this disease is hereditary . patient female 3 However , the patient and her family were satisfied with the improvement in quality of life after the withdrawal of the multi-drug combinatory therapy . patient male 6 A detailed medical history of the patient and his family evaluated audiological risk factors and hearing complaints . patient male 23 The molecular basis of alpha 1-ACT deficiency in this patient has been characterized by direct sequencing of the alpha 1-ACT genes from the patient and his father . patient male 37 Lifelong premature ejaculation ( LPE ) is identified as the inability to delay ejaculation for more than 1min after vaginal penetration occurring on all or almost all sexual experiences together with feelings of frustration of both the patient and his partner with avoidance of sexual intimacy . patient male 14 Array comparative genome hybridization demonstrated a smaller , overlapping 4q25 deletion in a 2-year-old patient and his mother , both having significant phenotypic overlap with the initially reported patient . patient male 15 Furthermore , we found a mutation on exon 3 of the HPRT gene in the patient and his mother ( exon 3 : c.143G > A ) , which resulted in arginine to histidine ( p . patient female 12 The absence of familial background led to the molecular study of the patient and her family . patient male 17 This global management needs coordination with the medical team and also need a good communication with the patient , his entourage and his doctor . patient female 13 Coding sequence and splice junction analysis of the INSR gene , in our patient and her father , revealed a heterozygous missense mutation in the β subunit of the insulin receptor ( Arg1131Trp ) , resulting in receptor loss of function . patient female 10 Clinical , biochemical , and genetic analyses of the index patient and her family were performed . patient male 2 Both the patient and his family showed a high prevalence of malignant diseases . patient female 7 Stopping effective pharmacotherapy during pregnancy exposes the patient and her baby to potential harms related to bipolar relapses and residual mood symptom-related dysfunction . patient male 15 The emphasis of this care study is on the importance of the involvement of the patient and his wife in the discussions about his care and the value of ensuring that the couple retained a measure of control up to the death of the husband . patient female 25 Psychological theories of aetiology are discussed with reference to Bruch , Crisp , Palazzoli and Minuchin : the common theme is the reaction of the patient and her family to the physical and social changes of puberty . patient male 36 Surgical procedure of fronto-orbital advancement and the performed reoperation in our patient were safe with no major complications intraoperatively and postoperatively with good functional and satisfying aesthetic outcomes in the long-term follow-up , expressed by the patient , his parents , and the surgeons . patient male 6 We received informed consent from the patient and his family for implantation of an implantable ventricular assist device ( VAD ) as permanent support . patient male 17 In this context , the treating physician should address relevant co-morbidities , the psychosocial embedding of the patient and his desire for treatment . patient female 1 The patient and her mother were fully informed , and for their request , the removal of the toothbrush was attempted by using grasping forceps and polypectomy snare . patient female 21 Objective of the present paper is to investigate the current best treatment modalities of myomas , depending on age of the patient and her desire to preserve fertility , as well as on clinical presentation of this pathology , such as size , number , and location of fibroids and , furthermore , on surgical experience of the gynecologist . patient female 14 Thus , the stringent Lynch syndrome type surveillance programs were not recommended to the patient and her family members . patient female 18 Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer region identified Arthroderma benhamiae ( teleomorph of Trichophyton mentagrophytes ) in the patient , her husband and her domestic animals . patient female 3 Our index case patient and her father could be diagnosed as having primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome . patient female 8 These dental phenotypical traits , present in the patient and her family , could be considered part of the midline syndrome in carriers as well as in the patients . patient male 26 Recent introduction of big data leads to a true revolution which is likely to disrupt dramatically the medical reasoning and to spoil the relationship between the patient and his usual doctor . patient male 6 Another four days earlier , the patient and his family had visited a private party . patient male 36 Up to date , the patient has to visit the hospital or meet consultant to diagnose the symptoms that occur due to rising of intracranial pressure or any shunt complications , which cause suffering for the patient and his family . patient male 19 Erectile dysfunction ( ED ) is a common disorder in man that influences the quality of life of the patient and his partner . patient female 6 This gave instant relief to the patient and her blood pressure and heart rate became normal over a few minutes . patient male 19 ' Speechless ' patient after general anesthesia may be a real horror for the anaesthetist as well as the patient and his relatives . patient male 17 His novel , Through Dooms of Love ( 1960 ) , written with the assistance of his friend and admirer Graham Greene , covers a number of topics that were to psychiatric theory , treatment , and research at mid-century , and reflects several features of his own personal and professional vicissitudes . friend female 12 Successfully adding a component that introduces how a medication error impacted a patient and her family may help motivate students to recognize the importance and need for a culture of safety , personalize how medication errors impact patients , and provide a venue for students to gain patient centeredness and caring skills . patient female 1 The patient and her parents were satisfied with the results . patient female 10 We performed Sanger sequencing of the WDR45 gene in the patient and her parents . patient male 21 Two hundred and thirty-six adult epileptic outpatients were classified twice : firstly according to the time of seizures reported by the patient or his family in diurnal , nocturnal , awaking and diffuse epilepsies ( Es ) and secondly according to the sensitivity to sleep or waking of the interictal paroxysmal activities ( PA ) observed during a polysomnographic night session with a sleep PA increase , with a waking PA increase , with PA indifferent to sleep and waking or with few or no PA . patient female 22 This case is also notable for the absence of features of the MEN-1 syndrome , along with the female gender of our patient and her history of non-smoking . patient male 1 The patient and his family are very satisfied with the functional and aesthetic outcomes . patient male 11 Trace element deficient diets can lead to obesity so the obese patient and his family should be advised and shown how to permanently adjust to a ' prudent ' diet . patient male 2 A Danish patient , his sister , and his father were identified to carry the C95Y mutation in the preproinsulin molecule causing permanent neonatal diabetes . patient male 26 It is suggested that the movement toward community care has many of the attributes of a moral enterprise which , unless substantiated by benefits to the patient or his family , may be the latest diversion of the psychiatric conscience from the care and treatment of the chronic mentally ill . patient female 12 When cancer occurs during gestation it poses immense pressure on the pregnant patient , her relatives and her physicians . patient female 8 The executed treatment met the expectations of the patient and her mother as it improved the patient 's masticatory function , esthetics , and quality of life . patient male 13 Two topics had to be seen , first the psychological guidance of the patient and his reentry into society and second the management of the stoma itself . patient male 2 Both the patient and his father were later discovered to have an underlying metabolic susceptibility to malignant hyperpyrexia . patient female 20 After treatment for the latter , we administered capecitabine ( 600 mg/day ) in accordance with the wishes of the patient and her attendants . patient female 19 When a young woman is diagnosed with breast cancer , there is often a sense of urgency by the patient and her providers to initiate treatment . patient male 12 The inconvenience and embarrassment of a bowel accident caused distress to the patient and to his mother . patient female 13 Avellino dystrophy was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction sequencing of DNA from the patient and her parents . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused reattempting invasive therapies ; consequently , the patient continued to worsen and died on post-operative day 3 . patient female 5 A genetic analysis of the patient and her family members did not reveal mutations in the patient male 14 Considering the dramatic effects of cancer within the family and the interdependency of the patient and his family in their adjustment to the disease , we propose that psychological evaluation and support should be offered to the family system as a whole . patient male 46 Regarding the reasons for their referral of patients to mental health care structures , 65.4 % of the physicians justified their doing so by a need for hospitalisation , while in 43.7 % of cases , the transfer was carried out at the request of the patient or his family . patient male 9 During adolescence , personalized treatment strategies that suit the patient and his lifestyle are essential to ensure optimal outcomes . patient male 1 The patient and his spouse were taught to remove and reinsert the catheter but were told to delay beginning the procedure due to erythema at the stoma site . patient male 18 To diagnose PE , a physician should incorporate measures that include personal distress and interpersonal difficulty between the patient and his partner . patient male 25 Concurrently , the m.14484T > C mutation in mitochondrial MTND6 gene ( characteristic for Leber 's hereditary optic neuropathy or LHON ) was detected in patient , his mother and brother . patient female 24 Molecular analysis of the SLC2A1 gene identified a novel homozygous c1402C > T ( p. Arg468Trp ) mutation in exon 10 in the index patient and her asymptomatic younger sister . patient female 12 The diagnosis was established by HLA typing and STR analysis of the patient and her family . patient male 13 Analysis of the SLC34A3 gene was performed using genomic DNA samples from the patient and his family members . patient female 11 Levels of neuraminidase were significantly reduced in cultured ebroblasts from the patient and her parents , while lysosomal inclusions probably containing oligosaccharides were found in her conjunctival fibroblasts . patient female 1 The patient and her family can be reassured that passing her due date does not alter the efficacy or safety of a trial of labor . patient female 1 The patient and her family are being followed further , but testing of her children for the presence of this mutation is currently being withheld . patient male 2 A male patient and his family members were analyzed and the prospective clinical data were collected . patient male 8 The hospital psychiatry liaison team continuously provided the patient and his wife with information , counseling , and education regarding the treatment of opioid dependence . patient male 12 Any choice regarding the extent of surgery should be made with the patient and his family and in a multidisciplinary setup , which has been shown to improve decision-making procedures before the operation and during follow-up . patient female 7 Specific suppressor T cell function in a patient with Graves ' disease and her healthy identical twin . patient female 3 Communication with the patient and her partner about their risks of fetal abnormality , the risks of tests and the interpretation of results is essential if the couple are to make the right choices for themselves . patient female 19 We identified a dominant COL2A1 mutation ( c.620G > A p.(Gly207Glu ) ) indicating spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia in the female patient and her son , both being severely affected by skeletal deterioration . patient female 4 Peripheral blood from the patient and her family members was obtained under informed consents . patient male 29 A register will be set up and a questionnaire will be completed for each patient , consisting of items concerning COPD , the AE and the condition of the patient and his treatments 3 months after discharge . patient female 3 A 50-year-old female patient and her 8-year-old son with flattening of vertebral bodies and early-onset osteoarthritis were genetically tested using a custom designed gene bone panel including 386 genes . patient male 10 When requested by the user , the information about the patient and his ( her ) family , stored in the database , can be displayed as a summary document ( a statement ) . patient male 4 We report on a patient with an animal bite eye injury , his surgical treatment and proper rabies immunoglobulin administration . patient female 9 Molecular analysis of the GH receptor gene in the patient and her parents was performed . patient male 7 The cosmetic result was excellent for the patient and his family in 30 out of 31 cases . patient female 2 Both the patient and her infant were successfully managed through the perioperative period . patient male 9 Trust is the basis for relationship between the cancer patient and his physician . patient male 18 They feel that it 's their job to manage this because of the proximity and knowledge of the patient and his weaknesses . patient male 16 The diagnosis and medical management of left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy are reviewed in light of our patient and his clinical course . patient male 3 For the latter patient and his wife , a pregnancy was achieved by testicular sperm extraction ( TESE ) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection ( ICSI ) following genetic counseling . patient female 14 We proposed an orthotopic liver transplant ( OLT ) as a treatment ; the patient and her family were in complete agreement . patient female 9 Comparative analysis of serum protein profiles of the index patient and her healthy son , FAP and sporadic CRC patients , and subjects with preneoplastic lesions showed a characteristic abundance of ionic species at m/z 905 , which was not present in healthy controls . patient male 9 Histographic analysis demonstrated type I fiber predominance in the patient and in his parents . patient male 2 Both the patient and his male sex partner were found to have fecal colonization with the strain recovered from the patient 's urine , which exhibited characteristics of the E. coli O1/O2:K1:H7 clonal group ( which is associated with urosepsis ) , whereas genetically distinct E. coli strains were recovered from a jar of petroleum jelly used by the couple during sexual activity . patient male 29 A stable therapeutic relationship was formed over an 18-month period , including the establishment of coping skills , a support system , and crisis intervention training for both the patient and his family . patient female 7 This mass caused distress to both the patient and her parents and diagnostic uncertainty for her general medical and dental practitioners . patient female 27 The specific events and circumstances linked to an individual profile can be abstracted as a patient trajectory , which can contribute to a better understanding of the patient , her needs , and the most appropriate personalized support . patient male 5 Global management , for the patient and his partner , remains essential for optimal efficacy of this new compound . patient female 1 The patient and her guardians were satisfied with the correction of the overlap by orthodontic treatment alone . patient male 13 RFLP analysis and Sanger sequencing confirmed the presence of the mutation in the patient , but not in his parents , characterizing it as de novo . patient male 18 Prescribing psychotropic drug has to respect good practices including close psychological and somatic monitoring that associates the young patient and his relative ( psycho-education program ) . patient male 1 The patient and his parents participated in the Consensus Rorschach ( CR ) situation , a common problem solving task . patient female 12 Conventional cytogenetic analysis showed a duplication of the 6p region in the patient and in her mother presenting with a partially overlapping phenotype . patient female 1 The patient and her asymptomatic brother carried the same heterozygous missense ( c.916G > A ) and frameshift mutation ( c.65delC ) in PRF1 . patient female 33 The finding of hydrops fetalis on ultrasound in the second or third trimester in women with an ethnic background that has an increased risk of alpha-thalassemia should prompt immediate investigation of the pregnant patient and her partner to determine their carrier status for alpha-thalassemia . patient male 28 In all cases , the risks and benefits of each treatment need to be considered and discussed with the patient ; the decision is ultimately up to the patient and his urologist . patient female 12 This report describes a female with sporadic severe haemophilia A. The female patient and her family members were evaluated by coagulation assays . patient male 23 This article explores the interaction of eugenic and conservationist ideologies in the careers of Sacramento banker and developer Charles M. Goethe and his friend and mentor , wealthy New York lawyer Madison Grant . friend female 20 These patients need to be treated in a breast cancer center where a multidisciplinary team is ready to support the patient and her family and to serve her with the best up-to-date treatment for mother and child . patient male 1 The patient and his familiar or caring environment must be informed accordingly . patient male 6 We studied a 36-year-old male index patient and his father , both presenting with progressive limb-girdle weakness . patient female 5 In one case , a patient and her mother had the same der(17 ) ( p+ ) , but the reciprocal product of the translocation could not be identified in the mother by G-banding ( i.e. , it was a " half-cryptic " translocation ) . patient male 26 When the patient and his family are confronted with a potentially life-threatening disease that requires surgical management , the basic human and civil rights of the patient and his physician come into acute focus . patient female 3 Because neither the patient nor her family was willing to use cochlear implantation , the administration of an antidepressant and a sleep-inducing agent was started , which resulted in improvement of the psychological conditions . patient male 22 With some restrictions audiovisual media may be helpful as a means of communication as they allow a detailed discussion over the individual patient and his particular problem . patient male 23 In many countries of the recommendations and treatment algorithms for the management of acute psychosis were distributed , considering factors specific to the patient and his environment , his mental characteristics and local care setting . patient male 9 A biopsy from the lateral vastus muscle in the patient and his monozygotic twin brother showed normal total activity of carnitine palmitoyltransferase ( CPT ) , but residual activity after inhibition with malonyl-CoA and Triton X-100 was clearly reduced in both brothers . patient male 3 However , the patient and his family denied history of drug allergy . patient female 5 Whole exome sequencing on the patient and her relatives identified a de novo SOX2 c.70del20 variant , which has been frequently reported in individuals with SOX2-related anophthalmia . patient female 3 We describe a patient and her three maternal female cousins , all showing an undiagnosed MCA/MR syndrome , associated with the same complex subtelomeric rearrangement . patient male 4 We studied a Norwegian patient and his family , who presented with low HDL-cholesterol . patient male 29 The motivation for change emerging out of a crisis is to be used for clarification of the indication of inpatient treatment and of the order of treatment , a patient ( and/or his legal representative ) gives to the hospital representatives . patient male 11 We had direct methodical conversations with medical staff involved with the patient as well as his family , and established new social support for him as well as public assistance . patient female 13 Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification analysis of the 6p21.3 region was performed in the patient and her family and revealed a 30-kb deletion in the patient 's normal chromosome 6 , inherited from her mother , resulting in homozygous loss of genes CYP21A1P and C4B . patient male 12 [ The cultural meaning of cerebral aneurysm and its treatment for the patient and his family : an ethnographic study ] . patient male 64 We bring in this descriptive text the main aspects involved in the elderly 's rehabilitation : the referring peculiarities to the rehabilitation in this age group , the functional evaluation as an important indicative of the life quality , the phases of the elderly 's rehabilitation and the systematized nursing care through the nurse , inserted in the multidisciplinary team acts with the elderly patient and his family , in an individualized way . patient male 1 A patient and his mother noted the insidious appearance of a distinctive benign papular eruption confined to the mucosa of the lips . patient male 13 It is a single case report collected through serial semi-structured interviews of the patient and his family over a 12-week period . patient male 5 A 6 years old male patient and his maternal relatives were enrolled in this study . patient male 1 The patient and his maternal relatives were subjected to detection of SAP expression on the PBMCs by flow cytometry and gene mutation analysis of SH2D1A by using PCR based on genomic DNA . patient male 37 Despite its rarity , this lesion is important because it may associate with severe complications such as malignant melanoma , affect the central nervous system ( neurocutaneous melanosis ) , and have major psychosocial impact on the patient and his family due to its unsightly appearance . patient male 2 Neither the patient nor his parents recall any trauma . patient male 1 The patient and his relatives need to be involved with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures . patient female 5 The genomic DNA of the patient and her parents was isolated from whole blood . patient male 12 Additional immobilization in a sling for 3 months was advised to the patient and his family . patient male 1 Interviewing patient and his family on the nature of the current medical treatments should be systematic and an early diagnostic step taken by physicians faced with a recent behavioral disorder . patient male 7 However , tailoring the treatment to the patient and his expectations is still essential ; in other words , patients with a poor prognosis should not be over-treated , and those with a favorable prognosis may not be subtracted to the best treatment option . patient female 32 Assessing the value and significance of antidementia drugs not only depends on the positive effect on cognitive decline , but also on the broader meaning for the quality of life of the patient and her primary carer(s ) . patient male 27 A retrospective study of 23 Servicemen with testicular tumours , treated at the QEMH Woolwich , shows that the blame for this delay is shared by the patient , his medical practitioner , and surprisingly enough the hospital specialist . patient female 2 Both , patient and her baby , was saved thanks to the concerted interdisciplinary team work . patient female 13 Labor , delivery , and the perinatal period progressed without complication for our patient and her infant , in whom no congenital malformation was detected . patient female 11 To diagnose cancer during pregnancy is a terrible event for the patient and her family and a complex situation for physicians . patient female 1 The patient and her daughter were found to have a germline BRCA2 mutation . patient female 1 The patient and her family gave consent for this report . patient male 17 Isolation for nosocomial or community-acquired infection can be a bewildering and potentially stressful situation for the hospitalized patient and his family . patient female 6 Blood samples were received from the patient and her parents , and deoxyribonucleic acid was extracted . patient female 4 Molecular investigation of the patient and her parents using microsatellite analysis has led to the conclusion that , as expected , the additional copy of chromosome 18 constituting the full trisomic cell line is maternal meiosis I in origin . patient male 6 The first couple consisted of a patient with SSD and his healthy partner , whereas the second couple consisted of two healthy partners . patient male 5 The temperature variations between the patient and his partner were significantly correlated while the correlations of temperature changes between the second couple were negligible except anger task . patient male 7 The findings at colonoscopy determined that the patient and his family fulfilled the criteria of HNPCC . patient male 12 However , subsequent testing of the patient 's parents suggested that the patient and his mother carried a null allele by our assay for N370S . patient male 22 An improvement of the early diagnostics and the transport of the patient as well as an adequate information and collaboration of the patient and his surroundings might contribute to a shortening of the prehospital phase and thus to a decrease of the early mortality in cases of myocardial infarction . patient male 31 Paraplegic and quadriplegic patients acquire health risks unique to their condition , mainly related to pressure sore liability and altered bladder function , which requires continual , meticulous attention from the patient and his physician . patient male 1 The patient and his identical twin show a retinal dystrophy that , based on clinical appearance , visual fields , amd electrophysiology , is most likely autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa . patient female 6 A case example of an older patient and her spouse is provided , and their shared experience of the patient 's hearing impairment is mapped onto the ICF framework . patient female 2 Both the patient and her baby survived . patient female 11 Psychoanalytical investigations finally revealed a surprising , past history of the patient and her family . patient male 48 Electrodes were applied 2 cm superior and inferior to the wound margin at a frequency of 2 Hz with a pulse width of 250 microseconds and amplitude of 33 mA. Treatment time was 45 minutes , twice daily , for 3 months , performed at home by the patient and his caregiver . patient male 20 The nursing method used in this study would be appropriate for such work as it focuses attention on the individual patient and his problems . patient male 0 Patient 3 ( P3 ) and his father ( F3 ) presented a karyotype of 46,XY , Yqh- . Patient male 19 DNA sequencing of exons 1 - 6 of the TNFRSF1A gene ( formerly TNFR1 ) was performed in the patient and his parents to determine the presence of the autosomal-dominant tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome ( TRAPS ) ; informative markers spanning the TNFRSF1A locus were used to genotype all available members of the patient 's family . patient male 11 Copy number variation analysis identified a deletion of 10p13 in the patient and his unaffected father ; the deletion breakpoint contained a single 37-bp sequence that is normally present in two distinct Alu repeats separated by ~181 kb . patient female 14 Ultimately , the decision to continue breast cancer screening should be made by the patient and her physician after carefully weighing the risks and benefits of the procedure , which generally become more favorable as women age . patient male 12 [ Applying Neuman 's Systems Model to a neuroleptic malignant syndrome psychiatric patient and his caregiver ] . patient male 18 This article describes a nurse 's experience using Neuman 's Systems Model to care for a chronic psychiatric patient and his caregiver . patient male 39 Nursing care was provided to the patient and his caregiver based on Neuman 's Systems Model , which included assessments of intrapersonal , interpersonal , and extra-personal forces as well as of environmental factors affecting the health of the patient and his caregiver . patient male 24 Gene sequencing and analysis of deafness-related genes GJB2 , GJB3 , SLC26A4 , and mtDNA did not reveal any mutation or SNPs in the patient and his mother . patient male 8 The decision has to be discussed with the patient and/or his legal representative , the oncologist and gynecologist . patient male 7 Similar symptoms were not reported by the patient or his family during the past . patient male 5 The experience of a typical patient and his family provides a view from a clinical context . patient female 12 The complete history , physical , and laboratory data of both the patient and her twin . patient male 1 The patient and his parents should be aware of the potential discoloration and must be committed to routine follow ups . patient female 3 We informed the patient and her family about the situation and cancelled RT . patient male 14 Knowledge of this guideline , early anticipation of possible scenarios and communication with the patient and his family contribute to good care . patient male 12 At the beginning unchangedly stands the obtaining of the anamnesis of the patient and his disease by the physician himself who apart from the spoken word shall recognize , collect and classify plenty of observations at the patient with the help of as many senses as possible . patient male 2 The index patient , his affected father , and an affected sister of his father carried a large duplication of region 16p13.1 , which was also verified by quantitative PCR . patient female 13 The decision-making process regarding adjuvant therapy is a time intensive dialogue between the patient and her oncologist . patient male 23 The mortality of patients affected by sigmoid volvulus is related to the disease stage , prompt surgical timing , functional status of the patient and his collaboration with the clinicians in the pre-operative decision making process . patient male 26 Patients had physical problems following primary PCI such as cough , chest tightness , chest pain , bloating and get tired easily-psychological problems experienced by the patient and his partner at the acute and recovery phase . patient male 11 We performed human leukocyte antigen ( HLA ) typing of the patient and his brother who was heterozygous for the C282Y HFE mutation unassociated with a hemochromatosis phenotype . patient male 1 The patient and his donor-sister both harbored a germline mutation in CEBPA ( 584_589dup ) . patient female 10 Age of menarche was evaluated through a questionnaire to the patient and her parents . patient male 13 We report on a case of an interstitial duplication of 11q in a patient with developmental delay and in his moderately delayed mother . patient male 12 Since the standard invasive therapies of HCC were not accepted by the patient and his family , he was treated by oral administration of UFT-E ( tegafur/uracil : 200 mg/day ) . patient male 10 The OLMC consult should involve a conversation with both the patient and his wife , who would add credibility to her husband 's competence and could possibly be used as a source of support for EMS . patient male 1 The patient and his wife would be advised to call 9 - 1 - 1 if the chest pain returns . patient male 19 The objectives were to examine couples ' patterns of adjustment over time and possible differences in adjustment between the patient and his partner . patient male 18 In 51 % of all cases , it appears to be associated with mainly relational problems with the patient or his family . patient female 20 The failure of the eruption resulting in tooth spacing of the 23 teeth mainly caused esthetical problems for the young patient and her firm request was the treatment of the spacing caused by the residual canine . patient male 18 In this report , we used next-generation sequencing ( exome sequencing and high-throughput RNA sequencing ) in a patient and his parents to identify causative genetic variants followed by pharmacogenomics-guided clinical decision-making for making positive changes toward his treatment strategies . patient male 14 Both groups studied believed that physicians should always consider the subjective suffering of the patient and his family , as well as the short and long term prognosis when deciding about therapy . patient male 10 The sociological and psychological consequences of the operation for the patient and his relatives are described , and the factors which govern the development of oesophageal speech . patient male 15 We collected clinical and biochemical data and performed exome sequencing analysis on DNA from the patient and his unaffected mother after negative genetic testing for known causes of primary hyperparathyroidism . patient male 5 Centre of care is the patient and his family . patient male 21 The integration of palliative care in earlier stages of the disease is essential to offer a continuity of care for the patient and his family . patient male 31 The successful management of ED , made much easier by the development of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors , has additional potential benefits including improvement of quality of life for both the patient and his partner ; decreasing the symptoms of depression in depressed men who also have ED ; improving relationships , a significant factor related to good health ; and enhancing overall patient health . patient female 11 This review describes the psychological aspects of breast cancer for the patient and her social environment and offers ideas for a patient-oriented treatment plan . patient female 4 At present , the patient and her direct relatives are submitted to genetical screening for Osler 's disease . patient female 6 Cytogenetical analysis was performed on the patient and her parents . patient male 15 Giant platelets and Döhle-like body leukocyte inclusions were present in blood smears from both the patient and his mother . patient male 6 Sanger sequencing was performed for the patient and his relatives , including the parents . patient female 1 A patient and her family members showing X-linked dominant form local , hypoplastic type of amelogenesis imperfecta ( AI ) were investigated from view-point of their teeth , clinical , genetic , radiological and particularly dermatoglyphic findings . patient male 17 Among other activities an educational program ( consisting of 45-minute daily classes ) is given to the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her fetus had no postoperative complications . patient male 1 The patient and his family should be instructed and trained to take appropriate decisions for diabetes management regarding their daily care . patient male 18 The management of ED requires considerations of all aspects of the patient 's health and involvement of the patient and his partner in the decision-making process . patient male 8 Attention is drawn to proper information of the patient and his family regarding the disease and possible outcome . patient male 14 In the present study , we analyzed the EIF2AK3 gene in a 10-year-old WRS patient and his parents to study the clinical features and the mechanism for genetic onset of WRS . patient male 23 We have identified a novel 388 bp deletion starting in intron 1 and ending in exon 2 in the AVPR2 gene in a patient with NDI and in his family . patient male 9 Sequence analysis was performed on blood samples from the patient and his father via oligonucleotide-based target capture , followed by next-generation sequencing . patient male 6 A laparotomy was discussed with the patient and his family but he decided to go home with symptomatic treatment . patient male 12 Surgical techniques are adapted to the goals that are detailed with the patient and his family : standing , transferring , walking , hygiene , devices ( shoes , orthosis , canes , wheelchair ) . patient male 42 Our group performed the partial left venticulectomy of the posterior wall and approximation of the papillary muscle , mitral valve annuloplasty , and tricuspid valve annuloplasty for DCM in the patient with Fukuyama-type muscular dystrophy , after obtaining informed consent from the patient and his family . patient male 52 The main aspects developed were ( i ) clarification of the clinical situations that could lead to a transfer to ICU taking into account the severity criteria of both hematological malignancy and clinical distress , ( ii ) understanding the process of decision-making in a context of regular interdisciplinary concertation involving the patient and his relatives , ( iii ) organization of a collegial concertation at the time of the initial decision of transfer to ICU and throughout and beyond the stay in ICU . patient female 13 Moreover , any continuation of pregnancy has obvious long-term psychosocial repercussions for the patient and her family because of the currently incurable nature of MM . patient male 4 Management of the myelodysplasia patient and his family is best performed in the multidisciplinary setting of a comprehensive care clinic . patient male 5 The emotional needs of the patient and his family are complex , and support by the psychiatrist and the social worker as well as all other team members is necessary for adequate development of a well adjusted child in the face of physical handicaps . patient female 16 To identify aspects of psychotherapy that contribute to therapeutic change based on the experience of a patient and her therapist , and to construct an integrated comprehension of the change process of a patient with Borderline Personality Disorder . patient female 1 The patient reported here , as well as her parents and unaffected sister , carried a heteroplasmic 8.5-kb deletion in mtDNA . patient male 13 Physical and psychosocial needs are equally emphasized by the nurse when assisting the patient and his family to develop an optimal lifestyle . patient male 1 The patient and his family refused any surgical intervention ; therefore , he was treated with sultamicillin tosilate hydrate and cefotiam hydrochloride . patient male 2 Assisting the patient and his family to cope with the many problems presented during his hospitalization provides many stressors to the neurology staff nurse . patient male 26 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a devastating disorder for which the psychological consequences of both the diagnosis announcement and the evolution of paralysis not only concern the patient but also his family . patient male 30 The psychologist has a role of mediation between those persons , facilitating verbal exchanges , paying attention to specific difficulties and maintaining a fruitful exchange between the carers , the patient and his family . patient male 33 More prospectively , the psychologist also has a pedagogic role for the carers explaining psychological processes and giving clues for a constructive relationship between the patient and his family and also between this patient and his carers . patient male 28 We described here a patient with adult-onset Hartnup disease who presented unique neuropsychiatric symptoms but no dermatologic symptoms , and reported features of amino acids transport in this patient and his family . patient female 16 There were no neurocutaneous markers , axillary freckling , visual or auditory disturbances seen in the patient or her relatives . patient male 18 Familial study of Ndel digestion of the genomic DNA and determination of plasma LCAT activity established that the patient and his sister whose plasma LCAT activity were extremely reduced were homozygous and his children whose plasma LCAT activity were about half of normal controls were heterozygous for this mutation . patient female 18 An anticoagulant protein test was performed 2 mo after discharge , and the results showed that both the patient and her mother had reduced protein S. patient male 27 Subsequently , the research of selection criterions and the strict control of the stereotaxical procedure during the per- and postoperatory period , with the collaboration of the patient and his family , progressively brought different teams to an earlier indication of this new treatment option , up to now reserved for fully medicosurgical concerted cases . patient male 27 Should this be at home or in private surroundings , the responsibility of " death guidance ' rests with the doctor/practitioner and involves assisting not only the patient , but also his next of kin . patient male 15 This guidance , if given meaningfully and with understanding , is invaluable to both the patient and his family . patient male 12 An evaluation of the change in the former close relationship between the patient and his physician , and the contribution of the pathologist to its development , is presented . patient female 14 Western blot analysis demonstrated that the amount of E3 protein in fibroblasts from the patient and her father was about half of controls , while Northern blot analysis showed normal amounts of E3 RNA . patient female 4 This report by the patient and her physician describes the clinical course of the recipient of a cadaveric renal allograft , including a normal pregnancy and delivery . patient male 5 By crossed immunoelectrophoresis , the patient and his two children had a second small arc and the primary arc migrated more cathodically . patient female 1 The patient and her parents underwent molecular analysis of the CYP2C19 gene , which may be implicated in the metabolism of this drug . patient male 7 Initially suspected to be hysteria , this patient and his relatives had botulism from home-canned peppers . patient male 46 The purpose of these successive phases in the relation doctor-patient is to identify and take into account in the therapeutic decision , all the facets of the personality of the patient , the pathologies and treatments associated , the therapeutic experiments already carried out by this patient and his personal evaluation of his quality of life and of the impact of the treatments and the disease on this quality of life . patient male 1 The patient and his parents were both struck by the size of the heart , with the parents further elaborating on how the 3D model was more intuitive a tool than medical images as well as " patient female 9 The resulting benefit-risk ratio must be evaluated by the patient or her representative . patient male 8 On the basis of detailed interviews with the patient ( and his wife ) , we provide an explicit account of how the content of his reduplicative paramnesia could have arisen . patient male 21 These patients were divided into two groups with a specific instruction for each , to represent the events experienced by the patient and his family for the first group and to do a free drawing for the second . patient male 17 Sanger sequencing confirmed the presence of a de novo ARL3 missense variant p.(Tyr90Cys ) in the index patient and his affected son . patient female 11 R67X ; c.199C > T ) in ZC4H2 gene in the patient but not in her parents . patient male 6 Full consent was obtained from the patient and his parents for this publication . patient male 20 Among the different possibilities , it is crucial to order tests which can really modify the therapeutic attitude towards the patient and/or his family . patient female 9 This de novo mutation was only detected in the patient but not in her parents . patient male 29 The long-term treatment of patients with DLGG requires us to perform personalized adaptation in any therapeutic junction and in any case where the delicate balance between function of the patient and his oncological status needs to be preserved . patient male 36 In this report , we describe a patient with CMTX1 disease presenting with recurrent attacks of transient and episodic acute demyelinating encephalomyelitis (ADEM)-like symptoms without previous signs of lower extremity weakness or foot deformities ; the patient , as well as his asymptomatic mother , exhibited a novel GJB1 mutation ( p . patient male 15 To determine possible genetic factor involving acute exacerbation , genetic analysis of serum from the patient and his siblings was performed . patient male 9 It represented an innovative way of looking at the patient and his illness , a change that Foucault described as occurring in the 18th century . patient male 17 The success of orthodontic treatment depends , in part , upon the oral hygienic status of the patient and his active cooperation in the treatment . patient male 1 The patient and his family noticed impaired short-term memory function and changes in affect in his early forties , which progressed until after he stopped working and was thus no longer exposed to paints and solvents . patient male 9 Long-established behavior may need to be changed and the patient and his family need support during the process . patient male 3 first visit with patient and his relatives ; 2 . clinical and testing assessment ; 3 . patient male 6 diagnostic balance and its communication to patient and his relatives ; 4 . neuropsychological rehabilitation and psychological counseling . patient female 17 Although chemotherapy for colon cancer and thoracoscopic surgery for the primary lung cancer were scheduled , the patient and her family desired home hospice . patient female 7 After obtaining the informed consent of the patient and her family and explain- ing that under the circumstances surgery was not indicated , chemotherapy [ S-1 ( granules ) 80 mg/m2 , CDDP 60 mg/m2 ] was selected . patient female 30 Because this is the first evidence for the association between an HLA-DP allele and Takayasu arteritis , we examined the nucleotide sequences of the DPB1 * 0901 allele from a patient and her healthy relatives and found no difference . patient male 9 Banding analysis of chromosomes and HLA-antigen typing of the patient and his parents suggested that the abnormal cell division had occurred during the oogenesis . patient male 46 Increased excretion of uric acid into the urine , increased clearance ratio of uric acid against creatinine ( CUA/CCr ) , normal concentration of plasma xanthine and hypoxanthine , and suppression of CUA/CCr ratio by pyrazinamide loading but not by probenecid , were observed in the patient and his two siblings , suggesting that hereditary abnormalities of reabsorption of uric acid after secretion from the renal tubules resulted in the hypouricemia . patient male 12 Whole exome sequencing ( WES ) was used on samples from a patient with IPO and his healthy parents . patient female 1 The patient and her child were safe and discharged in 2 months after the admission . patient male 9 Screening of PRKAR1A gene was carried out for the patient , his parents and siblings who were available and willing to undergo the test . patient male 4 Medical history of the patient and his family ( n = 5 ) did not indicate any previous immunodeficiency symptoms . patient male 22 In gauging the achievements of surgical treatment it is important to try to measure the quality of functional result vouchsafed to the patient and his capacity for work and recreation . patient male 11 The medication adherence has been assessed during semi-structured interviews with each patient and/or his parents using a multiple choice graded questionnaire . patient male 5 The cardiovascular status of the patient and his overall fitness for renewed sexual activity must be assessed before treatment for ED is initiated . patient male 11 We begin with a remembrance of Don , written by his friend , mentee , and colleague , David Seaburn , PhD , LMFT . friend female 11 The baby gazing responded to joint therapeutic interviews leading to the patient and her husband resolving their different views about having a family and the patient becoming pregnant . patient male 39 We see a place for these interventions not only at the patient/ family level but also as a means to ' correct ' the image of health care workers in our society by humanizing ourselves to the end-user- the patient and his family . patient male 15 Until more robust data is available , a patient-centered approach and joint decision-making between the patient and his urologist is recommended . patient female 13 A previously unreported missense change , Asp299Asn , was identified in one affected patient but not in her affected sister . patient male 5 Slit lamp examination of the patient and his parents was performed . patient male 27 However , the authors identified factors which influence the patient health status and showed the negative result of the disease on the quality of life of the patient and his family . patient male 12 We looked for association between the number of risk alleles in each patient and his age at symptom onset with linear regression and t-tests between the upper and lower quartiles . patient male 14 Seven months after his ingestion of thallium , intelligence tests were performed on the patient and his non-identical twin brother , who was of similar educational background . patient male 5 The interaction between the parkinsonian patient and his caregiver during feeding : a theoretical model . patient male 6 The relatively young age of the patient and his good general condition prompted surgical resection of the recurrence . patient female 14 RFLP analysis revealed three bands ( 670 , 423 and 247 bp ) in patient 2 and her father and two bands ( 423 and 247 bp ) in her mother and 50 controls . patient male 32 Independently of the Health Ministery Law knowledge , patients consider that the updating of knowledge has the priority in the professional development plan ; the improvement of skills as communication with the patient and his family and the attention for Quality of Life , are recognized as more important than economical aspects of disease management . patient male 1 The patient and his relatives refused open surgical approach and we performed transpedicular vertebral corpus biopsy and vertebroplasty under spinal anesthesia . patient female 10 Social survey found tuberculosis in the father , in a friend of her and in her three-month-old child . friend male 7 Before genetic testing was available , the patient , and at a later date his mother , underwent thyroidectomies based solely on biochemical testing . patient male 34 This analysis revealed a C-to-T transition in codon 161 of exon 6 in patient 23 , which results in an amino acid change ( Arg to Cys ) in an heterozygous form in the patient and his father . patient male 7 This mutation was found in the investigated patient , his father , and the paternal grandmother . patient male 26 As known from other familial cases of nonautoimmune hyperthyroidism , the age of onset of the disease was variable , ranging from early childhood in the patient and his father to adolescence in the grandmother . patient male 12 The nurse at the surgical facility repeated the postoperative requirements to the patient and his wife before they left the center and made sure that they had the written instructions as well . patient male 10 The nurse demonstrated the necessary motor skills and gave the patient and his wife the opportunity to return the demonstration . patient male 12 Antibody identification and red blood cell ( RBC ) phenotyping of the patient and his husband were performed , plus arrays study in the amniotic fluid . patient male 27 An expanding array of noninvasive options is available to assist the clinician in individualizing ED therapy to the unique health and lifestyle needs of each elderly ED patient and his partner . patient male 34 Educating the doctors at primary care about first aid , improvement in community services followed by long term resolution of the conflict would go some way in alleviating the difficulties faced by a suicidal patient and his family in a conflict zone . patient female 5 Neuroimaging studies conducted on the patient and her siblings showed signs of leukoencephalopathy and lacunar infarctions . patient male 36 Better education of families should lead to a reduction , or better still prevention , of the incidents that are inherent in the use of assisted ventilation equipment and improve the quality of life of the patient and his family in a secure environment . patient male 14 Finally , we document a likely case of transmitted resistance in HSV-1 between the patient and his brother , who also has DOCK8 deficiency . patient male 27 These demands are : 1 ) a good relationship between the medical team , the patient and the family 2 ) the information and education of the patient and his family , which should dwell on a ) the disease b ) precipitating factors c ) subjective factors without forgetting the equivalents of crises d ) therapeutic methods and their correct usage stressing the importance of teaching good aerosol technique e ) the potential progress of the disease . patient male 21 A centralised dispensarisation of pediatric patients with hereditary cancer predisposition syndromes on pediatric oncology department offers complex multidisciplinary care to the patient and his family . patient male 32 Patient education is a kind of bridge submitted to all sorts of forces and barriers which may interfere with the passage of knowledge and skills from the health care providers to the patient and his family . patient female 24 With direct sequencing of the PCR products , a G to A substitution at c617 of ACVR1 ( R206H ) was detected in the patient only but not in her parents . patient male 9 ( 3 ) The blood DNA samples of the patient and his parents were collected to amplify the seven exons of QDPR gene using related primers , and the amplified products were directly sequenced for mutation analysis . patient female 8 The risks that smoking pose to the pregnant patient and her fetus have been well established . patient female 6 The IL-12Rbeta1 gene sequences of the patient and her parents were analyzed by PCR-directed sequencing . patient male 8 Two cases of Rieger syndrome which affected a patient and his daughter were studied . patient female 12 Four mechanisms may explain a causal relationship between the phenotype of the patient and her chromosome constitution . patient male 1 The patient and his partner are introduced to the time-course of the L-DOPA concentration in blood after oral intake of the substance ( the pharmacokinetics of L-DOPA ) . patient female 14 A novel mutation ( L467P ) was detected on the maternal allele in one patient and in her monozygotic twin . patient male 18 The doctor qualified the results of excellent to very good in 88 % of the cases and the patient or his relatives in 85 % . patient male 9 Type I protein C deficiency was demonstrated in this patient as well as in his asymptomatic sister . patient female 19 Among the variety of symptoms of the postmenopausal syndrome joint pain seems to be an important problem for the patient as well as for her doctor . patient female 13 Drug abuse in this population had significant impact on the health of the patient and her unborn infant . patient male 20 Goals such as maintenance of psychological well-being and the promotion of psychological growth can occur as the nurse assists the patient and his significant others to confront existential concerns . patient male 5 As the nurse assists the patient and his loved ones to live as they confront potential death , the nurse often gains an added appreciation of life . patient female 6 Although we recommended surgery , the patient and her family did not agree with it . patient male 31 Had the immunostains been available at the time , the results would have suggested that the tumour might be a secondary deposit , and so have caused needless anxiety to the patient and his physicians . patient male 17 Upon investigation for dyslipidemia in association with his neonatal diabetes , hyperchylomicronemia was found both in the patient and his father . patient male 19 Charting key experiences that shaped his adoption of this new approach -- a depression in response to his first patient , a clinical treatment with Heinz Kohut , and exposure to others who dared to challenge Freud -- Siegel describes the theory that brought both himself and his patients to life . patient female 36 Even though the morphologic features pointing toward an inherited mutation may vary depending on the syndrome , the diagnosis may contribute to refer the patient for genetic counselling , modifying the management and follow-up of the patient and her family . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused any treatment . patient male 5 Subsequent enquiries revealed that the patient and his sister both had osteogenesis imperfecta . patient male 11 Cranial magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) studies from the index patient and his mother revealed a similar pattern of isolated subcortical white matter lesions resembling most likely focal cortical dysplasia ( FCD ) type IIb . patient male 18 The surgical team , in conjunction with a palliative care physician , therefore held extensive discussions with the patient and his partner regarding LST and its limitations . patient male 18 Every form of physiotherapy in diseases of the vascular system is dependent on the active cooperation of the patient and his discernment into necessity . patient male 21 The development of each physician 's own experience with vardenafil is key to optimise overall satisfaction of this therapy by the patient and his partner . patient female 29 An experienced multidisciplinary team consisting of an obstetrician , perinatologist , orthopaedic surgeon , anesthesiologist , radiologist , and nursing staff will optimize the treatment of both the pregnant patient and her fetus . patient male 5 Blood laboratory data of the patient and of his family suggest a genetic background on the upon mentioned syndrome . patient male 4 Clinical data of the patient and his family members was analyzed . patient female 10 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the patient and her parents . patient female 24 Sequential analysis revealed a germ line mutation of TP53 in exon 8 , a common mutation in patients with LFS , in both the patient and her mother . patient female 4 Laboratory investigation of the patient and her relatives showed co-segregation of FVL and AT deficiency . patient male 1 The patient and his family consented to publishing the data . patient female 6 The compatible blood products for the patient and her newborn were searched for on the basis of the immunoserology tests . patient male 15 The same can be said in cases of lesser compliance with the treatment by the patient and his family , although in the short term the weight loss is greater . patient female 22 Following an extensive discussion with the patient and her family , appropriate informed consent was obtained for the treatment option and the patient and her family chose to preserve her fertility . patient male 10 Balneotherapy , prevention of cognitive decline and care the Alzheimer patient and his family : outcome of a multidisciplinary workgroup . patient male 10 This has consequences for the care of a seriously ill patient and his family . patient male 6 Mitochondrial genome sequences from both the patient and his parents were sequenced and found to be identical to the sequence inserted into the PAFAH1B1 gene . patient male 30 The psychosomatic orientation is a sine qua non in the understanding of the psychosocial meaning of physical illness , its effect on psychic disability , the psychosocial adjustment of the patient and his family and his ability to adapt to illness and the hospital . patient female 3 Although both the patient and her brother displayed significantly reduced ADAMTS13 activity and increased levels of ultra-large VWF ( ULVWF ) multimers in plasma , only the female developed acute episodes of TTP . patient male 32 The most important measures that can be taken to prevent such an emergency are : a careful injection procedure , a 3-hour observation period following the injection and good counselling of the patient and his family . patient male 27 The aim of molecular genetic analysis in families with haemophilia is to identify the causative mutation in an affected male as this provides valuable information for the patient and his relatives . patient female 16 Achieving this goal requires an understanding of the natural history of breast cancer and of the patient and her needs . patient male 6 The HLA haplotypes of both the patient and his younger brother showed a and d , while the patient 's elder brother 's HLA haplotypes showed b and c. His family members all had normal thyroid function , but his father was positive for antimicrosomal antibodies . patient male 17 The author is proposing a different , realistic and convenient form that could be used by the patient and both his tutor and doctor to walk through the path that brings to the end of life . patient male 19 Its purpose is to register the treatment for symptoms that leads to death , basing the relationship between a patient and his doctor on trust and confidence . patient female 5 Cultured fibroblasts derived from the patient and her asymptomatic first-degree relative with c.77delG mutation had decreased levels of PGRN messenger RNA ( mRNA ) and protein . patient female 26 In addition , we observed upregulated wingless-type mouse mammary tumor virus integration site ( WNT ) signaling pathway gene , WNT3A , in fibroblasts of the patient and her asymptomatic first-degree relative with c.77delG mutation . patient female 6 It is emphasized that both the patient and her fetus tolerated the treatment well . patient male 22 The plasma antithrombin III antigen concentration and progressive antithrombin activity were normal , but plasma heparin cofactor activity was low in the patient and his father . patient male 1 The patient and his excreta smelled of garlic , ammonium carbide and decaying fish , which is characteristic of this poisoning . patient male 13 The latter 's fantasies can sometimes weaken the precarious psychological balance of the patient himself and of his affective circle . patient male 15 Each of the operations has been performed by a single surgeon , for whom the patient and his family have developed enormous respect and admiration . patient male 9 Whole exome sequencing was performed using samples of one patient ( case 6 ) and his family members . patient male 10 CAIS management needs a multidisciplinary approach and decisions by the patient or his family sometimes . patient male 8 It seems interesting to note that both our patient and his daughter suffered from diseases of autoimmune origin : acquired vitiligo and subacute cutan lupus erythematodes , respectively . patient male 3 Moreover the index patient and his sister had an earlier age at onset ( 10 and 15 years ) and a more pronounced weakness as compared to their father with an age at onset of 35 years . patient male 19 Among the different possibilities , it is crucial to order tests that can modify the therapeutic attitude towards the patient and/or his family . patient male 13 A combined clinical and laboratory approach taking into account the history of the patient and his family , the prevalence of the defects , and also the accuracy of the tests should allow tailoring a laboratory testing program to each patient . patient female 13 A detailed delivery plan should be generated , specifically discussing interventions for the patient and her fetus . patient female 18 When managing pregnancies complicated by T13 and T18 , active , open , and frequent communication between the patient , her family , and a multidisciplinary health care team throughout the pregnancy is crucial . patient male 43 Therefore the physician who is engaged in the care of the newborn or takes part in any investigation program for the developing child should be aware of these signs in order to initiate further diagnostic , therapeutic , or preventive measure for the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her parents were pleased with the final outcome . patient male 19 Subsequently , a continuous ambulatory scheme developed , where 4 to 5 changes are dialy made outdoors by the patient or his relatives which cuts down costs and allows more freedom of action and better feeding . patient male 10 The deformity caused by microstomia is painful both to the patient and to his family . patient male 4 Fibroblast cultures from the patient and his family were exposed to ultraviolet ( UV ) light of 254 nm , ranging from 1 to 10 J/m2 . patient male 7 The study showed that fibroblasts from the patient and his mother were extremely sensitive to UV light irradiation . patient female 14 The presence of a structurally abnormal third X chromosome has not demonstrably affected this patient or her reproduction . patient male 4 The karyotype of the patient and his father was 45,X , der(Y;22 ) . patient female 22 This study describes the second detection of this hemoglobin variant by routine high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) in a diabetic patient and her healthy grand niece . patient female 2 Both the patient and her healthy child underwent an uneventful recovery . patient male 7 This report concerns clinical studies of the patient and his family conducted 4 years later . patient female 4 Written consent by the patient and her husband was obtained . patient male 10 The counter-indications depend above all on the state of the patient and his disease : emergency laparoscopy of the colon and rectum barely have a place in the therapeutic arsenal . patient male 3 Unfortunately , the patient and his parents refused any further consultation with an oncologist and , although there was no recurrence at 12 months following the procedure , at 24 months we were informed of his death due to the tumour appearing on the left cardiac chambers with subsequent multi-organ failure . patient male 8 The clinical information and blood samples from the patient and his family members were collected and analyzed . patient female 7 Three members of the family , the patient , her elder son , and her niece experienced recurrent attacks of pancreatitis . patient female 11 We found out that four members of the family , the patient , her two sons , and her niece , had R122H mutation in the exon 3 of PRSS1 gene . patient male 40 If the family physician is aware of the emotional dangers attending certain circumstances , he may do a lot to promote good " mental hygiene " , both by the cautious use of drugs and by constant reassurance of the patient and his family . patient male 68 As the physician is not trained to do this , his sex education is essentially a remedial program leading to the development of a philosophy which will enable him to accept the feelings , values and uncertainties related to various forms of sexual behavior and to the understanding of the why , when , what and how of obtaining and utilizing sexual information for the benefit of the patient and his family . patient male 12 If the psychoanalytic situation is regarded as a means to investigate the patient and his symptoms , his verbal behaviour seems to depend on the unconscious motives forming his neurotic structure of personality . patient male 0 Patient 2 and his younger sister , Patient 3 , had compound heterozygous variants : c.983_987delAAGAA and c.1478C > T. However , clinical phenotypes differed markedly as the elder with sensorimotor axonal neuropathy had still unaffected respiratory function at 4.5 years , whereas the younger presented as infantile spinal muscular atrophy and died from relentless respiratory failure at 11 months . Patient male 12 Semi-quantitative analysis revealed high urine concentrations of hypoxanthine and xanthine in the patient and his female littermate . patient male 18 Kidney transplantation is a serious event that involves profound psychological , relational and social changes both for the patient and his family context . patient female 17 Surgical planning is a complex process , which requires an in depth and informed conversation between a patient and her physician . patient female 4 We describe a female patient and her maternal aunt , both showing a distinct phenotype , associated with the same complex subtelomeric rearrangement . patient male 21 The psychiatrist-ethicist was ideally suited to address all these issues and to make a significant contribution to the care of the patient and his family . patient male 5 With the cooperation of the patient and his parents , successful results , both dentally and skeletally , have been achieved . patient female 4 Physical examinations of the patient and her family , funduscopic photography , and fluorescein angiography have failed to identify the etiology of her pseudopapilledema . patient female 4 The benefits for the patient and her family from receiving this pre-conception counseling would include an increased understanding of the relevant issues for both pre-conception and in early pregnancy as well as better pregnancy outcomes . patient female 10 We report an unusual case of dyspareunia for both the patient and her husband resulting from a retained finger pad from the TVT-Secur introducer . patient male 6 The A77D mutation was detected in patient 1 , his father ( patient 2 ) and his brother ( patient 3 ) , who had portal fibrosis . patient male 21 Targeted next-generation sequencing identified a novel heterozygous mutation c.730 G > C ( p . Val244Leu ) in MFN2 in the patient but not in his parents , suggesting that this mutation likely occurred de novo . patient male 15 I wanted to communicate 1 of my most recent experiences that occurred with a hospice patient and his family on the day of his death . patient female 26 Molecular characterization was performed by PCR amplification of GH1 gene and SmaI digestion of two homologous fragments flanking the gene , using genomic DNA from the patient and her parents as templates . patient female 11 This report discusses a case of a 46-year-old female breast cancer patient and her views on the impact of chemotherapy on her life . patient male 13 Genomic DNA was extracted from leukocytes of the peripheral blood collected from this patient and his family members . patient female 10 Preserving fertility is of high priority to both the young patient and her parents . patient female 6 Upon being presented with the 83-year-old patient and her complaints , the physician in charge attempted to prescribe Vasolastine ( a complex preparation used , for example , in treatment of angiopathy , which is administered intramuscularly once a day ) . patient male 24 The treatment of this disorder requires a thorough diagnostic framing , which should take into account its psychosomatic aspects , focusing on the individual patient and his history . patient male 12 The results are discussed in terms of the psychological management of the patient and his family . patient male 15 Success may require several lines of treatment and demands patience , not only of the patient and his family , but of the physician . patient male 14 These repeated visits to A&E were understandably a source of much frustration for the patient and his family . patient female 46 This report discusses an experience of taking care of a breast cancer patient with rapidly deteriorating , fungating wounds and herpes simplex virus wounds and describes the physical and psychological effects on the patient and the related decreases in the quality of life of both the patient and her caregivers . patient female 13 During the period , fungating wound care guidelines were used to teach the patient and her caregivers the core principles of fungating wound management . patient female 21 Meanwhile , the COPE framework ( creativity , optimism , planning , and expert information ) was applied to train the patient and her caregivers how to develop problem-solving skills and build self-confidence . patient female 3 Finally , the patient and her family successfully overcame these challenges . patient female 4 We suggested that the patient and her family be considered a single , supportive unit and then helped them cope with the disease and build self-care confidence in order to improve their life quality and to coexist with the disease . patient female 14 The authors used Oncology Nurse Navigation approaches to actively assess the needs of the patient and her spouse , to explore their psychological state using emotional assessment scales , to understand the impact of recurrence on the family , to provide available resources and information , to help the couple learn to cope with psychological adjustment symptoms , to enhance their cognitive understanding of the disease , and to learn useful measures that helped them regain physical control , control over the treatment process , and effectively adapt to the disease and its effects . patient male 27 However , on the basis of a multidimensional concept of schizophrenia most clinicians consider that the familial approach should be integrated in the overall management of the patient and his family . patient female 19 In addition , two different experimental approaches were used to elucidate the copy number of PDHA1 gene in the patient and her mother . patient female 8 We describe a case report of a pregnant patient and her fetus surviving after a spontaneous gastric rupture from a strangulated diaphragmatic hernia . patient male 14 We also analyzed the relationship between this neuropathy and certain parameters , concerning the patient and his diabetes . patient male 6 Peripheral blood was taken from the patient and his parents , and whole-exome sequencing was investigated to determine possible gene mutation . patient female 8 Peripheral blood samples and clinical data of the patient and her 2 parents were collected . patient female 15 " Please Keep Mom Alive One More Day " - Clashing Directives of a Dying Patient and Her Surrogate . Patient male 18 This palliative treatment plan is arranged by a physician together with caregivers , close relatives , and the patient or his court-appointed health care guardian or holder of power of attorney . patient male 17 Therefore , to prevent that depletion , the strategy of these techniques must be adapted to the patient and to his cardiac disease . patient male 21 The Reflecting Team ( RT ) , together with other dialogue strategies , place in a single therapeutic space , the patient , his family and a team of professionals to find together a solution to a situation of stagnation . patient male 20 The general indications for CAPD in the patient with chronic renal failure are the mental and physical ability of the patient or his relatives to perform CAPD . patient female 5 Whole exome sequencing of the patient and her parents revealed a de novo TBL1XR1 mutation [ c.209 G > A ( p . patient male 1 Each patient and his respondent were paired with a single physician . patient male 14 A special emphasis is Customer Care Management ( Customer Relationship Management ) to the patient and his caregivers ( relatives ) , the customers , especially the physicians who send their patients to the hospital and the hospital doctor . patient female 31 After discussions with a cancer board consisting of experts from the departments of gastroenterology , obstetrics and gynecology , and surgery , as well as obtaining appropriate informed consent from the patient and her family , we decided to perform a hepatic resection after abortion . patient female 26 As such , decisions should be made based on HCC growth and fetal maturity after thorough multidisciplinary team discussions and obtaining appropriate informed consent from the patient and her family . patient male 15 Asn327Ser ) in exon 8 in FGFR1 gene ( NM_001174067.1 ) was identified in the patient but not in his normal parents . patient female 4 Whole-exome sequencing of the patient and of both her unaffected parents revealed a previously unobserved de novo mutation in exon 6 of the HDAC8 gene ( chrX : 71684483 , c.586 A > T ; p . patient female 16 The patterns obtained were consistent with the homozygous and heterozygous state of this mutation in the patient and in her son , respectively , and with its absence in 28 normal individuals . patient male 22 Each provided the same details on an incompetent elderly patient ; however , one gave no information about the wishes of the patient and his family ( no directive ) , the second provided a do-not-resuscitate ( DNR ) request , and the third included a detailed therapeutic and resuscitative effort chart ( DTREC ) requesting maximum therapeutic care without admission to the intensive care unit ( ICU ) . patient female 5 In contrast , the third patient and her parents had normal plasma levels of GHBP , suggesting that the clinically and biologically obvious lack of receptivity to GH is either at the post-receptor level or limited to the intracellular part of the receptor . patient male 17 Patient reeducation consisted of viewing a brief videotape , personal instruction and detailed instruction sheets for the patient and his partner . patient male 1 The patient and his sexual partner must be active participants in a full continuum of care ( medical sexology ) , the new challenge for the renewed and enriched field of andrology . patient male 25 Unfortunately , the seriousness of heart failure and the therapeutic possibilities are often not recognised by those directly involved , i.e. the doctor , the patient or his relatives , let alone that they are known to the general public and health care authorities . patient male 17 The first modality is a quantitatively online measurement based on the discrepancy between the estimate of the patient of his performance and his actual performance , but often neglecting the ecological validity and the real functioning of the subject . patient male 33 It is the impression of the staff of this clinic that many patients use this service incorrectly , so that ordering an urgent house call often leads to a direct confrontation between the patient and his physician . patient female 9 This team plays an important role in helping the patient and her partner adjust to this extensive procedure . patient female 1 The patient and her baby were discharged on the 4th day postpartum . patient male 3 It took the patient and his family only 1.5 h to familiarize themselves with the use of the pump . patient female 9 A background of immunological susceptibility was found in the patient and her family by history and immunological examination . patient male 10 Death rattle is an extremely distressing symptom for the dying patient and for his environment . patient male 5 The social worker helps the patient , his family , and the rehabilitation team to work together to reach realistic goals , individually determined . patient female 15 Invasiveness of the treatment depends on the stage of the disease , age of the patient and her fertility-sparing desire . patient male 14 An illustrative case history is presented , in which the child is the identified patient -- not only psychologically , but pharmacologically as well -- who brings his family , and specifically his father , into much needed treatment . patient male 17 Two 96-member plasma pools that were each spiked with 100 microL of plasma of the German index patient or his wife , respectively , were positive . patient male 19 It is for these reasons that the entire University of Utah Medical Center staff feel great indebtedness to the patient and his family for demonstrating to the world the feasibility and the necessity for pursuing this device as a new therapy for end-stage heart disease . patient female 44 Obviously turned on to a scientific career , she successfully applied for a research assistantship at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor , Maine , where she worked with the first of her mentors , Dr. Elizabeth Russell , to this day her good friend and enthusiastic admirer . friend male 16 The economic impact of epilepsy is added to the repercussion of the disease itself on the patient and his family . patient male 22 The lack of knowledge about depressive disorders and the little specialized psychiatric accompaniment in this field are obviously not beneficial for the patient and his disease ( no access to interferon alpha therapy , poor compliance , frequent discontinuations of treatment . ) ; patient female 67 Dr. Schafer 's discussion , while in agreement with Dr. Epstein in recognizing the excellence of the presentation and the sensitivity and hard work that had gone into both the treatment and the clinical presentation , included some specific and focused observations about the transference and countertransference situations prevailing in this treatment and also some suggestions for creating a more consistently safe analytic atmosphere for this particular patient and others like her . patient female 13 Because of difficulties in finding compatible units in the local population , the patient and her two siblings were advised to become regular blood donor . patient male 1 A patient and his young sister were shown to be suffering from spinal muscular atrophy with superimposed , excessive proliferative activity of fibroblasts , and in these cases a beneficial effect of penicillamine was demonstrated . patient female 14 It is the questioning , and the analysis of facts from informations by the patient and her family which allowed to conclude the diagnosis of hysteria . patient male 31 The religious convictions of the witnesses of Jehovah leads them to refuse transfusion of blood , of its major components and of blood sparing procedures breaking the physical contact between the patient and his blood . patient male 25 It could be decreased by careful management of the medical chart , by rapid analysis of complications and by a constant effort to inform the patient and his family . patient male 5 Two years postoperatively , the patient and his family are very satisfied with the overall outcome and social reintegration in the community is successful . patient male 6 Also our pharmacist talks with the patient and his family and try to reduce the pain by using more suitable drugs at each conditions . patient male 25 Due to the presence of clinical features of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia ( HED ) , the EDA gene , located at Xq12q13.1 , of the patient and his family was sequenced . patient male 2 Both the patient and his father were heterozygous for the mutation and both had abnormal rAPC assays . patient male 6 L-Glutaric acidemia : investigation of a patient and his family . patient male 18 The treatment program should be based on physiologic principles , but should also take into account the full patient and his psycho-social emotional needs . patient male 62 The purpose is not to describe the total neurological examination , but rather to focus on the examination of pertinent neurological areas that provide data about the functioning of the patient ; 2 ) outline potential problems derived from pertinent neurological findings in these seven areas ; 3 ) discuss general implications these problems have for the nurse to assist the hemiplegic patient and his family , optimizing his potential . patient female 26 The doctor 's responsibility in civil law can be invoked when he has made a mistake , and when that mistake results in injury to the patient or her infant and where there is an obvious causal link between the mistake and the injury . patient female 6 Surgical operation was refused by the patient and her family . patient female 13 Systemic application of tetracycline resulted in fast resolution of symptoms in both the patient and her cat . patient male 1 The patient and his mother noted that no respiratory infections had occurred during the course of therapy . patient male 1 The patient and his mother again reported fewer bronchopulmonary secretions and no infections requiring antibiotics during treatment with isotretinoin . patient male 7 Peripheral blood and tumor tissues of the patient and his 2 daughters , who apparently had a milder phenotype , were studied for alterations in the CYLD and PTCH genes , but mutations or loss of heterozygosity was not found in either gene . patient male 10 The plant product improved remarkably the general symptomatology of the patient as well as his insulin and glucose blood levels . patient male 16 Yet one must keep in mind the psychologic impact that facial injuries may have upon the patient and his family . patient female 18 Beta globin gene sequentiation showed the CD92 His -- > Pro mutation Hb Newcastle in heterocygote condition in patient and her mother . patient female 7 In agreement with the will of the patient and her family , and after having heard the opinion of our hospital 's anaesthetists and internists , a conservative approach was decided on and close monitoring of maternal and foetal conditions was planned , with hospitalisations scheduled for every fortnight . patient male 13 Furthermore , these investigations need to be accompanied by clear information on the patient and his GP . patient female 39 Sanger sequencing for all the exons and exon-flanking intronic regions of the SDHB gene revealed no mutation , but further investigation with multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification identified a heterozygous deletion of exon 1 of the SDHB gene in the patient and her mother , confirming the diagnosis of SDHB-related hereditary paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma syndrome . patient male 29 5 ) In the diagnostic approach it is necessary to keep in mind all the above-mentioned possibilities and to exploit every possible access to anamnestic exploration , with the patient as well as with his family , friends and colleagues . patient male 12 We also measured the plasma 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine ( 8-OHdG ) levels of the patient and his family members using commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) . patient male 1 The patient and his children had a history of recurrent febrile periods since infancy . patient male 13 Prognosis in patients with depression is also affected by insufficient cooperation between a patient and his doctor as regards the lifestyle and medication intake of a patient . patient female 12 This reported case occurred in non-endemic taeniasis area , and neither the patient nor her family members had habit of eating raw beef . patient male 25 : This is a case report of intra cranial penetration by halo pins resulting in cerebritis and fits secondary to incorrect halo care by the patient and his family . patient male 13 It is suggested that the medicinal plants exerted a physiological action on the hunter or his dog . hunter male 6 Genetic screening and advice for the patient and his family must be proposed in order to detect the fragile X syndrome . patient female 21 A case study addresses the challenges a woman with cervical cancer faces and the role of the nurse in supporting the patient and her partner within the PLISSIT model . patient male 16 Illustrated by a case presentation , the therapeutic approach , totaling 14 treatment sessions for the patient and his wife , included : a psychological evaluation , the use of pain behavior-modification procedures usually performed conjointly with the patient 's wife , the analytical use of dreams , the desensitization of anxiety present in dream material , and autogenic therapy combined with thermal biofeedback ( i.e. , using digital temperature to measure relaxation ) both at the medical center and at home . patient female 12 The specific scenario that prompted these questions was a request by a patient and her family to remove a feeding tube that had become , in the patient 's eyes and opinion , disproportionately burdensome in her particular set of clinical circumstances . patient male 10 Sanger sequencing was used to validate the mutation in the patient and his parents . patient male 11 Moreover , the PCP can become a trusted advisor to the patient and his family about important medical decisions , as well as issues in the psychosocial , behavioral , and educational domains . patient male 6 We performed exome sequencing in a patient and his unrelated , unaffected parents to identify the genetic etiology of a syndrome characterized by neonatal diabetes , sensorineural deafness , and congenital cataracts . patient female 23 We extracted data on the cancer patient ( female ) with the most followers to study the specific relationships that existed between the user and her followers , and found that the majority of the examined tweets focused on greetings , treatment discussions , and other instances of psychological support . user male 23 Using methylation-specific (MS)-MLPA ( Multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification ) we have identified a maternally inherited large deletion of the ICR1 region in a patient and his mother . patient female 1 The patient and her family refused surgery . patient male 21 We imported and used a non-approved/pending drug , oxaliplatin from the Remedy and Health Corporation , with informed consent from the patient and his family and our clinical ethics committee . patient female 10 We amplified and sequenced DNA samples from blood from the patient , her mother , and the patient 's two siblings . patient male 14 The quality of physical attractiveness should be assessed jointly by the doctor and his patient or client , not solely by either of these individuals nor even by a group of doctors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient male 14 The authors propose a therapeutic attitude takeing into consideration modern knowledge concerning the ulcer patient and his ulcer . patient male 20 A novel missense mutation ( S18N ) in the 5 ' non-HMG box region of the SRY gene in a patient with partial gonadal dysgenesis and his normal male relatives . patient female 30 These findings suggest that a DCIS RT boost to the tumor bed could be considered to provide an added incremental benefit in decreasing IBTR after a shared discussion between the patient and her radiation oncologist . patient female 5 Monocyte C1-INH secretions of the patient and of her affected daughter were , respectively , 26 and 18 % compared to controls . patient male 5 Studies show that if the patient and his family are adequately informed of what to expect when they go to the radiology department , through interviews , videotapes , etc . , their anxieties decrease . patient male 31 We report here a multicenter retrospective study on the renal outcome in 27 affected children whose biological diagnosis was based on either decreased enzyme activity or identification of mutations in the patient or his siblings . patient male 17 The choice of alternative approaches is possible , depending on the level of diagnostic uncertainty , the patient and his physician are prepared to accept . patient male 1 The patient and his mother displayed bilateral involvement of the pallidum . patient female 1 The patient and her baby were discharged in stable condition 2 weeks after thoracotomy . patient female 4 Genetic analyses of the patient and her mother demonstrated a novel CCM1 ( KRIT1 ) frameshift mutation ( c.1661_1662insT ; p . patient female 42 Furthermore , variants in CD14 ( rs778588 ) , TLR-4 ( rs10759930 ) , SOD2 ( rs4880 ) , APEX1 ( rs1130409 ) , and OGG1 ( rs1052133 ) , known as polymorphisms related to disease aggressiveness , were detected in the patient and not in her oligosymptomatic mother harboring the same CCM1 mutation . patient female 4 Anorexia nervosa : the patient , her family and key family therapy interventions . patient female 22 The WES finding was confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) amplification of the target sequence carried out for the patient and her parents . patient male 3 [ The gout patient and his illness role ] . patient female 24 Mutation study of the SLC25A13 gene showed the compound heterozygotes , 851del4 and IVS16ins3 kb , which confirmed the diagnosis of NICCD in the patient and her three-year-old female sibling , who also had unexplained neonatal cholestasis . patient male 21 Age of onset of leprosy is merely a subjective information based upon the memory , intelligent appreciation and awareness of the patient and his relatives , in absence of a more reliable method . patient female 6 After an extensive discussion with the patient and her family regarding her high risk for developing a gonadoblastoma , a laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy using the abdominal wall-life method was performed . patient female 12 Combination of phenotypic characterization , therapy , and biophysical characterization of the patient and her mutation . patient female 23 Second , conversion from " weeks pregnant " to " months pregnant " is often an estimate that can foster misunderstanding between the patient and her obstetrician . patient male 10 Genomic DNA samples were abstracted from the bloods of the patient and his parents . patient male 5 Infection of a nonspecific urethritis patient and his consort with a pathogenic species of nonspecific urethritis Corynebacteria , Corynebacterium genitalium , N. SP . patient female 22 To conclude , we suggest that the ethical priorities , when WANH is decided , should be the support due to the patient and her family on the one hand , and , on the other hand to implement it in such a way that at least the baby seems to have died of her initial disease and never of starvation . patient male 1 The patient and his family responded to treatment with high doses of riboflavin and thiamine with a remarkable and sustained fatigue and muscle symptoms improvement . patient male 2 The index patient and his father shared pre- and postaxial polysyndactyly , mild mental retardation , and corpus callosum dysgenesis . patient male 4 Further analysis of this patient and his family showed that the patient was a compound heterozygote for type 1 PS deficiency and for an abnormal PS molecule ( PS-Heerlen ) that was not recognized by the S-12 antibody . patient male 22 While the physician would be under a duty not to prescribe treatment deemed futile , he would be obliged to inform the patient and his family of this decision , including the reasons for it , in order to allow , under the second tier , for an appeal to be taken by the patient or family to the hospital ethics committee . patient female 31 Early hospitalization , advanced preparation for emergency cesarean section , and timely blood transfusion , including 2L of RhD-positive packed red blood cells , aided in saving the lives of the patient and her baby . patient male 33 Innovative materials coupled with sound principles of removable partial denture design were utilized to fabricate a cast metal removable denture prosthesis to satisfy the esthetic , functional and psychological dental needs of the patient and his parents . patient male 18 Laser tumorectomy has definitive therapeutic advantages compared with penile amputation , because the result is acceptable for the patient and his micturition and sexual life are not altered . patient male 6 Demand for a drug identifies its user and also his needs . user male 16 We emphasized the importance of early detection of these problems , of adequate information to the patient and his family and referral to the speech pathologist or to the audiologist . patient female 9 A patient advisory panel explored the issues with the patient , her family , and her health care team . patient female 14 The use of a reprocessed single-use device provides no direct benefit to an individual patient or her physician . patient male 25 Finally , they emphasize the importance of high surgical professionality , early discovery of a complications , early , sufficient and suitable informing of the patient and his relatives , by the head of the department and in severe or fatal complications the management of the hospital . patient male 6 Gene analysis revealed that this autopsied patient and his siblings had the parkin gene mutation ( homozygous exon 4 deletion ) that is responsible for the disease . patient male 11 Measurement of acid and neutral alpha-glucosidase activity in muscle from the patient and his sisters and in urine from them and their parents indicated that his sisters are heterozygotes and his parents probably are heterozygotes . patient female 2 As the patient and her relatives refused the surgical option , and the clinical situation improved after medical normalization of calcium levels , PHPT was managed conservatively , and calcium levels were maintained within the normal range through i.v . patient female 19 We describe a 19-year-old woman with typical MG and heterozygous C2 deficiency , along with HLA typing of the patient and her immediate family . patient female 1 The patient and her parents were happy with the outcome , although the refractive error was not totally eliminated and she still needed to wear spectacles for clear vision . patient male 7 [ Home medical support for an elderly patient and his family ] . patient male 36 In order to be successful in home medical support , a social worker should have a leading role with the following qualities : ( 1 ) Anticipate and assess the needs of daily livings for the patient and his family in addition to the home medical knowledge . patient male 15 ( 2 ) Provide necessary information for a decision making process on behalf of the patient and his family in regard to homecare medicine . patient male 9 For the period of 12 weeks , a diabetic patient and his caregiver were communicated with a nurse through the TV telephone for 30 minutes once a week . patient female 5 All in all , the patient and her family were at ease with two nurses ' coordinated efforts . patient male 13 A mutation of the conserved His133 to Pro was found in a PD patient and in his daughter . patient male 15 More importantly , the effect of the interventions was positively and noticeably perceived by the patient and his relatives . patient male 15 In the second case , we observed genetical mismatch of the HLA typing between the patient and his family members . patient female 23 In order to deduce a possible origin for the IVS-I-130 ( G-A ) mutation , the sequence polymorphisms in the DNA of the patient and her family were characterized . patient male 27 At a time of financial constraints , it is crucial to distinguish between the tests of proven value ( which can modify the therapeutic attitude toward the patient and/or his family ) from those of unproven value . patient male 13 A combined clinical and laboratory approach taking into account the history of the patient and his family , the prevalence of the defects , and also the accuracy of the tests should allow tailoring a laboratory testing program to each individual patient . patient male 14 An early onset RP phenotype was presented in both ocular fundi of the index patient and his brother : arteriolar attenuation , as well as retinal pigmentary changes in peripheral fundus and waxy disc pallor . patient male 4 Gene analysis of the patient and his mother led to the identification of a heterozygous point mutation ( 1997C→T , T666 M ) in exon 16 of the CACNA1A gene . patient female 7 Therefore , a thoughtful discussion between the patient and her healthcare team is critical to ensure awareness of the possible risks of pregnancy to the mother and her infant and how these risks can be minimized with a coordinated effort in counseling , monitoring and medication adherence . patient male 5 MOR208 was well-tolerated by our patient and his quality of life and performance status remain high . patient male 20 A missense mutation ( 836 - ->G ; Tyr279Cys ) in exon 7 of PTPN11 gene was identified in this patient and his mother with LEOPARD syndrome . patient female 1 The patient and her parents , who were her only first-degree relatives , had no history of rickets . patient female 1 The patient and her relatives declined operative interventions . patient male 22 This paper discusses the use of crisis intervention during the acute phase of medical care to support the coping patterns of the patient and his family and prepare them for the rehabilitation tasks ahead . patient male 25 It considers the particular issues for the patient and his family and how the use of crisis intervention can reinforce the coping patterns of the patient and his family . patient male 14 The typical 1.5 Mb deletion on chromosome 17p11.2 - 12 was found in our patient and his affected relatives . patient male 24 Because loss-of-function mutations of the SLC34A2 gene are responsible for the development of PAM , we sought to sequence the SLC34A2 gene of the patient and his direct relatives , with a purpose to identify mutations that caused the PAM of the patient as well as the carriers of his family . patient female 40 While investigating the genetic change in ADAMTS13 , we observed four homozygous-SNPs ( g.420T > C , g.1342C > G , g.1716G > A and g.2280T > C ) in exon 5 , 12 , 15 and 19 respectively in patient and her father unlike the heterozygous form of same SNPs in mother and brother . patient male 9 It outlines the importance of shared decision-making with the patient and his family , with special attention to withholding/withdrawing of life-sustaining treatments , palliative sedation , main symptom control , patient and family psychological support . patient male 1 The patient and his family were counseled by a genetic laboratory and remain under surveillance . patient male 22 These distinctions are designed to diminish the risk of infection , speed up the surgery , and improve outcomes for both the patient and his surgeon . patient male 1 The patient and his family were assessed for gene variants by Sanger sequencing of exons and exon-intron junctions of the LPL , GPIHBP1 , APOA5 , APOC2 , and LMF1 genes . patient male 15 The objective of the study was the analysis of the IGF1R gene in a short-statured patient and his affected family members . patient male 11 Hydroxylation of prolyl residues was normal in the skin of the patient and his parents . patient male 13 After discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of spinal column shortening with the patient and his father , we decided to proceed with this treatment alternative . patient female 9 Therefore , the complete ABCC6 coding region of the patient and her parents was screened for genetic alterations . patient male 18 The [(18)F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography ( FDG-PET ) findings did not explain the differences in symptomatology between the patient and his sister , although they may have correlated with severity . patient female 14 Managing these pregnancies creates many diagnostic , therapeutic , and ethical dilemmas for the patient , her family , and the medical care team . patient male 14 Therefore , we pay attention to examinations and therapy of personal characteristics of the patient and his past history . patient female 10 This case presented several ethical and practical challenges for this patient and her family in making a decision for chemotherapy treatment . patient female 11 A case is reported of lipid storage myopathy in a 24-year-old patient and her family . patient male 15 An attempt was made to compare the diagnostic efficiency and overall usefulness ( for the patient and for his primary care physician ) of an investigation unit in internal medicine . patient male 17 One year later , an inquiry about the patient 's outcome was made by telephone to the patient and/or his physician . patient female 7 3 Dist . 1989 ) , a patient and her husband sued a clinic and a nurse for negligence in the insertion of an intrauterine device . patient female 12 After diagnostic articulation and a thorough discussion of the treatment with the patient and her parents , complete maxillary and mandibular overdentures were fabricated . patient male 21 After the psychosocial , the medical and the dental anamneses a provisional treatment plan can be made in consultation with the patient and/or his attendants . patient male 5 Decision-making is shared between the patient and his oncologist . patient female 5 Hydroxyprolinemia : comparison of a patient and her unaffected twin sister . patient female 1 The patient and her baby were discharged from the hospital on the 7th day after the operation with normal blood pressure and being in a satisfactory condition . patient male 4 We describe such a patient and his successful treatment by thrombectomy , compare his attributes with those previously published , and describe the construct of a clinical decision model , whose results bear practical implications for patient management . patient male 13 The wide-ranging effects of prostate cancer can be an emotional burden to the patient and his family . patient male 17 Whole exome sequencing ( WES ) has been performed to identify the disease-associated genes , including one patient , his healthy sister , and his asymptomatic wife . patient male 4 We think that the patient and his mother represent the mild end of the spectrum of autosomal dominant holoprosencephaly . patient female 18 An IKBKG mutation with deletion of exons 4 - 10 was detected in the blood of both the patient and her mother . patient male 15 These observations suggest a causal relation between the overactivity of the renin-angiotensin system in this patient and his proteinuria . patient male 33 Augmentation of the tumors and an increase in protein induced by vitamin K absence or antagonist (PIVKA)-II level were noted in October 1997 , and , although we recommended TAE again , the patient and his family refused further treatment . patient female 16 The risks and benefits of asthma treatments should be explained in a real partnership between the patient and her general practitioner and specialists ( obstetrician , chest physician or allergist ) . patient male 30 On the other hand , the idea of disease as a way of being when rescuing the most distinctive qualities of life , allows a more penetrating understanding of the patient and his illness . patient male 4 The details of our patient and his treatment are presented , followed by a literature review of all previously reported similar cases . patient male 3 Case I-A 40-year-old hunter and his dog were found dead near a bear 's den . hunter female 16 After intervention of the police authority in the early days of the third episode , the patient and her family repented of their actions . patient female 8 Thus , a stepped treatment of a dementia patient and her husband suffering recidivating depression can be provided . patient male 6 Analysis of dermal biopsies from a patient and his unaffected father , who also carries the mutation , revealed that both display basement membrane ( BM ) defects . patient male 11 They also intent to reflect the impact of disease on the patient and on his general health . patient female 5 A hypercoagulation evaluation of the patient and her family resulted in the diagnosis of hereditary protein C activity deficiency . patient male 17 The author underline that over hasty neoplasm diagnosis always exerts an unjustified and destructive psychologic influence on patient and his family . patient female 9 Due to a cohesive team effort , both the patient and her infant had excellent outcomes . patient male 5 Chemotherapy was refused by the patient and his family . patient male 10 Comparison of the chromosome 14 short arm polymorphisms of the patient and his parents indicated that the paternal chromosome 14 was deleted . patient male 6 48,XXYY and 47,XYY aneuploidies in the patient and his father , respectively , were identified . patient male 13 To expose the unusual nature of a coincident sex chromosomal aneuploidy in a patient and his father . patient male 16 Conventional cytogenetics techniques and multiple Quantitative Fluorescent PCR of STR markers in sexual chromosomes in the patient and his parents . patient female 8 A study is presented of a 48-year-old female patient and her three siblings with familial hypercholesterolemia . patient female 12 Radiograph examination of lower limbs confirmed the bowed legs in both the patient and her younger brother ( study groups ) . patient male 10 The mutations of the CFTR gene were identified in the patient and his parents . patient female 1 The patient and her baby were both discharged in good health . patient female 22 Initial sequencing of the full-length L-ferritin cloned from genomic DNA demonstrated a mutation ( C33>T ) in the IRE of the affected patient but not in her unaffected family members . patient male 29 Through education on disease process and lifestyle modifications , we were able to end the cycle of recurrent hospital readmissions and the subsequent financial burden this generated for the patient and his family . patient male 12 The optimal ambulatory treatment of diabetic children requires the cooperation of the patient and his family . patient male 33 We propose that an initial mutational event during the grandmother 's embryogenesis has undergone unsuccessful DNA repair and has resulted in two aberrant alleles , one of which has been inherited by the patient and his mother . patient male 8 Deletion ( del9 ) was revealed in a patient with cardiomyopathy and in his two daughters from different marriages , who had no clinical manifestations of the disease . patient male 8 However , emotional care and empathy for the patient and his family seem to be sparse . patient male 17 Emergency is felt very differently according to the level of education , and the sensitivity of the patient and his family circle . patient male 5 In the beginning the only patient and his family circle are able to do something . patient male 8 This rare disorder has impacted enormously on the patient , his family and his doctors . patient female 1 One patient and her fetus died of a massive intracranial hemorrhage as a result of ruptured glioblastoma of the basal ganglia . patient female 24 The objective of prenatal genetic testing is to detect health problems that could affect the woman , fetus , or newborn and provide the patient and her obstetrician-gynecologist or other obstetric care provider with enough information to allow a fully informed decision about pregnancy management . patient female 9 We undertook molecular analysis using DNA samples of the patient and her parents in order to clarify the origin and possible mode of formation of the chromosome abnormalities . patient male 15 Although all coagulation parameters and AT activity were within the normal ranges for the index patient and his family members , the platelet levels were significantly lower than that observed for the healthy Kazak controls ( p=0.001 ) . patient male 24 The interview serves as the basis for personalised nursing and care planning and is the starting point for the clinic 's documentation of the patient and his course of treatment . patient male 18 This study examined how , by means of the admission interview , nurses constructed written documentation of the patient and his course of treatment for use by fellow nurses . patient male 44 It is concluded that in practice , the applied documentation system , VIPS , comes to act as the framework for what is important to the nurse to document rather than a tool that enables her to document what is important to the individual patient and his special circumstances and encounter with the health system . patient female 8 The sequence of the GNAS gene from the patient and her families revealed a novel missense mutation ( Y318H ) in the proband and her mother . patient female 21 Precautions to minimize the risk of complications include the administration of intravenous fluid before the procedure and careful monitoring of the patient and her unborn baby . patient male 21 A detailed case study in clinical sociology is provided to reveal the many social factors affecting the experience of a schizophrenic patient and his significant others . patient male 1 A patient with lipid storage myopathy and muscle carnitine deficiency , and his two daughters , developed exaggerated ketogenesis on fasting . patient male 6 This burden falls first on the patient and his family , and then on his doctor . patient male 20 To identify and characterize a missence mutation Ser250 Phe underlying coagulation factor Ⅶ ( FⅦ ) deficiency in a Chinese patient and his family . patient female 14 In doing this , we propose the application of pop-up windows on the different user ( medical or nursing ) interfaces of the HIS , inter-connecting every electronic process with the corresponding QS protocol that has been developed in the ICU . user male 21 We report our approach to dental procedures in Angelman syndrome patients , and the relationship between the dental staff and the patient and his family . patient male 18 Detection of the alleles of ABL1 intragenic STR locus by fluorescence PCR followed by fragmentation analysis in the patient and his parents provided no information about transmission of the ABL gene . patient male 12 The results confirmed PH type 1 ( PH1 ) in both our patient and his sister , who had died 8 years after the establishment of the diagnosis . patient female 10 Genetic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the patient and her parents . patient female 3 Managing the HIV-positive patient and her newborn in a CNM service . patient male 6 Genetic analyses of leukocytes from the patient and his mother showed mutations in exon 8 that was identified as the presumably truncating mutation R335X . patient male 39 A new ( not previously reported ) MEN 2A-associated germline RET mutation located in exon 11 ( Glu632Gly , caused by an A > G point mutation at position 1895 of the RET cDNA ) was found in the patient but not in his living first-degree relatives . patient male 10 A preoperative nomogram prediction of prostate adenocarcinoma can help the patient and his family understand the possibility of PC and assist them in their decision-making . patient female 33 As orthognathic surgery is usually timed in the late teens , or early twenties when growth is near completion , the risks of further growth and relapse were discussed at length with the patient and her parents , especially when informed consent was being obtained . patient female 1 The patient and her parents were very happy with the outcome but post-treatment growth was unfavourable as expected . patient male 10 This paper reconsiders the work of the Scottish biologist , sociologist , and town planner Patrick Geddes and his most famous intellectual disciple : the American independent scholar Lewis Mumford . sociologist male 1 The patient and his family refused endotracheal intubation ; despite aggressive medical care , he continued to deteriorate toward an expected fatal outcome . patient male 34 The traumatic experience , which dates back to the Franco-Algerian War , could have gradually started making sense in the context of its onset and of the state in which the relationship between the patient and his father remained at the time . patient male 14 Comparison of the complete VP1 sequences showed that the isolates recovered from the index patient and his mother were closely related to those recovered from the five babies with secondary infections , demonstrating a nosocomial transmission of the virus . patient female 26 Although most imaging findings and biopsy results are negative and do not infer a substantial increase in breast cancer risk , the subsequent conversation between the patient and her practitioner is more effective and informative with a thorough review of the pathologic results and an appreciation of the importance of radiologic-histologic concordance . patient female 30 This article provides insight into and understanding of breast imaging and biopsy techniques and of histologic findings as a means to timely and appropriate decision making and action by the patient and her health care professional . patient female 12 A heterozygosis Arg133Cys mutation of Notch 3 gene has already presented in patient and her mother . patient female 22 Doctors need to be able to pick up both verbal and nonverbal cues and whenever possible to place the needs of the patient rather than her relatives as paramount . patient male 9 A detailed family history and clinical data from the patient and his parents were collected by ophthalmologic examination . patient male 19 According to the subjective evaluation of the patient 's ability to live 2 months after cognitive intervention by the patient or his relatives , receiver operating characteristic ( ROC ) curve was plotted to evaluate the predictive value of the total score of MoCA for patients ' ability to live after cognitive intervention . patient female 1 The patient and her care giver consented to use of ring pessary only . patient male 16 In the last few years a great deal of attention has been paid to the dying patient and his relatives , but very little to the illness of the psychiatrist , particularly when it is of a terminal nature . patient female 19 The meningococci were identified as Neisseria meningitidis , group A , and were isolated from the throats of the patient and her roommate . patient female 13 Marked decrease of l-serine and glutamate was observed in the sera of the patient and her son , compared with those in normal controls . patient female 30 Interestingly , expression of PSAT1 gene , which is located next to the breakpoint and encodes one of the enzymes in the l-serine synthesizing cascade , was reduced in both patient and her son . patient male 20 The case manager 's knowledge and activation of resources , ongoing evaluation , and ability to reset priorities allowed the patient , his family , and the healthcare team to achieve the highest level of function and personal satisfaction . patient female 7 Genetic analysis of F7 gene in the patient and her family members identified recurrent compound heterozygous F7 c.64 + 5 G > A and c.1224 T > G ( p . patient female 5 His408Gln ) mutations in this patient and her brother who showed postoperative hemorrhage after surgical resection of renal cell carcinoma . patient male 9 Brain magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) of the patient and his father revealed marked pontine and cerebellar atrophy as well as the hot cross bun sign , that is common in cerebellar type of multiple system atrophy and was also described in SCA34 patients harboring two other mutations : p . patient female 10 Pain was quantified by means of questionnaires completed by the patient and by her partner postoperatively . patient male 5 [ Understanding the seriously ill patient and his family at the domiciliary reality ] . patient male 18 Complement levels and HLA typing of the patient and his family revealed a homozygous C2 deficiency in the patient and his HLA-identical healthy younger sister . patient male 1 The patient and his family must know how and whom to contact immediately in case of an emergency . patient male 11 Finally , recommendation of correct therapeutic and prophylactic measures for the patient and his relatives is an additional focus . patient female 10 Molecular genetic analysis and clinical evaluation were conducted in the patient and her 4 children to investigate the interrelation between an MIDD-associated mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) mutation and clinical manifestations . patient male 4 The willingness of the patient and his caregivers will also be the key of the therapeutic decision . patient female 11 It has been suggested that the ABO blood group of a patient and her partner influence the clinical outcome for patients having a pregnancy with a complete hydatidiform mole ( CHM ) . patient male 17 By WES and filtering with a mining tool , a novel FBN1 missense variant was found in patient 1 and his mother , who both showed clinical features of Marfan syndrome by thorough anthropometric assessment , and a novel EYA1 missense variant as a probable cause of the renal malformation in the patient . patient male 20 The loss of a graft in the first few days or weeks of transplantation is a devastating event for the patient and his surgeon . patient female 4 The encounter between a patient and her surgeon is unique for several reasons . patient male 24 This requires restructuring and/or reorganising measures to enable variants within the treatment pathway as a value creation process to be adapted to each individual patient and his illness , living conditions and preferences . patient male 8 Moreover , the " conflict " between the patient and his parents , who should have provided social support for him , had made him feel alone . patient female 9 Within a few months of the surgery , the patient and her male partner separated for reasons other than the patient 's physical problems . patient male 30 The single amino acid substitution of a methionine for valine at position 30 , which is a common mutation of Japanese type I FAP patients , was found from the patient and his sister of 47 years . patient female 6 The plasma potassium levels of the patient and her father were markedly elevated in blood specimens incubated in vitro at 4 degrees C , but not at 37 degrees C. These data indicated pseudohyperkalemia syndrome caused by abnormal leakage of potassium from red blood cells at the lower temperatures . patient female 1 The patient and her family did not consent to endoscopic retrograde pancreatography or biopsy/histopathological examination . patient male 21 Several factors influence erectile function following radical prostatectomy : cancer and its extension , the technique of nerve sparing , the patient and his relationship with his partner , and the rapidity and mode of post-surgical management . patient male 38 Besides , the patho-genicity of the novel mutation was analyzed with the following 2 methods : conservative analysis of the sequence of muta-tion spots of different species and the direct test of the IDS enzyme activity of the patient and his relative family members . patient male 1 The patient recovered from keratitis within 2 weeks and his uncorrected visual acuity OD improved to 20/20 . patient female 16 This diagnosis was known and confirmed by the patient 's parents but was unknown to the patient and her treating physicians . patient male 37 In light of these findings , which suggest there is no clinical benefit from intravenous infusions , decisions regarding intravenous fluid therapy during the last hours of life should be guided by the preferences of the dying patient and his family . patient female 2 For the patient as well as the professionals around him or her , taking care of this body is not easy and requires full awareness of the challenges involved . patient male 15 Binding agreements among all those involved are required to ensure that in difficult situations the patient and his family receive the support they need . patient female 8 ( b ) Blood DNA samples of this patient and her three family members were collected for gene sequencing and mutation analysis . patient female 5 After extensive counselling , the patient and her husband opted for a conservative management approach . patient female 1 The patient and her care workers were interviewed 6 months postoperatively to determine if any aspects of care were negatively impacted by her refugee status . patient female 7 In summary , we present a female patient and her father with XLH harboring a novel PHEX mutation that appears to be causative of disease . patient male 17 Leu220Val ) in the RB1 gene ( NM_000321.2 ) of DNA extracted from peripheral blood of the patient and his daughter . patient male 4 This approach encourages the patient and his physician to optimize the quality of care . patient female 14 Serologic studies revealed a high antibody titer to C.pneumoniae in sera collected from the patient and her husband . patient male 34 In these cases , reimplantation should follow an alternative scheme , aimed at minimizing perioperative and postoperative complications , as well as achieving maximum efficiency of the procedure and greater postoperative satisfaction of the patient and his partner . patient male 11 The frequency of drop-out may be markedly decreased if the hypertensive patient or his family has a good understanding of the disease , and correct information about the treatment and the expected results , as well as the possible side effects . patient male 22 We draw the attention to the importance of acute clinical events and we reaffirm the need of an adequate education of the patient and his relatives for a better management of the acute event . patient female 3 We report a patient with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy presenting parkinsonism , as well as her brother who had ataxia but not parkinsonism . patient male 33 This study shows that the gains in the level of functioning achieved during stroke rehabilitation presist in long-surviving stroke patients and that the quality of life is enhanced from the perspectives of the patient and his family . patient female 22 Serum protein electrophoresis ( SPEP ) was performed in three visits ( V(1)-V(3 ) ) to monitor the disease status of the patient and her treatment response to LBCT . patient female 11 In 2013 , E. coli O104:H4 isolates were obtained from a patient with HUS and her friend showing only gastrointestinal complaints . patient male 30 Sexual dysfunction is one of the most common , distressing and persistent adverse effects of prostate cancer treatment , and has a profound effect on quality of life for the patient and his partner . patient male 8 Indications for a switch include situations where the patient or his family/caregiver requests a change in medication , where the patient can not tolerate current treatment , where they have comorbid physical or psychiatric conditions or where they have achieved only a partial remission , are refractory to treatment or have relapsed . patient male 15 Bi-allelic deletion encompassing at least part of the coding exon 5 was found in the patient and his brother , suggesting a hereditary defect . patient female 10 In addition to tumor factors , the wishes of the patient and her family , gestational age , and fetal and maternal conditions are important factors in deciding on a treatment protocol . patient male 14 We examined sequences of the PSEN1 , PSEN2 , and APP genes from the patient and his family . patient female 13 There appeared to be a significant reduction in the inconvenience suffered by the patient and her family , compared with conventional monitoring . patient male 9 This case study draws on the accounts of one patient , his wife , and three health care professionals and explores the role of the informal carer in back pain care . patient male 4 The interview with the patient and his wife highlights the dynamics of a co-constructed narrative of back pain . patient male 20 Molecular analysis of the NR0B1 gene identified point mutations in six patients including a novel splice site mutation in one patient and his family ( IVS1 - 1G-->C ) . patient male 7 Geriatric assent provides the physician , the patient and his family the opportunity to end life with dignity . patient female 19 Recognition of horseshoe kidney anatomy , microvascular back-bench reconstruction , and renal autotransplantation allowed the salvage of both the patient and her renal function . patient female 16 Overall , this combined treatment required a highly competent multidisciplinary team and exceptional commitment by the patient and her family . patient female 32 In the surgical treatment of EP , the clinician should choose the best treatment in accordance with the patient , considering the severity of the disease , the clinical characteristics of the patient and her desire to preserve fertility . patient female 29 Therefore , the epigenetic and transcriptional regulatory properties of this protein may be altered and this suggests that the mutation is the cause of phenotype observed in both the patient and her mother . patient female 49 Whole-exome sequencing and genome-wide array analysis ( n = 7 ) did not reveal mutations in the three known genes associated with PTU ( CACNA1A , GRID2 , SEPSECS ) , whereas by MLPA a heterozygous deletion of exon 31 of the CACNA1A gene could be detected in one patient , her mother and two further family members . patient female 10 Direct sequence analysis identified a 617G-A nucleotide mutation in the patient but not in her parents or brother . patient male 2 The index patient and his sister underwent comprehensive clinical and laboratory assessment including the next-generation sequencing panel targeting autoinflammatory genes . patient female 27 Therefore , considering family history at the time of diagnosis of ovarian cancer may alert physicians to a syndromic background , management of which may help the patient and her family members . patient male 39 DENTAL RECORDS ARE ESSENTIAL FOR DENTIST AND PATIENT PROTECTION , AND ITS MAINTENANCE IS CONSIDERED AN ETHICAL AND LEGAL OBLIGATION OF THE DENTIST : Ethical , because it satisfies the duty of care that the dentist has toward his patient and legal , as it is an investment for future protection against medico-legal complications . patient male 15 It induces a breakdown in the life which outcome deals with the history of every patient and his psychic structures . patient male 16 Biochemical investigations on muscle and platelets disclosed carnitine palmityl transferase ( CPT ) deficiency in the patient and his father . patient male 14 EEG monitoring showed sustained TSWA confirming NCSE and demonstrating de novo ASE ( the patient and his family never had seizure/epilepsy ) . patient female 1 The patient and her children are currently healthy . patient male 14 Management problems were alleviated by providing consistency and continuous orientation , by involving the patient and his family in the plan of care , and by establishing a safe and consistent environment . patient female 9 A bad-news conversation often evokes strong emotions in a patient and those close to her or him . patient female 8 Serological test and immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the patient and her baby suffered from FMT . patient female 29 The MS improved and , most importantly , disappeared after the use of levetiracetam , with an evident antimyoclonic efficacy and a marked improvement of daily life for the patient and her caregivers . patient male 20 Leuven : birthplace of modern skeletology , thanks to Andreas Vesalius , with the help of Gemma Frisius , his friend and fellow-physician . friend male 9 The interventions consisted of staff training , educating the patient and his family and provision of supplies and aids . patient male 6 We performed whole-exome sequencing on the patient and his parents . patient female 3 We included a patient referred for cobalamin measurement due to neurological symptoms , her son and her daughter . patient male 10 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples of the patient and his mother . patient female 10 Herein , we investigated by array-CGH analysis a 11-year-old female patient and her father , both exhibiting the typical SRS phenotype , disclosing in the daughter-father couple the same microduplication of chromosome 9q22.32q22.33 [ arr[hg19]9q22.32(98,049,611_98,049,636)x3,9q22.33 (99,301,483_99,301,508)x3 ] , involving eight genes , including PTCH1 . patient female 17 Early aggressive resuscitation by well-trained health care providers improves the chances of successful outcomes for both the patient and her fetus . patient male 3 After informing the patient and his family thoroughly during several visits , he agreed on performing penile implant surgery . patient female 4 After discussion with the patient and her obstetrician , elective Caesarean delivery was deemed the best management . patient male 15 Expression analyses of these genes were performed using RNA from lymphoblastoid cell lines of the patient and his family members . patient female 15 The patient underwent a forceps-assisted delivery at 35 weeks ' gestation , and both the patient and her infant did well and were discharged on postpartum day 3 . patient female 12 The common problems in decision making are : the age of the patient and her reproductive function , the localization , spread and stage of the lesion , the possible coexisting inflammatory process and its sequellae , the endometrial hyperplasia and the destructive changes of the uterus and ovaries . patient male 29 We hypothesize that Lacan 's ( 1966 ) remarks ( " The place of psychoanalysis in medicine " ) on the transferential nature of the demand addressed by the patient ( or his family ) to the doctor can help account for these issues : demand filters medical information received from the practitioner , and thereby motivates subsequent decisions . patient female 5 Subsequent clinical investigation of this patient and her family members revealed consistent pure cerebellar ataxia transmitted in an autosomal-dominant manner . patient male 13 The results showed that : ( 1 ) All of the lung cancer patient and his family members carried HLA-DQA1 * 0301/0501 alleles . patient female 12 It has been written with the full participation and consent of the patient and her husband . patient female 14 The presence of germ-line RET mutations in four living relatives demonstrates that the original patient and her family had multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 and provides molecular evidence that she had pheochromocytoma . patient male 1 the patient and his family . patient female 11 The preconception counseling visit is an ideal time to evaluate the patient and her future expectations regarding pregnancy . patient female 18 Furthermore , the HHV-6B genome was detected in hair follicle , plasma , and whole blood in the patient and her mother , but not in the patient 's father . patient female 5 After obtaining consent from the patient and her family , Mohs chemosurgery was performed . patient female 26 A 64-year-old woman was admitted for the excision of colon adenoma ; her laboratory data revealed a markedly decreased level of SChE. SChE genes of the patient and her family members were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and analyzed by direct sequencing . patient female 5 Serum gastrin levels of this patient and her siblings improved to the normal level after resection of carcinoid tumors . patient male 23 In these cases , the decision to give INH prophylaxis should be tailored on an individual basis with special consideration given to the patient and his environment . patient female 1 This patient and her family provide additional insight into the inheritance and natural history of GCKD and demonstrate that this condition should be considered in the evaluation of multicystic renal disease in adults . patient male 4 Cytogenetic investigation in one patient and his mother showed a so-called marker chromosome 9 ( C9qh+ variant ) which is difficult to interpret at the present time . patient male 1 The patient and his primary caregiver , independently , completed the Oral Health Impact Profile-14 ( OHIP-14 ) before and after placement of the implants and Locators . patient male 4 The sera of the patient and his parents had antibodies to HTLV , whereas these antibodies were absent in the sera of the patient 's brother and sister . patient male 17 To confirm the presence of mutation-related mitochondrial dysfunction , respiration of skin fibroblasts and platelets from the patient and his sister was studied , as well as the mitochondrial potential and production of reactive oxygen species in the skin fibroblasts . patient male 33 The data collected included : age , gender , seasonal variation , material ingested , symptomatic or not on admission , time and place of ingestion , history of similar problem among the patient or his siblings , whether the parent induced vomiting before seeking medical help or not and the outcome regarding mortality and morbidity . patient female 12 " Please Keep Mom Alive One More Day"-Clashing Directives of a Dying Patient and Her Surrogate . Patient female 14 However , the final treatment decision must take into account all aspects of the patient and her disease , and the physician must help the patient evaluate her prognostic factors , arrive at an understanding of her particular risk of recurrence , and weigh the potential benefits and risks of adjuvant therapy . patient male 33 The data collected include : age , sex , seasonal variation , material ingested , symptomatic or not on admission , time and place of ingestion , history of similar problem among the patient or his siblings , whether vomiting was induced by the parent before seeking medical help or not and the outcome regarding mortality and morbidity . patient male 5 Three years postoperatively , the patient and his family are very satisfied with the overall outcome , and social reintegration in the community is successful . patient female 9 A total of 15 subjects , including the case patient , her brother , 2 adolescents ( 6.7 % ) in class A , 6 children ( 21.4 % ) in class B and 5 HCWs ( 6.6 % ) , were colonized with MRSA . patient female 4 The benefits for the patient and her family include an increased understanding of relevant genetic risk pre-conception and in early pregnancy , and better pregnancy outcomes as a result of use of the information . patient female 4 Examination showed that the patient and her husband each share one antigen of the HLA-A and -B series . patient male 15 Gly677Ser ) of the axonemal dynein intermediate chain gene 1 ( DNAI1 ) in the patient and his mother , but not in his father . patient male 9 Ten years later a questionnaire was sent to the patient and his cardiologist and the two replies were analysed . patient male 8 More anxiety was aroused when managing a dying patient and his relatives than when performing diagnostic procedures . patient female 6 cDNA and genomic analyses in the patient and her parents demonstrated TCF4 haploinsufficiency as the underlying cause of the disease . patient male 3 After orchidopexy the patient and his relatives must be informed about the possibility of a re-torsion . patient male 31 Routine screening of hospital patients on admission is of no value in detecting unsuspected liver disease but is of value in detecting asymptomatic carriers , which is of importance for the patient and his family . patient female 6 Pre and post-operative care of the patient and her pregnancy are discussed . patient male 26 We performed an Agilent Human Genome CGH ( comparative genomic hybridization ) Microarray 105A , and a microdeletion on chromosome 1q21.1 was identified in both the patient and his asymptomatic father . patient female 8 We discuss the unique HLA configuration between the patient and her 2 living donors , the absence of posttransplant rejection and posttransplant immunosuppressive therapy . patient female 28 We further discuss the clinical significance of the Muir-Torre phenotype , the association of this syndrome with hMSH2 mutations and the important implications of genetic diagnosis for the patient and her offspring . patient female 4 Clinical history of the patient and her family revealed they carry a haemoglobin variant ( Titusville type ) , thus representing the first French family case reported . patient male 9 The presence of positive MH results in both the patient and his mother suggest one of the following : ( 1 ) KDS may be part of the spectrum of autosomal dominantly inherited MH ; ( 2 ) the locus for MH and for KDS may be linked closely and inherited concurrently , or ; ( 3 ) the association of MH and KDS may be coincidental . patient female 17 DNA hybridisation with probe OxF14 showed the amplification of the CGG repeats of locus FRAXF in the patient and in her clinically normal mother . patient female 17 Ser73Leu variation , however , seems to be a polymorphism since it is found both in the patient and in her asymptomatic mother . patient female 34 Management of breast cancer during pregnancy requires an interdisciplinary care team and careful consideration of the patient 's stage of disease , the gestational age of the fetus , and the preferences of the patient and her family . patient male 10 These multiple factors contributed to the poor prognosis of the patient and his ultimate death . patient female 19 She had no mitochondrial tRNA(Leu ) ( A-->G ) gene mutation at nucleotide position 3243 , but both the patient and her mother had a G-to-A transition within the replication origin of the light strand at nucleotide position 5744 of the mitochondrial gene . patient male 3 Fulton contacted his friend and publisher , Charles C. Thomas , and by the end of October he was meeting with representatives of the Banta Publishing Company to discuss matters relating to the printing of the Journal of Neurosurgery , in particular , the scarcity of paper . friend female 7 It is a devastating blow to the patient and her family . patient female 2 A female patient with moderately altered renal function , who was diagnosed with Alport syndrome by renal biopsy , and her mother , who was undergoing maintenance haemodialysis , showed similar tissue-specific expression of a truncated isoform of COL4A5 , which was generated by alternative splicing without a splice-site mutation . patient female 7 The peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the patient and her mother showed non-random lyonization . patient male 10 By means of symptom checklists completed blindly by both the patient and his spouse we found that : ( 1a ) at an individual level , even in non-cardiac related symptoms areas ( everyday illnesses ) , SMI patients have a lower propensity to complain than symptomatic patients ; yet ( 1b ) they describe the same level of worrying about symptoms as painful patients . patient male 9 The diagnosis of ocular albinism was confirmed in the patient and his mother , who shows iris translucency , patches and streaks of hypopigmentation in the fundus , and macromelanosomes in epidermal melanocytes . patient female 4 At first , the patient and her family denied systemic or local medication use . patient male 7 Computer assisted screening : effect on the patient and his consultation . patient female 9 Gene studies were recommended , but declined by the patient and her family . patient male 1 The patient and his family were referred to us for prenatal diagnosis and carrier testing in the mother of the patient and the mother 's sister , respectively . patient female 20 Furthermore , Southern blots of the BamHI and EcoRI digests of the DNA extracted from the cell lines of the patient ( transformed with EBV strain B95 - 8 ) and of her mother ( spontaneous ) revealed , in addition to the expected BamHI G , H , H2 , and B1 fragments used as probes , additional shorter ones of a presumably endogenous defective virus . patient male 28 Recognition that an emergency exists when a child with a birth defect is born and responsive thoughtful action including family counseling can significantly alter the life of the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her father were analysed cytogenetically by estimating the frequency of chromosome aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges ( SCE ) . patient female 1 The patient and her father also had a higher than normal number of SCE 's after addition of mitomycin C ( MMC ) to the blood culture . patient male 7 Goals of care were discussed with the patient and his family and the patient opted for comfort care measures . patient female 7 Gamma knife therapy was successful in this patient and her safety was no more compromised than that of a nonuremic patient undergoing radiosurgery . patient male 18 This case report shows the occurrence of a large volume of ascites and pleural effusion in a cirrhotic patient and his treatment . patient female 22 The decision to perform the subcutaneous mastectomy is one that must be made by the surgeons involved , in consultation with the patient and her husband . patient male 12 In the third family , tetralogy of Fallot was present in one patient with Down syndrome and in his nonsyndromic sister . patient male 4 WES conducted in the patient and his mother revealed 2 novel mutations of CPT II ( c.482G > A and c.1493G > T ) in this patient . patient male 13 In addition , whole exome sequencing ( WES ) was conducted in the patient and his mother . patient male 9 Must the truth always be told to a cancer patient and/or his relatives ? Taking a personal experience as the basis for discussion , the author examines this question in the context of Western cultural norms where death is taboo . patient male 20 The author 's conclusion is that it seems more important to establish a " true " relationship with the cancer patient and his relatives than telling or not telling the whole truth . patient male 3 Radiographs of the patient and his mother revealed bony foci consistent with OPK , but she showed no MEL . patient male 50 Treatment progress was assessed by ( a ) repeated self-report symptom measurements , ( b ) continuous assessment of observed aggressive behavior and risk incident reports in the hospital , ( c ) pre-post treatment assessment of relationship patterns and interpersonal schemas , and ( d ) interviews with the patient and his nurse at 9-month follow-up , retrospectively assessing the change . patient male 19 Barriers that prevent a partnership in treatment may be related primarily to treatment techniques , to characteristics of the patient and his family , to the patient-clinician relationship , or to the treatment delivery system . patient female 11 There was no evidence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in either the patient or her mother , although a nephew did develop leukemia and died in childhood . patient female 1 The patient and her partner must know that the risks associated with pregnancy increase with worsening kidney function and hypertension . patient male 11 The disappointment motive is closely related to the relationship between the patient and his mother . patient female 2 Both the patient and her mother demonstrated culture proven , Group A Streptococcus pharyngeal colonization . patient female 12 A multidisciplinary team was assembled to deliver the results to the minor patient and her family and provide support and resources for long-term care . patient female 14 Recurrent , prepubertal , vaginal infections are an uncommon , troublesome problem for the patient and her family . patient male 18 The JAMAR ( Juvenile Arthritis Multidimensional Assessment Report ) has been developed to evaluate the perception of the patient and his parents on different items : well-being , pain , functional status , quality of life , disease activity , disease course , side effects of medication , therapeutic compliance and satisfaction with illness outcome . patient female 12 The author stresses the value of establishing a therapeutic alliance involving the patient and the people around him or her ( eg , prescribers , family members , pharmacists , nurse practitioners , home health professionals , friends when appropriate ) to promote the patient 's understanding of and adherence to treatment . patient male 4 The care of the patient and his entourage must be done in a multidisciplinary way . patient female 1 The patient and her infant survived without further damage . patient female 8 Newly diagnosed , early-stage breast cancer confronts the patient and her clinician with multiple treatment decisions . patient male 43 The author identifies three individuals who played major roles in the development of his scientific career : his chemistry professor at the University of Colorado , Reuben Gustavson ; his Ph.D. supervisor at the University of Chicago , Birgit Vennesland ; and his friend and departmental colleague of 55 years at the University of California , Paul Stumpf . friend female 9 The diagnosis of MODY2 was therefore confirmed in the patient and her father . patient female 1 The patient , her father , and her 26-year-old son were all heterozygous for the R503C mutation . patient female 38 Analysis of the V368I and M647V polymorphisms in the CPT2 gene showed that the mutant allele is linked to 368I and 647 M in this family and that the normal allele is linked to 647V in the affected patient and her son , and to 647 M in the patient 's father . patient female 16 No history of trauma or surgery preceding the development of the cyst was reported by the patient or her father . patient female 21 In order to study the parental origin of the rearrangement , we analyzed selected SNPs in the deleted area in the patient and her parents , showing Mendelian incompatibilities suggesting a de novo deletion on the chromosome of maternal origin . patient male 15 The LHCGR gene was analyzed by direct DNA sequencing of amplified PCR products from the patient and his parents . patient male 13 Genetic analysis revealed a novel C617Y mutation of the LHCGR gene in the patient and his mother , while his father had no mutations . patient male 19 1 . How can the diagnosis of " chronic alcohol abuse " be ascertained if the admission from the patient and his surroundings is lacking ? 2 . patient male 26 Through adequate reflection on their own role behaviour , the staff must try to provide a response to the subjective experience of reality encountered by the patient and his relatives and friends . patient female 32 The pathological diagnosis was tuberculosis with caseation , although bacterial culture and molecular biological diagnosis for Mycobacterium tuberculosis were negative in sputum , vaginal discharge , urine , and stool of the patient and her family . patient male 2 The first patient and his affected mother were previously-reported by Hoffman et al. in this journal as a new syndrome resembling Teebi hypertelorism and Aarskog syndromes in 2007 . patient female 28 In the United States there are growing examples of physician and certified nurse-midwife collaborations capitalizing on the strengths of both disciplines working in the best interest of the patient and her family . patient male 12 We generated induced pluripotent stem cells ( hiPSCs ) from a SCA1 patient and his non-affected sister by using non-integrating Sendai Viruses ( SeV ) . patient male 54 Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and automatic DNA sequencing methods , chromosome walking by PCR amplification techniques ( PCR-Walking ) , multiplex PCR in a single PCR tube with 3 primers bridging the breakpoint ( Gap-PCR ) and bioinformatic analysis were employed for screening the mutations and identifying the novel mutation in the patient and his family . patient female 1 The patient and her parents are satisfied with the results.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient female 13 At this point , carbamazepine was suspected and stopped , after which the patient and her blood results recovered dramatically . patient female 9 After obtaining the patient 's consent , both the patient and her healthy parents were analyzed using whole-exome sequencing ( WES ) and Sanger sequencing to discover and validate causal mutations , respectively . patient male 11 Analysis of the complete exon 28 was carried out in a patient and his mother with life-long histories of moderate to severe bleeding and laboratory data of type 2A VWD . patient female 21 We increased the frequency of home visits and telephone calls in order to give medical and spiritual support for both the patient and her family . patient female 62 Based on the experiences through taking care of the patient , we strongly felt that the timing of proper guidance for the peaceful death to the family , a communication method or a communication system and telephone call visits were very important , in addition to controlling the condition of illness in order to keep up a good QOL for both the patient and her family . patient female 2 Although the patient and her family resisted a discharge from hospital due to the progressive nature of her illness and change in physical surroundings , she was eventually switched to take a homecare medical treatment with the support of a team care approach . patient male 21 This case highlights the challenges faced by the primary oncology care team , the patient 's community health-care team , the patient , and his caregiver , because a formal plan for follow-up care after discharge was not in place . patient male 4 Stool specimens from the patient and his family contacts were collected and the analyses led to the isolation of a Locus of Enterocyte Effacement (LEE)-negative Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2)-producing Escherichia coli . patient male 7 In addition personal human care to the patient and his family has a great importance . patient male 36 The management of elderly patients suffering from dementia is a task mainly for the general practitioner , who is in a favourable position to recognize this condition at an early stage , since he knows the patient , his family and situation . patient male 1 The patient presented with syphilitic keratoderma and chorioretinitis , and his appearance superficially resembled that of a patient with Reiter 's syndrome . patient male 37 However , for research purposes , a clinician-generated family psychiatric history of a specific mood disorder diagnosis , without supporting collateral information , may not be reliable for use in supporting a mood disorder diagnosis in a patient and/or his relatives . patient male 14 The results obtained in genetic studies and the type of information provided to the patient and his family must be qualified within the process of " genetic counselling " . patient male 25 Different , partly contrary opinions exist as to the difficult and important problem , how far the physician may or must go in informing the patient and his nearest relatives about an infaust prognosis . patient male 12 In order to search for mutations , the GCDH gene of the patient and his parents were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and subjected to direct sequencing . patient female 5 Intrauterine pregnancy was desired by patient and her husband . patient male 10 Dyspnea is a very common symptom that particularly worries the patient and his relatives . patient male 9 Karyotype analysis has revealed no obvious anomaly for the patient and his parents . patient female 10 Routine G-banding was performed to analyze the karyotype of the patient and her parents . patient male 11 Routine chromosomal banding was performed to analyze the karyotype of the patient and his parents . patient female 1 The patient and her relatives insisted on carrying the pregnancy to maturity , despite undergoing irradiation of her right knee for local control of her disease and to take the teratological risk , if any , that it entails . patient female 4 Genomic DNA from the patient and her immediate family members was amplified and sequenced . patient male 70 The current criteria for considering for surgery include : 1 ) significant exertional limitation defined as Hugh-Jones > or = III , or NYHA > or = III , 2 ) pulmonary hypertension defined as PAm > or = 30 mmHg , 3 ) thrombi located at least as proximally as the lobar level , 4 ) the absence of significant co-morbid disease , 5 ) a willingness of the patient and his family to accept the risks of surgery . patient female 11 The patient 's mental abilities and the cooperation shown by the patient and her family were crucial for the success of this complex and long-term treatment course . patient male 46 The humanization in the healthcare is intended as the ability to make the places of care and the same medical care practices more open , safer and painless , reconciling hospitality , information and comfort with care paths as much as possible in sharing with the patient and his family . patient male 27 This information combined with objective data may be helpful in choosing the optimal dilatation equipment , which must be highly individualized for operator preferences and for each patient and his respective coronary anatomy . patient female 8 C2 deficiency type I was found in the patient and her healthy sister . patient male 11 Genomic DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood samples from the patient and his parents . patient female 1 A patient , her mother , and three siblings were noted to have benign papular eruptions -- by history or physical examination -- that were similar in appearance and distribution . patient male 10 Although this option is not a definitive treatment , the patient and his parents were satisfied with his improvement in chewing and speech , as well as with the aesthetic benefits . patient male 5 MRI was obtained from the patient and his healthy identical twin , who acted as anatomical reference for DTI and as a control for quantitative measures . patient female 39 A subset of women with uterine cancer exhibiting defective mismatch repair ( MMR ) proteins and microsatellite instability ( MSI ) may have Lynch syndrome , which also confers a risk for colorectal cancer and other cancers in the patient and in her family . patient female 10 A mutation in the HMBS gene was detected in the patient and her cousin , but the patient had more severe AIP and more severe symptoms ( such as epilepsy and a limp ) , which may be related to the co-morbidity of PSS . patient female 10 Stability and change over two assessments were compared for the patient and her nonaffected twin for standardized measures of cognitive function and experimental measures of parent-child interaction , social competence , and goal-directed play . patient male 12 In addition , the health history was revisited , by interviewing the patient and his legal guardian . patient male 5 The initial encounter with the patient and his family tends to shape a relationship that persists throughout the treatment and rehabilitation program . patient male 15 Utilizing the concept of caring , we provided pre- and intra-operative support to both the patient and his mother . patient male 8 [ An experience nursing an ambulatory pediatric surgery patient and his mother : the practice of caring ] . patient female 10 The EVC2 mRNA expression level was significantly lower in the patient and her parents compared to controls . patient male 10 The cytotoxicity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells derived from the patient and his HLA-identical sister was assayed against the cell line . patient female 16 Because it is a slow-progressing disease and due to the non-availability of standard chemotherapy , the patient , and her legal guardian , opted for palliative care only . patient male 33 The relevance of these results to clinical practice may help to improve compliance to recommendations in a global preventive strategy including all stages of the information pathway from the physician to the index patient and his relatives . patient male 12 Deformity sometimes leads to disabilities and to handicaps causing problems to the patient and his family . patient female 6 We performed genetic studies of the patient and her parents , but we could not find any mutation in our case . patient male 1 The patient and his sister were found to have a novel germline KRIT1 disease-causing variant ( c.1739deletion , p . patient male 38 Three synergetic aspects will be recommended : 1 . the knowledge about the medical argumentation in favor and against hydration and about techniques , 2 . a communicative structure for decision making including health care providers , the patient and his family , and 3 . patient male 14 To carry out this coordinating role effectively , the general dentist must know his patient and family well ; must understand the current concepts , objectives , treatment and investigatory techniques used in all aspects of cleft palate management ; he should be aware of the genetics of the clefting conditions , medical problems which may commonly be associated with clefts and the cleft as one feature of a syndrome . patient male 2 In the patient and his two IgG2 deficient brothers , the silent Cgamma2 gene showed both germ-line transcription and switch recombination and no structural defects were found in the intronic promoter or the switch region of the gene . patient male 20 The diagnosis capability of this system lies in its multispectral design , and the phototherapy treatments are adapted to the patient and his lesion by measuring his absorption capability . patient female 12 Serum apolipoprotein B was low and Lp(a ) undetectable in the index patient and in her father and son . patient male 8 In these situations , genetic counselling of a patient and his family can be difficult . patient male 21 Gene analysis performed at the age of 11 years revealed an expanded CAG repeat at the DRPLA locus in both the patient and his asymptomatic father . patient male 13 Another 5'UTR change , 2177T > C , was identified in 1 affected patient and his unaffected parent , both of whom also demonstrated the 2129T > C and 3267A > G changes . patient male 26 Early observers saw the relatives take it in turns simply to hold the injured leg still until union occurred , a shelter being erected over the patient and his succession of ' human splints ' . patient male 2 Both the patient and his mother had coronoid hypoplasia . patient female 5 In CMR , the index patient and her two sons had left ventricular ( LV ) hypertrophy and/or dilatation . patient female 11 Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood samples collected from the patient and her parents . patient male 30 The findings highlight the need for adherence to plans of care , which can be approached by a shared management of poly-trauma patients that involves the medical team , the patient and his family/caregiver . patient female 2 Neither the patient nor her family had stigmas of a phakomatosis . patient female 5 After surgery , both the patient and her baby were discharged uneventfully . patient male 12 Lessons learned from past advocacy of a broad model of the human patient and his illnesses should guide us in a basic further extension of this fundamental frame of reference . patient male 17 In conclusion , the surgeon should choose the right corrective treatment after the complete evaluation of the patient and his functional needs . patient male 10 The method is designed to attain an understanding of the patient as well as his disease . patient male 6 The quality of life of the patient and his caregivers is influenced by the neuropsychiatric disorders , the illness intrusiveness and the depression that come along with them . patient female 25 Treatment decisions should be based on whether the net benefits of treatment outweigh the anticipated risks , which will depend on the age of the patient and her risk profile . patient female 12 Two GBV-C RNA samples , isolated at different times from both the patient and her husband were amplified by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction using sequences from the NS3 region . patient female 6 A decision jointly made by the patient and her doctor , based on careful consideration of benefits and risks , as well as positive attitude on the woman 's part may lead to positive outcome of labor . patient male 37 To elucidate the cause of PTR , a single-antigen assay ( FlowPRA , One Lambda ) , a magnetic particles mixed passive hemagglutination test , and anti-human immunoglobulin-lymphocyte cytotoxicity test were performed on serum samples of the patient and his mother . patient male 6 Arg27Gly ) in both the index patient and his mother . patient male 4 Exome sequencing of the patient and his older brother identified a novel hemizygous variant in SH2D1A ( c.35G > T , p . patient female 2 Neither the patient nor her infant have had any long-term sequelae . patient female 44 However , mutation segregation analysis , SNP analysis , qRTPCR of gDNA in exon 11 of ABCA12 and direct sequencing of cDNA from exon 9 to exon 12 of ABCA12 and of gDNA between intron 9 and intron 11 of ABCA12 in the HI patient and her parents demonstrated that the present patient was compound heterozygous for two ABCA12 mutations : c.1216A > T ( p . patient female 21 We performed direct sequencing of gDNA in the entire coding region , including exon-intron boundaries , of ABCA12 in the HI patient and her parents . patient female 26 Direct sequencing of cDNA from exon 9 to exon 13 and of gDNA between intron 9 and intron 11 of ABCA12 was done in the HI patient and her parents . patient male 7 Gly537Arg ) in the blood of the patient and his daughter . patient male 22 The ' pain evolution chart ' should be a regular part of the patient 's hospital chart , as it forces the patient and his care-givers to cope more constructively with the present pain syndrome . patient male 21 The usually non-invasive technique ( ventilation with nose-mask ) is applied at night , so that disturbance is low for the patient and his surroundings . patient male 31 It is however necessary , that his financial burden and technical maintenance and servicing of materials is granted by an organisation , who is also able to provide safety for the patient and his family on a long term . patient male 8 Since both heterozygous mutations were found in the patient as well as in his asymptomatic sister , we analyse other meningococcal defence mechanisms such as polymorphisms of the opsonin receptors on polymorphonuclear cells . patient male 4 Results showed that the patient and his sister bore identical combinations of FcgammaRIIA-H/R131 and FcgammaRIIIB-NA1/2 allotypes . patient female 31 A novel COL4A5 mutation g. 4400_4400 + 1del , leading to an indel in exon 45 ( r. 4198delins4198 + 2 _ 4198 + 72 ) , was detected in the patient and her son . patient female 11 Detailed ophthalmologic examinations and optical coherence tomography were performed in the patient and her family members . patient female 35 To describe an unusual ocular phenotype in a Chinese female patient with X-linked Alport syndrome ( XLAS ) , and to characterize the type IV collagen alpha 5 ( COL4A5 ) gene mutation in the patient and her son . patient male 62 The scope of intervention included ( 1 ) alleviate problems of aches and malnutrition resulting from abdominal dropsy in the terminal stage of cancer ; ( 2 ) provide psychological and spiritual care in order to ease patient fears of death and encourage positive reflection on life ; ( 3 ) position the family to perform a positive role to help the patient and his family obtain the best quality of life . patient female 9 Considering the following imaging test and medications , the patient and her family decided to abort the pregnancy . patient female 11 A novel S212Y substitution in PSEN1 was present in the index patient and her affected brother but not in an older unaffected sister . patient male 8 Personal and phone interviews were conducted with the patient and his guardians , and his activities in Saudi Arabia were investigated with the help of the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Health . patient female 9 We describe a Brazilian family in which one female patient and her three daughters present a clinical course compatible with migraine , preceded by language disorders ( aphasia ) , without paresis . patient male 23 Pubertal maturation should be assessed in all boys admitted for cancer , and the possibility of sperm banking should be discussed with the patient and his parents . patient male 21 This newly discovered beta-chain variant , named Hb Baden , was present for only 2 - 3 % in both the patient and his mother . patient female 10 Furthermore , it was efficient to provide satisfaction to the patient and her family as well . patient male 22 A case history of a breast cancer patient is used to exemplify ethical dilemmas in medical oncology : information of a cancer patient and his family , ethical problems with genetic testing , ethical issues with do-not-resuscitate-orders , ethical dilemmas with limited resources , problems with insurance companies , ethical issues in clinical trials and questions in dying patients including physician-assisted suicide and active euthanasia . patient male 1 The patient and his mother have apparently identical paracentric inversions of the long arm of chromosome 7 ( 46,XY , inv(7)(q22q31.3 ) with no detectable loss or gain of either chromosomal material or DNA markers from the cystic fibrosis ( CFTR ) region . patient female 46 We conclude that both ultra-Orthodox and mainstream secular psychotherapists must be knowledgeable in regard to both Judaism and psychology , and be flexible , creative , and emphatic to all parties , to arrive at a compromised definition of recovery that can be accepted by the patient , her family , and her community . patient female 5 Poor pin-site care by the patient and her failure to keep follow-up appointments after development of the initial infection likely contributed to the development of this complication . patient male 22 The process of getting an " informed consent " is based on judicial necessity as well as on the relationship between the patient and his doctor , which has been changing remarkably over the last years . patient female 20 Incontinentia pigmenti has not been associated with stroke syndromes in the past ; however , this report illustrates that the patient and her mother , who also has incontinentia pigmenti , may have had similar ischemic stroke events . patient female 11 Though unpleasant to perform , is of great relief to the patient and her family . patient male 9 All participants were given a short introduction to the patient and his symptoms , but all further information was optimal and selected by the doctor . patient female 25 Physical screening should be combined with an assessment of the patient 's environment and risk behaviors along with counseling on healthy behavior for both the patient and her parent or guardian . patient female 12 Variants of the JAG1 gene were detected by DNA sequencing in the patient and her unaffected father . patient female 13 T cell proliferative responses to topo I were detected in both the SSc patient and her healthy twin , although the kinetics of the T cell response were accelerated in the patient compared with the healthy twin . patient female 30 The peripheral blood T cell proliferative responses induced by topo I and in vitro anti-topo I antibody production in cultures of T and B cells were examined in an SSc patient with serum anti-topo I antibody and in her healthy monozygotic twin . patient male 17 It is reported on four urological clinical pictures which were simulated in different conflict situations by the patient or his parents . patient male 16 In an ecosystemic perspective they chiefly pay attention to the relation context in which the designated patient and his family are living . patient male 3 Both , the patient and his wife showed characteristic symptoms of PTSD three years after discharge from the intensive care unit ( ICU ) comprising of intrusions , negative emotions , and hyperarousal . patient male 4 In both , the patient and his wife , a decline of symptoms with respect to all outcome measures during the course of iCBT from pre-treatment to three-month follow-up was observed . patient male 12 Dyadic post-traumatic stress after intensive care : Case report of a sepsis patient and his wife . patient male 15 4 . Comprehensive management of carcinoma of the palatine arch requires careful evaluation of each patient and his disease , vigorous application of the chosen method of treatment by either the surgeon or the radiotherapist , and continuous follow-up study and supportive treatment for the rest of the patient 's life . patient female 12 Early diagnosis enabled rapid specific treatment that improved the health of the patient and her baby . patient female 28 Therefore the physician has to pay a great attention to the way he communicates , because in addition to the clinical concept there are psychological effects on the patient and on her relationships that could result iatrogenic . patient female 7 Also , genotype call analysis of the patient and her parents showed heterozygous alleles of chromosome 14 with no evidence of uniparental disomy . patient female 10 A de novo heterozygous mutation was found in the first patient , but not in her sibling and parents . patient male 7 Continence was separately addressed by sending each patient and his home physician a detailed questionnaire : Using our criteria ( no diapers , no awakenings ) the night and day continence rate increased from 67 % at 6 months , to 72 % at 1 year to 85 % at 2 years , finally reacting 90 % after 4 years . patient female 29 As the two mutated genes are located on different chromosomes and cause different cancer syndromes these findings had a tremendous impact not only on genetic counseling of the index patient and her family but also on subsequent surveillance strategies . patient female 5 Molecular investigations on a young patient and her family were undertaken to identify the molecular defect responsible for a mild form of osteogenesis imperfecta ( OI ) with blue sclerae , dentinogenesis imperfecta and joint laxity . patient male 18 In passive participation , the experts questions were based on their own point of view , and the patient and his significant others merely answered these questions . patient female 18 A common germ-line pathogenic mutation ( NM_000267.3:c.1721 + 3A > G ) was found in both the SNF patient and her classic NF1 families . patient female 4 NF1 exons of the patient and her NF1 families were further sequenced by the next-generation sequencing technology . patient male 3 Neither the reported patient nor his family suffered from arrhythmias . patient female 11 Direct sequence of CACNA1A demonstrated a novel insertion mutation in the patient and her father . patient female 3 For the postpartum patient and her newborn , the hospitalization period continues to decrease while educational needs are unchanged . patient male 18 The proper Brulamycin dose was selected under close clinical and laboratory control so as to fit the dialysed patient and his state of impaired renal function . patient male 17 The availability and the pedagogic concern of the members of the team , the link between the patient and his family , the involvement of both the regular general practioner and the " algologic " team are essential to maintain the best effects of this method . patient male 15 Understanding these issues is key to facilitating optimal post-aphasia outcomes from the perspective of the patient and his caretaking spouse . patient female 12 Genetic analysis using whole-exome sequencing ( WES ) was performed for the patient and her parents to identify disease-causing variants . patient male 72 Internet-based , personal health records have the potential to profoundly influence the delivery of health care in the 21st Century , by changing the loci and ownership of the record from one that is distributed among the various health care providers a patient has seen in his lifetime , to one with a single source that is accessible from anywhere in the world and under the shared ownership and control of the patient and his provider(s ) . patient male 14 Internet-based personal health records ( PHRs ) include any internet-accessible application that enables a patient ( or his guardian , the ' mom ' ) to review , annotate , create or maintain a record of any aspect(s ) of his health condition , medication , medical problems , allergies , vaccination history , visit history or communications with his healthcare providers . patient female 26 Therefore , it is impossible to accurately quantify risks to the fetus or the mother , and decisions should be made after careful discussion between the patient , her family , and the medical team . patient male 30 Traumatic brain injury ( TBI ) occurs abruptly , involves multiple specialized teams , calls on the health-care system in its emergency dimension , and engages the well-being of the patient and his relatives for a lifetime period . patient female 1 The patient and her family were found to have a known pathogenic c.464G > A , p . patient female 8 High-dose intravenous thiamine administration was done for the patient and her symptoms were improved . patient male 29 Almost half of the cancellations were not due to medical reasons , and these cancellations could be reduced by better administrative and surgical planning and better communication with the patient and/or his family . patient male 28 Involvement of a palliative care consultation team and transfer to a homeless shelter , to which homeless people with life-threatening diseases could be admitted , gave both the patient and his family relief . patient female 6 Arg696Ter ) mutation both in the patient and her mother , confirming the diagnosis of TRPS , type I. patient female 22 Although the interdisciplinary team decided for staging surgery followed by platinum-based chemotherapy beginning from the second trimester of pregnancy , both the patient and her family refused this strategy and opined for total hysterectomy en bloc with bilateral adnexectomy . patient male 13 We need to improve communication between specialists and general practitioners to reassure the patient and his surroundings regarding the anxiety resulting from such hospitalization . patient male 18 Nursing care included particular emphasis on four areas of nursing intervention promoting mobility , and communication between the patient and his family and nurses . patient male 9 This is related to a need of understanding the patient and his needs . patient male 12 No symptoms or signs of a syndrome were observed both in the patient and his family . patient male 10 In the core of all our efforts should be the patient and his well-being . patient female 17 It is imperative that the humanizing aspects of critical care be addressed in caring for a pregnant patient and her family . patient male 18 T2265A in the patient and his father as well as a 2bp deletion ( 3482delCT ) in the patient and his mother were detected . patient male 7 The importance of education in the diabetic patient and his family , led to the development of diabetes clinical nurse specialist . patient male 2 In the patient as well as in his sister marked kyphoscoliosis was present . patient male 1 The patient , and eventually his family circle , must be aware of the risks of adverse psychiatric effects of steroids for both ethical and forensic reasons , and must report them as early as possible to the clinician if they occur . patient male 2 The index patient and his 2 affected brothers presented a complex neurologic syndrome with similar features but marked intrafamilial phenotypical variability , including varying degrees of cognitive impairment , speech impairment , dystonia , abnormal eye movements , and dysmorphic features . patient male 19 To illustrate the chasm and motivate our recommendations , we created a vignette from the multistakeholder perspectives of a patient , his provider , and researchers/innovators . patient male 16 The lavage sample contained SP-A but not SP-B , and DNA restriction analysis indicated that the patient and his mother were heterozygous for the previously described 121ins2 mutation of SP-B. Postmortem lung tissue contained normal levels of SP-A and its mRNA , a low but detectable level of SP-B , and near normal content of SP-B mRNA . patient male 27 The large deletion involving the SKA2 gene , along with the increased frequency of malignant tumours in mulibrey patients , suggests closed monitoring for cancer of our patient and his mother . patient female 18 If the latter , then founding the charge on the basis of a betrayal of trust between the patient and her doctor may represent a concept that the jury can recognize and empathize with . patient male 11 Conventional and molecular cytogenetic analysis of peripheral blood samples from the patient and his parents revealed partial monosomy of chromosomal region 7p15 -- > pter de novo . patient male 10 It describes the evolution as it is lived by the patient and his spouse , and as it is observed by the clinician . patient male 23 Using a selected panel of six cloned DNA probes and associated sequence polymorphisms , at least one marker capable of distinguishing between a patient and his sibling donor can be detected in over 95 % of cases . patient male 6 [ Chronic disease , the chronic patient and his family . patient female 24 Physicians are generally reluctant to prescribe dermatologic drugs to pregnant or nursing women because treatment is often elective and can be harmful to the patient , her fetus , or nursing infant ; concerns for potential litigation also give pause . patient male 20 In addition , lack of knowledge of SCI among the general public and lack of education regarding SCI for the patient and his care givers post injury are reported . patient female 9 Coagulation tests and mutation analyses were conducted for the patient and her parents . patient male 11 A diagnosis of probable Alzheimer disease was given , and the patient and his family were counseled on the availability of presenilin 1 testing , although there was no known family history of dementia . patient female 18 Physicians are an important resource in encouraging responsible sexual behavior and preventing adolescent pregnancy and in guiding the patient and her family when adolescent pregnancy does occur . patient female 25 Therefore , the conduct of labor and delivery with twins is an excellent challenge to the skills of the team that provides care for the patient and her fetuses . patient male 13 We describe the autopsy findings and all available clinical data on one deceased patient and his living affected sister , previously reported as short abstracts ( Epps et al. : Cienc Cult 29(Suppl):740 , 1977 ; Wajntal et al. : Cienc Cult 34(Suppl):705 , 1982 ) . patient female 11 A novel heterozygous frameshift mutation in PLIN1 was identified in the patient and her mother . patient female 12 Gene analysis demonstrated a novel heterozygous frameshift mutation in PLIN1 in this patient and her mother . patient female 4 Interdisciplinary consulting of the patient and/or her family is necessary to develop a treatment strategy for both the expectant woman and her offspring . patient male 10 A synonymous mutation in exon 9 was detected in one patient and his mother . patient female 11 There were no differences in FBXL4 mRNA expression levels between the patient and her parents . patient female 8 There were no mtDNA mutations in either the patient or her parents . patient male 20 Life-threatening angioedema of the tongue : the detection of the RNA of B henselae in the saliva of a male patient and his dog as well as of the DNA of three Bartonella species in the blood of the patient . patient male 1 The patient and his parents see this diagnosis as " a test of their faith . " The ethical analysis focuses on the mature minor doctrine , i.e. whether the teen has the capacity to make this decision . patient male 10 In this case , a lack of knowledge of the patient and his family significantly contributes to the delayed diagnosis . patient female 6 The GAS strains isolated from the patient and her husband were identical in their M-type , T-type , and exotoxin gene pattern . patient male 1 Our patient presented with similar symptoms , and his case went unrecognized through several emergency department visits . patient male 9 In case of diabetes , the characteristics of the patient and his disease were collected ( age at onset , treatment , complications ... ) . patient male 5 The orthopaedic surgeon presents the patient and his mother with three treatment options : nonoperative management , arthroscopic partial meniscectomy , and arthroscopic meniscal repair . patient male 2 Both the patient and his mother are apprised of the limitations of preoperative magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) in determining if a meniscal tear can be repaired1 - 3 . patient male 4 Phe1213Leu mutation in the patient and his family members . patient female 4 Compatibility studies between the patient and her husband , and the patient and the tumour suggest that it may not play an important role in the susceptibility or the progression of the tumour . patient male 19 It is important for the surgeon to know well the different fracture types , the general condition of his patient as well as his osteoarticular state to make the good choice of treatment . patient male 1 The patient and his parents must realize that diabetes is a chronic disease which needs lifelong management . patient male 23 The role of dopamine in the basal ganglia in the etiology of catatonic states and its possible relationship to the symptomatology of the patient and his response to ECT is discussed . patient female 6 Blood samples were collected from the patient , her family members , and 100 healthy controls . patient female 1 The patient and her mother both had marked type I fiber predominance with large groups of type I fibers present . patient male 8 This mutation could also be detected in the patient and in his affected daughter by heteroduplex analysis . patient male 11 Severe hypoplasia of the abdominal aorta and its branches in a patient and his daughter . patient male 6 We report the history of a patient and his daughter , both affected with hypoplasia of the abdominal aorta and its branches , leading to early and dramatic complications . patient female 24 Solid ovarian tumors are uncommon in the pediatric population , but when they occur , they are a major source of anxiety for the patient and her family . patient female 11 On reexamination using high-resolution chromosome banding , results showed both the patient and her unaffected father carry the balanced translocation (2;9)(p11.2;q34.2 ) . patient male 17 Subsequently the precocious puberty-related genes were analyzed by direct DNA sequencing of amplified PCR products from the patient and his parents . patient male 6 Proper care and transportation of the patient and his devascularized or amputated extremity are essential . patient male 10 It is highly significant to make useful and by the patient and his relatives desired decisions . patient female 8 This presents a frustrating situation for both the patient and her physician . patient male 20 We have moved from a " one-size-fits-all " approach in prostate cancer management to multidisciplinary strategies tailored to the individual patient and his specific cancer . patient female 20 A second operation was necessary to eliminate parasites from the lower biliary tree , together with medical treatment for the patient and her family . patient male 33 Genetic testing for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease , X-linked dominant 1 ( CMTX1 ) due to GJB1 mutation was conducted based on the symptoms of transient central nervous system lesions and polyneuropathy exhibited by the patient and his mother . patient male 12 The use of penile prostheses offers high satisfaction rates to both the patient and his partner . patient female 18 Gynecologists should have clear knowledge of the prognosis of progressive organ failure in order to appropriately counsel the patient and her family . patient female 6 Both the hormonal profile of the patient and her expectations and preferences should guide the therapeutic approach . patient male 15 It is not easy to characterize a problem patient or bereaved relatives because identifying a patient or his bereaved family as a & # 8220;problem” ; is not considered quite ethical . patient female 11 We also performed whole exome sequencing for screening variation in the patient and her relatives . patient female 6 As of May 2013 , the patient and her baby were healthy . patient male 22 This testimony shows how the information of the schizophrenic patient is necessary , and underlines the importance of the relationships between the patient and his family . patient female 23 The management was completed by the elimination of the gastric band proceed with central gastrectomy plus gastro-gastrostomy with an excellent outcome for the patient and her baby . patient female 25 Sequence analysis of the cDNA of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase mRNA isolated from monocytes from a girl with this disease and her consanguineous parents revealed that the patient and her parents were a homozygote and heterozygotes for an insertion of one G residue at G957GGGG961 , respectively . patient female 16 Prenatal oral health extends beyond the oral cavity , impacting the general well-being of the pregnant patient and her fetus . patient male 18 Protein C activity and antigen levels were reduced to approximately one half of the normal level in the patient and his brother . patient female 6 The recordings are shown to the patient and her group and discussed afterwards . patient male 10 Medical ontology allows a good and efficient modeling of the patient and his treatment . patient male 8 Anxiety disorders can be a burden for the patient and his family . patient female 14 On the Southern analysis using Eco RI and BGII-digested DNA , lymphocytes from the patient and her daughter showed a band of abnormal size with about 80 and 2,500 repeats respectively in addition to the normal size allele . patient male 5 They focus primarily on the patient and his way from access to post discharge in a hospital . patient female 1 The patient and her first-degree relatives harbored a mutation ( R75P ) in the NOTCH3 gene , indicative of vascular deficits . patient female 25 The diagnosis of a Carney complex was established 7 and 25 years , respectively , after first manifestation of the cardiac myxomas in both the patient and her brother . patient male 1 The patient was ambulatory throughout the clinical course , suggesting that his common entrapment sites remained free from compression injuries . patient female 8 The insights and therapeutic benefits suggested that this patient unconsciously experienced her oral needs as intensely destructive and cruel , an experience she felt to have been exacerbated by her mother 's lack of response to her emotional needs . patient male 5 Four years later , the patient remains free of procedure-related complications , his clinical situation is stable , and no further low back pain has been reported . patient male 1 The patient underwent laparoscopically assissted right-sided hemicolectomy and his postoperative course was adequate . patient female 1 A patient with a 29-year history of denture wearing had her mandible augmented with a vascularized rib graft . patient female 2 The 54-year-old patient , missing the right mandibular second bicuspid , first molar , and second molar , had her atrophic ridge augmented with a 30:70 mixture of autogenous bone and equine , enzyme-deantigenic collagen-preserved bone substitute . patient male 5 This study showed that this patient obtained no objective improvement from amphetamine and the result was well accepted by his parents . patient female 1 The patient reported that her gingival tissues appeared normal until age 22 , at which time her first child was born . patient female 0 Patient JH complained that her lower teeth were " too far back behind her top teeth " . Patient female 1 The patient became asymptomatic and her clinical condition improved after surgical release of the celiac trunk by section of the arcuate ligament of the diaphragm . patient male 5 The clinical course of this patient suggested that his bladder dysfunction was due to late manifestation of congenital neurogenic bladder . patient female 1 One patient eventually had to go on hemodialysis but her tolerance of etanercept remained stable . patient male 27 In conclusion , determining a mechanism for intervention , implementation and supervision of compulsory outpatient treatment is first and foremost in the best interest of : the patient , who does not want his condition to deteriorate to rehospitalization , the caregivers , for whom the mechanism will help provide medical care , and for society , which will be better protected . patient female 18 Most deflations were associated with pain , not previously present , and over the next few days the patient noted that her breast became smaller . patient female 13 Her unusual appearance drew attention aas early as the primary examination ; the patient had the deep-set eyes and dry skin over the entire body , she presented with hypotrichosis of the scalp , thin and light-blond hair . patient female 1 A patient received four 2-mm-wide dental implants in the anterior mandible and had her mandibular denture relined with a soft material . patient female 1 The patient had had her ear pierced at age 2 days old , which was 11 years before orthodontic treatment was initiated . patient female 6 After CNB , however , the patient noticed that her breast nodule gradually decreased in size without any specific treatment . patient male 7 The anisocoria appeared more obvious when the patient looked to right gaze where his left pupil seemed to enlarge further . patient female 1 The patient was well until 15 years of the age when she noted that the ring finger of her left hand at times flexed when she did not intend to do so . patient male 4 The more risk factors patient had , the more expressed his reaction to acetylcholine was ( p<0.05 ) . patient male 8 During further questioning , it transpired that the patient had allowed his dog to lick him , including the neck haemodialysis cannula , though no direct trauma in the form of bites or scratches were evident . patient male 2 The psychotic patient may lose his sense of individuality and his physician may see him in a way that stereotypes or depersonalizes him . patient male 1 The patient reported his brother had a similar condition . patient male 19 The primary physician can refer back to it in ongoing discussions with his patient to be sure that the patient has full understanding and has opportunity to have his questions answered . patient female 18 Her function improved after several visits , but upon resuming treatment after a 2- week hiatus , the patient demonstrated major decline in cognitive and physical function . patient female 5 The first features a female patient who , upon completion of preliminary orthodontic treatment , determined in consultation with the orthodontist that her central incisors would present more idealistic display and esthetics if they were lengthened by approximately 1.5 mm . patient male 16 The position sense was more disturbed on his upper limb , to the extent that the patient was not able to recognize where his wrist was located . patient female 8 The result of molecular studies demonstrated that the patient inherited the two X chromosomes from the mother and one from the father , indicating that her 47,XXX trisomy resulted from an oogenesis error in the first meiotic division . patient male 5 Subsequent investigations showed that the patient had homozygous and his healthy parents had heterozygous protein C deficiency . patient male 10 One month after the onset of the treatment , the patient reported that his visual function has significantly improved , while repeat ERG testing revealed that scotopic function has improved to normal levels . patient male 1 A patient receiving long-term hemodialysis anticoagulation therapy had retroperitoneal bleeding and died without having his condition diagnosed : the retroperitoneal bleeding was masked by other events occurring during hemodialysis . patient female 1 The patient responded to supportive treatment ( oxygen therapy , dexamethasone , diuretics ) and her state improved within 12 hours . patient female 3 Re-evaluation of the patient showed that her symptoms fitted the diagnosis ' myotonia permanens ' , the severest form of PAM . patient female 1 The patient started on Amphotericin B. Her condition continued to deteriorate and ended up with above elbow amputation followed by right shoulder disarticulation . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and her symptoms improved significantly . patient female 1 The patient can not determine whether her radiating pain starts from the neck to her hand or starts from her hand up to the neck . patient female 5 Upon further inquiry , the patient disclosed that her dietary regimen included soy intake in excess of 4 pounds per day that began approximately 1 month prior to the onset of symptoms . patient female 1 One patient had her maxillary and sphenoid ostia dilated ; the other patient had both frontal ostia , both maxillary ostia , and the right sphenoid ostia dilated . patient male 12 At the time of this report , 27 months later , the patient felt well and his immune state was stable . patient male 1 Third patient had his condition recognized almost two years after first reception , and , due to big changes on vertebral body and paraplegia , posterior and anterior decompression of spinal canal and stabilization were done simultaneously . patient male 1 Our patient had defects of lexical access and syntax , but only mild symptoms of phonemic disintegration , suggesting that his opercular primary motor cortex was relatively intact . patient male 1 1 patient ( 1.2 % ) reported his activities were limited by his symptoms . patient male 1 The patient felt his social acceptance improved after wearing the finger prosthesis . patient male 1 This patient presented in early adulthood , which makes his case even more unusual . patient male 1 The patient made a remarkable recovery from this episode and his condition has progressed to a state satisfactory enough for him to donate his own blood for storage and possible use in the future . patient female 5 A family history of this patient revealed that both her grandfathers were Caucasian . patient male 17 Patient counselling should be made mandatory by incorporating clinical pharmacist in the nephrology team to make the patient understand his illness and modifications in lifestyle also create a positive environment and result in better quality of life . patient female 6 Three years after surgery , the patient remains pain-free , the fracture had united , and her functional status is the same as it was before the fracture . patient male 58 A case of a man who had bilateral benign lymphoepithelial lesions of major salivary glands , subsequently had lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis at the age of 26 years , and progressed to lymphomatoid granulomatosis of the lung at the age of 42 years is reported , A labial gland biopsy was consistent with Sjögren 's syndrome , which the patient was clinically suspected of having although his disease lacked many of the classic clinical features of that disorder . patient male 1 A patient with cone dystrophy empirically discovered that his vision improved when a red filter was placed in front of his eyes . patient male 1 The patient with subnormal aortic diameter had his ascending aorta replaced ( the follow-up period at this writing is only 27 months ) . patient male 1 A patient with established retrobulbar neuritis and Uhthoff 's phenomenon who claimed that his visual acuity improved after drinking beer was assessed by detailed quantitative psychophysical tests . patient male 11 Despite testimonials concerning the benign nature of the treatment , the patient was unable to tolerate it and his clinical condition deteriorated rapidly , eventually leading to his death . patient male 6 During the 2.5-hr long procedure the patient was lying supine with his neck hyperextended . patient male 6 After 3 years follow-up , this patient shows no evidence of recurrence and his serum creatinine level is stable ( 1.7 mg/dL ) . patient male 6 In only 7.8 % had the patient noted that his complaint needed urgent consultation . patient male 1 One patient never had his ileostomy closed secondary to severe anal stenosis . patient female 5 After the procedure , the patient felt her voice became hoarse and 1 day before presentation began to have dyspnea , without fever . patient male 2 One further patient who had complete closure of his defect at 1-month post-implant had his device removed and his atrial septal defect patched surgically 8 weeks after device closure . patient male 1 A patient with chronic relapsing polyneuropathy noticed that when he took some alcohol in the evening his muscle force increased substantially during the next day . patient male 11 The particular task of the family doctor is to provide the patient with comprehensive information about his forthcoming operation , to ensure that his medication is appropriately adapted in good time , and to clarify in advance the social and postoperative situation with regard to the nursing care possibly needed by the patient . patient male 1 One patient had moderate problems with this recurrent fistula and had his stoma closed , but the other patient required a permanent ileostomy . patient female 3 Comparison of the patient with previously reported patients confirmed that her manifestations are consistent with those of monosomy for 21pter-q21 . patient male 1 One patient that recovered 100 % of its initial COP value between 20 and 24 hrs of the postoperative period had his COP decreased to 6 mmHg and developed fatal pulmonary edema . patient male 1 The patient has had his tracheotomy corked or been decannulated for 11 months with preservation of a useable larynx . patient male 1 The patient thought that part of his lower denture may have fallen into his throat . patient female 5 Further analysis of a female patient and members of her family revealed that two affected sisters and her asymptomatic son had the same mutation . patient female 2 A female patient defined that her complaints began during the onset of menopausal period . patient female 5 After her operation , the patient felt satiated with the scheduled amount of food and one month later , her fasting blood sugar concentration ( FBS ) decreased from 521 to 125 mg/dl , and her urinary sugar excretion ( US ) from 257 to 9 g/day . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful recovery , and 1 week after surgery , her visual acuity , intraocular pressure , and corneal edema were all resolving . patient female 1 The patient ultimately recovered well and her right heart function is normalising . patient female 16 The authors conclude that , although RS may cause altered flow in the adult , their patient has experienced symptomatic relief , suggesting that her pain was related to local pressure in the posterior fossa . patient male 17 Do you request a helicopter and risk a medically unnecessary call , or do you load the patient and transport him by ground , hoping his condition does n't deteriorate too rapidly ? patient male 5 Contrary to expectations , the patient did not reduce whatsoever his anti-insulin antibodies and his daily insulin dose increased up to 5.63 U/kg body weight . patient male 24 One patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia ( CLL ) obtained an ongoing complete remission after treatment with allogeneic anti-CD19-CAR T cells , another CLL patient had tumor lysis syndrome as his leukemia dramatically regressed , and a patient with mantle cell lymphoma obtained an ongoing partial remission . patient male 1 The patient reported that his family traditionally hunted wild boar for food . patient male 5 At 14-week follow-up , the patient reported that his cardiologist had deleted aspirin from his antithrombotic regimen . patient female 1 One patient with anthracycline and taxane refractory breast cancer experienced a partial response ( PR ) and her tumor had a ras G12A mutation . patient male 1 The patient , a 20 years old man , showed since childhood a progressive motor impairment of his right limbs more obvious in his arms . patient male 13 However , there was one instance of prosthetic infection which occurred in a patient who did not have his graft retroperitonealized prior to cholecystectomy , and who also underwent gastrostomy and drainage of the liver bed . patient male 0 Patient 1 had normal percentages of T-cell subsets and his lymphocytes showed helper and suppressor activities but to a lesser degree than normal controls . Patient female 2 Preoperatively the patient , a 53-year-old woman , had hyperchlorhydria and her fasting serum gastrin concentration was mildly elevated . patient male 2 Although the patient had no light perception vision , preserving his one eye reduced the psychological stress of sudden traumatic loss of vision for him and his relatives . patient male 6 A case is reviewed where a patient swallowed his upper Kennedy Class I removable partial denture , highlighting the potential problems of this prosthesis design and the management of this scenario . patient male 1 The patient experienced near-complete resolution of his symptoms , his only residual complaint being that of neck pain with head movement . patient female 7 On her regular ophthalmologic check-up , the patient informed us that her belly was " swelling " over the past four months . patient male 2 The psychotic patient remains a person ; his self-concept and relationships with others are cental to the therapeutic encounter , whatever pharmacological adjuncts are employed . patient male 9 After the drug was completely tapered off , the patient reported that not only had his sense of taste returned to normal , but his cognition had improved as well . patient female 14 It is important to operate breast cancer immediately to save costs and help a patient feel that her breasts are still a part of her own body . patient male 3 Additionally , the patient reported that his headaches had resolved . patient male 1 The user modifies his brain functions thanks to EEG-mediated self-regulation and therapist 's guidance . user male 1 The patient reported after rapidly awaking that fentanyl patches had been prescribed by his family practitioner the day before . patient male 1 The patient has had no relapse of his vasculitis , his renal function is stable , and viral load remains low after completing 36 weeks of interferon . patient female 1 The patient felt well and her body weight increased from 51 kg to 55 kg during this period . patient male 1 One patient has suffered an early recurrence 6 months following surgery and is having his neurological work-up repeated . patient female 19 The patient was diagnosed with bilateral acute angle glaucoma , and despite aggressive medical and surgical intervention , the patient did not have her vision restored to normal . patient female 1 The patient informed us that several of her multinational student colleagues on the same expedition had developed a similar illness . patient male 1 Every patient has thought that the improved contour of his neck more than offset the presence of a visible scar . patient male 4 In fact , no patient has indicated that his scar has been noticed by others , nor has any patient requested scar revision . patient female 3 Results indicate the patient can efficiently process signals which fall within the band of her best hearing , and suggest her ultra-audiometric hearing may be useful in speech communication . patient male 1 The patient survived , returned to the UK , had his injuries reconstructed , and is currently undergoing rehabilitation . patient male 1 The patient made a good recovery and his symptoms resolved completely on follow-up . patient male 25 Psychiatric investigation revealed how confused the patient 's sex identity was until treatment by a team consisting of psychiatrist , psychologist and endocrinologist permitted the patient , even at so late a date , finally to establish what his gender is . patient female 1 The patient acknowledged that her disordered eating stemmed largely from her toileting difficulties . patient female 11 The longest aortic valve implantation time was 24.2 years in a patient who had her bileaflet valve prophylactically replaced , and the longest mitral implantation time is 24 years in a patient who is doing well with her original prosthesis . patient male 1 The patient had no cerebral complications and his postoperative course was uneventful . patient male 13 His disease course was more rapidly progressive than that typically observed ; the patient died suddenly of arrhythmia 5 years after diagnosis . patient male 6 At the final examination , the patient reported that his vision had recovered . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient became asymptomatic , his papilledema resolved , and magnetic resonance imaging scans demonstrated collapse of the walls of the CSP toward the midline . patient female 18 It is the duty of the physician to present all aspects of the contemplated procedure and let the patient decide whether her emotional needs justify the risks entailed . patient male 1 The patient said his son had at least one similar lesion on his upper back , but otherwise there was no family history of these lesions . patient female 8 Four months after the initial consultation , the patient , who was taking medication for tonic/clonic seizures , recalled that her symptoms began after her anticonvulsant medication was switched from hydantoin sodium to phenobarbital . patient female 1 The patient did report that her dietary intake decreased to 25 - 50 % of normal during these episodes of diarrhea , which may result in decreased vitamin K ingestion . patient female 4 Physical examination of the patient revealed that her general condition was well , oriented and cooperative , body temperature was 36.6 ° C , pulse 82/minute , trombocyte count 69.400/mm3 and liver enzymes were elevated ( ALT : 194 U/L , AST : 499 U/L , GGT : 384 U/L , LDH : 1290 U/L ) . patient male 11 Nineteen patients had their catheters removed within 24 hours and 1 patient had his catheter removed 48 hours postoperatively . patient male 4 It decreases if the patient thinks his penis is not normal , even if the anatomical result is good . patient male 4 Upon questioning , the patient recalled that one of his shoe soles had been damaged and that his foot had been wet from walking all day in rain collected on the factory floor on the day that his symptoms first occurred . patient female 5 The next day , the patient called and reported that her lips were swollen . patient female 1 Our patient further displayed Raynaud 's phenomenon preceded by thrombophlebitis , and histological and electron microscopical features of her subcutaneous hyalinized area centering at the fascia closely resembled those of morphaea . patient male 1 The patient received 60 acupuncture treatments in the course of 12 weeks , during which time his overall wellbeing improved , his blood pressure reduced and the side effects of antihypertensive drugs were removed . patient male 1 The patient complained that his left maxilla had swollen over the last 4 months , with some exudation from the gingival crevice , sporadic bleeding , and slight tooth mobility , but no pain . patient female 0 Patient 1 did not have her transplanted organ surgically removed and suffered a recurrent massive lower gastrointestinal bleed that proved fatal . Patient male 5 When first examined , the patient displayed depressed cellular immunity in that the results of his skin test were negative to dinitrochlorobenzene and phytohemagglutinin ( PHA ) , his peripheral lymphocytes responded suboptimally to PHA , and he had decreased numbers of circulating T cells . patient male 1 The patient can not assess whether his view of his situation is realistic or not , and he is unable to conceive of alternative solutions . patient male 1 The patient has greatly reduced levels of GpIbbeta mRNA and no detectable platelet GpIbbeta protein , suggesting that his BSS results from a mutation in his remaining GpIbbeta allele . patient female 7 Besides emergency treatment for serious injury the patient should have her legal rights explained as well as the procedure for the forthcoming examination . patient male 1 Each patient should know what his disease is . patient male 7 During the mentioned period , only one patient with AOD has his leg amputated . patient female 1 So patient started anti-inflammatory treatment and her conditions improved . patient female 5 At her 6-mo follow-up the patient had no angiographic filling of the aneurysm and her HFS symptoms had completely resolved . patient female 1 The patient had a dramatic response to aprepitant and reported that her nausea had decreased significantly after 48 hours of starting the medication ( 2 doses ) . patient male 13 His symptoms improved after the first course of HBOT , however , the patient had anuria for almost 36 h after admission and exhibited acute kidney injury ( AKI ) . patient male 1 The patient became afebrile and his CRP level decreased following the administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug . patient male 13 Therapeutic treatment resulted in gradual improvement : at the 2-week follow-up , the patient no longer had headaches and his visual acuity returned to normal . patient female 1 The patient demonstrated what we will describe as heralding symptoms during the birth of her second child , but her symptoms dramatically worsened one month prior to her admission with the birth of her third child . patient male 1 The patient was found lying unconscious on wet grass with his clothes scorched and his spiked golf shoes torn . patient male 1 The patient reported that his mood was improved but his abdominal pain remained unchanged . patient female 1 One patient experienced several other medical problems , making her audiological outcomes limited . patient male 1 Our patient had prominent collateral vasculature , suggesting that his splenic vein thrombosis was chronic in nature and likely the cause of his ongoing abdominal pain . patient male 4 However , the other patient did not show any dyspnea and his native lung volume decreased postoperatively ( preoperatively to 6 months postoperatively : + 981 mL and -348 mL , respectively ) . patient female 1 The patient had her IUD inserted 50 years ago . patient female 11 Chloride transport at the distal tubule was impaired moderately in the patient , which suggests that her defective reabsorption of chloride was responsible for the impaired renal handling of sodium that is often observed in patients with Bartter 's syndrome . patient male 5 On further history , the patient stated that his current condition started when he " stuck " himself in the back with a " sharp feather " protruding from his sofa 2 weeks before . patient female 1 One patient had metastasis of her pineoblastoma to her unirradiated spinal canal and the other patient had metastasis of his germinoma to the peritoneum . patient female 6 THE DESIRE to keep giving direct patient care while advancing her nursing career led Gail Goddard into the community , where she is now a district team leader . patient female 10 Although no specific cerebrospinal fluid leak was identified , the patient was suspected of having SIH and her symptoms completely reversed after a 2-month course of steroids . patient male 3 We present a patient who had a seizure while asleep , during which his denture broke ; he accidentally swallowed a major part of it , which had a clasp attached . patient male 7 Forced duction and generation testing of a patient with Parry-Romberg syndrome ( progressive hemifacial atrophy ) confirmed that his incomitant hypotropia and esotropia were restrictive and not due to nerve paresis . patient female 7 The iron infusions were performed because the patient had refused blood transfusions and her symptoms failed to resolve on oral iron supplementation . patient female 4 3 weeks before the patient fell ill her two daughters had a flu-like illness with cough and subfebrile temperature and her husband also had flu-like symptoms , which regressed after few days . patient female 1 One patient required removal of a stent due to irritation but her fistula eventually closed . patient female 5 At 5 years post-delivery the patient has had no surgical complications and her baby has met all developmental milestones . patient male 2 The remaining patient had his patch removed and ultimately underwent skin grafting and subsequent component separation closure . patient female 1 A patient who fears that her caretakers will not honor her wishes may choose to avoid medical care so as to limit the influence of her caretakers in the future , which may lead to worse medical outcomes than if she had undergone care . patient male 2 The second patient suffered an attack of exercise-induced asthma so severe that his inhaler could not control the symptoms enough for him to resume play . patient female 1 The patient made an un-eventful postoperative recovery and her blood pressure returned to normal . patient female 1 The patient complained that her thyroidectomy incision scar rose up , reddened and hardened . patient male 1 The patient feels , however , that his clinical improvement far outweighs the complications and that every patient with NPH should have the opportunity to decide whether or not to have a VSS . patient female 1 The patient reported her left visual acuity increased over 10 days after first cycle of anlotinib treatment . patient male 5 Behavioral assessment of a new patient in which STX1A and LIMK1 , but not CYLN2 and GTF2IRD1 , are deleted showed that his cognitive and motor coordination functions were significantly better than in typical WS patients . patient male 1 The patient made a good recovery and at his latest follow-up is ambulant , free from claudication , and demonstrates good flow through the bypass on duplex ultrasonography . patient male 4 Assessment of a second patient exposed to PCBs ( but with no detectable blood levels of PCBs ) suggested that his cognitive impairments were not due to PCB exposure . patient female 0 Patient recovered well and after 12 months postoperation her large wound is healing favorably with a clean and well granulated bed . Patient male 1 This patient was characterized by acutely progressive severe brain edema without inflammatory changes , suggesting that his primary disease was acute toxic encephalopathy presumably induced by viral infection . patient male 4 On follow-up , the patient reported that his pain has improved with gabapentin and it decreased from 8/10 to 4/10 on the visual analogue scale . patient female 5 Upon further probing , the patient reported that the onset of her symptoms coincided with the death of her son of cancer 2 years earlier . patient female 8 During the second day of admission , the patient noticed that her " second chin " folded over the tracheostomy on neck flexion , occluding her artificial way . patient male 12 Because of a severe kyphotic deformity resulting from ankylosing spondylitis , the patient was placed in a moderate Trendelenburg position to allow his head to fit into the gamma knife unit during the radiosurgery session . patient female 7 Ten months after the procedure , the patient reported that there was no pain , and that her menses were normal . patient male 11 Multiple strategies were utilized to treat his pain , but the patient insisted that his pain commenced after IABP placement . patient female 2 Despite the patient having no chest pain after intracoronary thrombolysis and her general condition being stable , she died suddenly on the 4th hospital day . patient male 1 One patient shunt failed at day four post-op due to distal dysfunction , his pre-operative EVD was over 30 ml/h . patient female 7 An 11 month follow-up examination indicated the patient had no exacerbations of her condition and all objective findings were negative . patient male 1 The patient reported that his dog died from Leishmania infection 5 years ago , while he was living in an area endemic for Leishmania . patient female 3 The 46-year-old female patient had her mitral valve replaced 15 months ago because of mitral stenosis ( and slight incompetence ) . patient male 21 Seventy-five percent of the patients reported improvement of their lifestyle after surgery , whereas 21 % reported no change and one patient stated that his lifestyle got worse . patient male 1 One patient had no demonstrable signs of carotid , ophthalmic , or anterior ciliary vascular disease , suggesting that his episodes of transient vision loss were due to vertebrobasilar insufficiency . patient female 7 On discharge from the hospital , the patient realized that her thigh muscles were weak and she was unable to extend her leg at the knee . patient male 1 The patient reported to the athletic training room 15 minutes after completing a boxing match and reported that his left eye had suddenly inflated after blowing his nose . patient male 15 Interestingly , we also observed an apparent discrepancy between clinical and microbiological courses : the patient became rapidly afebrile ; hemodynamically stable and his procalcitonin levels showed a prompt decreasing trend . patient female 1 One patient who experienced an anaphylactic reaction when having her own hair dyed had positive skin prick test results to PPD and toluene-2,5-diamine sulfate . patient male 1 The patient became free of symptoms and during a four-week follow-up his condition remained stable . patient male 2 The psychotic patient remains a person ; his self-concept and relationships with others are central to the therapeutic encounter , whatever pharmacological adjuncts are employed . patient male 2 Only one patient had his SCS system surgically removed after nine months . patient male 1 The patient reported that his symptoms had gradually developed over the last month before the fracture with pain localized anterior to the thigh . patient male 1 One patient had his catheter replaced two months later because of pseudomonas peritonitis , continued on CAPD for an additional five months , then changed to HD because of recurrent bacterial peritonitis . patient female 5 In this case , the patient had a typical presentation of bilateral malignant glaucoma and her IOP dropped only temporarily following laser iridotomy to rise again shortly thereafter . patient male 7 One week after minocycline discontinuation , the patient reported that his fever had resolved . patient female 1 The patient was feeding her baby delivered only two months earlier . patient male 1 The patient survived and during his recovery noted that his central vision was markedly impaired in both eyes . patient male 1 One patient needed a blood transfusion after his Hbg decreased from 12.4 to 5.5 g% . patient male 14 Excellent cosmetic results were gained in all patients , with the exception of 1 patient who thought his postoperative appearance was only good because of the impalpable disparity in color and thickness between the skin flaps and recipient sites . patient female 20 Her serum methanol concentration subsequently returned at > 200 mg/dL. After 12 hours and 2 sessions of hemodialysis , the patient remained unresponsive despite minimal sedation . patient male 22 With treatment that included oral prednisone , a monthly pulse of cyclophosphamide followed by mycophenolate mofetil , and anticoagulant therapy , the patient became symptom free , his C-reactive protein and erythrocyte sedimentation rate remained normal , and the right inferior pulmonary artery aneurysm was reduced to normal . patient male 9 After his mental status began to deteriorate , the patient expired . patient female 1 The patient received posttransfusion antibiotic treatment and had her original central line removed and replaced . patient female 4 Five days later the patient noticed her tongue movements had become awkward with associated dysarthria . patient female 8 However , two months after discharge , the patient reported that her mental status had declined over previous weeks . patient male 1 One patient found that his ability to achieve the " on " state without unacceptable dyskinesia waned . patient female 34 In 17 patients studied before planned reoperation , operative strategy was affected by results of SF in 15 cases ; five patients had revagotomies performed at reoperation , 11 did not , and one patient had her operation canceled . patient male 3 A 9-year-old male patient complained of cough , dyspnea and chest pain , in his examination his lips were cyanosed and his SaO2 was 86 % at room air . patient male 8 From October 2006 until November 2007 , the patient remained on capsaicin ( 2.5 to 15 mL daily ) and his PSA was stable ( between 11 to 14 ng/mL ) . patient female 1 The patient described that her vulva mass grew in about few months . patient male 10 Ninety-four percent felt that their pain was better , one patient ( 2 % ) said that his pain was the same , and two patients ( 4 % ) felt that their pain was worse . patient female 2 Finally the patient told us that her complaints developed during Jacuzzi usage . patient male 1 The patient is independent and enjoys his social life but felt his existing dentures were having an adverse effect on the quality of his life . patient male 1 The patient related that his arm was sore for several days after the injury , but his pain receded and became manageable . patient female 4 Lipidological analyses of our patient suggest that the origin her lipoprotein thrombi may be mainly from pre-beta-lipoproteins and that HDL might be involved in resolving lipoprotein thrombi . patient male 1 The patient , a 54-year-old male , experienced a serious traffic accident , resulted his right leg amputated 3 years ago . patient male 5 A case of an own patient suffering from multiple sclerosis and a migrainous type of Raeder 's syndrome is described , assuming that his basic disease MS is independent of his Raeder 's syndrome . patient female 6 While never completely pain-free , the patient continued to report that her pains reduced to minimal at times . patient male 1 The patient suffered from untreated stage 2 hypertension and had a family history of sudden death ( his father died at the age of 40 years ) . patient female 4 After surgery , the patient did not have alopecia and her hair hid the scar . patient male 6 This study indicates that unless the patient is given the opportunity to have his ears properly cleaned , the general practitioner may not only be giving inadequate and ineffective treatment , but he may also be missing serious ear disease . patient female 6 After the second procedure , the patient reported that her swallowing complaints had further diminished , as well as the pain behind her ears . patient female 2 The same patient returned 3 years later with an identical constellation of symptoms , at which time her PCR was positive for C. pneumoniae . patient male 6 Postoperative course was uneventful and the patient is doing well with his neurogenic bladder gradually improving . patient male 1 The patient had a history of recurrent attacks of tachyarrhythmia and his electrocardiogram showed a short P-R interval ( 0.10 sec ) with narrow QRS complex and left ventricular hypertrophy with giant negative T waves . patient male 1 The patient said that his neck pain subsided and had no other complaints . patient male 1 Another patient had his leg amputated 1 year after his accident , in this case also because of injury to the vessels and nerves . patient male 25 Less than optimum nutrition has been identified in significant numbers of hospital patients and , furthermore , it can be shown that the longer the patient remains in hospital the worse his nutritional condition may become . patient female 1 The patient with the longest follow-up ( 11 years ) reported that her tumor had been present for 13 years before diagnosis . patient female 67 After the treatment , three patients had a miscarriage ( one patient 's progesterone level was lower than the normal value ; and the other two miscarriages were for unknown reasons ) , two patients became pregnant 3 months after complete curettage of uterine cavity and had full-term normal deliveries , one patient planned to use contraception after complete curettage of the uterine cavity ; and one patient had her labour induced ( after 13-weeks pregnancy ) . patient female 1 The patient discusses how stress and her corresponding comfort eating dampened weight loss progress , and how adopting a lifestyle change aided through group support helped to deal with this . patient male 2 Only one patient felt his lifestyle had worsened . patient female 8 Nearly three years after the operation , our patient does not have any symptoms , her son is healthy . patient female 1 The patient experienced complete resolution of symptoms and on her last follow-up , two years later , her lower canaliculus was patent to syringing . patient male 1 The patient had no postoperative morbidity and his symptoms disappeared immediately after operation . patient female 17 At a mean follow-up of 25 months , seven patients were cured of their hypertension and one patient had her antihypertensive medications significantly reduced . patient male 1 The patient developed myoclonic seizures at 3 months of age and his hair demonstrated the pili torti pattern . patient male 11 We present an unusual presentation of Frégoli syndrome in which a patient believed that copies of his own mind inhabited the bodies of others . patient female 1 The patient reported a trial of several feminine products to get rid of this smell and multiple visits to specialists but her symptoms persisted . patient male 5 12 months later , the patient came again and complained that the pain of his operated hip became a bit more serious than before since about 20 days ago . patient male 19 His basal platelet count was 194 × 109 cells/L. At three days after the start of treatment , our patient had lower limb petechia and stopped taking clopidogrel and pentoxifylline . patient male 1 Our patient had only a single seizure and his IQ was normal . patient male 1 The patient reported that his father had had similar lesions . patient female 1 The patient underwent video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery ( VATS ) lobectomy and her pathology revealed an intrapulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor caused by a medical prolene suture . patient male 6 Blood and CSF cultures of the patient revealed no growth and his general condition has improved . patient male 5 Shortly after testing , the patient indicated that his condition had improved . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient reported that her vision significantly improved . patient male 1 The patient had received an inactivated influenza vaccine 4(1/2 ) weeks prior to presentation , at which time his international normalized ratio ( INR ) was 2.0 . patient male 11 Neurosarcoidosis was suspected at that stage , but excluded because the patient had no typical sarcoid lung changes , his serum and cerebrospinal fluid angiotensin converting enzyme activity levels were normal and a computed tomography scan disclosed no central nervous system changes . patient female 2 The other patient felt that her perphenazine-induced tardive dyskinesia was the voluntary reading of a silent mantra . patient female 7 Upon arrival to the ED , the patient reported that her symptoms had resolved . patient female 1 The patient did not recognise that her fear was excessive and unreasonable , i.e. , did not meet one of the criteria of specific phobia . patient male 14 Pierre Janet 's case of the psychotic mystic , Madeleine , reveals that the patient had been " making " her own-soul even though his theory had no provision for soul . patient male 1 The patient made a full recovery and his echocardiography was entirely normal . patient female 4 I have a pregnant patient who experienced a miscarriage in the past and who has asked me whether her consumption of 2 cups of coffee per day could have caused it . patient male 6 During treatment with disulfiram , the patient reported that his desire to gamble disappeared entirely . patient female 34 Complications included implant exposure ( 9 of 42 ) , injection port exposure ( 1 of 42 ) , infection ( 4 of 42 ) , and a transient facial nerve palsy in 1 patient who was having her cheeks expanded . patient female 10 At 6 , 12 , 18 months postoperatively , the patient no longer had hypoglycemia and her general state was good . patient male 1 The patient felt his psychological state had improved and so did his family . patient male 1 The patient had no significant medical history and his siblings had no similar dental abnormalities . patient male 5 A 42 year old male patient presented with atypical ECG pattern at rest and reported that his brother died suddenly of unknown reasons at the age of 40 . patient male 1 The patient underwent a modified Whipple 's procedure and his post-operative course was uneventful . patient female 3 A 24-year-old female patient reported that her family had observed edema in her right leg and port wine stains from birth . patient female 1 The patient has no abnormal movements or motor disturbances , her behavior and intelligence being normal and she is able to follow studies of middle level . patient male 11 Now , more than 5 years after these events , the patient has experienced no more thromboembolic events and his condition has remained stable , without need for surgery . patient female 6 On hospital day 7 , the patient became confused , insisting that her nurse was her son and ordering him out of her " apartment . patient male 9 At a follow-up visit six weeks later , the patient reported that his leg pains at night and the pain experienced after brisk walking had disappeared . patient male 11 Four months after the substitution of pravastatin for simvastatin , the patient reported that his complete lack of symptoms had continued . patient female 1 Our patient has no afflicted relatives and her SOD1 testing was negative , thus allowing us to classify her form of ALS as sporadic . patient male 1 The patient therefore believed his symptoms were due to a calf strain . patient female 1 The patient had a past history of migraine without aura for 10 years and her son had a benign paroxysmal vertigo ( BPV ) for 12 years . patient male 1 The patient reported no medical concerns and other than a mild anaemia of haemoglobin of 10.6 , his preoperative assessment was non-significant . patient male 1 One patient could not have his endotracheal tube removed and he died 9 days following stent placement in an intubated state . patient female 1 The patient presented with a history of progressive dyspnea and ascites and her general condition was poor . patient female 2 A female patient taking erlotinib for lung cancer for 8 months noticed that her scalp hair became rough on palpation and that her eyelashes were elongated . patient male 3 We present a patient with Waldenström macroglobulinemia who had a distinctive papular eruption and immunopathologic findings suggesting that his paraprotein has specificity for the epidermal basement membrane zone . patient male 1 One patient did clearly not respond positively , and revealed that his actual problem was his sexual identity that he could n't accept . patient male 1 One patient had his implant traumatically displaced to a 45-degree angle necessitating implant replacement at a second site . patient male 6 After an initial deterioration , the patient made a relatively uneventful recovery and all his blood tests returned to normal levels . patient female 1 The patient made an excellent recovery and her pain resolved post-operatively . patient male 1 The patient reported that his dyspnea started one week prior to ED visit and was associated with intermittent chest pain . patient female 1 The patient stated that her complaints started 2 h after she had cooked and eaten a plant in the hopes that it would help cure her cancer . patient female 6 Since the case history of the patient revealed that her twin brother died shortly after birth , it can be assumed that chimerism is caused by feto-fetal transfusion during pregnancy and delivery of the proposita . patient female 23 Younger age , earlier AJCC stage , and the presence of a Breast sub-specialist surgeon , would make it more likely that the patient has her breast conserved . patient male 11 Unless specifically cued to the " neglected " side , the patient " believes " that his half-drawings are full drawings . patient male 29 At long-term follow-up , four of six patients reported a substantial improvement ( 80 - 95 % ) , one patient reported a 30 % improvement , and one patient reported that his pain was worse by 20 % . patient male 3 Normally , a patient must have his physician become directly involved in this process in order to import the drugs from Canada . patient male 2 If the patient felt that without the asthma medication his life would be impossible , his risk to have poor treatment adherence was 46 % reduced ( odds ratio 0.54 ; 95 % confidence interval 0.33 - 0.89 ) . patient male 4 Laboratory studies of the patient had revealed that his PC activity was 3 % . patient female 7 Eighteen months after the treatment , the patient has no recurrence and her ankle is stable with full range of movement . patient male 1 The patient remained dependent on dialysis for 1 month , then his renal function recovered . patient female 1 The patient assumed that her swelling was a result of a sprain . patient male 2 The second patient became tolerant to the stimulation and his pain returned to baseline at a 1-month follow-up . patient male 16 After undergoing a left L-5 ventral root to left S2 - 3 intradural anastomosis , the patient reported that his bladder and bowel dysfunction improved between 6 and 12 months . patient male 1 One patient had his ileostomy reconstructed eight years after delayed pull-through for uncontrollable diarrhea associated with chemotherapy for multiple myeloma and recently died . patient female 2 The second patient had her medications discontinued due to the results of the genetic testing and more intense psychotherapy initiated . patient female 16 Her manic symptoms started to resolve ; however , 14 days post-initiation of carbamazepine , the patient had a fever ; itchy , discharging eyes ; respiratory distress ; generalised symmetrical erythematosus rash ; buccal ulceration ; and conjunctival injection with difficulty opening her eyes . patient male 9 At the 1- and 2-month follow-up visits , the patient reported improvement in his acne and mentioned that his lung secretions seemed reduced . patient female 1 The patient reported that her PT decreased after the flow in the IJV decreased . patient male 1 The patient remained well under observation and his symptoms improved with conservative management . patient female 1 The patient asked for and received time off from her work , stating that her job required her to climb stairs . patient female 14 With her visual attention narrowed to a kind of functional tunnel vision , the patient exhibited simultanagnosia ( Wolpert , 1924 ) , a symptom previously described in 1909 by Balint under the label of Psychic paralysis of " Gaze " . patient female 5 At 1.5-yr follow-up , the patient reported her low back complaints had resolved and her seizures had decreased ( period between seizures as great as 2 months ) . patient male 11 A year and a half prior to our consultation , the patient noted that his hand would suddenly jerk across the page while writing in his morning classes . patient male 1 The patient also contended that his objects and analyst could not cope with separation and used omnipotent defences that the patient was intent on exposing . patient male 4 Long-term follow-up of the patient showed that his blood pressure and glucose levels had improved . patient male 1 The patient reported that his mother and aunt had a similar skin disorder , which initially began with inflammation , but healed leaving lax skin in its wake . patient male 14 This method will control standing up , standing , and sitting down ; the user will be able to " feel " that his leg muscles are tiring and will be able to " posture switch " without any explicit instruction to the controller to change mode . user female 7 During the time of lactation , the patient remained hyperlipidemic and her post-heparin plasma had no lipolytic activity . patient female 10 Before the follow-up appointment at the hypertension clinic , the patient and her husband identified that her headaches coincided with liquorice tea consumption of up to three cups per day . patient female 1 The patient reported that her grandmother had similar nail abnormality and lower extremity edema . patient female 1 One patient felt that her appearance was worse , and none of the patients reported a poor appetite . patient female 0 Patient had cardiomegaly and her echocardiography showed severe aortic regurgitation , moderate mitral regurgitation and moderate pulmonary artery hypertension with poor ejection fraction with normal aortic root . Patient male 2 A cancer patient learning to walk again finds that his relationships with his two physical therapists affect his recovery . patient male 0 Patient 's with traumatic FN palsies should be instructed to use eye lubricant frequently and tape his eye closed at night , as corneal drying could lead to permanent damage . Patient female 4 At 1-week follow-up the patient stated that her DVT symptoms were slowly improving and reported that small areas of red rash had appeared bilaterally on her lower extremities . patient male 0 Patient history revealed that his micturition duration was longer than before . Patient male 4 When asked , the patient revealed that capecitabine ( Xeloda(R ) ) was started by his oncologist one day before admission . patient male 3 He said a friend had noticed that his skin had turned dark blue . friend male 28 Of 9 patients with hypertension preoperatively , the blood pressure returned to normal level after the withdrawal of antihypertensive agents in 7 patients ; in addition , one patient had his dose decreased and one patient switched to a milder antihypertensive agent . patient male 23 Of 8 patients accompanied with type 2 diabetes , 7 had their antidiabetic drugs withdrawn after the blood sugar returned normal and one patient had his dose decreased . patient female 13 Her bloody diarrhea improved within 72 h. After confirming cytological remission , the patient received initial course of consolidation , and dasatinib treatment was reinstated . patient male 5 The clinical course of this patient suggests that his end-stage renal disease-associated hypercoagulable state may have promoted thrombus formation . patient female 8 In this case report , a 45-year-old female patient reported that her first symptoms had been strong pain in the left iliac region around two years earlier . patient male 1 The patient had his immunosuppression reduced but then developed antibody-mediated rejection four months later . patient female 7 After asking the history closely , the patient admitted that her husband had CA , and they once had anal intercourse . patient male 2 The modern patient expects his physician to be a qualified and competent expert . patient male 2 Should a patient become anxious or fearful that his cocktail will not always work , he is assured that there are others that will . patient female 4 The third non-Hirschsprung 's patient essentially had normal manometry and was able to have her colon decompressed successfully on a laxative regimen . patient male 6 Out of 16 patients , one patient who was unresponsive , had his catheter removed and was switched to hemodialysis , and four patients with preexisting ultrafiltration failure or inadequate dialysis problems were transferred to hemodialysis after successful treatment of their peritonitis , one patient was transplanted and 10 patients continued on CAPD . patient female 1 Our patient became pregnant in a non-compliance period , discontinued the nephrological follow-up program and her kidney disease decompensated . patient male 0 Patient had no muscle weakness and his rash was characteristic of classic dermatomyositis . Patient male 7 Six months after the treatment , the patient has reported no further episodes of gastrointestinal bleeding and his hemoglobin has remained stable . patient male 1 The patient remained hemodynamically stable as his rupture only communicated with a small space within his obliterated pericardial sac . patient male 0 Patient is voiding well and his renal function has stabilized . Patient male 1 The patient had his immunosuppression reduced but then developed antibody-mediated rejection four months later . patient female 1 The patient complained that her vision had deteriorated , but there was no pain , eyelid edema , increased conjunctival injection or corneal edema . patient male 15 Intermittent light stimulation ( ILS ) is more effective to trigger electroencephalographic paroxysms when the patient remains with his eyes closed . patient male 5 In March 2017 , the patient felt that his knee was becoming increasingly unstable with pain and increasing disability . patient female 3 We discuss a patient with DD who claimed that her skin condition had flared after she was administered lithium therapy for bipolar disorder . patient male 11 The pre-existing widened QRS was normalized by His pacing , the patient became free of any complaints with full restoration of exertion capability . patient male 11 His sister had uncomplicated hepatitis A. One month later , the patient became jaundiced , went into fulminant hepatic failure , and quickly became encephalopathic despite discontinuation of valproate , aggressive supportive therapy , and treatment with carmitine . patient male 9 Furthermore , it seems that with this prosthesis the patient can feel his " new prosthetic knee " more similar and closer to the physiological one . patient male 3 Moreover , the patient fibroblasts have shown 8 % of wild-type ( WT ) allele and his carrier mother showed higher than expected levels of WT allele ( 79 % vs. 50 % ) in peripheral blood , suggesting that the duplication was highly unstable . patient female 16 In spite of the metastatic disease coupled with the aggressive nature of the cancer , this patient reported that her energy level had returned to baseline with a good appetite and a stable weight indicating a good performance status and now is alive at 25 months since diagnosis . patient female 2 The female patient may argue that her autonomy can not be circumscribed and that the physician is obliged to assist her reproductive efforts . patient female 6 In the other case , the patient showed sudden mental deterioration on the third hospital day and her brain CT showed rebleeding . patient male 18 His serum gentamicin had reached the extremely toxic level of 220 microg/mL. To remove the gentamicin , the patient received hemodialysis and hemoperfusion immediately . patient male 1 The patient follows up with cardiology regularly to have his pacemaker checked . patient female 1 The patient probably carried the tumour all her life asymptomatically until admission . patient female 15 The aim of this article was to relate the clinical case of an HIV-positive orthodontic patient who reported that her cheeks had been hurting since treatment began . patient female 1 The patient remained severely memory-impaired , indicating that her functional gains were not attributable to any recovery of her memory abilities over time . patient female 4 He recommended that the patient have her ears syringed and arranged for the practice nurse to perform the procedure . patient male 4 In follow-up , this patient could neither walk nor hold his head erect and had not spoken one word at the age of one year and ten months . patient female 3 A 54-year-old female patient reported that a characteristic of her family was ' fat legs ' with postural edema since adolescence . patient female 1 One patient of 31 felt her periacetabular osteotomy negatively affected the appearance of her child ; this surgical history affected 6.5 % of patients ( 2 of 31 ) positively . patient female 1 The patient had no post-operative deficits and her symptoms completely improved . patient female 20 Nine of the unaffected relatives appeared to be transmitting the liability for schizophrenia ( e.g. the mother of a schizophrenic patient who , although not psychotic herself , had a schizophrenic parent or sibling ) . patient male 24 This report describes an unusual presentation of obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD ) with predominant religious obsessions and compulsions ( scrupulosity ) in which the patient starved himself by keeping fast excessively to the extent of emaciation and extreme weakness even in walking and became bedridden . patient male 7 We present the case of a 48-year-old patient with no medical history , who presents himself to the emergency room with melena , asthenia and dizziness . patient male 10 In all cases , when he regained consciousness , the patient described himself as in dream , outside the operating room . patient male 4 This also allows the patient to be sedated rapidly and effectively , thus preventing him from injuring himself further . patient male 10 The aim of the operation is to enable the paralysed patient to " stand up himself " and to " cover a short distance on crutches " . patient male 3 A 72-year old patient presented himself at the outpatient clinic with a painful swelling on the dorsum of the left foot and a foot drop . patient male 24 Thus , it is possible to set an enquiry to identify the self-accusations and mobilize the characters in the inner tribunal to help the patient judge himself with a more realistic and informed basis . patient female 3 The 60-year-old female patient , presented herself with progressive swelling in the nasal region , epistaxis and proptosis , she had noticed seven months prior to our examination . patient male 36 Although oxygen on exercise improves these patients ' exercise tolerants , it would appear that weight of the Oxygen Walker might prevent much advantage to be taken of this in these severely disabled patients if the patient actually carries the Walker himself , but this portable system greatly increases the patient 's social mobility . patient female 5 During the training period the patient rated herself as decreasing in emotionality and in diabetic fluctuations . patient male 1 The patient had injected himself with infected urine collected from his catheter , in order to create septicemia . patient male 9 This occurs suddenly with no prodrome , so the patient has no time to react and is unable to brace himself when he falls . patient male 4 The case of a patient who repeatedly injected himself intravenously with elementary mercury in suicide attempts is presented and the toxicological effects of this chemical form and route of exposure of mercury are examined . patient male 7 In addition , it is possible the patient to monitor and train breathing himself by making it easy to carry and use without restriction of time and space . patient female 10 The author reports the case of a well and fit patient who presented herself to the emergency department and was found to have bilateral emphysematous pyelonephritis . patient female 1 The patient thus titrated herself to a perceived minimum effective concentration ( MEC ) of fentanyl . patient female 1 Each patient rated herself as " almost normal " or " greatly improved " on the Summary Outcome Determination scale . patient male 2 A cooperative patient can finally readjust himself and get along without alcohol . patient male 1 The patient reported himself to be pain-free 1 day following the procedure , and this remains the case to date at 2 years of follow-up . patient male 40 The assessment of quality of life in brain cancer patients through ratings from their significant others seems to be a feasible strategy to gain information about certain aspects of patient 's quality of life and symptom burden , if the patient is not able to provide information himself . patient male 9 Through individual nursing intervention and family support , the patient accommodated himself to the physical activities and mental situation . patient male 33 In contrast to double-bind as a sociological aetiological model which defines schizophrenia as a metacommunicative disturbance and evoked reaction of the self-system , the hypothesis is proposed of an intrapsychic double-bind which the patient is producing wihtin himself . patient male 1 The patient generally describes himself as more limited . patient female 1 The patient presented herself in our clinic at the age of 14 years . patient female 1 The patient presented herself to a neurologist with symptoms of chronic fatigue and severe headaches . patient male 4 We report here a patient who presented himself with a single macular lesion of leprosy on the shaft of his penis diagnosed as a case of lepromatous leprosy on slit-skin smear and histopathological examinations . patient male 11 Fear of urinary incontinence associated with nocturia and urgency caused the patient to deprive himself of sleep , resulting in slowed mentation and apathy that was diagnosed as chronic organic brain syndrome for approximately one year . patient female 3 A 66-year-old female patient with a history of systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) currently in remission presented herself with muscle weakness , myalgias and elevated CK ( 1618 U/l ) to the authors ' hospital . patient female 1 The patient habitually exposed herself to UVA-radiation twice a week for 7 years for aesthetic reasons . patient female 2 A 25-year-old patient , presented herself at the emergency room , accusing intense lower abdominal pains , accompanied by vaginal bleeding . patient female 3 Finally , the patient was able to walk unaided and fed herself when the wounds were almost entirely healed in 3 months after injury . patient female 1 The patient , a black , 32-year-old G3P2002 at 24 weeks ' gestation with an unremarkable family history presented herself for prenatal care . patient male 1 The patient presented himself as courageous and extrovert , but the relatives considered him as faint-hearted . patient male 46 The authors make a case report of a male patient , 58 of age , whose complaints started 37 years ago ; inspite of an operation , repeated medical check-ups and treatment , they had no other choice but to perform a further laparotomy when the patient presented himself with progressive cachexia and signs of an acute abdomen . patient female 11 We have analyzed the clinical data and relevant features of a patient who presented herself to the Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University . patient male 2 After the patient slowly weaned himself off the PPIs and took magnesium and other minerals , the tachycardia resolved without any medication . patient female 4 Staff members managing the patient who wounds himself or herself need administrative support , education , and counseling to relieve guilt , personal and professional conflict , and stress . patient female 1 The patient presented herself to the outpatient clinic with pain in the left chest . patient male 1 Our patient presented himself with a ten-and-several-year history of unilateral exophthalmos , limited ocular movement and decreased visual acuity on the involved side . patient male 7 Oral test provocation was omitted because the patient had already reexposed himself to the drugs . patient male 12 It was observed that the medicament was easy to apply and the patient adapted himself to it quickly enough ; none of the group under study presented collateral effects which might contraindicate its use . patient male 7 Without realizing a possible association , the patient rechallenged himself with a second course of the medication , which resulted in a rapid exacerbation of his lesions . patient male 5 The 25-year-old Han Chinese male patient presented himself with an 8-day history of symptoms and signs of upper respiratory viral infections to a sexually transmitted infection clinic of a hospital setting in Shanghai . patient female 25 Therefore , in principle it could seem inhuman and even unethical to deny a vital support measure that is practically without any risks in a patient who can not feed him-or herself . patient female 2 [ A patient diagnosed herself with erythropoietic protoporphyria after googling photosensitivity ] . patient male 8 In 10 cases ( 8.33 % ) the patient excluded himself from the schedule . patient female 31 It is vital that a SCEN ( ' Support and Counselling by Euthanasia in the Netherlands ' ) doctor is consulted in good time in order to be sure that the patient is able to express himself or herself properly . patient male 1 The patient catheterises himself via this stoma . patient male 5 We present a 20-year-old male patient who presented himself after a car accident , and was diagnosed with a rupture of traumatic hydatid cysts due to hives rash . patient male 5 Four months later , the patient was applying dual stimulation himself at home and was thus able to maintain complete relief with 3 or 4 weekly sessions . patient female 4 The attempt of our patient to cure herself by making use of conditioned reflex proved to be a failure . patient female 1 The patient sustained direct pleural trauma and resultant infection by injecting herself with contaminated needles . patient male 6 It is suspected that often the patient unconsciously puts himself in the difficult situation . patient male 2 A 56-year-old patient with multisystem atrophy of Parkinson type presents himself with severe , symptomatic and orthostatic hypotension and concomitant arterial hypertension while in a recumbent position . patient female 1 The patient views herself as being ill for 14 years , since the moment of an epileptic attack with tonic and clonic convulsions . patient female 3 A 54-year-old female patient with history of a gastric bypass six years before , presented herself on the emergency department with acute onset of abdominal pain , nausea , and nonbilious vomiting . patient male 17 On specific tests of autobiographical memory , identity , attribute knowledge , and future projection , the patient could return to the past and visualize himself in familiar scenarios , but he could not visualize himself even passively in these scenarios in the future . patient female 1 A patient aged 69 years , fully edentulous , presented herself to private practice complaining about the instability of mandibular denture . patient female 17 In one patient creatinine clearance fell and signs of obstruction appeared , but this was because the patient had been catheterising herself only two or three times a week . patient female 5 It was discovered that the patient was preheating more than one thermometer and was intentionally injuring herself . patient male 6 The right hemisphere of the second patient seemed to regard himself more positively , but it also seemed to feel more negative emotions such as loneliness and sadness . patient male 15 Manifestations similar to panphobias prevailed , agoraphobic avoidance included all the situations in which the patient could find himself without help . patient male 1 The patient presented himself again in September 1995 with complaints of hypothyroidism , hypogonadism and hypoadrenalism . patient female 15 Participants were then asked whether or not they would restrain each patient and whether the patient exhibited the potential to harm him- or herself or others . patient female 1 The patient was able to wean herself off all oral medications and has been pain free for 4 months . patient male 10 In the case of a binding will , if the patient is no longer able to understand the situation or to make a judgement and/or is unable to express himself , the doctor has to respect the living will and under no circumstances is allowed to carry out the measures which the patient has refused . patient male 3 We describe a patient who selectively lost the ability to orient himself in the environment after a stroke involving the right parahippocampal gyrus . patient female 2 A 79-year-old patient presented herself with a 20 × 20 cm large pulsating tumour on the left side of her neck , and a pseudoaneurysm on the subclavian artery had been diagnosed as a late complication to a clavicula fracture nine years before . patient female 2 A pregnant patient presented herself at the emergency department with recurring fever and chills , a month after she had been to Indonesia . patient female 9 We report the case of a 68 years old patient who presented herself in consultation of cardiology with a NYHA IIb ( New York Heart Association ) cardiac failure 4 months after a surgery of mitral valvular replacement . patient female 4 During her illness the patient considered herself as " Jesus " . patient male 7 The system records the trace that the patient has initiated it himself following the onset of symptoms and makes possible to distinguish between silent and symptomatic ischaemia . patient female 1 A patient presented herself with a sustained patellar tendon rupture which was neglected for several years , causing a complete extensor mechanism dysfunction . patient male 27 It is postulated that change takes place in the context of a patient-therapist relationship and that when that relationship becomes paradoxical it becomes more difficult for the patient to view himself as a reified " thing . patient male 2 Now the patient is connecting himself to the respirator during sleep and since 20 months is so in a tolerable condition . patient male 12 The itch spread to the arms , abdomen and legs and the patient treated himself with clemastine and the itch disappeared . patient male 3 A 61-year-old male patient who contracted an acute trichinosis infection 39 years ago presented himself with swellings of the floor of the mouth , the tongue and the cheeks . patient female 6 It was later determined that the patient was self-injecting herself with crushed pill fragments through a tunneled central venous catheter . patient male 15 After preparation of a special , sophisticated formulation by a pharmaceutical cytotoxic lab , the patient might even apply the drug himself . patient male 13 This is composed of a pleural catheter linked by a pump that the patient controls himself , to a peritoneal catheter . patient female 35 An intervention designed to address this concern is the ' no-suicide ' contract ( NSC ) - an agreement , usually written , between a mental health service user and clinician , whereby the service user pledges not to harm himself or herself . user male 26 They serve to illustrate how terrible the problems can be when travel insurance is not appropriately secured before a traveller becomes sick , or where the patient assumes the risk himself , without insurance , in the absence of a proper understanding of the consequences . patient female 1 The patient defined herself as an active sexual partner and denied having any heterosexual intercourse whatsoever . patient female 6 Ideally , the journey transitions each patient from seeing herself as a victim , to a survivor , to a woman who is thriving . patient male 1 The patient presented himself at the primary practitioner with dyspnoea and chest pain , and was initially misdiagnosed as having pneumonia . patient male 15 What may interfere with the indications for operation is countertransference from the surgeon to the patient who consciously injured himself . patient male 6 We present a case of a patient who underwent a percutaneous coronary intervention and excused himself for some " fresh air " . patient male 2 A 45-year-old patient presented himself in our interdisciplinary casualty department where he claimed to have swallowed a butter-knife that morning as a bet . patient male 13 The function of the arm was restored in such a way that the patient was able to intoxicate himself again . patient male 26 This is the first case of systemic infection due to this bacteria secondary to dental manipulation , where the state of transitory immunosuppression in which the patient found himself at that time was determinant in causing the disseminated infection . patient male 17 Regular assessment of the peak expiratory flow ( PEF ) , which after proper instruction , the patient can do himself is important for evaluation of the activity of bronchial asthma . patient female 19 The case I have described in detail illustrates these psychotic identifications , the development of psychotic transferences wherein the patient can not differentiate herself and her thinking from the therapist and his thinking , and the struggle around a sense of personal identity at a point of resolution of the psychotic transference . patient female 10 The study revealed that as for sexual identification , the patient unambiguously identifies herself as a woman . patient male 1 Another patient killed himself during a brief psychotic episode associated with increasing epileptiform discharges . patient female 17 Injections of furosemide and other drugs were performed 1 - 4 times a day ; one female patient performed the intravenous injections herself , in three cases the partners and in six cases the practitioner or an outpatient nurse performed the injections . patient female 3 Shortly afterwards the patient drowned herself . patient male 20 Moreover , each kind has to be looked at differently with regard to three categories : ( 1 ) the patient who pays himself ( self payers scheme ) , ( 2 ) the patient who is subject to the social illness insurance , and ( 3 ) the one is subject to the compulsory social accident insurance . patient male 2 A 72-year-old patient presented himself with typical symptoms of coronary heart disease and was scheduled for invasive diagnostic procedures . patient male 27 As P. vivax can not be maintained continuously under laboratory conditions , the P. vivax DNA necessary for the library construction was isolated from a single human patient presenting himself with vivax malaria to a local hospital in the Brazilian Amazon . patient male 8 Briefly described , it consists in letting the patient expose himself to an anxiety-inducing situation without running away from it . patient female 12 The clinical and radiological findings improved markedly after 2 days and the patient discharged herself after 3 weeks and there was no follow-up . patient male 5 We have described a schizophrenic patient who mutilated himself by extracting two teeth . patient female 7 The ' facilitating environment ' helped the patient Birgit to differentiate herself from her dual object and thus to be able to cathect the level of the triangular relationship . patient female 2 The former patient -- a woman -- even relapsed , and recently found herself in danger of further relapse . patient male 1 The patient presented himself to the hospital after 7 days of fever , malaise and severe headache . patient male 4 It transpired that the patient had injected himself with hCG several days before . patient male 12 A nurse who risked serious injury to save the life of a patient who had set himself on fire has won an award for bravery . patient male 1 A patient describing himself as totally color blind was ordered by the judicial system to have his color vision investigated in order to establish his suitability for military service . patient male 6 The NHP was recorded when the patient was looking himself into mirror . patient male 2 A 15-year-old patient harmed himself upon firing a shotgun that he was carrying when he slipped and fell , causing a destructive wound in the right arm with a medial entry hole and a posterolateral exit hole . patient male 1 A patient presented himself with pungent , breath-dependent right chest pain and dyspnea at rest in our emergency department . patient female 1 Each patient also assessed him- or herself on the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale ( ESAS ) . patient female 1 The patient must see himself or herself as the active agent in the program , a concept that is enhanced by a discussion and demonstration of the therapy goals before surgery . patient male 7 The symptoms had occurred immediately after the patient had injected himself intravenously with crushed , unfiltered , methylphenidate HCl ( Ritalin ) tablets . patient male 7 The difference is so great that the patient must force himself ( herself ) to accept the existing psychical properties or inborn bodily particularities which do not harmonize . patient male 2 A 52-year-old patient presented himself with weight loss and night sweats . patient male 1 The patient had shut himself away for days in his apartment . patient female 15 It usually presents with the non-specific symptoms of nasal bleeding and obstruction though occasionally a patient may notice an intra-nasal mass herself . patient female 3 We report a patient who deliberately injected herself intramuscularly with an OP compound with suicidal intent . patient female 5 Early in the analysis the patient expressed herself almost exclusively through play . patient male 4 A 42-year old male patient with anamnesis of bronchial asthma presented himself with exertional dyspnea . patient male 9 With the help of a " touch-screen " the patient can draw the borders of his scotoma himself . patient male 6 Analyses of accuracy showed that the patient was able to activate and to relax himself purposefully and that he optimized his performances with the number of sessions , probably as a result of training-related improvements . patient male 5 11 weeks after surgery the patient presented himself again with an open wound and local infection signs . patient female 5 A 75 year old female patient presented herself with a skin alteration at the right dorsal ring finger and the tentative diagnosis of a Morbus Bowen like lesion was raised . patient male 6 On the other part , the patient feels himself as a misunderstood person , victim of the others . patient female 11 In this article , the authors report a case of a patient who , 7 years from a previous orbital floor fracture and treatment with silastic sheet , presented herself to their clinic for the failure of the material used for its reconstruction and a skin fistula . patient male 22 Through reduction of nursing personnel and elimination of physician attention at each dialysis , self-hemodialysis in a limited-care facility , where the patient dialyses himself and cleans his own machine without assistance , has reduced the cost to about one-half of center cost . patient male 22 Two patients bridged the logical inconsistencies between obviously being alive and the belief of being dead by visual illusions , the third patient , however , by locating himself in an intermediate region between this world and the afterworld . patient female 16 The three advantages sought were : 1 . To relieve the muscle spasms so that the patient could sit in a wheelchair and propel herself . patient female 9 The patients ' evaluations agreed , except for one patient , who graded herself as 50 to 75 % improved as opposed to the physician grading of over 75 % . patient female 1 The patient had not acted in this way in order to die , but to save herself from the impending end of the world . patient male 14 However , this system requires a high level of patient cooperation in that the patient is free to adjust the system himself and , therefore , the system may not be safe for application in all settings . patient female 1 The patient positioned herself on the Jackson operating table , following which general anaesthesia was induced . patient male 5 On successive visits , the patient injects himself and the dosage is titrated until a satisfactory erection is obtained . patient female 1 A patient presented herself with a painful swelling in the left nostril and next to the nose . patient male 1 The patient presented himself with stridor . patient female 1 The patient presented herself during a large outbreak of dengue fever in December 2012 in Maharashtra , India . patient male 17 Over a period of nine months , hypertrophy , lengthening and dilatation took place so that the patient was almost able to support himself by mouth . patient female 1 The patient had no complaints and regarded herself as cured . patient female 12 The only difference between her false and true recollections is that the patient could never envision herself as an actor in a scene involving confabulation . patient female 1 The patient reported herself as a non-smoker despite significant e-cigarette use , with resulting significant mastectomy skin flap necrosis and breast reconstruction failure . patient female 1 The patient , on holiday journey , exposed herself unwisely to the danger of catching the infection . patient male 1 The patient presented himself with fever and skin lesions which exacerbated after penicillin therapy . patient female 7 At the 6 month follow-up , the patient could feed herself and walk without assistance . patient male 1 The patient explained the swallowing as a means to release himself from tension induced by stress . patient male 2 The suicidal patient has a tendency to involve himself in symbiotic relationships from which it is difficult for either partner to become detached without generating anxiety in the other . patient male 1 The patient with fibrotic or cavitary lung disease finds himself at risk to be colonized and develop an aspergilloma ( fungus ball ) . patient male 31 It is necessary to consider the efficiency of examination , and to release a examinee 's agony , therefore a meal must leave the stomach within the tolerable limits of a patient who keeps himself unshaken during measurement . patient male 2 Often the patient finds himself in a critical condition , isolated from supporting relatives and financial difficulties may occur . patient male 4 Most importantly , the patient could feed and dress himself for the first time in several years . patient female 1 The patient presented herself to a medical doctor 's office due to a rapidly growing breast tumor . patient male 34 The tapes were analysed using Bales Interaction Process Analysis to identify interviews which were patient-centred : interviews in which the physician was supportive and encouraged the patient to express himself and in which the patient did express himself and offer suggestions . patient male 14 Since the end of the fifty years the laboratory findings had normalized and the patient worked hard and felt himself well . patient female 1 The patient developed sciatic pain after the second adjustment and subsequently referred herself to a medical orthopedist . patient male 21 Clinical improvement and re-integration into school was achieved by use of psychotropic medication and work on building self-esteem so that the patient could assert himself , both with peers and adults . patient male 2 The old patient has a tendency to put himself down , to withdraw from society and to lose autonomy . patient male 13 The author lists some factors that are supposed to influence the way a patient situates himself toward his illness . patient female 1 The patient seemed to recognize herself . patient female 7 A detailed medical history suggested that the patient was generating the lesions herself . patient male 18 This case report illustrates the use of evidence-based practice in formulating a comprehensive dental treatment plan for a patient who presented himself with signs of oral health debilitation accompanying methamphetamine ( MA ) abuse called " meth mouth " with the goal of providing dental care practitioners in Saudi Arabia with an insight into the global problem of MA abuse and its impact on oral health . patient female 20 Family members also reported that the person with diabetes was more emotionally distressed and knew more about diabetes than the patient had actually reported himself or herself . patient male 4 A 26 year old patient presented himself to our outpatient departement with recurrent vertigo and tinnitus since two months . patient male 19 After combination treatment for 2 weeks , treatment was continued with praziquantel alone , which , however , the patient stopped himself after 10 weeks . patient female 1 The patient is able to register her contractions herself as the unit is so simple to use . patient male 2 A young patient presented himself to the emergency department with sudden-onset , breathing-dependent right-sided thoracic pain . patient male 1 The patient accidentally injected himself in a finger , which likely makes him the youngest patient to receive an epinephrine auto-injection reported to date . patient male 6 We report the case of a patient who has autoinjected himself the penis and the scrotum with a solution constituted by petroleum , vaseline , oxygenated water and ketoconazol gel . patient male 5 Herein , we report a patient who shot himself using a nail gun , damaging his brain and heart . patient male 1 The patient had shot himself in close range with a double-barreled crossbow , simultaneously two arrows , in the chest . patient male 19 Our method of purposeful approach to diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction is based on the choice of the patient who decides himself the scope and invasiveness of the diagnosis and treatment . patient female 1 The patient presented herself in the surgical emergency unit with abdominal discomfort . patient male 5 We report a 42-yr-old male patient with massive pneumoperitoneum after scuba diving , who presented himself with dyspnea and abdominal distension . patient male 7 This report is of a 65-year-old male patient who was found to have an M. chelonae infection along the tibialis anterior tendon after injecting himself with heroin into the dorsal foot veins . patient male 14 This decision was often difficult to make and be accepted , particularly when the patient chose himself to stop the dialysis , even if life expectancy would be long on dialysis . patient female 20 Secondly , there are psychological considerations involved , since this makes it possible to avoid the trauma of letting the patient seeing herself , even for just an instant , without her breast . patient male 7 In one case of home accident the patient wounded himself while slicing bread with a long knife , which cut into the anterior abdominal wall and tore the anterior liver capsule , as seen at CTA . patient male 12 In 38 cases , others shot the patient , while only one patient ( 2.4 % ) admitted to shooting himself accidentally . patient male 17 Part of the physician 's task is to help the patient understand the information so that the patient may help himself . patient female 4 We report on a patient who treated herself with icatibant during three separate pregnancies . patient male 2 A seventh patient developed Streptococcus milleri septicaemia after wounding himself while cutting teeth from piglets . patient male 10 Another fatality after E. carinatus bite was suspected in a patient who discharged himself from hospital after Behringwerke antivenom failed to control bleeding and coagulopathy . patient female 20 Giant size of the tumor has caused facial disfigurement , mental agony and foul smell , because of which the patient confined herself in the house and lived the reclusive social life . patient male 1 The patient , male , prematurely born , 11 months years old , presented himself with high fever of sudden onset , malaise , diarrhea , diffuse skin rash with abdominal petechiae , and no clinical evidence of meningitidis . patient female 11 During each drug trial and during baseline placebo treatment , each patient exposed himself or herself to a situation that previously elicited panic attacks . patient male 6 In this case report , the patient presented himself with migrating transient focal osteoporosis that successively undertook , over one year , various anatomical zones within the same knee and then reached the contralateral knee . patient male 11 There was one death in the sternal fracture group in a patient who was ventilator-dependent preoperatively and extubated himself in the early postoperative period . patient male 8 In this report , we have reported a patient who injected himself a strong organophosphate compound , methamidophos , and showed the typical clinical picture of organophosphate intoxication . patient male 30 Discussions on the " AIDS-tests " in the past have not been free from emotions ; from the medical standpoint , however , it is for sure that the affected patient should know about his infection , in order to protect himself as well as others . patient male 8 This new type of patient , the knowledgeable patient , who is well-versed in medical matters and envisages himself as an active agent of the healing process and an equally important partner in the medical encounter , ties well with other testimonies we have about knowledgeable patients mostly to be found amongst the members of the socio-political elite of the time . patient female 5 In the second , a patient felt to be improving killed herself when life support was withdrawn . patient male 6 A few weeks later , the patient could better position himself in bed ( prone lying ) and on his wheelchair ( ischial sitting ) . patient male 1 The patient could sleep better , feed with set-up and adaptive aids , groom , dress , and transfer himself with minimal assistance . patient male 3 We report a patient who presented himself with a bilateral pleural effusion . patient male 5 In both groups , the patient considers himself to be physically ill , despite the absence of organic findings . patient male 7 The authors report the case of a patient who , in a suicidal attempt , caused himself a combined penetrating gunshot injury of the chest with laceration of the lung and a heart gunshot hole , which was diagnosed peroperatively . patient female 2 An 83-year-old patient presented herself with a ten-year history of keratotic papules on her trunk . patient male 1 The patient treated himself with about 120 mg methylprednisolone daily , which initially resulted in only slight improvement . patient male 1 The patient presented himself to the emergency department of our hospital with a complaint of severe pain in the right hemithorax , dyspnea , and diffuse cutaneous and subcutaneous haematoma in the inferior part of the right hemithoracic region . patient female 19 There is a clinical message in these cases which should be incorporated into the decision-making process : if a patient presents herself with premature labor , betamimetics should not be given before the diagnosis has been established . patient male 9 Two patients rated themselves " improved " and 1 patient rated himself " almost normal " on the Summary Outcome Determination scale . patient male 6 The authors report on a 51-year-old patient , who presented himself in their clinic with severe anemia , thrombopenia and deterioration of his general condition . patient female 18 This randomized study compared rates of disclosure with two response formats -- multiple choice , in which the patient is able to describe herself as having " cut down , " and the usual history question , " Do you smoke ? , " in which she is forced to answer simply " yes " or " no " . patient female 12 Anxiolytics are not a panacea , but only tools to allow the patient to help himself or herself . patient male 7 The second is that of a heroin-dependent patient who continues to inject himself while in a general medical ward . patient male 13 While watching himself in the video-fibroscopy monitor ( visual feedback ) , the patient performs a particular exercise enabling him to raise the larynx , lifting the arytenoids and causing hyperadduction and vibration of the arytenoid hood . patient male 20 The second clinical example involves the use of talking-as-dreaming as an emotional experience in which the formerly " invisible " patient was able to begin to dream himself into existence . patient male 49 The analyst , while engaging with a patient in talking-as-dreaming , must remain keenly aware that it is critical that the difference in roles of patient and analyst be a continuously felt presence ; that the therapeutic goals of analysis be firmly held in mind ; and that the patient be given the opportunity to dream himself into existence ( as opposed to being dreamt up by the analyst ) . patient male 1 The patient presented himself with a productive cough and orthopnea , both of which were subsequently proved to be due to hypertensive heart failure . patient female 1 The patient could transport herself in a wheelchair , was able to perform her own hygiene , receive visits , read , watch television , and also shop and visit restaurants . patient male 3 After rehabilitation the patient of the earlier case is able to fully mobilize himself in everyday life and is even able to use public transport . patient female 10 Initially , it was the only method of nourishing a patient who could not sustain himself or herself on oral feeds . patient male 3 A 45-year-old male patient attempted suicide by inflaming himself with gasoline . patient female 1 A patient with mantle cell non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma presented herself with fever , nausea , right upper quadrant pain on the 7th day of R-CHOP chemotherapy . patient male 0 Patient was more interested in male activities and began to identify himself as male in the community . Patient male 14 Autotraction is a method of diminishing lower back pain and sciatica in which the patient stretches himself on a specially designed traction table . patient female 1 The patient catheterizes herself six times daily and is under close urological/nephrological supervision . patient female 1 The patient has a hysterical personality , was of higher than normal intelligence but immature , and could only express herself through her functional handicap , a cry for affection in a rigid family environment only concerned by her scholastic achievements . patient male 17 We introduce the term ' chronicity ' , which means that the problems are maintained , the patient finds himself in a deadlocked situation , and is sliding down into a chronic disease . patient male 32 DCT performed before the development of the decompensation of dislocation syndrome contributed to the favorable outcome ( the preservation of life ) of disease and decreased the functional deficit so that the patient can move independently and help himself in daily activities . patient female 7 Ten years after the primary treatment the patient presented herself asymptomatic and clinically free of a tumor . patient male 13 Shame was the central psychodynamic aetiology ; it was too shameful for the patient to talk about or withdraw himself from the predicaments in which he was trapped . patient female 3 She was a patient who identified herself as medically , but not psychiatrically , sick . patient female 4 At 24 h the patient expressed herself coherently and followed orders . patient female 7 Complete continence was achieved , and the patient catheterizes herself every 3 - 5 hours during the day and once at night without difficulty . patient female 7 At the beginning of therapy , the patient was unable to safely express herself because others were perceived as critical and rejecting . patient female 5 As treatment progresses , the patient aspired more proactively to assert herself and felt more self-confident in interactions , although she consistently perceived the reactions of others in a negative way . patient male 6 In this report we describe a patient who produced the clinical and laboratory features of Cushing 's syndrome by injecting himself for many months with hydrocortisone . patient male 4 How to help the patient motivate himself ? patient male 5 In order to help a patient with a chronic disease motivate himself , caregivers spontaneously make use of reason with a view to having the patient share the caregivers ' point of view , in other words , to some extent , transforming the care recipient into a caregiver . patient male 1 A patient admitted for treatment of an aorto-iliac aneurism presented himself with swelling of the lower extremities and a low grade bruit over the abdomen continuous throughout systole and diastole . patient male 21 In schizophrenic delusion , the world of other humans is not so much the scope of events and actions ; the patient rather sees himself as actually related to others , while including " the other persons " in the delusion of persecution as a crucial point of reference . patient female 25 The maneuver of occlusive dressing therapy was simpler and easier than that of intravesical instillation , and occlusive dressing therapy was advantageous in that the patient could perform the therapy herself every day . patient male 5 The aneurysm developed after the patient stabbed himself with a meat hook . patient male 8 The blood pressure showed little change after the patient sat upright himself , whereas the passive manoeuvre caused a significant decline of systolic blood pressure lasting over the entire sampling period . patient female 30 The cases show how spine professionals can aid employers in making effective determinations regarding whether a patient 's condition " substantially limits " a major life activity and whether a patient can perform the " essential functions " of a job without endangering him or herself or others . patient male 18 This result shows that instruments like the URICA-VOICE scale measure in a more detailed manner which stage the patient finds himself at the moment of the evaluation . patient male 1 The patient felt flushed , hot , fearful , and described himself as having a " panic attack . " His heart rate increased from 53 to 111 . patient female 15 The authors report an unusual case of penetrating anterior neck injury in a 71-year-old female patient , who intentionally stabbed herself in a suicide attempt . patient male 15 When landmarks were ambiguous as regards location ( e.g. , unknown buildings ) , the patient erroneously localized himself in his hometown , which was more than two thousand kilometers away . patient female 5 Further inquiry revealed that the patient intentionally injected herself with large doses of insulin for the purposes of seeking hospital admission . patient female 5 We describe a 50-year-old female patient who had subclinical hypothyroidism and who presented herself with gradual cognitive impairment , accompanied with auditory hallucination and delusion . patient female 1 The patient detected the tumor herself . patient male 16 A second study showed that an assistant did not further improve the results obtained by the patient performing the forced expiration technique himself . patient male 25 The primary objective of community-oriented hospital psychiatric services is to return the patient to the community as quickly as possible , and to enable the patient to maintain himself in the community in a normal manner ( Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health , 1961 ) . patient male 1 A patient with a history of adenoid cystic carcinoma of the nasal cavity presented himself with bone pain and an elevated PSA level . patient female 7 Sabina Spielrein : From Being a Psychiatric Patient to Becoming an Analyst Herself . Patient female 4 A 48 year old patient deliberately poisoned herself with 25 g of sodium valproate and survived with supportive measures only . patient male 1 The patient recalled accidentally shooting himself in the chest with a Roman candle at the age of 3 . patient male 54 This has been an extremely important effort for two main reasons : 1 ) This user group can not be typified , hence making the design of an interactive system to fit all the spectrum of individuals a very complex task ; 2 ) each individual PAS ( Person on the Autistic Spectrum ) user must be able to develop himself within the environment according to his own capacities and potentiality . user male 4 After healing , the patient started shaving himself thus inducing a severe state of acne keloidalis . patient male 11 14 years after implantation , a previously full-time working and healthy patient presented himself with a dislocation of the silastic radial head prosthesis and atraumatic joint blockage of the right elbow triggered by a negligible movement . patient male 36 It is concluded that TNS may be tried with advantage in the treatment of a number of acute and chronic painful conditions of neurogenic/nocioceptive nature and that TNS has the advantage over e.g. acupuncture that the patient can administer the treatment himself . patient female 2 But the patient presented herself to the hospital several times with new symptoms often pointing us towards common pathologies like Baker 's cyst , deep-vein thrombosis and vascular lesions but diagnosis was established only after histology . patient female 6 However , a week later the patient presented herself again due to ischemia-induced small-bowel strictures . patient female 5 Despite her age , the patient was able to support herself , and she and her family desired to have a surgical treatment . patient female 11 A case of frostbite complicated by a thermal injury when the patient inadvertently burned herself while attempting to rewarm her feet is described . patient male 2 A drug-addicted patient injected himself intra-arterially with a mixture of methadone , flunitrazepam , saliva and water . patient female 17 It is an anteroposterior projection of both shoulders on a large casette and is done while the patient lifts himself or herself up with extended elbows off the seat of an armchair . patient male 2 A male patient presented himself in June 2019 due to a painful tooth in the upper left quadrant . patient female 2 A female patient presented herself due to protracted GERD and weight regain after multiple bariatric surgeries . patient male 9 We report the most unusual case of an adult patient who reinserted the slipped PD catheter himself leading to an " unseen before " complication . patient male 7 Before the induction of general anesthesia the patient positioned himself comfortably in right lateral . patient female 6 We report the case of a patient who injected herself with dermal filler purchased over the internet and who required intervention for the undesired effect . patient male 24 Although unnecessary continuation of AEDs exposes the patients to unwarranted side-effects , a premature withdrawal with subsequent seizure recurrence may be distressing for the patient who otherwise considers himself as cured . patient male 24 Weight gain may usually be explained by psychological factors : they may be more or less acute depending on the situation in which the patient finds himself . patient male 21 It was shown that the anesthetist clearly predominated in the course of the conversation : particularly during the time when the patient was preparing himself for the operation , it was the anesthetist who actively framed the communication by numerous questions and conversational activities while the patient responsively remains passive . patient female 7 We report a single-case study of a patient who suddenly lost her ability to orient herself in her neighbourhood . patient male 4 After treatment , the patient was able to improve wound healing by properly positioning himself in bed or on his wheelchair and walking with help . patient male 16 As a routine , unless clinical findings suggest presence of remnant tooth structures , or the patient presents himself with symptoms , the radiographic investigations are overlooked . patient male 1 The patient presented to a routine clinic appointment 72 hours after injuring himself while snowboarding . patient female 2 The female patient presented herself by a specialist because of longer lasting hypermenorrhoe . patient female 3 A 50-year-old female patient with complaints of a long ongoing unpleasant altered nasal airflow presented herself at the VU University Medical Center Amsterdam . patient male 2 The remaining patient extracted the foreign body himself and presented to hospital with a rectal perforation . patient male 1 The patient denied any further diagnostic investigation and presented himself again 2 years after the initial presentation . patient female 7 This report is the case of a patient who misdiagnosed herself and then led an emergency room physician and subsequent treating physicians to the wrong diagnosis . patient male 3 In 2005 the patient presented himself again because of a recurrence of the aspiration . patient female 3 A 48-year-old female patient tried to commit suicide by stabbing herself with a kitchen knife into her neck . patient male 0 Patient was comfortable on prone position and put himself in the same condition for prolonged periods . Patient male 3 A 19-year-old male patient who wounded himself with a gun in the cranial region had a Glasgow coma scale of 3E . patient male 1 One patient in two considers himself to be normal . patient female 30 2 ) The evaluation starts with the ethical obligations towards the patient : Which treatment strategy is in the patient 's best interest ? And : Which option does the patient prefer herself after appropriate disclosure ? patient male 28 The purpose of this paper is to examine those aspects of the drug treatment of mental disorder which relate to the human environment or group in which the patient finds himself . patient male 2 When the patient presents himself late to the clinician , the tooth and bone loss can be up to 60 % . patient male 14 The law provides the intervention of Ethics Committees when the doctor considers that the patient exposes himself to severe harm or the risk of death which would be avoided . patient male 2 Then the patient stopped himself to take the drug , but the platelet number remained around 4 - 5 x 10(4)/microliters . patient male 29 The first involved the analyst 's finding himself speaking with a parental voice with which he took on the responsibility of protectively " minding " the patient while the patient experienced himself on the edge of disintegration . patient male 0 Patient discharged himself against medical advice and died about one hour after getting home while trying to stand up from the sitting position . Patient male 3 A 77-year-old male patient with the diagnosis of hemophilia presented himself at the cardiology clinic with unstable angina and a coronary angiography was planned . patient male 5 It is postulated that the patient may have been able to detoxify himself as a result of metabolism of cyanide to the non-toxic form , thiocyanate . patient male 10 An in-depth psychiatric examination of the anamnesis revealed that the patient had deliberately injured himself with the weapon . patient female 10 By use of linguistic methods it is shown that the patient presents herself as a suffering victim and at the time as a powerful agent . patient male 2 The fifth patient discharged himself shortly after surgery . patient male 16 The reason for this is not only a different technique of measure , but obviewsly the patient accommodates himself to being examined . patient male 10 In the context of a stable long-term relationship , the patient is supported in experiencing himself as a subject capable of action . patient female 2 The third patient , a 66-year-old woman , presented herself with a pulmonary non-Hodgkin lymphoma . patient female 18 In ecstatic temporality , the past , present and future are experienced as a unity in which the patient sees herself as her own possibility . patient female 1 The patient episodically challenged herself breaking the dietary protocol leading to its negative test and to the evaluation of its benefit . patient female 3 A 40-year-old female patient developed swelling in the left lower lid and after slow progression of the symptom during 2 years , presented herself to our elective surgery service . patient female 3 A 58-year-old female patient with several concrements in the gallbladder submitted herself to pump-controlled percutaneous transhepatic chemolitholysis with methyl-tert-butyl-ether ( MTBE ) . patient female 5 A 67 year old female patient presented herself to our emergency room with paraesthesia in both hands , chronic diarrhea and continuous weight loss . patient male 2 If the patient was not performing the injections himself the questionnaires were completed by the caregiver administrating MTX . patient female 1 The patient weaned herself off duloxetine . patient male 28 I conclude this paper with a brief discussion of how the psychoanalytic situation is uniquely designed to facilitate this self as object relation in so far as the patient must narrate himself to the analyst , and I focus on how the analyst 's object , is internalized by the patient and how this alters his own previously arranged self as object relationship . patient male 6 The organs appear normal and the patient can walk unaided and feed himself although he does not recognize his parents . patient female 6 We present a case where a patient presented herself with swelling on the right side of her cheek extending to the floor of the mouth , with unilateral right hypoglossal nerve palsy . patient male 9 The reported study identifies the socio-demographic profile of the patient who presents himself to the emergency room of an inner city hospital with a history of recent cocaine use ; and investigates the patterns of cocaine abuse . patient male 5 A long-term HeartWare ® HVAD patient inadvertently disconnected himself from the pump , most probably due to a metabolically caused mental disorder , for which he had been readmitted to the hospital . patient male 11 Supportive therapy was started and during the next 3 weeks the patient progressively regained consciousness and muscle strength and was able to feed himself . patient male 5 A 45 year old male patient with a three-year-old swelling of the proximal thumbnail presented himself at the Surgery Department . patient male 2 The obsessive patient can not permit himself such customary confusions . patient male 1 The patient had presented himself with signs and symptoms of dynamic intestinal obstruction . patient male 9 Here we describe an FLCN mutation in a 55-year-old patient who presented himself with progressive weight loss , bilateral kidney cysts and renal tumors . patient female 2 A 52-year-old patient presented herself in our clinic with a clinical history of recurrent unilateral seroma of the right breast over a period of 8 years after the initial unilateral implant removal . patient male 1 The patient with tuberculosis must heal himself . patient female 34 Three months after surgery , 15 of 20 ( 75 % ) patients rated themselves as very much improved ; 4 patients ( 20 % ) rated themselves as moderately improved , and 1 patient ( 5 % ) rated herself as somewhat improved . patient male 1 The patient now treats himself at home with weekly infusions of only factor IX concentrate . patient female 31 The objectives of this study were to explore the meanings that characterize AN experience and to deepen the examination of spatiality in relational terms , through the study of how the patient construes herself and her interpersonal world . patient female 2 Thereafter the patient took care of the infusions herself . patient male 55 More than previously reported in the literature insufficient treatment on one side and a breakdown of the therapeutic relationship to the doctor with the following repulsion and hopelessness on the other side appear to determine the suicidal dynamics in the context of a multidimensional concept of suicide : If insufficient therapeutic efficacy disappoints doctor and patient and if the patient can not fulfill rehabilitation requirements , he is often given up and then gives up himself . patient female 10 We report the case of a young psychotic intravenous drug user injecting herself with Saccharomyces cervisiae ( boulardii ) . user male 39 What Richard Sterba described in his influential paper was not , as some have thought , a lasting alliance between patient and analyst but a momentary dissociative state , accompanying the analysis of transference resistance , in which the patient detaches himself from his strivings and views himself objectively before lapsing back into normal coherence . patient male 1 The patient can decide himself : medical or surgical treatment ] . patient male 26 The upper brachial plexus was injured during the initial moments where the neck was excessively stretched and the lower brachial plexus was injured due to the patient reaching up and holding himself by his arm for an extended period of time . patient male 44 After implementation of such a concept , it will be possible to provide care to all patients -- the routine patient , the routine patient undergoing an invasive procedure , the patient who is colonized with a resistant microorganism , as well as the patient who presents himself with an infectious disease -- under conditions that minimize the risk of nosocomial infection to the patient as well as to the healthcare workers . patient male 7 2 ) Using this equipment , the patient was capable of driving himself in comfort for two hours or longer . patient female 14 Overall , significantly more nurses correctly increased the next dose of morphine for the patient who was presented as having injured him or herself while participating in more socially acceptable behavior ( p = .003 ) . patient female 1 The patient presented herself with severe aortic valve stenosis and mitral valve insufficiency . patient male 16 However , incarcerations of inguinal hernias are rare events and can be treated adequately if the patient presents himself early after onset of symptoms . patient female 6 We present a case where a patient presented herself with pain in the left back tooth region , with unilateral left hypoglossal nerve palsy . patient female 4 We suspect that the patient voluntarily intoxicated herself and gave a low dose of coumarin anticoagulant to her son as well . patient male 2 Although a patient subjected to intermittent self-catheterization must carry a catheter and catheterize himself under a non-sterile technique at regular intervals this method is considered the best one available for patients who lead an active social life . patient male 36 This had rendered him diabetic , on insulin , and he required long-term administration of penicillin V. The fracture was treated with a halo vest , and , unknowing of its potentially serious consequences , the patient continued to tighten the halo pins himself . patient male 13 The diagnosis of early ( non-metastatic ) prostatic cancer is dependent upon the patient presenting himself with symptoms or for routine rectal examination or ultrasound screening . patient female 11 The authors suggest that there is an ambiguity present whenever a patient presents herself to a hospital or therapist as suicidal , and that a time limited period , or cooling-off period , should exist that would allow an alliance to form between patient and care-giver , if possible , and then permit them to explore underlying issues of depression . patient female 23 As usually understood , the surrogate is supposed to be guided by the question , what would the patient choose , if the patient were making the choice herself ? Brudney argues that this conception is impossible , and that the surrogate 's task is instead to consider the patient 's best interests , as illuminated in part by the patient 's expressed values and past choices . patient male 5 This article discusses a male patient who injected himself with a large amount of sunflower oil , which became complicated by an inflammatory response-abscess formation and sclerosing lipogranuloma of breasts . patient male 17 We describe a case of brain abscesses with gas formation following otitis media , for which the patient treated himself by placing clay in his ear . patient male 12 By applying himself to an organized and coordinated training procedure , the patient was able to generate distinctive EEG-patterns by the imagination of movements of his paralyzed left hand . patient male 18 The aim of our work was to identify the most important aspects of the relationship between gynecologist and patient who presents himself during our observation because of breast pathology . patient female 8 Initial response to treatment was promising yet the patient discharged herself against medical advice and was lost to follow-up . patient male 1 The patient then rechallenged himself with his powder and developed the same reaction , biopsy-proven to be consistent with FDE . patient male 1 The patient , an active homosexual , withheld the details of his sexual history , portraying himself as exclusively heterosexual . patient male 10 A lethal case is reported of chronic Q-fever in a patient aged 34 who regarded himself as completely healthy six months before his death . patient female 9 We report on the case of a 64-year-old female patient who presented herself in our outpatient clinic because of a perianal fistula with recurrent abscesses . patient male 30 These are often exemplified in the violent intervention of the persecutor in the patient with schizophrenia , the expected punishment for the ' error ' committed for which the depressed patient blames himself and the social repression of the maniacal patient 's affirmation of his inflated self-esteem . patient male 6 Four days after hospitalization , the patient discharged himself without significant symptoms or paraclinical findings . patient female 1 The patient stated that she had not been able to move any part of her body , that she had perceived the situation as extremely unpleasant and dangerous and that she had felt severe pain . patient male 1 The patient said he had sat on the ground in short trousers . patient female 18 Within 3 weeks , she was ambulating with assisted devices , and at the 10-month follow-up , the patient had nearly complete neurological improvement . patient female 1 Our patient denied that she had consumed alcoholic beverage during her life . patient female 31 In addition , senior vice president of the Australian Medical Association , Dr Brendan Nelson , was quoted in the Sunday Age 16 August 1992 as follows : " If a patient tells you that she is going to kill her husband and you believe it is a serious threat , then you have a responsibility to the person whose life is in danger to inform the authorities . " To do otherwise , surely is an injustice and it would appear to therefore follow , also unethical and immoral.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient female 7 Upon review at two months , the patient reported that she was content on Cerazette ™ and wished to continue with this medication . patient female 2 A third patient had a clinical picture suggestive of a tick bite reaction but stated she was stung by a small garden bee at the involved site . patient male 1 The friend then confessed that he had fired the gun accidentally . friend male 1 One patient had a hypercatabolic state with low levels of serum albumin and IgM. He achieved 65 % of the predicted value for peak serum concentration of HA-1A with a plasma half-life of 12.3 h. A second patient had detectable serum HA-1A for only 15 min following infusion without an adequate technical or biologic explanation . patient male 1 The patient disclosed that he cleaned the prosthesis frequently because of discharge . patient female 1 One patient stated that she would not have the surgery again . patient female 1 The patient maintained that she was unaware she was pregnant . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was an avid weight-lifter and that he was taking up to 10 g/d of a creatine supplement during the 6 weeks prior to this surgery . patient male 4 On questioning , the patient stated that he had resided three years ago for six months in Ivory Coast , where he acquired malaria . patient male 1 The patient said he had no recent travel to any other malaria-endemic area and had not received a blood transfusion . patient female 22 After the evidence of a deficit of vitamin K1-dependent clotting factors ( II , VII , IX , X ) , the patient admitted that she was chronically ingesting difenacoum . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had received " local anesthetic " in the lumbar spine 16 years previously because of severe lumbago , and that his hyposthesia had originated from the " local anesthetic " . patient male 6 During a follow-up interview , the patient reported that he experienced a flu-like illness during the previous week and had been using menthol cough drops . patient male 5 Upon further questioning , the patient revealed that he has had persistent erythema and problems with facial flushing for many years , particularly with alcohol , coffee , and moderate exercise . patient male 1 The patient was allergic to nuts and thought he may have eaten something containing a pine nut . patient female 30 Discussion of these issues is most relevant for a women patient who is planning a pregnancy , but may also be useful for couples before marriage , for a women patient who finds that she is pregnant , and for men with bipolar disorder who want to become fathers . patient male 1 The patient started on Vitamin C 500 mg once daily for which he responded well with less cyanosis and significant reduction of methemoglobin level . patient male 5 After the surgery , the patient complained that he experienced rotary vertigo and " jumbling of vertical direction " of objects on walking . patient male 7 Further , our evidence suggests that a patient who says he has given up smoking entirely can probably be believed , but a claim to have reduced smoking may be less reliable . patient male 52 They correspond to different moments in the constitution of relational space : first , the two-dimensional world in which even the void is inconceivable ; then , the sensation of the void manifesting a disavowal of the absence of relationship ; next , the constitution of a three-dimensional space in which the patient initially feels carried by the object but then discovers that he can carry himself ; and , finally , the constitution of the internal space which allows internalization of the feeling of ' buoyancy ' . patient male 2 The third patient , a 21 year old male , upon transfer to the Adult Diabetic Center , reported that he had been under the care of a pranotherapist for several years . patient male 5 In the Postscript , the patient describes what he felt was therapeutic and contrasts this to his previous experiences with manualized cognitive processing therapy . patient female 2 If the patient responded that she had thoughts of harming herself or others , she was referred immediately for social work or psychiatric evaluation . patient male 1 The patient did not take his prescribed beta-blocking agent for two days , following which he experienced six discrete shocks for spontaneous VT while riding his bicycle . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had been suffering from exercise intolerance and aggravating dyspnea . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had taken spinning classes for the last 18 months , and for the past 4 days he reported that he had done his spinning exercises harder and more frequently . patient male 5 During the operation , the patient felt pain and needed additional local anesthesia once . But the pain was not severe , and he did not feel stressed . patient female 12 From a state of severe central and peripheral nervous-system involvement , the patient recovered so completely that she was able to leave the hospital in less than a month , with only a residual weakness of her arms . patient female 3 QUESTION A : patient of mine who recently learned she was 6 weeks pregnant had received the recombinant human papillomavirus ( HPV ) quadrivalent vaccine at 4 weeks of gestation . patient female 1 The patient had also developed a laterally alternating skew deviation and reported that she had undergone a course of intravenous immunoglobulin ( IVIG ) . patient male 17 In March 2003 , osteopathic family physicians in New Jersey were given a vignette in which a patient reveals that he has a genetic disease and demands that the information be kept confidential . patient male 22 While the presence of numerous oxalate crystals in urine strongly suggested ethylene glycol intoxication , the GC analysis of the liquid the patient ingested revealed that he presumably drunk about 150 to 200 ml of a mixture of methanol ( 80 % ) and ethylene glycol ( 20 % ) , the amount well over the lowest lethal dose when the additiveness of toxicity was considered . patient female 26 Following the identification and characterisation of this biochemical abnormality , she is no longer subject to repeated blood tests for assessment of thyroid function ; the patient currently remains clinically euthyroid . patient male 4 The history of the patient revealed that he had mediastinal radiotherapy due to Hodgkin 's disease at 10-year of age . patient female 5 When asked , the typical patient indicated that without the program she would not have received the care that she needed . patient male 7 In addition , the ability of the patient to focus one of two competing stimuli , and switch between them on command , also suggests that he retained the ability to access , to some degree , his own visual representations . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was periodically using cannabis socially and that during these periods he was free of attacks . patient male 1 The patient should guarantee in writing that he received the brochure , that he does or does not wish further explanation of the risks , that he consents to the operation and to necessary changes or elaborations . patient male 4 For example , a patient said he had become more tender and more serious . patient female 1 The patient reported that she took her regular four antihypertensive agents , including atenolol , with no excess ingestion or recent dose changes . patient male 17 The physician should carefully explain all the risks and benefits of each option and then help the patient decide which therapy he would be most willing to accept . patient male 1 The patient then revealed that he was taking Siberian ginseng , a popular herbal remedy . patient male 4 On direct questioning the patient reported that he had been taking marihuana and cocaine immediately before each episode . patient female 6 At the same time , the patient reported an increased ability to attend to activities of daily living , stating that she was able to " do more around the house " and had not missed a day at work in 2 months . patient male 5 After 8 months , the patient had a recurrent AD F. He underwent another operation , but hemorrhaging from the aortic anastomosis occurred , so he required emergency surgery . patient male 0 Patient 1 claimed to have been subjected to torture in 1973 in South America and reported that he had a thick rubber-like rope tied around each thigh just above the knees . Patient male 12 After titration to memantine 10 mg by mouth twice daily , the patient reported he was " 100 % headache free " from his ON pain . patient female 24 To develop an instrument to help clinicians inform patients about the benefits and risks of breast irradiation following lumpectomy and to help an informed patient decide whether she prefers this treatment . patient male 1 The patient expressed that he was able to perform daily activities without any difficulty and run for 30 minutes without pain . patient male 1 A friend accompanying the patient reported that when the patient started to become stuporous , he attempted to revive him with intranasally administered aliquots of crystal methamphetamine . friend male 5 On subsequent questioning , the patient informed us that he had worked with heavy equipment in a mine at the time that he had first noticed the lesion . patient female 6 However , further questioning of the patient , revealed that she had been consuming several sachets of raw liquorice lollies ( ignored amount ) obtained from a herbalist a month ago . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had removed a kidney cancer 5 years prior . patient male 6 Further questioning and examination of the patient revealed that he had lesions of the penis that were clinically and histologically bowenoid papulosis . patient male 5 On further investigation , the patient admitted that he had started taking an herbal supplement , royal jelly , 1 week earlier . patient male 4 Before discharge , the patient admitted that he had had unprotected sex with numerous male acquaintances ; anti-HIV testing turned positive . patient female 1 The patient stated that she started taking the medicine again upon discomfort , increase in anxiety , dysphoria , insomnia , and nervousness , which started just after olanzapine was interrupted . patient male 12 He prescribes medications in roughly half of all encounters ; every tenth patient requires surgery . patient male 2 Only one patient felt his knee to be unstable ( he had a positive pivot jerk ) . patient female 3 Re-evaluation of the patient after surgery revealed that she was clinically euthyroid and there was no thyroid malignancy . patient female 1 A patient who just found out that she is pregnant and suffers from migraine headaches informs me that she has been taking naratriptan . patient female 1 The patient and her family decided that she should undergo surgery ; therefore , pancreatoduodenectomy was performed for Stage III IPMC . patient female 1 The patient was suspected of having Lynch syndrome(LS)since she fulfilled 2 of the revised Bethesda criteria , even though there was no family history of LS . patient male 1 The patient denied tobacco smoking and drinking alcohol , and confirmed that he performed manual labor in a brick yard , being exposed daily to the sun without protection . patient male 1 The patient made an uneventful recovery and 2 weeks after surgery he was able to start his palliative chemotherapy for bronchial carcinoma , which was diagnosed based on biopsy acquired during this procedure . patient female 5 At her initial consultation the patient indicated she had been managing the defect esthetically by placing pink wax into the large open space every day to minimize the appearance . patient male 1 The patient revealed that he had eaten pickled anchovies a few days before . patient male 1 The patient reported he had had contact with a child diagnosed with HFMD . patient male 1 The patient felt that living held nothing for him and therefore he requested at his own free will to go home and die . patient male 1 The patient reported no recent trauma , but said he had multiple falls while skiing and mountain biking . patient male 6 Following the surgical procedure , the patient had improvement in the pain and paresthesia that he was suffering from . patient male 2 Only one patient differed : he had had a supra-selective vagotomy , and had similar curves before and after treatment of the hypothyroidism , both being similar to the plasma concentration curves found in the other patients after correction of the hypothyroidism . patient female 2 Postoperatively the patient continued to haemolyse , despite the use of antigen compatible blood , suggesting that she had developed hyperhaemolysis syndrome following her delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction . patient male 4 On questioning , the patient revealed that he had self injected with mercury 15 years before . patient male 3 After operation the patient improved , and 32 months after onset of his illness he was working and showed no evidence of a recurrence . patient male 7 Shortly after completion of surgery , the patient noted that he could not see out of his non-operated eye . patient male 2 However the patient decided he wanted to be discharged and was interested in finding out how to go about it . patient male 17 This did not improve the symptoms , and upon careful questioning about his head discomfort , the patient acknowledged that he felt an inner restlessness in the suboccipital muscles . patient male 10 No risk factors for intestinal ischaemia were present but the patient stated that he had injected cocaine i.v . patient male 7 After a week of treatment , the patient reported that he felt very fresh and was virtually free of headaches . patient male 1 The patient mentioned that he had started lifting weights a few days earlier . patient male 1 The patient history showed that he also suffered from anaemia and depression . patient male 8 No neurological deficits were observed , and the patient explained that he had been aware of the swelling for more than 6 months ; thus , the epidural catheter was not deemed to be responsible . patient female 1 The patient said that she experienced pain and numbness of the affected area ( mandible and lip ) for two months and then a small swelling appeared . patient male 11 A living will is a declaration of will with which a patient refuses certain medical treatment for the case that he is no longer able to understand the situation , make ajudgement or to express himself . patient female 10 Treatment was continued with introduction of lithium , but the patient stated that she could not tolerate it . patient male 1 The patient , however , returned to our department and reported that he was able to recreate his original symptoms by compressing the bypass graft manually . patient male 0 Patient explained that he could not prevent to check responses . Patient female 1 The patient failed to present for endoscopic removal a few weeks after surgery Five years later , she presented with recurrent biliary pains and a mild episode of cholangitis . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had been a chronic user of MDMA for 2 years . patient female 4 On enquiry , the patient revealed that she had accidentally ingested a tailoring needle 17 years ago . patient female 1 The patient reported that she was using a positive-pressure breathing mask at night because of sleep apnea . patient male 1 The patient reported that about 30 years ago he had undergone gynecomastia surgery . patient male 1 This patient reported that he worked as laboratory metallurgic auxiliary for over 30 years . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had attempted self catheterization using a homemade catheter . patient female 9 Fifteen days after receiving the fourth infusion , the patient informed us she was pregnant . patient male 5 Informed consent implies that the patient understands what he has consented to ] . patient male 10 Despite differences in functional status , however , only one patient indicated that he would not make the same choice again to undergo BMT . patient female 5 FHL mutation analysis of the patient and her parents revealed that she presented compound heterozygosity for STXBP2 : a novel missense mutation c.663 G > C ( p . patient female 5 On further questioning , the patient revealed that 20 years earlier she had a pigmented lesion removed from her right posterior calf . patient female 1 The patient reported that she suddenly felt unwell 3 days ago and developed a rush at the same time which had almost disappeared when arrived at the emergency department . patient male 1 The patient said that he was unable to urinate and had not had a bowel movement in 6 days . patient male 7 During follow-up 1 month later , the patient reported that he had been largely asymptomatic since his hospital admission ; however , his left back pain had increased in severity . patient female 15 Because of the weakness of this correlation , it can not be assumed that a patient who indicates that she is particularly afraid of death will not engage in a suicide attempt with high lethality . patient male 29 A 69-year-old man was evaluated in our neurology department , for a presumed diagnosis of ' night-time seizures ' ; however , this diagnosis was quickly dismissed after the patient ( and his wife ) described how he ' acted out ' and talked throughout his dreams , without any seizure-like activity . patient female 4 When questioned , the patient reported that she suffers from this condition fairly regularly . patient male 6 MS‑MLPA results of the other AS patient with the same karyotype indicated that he had a high possibility of paternal UPD at chromosome 15 . patient male 12 Although there were no fitting clinical symptoms for these values , the patient was treated with levothyroxine assuming he had subclinical hypothyroidism . patient male 1 One patient reported that he would leave the decision ( State 1 through State 3 ) up to his wife . patient male 2 Every second patient believed that he could not catch tuberculosis if he suffered from diabetes mellitus or any kind of tumor . patient male 8 A routine full blood count of a single patient revealed that he had CLL . patient female 4 Physicians must know their patient well , listen to and understand what she is saying , explain their own findings and verify that the explanations have been understood , and they must be convincing . patient male 3 On examination the patient explained that he had become preoccupied with intrusive thoughts and memories since his diagnosis of suspected lung cancer and that although he had been told the lesion was not malignant , he had distressing memories of that period and was experiencing severe psychological distress . patient male 1 The patient also explained that he had experienced the death of a close friend through lung cancer and he had a deep fear of developing lung cancer himself . patient female 6 When reporting medication use , this patient initially left out that she had been taking Goody 's powder ( 845 mg aspirin ) for headaches , and long-term use led to metabolic encephalopathy . patient male 41 Hence , patient was diagnosed with mild acute pancreatitis that was treated with aggressive intravenous ( IV ) hydration and pain management with bowel rest of 2 days duration and significant improvement being noticed within 72 h. On further questioning , patient recalled that several years ago he had similar abdominal pain that developed after taking amoxicillin/clavulanic acid but did not seek medical attention at that time and the pain resolved within few days while abstaining from food intake . patient female 2 The first patient noted that she suffered from AEI 30 years ago . patient male 2 The other patient had psychomotor agitation , depersonalization , derealization , severe anxiety and deluded that he was losing his memory . patient female 5 The analysis showed how the patient sought information about her illness , how she manifested motivation , and how the hospital 's social environment influenced her behavior . patient female 34 On a traditional interpretation of the substituted judgement standard ( SJS ) a person who makes treatment decisions on behalf of a non-competent patient ( e.g. concerning euthanasia ) ought to decide as the patient would have decided had she been competent . patient male 2 If the patient responds that he sees only one , then a field defect is present in one eye . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had just bought a puppy which was also itchy . patient male 2 Can the patient really decide how he prefers to be consulted , or are we imposing the consultation model ? patient male 20 The information must be given by the physician himself and should be as comprehensive as is necessary to enable the patient to decide for himself whether he wants to undergo the procedure . patient female 15 MRI scan confirmed the presence of a cylindrical foreign body in the vagina and the patient revealed that she had ' involuntarily ' inserted a plastic bubble bath cap into the vagina . patient male 5 During the interview , the patient reported that he was receiving signals from an electronic device implanted in his body . patient male 2 A third patient contends he is incontinent 6 months after operation without obvious functional or neurological disturbance . patient male 2 A pediatrician friend once told me that he could teach me in 30 days what I would need to know to handle 95 percent of the cases he sees . friend female 1 The patient reported that she had worn 2 tongue rings and a mandibular labrette ( lip piercing ) in the form of a bar for 12 years . patient male 1 The patient feared that he might initiate injection use of opiates if his cravings could not be controlled . patient male 3 A 54-year-old male patient ( index case ) reported that he had been on a religious trip ( for visiting , tomb of Ali , which is important for Shias ) to Iraq with a large group ( 50 shia pilgrims from Kars city of Turkey ) two weeks prior to admission . patient female 9 Even though her physical condition rapidly improved , the patient told her own physician that she wanted to be extubated and off Intensive Care , despite her knowledge of a probable short survival . patient female 20 Difficulty deciding whether to terminate ( 44.8 % ) , financial barriers to care ( 22.0 % ) and the patient having recently realized she was pregnant ( 21.6 % ) were the most common delaying barriers cited . patient female 5 In a second anamnesis , patient indicated that she had taken risperidone 3 mg ( an atypical antipsychotic ) . patient male 5 Upon being aroused , the patient stated he had recently ingested 1 1/2 bottles of vodka/beer and 250 mg of diazepam . patient male 3 However , the patient stated that he felt that the intervention had helped him to start managing his heart failure . patient male 5 Upon further questioning , the patient stated he recently began ingesting mauby . patient male 5 At this point , the patient tried to stand up , but had difficulty walking and noticed he was " falling toward his left . " Facial asymmetry when smiling was also appreciated . patient female 1 The patient , described as a sexually inhibited novelist with symptoms of panic and anxiety , said at the outset that she was never able to express strong feelings for fear of criticism . patient male 3 Only one TMJ patient stated that he had a headache more often and that it was more painful than previously . patient male 1 The patient ultimately stated that he had consumed rattlesnake meat for medicinal purposes -- a relatively common practice among Hispanics . patient female 1 The patient stated that she had two sexual partners in that period , who showed no skin lesions . patient female 1 The patient reported that in 2011 she experienced pain in the right side of her back and was diagnosed with sciatica . patient male 8 These data led to further questioning of the patient who disclosed that he had acne conglobata which had been treated with Isotretionin , 20 mg/day , for more than half a year . patient female 5 During history taking , the patient reported that she had been drinking large amounts of grapefruit juice regularly . patient male 7 During a more thorough interview , the patient reported that he had undergone transfixing keratoplasty for cloudy patch secondary to blunt trauma from stone 's throw dating back 10 years . patient male 14 He had been asymptomatic , but 4 weeks after the diagnostic bronchoscopy , the patient suddenly complained of a right back pain and dyspnea at rest ; shortly after that , he developed a fever of 39 degrees C. A chest X-ray showed right pleural effusion , collapse of the right lower lobe , and elevation of the right diaphragmatic dome , but without pneumothorax . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was working on a sheep farm . patient female 35 The objective of this study was to develop an instrument to help clinicians inform patients with breast cancer of risks and benefits of adjuvant chemotherapy as derived from clinical trials and to help the informed patient decide whether she prefers treatment or no treatment . patient female 1 The patient subsequently became accessible to psychiatric examination and reported that during the walk she had swallowed 8 - 10 berries of deadly nightshade with suicidal intent . patient male 1 The patient met criteria for the Euro-American diagnosis of factitious disorder , persisting in his claim that he had been the victim of witchcraft . patient male 1 One patient had single-vessel disease of the circumflex branch , for which he received a coronary stent . patient male 3 A 20-year old patient reported that he had smoked " Spice Gold " daily for 8 months . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had experienced a similar syndrome a few weeks earlier during a phase of abstinence owing to a short supply , and that it had quickly subsided after he had started consuming " Spice " once again . patient female 1 A patient tells you she 's " starting to worry " that getting pregnant wo n't be as easy as she 'd hoped . patient male 1 This patient did not know that he had traumatic AVF after a gunshot injury in the left thigh 14 years ago . patient male 1 The patient said he had consumed unpasteurized goat 's milk and cheese in Mexico , and had been treated 3 months previously for a febrile illness diagnosed as Malta fever ( brucellosis ) . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had been taking 8 - 10 menthol cough drops/day due to dry conditions at his workplace during the time period that the INR decreased . patient male 4 After failure , this patient revealed he never took EFV throughout the entire study after randomization , effectively receiving only abacavir/lamivudine/zidovudine qd alone . patient male 12 One recently described way to improve the compliance is to let the patient try all the three PDE5 inhibitors and to prescribe the drug(s ) he and his partner desires . patient female 18 In addition to the impressive morphological and traumatological injury pattern , the psychiatric case history of the female patient also showed that she had suffered from a typical borderline personality disorder . patient male 1 The patient had an aggressive course of PG , for which he needed a combination of oral steroid , immunomodulator therapy and biologicals . patient male 3 Self-report of the patient revealed that he had had continued symptoms and 9 months after the development of RS he developed Terry nail . patient male 29 Twenty-three patients ( 77 % ) stated they were " much better , " 6 patients ( 20 % ) stated they were " better , " and 1 patient ( 3 % ) stated he was the same . patient female 1 The patient survived for one year and seven months , during which her quality of life was markedly improved and she returned to work . patient male 2 A manic-depressive patient hid 3000 pounds during one manic phase and subsequently , when his mood stabilised , could not remember where he had hidden it . patient male 15 We suggest that this is not a clear case of state-dependent memory , since the patient at no point explicitly recollected where he had hidden the money . patient female 2 The dying patient had given up and felt that she was engaging in goal-directed activity which she would or could not shut off . patient male 58 Three distinct themes emerged : ( 1 ) the first seizure as a sentinel event , as manifested in part by how patients described their first seizure in remarkable detail ( " I clearly remember the date … " ) ; ( 2 ) seizures as inextricably tied to the brain tumor itself ; for example , one patient explained how he " always wondered what was happening with my brain tumor " with each seizure ; and ( 3 ) adaptation and acceptance-or lack therefore-to seizures . patient male 1 A patient reported that he sustained a minor fall on the outstretched hand in hyperextension , pronation , and in ulnar deviation . patient female 1 The patient recovered well after surgery and recalled that she had eaten fish the night before experiencing abdominal pain . patient male 1 The patient knew that he was a carrier of BS diagnosed at young age . patient female 3 Unexpectedly , the patient announced that she was pregnant . patient male 1 A patient deep in thought might not realize that he is thinking ( malfunction of thought ) but is rather " hearing voices " without external stimulus . patient male 19 We identified two categories of yes-answers : 56 % ( 63/113 ) were plain answers , confirming that the patient was breathing ( " he 's breathing " ) ; and 44 % ( 50/113 ) were qualified answers , containing additional information ( " yes but gasping " ) . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had experienced erectile dysfunction at similar times along with claudication , but he did not mention it before angiography . patient male 2 The first patient , for instance , thought that he could only walk while holding his forehead back with his hand ; the woman thought that the skin of her neck and back was disconnected from the underlying tissues . patient female 12 After the hidden vial was discovered and presented to her , the patient finally admitted that she had been surreptitiously injecting insulin . patient male 4 Further study of one patient revealed that he also had problems reading the beginning of words presented tachistoscopically or in vertical orientation . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had been healthy with no prior hospital admissions and no personal or family history of bleeding diathesis . patient male 1 The patient , who later admitted attempted suicide , stated that he had taken 400 g rodenticide including brodifacoum orally for five days prior to admission to hospital . patient male 9 The findings of these studies show that the stroke patient often has clear goals for himself in relation to functional abilities , against which he measures all success and forward progress in his rehabilitation . patient female 4 Following stroke , a patient may fail to report touch administered by another person but claim that she feels touch when it is self-administered . patient male 1 The patient confessed that he had an eating habit of chilled salmon . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had received a single blood transfusion in his youth and presented at intake with a severe microcytic hypochromic anemia . patient female 11 When her therapist actually did become pregnant , however , the patient began consciously to wish that she herself were male and stigmatized her homosexuality . patient male 2 If the patient declared that he ejaculated less than 1 minute more than half of his intercourse attempts , he was enrolled in the study . patient male 1 The patient reported that he did not feel pain or discomfort throughout the intervention . patient male 1 The patient returned to his home in Holland and , four years later , reported that he was free of any symptoms , even during sport activity . patient male 6 Tolerate these feelings through helping the patient to see how uncomfortable he is because of the illness . patient male 11 At follow-up , approximately 8 weeks and 12 weeks later the patient communicated that his pain is resolved and he has began to train for Ironman Lake Placid 2010 . patient female 4 At presentation , the patient had hyponatremia with a sodium level of 128 mEq/L. She had low serum osmolality with elevated urine osmolality , consistent with SIADH . patient male 1 The patient had no immmunosuppressive disorders and claimed that he had never had homosexual intercourse , or traveled to the tropics in recent years . patient male 1 The patient asserted that he had used the protective helmet properly . patient female 16 As the haemorrhage resolved , the size of the swelling was significantly reduced , and the patient became asymptomatic due to which she deferred surgery but remained on close follow-up and was doing well . patient male 3 Moreover , the patient reported the he continued to take valsartan . patient female 1 The patient admitted that she used to chew the sheets of metallic lead enclosing wine bottle necks regularly . patient male 10 We report a case of a 35 year old male patient with no medical history , who experienced decreased vision in his left eye that he noticed by chance . patient male 1 The patient told us that he inserted the foreign body himself 5 months earlier , and urine had appeared in the stool in the previous month . patient male 1 The patient remained deeply comatose for four days , after which time he developed other behavioral impairments and recurrent seizures . patient male 1 The patient admitted that he had taken psychotropic drugs and that the self-induced lesions had been caused by cigarette burns . patient male 1 The patient attended 12 exercise sessions over a 1-month period , during which he demonstrated acute and chronic physiological responses appropriate for the exercise stimulus . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had chronic constipation since the age 3 years with a large , hard , and painful bowel movement once every 1 - 3 weeks . patient male 3 Poststimulation , the patient has been free of seizures for 19 days and is presently taking only levetiracetam and phenobarbital , from which he continues to be successfully weaned without seizures . patient female 8 Several weeks after her initial presentation , the patient reported that she had had a herniated disk diagnosed 2 years earlier by means of magnetic resonance imaging . patient male 1 One patient confirmed that he was fantasizing about the sexual habits of the unknown donor of his heart . patient male 3 Questioning of the patient revealed that huffing always preceded these episodes and that he started huffing after discontinuing alcohol . patient female 1 The patient recalled being told that she had sickle cell trait but said that she never had a sickle cell crisis . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient confessed that he has been on medication with hydroxyurea for his granulocytic leukemia . patient male 3 However , the patient reported that he was able to perform normal daily activities without difficulty at 5-year follow-up . patient male 2 One such patient , H. , conveyed the impression of being " bogged down . " He did not work or study , and at home with his family was prone to violent outbursts ; his social relationships were centered around drug use . patient female 9 At the time she came to us , the patient presented distal dissemination , so we performed curettage of each one of the multiple metastases of soft tissues of the hand . patient female 5 Three months postpartum , the patient began to believe that she was pregnant with the Christ child , although she was not pregnant . patient male 3 History of the patient revealed that he was undergoing a surgery for buccal Squamous cell carcinoma ( SCC ) lesion 2 years ago . patient male 31 The illness began 48 hours before the admission to hospital , he had fever , mental confusion and the location of pneumonia was right lower lobe , 24 hours later the patient die . patient male 16 Microscopic examination of the specimen revealed a fish bone , but only after surgery did the patient confirm that he had eaten fish meal the week before . patient male 3 History of the patient revealed that he had had diagnosis of hypophosphatasia ten years ago and underwent percutaneous screwing for stress fracture on both of his femoral necks . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had the lesion for several decades but that it may have become more raised over the past few months . patient female 4 As soon as the patient decided that she could trust herself to handle the information appropriately , her symptom resolved . patient male 1 The patient history indicated that he had been possessing a dog and was living in an endemic area of Lyme disease . patient male 4 Median delays before the patient realized he had a suspicious lesion , before this lesion was seen by a doctor , and before the melanoma was removed were 4 months , 2 months , and 1 week , respectively . patient female 1 The patient reported that yoga recovered the soul contact which she lost and she had learned to perceive and feel herself again . patient male 1 The patient then revealed that he consumed home-canned corn several days prior to admission . patient female 8 In this vignette from the treatment of a patient who , because of sexual abuse by her mother , did not feel that she owned her own genitals , the sense of entitlement represented a developmental step toward ownership of her own body . patient male 1 The patient gradually became disabled , his renal function deteriorated , and he finally died of sepsis . patient male 6 At 18-month follow up , the patient shows he is doing well , with normal liver function tests . patient male 1 The patient did not know that he had Factor V Leiden disorder . patient female 6 Only one ( 1 % ) patient indicated that she was not satisfied with the sedation regimen . patient female 6 At the 6-month follow-up , the patient reported that she defecated two to three times per day without difficulty . patient male 4 Specific questioning of the patient revealed that he had been taking regularly excessive quantities of vitamin supplements as a self medication . patient female 1 The patient also had pulmonary tuberculosis at that time , for which she received a full course of treatment . patient female 4 In addition , the patient reported that she was never able to keep up with peers in prolonged physical activities since childhood . patient male 12 Despite the final diagnosis being infection of an undescended testicle , the patient did not report that he only ever had one scrotal testicle despite his 78 years of age . patient male 1 The patient stated that he felt he had returned to his level of health before the incident . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well , and later confirmed that she would consent to undergoing the same procedure again if further surgery became necessary . patient male 22 Ophthalmological examination revealed a living worm adhered to the lacramal opening and after removal , it was identified as Clinostomum sp. The patient admitted that he used to eat raw freshwater fish , he caught in Prachin Buri Province where he lives . patient female 1 The patient reported that she never missed a dose of mefloquine during her weekly prophylaxis schedule . patient male 5 The unique features of our patient suggest that he represents a new syndrome . patient male 12 In 1 patient , six family members had recently died and our patient feared that he too would die . patient male 16 Neurogenic stuttering is a disorder of neurologic origin in the rhythm of speech during which the patient knows exactly what he wants to say but is unable to because of an involuntary prolongation , cessation or repetition of a sound . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had noticed personality changes after gabapentin was initiated , and that he had become more depressed , frustrated , and aggressive . patient female 4 In 2002 , the patient reported that she was pregnant . patient male 1 The patient is beguiled into believing he is the ruler in an established relationship and his dependency on care gives him an opportunity to be surrounded by loving , altruistic , helpful people . patient male 8 In a renewed and extensive anamnesis , the patient revealed that he suffers from myotonia dystrophica Curschmann-Steinert . patient female 3 Genotyping of the patient showed that she was homozygous for an aHUS CD46 at-risk haplotype . patient female 2 The first patient underwent mastectomy two years before due to hormone receptor-positive breast cancer and on admission she was during adjuvant hormonotherapy with tamoxifen . patient male 1 The patient claimed that he had the tumor for more than 30 years and it never changed in diameter nor caused him any discomfort . patient male 9 After participating in a detailed medical interview , one patient revealed that he and his comrades were blocking their urethras with clay plugs after voiding to prevent residual urine from dripping onto their clothes . patient male 4 Two years later the patient noticed difficulties in extending the index in playing , for which he received various unsuccessful treatments during seven years . patient male 1 The patient had a history of diverticulitis , and 6 years ago , he had undergone endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair ( EVAR ) with a Talent bifurcated prosthesis . patient female 1 The patient stated that very soon after the beginning of each acupuncture treatment , she had noticed a significant improvement regarding psoriatic lesions as a " side effect " . patient male 1 This patient believes he would then lose any hope of ever receiving the soothing function due to the fantasized destruction of the source of that soothing , his beloved object . patient male 38 On April 4 , 2006 , the patient received an infusion of gemtuzumab at 11 a.m. , and he received 6 units of leukocyte-depleted , irradiated platelets at 6:40 p.m. At 1 a.m. the next morning , the patient developed fever and shortness of breath and went into severe distress . patient male 1 The patient worked in a cattle feed factory and noticed that he had more complaints after his working hours . patient male 2 The third patient has indicated that he plans to have his recurrent hernia repaired laparoscopically again . patient female 7 In order to restore motion , the patient reported that she would undergo the same triple tendon transfer procedure a second time where necessary . patient male 1 The patient had the characteristic features of SSS and genetic testing confirmed that he was homozygous for the TBCE mutation . patient male 4 On questioning , the patient said that he had eaten lupini beans for lunch but that he had n't had enough time to soak them for long enough before eating them . patient male 9 For referred patients , the orthopaedic author re-examined each patient to determine whether he thought the MRI was necessary . patient male 1 The patient became free of pain at once , the acral ulcers healed within a few weeks and he could again use his hands . patient male 1 This patient has none of the clinical features seen in peroxisomal diseases , he is a strictly normal intelligent adult . patient male 5 After cataract surgery , the patient wants its vision to be as he remembers it was . patient female 7 On discharge from the operating room the patient declared that she had been awake . patient male 5 At 6-month follow-up , the patient reported he was essentially free from PTSD symptoms , and his tic was significantly reduced . patient male 4 During the examination the patient has confessed that he had committed a crime . patient female 8 At three and six month follow-ups , the patient reported that she was able to maintain treatment gains without difficulty ; however , she had been unable to increase the time between voidings beyond approximately two hours . patient male 6 At the 6-month re-evaluation , the patient reported he had remained asymptomatic and his tooth had remained functional since the treatment was completed . patient male 1 The patient did n't know that he suffered from IPF and siloxanes ' inhalation triggered an acute exacerbation of his disease . patient female 6 Only one ( 1 % ) patient stated that she would not recommend subpectoral positioning . patient male 8 It helps control psychotic symptoms and assists the patient in regaining enough insight to realize he needs treatment . patient male 1 The patient had a disease-free survival of 24 months , after which he developed marginal recurrence . patient male 1 The patient originally thought he had torn his meniscus however repeat radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) confirmed an osteochondral fracture . patient male 1 No patient stated that he would decline to be treated again with rectal balloon . patient female 16 A detailed history of genital symptoms is no better at identifying an herpes simplex virus-2 seropositive patient than is simply asking if she has ever had genital herpes . patient female 1 The patient was discharged from physiotherapy after four treatment sessions , and a follow-up after 3 months revealed that she was pain free and fully functional . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had been drinking an Aloe vera tea 2 - 4 weeks before symptom onset . patient female 3 Eventually , the patient indicated whether she would prefer video glasses or not if she were to have another filling and what the expectations of the effect had been . patient female 1 The patient reported that she stopped the intake of meat for 5 years , and further practiced Bigu for 5 months , eating only fruits and vegetables , and avoiding grains and meat . patient male 16 However , in the midst of a family meeting , shortly after discussing prognosis , the patient reports that he can not hear what anyone is saying . patient female 22 The treatment of the most common diagnoses , mood disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder , includes serotonergic drugs , psychoeducation to help the patient understand that she is highly unlikely to harm her infant , and exposure with response prevention therapy . patient male 1 The patient could recall and recount all the happening during the operation signifying that he was not sufficiently anesthetized . patient male 1 The patient reported that 4 days earlier , at a stressful out-of-town business meeting , he had experienced anterior chest pain while sitting . patient male 1 A patient who died in the UK from Strongyloides infection , which he had contracted in the West Indies , is described . patient female 1 The patient revealed that she had been using a water jet device on a high pressure setting . patient female 17 After detecting allergy to primine ( after 48 and 96 h , + + ) , the patient recalled that two months earlier she had started to grow primrose ( Primula obconica ) at home . patient male 1 The patient did not want to take MRI and stated that he only wanted to have dental treatment . patient female 6 Cytogenetic and microsatellite analysis of the patient and her parents showed that she has a de novo duplication of Xp11.22-Xp11.4 on her paternal X chromosome . patient male 2 An 82-year-old patient gave the history that for 33 years he had made prospective observations on his own difficulty with people 's names . patient male 7 At the 3-month follow-up visit , the patient reported that both ankle and feet had regained full , pain-free range of motion and he returned to full activity . patient male 3 Even if a patient decides autonomously that he wishes his life to be prematurely terminated , he is not in a position to carry out this act himself . patient male 11 A toxin analysis was carried out on the mushrooms that the patient said he had ingested . patient male 14 The patient asked to speak with the pharmacist , and during their discussion the patient stated that he had a supratherapeutic INR level of 5.2 measured at home with a self-test device . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was HIV positive as well as being addicted to cocaine . patient male 3 However , the patient reported that he could not have an orgasm during sexual intercourse . patient male 4 [ Results ] The patient reported that he rarely needs a physician and participates in endurance sports like jogging . patient male 1 The patient stated he had a similar lesion a year before , which disappeared completely after one month of treatment with a topical corticosteroid . patient female 5 On additional questioning , the patient said that she had had watery diarrhea for the last 10 years , with as many as 10 bowel movements daily . patient male 10 In the second embarrassment was associated with progress that the patient felt he had made but was embarrassed to admit . patient female 14 It is not uncommon for a physician to consider changing AED regimens when the patient first reports that she is pregnant . patient female 1 The patient reported that she would have the same procedure again . patient female 4 On questioning , the patient confirmed that she had twice dived to 35 m without any missed decompression stops and informed us that she had experienced tightening of the chest followed by sudden dyspnoea during her second ascent in a setting of marked emotional stress since the previous evening . patient male 2 Only one patient died , he had been in a coma on admission to the hospital . patient female 1 The patient stated she had completed two negative qualitative urine pregnancy tests and had been seen by both gynecology and gastroenterology , with recommendations to start supplemental estrogen for her symptoms and begin additional fiber intake for irritable bowel syndrome , respectively . patient male 3 Interpretations make the patient aware simultaneously that he and the analyst are separate and that the analyst has a link to internal objects that are not under the patient 's control . patient female 1 The patient reported she woke up feeling an intense pain with itching and that also she had noticed a spider of an unknown species on her bed . patient male 5 On careful questioning , the patient indicated that he had dental impressions taken 2 months before the onset of the symptoms . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had walked through salt water and bushes with exposed surgical wounds 1 week postoperatively . patient male 1 The patient reported that after the ingestion of clams , he slept for 12 hr in a heavily intoxicated state . patient male 1 The patient , who showed left hemiplegia , felt a third upper limb ( without seeing it ) which he himself defined as " spare . " The spare limb was not deformed ; it could be moved and controlled by the patient , and there was no sensation of pain . patient male 1 The patient remembered that he had been unwell 2 weeks earlier with flu-like symptoms and enlarged cervical lymph nodes . patient male 23 We are aware of a similar symptom , " delusion of soliloquy " ( Y. Kasahara et al. ) , in which the patient believes that he unintentionally spoke to himself and that everyone learned his secrets through his soliloquy . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had not defecated since swallowing the packets . patient male 2 When a patient reported that he was ready for discharge during index admission , the readmission was deemed less likely by the majority ( predictability : OR 0.55 ; 95 % CI 0.40 to 0.75 ; preventability : OR 0.35 ; 95 % CI 0.24 to 0.49 ) . patient female 10 The clinic nurse performed this and during the consultation the patient revealed that several days earlier she had passed a previous ' lost ' intrauterine device ( IUD ) when she opened her bowels . patient female 8 This paper describes a case in which the patient indicated that in early childhood she had been subjected to antimasturbatory measures and finally to clitoridectomy that had ongoing traumatic effects . patient male 24 This case is also interesting as it is the first report of which we are aware of anosognosia for alexia without agraphia : the patient confabulated when asked to read English text , but immediately stated that he could not read Chinese text because he did not know that language . patient male 16 Three years and four months later , most of the aphasic syndromes disappeared , although the patient claimed he still had difficulty in speaking . patient female 1 The patient reported no history of trauma , but mentioned that she had received orthodontic treatment . patient female 6 While talking about history , the patient mentioned she was attending , for about four months , an Esthetic Private Clinic , where she was injected in various sessions with Metacrill ® , as a facial lift , for beauty purpose . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had experienced severe withdrawal symptoms when he tried to stop using pregabalin . patient male 25 In this case , the patient presented with coma that is a rare presentation of CVST with no obvious clinical history and he was male patient that means he is free of all gender-specific risk factors of CVST . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient confirmed that 1 year prior he had fallen asleep with a toothpick in his mouth while intoxicated . patient male 5 Two items addressing whether a patient wished he could change his mind and the belief that he would have been better off with the treatment not chosen were combined in classifying survey respondents as either satisfied or regretful . patient male 46 Not only was pain relief denied to him , but he was also insulted by a doctor with the words , " What do you want me to do ? Sing a lullaby and rock you to sleep ? " Even after a year , the patient says that he can not help being angry with that doctor and can not help feeling like wanting to stab him with a knife . patient male 10 There was no available data of affected relatives of the patient which have suggested he was fCJD , but due to his Chilean origin PRNP studies were carried out . patient female 1 The patient stated that she has reproducible episodes of dizziness and near fainting when she climbs a flight of stairs and activity is limited to a slow gait . patient male 1 The patient informed that he had accidentally ingested a single glass of strong liquor . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had suffered a spontaneous pneumothorax 8 years and a pleural effusion 3 years before . patient female 7 Following a CYP2D6 genotype analysis , the patient was found to have the CYP2D6 * 1/*10 allele , indicating she was an intermediate metabolizer . patient male 11 Although the lung lesions had diminished at that time , the patient develope paraplegia , his clinical course rapidly deteriorated , and he eventually died . patient male 1 The patient mentioned that he had lost approximately 10 lbs during the past year , but he had been trying to lose weight . patient female 1 The patient informed that she liked to eat raw beef . patient male 1 The patient denied preceding gastrointestinal symptoms , but mentioned that he received positive fecal Salmonella species culture results without medical intervention about 3 months previously . patient female 22 Three historical variables were statistically less likely to be associated with pregnancy : last menstrual period that was on time , the patient thinking she was not pregnant , and the patient stating there was no chance she could be pregnant ( P less than .001 ) . patient female 5 Three days later , the patient returned with worsening headache that she described as the worst headache of her life . patient female 6 At one-year of follow-up , the patient reported that she has not experienced any pain since the last ketamine infusion . patient female 1 The patient admitted that she had often missed doses before this relapse . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was now able to button buttons , use a knife and fork , and tie simple fishing knots . patient female 20 During this admission , she developed transient right-sided facial droop and slurred speech which resolved spontaneously ; however , the patient became unresponsive and desaturated with severe decompensated type 2 respiratory failure . patient male 1 The patient had a trivial trauma 2 months back following which he was able to walk and carry out his daily activities . patient female 4 In anamnesis , the patient reported that she had applied garlic topically to this region . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had received oral alendronate sodium treatment for eight years . patient male 16 There was a poor correlation ( r2 = 0.02 ) between the number of hours the patient said he wore his headgear compared with the actual number of hours worn . patient male 1 The patient reported that he took his usual medication doses before bed and awoke at 3 am with a penile erection . patient female 13 The positioning dizziness resolved , and when contacted several months later , the patient stated she had remained asymptomatic . patient female 1 The patient possessed symptoms of nausea and early satiety , and admitted that she had recently consumed a large number of hair extensions . patient female 4 Five weeks later our patient reported that she was pregnant with twins in their eleventh week of gestation , although she previously denied several questions regarding a potential pregnancy . patient male 1 The patient also had had diabetes for one year , for which he was receiving insulin injections , but there was no evidence of vascular disease . patient male 5 After starting voxelotor , the patient reported that his jaundice cleared within one week , and that he felt much better with more energy , and was relieved after his eyes cleared . patient female 31 Both the consultation study and the study of dilemmas in practice showed that the district nurse has to approach the health care organisation from a viewpoint close to that of the patient , which implies that she can , and has to , maintain an overview of the patient 's total interaction with social institutions . patient female 4 History of the index patient showed that she collected tea leaves in her hometown 1 month before the illness onset . patient female 2 A 27-year-old patient of mine recently learned she is pregnant . patient female 1 The patient showed full recovery from limb weakness and in the follow-up period she noticed no change in her memory . patient male 0 Patient revealed that he injected drugs intravenously with tap water . Patient male 3 However , the patient had mistakenly believed he was taking the anticholinergic and hallucinatory plant Mandragora officinarum , which is also known as mandrake . patient male 1 The patient declared that he is able to having a normal sexual life . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had not eaten for days because of abdominal pain . patient female 9 Five months after discharge from the hospital , the patient reported that she had not resumed smoking cigarettes , had not used any smoking cessation aids , and had not intended to stop smoking . patient male 13 Compliance with the prescription was found to be strongly associated with whether the patient thought that he knew the prescribing doctor well . patient female 13 The record also shows that when completing the mammography information form , the patient wrote that she had a lump in her left breast , correct ? Defendant Radiologist ( Df Ra : ) : Yes . patient male 1 The patient reported he had been subfertile for five years . patient male 1 The patient noticed that before these episodes he had been using an inhalator of salbutamol . patient female 1 The patient said that in childhood she used to have paroxysmal itching of the left hand . patient female 1 The patient stated that she regularly took allopurinol . patient female 1 The patient stated that she underwent an operation due to gastric volvulus nine years ago . patient female 2 Once a patient acknowledges that she is not pregnant , severe depression is a possible complication . patient female 9 After wearing the prosthesis for 6 months , the patient reported that she was completely free of symptoms . patient male 18 All of this began when , on a routine phlebotomy sweep one day , an extremely cachectic cancer patient looked her in the eyes and asked her why his blood had to be drawn again , saying that he did not expect to live through the night . patient male 7 In finding transferential expectancies realized , the patient can experience these as yet different , providing he has the analyst 's optimal participation . patient female 6 During the transplantation evaluation , the patient decided that she did not want to undergo continued attempts at stabilization of her progressive multi-organ dysfunction and she was transitioned to comfort care . patient female 1 The patient denied drug injections and revealed that she had received blood transfusions several years before . patient female 3 Mentally , the patient kept thinking she was a woman , so the decision of telling her the truth was left to the parents . patient female 10 A more detailed patient history was taken , and the patient reported that she had several pet rats and one of them had given her some superficial scratches a few days before she fell ill . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had received oral therapy with the silver-containing drug Gastrarctin in 1959 . patient male 3 History of the patient showed that he had accidentally consumed levamisole 8 months ago . patient female 12 At that point although the mucositis score was still 2 , the patient reported that she was free of pain , and consequently a palatine plate could be made to rehabilitate the entire surgical area . patient male 0 Patient recovered dramatically that he no longer remained a candidate for gastric pacemaker implantation . Patient male 5 At one year , the patient had regained the ability to perform many functional activities with his left hand that he had not been able to perform with his prosthesis , such as throwing a baseball , turning the pages of a newspaper , writing , and tying his shoelaces . patient female 6 When she was asked , the patient said that she did not need to use the drugs for the treatment of obsessive and compulsive neurosis and depression any more since her symptoms had decreased . patient female 5 In the PES , the patient reported that she was afraid of eviction from her apartment due to the " horrible " smell that she was emitting . patient male 40 When the analysand discovered this , the analysis seemed to take a turn for the worse , but in actual fact , it was the real beginning of the analysis that allowed other topics to be faced , and the patient was able to move on with his life , as best he could , toward retirement and search for a new marriage partner . patient male 1 The patient later admitted that he had exposed himself to weight loss agents of unknown nature , purchased online , and large carbohydrate loads in preparation for the competition . patient male 11 Eight patients with nine implants participated in the follow-up , one patient had died and another refused to participate but declared that he did not suffer from any impairment . patient male 4 The history of the patient pointed out that he had used steroid for four months with a suspective diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis , and his father had tuberculosis . patient male 4 By explaining to the patient how these disorders could affect postoperative outcome and which benefits he could retrieve from their management , the patient will increase his motivation for change and he will be more likely to seek professional help for these disorders . patient male 11 I made a promise to Paul 's family that no other patient or family would experience the care that he sadly received . ' patient male 8 Instead , talking about it rather made the patient feel he had a bad conscience . patient male 1 The patient reported that he was still using self-hypnosis at one-year follow-up . patient male 1 The patient stated his history of seizure disorder , cardiac arrhythmia , reactive airway disease , and HIV infection ( he reported CD4 count of 350 cells/mm(3 ) ) , and physical and sexual abuse . patient female 1 Each patient decided whether she would take hormone replacement therapy or a calcium supplement . patient male 5 As a result , the patient responded to abiraterone that he once had developed resistance to . patient female 8 After a careful sexual history was taken the patient revealed that she had sexual intercourse preceding every similar episode including this one , during which her partner forcefully blew air into her vagina . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had been suffering from this numbness for 1 to 2 months . patient male 5 Six weeks later , the patient reported that he was able to swallow with only minimal , intermittent discomfort . patient male 19 He was the first to completely remove an acoustic tumor ( 1894 ) ; 18 years later , the patient remained well . patient male 10 A case of transient amnesia is described in which a patient reported memory loss for five days , during which he had wandered extensively . patient female 23 During the months of her levothyroxine dosage changes , however , she separated administration of levothyroxine and raloxifene by 12 hours ; the patient then became hyperthyroid . patient male 1 The user can thus readily see how long he can use such products without risking malfunction . user male 5 The medical history of the patient revealed that he had had myocardial infarction . patient male 11 In turn sensory experiences connected with a current flowing let the patient know that he receives true stimulation . patient male 1 The patient reported that cutaneous and nail lesions had appeared about 2 months prior and that he had engaged in unprotected sex 5 months before . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had accidentally dropped her peritoneal dialysis catheter into the toilet . patient female 8 Twenty-six hours after the first injection , the patient reported that she was unable to lower her gaze and that her neck was stiff . patient female 1 The patient denied she was using thyroid hormones ; also , she lacked the typical features of patients with thyrotoxicosis factitia . patient male 8 During follow-up review 10 months later , the patient reported he was working . patient female 3 We diagnosed the patient with pulmonary tuberculosis based on the fact that she had come in contact with a tuberculosis patient . patient male 3 Examination of this patient revealed that he was a carrier of a paternally inherited deletion that affected the U1B and U1B * upstream exons of the SNURF-SNRNP gene within the 15q11-q13 imprinted region . patient male 13 The 24-h pad test was performed once in every 4 weeks until the patient indicated that he was continent . patient male 7 Malpractice litigation was brought about because the patient alleged that he had steroid cataracts , which resulted from his having received systemic corticosteroids . patient male 7 At the age of 2-years the RDEB patient showed signs of early aortic dilatation , suggesting that he is likely to develop a Marfan syndrome phenotype in the future . patient male 12 One patient in each group said that he dreamt , and one patient in G2 said that he had heard a noise and felt that he was taken from one place to another . patient female 7 One week following the initial intervention the patient reported she was able to run pain free . patient female 1 The patient subsequently reported that she could no longer feel stimulation from the device and device interrogation 2 weeks later indicated battery EOS . patient male 16 Derbyshire nurses have hit back after accusations in recent press reports that they ignored a male patient who claimed he had to ring the ward on his mobile phone to get attention . patient male 23 In spite of his normal reading performance , both in terms of comprehension and of accuracy and speed in word production , the patient complained that he met with great difficulty in reading newspapers and books , to the point that he had to renounce to this previously favourite activity . patient male 1 The patient expressed that he frequently threw up when he had hiccups and his social life was negatively affected . patient male 18 Twenty-four weeks after treatment was discontinued , HCV-RNA was undetectable and , during the same visit , the patient reported that he had regained his sense of smell a few weeks previously . patient male 16 Within a few days of his defaulting , a follow up call was made and the patient revealed that he did not have enough financial resources to visit the hospital and continue his treatment . patient male 29 The courts have opted for an objective approach which requires the physician to present to the patient all material facts relating to the patient 's situation so that the patient may choose what if any investigation or treatment he will have . patient male 29 Freud 's comments on how treatment is influenced by the analyst 's individuality are briefly reviewed ; and Winnicott 's notion of how the individual analyst relates to the patient -- including how he does and does not interpret -- is also discussed . patient female 1 The patient told me she 'd eaten nothing for 3 days before her visit , and that I could n't make her eat . patient male 5 It was evaluated if the patient is capable to reflect his actions and to assess if he is able to react on deviations from the normal standards in a correct and appropriate way . patient female 1 The patient refers that from this age she has suffered from recurrent relapses of ulcerations of the mouth and genital organs , vescicular exanthema of the upper and lower extremities and severe headaches that would not subside with analgetic therapy . patient female 11 She had no previous medical or cardiac history , with the patient stating that she tried a herbal remedy of boiled comfrey leaves for insomnia 18 hours before arrival to the department . patient female 5 Upon further questioning , the patient confirmed that she had recently undergone therapy for Chlamydia trachomatis infection . patient female 1 The patient noted that she had closed her hand in a car door one week earlier , causing minor trauma to the right third metacarpophalangeal joint . patient male 4 In the course the patient reported that he could treat further relapse with opiate or opioids with Pregabalin successful . patient male 47 About the main advantages , 100 % of respondents pointed out the treatment of mental patients followed even during the week-end and the break time by the guard nurses doing the ward round visit or the guard ; 72.2 % said it prevents discrimination , because mental patient feel that he is a patient like others ; 50 % said it prevents stigmatization ( to avoid for example , the expression " he is mad " ) ; 16.7 % said that mental patients receive help from somatic patients . patient male 11 After more than a year of treatment in a clinic the patient acknowledged he was ill and admitted to being an alcoholic . patient male 4 With questioning , the patient stated that he played center for his high school basketball team . patient female 7 The cause was unclear , although the patient stated that she may have sustained a laceration in that area several months prior . patient male 6 At 1 month follow-up , the patient reported that he was doing well and skin sutures were removed . patient male 3 Initially , the patient had denied he felt responsible and guilty over this tragic event ; however , later as trust developed and intense paranoid defenses were attenuated , these painful memories were expressed in vivid detail . patient female 1 The patient became pregnant and a gestational sac was detectable by transvaginal ultrasonography , but she spontaneously miscarried . patient male 1 The patient pays what he likes for the tea bag of a cure . patient male 3 The older the patient , the more likely he was to have contractures . patient male 12 In 2017 , 16 years after he received proton-beam therapy , the patient developed a focal amelanotic lesion strongly suggestive of a local recurrence of iris melanoma , although it extended from the 1 to 6 o'clock positions . patient female 7 About 3 months after surgery , the patient discovered that she was pregnant and her first baby was delivered at term , uneventfully . patient female 2 A 73-year-old patient presented with severe gastrointestinal bleeding and stated that she suffered from hereditary von Willebrand disease . patient female 1 The patient had made progress and reported that she actually felt better but she asked for repeat treatment because of residual complaints . patient female 9 Generally no physical coercion is involved ; and the patient often believes she is consenting at the time in which sexual relations occur . patient male 7 This report examines the dilemma that a patient , who was a doctor , faced on discovering that he was developing a second primary testicular tumour ( seminoma ) in a solitary testis . patient male 10 We met him as anesthesiologists , and this made the patient convinced that he had a cancer and was about to die soon . patient male 4 Of note , the patient reported that he had a less severe episode of penile swelling approximately one year ago after a paracentesis in a similarly low site , which resolved spontaneously . patient male 2 Will your patient admit " he hits me " ? patient female 1 The patient revealed that she had stayed in Africa and Malaysia for professional reasons . patient female 1 The patient accepted that she had pseudocyesis after the causative medical condition resolved . patient male 5 Yet , a gravely suffering patient might insist that he has a moral right to the procedures even if they were morally wrong . patient male 1 The patient experienced fever and systemic lymphadenopathy after 22 months ' remission of IBL-T. He developed acute hepatic failure and consumption coagulopathy rapidly , and died on the 7th hospital day . patient male 1 The patient also stated that he was an IV-drug user ( IVDU ) and previously had tested positive for human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) infection . patient male 1 The patient inquiry revealed that he had eaten hunted rabbit meat on numerous occasions and had unintentionally ingested three lead pellets . patient male 1 The patient could talk during seizures , suggesting that he might have language dominance in the right hemisphere . patient male 2 Subsequently the patient reported that at certain times he experienced pain in the area of the left posterior teeth with concomitant chest pain while at other times the pain was confined to the teeth . patient female 5 After 16 visits , the patient reported that she was approximately 95 % improved , was able to run 2·5 miles without pain , and had no pain with sitting on hard surfaces . patient female 28 Following the sudden onset of severe nausea and vomiting , diplopia , blurred vision , bilateral ptosis , weakness , speech and swallowing difficulties have developed and the patient declared that she has just tasted the canned beans after she had rinsed them several times . patient female 7 The sessions can be continued if the patient feels she is progressing but has not reached sufficient results . patient male 5 On further inquiring , the patient reported that he had had a cat at home and when the patient did CAPD , the cat was usually playing with the tubing or contacting the patient during CAPD . patient female 1 The patient stated she had a " tightness " in her chest during the mannitol administration . patient female 22 The margins were negative and she had an uneventful recovery and was discharged after 12 d. One year after surgery , the patient died at home , and the cause of death were gastrointestinal obstruction and malnutrition . patient female 1 The patient maintained that she had no visual memory of objects that she used in her art work . patient female 1 The patient healed without complications , and seven months post-operatively she was able to use a prosthesis . patient male 1 The patient remained clinically stable until approximately 15 mo after his stroke-when he developed severe shoulder pain associated with shoulder abduction , external rotation , and downward traction . patient female 12 During a standing-pivot transfer from bed to wheelchair , during which the patient thought that she had applied both brakes , the wheelchair turned away from the patient toward the side of the unlocked brake and the patient fell to the floor . patient female 1 One patient received a total of eight injections and then discovered she was pregnant . patient male 2 The first patient died during a sudden and unexpected asthma crisis one week after withdrawal of the 0.25 % dexamethasone ointment he had been taking at the rate of 1.8 mg/day for one year . patient male 5 In the history , the patient mentioned that he had bloody diarrhea four to six times day and he lost 10 kg in 1 month . patient male 5 It is possible that this patient reacted to a different peach allergen or , alternatively , that he recognized an isoform of LTP that is different fr-om that in Uni-CAP . patient male 1 The patient later confirmed that he used to swim in rivers and streams back in Africa . patient female 3 On questioning , patient admitted she did not cooperate during intravenous administration of Tc-99m-pertechnetate . patient female 11 Yet , in thorough exploration of her symptom burden , the patient reported that she felt her quality of life had been predominantly limited by symptoms other than cancer pain . patient male 10 It was concluded that institutionalization consists more in conditioning the patient to accept his status than in convincing him that he is insane . patient female 5 After regaining consciousness , the patient confessed that she had taken herself intramuscular injection of pesticide which contained 3 % cypermethrine plus 20 % quinolphos . patient male 5 On further questioning , the patient stated that he practised Jujitsu , a sport involving various strangling manoeuvres . patient male 1 The patient was extremely tall , which is unusual in Mc Cune-Albright syndrome , suggesting that he did not have precocious fusion of the epiphysis , a common finding in this syndrome . patient male 5 During his analysis , the patient discovered he was the child of Nazi criminals : on his mother 's side they were the third generation ; on his father 's side , the second . patient male 14 Based on the platelet activity characteristics , NC was later confirmed , and the patient admitted that he stopped taking both prasugrel and aspirin shortly after discharge due to minor bleeding episodes after shaving . patient male 3 Thus , the patient must feel he is the unique and special " occasion , " of any warmth , empathy , or compliments . patient female 13 Complete resolution was obtained after diazepam was administered i.v . , and the patient then admitted that she had abruptly discontinued long-standing treatment with carpipramine , amitriptyline , bromazepam , and flunitrazepam . patient male 1 The patient explained that he had seen a patient whose general condition deteriorated after nasal bleeding and regarded nasal bleeding as a symptom of deteriorating general condition leading to death and thereafter became afraid of the nasal bleeding . patient female 1 The patient stated that she had noticed another lip inside her lip for several years . patient male 5 Despite this experience , the patient continued to deny that quinine was the cause of his problem and that he had failed in his obligations to advise the dentist of his drug history . patient male 4 When asked , the patient referred that he had suddenly interrupted paroxetine assumption three days before the polysomnography . patient female 1 The patient reported that she has had no gastrointestinal bleeding at the two years follow-up visit . patient male 6 On the one hand , the patient can describe what he feels when a site is stimulated ; on the other , one can observe any induced motor effect , both in ' normal ' patients and in those with movement disorders . patient female 5 On further questioning , the patient revealed she had had palmar pustulosis and sacroiliitis some years earlier . patient female 1 The patient reported that she was unable to sit for longer than 10 minutes or perform household duties for longer than 1 hour . patient female 16 When the extension MR demonstrated marked spinal cord compression attributable to a laminectomy membrane , the patient had an anterior diskectomy and fusion performed , after which she demonstrated significant neurologic improvement . patient female 1 The patient revealed she had experienced low delirium during her catatonic state . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had these skin lesions since infancy and she realized new skin lesions after amputation in the residual limb . patient male 9 During confirmation of the L-T4 replacement therapy , the patient stated that he was going to continue to " take liquid levothyroxine during ( his ) lunch every day . " We recommended taking the medication correctly in the morning at least thirty minutes before breakfast and repeating TSH , fT4 , and fT3 after three months . patient male 1 The patient stated that early in the morning , he started to feel intense pain that started from his knee and progressed to his calf , with associated numbness and paraesthesia . patient male 3 However , the patient responded to certain auditory stimuli and motor imagery , suggesting that he retained some intact auditory and motor cortical functions . patient female 1 The patient had follow-up visits for 1 year , during which she reported no pain . patient male 37 Patient compliance with long-term oxygen therapy is often poor due to factors such as lack of significant subjective improvement , unrealistic fears or embarrassment concerning use of oxygen , and feelings of depression or hopelessness that the patient may experience when told he needs oxygen . patient male 2 Only one patient ( 1.4 % ; BMI 20.5 ) reported that he was able to see the reservoir . patient male 7 A few days after admission , the patient stated that he was a homosexual . patient female 8 On the 17th day of admission , the patient became acutely unresponsive , her condition deteriorated rapidly , and she died . patient male 1 The patient fears that dental treatment will provoke a seizure and that he will react aggressively to his surroundings . patient male 1 The patient reported that 5 days before presentation he forcefully inhaled helium gas directly from multiple party balloons in an attempt to alter his voice . patient female 1 This patient reported that she was riding a bicycle and had a scratch over the left ankle , producing an infection with edema , erythema , and pain . patient male 3 Evaluation of the patient revealed he was in heart failure . patient male 1 The patient reported he self-managed well , worked full-time as a postal worker after he was discharged due to the injury to his neck , and planned to retire in less than one month at age 70 . patient male 1 The patient also had small red cells and decreased levels of circulating IgA. He received combined treatment with dapsone and prednisone with good results . patient female 1 One patient suffered from acute onset of paraplegia ( case 2 ) , requiring that she received immediate surgical intervention after DCT scanning without myelography . patient female 2 The third patient complained of headache and feared that she may have a brain tumour . patient female 1 The patient stated that she did not want to undergo surgical resection for the cardiac mass . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had eaten a large amount of highly-concentrated , agar dissolved in boiling water two days prior to presentation . patient male 5 Whilst at work , the patient noticed that he had forgotten his prescribed medication , domperidone , at home ; a friend gave him some travel sickness medication which contained scopolamine for relief of nausea . patient male 1 The patient stated he had rectally applied a thermometer as well as several enemas . patient male 6 At his follow-up appointment , the patient disclosed that he had started a new herbal supplement , beta-sitosterol , on the morning after his symptoms began . patient male 1 The patient argued that he wanted to avoid the serious adverse effects of l-dopa , which would have presented within his time of full professional activity . patient male 4 Later on , the patient admitted that he took two prescribed Embeda within half an hour , the 1st one whole and the 2nd one crushed . patient male 1 The patient then reported that he had ingested moonflower seeds . patient male 22 It also illustrates some putative psychodynamics of suicidal behaviour -- notably ambivalence and denial ( at the time of writing , the patient never acknowledged that he had overdosed with insulin ) . patient male 4 Preoperative examinations of this patient revealed that he had stridor , sleep apnea , short neck , and a hypertrophic pharyngeal structure as revealed by fiberoptic pharyngoscopy , from which we expected to encounter difficulty in mask ventilation and tracheal intubation . patient female 1 The patient stated she was standing outside her home and suddenly felt acute pain in the neck . patient female 4 Clinical history of this patient learned that she was carrier of a methemoglobin forming hemoglobin variant type Hyde Park ( HbM Hyde Park ) and raised the question whether or not this variant could be the cause of the errors obtained during analysis . patient female 5 Three years later , the patient complained that the goitre had become larger and that she had developed symptoms of thyrotoxicosis such as palpitation and hyperhydrosis . patient male 2 But the patient decided that he preferred to die . patient male 1 This patient had HCC based on chronic hepatitis C. He presented with an erosive lesion masquerading as a scalp lipoma resulting in hepatocellular carcinoma with retrograde reflux and sinus metastases . patient female 1 The patient may not know that she is pregnant , a common occurrence in early pregnancy , or for any of a number of reasons she may choose to conceal her pregnancy . patient male 1 The patient resumed spontaneous breathing after about 1 hour of artificial ventilation and 2 hours later at the end of surgery he was fully conscious without any residual sensory or motor block . patient female 1 The patient complained only of headache , but otherwise thought she was unaffected . patient male 0 Patient B declared that he and patient A had ingested chicken prior to returning from their tourist trip . Patient female 1 The patient indicated that she also had occasional vomiting , dizziness , a low-grade fever , chills , night sweats , and increasing fatigue . patient male 9 Comprehensive evaluation and follow-up of the chronically ill aged patient may show that he can stay at home with support from family and community services . patient male 2 The second patient , now 5 years old , has severe haemophilia B. He developed inhibitors and anaphylaxia having received prophylactic treatment from the age of 1 year . patient male 1 The patient had a hip prosthesis in the left leg 3 years ago , for which he reported pain that could be rated as grade 3 and the SUV(max ) was then 3.7 . patient female 1 The patient then recalled that she had been playing with a puzzle with her granddaughter , while eating bread . patient male 0 Patient took his first medical advice after 8 years then he felt first symptoms . Patient male 25 During the intraoperative evaluation , stimulation through the lowest contact in the right STN area , induced an acute depressive state , during which the patient was crying and expressing that he did not want to live . patient male 7 While reviewing his drug history , the patient revealed he had been consuming eight packs ( 100 ml/pack ) of a Korean herbal tonic daily to treat his prostate cancer for the past 2 months . patient male 1 The patient claimed that he sometimes saw the world as if it were upside-down . patient female 2 Postoperatively the patient admitted that she had filler injections many years earlier in another country , and that nodules appeared 1 year after injection . patient male 1 The patient then revealed that he had ingested mothballs 1 day back to commit suicide . patient female 14 In traditional rehabilitation many symptoms resolved and others were well compensated , but the patient continued to complain that she had a " hole " in her brain and could not paint . patient female 1 The patient had a history of angioid streaks in the left eye ten years ago for which she had received laser surgery and had poor residual vision . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had been on treatment with a slow-release multivitamin preparation containing vitamin D and vitamin A , administered by i.m . patient female 1 The patient then revealed that she had been using gamma-hydroxybutyric-acid daily for the last six months as self-medication to treat insomnia and anxiety , before stopping it abruptly 24 hours prior to her visit . patient female 1 The patient stated that she was not interested in FP . patient male 1 The patient volunteering that he licked his hypodermic needle prior to cocaine injection supports that the implicating bacteria originated from the oral cavity . patient male 4 This theory posits that patient belief that he can perform a necessary behaviour ( self-efficacy ) can be affected by four principal sources of information : performance attainments , vicarious experience , verbal persuasion , and perceived physiological states . patient female 5 A few months later the patient came to our clinic saying she was having menstrual cycles . patient female 1 This patient has long-standing anemia with a baseline Hb level of around 70 g/L. She worked as a full-time cashier and had not required regular blood transfusions . patient female 9 At the check one year after the surgery the patient had a limited rotation of the head by 25 % , however , she was without pain and the inclination and rotation of the head was compensated . patient male 5 Several social contacts of the patient reported that he had been coughing for many months before his death . patient male 18 One leg evolved with significant edema leading to an inability to ambulate and for about one month the patient said that he could not get out of bed . patient male 24 The second case report presents a patient whose unicameral bone cyst was discovered as a relatively incidental finding on radiographs ; however , the patient later admitted that he had mild tenderness upon the plantar-lateral aspect of his right calcaneus with weightbearing . patient female 1 Comprehensive patient evaluation including FNAC with papillary thyroid cancer result then she underwent total thyroidectomy and bilateral neck dissection and final histologic examination confirmed papillary thyroid carcinoma in the background of lymphocytic thyroiditis , associated with Langerhans cell histiocytosis ( LCH ) . patient female 6 Prior to pregabalin therapy , the patient indicated that she had taken gabapentin for approximately 3 weeks for the pain , but had discontinued it due to adverse effects and perceived lack of efficacy . patient male 2 A male patient with chronic insomnia experienced withdrawal symptoms when flurazepam ( 30 mg h.s . ) , which he had taken nightly for 8 years , was abruptly discontinued . patient male 11 During an evaluation for the management of long-term pain , a patient stated that he would not use a sports cream since he had heard on the news that someone had died as a result of use . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had no more reoccurring back pain , was able to move much easier , and was able walk more efficiently and with better posture . patient male 1 The patient did not realize he should have communicated his cupping plans or recent bevacizumab treatment with his providers . patient male 1 Our patient reported that he tolerated the treatment but he would not desire this treatment again based on the length of treatment time and the degree of local inflammation at the treatment sites . patient female 4 Further work-up of the patient revealed that she had anticardiolipin antibody syndrome and the thrombotic event was precipitated by oral contraceptive pills . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had melena for several days . patient male 1 The patient had age-related macular degeneration with an occult CNVM , for which he had received 5 intravitreal injections of ranibizumab and 5 intravitreal injections of bevacizumab in the left eye over a 3-year period . patient male 1 The patient had no immediate complications and at one month of follow up he continued without incidents . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had pulled long calcified tendrils out of the mass over a period of several weeks and that " encapsulated fat " was flowing beneath his skin . patient female 1 The patient remembered that she had sustained a fracture to the right elbow when she was 6 years old but could not remember the details of either the injury or its treatment . patient male 21 The direction of motion in random-dot patterns could be discriminated with perfect accuracy at speeds above 2 deg/s , and the patient reported that he could ' see ' the motion at fast but not at slow speeds . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had tested positive for norovirus shortly after the onset of symptoms . patient female 6 Long-term cognitive evaluation follow-up of the patient showed she had good functional recovery with no obvious long-term deficits . patient female 3 I have a patient who has just found out she is pregnant , and she is currently taking paroxetine for severe anxiety and depression . patient male 1 The patient subsequently claimed that he had experienced further symptoms . patient female 14 She had has not any pathological symptom at 2 weeks after birth , the patient had a fracture of the humerus , bilateral clavicle , and femur without any trauma . patient male 5 G-banded chromosome analysis of the patient and his family revealed he carried an apparently balanced de novo complex translocation involving chromosomes 5 , 6 , and 7 . patient female 1 The patient reported that she still had deciduous teeth , and that the maxillary lateral incisors had been restored with direct resin composite to correct the teeth shape . patient male 9 In spite of negative HIV test results , the patient still insisted that he suffered from AIDS . patient male 35 A multivariate binary logistic regression analysis found that clinical experience would play an independent role in predicting the following beliefs and attitudes of early career psychiatrists towards older patients : the belief that the older patient often has perceptual disorders that he is fragile and vulnerable , that he often requires polypharmacy , and that his management exposes the psychiatrist to painful emotional experiences . patient female 6 Two years after therapy , the patient stated she had not experienced any foot pain since the last treatment , and she continued to wear the prescribed flexible foot orthotics on a daily basis . patient male 4 To declare that a patient recovered from depression means he recovered from the depressive episode , not from the illness itself . patient male 5 In this case , the patient complained that he found a worm in his intravenous line . patient male 5 When questioned further , our patient readily admitted that he had participated in a common traditional Chinese treatment consisting of " scraping bruises " to relieve his bronchitis . patient female 12 Based on the suspicion that she may have autoimmune encephalitis , the patient was treated with intravenous immunoglobulins and plasma exchange , but continued to deteriorate . patient male 1 The patient admitted that he had often placed a sewing needle in the tooth to relieve discomfort associated with it . patient male 7 A fifteen year old healthy , male patient contacted our office stating that whilst eating a bread roll he had swallowed a piece of orthodontic archwire . patient male 1 The patient reported that he smoked cannabis two to three times daily for the past 20 years . patient male 5 After 5 weeks , the patient stated he had stomach cramps . patient male 6 In a third case a brain-injured patient " cheated " to obtain correct answers , suggesting that he was trying to hide a deficit and not attempting to obtain compensation . patient male 4 When asked , the patient reported that he had first noticed a shadow in his right eye during childhood when he was flexing his neck and keeping a face-down position for a few seconds . patient male 1 The patient mentioned that he first noticed the erythema on the anterior surface of the right hemiscrotum , which gradually extended . patient female 1 The patient informed us that she had quit smoking 2 weeks ago and had started consuming large amounts of licorice instead of smoking . patient male 1 The patient stated he had had a fever before the eruption , fatigue , chills , myalgias , and sore throat . patient male 16 The goal of the present study was to investigate whether the attitude of a sexist male patient affects how he perceives a female physician 's nonverbal communication and whether this then results in expecting less positive consultation outcomes . patient male 1 The patient expressed that he had no complaint including pain or limitation in range of motion in both hip joints for 37 years . patient female 1 Her friend said that she had become restless and excited after taking 15 - 30 tablets of Tylenol . friend male 1 The patient also reported having a left arm abscess one week earlier , for which he received penicillin and oxycodone and acetaminophen . patient male 12 Amputation was offered to the patient at that time , but the patient and his family opted to wait and see if he improved . patient male 1 The patient refused , saying he thought his legs would heal on their own , and he would only want the surgery if there were no other options . patient female 1 One patient who had to undergo intermittent hemodialysis preoperatively improved so much that she did not require any dialysis postoperatively . patient male 2 Only one patient thought he remembered the incident and reported about " blows on the chest " . patient male 17 Immunological investigations demonstrated persistently low C4 levels below 8 mg/dL. A more in-depth complement analysis of the patient and his family showed that he has homozygous C4B deficiency . patient female 1 The patient reported that it had been present for the past year and that she had used no previous medication . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had had lesion since his birth . patient male 1 The patient said that he had been consuming a large quantity of teff tea for 5 days to lose weight . patient male 5 On day 3 , the patient stated that he had injected himself with Varsol ( Imperial Oil , Canada ) - a mixture of straight and branched-chain hydrocarbons , naphthenes and alkyl derivatives of benzene - several hours before his admission . patient male 9 When a travel history was subsequently taken , the patient revealed he had returned from Nigeria the night before his elective surgery . patient male 18 Following stabilization of his condition , a detailed history of the patient was taken , during which the patient admitted that he was a chronic user of the anabolic steroid sustanon ( 250 mg , once/week for 6 months ) and amino acid supplements ( whey protein isolate , 6 tabs every day for 1 year ) . patient male 1 The patient reported that he commonly chewed fishing lead sinker and may sometimes swallow them during the preparation of fishing rod . patient female 1 My patient is taking a medication for a chronic condition and has just found out that she is 6 weeks pregnant . patient male 17 When a patient accepts redo cardiac surgery in spite of known higher morbidity and mortality , the patient strongly believes that he will come out of this operation successfully and enjoy several more years of life . patient male 5 Faced with these results the patient admitted that he regularly smoked " improved joints " . patient male 24 The palmar side appeared viable 2 weeks after the operation , which guaranteed intact survival of the thumb , but 2 months later the patient reported that he had the thumb amputated at an outside hospital . patient female 1 The patient stated she would recommend IDPN to others in a similar situation . patient female 3 However , the patient said that she had felt better when taking Pizotifen . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had had periods of edema and redness and that the swelling had worsened over time . patient male 6 However , with corticosteroid treatment the patient improved remarkably but after tapering he relapsed . patient female 1 The patient volunteered that she had doubled the dosage 1 week earlier , in an attempt to lose more weight . patient female 13 Because of the severe pain and the recurrent episodes of syncope , the patient refused to eat and drink almost everything and thus she lost 6 kg in 2 weeks . patient male 1 The patient stated that he felt the episodes were related to his meal intakes ; therefore , he would skip most meals of the day . patient male 1 The patient denied previous hospital studies and suggested that he may have become contaminated while transporting radioactive materials as an independent truck driver . patient male 1 The patient has a bilumen catheter in the right jugular vein , through which he receives different medications and parenteral nutrition . patient male 1 The patient indicated that he did not follow the recommended L-thyroxine treatment . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had undergone surgery with PAAG injections 20 years ago after she was repeatedly asked about her past history . patient male 1 The patient refused to eat certain foods for < < fear of choking>>. He began to display other obsessive behaviors such as refusing to touch objects that might have been touched by others , and developed ritual checking methods . patient male 4 Upon questioning , the patient stated that he had received acupuncture treatment for his back pain several times in the same regions as the increased uptake . patient male 1 The patient did not disclose at intake assessment that he was experiencing symptoms of a persistent cough , blood in his sputum , or that he was simultaneously being assessed outside of the eating disorders program for NTM until he had a positive smear for Mycobacterium kansasii in March 2017 . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had bronchial asthma and had had nasal polypectomy . patient male 1 The patient underwent treatment with itraconazol but due to the persistence of lesions he received liposomal amphotericin B with complete resolution of the lesions . patient female 1 The patient stated that she could not control her right hand and that she felt like this hand had her own life . patient male 7 In order to preserve motion , the patient reported that he would undergo the same total wrist arthroplasty a second time were it necessary . patient male 4 Repeated examinations of the patient from birth to the age of over 5 years revealed that he has infantile autism . patient male 5 On further questioning , the patient revealed that for the past 2 weeks he had been regularly huffing a commercially available compressed air duster . patient female 13 During her evaluation for the underlying cause of the fetal goiter , the patient revealed she was taking nutritional iodine supplements for treatment of her hypothyroidism . patient male 30 Patient satisfaction was extremely high , with 40 patients ( 98 % ) reporting they would " definitely return " for EBUS-TBNA in the future if required , and one patient ( 2 % ) reporting he would " probably " return for such a procedure . patient female 6 On the following day , the patient noticed that she had lost light perception . patient female 29 Most women with painful and/or frequent micturition can be correctly classified as having either a low or a high risk of UTI by asking 3 questions : Does the patient think she has a UTI ? patient male 1 The patient disclosed that he had been using a variety of anabolic steroids before and during the time of HIV testing . patient male 1 The patient stated that he sustained a bug bite 1 week before presenting to the hospital . patient male 1 The patient admitted that he had not respected preoperative fasting . patient male 2 Once the patient improved his oral intake and demonstrated that he could keep up with his nutritional requirements , the J-tube was discontinued 19 days after surgery . patient male 6 Case 2 : An adult male patient complained that , on occasion , he would forcibly blink out his soft contact lenses . patient male 8 On further investigation of his history , the patient stated that he had injected mineral oil into his neck to clean out his body from drugs . patient male 1 The patient noted that he had a long history of foreign body sensation on the right side of his neck with occasional difficulty swallowing . patient male 1 The patient subsequently admitted that he had not complied with oral treatment because after healing he would be sent back to prison . patient male 1 One patient recalled that he had felt pain and then heard a crack when the connector site of the reservoir was dislodged from the distal catheter at the postauricular region . patient male 9 Although healing of the periapical lesion occurred and the patient reported that he was symptom-free , the tooth was extracted after 4 years because of a subgingival root fracture . patient female 4 After recovering , the patient reported that she had been able to internally formulate her thoughts despite her overt phonological errors during the episode . patient female 11 Finally , when pressed further about her past history , the patient revealed she had been taking oral contraceptives for the past 2 years . patient male 1 Another patient was operated knowing that he had significant but mild coronary artery disease . patient male 5 We confirm subsequently questioned the patient who revealed that he had aspirated another fish bone two months earlier , and we presumed that the tumor of the right main bronchus might be granulation tissue secondary to the impaction of a fish bone . patient male 7 Laboratory studies revealed eosinophilia , and the patient recalled that he had frequently taken mountain water . patient male 8 Then , after a 14-month respite , the patient , discovered that he had adult onset craniopharyngioma : a benign , recurring , epithelial tumor that grows from vestigial embryonic tissue ( Rathke 's pouch ) which formed the anterior pituitary . patient male 10 There are three phases in euthanasia : orientation ( the patient asks the physician whether he would be willing to assist should the need arise ) , organisation ( the physician ensures that the necessary prerequisites are fulfilled , i.e. the patient 's request must be voluntary , mature and longlasting , his suffering must be longlasting , unbearable and incurable , and another physician must have been consulted and must have prepared a written report ) , and the phase entered after the definitive decision to perform euthanasia has been taken . patient male 1 The patient , fearing he will painfully suffocate to death , agrees . patient male 1 The patient and his parents remembered that he had been more irritable , depressed and anxious at school and during the night , between 8 and 13 years of age , with a possible PTSD during this period . patient male 21 The revised constant current SCS system provided bilateral coverage of the patient 's pain , and at 1-year postoperative , the patient reported he had sustained coverage from his bilateral phantom limb pain . patient male 20 He was initially difficult to oxygenate , but with ventilator setting changes including a high positive end-expiratory pressure , the patient improved . patient female 5 On specific inquiry , the patient revealed she had a history of bilateral Achilles tendon rupture , black urine , arthritis , and external ear discoloration for many years . patient male 1 The patient reported that 40 days before he had participated with 17 friends in a 7-day excursion in a forest area of the municipalities of Itanhaém and Peruíbe . patient female 1 The patient disclosed that she had not washed her hair because she had obtained a new hairstyle between the 131I treatment and the scan . patient female 6 Further workup and questioning of the patient revealed that she had opted not to disclose a history of surgery for right gluteal fold mass in 1993 , which was primarily treated with surgery followed by radiotherapy for relapse . patient male 5 After the operation , the patient explained that he had not taken the antibiotics for the gonorrhoea . patient male 7 If this can be achieved , the patient can sometimes come to accept the existence of a part of himself as truly destructive , which he has to learn to live with , which can be contained and modified but which can not be disowned . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had a left drop foot and a numbness of her left lower extremity following surgery . patient male 4 In reality , the patient gets what he wants . patient male 1 The patient indicated that he was highly satisfied throughout the course of treatment and especially with the final result . patient female 2 Since the patient reported that she now was fully capable to deal with her everyday life , further treatment options were postponed . patient male 8 After four sessions of acupuncture treatments , the patient reported that he did not have panic attacks at night and he had no feelings of anxiety during the day . patient male 11 After weekly acupuncture treatment for the first two visits , the patient reported that he felt less anxious and that his sleep was getting better with fewer nightmares . patient female 6 During the preoperative evaluation , the patient stated that she had been using both oral and topical ginseng for cosmetic reasons . patient female 4 Upon recovery , the patient disclosed that she had maintained an ice cream-only diet for three years prior to this presentation . patient female 1 The patient did not receive any adjuvant therapy and after two years of follow up she is without any recurrence . patient female 1 The patient explains how she has worked around her deficits in rebuilding her life over the 18 years since her diagnosis . patient female 1 The patient made a good recovery following bowel surgery and at latest followup 3.2 years later she had no abdominal complaints and an excellent scoliosis correction . patient male 29 Sensitivity and specificity of the three cut-offs for change in ASDAS were tested against the patient 's subjective assessment of worsening as the external standard ( ie , the patient reporting that he had worsened and felt a need for treatment intensification ) . patient female 5 At this point , the patient admitted that she had stopped taking indapamide two days before . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had a cough and runny nose one week prior to this presentation , followed by a sudden sharp pain in the center of the chest 8/10 in intensity on the visual analog scale and pleuritic in nature , which aggravated by deep breathing and lying down flat . patient female 3 Later , the patient mentioned that she had chronic neck pain from a prior accident and had been told that she has C5-C6 stenosis . patient female 9 The elastic band was not radiopaque , and the patient did not inform that she found the elastic band on the floor of the school and introduced the tooth by herself . patient male 3 Indeed , the patient would often generate partial phonological information about the sought-after word , indicating that he had a specific target in mind , and this was reminiscent of ' tip-of-the-tongue ' states in normal word-finding . patient female 11 Pregnancy testing was used by 72 % , usually if the patient indicated she was unsure of her pregnancy status . patient female 1 Our patient received that treatment and she had a very good outcome of the skin lesions . patient male 0 Patient remained critically ill ; he was not a candidate for chemotherapy and , after a month of hospitalization , he died . Patient male 1 The patient attributed these symptoms to radiation therapy he had received 1 year earlier for squamous cell cancer of the lung . patient female 1 The patient had indicated she did not want surgery for a bowel infarction . patient female 1 The patient admitted that she had not used the ultrasonic cleansing apparatus . patient male 1 Our patient reported that he had sprayed herbicide in large quantities without wearing a mask . patient female 1 The patient reports she is doing well and is pain free at this time . patient male 11 VR is , mainly , a mental experience which makes the user believe that " he is there " , that he is present in the virtual world . user male 5 After one month , the patient developed a 7th nerve palsy and a subsequent work-up demonstrated that he had lymphomatous meningitis . patient female 1 The patient had cesarean section due to ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging-diagnosed placenta previa percreta , and stated that she preferred a conservative approach rather than hysterectomy in a case of massive bleeding . patient male 6 During the preanesthetic examination , the patient revealed he had eaten a small amount of food before returning to the hospital , placing him at increased risk of pulmonary aspiration . patient male 5 As insight develops , the patient begins to understand why he might experience these apparently small empathic failures so deeply . patient female 9 The choice of preparation will depend on whether the patient has an intact uterus , and , if so , whether she is willing to accept regular bleeding . patient male 3 Subsequently , the patient revealed that he masturbated daily , rubbing his penis back and forth on the bed sheet while lying prone on the bed . patient male 4 In adulthood , the patient recalled that he had never felt comfortable as a girl , and his mother reported similar recollections . patient female 4 During childhood , the patient recalled that she self-identified as a " tomboy " and enjoyed stereotypically masculine toys and games ; however , the patient also recalled that her favorite playmates were usually girls and that her best friend was always a girl . patient male 20 After the beginning of treatment , he became febrile and we added G-CSF to Ara-C. One month later , the patient achieved complete remission without severe infection . patient female 1 The patient discovered that she could terminate each episode of tonic ocular depression instantly by forcefully directing her gaze upward . patient male 1 The patient stated he initially fell in the shower and afterwards experienced back pain . patient female 28 A 54-year-old woman with a history of long-standing diabetes presented with a six-week history of swelling " on the entire left side of the body . " The patient said she had experienced painful swelling of the left thigh and lower leg , but also painless swelling of the " left eye and shoulder . " patient male 1 The patient stated that about 6 months prior he had fallen down and suffered nasal trauma ; 3 months after the trauma , an asymptomatic ulcer appeared and gradually increased in size . patient female 6 After these CT findings , the patient informed us that she had IUD inserted almost ten years ago . patient female 1 The patient reported that she had experienced a similar reaction to fluoxetine , which may suggest a drug class effect . patient female 1 The patient noted that she had eaten raw fish one day before the symptoms developed . patient male 1 The patient may feel that he is in a state of dependence on the doctor which influences his possibility to choose freely . patient male 1 The patient stated that he was a fuel rod in the Fukushima nuclear power plant , and he then immersed himself in a bathtub full of water in order to avoid meltdown . patient male 1 This patient will not get what he wants . patient female 1 The patient stated that she had been swimming at a local water park daily . patient male 1 The patient underwent transurethral resection and at approximately 2 years of follow-up he has no evidence of tumor recurrence . patient male 1 The patient revealed that he had taken several different injectable anabolic steroids and growth hormone with oral amino acids and other tablets ( fat burners ) for bodybuilding in the last two months . patient male 5 The detailed history of the patient revealed that he had mistakenly swallowed something one day before the onset of abdominal pain . patient female 25 This paper ( a ) reviews published reports of neuropsychological assessments of LIS patients , ( b ) presents a detailed neuropsychological assessment of a patient to determine if she has normal cognitive functioning and ( c ) presents the views of the patient on what has happened to her . patient female 17 Despite severe physical and communication problems and some mild cognitive deficits on visual reasoning tasks , this patient feels she has a reasonable quality-of-life . patient female 5 After 2 months , the patient stated that she had been taking activated charcoal to manage gastrointestinal symptoms associated with her combination antiretroviral therapy , but she had recently discontinued the charcoal . patient female 8 A detailed clinical and laboratory evaluation of the patient indicated that she had suffered from an episode of self-limited acute pulmonary blastomycosis that required no antifungal therapy . patient female 4 Genetic analysis of the patient and her parents showed that she was homozygous for the novel StAR frameshift mutation 261delT. This is the first adolescent female with lipoid CAH who has undergone spontaneous feminization and who has been analyzed genetically . patient male 7 Medication is a lifelong necessity ; the patient must know what medications he takes , for what purpose , and the side effects . patient male 12 A detailed history revealed a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia , and the patient confirmed that he had hammered a nail into his head each week for the past 11 weeks to rid him of evil . patient male 24 The number of participants who were willing to prescribe was similarly low for a patient with multiple partners versus a single partner when the patient reported that he planned to discontinue condom use . patient female 1 The patient had a history of two breast carcinomas 19 and one year previously for which she had repeated radiotherapy . patient male 3 Interestingly , the patient reported that he usually slept laying on the left side of his body . patient female 22 The analysis offered in Evelyn de Leeuw 's essay " The rise of the consucrat " suggests that the particular type of patient advocates she calls consucrats are unlikely to engage in thinking together about these urgent questions . patient male 1 The patient incidentally discovered that he could decrease the duration of symptoms by contracting the muscles in his hands and legs . patient female 1 A patient who made reproduction antique china dolls complained that wherever she touched the dolls ' heads when painting them , black speckles appeared after the subsequent firing . patient female 1 The patient denied any history of trauma but reported she " did sneeze three times " just prior to the onset of her pain . patient male 1 The patient handed the nail gun to the doctors and informed them that he had earlier attempted suicide . patient male 1 The patient did well for 7 months then he died from myocardial infarction due to metastatic infiltration of the right coronary artery . patient male 50 34 years old man , with a chief complaint of general malaise , headache and fever , a diagnosis of common cold was made and the patient was treated as such , he did not improve and was admitted to the hospital with deterioration of his clinical status ; the patient died 10 days after the onset of his illness which was determined to be GAE produced by Balamuthia mandrillaris . patient female 6 One month after discharge , the patient confessed that she had attempted suicide by ingestion of corrosive agents before the symptoms started and wanted to keep the incident as a secret . patient female 1 The patient reported that her pain partially decreased but hoarseness developed and she had difficulty breathing after the local anesthetic was administered . patient male 0 Patient stated that he used some herbs ( Teucrium polium , Cat Thyme ) prescribed for him . Patient female 14 By appearing to agree with almost everything and listening to almost nothing , the patient felt that she could avoid contact with feelings of dependency that seemed to terrify her . patient male 17 Unfortunately , he deteriorated rapidly and cardiorespiratory arrest ensued , and despite prolonged in-hospital resuscitation , the patient died . patient male 8 Herein , I describe a type 1 diabetic patient with neuropathic symptoms so severe that he could not work and for which he needed narcotics for pain management and whose symptoms improved dramatically with correction of the vitamin D deficiency . patient male 5 On further questioning , the patient revealed that he had been utilizing an average of 2000 mg of ibuprofen daily during the previous several months in an attempt to control his joint pain . patient male 2 Even his friend said he 's bad : Children think personal alliances bias gossip . friend male 5 After this treatment , the patient reported that he was pain free and could return to normal activities of daily living . patient female 8 Surgical removal was proposed to all : 1 patient refused ( she is still alive and symptom-free after 4 y ) , 3 of the 4 lesions removed proved to be GISTs with very low or low risk of malignancy and 1 lesion was classified as a glomus tumor with no malignant appearance . patient female 17 The physician-patient relationship is viewed by the public as being reduced to a business relationship where the patient feels that she is merely a ' client ' and the physician a healthcare ' practitioner ' instead of a ' care giver ' . patient male 21 At 2-year follow-up , full active elbow extension was regained , elbow extension power scored 4 of 5 , and the patient reported that he could ride his bicycle for 70 miles . patient female 9 After her neurological condition had fully normalized , the patient admitted she had been assuming large amounts of liquorice as a laxative for many years ; this compound very likely compensated the adrenal insufficiency by inhibiting 11 b steroid-dehydrogenase and disguised the clinical presentation at the time of admission . patient male 20 At this point , he might have an incompetency of detection of intra-abdominal abnormality when it occurred Hence , this patient had no classic symptoms of spontaneous hemoperitoneum . patient female 1 A patient reported that she developed various shock-like symptoms upon intake of alcohol , acetylsalicylic acid , or after injection of contrast medium . patient female 1 The patient recollected that she lost her denture 13 years back and was unaware that she swallowed it . patient male 5 At age 57 , the patient first noted that he would begin to stutter when delivering lectures at conferences . patient male 1 The patient reported that 14 hours prior to initial presentation , he had participated in a 1-hour session of vigorous basketball . patient female 1 The patient only agreed that she had eaten some raw liver of cattle on September 1975 but denied any possible sources of infection such as drinking of untreated water , handling of water flower and grass , and eating of raw watercress . patient female 7 Upon discontinuation of the antibiotic , the patient noted that she was unable to void spontaneously . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient confessed that he had got a notice of the recurrence of lung cancer which had been treated 9 years ago . patient male 10 Two to three months after completing maintenance chemotherapy , the patient reports he developed many moles , which remained stable for approximately 2 years . patient female 1 The patient reported that since she started montelukast one month prior , she experienced three similar episodes , the first occurring five days after starting the drug . patient male 4 In addition , the patient reported that he also had a severe toothache for several days , which he had been self-treating with an over-the-counter oral benzocaine gel . patient male 26 After the third and finally the fourth therapy , 4 of 5 patients said that " their smell came back " , while the remaining one patient said that he could smell a lot but not everything . patient female 1 The patient from Thailand who had been living in Germany for 8 years reported she worked as rice farmer during the 1980s . patient male 1 The patient reported that he had progressively developed visual impairment at the age of 11 years whence he became totally blind when he turned 12 years . patient male 21 Two weeks before admission , he had bloody sputum , and sCr increased to 4.63 mg/dL. Soon after admission , the patient developed a high fever with pigment spots on the legs . patient female 1 The patient confirmed that during a visit of her relatives she was really using a mobile phone . patient male 1 The patient confessed that he had self-administered a mushroom extract with alternative parasympathetic nerve stimulation therapy thereafter . patient female 13 Overall , posttreatment stability was excellent at approximately 1-year follow-up , and the patient stated that she was very happy with the result . patient female 3 A young female patient who underwent LASIK surgery and experienced dissatisfaction with the outcome claimed that she had eye pain and had lost her strengths and self-confidence , having lower quality of life despite the successful surgery . patient male 5 Three years later , the patient reported that he was able to do mountain climbing and that his arm was fully functional and pain-free . patient female 1 The patient stated that she had always complained of having dyspnea and cough , but it had increased even more in the past few days . patient female 4 After questioning , the patient recognized that she had not been applying the product on a regular basis during the last year . patient male 8 When he landed on the ground , the patient reported that he felt his right shoulder dislocate . patient female 1 One patient with severe SARS died ; she was elderly and had other comorbidities . patient female 5 During the consultation , the patient mentioned that she had some discomfort in her left ear . patient female 1 The patient had a known eating disorder and on questioning about eating habits admitted that she did not eat any fruit or vegetables . patient male 1 The patient acknowledged that he had frequently eaten almonds in the supine position while recovering from a previous injury . patient male 1 The patient stated that he had avoided treatment for the previous 10 years , because he had felt " stronger than the cancer . patient male 15 Moreover , when asked to keep a journal record of his stimulator use , the patient noted that he only used the stimulator before going to bed to help his RLS symptoms and no longer required any medication for his previous RLS symptoms . patient female 1 The patient reported that she would have the motion-preserving TWA again . patient male 6 During the physical examination , the patient mentioned that he had been eating a Christmas straw goat at a party one week previously . patient male 4 DNA analysis of the patient and his mother , son , and daughter confirmed that he was homozygous for the c.852_855del mutation in the SLC25A13 gene , and his relatives were heterozygous for the c.852_855del mutation , which led to a definitive diagnosis . patient male 2 The third patient underwent splenectomy because he showed no response to treatment with low dose prednisone or zidovudine . patient male 1 The patient seemed to find gratification in being operated on because he was able to see what was going on . patient female 3 We present a patient who is unique because she had a lesion which was the largest ever recorded , and which existed over twice as long as any previously described . patient male 10 At first , the operation was considered , but the patient had high risk for the operation because he was old and low body weight and the lesion of tuberculosis in his thorax was very extensive . patient female 1 The patient did not report this fact before the endocsopy because she did not associate it with her subjective symptom . patient female 1 The patient did n't receive any treatment because she was not suitable for surgery and refused any other therapy . patient female 14 As compared to the earlier reported cases of L. monocytogenes septic arthritis , our patient is unique because she had infection in several joints . patient male 7 Endoscopic resection was proposed , but the patient refused such a treatment because he was asymptomatic for his polyp . patient female 21 A normal allotype ( VAL or MET 458 ) , which would have been in the preparation used but which the patient does not synthesize because she can produce only one allotype ( MET 458 ) , appears to have been immunogenic . patient male 6 In the first one , a patient in cardiogenic shock had a good evolution because he suffered a biventricular infarction that responsed well to hydric overcharge . patient male 1 One patient received chorda tympani nerve section because he did not want his vestibule destroyed . patient male 1 One patient withdrew from the study because he needed more aggressive treatment of his symptoms . patient female 1 The patient underwent Gardner-Wells tong traction and surgery of occipitocervical fusion with autogenous iliac bone graft because she had definite neurological symptom and congenital posterior atlanto-occipital fusion . patient female 2 The fifth patient received no treatment because she had remained asymptomatic since the first examination ( 28 months ago ) . patient female 14 infection because she lived in an upper-class residential area of the city , the patient presented with eosinophilia after consuming organic raw vegetables ; in addition , contrast-enhanced computed tomography detected microabscesses in a tractlike pattern in the liver . patient male 1 One patient had postoperative pain because he had so narrow medullary cavity that the humeral prosthesis could not be put deeply enough and the prosthesis head was a little higher over the anatomic level . patient female 2 The second patient awaited delivery until 32 weeks ' gestation with no treatment of the tumor because she had a low-grade sarcoma . patient female 2 9-month-old female patient , born in Chiapas , Mexico , brought to an ophthalmologic evaluation because she did not follow objects . patient female 3 Indeed , the patient is often aware of the latest medical information before her doctor , possibly because she has more time . patient male 10 Because he feared side effects of drug therapy , the patient stopped all medication by July 1985 . patient male 1 One patient did not finish the treatment because he showed signs of rejection associated with severe pericardial effusion . patient male 4 This study 's fourth patient is of particular interest because he is the second known case of bilateral fusion of the primary mandibular central and lateral incisors to be reported in the literature . patient female 1 The patient described herein is unusual because she presented initially with signs and symptoms similar to orbital cellulitis . patient female 2 Only one patient , an 84-year-old woman , required hospitalization following the outpatient procedure because she was unable to care for herself . patient female 2 The third patient had a psychic decompensation because her son had decided to live on his own and because she had also moved . patient female 9 The tapeworm could not be expelled by the remaining patient , probably because she had severe intestinal adhesion . patient female 1 The patient was satisfied because she was free of pain and able to walk . patient female 1 One patient underwent late celiotomy without ill-effect after a negative lavage because she subsequently developed fever and localized peritonitis ( ice pick injury to cecum ) . patient female 1 Our patient was probably immunocompromised and , therefore , predisposed to bacteremia after the procedure , because she was asplenic , diabetic , and receiving long-term steroid therapy for her chronic autoimmune disorders . patient male 7 Because he had no partner , one patient had no employed self-injection but would like to employ the method if the appropriate situation arose . patient male 1 The patient has been receiving adjuvant chemotherapy with tegafur-gimeracil-oteracil potassium for 17 months , because he refused right hemicolectomy . patient male 1 The patient had manifestations of atopy and an anaphylactic reaction following the administration of penicillin G. Because he had multiple respiratory tract infections with Gram-positive organisms and did not respond adequately to prophylactic gamma-globulin administration , penicillin therapy was deemed desirable . patient male 13 Since the patient did not show spontaneous recovery for 2 months , the patient received granulocyte-colony stimulating factor , but the therapy was a very short course because he had an elevation of temperature and nausea . patient male 1 This patient is remarkable because he has had several other potentially autoimmune or paraneoplastic neurological syndromes including limbic encephalitis and demyelinating polyneuropathy which also occurred years after remission from Hodgkin disease . patient female 1 The patient underwent extirpation of the tumor together with the cricoid cartilage , with a successive thyrotracheal anastomosis because she refused a total laryngectomy , which would have been the indicated intervention on the basis of the extent and grade of the neoplasm . patient male 2 A successive patient ( no. 5 ) was off-therapy ( after 4 years ) because he left Warsaw to go abroad . patient female 1 The patient underwent sigmoid colostomy because she developed bowel obstruction . patient male 6 Nevertheless , problem arises when the patient can not take part in these decisions because he has n't enough capacity . patient male 1 This patient is remarkable because he is also homozygous for the F508del allele of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) gene . patient female 3 The Case 3 patient was a 60 year-old woman who did not receive preoperative alpha blocker therapy because she lacked cardiovascular symptoms . patient male 1 One patient , who was also stable during 7 years of therapy , eventually discontinued miglustat as a precaution because he developed peripheral neuropathy of as yet unknown origin . patient female 1 This patient was highly remarkable because she portrayed a historical case of insulin-treated diabetes diagnosed in 1938 . patient female 1 The patient stopped the treatment herself because she was looking to be pregnant . patient female 1 One patient did not receive corticopuvatherapy because she was living far from a puvatherapy centre . patient female 1 The patient brushed her teeth 18 times a day and swallowed the toothpaste , because she liked the taste . patient male 14 In the other case , although the P-BPPV was not completely resolved , the patient was satisfied with the result of unilateral surgery because he was now able to turn in bed to the operated side without vertigo . patient male 10 In Japan , cystic fibrosis is rare , and this patient is extremely rare because he has grown up to be a 16-year-old . patient male 1 The patient seems strongly predisposed to gastric cancer , presumably on a genetic basis , because he developed a malignancy in a hyperplastic juvenile polyp , usually not considered a precancerous lesion . patient female 1 This patient was unusual because during a 3-year period of splenomegaly and leukopenia she did not develop repeated infections , leg ulcers , or other complications of Felty 's syndrome . patient male 15 In 1 case , the tooth erupted after 3 months of traction , but the patient gave up further treatment because he had no revisit time . patient male 1 The patient is also unusual because he had congenital glaucoma and was still alive at 10 years . patient male 1 This patient has a novel GPR56 mutation ( R271X ) and an unusual phenotype , because he presents hot water epilepsy . patient female 4 We concluded that the patient was a possible candidate for surgical resection because she did not present with local metastasis other than in the adrenal glands . patient male 9 We suspected that the multi-bullous parenchymal disease of our patient could be related to Caroli disease ( CD ) because he had no pulmonary pathology before the diagnosis of CD . patient female 1 The patient had refused endoscopic resection because she was afraid of the risk of colonic perforation ; she did not come to follow-up until 2 years after the diagnosis , when she had advanced colon cancer in the transverse colon where the LST had been detected . patient male 1 The patient will fiercely resist because he believes that in giving up his masochism and dependency , he would expose his envy and narcissistic injury . patient male 1 One patient had to be excluded because he developed hepatitis , another because allergic signs developed . patient male 1 The patient received rituximab monotherapy because he was very elderly . patient male 5 These data suggest that the patient could generate mental images but could not draw from memory because he did not have access to stored knowledge about pictorial attributes of objects . patient female 1 This patient is particularly interesting because she presented with many atypical features . patient male 12 In other words , for every additional quality-adjusted life year that a patient lived because he received CAB , it cost US dollars 33,677 . patient male 9 Of 7 patients with sternal body tumors , one patient recovered quickly without reconstruction because he had only partial resection ; four patients had chest wall repair with soft materials , but they breathed hardly ; and two patients had chest wall reconstruction with rigid materials . patient female 4 The case of our patient is of interest not only because she reached old age , but also because she lived a normal life , presenting with minor cardiac impairment and palpitations at the age of 70 years . patient female 1 One patient who received sofosbuvir and daclatasvir , could not complete the therapy beyond 20 weeks because she developed recurrent hypoglycemia , which improved after stopping the therapy , all the other patients had SVR 12 . patient male 8 On further questioning , it transpired that the patient had discontinued his warfarin on postoperative day 37 because he thought that it was no longer necessary . patient male 1 The patient described was unusual because he was older than most people with this tumour , and he presented with psychiatric symptoms which were thought to be non-organic for almost two years . patient male 1 The patient received the best supportive care because he rejected postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy and hormonal therapy . patient female 1 The patient received no treatment because she was asymptomatic . patient male 11 Because he also needed a right coronary artery bypass , the patient underwent surgical excision of both masses . patient female 6 Three years after surgery , the patient was once again seen in the outpatient clinic with regular catamenia , requesting some oral contraceptives because she had started sexual activity . patient male 2 Only one patient did not complete the treatment because he presented a minor side-effect . patient male 5 One year later , the patient went to our center again because he had headache and dizziness for 6 months after the interventional operation . patient female 4 Following EMR , the patient did not receive further treatment for malakoplakia because she had no symptoms associated with malakoplakia . patient male 1 The patient underwent surgical excision of the mass because he would have a high risk of sudden death , pulmonary embolism , or tricuspid obstruction . patient male 4 A 81 year-old male patient visited our hospital on February , 2011 because he found the subcutaneous tumor on his back . patient male 15 A surgicalorthodontic treatment with both maxillary and mandibular advancement was therefore proposed , but the patient refused it because he did not want the general anaesthesia and hospitalization . patient female 1 The patient declined to undergo resection of the tumor because she was able to walk unassisted ; however , she returned for surgery 1 month later because she had developed paraplegia with bladder and rectal dysfunction , and MRI showed enlargement of the tumor . patient male 1 The patient preferred surgery as first-line treatment rather than other interventions because he had suffered from refractory pneumonia or local pleuritis for a long time . patient female 3 To date the patient has not undergone ACL reconstruction because she prefers conservative treatment and has experienced little discomfort in activities of daily living . patient male 1 The patient underwent a careful radiographic and clinical observation without any surgical intervention because he did not want to undergo revision surgery . patient female 2 The first patient , an 81-year-old white woman , was on long-term oral anticoagulation because she had chronic atrial fibrillation . patient female 1 One patient already showed lung metastasis while undergoing first line surgery , because she initially declined surgery . patient female 4 We speculate that this patient had not developed right ventricular failure until her 60 's because she had a milder form of Ebstein 's anomaly and did not have any other congenital heart disease . patient female 9 FIGO stage was considered as IA , and the patient received no courses of chemotherapy and postoperative radiation because she refused it . patient female 1 The patient received post-operative radioiodine therapy as well as L-thyroxine treatment because she had residual lesions . patient female 20 In this case the anomaly was noted only after the 30th week of gestation and even then only because the patient came because she had some subjective difficulties because of the excessive amniotic fluid volume . patient female 1 The patient underwent urgent MVR because she had cardiac tamponade due to left ventricular perforation during cardiac catheterization . patient female 1 The patient had an operation because she had been symptomatic under medical treatments . patient male 1 The patient refused the use of blood products in hemostatic management because he was afraid of blood-borne diseases and development of anti-von Willebrand factor alloantibodies . patient female 21 The results for one patient with FPHL Ludwig stage I were satisfactory according to the physician 's assessment , but the patient was dissatisfied because she did not notice any remarkable changes after the procedure . patient female 7 The % EBMIL of the group 4 patient is 13 % because she had previously lost almost all of her EBMI . patient male 1 The patient was not a candidate for intravenous tissue plasminogen activator because he presented with a wake-up stroke . patient male 12 The nurse is drawn into the doctor-patient relationship in cases where the patient seeks her counsel because he feels insufficiently informed by the doctor , or because the nurse becomes aware of inadequacies in the information-giving process . patient male 2 So the patient had an endoscopic mucosal ablation , because he rejected esophagectomy . patient male 6 Twenty-one patients were enrolled ; one patient was inevaluable for response because he had received prior chemotherapy , but was evaluated for toxicity . patient female 1 The patient decided not to change again the restoration , because she did not have important annoyances and she did not wish to be treated again . patient male 3 This 32-year-old male patient came to our emergency ward because he was suffering of a painful string on his lateral thorax wall . patient male 1 This patient is of particular interest because he had a combination of rare features : ( 1 ) five ileo-ileal intussusceptions each with a hemangioma acting as the lead point , were present during operation ; ( 2 ) there was an angiomatous lesion of the glans penis ; ( 3 ) this is the first case reported in a Chinese person . patient male 34 No perioperative complications occurred in any patient , but postoperative complications occurred in two patients as follows : Patient 2 had stent migration and repeated metallic stent infections that resolved with treatment ; and patient 4 had postoperative hematuria because he resumed normal activities too soon after stent placement ( contrary to instruction ) . patient female 3 However , this patient is a special case , because she is exceptionally short . patient male 1 One patient was not evaluable because he received amphotericin during the first week of therapy . patient male 5 We describe a pediatric Mexican patient who came to the Medical Genetics Department at the National Institute of Pediatrics because he presented with genital , hand and feet anomalies , facial dysmorphisms , and learning difficulties . patient male 9 The chief discussed arrived at a conclusion that the patient had Parkinson 's disease , because he responded to levodopa to some extent and except for nocturnal incontinence he did not have wide spread autonomic failure . patient female 5 The 53 years old female patient was unique because she experienced DLE on the nasal back . patient female 2 A 21-year-old patient attended the antennal clinic because she suffered from nephritic syndrome due to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis . patient male 1 The patient was admitted to our hospital in order to undergo elective coronary artery bypass grafting because he suffered from severe coronary artery disease . patient female 1 The patient experienced no typical exacerbation during the study period , probably because she now scrupulously avoided this source . patient male 14 In addition to the decreased subset of CD4-positive lymphocytes characteristic of AIDS , this patient showed an elevated level of serum IgE particularly specific for Candida albicans , probably because he had a chronic candidial infection of the digestive tract . patient male 2 The last patient , because he had limited disease , had biopsy at the site of MRI abnormalities ; the biopsy specimen revealed a malignant involvement and therefore this patient , initially classified as having limited disease , was classified in the extensive disease group . patient male 14 A lingual frenectomy was recommended to avoid the risk of relapse , but the patient declined because he was not experiencing tongue discomfort . patient female 1 This patient is really important in considering the pathogenesis of alveolar hemorrhage because she had no renal vasculitic lesions or D-penicillamine intake . patient male 1 The patient received only the first course of systemic chemotherapy ( THP-cop ) , because he suffered severe thrombocytopenia in the course of the chemotherapy . patient female 22 Four patients received secukinumab in the dose of 150 mg/monthly since also fulfilling the criteria for ankylosing spondylitis , while the fifth patient received secukinumab 300 mg/monthly because she met psoriatic arthritis criteria . patient male 1 The patient underwent craniotomy again 18 days after the operation because he suffered hemorrhagic infarction and recurrence of acute subdural hematoma . patient male 1 Another patient stopped using his ACE stoma after several months because he was able to manage his bowel evacuation voluntarily without requiring an enema . patient male 1 The patient with the superior-field defect was unusual because he retained normal color vision and facial recognition abilities , despite having bilateral lesions that have classically produced central achromatopsia and prosopagnosia . patient male 9 Because he refused both operation and chemoradiotherapy , the patient underwent oral chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient has used contraception since the procedure because she has no further desire for childbearing . patient female 2 Only one patient sought advice because she thought that she might have RA . patient male 13 Because he lacked any neurological symptoms or signs of pituitary dysfunction , the patient did not undergo surgery . patient female 1 This patient was able to survive until old age because she had no critical anomalies in other organs including the heart . patient male 10 The objective response was evaluable in 16 patients ; one patient was not evaluable because he had received only one cycle . patient male 1 The patient needs to be understood , because he believes that since the doctor understands his symptoms , he will be able to establish a diagnosis and therapeutic approach . patient male 1 One patient did not return to full activity because in the 3rd month postoperatively , he stepped in a hole while jogging , reinjured his knee , and refused further surgery . patient female 3 An 84-year-old female patient with multiple large enhancing masses in the urinary bladder underwent radical TURBT to remove the deeply invasive tumors because she was not a suitable candidate for a major operation . patient female 1 One patient dropped out of the study because she developed severe constipation . patient female 1 The patient is of special interest because she is an aerobics instructor , and her type of injury is relatively common . patient female 3 A 57-year-old female patient visited our department , because she has a blindness of the right eye associated with an irreducible exophthalmia classified grade III , 4 years ago . patient male 2 ( One patient was unable to walk because he was quadriplegic before the operation ) . patient female 1 The patient had a prolonged course because she did not report a history of foreign body ingestion and the initial evaluating physicians had no suspicion about possible foreign body ingestion and may have missed important findings on physical examination . patient male 2 An adult patient sought help because he was unable to stop making noises and movements which were antisocial . patient male 4 The management of the patient was not appropriate at the beginning , because he underwent an operative therapy after the ophthalmological examination and MR without previous internal -- endocrinological examination and pharmacotherapy . patient male 8 Therefore it is crucial to discern whether a patient is truly allergic because he presents specific IgE for molecules of a species or if the positivity is given from the structural homology between the different proteins . patient female 1 This patient is unique because she had a rapid response to intralesionally injected steroids . patient female 7 Two hours after capsule ingestion , the patient activated the insulin pump infusion through the Personal Diabetes Manager ( PDM ) because she drank a sugary beverage for the first time after ingestion . patient male 2 The second patient received PDT because he had multiple recurrences of DRPE with poor resolution following previous argon-laser photocoagulation . patient male 19 It is important to assess the future need for long-term CSF diversion , as in this case , the patient did not require reinsertion of a new shunt system because he was shunt independent . patient male 1 Our patient is unique because he has symptomatic IGV and INCPH . patient male 1 The patient in this study , a 42-year-old Caucasian male , came to medical attention because he experienced atrial fibrillation . patient male 1 The patient questions the benefit of this drug because he has no bone disease . patient male 1 The patient died 23 d after the surgery because he had another episode of arterial bleeding from the anastomosis site . patient male 2 The seventh patient underwent a Billroth I procedure because he had leiomyoma at the antrum . patient male 1 Our patient is important because he had genetic risk of thrombotic conditions and was the first adult patient with membranous nephropathy . patient male 4 The phenotype of the patient here presented is not fully evocative of this syndrome because he does not present some of the facial , digital and skeletal abnormalities that are considered the main diagnostic features of CLS . patient female 9 About two months before the initial examination , the patient visited a local medical doctor because she began to experience arthralgia and muscular weakness . patient male 15 We present a case of TN caused by AVM in the CP angle in a patient who was not a candidate for microsurgery and who did not want radiofrequency treatment or other destructive procedures because he would not tolerate facial numbness . patient male 0 Patient 3 exhibited no reduction in terms of the length of infectious disease during IFN therapy , because he suffered from a liver abscess before and during the therapy . Patient female 1 The patient visited our hospital because she had been experiencing of pain in left lower abdomen for the past two days . patient male 1 The patient was a 26-year-old man with congenital abnormalities who had to take warfarin potassium because he had a mechanical heart valve . patient male 1 The patient refused , in spite of suffering severe pain for fifteen months , because he wished to die , and he tried to bring this about by various means . patient female 3 However , the patient did not agree because she knew of a failed case of implant-retained denture in a diabetic individual and was concerned . patient male 11 Because he was haemodynamically unstable and needed blood transfusion , the patient underwent an emergency operation . patient male 15 In eight of the 13 there was restoration at least of previous function : one patient lost all vision due to secondary closed-angle glaucoma , because he refused further surgery . patient female 1 One patient made her own denture because she could not afford dental care , while the other could afford such care but avoided treatment due to a dental phobia . patient female 3 Subsequently , the patient was unable to sit down because she could not flex the left upper leg . patient male 1 The patient underwent induction chemotherapy because he had great difficulty deciding which treatment would be more beneficial for him use dash surgery or chemoradiation . patient female 19 One patient insidiously developed sclerosing peritonitis after 8 years on PD and is now on hemodialysis , and another patient switched to hemodialysis because she was no longer able to care for herself or to manage her PD . patient female 1 Our patient underwent myocardial revascularization first , because she presented with unstable angina and was asymptomatic neurologically . patient male 1 The patient refused surgery because he did not believe that the abnormality caused any significant functional impairment . patient male 16 Although an abnormality had been noted on a chest radiograph at age 26 years , the patient had not undergone further examination at that time because he was asymptomatic . patient male 1 Our patient is unique because he is HIV-negative , has primary bone marrow disease , and has an atypical immunophenotype . patient male 1 The patient reported in this case differs significantly from the two cases reported in the literature because he had normal renal function , no previous exposure to ACE inhibitors , the reaction was of late onset , and the symptoms recurred . patient female 18 The authors speculated that the detachable balloon had shifted to the distal part of ICA , although the patient could not undergo a repeat angiogram because she quickly suffered shock and could not be transferred to the catheter room . patient male 3 However , the patient refused the operation because he could not tolerate having the stoma on the abdomen . patient female 3 So , the patient decided against the myomectomy , because she did not have any myoma-related symptoms after the first vaginal delivery and wanted to have more children via vaginal birth . patient male 1 The patient underwent regular follow-up because he was not able to endure chemotherapy ; no recurrence has been observed 21 months after the diagnosis of rectal cancer . patient female 9 Because she was afraid of being overweight , the patient took an appetite depressant . patient male 1 One patient did not undergo MRI because he died of respiratory failure . patient male 1 The patient underwent a strict course of observation , because he had no symptoms or abnormal physical or laboratory findings . patient female 1 The patient consulted again after 2 months because she developed a sudden and severe right-sided sensorineural hearing loss . patient female 14 During that time , her warfarin was discontinued for 5 days , and the patient had stopped taking the carbamazepine because she had no pain . patient female 6 Although surgery was recommended , the patient did not desire surgery because she had no pain and no interference with the activities of daily living . patient female 1 The patient should have an autologous fascia sling as her next procedure because she has recurrent stress urinary incontinence after two prior transobturator synthetic slings , current urethral erosion , and intrinsic sphincter deficiency . patient female 5 In this case , the patient consulted her family doctor because she had a sore throat and fever , but was admitted to the hospital only three days after the onset of the symptoms . patient male 1 This patient required emergency tracheotomy before surgery , because he had dyspnea when he came to our hospital . patient male 13 Postoperatively , chlorhexidine digluconate gel was prescribed twice a day , but the patient did not use it because he experienced intense burning immediately after the first application . patient female 2 Our younger patient fulfilled the criteria of " Carney complex " , because beside PAMD she has had the lentigines . patient female 1 The patient refused the breast-conserving surgery because she was afraid that she could have a recurrence of the carcinoma . patient male 1 One patient was unassessable because he never received any gemcitabine . patient male 1 The patient was fixed to the head of the sledge hammer because he was unable to move with the heavy pendant . patient female 1 Our patient is noteworthy because she is the first one reported with bullous SLE presenting in a localized linear pattern . patient male 4 In addition , the patient could not report paresthesias because he had suffered from a cerebral infarction . patient male 1 One patient had transient side effects ( abnormal liver function ) in the beginning of treatment possibly because he was a " slow acetylator " . patient male 1 One patient withdrew after 2 weeks because he was feeling " well " . patient male 1 The patient ( CH1 ) was able to provide pitch matches between electric and acoustic stimulation because he had auditory thresholds in his nonimplanted ear ranging between 30 and 60 dB HL over the range , 250 Hz to 8 kHz . patient male 1 The patient presented severe right atrial dilatation and right heart failure , and he was referred to our institution for supraventricular tachycardia . patient male 6 Moreover , the performance status of patient also improved , and he was discharged from our hospital despite his terminal cancer . patient male 1 One patient recurred after three months in our earlier experience and he was repaired robotically . patient male 1 The patient underwent proton beam irradiation of the liver metastasis , resulting in a complete response , and he was followed up without any chemotherapy . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient showed slight left motor weakness , but it gradually improved and he was discharged on foot , on October 19 , 1988 . patient male 2 One male patient had normal C1 inhibitor activity during attacks , and he was initially diagnosed as having idiopathic angioedema . patient male 5 At the same time the patient complained of pain in all four limbs and he was found to have diffuse wasting of muscles , areflexia and distal sensory loss . patient male 5 On POD six , the patient underwent RCEA and he was discharged on POD eight without complications . patient male 17 Two months later , reinitiation of vigabatrin therapy using a slower dosage escalation was well-tolerated by the patient , and he currently is being treated with vigabatrin successfully . patient female 1 The patient was a 60-year-old woman , and she was admitted to a hospital due to ankle pain that was aggravated on dorsiflexion . patient male 5 Following valvular replacement , the patient had ongoing high serological titres despite active treatment and he was managed with yearly serial PET/ CT scan to confirm the absence of active infection . patient female 1 The patient was a 67-year-old female with liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis C. She was administered furosemide at 20 mg/day and spironolactone at 25 mg/day , but the ascites did not improve . patient male 1 The patient underwent implantable cardioverter-defibrillator ( ICD ) implantation for secondary prevention of VT , and he was discharged safely on antiarrhythmic drugs with regular follow-up visits . patient male 1 The patient had risk factors for VRE bacteremia and he was administered linezolide without removing the catheter . patient male 1 The patient had intensive physiotherapy and his mobility improved , and he was discharged home . patient male 5 The post-operative course of the patient was uneventful and he was discharged with no deficit . patient male 0 Patient underwent inguinal hernia repair , and after an unproblematic recovery period , he was discharged . Patient male 1 One patient could not retain the drug intravesically because of reflex detrusor contraction and he was excluded from the study . patient male 2 Only one patient died and he was not operated on . patient female 1 The patient improved after resuscitation with intravenous saline and supplemental oxygen , and she was discharged home the next day . patient female 0 Patient recovered spontaneous circulation , and after hemodynamic stabilization , she was sent to the Intensive Coronary Unit , without further complications . Patient female 5 Nine hours later , the patient developed transient dysphasia , and she was treated with hypervolemia . patient male 1 The patient had a normal bowel transit on postoperative day 2 , and he was discharged on postoperative day 4 on a liquid diet . patient male 0 Patient B is a biology teacher and in classrooms he is exposed to fluorescent lamps . Patient female 1 The patient survived , and she and her baby were discharged without any sequelae on the eighth postoperative day . patient female 7 In the first 24 hours , the patient developed headache and she was treated with caffeine , dypirone , hydration , hydrocortisone , and bed rest ; despite those measures , the patient 's symptoms worsened and evolved to headache in decubitus . patient male 6 Skin necrosis was avoided , the patient did not require any surgical intervention , and he was discharged after 8 days without sequelae . patient female 7 Later , genetic analysis demonstrated that this patient had a mutation in KCNH2 gene , and she was diagnosed as a type-2 long-QT syndrome which was accentuated by use of garenoxacin . patient male 0 Patient declined all suggested urologic interventions and he was then managed conservatively . Patient female 5 At age 24 , the patient started with symptoms of shortness of breath and chest pain , and upon evaluation she was found with moderately severe idiopathic pulmonary hypertension . patient male 12 According to the doctor , he was " shocked " by the patient driving a car and felt obliged to report the matter to the Transport Division Administration , suggesting that the driving license should be revoked . patient female 9 On repeat kidney biopsy after the combined treatment , Patient 1 showed a profound reduction of nephritis activity , and she was maintained on low-dose prednisolone only . Patient male 8 The findings indicate that the more disturbed a patient is , and the less he is diagnosed as mentally ill , the more he is rejected from treatment , and the more negative the students ' attitudes are towards him . patient female 1 The patient reported acceptable pain control with a regimen of transdermal fentanyl 500 micrograms/h and MS via PCA and she was discharged home on hospital day 7 . patient male 6 The neuro-otological examination suggested that the patient had Menière 's disease and he was treated with conservative medication . patient female 1 The patient was asymptomatic , but her platelet count had increased to 111.2 x 10(4)/microliter , and she was diagnosed as having essential thrombocythemia based on the diagnostic criteria of the Polycythemia Vera Study Group . patient female 1 The patient tolerated regular consistency diet with thin liquids , and she was discharged on a slow taper of prednisone over a period of three months . patient female 1 The patient cursed pathological puerperium and received blood transfusion for 4 U. She was discharged at the 7th day after surgery . patient female 19 On imaging studies , each patient had a different pathologic lesion that involved the endolymphatic sac or duct : patient 1 had a jugular megabulb , and she was ultimately treated with vestibular nerve section ; patient 2 had a cholesterol granuloma , which was treated with surgical excision ; patient 3 had an endolymphatic sac tumor that was treated with surgical excision . patient female 1 The patient started a liquid diet on the seventh postoperative day , and she was discharged on the tenth postoperative day . patient male 6 After CMV viremia developed , the patient received ganciclovir , but he was switched to foscarnet when ganciclovir resistance was suspected . patient female 8 From the beginning of sertraline treatment , the patient developed vomiting , and five weeks later she developed a severe hepatic failure and was admitted to the hospital . patient male 1 The patient received fixation by banding to treat a fracture after falling from a bed about 5 months previously , and he was referred to our hospital due to the finding of a left subclavian pulsatile mass . patient male 4 Ninety minutes later , patient went into cardiac arrest with pulseless electrical activity while he was being considered for surgical embolectomy , but he could not be resuscitated . patient female 2 The second patient developed bilateral perceptive hearing loss , epilepsy and cardiomyopathy and she was repeatedly admitted to hospital with stroke-like episodes . patient male 1 This patient complained of a right orbital mass for 18 years , and he was recommended to our hospital for treatment . patient male 1 The patient subsequently declined surgical management , and he was monitored closely on an outpatient basis . patient male 2 Only 1 patient with peritoneal seeding had local recurrence after the resection , and he was successfully treated by radiation therapy . patient male 5 In May 2001 , the patient also developed pleural thickening and pain in the right hypochondrium , and he was readmitted to our hospital on May 21 , 2001 . patient male 4 General condition of the patient improved and he was weaned from the ventilator . patient female 1 The patient displayed very low TPMT enzyme activity and she was genotyped by pyrosequencing as being heterozygous for the 460G > A and 719A > G polymorphisms ( TPMT*3A ) . patient male 1 This patient escaped early diagnosis , but he was successfully treated with parenteral ampicillin followed by elective aortic and mitral valve replacement . patient female 1 The patient refused to undergo graft exchange despite a suboptimal visual result and she therefore was observed over time . patient female 6 It was further revealed that the patient had splenomegaly and a small intestinal lump , and she was then referred to our hospital . patient female 1 The patient evolved with increasing platelet counts , even without specific treatment , and she was discharged . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient was neurologically normal , but 4 months later he was readmitted because of headaches and clouding consciousness . patient male 4 One-and-a-half year later our patient has no recurrence of neurological symptoms , however due to the side effects of the immunosuppressive therapy he was readmitted several times . patient female 12 Although postoperative recovery was uneventful , approximately 6 years later , the patient had severe right hip pain with apparent swelling , and she was referred to the authors ' institution . patient male 1 The patient resumed oral meals on postoperative day 10 , and 2 days later he was discharged . patient female 8 She was cared for by either a family friend or paid caregiver while her mother worked . friend male 8 The complete procedure was well tolerated by the patient , and he was discharged , without symptoms , 48 hours later . patient male 21 Postoperative flow is extended with occurrence of profusely diarrhea and existence of a smaller pericardial effusion , but status of the patient is improving , and he is being dismissed home in a satisfactory general condition . patient female 1 The patient gradually improved , however her renal function was still impaired and she was discharged three months after admission . patient female 1 The patient recovery was acceptable and she was discharged with a small amount of bilateral hydrothorax , moderate malnutrition oedema and iron deficiency anaemia . patient male 4 The condition of the patient did not improve and he was referred for liver transplantation , which is the only treatment option with documented efficacy . patient male 1 One patient developed symptoms 3years after the diagnosis and he was submitted to surgery . patient male 1 The patient had right upper lobectomy for T1 N0 M0 peripheral adenocarcinoma and he had been reexplored 4 days later for massive air leak in another chest surgery department . patient female 9 In spite of antibiotic treatment the condition of the patient deteriorated and she was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia of an upper lobe . patient male 1 The patient had a history of psychiatric , but no somatic , disease , and he was admitted with a clinical presentation consistent with acute pancreatitis after a bolus ingestion of 10 g of ibuprofen in a suicidal attempt . patient female 6 In the interval study , one patient had mean serum GH above 5 mU/l associated with an increase in symptoms at 26 weeks and she was withdrawn from the study . patient male 7 If the brain is dead , the patient is dead , regardless of the state of his circulation , and he should be declared dead and removed from the ventilator . patient male 2 Where the patient attends the hospital , and he is given drugs , but fails to use them out of ignorance , the health team involved has failed . patient female 6 Postoperatively the radicular complaints of the patient disappeared and she was discharged with total recovery . patient female 1 The patient did not agree to stay in hospital and she was administered prednizone , trimetazidin and xantylol nicotinate . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course , and she was discharged on postoperative day 32 . patient male 3 Extubation of the patient was successful and he was discharged without oxygen required . patient male 1 The patient underwent successful coil embolization procedure and he was discharged 1 day after intervention . patient female 1 The patient then underwent left bipolar hip arthroplasty 18 months after delivery , and she was diagnosed with SIF histopathologically . patient male 6 All symptoms resolved completely while the patient was in the Emergency Department and he was treated conservatively by Neurosurgery with no further sequelae . patient female 11 The onset of the present case was in 1966 when the patient was 10 years of age , and she has been followed-up for over 10 years . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient had a good clinical course without any complications and he was discharged on the 65th postoperative day . patient male 4 Post-operative hemodynamics of the patient was uneventful and he was given a 6-week course of parenteral antibiotics . patient male 15 Based on the patient 's clinical and radiologic findings , it was believed that the patient had an en plaque meningioma , and he was operated on . patient female 1 The patient did not suffer complications such as vasospasm or systemic hypotension nor was she treated with antifibrinolytic agents . patient female 1 The patient remained in a relatively stable condition , and she was discharged three weeks later . patient male 7 About 18 months after PTMC , the patient developed a high fever and erythema with tenderness on his leg , so he was admitted again . patient male 1 The patient did well , and he was discharged home day 10 postoperatively . patient female 1 One patient had renal dysfunction but was never on dialysis , nor had she been transplanted . patient male 5 One year after transplantation the patient has relapsed , but he could be treated effectively with conventional therapy regiments . patient male 1 The patient was stable throughout surgery , and at the end of the procedure , his trachea was extubated and he was admitted to the intensive care unit . patient female 1 The patient had no chronic debilitating disease , nor was she immunosuppressed . patient female 1 The patient made an excellent recovery and she was discharged on postoperative day 3 . patient male 6 A CT scan suggested that the patient had a mass in his pancreas and he was referred for further diagnostic work-up , staging and treatment . patient female 4 Postoperative course of the patient was uneventful , and she was discharged on postoperative day 2 . patient male 4 Blood pressure of the patient was within normal range and he was diagnosed as having traumatic bilateral intracerebral hematoma . patient female 3 Lastly , the patient with thoracic ectopia cordis underwent successful soft tissue coverage , and she is being followed in the clinic with restrictive muscular ventricular septal defects and a left ventricular diverticulum . patient female 1 The patient refused surgery , so she was administered imatinib mesylate chemotherapy . patient male 1 This patient , a 29 year old male , suffered from grand mal epilepsy for about 12 years , and he had been treated with anticonvulsive drugs . patient male 1 The patient refused surgery to restore the nose , and he was treated conservatively with wet-to-dry dressings and antibiotic ointment . patient female 1 The patient progressed without complications and she was discharged cured . patient male 4 The request of one patient was satisfied and he was allowed to die , after all the involved people had understood and accepted the final decision . patient female 1 The patient had no postoperative complications and she was discharged four days after surgery . patient female 6 Six weeks following discharge , the patient underwent left-sided heart catheterization , left ventriculography , and coronary arteriography , and she was found to have entirely normal coronary arteries . patient female 37 A 63-year-old female was diagnosed to have diabetes mellitus six years ago , she was given metformin and sulphonylurea to control her glycemia , she had adequate glycemic control for many years , but thereafter , the patient has experienced hypoglycemia after cessation of the treatment since 8 months ago and was hospitalized for further examination , endogenous hypoglycemia was confirmed and the level of serum insulin and C-peptide were elevated . patient male 5 After the embolotherapy , the patient had symptomatic improvement and he was discharged without complications . patient female 1 The patient started antibiotic treatment with a progressive clinical improvement , but after discharge she was lost to follow-up and died 7 months later . patient female 1 The patient refused a hysterectomy or other surgical drainages , and she was discharged from hospital with oral antibiotics . patient male 1 The patient recovered completely after carbimazole was replaced with propylthiouracil and he was treated with dextrose infusions , frequent high-carbohydrate meals and a course of prednisolone . patient female 1 The patient did not agree to surgical intervention and therefore she was discharged in good general condition . patient male 1 The patient remained asymptomatic and a serum troponin drawn 18 hours after the procedure was normal , and he was discharged the next day . patient male 2 But the patient developed sudden respiratory distress following anaphylactic shock and he was kept on ventilation . patient male 1 The patient was a 60-year-old Japanese man and he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer . patient female 3 So far our patient has not suffered from any visual complaints and she will be followed up yearly . patient male 2 One additional patient had baseline EPS but developed clinical arrhythmia recurrences after propafenone loading and thus he was excluded from the study ; follow-up EPS were conducted on procainamide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS ) patient male 6 On postoperative Day 2 , the patient had a bout of sneezing and since that time , he was noted to be more altered in terms of his mentation and lethargic with no focal neurological deficits . patient male 26 The study also supplied information on the outcome of lung lesions which may result in one of four possible courses of about equal frequency : the patient may either die or be cured rapidly after less than a week of assisted ventilation , or he may die at a later date or be cured slowly after more than a week of assisted ventilation . patient female 5 The postoperative course of the patient was unremarkable , and she was discharged on the 8th postoperative day . patient male 1 The patient underwent endoscopic posterior cricoid split with rib graft ( EPCS/RG ) , and he regained moderate vocal abduction and full vocal adduction , resolution of dysphonia , and was decannulated . patient male 1 The patient initially improved and later on during course of the disease he was found to be human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) seropositive . patient male 1 The patient appeared responsive to somatostatin analogs and so he was treated with short acting octreotide , obtaining a good control of glycemia . patient male 15 Unfortunately , a few minutes after the extraction of rabbit from top hat , the patient experienced the onset of upper and lower airway symptoms , and in some occasions he was forced to stop the show and to use short acting β₂agonists and intramuscular steroids . patient female 7 Due to many previous surgeries , this patient was a high-risk surgical candidate , and therefore , she was offered medical therapy . patient female 2 Although the patient did not show any clinical evidence of digital intoxication nor was she treated with drugs which might interfere with digoxin kinetics and even if she had markers of renal function within clinical limits , digoxin was suspended and a treatment was initiated with 0.9 % NaCl solution and furosemide . patient male 1 The patient attended several emergency room visits and he had been hospitalized for 1 month in an adult internal medicine department because of " oliguria " . patient male 1 The patient condition improved after surgery and he was discharged . patient female 1 The patient became asymptomatic with the administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and diuretics , and she has been scheduled for long term follow-up . patient male 1 The patient refused amputation and , after analysing several reconstruction options , he was treated by entire en bloc resection and reconstruction employing a 3D-printed custom titanium implant . patient male 12 When using respiratory therapy the physiotherapist must pay great attention how the patient reacts to respiratory therapy and whether he is adapted correctly to the mechanical respiratory support devices . patient male 5 Despite persistent counselling , the patient and his parents did not give consent for surgical correction and he was discharged as leaving against medical advice . patient female 5 It was concluded that the patient was pregnant and she was followed in the outpatient clinic . patient female 1 Another patient did not continue SRL , and she was turned on octreotide , s.c . patient male 1 The patient had a 15 year history of type 2 diabetes mellitus , and he was treated with oral antibiotics and wet dressings with KMNO4 solution to combine preservation of the remaining penile soft tissue with debridement of avascular tissue . patient male 9 Bacteriological , histological , and immunological findings of this patient were borderline tuberculoid leprosy and he should have been treated with multibacillary regimen from the beginning . patient male 1 The patient fully recovered and he is limited only by mild exertional dyspnea at 24 months follow-up after the initial surgery . patient male 1 The patient did not respond to radiotherapy , and he was transferred to another hospital . patient male 24 When the penis was manipulated in order to reduce oedema , retract foreskin and evaluate the glans , clinical parametres rapidly worsened and the patient developed a septic shock with blood pressure falling down , dyspnoea and tachyarrhythmia , and he was fastly sent to Intensive Care Unit where it has been hemodynamically stabilized and subjected to antibiotic therapy . patient male 5 On diagnostic tests , the patient underwent tracheotomy media under neuroleptoanalgesia and infiltration anaesthesia , then , under intratracheal anaesthesia , he was intubated through tracheostomy . patient male 1 One patient died of metastatic disease 3.5 months after surgery but he had been rendered free of local symptoms by surgery . patient male 1 The patient had an uncomplicated procedure and he was treated postoperatively with a prophylactic dose of subcutaneous low-molecular- weight heparin and compression sleeves . patient male 1 The patient had positive coccidioidomycosis serologies and he was started on fluconazole with resolution of symptoms and improvement in transaminitis over the next month . patient female 1 The patient slowly recovered and , after a prolonged hospitalization , she was discharged home on hospital day 68 on partial parenteral nutrition . patient male 4 In 2014 , the patient came to hospital because of a pain at right hypochondrium and he was diagnosed with hepatocelullar carcinoma . patient male 1 The patient consulted the Second Prosthetic Department with the purpose of occlusal examination in April , 1994 and he was diagnosed with a malunited maxillary fracture . patient female 10 After two weeks of treatment , clinical conditions of the patient improved slightly and she was discharged . patient female 2 The fourth patient has shown considerable improvement in her serum tests of liver function , but she has been treated for a much shorter period than the others . patient female 2 One HA patient died at 1 year , and she was excluded . patient female 4 Postoperative evolution of the patient was uneventful and she was discharged 12 days after the surgical procedure . patient male 5 The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful , and he was discharged on the postoperative day 2 . patient female 1 The patient was a 54-year-old female and she was admitted to our hospital to treat gastric ulcer on October 8 , 1985 . patient female 5 Treatment was discontinued by the patient on her own initiative and after some yr she was lost to follow-up . patient male 1 The patient was a 33-year-old male and he was referred to our institute because of mild right pulmonary congestion detected by a routine chest X-P. Enlarged coronary sinus , right atrium and right ventricle were documented by UCG . patient female 1 The patient tolerated the procedure well with little chest wall trauma , and she was discharged on the second post-operative day . patient male 1 The patient had severe dilated cardiomyopathy , and even though he was treated with low oral doses of amiodarone , without dosage increments and electrolyte imbalance , he developed torsade de pointes at nights , after T-wave modification and increases of the corrected QT interval ( QTc , 20 % ) , QT dispersion ( QTd , 175 % ) and QTcd ( 116 % ) . patient male 7 These data were evaluated considering whether the user had moved from another town to receive attention and whether he had been referred by a physician or not . user female 3 Examination of the patient due to prolonged and worsening diarrhea revealed positive test results for C7-HRP , and she was diagnosed with CMV colitis . patient male 1 The patient has the typical clinical findings of BSS , but he was misdiagnosed for a long period . patient female 1 The patient reported elbow pain when first admitted to emergency service but she was diagnosed with simultaneous ipsilateral shoulder and elbow injury and treated conservatively . patient female 1 The patient refused to undergo any surgical or invasive intervention , and therefore she was only treated conservatively . patient female 1 The patient agreed , and she was initially administered 1000 mg/d . patient female 1 The patient gradually recovered and she was discharged in good clinical condition after a few days . patient male 17 After initiation of a standard combination therapy ( four tuberculostatic drugs ) the general condition of the patient stabilized and he was discharged from hospital after 4 weeks . patient male 5 Six months later , the patient had similar visual loss in right eye and he was diagnosed as anterior ischemic optic atrophy ( AION ) by the ophthalmologist . patient male 1 One patient refused surgical treatment , and he was treated with warfarin sodium showing a poor clinic response . patient male 4 After this , the patient improved and he was discharged . patient male 1 The patient had slight clinical findings and he was treated by early catheter removal without antifungal treatment . patient female 10 Magnetic resonance imaging performed in April 2018 revealed that the patient had a pituitary tumor , and she was referred to our hospital . patient female 1 The patient showed the usual routine postoperative course and she was discharged 10 days after surgery . patient male 3 Finally , the patient made a full recovery and he was discharged from the hospital . patient male 1 The patient experienced multiple episodes of infection , and he was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus at age 9 years . patient male 1 The patient was under cholesterol-lowering therapy with statin and ezetimibe but he was obligated to discontinue due to chronic hepatitis C virus infection . patient female 1 The patient completely recovered from her symptoms 2 months later , and she was discharged without neurologic deficit . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient developed a liquorice cyst , which was treated with a shunt , and she has been followed up for evaluation of the bony defect closure and skull morphology . patient female 7 On the day following admission , the patient developed severe cardiogenic shock , and she was transferred to our hospital where emergency coronary artery bypass grafting with the saphenous veins was performed using retrograde tepid blood cardioplegia . patient male 1 The patient recovered completely and he was discharged home . patient male 6 During the perioperative period , the patient developed delirium that was difficult to manage , but he was discharged from the hospital without any complications on POD 21 . patient male 10 After clinical treatment and parenteral nutrition the condition of the patient improved and he was dismissed 4 weeks later . patient male 1 The patient did not experience abnormal postoperative bleeding , and he was discharged with mild motor weakness of the left lower extremity . patient male 1 The patient was a 66-year-old man with repeated episodes of abdominal pain resulting in a diagnosis of ileus , and he was admitted to this hospital . patient female 1 The patient received cyclophosphamide plus prednisone with a favorable response , but 11 years later she was admitted because of weakness , constitutional symptoms , and abdominal pain due to spleen infarcts . patient male 1 The patient had received androgen deprivation therapy , but six months after treatment , he was diagnosed as having prostate cancer refractory to hormones . patient female 8 After the surgery , the condition of the patient uneventfully improved and she was discharged from the hospital three days after the surgery . patient male 1 This patient underwent follow-up , and he was found to gradually improve both neurologically and radiographically . patient female 2 The myoepithelioma patient was well with no signs of recurrent disease at 6-month clinical control , but she was then lost to follow-up ; the malignant mixed tumor patient is alive and well after 6 months since operation . patient male 1 The patient presented severe right heart failure and he was refered to our institution for heart transplantation . patient female 1 One patient had distant metastases at presentation and she was successfully treated by surgery followed by RAI , remaining in complete remission at 12.1 years . patient male 7 This is even more dramatic when the patient is not breathing spontaneously and he can not be turned over to be reintubated . patient male 3 Our 79-year-old male patient visited us with multiple lymphadenopathies , and he was diagnosed with nodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma . patient male 6 The post operative period of the patient was uneventful and he was discharged on 7th postoperative day & followed up upto 6 months . patient female 0 Patient recovered well from the surgery and she was discharged home in stable condition in post-operative day seven . Patient female 2 The last patient in our series died in the immediate postoperative period and although her histopathology was reported as plasmacytoma , she could not be evaluated for systemic involvement . patient female 1 Our patient had devel- oped CPEO 46 years earlier , and at her presentation she was bedridden and receiving both respiratory assistance via tracheostomy and tube feeding . patient male 1 The patient woke up ( BIS index 78 ) and spontaneous respiration returned and he was extubated . patient male 1 The patient gradually improved after the aspiration with continuous administration of antibiotics , and he was discharged on the 59th hospital day with no neurological deficits . patient male 1 The patient demonstrated hyperlactatemia that persisted following hemodynamic stabilization , and he was determined to be severely deficient in thiamin despite thrice-weekly home multivitamin infusions , instead of daily due to national supply shortages . patient male 16 The final pathological finding was a diagnosis is of pleomorphic carcinoma , pT2bN0M0 , stageⅡA. The patient rejected postoperative chemotherapy for 10 months after lung surgery , and he was admitted to our hospital with poor oral intake . patient male 1 One patient was homosexual with a positive finding in the urethra and rectum , and , in addition , he was found to have BWR positive with Candida albicans and group B streptococci , however , his serological HIV was negative . patient male 1 The patient was a 43-year-old male and he was treated surgically for Haglund 's heel , a bony protrusion at the calcaneus . patient female 5 One month later , the patient developed severe generalized athetotic dyskinesia with visual hallucinations and hyperpyrexia that lasted for a week , and she was readmitted to hospital . patient female 1 The patient did not report any symptoms , and she is scheduled for a follow-up visit . patient female 5 The clinical condition of the patient gradually improved and she was discharged home 5 weeks later . patient female 4 The data showed the patient has improved gradually , and she was discharged on day 27 . patient male 17 He was given a diagnosis of Burkitt 's lymphoma and was in clinical stage II B. The patient went into completed remission with VABCOP-M combination chemotherapy , but relapsed with involvement of the central nervous system ( CNS ) . patient male 1 The patient received a course of cyproheptadine and lorazepam , to which he was unresponsive , and he was transferred to the Medical Intensive Care Unit for heavy sedation . patient male 1 The patient underwent post operative radiotherapy and four courses of chemotherapy and he was referred to our hospital . patient female 7 At 45 years of age , the patient complained of bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain , and she was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis by colonoscopy and histological examination . patient female 3 However , the patient showed a continued leukopenia , and she was subsequently diagnosed by bone marrow biopsy as having a myelodysplastic syndrome , which will sometimes accompany PG . patient female 1 The patient then attended cheerleading camp where her RLQ pain recurred and she was referred to sports medicine for further evaluation . patient male 6 The signs and symptoms of the patient gradually resolved and he was discharged on hospital day 5 . patient male 5 Two months later , the patient presented with the same kind of lesions in the other eye ( right eye ) , so he was subjected to retinochoroidal biopsy . patient male 4 Since then , the patient was oliguric , but because of febrility and hemoptysis that appeared , at first he was treated with dual antibiotic therapy which resulted in temporary improvement of his general condition , but pleural effusion remained . patient male 4 On admission , the patient was in a state of shock , but he was successfully treated by emergency surgery . patient female 5 At the end , the patient was breathing spontaneously , so she was extubated and transferred to the recovery room from where she was discharged without any complaints . patient female 4 The condition of the patient improved and she was discharged from the hospital the following day , asymptomatic . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient received 2,000 ml of packed red cells but he continued bleeding after the blood chemistries and coagulopathy specimen were corrected . patient female 1 One patient experienced a recurrence of pain ( grade 3 ) 24 months after radiation treatment , and she is currently being treated with carbamazepine . patient male 9 Today , five years after the incident , the patient remains asymptomatic and he is followed-up regularly . patient male 14 Despite having had multiple endoscopic examinations and dilatations in the recent past , this patient presented with dysphagia , and on endoscopy , he was found to have a mid-oesophageal tumour . patient female 1 Our patient refused termination of pregnancy and she was hospitalized for strict observation and follow-up . patient female 1 The patient had stable vital signs and normal laboratory findings during the recovery period and the hemoglobin was 116 g/L. She was discharged six days after delivery without intervention-related complications . patient male 1 The patient was alive 28 months after initial presentation , but he was left with a severe neurological deficit because of the location and growth of the tumor . patient female 1 The patient underwent SAE at 26 months , and at that time , she was switched to denosumab instead of zoledronic acid . patient male 1 The patient endured well and was cooperative before scalp suture , but when surgeon sutured scalp , he complained of pain and was suddenly agitated . patient female 1 The patient did n't manifest any respiratory related symptoms during postoperative period , and she was discharged without any treatment . patient male 15 Although total bilirubin level increased to 8.2 mg/dl on the 2nd postoperative day , the patient ultimately recovered and he was discharged on the 14th day . patient male 4 After the embolization the patient improved quickly and he was extubated 4 days postinterventionally . patient male 5 Liver function tests of one patient improved , and he was discharged on postoperative day 13 . patient male 1 Our patient initially received methylprednisolone and intravenous immunoglobulin ( IVIG ) without significant improvement , so he was given azathioprine and a prolonged course of oral prednisolone . patient male 5 Six weeks later , the patient returned to the outpatient department complaining of headaches , and he was found to have a tender , firm neck . patient female 1 One patient underwent lobectomy twice , and she was allocated simultaneously to groups A and B. The patients ' median age , antecedent pregnancy , International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics ( FIGO ) risk score , number of preoperative chemotherapy courses , preoperative beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin ( beta-hCG ) titer , lesion size , number of lobes affected , positive rate of histology , follow-ups and prognosis were compared between the three groups . patient female 8 Three days after the laparoscopic procedure , the patient gained consciousness , and she was discharged without any neurologic sequelae on postoperative day 12 . patient male 15 After 25 days of treatment with somatostatin and parenteral nutrition , the condition of the patient improved and he was dismissed home . patient male 1 The patient remained asymptomatic and , and after six hours he was discharged . patient female 1 The patient became asymptomatic and she was discharged 10 weeks after admission under maintenance therapy with prednisolone , insulin glargine and nateglinide . patient male 1 The patient underwent successful bilateral transurethral ureteral stenting , and then he was referred for surgical treatment of the aneurysm . patient female 1 The patient had no history or findings of optic neuritis or myelitis , and she was diagnosed as anti-AQP4 antibody-associated disorder . patient male 10 On hospital day 56 , the renal function of the patient had recovered , and he was discharged without neurologic sequelae . patient male 1 The patient developed an adverse reaction to steroid treatment and had a poor response to treatment with pentoxifylline and vitamin E. He was deemed a poor surgical candidate because of his medical comorbidities . patient female 1 The patient fully recovered , and she was discharged 48 h after endoscopy with complete normalization of inflammatory markers ( CRP and leukocytosis ) . patient male 1 One patient with rectal cancer had an anastomotic dehiscence after surgery and he was successfully treated with endoscopic clipping . patient male 5 Five days later , the patient still experienced mild pain during palpation and he was operated on . patient female 1 The patient had consulted a gynecologist for menometrorrhagia 2 years prior to her referral and she was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia and hypertension . patient female 1 The patient did not experience any pain in the affected limb , nor was she diagnosed with neuropathy - both of above mentioned symptoms are often a significant issue . patient male 1 The patient himself discontinued insulin therapy and he was eventually diagnosed as having type-2 diabetes . patient male 1 The patient first received ceftazidime ( 2g/8h i.v.)+clindamycin ( 300mg/8h ) for 18 days and then he was discharged home and orally treated with amoxicillin clavulanic acid ( 1g/12h ) for 23 days with an uneventful evolution . patient female 12 Piperacillin and tazobactam were started , but the clinical course of the patient deteriorated and she developed a cold septic shock and was submitted to hysterectomy and transferred to the ICU of our hospital . patient male 1 One patient delayed treatment for 2 months and when he returned he had a more extensive tumor and was considered incurable by surgery . patient female 4 After 15 days , patient recovered and she was transferred to her reference hospital . patient male 1 The patient refused further therapy , but he had been followed without recurrence for 48 monthsafter the chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient had multiple tumor recurrences and she was evaluated with serial F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose ( FDG ) positron emission tomography ( PET ) . patient male 4 In 2004 , the patient began hemodialysis , and he was diagnosed with NSF in 2005 , shortly after undergoing an MRI with gadolinium contrast administration . patient female 1 The patient was a 65-year-old female who was diagnosed as having common ALL , and she was treated with BHAC-DMPV ( enocitabine : 160 mg , daunorubicin : 40 mg , 6-MP : 35 mg , prednisolone ( PSL ) : 60 mg , and vincristine : 2 mg ) . patient male 1 The patient was a 57-year-old male , and he was admitted for a thorough examination of his renal stone . patient male 0 Patient recovery was uneventful and he was discharged on the 10th postoperative day . Patient male 1 The patient improved after antimicrobial therapy with pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine , but he was left with neurologic deficits . patient female 3 However , the patient and her parents refused the surgical procedure , and she is treated conservatively at present . patient male 5 Two months later , the patient presented at a follow-up visit with a recurrence , and he was readmitted . patient female 1 The patient needed intubation for recurrent seizures , and she was found to have severe hyponatremia ( 120 mmol/L ) that was corrected with hypertonic saline . patient male 9 Fifteen days after the end of pre-operative chemotherapy the patient undergoes endoscopic ultrasonography and total body 18FDG-PET-CT to evaluate the tumor response to treatment , and then he is addressed to surgery . patient male 1 One patient had a cyst at the aqueductal inlet and he was managed by shunt and albendazole therapy . patient male 1 The patient developed TLS , requiring hospitalization , and he was found to have an acute blast crisis . patient female 11 Her husband Paul , a younger sister , and a close friend were present , and she was attended by an obstetrician named Bernie . friend female 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative recovery , and she was discharged on postoperative day 3 . patient female 1 The patient underwent one round of chemotherapy , but she was found to have progressive disease . patient male 1 The patient recovered fast though intraoperative critical respiratory management , effective pain control , and suitable sedation , and he was discharged from the hospital 3 days after the operation . patient female 46 Reported is a case of a 58-year-old female treated in the past with cytostatics and rituximab for follicular lymphoma , in whom HBV infection was detected during a follow-up of the contacts of her partner diagnosed with acute viral hepatitis B. At the beginning , the patient had a very high serum level of HBV DNA ( 4.3 × 108 IU/mL ) and therefore she was treated with combined antiviral therapy ( lamivudine and tenofovir ) . patient female 2 The second patient received systemic CNS prophylaxis with HD-MTX , and later she was treated with an induction chemotherapy strategy with evidencing of progressive disease after two courses of treatment . patient male 1 The patient himself , however , denied motor restlessness after a careful and exhaustive medical history and he was originally believed to have periodic movements in sleep without restless legs . patient male 1 The patient was asymptomatic , but at age 5 his platelet count had increased to 145.5 x 10(4)/microL , and he was diagnosed as having essential thrombocythemia based on the diagnostic criteria of the Polycythemia Vera Study Group . patient male 1 The patient evolved with several respiratory failures and he was diagnosed as the first case of community-acquired pneumonia with sepsis caused by B pseudomallei in Mato Grosso do Sul , Midwest state of Brazil . patient male 1 The patient did not have esophageal varices or portal hypertension , and he was treated by exicising the varix with a full thickness of duodenal wall . patient male 1 That patient developed an anastomotic stricture a year later and he was successfully reoperated and stayed symptom-free so far . patient male 1 The patient developed periaortic infection 4 months later , but he was managed with antibiotics . patient female 1 The patient recovered satisfactorily without any trouble and she was discharged with only a mild weakness at the right side . patient female 9 Due to massive left ventricular volume overload , the patient required surgical ligation of the ductus arteriosus , but she was discharged uneventfully after that . patient male 5 In April 2005 , the patient suddenly developed hematemesis , and he was hospitalized for emergency treatment . patient female 1 The patient started adjuvant chemotherapy and she was treated for 6 cycles with Doxorubicin , Dacarbazine , Ifosfamide , and Mesna ( MAID ) . patient female 1 The patient could walk the day after surgery , and she was discharged from the hospital 14 days after surgery . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient experienced minimal improvement in his symptoms , and he was subsequently treated with fractionated external beam radiotherapy . patient female 1 The patient died shortly after her diagnosis and before she could be discharged . patient male 1 The patient refused further treatment by radiation and chemotherapy , so he was observed closely . patient female 1 The patient had severe motor loss but she was treated effectively with intravenous immunoglobulin , and she underwent cesarean delivery with epidural anesthesia at full term . patient male 1 The patient recovered well and he was discharged from hospital on day 10 . patient male 1 The patient underwent occlusion of the ASD and he was followed-up closely . patient female 2 The first patient had an increased TSH level , but she was missed because of mistakes in the confirmatory serum test . patient female 1 The patient underwent intravaginal desensitization , and she and her partner were instructed to have intercourse every 48 hours to maintain desensitization . patient female 1 One patient had C1 posterior arch fracture 3 weeks postoperatively and she was followed up for 18 months without revision surgery . patient female 4 For one thing the patient has to be kept free of seizures , but she also should be kept on monotherapy at the lowest possible dose , due to the effect such medication may have on the unborn child . patient female 3 A 39-year-old female patient had persistent dull pain in the lower abdomen for more than 1 mo , and she was initially diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease at a hospital . patient female 1 The patient did not undergo surgery but she was kept on frequent clinical controls . patient male 1 The patient have neither scoliosis nor need for non-invasive mechanical ventilation , and finally , he was always treated with steroids with stable thoraco-abdominal function over the years . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of radiculopathy in the immediate postoperative period and she was discharged home , neurologically intact , on the second postoperative day . patient male 24 3 days after the surgery , the patient was able to move the extremities , and then on the 9th postoperative day , the patient could walk using a walking frame , and he was transferred back to the Department of Neurorehabilitation . patient male 4 After the procedure the patient was stable and free of chest pain and he was discharged from the hospital after one week . patient male 1 The patient had a normal bowel transit on postoperative day 3 and he was discharged on postoperative day 7 . patient female 1 The patient described here shares features with MDS , but she is affected to a lesser degree . patient male 4 A second critically ill patient with a typical pattern of anterolateral infarction in his ECG recovered so well that only five years later he was readmitted ; then he showed the adult-type ECG with good collateral circulation between the right and left coronary artery . patient male 20 After a left suboccipital craniotomy and resection of the external part of the cerebellar hemisphere , the state of the patient improved quickly , and he was discharged from hospital with a light cerebellar syndrome . patient male 5 The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful , and he is currently being followed without further treatment . patient male 10 There were no further seizures , the condition of the patient remained stable , and he was discharged 2 days after admission . patient male 1 Another patient did not response to secondary balloon dilatation , and he was treated by surgery . patient female 1 The patient underwent an appendectomy and small bowel resection and she was discharged on postoperative day 10 . patient male 32 Plasma levels of the nicotine metabolite cotinine were 8,691 μg/L 7 h after admittance and 9,814 μg/L after 12 h. Levels of cotinine in the urine were above > 50,000 μg/L. The patient developed a mild pneumonia , but he was uneventfully extubated after 12 h of mechanical ventilation . patient male 1 This patient had undergone laparoscopic repair of a perforated duodenal ulcer and there was no major intraoperative haemorrhage but he was transfused perioperatively for chronic anaemia . patient female 1 The patient had an experience of misdiagnosis and she was treated for bronchitis for one year until being admitted to our hospital . patient male 1 The patient temporarily resolved his initial episode with stent placement , and he was eventually taken to the operating room for bile duct resection and hepaticojejunostomy given a persistent stricture and concern for underlying malignancy . patient female 1 Our patient did not have an underlying neoplasm nor was she immunosuppressed . patient male 11 With the reappearance of the libido and physical efficiency , the patient showed the intention to recover sexual activity and he was treated first by phosphodiesterase type 5 ( PDE-5 ) inhibitors and then he began a cycle of prostaglandin El1(PGE1 ) but unfortunately without a satisfactory sexual performance . patient male 0 Patient was at significant risk of developing meningitis but , he was successfully treated with intravenous colistin . Patient male 7 A misdiagnosis had been made when the patient suffered his first attack 6 months earlier and he had been treated for familial Mediterranean fever . patient male 2 An additional patient required a retransplant for obliterative bronchiolitis 37 months after the initial procedure , and he too was found to have severe coronary artery disease . patient male 1 One patient developed graft blowout and he was treated with ligation without hemiplegia . patient female 1 The patient has not received either radiotherapy or chemotherapy , considering the low grade of malignancy , but she is only followed up on an outpatient basis . patient male 1 The patient did n't have any additional problem during the postoperative period , and he was discharged at 1 week after surgery . patient male 1 The patient vaccine had received all vaccines from the calendar , and he was vaccinated for yellow fever 20 days before symptoms . patient male 5 The postoperative recovery of the patient was uneventful and he was discharged from the hospital 7 days after surgery . patient female 1 One patient ( case 1 ) was in otherwise good health when left parietal cerebral infarction developed , and she was found to have narrowing of the supraclinoid internal carotid artery siphon , anterior cerebral artery A1 , and middle cerebral artery M1 segments bilaterally . patient male 0 Patient condition initially improved after colonoscopy , but he again became distended with abdominal pain , so he was taken to the operating room . Patient female 0 Patient refused for radio iodine ablation and , she was given thyroxin replacement . Patient male 10 Over the course of the next 48 hours , the patient made a nearly complete neurologic recovery , and he was discharged from the hospital with only a slight facial droop . patient female 1 The patient finally underwent total gastrectomy with lymph node resection , and she was pathologically diagnosed as having stage IV gastric cancer postoperatively . patient female 1 The patient refused to undergo surgery and she is currently being monitored and has suffered no sequelae . patient male 5 Two months later , the patient visited a dermatologist who diagnosed the lesions as PG , and he was admitted to our unit . patient male 5 Following recurrent hospitalizations , the patient died and he was referred for an autopsy . patient female 3 A 74-year-old female patient underwent a Roux-en-Y cystjejunostomy for pancreatic pseudocyst developed several melena episodes and she was surgically reappraised . patient male 1 The patient declines surgical intervention and he was discharged . patient female 3 Postoperatively , the patient achieved anatomic success , with a vaginal length of about eight cm , and she was advised to use vaginal dilators after discharge . patient male 4 Postoperative course of the patient was uneventful , and he was discharged on postoperative day eight without any complication . patient female 10 We further investigated our patient for differential diagnosis but the patient refused surgery and she is now managed conservatively with a close follow-up . patient female 1 The patient did well ; after 2 weeks , she was discharged home and referred for possible TAVR . patient female 7 Six hours after successful delivery , the patient had acute mental status changes and she was taken to the operating room immediately for resection of her tumor , which turned out to be a clear cell meningioma . patient female 1 The patient underwent successful transcatheter closure of the PFO , and , in addition , she has been placed on low-dose acetylsalicylic acid . patient male 1 The patient was completely well , stable and asymptomatic and he was rushed immediately to the coronary care unit via emergency ambulance . patient female 5 On the third attempt the patient had modest bladder perception but she left a post-voiding residual , and was instructed to perform bladder self-catheterization . patient male 9 After 22 days of follow-up and hospitalizations , the patient status improved and he was discharged with recommendations to be in follow up in pediatric outpatient clinic . patient female 3 However , the patient did not undergo any medical treatment because she did not have any clinical symptoms , and she was discharged on POD 8 . patient male 1 The patient later developed abdominal discomfort that worsened to peritonitis and he was taken for laparoscopic drainage of massive hemoperitoneum with bile peritonitis . patient male 50 Subsequently , the patient was treated with fluconazole ( 400 mg/day for 10 days , then a maintenance therapy of 200 mg/day ) ; after one month , the cutaneous lesions were remarkably improved , but , although a series of further laboratory and clinical examinations was scheduled , the patient repeatedly refused any other re-evaluation , and he was lost from follow-up . patient female 0 Patient was unresponsive to elective balloon post-dilatation , and therefore she was successfully treated with open-heart surgery to remove the malfunctioning CoreValve bioprosthesis and perform standard aortic valve replacement . Patient female 22 Despite the severe clinical condition and the poor prognosis , because of the coexistence of cardioembolism and aortic graft infection , our patient had a good outcome with conservative treatment and she will be considered for surgical graft replacement after her full recovery . patient female 1 The patient feels good 2 years after the operation and she will be controlled continuously . patient male 1 The patient symptomatically improved , but in view of persisting constrictive physiology he was planned for pericardiectomy . patient female 12 Due to the unfavorable prognosis of her metastatic lung cancer , the patient and the family members decided to opt for hospice care and she was subsequently transferred to the inpatient hospice . patient female 1 The patient underwent several corrective operations , and at 12 months of age she was diagnosed with Hardikar syndrome . patient male 4 There was only one patient with UPJ stenosis at 6 months and he was treated by balloon dilation . patient male 9 On the 5th day of the therapy , the patient has slightly improved and he was discharged due to the wishes of his parents , however he died two days after discharge . patient female 1 The patient became gradually conscious , and she was weaned from mechanical respiration after 12 hours . patient male 1 The patient received laparoscopic herniorrhaphy with fixing of polypropylene mesh on the preperitoneal layer and he was discharged on the third postoperative day . patient male 1 The patient did not respond to antipsychotic therapies , but he was successfully treated with electroconvulsive therapy . patient male 2 However , patient refused all medical care , and then he was discharged . patient male 1 The patient received combination chemotherapy with carboplatin and gemcitabine hydrochloride , and he was discharged 3 months after the operation . patient male 2 A male patient , 69 years old , presented with fever , leucocytosis , and persistent low back pain ; he also had an abdominal aortic aneurysm ( AAA ) , as previously diagnosed by Doppler UltraSound ( US ) , and was admitted to our hospital . patient female 1 The patient has had a history of coughing on liquid ingestion since childhood and she has been hospitalized 4 times for treatment of pneumonia during the past 20 years . patient female 5 After 3 weeks , the patient stated her pain continued and she went for chiropractic care and was treated for mechanical neck pain with manipulation , manual muscle treatment , postural training , and rehabilitative exercises . patient male 3 A 48-year-old male patient underwent cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator implantation , and he was found to have atresia of the coronary sinus ostium with venous drainage occurring via a persistent left-sided superior vena cava , which was connected to the right-sided superior vena cava by the innominate vein . patient male 1 The patient refused further therapy and he was offered to have Amifostine treatment . patient male 1 The patient could have acquired an infectious agent which was resistant to ceftriaxone , such as Legionella , and he was thus treated with ciprofloxacin and rifampicin . patient female 1 The patient developed dysgeusia and subjective fever on the same day as ocular discomfort , and she was subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19 with only these two classic symptoms of the viral infection . patient male 1 One patient was a plane pilot , and he was forbidden to continue his job as long as he was on CS . patient female 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative course and she was discharged on the 5th postoperative day . patient male 4 Following this , the patient gradually improved , organ dysfunction resolved , and he was discharged without sequelae . patient male 5 In May 2008 , this patient developed right exophthalmos , diplopia , and pain in the right eye , and he was diagnosed with idiopathic orbital myositis . patient male 1 The patient refused surgery , so he was treated with chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy . patient male 1 The patient was transfusion dependent , and he had been maintained on erythropoietin for three years prior to admission . patient male 1 Another patient developed a femoral anastomotic pseudoaneurysm 7 years after operation and he was treated surgically . patient female 7 Cessation of chemoradiation therapy occurred after the patient experienced a debilitating stroke and she was transferred to hospice care . patient male 0 Patient improved dramatically and he was discharged on regular follow-up . Patient female 1 The patient had a complicated postoperative course , the fetus was stillborn , and she was discharged home after 6 months of hospital stay . patient male 6 Throughout the following days , the patient repeatedly had to undergo surgical debridement but eventually the infection could be controlled , and he was discharged . patient male 1 The patient eventually recovered , and he was discharged after receiving antibiotics and other treatments to enhance immunity . patient male 1 The patient ceased taking these medications , and he was subsequently treated with recombinant human insulin to combat hyperglycemia . patient male 11 The overlying skin defect healed by secondary intention , but the patient experienced persistent postoperative erectile dysfunction , so he was referred for penile prosthesis insertion . patient male 2 Only one patient had symptomatic lymphocele , and he was treated as an inpatient . patient male 32 Based on the clinical picture , the patient 's history of lung cancer , the brain magnetic resonance imaging findings and the results of the brain biopsy , we concluded that our patient had a ' definite ' diagnosis of paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis and he was subsequently treated with a combination of chemotherapy and oral steroids , resulting in stabilization of his neurological status . patient male 10 The initial response to corticosteroids was excellent , but the patient became dependent to corticosteroids , so he was given methotrexate from 2002 . patient female 1 The friend brought the woman to the emergency department and she was subsequently diagnosed with serotonin syndrome . friend male 1 The patient made excellent recovery and he was discharged home on postoperative day 4 safely . patient male 5 It was observed that the patient has nasal obstruction and he was called for nasal operation after he finishes the age of eighteen . patient female 1 The patient was aged 15 years and 3 months and she was diagnosed with 17OHD while she was being evaluated for complaints of delayed puberty . patient female 1 The patient had difficulty tolerating trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole , so she was switched to and successfully treated with imipenem/cilastatin and amikacin . patient female 5 One week later , the patient presented to the emergency room for abdominal pain and she was discharged after adequate pain control . patient female 1 The patient had complete resolution of symptoms and she was discharged the following day . patient female 1 The patient underwent laparotomy achieving complete resection of the lesion and she was discharged soon after . patient male 4 The symptoms of the patient improved after the surgery , and he was discharged without major complications . patient male 1 The patient did not accept nephrectomy or any other intervention and he was lost to follow-up . patient male 1 The patient had a 28-day stay on the children 's crisis intervention unit where quetiapine was discontinued and he was maintained on clonidine 0.1 mg 3 times daily , hydroxyzine 25 mg in the morning and 50 mg at bedtime , montelukast 5 mg daily and titrated on methylphenidate 10 mg in the morning and 5 mg in the afternoon , topiramate 100 mg twice daily , and aripiprazole 10 mg twice daily . patient female 1 The patient had a history of left cornual uterine rupture , which was repaired , and she was considered to be suitable for a subsequent pregnancy . patient male 4 After surgery , the patient was asymptomatic and he was discharged 8 days after in a good clinical state . patient male 1 The patient remained in the intensive care unit for three days , and he was discharged on the 22nd day after surgery with no drains and no tracheostomy . patient female 1 The patient had a total of 24 years of service and occupational exposure and she has been employed as supplies procurement officer . patient male 30 These maneuvers include a demonstration of the analyst 's willingness and ability to withstand ( rather than " interpret away " ) how he is being psychically represented by the patient , without becoming destroyed by , or lost within , the patient 's characterization of him . patient male 3 However , the patient suffered from recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding postoperatively and he was re-evaluated . patient female 1 The patient was suffering from chronic type C hepatitis and cirrhosis and she has been occupationally exposed to metal dust for 10 years . patient female 7 Treatment was initiated promptly , and the patient showed a robust response to regular injections of cyanocobalamin , and she was later switched to hydroxocobalamin . patient female 8 In the postoperative period the condition of the patient gradually improved , her symptoms and complains settled , and finally she was discharged in a healthy condition . patient male 5 A 15 year old male patient had hitten by a car to his motorcycle came to emergency room and he had been operated for his femoral shaft freacture and vertical patellar fracture which was iniatally missed . patient male 4 The next day the patient was afebrile and 5 days later he was discharged from the hospital . patient male 1 The patient underwent operation , but he could not be weaned off cardiopulmonary bypass at the end of the operation and died . patient male 7 The most important point is that the patient is alert to problems in this area and he must be directed to possible ways of compensation , especially for mesopic vision and sensitivity to glare . patient male 1 The patient refused aggressive chemotherapy , so he was given a 5-FU derivative , 5'-DFUR , 800 mg/day orally . patient male 10 Whilst recovering from an injury or an operation , a patient may not be as physically able as before but he may still be fit enough to drive . patient male 1 The patient recovered well and he was discharged from the hospital without complications . patient male 5 At the eleventh day the patient showed a deep tiredness and so he was submitted to a clinical examination and electrocardiogram . patient female 0 Patient recovered well from the surgery , her neurological exam was normal and she was discharged home in stable condition in postoperative day three . Patient female 1 The patient hoped to undergo an operation , so she was referred to our hospital , and a right partial mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy was performed . patient male 1 The patient did not subsequently die of rejection , and he was discovered to have profound suppression of several lymphocytes subsets , presumably from the previous total lymphoid irradiation . patient male 1 The patient had no complications from the helmet , and he was discharged from intensive care 48 hours after helmet ventilation was initiated . patient female 1 The patient was not a pigeon breeder , but she could have been exposed to pigeons at her workplace . patient female 1 The patient had no HIV infection , collagen disease , or a history of immunosuppressive treatment , but she was found to have CD4 + lymphocytopenia . patient male 7 Within 3 h of admission , the patient developed acute respiratory distress associated with tachycardia and shock , and he was transferred to the intensive care unit . patient male 1 The patient presented active flexion limitation of the finger that was interpreted as a sequel of the immobilization and he was referred for physical therapy rehabilitation . patient male 5 The postoperative course of our patient was uneventful and he was discharged from the hospital on the 15th postoperative day . patient male 0 Patient condition deteriorated , and he was discharged against medical advice and subsequently expired . Patient female 1 The patient received no treatment , and she was followed for three years without any signs of ocular inflammation . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient recovered uneventfully , and he was discharged on postoperative day 5 . patient male 0 Patient 1 had digestive tract bleeding on the postoperative day 6 and he was discharged from the hospital on the postoperative day 25 . Patient male 5 About 30 minutes lates the patient complains of shortness of breath and he is brought back to an exam room . patient male 13 Due to the extension of the disease ( T3N1M0-Stage IIIA ) , the patient underwent neo-adjuvant chemo-radiation therapy and he was then scheduled for a minimally invasive surgical procedure including laparoscopic gastroplasty , uniportal thoracoscopic esophageal dissection and intrathoracic end-to-end esophago-gastric anastomosis . patient male 1 The patient is free of relapse for more than 6 years now and he is considered to be cured . patient male 5 Three weeks postoperatively , the patient could walk without assistance and he was discharged . patient male 5 It was believed that our patient had bowel incarceration and he was therefore taken to surgery , where acute cholecystitis and a macronodular liver was identified . patient male 1 The patient had received dexamethasone because of elevated intracranial pressure , and he was supervised via computerised tomography . patient female 19 After the initiation of oral intake on postoperative day ( POD ) 63 , the general condition of the patient was stable and she was discharged on POD 87 . patient female 1 The patient demonstrated significant improvement in strength and speech after the procedure , and she was discharged to an inpatient rehabilitation center for further treatment . patient male 4 Following this , the patient progressed without development of the initial complications , and he was subsequently discharged from our hospital without sequela . patient female 1 The patient received radiotherapy and she was followed up in our clinic . patient male 1 Our patient was not the surgical candidate , and hence he was put on chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient complicated renal failure and pneumonia in the postoperative period , but eventually he was discharged in good general conditions . patient female 1 The patient presented both with anemia and severe kidney failure and she was treated with steroids and red blood cell transfusions along with plasmapheresis . patient male 2 The other patient demonstrated behavior that led to his arrest , and he was almost arrested again in the hospital for threatening security officers . patient female 5 The general condition of the patient improved to normal 3 hours after the sugammadex injection , and she was moved to the intensive care unit . patient female 10 Eleven days after controlled ovarian stimulation was suspended , the patient demonstrated ascites that did not improve despite administration of cabergoline , and she was transported to our hospital 2 days after . patient female 4 After admission , the patient complained of dryness in her mouth , and she was subsequently diagnosed with SS , which had not been detected previously . patient male 31 After the treatment with taurine ( 12,000 mg/day ) , L-arginine ( 12,000 mg/day ) , vitamin B1 ( 100 mg/day ) , and carnitine ( 3000 mg/day ) , the patient became able to follow simple commands , and he was transferred to a rehabilitation center on day 146 . patient male 9 On postoperative day 1 ( POD1 ) , the patient experienced bradycardia and a decrease in blood pressure , and he was diagnosed acute myocardial infarction . patient female 5 During the interview , the patient confirmed drug use ( cocaine ) , so she was evaluated by a psychiatrist with possible post-partum psychosis or drug withdrawal syndrome . patient male 9 Hormonal therapy for prostate cancer is considered when a patient fails with initial curative therapy , such as radical prostatectomy or definitive radiation therapy , or if he is found with an advanced disease . patient male 17 During a median follow-up of 32 months ( range , 24 - 52 months ) only one patient ( 6.6 % ) had a recurrent attack , and he was successfully treated again with medical therapy . patient male 1 The patient had manifestations of dup(4q ) del(1p ) , and he was more seriously affected than patients having only one of these . patient male 1 The patient worked in a borax mine for 15 years , so he was exposed to arsenic in drinking water , airborne arsenic in his workplace , and had direct contact . patient female 5 The postoperative status of this patient was uneventful , and she was discharged on postoperative day 45 as her mental status improved markedly . patient female 1 One patient had recurrent hyperthyrodism after NA ipodate was discontinued , and she was then treated with MMI . patient male 1 The patient recovered , and 3 wk later he was transported to his home country , fully alert . patient male 1 One patient ( grade III ) who did not undergo operation showed gradually increasing end-diastolic diameter , but he is still being followed up medically due to the poor outcome of surgery . patient male 4 Postoperative recovery of the patient was rapid , and he was discharged 8 days after surgery , uneventfully . patient female 1 The patient could not receive anything by oral way during three months , so she only could be treated by intravenous way . patient male 19 Twelve hours later he was readmitted due to continued pain , but despite surgery and aggressive intensive treatment the patient deteriorated rapidly and eventually succumbed to fulminant pelvic sepsis . patient male 1 This patient received gentamicin intravenously and he was prescribed ciprofloxacin for five days . patient female 4 Clinical signs of the patient resolved at the second week of treatment , and she was discharged . patient female 4 The postoperative course of patient was uneventfull and she was discharged at the second day after the operation . patient male 0 Patient condition worsened and he got admitted to the ICU because of acute hypoxic respiratory failure . Patient male 1 The patient had aspiration pneumonia and electrolyte imbalance , but he was in stable condition 3 weeks later and was discharged . patient female 4 The evolution of the patient was satisfactory and she was discharged on the fifth day after surgery . patient female 8 Preoperative examination for valve replacement found that the patient had elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and positive rheumatoid factor , so she was referred to the rheumatology outpatient department for further examination and treatment . patient male 8 After remaining asymptomatic for 3 years , the patient presented again with increased appetite , and he was found with low TSH and high free T4 . patient male 12 Two of them did not have any other associated anomaly whereas one patient had incidental finding of Meckel 's diverticulum at the time of surgery for pyloric atresia plus he had been operated upon for right-sided pelvioureteric junction obstruction at 1 year of age . patient female 1 Our patient presented at 4 month lactation and did not want to wean her infant , so she was treated with total contact orthosis and took vitamin D and calcium . patient male 16 Treatment was initiated for a vitreous opacity , possibly associated with herpetic retinitis , but the patient worsened and he was referred to us . patient female 5 It became clear that the patient was suffering from panic attacks as the precipitant for her respiratory failure and she was successfully treated with psychiatric medication and breakthrough anxiolytics . patient female 1 The patient refused further imaging , and during laparotomy , she was found to have an appendicular mucocele with normal left and right ovaries . patient male 1 The patient suddenly suffered from vertigo and vomiting while swimming , and he was brought to our department . patient female 1 Our patient preferred not to continue with the treatment as her symptoms were not disabling and she was only concerned about the cosmetic appearance . patient female 2 The last patient refused treatment and she was lost to follow-up . patient male 2 The second patient had presented with progressive paraparesis and ataxia due to an extensive intradural lesion , and he was referred for resection of the tumor . patient male 9 Immediately following the initiation of thrombolytic therapy , the patient experienced cardiopulmonary arrest , but he was successfully resuscitated . patient male 2 Only one patient had a relapse ( Waldeyer 's ring ) , and he was salvaged with radiotherapy . patient male 2 The only patient with a dual infection has refractory anaemia and he is still being followed up but has not yet developed full-blown AIDs . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient tolerated the surgery , but he was placed on a short course of steroid replacement given a subnormal postoperative serum cortisol concentration . patient female 16 The standard dosage of linezolid ( 1200 mg daily ) was not initially tolerated by the patient due to severe thrombocytopenia , but she was successfully treated when the dose was reduced by half ( 600 mg daily ) based on a population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model . patient male 8 He was started on chemotherapy , but the patient developed a frontal cortex and an arm metastasis and finally died less than one year later . patient female 2 The female patient had a history of poultry exposure , and she was transferred from a local primary hospital to an intensive care unit ( ICU ) upon deterioration . patient female 1 The patient underwent pericardiocentesis for the pericardial effusion and she was discharged in stable condition . patient male 4 The condition of the patient improved and he was discharged from the hospital . patient female 1 The patient was 9 years old at her first visit , and she had been diagnosed with unknown skeletal dysplasia . patient male 1 The patient did not develop postoperative complications , and he was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 14 . patient female 5 The clinical condition of the patient improved and she was discharged in good conditions . patient female 3 Meanwhile , the patient had complete resolution of her symptoms in 24 hours and she was cleared from both neurosurgery and ENT to be discharged . patient female 5 With conservative care , the patient improved but on the fourth day of admission she experienced a sudden onset of hypotension and was diagnosed with hemorrhagic pancreatitis . patient male 7 Four years before hospital admission , the patient presented echocardiographic abnormalities such as left ventricular fractional shortening and thickness reduction and he was treated with ACE-inhibitors . patient male 1 One patient showed mild avascular necrosis only confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging , but he was uneventfully treated without additional procedures . patient female 1 The patient denied the self-induced nature of the lesions , so she was referred for psychiatric evaluation and admitted having self-injected mineral oil as an impulsive attempt to get attention from her family . patient female 1 The patient felt chest pain and palpitation in August , and she was referred to our hospital . patient male 5 In the past , the patient had been working in foundry industry for 16 years and he had been exposed to silica and iron dust . patient female 3 Unfortunately , the patient had pleural metastasis , and she was treated with palliative chemotherapy . patient male 1 The patient exhibited no predisposing risk factors for thrombosis , and he was diagnosed with splenic infarctions associated with CMV infection . patient female 4 During hospitalization , the patient ceased to take harmful drugs and she was given haemarginate , glucose and symptomatic drugs , and she recovered completely . patient male 1 The patient improved with steroids , pending biopsy results , and he was discharged . patient male 1 The patient experienced hemorrhage , pulmonary infection , and peripheral neuropathy after surgery , but he was cured by the multidisciplinary team . patient male 6 At the last follow-up , the patient revealed no sign of infection , and he returned to his usual activities and has been discharged from care . patient female 1 The patient had never used oral contraceptive pills and she was urgently operated for haemorrhage control in another hospital where the left hepatic artery was also ligated . patient male 1 The patient underwent irradiation of the gingival mass at a dose of 30 Gray , but his condition worsened rapidly and he was not fit for chemotherapy . patient female 1 The patient experienced secondary losses of responsiveness to two tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha inhibitors , and after repeated hospital admissions , she was administered ustekinumab . patient male 2 The second patient developed acute kidney injury at 17 days after commencing TDF , and he was found to have membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis with acute tubular injury . patient female 9 As the 24-h ambulatory blood pressure values of the patient were normal at 10 months after the operation , the treatment was stopped , and she was followed up for 15 months without any treatment . patient female 1 The patient had no eosinophilia with negative stool examinations , so she was initially treated with antibiotics for liver abscess . patient male 1 The patient had bilateral nephrolithiasis , and he was treated successfully with percutaneous drainage of the abscess and parenteral antibiotics . patient female 1 The patient had a 10 year history of Crohn 's disease and , in the last 18 months , she was treated with oral methotrexate because of steroid-dependency and intolerance to thiopurines . patient male 1 The patient underwent a total of six surgeries , regretfully , he was eventually discharged from the hospital with the right forearm amputated . patient male 5 The clinical condition of the patient was relatively mild and he was recovered 9 days later . patient female 1 The patient in this study was a 31-year-old Japanese woman , and at 30 weeks of pregnancy she was admitted with marked fatigue . patient female 1 The patient was a 65-year-old female , and she was admitted with the chief complaint of gross hematuria and right flank pain . patient female 6 One day after presentation , the patient developed acute lung edema requiring hospitalization , so she was not submitted to vitreous tap and intravitreal treatment . patient male 1 The patient was symptom-free within 2 days and he was discharged after 4 days . patient female 1 The patient with CMML had a normal karyotype , and she was treated with hydroxyurea and supportive therapy . patient male 1 The patient continued bleeding from the incisions after portals were sutured , and he was admitted to the hospital . patient female 8 Of interest , 6 years earlier , the patient underwent total thyroidectomy due to papillary thyroid carcinoma and , in the meantime , she was submitted to mastectomy to treat an invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast . patient female 4 Postoperative recovery of the patient was uneventful and she was safely discharged on 5th postoperative day . patient male 6 In the intraoperative period , the patient developed profuse hemorrhage and , after complementary examinations , he was diagnosed with pseudoaneurysm of the internal maxillary artery , which was treated by selective endovascular embolization . patient male 1 The patient was a 36-year-old man who suffered from visual disturbance , and he was revealed to have a tumor in the suprasellar region by CT scan . patient female 5 Following the procedure , the patient recovered very quickly and she was discharged home within 48h of her initial admission . patient male 3 Ultimately , the patient attempted suicide after an indecent sexual act with another relative and he was admitted to the hospital . patient male 1 The patient was hemodynamically stable and he was programmed for a staged surgical and endovascular approach ( hybrid approach ) . patient male 2 Only one patient required full pituitary hormone replacement therapy , and he had been previously treated by external irradiation , and one other patient failed to complete puberty . patient male 1 The patient became HIV-positive in 2011 , and he has been treated with tenofovir , emtricitabine , and efavirenz . patient female 4 During hospitalization , the patient ceased to take harmful drugs and she was given haem arginate , glucose and symptomatic drugs , and she recovered completely . patient male 1 The patient had a good recovery after surgery and he was discharged with moderate aphasia but able to walk with no other neurological deficits . patient male 1 The patient underwent staging imaging , and he was found to have metastasis to the liver . patient male 6 Post transcatheter VSD closure , the patient clinical condition improved significantly and he could finally be discharged after a long post-surgery hospitalization . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful recovery period and he was followed for two weeks . patient female 5 After the operation , the patient had no neurological or other organ complications and she was discharged 11 days after surgery . patient male 1 The patient had an uneventful postoperative recovery , and he was discharged on postoperative day 6 . patient female 1 Our patient had the history of auricular polychondritis but she had not been diagnosed . patient male 1 The patient refused further invasive treatment , and he was discharged and remained well during the 6 months follow-up . patient male 1 The patient complained of fever and dry coughing that began in the middle of November 1995 , and he was treated for acute bronchitis . patient female 5 The postoperative period of the patient was uneventful and she was discharged on the seventh postoperative day . patient male 1 The patient recovered after prolonged hospitalization and he was discharged home in good condition 24 days after admission . patient female 2 The second patient developed similar symptoms after an uneventful anaesthesia with propofol , but she never recovered completely after this and is now severely disabled . patient female 5 Although clinically stable , one patient had radiologic evidence of a pneumothorax of 50 % , and thus she was transferred to a hospital for placement of a Heimlich tube with overnight observation . patient female 1 The patient had undergone a multitude of tests since her birth , and she was eventually diagnosed with episodic bradycardia . patient male 6 Despite complete B cell depletion , patient symptoms abated few days after hospitalization , and he was discharged to home-quarantine . patient female 1 The patient made an excellent recovery , and she was discharged on postoperative day 3 ( Video 1 ) . patient male 3 Postoperatively , the patient suffered an infection that was treated well with antibiotics and he was discharged two weeks later with complete resolution of the fistula . patient female 13 Although this effectively lowered the ammonia levels , the clinical situation of the patient initially deteriorated and she was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit and intubated . patient male 1 The patient was a 16-year-old man and he was first found to have an abnormal shadow in the left upper lung field on the chest roentgenogram . patient female 5 On Day 28 , the patient was afebrile and she was discharged from the intensive care unit . patient male 4 The condition of the patient improved , and he was discharged on day 30 . patient male 1 The patient received an injection of lupron , and he was discharged . patient female 1 The patient refused to undergo coronary artery bypass grafting , and she was discharged receiving medical therapy . patient male 1 The patient was a 53-year-old man and he was first found to have an abnormal shadow at the left lung apex on the chest roentogenogram . patient male 1 The patient responded well and he was discharged after 25 days medicated with hydroxychloroquine sulphate , warfarin and aspirin . patient female 1 The patient made a rapid recovery , and she was discharged home uneventfully . patient male 1 The patient had just started summer training camp before his senior year of high-school football , and he is considered to be a potential high-level candidate for a Division-I football scholarship . patient female 1 The patient recovered well , and she was discharged from the hospital on postoperative day 7 . patient male 9 He named the genus " Helleria " after his friend Camill Heller , who was known for his work on crustacean anatomy , and the specific epithet " brevicornis " after the Latin for ' short - horned ' in reference to the woodlouse 's short antennae . friend male 17 Dòmhnall would later recall that , soon after his removal from the firing line , his close friend Ruairidh MacLeòid was killed in action . friend female 23 Sedona was named after Sedona Arabella Miller Schnebly ( 1877–1950 ) , the wife of Theodore Carlton Schnebly , the city 's first postmaster , who was celebrated for her hospitality and industriousness . postmaster male 14 To emphasize the point , in the morning the 10 hostages ( including his friend Professor Sorel ) are shot beneath his window . friend male 12 " Dog " Chapman , now an anti - crime celebrity bounty hunter , was associated with the club during his adolescence . hunter male 4 Under his tenure as superintendent Mori Point was incorporated into the GGNRA . superintendent male 1 The patient was then offered food which he ate eagerly , and gradually " gained strength , got rid of his delusion , and was completely cured . " patient male 6 After Isaac 's death , the postmaster position was taken over by his son , William P. Coursen until 1881 . postmaster male 14 Exactly one month prior to Max 's release , on June 11 , his friend Stack Bundles had been killed in his neighborhood of Far Rockaway , Queens . friend male 15 The core story of the song was inspired by humorist Jean Shepherd , a close friend of Silverstein , who was often taunted as a child because of his feminine - sounding name . friend male 17 A year later , together with his father and Eugene Panofsky , his brother Erich and family friend Max Landesmann were admitted as partners . friend male 8 In the second group of experiments , the patient , H.J.A , was tested on his ability to manipulate images , assess information using his spatial memory , and complete pattern tasks . patient female 20 Lahmers has been an advocate for the prevention of domestic violence since 2009 , when Alice Morrin , a close friend and colleague at Fox CT , was murdered by her husband . friend male 5 He discovers that his best friend Bucky Barnes is now married to his fiancée and that all his loved ones are dead . friend male 10 James Boswell of Auchinleck House , the famous biographer and friend of Dr. Samuel Johnson was married to his cousin Margaret Montgomerie in Lainshaw Castle . friend female 18 Henley exited the vehicle and walked toward the home of 15-year - old Rhonda Louise Williams , a friend of his , who had been beaten by her drunken father that evening , and who had decided to temporarily leave home until her father became sober . friend male 1 Bounty hunter Charlie Chan ( Andy Lau ) is entrusted by his godfather , Boss Ng ( Cheng Gwan - min ) , to protect a priceless copy of the Koran while transporting it for display in an exhibit to save his godfather 's insurance company when the latter agreed to protect it for unscrupulous businessman , Sung Kam - wing ( Wong Chi - keung ) , who is actually scheming to consume Ng 's insurance company by hiring master thief Cheuk Fei - fan ( Teddy Robin ) to steal the Koran . hunter female 13 Some contend that Horney was not killed , but was replaced by her friend Bodil Frederiksen , who was killed in her place . friend male 6 Julia Child , another long time friend , was interviewed in 1978 by Dick Cavett on his PBS television show . friend male 6 In July 2019 , his former friend Willem Holleeder was convicted for his involvement in a series of murders , including ordering the assassination of Van Hout , and the manslaughter of a person who was accompanying Van Hout at the time of the assassination . friend male 17 Sir Gerald Tarrant , head of a secret service department in the British Government , and good friend of Modesty Blaise , is being driven by his chauffeur along a narrow road on the edge of the gorge of the Tarn River in S. France . friend male 10 One day , her neighbour Big Foot , a frequent hunter , is found dead in his home by Janina 's friend Oddball . hunter male 12 During his second year at the Liverpool Collegiate , Johnson and his friend were teased and nicknamed " Jolly Johnson " and " Honey Heath " . friend male 10 Armenia 's Prosecutor - General Henrikh Khachatryan , a close friend of Kocharyan , was murdered in his office " in murky circumstances " . friend male 7 Young actor Ivan Bortnik ( a close friend of Vysotsky ) was praised for his vivid and accurate portrayal of the Black Cat henchman " Promokashka"—the role that dominated his further film acting career . friend male 7 In 1864 the duties of " acting superintendent of the farm " were added to his chair while in 1865 he became professor of animal physiology and practical agriculture and also farm superintendent . superintendent male 6 The playwright Ben Jonson , a friend of Shakespeare , was jailed in 1597 for his play " The Isle of Dogs " , which was immediately suppressed , with no extant copies ; on 28 July that year the Privy Council was told it was a " lewd plaie that was plaied in one of the plaie houses on the Bancke Side , contaynynge very seditious and sclandrous matter " . friend female 8 Dev Pratap Sharma , her husband and a superintendent of police , is informed of her abduction . superintendent female 10 It is said that Maynard I Colchester , a close friend of Catherina , was influenced by her own canal gardens for his Westbury Court Garden . friend female 27 After capturing a trio of muggers assaulting Ernie Popchik ( an elderly tenant of his Aunt May 's ) , Spider - Man learns that his close friend NYPD Captain Jean DeWolff has been killed in her sleep . friend male 7 The body of the Wests ' former friend and housemate , Terrence Crick , was found in his car in the Scarborough district of Hackness in January 1996 . friend male 18 Tickets for this performance were adorned by a design by William Hogarth showing the scene where Whittol 's friend Captain Bluffe is kicked by Sharper whilst his friend Bellmour tries to pull him away . friend male 5 Major Carlos Aloe , a friend of Eva Perón , was made head of the enterprise at Eva 's personal request , despite his protests that he knew nothing about the business . friend male 6 A Conservative , and a close friend of the former prime minister Sir Edward Heath , Trethowan has been criticised for his support of the Security Service " vetting " of BBC employees which has often been seen as a means of weeding out leftists in the corporation . friend female 6 Alonze 's sister and Léonore 's friend , Isabelle , is being pursued by her tutor who wants to marry her . friend female 14 On August 8 , 2014 , it was reported that Mack and a male friend were assaulted by Koppenhaver in her Las Vegas home , and were taken to the hospital where it was found that Mack suffered from 18 broken bones , a broken nose , missing teeth , a fractured rib , a ruptured liver and a thigh bruise so deep she would n't be able to walk for several weeks . friend male 1 His friend Albert Einstein was amused by " his childlike vanity and self - complacency " " His own study and laboratory always presented aspects of extreme chaos which his coworkers termed appropriately ' the state of maximum entropy ' " . friend female 10 The most famous of the letter writers was Sala 's friend Ala Gertner , who was hanged at Auschwitz for her role in the only armed uprising at the camp . friend female 55 It is recommended that the patient should have the right hip elevated 10 to 12 cm by placing a cushion ; meaning the patient 's hip position should be higher than the foot level in the second and third trimesters to relieve the pressure on the inferior vena cava , and if necessary , the patient should be tilted 5 % to 15 % on her left side . patient male 19 In 1912 he wrote an account of his exploits to that date , " The adventures of an elephant hunter " , upon his return to London in 1913 he was feted as the " World 's greatest elephant hunter " . hunter male 11 After the leaders of the 1916 Easter Rising – including his friend and literary mentor Thomas MacDonagh – were executed during his military leave , he said : friend female 32 Her pathologie or judgement were often , that the patient had slept in some place , or took from a tree , that was occupied by some spirit , or that the patient had been given the illness by air , water , fire or earth o. s. v. Her cure were : the patient should leave the house on three mornings in silence and fasting , or three Thursday evenings , normally toward north , or to a tree or a plant , beg for forgiveness or sacrifice milk or similar . patient female 4 The expert , a friend of Van Buren 's , had been falsifying various other reports and is tried for her actions , saying that she was just doing what Van Buren wanted . friend female 13 After her death on 5 December 2016 , Jayalalithaa 's long - time friend V. K. Sasikala was selected unanimously as the General Secretary of the party on 16 December 2016 . friend male 31 Thomas De Quincey ( 1785–1859 ) is best known for his " Confessions of an English Opium - Eater " ( 1821 ) , Essayist William Hazlitt ( 1778–1830 ) , friend of both Coleridge and Wordsworth , is best known today for his literary criticism , especially " Characters of Shakespeare 's Plays " ( 1817–18 ) . friend male 19 Prominent gay rights activist , Walter Tróchez , was murdered in December 2009 and four years later Walter 's friend Germán Mendoza was charged with his murder . friend male 8 On 29 May 2017 Colin Horner , a friend of Gilmore and former UDA member , was fatally shot in front of his three - year - old son at a busy shopping centre in Bangor , County Down . friend male 6 At his funeral , Schleicher 's friend von Hammerstein was offended when the SS refused to allow him to attend the service and confiscated wreaths that the mourners had brought . friend male 7 His predecessor , Karl Böhm , a friend of Joseph Goebbels , had been removed due to his Nazi sympathies . friend male 6 Their son , Internet pioneer and sociologist Ted Nelson ( born 1937 ) , was raised by his maternal grandparents . sociologist male 3 Haynes , a friend of Lewis , was chosen due to his physical resemblance to Lewis ' ex Al - Chaama . friend female 5 The body of a childhood friend of Clara Morrow , someone she supposedly has n't seen in years , is found dead in her garden after a party . friend male 5 The closing track , " Friend of Ours " , as well as the liner notes of the album , are dedicated in his memory . Friend male 3 Weaver and his friend , Thomas Lane , are attacked by Fisher and his crime partner , Ruddy Dick . friend female 3 a synthesized speech attendant system created by Preferred Voice and Philips Electronics is named in her honor . attendant male 5 Darvesh , Dennis 's best friend , comes over , but is sent back to his home by Dad . friend male 7 Allan Quatermain , an adventurer and white hunter based in Durban , in what is now South Africa , is approached by aristocrat Sir Henry Curtis and his friend Captain Good , seeking his help finding Sir Henry 's brother , who was last seen travelling north into the unexplored interior on a quest for the fabled King Solomon 's Mines . hunter male 1 His friend Talgat Bigeldinov was greatly saddened by his death . friend male 0 Superintendent Rempt was criticized in 2006 for not allowing former Navy quarterback Lamar Owens to graduate , despite his acquittal on a rape charge . Superintendent male 7 With a smart card , all the user has to do is insert the card and he will be presented with his session . user male 10 One night in a restaurant , Roland , his childhood friend , is murdered before his eyes . friend male 18 For his part , according to former CEO and Chairman of Bank of America , Hugh McColl ( friend and member of Augusta National ) , Johnson was portrayed as a Senator Claghorn type — i.e. , a blustery defender of all things Southern . friend male 13 In the early stages of his career , Pierce was supported by longtime friend Debbie Harry of Blondie , who was convinced of his potential as a musician and artist . friend male 11 Visitors can also become acquainted with two compositions by Kandinsky ’s friend Vladimir Izdebski , who is known for his “ Salons de Paris ” series after the revolution of 1917 , and also a unique collection by the famous Georgian artist Niko Pirosmani . friend male 13 In the " Scrubs " episode " His Story III " , a patient ( played by Henry LeBlanc ) is presented with locked - in syndrome . patient male 8 But on Christmas Eve , Nicholas 's best friend Felix , gets adopted by his new parents and gives his lucky charm to Nicholas as Felix with his new parents move to America . friend male 39 He is well noted for a skirmish with the Abbot of the Monastery of St Mary or Vale Royal , on behalf of his older brother Sir Hugh Venables , Baron of Kinderton , in which the Abbot 's attendant was killed with an arrow ; he also served as High Sheriff of Cheshire . attendant male 1 The patient was disgusted by his habit , but derived no pleasure from normal sexual activities . patient male 5 Christopher Nolan , a longtime friend of the brothers , is credited for his " editorial assistance " . friend male 2 A female attendant with a fly - whisk ( ) may be shown on his side ; occasionally two attendants on either side are seen . attendant male 8 For example , they write of a male patient whose struggles in middle school were traced back to his history of disciplinary violations . patient female 11 Six days later , in a similar manner , her best friend , Isabella de ' Medici , was strangled by her husband , Paolo Giordano , and an assistant at the remote Medici villa at Cerreto Guidi . friend male 2 His best friend , lawyer Adam Hillman , recently got engaged to his long - time girlfriend Marjorie , a girl Brian is secretly in love with and whom Adam was planning to break up with . friend male 23 The Killing Of Georgie " is one of Stewart 's most hard hitting set of lyrics , a melancholic tale of a gay friend who is cast out by his family and becomes a sensation in the New York nightlife , only to be mugged and beaten to death by a New Jersey gang in New York City . friend female 35 After Felicity 's parents take in her orphaned cousin , Polly , as a ward , Felicity tells Polly to lock her doors and " not let Uncle in " ; Gemma surmises that her friend was molested by her father as a little girl . friend female 23 Just as Ji - hoon is about to give Su - wan a present , Su - wan runs into a female college friend , who 's accompanied by her boyfriend . friend male 19 Thomas Humphrey Marshall ( 19 December 1893 , London – 29 November 1981 , Cambridge ) was a British sociologist who was most famously known for his work on " Citizenship and Social Class " . sociologist male 4 After surgery , the patient was fitted with his pre - surgery body - powered prosthesis on the right side and an experimental myoelectric prosthesis consisted of a Griefer terminal device , a power wrist rotator , a Boston digital arm , and an LTI - Collier Shoulder joint on the left side . patient male 6 The new track , " One Friend " was originally found on his 1984 album " San Antone " , and was re - recorded for this album , and was released as a single and became his seventh number one song in a row . Friend male 3 Munnelly saw his friend being attacked with knives and immediately went to his rescue . friend male 8 In his sophomore year , Kwon 's childhood friend and roommate , Evan Chen , was diagnosed with a terminal case of leukemia . friend male 13 Zoe later becomes close to Abby Evans ( Amy Manson ) , a patient she has treated who is being abused by her husband and his father . patient female 29 Paige Nicole Mayo ( born March 27 , 1986 ) is an American professional wrestling valet , occasional professional wrestler , interviewer , ring announcer , model and ringside attendant who is better known by her ring name SoCal Val . attendant male 4 Roland Kincaid is a patient at Westin Hills Hospital who is admitted due to his refusal to sleep after a series of nightmares . patient male 15 A group of teenagers journey by balloon to a remote forest in search of a friend who 's gone missing after his trip that he took for a film project . friend male 4 Mark Davis is a patient at Westin Hills Hospital who was admitted against his will due to his nightmares about Freddy Krueger to keep his knowledge of Freddy from the other Springwood teenagers . patient female 7 Tara then tries to assist an old friend who is being evicted from her home by her sister , Tara initially believes that the sister has no reason to evict her but soon learns differently . friend female 4 She became a good friend of future musician Lynette Dolphin who , with her sister , were taken into the Fraser family home after the death of her mother , Clarice de Weever Dolphin , in 1936 . friend female 27 Eve , we learn , is a friend of Freddie Threepwood , and on his encouragement has taken a post cataloguing the Blandings library , while another friend , Cynthia , has been abandoned by her husband , famous poet Ralston McTodd . friend female 13 In 1993 , the Superior Court of Pennsylvania held that a mentally incompetent patient may be sterilized without her informed consent if there is clear and convincing evidence the sterilization is in her best interest . patient male 1 His friend Alexander Dyce was assisted by Lettsom in his preparation of his edition of Shakespeare . friend female 1 A friend of Zippy 's who is neglected by her parents and moves away from Mooreland before Zippy has a chance to say goodbye . friend male 6 On 10 March , his best friend , " Hauptmann " Hans - Joachim Buddecke , was killed in action while under his command . friend male 2 , a friend of his father , was named as his governor . friend male 1 His friend , Lu Yu , is venerated as the Sage of Tea for his contribution to Chinese tea culture and the writer of " The Classic of Tea " . friend male 29 At the opening ceremony , which was attended by the Duke of Montrose ( for Scotland ) , Dr Alberto Guani ( for Uruguay ) and Cunninghame Graham 's friend and biographer , Aimé Tschiffely ( for Argentina ) , a wreath was laid by his great - nephew , Robert Elphinstone Cunninghame Graham . friend male 42 Since Manson has accused the incompetent surgeon of murder , he is vindictively reported to the General Medical Council for having worked with an American tuberculosis specialist , Richard Stillman , who does not have a medical degree , even though the patient had been successfully treated at his clinic . patient male 1 The patient whom the witness saw was confined to his bed . patient male 2 A close friend of his , Charles Urschel , was kidnapped by Machine Gun Kelly and his gang and held for ransom , not uncommon in those Depression days . friend male 14 Anthony Giddens , Baron Giddens ( born 18 January 1938 ) is a British sociologist who is known for his theory of structuration and his holistic view of modern societies . sociologist male 16 Following the service , led by the Vicar of Bolton — Canon Michael Williams ( a friend of Dibnah)—he was buried at Tonge Cemetery , behind his home . friend female 2 The best friend of Yakumo , Sarah is distinguished by her blonde hair done up in a bun . friend male 1 The superintendent of schools was selected as best in state by his peers in 2005 . superintendent male 17 The first known case of infection with HIV in Japan occurred in 1979 , affecting a haemophilia patient who was prescribed blood products by his doctor . patient male 10 James Boswell of Auchinleck House , the famous biographer and friend of Dr. Samuel Johnson was married in 1769 to his cousin , the youngest daughter of David , Margaret Montgomerie in Lainshaw Castle . friend male 12 Returning home , Ji - ho is reunited with her old school friend , Seung - ryong , who , although now in his twenties , has been left with the mind of a six - year - old following an accident . friend male 8 During his stay in Rebibbia prison , his friend Arkan was assassinated and his other friend friend male 5 Meanwhile , Pinki 's best friend Švaba is raised and cared for only by his grandmother , a Serb of Croatia who fled to Serbia during World War II after genocide from the Croatian fascist movement Ustaše . friend male 1 His friend Karri Koira ( also former member of Vähäiset Äänet ) is often seen by his side during live performances . friend female 1 His friend would later be expelled from school and would be kicked out of her house and sent to a youth detention center . friend male 15 Chee hides in the false ceiling space , coming down to find that the other patient was killed by the silenced weapon in his stead , and the nurse is killed as well . patient male 7 A 1903 article described an immobilized suicidal patient at the Hudson River State Hospital who was tied to a bed for his own safety . patient female 19 Many years later , Dr. Lorna Jenkins sends an e - mail to her grandson where he and his friend , Eric " Tan " Tannenbaum IV are invited to Kong 's home on Kong Island . friend male 7 He was just as famous as his friend and musical rival Johann Strauss I , who was better known outside of Austria in their day because of his concert tours abroad , in particular , to France and England . friend male 8 Panther went on to describe how his best friend had been killed by a lion and his young nephew did n't survive the journey because his feet were torn up by the miles of walking , " We had to leave him in the desert , " Bior says . friend male 14 The hymn " Padr Agnel , amchea ixtta " ( Father Agnel , our friend ) was written in his honor , besides " Padr Agnelak , Altaracho Man " and several others . friend male 7 The film also follows Brian , a friend of Jed 's that is confined to his dorm room and decides that he will chronicle the happenings online via a social media site named Social Redroom . friend female 15 In " Ramona v. Isabella " , two therapists wrongly prompted a recall that their patient , Holly Ramona , had been sexually abused by her father . patient male 1 My Friend Pinto " was produced by filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali , in his first feature film production venture . Friend female 7 Kavya confides in Humpty , that her friend in Delhi , Gurpreet Sodhi ( Guncha Narula ) , was blackmailed by her ex - boyfriend , who had secretly filmed a sex sequence of the two . friend male 22 The title comes from an actual booklet called " The Road to Wellville " written by C. W. Post , a former patient at the sanitarium who was inspired by his diet there to found his own cereal business and become a major competitor to the Kelloggs . patient male 1 The patient was routinely sent to prison until his release or transfer to Portland ; at no point in this ruling was a medical or psychiatric examination required . patient male 1 His friend Dick Churchill was probably spared because of his surname , shared with the British Prime Minister . friend female 2 A lifelong friend and partner of child psychoanalyst Anna Freud , Burlingham is known for her joint work with Freud on the analysis of children . friend male 25 He had friends in high places at the time , not the least being the Second Consul , Jean - Jacques Cambacérès , a good friend from Montpellier who was well acquainted with his organizational skills and wide knowledge of the French economy . friend male 11 Accompanying Thieriot is John Magaro as Alex Dunkelman , Adam 's friend who is abused regularly by his sadistic boorish stepfather , Quint ( Lou Sumrall ) . friend female 8 Rama Mehta ( 1923–1978 ) was an Indian sociologist and writer who is remembered above all for her novel " Inside the Haveli " ( 1977 ) . sociologist male 2 Balzac 's friend Victor Hugo , meanwhile , was famously discovered in bed with his mistress in July 1845 . friend male 69 Later , on the subject of a 2012 referendum on amending the Minnesota constitution to limit marriage to male - female couples , Ventura said , " I certainly hope that people do n't amend our constitution to stop gay marriage because , number one , the constitution is there to protect people , not oppress them " , and related a story from his wrestling days of a friend who was denied hospital visitation to his same - sex partner . friend male 7 He comes to know that his girl friend Rathinam and her father Veerasamy were ill - treated by his father . friend male 6 In 1964 Budd was contacted by friend James Drury , who is best known for his title role in The Virginian . friend male 4 Back in Germany his friend and political ally Karl Schröder was removed from his position as head of a major group within the KAPD in 1922 . friend male 11 On his first night on the job , Gene and his friend Frog Millhouse ( Smiley Burnette ) are almost killed . friend male 5 Manmatha Nath was a close friend and confidante of Swami Vivekananda who was based at his palatial establishment in Madras , when he toured South India . friend male 7 They defeat the other king and the hunter is chosen as the king in his place . hunter female 4 Pooja and Yogi 's friend Jojo , who had been run over by Kajal in her rampage , tells his friends that he cut Kajal 's brakes . friend male 11 The Duke of Hamilton named his filly in honour of his friend , the Duke of Portland , who was known to his friends by the nickname " Jumbo " or " Jummy " . friend male 17 He was the youngest son of ( 1724–92 ) who himself was the son of a Blankenburg postmaster that had been ennobled in 1764 Edler von Westphalen by Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick for his military services . postmaster male 15 In early 1921 , students , later joined by cultural figures , began demanding that sociologist Eugen Ehrlich be fired from his professorship at Cernăuți . sociologist female 23 On their wedding day , Sonny is shot while trying to rescue T.J. Ashford under Jerry Jacks ' orders while his longtime best friend Robin was being held captive against her will . friend male 23 Stern suggests that Gil can control his symptoms by staying in the dark and remaining in the hospital , but admits that the patient can not be held against his will . patient male 14 In a flashback , it is revealed that Black Manta was once a treasure hunter who , along with his wife , was captured while exploring the Bermuda Triangle . hunter male 4 Beerbohm , a family friend , was hired as the group 's guide because of his previous experience in Patagonia . friend female 14 In 1997 , Carnes wrote " Just One Little Kiss " with songwriter and friend Greg Barnhill , which was recorded by Lila McCann on her debut album , " Lila " . friend female 9 From the same brothel , he rescues his old friend Bharti ( Jayaprada ) who had been put into prostitution without her will . friend female 30 It is later revealed that although she appears to be a villain , Reeva was in fact an advocate for equality in her community eight years ago before a close friend was attacked and murdered in the street before her eyes . friend male 1 One Friend " was later re - recorded for his 1987 album " The Best " , from which it was released as a single . Friend male 5 William Mosher Jr. , a patient who suffered from bipolar disorder , was murdered in his room by a fellow inmate when the facility failed to protect him by keeping his enemy away . patient male 21 Shortly after the album 's release , controversy unsurprisingly erupted in a variety of forms , most notably a petrol station attendant being fired from his job after it was discovered that he owned a copy of the album ( Cook testified at the man 's industrial tribunal ) , and a distributor of talking books accidentally sending out copies of " Come Again " on cassette in cases intended for the children 's classic " Black Beauty " . attendant male 22 The novel also criticizes the emasculation of men in society , particularly in the character of Billy Bibbit , the stuttering Acute patient who is domineered by both Nurse Ratched and his mother . patient male 4 He was a good friend of fellow surgeon Ralph Smith O’bré who , by contrast , was known for his small size . friend male 3 Indeed , his friend Konradin was executed by the Nazis after his participation in the assassination attempt against Hitler on 20 July 1944 . friend male 1 The patient often has to get rest and can be taken out of his old environment . patient male 3 His longtime best friend , Kendall Hart ( Alicia Minshew ) , is caught in his trap instead and falls into a coma while pregnant . friend male 9 Shortly after his arrival , he and his old friend Driendl were hired to create decorations at the Liceu Literário Português which , unfortunately , were destroyed by fire in 1932 . friend male 5 Shabazz was beaten while his friend was threatened and stripped of his belongings . friend male 4 My Old , Familiar Friend " was produced by Gil Norton according to his MySpace page . Friend male 11 O'bré , who was of small stature , was a good friend of fellow surgeon Solomon Richards who was known for his large size and was said to be " the fattest surgeon in the United Kingdom " . friend female 5 In the 1970s , a friend named Puppy , a Puerto Rican trans woman and sex worker , was found dead in her own apartment . friend male 13 The Talbot circle includes Hugh Sadler , their neighbour , long - term friend and conscientious objector who is shunned by his parents as a result and Diana Lovell , sister of Aubrey 's fellow officer Julian , who becomes a nurse in France and later Aubrey 's fiancée . friend male 4 Rav Shteinman and his friend were put to work laying roads , but due to his thin frame and short stature , he was released from manual labor and assigned to a desk job . friend male 18 Still , Oppenheimer was not well known before the war , and certainly not as renowned as his friend and colleague Ernest O. Lawrence , who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1939 for his invention of the cyclotron . friend male 6 When his fellow salesman and best friend is fired and thrown out of his house by his wife , he moves in and immediately starts unending parties , which ultimately ends up the house on fire and Winkler arrested on multiple charges . friend male 15 He feels that West is scared that not all magic is harmful and the cancer patient had been killed by his incompetence as a sorcerer . patient male 2 When childhood friend Lew Rankin ( Barry Nelson ) gets fed up with his subordinate role in the gang and starts plotting against him , Johnny murders him without the slightest qualm . friend female 9 Saint Simon sends Hermann to go after Sybille 's friend Corinne whose is murdered with her blood drained for Saint Simon 's art . friend male 4 This included treating a patient who was concerned about his homosexual desires by discovering that this derived from the fact that his Huguenot ancestors were humiliated by Catholics in the 18th century . patient male 17 Harry Emerson Wildes ( April 3 , 1890 in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania - 1982 ) an American sociologist , historian and writer who is best known for his biographies of William Penn , George Fox and Anthony Wayne . sociologist female 1 The patient was given CMX-001 antiviral agent as a treatment because of her severe molluscum contagiosum symptoms . patient female 4 During her stay the patient was fitted with a central venous catheter through which she contracted bacteraemia of " Corynebacterium striatum " which resulted in her death . patient female 6 The next day however , the friend is found dead with her husband , covered in hair . friend male 32 In 1539–40 , Grimald graduated from Christ 's College with a B.A .. Grimald travelled to Oxford a year later , when the prebendary of Leighton Bromswold Gilbert Smith , a family friend , was impressed by his work . friend female 1 The friend was restored , but the daughter lay in her cradle as if dead . friend female 6 However , a vision of her friend Chaya - Etel , who had been married against her will and then died , appears and she flees . friend female 7 Writer Amelia Edith Huddleston Barr , a friend , was buried nearby at her request after her death in 1918 . friend male 6 Her father had been an old friend of Tom Croydon who had been killed in his line of duty as a police constable . friend female 24 Reviewer Thelma T. Renya speaks of this strength in discussing the poem , “ For Virginia Chavez , ” when the protagonist 's childhood friend has been beaten by her husband . friend male 4 His father was a postmaster , who was killed in France at the outset of World War I. In his younger years , Best founded the German National Youth League and joined the National People 's Party of Mainz . postmaster male 5 In 1893 the school 's superintendent was cited for his commitment to encouraging teachers to use innovative techniques for classroom teaching , including gender integration and age - level isolation . superintendent male 4 He was a close friend of Nehru , who was impressed by his scientific knowledge . friend male 28 Police discovered a UPS tracking number , which led to an additional $ 117,000 cash and a pair of shoes in a package sent to Durst by a friend in New York , which was seized after his arrest . friend male 9 On the second night of his arrival , the hunter was awoken from his sleep by the leopard scratching outside his tent , though it was driven off by the shouting of the villagers . hunter male 7 Blade is a " daywalker " vampire hunter who was born with human and vampire blood in his veins after a vampire attacked his mother . hunter male 18 Actor and former SAG President Ed Asner said , " Yale was a good man and a good friend who was totally dedicated to his belief in the union . friend male 9 Sagara Sanosuke attempts to reach Kenshin , but his friend is completely lost in his grief and Sano wanders away from Tokyo in despair . friend female 23 In the next - to - last chapter is the only time in any CLAMP manga or anime that Nagisa Azuya – a friend of Utako , and girlfriend of " Clamp School Detectives " 's Suoh Takamura – is shown in her adult , as opposed to her child form . friend female 5 Her first book , " Friend or Frog " , was published in 1989 , soon after her graduation from the Rhode Island School of Design . Friend male 21 He has described himself as a " reluctant participant " at the Glacier View meeting in 1980 , in which his friend , Adventist theologian Desmond Ford 's ministerial credentials were removed following his rejection of the investigative judgment doctrine . friend female 18 Early on the morning of Friday , November 13 , Jean M. Robeson , a fellow student and friend of Corbett , was found dead in her dormitory room as a result of accidental asphyxiation by illuminating gas . friend female 4 The song " My Friend the Sun " was later covered by Linda Lewis for her 1977 album " Woman Overboard " , with harmonica by Peter Hope Evans and keyboards by Max Middleton . Friend male 10 After Dabord 's death , his lawyer and lifelong best friend , Paul White , was questioned regarding his client but gave little information about what happened . friend male 14 Following an assassination attempt on his life , Marcus Agrippa , Augustus 's oldest friend and Julia 's husband and father to her children , is called back to Rome for his protection . friend male 1 A friend of the Onassis family , he is best known for his purchase and restoration of the Onassis yacht , " Christina O " , and purchase and conversion of the now decaying former Yugoslavian presidential yacht " Galeb " , which was the third largest yacht in the world at one time . friend male 6 Kotaro Enomoto , Hina 's childhood friend and Natsuki 's younger brother starts Morning thinking of Hina and getting teased by his sister . friend male 6 1920 Augustus Braithwaite , the Ponsonby postmaster , is murdered at his home in Shelly Beach Rd . postmaster male 22 The bombing occurred at 4:58 p.m. on 19 July 1992 , 57 days after the Capaci bombing , in which Borsellino 's friend , anti - mafia magistrate Giovanni Falcone , had been killed with his wife and police escort . friend male 13 Since in the beginning it was provided with only 120 beds , every patient was so well isolated in his private room that each room could be almost considered a small pest house , ideal for quarantine . patient female 13 In that vein , social psychology proposed that the mental health of the patient is positively influenced by his and her action in freely choosing a specific therapy and in exerting the required , therapeutic effort to overcome cognitive dissonance . patient female 6 At the hospital , Takashi 's patient is beckoned from her bed by the vampire . patient female 6 Deanna tells Doctor Tyson that a friend was raped , and that the blood belongs to her ex - boyfriend , who she suspects was her assailant . friend male 32 An opinion article published in August 2012 in " La Nación " described Manzano , according to the viewpoint of the opinion article author Joseph Crettaz , as an “ old political friend of current officials , legislators and judges ” who , despite his “ low public profile , ” is very actively involved with the powers that be . friend female 8 Ryan misses the sole attention of his best friend which is now equally shared with her new friend .This friend male 1 Old Friend " is based around a friend of his that became addicted to methamphetamine and the personal issues which he suffered from it . Friend male 18 In May 1986 , at the behalf of one of the “ ISKCON ” zonals , Kailasa 's friend Sulochan was assassinated in Los Angeles while in his van . friend male 1 Her friend spent time with a guy and was confronted by his girlfriend for it . friend female 7 Throughout the story Mia also makes another friend named Tina , who is shunned because of her overprotective father , who makes her have a bodyguard . friend male 24 In addition to the internecine offensive by a member of his own Ministerial Party , Johann Leopold Zillmann , an old and now deceased friend and early resident of German Station , had been ejected from his Wesleyan ministry in New England by Rutledge in concert with disaffected members of his congregation . friend female 1 The superintendent , Thomas Day , was related to her late husband . superintendent female 11 The film followed the story of Hazel , a teenage cancer patient , who is forced by her parents to attend a support group , where she subsequently meets and falls in love with Waters , an ex - basketball player . patient male 1 Another user was unmasked through his messages with an undercover FBI agent , and this user turned out to be Timothy DeFoggi , who was at that time the Acting Director of Cybersecurity at the United States Department of Health and Human Services . user male 32 He is the author of a letter titled " Epistola ad Labores pro Christo ferendos Exhortatoria " , written about 437 - 440 to a certain Spaniard named Arcadius , previously a friend of Genseric 's , who , having been banished on account of his faith , is here comforted and encouraged to endure still greater hardships . friend male 2 An old friend of the author Alphonse Allais , he is remembered along his friend as a forerunner of minimalism with his painting " Combat de nègres dans un tunnel " ( " ( Negroes fight in a tunnel ) " ) , displayed for the first time in 1882 , more than thirty years before the « " Black Square " » by Kazimir Malevich friend male 16 Jim 's parents presumably live in Scranton , as well as his sister Larissa and best friend Alan Murphy , who are listed as his emergency contacts at Dunder Mifflin . friend male 3 That year , superintendent Dr. J.S. Clark was succeeded by his son , Dr. Felton G. Clark , at the School for the Deaf . superintendent female 24 One case that has been presented as definitive proof of the reality of repressed memories , recorded by psychiatrist David Corwin , involved a patient ( the Jane Doe case ) who , according to Corwin , had been seriously abused by her mother , had recalled the abuse at age six during therapy with Corwin , then eleven years later was unable to recall the abuse before memories of the abuse returned to her mind again during therapy . patient male 1 The hunter is unnerved and goes back to his truck where he has a newspaper and finds Walker 's photo on the front page . hunter male 28 As an example of a related phrase , a story titled " Deer Shoots Hunter " appeared in a 1947 issue of the Pittsburgh Press , mentioning a hunter that was shot by his own gun due to a reflex kick by the deer he had killed . hunter male 4 Meanwhile , Thymian 's friend , Count Osdorff ( André Roanne ) , is cast off and left penniless by his rich uncle , also Count Osdorff ( Arnold Korff ) , after he proves unsuccessful at every school and trade . friend male 3 Eric 's best friend , Steven Hyde , who was essentially abandoned by his parents , later becomes his foster brother . friend female 29 In the " Avengers " episode , " The Man - Eater of Surrey Green " ( broadcast December 1965 ) , she played Laura Burford , an old friend of Emma Peel ( Diana Rigg ) who was mysteriously lured away from scientific work alongside her tactile fiancé to a horticultural project aimed at propagating menacing bean - like plants with gigantic tendrils . friend male 1 The friend was soon pronounced missing , with his case photographs provided by relatives ending up on the table of the same investigator who was on the Kamyshing Maniac case . friend female 3 Jhilmil 's close friend and confidante , Maithrayee , begins to visit her often at her place and gets acquainted to her father whom she falls in love with later on . friend male 2 His good friend and longtime ward committeeman William J. Connors was known as " Old Reliable " due to his obedience to the wishes of the machine . friend male 9 Longtime Manitoba Moose general manager Craig Heisinger , a friend of Cheveldayoff 's from their days with the Wheat Kings , was named as his assistant . friend male 9 A biography , " Dr. Judd , Hawaii ’s Friend " which was written by his great - grandson Gerrit P. Judd IV ( 1915–1971 ) and published in 1960 . Friend male 3 His close lifelong friend Alfred Visconti was gunned down at his Bensonhurst , Brooklyn apartment building in March 1991 . friend male 11 Marcel Fohn was Harry Warner 's ( Reid Walker ) best friend that was frequently mentioned but never appeared on screen until his single guest appearance in February 2012 . friend female 2 A teenage patient is brought into the clinic by her father , hoping that a doctor can teach her how to use tampons . patient female 23 Next she starred opposite Ali Seezan and Aishath Rishmy in Seezan 's directorial venture , psychological thriller " Insaana " , playing the friend of Hana who is murdered by her husband . friend male 7 The client accidentally drowns , and her friend is arrested for his murder . friend male 28 This was also seen in the case of " Winzar v Chief Constable of Kent " ( 1983 ) where the defendant was admitted to hospital by a friend who was worried for his health . friend female 6 In a subplot , Judy 's friend Melonie is depicted in her own romantic adventure . friend male 7 Much of his medical experience as medical superintendent was embodied in his chief work , " A System of Clinical Medicine " ( 2 vols . superintendent female 23 Ekpe became a consultant for UNICEF and in 2001 the organisation helped her to access antiretroviral drugs for her own health after a friend was shocked by her weight loss . friend male 17 Gakutō accepts , but in return asks Mikiya to help him find Keita Minato , a mutual friend who was acquainted with Mikiya during his high school days . friend male 21 De Terra hypothesized that due to his fracture and the proximity to mammoth fossils , Tepexpan Man may have been a hunter who was either killed by his fellow men or mortally wounded while hunting . hunter male 10 Later , Corll and Brooks told Henley that his childhood friend , David Hilligiest , had also been killed and buried in his boat shed along with his swimming companion Gregory Malley Winkle . friend female 8 The album also contained her other song " Patient Zero " which was inspired by her meeting with Andrew Garfield in Los Angeles of whom at that time she was a big fan . Patient female 13 Woodley plays Hazel Grace Lancaster , a sixteen - year - old cancer patient who is forced by her parents to attend a support group , where she meets and subsequently falls in love with Augustus Waters , another cancer patient , played by Elgort . patient female 4 Their 31-year - old friend Angela Linner was also shot ; she initially survived , but died from her wounds three weeks later . friend male 8 Later that night , Rod learns that his friend was forced into his third stage of life : a two - part animal . friend male 2 Dennis 's friend Warren Straub , a dejected 19-year - old , has just been kicked out of his house and stolen $ 15,000 from his abusive lingerie - tycoon father . friend male 3 Giambra 's boyhood friend Victor Getz was particularly singled out for notice , for his salary as an executive assistant and driver to Giambra . friend male 1 Their friend Joe Revitt , a slacker , aspiring rockstar , and a fan of metal music , is dumped by his girlfriend Beth . friend male 7 Taking pity , Quiroga demanded that the patient , named Vicent Batistessa , be released from confinement and moved into his room . patient male 6 He and John Purvey , a friend and follower of John Wycliffe who also was tortured for his beliefs , were the two most egregious cases against Lollardy committed under the Statute of Heresy . friend female 2 Her best friend was killed by her pimp . friend male 2 A close friend and associate of lawman Wyatt Earp , Holliday is best known for his role in the events leading up to and following the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral . friend male 1 His friend and former drug dealing partner Alpo Martinez was charged and convicted of his murder . friend female 22 Halliday 's angry resignation in 2001 led to speculation that the office may be disbanded ; Pru Goward , a close personal friend of Howard , was instead appointed as her replacement . friend female 7 Still , she breaks down when their friend Salemani ( Greg Fromentin ) gets cruelly murdered in her presence . friend male 2 Hess 's friend Wiedemann was dismissed from his position by Hitler and sent into " de facto " exile as Consul General to San Francisco . friend female 7 During her stay in America , a friend of hers , Gheorghe Ursu , was arrested and subsequently beaten to death by the Securitate for possessing a diary . friend male 7 During his Vietnam tour , a close friend , Major Peter Badcoe , was killed and subsequently posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross . friend male 8 When aged 15 , he and his best friend are caught sleeping with a maid , and he is warned by his father of the dangers of illegitimate children vying for inheritance . friend female 6 The character of Jenny 's best friend , Marj Brasch ( Elizabeth McRae ) was reintroduced to the soap in her final episodes as a means of writing her out . friend male 10 Prior to his entry into politics , he was a sociologist who was renowned for his traditionalist conservative views . sociologist female 20 According to Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Gooya , Chief of the Center for Management of Contagious Diseases of Iran , the patient had been diagnosed with high blood pressure and her immune system , therefore , was n't strong enough to fend off the disease . patient female 6 Lewis , a Type 1 Diabetes patient , was dissatisfied with her commercial device : the device 's alarm for hypoglycemic status ( which can be life - threatening , if untreated ) was too quiet to wake Dana up while sleeping . patient female 2 Alex 's friend , Babs , takes a bath at the museum and is killed by the demonized snakes during her bath . friend female 11 Elizabeth Bernstein ( born 10 October 1968 ) is an American sociologist who is noted for her studies that focus on women , gender , and sexuality . sociologist male 2 Fisher ’s friend George Worrall was accused of his murder , tried and hanged in 1827 . friend female 2 A schizophrenic patient of Harold 's is overwhelmed with her new baby and the sudden death of her husband . patient male 5 Also , Andy has a patient who is estranged from his daughter because he kept a secret from her for her whole life . patient female 22 Unable to wrap her head around Vicky ’s plan of moving abroad , Saima Chaudary decides to stop him however Sila ’s friend Laila is confused between her fiancé Adeel and Vicky . friend male 13 In late 2018 , the Post Office building in which Costin served as postmaster was renamed in his honor by an Act of Congress . postmaster male 35 Maigetter 's mother wrote of her son and Kennedy 's close friendship , and advocated on Maigetter 's behalf that Kennedy should not serve any prison time : " Preston would have wanted that his friend and colleague , Cory , never be imprisoned for his actions but , as an alternative , for Cory to take responsibility and to give back to the community . " friend male 20 Ding - on is an orphaned blacksmith working in Sharp Foundry , which is run by his master , a friend of his deceased father . friend male 12 This they did in November , when William Goodland , the river superintendent , was evicted from his cottage , the tolls were raised again , and maintenance ceased . superintendent male 9 As a child , she watched while a young friend was taken by slave masters away from his mother . friend male 16 In 2006 , TK returns to New York and reunites with Ray , learning that his friend was betrayed after his incarceration . friend male 16 The reason he cares about her is that Ten’itsu 's past self was Suzaku 's best friend who was reborn right before his eyes after she died . friend male 15 In one of the team 's definitive moments , Chavo told Benoit that his former friend Guerrero was assaulted by his tag team partner Angle . friend male 28 Bennett suggests that Israel must learn to live with the Palestinian problem without a " surgical action " of separation to two states : " I have a friend who 's got shrapnel in his rear end , and he 's been told that it can be removed surgically , but it would leave him disabled ... friend male 5 Among the Bakossi , a hunter is respected for his skills and achievements as much as for the economic value of the animals he has managed to kill . hunter male 4 George Julyan , the superintendent of the Falmouth Borough Police , was appointed head constable and had four constables in his charge . superintendent male 0 Friend is best known for his work in the late 1980s and ' 90s as editor of " RIP Magazine " . Friend female 14 They also received coverage for an earlier attack on a room where Second Life user Anshe Chung was being interviewed about her claims to have made the ' virtual property ' equivalent of over one million dollars off the game . user male 1 A friend of Hannah More , she knew Hugh Nicholas Pearson and was influenced by his evangelical faith . friend female 28 Reading the patient 's documents , they find a reference to the ability to change causality , as well as a report from Shuichi Wakui mentioning that the patient has been kept unconscious due to her ability , and that he plans to use it to change the outcome of events in " Chaos;Head " . patient female 6 Following the attack , Leneghan 's friend was hospitalised under police guard until her discharge on 1 June 2005 . friend female 7 Queen Margrethe II of Denmark , a friend of Hillingsø 's parents who has known her mother since school , was made her godmother at her christening . friend male 3 When Jason 's friend and trusted associate Damian Spinelli ( Bradford Anderson ) is set up and arrested for his illegal activities , Jason is forced to agree to a deal to gain Spinelli 's freedom by getting Anthony arrested . friend female 1 A patient was recently referred back to her general practitioner by an osteopath , who was questioning , as it turned out quite correctly , whether her pain was caused by metastates . patient female 52 Gay actor and director Charles Nelson Reilly was booked on " Tattletales " during both CBS runs ; his playing partner in 1977 was Elizabeth Allen , a long - time friend from his days on Broadway , and his partner on the show in 1982 was Julie Harris , another old friend from Broadway who was married to her third husband , Walter Carroll , at the time the program was produced . friend male 37 The narrative revolves around an elderly general who invites an old friend from military school for dinner ; the friend had disappeared mysteriously for 41 years , and the dinner begins to resemble a trial where the friend is prosecuted for his character traits . friend male 27 True was recognized as an authority on Indian design , costume and artifacts , as well as on the lives of westerners such as the cowboy , trapper , explorer , prospector , construction worker and farmer who are depicted in his numerous murals and easel paintings . trapper female 7 In her last start of 1992 , User Friendly was sent to Tokyo , Japan to compete in the Japan Cup in which she finished sixth to winner , Tokai Teio . User male 18 Hubert Morse Blalock Jr. ( August 23 , 1926 – February 8 , 1991 ) was an American sociologist who was internationally known for his work on statistical research methods . sociologist male 31 Our Kind of Traitor , published in 2010 , is a novel by the British author John le Carré , about a Russian money launderer seeking to defect after his close friend is killed by his new superiors . friend male 2 Greene ’s friend , Charlie Puttkammer was inspired by Greene ’s life and founded the Petey Greene Program in his honor , to strengthen education services available in jails and prisons , and to offer college students the opportunity to support incarcerated students in their academic work . friend male 8 When De Prade proved to be a fortune hunter she decided to murder him as well , which was prevented by his escape . hunter male 2 a Fark user himself – are given the " Wheaton " tag and articles discussing Christopher Walken are occasionally given the " Walken " tag , though Walken has never participated on Fark . user female 5 Robin , a craft - user herself , declines to use Orbo because she feels it is " disgusting " . user male 34 The work and research that he has developed concerning the feasible treatments for cancer have shown that his medical perspective relating to the responsibility of the patient 's family , the oncologist and the patient himself have been influenced by commitment , generosity and family strength . patient male 11 6th century BCE ) was a Pythagorean philosopher , and a friend and disciple of Pythagoras himself . friend female 8 She would go on to become a bounty hunter herself and eventually Hex 's lover . hunter male 7 These exercises can be done by the patient himself , or with a physical therapist . patient male 17 Two stories describe Dali cursing a hunter 's family such that his sons , and later the hunter himself , died as a result . hunter female 19 Although she frequently criticizes Donna 's dress , physique and feminism , she repeatedly calls herself Donna 's best friend ever since they first met in 1973 when Jackie first came to Point Place and Donna hit her with a ball in the gymnasium . friend female 11 Devins had developed a small following online and was a 4chan user herself . user male 9 Tim Berners - Lee , who was an Advogato user himself , included Advogato in a short list of sites notable for their early adoption of the FOAF as a method of exporting user RDF URIs . user male 20 The American sociologist Robert E. Park spent the year 1931 at Yenching , strengthening Yang 's ambition to become a sociologist himself . sociologist male 15 This led to WWF owner Vince McMahon Jr. , who admitted to being a steroid user himself , being put on trial on charges of steroid distribution in 1994 . user male 21 These included the basic rifle course as well as courses designed for those hunting dangerous game , Cooper being a keen hunter himself . hunter male 38 He was not convinced that passive smoking was dangerous and published and campaigned against the banning of smoking on trains from Brighton to Victoria station in 1995 , although he admitted that he was not a frequent rail user himself . user male 26 A special safari type is the solo - safari , where all the license acquiring , stalking , preparation , and outfitting is done by the hunter himself . hunter male 2 As the patient himself is a Cardassian , Major Kira has the man arrested as a war criminal , only to find his name , Aamin Marritza , is not listed for any crimes . patient female 3 However , the patient herself could not recall the incident . patient female 7 Smoking " and inadvertently becomes a recreational user herself . user male 13 He tricks the guard dogs and other animals , as well as the hunter himself , and eventually helps the vixen escape by smashing the cage open with a loaded wagon . hunter female 1 The patient herself had made a firm resolution to finish the business on the anniversary of her transfer to the countryside . patient male 2 An avid hunter himself , his efforts agitated the gun lobby and the NRA . hunter male 28 Though Jango eventually met his demise at the hands of Jedi Master Mace Windu on Geonosis , Boba would continue his father 's legacy , becoming a bounty hunter himself and using similar Mandalorian equipment , as well as Jango 's ship , the " Slave I " . hunter male 6 Genta considers himself Takeru 's best friend , despite their personalities being complete opposites ; Genta is as hyperactive and expressive as much as Takeru is reserved and stoic . friend male 3 John became a hunter himself , and trained Dean to be one as well , though both hid the supernatural from Sam until he was 8 years old . hunter male 14 Burns visited Ellisland on 27 February 1788 with James Tennant of Glenconner , a friend of himself and his father ; taking James 's advice he agreed to sign up to the seventy - six - year lease from his friend Patrick Miller of Dalswinton , taking up the lease of the farm at Whitsun ( 25 May ) 1788 . friend male 20 The ability to slide in and out of roles changes the effect of media on culture , and also the user himself . user male 34 As a reaction to advanced security processes allowing the user to cross - check the transaction data on a secure device there are also combined attacks using malware and social engineering to persuade the user himself to transfer money to the fraudsters on the ground of false claims ( like the claim the bank would require a " test transfer " or the claim a company had falsely transferred money to the user 's account and he should " send it back " ) . user male 1 The patient himself was heterozygous for CCR5-Δ32 . patient female 14 Through more help from Vergere , who turns out to be a Force - user herself , Jacen forces the dhuryam to stop enslaving him and think of him as a partner ; this way , the dhuryam would be more successful to be in consideration of being the World Brain of Yuuzhan'tar . user female 28 There is a known case of the alleged treatment of the hopeless disease of the well - known tamer Teresa Durova , after which , according to the patient herself , the opportunity to see returned to her . patient male 44 Aside from the orange light user and those listed as " Former Members " , there are not actually individuals who hold membership in the Orange Lantern Corps ( in a conventional sense , there is no such Corps , only the orange light user himself / herself ) , but rather duplicates , referred to as " constructs " formed of orange light energy after the original persons were " consumed " and had their identities ( later stated to be their very souls ) " stolen " . user male 37 At the medical conference , Wilson feels remorse after having performed euthanasia on a terminally ill cancer patient by intentionally having told the sequence to the patient 's PCA machine to a coworker loud enough for the patient himself to hear , allowing the patient to administer himself a morphine overdose . patient male 7 Several professors of the college and the superintendent himself , like for example Shashibhushan Raychaudhury ( or more commonly known by his nickname ) " Shashida " , who was more famous for his experiments in education , and had been closely associated with Bagha Jatin , used to visit the College . superintendent male 18 His feral teammate Sabretooth frequently attempted , with little success , to convince Wild Child to become a hunter and killer like himself . hunter male 23 In hymn 10.21 , Agni is said to be the envoy of Vivasvat ( Yama 's father ) and a well - loved friend ( kāmya ) of Yama himself : friend male 21 Otherwise , he will have to deal with Wolf the Bounty Hunter , who quickly inspires Homer to become a bounty hunter himself . hunter male 15 Neither knew the boy would grow up to occupy that desk for fifteen years as superintendent himself . superintendent female 88 In order to stop Wardo , Jack and company were aided by Deth ’s old supervisor McNulty ( returning in the body of his ancestor , now a teenage girl ) and Jack ’s first wife , Alice Stillwell , who had been resurrected by altering the course of history , to try to help Jack stop Wardo ’s Trancer farm , and while in the hospital , she escaped captivity , still trapped inside the body of her ancestor , who just happened to be a mental patient herself . patient male 3 Nicholas became a Friend himself and began spreading Friends ' beliefs in Massachusetts . Friend male 7 The assertion can be issued by the user himself / herself , by the provider of the online service or by a third party ( another service provider , a government agency , etc . ) . user male 23 He was the subject of questionable criticism in 2013 because he did not sign a letter he sent regretting the death of a patient himself . patient female 3 She became a patient herself , suffering from pneumonia and maxillary sinusitis . patient male 12 During his time on the planet , Noland has become quite a hunter himself , using scavenged Predator technology as his weaponry . hunter male 21 Gromek , who hit A 's batter Bill Wilson in the fourth inning , and had a reputation as a head hunter himself ( 12 hit batsmen in 1954 ) , charged the mound . hunter female 28 In order to cure her , Dr. Pathirana seeks help from her father , a proud , rich man called D.J. Atapattu ( Tony Ranasinghe ) and the patient herself . patient female 3 A recovering psychiatric patient herself , Emma begins experiencing haunting visions upon returning to the dorm . patient female 32 She is initially reluctant to get involved in the supernatural world by helping the Winchesters , but becomes a more reliable ally in her second episode and has decided to become a hunter herself by her fourth episode . hunter male 11 Inspired by the encounter , Asa went on to become a hunter himself despite his mother 's objections and became legendary in the hunting community . hunter male 27 She kills Jackson and attacks Gretel , who is rescued by Ben , a local teenager and avid fan of theirs who plans to become a witch hunter himself . hunter male 7 When Mayor Fred W. Valentine appointed himself postmaster during a controversial decision in 1906 he subsequently ousted A. S. Clark who had served that post in an unofficial capacity for years . postmaster male 18 According to witnesses , Johnny passed his father a .44 caliber revolver , then took another from a friend for himself . friend male 30 While Spotte did not overtly express any conclusions as to the veracity of the incident , he did remark on several observations that were suspicious about the claims of the patient and/or Samad himself . patient male 1 The patient himself , other people or justice can demand for hospitalization of a patient and permission is required before a patient can be hospitalized . patient male 15 Years later , Kevorkian crossed the line from assisting the patient to actively killing the patient himself . patient female 15 In 1911 , her health would not allow that anymore and she later became a patient herself until 1913 when she died . patient female 26 He himself referenced Breuer and Anna O. in his Lectures on Psychoanalysis at Clark University , Worcester , MA , in September 1909 : " The patient herself , who , strange to say , could at this time only speak and understand English , christened this novel kind of treatment the ' talking cure ' or used to refer to it jokingly as ' chimney - sweeping ' . " patient male 12 Even to see the Uktena asleep is death , not to the hunter himself , but to his family . hunter male 17 In the ninth inning , Athletics pitcher Marion Fricano , who had a reputation as a head hunter himself ( two days prior , he ended the Chicago White Sox 's Cass Michaels ' career with a beanball ) , retaliated and threw at Gromek 's back . hunter male 6 Kuhnert was a keen and skilled hunter himself ; he returned to Africa year after year in the hunt for both game and subjects for his art . hunter female 32 Could ichor from this patient have been more damaging when conveyed in vaginal examinations to other patients than it would have been as a result of similar examinations carried out on this patient herself ? patient male 22 " Euthanasia , or " mercy - killing " of a patient by a physician or by anyone else , including the patient himself ( suicide ) is murder . patient male 18 M. M. Mahood notes the lexical uncertainty of line 1 , which leaves open the possibility that the friend himself is infected . friend male 2 Additionally the patient himself may not even realize he has sleep apnea because it occurs during sleep , so a partner or roommate is usually the first to notice symptoms . patient male 9 A friend suggested that he read a book the friend himself had just finished . friend male 3 Ford , a hunter himself , wrote the song . hunter male 20 Soon after his bankruptcy the U.S. Post Office Department began investigating him for mail fraud , and Brinkley became a patient himself , having suffered three heart attacks and the amputation of one of his legs due to poor circulation . patient male 21 Joseph , furious , confronts Balthazar about him and his wife , but in a turn of events he becomes a patient himself . patient male 7 Application configuration is carried out by the user himself in accordance with the individual features of his hearing ability . user male 37 On July 17 , 2001 he successfully did the first organ transplant in Italy on a person with HIV undergoing highly active antiretroviral therapy — a kidney transplant performed in response to a personal request from the patient himself ( along with the donor , his father ) , who had been turned down by all other Italian transplant centres . patient male 38 " But this stone weighing 4 ounces and the size of a hen 's egg was a wonder how it came out with the help of one hand , without the proper tools , and then from the patient himself , whose greatest help was courage and impatience embedded in a truly impenetrable faith which caused a brave deed as none other . patient female 7 Lara Masters , who is a wheelchair user herself , was upset at how the photographer had hidden their disabilities , but the other judges dismissed her comment , stating that not all the photos have to show their disabilities . user female 16 It was written and produced by Abe Levy and Silver Tree , who was a flight attendant herself for many years . attendant female 5 Kokonoe is a powerful magic user herself , but dislikes using it and prefers to use her inventions in combat . user male 10 The library will either be filled with content by the user himself , or the user can purchase a CAM software which is already filled by the manufacturer , the Dreamworlds Design Studio . user male 13 The head attendant , a 61-year old male , had become a private patient himself . patient male 5 Jockie , once a drug user himself , was asked to tell Albar to stop using drugs ; in response , Albar reportedly pulled a gun on him . user male 13 Latimer feels that he once met the cordial Browne , a big game hunter himself , but can not place it . hunter male 1 The friend tells him to watch a news report from Clearwater , and he learns that Amy has died after falling from the Fort Harrison Hotel . friend male 2 His best friend was mobster accountant Otto Berman , and he incorporated Berman into several of his stories under the alias " Regret , the horse player " . friend male 1 His friend and fellow soldier Ray Hightower had him airlifted to safety in time , and he survives as an amputee . friend female 1 Her friend describes Melissa in a different way to how her neighbours did , and she mentions that Melissa had a boyfriend . friend male 15 Meanwhile , Cameron and Chase , while breaking into his house , find that the patient has been lying about everything and that he is a Romani , and does not want to share his personal information or medical history with outsiders . patient male 2 Her close friend is in love with Sajan , but he avoids her by saying that his only ambition in life is to study hard and become an IAS . friend male 1 The patient awoke and seemed fine for 24 hours , but became ill with increasing temperature and he ultimately died from what the post mortem proved to be mediastinitis on the third postoperative day . patient female 2 Frederick 's friend , Captain Powts , hoped to marry Sir John 's second daughter Kate , but she is going to be we d to the rich young merchant Strange – friend male 1 The patient then madly exclaimed : " The ku which devours me is ceasing to spread " ; and then he cried : " It vanishes little by little . " patient female 9 Victor Leal ( Marlon Moreno ) , the best friend of Carlos Alberto from the start show interest in the president 's wife and asks her to dance but she flatly rejects this to him . friend male 1 A friend from Spain comes to him , and while waiting for the visitor he recalls his native land and sings of a lost girl ( No . 1 ) . friend male 21 As a child he aspired to play in the National Hockey League until , at the age of 17 , a friend offered him a part in a small play and he decided to pursue performing arts instead . friend male 6 One day , the Hero 's friend informs him of the Dark Lord 's goals , and he urges him to seek a Knight named Bogard . friend female 1 A friend tells Scarlett that Anne and the baby both died , and she rushes back to Ballyhara hopeful that Rhett will come looking for her . friend male 1 My friend chose to go and he molested her . friend female 2 Her best friend is a stuffed octopus doll she calls " Octi " , and she also loves animals . friend male 3 Lalor 's great friend at this time was John Marnell , also the son of a farmer , and he too shared Lalor 's views . friend male 6 While in jail , John 's friend brings him the briefcase , and when John sees the bullet hole , he realizes that the young man is innocent . friend female 1 Another friend invites Delphine to join a beach party for the weekend , but she finds that she 's the only one amongst the group who is single so she quickly returns to Paris . friend male 5 After two years , a friend introduced him to an agent , and he began appearing in stage plays in New York . friend female 7 In the most prominent version , a hunter finds Dali in the mountains , and she takes him as her lover . hunter male 22 On June 25 , 1955 , in response to the recent " Brown v. Board of Education " ruling , Hoxie 's superintendent , Kunkel Edward Vance , spearheaded plans to integrate the schools , and he received the unanimous support of Hoxie 's school board . superintendent male 5 But one day a British friend of his ( more like a colleague ) forces him to drink and so he gets drunk . friend female 5 While in college , a friend told her about Jesus Christ , and she began to study the Bible and attend a local church . friend male 8 M. Dupréau goes on to say that a friend gave him the book ( presumably in manuscript ) , and that he has attempted to make it more intelligible , for the original language " was in many places wonderfully obscure , difficult and defective , and more Italian than French , the author of this work being Italian by speech and nationality , and not very experienced in our French language . " friend female 4 Tanya 's loving childhood friend , a hockey player , helps her to cope with misfortune and she marries him . friend male 1 The user sees all the categories at a glance and he can pick it without having to travel along a long list until he finds the end leaf . user female 3 Henderson 's best friend , Shirley Jones , had turned down the role , but the following year , she accepted the similar role of a mother with five children , named Shirley Partridge , in " The Partridge Family " , which aired from 1970–1974 . friend female 2 Satya 's friend gets jealous about this ( the friend had proposed to Satya , but she had denied his love ) . friend male 3 Namely , this friend had been an actor in some drama in college , and for two or three weeks he really got into his character and lived it as it was the real him . friend male 15 The next day , Peter 's best man , Flash Thompson , and his best friend , Harry Osborn , take Peter out for a bachelor party , but he 's beginning to show his true feelings about the wedding . friend male 0 Friend was president of the Nordberg Manufacturing Company in 1895 and he was also the vice - president of Friend Brothers Clothing Company , which was owned by his father , Elias Friend , and his uncle , Henry Friend . Friend male 1 A friend asked him to apply for the general counsel position at the Federal Communications Commission , but he declined . friend male 6 In January 1888 , Burke 's friend , Dr. Patrick Cronin , disappeared and he suspected foul play at the hands of ' the triangle ' , a presumptuous cabal of Clan na Gael ( the successor to the Fenian Brotherhood ) in Chicago made up of Alexander Sullivan supported by Michael Boland and Denis Feely . friend male 9 This cost might be relatively predictable , if the user for example has a monthly contract with some parking lot company , or if he rents a private parking space . user male 10 After the family moved to Tewkesbury they found out their friend had a criminal past and when he visited one weekend he told them all about his involvement with the robbery . friend male 1 A friend encouraged him to share his method , and he began sharing it online in 2013 . friend male 1 A friend knew a DJ called Keith Richardson , who ran youth dances in the Hawkes Bay area , and he managed to get him some gigs there . friend male 2 A bounty hunter named Chindi attempted to take down Steel , but after realizing Hazard was experimenting with children , he ended up as an ally of Irons . hunter male 7 Ameer entered the fashion industry when a friend took him to Creative Services and he started doing shows with Frieha Altaf . friend male 6 Pierre told Iago that " his friend " was right and that he should not anger the Room 's inhabitants . friend male 3 However , a friend he was traveling with did not , and he decided to postpone his travel until his friend had a visa , too . friend female 21 An inversion of the story ( humans turning into swans ) can be found in the " Dolopathos " : a hunter sights a ( magical ) maiden bathing in a lake and , after a few years , she gives birth to septuplets ( six boys and a girl ) , born with gold chains around their necks . hunter female 1 The friend tells her that she 's woken up in an unfamiliar place with strange people , and she does n't remember how she got there . friend male 1 A friend rescued him from this state and he resumed his studies . friend female 1 His friend and associate , Hawk , is in jail and she needs help . friend male 2 His best friend is Anole and he has almost lost all contact with his former best friend Hellion , although they all reside in the school . friend male 2 His best friend at the time got into an altercation with a former University of Montana basketball player and he and the rest of his friends came to get Woodard , the " tough kid " on the block . friend male 3 Hui 's best friend , Ting Lik , now controls the Shanghai triad world and he seeks to avenge Hui . friend female 35 The editor - in - chief of the " Chinese Women " of the Women 's Federation called for her husband 's friend to translate a series of articles on knitting wool , but the friend did not think it appropriate and she recommended BI to translate and open her translation career in Taiwan . friend male 4 At this time a friend lent Hall a camera and he taught himself photography , studying photographic technique and style . friend male 2 A society friend of the Hardys tells Edith that Richard 's speculation will not be profitable and he knows a better one ; Tori / Arakau then offers to double her money in one day if she gives it to him to invest in the suggested enterprise . friend male 1 The patient suddenly starts to pee blood , and he goes into cardiac arrest . patient male 9 Alvarado admitted during questions that he had helped his friend try to steal the truck and that he had helped hide the gun . friend male 1 Another friend of Berkeley 's , Peter Burra , was also present , and he also became a friend of Britten 's . friend male 4 Even Larsson 's good friend and biographist Georg Nordensvan joined the critics , but he could not sway Larsson 's determination either , although Larsson probably took his criticism hardest . friend female 4 Zoe 's lifelong best friend is Stacey , and she 's had her entire future mapped out since she was a little girl . friend male 17 Although Shakespeare tries to pretend that Stubbs ' patient died two weeks previously , Ivy guesses the patient is really Bob and that he does not have long to live . patient female 3 The boy 's friend encourages him to talk to Tisdale , but every time he gets close , she goes somewhere else . friend female 9 When they arrive at the house , Diane 's friend and matron of honor tells them Diane and Gary are marrying in an hour , but that she suspects something is wrong with Diane . friend male 3 However , his friend introduced Park to composer Hwang Yoon Min , and he started to sing again under Hwang 's supervision . friend male 3 Pooh 's best friend , Christopher Robin , gives Pooh a balloon and he tries to trick the bees by disguising himself as a Little Black Rain Cloud by rolling in a mud puddle and floating up to the beehive . friend male 3 But an architect friend in Aurora encouraged Wentzel to stay in school , and he did . friend male 1 A friend of his got him a chanter , and it was a Reid chanter , and he made some drones for Jim and he got it going . friend female 3 In 1981 a friend invited her to try out for an orchestra in Hong Kong but she failed her audition while taken ill and found a job as a school 's substitute music teacher . friend male 1 The friend tries to capture Nam - il , but he escapes after obtaining Hyun - seo 's location . friend male 4 A second potential Hertzig patient arrives on Darwin , and he and Tara successfully use the Hertzig on her ; however , a number of months later , she returns to the ward with problems and soon dies . patient male 10 He considered staying on in Paris , but an American friend urged him not to become just another expatriate and he returned home . friend male 4 He is a close friend of Prince Selim I. Ezio thought that Tarik to be a Templar because of his behavior , and he was selling weapons to Manuel Palaiologos , a known Templar . friend male 1 One friend described him as " a rock and roll Frankie Howerd " , and he gained a reputation in the music scene for rolling the best joints in London . friend male 6 Later at night the narrator 's friend sees a man sitting on Sampson 's window - sill , but when he returns with the narrator he 's gone . friend female 2 Her best friend was Comanche and she spent many weekends at her home , absorbing aspects of Comanche culture from her mother , one of the first Comanche nurses . friend male 11 In this version , Kai , rather than being a childhood friend , is the new bellboy at the hotel owned by Gerda 's father , and he immediately sets out to befriend Gerda and help her heal , convincing her to take up her childhood hobby of ice skating once more . friend female 1 Her friend tells her to pray but she says " a blue haired bisexual girl is n't on the top of the prayer list " implying that she does n't believe in God . friend male 8 Two months after Richard was born , a friend of the biological mother told Kirchner the truth , and he intervened in the adoption proceedings to gain custody of his son . friend male 2 Later a friend took him to a pool on a trip and he lost the fear . friend male 6 Martov , until then a close friend of Lenin , agreed with him that the core of the party should consist of professional revolutionaries , but he argued that party membership should be open to sympathizers , revolutionary workers , and other fellow travellers . friend male 5 Yeong - jae 's only friend at the home , disapproves of this insincerity , but he also understands since he himself has reached the home 's maximum age . friend male 3 A high school friend named Paul White was the original bassist , but he quit and was replaced by Marcus Cole in 2002 . friend male 1 The patient is from Rio de Janeiro and he contracted the flu in Canada . patient female 1 The patient was aware of the relief that " rattling off " brought her , and she described the process using the terms " chimney - sweeping " and " talking cure " . patient male 22 In the final episodes of the series , Rolan is sent to retrieve Alviss by Phantom but is shocked to find his friend and Candice have seemingly abandoned him and in sadness he tries to commit suicide by stabbing himself through the throat , but is seen alive in the last episode . friend female 1 A friend of Madhu reports this to her and she uses it as yet another excuse to delay the date for the marriage of her son . friend female 2 Her great friend was Euphemia Russel , the mother of Cosmo Innes , and she moved in extensive circles . friend male 1 A friend tries to convince him not to go , but he goes anyway . friend female 2 Areesha 's friend break the news to her and she secretly follows him to Lamha 's house . friend male 2 His best friend is " Will " and he joins the Raven at the same time . friend female 2 Chloe 's friend , Emma , left school and she feels lonely . friend male 1 A friend , Mr. Aungier , taught him Latin , and he learnt Greek by his own perseverance . friend male 2 This exact friend took Prado to the gym for the first time and he continued to go to this gym for many years . friend female 3 Misato 's only friend throughout the series is Dr. Ritsuko Akagi , and she was Ryoji Kaji 's girlfriend when the three of them were college students . friend male 4 In 1936 , a friend had suggested he look up the works of Arnold Geulincx , which Beckett did and he took many notes . friend female 3 Elaine 's best friend is her ex - boyfriend Jerry Seinfeld , and she is also good friends with George Costanza and Cosmo Kramer . friend female 3 Zosia 's best friend , registrar Dominic Copeland ( David Ames ) , walks her down the aisle and she marries Oliver . friend male 1 The patient survived for several years , but Souttar 's colleagues considered the procedure unjustified , and he could not continue . patient male 1 A friend of his wrote him a letter from London and he 'd written on the envelope ' Glad Tidings from London ' . friend male 1 A friend funded him and he went to FTII Pune . friend male 14 he ’s a music video maker — in those three days , his best friend ( Heath Ledger ) died and he was from Perth . friend female 1 Her friend asks her if her wish came true and if she would have wished for something else in hindsight . friend male 4 That way , the user will be absolutely clear about what s / he is getting . user male 11 For An Autopsy , in Belleville , New Jersey after a friend showed Knocked Loose 's previous work to him and he gained a desire to produce their album . friend male 1 A friend offers him a job , but he responds by seducing his wife and is found out . friend female 2 Jane 's friend , Mary Brown , knows all about Doug cheating on Jane , but she ca n't bring herself to tell Jane . friend male 5 Marian Gold was an old friend of his , had already asked Echolette to join the group two years earlier , but he declined the offer , as he stayed in Marian 's previous group Chinchilla Green . friend male 1 His friend meant to get the story again when he went through Gadyach , where the man lives , but he forgot and only remembered six miles ( 10 km ) past the village . friend male 6 His best ( and only ) friend is Lottie , and he is fiercely protective of her . friend female 1 The patient stated there was a horse stable on her property , but she only visited it occasionally . patient male 1 His friend , Tom Grenville , met Windham that day and he succeeded in persuading Windham to accept office . friend male 6 Later in the week , a friend gave him a copy of Peter Singer 's " Animal Liberation " , and he returned to Ohio as a vegetarian . friend male 19 reporter David Finkel described the emotional intensity of the humbling phase as follows : " Only when [ a patient ] is feeling worthless and miserable is he considered to be making progress . " patient male 9 Asha ( Rajni Sharma ) , his sister 's friend loves him , but he does n't reciprocate her feelings . friend male 4 On one occasion a friend was in danger of falling while mountain climbing but he risked his life to see him safe and sound . friend female 4 Her elder sister 's friend gives her a mini skirt and revealing top and she starts to get stalked . friend male 7 Mixon later told police that Molitor 's friend had directed a racial slur at him and that he responded with a homophobic slur at the friend . friend female 1 A friend of the family remembered , " She wove , spun , tatted , knit , crocheted , and she was always teaching other people to do these things . friend male 6 After leaving the Air Force a friend helped him to join the East Coast union in New York and he started to work as an assistant cameraman , working his way up to become a first cameraman about thirteen years later . friend male 1 A user can own multiple roles , and he has permission to access all resources granted by some of his roles . user male 6 After a joyful conversation , the postmaster offers Ravi a job of a postman and he happily accepts . postmaster female 1 A friend of hers from the orphanage became a nun at the Tanacu monastery and she encouraged her to also become a nun . friend female 2 Her childhood friend was Li Ya Shou and she admired him a lot . friend female 3 Ann ’s only friend on Hamilton Hill is Andy McPhale , the son of squatter , and she takes on the project of teaching Andy to read and write . friend male 2 His good friend , Ko Jit , is a constable and he hates corrupt officials as much as Ling does . friend male 4 However , the best friend committed suicide and he suspects this causes the girl to feel a disconnect with him because he was the last one to see the best friend alive and not her . friend male 8 A year later , his mother 's former friend ascended the throne as King Charles X. Polignac 's political sympathies did not alter , and he was one of the most conspicuous ultra - royalists during the Restoration era . friend male 1 The superintendent stated that he did not intend to seek an accredited doctoral degree , but he planned to continue using the title " Dr. " superintendent male 1 A friend encouraged him to start writing about his life experiences , and he sold his first short story to Frank Munsey 's magazine , " The Scrap Book " , in 1911 . friend male 5 However , the district 's superintendent , Tom Smyth , said too much school time was being taken to celebrate holidays already , and he sent a directive to his principals requesting that they " tone down " activities unrelated to the curriculum , such as holiday parties . superintendent male 1 A friend challenged de Vivie to ride his new bicycle 100 km in six hours and he set out to the mountain resort of Chaise - Dieu . friend male 1 His friend Amit ( Vinod Khanna in a cameo ) encourages him , and he leaves to meet Rai Sahab . friend male 17 Beatty learned to do a " superb imitation of Berle and his routine , " said a friend , and he often used Berle - type humor at home . friend male 2 Reynolds 's friend and West Point classmate , President Ulysses S. Grant , remitted the sentence , but he never served again . friend male 1 A friend convinced him to rebuild , and he successfully got a following going again , drawing patrons to the club Maximilian 's . friend male 1 The friend had a war injury which sent him mad and he tried to kill Idriess . friend male 5 On 9 September 1584 the superintendent of Brunswick resigned and its inhabitants wanted Leyser to take over the post , but he refused it on Selnecker 's advice due to his obligations to Augustus of Saxony . superintendent male 7 Among the English botanists , his closest friend was Thomas Penny , whom he had first met in Montpellier , and to whom he pays tribute in his dedication of the " Stirpium adversaria " ( 1571 ) . friend female 14 During her grieving , Natalie kisses Vincent , telling him she thought the bandaged patient from the accident was John and she was looking for solace . patient male 2 A mutual friend persuaded him to sell his .22-caliber handgun back to the dealer , but he later bought two more guns , a .357 Smith & Wesson revolver and a 9-millimeter Taurus semiautomatic . friend male 3 The town 's postmaster , J. M. Bernard , was pro - slavery , and he angered many of the men in the area , who had anti - slavery leanings . postmaster male 3 A close family friend helped Mathis get admitted to Eastern Michigan University , and he discovered a new interest in politics and public administration . friend male 6 On leaving the army , a friend with connections in the pharmaceutical industry suggested Somerville might find a job there , but he turned the offer down , just as he did the MGM talent scout who offered him a screen test because of his English accent and good looks . friend male 2 Subramani 's friend Perumal ( Charle ) enters their home as a teacher , and he falls in love with Hamsaveni . friend female 2 Her first friend there is roommate and scholarship student Ann Bradshaw , and shortly after , she meets witty and wealthy Felicity Worthington and the beautiful , but shallow , Pippa Cross , at that time Felicity 's best friend . friend female 22 However , based on reporting by " Texas Monthly " ( which relied on Planned Parenthood clinic records ) , only one patient served by Johnson 's then - employer on September 26 , 2009 was black , and she was in the sixth week — patient male 1 A friend of Teibel 's , Louis Gerstman , had access to an IBM 360 computer , and he and Teibel played around with processing the recordings until eventually the two of them hit upon a series of manipulations ( basically some rolling filtering and overdubbing ) which sounded ' more real than real . ' friend male 27 The man then approached the two of them and tried to get at the friend , but Manziel placed himself between the two men , saying his friend did n't mean it and he was going to take him home . friend female 1 A friend of Ellen ’s used to model for Waldo , and she and Waldo went to a well - known cafe or restaurant where Ellen waited tables . friend female 1 A friend approached her with the novel in 2000 and she greatly enjoyed it . friend male 1 The patient said he felt extremely close to the stag , and he thought about the dream innumerable times , which brought him comfort . patient male 16 Soon after , Joe admits his former criminal career to Pauline , revealing that his lifelong friend Bert Atkinson ( Dave Hill ) served time in prison for Joe 's crimes , and that he still owes Bert . friend male 2 A family friend offered him a job in Toronto , and with nothing else to do , he accepted . friend male 1 A friend gives him paint and artist materials and encourages him to paint , and he heads to Paris . friend female 1 The attendant tells Scully that Mr. Milsap is the only person with a working phone , but she discovers that the line is dead . attendant male 2 Wagner 's friend and agent Albert Broccoli suggested that he audition to play James Bond , but he decided it was not right for him . friend female 2 Hazlitt 's friend reported that the attempt seemed to be about to succeed , but she prevented him from taking the ultimate liberty . friend male 6 This is not only because the patient ordinarily does not volunteer the information that they have become blind , but he furthermore misleads his entourage by behaving and talking as though they were sighted . patient male 1 The patient swears they 're really dead and he collected their tags himself . patient male 3 His mother 's friend gave him an " old , clapped - out electric guitar " and , when living in Fitzroy , he began singing at local pubs . friend female 2 Her natural friend is Jacob(Jake)Ely and she made a new friend , Jennifer(Jen)Kenworthy . friend female 1 Her friend , Violet , visits her and she tries to convince her of going for a dancing . friend male 1 Their friend , Crystal Falls ( Camilla Belle ) , flirts with Dean , but he soon realizes that her true intentions are for Dean to retrieve the remaining drugs in Troy 's home and refuses to cooperate . friend male 1 A friend of his drove him to and from classes , and he lived by the university at the time . friend female 1 One friend connected her with French and Belgian prisoners and in 1943 , she met Georg Groscurth , a doctor whose patients included Rudolf Hess and who was one of the founders of the German resistance group , the European Union . friend male 2 The first postmaster was Charles F. Segerstrom , and he had the post office in his home . postmaster male 8 While Goren was still in school , a friend introduced him to music sequencers , and he began writing music with one in his spare time . friend male 3 Her father 's friend was not the only one who has tracked her down , and before he died , he tells Laine , " Hide the Pooch " . friend female 1 A friend of his allegedly really saw a spirit form materialised , and she took the position that spirits and spirit affliction are real and not matters of metaphor , symbolism or psychology . friend male 2 The jeweller friend arrives from Athens and he makes the paste version and Pyne gives the original back to Mrs Peters while he goes off to pass the copy to the kidnappers and collect her son . friend female 1 A friend prompted her in 1911 to make a series of postcards portraying the city , and she chose twelve scenes , painting them in impressionistic style . friend male 3 In 1993 a friend introduced him to Spotted Saddle Horses , a related breed , and he switched to training them in his own stables , located outside Shelbyville , Tennessee . friend female 7 While in elementary school , Tanemura 's friend lent her a copy of " Ribon " , and she became fascinated with its childish art style , later convincing her mother 's co - worker to buy her a copy . friend female 1 The patient had refused both standard treatment and an experimental protocol , but after the cancer spread to her spine , she discontinued Gonzalez 's treatment and received chemotherapy and external beam radiation . patient male 4 Around that time a friend of his got him interested in theater and he became a noted playwright on Broadway in the 1920s . friend male 4 Lead single " My Friend " received radio play across the nation , and he hit the road again for his A Friend on the Road tour . Friend male 1 A friend described him as unmistakably Irish American and he suspected it would used against him in the mostly Mexican American electorate so he embraced it by campaigning on March 17 , 1978 , friend female 1 Her friend convinces her to go out dressed as a highschool girl , and she ends up accidentally bumping into her stepbrother Tooru . friend female 2 Her best friend , Jiang Xiao Nan ( Michelle Chen ) wants Jia Di to fall in love and she tries to set Jia Di up . friend female 3 Meanwhile , a friend informs Vaidehi of Raghu 's true intentions , and so she escapes from his henchmen . friend male 5 He is Flynn 's only friend and the two seem quite close , but he actually enjoys playing jokes on Flynn just as much as everyone else does , and even sets up a few himself . friend male 2 His best friend is Danny and he has a crush on Lori . friend male 6 After Christopher Robin , his closest friend is Piglet , and he most often chooses to spend his time with one or both of them . friend male 10 Despite the doctor 's failure in assisting him , the patient tells the doctor that he 's not at fault , and that he should n't feel ashamed . patient female 1 The hunter dressed the girl 's wounds and she recovered . hunter male 1 Her friend was not so lucky ; his entire body was disfigured like Melody 's arm and he died after playing it . friend male 3 Reynolds ' boyhood friend and personal assistant Albert Bailey " Ab " Walker had stayed over after the party , and he reported that he heard a gunshot from downstairs and immediately afterwards Holman ran to the balcony and shouted , " Smith 's killed himself ! " friend male 2 A family friend introduced Davidson to horses , and he began attending Pony Club events . friend female 23 According to author Mary Gaitskill , at a dinner date in which she and LeRoy were to meet , instead , JT 's friend , Speedie , sat down , and she and Gaitskill had a long conversation . " friend male 2 The first patient is Herbert Georg Beutler , and he believes that he is Sir Isaac Newton . patient male 2 The third patient is Johann Wilhelm Möbius , and he believes that he is regularly visited by the biblical King Solomon . patient male 18 The video depicts Patrick Monahan , Ken Jeong , George Lopez and Jim Breuer finding out that their friend , Marshawn Lynch , is getting married and that he did not invite them . friend male 6 How no one believed this new friend was real and that he was responsible for the bad things that were happening . friend male 2 The school superintendent was short - handed for instructors and asked him to fill in as a teacher , and he agreed to try it on an interim basis , with the mining company 's permission . superintendent female 16 Cait is a strong willed teenager , who feels alone on the island - her best friend is growing up in the wrong crowd and she does not want to be a part of their toxic behavior . friend male 4 In December 1880 another patient , Miss Stack , died after treatment by Cream , and he subsequently attempted to blackmail a pharmacist who had filled the actual prescription . patient male 1 The patient did not talk in rhyme , nor did he read poetry . patient female 1 The patient keeps talking and , although House says it 's not medically relevant , she asks that she tell her anyway . patient female 2 Her best friend is Kasumi , and she is in love with Pars . friend male 1 His friend , however , did n't help the killer and instead , he informed his own father . friend male 7 At the age of 18 , a friend asked Billings to play one of his songs and sing at his wedding and he reluctantly agreed . friend male 2 An old friend then invited him to participate in the volleyball campaign , and he became part of the men 's " standing " team , where his height of gave him a distinct advantage . friend male 1 A friend of Bowden , Police Chief Mark Dutton , attempts to intervene on Bowden 's behalf , but he can not prove Cady guilty of any crime . friend male 30 The boy , then , is presumed dead , since most had no vital signs and his body is released to the morgue , but he wakes up and his friend who was the burial takes you to a distant hospital and he recovers from injury , but is out of memory . friend female 2 Michael 's friend from past , Virginia Harrison , was in love with Michael and she often used her son Jimmy Harrison to get what she wanted . friend female 13 After impact against the embankment , but before catching fire , a flight attendant attempted to hold and operate a fire extinguisher , but she did n't succeed because it was already very hot . attendant male 7 He told an officer that a female friend had lied to him and that he had nowhere else to go . friend female 3 Her only " friend " during that ordeal became food , and she became somewhat overweight , but later lost the weight due to anorexia . friend male 1 A friend suggested he resume playing football on a part - time basis , and he joined Walton & Hersham of the Isthmian League Division One South . friend female 2 My best friend , Marta Mobley , was running Corman Studios back then , and she asked me to do it . friend female 4 One day Lakshmi 's friend comes to meet Karthik 's wife , not knowing the history , and she criticises the family for marrying a maid to their son . friend male 2 Max 's friend , Gus Cleary ( Ben Barrack ) comes to stay and he becomes involved with Boyd 's aunt , Izzy Hoyland ( Natalie Bassingthwaighte ) . friend male 1 Another friend of the guys , Jojje , talks about how alcohol will destroy them in time , but that he does n't worry much about it right now . friend female 6 At the same time , his friend and dealer , Phyllis Kind , opened a gallery in Soho in New York City and she moved Hendon 's work from her Chicago gallery to New York . friend male 8 Jessica is sympathetic when Karl reveals an old friend has died and that he would like to end their night early . friend female 9 Jennifer 's emotional instability was witnessed when a young patient died and she kissed student , Hunter McKay ( Lee Donoghue ) and it was revealed Jennifer 's niece had died under her surveillance . patient male 4 Ironically , his best friend , Leonardo Vetra , is a priest , and he has a great respect for him . friend male 2 A family friend and school teacher gave Dixon violin lessons and by the time he was 14 he could also play the guitar . friend female 23 Canham only decided to create it after experiencing a recurring dream about a damsel in distress being rescued by two bowmen ; a friend convinced her to translate the idea into a book , and after further research , she decided to make " Through a Dark Mist " about a new invented character who could conceivably have been the father of the famous outlaw . friend female 1 Her friend decided to move to Europe , and she offered the business to Volz . friend male 10 Gorske claimed that he first tried a Whopper after his friend bet him $ 5 to do so and that he then spent the money on Big Macs . friend male 1 A friend in the US persuaded him to take out a US patent on his detector but he did not actively pursue it and allowed it to lapse . " friend female 2 Her best friend is Cira , and she is beginning to fall in love with Cira 's brother , Catcher . friend female 4 In 1970 , a friend loaned DeFeo a Mamiya camera , and with the help of photography students in her art classes , she learned how to develop film and make prints . friend female 1 Her friend shows the pictures to her and she sees that Aman was n't there . friend male 1 His friend and poet , Asim Randeri helped him and he presented his first ever Mushayara , recitation of Gazals , on All India Radio in Mumbai in 1936 . friend male 3 Ronny 's best friend , Tariq Larousi ( Nabil Elouahabi ) , overhears their conversation and he forces Zoe to inform Ronny about Kelly 's past . friend female 24 In the end , both come out from the shutter and Bhujanga goes into home where he comes to know that his daughter 's friend has opened the lock and that she knows everything but did not revealed it to everyone . friend male 23 On June 25 , 1955 , largely the result of the recent " Brown v. Board of Education " ruling , Hoxie 's superintendent , Kunkel Edward Vance , spearheaded plans to integrate the schools , and he received the unanimous support of Hoxie 's school board . superintendent male 1 A friend of the friend was a Camden police officer and he " got into a fight with a girl ; she died and he needed to get the car out of Jersey " . friend female 16 When Snow returned from his secret visit to Mao Zedong 's headquarters in Shaanxi , a friend shared the manuscript of his Red Star Over China with Gong , and she saw Mao for the first time in the short films Snow shot . friend female 7 Juan claims that Elisabeth knew her best friend would die and that she always knew whose house it was . friend male 1 The hunter had used the cherry and the bottle , but he still had them . " hunter male 2 His best friend used to be Tatiana , but now that Malena and he are in love , he does n't spend so much time with her . friend male 1 A friend persuaded Ms. Mbenya to go out and talk to Vukwana , but when she opened the door , he shot her point blank in the head , killing her instantly . friend female 1 A friend of her mother 's takes her to the hospital , where she recovers , but because of the procedure she will not be able to bear children anymore . friend male 1 A friend encouraged him to take up rugby as well , and he soon excelled at that as well . friend male 1 A friend of Molyneux 's asked him to convert " Druid II : Enlightenment " to the Amiga , and he and Edgar exaggerated their abilities . friend male 2 His best friend is Michael Kelso , and he shares a " younger brother " type relationship with Hyde and Eric . friend male 5 The next day , a friend drives him to the Texas School Book Depository and he puts a wrapped package in the backseat . friend male 13 Ilam is too tongue - tied to convey to the doctor that the patient is the valet and not the painter , and finally he goes along with events , foreseeing a permanent escape from his irksome celebrity . patient male 3 However , his friend , Edward Francis Hutton , incorrectly convinced Livermore not to close his position , and he wound up losing $ 40,000 . friend male 5 In summer 2000 , a friend helped pull Arnett out of his battle with alcoholism , and he began to get his career back on track . friend male 3 The service station attendant told everyone to lie down and he locked the main doors . attendant female 1 His friend , the critic Eugène Montrosier , arranged an introduction and from then , she and Félix were inseparable . friend male 1 The superintendent of the company , James Perry , oversaw the work , but although he was a good manager , he had no experience of canal construction and so Clowes ' task was both difficult and onerous . superintendent male 7 Back in DR Congo , an English hunter named Nigel Putnam ( Gary Stretch ) successfully captures the giant crocodile when it attempts to eat him and he injects his tranquilizer darts into its mouth . hunter female 2 Her closest friend is Jarrod , and she 's in a secret relationship with Paul , Jarrod 's younger brother . friend female 3 Ginger ’s only friend is Alex , and she has begun questioning how she feels about her . friend male 1 A friend had a copy of Metallica 's Black album and he played the song " The Unforgiven . " friend female 1 A friend of mine lost a sister to suicide and she gave me a tealight candle holder ... and I went into the lounge room and lit a candle , sat down and started writing a song that was a tribute to her . friend male 2 Although his friend and former bandmate Michael Ward added some guitar tracks , and he had a little help on percussion , Clayton friend female 3 Catty 's best friend is Vanessa and unlike her , she is not shy about using her power . friend male 3 A blonde fortune hunter , Joyce Mannering ( Marilyn Monroe ) , is trying to attract Victor , but he 's only interested in winning back Miriam . hunter male 6 The narrator then asks whether the friend was " furious " or if he told his loved one that he loves her . friend female 2 Her best friend is Gaby , and she has a romantic relationship with Gaby 's brother Alex . friend male 5 In 2006 , his good friend and ex - teammate René Vandereycken became the Red Devils ' coach , and he invited Demol to become its assistant manager . friend female 4 In 1997 a good friend introduced her to Adobe Photoshop and she quickly became known for her colorful , high contrast photos and graphics . friend female 3 Perplexed , her friend asked for an explanation , and she answered , " You know , storm the church . ' friend female 8 Things change when Bagas realizes that his best friend , Rafi ( Fachri Albar ) , is also pursuing Alexandria , and that she may like him as well . friend male 1 Each user has a single job , and he needs to choose a single machine to process it . user male 2 Victor 's friend , Douglas Austin , went to Kansas , and he urged Hope to return to Genoa City and to Victor . friend male 1 This friend was also an artist , and he committed this crime because of envy . friend female 2 A close friend was Amélie Rives Troubetzkoy and she frequently stayed at her home , Castle Hill , where she did some of her writing . friend male 38 Doctor Vadim Rudolfovich ( Sergei Svetlakov ) works at a clinic where the patients are separated into two rooms : one patient 's ( Anna Sergeyevna ) treatment is paid for by the government , while the other patient ( Igor Anatolyevich ) pays out of his own pocket . patient male 29 Forgive and Forget is a 2000 British made - for - television film in which a young latent gay man confronts his sexuality and increasing jealousy when his best friend moves in with his new girlfriend . friend male 27 It is revealed that Aranes is Arviragus ' long lost son , whom he recognizes from a bracelet , and that he is still alive , his friend Alvarez having died in his place . friend female 2 The positive patient arrived with her husband on Sunday , 1 March without symptoms , at the Juan Santamaría airport , they visited Alajuela and Puntarenas , so investigations were carried out from these areas to follow up on contacts , as well as 152 people traveling on the flight that brought them to the country . patient female 1 The patient was a woman in her 20s from Norfolk County . patient male 10 Crotwell decided to return to the United States when a friend taking a leave of absence from his position at Duke University asked if she would like to serve as the associate to the Methodist campus minister there . friend female 1 The patient was a woman in her 20s from Norfolk County , who had recently traveled to Italy with a school group from Saint Raphael Academy in Pawtucket , Rhode Island . patient female 3 Harding 's close friend Stephanie Quintero , with whom she was living , spoke to reporters on her behalf : friend male 32 The Eden Group delivered the underlying operating system , and the hardware was designed by Mutech Ltd. For its time the PenPad had a relatively successful handwriting recognition system , where the user would ' train ' the PenPad with his own handwriting . user male 23 The story ever revolving around Manas , Mani , and Mauni switches back to Manas , where it is revealed that his childhood friend Sneha played by Meghana Raj has stepped into his life . friend female 4 However , her close friend , opera star Maria Cebotari , secured for her work in the Italian film industry . friend female 17 Although unable to identify the man in the recording , they were pleased to know that their friend had once had some fun in her life . friend male 1 The patient had no history of travel in the days before his admission to the hospital , which implies that the virus might be active in the New York area . patient male 5 In his senior year a friend told him about a team at MIT that used special mathematical techniques to win at blackjack . friend male 1 The patient was the sole member of his family to be exposed to the bat , yet three members of his family became ill with the virus . patient male 6 In his comment , Hoppe 's friend and Mises Institute supervisor Murray Rothbard wrote that Hoppe 's theory was " a dazzling breakthrough for political philosophy in general and for libertarianism in particular " and that Hoppe , " has managed to transcend the famous is / ought , fact / value dichotomy that has plagued philosophy since the days of the Scholastics , and that had brought modern libertarianism into a tiresome deadlock " . friend female 19 She stated in the book " Architects of art therapy : Memoirs and life stories " that her sole friend from childhood died her eighth grade year . friend male 24 He clarifies that the internal maternal image is not based solely on the real mother , but is rather influenced by all relations the patient has throughout his life . patient male 5 After his surgery , his friend and co - producer Albin Nedler visited him at the hospital . friend male 16 Bruce reveals in an interview that , before his own bout with amnesia , a close friend suffered from short - term amnesia after a sporting accident ; this experience inspired the friend to change his life completely and move to Bali to become " a healer " . friend male 2 A close friend of Oswald Mosley , Forgan was godfather to his son Michael . friend male 0 Friend spent time during his retirement in South Africa and Australia . Friend female 8 On the day of her marriage , her friend tells her about A. K. Hangal 's prediction for her . friend male 13 However , his advanced taste in the visual arts – he was a friend of John Ruskin and an admirer of Turner – did not transfer to his musical interests , which were highly conventional : friend male 0 Friend lives in Macy , Indiana with his wife , Ann Friend . Friend male 7 It was on this trip that a friend nicknamed him " Kintaro , " which means " Golden Boy , " because of his blond hair . friend male 4 Probably the most famous user of proverbs in novels is J. R. R. Tolkien in his " The Hobbit " and " The Lord of the Rings " series . user female 1 The patient lives with her family , takes care of the household , and does art and crafts , which she is currently selling , and is very happy with the procedure . patient female 2 The second patient had no trace of mitral regurgitation ( MR ) in her family history , but had slight hypotonia . patient female 5 To her outrage , her friend , Grace has enlisted Franky as costume designer . friend male 5 Until one day , his friend flees from his debts and workload , leaving Jung - woo to face the angry creditors , one of whom takes Jung - woo 's precious guitar . friend female 3 With one flight attendant blown from the cabin to her death and 65 others injured , the aircraft was able to make a successful emergency landing at Kahului Airport , on Maui . attendant male 5 After his death , his friend and literary executor , Max Allan Collins , began editing and completing Spillane 's unpublished typescripts , beginning with a non - series novel , " Dead Street " ( 2007 ) . friend male 1 Another friend , Joe Frisco , then drove him to his home . friend female 17 She recovered to some degree and lived quietly at her home in Berea , Kentucky ; a friend reported on her 90th birthday , " Jean has been living quietly in Berea for the last few years , in good spirits and well cared for by neighbors and family . friend male 21 In particular , Frederick W. Brock spoke against the use of an amblyoscope during training , because in his view the patient needed to take the correct binocular posture ( aiming the two eyes such that they simultaneously look at the same target in space ) when fusing , otherwise the training would not be likely to succeed . patient male 4 Toms 's high school friend and former roommate Mike Hogan was the best man at his wedding . friend male 4 In 1928 , his friend , composer Heitor Villa - Lobos , dedicated to him the second of his " Chôros bis " ( W 227 ) and Jean Absil , his Chaconne for solo violin Op.69 ( 1949 ) . friend male 7 It was on this trip that a friend nicknamed him the " Kintarō , " which means " Golden Boy , " because of his blond hair . friend female 7 Bower began his professional career when his friend Laura Michelle Kelly , recommended him to her agent . friend male 2 A family friend sexually molested him from infancy into his teenage years . friend male 2 Savitri 's friend , who is also her brother 's fiancé , comes in with his father ( A. K. Hangal ) , an astrology expert . friend male 1 The friend and collaborator of many modernist figures , he was the lover of dancer Maja Kruscek in his early youth and was later married to Swedish artist and poet Greta Knutson . friend male 5 After Spade leaves , his friend returns to his regular occupation -- a rental agent for the housing development . friend male 30 After finishing their first screenplay , a dark comedy called " Do n't Call Unless The Maid Dies " originally titled " Sand Traps and Eskimo Pies " , a friend of theirs submitted it to his literary agent , Gayla Nethercott . friend male 39 Criticizing the film for " being merely distracting when it could have been both meaningful and instructive " , Robert Humanick of " Slant Magazine " wrote , " Small potatoes , then , when Simba 's former childhood friend and betrothed queen Nala ... unexpectedly reappears in his duty - free , protein - rich life , demanding he return to his kingly responsibilities and coaxing the lion to sleep tonight with arguably the most blatant ' fuck me now ' face to ever appear in a PG - rated film . " friend male 2 The standing user employs the " roof " of the desk of the sitting user as his ( or her ) work surface . user male 14 As of 2008 , Kedersha was the all - time top - grossing Metacafe user , having earned more than $ 120,000 for his series of instructional videos . user male 6 Shortly after his return , a friend introduced him to Avalon Hill 's new wargame " Gettysburg " , and Gygax was soon obsessed with the game , often playing marathon sessions once a week or more . friend male 1 A hunter of Ba'kelalan was chasing a wild boar with his dogs . hunter male 6 A month later , the same hunter from Long Bawan gave a chase to a wild boar with his dogs . hunter male 2 The Ba'kelalan hunter claimed the wild boar as his own . hunter male 19 According to history , the cultivation of yam among the people of Asogli started when the yam that the hunter hid during his hunting expedition later germinated and grew bigger . hunter male 22 One version Sambourne recounts about the events leading to his introduction to " Punch " 's editor Mark Lemon is that his friend and fellow employee at Penn 's , Alfred German Reed , showed one of his sketches to his father , the theatrical impresario Thomas German Reed . friend female 8 Revathi refuses to go , so her orphan friend Susanna ( Radha ) goes in her place to fulfill his wish . friend male 3 Moyne 's parliamentary friend and cousin in law , Henry ' Chips ' Channon M.P. wrote in his diary : friend male 6 Immediately after his death , a friend of Bennett 's posted a blog through the musician 's MySpace account , saying that Bennett had " been in a really good place these last few years . " friend male 6 On August 1 , Zioncheck 's friend and ally , King County Prosecutor Warren G. Magnuson , took him at his word regarding his retirement plans and filed to run for Zioncheck 's House seat . friend female 14 Aside from her work with Clue and Jay - Z , Carey 's longtime friend and background singer Trey Lorenz also took part in the song 's production . friend female 0 Superintendent of the county , John Dilworth , lauded Carr for her work encouraging active education and community membership in students . Superintendent male 2 As his friend and competitor Vsevolod Meyerhold would do later during his own imprisonment , Kurbas organized a camp theater and was even in touch with the author of one of the plays he staged to discuss dramaturgical decisions . friend male 14 The image of Doherty and Barât entwined , Barât looking up protectively as his friend leans into his shoulder , on the front of their second album , has been called by Anthony Thornton " one of the most iconic rock images of the last decade " . friend female 6 Of her death , her close friend the philosopher William James wrote , " She leaves a dreadful vacuum in Boston . friend male 12 Lee was sentenced to three years for unlawful wounding , and his friend , Alan Lake , received eighteen months for his role in the brawl . friend male 40 A very common Uralic myth is where a hunter ( Finnish Lemminkäinen , Mari Salij ) travels to the underworld in order to marry a woman and comes across the primordial waterbird on the river of the underworld , the hunter shoots the waterbird with his bow , but the waterbird escapes and terrible things happen to the hunter . hunter female 9 The fact that , during her therapy , the patient alludes to a doctor , who had in fact done nothing to help her , is no mere chance . patient female 20 Since she was divorced , this was not straightforward in the Church of England at the time , but a friend , the Rev. Peter Bide , performed the ceremony at her bed in the Churchill Hospital on 21 March 1957 . friend female 14 McClymont was first discovered in 1992 , at age eleven , when a family friend heard her sing in front of the mirror at her home and told Brooke 's mother that she should put her into the Jacaranda Talent Quest in Grafton . friend male 6 On his return to London a friend advanced the money for him to study in Milan with Giuseppe Borgatti . friend male 10 Ruegamer has a Basque family friend and has helped the friend castrate lamb with his teeth . friend male 10 The duo first met in 2007 , after AK 's friend brought Issa to his house one day to smoke marijuana , where they clicked instantly and discussed psychedelic drugs , which they would later do together along with fellow Brooklyn rappers Meechy Darko and Zombie Juice , two of the Flatbush Zombies . friend male 1 A friend of Douglas Adams since Cambridge , Allen gave the eulogy at his funeral . friend male 1 The hunter became a rich man and his descendants ( tribe ) from his time is called Bayulins ( rich ) . hunter female 1 Her friend also collected glass bottles from her own mother to get money for the abortion . friend male 4 For example , a patient spent 45 minutes with his hands on a lawn mower , totally unable to initiate the act of mowing . patient female 1 Her friend also collected glass bottles from her own mother to get money for the abortion . friend male 2 Iftikharuddin ’s friend and ally , paid a tribute to him through his poetry friend male 1 The user has got everything under his control . user male 33 Slade is told by his superior officer , the enigmatic Mother Dirt , that he has been brought back to help maintain " Status Q " , and to ensure that Slade 's friend and former agent Spartacus Hughes fails in his attempts to disrupt the " Status Q " . friend male 14 Even ' apparent improvement may be based on a manic defence : " The patient exploits us in his own way instead of being fully analysed " ' . patient male 11 Kitzhaber indicated that Saxton 's significant experience as Tigard - Tualatin superintendent was a key factor in his selection . superintendent male 16 Although Jones feared a backlash for being a communist , he was surprised when a Methodist superintendent ( whom he had not met through the American Communist Party ) helped him into the church , despite his knowledge that Jones was a communist . superintendent male 3 was a Polish sociologist and economist noted for his studies of the British working classes . sociologist male 2 A close friend of Rebekah Brooks , Cameron had also hired Andy Coulson as his communications director before Coulson was implicated in , and later arrested for his role in , the phone hacking . friend male 20 The " Audio Chord Wizard " , released with the 2007 version of BIAB , made it possible for a user choose any audio song from his computer ; the Audio Chord Wizard then analyzes it and writes out the names of all the chords for it such as Fm7 or G7b9 ; however , if the imported song is not correctly tuned to standard pitch , the error rate is high . user male 12 No decisions regarding medical separation or retirement will be made until the patient in question is through the recovery and rehabilitation phase of his treatment . patient male 2 As the hunter gloats in his trophy room , the unicorn laments being a " pathetic , broken down pony " with a " gory wound on [ her ] face " , and is left distraught over the loss of her magic . hunter female 4 Meanwhile , her best friend , Agatha , is the complete opposite of her , with her clumps ( shoes ) , sulky attitude , and ugly face , as well as the fact that she lives in a graveyard , so , therefore , is deemed by the villagers to be a perfect candidate for the School for Evil . friend female 16 In the years of the so - called “ strategy of tension , ” d’Eramo ’s friend , Camilla Cederna ( a Milanese journalist ) brought to her attention the case of Giangiacomo Feltrinelli , the famous publisher who , according to the official version and the police , was blown up while placing an explosive under a high - voltage pole . friend male 5 After the incident García 's friend , Palito Ortega , took Charly to his country estate in Buenos Aires Province , where Ortega helped him to begin a treatment with several doctors and psychiatrists to cure his addiction . friend female 28 She states that between the failure of " Y Kant Tori Read " and her successful solo career she was detained by German police while travelling because a friend ( and co - traveller ) had marijuana on her person . friend male 8 The night before Buddy Miles died , a friend called him on his cell phone so he could hear Winwood and Clapton perform his best known song " Them Changes " . friend female 22 Five years after Bob Miller 's death , Dot met her second husband , Lon Stephens Moore of Missouri , when a friend invited him over to her Dauphin Street home . friend female 1 A patient of Charlie Teo 's , Sally White , has written of her experiences in " Three Quotes From A Plumber : How a Second Opinion Changed the Life of a Woman with a Brain Tumour " Teo has also been featured in several TV programs including the ABC 's " Q&A " , " Good Medicine " , " 60 Minutes " , " Last Chance Surgery " , " Australian Story " , " Enough Rope " and " Anh 's Brush with Fame " . patient female 1 A friend established a Facebook group in her honor ; by 2010 its membership was about 4,000 . friend male 6 65 years after his death the postmaster decided to abbreviate the name to Hermanus . postmaster male 3 Thatcher 's close friend and former Parliamentary Private Secretary Ian Gow resigned from his Treasury post in protest at the Agreement . friend female 1 Close friend , mob wife Lynda Milito , the widow of murdered Gambino crime family mobster Liborio Milito said in her biography , " Michael DeBatt was n't being allowed to earn with Sammy . friend male 4 Noting that his beloved friend is unhappy with his choice , the Emperor tries to lighten the mood by having the Poet recite his works . friend female 3 Janis 's best friend , Tricia Kennedy , moved from Ottawa to Chalk River , Ontario with her family . friend female 3 Emma Mundella ’s friend , the composer Sir John Stainer , wrote in her obituary : friend female 4 One day her old friend from college Abinash ( Ghosh ) comes into her life . friend female 1 Her friend , Dr. Edgar Hewett named the Peabody House ( or the Spruce Tree House ) in her honor . friend female 14 Health officials also announced the second coronavirus death in Santa Clara County ; the patient was a woman in her 80s who was hospitalized on March 9 . patient male 2 Golsby ’s friend and the mother of his child also testified about his confessions to them . friend male 10 At the end , Keval 's ( Shahrukh Khan ) friend comes to his home and his family accepts him as the second Keval . friend female 25 Knight consequently developed a taste for adventure and crime - fighting , and after finding a " black light ray projector " that a family friend named Professor Davis sent to her father , she adopted the device as a weapon . friend female 1 Gender sociologist and author , Raewyn Connell , discusses in her 2009 book , Gender , how masculinity is dangerous , heterosexual , violent and authoritative . sociologist male 8 During his later years , Torres ' close friend , a priest named Juan Martínez Sirvent , lent him a hand in his workshop . friend male 17 On his third attempt , in March 1846 , to penetrate the Otway area , the district superintendent for Port Philip Bay , Charles La Trobe , encountered seven Gadubanud men and women in the Aire Valley . superintendent male 5 At age 16 , a friend suggested the name " Sluggo " , because of his supposed resemblance to the character in the comic strip " Nancy " . friend male 2 When a friend complimented him on his " interesting self - portrait " , he only very reluctantly agreed that he was qualified to play hypochondriac ! friend male 2 When his friend took it into his hand , out of curiosity to see what companion a man of letters had chosen , ' I have but one book , ' said Collins , ' but that is the best . ' " friend male 2 Freud 's friend and pupil Carl Jung frequently discusses Gilgamesh in his early work " Symbole der Wandlung " ( 1911–1912 ) . friend female 17 Leaving Victor seated in his chair , the nurses walk into the distance , with Eliza 's friend retrieving from her pocket a condom , prompting laughter from both . friend male 20 In 2003 " Nightmare Stage " hosted Dennis Rodman who came to Zagreb solely for the program after a Croatian friend brought the show to his attention via internet streaming . friend male 18 After typing PASSWORD , the system turns off the printing mechanism , if possible , so that the user may type in his password with privacy . " user male 5 Recognizing his talent , the superintendent of the school transferred him at his own expense to the Battersea Polytechnic to study art . superintendent male 2 A close friend of Lyndon Johnson and his family , Hughes participated in his inauguration in 1965 , took part in the book signing of Lady Bird Johnson 's White House memoirs , and participated in the dedication of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum . friend female 1 Her friend , painter Janet Marren , had " fallen in love " with San Cristóbal upon her arrival there and invited Jacobson to visit . friend male 0 Friend died unexpectedly at his home in O'Hara Township , outside of Pittsburgh on February 3 , 2019 from cardiac arrest at the age of 88 . Friend male 11 Hareem is engaged to Fahad before many people , but her friend Areeba ominously asks Fahad about his previous engagement to Areesha . friend male 8 On April 28 , 2016 , Penniman 's friend , Bootsy Collins , stated on his Facebook page that , " he is not in the best of health so I ask all the Funkateers to lift him up . " friend male 1 The patient also required allografts to his chest and abdomen and autografts to his face and left lower extremity . patient male 6 It is generally believed that another friend , Adolf von Wilbrandt , took him as the model for the bisexual character " Fridolin " in his novel " Fridolins heimliche Ehe " ( Fridolin 's Secret Marriage ) , which was published in 1875 in Vienna . friend female 2 Steph 's friend , Niall Rafferty ( Barry Sloane ) falls madly in love with her and attempts to come between them . friend male 11 As a young man Fauré had been very cheerful ; a friend wrote of his " youthful , even somewhat child - like , mirth . " friend male 20 This was despite calls for action in 1989 , after a serious high - speed crash in which Senna 's friend , Gerhard Berger , suffered burns to his hand . friend male 2 The old friend restores the husband 's supremacy in his home by pointing out to the misguided wife the dangers inherent in suppressing innocent and fashionable pleasures in the name of an exaggerated devotion . friend male 3 Par , a friend of Bartolomeo asks him for his help in a planned insurrection ; the common people of the ship 's blue - collar " lower decks " desire to leave Argonos and live on Antioch in order to escape their lives of unending drudgery on the Argonos . friend female 1 a friend of Bogart and Methot — recalled , in her later years , attending a dinner party at which Methot drunkenly brandished a pistol and threatened to shoot Bogart . friend male 14 Guessing that the doctor is headed on foot towards the Inuit village , the trapper heads there in his boat . trapper female 1 Longtime friend and collaborator D'arcy Wretzky labeled the track as her " favorite Ivy song " . friend male 12 She was politically informed , seeing that Abraham Lincoln was a close friend of the Davis family and her husband served as his campaign manager and a Supreme Court justice . friend male 8 He vows to kill Kemp after his old friend alerts Inspector Lane to his whereabouts and despite intensive police protection surrounding Kemp , Griffin eventually makes good on his threats . friend female 25 In a time of superstition and magic , when wolves are seen as demonic and nature an evil to be tamed , a young apprentice hunter , Robyn , comes to Ireland with her father to wipe out the last pack . hunter male 5 After his defeat , a friend tries to comfort him by telling him that at least he 'll get a book out of it . friend male 28 Game may be driven to a trap ; to a fall that will kill it , such as over a cliff ; or to a position where the hunter may make the kill with his weapon . hunter male 2 Another longtime friend , Bobby Knight , hired Ellenberger as his lead assistant at Indiana University , where he coached for ten seasons , from 1990 to 2000 . friend male 17 In all , Bhutto knew that Pakistan had become a nuclear weapon state in 1978 when his friend Munir Ahmad Khan paid a visit to him in his jail cell . friend male 1 His friend , Prakashis framed for his murder and is sentenced to life imprisonment . friend male 1 His friend , Anti Corn Law campaigner Richard Cobden was his son 's godfather . friend female 9 She supposedly had advance notice that her husband 's friend would be smuggling drugs into her homeland . friend male 3 An old Army friend , Ulysses S. Grant , interceded on his behalf , and he returned to Virginia in 1866 . friend male 1 The friend passes it on to his daughter , who is the princess 's favorite servant . friend female 5 Tomoko 's 24-year - old friend , lives with her older brother , an archaeologist . friend male 8 His musical career started in 1972 when his friend , the late Delroy " Smooth Operator " Wilson , listened to his music and recorded friend male 18 Marion Joseph Levy Jr. ( December 12 , 1918 – May 26 , 2002 ) was an American sociologist noted for his work on modernization theory . sociologist male 1 His friend the singer Manu Chao , dedicated a song to him , " Helno Est Mort , " on his album " Sibérie m'était contéee " . friend female 6 In her free time , the patient makes faces " . " patient male 11 According to the Worcester District Attorney 's office , a family friend found Fidrych dead beneath his ten - wheel dump truck at his Northborough home around 2:30 p.m. on April 13 , 2009 . friend male 2 A squatter friend asks for his help in negotiating with the land census bureau to regularize a land title . friend female 0 Sociologist and economist Juliet Schor uses the term in her best selling 1992 book " The Overspent American : Why We Want What We Do n't Need " to describe processes of competitive , status - conscious consumption driven by dissatisfaction . Sociologist male 7 Throughout his 13-year expedition , Lewis ' friend , cinematographer Kenny Brown , collected many hundreds of hours of footage , and has compiled the work into a feature - length documentary titled , " The Expedition " . friend male 17 Oliver Cromwell Cox ( 24 August 1901 – 4 September 1974 ) was a Trinidadian - American sociologist noted for his early Marxist viewpoint on fascism . sociologist male 0 Superintendent of Police , Raj Sinha ( Sunil Shetty ) , along with his wife , Suman ( Karisma Kapoor ) , her mother ( Aruna Irani ) , and his young son , Bunty , are coming for a visit . Superintendent male 8 In the song , the character 's best friend dies in his arms in battle , later suffers a divorce and shares tragedy with a new wife who miscarries twice . friend male 7 Soon after opening , Dante 's best friend , wisecracking slacker Randal Graves , arrives for his own workday at the video rental store next door . friend male 3 Instead Roosevelt 's friend , the American businessman Myron C. Taylor , represented the U.S. with James G. McDonald as his advisor . friend male 4 As long as a user does not have " .otpw " in his home directory , the one - time - password facility has not been activated for him . user male 14 When treating the patients with the method , doctors correct some wrong information the patient might have about his disease , such as their catastrophic beliefs or imminent disaster by the feared phobia . patient female 4 Soon a witch - hunter , Tom Carter , enters the cave in search of her . hunter female 7 At the age of 15 , a friend gave her the nickname " Noonie Bao " because of her appearance . friend male 5 His arms robust the hardy hunter flung around his bending horns , and upward wrung , with writhing force his neck retorted round , and rolled the panting monster to the ground , crushed , with enormous strength , his bony skull ; and courtiers hailed the man who turned the bull . " hunter male 1 The patient then turns over on his stomach while large quantities of mucus are produced from the nose and mouth . patient male 3 An end - user in a time sharing system could submit a job interactively from his remote terminal ( remote job entry ) , communicate with the operators to warn them of special requirements , and query the system as to its progress . user male 2 His closest friend , George Mouzalon , was a page in his retinue during their childhood . friend male 22 She finds a scrap book of press cuttings surrounding Victor 's death in Glynis 's kitchen drawer and realises that her new friend is responsible for his demise . friend male 16 In January 1855 Moorhouse had the duties of comptroller of the Destitute Poor Establishment , and superintendent of the Female Immigrant Depot added to his responsibilities as Protector of Aborigines . superintendent male 3 A big game hunter named Colonel Rimfire is visiting an African jungle in his robotic elephant , Ella , but bemoans the fact that he has n't seen anything worth shooting since he arrived . hunter male 5 That evening , Bennell 's friend , Jack Belicec , finds a body with his exact physical features , though it appears not fully developed ; later , another body is found in Becky 's basement that is her exact duplicate . friend male 4 The Canadian fur - trapper and explorer David Thompson visited the area in the early 19th Century during his searches for a route to the Pacific Ocean . trapper female 5 At her memorial , her friend and former bandmate Tracey Lamb read the eulogy . friend male 18 His first film - making experience was in third grade with his brother , Adrian , when a friend borrowed a super-8 movie camera from his parents . friend female 2 Her best friend , Amon Byrne , is the captain of her guard . friend male 9 However , the symbiote bonds with Kraven before the hunter commits suicide with his rifle . hunter male 14 The bone tip is fastened to a length of braided twine meanwhile ; the hunter held the other end of the twine in his hand . hunter female 2 my best friend is Yui Horie 's first single album under her name as well as the first single album released under Pony Canyon . friend male 1 A friend and colleague of Yasujirō Ozu , he directed over 160 films during his career . friend female 1 The patient maintained language comprehension in her three languages , but when asked to produce language , she involuntarily switched between the three languages . patient female 14 Some were also scattered in a churchyard in Binsey near Oxford , where a friend , Edmund Dews , had scattered some of Davy 's ashes after her death . friend male 1 A friend later recalled his last years : " I remember him , a sad old man living alone and forgotten in a small flat . " friend male 39 In " Lines " , Upton is assigned to fill in at the FBI 's New York Office by Voight as punishment for planting drugs in a drug lord 's car to protect Rojas and ensure that Rojas 's friend receives a deal for his participation . friend male 61 The university 's President Panuska noted that " the growth of the university , both in terms of the beauty of its campus and the achievements of its students , was in no small measure due to the efforts of Father Rock , ... [ as ] his contributions to the university as a teacher , administrator , counselor , and friend were exceptional . " friend female 5 is a Dutch - American sociologist noted for her analyses of globalization and international human migration . sociologist male 10 Shunning the wickedness of people , a gentle - hearted hunter moves with his family to a secluded land , where they live a peaceful life . hunter male 6 Soon after his death , a friend was to write that he had , in the last years of his life , been " " visited with some extremely heavy and unnatural family afflictions " " . friend male 1 Every attendant that worked for Eric speaks of his dedication to his patients as well as his business . attendant female 2 When one patient miscarries right in front of her , Margaret appeals to the chief of medicine to provide better prenatal care , but he dismisses her concerns . patient male 1 A friend puts him into his nightclub act , showcasing his weird ability to transform from man to beast so effectively . friend male 5 On 17 August 2008 , Friend scored in his very first game in the Bundesliga , against VfB Stuttgart . Friend male 4 However , once a hunter killed the deer with his rifle . hunter male 7 In his last years , his close friend , the Hungarian - born Marshal of France Ladislas Ignace de Bercheny lived on his estate to provide company . friend male 7 It then bonds with Kraven before the hunter commits suicide with his rifle . hunter female 4 Jang - geum 's friend , Jeong Woon - baek , an eccentric royal physician , disapproves of her decision to pursue medicine in order to take revenge , but , in spite of this , she perseveres and earns herself a post as a female doctor - in - training at the palace . friend male 18 In cases where gastroesophageal reflux disease is identified as the most likely cause of the granuloma , the patient is most commonly an adult man in his 30s or 40s . patient male 6 Following the 1999 Outdoor season , friend and former coach Victor Moreland sent Dalesandro to his former club the Wichita Wings for a trial . friend male 6 In his waking life , a friend named Clinton invites the young man to his family 's house in the country . friend male 12 Ford declared the hoard to the authorities in 1946 after a knowledgeable friend had seen them in his home . friend male 3 The first Berlin patient was a German man in his mid - twenties . patient male 14 Soon after his departure from Three 6 Mafia , Lord Infamous and long time friend and Memphis rapper II Tone formed a new record company , " Black Rain Entertainment " . friend male 13 In Vienna Gemmingen received a friendly welcome : it is possible that his friend Mozart had prepared the ground for his arrival . friend male 2 His good friend and " Uutisvuoto " co - team captain Jari Tervo wrote of his feelings for Tabermann with the following words : " Now I personally know what the price of love is : it is sorrow . " friend male 2 Another leading sociologist , Émile Durkheim , wrote in his classic work " The Division of Labour in Society " that as society becomes more complex , the body of civil law concerned primarily with restitution and compensation grows at the expense of criminal laws and penal sanctions . sociologist male 5 In his view , a patient did not have to be terminally ill to be assisted in committing suicide , but needed to be suffering . patient male 10 In the second verse , it is revealed that the friend is drinking heavily because of his workaholic nature ( " The money you make ai n't worth the time you spend to make your pay " ) . friend female 9 At her place there is already another male " friend " friend male 3 An old seafaring friend of Hamish is waiting in his ship to rescue him , and Rau - Ru guides Amantha to the shore so that Hamish and Amantha can escape together . friend male 13 Richard Paul Taub ( born April 16 , 1937 ) is an American sociologist noted for his research on urban , rural , and community economic development . sociologist female 27 Rachelle Friedman Chapman ( born 1985 , Norfolk , Virginia ) is an American blogger best known for becoming paralyzed after a 2010 accident where her best friend playfully pushed her into a pool during her bachelorette party . friend male 8 He feels her rejection keenly , and his friend Tony Hewlitt ( David ) finds Geoffrey alone in his apartment drinking . friend male 4 But her brother 's friend , Shawn O’Brien , sweeps her off her feet with his Irish charm and dashing good looks . friend male 6 On April 2 , 2015 , Friend died at his home in Coral Springs , Florida . Friend female 8 Her husband , Prakash Hotagi , and a friend came to her rescue . friend male 4 The phrase " the friend of poets " disappeared with his death . friend female 11 On the evening of March 19 , 1988 , her good friend , Susan Smalley , was staying overnight at her house . friend female 5 That is until an old friend from many years ago ( Pardue ) reappears in her life . friend male 2 The construction superintendent was equal in his authority . superintendent male 15 While the book is not wrestling related , the author Jason Strecker is a personal friend of Valiant 's and in the forward Valiant responds to his friendship with the author along with the book 's message of being of strong character and doing positive actions for others . friend female 10 It is clear from Jane Austen 's correspondence that her friend Martha was privy to her great secret — her writing . friend male 16 He spoke against the use of an amblyoscope during training , because in his view the patient needed to take the correct binocular posture ( aiming the two eyes such that they simultaneously look at the same target in space ) when fusing , otherwise the training would not be likely to succeed . patient male 13 In July 1965 , Lynde was involved in an incident in which a friend , another young actor , accidentally fell to his death from the window of their hotel room in San Francisco 's Sir Francis Drake Hotel . friend male 1 His friend produced a hundred - dollar bill from his wallet and bet him he could not . friend female 7 In her peripheral visual field , the patient was never able to detect any direction of movement . patient male 3 He 's our friend and he is everything over there " , confided Sicilian mobster Gianni Nicchi to his boss Antonio Rotolo , after a trip in 2003 . friend male 1 A patient being treated by Dr Hira dies due to his negligence , but he saves his skin by firing the nurse . patient male 1 His friend and admirer Paramahansa Yogananda wrote in his " Autobiography of a Yogi " : friend female 6 In 1938 Mrs. Maria Mendoza a friend of Master Santiago Martinez Delgado invited him and his wife Leonor Concha de Martinez , to her home in Bogotá . friend male 15 Marcus Gheeraerts etched the title page and the 107 illustrations for each fable that his friend , Edewaerd de Dene , had written in his local Flemish verse . friend male 8 During his time at Princeton , his closest friend was future Attorney General William Bradford . friend female 9 She concocts a fake face to wear so her friend does not know of her " skin disease " . friend male 3 Rob Hall 's friend and climbing partner Gary Ball died in his arms on 8,167 m Dhaulagiri in October 1993 . friend male 1 The sociologist and ideologue of the 1979 Iranian revolution Ali Shariati studied under Gurvitch in the 1960s during his studies in France at the University of Sorbonne . sociologist male 1 A friend of general Steuart at the University of Virginia wrote to his bereaved father : friend male 29 This has been accomplished , however , at the cost of eliminating any practical MLS abilities , even the most elementary ones , as when a SECRET - cleared user appends an UNCLASSIFIED paragraph , taken from an UNCLASSIFIED file , to his SECRET report . user female 3 Asha 's best friend Jay ( Lee ) embarks on a new relationship with the enigmatic Flora , despite her own commitment issues . friend male 2 A close friend of Orson Welles , he was the executor of his estate following Welles ' death in 1985 . friend male 1 The patient kept the small piece of bone from his tibia under his bed . patient male 7 Following his death , Kakuska 's close friend , the composer Hilda Paredes , wrote " In Memoriam Thomas Kakuska " for solo violin , which was given its premiere performance by her husband , Irvine Arditti , at a memorial concert in Vienna in 2006 . friend male 6 Following his death , Gilmour 's friend , Martin McGartland , also a British spy who had infiltrated the IRA , and who survived a serious assassination attempt , said , " It is disgraceful that Ray died in these circumstances . friend male 5 In addition , his best friend , the waiter R. , has given away M 's location to his city friends who suddenly show up to throw a party . friend male 1 His friend goes to his hotel in Cannes and finds Erskine dead . friend male 2 His best friend and partner , Lucia , often joins him in his excursions and helps him defeat monsters that litter the land . friend female 2 A family friend , James Lees - Milne , wrote of her beauty , " She was the nearest thing to Botticelli 's Venus that I have ever seen " . friend male 2 In 1829 Friend sailed with his family as captain of the " Wanstead " and arrived in Hobart Town in 1830 . Friend male 10 a bare and innocent album that sounds as though a friend were strumming songs just for you in his living room . " friend female 12 A product called CycleBeads was developed alongside the method to help the user keep track of estimated high and low fertility points during her menstrual cycle . user female 8 Things only complicate more when Yuina 's childhood friend , Akiho Kudoh , transfers to her school . friend female 7 HoodCelebrityy 's breakout came in 2015 when friend and future collaborator , Cardi B , posted about her song , " Wine Pon It " . friend male 5 After his flight , childhood friend Said Harb took a companion up to Vancouver from their North Carolina home , and made a number of purchases of military equipment under the direction of Dbouk . friend male 1 His friend , Neville Rogers ( Joss Ackland ) arrives at his home while travelling on business . friend male 5 One day , Sreekumar 's friend , Alexi ( Fazil ) , comes to his house and sees Girly . friend male 15 As settlement gradually focussed further north , on Auckland Creek and the shipping trade , Friend established a shipping and forwarding agency , with his own wharf and warehouse , on the banks of the creek . Friend male 5 In his second term as superintendent under then Governor David Treen , Nix sided against those pursuing the creation science agenda in the writing and teaching of science . superintendent female 7 After 2 weeks , the groom 's friend blackmails Sampath 's sister with her first night video . friend female 2 Chanel 's friend and biographer Marcel Haedrich said of her wartime interaction with the Nazi regime : " If one took seriously the few disclosures that Mademoiselle Chanel allowed herself to make about those black years of the occupation , one 's teeth would be set on edge . " friend male 21 he rush’d with lightning speed , Bent his strong neck to toss the startled steed , His arms robust the hardy hunter flung around his Bending horns , and upward wrung with withering force . hunter male 4 The town 's first postmaster , who bought his property from Bothell , named the town in his honor when it was platted in 1888 . postmaster male 1 His friend and fellow artist Iqbal Geoffrey said about his work : “ The pictographs that Imran instills or stirs are novel and enlightening – not parochial , parasitical nor forget - me - not mementos of the picturesque . friend male 5 Upon his return , his friend suggested that he come with him to Sitges to work with Santiago Rusiñol . friend female 3 Myrtle 's best friend returns to her life in the Season 3 . friend female 1 A friend knocks on her door and tells her that Claudio was not an angel and reveals to her that he once had a serious problem with the psychology teacher . friend male 36 The sum provided a printed manual ( notable for its many pictures of cats , drawn by Megan Dana - Wallace ) , telephone technical support , source code , and a registration number that the user entered into his copy of the program . user male 11 In it " Greenson says that it 's important for the patient to distinguish between his transference relations to the analyst and his realistic perceptions of him ... ' the non - transference relationship ' " – views criticized however by Charles Brenner as " what Brenner calls resistive myths – myths that analysts who are unable to tolerate analytic abstinence have invented to justify their lapses from neutrality . " patient female 15 After sending it out to various industry figures , she received no replies until a friend at her PR firm gave the demo to her later - manager who was looking for female vocalists . friend male 21 As a surprise for Toby , Will organises all of his school friends to come to the hospital so that his patient does n't miss out on his prom . patient male 1 The superintendent transferred 57 sick days from his previous employment . superintendent male 30 For most , it was a surprise , and even his long - time guitarist , Alun Davies , said in later interviews that he had n't believed that his friend would actually go through with it , after his many forays into other religions throughout their relationship . friend male 8 The narrator remarks to himself that his " friend " the raven will soon fly out of his life , just as " other friends have flown before " along with his previous hopes . friend male 23 The one constant is that Prem is forced to confront the divorce of his parents and his grandmother 's death simultaneously whilst his friend Will struggles in a single - parent home with his deeply troubled mother . friend female 3 When a suicidal patient dies in her care , Ruth confesses her mother committed suicide when she was a child . patient male 6 After his birth , a family friend sent his father a wire : ' friend male 14 While working on a tribute video about Payne for his 40th birthday , a friend asked Payne for his assistance in compiling film footage from his childhood performances . friend male 10 Hastily thinking the bear has devoured his daughter , the hunter kills it with his spear , but later finds the body of a tiger , killed by the bear in defence of the hunter 's daughter , who shortly emerges from the jungle , from where she took refuge . hunter male 5 In June 2007 , longtime friend and veteran producer Herman Ho ( ) recruited Shirley to his new company " Star Entertainment Ltd. " ( ) , which is financed by Neway Karaoke Box ( Neway卡拉OK ) . friend male 2 When a patient unexpectedly dies in his care , Oliver breaks down . patient male 2 Masters ' friend , William Higgins , had been recording sound for his films ( but not using it ) since 1978 , and Falcon Studios released their first sound film in 1979 . friend female 15 Barnett inexplicably appears on the rooftop and reveals jarring truths about Adams , and the patient subsequently jumps to her death . patient male 10 After not having heard from Lynch for several days , friend and actress Carol Vogel went to his home to find the door open and his body in his kitchen . friend male 2 A longtime friend who went to check on Wentzlaff , found him in his bed the following day . friend female 1 The friend went through her hard knocks and finally settled on this dancer job because the large tips paid her bills and now her child is placed well at an international school in Pakistan . friend male 10 However , his life took a drastic change after his friend died in a car accident on his way to drive Fetterman from the gym . friend female 14 Ellen attempts to get money from her uncle , who refuses , and a friend of the family soon comes to her aid with a loan . friend male 6 Soon after his refusal , a friend of the family drops in , finds Ellen in tears , learns of her trouble , and offers a loan which she finally accepts . friend male 20 Hagar left Capitol for the newly formed Geffen Records and made some personnel changes , including enlisting long - time friend and former Justice Brothers bandmate David Lauser as his drummer . friend male 9 Wohlfart " et al . " concluded that the patient was aware of his surroundings during the attack , with the patient even expressing concern over missing a scheduled appointment ; the patient demonstrated some ability to control his behavior when spoken to in a sharp tone , but he would inevitably return to his shouting and movements after a few seconds of stillness . patient male 2 A sincere friend , a hearty Scotchman and a good bottle companion were points of his character . " friend male 10 In his report of his investigation of the massacre , Superintendent for Indian Affairs in Utah Territory , Jacob Forney said : " I [ ... made ] Superintendent male 7 According to one tradition , an early postmaster selected the name from his reading material , while another tradition states the village was named after a train car . postmaster male 11 About his taste for luxury and his work habits , a friend remarked , " He lives like sultan and works like a dock laborer on an eighteen - hour shift . " friend female 21 Michael Mocovitz , Mia 's boyfriend , is now a Freshman at Columbia University and Lilly Moscovitz , Mia 's best friend is still getting over her depression after the end of her relationship with violin prodigy Boris Pelkowski who is not only still dating Tina Hakim - Baba , but has also gotten unexpectedly hot over the summer break . friend male 2 Bolton 's friend from Harvard , Roger Adams shared much of Bolton 's philosophy in his work at the University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign . friend male 38 In a policy paper addressed to the Assistant Secretary of State for Asian Affairs , W. Averell Harriman , dated 2 February 1963 , that began with the sentence : " Before you decide your old and respectful friend has gone off his rocker ... " , Rostow advocated invading North Vietnam . friend female 6 She laments the fact that her friend is oblivious to her predicament by imploring him to " stop patronizing me " . friend male 7 On a side note , Frank 's friend and workout buddy Bob Henderson ( Roger C. Carmel ) is grappling with his own mid - life crisis . friend male 7 They simply reflect the basic actions a user can perform on his terminal ( such as press a button ) and the commands that can be sent to the display through the network to the terminal ( such as turn a light on or display a message ) . user female 4 In October , a friend of Azalea uploaded a video on her Instagram account . friend female 2 Once the user advances all the way through her house and makes it into her attic , where the rest of the class is locked up , the game is completed . user male 17 For a time its business included a fine - spinning mill , in which Faulkner 's intimate friend , John Owens , was one of his partners . friend male 12 Lestat finds David in Florida and is surprised to find that his friend , despite his earlier protestations , now wants to become a vampire . friend male 15 The Superior collapses with shock , and Gontran and Bridaine try to explain that their friend has sunstroke from his last pilgrimage to Palestine . friend female 29 The Dark Divine series ' main character is Grace Divine , a teenage girl who is the daughter of a pastor whose life is flipped once an old childhood friend , Daniel Kalbi , returns into her life . friend male 2 Marshall 's friend and colleague , Cyrus Adler noted in his remembrances of Marshall that the latter 's " father migrated to the United states in 1849 , the year which marked the beginning of migration from Germany following the failure of the revolutionary movements of 1848 . " friend male 6 Meanwhile , Ryu 's American best friend and fighting rival , Ken Masters , has settled down with his girlfriend , Eliza , but still yearns for a good challenge and desires a rematch with Ryu . friend male 15 Most of the treatments described here are not mutually exclusive — meaning that a single patient may receive many of them in his quest to relieve pain . patient male 10 Iniyan and his father are dejected , and Iniyan 's friend is dejected due to his failure in the interview , and he later commits suicide . friend female 6 In contrast , Rewa 's best friend , Umang Tandon , is a young girl who receives full support and motivation from her family , in her quest to become India 's top swimmer . friend male 7 When Federico visits , he finds his friend is a changed man , both in his life and his politics . friend male 5 After his death , a friend recounted a story of the passion for football displayed by Shevlin in coaching the Minnesota Golden Gophers at Northrop Field . friend male 2 A good friend of Groucho Marx , Ruby appeared several times on his television program , " You Bet Your Life " . friend male 18 Eventually , Ram is killed in a jeep accident , after which it is revealed that his best friend Rajesh had conspired behind his back to cheat him of his wealth . friend male 7 During his freshman year , his best friend who was attending University of Texas at El Paso ( UTEP ) , Paul Tessier , called to ask if he would like to be the long snapper for the UTEP Miners football team , which needed one . friend male 35 In the first - season episode " The Boys in the Bar " ( the title being a reference to the play and subsequent movie " The Boys in the Band " ) , a friend and former teammate of Sam 's comes out in his autobiography . friend male 5 Damayanthi thus saved , the hunter continues with his amorous pleas , but she tries to dissuade him . hunter female 7 After her death in 1990 , her friend and fellow entertainer , Dixie Evans , created the museum in Helendale , California , and launched the " Miss Exotic World " Competition in 1990 . friend male 4 From 1861 , the postmaster , George Throssell , conducted postal services from his business premises , until local residents began to lobby for a separate post and telegraph office . postmaster male 9 According to his memoirs and interviews , a family friend helped him find a job as a trainee stockbroker at L.F. Rothschild . friend male 1 The hunter then tossed Arjuna with his toe , who fell in Krupa Samudram . hunter male 19 Maan Singh 's brother , the Police Inspector Suraj Singh , who incidentally was Prithvi 's trusted and best friend testifies against Prithvi in the case of carnage as his duty . friend male 21 It would imply , for example , that an inexperienced doctor owed his patient a lower standard of care if the patient was aware of his lack of experience . patient male 1 His friend , the archaeologist and writer Prosper Mérimée ( 1803–1870 ) , argued in his favor and was prosecuted for this . friend female 1 A friend of Atwater 's who came to the scene took the children into her care while the officer arrested Atwater . friend male 15 During this period , he was a frequent visitor to Cambridge University , where his friend and collaborator Daulat Singh Kothari was working for his Ph.D. According to one source , Majumdar went to Cambridge , " arriving — it is said — on the doorstep of Lord Rutherford 's home on a Sunday afternoon . " friend male 27 The novelist Malcolm Lowry who lived in the community of Maplewood Flats ( now Maplewood Flats Conservation Area ) north of Vancouver from 1938–1944 was a close friend of the family and C S Jones helped him with his manuscripts . friend female 1 Her friend , Mrs Delany , wrote in her memoirs:"I know some who had higher virtues than she had , but none with fewer faults . friend female 14 Advocate Shiv Shankar ( Jeetendra ) who was in love with Shikari also a friend comes to her rescue and ultimately proves her innocence . friend male 1 His friend and Director of the Academy for over 17 years , Jacques Saly , resigned from his post three months later . friend male 1 The friend takes Robert to his own home and looks after him . friend male 5 Next morning , Patel 's friend brings a “ Kenyan ” woman to his house , who could teach garba to Shanaya . friend male 8 Both band members experienced this because Schultz 's friend , Josh Fraites , was the brother of his future bandmate , Jeremiah . friend male 1 The superintendent was Dr. Tommy Chang until his resignation . superintendent male 11 From his debut episode " Frigid Hare " , an Eskimo hunter in Antarctica tries to catch him until the little penguin found Bugs Bunny and wants him to help avoid the Eskimo hunter . hunter female 2 The first superintendent of the hostel , Sister Eileen Heath , arrived in Alice Springs with her friend , Lillian Schroder , who would serve as the housekeeper and seamstress . superintendent male 5 In 1377 , the Arab sociologist , Ibn Khaldun , narrates in his " Muqaddimah " : sociologist male 3 Sucre 's newfound friend , the elderly passenger , invites Sucre to his home , providing that he can cook . friend male 1 The hunter eventually departs without his prize . hunter male 17 Anson D. Shupe , Jr. ( 21 January 1948 – 4 May 2015 ) was an American sociologist noted for his studies of religious groups and their countermovements , family violence and clergy misconduct . sociologist male 9 Doctors in Codogno stated that the 38-year - old patient led an active social life in the weeks before his illness and potentially interacted with dozens of people before spreading the virus at their Hospital . patient male 12 If this were repeated in a patient with ideomotor apraxia , the patient may move the comb in big circles around his head , hold it upside - down , or perhaps try and brush his teeth with it . patient male 9 In mid-1923 the " troika " had Trotsky 's friend and supporter Christian Rakovsky removed from his post as head of the Ukrainian government ( USSR " Radnarkom " ) and sent to London as ambassador . friend female 5 By analogy , if a patient went to her physician complaining of watering eyes and a runny nose , the symptoms alone do not indicate the appropriate treatment . patient male 1 His friend , James Bond novelist Ian Fleming , named the character Sir Hugo Drax in his book " Moonraker " as a tribute . friend male 16 Just before his death Horneck had inspected the defences of Antigua - after his death his friend and fellow engineer officer Leonard Smelt worked up Horneck 's sketches and memoranda into a full report . friend female 12 I could n't take care of myself , and I knew this friend would take me under her wing , " he says . friend female 5 After her death , her friend and adviser , Dr. Chris Chapman completed a book entitled " Lois Mailou Jones : friend male 25 At the age of seven , Arlindo was given his first musical instrument , the cavaquinho , by his father ( Arlindão ) , a friend and partner of Candeia with whom he had founded the Mensageiros do Samba group . friend male 23 He also listened to Indian , Japanese , and Balinese music and was particularly drawn to East European music after a Yugoslav school friend taught him folk tunes from his home . friend male 11 The doctor replies that he fears not , and that his patient is asking for Leonora in his moments of consciousness . patient male 2 The bounty hunter then confronts Johnny at his disco hideout and learns that the disc contains a malicious computer program known as the " Shiva ( Tentei ) System " , which is capable of controlling all computerized systems in the world . hunter female 9 Then after a mere three months there , her friend , 16-year - old billionaire W.W Hale V , arranges for her expulsion . friend female 6 During her senior year , a friend joined Teach for America . friend female 10 She prefers to be called Mia , although her best friend Lilly often bestows upon her nicknames such as ( Baby Licker ) , ( Princess Of Genovia ) , or ( Princess In Training ) . friend male 1 A friend of the family , Russian sculptor Naum Gabo , took Ventris under his wing . friend female 5 Later on , her best friend , Selena Cross 's mother , Nellie , had committed suicide in her bedroom closet , due to discovering that Selena had been impregnated by her despicable stepfather , Lucas . friend male 8 Harold F. Cherniss described him as " a friend half divine in his great humanity " . friend male 7 In his later life , as a friend of Stein 's once noted , Cook was primarily known as " the occupant of a house built by Le Corbusier . " friend male 6 Thus , for example , a user may insert a USB drive into his computer and edit a file on the USB drive . user female 1 A friend of his , Pam , had then invited him to her apartment to keep him out of trouble . friend female 2 A ship attendant finds Noodle in her room , offering to escort her to the lifeboats . attendant male 3 In 1921 his friend the composer Edgard Varèse incorporated an earlier piece by Tablada , " La Cruz del Sur " , in his " Offrandes " ( 1921 ) , and two years later dedicated his " Hyperprism " to the poet . friend male 10 Rapson also deciphered and then edited various documents that his friend the archaeologist Aurel Stein had discovered in his 1900 expedition to Chinese Turkestan . friend male 1 The hunter falls in love with his victim , as in the movie , and eventually reveals who he is . hunter male 2 A close friend and executor of Sir Francis Drake , Sir Anthony instilled in his step - son a dislike of Spain , strong Puritanism , and associated antipathy to Catholicism , and Arminianism . friend male 4 A former close boyhood friend , Frederick ( Fritz ) Loewe introduced Gilbert to his collaborator , Alan Jay Lerner , and that meeting resulted in a string of major hits – the German translations of " Annie Get Your Gun " , " Hello Dolly " , " Gigi " , friend male 2 A mobile user connects to the Internet via his WAP - enabled mobile phone , searches for a particular ringtone and downloads it onto his mobile phone . user female 17 The idea is to leverage the changes in the ambient WiFi signals to detect the gesture the user is performing with her phone . user male 41 These experimental fluoroscopes were simply thin cardboard screens that had been coated on the inside with a layer of fluorescent metal salt , attached to a funnel - shaped cardboard eyeshade which excluded room light with a viewing eyepiece which the user held up to his eye . user male 8 Early on in his career , a mutual friend brought Trademark into a studio session and Curren$y was there . friend male 3 In 1999 , sociologist and historian James W. Loewen noted in his book " Lies Across America " that the Sons of Confederate Veterans had placed a bronze plaque on the side of a Holiday Inn that had been constructed on the former site of the Marshall House . sociologist male 1 The patient had 2 bite marks on his left foot and was suffering from limb swelling , genital swelling and was at a semi - conscious state with his life at stake . patient male 1 The patient woke up from his coma after one hour . patient male 2 Minty 's friend , Phil Mitchell ( Steve McFadden ) , to look after his sister , Sam ( Kim Medcalf ) . friend male 3 An old school friend , Bunny Manders , reintroduces Raffles to his sister , Gwen , with whom Raffles had been infatuated a decade ago . friend male 48 Alternatively , as it is already common in Chinese kinship to use kinship terms among people that are not related ( e.g. addressing a respected coworker as " brother " or one 's father 's friend may be referred to as " uncle " ) , an older friend or family friend with a deep friendship and a sufficient age gap will also informally address the other as his godparent or godchild , a gesture often initiated by the older person . friend male 14 At age 15 , eager to begin as an actor , a high school friend introduced Drake to his father , an acting agent . friend male 6 Saroj is aggrieved to see his friend die in his arms . friend male 11 These clarify his own thinking and give him hope that his friend will find aid in them during his search for new cheese . friend female 0 Friend was the managing director of the Barker Center for nineteen years until her retirement in 1969 . Friend female 0 Friend remained active during her retirement . Friend female 0 Friend lived in a total of twenty - four different homes during her youth . Friend female 8 Ruth entered show business about 1923 when her friend , Blanche Mehaffey , told of her fun experiences at the Ziegfeld Follies . friend female 5 One day , Mala 's friend confides in her about her relationship with the son of a wealthy man , with whom has been intimate , but is now marrying someone else . friend male 2 His old friend the bachelor George Buchanan teased him about his second marriage in 1572;If you had been in your right wit , you being once escaped the tempestous storms and naufrage ( shipwreck ) of marriage , had never entered again the same dangers , for I can not take you for a Stoic philosopher , having one head inexpugnable ( not to be captured ) with the frenetic tortures of jealousy , or a careless heart sceptic that takes cuckoldry as thing indifferent . friend male 7 On April 18 , 2011 , Twitter user @Pausanias wrote on his blog : user male 9 Therefore , it is important to recognize that the patient is “ not responsible for his obsessional ideas ” , but that “ he is certainly responsible for his attitude toward these ideas ” . patient female 7 13-year - old Theodore Boone 's best friend April is not happy with her life . friend male 10 One night while returning home , James finds his old friend , Baz , unconscious on his flat estate , overdosed on heroin . friend female 1 The patient was a woman in her 70s and an Ecuadorian citizen who resided in Spain . patient male 17 Greek vase - paintings of the period indicate her involvement in the myth of Aktaion , the hunter torn apart by his own , maddened dogs as a punishment for looking on the naked form of the goddess Artemis . hunter male 1 His friend , the composer Arnold Schoenberg , described Achron in his obituary as " one of the most underrated modern composers " . friend male 3 While a PC user is 2 ft or 3 ft ( 60 or 100 cm ) from his high resolution screen using a mouse and keyboard . user male 10 After his Honorable Discharge in August , 1945 , family friend and famed pollster Elmo Roper introduced Howard to Duncan Fraser , President of the American Locomotive Company ( ALCO ) . friend male 36 After graduating from college , Vasanth ( Vasanth ) , Vijay ( Vijayraj ) , Arun ( Prakash ) and Karthik ( Kandan ) have decided to stay in their rented house in Chennai while their friend Sakthi ( Sriram ) returns to his native village . friend female 13 After the inevitable disintegration of her marriage and then learning that her best friend was her husband 's lover , Leo takes and survives an overdose , then goes with her mother to the village of Almagro to rest and recover . friend female 17 Connie discharges herself and instructs Ethan to drive her to London , where she claims an old friend will give a second opinion on her treatment ; Ethan eventually agrees . friend male 1 The patient was a man in his forties who had returned from Italy via Charleroi , Belgium . patient male 18 Despite his energetic reforms and personal popularity among the midshipmen , Holloway 's three - year tour as superintendent ultimately was too brief to reverse the Naval Academy 's entrenched cultural bias against academic achievement . superintendent male 1 The user can see the command line on his terminal and edit it before it is transmitted to the main computer . user male 0 Sociologist of Religion , David V. Barrett , in his 2001 book " The New Believers " , based partly on interviews with David Boddy Sociologist male 5 After Rosa Carmina , a friend introduced him to his niece , Dinorah Judith . friend male 7 The article further states that the same friend gave him a $ 6,875 furnace for his own home for only $ 6,000 , which Moreau said he paid ' in cash ' . friend male 7 Butler began acting at 21 when his friend paid for his acting class . friend male 4 By this time his friend had disappeared with his pitcher , undetected . friend male 1 A patient gives Ginger keys to his house and asks him to care for his pets during his hospital stay . patient male 1 The friend is aware of his inclination , and is happy to befriend him , but is very reluctant to express open affection for him or to become emotionally involved . friend female 9 During their sessions , Tudor asked whether her best friend knew about her ' stuttering , ' Korlaske muttered , " No . " " Why not ? " friend male 7 Veda also explained to Uttanka that his friend , Indra , had helped him during his journey . friend male 3 Prior , the superintendent of the railroad , named the town Woonsocket after his home town of Woonsocket , Rhode Island . superintendent male 8 On August 27 , 2018 , a Twitter user leaked the full song onto his Twitter account in low quality , after they found that it could be played on their Apple HomePod . user male 2 Capote 's friend , author Dominick Dunne , had given a black and white ball in 1964 for his tenth wedding anniversary . friend male 7 No credits are shown but instead the user can continue with his current team ( with all changes and subs ) for another round of 11 matches . user male 2 An avid hunter during his younger days , Walker , like many others , became an advocate of wildlife conservation in his final years in Kenya . hunter male 13 After completing his mission , Laughing returns to Hong Kong where CIB 's superintendent , Harry Kung ( Damian Lau ) , recruits him into his department to become team leader and teacher to new police recruits . superintendent female 11 In 1972 , her second year as a teacher , a friend and fellow church choir member phoned her and informed her that the conductor Thomas Schippers was holding auditions in Cincinnati . friend male 5 After his death , good friend and team owner Paul Cruikshank ran Porter 's # 111 at the next V8 Supercar round at Surfers Paradise . friend female 12 Monroe became a ward of the state , and her mother 's friend , Grace Goddard , took responsibility over her and her mother 's affairs . friend male 4 However , a former friend who met Muhammad at the facility , but later removed him from his friended list on Facebook , described him as " intense and unnerving " friend male 1 The postmaster named the office " Agnes " after his daughter , but a transcription error added an extra " s " and the name became " Agness " . postmaster male 11 In his work entitled " Literature " ( 1988 ) , sociologist and writer Antonio Candido already observed the phenomenon . sociologist male 8 Anoop Soni as the hero 's gangster - friend gives a riveting flamboyant twist to his complex character . friend female 40 Before New Brian sings " I Like Farts , " Peter exclaims " Oh , you 've got a guitar ! " in reference to a scene from the 1980 movie " Airplane ! " , in which the flight attendant Randy plays guitar for a sick girl on her way to receive a heart transplant . attendant male 19 On these websites of solar maps , there is the necessary amount of information so much that the internet user can reflect upon his own consumption and his own actions in deciding in pursuing cleaner and more eco - friendly alternatives of consuming electrical power . user female 2 Her lifelong friend and stand - in Norah Holland spoke of the doctors ' amazement at her strength and courage throughout her final illness . friend male 9 Actor played the role of Shah Rukh Khan best friend in Jab Harry Met Sejal shed 30 kilos for his role . friend male 6 Daniel expects Connor , as his friend , to bow to his wishes , which means not selling any of the Meade Publication titles to offset their deficit , which was one of Connor 's suggestions . friend male 13 Screenwriters Jon Lucas and Scott Moore wrote the script after hearing how a friend of executive producer Chris Bender went missing following his bachelor party in Las Vegas . friend male 15 He was buried in the St. Stephen 's Cathedral , Vienna , where a sculpting friend of Samuel 's made a small marble sculpture of a child at his grave , as a monument to his memory . friend male 20 By setting privacy settings on a certain level , the user enables P3P to automatically block any cookies that the user might not want on his computer . user male 2 His close friend , Spencer Tracy , fought with his studio , MGM , to get roles for O'Brien in his films , " The People Against O'Hara " ( 1951 ) and " The Last Hurrah " ( 1958 ) . friend male 3 When an old friend , sportswriter Ed Sullivan , plugged him in his new entertainment column , Lee and his group began landing better engagements . friend male 19 In 1988 , Randy " Stretch " Walker , along with his brother , dubbed Majesty , and a friend debuted with an EP as rap group and production team , Live Squad , in New York City 's borough Queens . friend female 2 Her close friend and " General Hospital " costar , Jacklyn Zeman , delivered a eulogy at her funeral . friend female 4 Babu 's sister 's friend ( Samantha Ruth Prabhu ) from London visits the family while on her way to Brahmotsavam . friend male 7 This measure was only performed while the patient still had natural heat in his system . patient male 2 When a friend asked him about his religious views , Dodgson wrote in response that he was a member of the Church of England , but " doubt[ed ] if he was fully a ' High Churchman ' " . friend male 15 Investigators also discovered that Roth had telephoned a friend just after being arrested and the friend had already removed further evidence at his behest . friend male 3 An old school friend of Daw Amar 's father , he was famous for his excellent adaptations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 's Sherlock Holmes and Brigadier Gerard as well as his translations of H. Rider Haggard 's Allan Quatermain novels and was arrested at the same time as U Hla but he was to remain in Mandalay Prison for the duration . friend male 1 His friend , James Dawson was shocked at this burial upon his return from a trip to Scotland , and personally reburied Wombeetch in Camperdown Cemetery . friend male 2 The second hunter ( Mizar ) carries a large pot – the star Alcor – on his shoulder in which to cook the bear while the third hunter ( Alkaid ) hauls a pile of firewood to light a fire beneath the pot . hunter male 16 When he was eighteen , Chichiri had been engaged to be married ; after his best friend stole a kiss from his fiancée , she called off their betrothal . friend male 5 In Germany , a demolition hunter failed at the Federal Court of Justice with his claim for damages due to lack of interest in the object of the auction . hunter male 21 Manmohan thinks that it is impossible to get him an Indian son - in - law , although his British Pakistani friend , Parvez Khan ( Javed Sheikh ) , is in a similar situation with his son , Imran ( Upen Patel ) , who has a blonde girlfriend , Susan ( Tiffany Mulheron ) . friend male 2 When the friend asked to his love , " How can you so profane our precious love ? friend male 5 During emergency cricothyrotomy , the patient lies on his back with neck extended and shoulders backward . patient male 20 In 2002 , following his term as Baltimore Police Commissioner , Norris was appointed Maryland State Police ( MSP ) Superintendent under Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich , Jr. During his service with MSP , Norris created the first 24-hour terrorist watch center in Maryland . Superintendent female 11 In her article , Professor 's tale of two universities , Sociologist helped create IUPUI campus , she stated:"At 79 Taylor is sharp and optimistic … Sociologist female 11 In tears , Kelly says she just discovered that her best friend had been sleeping with her husband ( portrayed by R. Kelly ) . friend female 1 The patient was a woman in her thirties who had travelled to The Gambia from the United Kingdom on 15 March , and had gone into self - isolation after feeling feverish . patient female 4 They confirmed that the patient was a woman in her 30s who is related to the county 's first case . patient female 10 The Rolling Stones ' Keith Richards , whose early girl friend , Linda Keith , had , in her late teens , been a bohemian force in West Hampstead , noted on the Stones ' return from an American tour in 1967 how quickly hippiedom had transformed the London scene . friend male 3 Beet 's best friend and partner , Beet met Kissu two years into his training , and was amazed with Kissu 's abilities . friend female 59 A few weeks earlier , on Midsummer Day , Effie ( possibly inspired by Shakespeare 's " A Midsummer Night 's Dream " ) was said by her hostess , Pauline Trevelyan , to have " looked lovely " with stephanotis in her hair at an evening party in Northumberland , while , the previous year , a male friend had brought glass flowers for her hair from Venice . friend male 23 They are followed by " The Author in Praise of his own Booke " , four lines ; and " Of his deare Friend the Author H. F. " , eight lines , signed " Nath . Friend male 12 He forces entry into Cárceles ' home , only to find his friend strapped into his bed , tortured out of his mind with a mass of razor cuts . friend male 20 Austen Henry Layard gives a picture of a bas - relief representing a king in his chariot , with an attendant holding a parasol over his head . attendant male 5 Two years later , his friend and president of Argentina , Nicolás Avellaneda , reinstated him in his military position as chief of staff in Córdoba and later chief of borders and military mayor . friend male 8 In the summer of 1865 , Whitman 's friend , John Burroughs ( 1837–1921 ) , an aspiring nature writer , had returned to Washington to his position at the Treasury department after a long vacation in the woods . friend male 14 The opening scene with Philip Marlowe and his cat came from a story a friend of Altman 's told him about his cat only eating one type of cat food . friend male 5 During his youth his closest friend was Abdulmejid II , the son of his uncle , Sultan Abdülaziz . friend female 1 His friend on the show , Lindsey Shaw , introduced him to her manager , Pat Cutler who immediately offered to represent him , and from that point on , Butler began taking acting seriously as a career . friend male 6 In his own country , the hunter has Shmat Razum build a castle . hunter female 1 A friend recounted at her funeral that she said , " These bodies are only temporary . friend female 7 Upon their return to HIS , each student writes an anthropology paper and a journal based upon their notes and their experiences during the two weeks . student female 1 A friend of Luther 's , Nikolaus von Amsdorf , coaxes Katharina out of her melancholy and urges her to accept another man as her husband . friend male 8 During his time in the Navy , a friend showed him a flyer for a pilot position at the Netherlands East Indies Air Force , which was being formed at the time . friend female 7 Jean would write the letters , her friend would copy them into her own hand , and then send them off to a boy at Swarthmore . friend male 16 The HyperAdapt also comes with two buttons on the side tighten and loose , so the user can adjust it to his preference . user male 14 He became depressed and wandered the streets , asking for work , until his friend , Eugène Letendre , took him into his business . friend female 1 The patient was a female in her 60s who was a healthcare worker at Bridgeport Hospital . patient male 18 " League Round Up " and " Sports Arena " in past years , and was a close friend to former WIN News presenter , Peter Leonard - reading the eulogy at his funeral . friend male 5 In the 1950s a Canadian sociologist , Erving Goffman , undertook a year of ethnographic research on Unst for his doctoral thesis , which underpinned his best known publication , " The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life " ( 1956 ) , and the dramaturgy approach he developed . sociologist female 7 In her new surroundings , her only friend and confidant is Sagar , with whom she begins to form a special bond . friend male 6 On February 5 , 2010 the superintendent , David Gilliland , resigned from his position . superintendent female 1 Her friend , film director Cameron Crowe , asked for her permission to use her name and likeness in a feature film he was creating . friend male 1 The user connects a 360 ° Camera with his mobile device via WiFi . user male 7 After witnessing its evil nature , his friend eventually passes the portrait to his nephew , who sells it to an art collector , who hawks it to someone else , and eventually the portrait 's trail is lost . friend female 10 The video then explains what could have happened if a friend she confronted that day may have been there for her and her worst point . friend female 10 Almost twice her age at 37 , the English fur trapper claimed to be a half - Apache from America . trapper male 8 On his return several years later , this friend denied all knowledge of the transaction . friend female 12 However , a new case emerged on 1 September , when a patient from Sella Kafta village in Kambia District tested positive for the disease after her death ; her case eventually resulted in 3 other infections among her contacts . patient male 14 With his heart rate down , sensory loss and progressive muscle weakness , the patient is shutting down . patient male 2 Proust 's friend , the poet Paul Morand , openly teased Proust about his visits to male prostitutes . friend male 2 Artee 's friend mistakes Mui for his blind date , he has Artee go check her out , and both Mui and Artee are shocked to see each other ... friend male 3 was a Canadian sociologist noted for his research in Sub - Saharan Africa . sociologist male 4 Nick is a childhood friend of Winston , has been best friends with Schmidt since his college days and becomes close to Jess , so his character connects the most with the other loftmates and is often part of their stories . friend male 5 After his death , a friend of Armstrong estimated that 90 percent of his time was spent on litigation against RCA . friend female 19 After being pulled out of the car by a witness , Fisher 's left leg was amputated ; her friend died due to her injuries . friend male 5 The move came after his friend and confidante Vijayakanth left him out of his newly floated political party . friend male 13 UCDs are designed to be used in cramped quarters without requiring that the user rise from his seated position in the cockpit . user male 3 Galli 's childhood friend and youth academy teammate Fabio Quagliarella wears the number 27 in his honour . friend male 1 Each user can define indicators according to his needs . user male 9 During his high school years , Theo 's best friend was Walter Bradley ( Carl Anthony Payne II ) , better known as " Cockroach " , who was more of a scholastic underachiever than Theo , although when an argument Theo and his parents culminated into a mock trial , Cockroach was the one who presented convincing facts which closed the " case " . friend male 1 The patient received two different fabrics out of his view so that neither eye nor hemisphere visually seen what his hands were given . patient female 3 Velvet 's best friend is her father 's assistant , Mi ( Michael ) Taylor , whose father – as Mrs. Brown 's swimming coach – helped her cross the channel . friend male 6 Evan eventually discovers that his best friend Cal sleeps with his former lover after school . friend male 9 Herman appears with Tomsky , who remarks that his friend hardly seems like his old self : is anything bothering him ? friend male 31 Some British armed forces divers used bulky thick diving suits called Sladen suits ; one version of it had a flip - up single faceplate for both eyes to let the user get binoculars to his eyes when on the surface . user male 27 A story goes that many years ago when the place was still thickly covered with flora and fauna , and was a favorite hunting ground , a hunter once hit a big male deer with his spear . hunter male 3 Unfortunately , the hunter died because of his wounds and days after , his remains were found under the giant gabi plants . hunter male 13 Jerry A. Jacobs ( born February 7 , 1955 ) is an American sociologist noted for his work on women , work , and family . sociologist male 2 Perelman 's friend , Mieczysław Maneli , wrote about his attitude towards Judaism : " He very consciously rejects any theology or earthly or heavenly salvation , any monism of values , any absolutistic interpretations of human needs and forms of freedoms . friend female 1 The friend received a “ like ” from her crush , which provokes Sarah to take a photo in lingerie on the Polaroid camera . friend female 3 Matilda 's church friend arrives late with her husband and asks Matilda if they can sit beside her . friend female 43 The Aruban prosecutor 's office reopened the case on February 1 , 2008 , after receiving video footage of Van der Sloot , under the influence of marijuana , saying that Holloway died on the morning of her disappearance , and that a friend had disposed of her body . friend male 13 The Elmbank Post Office operated from 1873 to 1915 , and the first postmaster , William McKay , operated out of his store . postmaster female 3 Baskar 's family friend , Parvatham ( M. S. Sundari Bai ) arrives with her husband and daughter Sheela ( Vijayalalitha ) . friend male 7 After a couple hours or so , Friend invited the prospective investors into his room where they could admire the results of his wonderful machine — a clean barrel full of beautiful white refined sugar . Friend male 10 While working on a tribute video about Payne , a friend asked Payne for his assistance in compiling film footage from his childhood performances . friend male 32 As the music starts , it then cuts to Hannon as the patient , being pushed in a wheelchair by a porter to the wards and then taking his medication , The patient gets out of his hospital bed and starts dancing around . patient male 2 A mutual friend , Dannie , invites Therese to his workplace , " The New York Times " , and offers to introduce her to a photo editor friend . friend male 7 Determined to find some answers , the hunter sets off with his faithful servant Kammamuri , but as they head deeper into the jungles of the Sundarbans , they soon find their own lives at risk : a deadly new foe has been watching their every move , a foe that threatens all of British India . hunter female 16 In 2008 , Dev recorded two songs using the software GarageBand on her MacBook that a friend posted onto her Myspace page . friend male 16 The post office of the town was established on March 8 , 1887 , and its postmaster , Silas R. Dales , named the town for his hometown of Guelph , Ontario . postmaster male 3 Meanwhile , a friend of Matt 's offers Craig a staff job at his club . friend male 11 The new start in life proved unsuccessful , but an old friend and schoolfellow , John Eamer ( later Lord Mayor of London ) , heard of his distress and sent for him in about 1770 to come to London , clothed him , and obtained him a situation as an overseer of street paviours ( road - surface constructors ) . friend male 5 In both positions , his friend , Fritz Mackensen , served as his personal assistant . friend female 11 In her 1982 memoirs " Lulu In Hollywood " , longtime friend and actress Louise Brooks wrote of Bennett , " Barbara made a career of her emotions . friend male 5 Upon his arrival , a friend at the West Bank Cafe on 42nd Street suggested Lynch play , for an audience , some of the comic songs he had written while attending university . friend male 28 A passenger selects one of the meal options available for purchase , swipes his a credit card through the in - seat ordering system and then a flight attendant brings the meal to his seat . attendant male 0 Friend moved Sardar Sherbaz Mazari in with his own armed bodyguards and stayed overnight to protect Azizullahs family . Friend male 12 When Slory was in the Netherlands for almost a year , a friend of his mother signed him up for his first amateur football club . friend male 5 At his hospital , his patient has been waking up covered in blood , but there is no source for the blood , and the husband begins losing sleep , worried that his dreams are giving his patient a medium in which to cause harm to others . patient female 21 Yvonne first appears when her former mother - in - law , Dot Branning ( June Brown ) , and her friend Shirley Carter ( Linda Henry ) text her from her son , Charlie 's , mobile phone and they agree to meet at the local launderette . friend male 5 During his lengthy sermons his friend and disciple , Silvester of Valdiseve , sometimes sat near the pulpit with wine to refresh him . friend female 1 A friend of Eileen 's reminisced about her tolerance and humour , often at Orwell 's expense . friend male 1 A friend , Bad Nuze , brought him into his studio for a number of recording sessions , and JD Era stated " I never looked back . " friend male 3 When his best friend Vicky ( Janakaraj ) asks about his past , his mother tells his story . friend male 22 In 2010 , the two would take over as co - editors of " Harvard Theological Review , " as their dear friend and colleague , François Bovon , grew more and more ill before his death in 2013 . friend male 14 After Yamauchi asks if Kuroda is feeling okay , the doctor - turned - patient looks down at his mutated hands , and begins weeping as he finally goes insane , bearing mutations similar to those Mukoda had displayed . patient female 8 Jones began learning the drums after a family friend left a kit at her house , being taught basic beats by her cousin . friend male 18 This sign is named after the English surgeon and anatomist , Charles Barrett Lockwood , who stated that:""The patient lies on his back with his head raised on a pillow and his knees drawn up , so that the superficial abdominal muscles are relaxed . patient male 2 " his friend and fellow correspondent Gustav Winter asked in his obituary of 1937 . friend male 1 The patient , Keith Castle , lived for over five years following his surgery . patient male 2 Once an attendant asked him about his spiritual progress , to which he replied , " Did we cut grass in Dakshineswar ? " , referring to the period of his association with Ramakrishna . attendant male 3 His longtime childhood friend , Paulinus , also helped Theodosius in his search . friend female 4 Korn 's other best friend , Yihwa takes matters into her own hands , and tries to expose Knock 's evil girlfriend , Plern Pleng . friend male 3 As the bounty hunter closes in on his prey , the Crazy Frog becomes aware of his pursuer and an unlikely chase begins over skyscrapers and through the city 's sewer system , before the killbot launches a guided missile at the Frog . hunter male 39 Mayor W. L. Cabell ordered just one month after the June 16 , 1884 , district founding that " all former Ordinances in relation to the city public school are hereby repealed , " and the district 's 1884–85 superintendent , a Mr. Boles , had enrollment figures for each year from 1880 through his own tenure ; furthermore , the Dallas Directory of 1873 expressed regret that " there are no public schools in Dallas , " while the 1875 Directory said that " the schools are near perfection . " superintendent female 2 Cook 's friend and fellow musical theater actress , Elaine Paige paid tribute to Cook during her BBC Radio 2 show " Elaine Paige on Sunday " on August 13 . friend male 11 Because of his previous experience on monoplanes , Buddecke 's good friend , Rudolph Berthold , suggested that he should fly the first of the Fokker Eindecker aircraft delivered to the unit . friend female 1 her friend and colleague wrote of Ann after her death in the RSA Annual Report 1976 : friend male 2 A mysterious patient escapes from his cell and intrudes upon a small party hosted by Dr. Seward , referring to the guest of honor patient male 1 Another friend of Tripathi , Rashmi Pusalkar , designed the book cover according to his specifications , which were to keep a balance between reality and fantasy . friend male 2 An old friend named Pépinot ( Didier Flamand ) arrives at his door with a diary which belonged to their teacher , Clément Mathieu . friend male 1 A friend of Hubert Humphrey , Dillon campaigned for Humphrey during his 1960 presidential campaign . friend male 8 On August 27 , 2018 , a Twitter user leaked the full song onto his Twitter account in low quality after they found that it could be played on their Apple HomePod , and the song was released onto streaming services later that day as the fourth single from " Trench " . user female 14 Of her claim to be the grand Duchess Anastasia , another long - time friend stated : " She is an enigma ... that 's not really important if she is or if she is n't . friend male 5 Internet medication : if a patient buys medication in another EU country from a pharmacy for his personal use , by prescription or over the counter , he can import them into Belgium in his luggage or vehicle . patient male 3 Brodsky 's close friend , the Nobel laureate Derek Walcott , memorialized him in his collection " The Prodigal " , in 2004 . friend male 1 His friend and closest collaborator , Giacomo della Chiesa , the future Pope Benedict XV , presided over his funeral ceremonies . friend male 14 , of Brighton , England : " Beethoven had been told that his new friend could execute violoncello music upon his huge instrument and one morning , when Dragonetti called at his room , he expressed the desire to hear a sonata . friend male 2 Kochalka 's friend and fellow cartoonist Brian Ralph was working on his comics on the flight , and Kochalka was inspired to begin cartooning on the plane as well . friend male 37 After killing a man whom many thought was his friend , Wes Tancred is assaulted and immortalized in an uncomplimentary song about one man shooting his best friend in the back ; when in fact Wes ' friend was reaching for his gun to shoot Wes in the back as he started out the door . friend male 1 The hunter searched for the leopard from his camp for three weeks without success . hunter male 10 Faisal is nicknamed “ Mickey ” after his late best friend die during his first appearance in football match . friend male 42 According to the rules for Pitch - pot , the host carries the arrows in both his hands put together ; the superintendent of the archery carries in the same way the stand on which the tallies were placed ; and an attendant holds in his hand the pot . attendant male 9 Among his fellow students and friends , his best friend was Isaac ben Sheshet Perfet . friend male 7 The situation becomes increasingly serious when a patient of the hospital commits suicide with his straight razor after the Raven writes to him that his cancer is terminal . patient female 0 Friend hosted the Seven Network show " Saturday Kitchen " with her husband Stuart MacGill on Saturday afternoons . Friend male 7 Of his private life , a childhood friend of Albert Victor later recalled that it was uneventful : " his brother officers had said that they would like to make a man of the world of him . friend male 1 The patient then brings , mails or deposits the receipt to his insurance mutuality which then immediately repays the amount . patient male 6 One of the kidnappers had a friend invite the missionaries to his apartment in Saratov , Russia where , upon entry , they were hit in the head , driven to a separate location , and photographed as part of the kidnappers ' demand for $ 300,000 . friend female 38 At first , Merchant took it very well , saying positive things about Fraser , according to her friend artist Guy Vaesen ( as cited by Billington ) ; but , Vaesen recalled , after " a female friend of Vivien 's trotted round to her house and poisoned her mind against Antonia ... life in Hanover Terrace [ where the Pinters then lived ] gradually became impossible " . friend female 2 Another close friend , and former lodger at 88 Kensington Park Road , Norman Painting , gave the eulogy at her memorial service at St Giles in the Fields . friend female 2 This new friend will lead her to her mother . friend female 4 It is implied that friend and former boss Liz Donnelly ( Judith Light ) aided in her censure , leading to her replacement by ADA Kim Greylek in season 10 . friend male 6 Rohit who considered Pakya as his friend gets enraged by his betrayal , kills him . friend male 5 On Sunday , a Twitter user disclosed sex crimes on his account , referring to the real name of a film producer and a film professor at a university . user male 8 Therefore , in 1941 , the then - superintendent of the county highway department stepped out of his role and presented a plan for a new airport . superintendent male 6 Shortly after his death , his friend and songwriter Fabrizio De André wrote for him the song " Preghiera in gennaio " ( A prayer in January ) where he describes a benevolent God welcoming those who committed suicide in Heaven , in spite of the moral condemnation of the bigots . friend male 32 Ward represented Galway in the House of Commons until the 1880 election when , on the dissolution of Parliament , his whereabouts could not be established ; in his place , his friend and another school and university contemporary T.P. O'Connor contested and won the Galway seat . friend male 5 He also became Al 's friend and Al usually drags him into his schemes . friend female 5 In her reply , her friend realizes she might have become a housewife " anchored down in Anchorage " , although still dreaming about being a " skateboard punk rocker in New York " . friend male 19 One technique Google uses to personalize searches for its users is to track log in time and if the user has enabled web history in his browser . user male 15 Just as an experienced doctor is able to diagnose certain ailments the instant a new patient walks into his office , or a police officer learns to recognize criminal types from subtle behavior clues which escape the untrained eye , so we , perhaps , may learn to recognize the future scientific crank when we first encounter him . patient male 19 In early 2003 , while in Los Angeles and before they met with producer Gregg Hoffman , Hoffman 's friend pulled him into his office and showed him the short . friend male 15 According to the article , he wanted to boycott the school and to have the superintendent removed from his position . superintendent female 4 That person helped her friend elope with her lover on the night of her marriage and neither Indu nor that person knows each other 's features and looks . friend female 2 Messner 's friend , the Reverend Mel White , commented on her presence on " The PTL Club " : friend male 5 In 1968 a mutual poet friend of theirs , Pete Roche , put St John in touch with John Peel for his " Nightride " radio show . friend female 11 Instagram had disabled her account in November 2018 , and the user took credit for her deactivation through reporting her and others for violating its community guidelines . user female 3 Jenny 's good friend , Amy , poses as her friend in order to divert the surveillance of both Charlie and the police in order for Jenny to go meet Jeffrey . friend male 11 Once freed , Dinky searches for Birdboy and finds her scared friend reverted to his normal form . friend female 32 New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was due to present Woods with an award at a celebration of the 50th anniversary of Sylvia ’s Restaurant shortly after she died ; a family friend accepted it on her behalf . friend male 1 His friend is the object of his affection . friend male 6 One of the schoolchildren sees his friend turn into his doppelganger before being killed . friend female 8 Her mother embraces her and they notice the patient is bleeding severely from her groin . patient male 7 During his high school years , a friend introduced him to the work of Frank Frazetta , Boris Vallejo , Berni Wrightson , Michael Kaluta , Gerald Brom and Jeff Jones , all of whom he cites as creative influences . friend female 1 A friend of Marie Curie , she welcomed Marie and her daughters into her home and gave them shelter during the " affaire Langevin " , a revelation made by the press of an extramarital affair between Marie Curie , a widow at the time , and Paul Langevin . friend male 8 After his course , his father 's close friend Mr. M. T. Vasudevan Nair introduced him to Mr. Jayanan Vincent . friend male 1 A friend of James Beattie and Dr Samuel Johnson he came to fame during his own life - time but had more success with his poetry than with longer texts . friend male 1 The friend invited Todd to his house , where they had sex while his girlfriend was on holiday . friend female 10 During the second stage of labor , the birth - attendant may provide pressure on the woman 's rectum with her thumb as the woman pushes . attendant female 7 According to a family member , one patient had cleaned rodent droppings in her home during the two weeks before the onset of illness , while the other patients had no known contact with rodents . patient male 4 Allyn claimed that his friend , Charles R. Capp , vice - president of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad , selected the name in his honor . friend male 2 His best friend came to his rescue , but Shao Han 's sister brings Shao Han to further investigations . friend female 18 Lady Smatter , Cecilia 's governess , will not allow the match to proceed , but Beaufort 's friend , Censor , catches Smatter in her own literary pretensions . friend female 6 On her 21st birthday , a friend gave her a guitar and she began to work with blues music . friend female 29 However , Mariko Aoki 's letter ( constituting primary literature in this respect ) contains the language " I ended up with the same disease ( soon after my friend complained of her own symptoms ) " , and it is also a fact that in humorous contexts the phenomenon is likened to a disease . friend male 21 During the first week , the residents showed fear of the statue , but that feeling quickly dissolved ; one Twitter user said on his page that people were posing for pictures in front of the statue . user female 2 Parsons ' friend and one - time musical partner Emmylou Harris also covered it on her 1979 album " Blue Kentucky Girl " . friend female 9 While in her second year of university , a friend recommended that she watch the anime series " Clannad " . friend male 1 The superintendent of schools for Murray from 1912–1928 , Carl E. Gaufm emigrated with his family from Sweden as a child and graduated from the University of Utah in 1896 . superintendent male 21 This links back to " Life born of Fire " , where Jonjo a former friend of Hathaway 's asserts his friend is not happy with his life . friend female 3 , a childhood friend of Edward and Alphonse Elric , lives in Resembool with her grandmother , Pinako Rockbell , who raised her after the death of her parents during the Ishbal War . friend male 6 On his return , an old friend , merchant Aziz Rakim ( Vladimir Sokoloff ) offers Jim a bracelet to give to Stephanie but a hidden compartment contains diamonds , which Jim stashes in his ceiling fan . friend female 3 Bernard is his friend and Gilles is disappointed of her air of superiority . friend female 4 Dr. Cameron believes the patient suffers from tendinitis due to her thyroid gland causing a depressed mental state , resulting in inflammation of the tendons . patient female 2 An old friend of Kayla 's , Jack falls in love with her . friend male 5 That evening Roberto 's best friend , Major Eric Fenton , arrives with his sister Daisy . friend female 20 Her anti - government boss Ron Swanson ( Offerman ) reluctantly allows her to form an exploratory committee after her friend and colleague Mark Brendanawicz ( Schneider ) secretly intervenes on her behalf . friend male 2 His closest friend , Zeke Jedediah Dunbar ( Caleb Moody ) , allows Cole to hide on his rooftop , despite his envy of the former 's powers . friend male 2 An early postmaster named the town for his daughter , Jeanette " Farisita " Faris , the nickname being Spanish for little Faris girl . postmaster male 2 An early postmaster named the community after his daughter , Eva Gill . postmaster male 7 The inquiry also received evidence that a friend had asked Spence about his diabetes in relation to his employment as a pilot . friend female 27 In an interview with " Newsarama " , Strain stated that she had admired Aït - Kaci 's art before the two met , and when a friend brought her in contact with her , Strain started pitching various story ideas to her . friend female 6 Seven years later , Mirai 's friend , Akane Kashiwagi , now sixteen years old , is playing Kokkuri with her friends Mayumi and Yuka . friend female 33 Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma rejected a further application for joinder by eight - year - old Liang Wing - ki , the Hong Kong - born daughter of mainland parents , whose next friend , mother Li Yinxian , filed suit on her behalf . friend female 8 After the passing of her mother , a friend helped her through her grief by comparing tears to pearls , thus the idea for that collection emerged . friend female 1 Another friend of Craigie , Mrs. David Jackson of Philadelphia , told Allen about her parents ’ relationship after both had died . friend male 7 At the same time , Wirth 's friend and collaborator C. A. R. Hoare was working on his influential communicating sequential processes concept , which used the exclamation mark " ! " and the question mark " ? " to denote communication primitives . friend female 3 Marie Bashkirtseff 's friend since adolescence , Karadjordjevitch stood by her side during her last days and he was present at her deathbed . friend male 2 Once a hunter choose a bird as his target and points his arrow towards it . hunter female 31 Jim knew of Melinda 's unique ability to communicate with ghosts at the start of the series ; he helped her as much as he could , though Melinda 's good friend , Andrea Marino , provided most of the aid until her death at the end of the first season . friend female 4 Instead , Dava 's friend , her former pupil Tim Drake , in his identity as Robin , jumps into the fray in her place . friend female 21 In early 2008 , Lenny Kravitz invited her to be the opening act for his Love Revolution Tour , after a friend tipped him about her MySpace page . friend male 0 Friend and fellow comedian , Dave Chappelle has taken Barnes along as his opening act on international tours . Friend female 2 Huth 's friend , the fashion designer Käte Kausel , lived with her family in an apartment at Dillenburger Straße 58f in Berlin - Wilmersdorf . friend male 2 An early postmaster named the community after his daughter , Nevada " Vada " Jackson . postmaster male 4 Fraser 's only real friend , George Kearns , a painter of ceramics , commits suicide in 1937 , along with his lover , Augusta , after they have confided in Fraser about their experiences during the First World War . friend female 3 A long time friend , Elegba , visits Oya throughout her narrative and after learning he has fathered a child , Oya realizes that she is unable to have children . friend male 15 After his death , West 's former " Batman " co - star and longtime friend , Burt Ward , released a statement ; " This is a terribly unexpected loss of my lifelong friend , I will forever miss him . friend male 6 During his first years as assistant superintendent , Wall and then - resident superintendent Harrison Howell Dodge rotated turns sleeping as guard in the manor house . superintendent male 0 Friend died at his home in Thorndon at about 9 am on 19 July 1898 . Friend male 0 Friend suffered ill - health during his term as Clerk of the House . Friend male 0 Friend also developed refinements to his quinary system , which included what he called " the Three A 's of Anusara " ( attitude , alignment and action ) , seven energy loops that comprise the human body , and various cues to assist in teaching . Friend male 10 In 2013 , Shawn Wasabi started producing music after his friend left the Midi Fighter 3D at his house . friend male 16 In 1949 , eight years after his ill - fated first attempt at coaching , a friend from Wichita named Fritz Snodgrass sent Miller a telegram asking if he might be interested in returning to guide his son 's team at East High School . friend male 0 Friend resides in Big Flats with his wife Renée and their four children : Friend male 6 With Crabmongous defeated , Doppelgänger 's friend teleports Doppelgänger and Ocean Master to his lair . friend male 12 Suspecting a local psychiatrist to be the murderer , the victim 's friend goes undercover as his therapy patient to reveal the truth , while a seasoned police detective follows the case . friend male 5 A recovering alcoholic and cocaine user , Lane wrote about his struggles with dependency in " Addicted : Notes From the Belly of the Beast " , which he co - edited with Crozier , and in " There is a Season " . user male 2 Jim 's friend at work , Nate , refers him to his former divorce lawyer , Donna . friend male 15 Additionally she is a relative of the founder of the party , the king 's friend , Fouad Ali El Himma , being the cousin of his brother - in - law . friend male 29 Seeing his brother about to be operated upon , Edgar breaks into the operating room and quickly takes Wally back to the patient 's room , where the correct patient is now waiting for his operation . patient male 11 The day after his death and at his request , his friend , artist Lorette C. Luzajic , launched the Crad Kilodney Literary Foundation , a website dedicated to preserving and promoting his works . friend female 15 Louise McGrath Cohoon ( c. 1954 – February 14 , 2016 ) was an American sociologist noted for her research on gender imbalance in computing . sociologist male 7 In the summer of 1962 his close friend , Jo Ramírez , would accompany Ricardo to his adventure in Europe . friend male 13 With his Elmer Fudd - like appearance and tipsy walking style , the hunter is a spaced - out goofball used mostly for comic relief . hunter male 18 After college he worked as a bouncer and entered mixed martial arts at age 20 , after a friend suggested it due to his wrestling background . friend male 6 After his death , his close friend and author James Willard Schultz named the peak after Monroe . friend male 5 During his stay Booth 's friend noticed that the actor seemed agitated and suggested that he lie down on his bed for a short rest , supposedly the same bed Abraham Lincoln died in just a few hours later . friend male 10 The man who took the video initially thought that the patient had a gun in his hands . patient male 13 In the video Kinsey asks police not to shoot him , while his patient plays with his toy truck . patient female 6 A short time later , his friend awakens from her easy chair by the fireplace to see his cigarette burning in the ashtray , but he is not in the house . friend female 3 Meanwhile , her friend Carla is working in her veterinary clinic and hears the report of the dead sitters on the radio . friend male 1 A friend of Roop 's from the NWA 's Florida territory , Dick Slater , was staying at his home while recovering from an accidental gunshot wound . friend male 0 Friend and former political ally President Andrew Johnson pardoned Jones for his Civil War activities in June 1865 . Friend male 1 Another patient has broken two bones in his foot severing a major artery and doctors battle to save his foot with the remaining blood vessels in his foot . patient male 1 The attendant returns to his office with a shrug . attendant male 2 A grateful patient in his medical practice in Hamburg had summoned him to his house late at night on the pretext of an emergency call on behalf of his infant daughter . " patient male 10 The microbe was apparently associated with a penetrating thorn the patient had incurred in his ankle while running barefoot 12 years before . patient male 8 During his school years , Vainio 's best friend was Risto " Tiso " Warjus , two years his senior . friend male 1 Her friend takes him up on his guarantee of sexual satisfaction , but storms out after finding an offensive text on his phone . friend male 8 Hence it is important not only for the patient to report the AE to his health care provider ( who may neglect to report the AE ) , but also report the AE to both the biopharmaceutical company and the FDA , EMA , ... patient male 2 A close friend of Sylvester Stallone , Spinell was the godfather of his late son Sage Stallone . friend female 4 Kalyani 's husband 's friend comes to her home and expresses his desire to sleep with her . friend female 13 Jung - won is now surprised to learn that her ex - close friend is now best friends with her boyfriend . friend female 8 On November 3 , 1974 , Lindsley 's friend and neighbor Frances Bemis went out for her evening walk and never returned . friend male 27 " Service acquisition " provides a means of virtually personalising the end user to any given radio terminal and onto TETRA network for the duration the end user conserves the terminal under his possession . user female 18 The story revolves around an Irish twelve - year - old girl called Megan Sheehan , whose best friend , Alice O'Rourke , has just moved away from Limerick to Dublin with her younger brother Jamie and her domineering mother . friend female 5 During her discharge , the patient admits to Chase that she is joining the nunnery because she was a nanny whose two - year - old charge was killed under her care . patient male 4 A contemporary and good friend of George Washington , Fairfax made opportunities for the younger Washington through his powerful family . friend male 11 In his senior year of high school , Ferrell and a friend would perform comedy skits over the school 's intercom system , with cooperation from the principal ; the two had to write their own material . friend male 1 A friend of Marcel Proust , he helped the latter with his translation of John Ruskin 's " The Bible of Amiens " . friend male 6 Immediately after his arrest , his friend and Bollywood actress Pooja Bedi came in his support to bring gender neutral laws and investigation to launch # MenToo movement , just like Australian social commentator Bettina Arndt has written a book with the same title . friend female 8 Toko tells him that Keita confessed that his friend stabbed Fujino in her abdomen on the night of the murders and that actually triggered her desire to kill . friend male 0 Friend died in his home in Long Island on June 1 , 1969 . Friend male 1 His friend , documentary filmmaker Jon Salter , joins Vince in his motel room and the two reminisce about their high school years . friend female 9 After many tests , it was concluded that the patient had contracted the disease from her dog , which was found to have chronic labial ulcerations that provided an easy way to transmit the bacteria to the patient . patient female 1 A friend introduced her to her current club where she began lessons and competing locally in small tournaments . friend male 4 Following his death his friend , the historian Ziya Nur Aksun , collected many of his words and published them . friend male 2 Raju ’s friend from America , Sanjeev Phadke , unexpectedly arrives at his house . friend male 5 Bryan , Vaughn 's best friend , is having relations with Vaughn 's ex - girlfriend ( Renee ) behind his back . friend female 0 Patient 2 received " music only " distraction during her second scan but was still not able to complete a 10-min scan and asked to terminate her second scan early . Patient female 2 A political sociologist , she was an associate professor of sociology in Trinity College Dublin until her retirement in 2014 . sociologist male 19 In these cases , the installation can be competitive when the output cost matches the price at which the user pays for his electricity consumption . user male 1 A friend and advisor to Bill Clinton during his time as Governor of Arkansas , since his 1978 run , Morris became a political adviser to the White House after Clinton was elected president in 1992 . friend male 2 A longtime friend and colleague , Landrum Bolling is renowned for his many achievements as an educator and journalist , leader in philanthropic , humanitarian , and interfaith efforts , and as a citizen peacemaker . friend male 1 One patient died on the floor of the hospital in his own excrement and the body of another dead patient could not be located . patient female 5 After her death , her friend , assistant and collaborator , Christabel Coleridge , published the biographical " Charlotte Mary Yonge : her Life and Letters " ( 1903 ) . friend female 7 After her death , Kidder 's close friend , director Ted Geoghegan , stated : friend male 10 In " Chief of the Herok'a " , a great hunter lived with his wife and two small children . hunter male 3 Ursus , his friend wrote in his 1588 " Fundamentum astronomicum " , “ I do not have to explain to which level of comprehensibility this extremely deep and nebulous theory has been corrected and improved by the tireless study of my dear teacher , Justus Bürgi from Switzerland , by assiduous considerations and daily thought . friend male 9 In accordance with his dying wish , Liverseege 's friend and patron Benjamin Hick saved many of the artist 's sketches by mounting and placing them in a box that remained with the Hick family until 1909 , before being sold at auction by Cape Dunne & Co. Manchester . friend male 1 His friend and fellow Puerto Rico celebrity " Pacheco " himself introduced Aguad Jorge to his new job at Holsum . friend male 32 One night , self made millionaire Mark Terry ( Martin Kemp ) is in the middle of a blazing row with his wife Zara ( Claire Goose ) when an old school friend , Stuart Milburn ( Hugo Speer ) turns up at his door . friend male 1 The user gets the requested address back on his PC or terminal . user male 16 Asimov himself had some reservations about the name of the story , and noted that his friend Frederik Pohl 's suggested title of " Dirty Pool " was far better than his own . friend male 2 The local postmaster lent him money for his hotel bills after the luggage was jettisoned . postmaster male 5 Upon his death , a friend wrote in the " Maryland Gazette " , " The death of this valuable and worthy gentleman is justly lamented ... friend male 6 A basic move in which the user sweeps the opponent 's leg with his foot , especially in midst of performing a bigger movement . user female 2 Her best friend had died in her arms during a 350-mile death march . friend male 3 Varadarajan 's dear friend , Selva , was with him throughout his adult life , until his death . friend male 6 In his teen years , a friend of Hoppus would steal his mother 's car in the middle of the night and pick Hoppus up ; the two would sneak out to the desert and burn trees and any objects they could find . friend male 23 The next day , Emma , Henry and Mary Margaret stop by the hospital to see him , only to discover that the patient has left on his own and might be bleeding . patient male 1 His friend and colleague , Adelbert von Chamisso , named the California poppy ( " Eschscholzia californica " ) in his honor . friend female 5 Yoshimura , Patty 's closest friend while underground , was a fugitive for her involvement with explosives that were stored in a garage she rented . friend male 1 A user can put moving emoticons on his face , overlay cartoon view and theme view , such as the mustache frame , during a video chat . user female 1 a Friend " is a song by Australian recording artist and actress Lenka from her debut studio album , " Lenka " ( 2008 ) . Friend male 7 When everything is in place , the user plucks the string with his finger , at the point marked N ( circled in green ) , and F is sounded . user male 20 His first Premier League fixture was on 20 September 2009 : a 2–1 victory for Wolverhampton Wanderers over Fulham ; Friend showed two yellow cards during his debut appointment in England 's top - flight . Friend male 15 They tell the parable of a man who has fallen asleep after drinking and whose friend sews a jewel into his garment . friend male 2 Prine 's friend and fellow songwriter Steve Goodman recorded " Donald & Lydia " on his 1971 self - titled LP . friend female 9 In retaliation , her troubled and somewhat thuggish only friend , Dean , had ambushed Riga outside her home and threatened to burn her alive unless she stayed away from Franky . friend male 4 For example , when user " Joe " withdraws cash from his account , he is operating the Automated Teller Machine and obtaining a result on his own behalf . user female 2 Her best friend , a green fish named Luther , goes with her on all her adventures . friend male 22 Later , he hid a video camera in the bedroom that was connected via closed - circuit television line so that his friend could observe the Hanssens from his guest bedroom . friend female 30 The noted fiction writer Yūko Tsushima refers to the legend in her novel , where the main character , engaged in a romantic relationship coloured by jealousy , helps her friend clean insects from her flat . friend female 1 A friend took care of her writings and photographs , which were later archived in the Swiss Literary Archives in Bern . friend male 0 Friend and fellow Snoqualmie Valley pioneer Will Taylor described him in his obituary : " Jerry Borst was a kindly , gentle , honest man , always helping those who needed help . Friend female 7 After discovering on Instagram that an unrequited friend of hers named Charlotte did not invite her to her wedding , Ingrid crashes the reception and pepper sprays her in the face . friend female 2 A mental patient with a heart problem , Xu Lian , escapes from her facility to take back her daughter , Xiao Ai , from her grandparents ' home . patient male 8 Paul Manning discovers one day that his dear friend and neighbor Ed Stander has been cheating on his wife . friend male 15 However , due to his death one year before the start of production , his friend and frequent collaborator , Ricardo Darín , took up the task . friend male 3 The story his friend tells of his wife matches what happened to Logan in every detail . friend male 1 A friend and colleague of Léon Foucault , Girard was most notable for his work with impulse turbines . friend male 5 In his work the Gond hunter and the Brahmin child are equals in their travels in the jungle , and Dhan Gopal Mukerji never ( unlike Kipling ) anthropomorphises the animals or draws a facile moral from them . hunter male 2 A close friend of Demirarslan stated in his testimony that Atalay was interested in Elena and that he wanted to be her boyfriend . friend male 8 It was always just great energy , " friend and fellow rapper Mistah F.A.B. says of his performances . friend male 1 His friend , Nobby Harris ( Donald Webster ) , asked for his help to rob a supermarket but Eddie chose to stay clean and pursue barmaid friend male 3 And when a friend offered him a comfortable home instead of his poor boat , he replied , " I prefer to follow the gulls into cloudland , rather than to bury my ethereal self beneath the dust of the world . friend female 2 A great friend of Félix Dupanloup , bishop of Orléans , she lived a simple and devout life until her death on 12 October 1890 . friend male 1 A friend of O'Kelley came to his aid and fired one shot at the policeman , but then lost his nerve and ran away . friend female 2 When the patient mentioned these symptoms to her physician , they recommended that she discontinue codeine use . patient male 1 My friend was practically falling out of his chair laughing ... friend male 17 Although the subject matter seems out of keeping with Bouré 's monumental and public works , his friend Rodin was also sculpting children during his time in Belgium in the 1870s , when Bouré was a visitor to his studio . friend female 7 After the woman drives away , the attendant goes to her apartment building , and watches through a window as she has sex with her husband . attendant female 14 Several days after her arrival at the institution , Lederer — Brooks ' closest friend and companion — committed suicide by jumping to her death from a hospital window . friend female 9 It is at this time that Weiyun 's good friend and partner , Yu Fan ( Chen Hanwei ) , enters into her world . friend male 1 The friend returns to his shop , and after he leaves , the father - in - law states he thinks the friend and the wife would make a good couple . friend female 5 Before her deportation , her friend and colleague Wilhelm Schüffner had attempted in vain to procure a special position for her . friend male 1 His friend , the cartoonist Wiley Miller , memorialized Cohen after his death by creating a superhero , Obviousman , in his syndicated cartoon strip " Non Sequitur ( comic strip ) " whose mission in life was to wean people away from the endless stream of information in modern society and get them to think about what is really happening . friend male 2 A good friend of his , Albert Edelfelt , was instrumental through his influence in getting the work ordered . friend male 1 A friend introduced him to his first manager who urged him to move to Los Angeles to further his career . friend male 6 During his recovery , a family friend turned out to be the sister of Frank Howard , the head coach at Clemson College . friend male 7 Following his recovery and discharge , the patient wrote to Darwin , thanking him for taking a personal interest . patient male 4 Appropriation accentuates that the user adjusts the technology for his own best practice , while adaptation advises that the use sometimes changes in general . user male 8 Kalaw said the policemen released him after a friend raised 20,000 pesos on his behalf . friend male 5 During his treatment , the patient demonstrates an outlook on life that ultimately proves inspirational for his fellow patients and especially for his psychiatrist . patient male 21 It allows users to receive e - mails , check updates on social networks , and even share whatever scene the user is looking at with his friends . user male 1 His friend Jeremy Burroughs ( a young minister who afterwards became collector of the customs at Bristol ) came to his relief , by advising him simply to take the oath of allegiance , as if he had been licensed . friend female 6 In 1936 , Spooner 's close friend , Dugald MacPherson , founded a memorial scholarship to her memory at Sherborne School for Girls . friend male 15 While the book is not wrestling related , the author Jason Strecker was a personal friend of Volkoff 's and in the foreword Volkoff responds to his friendship with the author along with the book 's message of being of strong character and doing positive actions for others . friend female 3 The dentist 's friend , a widow from the ghetto came also with her son and daughter . friend female 25 Upon Dr. Millie Finch 's ( Kathy Najimy ) suggestion , Charlie asks Oswald to help him investigate a series of numbers which Charlie 's friend , a demographer named Rachel Lawson , left him before her murder . friend male 9 One day out of the blue , an old friend of Sarathsri appears at his door . friend female 3 She whom her friend accompanies to her house and so is really being followed by the friend . friend male 7 Squeak is finally cornered before his best friend and the film 's main hero , T , comes to his rescue . friend male 8 During roaming , that is , when a user connects to another network in different country from his own , the prices may be higher , but in July 2009 , EU legislation went into effect limiting this price to € 0.11 . user female 2 His intimate friend , Madame Dosne , spoke to her husband , a wealthy businessman . friend male 1 A friend of W.B. Yeats , she appeared in his play " The Land of Heart ’s Desire " in June 1904 . friend male 2 His dead friend and mentor Havaldar Ali gets rewarded with the Ashok Chakra for his bravery . friend male 5 Without his knowledge , a friend entered both their names in a talent show called " Super New Talent King " in 1998 . friend female 2 A personal friend of queen Mary I of England , Gertrude attended court during her reign . friend female 9 After the film 's release , Emilie 's close friend and biographer , Erika Rosenberg , quoted Emilie in her book as saying that the filmmakers had paid " not a penny " to Emilie for her contributions to the film . friend male 1 Close friend and Digger co - founder Peter Coyote stated in his foreword to Grogan 's autobiography " Ringolevio " that his death was due to a heroin overdose . friend female 6 In an obituary , “ A friend ” wrote of her many accomplishments , all made with her “ facile pen and fertile brain . ” friend female 2 Ramaprabha 's friend comes to her place with her daughter Sony ( Jyothi ) to get her married to Ramaprabha 's nephew ( Sharat Babu ) in United States of America . friend male 5 After his death , his friend obtained the permission from British Government and put the royal residence and its articles on lease to get his money back . friend female 6 At her home , a Mountaineering friend of her husband comes to return Andrzej 's mountaineering gear . friend male 3 Initially , a friend painted a pair of red wings at the temples of Rutherford 's mask without his permission . friend male 5 After his death , his friend and biographer Maral Nigolian set up a website to trace these children , identifying 33 , at least 12 of whom met at a 2001 reunion . friend male 6 During his tenure at RIP , Friend documented the making of Metallica 's " The Black Album " . Friend male 1 A friend invites you to his house - you make a new friend . " friend female 6 From her childhood , her closest friend was Nihar Dutta , who married into the Guha Thakurata Family and became Mrs Nihar Guha Thakurata , an eminent Social Worker of Burma of her time . friend male 16 Now he wants to find something that is similar to cancer , and notes the last patient was using methotrexate for his arthritis , which allegedly would also have treated any cancer . patient male 1 A friend of Sulfus 's who is not very bright , in the cartoon he is overweight due to his love of food . friend male 2 The second patient is a man in his 30s who had travelled from India . patient male 1 A friend of Weizsäcker , Trott formally joined the " Auswärtiges Amt " in 1939 at his suggestion after having worked for the " Auswärtiges Amt " as a researcher on China for the previous two years . friend female 27 On the DVD commentary for this episode , series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone explain that they decided to do a show about Wing after a friend led them to her site . friend male 24 In November 2014 , José Socrates was arrested on suspicions of corruption and money - laundering , it having become apparent that a close friend was holding millions of euros for his benefit . friend male 1 The superintendent moved with his chancellery to a house in the city . superintendent male 1 A friend of Russo 's , Paul Capra ( Wass Stevens ) , comes into his office to ask him to stop the closure of the shipyard and save the 12,000 jobs it provides . friend male 9 Although founded as a women ’s college , the superintendent of Fond du Lac schools attended art and music classes with his wife in 1940 . superintendent male 5 Thus , if a malicious user entered " % d " instead of his name , the program would attempt to print out a non - existent integer value , and undefined behavior would occur . user male 6 After his death , a longtime friend and assistant explained the motivation that drove Shilts : " He chose to write about gay issues for the mainstream precisely because he wanted other people to know what it was like to be gay . friend male 10 It flies into a psychiatrist 's office , where a patient ( Gomez , credited as " Someone Else " ) , complains to his doctor ( credit as " Albert Hofmann as Doc " ) that he suffers from hallucinations . patient male 3 A mentally ill patient of Heston Carter ( Owen Brenman ) , Ed Harman suffers with his illness and struggles to integrate back into society after leaving Afghanistan . patient male 1 A friend on board the ship remarked to his uncle " I hear you are taking this Goembab ( Gentleman from Goa ) with you to Mumbai . " friend male 2 A close friend of former Resident Commissioner and Governor Aníbal Acevedo Vilá , she actually was his landlord and housemate during his four years of Congressional service in Washington , DC . friend male 0 Friend and director Cameron Crowe cast him in his film " Almost Famous " ( 2000 ) as Larry Fellows ( the bass player in Stillwater ) and in " Vanilla Sky " ( 2001 ) as a clubgoer who mocks Tom Cruise 's character . Friend male 2 One professional hunter killed over 20,000 by his own count . hunter male 1 A friend of mine has two ' railroad dumps ' on his private property . friend male 24 In 2004 , during his second year of studies at Beit Zvi , Skaat became a contestant on " Kokhav Nolad " after a friend signed him up without his knowledge . friend male 2 Sue 's friend , along his grandfather , came to Heathrow via Alitalia airplane from Palestine - Israelian border . friend female 7 Prior to her marriage , her closest friend was Frances Folsom Cleveland , six years her senior and the wife of a much older President Grover Cleveland . friend male 2 An old friend introduces Tora - san to his sister Ritsuko , and he promptly falls in love with her . friend male 12 After a period of several incidents , Marcus finally understands what his friend did to his little sister . friend male 0 friend of her father takes her to his home in town and Gowri starts her new life among the complete strangers . friend male 1 His friend , documentary filmmaker Jon Saltzman , joins Vince in his motel room and the two begin to reminisce about their high school years . friend male 1 Their friend would quit shortly after and Brandon , who was 14 , along with his brothers Zach and Adam , who was just 9 years old at the time , would continue on , performing in local bars . friend female 1 Her friend invites her to her home for change of place and she goes there . friend male 10 After his death on 19 March 1898 , his unknown friend , signed as “ Un amico , ” published a sonnet about him . friend male 10 David Brown , in his review for " The Micro User " states that ViewSheet " succeeds in providing all the basic spreadsheet functions in a well presented package " . User male 8 Soon , however , an armed , gritty hunter named Boothe Gardener stages a dramatic entrance into the store and stays for the night as well , following his own close brush with the zombified Mormon population in which his friend Charlie was killed . hunter male 3 Mason 's good friend , filmmaker Blake James , also frequently appeared in his films . friend male 2 Wendt 's friend and poet Pablo Neruda wrote in his memoirs that Wendt " " was the central figure of a cultural life torn between the death rattles of the Empire and a human appraisal of the untapped values of Ceylon . " " friend female 1 The user travels back in time with her class , to seven different dinosaur locations , in order to search for live dinosaurs and help replace the photographs . user male 34 On the same day that Kiley was named , the Post reported that he had been aware of the issues at Walter Reed from his command in 2003 , including the fact that a patient had been sleeping in his own urine . patient female 27 A study that recorded neural activity directly from the left pSTG and aSTG reported that the aSTG , but not pSTG , was more active when the patient listened to speech in her native language than unfamiliar foreign language . patient female 16 By clicking on the keyword they have used to tag particular types of item , the user can view all of those items together within her browser , without having to open other applications . user male 1 The trapper " exemplifies frontiersmen like Daniel Boone in his quest for the wide open spaces of the American west . trapper male 3 In 1831 her friend Pyotr Vyazemsky published her first poem , " Talisman " , in his almanac " Severnye Tsvety " ( Northern Flowers ) . friend male 7 He leaves it behind and has his friend Brainy Brian forge a note from his mother saying his cat ate it . friend male 2 Jonathan 's friend David soothes Saul with his singing . friend male 26 A comic sub plot runs in parallel where the village postman Kamalasanan ( Sreenivasan ) is in love with Chandramathi ( Soorya ) , while his friend Sahadevan ( Jagathy Sreekumar ) is afraid of his hard talking wife Parukkutty Amma ( Lalithasree ) . friend male 2 His best friend Jørgen ( Edward Schultheiss ) is transitioning to adult life with his live - partner , Anja ( Marika Enstad ) and their children , but Lars is still living the bachelor 's life , consisting mostly of drinking beer and playing soccer . friend female 36 She championed the right of female art students to work directly from live models as the Royal Academy only allowed its female students to observe male models " carefully draped " in 1893 , and her friend Whistler distributed the prizes at her school . friend male 4 Around this time his friend Richie Ianucchi , a firefighter for the FDNY , introduced him to his future wife , Carrie Spooner . friend female 7 To that effect , Cassatt 's lifelong friend Louisine Havemeyer wrote in her memoirs : " Anyone who had the privilege of knowing Mary Cassatt 's mother would know at once that it was from her and her alone that [ Mary ] inherited her ability . " friend female 8 One afternoon in early 1934 , Bankhead 's friend David Herbert called at her suite at the Hotel Splendide in Piccadilly and was informed at the door by her maid that " Miss Bankhead is in the bath with Mr Rex Whilster . " friend male 11 Thanks to these 20,000 francs , and the funds that his friend Jacques puts into his business , he was able to begin planting . friend female 4 Dr. Amal ’s closest friend Zeina , who was also a secretary working in Rashid ’s office , lives with her sister Laila and her husband AbdulRahman . friend male 10 The main protagonist is a teenager named Tom , whose friend Kaz constantly tells him of his adventures in Chaotic . friend male 13 When his best friend Harry Osborn has become a junkie , his close friend Captain George Stacy died in his arms , and Gwen Stacy – friend female 22 The romance with Buzot was possibly also one of the factors contributing to the break with a political ally ; her old friend Lanthenas , now a parliamentarian , had for years been in love with her himself , and now distanced himself from the circle around Madame Roland - and from the Girondins . friend male 2 Gray 's friend William Mason chose an actual churchyard in south Wales for his " Elegy VI " ( 1787 ) , adding a reference to the poet in the text . friend male 10 In his analysis of the K - pop phenomenon , sociologist John Lie attributes this lack of co - ed groups to the " accentuation of gender archetypes " that has " solidified the practice of creating single - sex groups " . sociologist female 4 In 1997 , her friend Lore Metzger , a survivor of the Third Reich , left her $ 10,000 in her will , to help with the work of rural education . friend male 11 When singer Tommy Bishop left the group , Leport 's old friend Rod Stewart joined as his replacement . friend male 5 Gerry even has his best friend Ray removed from the team because of his racism following a game where Ray intentionally missed a block which consequently led to the near - season - ending injury of starting quarterback Jerry " Rev " Harris . friend male 6 Priya and Honey when Krishna 's friend Bahadur takes the girls ' camping crew near his home to camp . friend male 9 During his visits to the hospital , his good friend Ben Rich watched his condition worsen , writing , " His eyes seemed unfocused and lifeless , and increasingly began to slip in and out of coherence . friend male 8 After his dismissal from The Chancellors , old friend Drake Levin invited Volk to join him in the band friend female 1 Her friend Helene von Racowitza said in her memoirs that Assing was deeply in love with Douglass . friend female 8 Jane marries a millionaire , and her best friend Diana Barry ( now Diana Wright ) has given birth to her firstborn . friend female 1 Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal picked up on her trail by chance on a visit to Tel Aviv . hunter male 8 In his 2001 examination of Satanists , the sociologist James R. Lewis noted that , to his surprise , his findings " consistently pointed to the centrality of LaVey 's influence on modern Satanism " . " sociologist male 5 Toombs ' long - time friend Bruce Prichard revealed on his podcast that he received a voicemail from Piper the night of his death . friend male 6 After his death , Powell 's friend Richard Ritchie recorded in 1998 that " during one of the habitual coal crises of recent years he told me that he had no objection to supporting the coal industry , either through the restriction of cheap coal imports or subsidy , if it were the country 's wish to preserve local coal communities " . friend male 8 After his death , Latter - day Saint sociologist Armand Mauss described Lee as " one of the truly tragic figures in modern Mormon history " . sociologist male 1 His friend Lawrence Durrell recounts in his book " Bitter Lemons " ( 1957 ) friend female 15 In her memoir " An Impossible Woman " ( 1975 ) , Graham Greene 's friend Dottoressa Elisabeth Moor recounts how she was once urgently called to the Hotel Eden - Paradiso in Anacapri , Italy . " friend male 2 Algren 's friend Richard Wright won Second prize in the O. Henry Awards for his " Story"-published " Fire and Cloud " in 1938 . friend male 2 His old friend Hobbamock had been part of his household , but he died in 1642 and was buried on Standish 's farm in Duxbury . friend male 16 In his letters , Charles - Joseph , 7th Prince of Ligne , wrote to his friend Louis Philippe , comte de Ségur while serving with the army at the 1788 Siege of Ochakov . friend male 23 Boulanger joined the Michelin board in 1922 and became president of Citroën in January 1938 after the death in a road accident his friend Pierre Michelin remaining in this position until his own death in 1950 . friend male 1 His friend Edsel on the other hand is on the rock with his marriage to Pia , Dug 's old girlfriend , who wants a divorce . friend female 1 Her friend William , who believed in Sheila 's foresight , shoots her husband with her gun . friend male 1 His friend Duke Ellington recalled Eckstine 's artistry in his 1973 autobiography " Music is My Mistress " : friend male 5 Shortly after his death his friend George Weigel noted : " Newman had had inscribed on his tombstone " Ex umbris et imaginibus in veritatem friend male 6 Shortly after his death , his friend David Levy Yulee named the town of Archer , Florida after him . friend male 2 The other user Mitt Romney used Facebook as well for his campaign , but not as much as Obama had . user male 28 The eulogy was given by his close friend and fellow Maastricht rebel Richard Shepherd , at his memorial service at St Margaret 's Church , Westminster another close friend Charles Moore gave a eulogy . friend male 4 He portrayed Rasool 's friend Ashley and story unveils through his narration . friend male 7 The narrator learns that his old college friend Cornelius Wyatt is aboard with his wife and two sisters , though he has reserved three state - rooms . friend female 7 The film concludes with long - term friend Juliette Ashby talking about her last phone call with Winehouse , footage of Winehouse 's body being taken out of her home after her death , and Bennett stating : " Life teaches you really how to live it , if you live long enough . friend male 2 Chaucer 's friend John Gower used a similar meter in his poem " In Praise of Peace . " friend male 10 The storyline begins shortly after Brody catches Mason 's university friend Lena Ascot ( Felicity McKay ) selling drugs in his restaurant . friend male 3 By contrast , sociologist Todd Gitlin is more generous in his assessment of the effectiveness of the entire gamut of draft evasion practices . sociologist male 23 In a 2010 interview with Crikey , Wiseau gave an age which would indicate he was born in 1968 or 1969 , but friend Greg Sestero claims in his 2013 memoir " The Disaster Artist " that his brother 's girlfriend obtained copies of Wiseau 's U.S. immigration papers and found that Wiseau was born " much earlier " than he claimed , in an Eastern Bloc country in the mid- to late 1950s . friend female 10 In her study of the band 's contemporary audience , sociologist Candy Leonard says that some fans recall interpreting the " butcher cover " in this way and supporting the Beatles " and their sense of humour " . sociologist male 13 In his 1974 book " The American Intellectual Elite " , Columbia University sociologist Charles Kadushin interviewed " the seventy most prestigious " American intellectuals of the late 1960s , including Silvers . sociologist male 1 His friend Victor Hugo wrote in his memoirs , " The Prince de Joinville 's deafness increases . friend female 6 In her final years , childhood friend Raphael Meyer said that : friend male 15 The claim Lindsey was offered the role is given more credibility when Lindsey 's close friend Ernest Borgnine writes in his autobiography , " my hand to God – he turned down the part of Mr. Spock on TV 's " Star Trek " , the role that made Leonard Nimoy famous . " friend male 5 During his convalescence , his friend Thomas McGuane suggested he write a novel , and " Wolf : friend male 15 In a scene about one - third of the way into the film , his friend Pepe gives an extended monologue on his critical assessment of the diary as it is shaping up so far , namely that David is making " a very bad work of art . " friend male 0 Superintendent Minter - " Sooper " , rattles around the countryside on his noisy motorbike and tries to find a connection . Superintendent male 2 Cavendish 's friend Edmund Burke penned several eulogies of him after his death : " The world never produced a more upright and honourable mind ; with very considerable talents , and a still more considerable improvement of them " . friend male 4 After his death his friend Mary Clarke ( afterwards Madame J. Möhl ) published his " Histoire de la poésie provençale " ( 3 vols . , 1846)--his lectures for 1831 - 1832 . friend male 2 But a patient Dhoni , with his haul right till the end , made sure India won with just 5 balls remaining . patient male 1 The hunter - god from Le Touget in Gers carries a hare tenderly in his arms . hunter male 5 Bond finds his CIA agent friend Felix Leiter maimed in his house alongside his dead wife . friend male 2 Falco 's friend Niki Lauda named one of the Boeing airplanes in his Lauda Air fleet " Falco " after the singer . friend male 2 But his friend Li Jun , who has recently befriended Song Jiang at Jieyang Ridge , comes by in his boat and the killing is averted . friend female 2 Her close friend Tennessee Williams was best man at her wedding . friend male 2 And his friend Sewall notes in his Diary : " He was a good Scholar , and a solid Divine . friend male 5 Commentator and Simpson 's close friend David Saunders stated in his 1971 book , " Cycling in the Sixties " , that although he did not condone Simpson 's use of drugs , he thought it was not the reason for his death . friend female 8 Shortly after her return from Europe , her friend Nair Tefé married the President of the Republic of Brazil Hermes Rodrigues da Fonseca , becoming the first lady of Brazil . friend male 8 In his " Huffington Post " editorial , sociologist Shayne Lee lists Perry among the pantheon of today 's most innovative filmmakers . sociologist male 2 Richman 's friend John Thomas became interested in the problem ; in his recollection , friend female 3 Then his close friend Cass Elliot died in her sleep , and rumors about the cause of her death circulated in the media . friend male 2 Massinger 's friend Sir Aston Cockayne borrowed heavily from " A Very Woman " for his own play " The Obstinate Lady " ( published 1658 ) . friend female 0 Sociologist Ruha Benjamin writes further in her book Race Sociologist female 1 Flight attendant Cassandra Bowden wakes in her hotel room hungover from the night before in Dubai with a dead body lying next to her . attendant male 13 As music began to overpower all other interests in his life , close friend Mark Rogoyski introduced Edison to his brother Adam . friend female 1 Her friend Peter Buckland , a retired Vancouver stockbroker , bought the property from her estate in 1985 and spent nearly fifteen years restoring the garden . friend male 7 They also inadvertently help their father 's friend Charlie solve a mystery from his past and , in the end , welcome a new family member . friend male 10 In his book " Angry White Men " , the sociologist Michael Kimmel says the term is used to attack feminist campaigns for equal pay and safety from rape and domestic violence by associating them with Nazi genocide . sociologist female 2 Ceddie 's friend Dick Tipton ( Mickey Rooney ) recognises Minna from her newspaper picture . friend male 16 During his later years Mushet had often pleaded poverty and soon after his death , his friend John Upton made a public appeal for donations to support Mushet 's widow . friend male 10 Shortly before leaving , on June 14 , 1853 , friend and poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow held a farewell dinner party at his Cambridge home . friend male 6 Later in the 1970s , childhood friend Lana Lang joins Clark in his newscasts as his fellow co - anchor . friend female 10 In her study of the Beatles ' contemporary audience , sociologist Candy Leonard says that , although some young listeners were challenged by the band 's new direction , " With " Rubber Soul " , the Beatles came to occupy a role in fans ' lives and a place in their psyches that was different from any previous fan – performer relationship . sociologist male 13 Following his final performance on September 18 , 2010 , long - time friend Bruce McCarthy has since assumed the position as the band 's percussionist . friend male 3 When the imperial attendant Yuan Gao ( 袁高 ) offended Emperor Dezong by his bluntness , Qi , apparently approving Yuan 's bluntness , recommended Yuan to be a secretary general of the executive bureau and also chief imperial censor . attendant male 13 Sumitha 's father wants to arrange a marriage for her , and his friend Sajjed comes to visit , along with his son Asim and wife Chhobi . friend female 1 His friend Vasily Kapnist was preparing an accommodation for Empress Catherine II in Kremenchuk during her travel to newly conquered Crimea . friend male 8 In his 2001 examination of Satanists , the sociologist James R. Lewis noted that , to his surprise , his findings " consistently pointed to the centrality of LaVey 's influence on modern Satanism " . sociologist male 13 Following his convincing win in the all - star game , Graham 's friend George Steinbrenner helped get him a job as the head football coach for the Coast Guard Academy in New London , Connecticut . friend male 2 Betsy 's friend Tib is his first passenger — along with his wife friend male 5 In his 2007 article , sociologist Stefan Timmermans called the book " landmark " . sociologist male 1 Former superintendent Thomas Tramaglini resigned from his position effective September 2018 , after he had been arrested for an incident in which he had been charged with defecating at the athletic fields at Holmdel High School . superintendent male 1 His friend H. L. Mencken wrote upon his death to his widow : " You were married for thirty years to one of the most charming men who was ever on earth . friend male 7 On March 20 , 1912 , treasure hunter Alistair Rhodes ( Charles Dennis ) hosts a party at his mansion in England , where many of his associates are invited . hunter male 1 Dutch sociologist Cornelis Hulsman moved with his Egyptian wife Sawsan Gabra Ayoub Khalil in 1994 to Egypt where they discovered large discrepancies between various ( Western ) media reporting and what they actually found in Egypt after thorough investigations of various topics reported in media . sociologist male 0 Sociologist Georg Simmel contributed to the description of sensory overload in his 1903 essay " Sociologist male 10 In his 2009 book " Prisons of Poverty " , sociologist Loïc Wacquant criticized the book for misinterpreting data in a way that purported to demonstrate that rising poverty levels after the 1960s were caused by the emergence of the social welfare state when according to Wacquant the data showed no such thing . sociologist male 1 His friend A.L. Basham , a well - known indologist , wrote in his obituary : friend female 4 In her role as superintendent Eisenhuth emphasized professional development , conducting many teacher training workshops herself . superintendent male 6 After his death in 1909 his friend Ludwig Hoffman took charge of the project and construction began in 1910 , continuing during the First World War ( 1918 ) and the great inflation of the 1920s . friend male 11 When Ludwig and his wife both die , Ludwig 's good friend Adrian Degenhardt takes care of his children . friend male 9 Among his teammates at the club was his childhood friend Sagibarba . friend male 7 However , Summers noted that Hoover 's friend actress and singer Ethel Merman knew of his sexual orientation . friend male 6 In his 1957 annual report , superintendent Edward J. Anderson cited Sputnik as the reason why math and science were receiving more attention in the U.S. superintendent male 6 In his authorized biography , close friend Morris Walker suggests that Martin could " be described most accurately as an agnostic ... he rarely went to church and was never involved in organized religion of his own volition " . friend male 6 Around the summer of 1999 , user Sam Gentile posted the comment " I 'm through here " on his user page , and began systematically removing his text from all pages on WikiWikiWeb that he had contributed to . user male 17 In 1591 , Edmund Gennings was saying Mass at Wells 's house , when the priest - hunter Richard Topcliffe burst in with his officers . hunter male 11 In his " Rules of the Sociological Method " , French sociologist Émile Durkheim indicates that it is necessary for the sociological method to offer parameters in order to distinguish normality from pathology or abnormality . sociologist female 3 Adriana 's best friend Loreto ( Soledad Pérez ) is also jealous of Artemisa since her boyfriend , the aspiring writer Néstor ( Mauricio Pesutic ) is starting to harbor some degree of romantic interest in her . friend male 4 He also tolerates his friend Harry 's moving into his house uninvited . friend female 8 Karen 's life greatly changes when her childhood friend Jasper knocks at her door . friend male 26 The new neighbor , Stéphanie , played by Charlotte Gainsbourg , invites Stéphane into her apartment ( unaware that he lives next door ) where her friend Zoé tends to his wound . friend male 8 In his third year of drama school , friend Ashley Callie was going to audition for Johannesburg 's annual Christmas pantomime , directed by the award - winning Janice Honeyman . friend male 2 Yerxa 's friend Cole Eyraud protected the settlement after his death and after it had been abandoned and vandalized . friend male 5 In his Hollywood memoirs , friend Farley Granger recalled an incident when he and Lancaster had to come to Winters ' rescue one evening when she had inadvertently overdosed on alcohol and sleeping pills . friend female 2 Gidget 's friend Larue sometimes takes part in her escapades . friend male 2 Léandre 's friend Gentille came to his aid and convinced the old fairy to trust Léandre . friend male 4 In 1976 , theoretical sociologist Donald Black introduced a general sociological theory of law in his book " sociologist female 1 Her friend Lucina buried her with her brothers in the cemetery " ad Ursum Pileatum " on the Via Portuensis . friend male 8 The day after his death , Kostenko 's friend Yuriy Muryn recalled his last communications with Kostenko . friend female 3 After the Twitter user Nicole von Horst tweeted about her own experiences of Sexism , a number of women , including feminist Anne Wizorek , established the hashtag " # aufschrei " . user male 24 In June 1965 , on his ketch ( " Tzu Hang " ) , a sailor Miles Smeeton , his daughter Clio and his friend Henry Combe purportedly saw a similar creature on the northern coast of Atka Island . friend female 1 Her friend Rama ( Meenal ) then accommodates her at her home . friend male 4 In 1774 , his friend Horace Walpole printed Fitzpatrick 's " Dorinda , a Town Eclogue " on his private press at Strawberry Hill . friend female 17 In the same book , the reader - but not Holm herself - learns that Templar 's friend Norman Kent is deeply and hopelessly in love with her , a futile love which has a significant part in bringing Kent to decide upon the self - sacrificing act which he takes at the book 's conclusion . friend male 11 For his skill in imitating the works of Giorgione , his friend Marco Boschini coined for him the nickname ' simia da Zorzon ' , meaning ' ape of Giorgione ' . friend female 16 At school , she became close friends with Nancy Fitts ; she is the only known friend Barton had as a child due to her extreme timidity . friend male 7 On 22 January 1927 , his old friend Rudyard Kipling wrote to his former employer Lord Beauchamp saying Landon had " " crocked badly " " , blaming " " exposure and over - work " " . friend male 4 Meanwhile the prince 's friend Chandos , who strongly urged him against imposing this tax , had retired to his Norman estate . friend female 10 Benedict returned to England in 1851 , and Lind 's friend Otto Goldschmidt joined the tour as her pianist and conductor . friend male 2 His lecherous friend Diwanchand Rai ( Krishan Dhawan ) lusts for his daughter Sapna ( Madhavi ) . friend male 4 Novelist and Klee 's friend Wilhelm Hausenstein wrote in his work " Über Expressionismus in der Malerei " ( On Expressionism in Painting ) , " Maybe Klee 's attitude is in general understandable for musical people — how Klee is one of the most delightsome violinist playing Bach and Händel , who ever walked on earth . friend male 7 In his old age , Timberlake 's friend Ostenaco lived in retirement with his grandson , Richard . friend male 7 Getting in his way is his old friend Iris Wildthyme , but this time she has a rival for the Doctor 's affections friend male 5 Following his death , his friend George Richard Hodges Nugent ( later Baron Nugent of Guildford ) wrote to " The Times " to remark on Haining 's character and post - retirement life : friend male 5 After his death , his friend Samuel Elliott donated $ 2,500 in his memory to endow the Laurence Hutton Prize , awarded annually to the top student in the Princeton University Department of History . friend male 13 After suffering from loneliness and losing all his work , Philip 's childhood friend Michael comes to his rescue and offers him a bookkeeping job . friend male 9 In particular it is made clear that his childhood friend Adan , is now firmly kept in his place as the family gardener , and is no longer treated as a friend . friend female 6 He learns that his mother 's friend Minn keeps all her savings under her mattress . friend male 10 The situation is further complicated when Gary learns that his friend Phipps is dying of his wounds . friend female 0 friend Teela soon recognized Despara as her forgotten childhood friend Adora , who is destined to become She - Ra , the Princess of Power . friend male 2 His college friend Veronica Drake speaks of his mastery of the Socratic method ( as taught at the University of Chicago ) , but I ’d call his approach one of " reductio ad absurdum " … following the premises of , say , Bud Selig to their logical conclusion , and then simply noting the absurdity and fallacy of that outcome . friend male 17 During early 1997 , after her separation from Wallace , but before his death , Evans ' friend Missy Elliott introduced her to record company executive Todd Russaw . friend female 10 Due to her fondness for wearing pink , Creamer 's friend Casey Wittenberg nicknamed her the " Pink Panther . " friend male 2 The renowned sociologist Morris Janowitz was the chair of his PhD committee , which also included Norval Morris , Barry Schwartz , and Edward Shils . sociologist female 1 American sociologist Deena Weinstein , in her book " Heavy Metal : sociologist male 7 After his apprenticeship in 1994 , his friend Masami Obari , whose then current projects were that of the " Fatal Fury " OVA movies , let him work on staff as the off action wardrobe and character designer for . friend male 50 In the colonies , Compton had a botanical correspondent in John Bannister , who was sent first to the West Indies and then to Virginia , and who , before his untimely death , sent Bishop Compton drawings , seeds , and herbarium specimens from which the Bishop 's close friend John Ray compiled the first published account of North American flora , in his " Historia Plantarum " ( 1688 ) . friend female 7 Following her death in 1944 , her friend Marcel Duchamp curated a retrospective exhibition of her work at the Museum of Modern Art in 1946 . friend male 39 An informal sequel to " The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket " is the 1899 novel " A Strange Discovery " by Charles Romeyn Dake , where the narrator , Doctor Bainbridge , recounts the story his patient Dirk Peters told him of his journey with Gordon Pym in Antarctica , including a discussion of Poe 's poem " The Raven " . patient male 4 His American writer - friend Robert C. Hammock wrote a chapter on Mahbub in his book " Below the Llano Estakado . " friend male 3 In 1905 , postmaster Alonzo Haun moved the facility to his general store in Section 14 , Township 9 North , Range 4 West . postmaster male 10 Together with an attorney ( Martin Short ) , a patient Mumford had rejected because of his narcissism , the rival therapists conspire to find skeletons in Mumford 's closet , hoping to destroy his reputation . patient male 4 In 1971 , his friend Dave Harwood " took his first step into printed mass production with his " RDH Comix " , " for which Bolland provided a cover ( featuring Norwich Cathedral ) . " friend female 7 After her shift , Coffy ’s police friend Carter offers to drive her home . friend male 8 At his funeral , his long - time friend Georges Clemenceau removed the black cloth draped over the coffin , stating , " No black for Monet ! " and replaced it with a flower - patterned cloth . friend male 6 On his doorstep , Hannah 's friend Tony Padilla finds a box containing seven audio cassette tapes , each containing a recording of Hannah narrating 13 reasons for her suicide . friend male 10 In his 1956 book " The power elite " , sociologist C Wright Mills states that together with the military and political establishment , leaders of the biggest corporations form a " power elite " that is in control of the U.S. sociologist female 24 Malli ( Nicole ) sells flowers in a temple near the slum , and she is in love with Naai Kutty , while her friend Ammu ( Sippy ) treats him like her brother . friend male 3 Kanaan 's close friend Rubens Barrichello joined the team for his first season in the IndyCar Series . friend female 15 Abby ( Judy Ann Santos ) thinks she has everything under control until her best friend Sabina walks out of her own bridal shower weeks before her marriage to Abby 's younger brother Samuel . friend male 15 When he needed a workspace on which to take down some notes , then - superintendent Rex Putnam rose from his desk and offered it to the young Duncan . superintendent male 1 Military sociologist Charles Moskos called him “ the most well - known Major in the Army in his own mind " . sociologist male 3 “ e - Patient ” Dave DeBronkart blogged about his experience with OurNotes for telemedicine , saying the telemedicine visit was made easier “ by being given a structured way to prepare for my visit . ” Patient male 4 After his death his friend Karl Wilhelm Ramler published an edition of Kleist 's " Sämtliche Werke " in 2 vols ( 1760 ) . friend female 0 Friend Gwyneth Paltrow studied Beyoncé at her live concerts while learning to become a musical performer for the 2010 film " Country Strong " . Friend male 37 In the previous story Mowgli fulfilled his vow to kill the tiger Shere Khan and to lay his hide upon the wolfpack 's Council Rock , but was cast out of the human village after its chief hunter Buldeo learned of his friendship with wolves and accused him of sorcery . hunter female 9 Assisting her on her heroic adventures are her best friend Tesh , bulldog sidekick Butch , and airplane mechanic grandfather Ambrose Secord . friend male 8 Before his death Mackenzie has asked that his friend John Parkinson perform an autopsy after his death . friend male 1 Renowned sociologist C. Wright Mills also listened Perlman 's lecturers during his time in Wisconsin and gained his knowledge on the labor movement sociologist male 3 In 1956 , sociologist C. Wright Mills had claimed in his book " The Power Elite " that a class of military , business , and political leaders , driven by mutual interests , were the real leaders of the state , and were effectively beyond democratic control . sociologist female 13 Shortly before her arrival in California , the French philosopher - turned - sociologist Bruno Latour and British sociologist Steven Woolgar began their well known " laboratory studies " at the Salk Institute in southern California . sociologist male 2 His lifelong friend John Benett wrote in his private diary " Philip John Miles of Leigh Court near Bristol died from the effects of influenza in his 72nd year . friend female 4 In 2005 Gibson 's friend Bill Cosby endowed the Althea Gibson Scholarship at her alma mater , Florida A&M University . friend male 3 Wilson 's former friend Edward Mandell House , present at the negotiations , wrote in his diary on 29 June 1919 : friend male 2 The eminent sociologist Herbert Spencer argued in his " Principles of Sociology " for the implementation of free divorce . sociologist male 23 When Nicanor took part in an assembly of the Athenians in Piraeus , Athenian general Dercylus proposed arresting Nicanor but the latter 's friend Phocion intervened on his behalf . friend male 3 Brown 's close friend Antonio Salin , a gondolier , also lived in the house with his wife and family . friend male 1 His friend Praed came to his assistance in 1830 , and , after paying his debts , settled on him an income for life of £ 52 a year ; Trinity College added £ 20 . friend male 27 While headed to the laundry to wash their uniform , they meet an ex - co - worker , Paul , who tells them that their mutual friend Art Dog is having a party at his home and that they can use his washing machine . friend female 2 Taylor 's friend Noël Coward spent a weekend at her home . friend male 5 ( In his autobiography , sociologist William Foote Whyte , who spent time with the Langone family when he was studying the North End , refers to Clementina Langone as " the candidate 's wife and the real brains in the family . " ) sociologist male 7 In his memoir of Eliot , his friend Robert Sencourt comments that the young Eliot " would often curl up in the window - seat behind an enormous book , setting the drug of dreams against the pain of living . " friend male 6 In July 2017 , Maynard 's friend Joe Rogan described his writing process in his podcast ; " He wrote a song to the Fibonacci sequence . friend female 8 Lily 's classmate Grace discovers that her best friend Reagan has sent nude pictures of her to her boyfriends , and bashes Reagan 's brains in with a baseball bat during cheerleading practice , causing the other cheerleaders to run away . friend male 9 With the help of a farmer who was his patient Boris Tsypkin escaped from Minsk with his wife and eleven - year - old son Leonid . " patient male 1 The sociologist Zygmunt Bauman has qualified him as one of the most outstanding exponents of liquid art , in his work Liquid Life , together with Manolo Valdés and Jacques Villeglé . sociologist male 2 Morison 's friend Brooke Crutchley recorded in his diary being told by Morison that the test type sent to him just before the war was sent to the government to be " analysed in order that we should know whether the Hun is hard up for lead or antimony or tin . " friend female 5 In the early 1990s , sociologist Sara Diamond defined " dominionism " in her PhD dissertation as a movement that , while including Dominion Theology and Reconstructionism as subsets , is much broader in scope , extending to much of the Christian Right . sociologist male 10 His funeral was attended by numerous footballers and his longtime friend Harry Beadles was one of his Pallbearers . friend male 7 Rodney is feeling depressed , since his friend Mickey Pearce had moved in on his latest girlfriend , Monica ( who according to Del has fat thighs ) . friend male 4 Meanwhile , Doricourt 's friend Sir George is being overprotective of his new wife , Lady Frances , who rebels and agrees to accompany Mrs. Racket for a day in the town and a masquerade ball that night . friend female 11 In her autobiography , " Washington Post " publisher and Capote friend Katharine Graham recounted that the author once told her that if Paley and Agnelli were " both in Tiffany 's window , Marella would be more expensive " ( Personal History , p. 393 ) . friend female 2 Her old friend David Zavimbe later joined the team in her honor as Batwing . friend male 37 Juggie is also an actor on a Holy Week Lenten Drama Special on " It 's Showtime " held every Holy Week of every year since 2013 up to 2016 , together with his long time best friend Rocksteddy frontman Teddy Corpuz also acted on a Lenten Drama special . friend male 10 At his favorite bar , the Academy Club , his friend George Talbot introduces him to Alice Monroe , a TV documentary producer . friend female 3 Shruti 's family friend Sanjay(Manav Gohil ) falls in love with her and expresses to marry her.shruti first refuses but due to family pressure gets married to him . friend male 3 He drew his friend Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer lying on his deathbed , within a half - hour of Bécquer 's death . friend male 24 Other characters include Angie 's indulgent father wealthy doctor Vic Palmero who is not very fond of George ; and George 's best childhood friend Ernie Cardenas , noted for his socially - awkward behavior and unsuccessful attempts at dating . friend male 2 The US sociologist Harrison White has suggested in his book " Identity and Control " that the notion of learned helplessness can be extended beyond psychology into the realm of social action . sociologist female 2 Jacqueline 's friend Aristotle Onassis was aware of her depression and invited her to his yacht to recuperate . friend male 2 Ahmed 's friend Mammu sits by his bed looking after him during that night . friend male 1 His friend Longfellow was especially concerned about his fanaticism for temperance , worrying that Lowell would ask him to destroy his wine cellar . friend male 6 After his death , Foucault 's friend Georges Dumézil described him as having possessed " a profound kindness and goodness " , also exhibiting an " intelligence [ that ] literally knew no bounds . friend female 14 Popular music passed Guryan by until , after her divorce from Brookmeyer , her friend Dave Frishberg urged her to listen to the song " God Only Knows " from the album " Pet Sounds " by The Beach Boys . friend male 7 Mal and Tap are worried that their friend Jim is cheating on his new bride . friend male 14 He tends to be a reckless youth , a trait which makes his childhood friend Charlotte Aulin worry about his well being much of the time . friend male 11 After several decades saturated in this narrative , in 1975 Norwegian sociologist Johan Galtung coined the term " peacebuilding " in his pioneering work sociologist female 6 Following her death , Hilst 's friend Mora Fuentes created the Hilda Hilst Institute in her honor , an organization whose mission is to uphold Casa do Sol as a space for artistic creation and serves as a library and cultural center . friend female 6 In her study of Beatlemania , sociologist Candy Leonard says that " Rubber Soul " challenged some young fans , due to its more sophisticated lyrical and musical content , but its release in December 1965 marked the moment when " the Beatles came to occupy a role in fans ' lives and a place in their psyches that was different from any previous fan – performer relationship . sociologist male 7 Shortly after they arrive , Steven 's friend Lars ( Matthew Moy ) arrives as well , in his starship crewed by Off - Color rebel Gems . friend male 45 In the ensuing weeks , Thor lands the role of Stacee Jaxx in the school 's amateur production of " Rock of Ages " , Lucas joins the anti - bullying group at the school , and after his relationships with Brixlee and then her friend Taylor end in heartbreak , Max begins dating his classmate Scout . friend male 12 Dr. John H. Watson ( Robert Duvall ) becomes convinced that his friend Sherlock Holmes ( Nicol Williamson ) is delusional — particularly in his belief that Professor James Moriarty ( Laurence Olivier ) is a criminal mastermind — as a result of his addiction to cocaine . friend male 12 By his senior year at Clarence High School , Wilson and his friend Greg Czarnecki began teaching the instrument , eventually amassing over 30 students . friend male 1 His friend Vincent de Paul was with him at his death . friend female 2 Then her friend Margaret Cotton introduced her to her brother , Frederick , a pitman and recent widower living in Walbottle , Northumberland , who had lost two of his four children . friend male 0 Sociologist Andre Beteille , in his thesis " Caste , class , and power : changing patterns of stratification in a Tanjore village " , describes them as the biggest " mirasidars " among the Iyer community . Sociologist female 3 Asha 's good friend Unnikrishnan , is the sports coach of her college team and is also a family friend of Prof. Krishna Pillai . friend female 1 His friend Teddi Sherman introduced him to her producer father Harry Sherman , who asked Reeves to do a screen test with Teddi for the Hopalong Cassidy films . friend male 4 His Irish - born friend Charles Inglis thus became the first bishop of the Church of England in North America in 1787 , with his seat in Nova Scotia . friend male 11 In issue 575 , his ( then - unseen ) human friend Buster appeared in his stories and had a one - off tale with Biffo in " Biffo and Buster " . friend male 31 Hanna says that they were at Emily 's house when it happened , and when Driscoll asks if she knew who lived in the house , Hanna tells her that their friend Toby grew up there with his stepsister Jenna . friend male 2 Flynn 's friend David Niven criticised Higham for his unfounded accusations . friend male 1 Cancer patient Scott Perry worries about his five children growing up without his help and advice . patient male 1 His friend Wong initiated the Wah Kau Kong Memorial Award Scholarship at the University of Hawaii in his honor . friend male 17 Because of his tough and energetic playing style , he was nicknamed " Jindogae " , the hunter dog breed originated from his hometown Jindo Island . hunter female 14 In her 1995 article " The American Family and the Nostalgia Trap " , sociologist Stephanie Coontz first posited that the American family has always been defined first and foremost by its economic needs . sociologist female 21 In " The Lost Princess of Oz " , for instance , the Fairy Princess is kidnapped , although her dearest friend Dorothy Gale comes to her rescue with a search party . friend male 10 Therefore , he is stunned and flummoxed when his former friend Ki - hyuk summons him to his deathbed for an unconvincing apology and , on top of that , a request . friend male 7 A year after his death , his friend Josias Simler published a biography of Gessner . friend male 2 His old friend Liguori was present at his bedside and noted a sweet odour that remained in the room even long after Sarnelli was buried ; the religious Francesco Tartaglione and the novice Francisco Romito were also present . friend female 12 She also decides , after a numerological calculation , that Adam 's friend Johnny Nyle ( Vic Damone ) would be perfect for her sister , Minerva ( Debbie Reynolds ) . friend male 10 Jimson goes to his houseboat , which his older lady friend Coker has been maintaining in his absence . friend male 5 T. C. Beirne 's longstanding friend Archbishop James Duhig offered it to his newly appointed Coadjutor Archbishop , Patrick Mary O'Donnell . friend male 11 Bill hopes to make money in America , and his American friend Gates lends Bill the keys to his New York apartment . friend male 5 However , Harry ’s best friend Ron Weasley arrives with his twin brothers Fred and George in their father Arthur ’s enchanted Ford Anglia . friend male 6 - Prior , Queensland 's first postmaster - general ) , was living at Middenbury with his family in 1885 . postmaster male 0 Sociologist David Armor states in his 1995 book " Forced Justice : Sociologist male 36 The softer side of Marco 's personality is also shown in this book , as he shows concern about how Mertil , a morph - incapable Andalite , would survive in a human world once his friend Gafinilan succumbs to his illness and passes away . friend male 1 His friend Hans Keller was a champion of his concert music and did much to promote its performance at home and abroad . friend male 15 The claim Lindsey was offered the role is given more credibility when Lindsey 's close friend Ernest Borgnine wrote in his autobiography , " my hand to God - he turned down the part of Mr. Spock on TV 's Star Trek , the role that made Leonard Nimoy famous . " friend male 5 She envies the happiness her friend Harry has found with his wife Jerry ( Elizabeth Sellars ) . friend female 51 Sean T. Collins of " Rolling Stone " ranked Donna 7th on his list of the " 30 Best ' Twin Peaks ' Characters " stating , " Other images took a tighter hold on audience imaginations , but nothing conveyed the tragedy of Laura Palmer 's death like her best friend Donna looking at her empty desk , realizing what it meant , and starting to sob uncontrollably right there in homeroom . friend male 1 His friend Charlie Soames , whom he meets at Warnley in the film , is a friend from his hometown Dufton in the novel . friend male 3 Rain 's old friend Taylor comes back into his life and they get closer and become a couple . friend male 1 His friend William Elford Leach named nineteen new species and one new genus after him in his description of the expedition . friend male 9 During his eulogy at Moore 's funeral , close friend Norman Giller said : friend female 14 Based upon her study of the pagan community in the United States , the sociologist Margot Adler noted that it is rare for Pagan groups to proselytize in order to gain new converts to their faiths . sociologist male 1 Old friend John Huston cast him as Father Mapple in his 1956 film adaptation of Herman Melville 's " Moby - Dick " , starring Gregory Peck . friend male 0 Friend Sardar Sherbaz Mazari moved in with his own armed bodyguards and stayed overnight to protect Azizullahs family . Friend female 4 That night , his friend Tamika Taylor took him to her neighbors , the Boskos for refuge . friend female 6 She died in 1889 , with friend and co - activist Lucy N. Colman providing the eulogy at her funeral service . friend female 2 Webb 's friend Ella Latham could no longer continue in her own teaching career after her marriage . friend male 8 However , his luck changed when Nosek 's friend Max Levchin introduced him to his cryptography - related company idea , which later became their first venture called Confinity in 1998 . friend male 1 His friend Liu Bolin said of his work : " At the same time that he says nothing , he says everything , " referencing Taoist philosophy . friend female 2 Heather 's friend Dot Branning ( June Brown ) arrives with her half sister Rose Cotton ( Polly Perkins ) and it is revealed that Andrew is Rose 's son and they do not get on . friend male 5 The next morning , their friend Aaron arrives with his wife and kid only to find the place infested with drugs and booze . friend male 31 Later , in a sketch called " On the Edge of the World " , Gorky mentioned another source , the manuscript by a Levonty Pomorets , which the writer 's friend S.G. Somov brought with him from his Siberian exile . friend male 18 Allsop died at Exmouth in 1880 , and his body was moved to Woking , so that his friend Holyoake , could speak at his grave , which could only be done on unconsecrated ground . friend male 17 In his book " Essentials of Sociology : A Down - to - Earth Approach " , sociologist Professor James M. Henslin describes March of Dimes as a bureaucracy that has taken on a life of its own through a classic example of a process called goal displacement . sociologist female 20 In a letter from Melville 's wife , Elizabeth Shaw Melville , to her step - mother , the family friend Parker poses as the best option for a young man in the often treacherous shipping business ; “ Herman has written Mr. Parker – ( Daniel P. ) to see if he can send him out in one of his ships . friend female 3 French / Swedish sociologist Anna Leander examined Tilly 's relevance twenty years later in her article " sociologist male 7 Iron Man soon discovers that his old friend Ho Yinsen ( who Tony thought was dead upon his first time as Iron Man ) is alive and is operating the Iron Man Dio armor for the Zodiac 's goals . friend male 19 Moving to Rome , Guttuso opened a study in Via Margutta where , because of his exuberance , his friend Marino Mazzacurati nicknamed him " Unbridled " . friend female 8 Meanwhile , in Haiphong , Kate 's Vietnamese friend Mai introduces her to her husband , combat engineer Phong , who has recently returned home from the Soviet Union aboard the " Chelyabinsk " . friend male 19 In 2015 , Chávez revealed that , shortly after he uploaded the photos , his former bandmate and close friend Anahí rushed to his apartment and " saved his life " . friend male 1 Vampire hunter Johann Geiermeier moves into his new house ( Helga being the real estate agent ) . hunter female 2 Her close friend Emmylou Harris wrote the song " Darlin ' Kate " in her memory , which appears on her album " Hard Bargain " . friend female 6 It is revealed that her other friend Renee is pregnant with her second child . friend male 2 Poe 's friend Evert A. Duyckinck wrote to his brother that the lecture bored him to death and that it was " full of a ludicrous dryness of scientific phrase — a mountainous piece of absurdity " . friend male 12 Detective Sergeant Michael Colefield ( Jack Davenport ) discovers that his best friend Jack ( Stephen Moyer ) has gone missing on the night before his wedding . friend male 3 Orpen 's former friend Augustus John vilified him after his death , and an account in Wyndham Lewis 's 1937 autobiography of an encounter between the two in Cassel during the war further tarnished Orpen 's reputation . friend male 10 After Kalbaryo finishes his check - up , Bogart 's friend Tiffany ( Carmina Villaroel ) visits him in his room and started to talk . friend female 29 When her mother falls ill and dies , she moves to Buenos Aires and is hired as a maid at the mansion of Miguel and Graciela , where her friend Modesta lives with her son Sergio and works as a cook . friend male 7 For his directorial debut , Ramana 's friend Bapu decided to adapt " Sakshi " . friend male 5 Unfortunately , his father 's friend daughter , Eunice , is making Fatty off his concentration for the mystery . friend male 7 As far as direct responsibility , Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal claims in his book " The Murderers Among Us " , that Wächter personally oversaw the transportation of four thousand Jews to extermination camps and was responsible for killing at least 800,000 Jews . hunter female 2 Louise 's friend Bex Fowler ( Jasmine Armfield ) invites him to her house for guitar lessons . friend male 2 His older friend Scooter McCarthy rides by on his paper route , and he asks Henry if he knows of any boys who might be interested in delivering papers . friend male 8 Rajabahadur informs her sister Bimala , that his friend Mainak Singha Choudhury is coming with his niece Madhabi to arrange the marriage of Madhabi with Kumar Bahadur , only son of Rajabahadur . friend female 15 Because of her influence on modern culture , and her rise to global fame , sociologist Mathieu Deflem of the University of South Carolina has offered a course titled " Lady Gaga and the Sociology of the Fame " since early 2011 with the objective of unraveling " some of the sociologically relevant dimensions of the fame of Lady Gaga " . sociologist male 7 After his success on YouTube , his friend Andrew Bazzi introduced him to Vine , a short - form video sharing service where users can share six - second - long looping video clips . friend male 2 Higley 's friend Daniel E. Kelley ( 1808–1905 ) wrote the melody on his guitar . friend male 1 Dutch sociologist Abram de Swaan developed this theory in 2001 in his book " Words of the World : The Global Language System " and according to him , " the multilingual connections between language groups do not occur haphazardly , but , on the contrary , they constitute a surprisingly strong and efficient network that ties together – directly or indirectly – the six billion inhabitants of the earth . " sociologist male 18 In 1639 , Comenius published his " Pansophiæ Prodromus " , and in the following year his English friend Hartlib published , without his consent , the plan of the pansophic work as outlined by Comenius . friend female 15 Her only hope at salvation is an offer to write her memoirs , and old friend Linc returns to her life , offering some badly needed kindness . friend male 5 After his death , his friend Silva Pinto published “ friend male 2 Guthrie 's friend Cisco Houston recorded the song for his 1960 album " Cisco Houston Sings Songs of the Open Road " . friend male 1 The sociologist Richard Titmuss , in his 1970 book " The Gift Relationship : From Human Blood to Social Policy " , compared the merits of the commercial and non - commercial blood donation systems of the US and the UK , coming down in favor of the latter . sociologist male 1 His friend Saulo Baroncia said after his death that Rocchi had " occupied a privileged place in paradise " . friend male 3 Lennon 's longtime friend Peter Shotton recalled later in his memoir that many of the loops heard on the album were made by John and himself in the days before the recording . friend male 4 Following his death his friend Thackeray contributed to the erection of a monument in his memory . friend male 9 While she is there , Michael 's flamboyant best friend Hamdan al Dubai ( Leigh Lawson ) arrives with his manservant Fordingbridge to discuss a filly with the horse manager . friend male 0 Sociologist Michael Eric Dyson criticized Cosby in his book Sociologist female 3 One day her friend Jamni who was the sister of Utmadi teased Kaunru about her attitude , saying she was behaving as if she would be the queen of Chanesar . friend male 7 In his early years , with his friend Tauqeer al - Hasan ( توقیر الحسن ) , after research and discussion regarding the reason of tradition ( تقلید ) for a long time , these two scholars came to the conclusion that according to principles of Fiqh , i.e. Muslim Jurisprudence , the laws can be changed and amended according to the time and necessity . friend male 2 Whale 's friend Bernard Manning would often telephone on his way from gigs . friend male 1 The superintendent foreman , Frank Carew , realised the danger and , along with his men , had the hatch covers closed and secured when the " Mont - Blanc " went up . superintendent male 33 Carr also first hired comedian Bruce Vilanch as head comedy writer of the show , a job Vilanch still held as of 2015 ( Vilanch was redeemed the following year since his old friend Billy Crystal hosted for his first of many times : with Vilanch as his head writer ) . friend male 3 However , as sociologist James W. Loewen writes in his book , " Sundown Towns : A Hidden Dimension of American Racism " ( 2005 ) , it is impossible to precisely count the number of sundown towns at any given time , because most towns have not kept records of the ordinances or signs that marked the town 's sundown status . sociologist female 2 Moore 's friend Audrey Hepburn had impressed him with her work for UNICEF , and consequently he became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1991 . friend male 5 In September 1994 , then superintendent Harold Absher went on voluntary leave from his position under unclear circumstances . superintendent male 13 While Alberto is back in his beloved northern Italy in Milan , his friend Mattia is still in Naples with his friends . friend female 16 She reveals that Patrick was killed by old enemies from Ireland , and that his old friend Simon Ryerson came to her door to give her the news . friend male 3 Don Chisciotte 's friend Lope arrives with his companion Ordogno . friend female 6 At her memorial service , longtime friend Maura Barraza explained , " Money was never that important to Gayle : people were . friend male 16 In his book " A History of Sociology in Britain " , published 2004 , British sociologist Andrew Halsey outlines a sociology of sociology . sociologist male 2 Maiorescu 's friend Petre P. Carp also attacked Factionalism through his newspaper , " Térra " , which declared itself the voice of true liberalism in its constitutionalist , monarchist , version . friend male 4 In August 2013 , sociologist Philip N. Cohen wrote on his blog that Wright relied on paid consultants to review the paper and failed to disclose this when the study was first published . sociologist male 17 The plan for the larger Music Festival from India took shape in January 1974 , when his friend George Harrison visited Shankar in his home town of Benares . friend male 12 Procter became engaged in 1858 , according to a letter that her friend William Makepeace Thackeray wrote to his daughters that year . friend male 0 User Qworty had attracted attention for his provocative comments in a debate on Wikipedia 's treatment of female writers . User male 5 After his death , his friend Denis Prescott poured a bottle of the brew over the side of the cruise ship the " Santa Maria " in memory of McCabe . friend male 8 Glastonbury is , however , freed when his friend Captain Detterling ( from " Fielding Gray " ) arrives on his way to Baden - Baden . friend male 4 His pupil and close friend Abraham de Haen wrote numerous poems in his honour . friend female 2 Hayes 's friend Lillian Gish , the " First Lady of American Cinema " , was the designated beneficiary of her estate , but Gish had died less than a month earlier . friend male 11 His life gets shattered one night when he catches his close friend Puran sneaking out of his room . friend male 18 A century before a young man visits a bleak - looking mansion in the English countryside where his friend Lord Roderick Usher lives with his sister Madeline , both of whom are mysteriously ill . friend male 1 His friend John Betjeman wrote the poem " In Memory of Basil , Marquess of Dufferin and Ava " in his memory . friend male 5 The fact that his old friend Churchill took him into his confidence concerning the post - war borders of Poland boosted Beneš 's own perception of himself as an important diplomat , settling the disputes of Eastern Europe . friend male 5 This became clear when his friend Margaret Doughty , née McKechnie visited the painter in his flat on Fettes Row . friend female 30 On July 8 , Cutter arrives at Natalie 's apartment with flowers and a bottle of patron tequila for her , but is surprised to find out that Natalie 's friend Destiny is there with her date and co - worker from The Banner Jeffrey Wright , and he figures out that he 's on a double date with the three of them . friend male 10 In his ethnographic study of Jehovah 's Witnesses , English sociologist Andrew Holden quoted the testimony of a Witness who had been in the movement from the early 1970s , but found it impossible to remain as an active member after the failure of the 1975 prediction . sociologist male 24 Suárez 's " De legibus " was cited as among the best books on law by the Puritan Richard Baxter , and Baxter 's friend Matthew Hale drew on it for his natural - law theory . friend male 7 Late in his life , Bender 's friend John Burns gave him a plot of land in Haddon Heights , New Jersey . friend male 7 In his performance framework , the Canadian sociologist Erving Goffman postulates that in everyday social interactions individuals perform their actions by collecting information from others first , in order to know in advance what they may expect from them and in this way being able to plan how to behave more effectively . sociologist female 4 At her funeral , friend Brenda Lee gave a speech and several doves were released to commemorate her passing . friend male 11 Through his will , Știrbei had made his " Junimist " friend Ghermani a caretaker of his younger children , with Triandafil as their recommended adviser . friend female 10 In her study of ethnic identity in the 1980s , sociologist Mary Waters noted that the ' effect of the Nazi movement and World WarII was still quite strong ' in shaping ' popular perceptions of the German - American character ' , enough so that some individuals of mixed background often would acknowledge only the non - German part of their ancestry . sociologist female 5 Kelly Cramer 's boarding school friend Grace Monroe comes to Llanview with her grandfather in 1999 and soon becomes romantically involved with Kevin Buchanan . friend female 6 After her arrest , Manning 's friend Tyler Watkins told " Wired " that Manning had said during the visit that she had found some sensitive information and was considering leaking it . friend female 4 Patty 's very close friend Lauren Hutchinson ( Amy Linker ) struggles with her weight ( the actress needed to wear padding for the role ) , has braces , wears unusual clothing , and also does not fit in with the popular crowd . friend male 6 In his obituary , Clarke 's friend Kerry O'Quinn wrote : " friend male 4 One day , his friend Feodosiy Glukharyov boasted to him about his success in love . friend male 7 After his death in 1886 , his friend Navalram Pandya published a biography of Narmad , " Kavijivan " ( 1880 ) which was based on the autobiography . friend male 4 In 2013 Marco 's friend Kid Cudi recruited him as his personal tour DJ , which included performances on the Rock the Bells tour and the Jimmy Kimmel show . friend female 16 In her 1999 study of American Wiccans , " A Community of Witches " , the sociologist Helen A. Berger noted that " Drawing Down the Moon " had been influential in getting many Wiccans to accept the non - existence of a historical Witch - Cult from which their religion descended . sociologist male 1 His friend Seddon edited from his papers a posthumous tract , " The Sovereignty of the Divine Administration ... a Rational Account of our Blessed Saviour 's Temptation , & c. " , a second edition of which was printed in 1766 . friend male 4 Reviewing the book , sociologist Neil Mclaughlin commended Gross for his " careful archival research , innovative theoretical synthesis and substantive contributions . " sociologist male 2 Even his friend Trithemius remarked on his prodigious if unavailing output : friend male 2 His close friend John Thompson focused on a dark dramatic version of Scottish landscape , as in his most famous work " Fast Castle from Below " ( 1824 ) . friend male 5 After his release , his friend Erich Wollenberg offered him work in the administration of the Soviet occupation zone , but Fauth declined . friend female 7 Three years after her death , her friend Gualterio Quinonas published a biography , " The Armless Marvel , Mary Belle " . friend male 21 In his 1993 book " Anatomie der Konservativen Revolution " ( " Anatomy of the Conservative Revolution " ) , German sociologist Stefan Breuer rejected Mohler 's definition of the term " Conservative Revolution " . sociologist female 10 Attending Middleton High School alongside Ron , her best female friend Monique and rival classmate Bonnie Rockwaller , Kim lives with her family : father James , a rocket scientist , and Ann , a brain surgeon , as well as her younger brothers , identical twins Jim and Tim , both of whom possess genius - level intellect . friend female 8 After her death , Kissling / Langley 's friend Helen Bugbee founded the Traumwald Press — named after the land in " The Hoogles and Alexander"—and published two of her works posthumously : " Fool 's Mate " , a sonnet sequence ( 1970 ) ; and " Tom Sawyer Comes Home " ( 1973 ) , a novel sequel to " Tom Sawyer " . friend male 6 In 1935 , Akutagawa 's lifelong friend Kan Kikuchi established the literary award for promising new writers , the Akutagawa Prize , in his honor . friend male 1 His friend Isaac Reed remarked on his easy way at Emmanuel as a successful Master ; but as a scholar he was not productive . friend male 3 Reggie Pepper 's friend Bobbie Cardew , who was very forgetful at the time when the story takes place , invites Reggie to his home for dinner . friend male 6 The Great Eastern is where vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing stays during his first visit to London in Bram Stoker 's Gothic fiction horror novel " Dracula " . hunter male 1 French sociologist Roger Caillois , in his book " Les jeux et les hommes ( Games and Men ) " , defined a game as an activity that must have the following characteristics : sociologist male 15 The claim Lindsey was offered the role is given more credibility when Lindsey 's close friend Ernest Borgnine wrote in his autobiography , " my hand to God – he turned down the part of Mr. Spock on TV 's Star Trek , the role that made Leonard Nimoy famous . " friend male 6 In Africa , big - game hunter W.D.M. Bell carried a stocked C96 in 9 mm Mauser Export as his personal sidearm , nicknamed " Bom - Bom . " hunter female 3 Boy 's journalist friend Mia arrives at her door one day to confess that she was the one who gave Boy 's address to Frank . friend male 17 However , he is saved by Hiroki Sugimura , a martial artist who has recently had his friend Takako Chigusa die in his arms , and is on a personal mission to find his unrequited love , Kayoko Kotohiki . friend male 53 Receiving an ad for a tailor 's offer of a new suit , Laurel and Hardy accidentally go to the wrong floor and join a Scottish regiment of the British Army and travel to India , where they frequently run afoul of their Sergeant Major ( Jimmy Finlayson ) , and help their friend Alan ( William Janney ) reunite with his love ( and Laurel 's cousin ) Lorna McLaurel ( June Lang ) . friend male 3 In 1887 , postmaster William Gilpin renamed it after his own family . postmaster male 4 Shy and naive mountain trapper Yancy ( Audie Murphy ) travels through Wyoming with his uncle and his Indian wife . trapper male 11 In his will Driberg had stipulated that at his funeral his friend Gerard Irvine , an Anglo - Catholic priest , should deliver an " anti - panegyric " in place of the normal eulogy . friend male 1 The sociologist Émile Durkheim , in his seminal book " The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life " , defined religion as a " unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things " . sociologist male 13 To avoid confusion with similarly named places in the province , in 1877 postmaster George Kelcey renamed it after his birthplace in Warwickshire , England . postmaster female 1 Flight attendant Hong Na - ri aimlessly returns to her childhood home , Seulgi . attendant male 16 While Thennakoon was studying at the University of Peradeniya , his school as well as university friend Dharmasena Pathiraja invited him to attend several discussions done with filmmaker Sugathapala Senarath Yapa , for his film script " Hanthane Kathawa " in 1969 . friend male 17 Meprobamate was one of the first drugs to be widely advertised to the general public , with user Milton Berle promoting the drug heavily on his television show , calling himself ' Uncle Miltown ' . user male 19 In his book " Fads and foibles in modern sociology and related sciences " ( p. 70–76 ) , sociologist Pitirim Sorokin criticized the research , saying that Terman 's selected group of children with high IQs did about as well as a random group of children selected from similar family backgrounds would have done . sociologist male 18 Wiley 's Treddin ' on Thin Ice was a cornerstone of the genre , and one - time friend Dizzee Rascal won a Mercury Music Prize for his debut Boy in da Corner . friend male 13 When Ludwig supposedly died in the Atlantic with his sailing boat , his friend Adrian Degenhardt took care of his family . friend female 8 Soon after her award , Janet 's old friend Kate Fansler comes to work at Harvard and is able to give support to her friend . friend male 7 As a tribute to him , his friend Hugh Allen at New College played an Evensong with only with his left hand and pedals . friend male 1 Company superintendent George Hunter planned the First Universalist Church with his nephew . superintendent male 14 That same morning , shortly after conclusion of the cabinet meeting , second assistant postmaster general Harllee Branch called Foulois to his office . postmaster male 9 With his marriage on the rocks , his close friend Max called to cast him again for yet a larger role given his natural skill and interest for acting . friend male 15 In his controversial 1970 article " Bob Dylan and the Poetry of Salvation " , sociologist Steven Goldberg identified it as a song with which Dylan 's focus changed from politics to mysticism . sociologist female 10 After her death in 1947 , Dr Cooper 's lifelong friend Mary Josephine Bedford donated the land to the Sisters of Charity to establish a hospice for the sick and dying , particularly for those who were poor . friend male 9 When Stephen is six , Norman 's visiting college friend Dr. Wolf tells her about his 11-year - old son Harold . friend male 0 Sociologist Anthony Obserschall compliments Ron for his " engaging and promising " hypothesis as well as his " fascinating " use of detail that make the footnotes as pleasurable to read as the main text . Sociologist female 9 Spiritual disturbance was the cause , " Lokhvitskaya 's friend Isabella Grinevskaya wrote in her memoirs . friend male 15 Raghu used to do a lot of mischief in his childhood ; one day his friend Seenu died because of his mistake and he ran away from home . friend male 13 Yu also appears in the rhythm game , " " , where his friend Rise Kujikawa asks for his help . friend male 1 A user created a list of people he was interested in , and had the option of sending anonymous emails to those individuals indicating that an unidentified person had a crush on them . user male 14 Kit was haunted by this for the rest of his life , when a friend of his offered him a copy of the book he threatened to " burn the damn thing . friend male 1 A hunter discovers Gustav 's body near the cabin , where he froze to death . hunter male 2 A psychiatric patient , who is known only as " Number 23 " , tells the story of a time he visited the land of the kappa . patient male 6 In late April 2010 , a user on the Dreamcast Talk forum disassembled the contents of a Dreamcast development kit he had purchased , and among the content he received into some of the source code for Looking Glass games , including " System Shock " . user male 6 For his twelfth birthday a school friend bought him the text of Harold Pinter 's " The Caretaker " , of which he writes : “ friend male 16 But in 1922 , near the end of his life and career , when another Scottish friend , Richard Curle , sent Conrad proofs of two articles he had written about Conrad , the latter objected to being characterised as a gloomy and tragic writer . " friend male 7 Murali gets upset when he sees his friend aid the treatment of Madhu , who he believes is his sworn enemy . friend male 8 Some time afterwards , Zhang 's father 's friend , a government official , casually asks him the number of pigeons he has . friend male 1 The patient has no knowledge of his current neighborhood , where he moved to after his injury . patient male 7 For example , under the bill a user may circumvent an access control on an electronic book he purchased for the purpose of reading it on a different electronic reader . user female 2 Her best friend , Sadie , throws Alice a surprise party for her 29th birthday where she meets Emmett Grant , a political activist whom she begins dating . friend male 5 Why should a gas station attendant pay a greater share than the oil company he works for ? attendant female 1 A friend set up a meeting with producer Graham King , to whom she pitched the idea along with several others . friend male 10 The story goes that the Rev. Teddy Boston , a friend of the Marquess had a model of an Isle of Man locomotive that he had painted in LNER colours . friend male 5 Inside the tower , his friend had found a skeleton in female clothing , which he recognised as being the woman in the portrait that had killed Juliana , his betrothed ; he passed out on the spot , and died soon after . friend male 6 In late April 2010 , a user on the " Dreamcast Talk " forum disassembled the contents of a Dreamcast development kit he had purchased . user male 6 In September 1932 , Alexander 's friend , the Croat politician Ante Trumbić gave an interview with " The Manchester Guardian " newspaper , where he stated that life for ordinary Croats was better when they were part of the Austrian empire and stated that perhaps the Croats would be better off if they broke away from Yugoslavia to form their own state . friend male 16 After leaving the University , Nihalsingha got an opportunity to enter the film field when a friend of his father offered him a job as a cameraman for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation in Colombo which he took . friend male 1 The patient can realize 80 % of all the activities he used to do before , with a prognosis of returning to 90 % . patient male 6 After retiring in 1970 , a friend offered him a job at a company where he stayed until retirement . friend female 10 Upon quitting her high - level investment job , a friend lends her an empty house in Vancouver , where she encounters and interacts with the spirits who inhabit there . friend male 2 His college friend , newspaper reporter Jerry Tyler , gets him a room in the modest hotel where he lives . friend female 7 On 6 January 2013 , a German patient filed charges over treatment she received from Jansen Steur in Heilbronn , which she claimed left her wheelchair - bound . patient male 19 He was considered for secretary of the RHS , but there was a delay – in which time a friend offered him a job at the Coal Utilisation Council , where he remained until his retirement in the late 1960s . friend female 1 A friend gave her a copy of " The Boston Driver 's Handbook " which she studied to learn tips before learning years later that the book was intended to be humorous . friend male 20 IMHO , the only RickK reason is able to get away with such gross abuse -LRB- singling out a new user for harassment and auto-revert because he disagrees with him -RRB- is the unpopularity of Hector ' s views . user male 4 I might support this user in a few months if he continues to be productive . user male 29 I ' m not sure sensitivity is the word I ' d use ; my experience would tell me the right answer would have been to indef the other user until he promises to stop vandalizing , but page protection is not a wholly unreasonable response and I might use the word suboptimal . user male 17 In 1919 , he returned to the bank , and a year later , married a childhood friend with whom he had two children . friend male 12 In 1961 , after returning to Okinawa , Advincula encountered an Okinawan friend with whom he had worked during his prior active duty . friend female 5 In 1955 she visited a friend from the Sorbonne in Quebec , where she accepted a short contract which would turn into a lifelong stay . friend male 10 In 1979 in his apartment in Chicago Maust stabbed a friend in his apartment while he was sleeping . friend female 5 In 2001 she urged her friend Susan Sontag not to accept an award from the Israeli government , though she angered some -LRB- including her biographer -RRB- by refusing to equate Zionism with apartheid . friend male 13 And in a more positive vain , it means you can kick your friend out of your house when he bad-mouths your favorite sports team . friend male 19 And if he comes back and starts contributing like a mature adult , then we have gained a good user . user male 16 And I know this is the exact opposite of AGF but I do not believe the user when he says there was not an attempt to use my name . user male 15 Any admin wishing to overturn that decision and block him or to unblock the IP user if he promises not to revert again is free to do so . user male 17 And having been in an argument with Seraphim Whipp in the past since I dared ask her friend if he had read the vandalism policy since he reported me as a vandal for removing PLOT from NOT , she should be also be aware that PLOT is disputed . friend male 12 And even after he moved to Hangzhou , he still asked his friend to send some water for tea . friend male 20 A blunt and straightforward brawler , Wulf was far less prone to doubt and introspection and tried to bring his friend back in line when he had doubts . friend male 10 A bad dream indicated that great mishap would befall the hunter if he would go in the woods , and the elders would forbid him to go . hunter male 7 I see no reason to unblock this user unless he agrees to stop disrupting Wikipedia . user male 9 I should be much obliged if someone notifies the user that he has been reported , as he has just ordered me not to post on his talkpage . user female 6 After graduation , Alvarez visited a friend in Texas , where she discovered the Deep Ellum music scene in Dallas . friend male 9 After he gathered the facts , he unblocked the user , even before I finished inquiring about the block . user male 14 After he got off the phone with Irsay , Hudnut called his neighbor and friend , John B . friend male 10 After he leaves on his trip , Louise has a friend over and she comments on how Jack beats her . friend male 9 Adams approaches House and asks if he dosed the patient because he was certain he was sick . patient male 13 A bot would blindly delete it , but an admin would ask the user if he really wanted it to be moved . user male 19 A clergyman named Joseph Moody of York , Maine , nicknamed `` Handkerchief Moody '' , accidentally killed a friend when he was a young man and wore a black veil from the man ' s funeral until his own death . friend male 6 Accordingly , I have blocked this user for 3 days so that he may contemplate what he has done . user female 26 Connected , playing Anthony , an 18 year old college student from London who faces gang trouble on the streets , as well as losing his friend when she commits suicide . friend male 10 Despite this , Sypha is told to have missed her friend , when he chose to refuse his invitation to her marriage , patching up their friendship only after Grant ' s return from the Rift . friend male 6 Definitely delete , and warn this user against persuing practical jokes to the disruption of VfD pages as though he seriously saw this article as having merits . user female 11 Deserting to the Red army he hopes to meet his childhood friend and love Magdalena in Moscow , as she had fled from Nazi Germany to the Soviet Union . friend male 4 David sent his old friend Hushai back to Absalom , in order that he might counteract the counsel of Ahitophel -LRB- 2 Sam . friend male 9 DBaba I see no option but to ban this user from this specific article , because in contrast to other editors involved , he does not care for consensus seeking . user male 22 Barry feeling like something is wrong changes into the Flash , but when he catches up with Manuel he finds his old friend surrounded by copies of himself . friend male 9 Because he is so unwordly he asks his best friend Ted -LRB- James Farentino -RRB- along to the date as well for moral support . friend male 10 Because he knew he had terminal cancer he contacted his friend and fellow STURP researcher Barrie Schwortz to record interviews , etc . friend male 4 Barrington has a girl friend , a literary agent -LRB- Salome Jens -RRB- , when he first meets Drake . friend female 8 A young girl named Maya finds a new friend while she is on vacation . friend female 15 Back in Bangkok on Valentine ' s Day , Dew refuses to accompany her best friend , Ked , to a blind date because she is anxiously waiting for Ton ' s phone call . friend male 15 A White Mountain Apache nicknamed Coyotero had been tracking Dixon and he shot the bounty hunter through the heart just as he was capturing Burnham . hunter male 5 Do nothing and warn the user so he decides himself . user male 17 Although he realizes that Esau is in urgent need of psychiatric treatment , Crown just sees a friend in him and refuses to have any therapeutic influence on Esau . friend male 18 Although he can be at times very blunt and clearly very barbaric , he portrays nonetheless the good friend and good man . friend male 16 Although he is in love with Bella , she initially sees him as just her best friend . friend male 32 A man can learn better methods as long as he traps - - experience is the best teacher and unless he is willing to work hard he will never make a successful trapper of any kind of game . trapper male 9 A man -LRB- David Herman -RRB- constantly asks his friend -LRB- Phil LaMarr -RRB- if he can borrow his car . friend male 25 After World War II , Strupp was put up in the Holbein Haus in Augsburg and given a job as an `` upgraded '' building superintendent , as he phrased it . superintendent female 7 Editors matter Be sure to welcome this user if she ever comes back . user female 5 Finally I have a close friend that went through gastric bypass surgeory and has only lost a small amount of weight because she continues to eat very badly . friend male 10 Fireheart is left heartbroken with the thought of losing his friend with whom he shared many adventures , and was the first Clan cat he had ever met since his days as a kittypet . friend male 15 Following the incident , McGee issued a statement where he said he was meeting a friend to whom he ' d planned to give a DVD on non-violence , and that he ' d been in the parking lot just a minute when police arrived . friend male 22 Fearing for Mischa now , Danny concocts a plan for the boys to borrow a pleasurecraft from the marina and deliver their friend to Cuba , where he might find his way home . friend male 12 FellGleaming is very well-aware of the three-revert rule ; he warned another user with whom he was in conflict about it quite recently . user male 17 Fett apologizes that it does not work that way , that he is the highest paid bounty hunter in the galaxy because he delivers . hunter male 3 He was named superintendent of the public schools in Wilmington , Delaware , in 1975 , where he oversaw the implementation of a court-ordered desegregation plan that involved busing students between urban and suburban districts . superintendent male 13 He was hesitant to just sew the scalp over it and wish the patient well , because he knew fatal infection would likely result . patient male 15 He wanted to be a postmaster and Plato already had a post office and a postmaster so he moved to Laclede County and founded Lynchburg and became the first postmaster there . postmaster male 6 He wants to treat his cancer patient with malaria because he claims it is the cheapest way to deliver hypothermia . patient male 7 He sees Hyun Ho only as a friend as he is not interested in men , but eventually agrees to a relationship when Hyun Ho explains how much he needs him . friend male 28 He studied medicine in Glasgow and in 1714 set out for St Petersburg , where , through the introduction of a fellow Scot , he was nominated medical attendant to Artemy Petrovich Volynsky , recently appointed to the Persian embassy , with whom he travelled from 1715 to 1718 . attendant male 14 He was a little uncomfortable with the notion of having `` exploited '' a friend , although he noted that the friend had no problem with the song . friend male 23 Here is the diff of the user originally adding the banner , and here is the diff of the user attributing the other user from which he got the banner from initially . user male 21 As he is walking the woods before they camped out for the night at a park ; he met a new friend named Jeremy Bryant . friend male 12 As he built his own musical career , Joplin discovered a close friend and kindred musical spirit in fellow singer-songwriter Starr . friend male 7 As he collapses , he remembers his friend , Glenn , and the news of a child . friend male 15 As he was over the age limit for fighter training , Caldwell persuaded a pharmacist friend to alter the details on his birth certificate . friend male 7 Anyway , if you obeyed the other user when he made a reasonable request , then it would have been much easier to persuade others that your own reasonable requests should be obeyed too . user female 17 Although she is a real estate lawyer and not a criminal lawyer , Veronica defends her childhood friend , Michael Scofield at his trial . friend male 14 But Constantin comes to his senses and apologizes to Anne and Paul forgives his friend soon before he leaves town with Anne , after the relationship came out anyway . friend female 12 But this time the demons decide to take out the next devil hunter before she can fight back . hunter male 20 But I ca not find the examples that sometimes pop up in my Inbox and I want to show a friend such an example of mis-spelt text as he does not believe me . friend male 10 By contrast , in the modern era , greeting a friend by name while he is wearing a mask , or talking to him later about his costume or activities , is not generally regarded as rude . friend male 16 By chance he met John Lee , a relation of the Duke of Norfolk and an attendant at court , with whom he had become acquainted in Italy , and Lee succeeded in arranging the interview . attendant female 10 Becca Swanson , played by Simone James , is a friend of Stacey Slater ' s who Stacey meets when she is staying in a psychiatric hospital . friend male 5 Because of a very attractive friend that Armando had met after he left and brought back , Betty believes that she and Armando had had a sexual relationship together and continues to think that he has never changed . friend male 3 Brown was appointed postmaster when he got a post office established in his store on April 17 , 1886 . postmaster male 5 Bourne - This is the friend whom Evans stays with when he leaves the city and reintroduces him to drink . friend male 8 I know that Wikipedia does not allow an user to erase sourced informations , as he did . user male 26 If we are unable to use rangeblocks to prevent banned users from editing , then we have no choice but to unban and unblock said banned user , because he will not stop . user male 6 I , here , praise my friend while he remains elsewhere . friend male 18 I had not told posterity this but for their ignorance , who chose that circumstance to commend their friend by wherein he most faulted ; and to justify mine own candor , for I loved the man , and do honor his memory on this side idolatry as much as any . friend male 6 I have attempted to contact this user in the past , because he kept screwing with the babel links on and -LRB- a merge of the latter to the former recently took place , and some babel links were retained on the latter as they did not work on the former -RRB- . user male 4 I have nominated this user for adminship since he has displayed concern regarding keeping the integrity encyclopedia intact on various talk pages and has reminded users to follow policy regarding sourcing when editing . user male 5 I have not notified the user since he has no talk page . user male 8 I have received a petition to rename this user so he can get his username back . user male 4 I have blocked the user for one week because he appears to be intentionally disrupting Wikipedia , and I have informed him that if he intends to continue in this vein I think an indefinite block would be in order . user male 4 I have blocked this user during his RfA after he made innappropriate comments which may invoke thoughts of the T word and also the R word . user male 6 I have decided against notifying the user about this discussion since he has been completely unresponsive so far , but if you think it would be better to let him know , feel very free to drop him a note . user male 4 I have emailed this user because he is a minor and has put personal information on his user page . user male 24 I ' m not attempting to accuse anyone here , but put it this way , you ' re flimzy reason for blocking this user after he has clearly stated that he will not do it again , is as dumb as the song i quoted above . user male 5 I ' m asking my friend if he still has it so I can look up the company and product . friend male 3 I met this user only once , when he took part in bullying me back in December . user male 47 I ' m quite confident this is not a case of copyright infringement , given that a -RRB- the text was not used in an article ; b -RRB- it was a quote of material written by the user in question , used specifically to ask the user about why he had posted it ; and c -RRB- was clearly attributed to the user ' s web site . user male 7 In 1822 , John Philip was appointed superintendent of the London Missionary Society stations in South Africa where he fought for the rights of the indigenous people . superintendent male 6 In 1861 he was named first superintendent of parks in Hartford , Connecticut , where he designed Bushnell Park and Cedar Hill Cemetery . superintendent male 5 In 1869 he was appointed postmaster of Lexington where he spent a great deal of his time painting on the upper floor of the post office building . postmaster male 6 In 1840 he was appointed locomotive superintendent of the Hull and Selby Railway where he became the first locomotive engineer to use long-travel valve motion . superintendent female 3 I joined a friend in veganism for six months -LRB- maybe it just felt like that -RRB- out of curiosity and that she looked pretty healthy . friend male 3 I left the user alone as he asked . user female 11 In November 1852 , Alexander went to visit his very ill friend the Duchess of Orleans at her estate at Lansanne , Switzlerland , though she survived for six more years . friend male 8 In the early 1990s , Barnes married Jennifer Friend , with whom he has five children . Friend female 20 In the drama Frederick plays an ancillary character who travels from San Diego to Portland to meet an old college friend with whom she then attends a conference at her alma mater . friend male 19 In the 2004 movie Shall We Dance , the main character , played by Richard Gere , asks his friend why he hides that he is a dancer . friend male 20 Internet service is Telianet , a Swedish IP -RRB- made several heavy edits to the article and I mistook another user for the group ' s leader because he used language similar to an initial article on apostates posted by an IP -LRB- to which I later apologized for -RRB- . user male 21 In G o ttingen , where he lived from 1953 onwards , Helms first made the acquaintance of the philosopher and sociologist Helmuth Plessner , then later with Theodor W . sociologist male 4 I started tracking the user after he tried to hagiographize the Jacob Safra -LRB- Britannica owner -RRB- entry . user male 23 I suggest you look up Ibn Taymiyyah , Ibn Baaz , Ibn abd el Wahhab and their works and decide to block this user if ever he tries to insert his POV to the article in question . user male 8 In this film McHugh plays Cagney ' s friend and sidekick , as he was to do in many more Warner Brothers pictures . friend male 11 As an angel he goes back to Earth and watches his friend as he struggles through the next days away from his friend . friend male 4 Aphaia had helped a friend of mine when he was a WP-newbie and had the patience to explain a lot of things to him . friend male 5 Arthur feels Maggie needs a friend after he discovers she has made up an imaginary friend . friend male 13 Around the same time he got his first job as a supermarket trolley attendant , which he would eventually quit after ten years `` because he did not want to get tied down to a career '' . attendant female 11 It is revealed that Nobara had longed to have a female friend in the Dangerous Ability Class since she is the only girl in the Dangerous Ability Class , and Persona and the Elementary Principal have plans of transferring Mikan to that class . friend male 19 I am not going to argue with this person but if an admin could step in and tell this user if he wants me to leave him alone , he needs to do the same . user male 5 I am not opposing this user because he makes first impressions with the general public using profanity ; I am opposing him because he is of the mindset to think that this is normal . user male 3 I asked the user if he checked the unrelated quotation , he gave no answer . user male 3 I asked the user if he knew but action was not taken . user male 8 I ask that you also perform a check user on the contributor above as well as Ronnie42 , as he seems to be unusually invested in this dispute . user male 3 I ask this user to be warned to stop , since he is taking this to a personal and completly unprofessional level and apparently holds a grundge against me for some reason . user male 7 I assisted the -LRB- relatively -RRB- new user after he followed the WikiProject Articles for creation process and his article has since been nominated as a DYK candidate . user male 5 I do not see this user being a constructive contributor here if he is just going to continue to violate our personal attack and civility policies , not to mention this misleading edit summery business . user male 5 I did not warn the user as he was already aware of the three revert rule . user male 28 If a file to be restored had been divided across two or more disks , RESTORE would ask for disks as it needed them , and tell its user if he put in the wrong disk . user male 20 If a footballer signs for an English club and he doesnt speak English he ' ll probably bring over a friend or relative who does . friend male 6 If he does , add the user to AIV . user male 11 If he had an accident to him , he asked his friend to pass the record to the address written on the letter . friend male 11 If he has no evidence , he should not list the user . user male 13 If he refuses , they ' ll tell the law Jim shot their friend in cold blood . friend male 15 If he thinks he has grounds for the accusation , he could request a check user . user male 19 I find his shoot first warn after approach to established editors to be revolting , and indefing blocking a user because he disagreed with the block disgusting . user male 8 I find it ridiculous that you accuse a user of being a POV warrior simply because he reverted ONE edit . user male 48 If a user states `` I ' m through here anyway , but lets have some fun '' and then proceeds to post something eleven times despite being told to stop and with no indication that he would stop , the appropriate immediate response is to block the user until such time as he , being reasonable , stops , or until some other decision is made regarding the matter . user male 10 I am saying that to ban me from reporting a user to official Wikipedia venues just because of who he is , is absurd . user male 18 If the face is like this at the beginning of the illness , the doctor must ask the patient if he has lost sleep , or had diarrhoea , or not eaten . patient male 4 I emailed the nlwiki user as he has an email set and made edits in 2010 . user male 3 I emailed this user as he deleted the link I placed . user male 3 I email the user yesterday when he was available here on Wikipedia , so he replied in his talk page . user female 5 I decided to warn the user after she reverted my removal twice , and from there we have been involved in an edit war . user male 3 I blocked this user after he continued to upload dinosaur pictures taken from another website -LRB- see the deleted edits from the upload log for examples -RRB- after being warned and told to include some sort of description beyond just the image tag . user male 11 As they are not available in my library I asked another user if he can scan the appropriate pages at the Bavarian State Library . user male 2 Attacking a user via AFD ' s twice because he did not like the articles . user female 11 At one point , he even offers to marry a pregnant friend so that she and her baby will not be alone . friend female 14 As she began sorting through Balzac ' s papers , she called on his friend , Champfleury , for assistance . friend female 14 As she continues walking through the forest , the young girl meets another new friend , a pretty bird who is very talented at singing , but is afraid of flying . friend female 10 As she enters a bowling alley , she sees a friend of hers and is introduced to her boyfriend , who is Pope ' s ex-boyfriend . friend male 2 Ask the user if he wants banning for a month or permanently . user male 8 At a school dance , Steven gains a friend after he comforts Jessica -LRB- Stacy Hart -RRB- , after an argument with a boyfriend , who is also his bully , Kevin -LRB- Tim Harris -RRB- . friend male 6 In February 1839 he was appointed superintendent of the Port Phillip District of New South Wales though he had little managerial and administrative experience . superintendent male 22 In his poem `` Another Indian Murder '' Louis depicts a time when he witnessed two young , drunk Indians beating their friend with a baseball bat until he was dead . friend male 38 During our discussion after his blocking of me I pointed out that blocking policy says you must treat both sides equally , and I proved that if he blocked me for 3rr he should also have blocked another user . user male 9 During her early years , Valentine serves as a friend and protector for Ender , whom Peter torments because he is jealous of their close relationship . friend male 15 Doug Ramsey wrote , `` shortly before he died , -LSB- Cottrell -RSB- told a friend how happy he was that New Orleans had finally become a city where he and other musicians like him could make a living playing as they wanted to play . friend male 24 Going back to the second point , Silver complains that we have left a path back for ScottyBerg if he IS the community banned user but not one if he is not . user male 4 Gary is an imaginary friend that Timmy made up when he was five years old , so that he could have someone to play with . friend male 16 George Washington in a campaign against the Mohawk people , prompting him to attack his former friend when he tried to intervene in a Mohawk ambush on colonial soldiers . friend male 9 Gotti refused to see his once loyal soldier and friend because he was still angry over Ruggiero ' s criminal activities being recorded on wire taps . friend male 6 Furthermore , I will block the user if he engages in wheel-warring . user male 20 Gabu agrees initially , but soon realizes that no matter how hungry he is , he can not eat his friend . friend male 6 Gautam soon stops Ashok ' s friend while he is riding his motorbike and asks for his license . friend male 2 Blocking the user if he continues seems harsh , but protecting the page seems over the top for one disruptive user . user male 7 Before he began , Lewis consulted his friend , film legend Stan Laurel , about the script . friend male 8 Before he dies , MacKay forgives his distraught friend . friend female 7 Before she leaves , she encounters a patient reading a comic strip by Michael Kent . patient female 15 Believing that he must use his powers to destroy Mutant Town , Mercator warns his friend , Hanna Levy so that she can escape safely . friend male 14 Each track flowed through the same time length , differing only by telling the user if he was right or wrong . user female 17 Even though she had lived most of her life in solitude , she gained her first true friend in Shiki . friend female 8 Even Kuro was not able to recognize her friend when she saw her in the streets with Aoki that same night after her photo shoot . friend male 23 Elliot sees this , tells the story to Boog and the others , and they all make a mission to go save their friend before he gets turned back into a pet . friend male 7 Erland van Lidth de Jeude married Annette Friend on September 22 , 1986 , with whom he had one son , Christiaan . Friend male 3 Enobarbus bades his friend and comrade Antony goodbye as he will not fight for an Egytian Queen against Rome . friend male 23 Charles , however , is stubbornly proud , and when he learns that Frederick has secretly married his sister , he challenges his friend to a duel . friend male 4 Ca not contact other user directly , as he ' s an unregistered user . user male 4 Chad has a best friend in his `` apprentice '' , Jeremy Wickstrom , while he is often at odds with night shift manager Clint Shermer and corporate owner Margaret McCall . friend male 22 Chagra , with the aid of witches , used this to unstick Atlas in time , not wanting to kill his old friend even though he had become corrupted by power . friend male 10 However we are not making a decision to ban a user because of the way he chooses to defend himself but on the quality of his work . user female 18 However , when she enters her friend ' s cabin , she finds some paintings , but no friend . friend male 3 House tells the patient if he has cancer , the antibiotics could kill him . patient female 12 However , on one occasion he hid a pin and pricked the patient with it when she reached to shake his hand . patient male 12 However , you are right on that we should not take the user as who he is . user male 7 However , you ca not force the user into the discussion if he adamantly refuses to and ignores all the past discussions . user male 14 How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare , robbed a grave , made a new friend who might not have really been there at all , and while he was at it committed a terrible sin which everyone was doing even though he did not know it . friend male 14 How Hedley Hopkins Did a Dare , robbed a grave , made a new friend who might not have really been there at all , and while he was at it committed a terrible sin which everyone was doing even though he did not know it -LRB- ISBN 0-14-132043-5 -RRB- is a children ' s book written by Australian author Paul Jennings , and published by Puffin Books in May 2005 . friend male 22 His general understanding of others ' emotions and desire to help them similarly gains the affection of the Elric brothers and their friend Winry Rockbell , as he always offers advice or hospitality to them when they need it . friend male 6 His purpose was to harrass a user with whom he had a disagreement . user male 3 He needs a friend so he takes his pet , a mouse named Seymour , with him to school . friend male 44 He included explanatory notes that he had `` studiously '' avoided using TheRealGW for the past couple of weeks -LRB- although both users make multiple edits to Oliver DeMille in the past two weeks -RRB- and with explanation that he had created the alternative user because he had felt personally threatened . user male 4 He once told a friend that while he admired Brennan , he disagreed with many of Brennan ' s interpretations of the United States Constitution . friend male 2 He met friend and Black Stone Cherry drummer John Fred Young when he was 5 years old . friend male 12 He makes Georg feel terrible , suggesting that Georg has ignored his friend ever since he moved away to Russia . friend male 41 He is not acting any differently from everybody who is involved in this conflict , especially the admin who was actually the one breaking policy on two accounts - - addding these stupid templates and abusing his adminship by blocking a user with whom he is in a conflict . user male 16 For regular prescriptions , when the last prescription is fulfilled , the pharmacist can ask the patient if he would like the doctor to be asked to repeat issue the prescription . patient male 8 Fortunately , Uproar is able to revert his friend to a more sensible mindframe though he is distressed by his more animalistic form . friend male 3 For blocking a user with whom he was in dispute , refusing to interact sensibly with administrators or the blocked party during initial discussion of the block on the administrator ' s noticeboard , refusing to engage in dialogue with the blocked party , refusing to acknowledge any error at all until seven weeks had passed , having failed to offer any explanation or apology for his refusal to communicate , and for his intransigence having led to a case that could have been resolved over two months ago reaching the arbitration committee , InShaneee is de-sysopped . user male 14 Having said that , the article is strongly biased and I agree with the user that MickMacKnee acts as if he owns the article and he actively bites those disagreeing with him , as other users have also remarked upon in the last days . user male 14 Hay gave it a friend to look after , not seeing it or the friend for the next thirteen years , until he arranged for it to be included in a public exhibition . friend male 61 He forbade Polish priests from taking part in Polish cultural and political activities while allowing German ones to participate in political agitation When Pope Benedict XV issued a decree ordering Bertram to withhold from visiting Upper Silesia during the Upper Silesia plebiscite , he disagreed , calling it `` the result of Polish intrigue '' by August Hlond , a personal friend of Benedict XV . friend female 3 He asked a friend in choreography if she would care to have a dancer in front of screen on which a `` schematic line drawing '' of Ubu was to move about . friend male 4 Hardeman served too as superintendent of the Chester County School District even while he was an instructor , vice president and later president of Freed-Hardeman College . superintendent male 3 Have asked the user if he wants it userfied , which is IMO the best option . user male 5 He also honored his best friend , Paulinus with magister officiorum , for he had helped find his wife . friend male 3 Jersey_Devil is blocking user so that he can save the version of the article to his liking . user male 17 Just as a small note , it had been about two days passed after I notified this user of this thread before he replied , either he does not edit wikipedia often , or there is some other reason , my point being , that if it is the former , he might not even notice he was blocked . user male 17 John -LRB- played by Robert Cavanah -RRB- is a white British liberal who would have a Black friend if he knew any and Dan -LRB- played by Wil Johnson -RRB- is a Black Briton who understands he lives in a White Society and needs to engage with it to succeed . friend female 21 Judging that the user is not yet a serious contributor , remove the offending content by editing , and block the user if she insists on re-posting it . user male 16 Johnny Depp was another unknown when he was cast ; and initially went to accompany a friend -LRB- Jackie Earle Haley , who went on to play Freddy in the 2010 remake -RRB- so he could audition , yet eventually got the part of Glen . friend male 28 James has endured a number of difficult situations as an editor , yet never , not once has Everyking wheel-warred , nor unblocked himself , nor blocked a user with whom he was in a dispute , nor protected his preferred version of Ashlee , nor edited any page that was protected due to his own editing habits , nor made any inappropriate speedy deletions . user male 5 JeremyMcCracken could be considered your friend since he is displaying an incredible ammount of patience with you and your shenanigans . friend male 5 I then politely asked the user why he had done this and he replied because he is Pole . user male 43 It is my simple contention that the repeated removal and hiding of images over the period of months against a strong consensus is simple vandalism and needs to be dealt with accordingly by reverting it , warning the user , and blocking the user if he persists . user male 10 It is a 3RR infringement ; I have warned the user as he only appears to be here a few days . user male 9 I really would like a chance to turn this user around into a good editor as he has the potential . user male 4 I recommend asking this user directly if he intends to help build the encyclopedia -LRB- not work on signatures or have discussions on user pages -RRB- . user male 3 I remember this user a couple months back when he argued in a very aggressive manner over the Sultan Mehmed article . user male 9 I say we delete the maze and block the user if he persists , this is not his personal playground . user male 4 It will revert the user again if he edits another page , though . user male 8 It will take no action to defend the user if he stands alone . user male 21 Local Italian musician was brought in to play the bass , but after he quit too , Bebek called up old friend Zoran Red z i c . friend male 49 Lindsey was still full of spirit , and spoke to them so strongly of their broken faith , and of the sin of disloyalty and rebellion , that they slunk away one by one out of the hut , and dissuaded Essex from coming himself to see his old friend , as he had intended . friend male 23 Let me state categorically at this point that drugs are antithetical to the practice of magic , as they tend to disassociate the user from reality , even though he often thinks himself closer . user male 3 Kenji saw a friend that he had to meet with and he said the same words of the message and then the doors of the elevator opened without the cabin , and as they but looked on , he was pulled into the shaft and plummets with the same screams of the message . friend male 18 His comment to his nominator suggests he is not interested , and it is unfair to expose a user to the scrutinizing criticism of an RFA when he does not wish to seek the position . user male 10 Later , the protagonist and narrator , condemns his two friend while he is being tortured by the Civil Guard Of Spain . friend female 6 Later in 1968 Oughton told a friend that while she was away for five days , Ayers had slept with other women . friend male 6 Kugi is termed a `` Mage User '' , although he has no intrinsic magical abilities . User male 10 Keawe begins this quest by attempting to track down the friend to whom he sold the bottle , but the friend has become suddenly wealthy and left Hawaii . friend male 17 Kane was seeking a device with a larger aperture and less possibility of blockage after losing a patient to whom he had fitted a Murphy button . patient male 25 Lennon started his own skiffle band -LRB- very briefly called the Blackjacks -RRB- with Griffiths in the summer of 1956 , and recruited his best friend , Shotton , even though he could not play an instrument . friend male 11 Instead of just renaming again and again , I asked the user why he had done so and informed him that I think he should rename them back and discuss it on the project talk page first . user male 53 It ' s not disruptive per se -LRB- and I admit this is a bit silly , but I ' m very queasy at the idea of leaving a FL in a state I feel is less good than it was -RRB- , and I ' m not sure how to approach the user about it as he seems pretty wiki-immature too -LRB- e . user male 9 It seems unimagionable that an Admin would block a user -LRB- newbe mind you -RRB- just because he does not celebrate labor day , but that seems to be the cas with Kirk . user male 12 Its also because he goes out of his way to follow the user around until he finds something to block him for . user male 9 It was in this house that Macmillan housed his friend and former American President Theodore Roosevelt , as he wrote his biography . friend male 7 It ' s trivial to block the user again if he is a troll , yet we could lose a potentially valuable contributer to wikipedia if he remains blocked . user male 10 Maybe not exactly an allergy , but I have a friend who experiences severe Aquagenous Urticaria and anaphylactic shock whenever he goes into cold water for more than a couple of minutes . friend female 19 Maxie Jones , who Spinelli is secretly in love with , warns the nurse not to pursue her best friend if she is going to hurt him , but the nurse hints at Spinelli ' s attraction to Maxie and makes no promises about a future relationship with him . friend male 4 Melanie learns from a friend that Jake had once gone to New York City to try and find her because he was still in love . friend male 12 Meanwhile , Amy confronts Mandy , who explains she had lost her friend to the `` beast below '' after he refused to follow Starship UK rules and ran afoul of the robot-like Smilers that watch over the ship . friend male 6 Morrow details how Benning asked the patient if he should complete the abortion even though the baby was born alive , and the patient responded , `` Yes , finish it . patient male 9 Michael appears to view Ryan both as an idolized friend , such as when he grew a goatee just because Ryan also grew one , or as a son , which he says he views Ryan as in `` Secret Santa '' . friend male 12 MOSBIO -RSB- -RSB- , so I am most definitely not blocking this user because he disagreed with me . user female 18 Miley also has a dream in which Lilly starts dating Jackson , and must learn to accept her friend for who she is . friend male 4 Miyu Shizuhara is a friend of Kaho ' s who Ryo met when he heard her playing the piano in the music room . friend male 36 The April 25 , 1988 , issue of The New Yorker carried an interview with retired Air Force Reserve Major General and former US Senator from Arizona Barry Goldwater , who said he repeatedly asked his friend General LeMay if he -LRB- Goldwater -RRB- might have access to the secret `` Blue Room '' at Wright Patterson Air Force Base , alleged by numerous Goldwater constituents to contain UFO evidence . friend male 39 The admin who deleted your image deleted about 600 others today and , judging from his talk page , made some mistakes , has been in some bellicose exchanges with users who insulted him , threatened to block a user unless he got an apology from them , etc . user male 9 Keep with the personal attacks removed , block the user if he restores them in a similar form . user male 3 I pointed this user in the direction of the complaints department because he wanted to know why he was blocked by an admin after using that username for 2 years . user male 3 I oppose this user because he does not fit my criteria in support . user male 3 I oppose this user because he has shown us signs that he will misuse the tools if he gets them . user male 36 I would also wan to remind that this user has previously launched check user on me -LRB- because his POVs did not match my views on certain topics -RRB- , than when failed he launched check user on Kober where again he failed . user male 7 I would be tempted to block the user until he promises not to do this again . user male 9 I ' ve deleted the page and pointed the user to where he might find free personal web space if that ' s what he ' s looking for . user male 4 I will report the user to AIV since he has removed another tag . user male 5 I will also notify the user so he can defend himself . user female 3 I unblocked the user after she promised to not make any more legal threats . user male 6 I undid it and told the user if he undid the edit , it ' d be considered vandalism and I ' d report the user . user male 54 I think that what Wtshymanski is saying -LRB- or at least what I am saying -RRB- is that deleting the page will , if someone types this common phrase into the search box , allow the general search engine to return its list of results and that this is more likely to guide a user to what he is looking for than a disambiguation page will . user male 28 I would not recommend a block for the legal threat in this instance , at least not at this stage , as it would probably only enrage the user just as he is seemingly heading out the door . user male 4 I would question the user why he wants to redirect that to his user page , instead of explaining why he should not . user male 5 I would definitely trust this user if he were to reacquire the tools . user male 4 I will unblock this user if he agrees to abide by our non-free content policy . user male 5 I would surely support this user in the future if he can show meekness and humility , and I believe many of the other oppose-voters would also . user male 28 The bushbuck ram is regarded by sports hunters as the most dangerous medium-size antelope , as it will hide in the bush after being wounded and charge the hunter when he comes looking for it , impaling the hunter with its sharp horns . hunter male 1 My friend , Rick , whom I had known since I was 18 and he was 13 , brought over this track with this incredible percussion thing , and gave it to me asking me if I would listen to it and consider writing a song for it . friend male 4 Please someone block the user before he continues to create more damage . user male 27 Petey only considers himself to have three and a half friends -LRB- Viola , Andre , Loris , and Ernesto , who only counts as half a friend since he might be imaginary . friend male 3 Peter has a friend , the lovable Ducky -LRB- a Runner Duck in this version -RRB- , with whom he hangs around Grandfather ' s yard . friend male 4 Raworth married her old friend , estate agent Richard Winter of Savills in Hammersmith and Fulham , London , in December 2003 , after he proposed to her on the Amalfi Coast . friend male 7 Rin , Ian ' s abused childhood friend and secret `` crush '' , returns to the city where he lives . friend male 1 Rename user , if he wished this to remain in his userspace , otherwise delete as a userspace article mascarading as a substandard mainspace article . user female 4 Rachel is a fiend hunter whom the protagonist Ryu Hayabusa meets in the Holy Vigoor Empire , where she is on a mission to destroy the fiends , as well as find her missing sister , Alma , who has become a Greater Fiend . hunter male 15 Perbatasari ' s second film , Poetri Rimba -LRB- Jungle Princess -RRB- , followed a hunter as he attempted to escape from bandits . hunter male 40 Palestine issues , which are fraught with friction already , and that Nat had blocked a user -LRB- who might be on the pro-Israeli side -RRB- when he ' d not clearly committed a blockable offense , then unblocked a user -LRB- who might be on the pro-Palestinian side -RRB- when he indisputably had done so , I felt I had to say something . user male 49 Oswald directed English planter Francis Levett , who formerly worked for the Levant Company , to promising English East Florida locations for his rice and indigo plantations , and urged East Florida Governor James Grant to make generous land grants to Levett , whom Oswald called his `` worthy friend '' to whom he owed `` particular obligations . friend female 11 On August 25 , 2010 , Compass Airlines fired a flight attendant after she appeared on a local television program admitting publicly that she qualified for food stamps , even though she was a full-time employee of the airline . attendant male 11 November 2006 -LRB- UTC -RRB- Co-nomination by Nishkid64I only met this user a few days ago when he came to my user talk page to request a deleted page restoration and creating a redirect for it -LRB- I did it btw -RRB- . user female 9 Once she came into town , she greeted her friend , but then left to settle business with Wasabi . friend female 16 On 10 December 2012 , Traviss appeared at Southwark Crown Court accused of twice raping a friend as she slept on 31 December 2011 . friend male 33 No action needs to be taken , NO damage has been done , the violation of 1RR or 3RR is NOT an automatic self-destruct activation and admins do not have to block a user just because he did it . user male 8 Nothing gives you the right to tell a user that he may be blocked or otherwise if he keeps removing comments from his talk page . user male 13 Not realizing who he was in the chaos , d'Artagnan kills his old friend , as he had predicted he would if they fought a fourth time . friend male 22 Nor , have I ever used any other account but this one , and I would encourage BatteryIncluded to file a check user immediately if he has the slightest courage of his convictions . user male 10 No shared database , just that we already have a user with that name , though he was only active for a single day around two years ago . user male 10 Nevertheless , when he notices that Maddox is keeping a patient in the hospital only because he has incredible insurance , he begins arguing with her . patient male 20 Naltrexone blocks the euphoric and all other effects of self-administered -LRB- and physician-administered -RRB- pills or injections -LRB- leaving the patient at a loss if he requires unplanned surgery or another painful procedure or condition requiring pain control or even general anaesthesia , as the chemicals , fentanil and sufentanil , most commonly used to induce anaesthesia are also opioids which are blocked -RRB- . patient male 5 Second , and stalking a user with whom he disagrees on other pages -LRB- ex . user male 10 Sam instantly relates to this as he killed his best friend , Ben , accidentally in Afghanistan when he was a soldier . friend female 3 She asked her friend if she would `` speak now . friend female 3 She asks a friend what she would do if she were totally invulnerable . friend female 5 She only has her childhood friend , Rodrigo -LRB- Bruce Quebral -RRB- by her side as she struggles through life ' s difficulties . friend female 8 She then goes to see Trevor ' s friend , Kyle , after she learns his symptoms are similar to her mother ' s . friend male 4 She has her best friend Billy -LRB- Nick Roux -RRB- help her out , although he had a relationship with Lulu -LRB- Meagan Tandy -RRB- , a girl who has been mean to Jane since the seventh grade . friend female 3 She is a friend of Anri whom she has been looking for as she has disappeared from her home . friend male 21 The song was created while lead singer and guitarist John Rzeznik was on the phone with a friend and asked the friend if he should `` take the chords up or take ' em down '' . friend male 7 Speedy delete and salt , and block user if he tries to repost . user male 10 Specifically , I would have made it clear to the user that regardless of his objections , he would be blocked from editing if he continued being disruptive , provided links to demonstrate his violation of wikipedia policy , and asked for a block if the behavior continued . user male 8 Somethings need to be done to stop this user for he is rampant and is running over policy after multiple warnings . user male 29 Soon after I moved to a nearby studio in `` The Pheasantry '' , Kings Road , Chelsea , and needing someone to share with I asked my new friend if he would care to share the space and experience . friend male 18 Some seem to have a point but most seem to look at the past and not judge the user from what he has learned from then . user male 4 Sokar sends a bounty hunter after him after discovering his duplicity , although he is eventually able to escape after SG-1 convinces the bounty hunter to release him . hunter male 9 That said , I am willing to rename the user as he claims his current name is his real name . user male 18 That was not it , right before he set out on his skate , he lost his best friend to stomach cancer . friend male 6 Strongest possible support Always liked this user as he welcomed to me to Wikipedia , and since then has always been helpful and civil whenever I had a question or needed help . user male 2 Support Established user with the clear trust of a number of users with whom he has worked constructively over a long period of time . user male 9 Surely the thing to do is to ask your friend where he got them from , and then see if they are marketed there as safety glasses . friend male 17 That could be true , though sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and he blocked the user as a sock because he matched patterns that Kww was familiar with . user male 5 That Dmn also unblocked his friend with whom he shares an account over vandalism there is non-trivial reason to think he was at least peripherally involved in is troublesome enough that I wanted to post it here to get some opinions on it . friend male 12 That offer was made with no other objective than to provide a friend with what he lacks , in the same spirit in which the American aid program is likewise offered . friend male 4 Support First noticed this user on AfD where he does remarkable work researching sources for problematic articles ; and upon review of contributions I see a superbly communicative and level-headed editor . user male 5 Support I can support this user because he has shown calmness under pressure . user male 7 Support - I choose to support this user simply because he has given me no reason no to . user male 4 Support I know this user personally because he does a large amount of off-wiki community organizing , outreach , and Wikipedia training . user male 7 Taking it upon yourself to tell a user what the rules are when he already knows them makes less sense to me than just applying the rules -LRB- i . user male 12 The best outcome here would be for someone to officially adopt this user until he settles down . user male 15 SUL or no SUL , and I find it sad that we would rename a user just because he ended up not following our rules . user male 23 The same month that he joined the Fabians , Olivier married Margaret Cox , the sister of Harold Cox , an old school friend and later a Liberal MP . friend male 7 Thus , I have blocked the problem user until he removes the image from his signature . user male 22 To escape the impending Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia , Adler fled to London in February 1947 , where he married a close friend from Prague , the sculptor Bettina Gross , with whom he fathered his only child Jeremy Adler . friend male 4 Tony Sidaway blocking a user with whom he has had longstanding disagreements , Tony explicitly saying that the blocks were from `` the community '' when they were personal . user male 3 To oppose this user merely because he agrees with the majority is surly unreasonable . user male 2 Threatened the user with a block if he continued to be uncivil . user male 10 Through a discussion , Angelo forgives Passepartout for killing his friend as he is only a child , but then rather than running away Passepartout attempts to sell Angelo an anchor shaped cross with the Virgin Mary on it . friend male 17 To learn more about how to write a successful comic-book script , he asked advice from his friend , comic-book writer Steve Moore , whom he had known since he was fourteen . friend male 5 This did not please the user -LRB- even though it was something he complained about -RRB- as he now thinks that it can not be trusted because they change things because of emails . user male 20 This course of action , of course , does not disallow me , you , or anyone to block this user if he falls back into his past actions . user female 14 They arrange a secret rendezvous , Miryea pretending that she will be visiting a friend in Miami when she actually is going to accompany Jay to a remote cabin . friend male 7 This has been termed his `` Hungarian friend '' because it shows up to help John Smith ' s out after he made three reverts . friend male 13 This account is not a sock , but the previous account of the user which he lost access to when he lost his password . user male 8 Then , John Nolan half jokingly asked his friend , Adam Lazzara from North Carolina if he would move to Long Island and play bass for the band . friend male 8 The next day Harry meets a former academic friend with whom he had often discussed Oriental mythology , and who invites Harry to his home . friend male 44 The last one I read said he was not coming back - he did not feel welcome , this surely is not the impression we should be giving out , although we can not allow promotional user names , we need to tell the user before he creates one . user male 10 The king did not say why he killed the first attendant , except that he told the second attendant not to enter the doorway of taverns , and thus the king indicated that he put the first attendant to death for such a reason . attendant male 13 The other man , wearing an overcoat and scarf , asked the other patient if he was Vargas . patient male 8 There is no simple mechanism to ban a user from editing a particular article if he persists despite discouragement . user male 11 The problem started one day when Nyi Khit punch Thway Thit friend as he was trying to be fishy with Lone May Khin . friend male 11 There ' s no rule that forces anyone to block a user if he does not consider it useful . user male 7 The range described is of an abusive user who I had been attempting to reconcile with until he continually exhausted my patience and the patience of other administrators from which I sought assistance . user female 21 The starkest proof of that came just before the birth of her first child , when Lipson accompanied a pregnant Chinese friend as she delivered at a Beijing hospital . friend male 4 We can block this user again if he does not get the lesson but I think , in the interest of being above reproach , an admin should remove the block and leave a real warning . user male 20 What I ' m looking for is assistance from some of the users familiar with COIs who can guide this user on best practices for editing when he has a COI , as well as just getting a few more neutral editors involved with the article . user male 5 Warden tries to stop the hunter again , like he did earlier , but the hunter shoots him . hunter male 8 The thing is that if he insulted a user as he did than he surely should have been blocked for personal attacks like i did when i blocked the one i mentioned above at my first comment of yesterday . user male 10 Universal Hero , I think you should not block this user because he is a very good contributor . user male 20 Ukrained can be persuaded not to do such things in future , and not to harass Kuban or any other user with whom he has a history of disagreement . user male 46 This report is somewhat disingenuous in that it is an extension of the previous complaint , not a separate complaint , and the `` abuse '' identified by Mythdon is actually not abusive ; it is clearly not appropriate for Mythdon to `` warn '' a user with whom he is in dispute in this way , and certainly not appropriate to canvass for sanctions based on the fact that the user he targets has decided not to be drawn in . user male 46 This report is somewhat disingenuous in that it is an extension of the previous complaint , not a separate complaint , and the ' abuse ' identified by Mythdon is actually not abusive ; it is clearly not appropriate for Mythdon to `` warn '' a user with whom he is in dispute in this way , and certainly not appropriate to canvass for sanctions based on the fact that the user he targets has decided not to be drawn in . user male 8 Yes , it is cruel to kick a user when he ' s down . user male 16 With Soldier close to returning home , Pierce goes to a liquor store and asks his friend if he would be willing to give Soldier a job . friend male 17 Utterson -LRB- Peter Cushing -RRB- , Marlowe ' s lawyer , believes that Blake is blackmailing his friend until he discovers the truth . friend male 5 Wikipedia , and asking a user if he is person so and so is not a a reasonable question . user male 11 When I was about twelve years old , I had a friend who , whenever he heard my mother pronounce my name , he thought she was calling me , ' Geddy ' . friend female 28 When I went for counselling , my family and close friends had just experienced an unexpected and particularly acute loss , and to compound it , a close friend -LRB- of I and my friends -RRB- , who my family had taken in because she had noplace else to go , was causing problems with my family and we were having a hard time getting her to leave . friend male 16 When he was 12 , his mother , a doctor , recognizing his talent asked a patient , a professor at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts , to train her son . patient male 12 When he was 17 years old , Mestre Nag o overheard a friend talking at a street roda in Rio about traveling the world performing capoeira . friend male 10 When he was a child he never had a true friend until Hinata who compared him to a lonely black rabbit . friend male 10 When he was in Elementary School , he introduced his friend , and future Outlawz rapper , Malcolm Greenbridge , later named E . friend male 12 When he was ten years old , he met his best childhood friend , Mimori Kiryu , the daughter of the most powerful family on the Mainland , who was invited to a party that Ryuho ' s Father , Ryu Tairen , was hosting . friend female 19 When she was 17 , in 1939 , during World War II , her step-father took her and a friend to China to get a job as a hostess . friend female 13 When she was free from family commitments she was appointed matron and lady superintendent of nurses of St Thomas ' when the hospital was being rebuilt after being hit 13 times by German bombs . superintendent female 12 When she was only twelve years old , she persuaded a pagan friend to convert to Christ through her example and teachings . friend female 10 When she was still a child , she makes a friend with Jin during a summer camp , who did not consider her ability strange as he also possessed a strong spiritual sense . friend female 10 When she did so , he shot her and her friend , Lisa Vera-Acevedo , who had accompanied Sarbacher home . friend female 14 When she left the Lana Sisters she joined her brother Tom Springfield and another friend to make The Springfields . friend female 17 When she needs to understand something about how men think , she asks her husband or a friend who is a man . friend male 10 When he arrives in Rajasthan , he meets his old friend Shafi -LRB- Amjad Khan -RRB- who is a tax collector in the area and lives with his wife Sharda -LRB- Beena Banerjee -RRB- . friend male 12 When he awoke the following morning , he panicked and called a friend , asking for a car and money to get out of town . friend male 11 When he began to make these paintings , Richter had his friend Blinky Palermo randomly call out colors , which Richter then adopted for his work . friend male 13 When he drops the coin down into his basement , he invites a friend over to help find it only to get locked in the dark , spooky basement . friend female 16 While she was pregnant , Anne , in consultation with Alfred , asked an old family friend , Wilha Hutson , the organist at Bates Burt ' s church , to write the annual Christmas poems , which Burt then would set to music . friend male 8 While he is away he leaves his childhood friend Khuda Baksh -LRB- Danny Denzongpa -RRB- to take care of his wife . friend male 18 While he is confident that his poetry will outlast marble and monument , it will immortalize his young friend , not himself . friend male 11 While he is getting closer to Gina he neglects his other friend . friend male 17 When he returned to duty he was appointed provost-marshal of New York City , as well as superintendent of police , and continued to serve in this double capacity during the American Civil War . superintendent male 13 When he sees Steve becoming friendly to Trampas , he warns his easygoing friend to keep better company . friend male 13 When he served as Detroit ' s police commissioner , Eaman fired the superintendent and abolished the jobs of 10 other ranking officers in an attempt to eliminate corruption in the department . superintendent male 9 When he finds them , Ace tells his best friend that Mima really loves him . friend male 11 When he hears of the tragedy that has befallen his old friend Santa , Jesus promptly arms himself with an array of automatic weapons and sets out with the boys to Iraq , brutally gunning down everyone who impedes him . friend male 8 When he is younger he has an imaginary friend named Malcolm -LRB- M a llgan in Swedish -RRB- , that only he can see . friend male 9 When he left the Searchers , Curtis rang his friend , Klaus Voormann , who was in charge of the Swedish radio station for whom the band had recorded sessions in 1964 . friend male 20 Whether or not it is harassment , it is , IMO , incivil of him to single out a particular user in such a way when he appears to have a history with Elonka . user male 31 Yui ' s father has recently died causing Kou to keep in touch with her more frequently , sparking jealousy by Futaba but Kou states he is just helping out a friend because he can relate to her . friend male 9 You see that the administrator has re-blocked the new user after he was unblocked -LRB- the block was for consistent edit warring -RRB- , the administrator thinks that the user should undergo the entire one month block . user male 7 You should not rebuke or reprove a patient , even if he does not present you with money or goods in gratitude . patient male 3 You warned the user after he violated 3rr , not before , if he reverts back , then a block should be in order , but as it stands now there should not be any block . user female 4 Your friend asks her friend if she might want to , maybe hang out with you sometime . friend male 21 The captain was hosting a film party aboard and had invited the wives and children of his officers , one civilian friend and his family , and nurses from the nearby hospital ship " Drina " to attend . friend male 18 After " Payback " , a exclusive video aired with Punk telling Heyman that he is his friend and not his client . friend male 11 Eventually , not only is she his muse but his best friend , and potentially his lover . friend male 8 Cristóbal 's brother Micky is Alex 's best friend and in his band , and his girlfriend is Vanessa , friend of Cristina ( although soon Justa becomes his girlfriend because Vanessa gets out of school ) . friend male 19 Kira finds Jake on the promenade and they look longingly out as the wormhole opens , knowing that her friend and his father resides in the Celestial Temple . friend male 13 Admiral Melville ( Stone ) , Dick 's father , is the new superintendent of the Naval Academy and his dearest wish is that his son follow in his footsteps as a naval officer . superintendent male 50 It has become an unspoken rule for any specialized department to carry out consultations of the therapist , who feels obliged to carry out symptomatic analysis of the patient , as well as to the form the diagnostic and therapeutic concept , taking in view the potential risks for the patient and his long - term prognosis . patient male 5 Romeo , not wanting his friend or his relative to get hurt , attempts to intervene . friend male 6 Caroline Gordon was also a close friend of the Georgia author , Brainard Cheney , and his wife , Frances ( Fanny ) Neel Cheney . friend female 32 Eleven years after the events in Burma , Vietnam War veteran John Rambo lives in Bowie , Arizona at his deceased father 's horse ranch , which he manages with his old friend , Maria Beltran , and her granddaughter , Gabriela . friend female 9 The other " combat waitress " , the best friend of Akira and also her rival in martial arts . friend male 17 During the second season , Mozzie becomes more involved with the FBI , especially when a close friend and romantic interest of his , Gina , is kidnapped in " By the Book " ( 2.04 ) . friend female 18 In " Fallout " , Mr. Bennet orders the Haitian to erase the recent memories of Claire 's friend , Zach , as well as her brother , Lyle , after Claire told her father that they both knew of her healing powers . friend female 2 His girl friend and her dead husband who is actually alive and playing possum to get insurance money try to kill Neelu as she has witnessed Prem chopra 's murder . friend male 4 He was a close friend of Monseigneur Maurice Le Sage d'Hauteroche d'Hulst , founder of the Institut Catholique , and was his secretary from 1884 to 1888 . friend male 44 To - Night " differs wildly from later Casper cartoons : although the theme of Casper trying to find a friend and failing in these attempts before succeeding also occurs in later cartoons , the tone of this short turns remarkably dark when a hunter and his dogs appear , chasing the little fox cub named Ferdie that Casper has befriended . hunter male 12 Pablo Picasso came to the town in 1946 , having visited his friend and fellow painter Gerald Murphy and his wife Sara there in 1923 , and was invited to stay in the castle . friend male 7 When after the death of a close friend and his uncle on the same weekend he travelled to Greece on the advice of a stranger on the internet . friend male 18 During a gathering of mountain men , Murdock gets into a fight with Ansel Richter , a scoundrel hunter and his companions , Weasel and Blood Coat , a half - breed . hunter female 12 Crystal is incredibly sad , because she said that Burt is her friend and her friend was the best thing he could be . friend male 11 The clinician can also consider the impact of illness upon the patient and his family as well as other social factors . patient male 5 Now , as his best friend and his former love seek to salvage the shattered lands beyond their borders , a treacherous assault costs them their most powerful weapon — the fabled Crimson Sword . friend female 5 The death of her close friend , Bess Cleveland , and her divorce from Paul , were only two of many factors in Woolley ’s life that caused emotional instability . friend female 6 " IT WILL STAND BETWEEN THE PATIENT AND HIS DOCTOR . PATIENT male 2 Matt 's friend , Jack , and his girlfriend , Rebecca , help pay for the trip and accompany the fellow couple . friend male 18 In consideration of the hospital and allied services to be rendered and the rates charged therefor , the patient or his legal representative agrees to and hereby releases The Regents of the University of California , and the hospital from any and all liability for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions of its employees , if the hospital has used due care in selecting its employees . " patient male 4 Along with his best friend , Kirby ( Schwartzman ) and his manager , Saul ( Murray ) , Charles starts to suffer from nightmares , fever dreams of past relationships and hits rock bottom as he tries to recover from the recent breakup and tries to turn his life around . friend female 26 She later comes back to the church to sit next to the casket and say goodbye , admitting with rare emotion that Rosario was her best friend , her " sparring partner " , and her " everything " . friend male 13 Murray 's most notable author was Lord Byron , who became a close friend and correspondent of his . friend male 8 George Eskridge supposedly arranged an introduction between his friend , Washington , and his ward Mary Ball , with the two marrying on March 6 , 1731 when she was 22 . friend male 13 After Ranger Smith initially fails to capture Yogi , he hires a professional trapper and his hound Yapper . trapper male 4 He was a good friend of Lucille Ball , and his specialty in playing scowling , beady - eyed , short tempered , no - nonsense professionals provided the perfect comic foil for Ball 's scatterbrained television character . friend male 14 Aarush , ( Akshay Kumar ) is a jinxed loser who stays with his friend , Bob ( Ritesh Deshmukh ) and his wife , Hetal ( Lara Dutta ) , both working at a casino owned by Mr . friend female 9 Along the way , the player meets her best friend , Jowee , and her father , the Mayor . friend male 1 The superintendent and his assistant served as part of an informal cabinet during this end phase of the war . superintendent male 4 He considered Teilhard a friend and his work in paleontology extensive and important , but expressed strongly adverse views of his contributions as scientific theorist and philosopher . friend male 10 Frank Fencepost ( Adam Beach ) is Crow 's best friend , and Sadie Maracle ( Jennifer Podemski ) is his girlfriend . friend male 6 Out of loyalty to his best friend , MLUA Executive Director Richie Phillips and his fellow NL umpires who were terminated by MLB , he did not join the World Umpires Association , the successor umpires union to MLUA . friend female 2 Another former patient , Mary ( Stacey ) Mullen , and her attorney , Jim Neal , claimed that Nezhat 's surgery caused her permanent damage to her bowel . patient male 19 This privilege was first extended about 1817 by Prince Edward , Duke of Kent and Strathearn , to his friend , Lieut General James Moore , K.C. , and his new bride , Miss Cecilia Watson . friend male 10 However , she finds herself competing with Shūsuke 's childhood friend , Iroha Tsuchiura , and his class president and yaoi lover , Mayuka Kondō . friend female 9 High school student Akira Fudo lives with his only friend and longtime crush Miki Makimura , her brother Taro , and her parents Noel and Akiko . friend male 14 An African - American police inspector , he is Rat - Man 's best friend , and easily his only one . friend female 17 Azalea with two other characters are seen driving in the highway ; the characters of the best friend and her boyfriend are inspired by the role of Dionne Davenport and her boyfriend Murray . friend male 22 St. Johns was born in Los Angeles , the only daughter of Los Angeles criminal lawyer Earl Rogers ( who was a friend of publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst ) and his wife , Harriet Belle Greene . friend male 17 He also becomes involved in the lives of Evan and Hank , for Hank he is a patient and for Evan he is his partner . patient female 13 During the period that Klein knew Karl Mannheim , he was a good friend and a mentor to her . friend female 11 She was to marry in 1878 the son of Verdi 's friend and lawyer Angelo Carrara and her family became eventually the heirs of Verdi 's estate . friend male 1 His friend , John Edwards , and his son , William Garrard , were both in the state senate and kept him abreast of issues there . friend male 3 Hollins was a friend of Jones and had been his election agent . friend male 7 Timofyev ( Malcolm McDowell ) is a patient in an asylum who claims to be the man who killed Tsar Alexander II in 1881 , and his grandson Tsar Nicholas II in 1918 . patient male 2 Jon 's friend , Longtime Milwaukee Bucks Broadcaster Eddie Doucette , and his wife , Karen , had a son , Brett , who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 2 . friend female 16 The magazine describes her account as being supported by a polygraph and corroborated by both her friend and her ex - husband . friend female 12 2.In particular the role of the artifact as it stands between the user and her materials , objects and outcomes was ill understood . user female 5 Mr. Guimarães , a good friend of Maria 's mother and an uncle - like figure to her , talks to Ega and gives him a box meant to be given " to your friend friend male 8 In 1862 , Drinkwater became the area 's postmaster and his fort home served as the post office for several years , until the town of Cedar Point , Kansas , was established a mile to the west . postmaster male 29 Wrong 's identification of Dent and Friedman 's second patient as having ‘ clinical ’ Dent Disease was expanded when , in 2005 , Scheinman 's group identified this patient and his family as having mutations not in CLCN5 , the gene mutated in most of the families with Dent disease originally identified , but in a quite different gene OCRL1 . patient female 40 Song - yi gets entangled in the dangerous games of Lee Jae - kyung ( Shin Sung - rok ) , the elder brother of Lee Hee - kyung ( Park Hae - jin ) , who has been her friend since middle school and is in love with her . friend female 11 The love triangle was completed by Douglas Henshall as his best friend and her lover , Jerry . friend male 3 Maxse was a friend of Joseph Chamberlain , and his 1873 pamphlet " The Causes of Social Revolt " became the basis of Chamberlain 's radical programme of 1885 . friend male 6 Rosset sued the New York city postmaster and his Lawyer Charles Rembar won in New York , and then on federal appeal . postmaster male 14 Jack McClelland , known for his promotion of Canadian authors , became his lifelong friend as well as his publisher . friend male 8 So , with the help of an old friend ( Xzibit ) and his cohorts , Pope sets out to reclaim the town he once loved . friend male 8 He was named after his father 's childhood friend , Frank Patty , and his paternal grandfather , William Somerville . friend male 7 Sensing danger , Crown Prince Tsunesada 's attendant and his friend Tachibana no Hayanari , the provisional governor of Tajima Province , expected an attack on the Crown Prince , and planned to take Tsunesada to the eastern provinces . attendant male 1 A trapper , Pierre Esprit Radisson , and his friend , nicknamed " Gooseberry , " hope to open a trading post in the Hudson 's Bay region of northeastern Canada in the year 1667 . trapper male 2 A close friend and his wife had a miscarriage and I witnessed the pain they went through losing a baby . friend male 6 In Vancouver , Stuart Lefeaux , superintendent of the Vancouver Park Board and his deputy Bill Livingstone wanted to create an exciting icon that would enhance the image of the city . superintendent male 7 His wishes were carried out by his friend and his remains were laid at‘Chashmai ’ village in the Akora Khattak in Khattaks hills , where many Pashtuns continue to pay tribute and visit his tomb . friend female 13 Pascal is now living in the Castle of Corona with his longtime best friend and her boyfriend , Eugene . friend male 11 During this period he became re - acquainted with an old friend , Malcolm McLaren and his girlfriend Vivienne Westwood who were operating out of Let It Rock boutique at 430 Kings Road . friend female 32 Eleven years after the events in Burma , Vietnam War veteran John Rambo lives in Bowie , Arizona at his deceased father 's horse ranch , which he manages with his old friend , Maria Beltran , and her granddaughter , Gabrielle . friend male 16 Rayford , meanwhile , is considering pursuing a relationship with Hattie Durham , a young flight attendant and his co - worker . attendant female 6 It also introduced Miranda 's best friend and neighbor , Patrick , who has a crush on her ; her younger sister , Emily , the normal family member who is treated as an outsider ; and her estranged father Kelly . friend male 12 While there was a sense of threat and menace associated with the hunter and his use of violence , having regard to the animation style , the level of visual detail , and the stylized manner in which the action was depicted , Audience and Consumer Affairs considers that this sense of threat and menace was very low . hunter male 33 He returns to his home forest full of ideas for progress and , following the previous elephant king 's death from eating poisonous mushrooms , hatches a plan to drive out the unnamed hunter and his men . hunter male 12 Joey Richter wakes up one morning and begins talking to his best friend , his penis , Dick , about their non - existent sex life . friend male 24 Bryan then stated that regardless if he was a face or a heel , he had never lied and thought of Rowan as his friend and his equal . friend female 7 Shahara must decide between her brother 's friend and her job to bring him in . friend male 3 Caleb 's best friend and fellow firefighter , Michael ( Ken Bevel ) , and his father , John ( Harris Malcom ) , convince him to hold off on divorce proceedings . friend male 15 It was also his return to the public eye following his implication as a steroids user in Jose Canseco 's and his controversial 2005 appearance at the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform 's inquiry into the steroid scandal . user male 11 His topics include aspects of his life as a professional treasure hunter , his life as a writer in many genres , and the writing process . hunter female 13 The movie sees Mike Traceur ( Justin Bruening ) teaming up his childhood friend , Sarah Graiman ( Deanna Russo ) , her father Charles Graiman ( Bruce Davison ) , and Special Agent Carrie Rivai ( Sydney Tamiia Poitier ) to fight evil , he is paired up with a new KITT , the Knight Industries Three Thousand . friend male 14 He took up fencing in junior high school in 1996 , influenced by a friend and his physical education teacher . friend male 24 A play that is over - presented with title credits , but is generally a simple dialogue based on Crowley 's conversation with a friend and his wife on Christmas Day . friend male 30 He had landed a radio - show on 98.7 Kiss - FM 1994 where he met KRS - One from the group Boogie Down Productions who became not only a friend but his business manager . friend female 15 Her 1961 book " The Single Secret " , a narrative of a female mental patient and her physician , was praised in " The New York Times " as " a remarkable novel " and the work of " an exceptionally skilled and perceptive novelist . patient female 2 Her family friend , and her son - in - law 's father , Major Robert Pike , was in command of all the forces of Norfolk County , Massachusetts Bay Colony and those located in present - day Maine . friend female 4 Chukovskaya was a lifelong friend of Anna Akhmatova , and her next major work " Spusk pod Vodu " ( " Descent Into Water " ) described , in diary form , the precarious experiences of Akhmatova and Mikhail Zoshchenko . friend male 14 I can assure you that the mournful intelligence we have received regarding my old friend , the Cree Chief ( Maskepetoon ) and his family , has been persued with feeling of unutterable grief . friend male 40 On March 4 , the number of cases in New York State increased to 11 as nine people linked to the lawyer tested positive , including his wife , a son , a daughter , a neighbor , and a friend and his family . friend male 10 Maskepetoon earned respect from his fellow people as a skilled hunter , as well as his generosity and wisdom . hunter male 5 She 's not just his friend and sister but , since Chotu is visually impaired , she 's also his guide . friend male 7 The final point states : " A patient or his personal representative or any interested person shall have the right to appeal to a higher court against a decision that the patient be admitted to , or be retained in , a mental health facility . " patient male 33 The film grew out of Workman 's 2002 short film " Carbee 's Barbies " and encompasses the final years of Carbee 's life , a time when Workman was Carbee 's closest friend and his only link to the outside world . friend male 6 Jonathan Apphus , as a former friend of Alexander Balas , and despite his brief alliance with Demetrius , eventually joined Diodotus to battle against Demetrius II . friend male 19 In 2011 , he began work a film called " " , which he said was based on a friend , Syed Makhdoom , who committed suicide in 2009 , and not his own life . friend male 31 The latter had supported the New York and Erie project in his paper , " New York Courier and Enquirer " , from the beginning , and it was as a friend of his that James Bowen entered the Directory of the Company , and through his influence that Bowen was advanced to the Presidency . friend male 2 The bounty hunter and his crew arrive and the fish attack them too . hunter male 6 Lar deSouza , a long time friend of Sohmer and his artistic partner on the daily comic " friend female 22 The mean operating room ( OR ) time for the Vecchietti vaginoplasty is approximately 45 minutes ; yet , depending upon the patient and her indications , the procedure might require more time . patient female 5 Banning had been a childhood friend of Lorna Gary , and is not her first friend to die . friend male 12 Y?N - Vee , who soon after recorded with Johnny J 's friend 2Pac and his affiliate group , Thug Life , and released their one and only album for PMP Records , the same label that launched the career of R&B star Montell Jordan a year later . friend female 12 Any approved abortion requires consent from three physicians as well as the patient and her husband or guardian . patient male 16 This building also had a store called the " six day store " run by the postmaster and his wife . postmaster male 7 Sheldon says that Leonard is both his friend and not his friend , until he either goes or does not go to the party : he calls this " Schrödinger 's friendship " , in a reference to Schrödinger 's cat . friend male 4 He was a close friend with Henry Wade White ( they went to Yale together ) and his sister , Elizabeth Wade White . friend male 10 Def Jam stated that Stewart was " a truly incredible friend and father who was an inspiration to not only our artists and employees , but to his family and the many people who had the privilege of counting him as a friend . " friend female 15 In 1934 , Brownlee was implicated in a sex scandal , as a young family friend and her father sued him for seduction . friend male 2 The academy superintendent and his staff , the commandant of cadets , and battalion and company commanders all walk past the grandstand mounted per the Prussian tradition , all while saluting their swords in the eyes right , while all its cadets , the colour guard and the officer instructors march in the goose step tradition pass the grandstand past the principal guests , the cadets executing eyes right at this point and the officer instructors facing front . superintendent male 24 My Right to Ravage Myself " ( 2005 ) , " Love Is a Crazy Thing " ( 2005 ) , and " My Friend and His Wife " ( 2008 ) . Friend female 12 Reflecting on Hunt 's experience of the mental health system as a patient and her own as the partner and advocate of a psychiatric patient , Humphrys wrote to the medical authorities of the Carraig Mór Centre in early 2011 outlining her grievances , which was reproduced in the press . patient male 17 Szpilman eventually manages to escape , and goes into hiding with help from a non - Jewish friend , Andrzej Bogucki , and his wife , Janina . friend male 8 The other characters in the play include a friend , Gus , and his daughter , Libby , a frivolous and self - centered young woman who is newly married to Leo 's son Ben ; a boarder , and an assortment of other characters . friend male 10 The only people at the park were the park 's superintendent and his family , who survived , sustaining some injuries . superintendent male 18 His subjects are not professionals but rather found in his social circle , like the wife of his friend , Edgar Degas or his own family . friend male 25 Located at the end of a " stomach churning " drive along State Route 46 , there are limestone caves discovered in 1874 by a hunter and his dog . hunter male 29 Waheed ( Farid Al Atrache ) , a famous music composer , meets Wafa ' ( Faten Hamama ) , a family member and the daughter of a close friend and relative of his . friend female 7 Caz moves in with Kate 's family friend , Maria Connor ( Samia Longchambon ) , and her boyfriend , Luke . friend male 3 He was a friend of Giovanni della Casa , and like his older brother , was a member of the Accademia Pontaniana . friend male 5 Hans Christian Andersen was a friend of the Danish Baron Henrik Stampe ( b. 1821 ) and his wife Jonna Drewsen ( b. 1827 ) , as well as of Jonna 's father , Adolph Drewson . friend male 21 Not long after their arrival , in 1902 , Charles ' former co - worker , first conversion , and best friend , Ernest Kilbourne , and his family , joined them . friend male 4 is Daisuke Niwa 's friend and his initial object of affection . friend male 6 Born to a French - Irish trapper and his Cree wife , she spent her early childhood moving frequently between fur trading stations in Manitoba . trapper female 18 Written by popular children 's authors Bruce Coville and Elizabeth Levy , whom Danziger described as her best friend and her other best friend , the new title was released on September 13 , 2012 . friend male 4 Regarding the band 's friend and his wife , vocalist and bassist Austin Bello said , " I think the song really shows the battle between , I guess , love and hate . friend female 1 A Patient and Her Doctor Negotiate a Life With Chronic Illness " Patient female 4 Weir was a close friend of coffee heiress Abigail Folger , of the Folgers Coffee family , and it was through her husband Jerzy Kosiński that Folger met her future boyfriend Wojciech Frykowski ( Folger and Frykowski were murdered in 1969 by the Manson Family ) . friend female 6 Elizabeth Montagu was a very close friend , and Elizabeth co - operated with her in establishing a salon where repartee and intelligent discussion were more important than the usual drinking , card play , and sexual flirtation . friend female 34 Yet , when the patient presents with much labial tissue , a combination procedure of de - epithelialization and clamp - resection is usually more effective for achieving the aesthetic outcome established by the patient and her surgeon . patient male 16 At its peak , the town was home and headquarters for Canadian Pacific 's Schreiber Division superintendent , his management staff and the territory 's dispatching office . superintendent female 13 Mei - hsun rushes home , where the killer murders a visiting female friend and her suitor , impaling the latter with a knife , and causing the former to bleed uncontrollably before asphyxiating her and crushing her head . friend male 24 On the day of the marriage ceremony the circumstances really hit Avik , being heartbroken he can not accept the marriage between his best friend and his love . friend male 24 It narrates the story of a young man who ultimately finds that his life belongs to nowhere after he has discovered that his best friend and his ladylove are in love with each other . friend male 30 After Abramoff 's guilty plea , the federal government shifted its investigation in January 2006 to focus on the lobbying firm Alexander Strategy Group , founded by a " close friend of DeLay 's and his former chief of staff . friend male 4 Dolgorukov was a close friend of Nicholas II as well as his adviser , Marshal of the Imperial Court ( 1914–1917 ) and Commander of the Imperial Guard cavalry regiment . friend male 43 After Ushas appears Aditi , the Primal Sun , the God of Light : First as Savitr , who represents the divine grace essential for all spiritual success , and then as Mitra , who as the divine love is considered as a friend of the illumined mind ( Indra ) and his associates ( the other gods ) . friend male 9 The kid is also the son of his best friend and crime partner ( now deceased ) and his widow Bella . friend female 26 It tells the story of a childless woman , Anna ( Kathryn Worth ) , of around forty who goes on holiday to Italy with her friend Verena ( Mary Roscoe ) and her teenage family . friend male 5 Chris Anfinsen , Richards 's friend and his colleague as editors of Advances in Protein Chemistry and who recommended the Carlsberg Lab to him , was also an avid sailor , and they sometimes joined forces . friend female 18 The official music video was released but later deleted after a complaint from fans that she featured her friend , Alissa Violet and her ex , Jake Paul in it . friend male 16 Through this positive view , a change of standpoint becomes possible , not only for the patient , but also for his environment . patient male 9 The Author of the stories is not necessarily a friend of Owd Grandad but is his next door neighbour and often steps in to make Owd Grandad see sense in his misadventures . friend male 6 Darren 's search for his missing friend and his own sanity take him on a chilling expedition from his small New England town to Willow Creek , England - and the reigning evil of Black Mirror Castle . friend female 16 Instead , Faith forms an unexpected connection with Gigi and finds herself torn between her new friend and her old enemy . friend male 4 He 's the best friend to Yamato and in many ways his second conscience . friend male 25 Zoé Victoire Talon ( August 5 , 1785 – March 19 , 1852 ) , styled " comtesse du Cayla " , was an intimate friend and confidante of Louis XVIII of France , and was his " maîtresse - en - titre " . friend female 26 Belly " Conklin in the summers she spends at Cousin 's Beach with her mother and older brother , along with her mother 's lifelong best friend and her sons . friend male 1 The friend and his family are shown working and contributing to their community despite being frequently threatened with deportation from ICE . " friend male 25 - Cumming 's oxen succumbed to Animal African trypanosomiasis Livingstone was obliged to change his plans and send all his own oxen to extricate the hunter and his entourage ( George Seaver , " David Livingstone : His Life and Letters " , Lutterworth Press , 1957 , p. 105 ) . hunter male 13 He comes to accept his animal side better after dealing with an insane hunter and his abused cat - man . hunter male 4 Aiding Stanley are his friend , Robert Clayton , and his sweetheart , Florence Montrose , Dr. Montrose 's daughter . friend male 41 Finally , there is an exterior scene of the auto caravan on its way to the Senior Picnic ; as it passes the fishing tank where he had fished with Sam and Billy , Sonny sheds a tear for his departed friend and his lost youth . friend male 6 Despondent at the loss of his friend and his drug , Quatermain spends the next few years drifting , eventually ending in Cairo . friend male 29 Liu finally revised the biography after a meeting late in 1983 where he favorably received a suggestion to tone down the criticism of the Chiang family from a family friend , former intelligence agent , and his former publisher on the " Taiwan Daily News " , Hsia Hsiao - hua . friend male 3 Adam 's best friend of five years , Joshua , and his lover , Nicole , tell him that they are vampires , and want to mutate him into one to save his life . friend female 5 Under the encouragement of her friend and her future colleague , Gu Li ( Ying Wei Min ) , Ru Mi returned to her hometown - Zhang Hua and started a small travel agency business with a small bus known as " Sweet Bus " . friend male 6 He was joined by his close friend and fellow naval officer Captain John Whitby and his wife Mary Anna Theresa Whitby . friend female 14 In 1919 , after the Revolution , Princess Maria Tenisheva , together with her friend , Princess Catherine Svyatopolk - Chetverinskaya , and her assistants , left Russia for France . friend male 20 At Harvard he moved in a literary circle that included American poet Richard Hovey , who would become his close friend and his collaborator on the successful " Vagabondia " poetry series . friend male 0 Friend on his Bill , and on his legislative achievement to get that important measure on the statute book . " Friend male 16 Giuliani moved out of Gracie Mansion by August 2001 and into the apartment of a gay friend and his life partner . friend female 6 Her father Coondenung was an accomplished hunter and her mother Joojeebal was known for " cheeky " sense of humour . hunter male 14 In an experiment gone wrong , a young boy named Jake makes a new friend and his troubled hometown is plunged into chaos . friend female 25 The song " Mela " , written by Michael Belayneh and Yilma Gebreab and produced by Elias Melka ( whom she met through their mutual friend and her guitar coach , Zekarias Getahun ) , involved singers like Menilik Wosinachew , Alemayehu Eshete , and Tamirat Mola . friend male 27 His first novel , " Mukti " ( 1961 ) , narrates the protagonist 's quest for an independent identity , liberation from the influence of a friend and his infatuation with the friend 's sister . friend female 27 He moved to Jarrolds Publishing , working with the accountant S. Fowler Wright , another imprint of Hutchinson & Co. In the later 1920s he was a friend of Margery Allingham , a Jarrolds author , and her husband Philip Carter . friend female 9 As Richa , she has been Dhruva 's best friend and as her alter ego " Black Cat " , a lethal superheroine with killer instincts , though initially rogue who later turned to the good side , she has been a partner and helper in many of Dhruva 's fights . friend female 1 The patient and her husband turn out to be doomsday preppers , ready for the apocalypse . patient male 6 I ca n't be both his friend and his flatterer . " friend male 5 Daryl is Rick 's best friend and his right - hand man . friend female 6 Aline was apparently accompanied by a friend , Liliane , and her cousin Camila Dolabella to attend the " Do Doze Festival " , a university party that brings together UFOP alumni and other students on October 12 . friend female 1 A friend and her boyfriend at the time confirmed she had spoken to them about the encounter when it happened . friend male 18 He held the office until his death at Rome in 1571 , succeeded by Palestrina who was his friend and probably his pupil . friend female 5 She is Malathy 's close friend and her husband is Balu ( Rajinikanth ) . friend female 6 Late twenties , Sophie 's close friend and her literary agent . friend male 19 After high school , Franks bought a drilling rig and moved to Texas to drill wells with his best friend and his younger brother . friend male 41 According to Qu Liangfeng , a senior PAP officer in charge of the daily operations of SWCU , the name change was " inspired by the story of a brave and cunning snow wolf , which escaped an ambush by a hunter and his eight hunting dogs . " hunter female 21 Set in a parallel universe , it features the journey of Lyra Belacqua to the Arctic in search of her missing friend , Roger Parslow , and her imprisoned uncle , Lord Asriel , who has been conducting experiments with a mysterious substance known as " Dust " . friend male 18 Prior to the game 's first level , Sanjuro had lost his brother , Toshiro ; his best friend , Baku ; and his girlfriend , Kura , during the war . friend female 11 ( known as Dear Daniel ) is Hello Kitty 's childhood friend and also her boyfriend who lives in London , England . friend female 30 In the Rebirth , the title of the Shim'Tar reappears and is taken by a new version of Akila , wielder of the Bow of Ra and Artemis ' best friend and her former lover . friend male 30 Set in Yucatán , Mexico , around the year 1502 , " Apocalypto " portrays the hero 's journey of a young man named Jaguar Paw , a late Mesoamerican hunter and his fellow tribesmen who are captured by an invading force . hunter male 3 Humphrey is a friend to everyone , and everyone is his friend . friend male 15 When he starts a proposal to Jane , Amanda intervenes , offering Elizabeth 's best friend and his fiancée in the novel , Charlotte Lucas . friend male 18 At the age of 12 , Hitchens asked his mother if he could move in with his best friend , Zach Anderson , and his family in Sheffield Township . friend female 13 Cassy however shares her fears of Beau 's changing personality with their mutual friend and her ex - boyfriend Pitt , who is a medical student and concerned after witnessing a sudden upsurge in deaths of people , suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes . friend male 8 The farmer , his wife , and his friend and his new wife follow carrying trays of food . friend male 4 He learns that his friend and his whole family were murdered by the father . friend male 19 Reaching Eph through a professional connection at the CDC , the exterminator lends both his skills as a vermin hunter and his powerful physique to Setrakian and Goodweather 's cause . hunter female 5 But an elderly former witch hunter and her young grandson find out about the evil plan and now they must do everything to stop it and defeat the witches . hunter female 17 During the appeal , Jex - Blake was represented by David Masson , who was both a friend and advocate of her cause . friend female 11 After returning to a small town where they left their pregnant friend , Charlie , and her husband , Jeremy , the troupe is disturbed to find that not only are their friends missing but the town is under the control of the mysterious prophet , who rapes young girls whom he claims as his " wives " . friend male 19 Neville is a retired British soldier , who is now an archaeologist is traveling to Egypt along with his friend , Stephen Holmboe , Edward " Eddie " Bryce , and his servants , Emily and Bert . friend male 16 Margie 's favorite pastime , by far , is teasing Molly about her being Tyler 's friend and not his girlfriend ( this is due in part to Margie 's huge crush on Tyler ) . friend male 8 Joris ' mother is a non - western sociologist and his father is a documentary film - maker . sociologist male 22 Newitt had to pay a boatsman to transport him and attempted to reclaim this cost in court from Forrest , the police superintendent and his superior officer in Sorell . superintendent male 9 Shaan 's parents meet their son 's child - friend and his lover , and accept their relationship . friend female 17 In November 2013 , the hospital went to court to prevent an 11-year - old Amish leukemia patient and her parents from making treatment decisions , when the patient chose to discontinue a second round of chemotherapy after it made her " extremely ill . " patient male 5 For the sake of the patient , his loved ones and our economy , efforts should be redirected from curative to supportive . " patient male 3 He was a friend of Millard Fillmore , and was his confidential adviser during his term as U.S. President . friend female 3 Athira , his friend and her parents attend the function of Ananth 's album release . friend male 11 Khadija was not only Muhammad 's wife , but also his friend and confidante and later his moral support . friend male 8 California 's Compassionate Use Act , allowed a patient or his primary caregiver to cultivate or possess marijuana on the advice of a physician . patient male 10 This cloth could be white or coloured depending on the user and his combination intent . user male 5 Watt also mentions his fallen friend in Firehose 's " Disciples of the 3-Way " ( " Mr . Machinery Operator " ) and his own " Burstedman " ( " The Secondman 's Middle Stand " ) . friend male 3 Being a personal friend of Emperor Wilhelm II and his favourite poet , Ganghofer 's war reports frequently lauded the emperor and Paul von Hindenburg and their conduct of the war . friend female 16 Stead stated many times that the characters of Emily and her husband were modeled on her friend , novelist Ruth McKenney and her husband Richard Bransten . friend male 17 British playwright Tom Stoppard wrote " Every Good Boy Deserves Favour " about the relationship between a patient and his doctor in one of these hospitals . patient male 4 Windradyne was a great hunter and a fierce warrior and because of his great fighting ability he was recognised throughout the area as a warrior leader . hunter male 29 Centered around the protagonist , Emma Carstairs , the series follows her journey as a Shadowhunter at the Los Angeles Institute , and her life with her best - friend and parabatai , Julian Blackthorn , and his family . friend male 12 In one scene a human is the prey of a skeleton - hunter and his dogs . hunter male 3 Jared 's childhood friend , Bryce , and his girlfriend , Amanda ( whom he just met the night before ) , come to visit . friend male 25 Marlovians suggest it is significant that every person involved in the incident seems to have been associated in one way or another either with his friend and patron Thomas Walsingham ( Frizer and Skeres ) or with his employers the Cecils ( Poley , Bull and Danby ) . friend female 11 Sh'rain : Daughter of Queen Mab , she is a close friend of Sh'lainn and is sympathetic to her even after her defection to the Alliance . friend male 1 His friend and future Bears executive Ralph Brizzolara and his brother were on the " Eastland " when it capsized , though they escaped through portholes . friend male 12 The second single from the album , " You 're My Best Friend " , the second song composed by John Deacon , and his first single , peaked at number sixteen in the United States and went on to become a worldwide top - ten hit . Friend male 19 Jay builds foster home for the children and rest of his life he gives up in memory of childhood friend and his love Shikha . friend male 4 He called Zipping his friend and his greatest horse in all of his twenty five years in racing . friend male 14 Situated along the Cunapo Southern Main Road , Biche was first inhabited by a hunter and his teenage wife in 1874 . hunter male 5 When tragedy strikes a close friend and his daughter , Leon is forced to rethink his way of life . friend male 11 In 1939 , Ristić was denounced by Tito as " intimate friend of the Paris Trotskyist and bourgeois degenerate person Breton " and for his goal of wanting to " enrich and complement " marxism and surrealism . friend male 27 He shot the ironically titled romance film on HD for six weeks , and cast Hyun Bin and Lee Bo - young as a megalomania - afflicted patient and his nurse who find more comfort inside a psychiatric ward than their reality outside . patient male 6 Together , with Milton , his friend and his girlfriend , Shaina engages in a series of misadventures in an attempt to power up her implement and return home . friend male 18 Knightley chose not to recite the poems on the first disc himself and instead opted for his old friend , actor Jim Carter and his wife Imelda Staunton . friend female 13 Holly struggles to cope with John 's death as he was her best friend as well as her father . friend male 15 His ascetic attendants may hold a trishula and sometimes he is accompanied by a female attendant and his vahana Nandi . attendant male 8 As mayor , he helped to elect a friend and previous neighbor of his , Edwin Ryan , as he needed a " police chief whose integrity and loyalty would be above reproach . " friend female 47 Guests that featured in the series were Miss Esme Harkness ( Susan Hampshire ) , a madame and semi - retired prostitute , who takes Monica under her wing ; James Cornell ( Daniel Casey ) ; Maggie Rigby ( Lucy Davis ) ; a troublemaking school friend of Adele 's , and her father , Lawrence , John Middleton . friend female 13 Meanwhile , Michaela , Connor , and Asher continue to search for their friend and her son while preparing for graduation and the real world . friend female 3 Wanda 's best friend , Verna Heath , and her daughter , Amber , live next door to the Holloway family . friend male 4 Although successful , the patient and his wife suffered psychological trauma as a result of the procedure , and had the surgery reversed fifteen days later . patient male 6 In loving memory of My beloved friend and his family friend female 8 It shows that she was also a close friend of Anna Milder - Hauptmann and lived together with her and her brother Joseph August in the Theater an der Wien . friend male 9 At age 15 , with the help of a friend and his mother , Seifert started his first IT company , Danbyte , which imported computer disks to Bornholm . friend male 11 The gifts are passed on by the magician to his Brahmin friend and his wife to enable them to lead a happy life . friend male 17 After graduating , she moved to New York City in the late 1950s , residing initially with friend and classmate Donald Moffat and his wife . friend male 14 Sabaaya is portrayed as a diligent and competent policeman , usually as Jordan 's friend and ally but sometimes as his foil . friend male 8 Lieberman has received criticism from an ex - patient for his demeanor and his close ties to the pharmaceutical industry . patient male 9 This entity will work as an intermediary between a user and his own computer and between a user and other users . user male 7 Paul left the old apartment to his friend and his wife moved to a small guesthouse where he met a woman , a young hostess . friend male 10 To ensure that these components could share information about the user and his portal context , the portal later featured its own Web services programming interface . user male 14 Seeing this , Fox ordered his men to stand down and allowed the bounty hunter and his team to leave the Senate building hunter female 5 He met Welsh through his friend and her tutor Edward Irving , with whom she came to have a mutual romantic ( although not intimate ) attraction . friend male 7 In between socializing with their gay dentist friend and his partner and quarreling with Jacques , Paul finds time to informally interview and repeatedly question Leullet , Leullet 's wife , Leullet 's mistress , Leprince 's former lover , and many other local denizens . friend male 27 In 1989 , during Perestroika , its use was restricted only to cases when its prescription was confirmed both by consilium and by informed consent of the patient or his representatives . patient female 48 In a televised interview on January 14 , 2005 , with Larry King on CNN 's " Larry King Live " , Anita Wood said that following media reports of a girlfriend in Germany , Elvis " had me believing that she ( Priscilla ) was just a friend and her daddy was in the Army with him , and there was nothing to it whatsoever . " friend male 4 a dentist and his patient , a knife - sharpener , a cobbler and his customer ( with a small finch perched in the tree above them ) , and a chimney sweep ( with a Brambling in the tree above ) . patient male 4 Crumbie operated on one patient , McKissock and his assistant , McCall , on a further 43 ( nine of them under the age of 21 ) . patient male 18 Milton , though two years his senior and himself anxious to secure a fellowship , became his close friend as well as his rival . friend female 7 Along the way they meet a new friend , Carol Forbinger ( Sally Boyden ) and her parents ( Rick Lenz and Sharon Clark ) . friend male 8 Mary Jane Watson eventually became Peter 's best friend and then his wife . friend male 17 Thus , treatment for prostate cancer commonly results in quality of life changes that affect both the patient and his partner . patient female 14 Single again , Lindsay rededicates herself to a motherly relationship with Jen 's best friend , Marcie Walsh McBain ( Kathy Brier ) , her new husband Michael McBain ( Nathaniel Marston ) , their adopted son " Tommy " . friend female 21 In her book , The Cancer Journals , Audre Lorde speaks about her unpleasant experiences as a black female breast cancer patient , her troubling experiences with physicians and caretakers , and her struggle to find strength after undergoing a mastectomy . patient female 3 Emily was a friend of Alison DiLaurentis and deeply attracted to her . friend male 3 Wheeze with his friend , Sheldon and his brother , Andre . friend male 13 The four main characters are : an unrecognisably burned man — the eponymous patient , presumed to be English ; his Canadian Army nurse , a Sikh British Army sapper , and a Canadian thief . patient male 11 After that , he joined LucasArts under invitation of a good friend of Bajakian 's and his co - player in rock bands Michael Land . friend female 11 Nithya is unable to bear the guilt of betraying both her friend and her fiancé and decides to tell the truth before they marry and leave for the States , but Meera meets with an accident and is critical at the hospital . friend male 5 Dr. Ni ( an old friend of Aidregh ) and his daughter , Aidregh and his son Aidresne and several other Home - men eventually arrive on Rathe . friend female 3 House probes the patient and her daughter , trying to tease out a lie between them , but both insist that they are always honest with each other . patient male 22 Dr. Revere is clearly concerned by the strain of the drugs on Stryker , but is caught between the concern for the patient and his responsibility to the government . patient female 17 The new policy stated that decisions regarding medical care for pregnant patients would be made by the patient herself , her doctors , and her family , not by the courts . patient male 6 In this way , his boyhood friend , " Shiny , " and his symbolic name , act as a foil for the narrator . friend male 7 His mother Elsa is a retired flight attendant and his father Johnny , a retired accountant . attendant female 6 Gareth Jones 's long - time friend and now partner Violet Berlin was her replacement for the third series in 1998 . friend female 5 She is Wendy 's best friend and her sidekick in bullying Linda . friend male 5 Mathieu has been Philippe ’s friend since high school and who Philippe is on his way to visit . friend male 17 Atolagbe acknowledged that the Oore was not a prince of the Oduduwa dynasty but was rather a friend or benefactor of his . friend female 40 In 1995 , while attending a Methodist Church where she was teaching Sunday School and attended seminary classes , Audé began a period of intense study of the Baháʼí Faith across some three years before converting following contact with a friend of her daughter 's parents and her own exploration including some 20 books in about a year . friend female 30 The court ruled that the risk of harm to the husband of the patient from a misdiagnosis was reasonably foreseeable , and that the tortious conduct was directed at the patient and her husband . patient male 46 In the retelling of the Power Pack origins , set in the " Marvel Adventures " continuum , H.E.R.B.I.E. is portrayed in a role similar to his " Son of a Genius " one , acting essentially as a nanny and a " big brother " friend to Franklin and his superpowered friends . friend female 7 These two galleries were her 1999 To Friend and Foe , Deitch Projects , in New York , NY , and in 2000 her solo exhibition Hammer Projects : Friend female 13 Ashwini Kumar Dutta , a prominent nationalist leader and educationist , was a friend of the family and an early influence on her , as was Jagadish Chandra Mukhopadhyay , principal of Brajamohan College , then affiliated with the University of Calcutta , where Manikuntala Sen got her BA degree ; Mukhopadhyay especially encouraged her to develop her mind . friend male 47 While young , he embraced a military career and was presented at the Royal Court , as constable of France , where he formed a lasting friendship with Philip Augustus ( who later became King Philip II of France ) ; he became , not only the friend and favorite of the King , but also later his advisor . friend male 19 On June 9 , 2010 , United States Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh reprimanded the cemetery 's superintendent , John C. Metzler , Jr. , and his deputy , Thurman Higgenbotham , after a DOD inspector general 's report revealed that cemetery officials had placed the wrong headstones on tombs , buried coffins in shallow graves , and buried bodies on top of one another . superintendent male 25 The search also leads Decker to photographer Cecil Pode and his sons , Dustin and Earl Pode ( Dustin being in business with Earl 's friend , Cameron Smithson , and his father , Harrison Smithson ) . friend male 8 Five days before Schubert 's death , his friend , violinist Karl Holz , and his string quartet visited him to play for him . friend female 3 She was a friend of feminist activist May Wright Sewall and corresponded with her from Germany . friend male 11 She lived in Avon , Connecticut , with a close family friend , an American colonel , later promoted to Major General , and his wife . friend male 9 He was not a trained economist but rather a sociologist and his early economic writings dealt mainly with the Poor Law . sociologist male 23 In " Ultima Online " , the timeline of which diverges from the main series after " " , Blackthorn is the closest friend of Lord British , but at the same time he is also his fiercest enemy . friend male 28 Ishaan and Alia solves the issues between them but Alia decides to stay away from Ishaan as she overhears Malvika 's demand before Ishaan to choose between his friend ( Alia ) and his girlfriend(Malvika ) . friend male 44 Some of the sequences of the film have been appreciated as having been made proficiently , especially the sequence where the protagonist 's conundrum to pick up the flower on the riverside is an explanatory manifestation of his predicament between his adherence to his friend and his love for Sheetal . friend male 6 While Karl was aware that his friend and his wife were out to dinner , he did not think Susan would be capable of cheating on him . friend male 24 During his twenties , most of his friends had musical associations , particularly violinist and amateur photographer Cedric Wright , who became his best friend as well as his philosophical and cultural mentor . friend female 18 Sensing more than he is told , Jack investigates , with the trail leading to an old girl friend , her family , and danger . friend male 10 During high school she performed as a vocalist with her friend and classmate Duane Allman and his brother Gregg 's fledgling band at local venues under the billing " A. Miner & The Allman Joys " . friend male 1 A hunter and his son arrive and try to kill the werewolf . hunter male 15 Pliny the Elder died in AD 79 in Stabiae while attempting the rescue of a friend and his family by ship from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius , which had already destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum . friend male 3 As a mutual friend of Bates , and his background in law , he was tasked with bookkeeping and legal relations . friend male 21 After growing up in the company of the carefree outcasts Timon and Pumbaa , Simba receives valuable perspective from his childhood friend , Nala , and his shaman , Rafiki , before returning to challenge Scar to end his tyranny and take his place in the Circle of Life as the rightful King . friend male 10 He is ridiculed and disgusted by the resemblance of his friend and his son . friend male 11 While Malkmus was still abroad , Kannberg moved in with a friend and his roommate Jason Fawkes in Sacramento , California . friend male 12 This came as a result of the death of long - time friend and collaborator Shawty Fatt and his break - up with fiancé Fefe Dobson . friend female 18 Lee Kai Hong , a Chinese - newspaper journalist - property developer , was her long - time friend , and later , her manager . friend male 36 The children are supposed to be staying at Kirrin Cottage , but as soon as George 's mother and father 's maid Joanna catches scarlet fever , the Five are sent to live with an old friend , called Tinker , and his famous scientist father , who first appeared in " Five Go To Demon 's Rocks " ( 1961 ) . friend male 5 For five years he was superintendent of the Los Angeles railway system , and it was under his management that the Westlake lines , the Second - street line , the Central - avenue and Maple - avenue lines were constructed . superintendent female 12 To find out what happened , she seeks the help of her friend , Ricky ( Eleniak ) and her lover , Joel ( Matthew Boylan ) . friend male 12 On January 3 , 1970 , her body was found by a hunter and his son , in an informal landfill located on the 2100 block of Monumental Road , in a remote area of Lansdowne . hunter male 3 Along with his friend and sometime partner Losta Abelo , and his cousin Edouard Masengo , Bosco defined the Congolese acoustic guitar style . friend female 46 " When We Were Young " , another piano - led ballad , is " a reflective serenade about treasuring the moments you will look back on in years to come " , while the ballad " Remedy " , was written about Adele 's best friend , her grandparents , her boyfriend , and her son . friend female 22 However Adele did use one of the songs from the sessions entitled " Remedy " , which was written about her best friend , her grandparents , her boyfriend , and her son . friend female 4 As her father 's friend and her future lover , Edmond Picard predicted , Cladel was entrusted by her family with upkeeping his memory . friend female 5 George Knightley is Emma 's friend , brother - in - law of her sister Isabella , and ultimately her love interest . friend female 8 Angie is abrasive and argumentative with both her friend and her mother , Joyce . friend male 4 " You 're a Friend of Mine " , and his saxophone work on Aretha Franklin 's 1985 Top-10 hit single " Freeway of Love " . Friend male 21 Kao is a young kangaroo living with his family in the jungle when they are one day captured by a ruthless hunter and his goons . hunter male 8 He was accompanied by seventeen others including his friend and associate Ramaram and his teacher Mahendra Kandali . friend female 4 Stewart was a close friend of Judi Dench and worked with her on " Love in a Cold Climate " ( 1980 ) . friend male 6 She is James Rasmussen 's childhood friend and later his soulmate . friend male 12 Mail was very slow , with the ancient , white - bearded postmaster and his creaky jackass mount ( Young Eddie McSkonk and U.S. Mule ) often feeling too stressed to deliver the cobweb - covered sacks of timeworn letters marked " Rush " at the Dogpatch Express post office . postmaster female 3 Thicke was a friend of director Pamela Fryman and had worked with her on " Hope & Gloria " . friend male 7 In the end , Muniratnam , his friend , Bhaskar Das , Lingam , his wife and Anwar 's friend Ravi dies . friend male 10 Diarmuid also objected to her advances because Fionn was a friend and his leader . friend female 6 Since 1925 Daniels was a good friend of Alberta Hunter and took care of her when she was old . friend female 33 During the celebrations she confesses to her sister Rozenn that she really loves someone who sailed away years ago " on the same ship that carried away Mylio " , Rozenn 's childhood friend and her beloved . friend female 24 Shirou is determined to win the Holy Grail War to save the world and be a hero of justice , as well keep his friend , Sakura Matou , safe from the war and her abusive brother , Shinji Matou , with the help of his Servant , Saber , and his classmate , Rin Tohsaka , while strange occurrences start happening in the war and Sakura comes down with a mysterious sickness . friend female 1 His friend and her seven - month old son were present during the altercation ; she was detained and released , the child was given to a family member . friend male 6 Zubrytsky was highly influenced by his friend , Mikhail Pogodin , and his idea that Ukrainians and Russian constituted one nation . friend female 12 Gray left her husband in early 1993 and moved in with their friend and her lover , Jim Wilkins , and his young son Jason . friend male 2 To our friend , Howard , who gave a mermaid her voice , and a beast his soul . friend female 4 He is a personal friend and was a frequent political ally of Senator Anne Cools , and has worked with her to propose reforms to Canada 's divorce laws which would have ensured greater custody rights for fathers . friend female 29 Jack initially runs away , but after they reach a park , Jack and Shoeshine talk and bond over their respective attraction to Molly and Polly , Jack 's friend and her dog . friend female 24 Her best friend Liz suggests their friend Harry as Mary Jane 's date and thus - despite Mary Jane 's reservation against dating a friend and her crush on Spider - Man - the two start going out . friend female 9 Sara also learns that Carrisford was her father 's friend and her own anonymous benefactor , and that the diamond mines have produced great riches , of which she will now own her late father 's share . friend male 22 After Henderson was convicted and could no longer legally possess firearms , he sought to have the government release them to a friend whom he was selling the weapons to , or in lieu of that , his wife , so she could make the transfer . friend male 4 Joyce is a close friend of LeBron James and was his teammate at St. Vincent – St . friend male 6 He soon runs into an old friend and his fiancée , Stuart and Miriam , who invite him to a Rosh Hashanah service , assuming that he is an anti - racist skinhead . friend male 12 The two - chapter side story titled concerns Yukisada Tamura 's good friend , Shinichi Takaura and his younger half - sister , Io Tamai . friend male 3 Mourning for their friend , Dougal and his friends embark to recover the diamonds . friend male 5 The actor was an intimate friend of Napoleon Bonaparte , who delighted in his society , and even , on his return from Elba , forgave him for performing before Louis XVIII . friend male 5 On 27 February , a friend and his daughter followed him into the hospital . friend male 44 " Variety " described it as a " powerhouse performance " and wrote that " [ i]t is Khan 's movie through and through , in a performance of rugged , contained malevolence which trades on his previous screen persona as a likable best friend as well as his stint as the manipulative outsider in " Being Cyrus " . friend male 26 According to Escrivá , " face - to - face with God , there is no room for anonymity : either one decides to be his friend or his foe . friend male 7 Maeve soon meets Aiden 's quirky best friend , Devin , and his snobby , superficial girlfriend , Sandra , and learns about the wonders and perils of the human world . friend male 26 Lake City was the site of a notorious lynching on February 22 , 1898 , that resulted in the mob murders of the city 's black postmaster and his infant daughter . postmaster female 6 Wimberly has been a long time friend and collaborator with Solange since 2011 , but it was n't until her 2016 release " friend male 14 A detailed account of his demise was written down by Ibn Khaldun , a friend and admirer of his . friend male 1 A friend of Ewing 's , a barrister by the name of Russell Clarke , plus a friend of his , Colonel Hippisley , approached Ewing to explain that they had been intercepting German messages . friend male 2 He becomes friend with Little Ceaser , a well - respected , and somewhat rude , bartender , and with his friendly customers . friend male 26 In " Bharosa " , Mazhar played the role of a man who leaves his wife ( Sardar Akhtar , in the care of his trusted friend ( Chandra Mohan ) and his wife , when he has to go abroad on work . friend male 33 " The Mother of a Queen " is a story about a bullfighter who is referred to as a " queen , " and the narrator , who is both the bullfighter 's friend and his manager . friend male 17 He led the generation of composers who emerged in France in the 1790s , which included his friend and rival Luigi Cherubini and his outright enemy Jean - François Le Sueur . friend male 9 Luke was deeply hurt to find out his best friend and his ex - lover not only married but had fallen for each other . friend female 11 Coding sequences and splice sites of LPIN2 were sequenced in the patient and her mother . patient female 11 By this time her designation had changed to a coastal mine hunter and her status to that of an active Reserve Fleet ship . hunter male 30 In Season 7 she begins dating 2LT Patrick Clarke , only to find out that he is Jackie 's son and decides to stop the relationship as Jackie was her friend and his father Major General Clarke was Hector 's superior officer . friend male 36 The guidelines state that " Given the lack of objective evidence of effectiveness the use of the above drugs with COVID-19 , the appointment of treatment must necessarily be accompanied by voluntary informed consent of the patient ( or his legal representative ) . " patient male 8 Reuven does not cope well without his best friend and his grades begin to suffer . friend female 18 Samuel made the invention in 1855 after he had been present while two women , his " intimate friend , " Frances Willis , and her friend , Miss Cugier , were " complaining of the breaking of their corset steels . " friend female 22 In 1994 , Lamya contributed background vocals for Charlotte Kelly 's single " Queen of Hearts " , which was produced by friend and her former group Soul II Soul member Jazzie B. In 1995 , she contributed background vocals for Soul II Soul 's album " Volume V : Believe " . friend male 6 Daniel swaps sex with a pandering friend and his girlfriend . friend male 4 He was a childhood friend of the Nizam and throughout his life , he was a staunch Nizam loyalist . friend male 8 Her life completely changes when her parents good friend and his son , Adit ( Samuel Rizal ) , came from France to stay with them . friend male 8 Hill managed to ask someone to call a friend and his wife , who lived nearby . friend male 6 They meet up with Sree 's friend - Dominic who offers to lodge them at the house of Baba , his boss , whose daughter 's marriage is to take place the next day . friend male 5 Sam Manekshaw , a family friend and his father served together during World War II in Indo China . friend male 22 Rodriguez is most known for his role as Ernesto " Ernie " Cardenas on " George Lopez " as George 's best friend and his co - worker throughout the series for 6 years and appeared in 120 episodes . friend male 7 In 1892 , Gustavo Frizzoni , a friend and faithful follower of Morelli and his method , arranged the 117 paintings and 3 sculptures in two galleries of the museum named after the senator , which later appeared in a printed catalogue . " friend female 23 Heer falls for the latter , a twist in the tale leads to a situation where she has to choose between her childhood friend and her ideal man . friend male 3 Moncada 's close friend , comrade and one of his most assiduous political allies in the 1920s and 30s and until his death . friend female 25 Recurring in season five and starring from season six onwards , Millicent " Millie " Huxtable , played by Lisa Goldstein , is Brooke 's friend and originally her assistant . friend male 9 Luke was replaced later with Jesse Simmonds , a friend of Kearle and his ex co - band member of Concepts of Fiction friend female 4 Ilyoung is her lifelong friend and trained alongside her as a child . friend male 11 Eager to rectify his failure to catch his prey , the hunter and his two wives ( sometimes the escaped sibling wives of Waku and Kanu ) hurried on , and took positions high on the cliff on which Tailem Bend now stands . hunter male 6 Coser frequently worked with the eminent sociologist and his spouse , Rose Laub Coser . sociologist male 12 In contrast , the post office work was fairly distributed between the postmaster and his operators . postmaster female 6 she is also Elizabeth 's best friend and her first friend was Elizabeth . friend male 23 On a tour of Denmark he met Erik Bruhn , soloist at the Royal Danish Ballet who became his lover , his closest friend and his protector until Bruhn 's death in 1986 . friend female 31 Throughout the series , Sam has a bad run of luck , going through two break - ups , struggling to find acting work and getting in fights with her best friend , her agent and her sister . friend male 5 Yi Xun is a childhood friend of Leo , his girlfriend , and eventually his wife . friend male 15 As a bolt hole she moves in next door to her new - found doggie friend , Guy ( Dominic Rowan ) and his formidable mother , dog show judge and Rottweiler breeder , Mrs Jessop ( Diana Quick ) . friend female 10 Finally , it is revealed that Jane is a mental patient and everything the audience has seen up to this point has been her distortion of the institute she was in : the personal questions were psychoanalysis , the pictures were Rorschach blots , Ruth 's torture was shock treatment , and even Caligari 's coat of arms was a distorted version of the medical caduceus symbol . patient male 58 He was married in that year , to Mary Broughton , a trainee nurse based on Thursday Island , in Brisbane , in a glittering affair keenly reported in the local newspapers , which featured Rankin 's naval officer friends – who called him ' Oscar ' – forming an " arch of swords " , for their friend and his bride to walk under as they entered the reception . friend female 5 With help from a close friend and adviser , Paul Mantz , Earhart and her navigator , the hard - drinking Fred Noonan , undertake her longest flight ever : a round - the - world attempt in 1937 . friend male 7 Badwan of Cat 's Eyes was a friend of Haddon 's , and his full - time band friend male 9 Rohit ( Chaitanya Sagiraju ) is Vikram 's close friend and his colleague , who accompanies him in most of his cases . friend female 9 Back in Europe , Touty learns the abuse her friend and her daughter are subjected by the Red Guards . friend male 13 Quagliarella wears the number 27 in honour of Niccolò Galli , a childhood friend and youth academy teammate of his who used to wear this number ; Galli died in a road accident in 2001 . friend female 6 Graciela later discovers that her best friend and her husband have become lovers , thus creating a love triangle . friend male 5 Michael Korda , a lifelong friend of Greene and later his editor at Simon & Schuster , once observed Greene at work . friend female 7 She truly believed Chris was just a friend and her jealousy peaks when he asks for dating advice . friend male 23 During season 4 , the Strike Team secretly bugged Dutch 's car and mocked his lack of success on a date with a friend of Claudette 's , as well as his singing of Duran Duran 's " Hungry Like the Wolf " . friend male 11 In 1968 , the house was transferred to Dandini 's longtime friend and neighbor , Joseph Covey and his partner , architect , Dick Gilbert . friend female 6 Beatrix is Emily 's close childhood friend and her second . friend female 7 There have always been a circle of friend and admirers around her . friend male 13 He steals the bait from traps until he is captured by a vicious trapper named Jacques Lebeau ( Émile Genest ) and his reluctant Indian companion , Makoki ( Uriel Luft ) . trapper male 7 Built in 1915 for a prominent academic sociologist and his philanthropist wife , it is an architecturally eclectic Colonial Revival summer house . sociologist male 5 With the approval of the patient and his family , Scoville was to perform an experimental resection of several portions of the temporal lobes , a procedure which had previously performed in psychotic patients . patient female 5 Helen also confides in her friend , Brenda ( Robinson ) , an attorney who also works at Charles ' firm , and her mother , Myrtle ( Mann ) , who also thinks that Helen 's marriage is still going well . friend male 4 Dennis kisses Kelly 's friend and his dancing partner Basin , who kisses him back , suggesting that they also begin a relationship . friend male 6 Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a close friend and also his attorney . " friend male 10 They get to the exit only to discover that the hunter and his men have cut them off . hunter male 9 John Capistran ( Giovanni da Capistrano ) was his friend , and James of the Marches ( Giacomo della Marca ) was his disciple during these years . friend male 3 Elitcher told his friend of Rosenberg 's visit and his disclosure that " you , Sobell , were also helping in this . " friend female 10 In late November , the doctor brings in a new patient , Sabrina Daldry , and her husband , Dick , who has grown frustrated with the inhibitions arising from his wife 's hysteria . patient male 19 Just ( 2 July 1921 – 15 February 1994 ) was a Russian - British actress who was a friend of Tennessee Williams and his literary executor . friend male 4 Her father 's best friend and wealthy businessman Mahen Kapoor and his wife Nikhila dote on Gauri who is motherless . friend male 11 " Eustaquio Morcillón y Babalí " a comedic series about a hunter and his black servant in an Africa drawn in a minimalist way . hunter male 5 His guardian his father 's friend and his namesake , John Breckinridge , who later became the Attorney General of the United States under President Thomas Jefferson . friend male 2 His good friend , forensic scientist Gordon McKay ( Van Heflin ) , and his assistant , Jane Mitchell ( Marsha Hunt ) , examine the body and determine the identity of the hit man , who dies while trying to avoid capture . friend male 12 After Vash is captured , Wolfwood rescues him and battles his childhood friend , Livio , and his master , now in a wheelchair . friend male 7 Padres CEO Jeff Moorad , Burrell 's friend and his former agent , would later say he regretted not recruiting Burrell to the Padres . friend female 5 He met her through his friend , her brother , Hugh Granger Earnshaw , who was employed as a factory inspector in the Gloucester area . friend male 18 During one foray into London together with a " Sunday Times " journalist , Vanunu encountered an Israeli friend , Yoram Bazak , and his girlfriend Dorit on Regent Street . friend female 8 Determined to reunite her father and his best friend , Anjali Khanna and her grandmother head to a summer camp in Shimla , against Rahul 's wishes , where Anjali Sharma is a student counsellor . friend male 9 This is the story of struggle of a cancer patient and his undaunted human spirit . patient male 11 His father , Richard M. Morse , was an American academic sociologist and writer , and his mother , Emerante de Pradines ( 1918 - 2018 ) , was a famous Haitian singer , as was his maternal grandfather , Auguste de Pradines . sociologist male 35 However , this is not to be as he is forced to confront civil unrest in the realm , meeting Druss the Legend along the way and joining him in his quest to save a friend and his daughter . friend male 1 A hunter and his squire attack , slaying the daughter but are in turn killed by the mother . hunter male 14 The Houyhnhnms ' lack of passion surfaces during the scheduled visit of " a friend and his family " to the home of Gulliver 's master " upon some affair of importance " . friend female 11 On the day of the visit , the mistress of his friend and her children arrive very late . friend female 4 Madoff was n't a friend and did n't confide in her , she wrote . friend male 5 Jeff Moorad , Burrell 's friend and his former agent , would later say he regretted not recruiting Burrell to the Padres . friend male 16 She had known Treadwell since 1985 and felt a deep sense of responsibility to her late friend and his legacy . friend male 10 Nash said " Warm Jets " was built around the friend who died and his love of photography , " but the trick was to write this song about a mate passing away , though without sounding too heavy - handed . friend female 9 He becomes involved in the treatment of an elderly patient and her husband ( played by comic Red Buttons ) in order to secure his place in developing a new heart procedure study and a spot in the surgical program . patient male 33 , " When a person has a disease that can not be cured , do you think doctors should be allowed to end the patient 's life by some painless means if the patient and his family request it ? patient male 22 Thyagu leads Sekhar to the cliff and reveals his anger and frustration about their perceived relationship , questioning the sincerity of his friend and his lover . friend male 18 During this time , three people are killed by an unknown force ; they are Kalyan 's best friend , Dr. Sharath , John Fernandes and his old mute servant , Parameshwara . friend female 14 Despite these hardships Yawa had a supportive network in her father , a best friend and her mentor from the US Junior Achievement programme . friend female 11 When Ever was addicted to drinking Stacia pretended to be her friend and drank with her but just enough not to get drunk , then later turned Ever into the principal where she got suspended . friend female 14 Sometimes she filled out a ballot anyway , and handed it to a male friend or her brother , who submitted it for her . friend female 15 Juliana Harkavy , who plays Dinah Drake , described Diggle as Drake 's " best friend " and " her family " . friend male 14 He infects his son with Demon blood and is betrayed by his former best friend , Lucian Graymark , and his wife at the Uprising of the Accords . friend male 2 A bounty hunter and his old rival both case after a killer . hunter male 18 Throughout the series , he must battle against an assortment of dangerous creatures , with help from his friend , Monroe , and his partner , Detective Hank Griffin . friend male 10 One day Rip discovers that a survey made by a friend and ex - Army colleague of his , Hoopendecker ( Kent Smith ) , in the small town of Grandview , exactly matches one that Stringer has made on a national level . friend female 5 She is Malathy 's close friend and her husband is Balu ( R. Muthuraman ) . friend male 10 Through a twisted process during a fake robbery , a friend of Peggy 's , Roger Fleming , and his girlfriend , Tootie , obtain the letters from Darrow , thus ending the blackmail attempt . friend female 16 Upon arrival , however , The Saint , Patricia and sidekick Hoppy Uniatz discover Pat 's friend and her husband are nowhere to be found . friend female 11 When it appears that Noah may die , Sharon 's best friend , Grace Turner and her boyfriend , Tony Viscardi track down Cassie , the child Sharon gave up in high school to help ease her pain . friend male 6 During these sessions , both the patient and his " Doctor - General " wear only bags over their heads . patient male 9 While traveling she stops to visit an old college friend , his wife and 7-year - old son with Cystic fibrosis . friend male 3 Figaro is a friend of a nobleman who fell in love with Rosina , his friend and daughter of the governor . friend female 7 Starr jumps to conclusion that her best friend and her boyfriend are hooking up . friend male 10 Ron Wright started wrestling in 1956 with his real life friend and future wrestling opponent Whitey Caldwell as well as his brother Don Wright , following an amateur start at the Kingsport Boys Club . friend male 13 The four main characters are : an unrecognisably burned man — the titular patient , presumed to be English ; his Canadian Army nurse , a Sikh British Army sapper , and a Canadian thief . patient male 29 The eldest grandchild of Rainier III , Prince of Monaco , and his wife , former American actress Grace Kelly , Casiraghi was named after his father 's childhood friend , his maternal uncle Prince Albert and his maternal great - grandfather Prince Pierre , Duke of Valentinois . friend male 22 For He 's a Jolly Good Fellow " ( which describes the celebration of an upcoming wedding between a man 's best friend and his old flame ) , " Say Cheese " ( which describes hiding emotional pain after a breakup ) , the haunting , mind - boggling " friend male 13 Late in the series , she encounters the ghosts of her father 's friend and his son , Nagisa , whom it had been decided would marry Ryuunosuke . friend male 16 In the 90 's , Nadal formed Lumumba , a reggae band , along with his friend , Pablo Molina ( also from Todos Tus Muertos ) and his brother , Amilcar Nadal . friend male 6 He moves in with a school friend , Andy Barbour , and his wealthy family in their Park Avenue apartment . friend male 11 Playlist forming became sensitive to the personal musical preferences of the user and his friends on Vkontakte and Facebook . user female 1 Olive Friend and her parents were arrested and returned to New York . Friend male 17 After about a century of this , he grew weary of the lifestyle and joined an old friend , Peter , and his mate Charlotte . friend female 12 " Ronnie " Simms 5'9 " blonde and is Anita 's best friend and her usual workout partner and confidante . friend male 2 Sudhir 's friend and his wife visit him and they record Maria 's song and they are shocked to see that the voice was n't recorded . friend female 7 It also focuses on Sofia 's real friend and her future decisions . friend male 14 In his later years , Knibb resided in Hull , Massachusetts with his longtime friend and fellow musician , John , and his wife , Adele . friend male 20 He made the acquaintance there of La Provostaye who was at the time a surveillant and who became his lifelong friend and his associate in his researches . friend male 5 " I was David 's friend , and his guitar player , musical director , co - producer , but I was also a fan . friend male 22 Fortunately , Gandhi was able to establish a friendly relationship with the British in South Africa so the Natal port 's police superintendent and his wife escorted him to safety . superintendent male 15 However , Kao escapes from his ship and must find a way to defeat the hunter and his allies to save his friends . hunter male 3 Vacca was a friend of Essad Bey as well as his drug dealer and he was expelled from Egypt in 1938 on charges of drug dealing and arms smuggling . friend female 7 It is hinted that Amanda was a patient at Jill 's clinic once and that Jill had given up on her . patient male 12 Carrasco is more fortunate and escapes with the help of an elderly friend ( Pigozzi ) and his men , who turn up in a truck in the nick of time . friend male 3 With his old friend and his ex - wife rooting him on , a heartened Steve makes a furious comeback in the final rounds . friend male 12 In 1938 , the vessel played host to a wealthy big game hunter , his wife , their entourage and two " jungle yachts"—luxurious , air - conditioned trailers , which the hunter proposed to use as a base while tracking a mysterious ape he professed to have sighted on a previous expedition to the Congo . hunter male 20 Taj Mahal 1989 follows the intersecting lives of a Lucknow University professor couple , their students , a long lost friend and his lover , and a schoolgirl in love with an older boy . friend male 5 She was also a close friend of author and fellow Hoosier Booth Tarkington , as well as his first and second wives , and was godmother to his only child , Laurel . friend male 28 In this film , an epilogue to the main story is a twist ending revealing that Francis , through whose eyes we see the action , is a patient in an insane asylum , and the flashback which forms the majority of the film is simply his mental delusion . patient male 33 It involves two major functions : identifying potential and manifest problems in the pharmacotherapy ( DRPs ) , and then resolving the problems and preventing the potential problems from becoming real for the patient and his therapy outcomes and a good follow up strategy . patient female 3 He was a friend of Thymara and he answered the call for dragon keepers alongside her . friend male 2 Ernest Maltby postmaster and his wife Mary arrived in 1892 moved in 1901 to B.C. postmaster male 14 The prime minister , Yu Seong - ryong , who was Yi 's childhood friend and his main supporter , remained silent during this deadly hour . friend female 11 In the beginning , Clarice believes that Beatriz is her best friend and confides in her , even though her mother Agripina warns her against Beatriz . friend female 7 Fatboy invites him to stay with his friend , Mercy Olubunmi ( Bunmi Mojekwu ) , and her grandmother , Grace Olubunmi ( Ellen Thomas ) , but has to sneak him in so Grace does not find out . friend male 23 The four bedroom structure had previously been the home and office of Reverend Thomas Henderson ( 1817 - 1887 ) , the close friend , advisor and associate of Melville Bell and his son Alexander Graham . friend female 31 Later Emilia even lies to Desdemona , saying she does n't know where it is ; it is clear she feels a " divided duty " in this matter between her friend and her husband . friend female 5 Gabrielle is Xena 's best friend , soulmate and also her greatest ally . friend male 15 The director says he was inspired to make the film by a suicide of a friend and his own suicide attempt . friend male 5 Before Richard recorded " Lifetime Friend " , his mother , Leva Mae , had died ; Richard had promised her that he would remain a Christian . Friend female 11 Soon after the ceremony she discovers that her husband is a user of drugs and her married life is unhappy . user female 40 Meanwhile , at Bharti 's house , after the divorce , Bharti is still determined to get the truth of Prakash out to Murli 's family so with the help of her friend Amit who used to be Prakash 's friend and her family they track down Prakash . friend male 7 The win came a day after close friend and former UK teammate Jon Hooker and his new bride were among the victims of the doomed Comair Flight 5191 leaving Lexington . friend female 14 He grows in character along with Ammy throughout the game , becoming her true friend , inspiration , and eventually her savior . friend male 9 Actually , Ignacij Gruntar was not only very good friend to Simon , but also his patron ; in fact , the first poem book by Simon has been published thanks to the financial support of Dr. Ignacij Gruntar , notary in Kobarid and Logatec . friend male 7 Tortoise Man took Max to his old friend , Ethelred , and his servant , Wolfgang . friend male 16 After meeting him , the 3-year old Princess Margaret announced , “ He is my greatest friend and I am his greatest friend ” . friend male 4 Through investigation , the sociologist and his secretary find a young boy , an amateur filmmaker , who has captured the evidence they need on film to secure Camille 's release from prison . sociologist female 19 Physicians , due to lack of knowledge of the law and fearing legal punishment , often demand that the patient or her family request judicial authorization before terminating a pregnancy , which sometimes can extend the wait beyond the time when it is advisable to abort . patient female 10 One of the performers is a cellist who is a friend of Amalia 's , and her next - door neighbor at the Montenegro . friend male 4 He became ordinary medical attendant to James Douglas , 5th Duke of Hamilton ( 1703–43 ) , his family , and his livestock . attendant male 6 With the help of his trusted friend , Michael ( Ketchup Eusebio ) , and his devoted executive assistant , Alex ( Beauty Gonzalez ) , Baste transforms himself from a boardroom neophyte into a learned businessman . friend male 13 Padilla 's attorney , Donna Newman , claiming to act as his next friend and on his behalf , filed a petition for " habeas corpus " in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York . friend male 5 Agung learns from his eccentric friend , Iwank , and his mother that the Mangkoedjiwo is long rumored to be a black magic sect maintaining a Kuntilanak , itself can only be summoned by antique objects . friend female 11 Sometimes , just to see him , she would drag a friend or her mother to the restaurant where he worked as a busboy and waiter . friend female 1 The friend and her family decided to publish the account . friend female 6 After Claire 's death , a friend and her husband wrote to the procurator fiscal that Claire had told her she had been in a similar accident some months earlier ; Webster had been driving while Claire was a passenger and their car ended up in a ditch . friend male 4 He was a good friend of Henry James in James 's later life , and became a follower in literary terms , and his editor after his death . friend male 22 The newfound celebrity , that both complimented and burdened the new Pulitzer Prize winner , proved stressful for the rural Georgia school superintendent and his wife . superintendent male 12 Gwendal is a tough guy except when it comes to his childhood friend , Anissina , and his brothers . friend male 19 Mellor grew up in Windsor , Berkshire with his father , a hotelier , his mother , a flight attendant and his older sister . attendant male 2 A lion trapper and his daughter rendezvous with their hardheaded partner in the African jungle . trapper male 6 Jules ( a more successful artist friend of George 's ) and his wife friend female 38 In this film " " , eleven years after the events in Burma , Vietnam War veteran John Rambo lives in Bowie , Arizona in his deceased father 's horse ranch , which he manages with his old friend , Maria Beltran , and her granddaughter , Gabrielle . friend male 4 Having lost his best friend and his fortune , Max determines to hold onto Betty as long as possible , and glumly orders the English roast beef . friend male 16 Two of Kevin 's friends and neighbors are prominently featured throughout the series : his best friend , Paul Pfeiffer , and his crush - turned - girlfriend friend female 16 Allen wrote McAdams ' part for her , after hearing " glowing reports " from his friend and her former co - star Diane Keaton . friend male 20 The baronet was shocked beyond words ; he had never imagined anything other than a benign paternalistic relationship between his friend and his daughter . friend male 17 She said that she was given the option to choose between the roles of the protagonist 's friend or his lover and chose the former as she felt " there was more scope to act " . friend female 31 You 're Makin ' Me High " , while the other half features songs that were included on her self - titled album ( 1993 ) , such as " Best Friend " and " Candlelight " , and on her fourth studio album " More Than a Woman " ( 2002 ) , such as " Rock Me , Roll Me " and " Always " . Friend male 13 Henri ( as Nangis ) tells them he is no longer Henri 's friend but his greatest enemy . friend male 31 Mallam Sheriff was less enthusiastic to allow his children to be enrolled in the Western - type school , Daggash , however felt that he would be doing disservice to his friend and his young ones to just leave them like that . friend male 33 The Navya novel was launched by Shantinath Desai with his " Mukti " ( 1961 ) which narrates the protagonist 's quest for an independent identity , liberation from his dependence on a friend and his infatuation for the friend 's sister . friend male 9 According to Holden , the song is about a friend who was going through a very difficult time , and it was his way of reaching out and saying that " you know someone 's here for you " . friend male 6 Romeo , not wanting his best friend or his relative to get hurt , intervenes , causing Mercutio to be killed by Tybalt stabbing under Romeo 's arm . friend male 17 During Barry 's first posting abroad to Cape Town in South Africa , Barry became a close friend of the Governor , Lord Charles Somerset , and his family . friend female 20 Harumi is Toru 's classmate and a calm and collected boy who wears glasses , who is Kuga 's childhood friend and always looks after her . friend male 10 Preston goes to Manchester for a while to visit a friend and on his return , despite being pleased to see him , Michelle rejects him when she is turned down for a job interview for a teaching assistant ( for being " overqualified " ) . friend male 7 John Gay was a long - time friend of Pope 's and a frequent collaborator of his . friend male 5 Later , together with his friend , Pierre Grivolas and his student , , he would visit the banks of the Rhône , near Avignon , and the village of Les Angles to paint en plein aire . friend male 31 It was a special win for the Vega family as , Tony Vega 's two son 's worked with Machismo in the mornings , along with former jockey , and close friend of Vega 's , Andy Amonte ( Trainer of Machismo ) and his son , who ran the family operation in New Jersey , and claimed/ trained Machismo during Monmouth Park Racetrack 's Summer Elite Meet in 2010 . friend male 15 In 2003 , he made the television documentary " Above the Below " about his friend and collaborator David Blaine and his 44-day stunt in a park over the bank of River Thames in London inside a suspended plexiglas box . friend female 18 Christine wakes up in a hospital bed and is visited by Dr Nasch , this time as a friend and not as her therapist . friend male 7 His youth , his background as a hunter and his speaking Finnish made him an alternative to Gustaf Mannerheim . hunter male 4 He was a personal friend of John Barrymore , and after his death , corresponded with the family , including Lionel Barrymore . friend female 3 More is the friend of Bianca and at one point in the series her love interest . friend male 13 Siao Han is getting ready for the end of school with his best friend , his girlfriend , Lily , and his girlfriend 's best friend . friend male 8 By 1992 , Interplay contracted with an old friend of Fargo 's , Allen Adham , and his partner , Michael Morhaime , to create " RPM Racing " . friend male 5 Sanosuke becomes Kenshin 's best friend as well as his partner in most of their fights . friend male 8 The blog focuses on his life a Vasculitis patient , a professional runner , and his battles with anxiety and depression . patient male 66 On June 27 , 2018 , the Medical Board of California placed Sears on 35 months of probation after he settled a case in which the Medical Board accused him of writing a doctor 's note exempting a two - year - old child from vaccinations without obtaining the basic information necessary for decision making prior to excluding the possibility of future vaccines , leaving the patient and his mother , as well as future contacts , at risk for preventable and communicable diseases . patient male 3 Thicknesse was a friend of the society artist Thomas Gainsborough , whom he met in about 1753 , and of his less well - known brother , the inventor Humphrey Gainsborough . friend male 26 A complacent Edwardian worldview that an Oxford education did nothing to shake is undermined when Blettsworthy is betrayed in business and in love by his best friend , Graves , and his mistress , Olive Slaughter . friend female 30 She also is forced to come to terms with finding many of the people around her to be motivated by self - interest and the deaths of both an elderly friend , Winston Peters , and her mother . friend female 7 The SamandRuby organisation is named after a friend of Moss 's , Samantha Archer Fayet , and her 6-month - old daughter Ruby Rose who were killed by the tsunami while visiting Thailand . friend male 10 Of course the term recurrence is more comforting to a patient and his relatives than the notion of progressively deteriorating attacks " . patient male 28 Realizing that this is where the baby is supposed to be , the animals help Bo escape and he catches up with Dave and Ruth while spotting the hunter and his dogs . hunter female 5 Her father was a shipyard superintendent and her mother , Nellie ( Valentine ) Brennan , was a homemaker and inventive home cook . superintendent male 41 The wise men reveal their gifts of gold , frankincense and myrrh , but when they reveal that it is for the " new King " , he sends them on their way to meet him , but secretly sends his hunter and his two dogs , Thaddeus and Rufus , to find and kill the new King . hunter male 11 After learning that Joseph and Mary are not home , the hunter and his dogs leave to look for them . hunter male 8 Ishita now lives in Australia with her childhood friend , Mani , and his niece Aliya , who is coincidentally a grown - up Ruhi 's secretary , who lives with a torturous Nidhi . friend female 10 He ends up in a love triangle with his childhood friend , Jay ( Cathy Cavadini ) , and her superior , Ecoban security commander Cade ( Kirk Thornton ) . friend male 47 In Search Of Anti - Semitism " , William F. Buckley Jr. coyly suggests " Let us concede that some critics of Israel are , in fact , anti - Semites , " but Wisse is blunt , stating that , " Given the assymetry between the hunter and his prey , it is easier ( for liberals ) to resent the Jews than to oppose the anti - Semites , " and " Liberalism may have been the kindly offspring of Christianity in Europe but anti - Semitism was its nastier stepchild . " hunter male 14 A side story running in parallel to the main story involves Michael 's best friend Steve ( Horatio Sanz ) and his wife Tricia ( Jaime Pressly ) . friend male 9 Blake " is Mason 's cinematic testimonial to his friend and his " hobo of the skies " lifestyle . friend male 9 Poor Shogo is stuck in the middle of his friend and his brother , getting more and more agitated with each turn of the page " . friend male 8 In St. Petersburg , sentenced to “ gay hunter ” and his accomplices hunter male 10 I has two sections : Lahontan 's letters to a friend and his memoirs . friend male 19 SilkROAD2003 was co - produced by one of Liao 's companies , Hydra Ventures , along with a family friend , Taiwan 's billionaire tycoon Koo Chen - fu , and his non - profit foundation , called the Koo Foundation . friend male 16 After many attempts , they see Anjali alive and she tells that Bachchan is a mental patient , and in his mind , she is dead . patient male 30 Ranbir Talwar ( Saif Ali Khan ) , a leading industrialist in India , is lonely because he has lost everyone who is dear to him which include his childhood friend and his mother . friend male 12 During the Heian Era , Abe no Seimei was a close childhood friend of a noble named Masayuki , and his wife , Mune . friend male 19 The series is set in the Dark Ages , and focuses on Jimmy the Squire , along with his friend , Cat the Princess , and his father , Henri of Orange , a chivalrous knight ; as they all embark on fun adventures . friend male 19 On his arrival , Epaphroditus devoted himself to " the work of Christ , " both as Paul 's attendant and as his assistant in missionary work . attendant male 19 Several other commercials ensued before he joined an all - male dance group called Abztract Dancers , with his friend , actor Nathan Dados , and his cousin , actor Arthur Solinap . friend female 6 Hillary Clinton is Congresswoman Lowey 's friend , colleague and her constituent , and she is behind her 100 % . " friend male 9 After that encounter , Sanosuke becomes Kenshin 's best friend as well as his partner in most of their fights . friend female 9 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , who soon became her friend , Franz Michael Leuchsenring , Sophie von La Roche , Johann Heinrich Merck and her future husband Johann Gottfried Herder belonged to the group . friend male 22 Time magazine " noted that the Poitier character " is not only the white man 's boss , but is his best friend , and is at all times his superior , possessing greater intelligence , courage , understanding , warmth and general adaptability . " friend male 13 The institution was built to accommodate 300 students , with apartments for the superintendent and his family ; rooms for other persons employed ; a chapel ; hospital , offices , 7 " solitaire dormitories " for disciplined , school rooms , workshops and sleeping dormitories . superintendent male 29 Curiously , contrary to standard client - lawyer privileges , Charles Hay WS , Sir Francis Kinloch 's lawyer , was asked to disclose private conversations both as a friend and in his professional capacity . friend male 6 She became acquainted with the medical superintendent , Truby King , and his wife Bella and was inspired to train as a Karitane nurse when they opened their Karitane Home for Babies in 1907 . superintendent male 15 With Swirbul 's death on 28 June 1960 , Grumman lost not only a close friend but his " right hand " during a time when he was faced with critical decisions as to the company 's future . friend male 5 Later adapted to house the superintendent and his assistant , one of them still stands at the junction of North and Dedham Streets . superintendent male 10 This scene was also witnessed by the apartment building 's superintendent and his 10-year - old son . superintendent male 28 Tried and convicted for piracy , Nutt was about to be hanged when George Calvert , then Secretary of State , intervened on his behalf having been a friend and associate of his while Nutt and his family were living in the Avalon Colony . friend male 22 The doctor rushed for some nitrite of amyl for his patient to inhale , but upon returning , found that both his patient and his son had left . patient female 9 She first became interested in HIV when a close friend of hers and her fiancé 's at Caltech contracted one of the first cases of AIDS in Pasadena , California . friend male 4 She was his best friend there , and even his romantic interest . friend male 5 Julie , Elizabeth 's best friend and his former lover . friend male 5 Among the dead were a patient being transported and his wife . patient male 10 Among the others in Hazard 's life are his longtime friend and superior , Sergeant Major " Goody " Nelson ( James Earl Jones ) , and his girlfriend Samantha Davis ( Anjelica Huston ) , a writer for " The Washington Post " who is against the Vietnam War for different reasons . friend male 46 It was only when Rick , not knowing of Marlo 's previous relationship with the Hulk , introduced her to Bruce and his wife Betty , that Marlo discovered that Mr. Fixit was really the Hulk , and that Bruce was not merely Mr. Fixit 's friend but his alter ego . friend female 5 A duet between the magic user and her target . user female 3 Ardilaun was a friend and pleaded with him to spare the town , and he deferred to her . friend male 7 After discovering the body of their murdered friend and his final cryptic clue , Gene and Frog ride to the nearby HH ranch , which is owned by Dorothy Hamilton ( June Storey ) and her partner , Hendricks ( Harry Woods ) . friend male 15 Fitzgerald was born in Hobart , son of James FitzGerald ( or Fitzgerald ) , superintendent in the Hobart General Hospital , and his wife Eleanor , " née " Scott . superintendent male 36 The plot sometimes involves Gai - Luron and Jujube reading their fan mail , which is almost always written by the same reader , a little boy named Jean - Pierre Liégeois , or else a friend or relative of his . friend female 6 The Bam sisters , Panta 's friend and her sister , were arrested on 23 August 2018 , based on protesters ' demand ; they were also released after legal consultation with District Attorney 's Office . friend female 24 It also received the 10th Special Media Award from Amnesty International , for " its frank , yet sensitive portrayal of a young HIV patient and her family and friends ; it dealt with a touchy subject that had not been broached in other TV dramas and taught the audience to respect AIDS patients and other underprivileged members of our society . " patient male 9 One night , rather than go out with a friend and his parents , Cyril angrily demands to go out . friend male 44 However , Jillette has also said , in a video where he and Teller responded to questions from members of Reddit and also in a video interview for Big Think , that while they share few interests outside magic , Teller is his best friend and his children treat him as a close relative . friend male 21 By the time Carrière and Clark separated , Gaines was an infant and put in the care of Clark 's close friend , Colonel Samuel Davis and his wife Marian . friend male 30 The plot centers around single nurse Karítas ( Nína Dögg Filippusdóttir ) , her son , Guðmundur ( Andri Snær Helgason ) , who only plays with a schizophrenic family friend , Marino ( Ólafur Darri Ólafsson ) , and criminal father Garðar ( Gísli Örn Garðarsson ) and his conflicts which led to the near death beating of twin brother Georg . friend female 27 Eve assumes it to have been a nightmare , but asks Christie if the alleged attacker could have been Paul ; she explains that Paul was a patient of Christie 's father , and that he had been obsessed with her . patient male 27 When William Howard Taft appeared to be too cozy with pro - business conservatives in terms of tariff and conservation issues , Roosevelt broke with his old friend and his old party . friend male 11 Graham , a popular Scottish Landscape painter , remained a close friend and his influence on Farquharson is unmistakable . friend female 18 Barb insists that Ana live with her and tells Margene and Nikki that Ana is more like a friend than a sister - wife and it is a great comfort to her . friend female 4 She was a lifelong friend of chapel builder Willielma Campbell and Hope Chapel in Bristol is named after her . friend male 4 In Painless both the patient and his son are hockey players . patient male 12 Prior to the events of the novel , he had been a friend of Sultan Murad II and then also of his son , Mehmed II ; but once Mehmed had begun his march to Constantinople , Ange fled there . friend male 6 Although a surgical success , the patient and his wife suffered psychological trauma as a result of the procedure , and had the surgery reversed 15 days later . patient female 16 The drama was recognized for " its frank , yet sensitive portrayal of a young HIV patient and her family and friends ; it dealt with a touchy subject that had not been broached in other TV dramas and taught the audience to respect AIDS patients and other underprivileged members of our society . " patient male 5 His father was a close friend of Thomas Jefferson ; his mother was Jefferson 's sister ; his elder brothers Peter Carr ( who served in the Virginia General Assembly ) and Samuel Carr received posthumous notoriety as possible fathers of Sally Hemings 's children . friend male 13 At first , he was a 4-year - old boy who was a friend of Franklin and his gang , he was the youngest boy . friend male 4 Ross was a close friend of Oscar Wilde , and was his literary executor . friend female 47 The first part consists of essays about Sedaris ’s life before his move to Normandy , France , including his upbringing in suburban Raleigh , North Carolina , his time working odd jobs in New York City , and a visit to New York from a childhood friend and her bumpkinish girlfriend . friend female 3 is the best friend and primary assistant of Sakura Kinomoto , and her second cousin on their mother 's sides . friend male 8 He only survived thanks to support from a friend and from his wife . friend male 7 In the film , a doddering vampire hunter and his bumbling assistant travel to a small mountain village where they find the tell - tale traces of vampirism . hunter male 11 The match marked the first meeting between Miller and his good friend , England batsman Denis Compton and his bowling began to attract media attention . friend male 24 He was drafted into World War I and was part of a local self - defence group against a pogrom in which he a friend and his first love were shot dead . friend female 19 They had a court of 70 noble courtiers , headed by Carl Adolph von Plessen , who was the friend of her brother Charles and possibly her own secret spouse . friend male 9 When an unnamed narrator is visited by an old friend and his companion , he is struck with an epiphany concerning the man he used to be versus the man he has become . friend male 17 Newly commissioned Guards Ensign ' Bumbo ' Bailey learns the facts of life from his new girl friend in Swinging London as well as from his platoon and commanding officer . friend female 7 - Gregory was a kind and considerate friend and amongst her tenants she was held in high esteem . friend male 13 During the trip the two meet various people , amongst which a wealthy friend and his wife , who betrays her husband with Armando . friend male 5 Three siblings , his best friend and his father died . friend male 5 Lewis Mumford , a close friend of MacKaye and his future biographer , wrote that " This direct , first - hand education through the senses and feelings , with its deliberate observation of nature in every guise — including the human animal — has nourished MacKaye all his life . " friend male 34 Some date the neapolitan discovery of coffee back to 1614 , when the composer , explorer and musicologist Pietro Della Valle sent news from the Holy Land , in his letters to the dear friend , physician , poet , Greek scholar and Mario Schipano and his gathering of intellectuals , of a drink ( called kahve ) the Arab Muslims brewed in hot pots . friend male 17 Mother Parvathi in the Thillai Mandap in the second prakara granting the Pasupatha weapon to Arjuna as hunter and his wife is very realistic in workmanship . hunter male 26 Dyrdek first starred in the MTV reality series , " Rob & Big " ( aired November 2006 to April 2008 ) , with his best friend and bodyguard Christopher " Big Black " Boykin , as well as his cousin , Chris " Drama " Pfaff and friend Rashawn " Bam Bam " Davis . friend male 19 He has stated that he would repeal the HMO Act of 1973 that " drives a wedge between the patient and his doctor " . patient female 25 Elizabeth 's confinement within Columbia has been maintained by the Songbird , a large , robotic bird - like creature who had been both her friend , protector and her warden . friend male 4 He was the truest friend I ever had , and his two children and you may always be proud of his unspotted record . friend male 34 He has also become more compassionate , allowing him to earn the friendship of Winslow ( the former Captain of the Screaming Narwhal that he had bested ) and Morgan LeFlay ( the pirate hunter and his fan ) . hunter male 8 Ben Grimm , no longer Reed 's college friend but his grade - school friend , is not as intelligent and has to have science explained to him , providing an opportunity for plot dumps . friend male 1 The postmaster and his wife also built a general store at this location . postmaster female 17 I actually did n't really want to enter , but I was at the side of my friend and her older sister , who were entering the contest , and they made an offer to me , too . friend male 16 In August 1944 , Mangano was driving back from Cicero , Illinois , with his lady friend , Rita Reyes , and his bodyguard , Michael Pontillo . friend male 20 During his third year there , he met " Helmut Newton " and became at first his assistant , then friend and his mentor for the next 25 years . friend female 15 Up until the age of 9 , he was practically raised by his mom 's friend and her daughter , Shin Joo - yeon . friend female 21 Her confinement has been maintained by Songbird , a large , robotic bird - like creature who has been both her friend and her warden , and which has been programmed to feel betrayal should Elizabeth attempt to escape . friend male 23 During Memorial Day weekend , Squier made a surprise appearance at the John Varvatos store in Easthampton , NY in support of his friend , rock photographer Rob Shanahan and his new book , " Volume One . " friend male 5 Other characters include Jung 's friend and coworker Kimchee ( Andrew Phung ) and his manager Shannon ( Nicole Power ) . friend male 19 The civil engineer Thomas Telford was amongst the commissioners on both these Commissions : John Rickman was a close friend of Telford , and was his executor , as well as the editor of Telford 's autobiography . friend male 21 Taj Mahal 1989 follows the intersecting lives of a Lucknow University professor couple , their students , a long - lost friend and his lover , and a schoolgirl in love with an older boy . friend female 13 In 1932 , she led a team of three men , including a hunter , meteorologist , and her husband , Ioylev , the radio operator , to winter in the Kamenev Islands , and newspapers reported that she had been the first woman to lead a polar expedition . hunter female 12 The one thing he truly enjoys is spending time with an old friend of his uncle , Madame Alvarez , whom he calls Mamita , and especially her granddaughter , the precocious , carefree Gilberte or " Gigi " . friend male 22 The final album track , " Old Army Hat " , was a story song based on a true story about his friend and his father . friend male 5 Secondary characters include Gil 's friend and confidant Shandra and his antagonist Morgan . friend female 6 She was a long - time friend and collaborator of Margaret Mead , having done fieldwork with her in Manus , and later worked with her then - husband Theodore Schwartz on a team of social science researchers under the guidance of Erich Fromm in rural Mexico . friend female 33 Sabrina Raincomprix ( voiced by Marieve Herington in season 1 and Cassandra Lee Morris from Season 2 in the English version and Marie Nonnenmacher in the French version ) is Chloé 's only friend and her assistant . friend female 3 She is a friend of Linda Sykes ( Jacqueline Pirie ) and works with her as a machinist at " Underworld " . friend female 1 A patient , Jodie Crawley ( Adrienne Barbeau ) , and her son with schizophrenia , Tom ( James Frain ) , is brought into the hospital with a moving growth inside her stomach , claimed to be an alien by her son . patient male 9 The photo of the stag 's head , the hunter and his guide posing next to his automobile travelled around the hunting world in that time . hunter male 21 Annie keeps two hens in his room and earns a modest sum by selling their eggs , until one day his friend , Mankind , and his Ugandan roommate , Kasozi , make a roasted meal out of them . friend male 8 It is based on the novel " His Friend and His Wife " by Cosmo Hamilton . Friend male 12 He has been loyal to Marcel ever since and became his closest friend and his right - hand man . friend male 34 Elizabeth Jeffries was born in 1890 on the shores of Hamilton Inlet , near Rigolet , Labrador to Adam Jeffries ( another source calls the father Emo Jeffery ) , an Inuit - Scots trapper and his wife . trapper male 3 Akihiro and his friend and Ahron and his father continued to enjoy their stay at Phuket , riding go - karts and trying out bungee jumping . friend female 5 Nicole Curato is a Filipino sociologist best known for her academic work on deliberative democracy , and her media work providing academic commentary on politics in the Philippines . sociologist female 8 Despite the predictions of her mom 's psychic friend , her extensive oeuvre and cult following have proven her to be extremely successful before the age of 30 . friend male 4 He is another good friend of Kvothe 's , and Deoch is both his business and romantic partner in an open relationship . friend female 7 Harlem milliner Rod Keenan is a longtime friend of Deluna , and has collaborated with her . friend female 25 According to an advertisement placed in " The Christian Science Monitor " , Charles Todd of Philadelphia recalled the day in 1932 when his childhood friend , Esther Jones , and her husband Charles Darrow came to their house for dinner . friend female 4 Her father was a sociologist and her mother a psychologist . sociologist male 12 After the surgery he fled the country through the help of a friend , Monsieur Le Veloire and his two sisters . friend female 10 Sassy believes that it will be down to her best friend in the house ( Blonde Baller ) and her worst enemy in the house ( Punisher ) . friend male 64 It introduces Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley , in private life the Earl of Asherton , privately educated ( Eton College and Oxford University ) ; his partner Detective Sergeant Barbara Havers , grammar school educated and from a working - class background — both from Scotland Yard ; Lady Helen Clyde , Lynley 's girlfriend and later wife ; and Lynley 's former school friend , the forensic scientist Simon St. James and his wife , Deborah . friend male 7 The composer Zoltán Kodály was an intimate friend of the Palló family , and was his godfather , playing a very influential role in his early musical training and education . friend male 23 They join together with the larger group , but are soon split up , and they get suckered into the hospitality of a trapper and his sidekick , Weasel , who intend to rape George Noon . trapper male 8 Other residents of the village included Shaw 's friend , neighbour and bibliographer Stephen Winsten ( 1893–1991 ) and his wife , the artist Clare Winsten ( 1894–1989 ) . friend male 6 Over lunch , both Malar 's friend ( Vicky ) and his own friend ( Suja ) advise him to sort it with Malar . friend male 8 Soon , Tan Hiok Nee was a trusted friend of Sultan Abu Bakar and with his enormous wealth , may even have been one of the Sultan 's financiers . friend male 11 They both finally reconcile and kisses while being watched by her friend and his coworkers . friend male 3 Rawlinson was a friend of the antiquarian Thomas Hearne and , among his voluminous writings , published a " Life " of the antiquary Anthony Wood . friend male 6 With the help of his doctor friend and his lab of special scientific tools , he combats these organisms and saves his fellow friends and family from the diseases . friend male 11 Katherine attends high school with several Genoa City residents including best friend , John Abbott , and his future wife , Dina . friend male 56 He describes the treatment of a wound of the forearm sustained by the accidental discharge of a shotgun into an area some three inches above the left wrist joint : " I recommended immediate amputation " he wrote " more especially having the dread of secondary haemorrhage and lockjaw before my eyes ; but neither the patient nor his relatives would consent to this , and begged for me to try to save the limb . patient female 8 She explained that Lola 's affection for her friend and her desire to fit in see her hanging out with them and putting up with their bad behaviour . friend male 4 John Needles was a friend of Joseph Bartlett who was a Quaker living at " Wakefield " , his farm located between Easton and St. Michaels on Dixon Creek . friend male 13 Nevertheless , most artists and intellectuals , headed by Pessoa ( a close friend of Botto 's and also his publisher and later English translator ) , promptly took up his defence in several polemic articles . friend male 14 From 1737 , supported by his wife , he became Voltaire ’s literary critical friend , as well as his theatre agent and even his stage director . friend female 24 It was considered a breakthrough book for its contemporary working - class setting and for the rounded portrayal of Janey 's Mexican - American friend , Lupe Romero , and her family . friend female 1 The patient , Abigail , and her mother , is considered to be suffering from cartilage – hair hypoplasia , a type of dwarfism . patient female 7 Premier Zhou Enlai was her father 's friend and her role model , and he encouraged her to learn English as it provided a link to the outside world . friend male 15 Roger , a gentleman of wealth , rank , and high respectability was a special friend of her father 's , and would later be his companion in arms at the Battle of Agincourt . friend male 4 He was a close friend of Carlos Menem 's brother Eduardo Menem and was his law firm partner . friend male 11 Maisonneuve died in 1676 ; at his bedside were his young friend , Philippe de Turmenys , and his devoted servant , Louis Fin . friend female 3 Her mean best friend and her sister Sun - sim add humor to the story . friend male 35 Seeking new inspiration , and to escape his critics and the demands of his landlord , he accepts an invitation to go to Switzerland to stay at the slightly run - down mountain home of friend and mentor , composer and genius Albert Sanger and his latest wife , Lina . friend female 19 Initially he had planned for the book to be set in Freud 's Vienna and center around a female patient and her relationships with her doctor and husband . patient male 3 Ian MacDonald was superintendent of the Ontario Paper Company at Shelter Bay until 1935 , and Ronald was his son . superintendent male 12 Two regular supporting characters in the Myron Bolitar series are his best friend , Windsor Horne Lockwood III ( better known as " Win " ) , and his assistant at MB Reps , Esperanza Diaz . friend male 5 As overseers he appointed his friend , Sir Matthew Browne , and his half brother , John Bodley . friend male 1 Lifelong friend and servant of el Coronel Jorge Guillermo Frade , and after his death , of Cletus Frade . friend male 16 The second story had a two small private offices , a large office " for the superintendent and his assistants " , and two small storage rooms . superintendent male 15 Fifteen years after his wedding , Amir receives a call from his father 's best friend ( and his childhood father figure ) friend female 13 Only child Elizabeth White is sent to live with her mother 's childhood friend and her large and bustling family , the O'Connors , in Ireland . friend female 5 Ashwood felt betrayed by her friend and her husband . friend male 15 On November 1 , 1924 , Tilghman was seated inside Murphy 's Cafe with a friend and his Deputy Marshal , Hugh Sawyer . friend male 15 Jennifer and Lisa enter the station garage , where they are confronted by a perverted attendant and his band of violent dogs . attendant male 39 It was a timber building with a shingle roof and was constructed to a typical plan for a rural post office of the period , being domestic in form with public offices at the front and accommodation for the postmaster and his family at the rear with a detached kitchen at the back . postmaster male 1 His friend and colleague , Major Shariful Haque Dalim and his wife , had gotten into a scuffle with the sons of Gazi Golam Mostafa , a politician of Bangladesh Awami League . friend female 14 Jess then asks about Suze , which Becky admits she had found a new friend and her other friend , Danny being to busy that she has n't got any friends . friend male 17 A former police officer , Baughman was suspected , but never convicted of , murdering a close friend and his first wife , before eventually killing his second wife while on a vacation in Antigua and Barbuda . friend male 4 After that , his friend , Guillaume Blanchard and his two sons , founded and established themselves in Petitcodiac . friend female 7 Belle told Lachlan that Cain had a friend who could get them fake passports and possibly her schizophrenia medication so they could skip the country , but Lachlan became suspicious when she suddenly became nice to him . friend male 3 Lanny saves his friend and his friend is operated on by one of the greatest doctors in the world to restore him back to perfect health with the help of his wife . friend male 13 Rolleston was born in Christchurch in 1873 , the son of the last Superintendent of the Canterbury Province , William Rolleston and his wife Mary Rolleston . Superintendent female 8 Ko Chun is eventually aided by his childhood friend , Seven ( Anita Yuen ) and her friends So ( Cheung Tat Ming ) and Lung Wu ( Jordan Chan ) , a highly trained ex - soldier , who eventually becomes Ko Chun 's bodyguard . friend male 6 Innes 's contemporaries included his lifelong friend and successor as Chief Justice , Sir William Henry Solomon ; his brother , Sir Richard ; J. W. Leonard , who likewise became Attorney - General ; W. P. Schreiner , the future Prime Minister ; and William Danckwerts , noted English lawyer and father of Lord Justice of Appeal Sir Harold . friend male 24 In the 2016 national elections , Quiboloy and the members of Kingdom of Jesus Christ endorsed the presidential candidacy of the pastor 's close friend , Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte and his running mate Senator Alan Peter Cayetano . friend male 16 Regarding his decision to record the song , Aldean said that Murphy is " a good friend and his style is a lot like mine , really uptempo , fun kinda stuff . " friend male 10 In 2014 , Singh married Koyel Roy , a childhood friend and a neighbor of his . friend male 16 When a break - in attempt is detected , a smartphone notification is sent to the user and/or his community and includes the option to call a designated emergency contact , which can be local authorities . user male 52 Brooks compares 2019 to that Russian winter in the 19th century where it was known that wolves have been attacking humans , and a vulnerable wedding party that is a " bit drunk " is being led by two men who are willing to do anything to survive , including throwing their friend and his wife to the wolves . friend female 26 Van Upp not only fashioned a successful screenplay from the discarded drafts , but most importantly , gained the confidence of Rita Hayworth , becoming a friend and a mediator between her and the studio - even supervising Hayworth 's costumes and rewriting her own work to suit Hayworth 's new persona . friend female 14 The multifaceted personality of the young woman draws a complex web between her best friend , Clarisse , her ex - boyfriend , her stepfather , neighbors and those who knew her from near and far . friend male 12 Cirofici made the statement in the presence of the warden , the superintendent of the State Prison Department , and his mother and sister , regarding Rosenthal 's murder . superintendent male 5 Sebastian hangs out with his friend and employee Mace ( Michael Graziadei ) and his girlfriend Kimi ( Mircea Monroe ) , Dani 's best friend , who are a couple that have a difficult relationship because Mace tends to get involved with other women . friend male 7 He was also helping with his old friend , film director James Cameron and his 2009 blockbuster film " Avatar " . friend male 10 One night I played some demos for my husband 's friend and his wife , and she said , " white wine Muzak . " friend female 14 Menke had gone hiking the morning of September 27 , 2010 , with a friend and her dog . friend male 34 Several inquiries followed but Jardine did not have to face any charges largely due to witnesses being unwilling to give testimony and the Premier of Queensland , Arthur Hunter Palmer , being a personal friend and probable business partner of his . friend male 3 He is a friend of [ [ Johnny Depp ] ] and his ex - wife [ [ Vanessa Paradis ] ] , whom he met at his home in the south of France . friend male 32 The film grew out of Workman 's short film " Carbee 's Barbies " and encompasses the final years of Carbee 's life , at which point Workman became Carbee 's closest friend and his only link to the outside world . friend female 15 Inside the store , they witness the teenage shoplifters arriving and Joe calls his EMT friend , Laney and her partner Dawn ( who are treating a teenage boy named Rondo ) , for backup . friend male 17 During the last twenty - years of Santayana 's life , Cory was the philosopher 's closest friend as well as his literary secretary and assistant , receiving a monthly stipend for many years . friend male 11 This group of constellations draws from Greek myth , representing the hunter ( Orion ) and his two dogs ( Canis Major and Canis Minor ) chasing the hare ( Lepus ) . hunter male 3 Aided by his friend , Neal James , and his dog , Lolly , Brown operated a nuisance animal removal business , catching and releasing nuisance animals . friend male 17 In each episode of " Call of the Wildman " , Brown was accompanied by his best friend , Neal James , and his dog , Lolly . friend male 23 While on the sidelined , Gutiérrez had an operation in Spain and found himself in a difficult situation following the death of his friend and his grandfather . friend female 19 Set in San Fernando Valley and Hungary in 1997 , the story revolves around a late - stage cancer patient , Alice ; her two markedly different sons , one a translator , the other a soap star ; and a seemingly unconnected Hungarian playwright named László Lázár . patient male 1 The patient and his family sued the University of California ( where the surgery occurred ) and the Irwin Memorial Blood Bank ( which supplied the blood ) for multiple causes of action . patient female 9 The song was inspired by the story of her friend and her high school boyfriend . friend male 19 I love the way he uses this unbelievable dialogue that Frank [ Darabont ] wrote to be a good friend to Rick and to be by his side . friend female 14 Interspersed in Emma 's dreams are real - life figures such as her best friend , Jenny , Rindy , a neurotic patient of her father 's , her ballet teacher , Miss Banton as well as Sanford , her father 's apprentice . friend male 4 John was an expert hunter and his New England training in shoemaking and leather craft gave him the necessary skills to fashion buckskin clothing and moccasins ( the clothing he adopted as normal attire for the remainder of his life ) . hunter male 5 She was also a close friend of Sidney Herbert , and his wife . friend female 1 Their friend , Susie Carmichael , and her parents and two older brothers , are also there to watch the Reptar movie , while Susie 's also talking to Angelica Pickles on their two - way walkie - talkies . friend male 28 Ideally , the refusal is a form provided by and filled out by the agency and signed by multiple parties - usually the EMS agency itself , the patient ( or his legal proxy or guardian ) , and a witness ( ideally a police officer ) . patient male 13 When Hard - heart 's Pawnee warriors attack the Teton village , the trapper and his friends escape , only to be captured by Ishmael . trapper male 16 One day when he is on his rounds , he comes upon a quarrel between a patient and his mother . patient female 1 A friend leaves Elaine her car while she is out of town ; Elaine proves to be an extremely reckless driver , making Jerry nauseous . friend male 5 The following day , a friend of Nash 's confirmed his suspicions after telling him he had seen Holmes wearing some of his stolen jewelry . friend female 2 Moore 's friend parked her vehicle on the street outside a nightclub named Guest House , located in the Chelsea district on West 27th Street . friend male 2 When an attendant asked his reason for wishing to see the king , Andriamanalina responded with a lengthy condemnation and then departed . attendant male 9 In other words , there is no way the patient could convincingly demonstrate his heterosexuality to his analyst . patient male 9 He stopped playing basketball in 2010 after his best friend and local Philly legend , Quandaar White , lost his life playing football . friend male 1 His friend ( Bharat Kapoor ) wants his son to get married to Tina and divide the whole wealth . friend male 4 In 1979 , British sociologist , Peter Townsend published his famous definition , " individuals ... can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet , participate in the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary , or are at least widely encouraged or approved , in the societies to which they belong ( page 31 ) " . sociologist female 5 Rakka resolves to help her friend find her way . friend female 17 Maia shows hesitance to return to Ferndale after having the perfect life in Thames but after her friend kidnaps her baby JJ , Maia decides to move back . friend male 19 When he indicates both his contrition and an understanding of the " spirit of the Corps , " the superintendent hands him back his resignation . superintendent male 14 The League shows each user five potential matches each day , and if a user has set his preferences too narrowly , he may be shown matches that do n't conform to them , racially or otherwise . ... user male 6 He received his nickname when his friend was reading his name on a scorecard upside down and misread " Griss " as " Gus " . friend male 1 The hunter also meets his demise . hunter male 15 He realizes what Elena thought seeing Lexi and he explains that she is only a friend — his oldest friend friend male 1 My friend drove his truck into a small creek . friend female 30 In order to help Maggie in her time of need , Emma gives up her successful business in China to return to their hometown of Pinebrook , and help her friend raise her newborn baby . friend male 2 Determined the hunter will not reach his destination , the villains are relentless in their pursuit , one of them harboring a secret , deadly agenda of his own . hunter female 25 If the treatment was ineffective , Sanapia would pray apply peyote tea to the patient 's face , head , and hands and if the patient needed her deepest powers of healing she would sing a song until she attracted the spirits to help her . patient female 6 At one point the gas station attendant was ogling her extraordinary cleavage while confessing to a desire to see America . attendant male 0 Friend scored his first goal for Boro in a 2–2 draw at Wigan on 25 August . Friend male 0 Friend scored his second goal for Boro with a 20-yard strike in a 2–2 draw against Nottingham Forest on 17 September 2013 . Friend male 8 He spoke little English and so had a friend write his messages for him . friend female 15 Niño gained notoriety on social media on 5 January 2015 , when an anonymous online user leaked a picture of her to Valor por Tamaulipas , a citizen journalist page that post security updates and organized crime leaks . user male 0 Friend made his Doncaster debut in their 2–0 opening day win at Preston North End on 7 August 2010 . Friend male 5 On 25 January 2011 , Friend made his return in a 2–0 loss against Burnley , coming on as a substitute in an early minute . Friend female 2 The dwarf attendant carries her cosmetic bag , and a ... female holds the stem of a giant lotus leaf that serves as her mistress 's parasol . attendant male 5 A month earlier , a friend and pupil of Burnouf 's , Professor Christian Lassen of Bonn , had also published his own work on " The Old Persian Cuneiform Inscriptions of Persepolis " . friend female 13 The two men bragged to a female friend about the shooting ; the friend told her mother , who notified the Haywood County Sheriff 's Department . friend male 2 His longtime friend and drummer Billy Nicks ( 1935–2017 ) formed his own group , the Rhythm Rockers . friend male 18 Before he sailed for Liberia , Cox told a friend that should he die in Africa , the friend should write his epitaph . friend male 14 With this ink infused water , literally containing the word of Allah , the patient will then wash his body or drink it to cure himself of his affliction . patient male 3 Trina 's childhood friend informs his father where Pol and Trina is and he and his wife ordered him to get the Ledger and also kill Balbon and Trina . friend male 2 McMillan 's friend and DM&M partner John Stoughton Newberry gave his name to the future county seat of Newberry , Michigan , and twenty - five miles to the west , the town of Seney , Michigan and the later Seney National Wildlife Refuge recall the name of DM&M partner George I. Seney . friend male 1 His friend , David Dudley Field named his sixth son Cyrus West Field , after Williams . friend male 13 To invite his relatives who leaves in quite far off places , his friend gives him his two wheeler . friend male 1 The user contacted his sister in an attempt to have somebody check on him . user female 9 When the famous lawyer , Makram Ebeid , a friend of their family visited her house , Ester Fanous learned that Saad Zaghloul Pasha intended with some friends to travel to England demanding to lift British mandate on Egypt . friend female 2 Machado 's friend visited her grave to put the next poem by the poet : friend female 18 In one case , filed by former patient , Debra Manov , online court records show that the patient withdrew her medical malpractice claim with prejudice on July 21 , 1998 , after not being able to find a medical expert to corroborate her claims . patient male 8 So this method can cause problems when a user changes his mind , and so some products started to use grayscale to better identify the intent of the marker — internally scantron and NCS scanners used grayscale . user male 2 After a user has created his profile , the system sends a message to relevant users notifying them that someone matching their interests and needs is available . user female 13 Details of the story vary : in one version , a " mad trapper " cut off her head and ran into the woods with it . trapper male 8 After 2 years Gautham is released and his friend publishes his book on behalf of Gautham , named " The World Famous Lover " . friend male 1 A friend of Norman Pickett , racing driver Donald Campbell , allowed his workshops to be used to build the prototypes . friend male 18 In early 1994 , Todd was hired by Rob Liefeld 's Extreme Studios of Image Comics when a friend from art school showed his " WildGuard " work to Dan Fraga at a comic book convention , who in turn showed it to Liefeld , which led to Nauck 's first Image work . friend male 12 He has returned to Bayport , but an old high - school friend defends his case : Gertrude Hardy , Frank and Joe 's aunt . friend female 3 Caroline Ware 's friend , Pauli Murray describes her time at the Farm : friend female 1 The patient they were transporting did deliver her baby through Caesarean section , but remained critically injured . patient female 3 Without warning the patient threw her arms around the doctor and kissed him . patient male 3 The gas station attendant fills his tank but is curt and claims the only restaurant in town is closed . attendant male 24 The story follows Captain Tom Lingard , the recurring protagonist of The Lingard Trilogy , who was on his way to help a native friend regain his land when he falls in love with a married woman whose yacht he saves from foundering . friend male 3 Déricourt 's old friend , Nicolas Bodington , now the second in command of SOE 's French section , endorsed his employment enthusiastically . friend male 1 His friend and partner Pákh sold his interest in IBE to Rovt after one of his Bulgarian partners was murdered . friend female 9 She began sewing filmstrips together in 2009 when a friend of hers gave her 16 mm films from Anthology Film Archives that were no longer of use to the Fashion Institute of Technology . friend male 34 A local lime manufacturer believed he was not getting repeat business because of the difficulty in spelling the name of the village and persuaded the local postmaster to change the name , with the postmaster giving the village his own name of Allgood . postmaster male 19 " Racism is better in the open , preferable to hiding poison in the sugar ' , my FUNKADELIC friend once told me , his wisdom penetrating my bubble of white privilege . " * friend male 17 The corporate power play did happen , but that was decades ago - in reality , the patient had used his business connections to launch a presidential campaign , leading to him being elected President of the United States . patient male 4 Slowly , as the patient regains his memory , more and more secrets are revealed about who this person is and the truth about their civilization as a whole . patient male 15 Despite the insistence of Balfour 's neighbor , Sir James Hamlin , that his close friend would never have taken his own life , Balfour 's death is officially declared a suicide by " Professor " Edward C. Burke , a Scotland Yard inspector and amateur hypnotist . friend male 1 The user responsible for publicizing the leak later changed his profile name and released a statement saying that he was now being harassed by many people and that Nightwish was to blame in case anything happens to him . user male 26 Then the imagination becomes a reality when you finally hold your child in your arms for the first time , and that ’s when your imaginary friend gets his name , Beekle . friend male 1 Both friend and foe noted his kindness in treating civilians , and folk songs that commemorated his victories became popular in the lands the Taiping moved through . friend female 14 Ajay later notices that Priya is becoming stressed and assumes it is because her friend , Susan Kennedy ( Jackie Woodburne ) , is demanding her support over various problems . friend male 2 The first superintendent of the United States Naval Observatory ( 1842–1861 ) , Matthew Fontaine Maury devoted his time to the study of marine meteorology , navigation , and charting prevailing winds and currents . superintendent male 3 Typically , a user must activate his smart card by entering a personal identification number or PIN code ( thus providing two - factor authentication ) . user male 24 An examiner placed objects such as a tissue box , toothpaste and a toothbrush in front of the patient and before any instruction the patient brushed his teeth and picked up the tissue in a manner as if to blow his nose . patient female 8 That was when he found out that the superintendent changed her mind and decided to let Miss Lawrence to attend the wedding after all and the school would be closed for a week . superintendent female 2 Her childhood friend and stepmother Katherine Willoughby had married her gentleman usher , so Frances moved on familiar ground . friend male 1 His friend from the Akademie , Hans Gude , aroused his interest in Norway , so he spent several months there travelling with August Leu and August Becker . friend female 23 Hai Yen plays Duyen , a young tourist guide who marries Hai ( Duy Khoa ) , a taxi driver , but her friend and writer Cam ( Linh Dan ) still has feelings for her . friend male 1 A friend of Pete Seeger , he introduced his friend to the protest song , " We Shall Overcome , " which Mr. Hille had heard sung by picketing union members in Tennessee in 1946 . friend female 10 In February 2013 there was another case where a flight attendant working for a Russian airline lost her job because she posted a photo of herself giving the middle finger to a plane full of passengers . attendant male 19 Sreedharan 's mother , Janaki , finally admits to him that it was someone else , that Kumar 's friend had killed his father , and not Krishnanunny , who was there for Ammini and their young son . friend male 24 Even the presiding judge , Yelverton , was said to have shed tears at the passing of the death sentence , although Orr 's friend , the poet and United Irishman William Drennan expressed his disgust at this display with the words “ " I hate those Yelvertonian tears " ” . friend female 1 Her friend and colleague , cognitive scientist Steven Pinker , reported her Dec. 29 death via Twitter on December 30 , 2018 . friend female 2 When a patient offers her cash in exchange for surgery , Nicky endangers the patient 's life for the bribe . patient male 1 The patient has his car keys on him , so House sends Cole to look for the patient 's car , and Thirteen volunteers to go along . patient male 1 His friend and partner - in - crime Charlie Tully , using his talent as a " master of disguise " , sets out to locate those women and gain sight of the digits . friend male 2 Abraham ’s friend allegedly got his foot stuck in quick sand underwater & was drowning when Abraham came to rescue him . friend female 7 At Kelly 's memorial service , his friend and client Gloria Steinem concluded her remarks by saying , " Instead of dividing us with gold and jewels , he unified us with buttons and bows . friend female 3 Isi 's best friend , Enna , is planning her wedding to Finn when Bayern 's Own , the king 's personal hundred - band , is called out to one of the villages near the border of Kel , a neighbouring country . friend female 23 " Hollyoaks " writer , Steve Hughes , explained that the storyline was inspired by a real - life incident , where a friend had her identity stolen on social networking service Facebook . friend female 31 The basic form of CTC ( Request - a - Call ) technology currently in general use is just exactly what Request - a - Call sounds like : an end user enters her phone number through a web dialog box , then an intermediary service calls both that end user and the merchant or other respective third party , and connects the two together for an ordinary telephone conversation . user male 8 In a 1960 case in Greenland , a hunter was pulling his kayak and seal out of the sea onto the ice , when a walrus emerged , stabbed him with a tusk ( which did not kill him but knocked him unconscious ) and escaped clutching the dead seal . hunter male 5 After Atget 's death his friend , the actor André Calmettes , sorted his work into two categories ; 2,000 records of historic Paris , and photographs of all other subjects . friend female 2 After a friend sold her story to the media , in 1961 under the headline Her ' secret is out " , the " Sunday People " outed Ashley as a trans woman . friend male 1 His friend and partner Frank Polk managed his campaign at the 1924 Democratic National Convention . friend male 42 Politically active and a keen traveller , Norman travelled across Europe aged 16 with a friend in order to emigrate to Israel but was detained by Interpol when they got to Italy and sent back home by the British consulate because his friend had not told his parents where they were going . friend male 20 In 2002 , Jones , drunk , vandalized the house and car of a friend because Jones had discovered the friend was courting his ex - girlfriend . friend male 23 Twenty - something - year - old drifter , Cory , arrives in Los Angeles to help his semi - famous TV star friend , Brendan , take his first steps out of " The Closet " . friend male 23 Shamanism , in this view , is an everyday attempt to influence spirits of ancestors and animals by mirroring their behaviours as the hunter does his prey . hunter female 1 The patient from Kahramanmaraş had lost six years ago her upper jaw including mouth , lips , palate , teeth and nasal cavity by a firearm accident , and was since then unable to eat . patient male 53 In 2004 , the Scottish broadcaster Sally Magnusson described a traditional Hogmanay in her family at which party pieces were performed that included the songs of Flanders and Swann , a rendition of the folk song " Sisters " , an Australian medley by visitors from that country , and " an actor friend doing his Hamlet - in - three - minutes monologue " . friend male 17 Despite the controversy , a department spokesman said , shortly before Edmonson stepped down , that the superintendent was keeping his regular schedule . superintendent male 11 Halfway tells Mick that when he saved the child , his friend lost his legs and the child 's mother was killed , but Mick says Halfway was not to blame . friend male 8 Post - incident interviews showed the injured flight attendant had seriously overestimated his time of useful consciousness , and the NTSB renewed its criticism of the FAA 's overly - optimistic time of useful consciousness tables and training requirements . attendant male 8 Near an isolated lake , an escaped psychiatric patient makes his way through the forest to his childhood home where he kills his family in their sleep before disappearing into the woods never to be found . patient male 10 The next day at school , Jamie shows his best friend Pritti his new heels , and then he is interrupted by Dean , the school bully . friend male 5 After several iridectomies , the patient had completely lost his vision . patient female 2 Crashaw 's friend and patron , Susan Feilding , Countess of Denbigh , also used her influence at court to persuade the Queen to recommend Crashaw to the Pope . friend male 2 A famous friend of Corti 's father , Antonio Scarpa , may have kindled his boyhood interest in anatomy and medicine . friend male 5 In 2006 , Mithoon 's friend recommended his name to Onir , ( director of " Bas Ek Pal " ) , who wanted an electro - based title track . friend male 6 Later , Kyung - min 's friend accidentally takes his folder without informing Kyung - min . friend male 27 Daemon cautions Roger that the " cleaner " is odorless , tasteless , and completely undetectable , but must be used immediately and completely , or the user will lose his nerve and never again have the courage to try it . user male 9 Sir Christopher , however , is determined that his friend shall not sacrifice his brilliant career for a shallow woman . friend female 2 His aboriginal friend , despite Gunnar 's protests , then laid her body to rest in the traditional aboriginal manner , on a raised platform with tokens and gifts including the shears . friend male 2 Shamsher 's friend , Jeetu gives his daughter Palak , who is also Roop 's best friend , the education and confidence needed to grow and stand strong . friend male 12 The film flashes back to Goa , where Veer discovers that his friend , Siddharth Segal aka Sidhu ( Varun Sharma ) , drugged his coffee with sleeping pills and stole the sound system amongst other parts . friend male 2 The mining superintendent , Ferdinand Fiedler listed his address at Eastlake as did assistant superintendent , J.E. Tucker . superintendent female 7 Her modeling career began when her best friend sent pictures of her to the German Playboy in 2005 . friend female 32 My dearest Saraamma , When life is at its most intense state of youth , and one 's heart has reached its most beautiful state of love , how does my dearest friend spend her time during this rare and short - lived beautiful period of life ? friend female 3 A mysterious demon hunter continues her actions against Angel . hunter male 14 William " Bill " Tanner ' — M. 's CoS and 007 's best friend in SIS — Amis wrote his second Bond book , " The Book of Bond , or Every Man friend male 19 The Chinese word for emperor , " huángdì " ( ) , derives from this , as the first user of this title Qin Shi Huang considered his reunion of all of the lands of the former Kingdom of Zhou to be greater than even the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors . user male 14 Peto soon returned to London and gained work as a photojournalist , where his friend , the artist Josef Herman , also supported his new venture . friend female 2 Her old friend , avant - garde author Raymond Federman , wrote a tribute to her on his blog , as did her former publisher Douglas Messerli . friend male 19 The Irish boy pushes at the young Lansky , Lansky pushes him back , and then the teenager 's friend slides out his knife and cuts Lansky 's arm . friend female 2 As a sociologist of religion Poloma has used her personal experiences as a charismatic Roman Catholic to launch various research projects . sociologist male 0 Friend derived his style from the Iyengar style of yoga and reintroduced elements of Hindu spirituality into a more health - oriented Western approach to Yoga . Friend male 0 Friend soon announced his resignation as officer and director of Anusara Inc. In September 2012 , Friend returned to teaching a set hatha yoga sequence of 108 asanas called " The Roots " based on Anusara 's Universal Principles of Alignment . Friend male 1 His friend observed his dejection , and disappointment in love , and furnished him with a horse and a servant to take care of him . friend male 13 Real traffic information is a usual feature of modern vehicle software – a user can shake his smartphone to notify others about jammed street ; the app can also offer you an alternative way to your destination to avoid heavy traffic . user female 8 Eddi was " spooked " when a female patient revealed personal details about her , but she then saw the patient kissing Liam . patient female 1 Her friend the painter Francis Bacon paid off her outstanding debts . friend male 7 When Daffy confronts the hunter , the hunter turns his attention to going after Daffy instead . hunter male 4 Another long - term patient , teenager Dale Smith , attacks his therapist and realizes his powers as a psychic vampire . patient male 6 His killed - in - battle friend described his hometown so vividly to Marion and later bequeathed it to him , so , having no real ties to any other place , he decided to settle there . friend male 11 Elliott then remembers to go to the cockpit when the flight attendant stowed away his camera . attendant male 2 Stewart 's friend and future world champion James Hunt scored his first podium finish . friend male 4 In 2001 , a friend of his , Li Yayu , started his singing career in China by inviting him to perform in hotels and bars throughout Henan and Hubei . friend male 12 Without warning , in the parking lot after the game , a friend of McElhenney 's stripped off his clothes and donned a full - body green spandex suit . friend male 19 However , things get an ugly turn when George Thomas , alias GT ( Lalu Alex ) , a friend of Jameskutty sets his eyes on Arundhathi . friend male 16 Born in Copenhagen , Denmark in 1948 , Oskar was six years old when a family friend gave him his first harmonica . friend male 2 When his friend and navy colleague , Sir David Martin , resigned his commission as Governor of New South Wales on 7 August 1990 due to an advancing medical condition , dying three days later on 10 August , Sinclair was the only person considered as Martin 's replacement . friend male 2 When his friend and navy colleague , Sir David Martin , resigned his commission as Governor of New South Wales in August 1990 due to an advancing medical condition , Sinclair was appointed to succeed him . friend male 4 Although , when a friend of Sacks brought him his recorder and a cassette of Mendelssohn 's Violin Concerto , the music brought back Sacks ' hope along with his love and appreciation for life . friend male 1 A friend of the sons of Redhorn offers his own body as its case . friend female 2 One married friend usurps her blind date to try and start an affair with her . friend female 7 After a troubling incident in which a patient threatens her life , she decides to retire and goes out to visit the chief doctor , Dr. Stephens , to inform him of the decision . patient female 1 Her friend Anita Loos , who wrote many screenplays for her , appreciated her " humour and her irresponsible way of life " . friend female 5 In this disease , the patient lost her eyesight . patient female 10 High school student Laura Barns commits suicide after an anonymous user uploads a video of her passing out and defecating at an unsupervised party , and the video goes viral . user male 7 From Gaul , the armed deer - hunter depicted on an image from the temple of Le Donon in the Vosges lays his hands in benediction on the antlers of his stag companion . hunter male 18 The technology combines electroencephalography , signal processing algorithms and visual stimulation on a monitor to detect where the user focuses his attention , allowing him to voluntarily trigger commands to a painting software . user male 3 Buck Sawyer 's friend , Sheriff Simpson , will lose his job if he does n't catch the notorious bandit known as The Juarez Kid . friend male 6 During the lumbar puncture , the patient has tetany - his arm muscles contract . patient male 9 The biggest advantage of the system is that a patient has all his medical data stored in the server of state health department which can be referred to in future . patient female 10 Connie returned on 9 March 2010 , when her old friend and colleague Elliot Hope ( Paul Bradley ) begged her help as her replacement Toby Geddes abandoned him in a recent hostage situation to treat patients alone . friend male 3 Edmond 's best friend , a young man named Tyrone ( from whom Edmond adopted his name ) who was afflicted with AIDS , died leading to Edmond 's further involvement in socio - economic affairs and the fight in the AIDS / HIV epidemic . friend male 15 Ouimette first met mob boss Raymond L. S. Patriarca in the mid-1960s , when a friend brought him around to Patriarca 's cigarette store , his mob headquarters . friend female 12 In every episode Bozlo came onto the desktop and insisted that the user was invading HIS desktop . user male 1 The patient must thus abandon his willpower and instead put more focus on his imaginative power in order to fully succeed with his cure . patient male 13 Devaram wanted his students to focus only on training , but Aravind 's friend Ravi ( Sundar ) spent his time romancing with Thamarai 's ( Dhanya Mary Varghese ) friend Poongavanam ( Marina ) , and Devaram requested his students to not bring him a bad among the villagers . friend male 1 A friend , Frank , brings in his prize female pig named Esmeralda . friend male 2 Curry 's friend and his brother 's partner , Jim Thornhill , gave Curry his pistol . friend female 21 Several weeks later , Louise garnered the courage to confide in a close friend what her father had done ; this friend told her own mother what had happened on 4 August . friend male 3 Even my close friend in whom I trusted , who ate my bread , has lifted his heel against me " ( ESV ) . friend male 2 An early postmaster named Witty gave the community his name . postmaster female 2 A family friend convinced her parents to play the last two games of the season with the under-10 boys and they were the only games they won that season . friend male 8 Film music eventually came his way , when friend and playback singer Shilpa Rao suggested his name to film director Anurag Kashyap . friend male 2 An early postmaster named Gano gave his last name to the post office , in order to avoid repetition with nearby Howes Mill . postmaster male 1 A user may tag his Point of Interests on the map , identified during the journey , set Hot Spots , add notes or comments and specify a travel mode ( pedestrian , car , bus , train , aircraft etc . ) . user male 3 Junhao 's best friend uses his identity to commit multiple sex crimes and Junhao ends up taking the rap and is jailed . friend male 0 Patient would stretch his finger for temporary relief . Patient male 26 Dark Keroro seals away Kiruru , and disappears , along with the Keroro Statue , everything fell apart , Fuyuki could only watch as a good friend lost his life for a small planet . friend male 3 Moreover , a hunter defends his profession in a long discourse . hunter male 20 Reeves has stated that he was not interested in the script but was forced into doing the film when a friend forged his signature on a contract . friend male 4 Nineteen years as district superintendent preceded his election to the general superintendency in 1949 . superintendent male 29 The story is about an English girl who elopes with a debonair French actor ; he goes off to serve in the Franco - Prussian War , and his friend , who bears a grudge against the English , tells his bride that he has been killed in action . friend male 5 In 1921 , his close friend , the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig , published his biography ( in English friend male 1 A friend of Michel Foucault , he supported his election at the Collège de France , and was also close to Michel Serres . friend male 2 Belloc 's friend , Lord Sheffield , described his provocative personality in a preface to " The Cruise of the Nona . " friend male 1 A friend of Cornelius Vanderbilt , he gradually expanded his railroad connections through investments as well as legal counsel . friend male 1 Both friend and foe praised his immaculate memory , subject matter knowledge , discretion and strong work ethic . friend male 2 His close friend and disciple Josei Toda followed his Buddhist conversion in 1930 . friend female 25 She replies " No " with a smile , with a sense of relief that she did the right thing by dying and having her friend live her life . friend male 14 Vince steps in to help Turtle as he tries to help a New York friend expand his restaurant business to the west coast . friend male 0 Friend made his debut and scored his first goal for Berlin on 14 August 2010 in a DFB - Pokal cup match versus Pfullendorf , the game ended as a 2–0 victory . Friend male 0 Friend finished his first season with Hertha having scored 6 goals in 27 appearances in the 2 . Friend male 0 Friend made his debut with the senior international team on 18 January 2003 in a friendly with the United States . Friend female 9 She hides in her building 's basement where her friend Antonio hears her calls for help . friend female 5 In August 2011 , a patient waiting to see Jimmi Clay ( Adrian Lewis Morgan ) brings her pet rat to the surgery for comfort , which scares Kevin away . patient male 17 At first glance , the Map is simply a blank piece of parchment ; but when the user points his wand at the Map and says , " I solemnly swear that I am up to no good " , the message " Messrs. Moony , Wormtail , Padfoot and Prongs , purveyors of aids to magical mischief - makers , are proud to present the Marauder 's Map " appears , along with a detailed layout of Hogwarts . user male 7 When firing the next shot , the user would raise his pistol vertically as he cocked the hammer back so as to let the fragments of the burst percussion cap fall out so as to not jam the mechanism . user male 21 He needed a carol for the Christmas Eve midnight Mass that was only a few hours away , and hoped his friend , a school teacher who also served as the church 's choir master and organist , could set his poem to music . friend male 14 Vince also tries to help Turtle as he tries to help a New York friend expand his restaurant business to the west coast . friend male 1 The hunter reported his find to the king , who ordered workers to build a temporary mondop to cover the footprint ; this later became the temple . hunter male 1 My Friend the Mercenary " recounts his experiences of the Liberian civil war , his friendship with du Toit , and du Toit ’s subsequent role in the failed Equatorial Guinea coup attempt . Friend male 9 After warnings were ignored by the demonstrators , the superintendent in charge ordered his officers to arrest and remove them . superintendent male 10 Lawrence took on The Tri - City Singers after a friend vacated his position as musical director . friend male 10 To find a hidden treasure that could help a falling friend drive away his demons . friend male 15 Thinking that it was sacred , Merlin initially refuses to touch it , but his friend , Abbas , disregards his warnings and decides to drink from it anyway . friend male 12 Ben starts holding psychiatric sessions in his home office ; one recurring patient , Tate , oversteps his boundaries when he starts dating Violet , and Ben discontinues their sessions . patient male 1 A friend outlined his life including his Civil War service and that he had not spoken of this as well , as well as his career . friend male 16 The IRWD 's basic principle behind these precise allocations of cost is that each end - user pays his fair share , no more and no less . user male 15 When the Englishman asks why this assassin is protected in the church , an Italian friend travelling with him directs his attention to a famous confessional in the church , which was the scene of a particularly startling confession . friend female 11 However , Vic ( Sarah Strange ) , Kat 's best friend ( and ex - lover ) still has a crush on her , hates Big Al and does n't approve of the relationship . friend male 15 The French top 's temperature is usually not changed by its user , instead the user moves his pot or pan to a side or edge of the hot plate for slower cooking . user female 1 A friend of Virginia brings her daughter to the soon - to - be - renamed Angel Investigations , asking them to remove the eye that grew out of the back of her head after she was attacked by an unseen assailant . friend female 42 A graduate of Faculty of Arts ( " Kolleyyat al Aadaab " ) with a major in English , Rehab started to blog back in 2004 , taking it " as a challenge " , in her own words , when a friend of hers teased her online for not having a blog . friend male 1 A friend then flew his light plane around the area while the camera periodically took photographs , and on 31 May the system was able to accurately track the aircraft . friend male 3 Then Sapp 's friend and trainer Sam Greco showed his match to Kazuyoshi Ishii , chairman of Japanese kickboxing promotion K-1 . friend male 3 Angered , the trapper sends his hunting dogs after him . trapper male 5 This is realised as her friend named his boat after her : the " Arabella " . friend male 1 The user employs his head and upper body to control looking and aiming , as well as leaning to duck and peek around cover . user male 6 The virtual view changes as the user turns his head to look around or leans his torso in any direction . user male 3 When Taisuke 's friend , Yuichi Hirose , discovers his powers he kidnaps his friend Megumi Ochiai and heads north to the heart of Akuro . friend male 3 Peter 's best friend , at whose birthday party Peter won his pet turtle , Dribble . friend male 3 After a school friend praised his manga , he began secretly drawing manga behind his parent 's backs . friend male 16 While the Nazi - streamlined provost was subordinate to the Bishopric of Berlin , the general superintendent ignored his illegitimate furlough and continued to serve , however , accepted only by the non - schismatic Confessing Church congregations . superintendent female 0 Friend and companion of Lady Elizabeth , she lost her father in a naval battle . Friend female 18 Born in Berlin , Wilhelmine shared the unhappy childhood of her brother , Frederick the Great , whose friend and confidante she remained all her life , with the exception of one short interval . friend male 8 The brothers reconcile and leave , but their friend and personal trainer Craig , reveals his feelings for Emily , and marries her . friend male 3 A very enthusiastic hunter who hunted extensively both within his own kingdom and beyond , Ganga Singh shot his first tiger , leopard and bear in 1869 aged 16 and in later years used hunting with visiting dignitaries to his kingdom as a means of diplomacy . hunter female 1 The patient described her perceptual experience for stimulus velocities higher than 18 and 13 deg / s , respectively as " one light spot left or right " or " one light spot up or down " and " sometimes at successive positions in between " , but never as motion . patient female 1 Her friend and colleague Hermann Weyl described her scholarly output in three epochs : friend male 3 A retired school superintendent from Clinton , North Carolina , Bell started his first term in the State House in 2001 . superintendent male 2 When the patient died his diagnosis and localisation were found to be correct . patient male 0 Friend of the show Stephen Hawking makes his third guest appearance on the show as himself , while Maurice LaMarche does the voice of the Horn Stuffer . Friend female 18 Despite being a kapo , she was scheduled to be sent to the gas chamber , but a friend of her father struck her name off the list . friend male 1 The user can also hear his own voice at a reduced level so that he is conscious of the signal being received by the second party . user male 2 A family friend later showed Martin his back issues of the " New Civil Engineer " magazine and , attracted by what appeared to him as " marvellous salaries of up to £ 3,000 a year " and opportunities to work overseas , Martin became determined to become a civil engineer . friend male 1 His friend , journalist Will Barbee , suspects his alleged colleague , the fascinating April Bell . friend male 0 Superintendent of his county 's Greenwood Cemetery , Lower also supported his family through the proceeds he made from his nursery business . Superintendent male 15 Bousquet was committed to trial but on 8 June 1993 a 55-year - old mental patient named Christian Didier entered his flat and shot him dead . patient male 9 Yemm ultimately quit and returned home , feeling his friend was not fulfilling his responsibilities to maintain the trucks . friend female 14 Depending upon the daily physical activity the woman might require , the augmentation mammoplasty patient usually resumes her normal life activities at about 1-week post - operative . patient male 2 A boyhood friend of Robert Templeton , he divided his time between Ireland and Lucca , where he co - founded the Italian Entomological Society with Camillo Rondani and Adolfo Targioni Tozzetti . friend female 3 Although the woman friend of Henry Borelli 's would confess her role soon after learning about Katz 's murder , she was unable to identify Rosenberg . friend male 3 De Yong 's friend , Richard J. Flood , inherited his estate and became an art dealer . friend female 4 Vivian is a childhood friend from Bicol , and she took Biring and her family to Manila , sent her daughter ( Sunshine Dizon ) and grandson ( Jeric Gonzales ) to school , and made Biring her girl Friday . friend female 1 One friend saw her rebellion against the " Times " authority structure as a continuation of her rebellion against her father 's authority . friend male 4 Jerry Garcia 's longtime friend and songwriting partner , Robert Hunter , had made his first lyrical contributions to the band the previous year for " Dark Star " . friend male 2 After his friend sent his demo and recordings from a singing competition in Canada to Sony Music Hong Kong ( then known as Sony BMG ) , he was offered a contract and signed with the label . friend male 0 friend had displayed his want of acquaintance with the county of Stafford when he spoke of the village of Bilston . friend male 9 At any time of the 3D modeling , the user can save his model with all the information ( geometry , materials , detectors ) defined during the current session . user female 14 Chiaki is very protective of Kotoha and seems to be uncomfortable when Genta 's friend shows an interest in her . friend male 1 A friend of Petrarch 's , Giovanni Colonna , authorized his version of a " De viris illustribus " before he left Avignon for Rome in 1338 . friend male 1 Another patient with vmPFC damage wasted away his life savings on foolish investments and failed to make appropriate decisions in his personal life . patient female 13 She started to record songs when she was 12 years old and a friend of hers discovered her recordings and decided to upload them to a music website . friend male 3 One day a hunter took his wife , at her insistence , into the forest , where he had a hut with a palisade around it . hunter male 15 Later , as a radio station airs information based on Evelyn 's reports , a hunter calls his dog away from a dead bird the dog has been eating . hunter male 1 A friend of the Roseberys , Donald Crawford , MP , sued his wife Virginia for divorce naming Dilke as co - respondent . friend male 2 Once the hunter has set up his hunting area , he would stand by the breathing hole until he knows there is a seal on the under - side . hunter male 32 In March 2005 , he introduced SB 804 that would have prohibited such patients from being denied food and water if family members disagreed on the patient 's wishes and if the patient had not expressed his wishes in writing when competent . patient male 1 The user also asked his readers to follow Junaid Hussain on Twitter . user female 1 Their friend , the historian Arnold J. Toynbee , recounted her spartan , therapeutic lifestyle which emphasised fresh air – open windows , long walks , riding and outdoor sleeping . friend male 3 However , his friend betrays his promise and Joaquín , much to his regret , kills him . friend male 6 He discovered that an escaped psychiatric patient had stolen his identity and was posing as him within the Emergency Department . patient male 2 Robert 's friend from Trinity College , Thomas Moore , championed his cause by writing popular ballads about him and Sarah Curran , such as friend female 6 In one episode , her new friend had brought her daughter in as she was feeling sick . friend male 1 His friend , Colonel Numata , Japanese military attache to the Vichy regime , demanded his release and got it . friend male 20 He later tries it on his best friend , then takes it to the next level by making his best friend remember his past life , but with disastrous consequences . friend male 43 While facing the patient in what resembles an arm wrestling stance , with elbows planted firmly on a level surface and maintained touching the thorax , the examiner uses one hand to lock the patient 's wrist in neutral , around which the patient curls his fingers . patient male 15 Also it can be used in the areas with exceptionally clear water , where underwater hunter can track his shaft after firing it . hunter female 2 A close friend of Antonia , Fra Antonio Dolciata , attributed a few works to her after her death . friend male 2 A close friend of Samuel Parr , Johnstone wrote his not uncritical " Memoirs " ( 1828 ) for the edition of Parr 's works in eight volumes ; Parr had assisted him in his Harveian Oration ( 1819 ) and in his " Reply to Mr. Carmichael Smyth " ( 1805 ) . friend male 7 At the age of 44 , the patient experienced his first bout of klazomania . patient female 9 In Aspen , Remo also discovers that his old friend Paolone , bettor and also usurer , is spending her Christmas holidays . friend male 6 At the same time , the patient overcomes his fear and leaves the house . patient female 2 A publisher friend of her husband published her first book which did okay . friend male 1 His friend , Lope de Vega , dedicated his sonnet 148 to him . friend male 4 Seven years later his friend and fellow Arizona pioneer Jack Swilling and two friends recovered his remains from its remote grave and reburied them behind the Swilling house in what is now Black Canyon City near the Wells Fargo stage stop and ore mill settlement . friend male 10 The EFS encryption key cache can be cleared when a user locks his workstation or after a certain time limit . user male 1 A friend in the Union army recovered his body after Garnett 's remaining men had fled . friend male 8 Leaving Simon in the cockpit , the bounty hunter starts his EVA back to his ship , but finds Mal outside , waiting in ambush . hunter male 20 While talking , the crew are being listened to : outside the hull of " Serenity " , the bounty hunter has left his ship and has tapped into the hull , and below the room , in the cargo bay , River is listening through the floor plating . hunter male 42 In nuisance , liability is strict in that the defendant can be liable even if he has taken reasonable care , but this is kept " under control " by the principle that a defendant is not liable for actions a reasonable user takes on his land . user male 1 A friend of his in New Orleans would forward his stories to publishers so that they had no idea that the writer was imprisoned . friend male 5 However , his new best friend ( Jason Segel ) is straining his relationship with his bride ( Rashida Jones ) . friend male 2 The dying patient vehemently asserts his absolute power , while blaming others for starting World War I. The doctors , consulting between themselves with detached professionalism , discuss his condition and recommend opiates ; because it is too late for surgery . patient male 10 Warden appears and manages to save Sully , while the hunter takes his bazooka and leaves . hunter male 14 Originally working as a retailer , Bitesnich found his passion for photography when his friend , an assistant photographer , showed him his portfolio of black - and - white photographs . friend male 17 He was on the 1935 British Everest expedition and it was because of Ang Tharkay that a friend of his , Tenzing Norgay , got his first engagement as a sherpa . friend male 9 On February 4 , 2007 , Lewis 's good friend and expedition member Joseph T. Steffen lost his life on a dive into the mine . friend male 2 A childhood friend of future Rangers captain Barry Ferguson , McBride started his career as a youth player with Celtic after leaving Holy Cross High School . friend male 14 He decides to canvas the village folk into building a Kala Kendra while his friend , Basant , enters his name in a draw to win a car . friend male 2 Another longtime patient , teenager Dale Smith , attacks his therapist and realizes his powers as a psychic vampire . patient male 28 Prosecutor Barone questioned whether Davidson was qualified to make such a judgment 39 months after the injury ; Barone proceeded to suggest ( while a female Sheriff 's attendant acted out his suggestion ) that Shakur was struck in the right arm and collar bone and " then spun around by the impact of the bullet so an immediate second shot entered the fleshy part of her upper left arm " to which Davidson replied " Impossible . " attendant female 7 Ms. Grunkle is temporarily shocked that the user has acquired her wand , but then realizes that Madame Pomreeda must be responsible . user female 2 A longtime friend of Edith Hamlin , he purchased her summer home in 1963 as a base for workshops in Utah . friend male 16 As the drums get louder and faster and the dancers get wilder , d’Arrast ’s new friend forgets his decision not to dance and joins the circle . friend male 27 After contributing the song " Let 's Rock " for A&M Records ' soundtrack for the 1989 film " Lost Angels " , once a Los Angeles friend of Richmond visited his studio , she was impressed with the songs he was working with Smile , and smuggled a tape of theirs to a Geffen Records executive . friend male 1 Longtime friend and client Marty Stuart made his first pilgrimage to Hollywood and Nudie 's in 1974 . friend male 27 Moreover , a Solaris user on a SPARC workstation would have his codice_12 mapped to an appropriate export for that system 's architecture , while a Solaris user on an x86 PC would transparently find his codice_12 directory containing packages suited to his system . user male 11 House is now at the part of the story where the patient coughs up his lung . patient male 11 The project was based on Open Street Map , where the user gives his personal data and then in an interesting map he can find the place where he should vote . user female 2 Her best friend Victoria Quintana ( Ayen Munji - Laurel / Bangs Garcia ) takes her spot in the Philippine team and garners the honor and celebrity status that comes with this national achievement . friend male 12 Rupert seeks The McCrankie 's counsel , only to find that his friend has replaced his kilt with breeches . friend male 2 Manoj 's friend , who turns out to be his father , removes his belt and starts beating him . friend male 3 Eventually his politician friend seeks his help for a third time . friend male 21 META II is not presented as a " standard language " , but as a point of departure from which a user may develop his own " META " " " language " " . user male 4 He said that a friend forged his signature on a contract , which he could not prove ; he appeared in the film to avoid legal action . friend female 14 During her time in Oklahoma , Krahn was introduced to historical romances when a friend lent her copy of a Kathleen Woodiwiss book . friend female 1 Her friend and colleague Bud Tingwell wrote her obituary and said , " nothing I write can express properly the admiration and love for Sheila Florance felt by so many of us who knew her ... friend male 31 The Huffington Post " reported that his " plan was to stay standing still there for a month , breaking every 24 hours for three hours ' rest , while a friend took his place . " friend female 1 Longtime friend and original series star Jean Stapleton kept her role as Edith Bunker , but was limited to about a half dozen guest appearances in season one . friend male 36 The second layer of defense is a similar error page but without captcha , in such a case the user is completely blocked from using the search engine until the temporary block is lifted or the user changes his IP . user female 2 His best friend , an elf named Layra , has her parents to be sent to jail for being elves and the risk of them being spies of the Elf King , even though they had done a lot to help build the city of Cielis . friend female 14 According to media reports , the donor 's eye was transplanted , and the patient regained her vision . patient male 6 A month later the district 's superintendent made his annual recommendations to the board on whether to renew the contracts of untenured faculty . superintendent male 39 The novel was republished in 1987 after Steven Moore , then an editor for the small publisher Dalkey Archive Press , found the book at a barn sale in Massachusetts , read it , and contacted Alfau after a friend had found his telephone number in the Manhattan phone book . friend male 1 The user must place his left hand on the device to use it , as it was designed for right - handed people , who usually use a mouse with their right hands . user male 4 A local gas station attendant helping with the recovery of the bodies did not recognize his own daughter . attendant male 32 Anticipating the quiet , Osborn had brought along a Bible and read an excerpt from the Book of Job , ending by saying , " These are the problems to which our friend devoted his life . " friend male 13 Without the smart card , the procedure is almost identical , except the user must specify his username as well as password to get his session . user male 27 The user requirements ' specification should be a joint product of the user and hardware architect ( or , the systems and hardware architects ) : the user brings his needs and wish list , the architect brings knowledge of what is likely to prove doable within cost and time constraints . user male 2 The fur trapper then makes his way to the parish of St. Alfonzo , introducing the next song " St. Alfonzo 's Pancake Breakfast . " trapper male 13 Stan pays the Scientologists and is taken into an auditing room where an attendant reads his " thetan levels " using an " E - meter " . attendant male 5 He did not want his friend would miss his flight and be unable to compete in a rodeo the following day . friend male 8 Through Iasos , " the same year his friend and colleague Steven Halpern released his first album , thus being an early pioneer in the " new age music " genre . friend male 5 When Pungkee died , the hunter brought his body , which was now squirrel meat , to distribute to every village except Dokkaew village . hunter female 27 She started singing at the age of three and after performing at DARE rallies aged ten , she built up a following via the internet after a friend set up a website for her and uploaded MP3s . friend female 2 When her friend sent her pictures from their time at Yale years later , Bardugo was struck with memories , both pleasant and unpleasant , which inspired her to explore trauma for this novel but also companionship through it . friend male 4 who also the guest attendant of the movie 's press conference as he latter expresses his congratulations . attendant male 7 Chander ( Bobby Deol ) helps his friend marry his lover named Sapna ( Mrinal Kulkarni ) against Sapna 's brother , Mathur who is a suspended police officer . friend male 1 The friend invited his roommate , who informed his friends about the party , and very soon an event intended for just a few people was hosting 60 students coming down from Wudaokou . " friend male 16 In 1875 Tōgō suffered a bout of illness which severely threatened his eyesight : " the patient asked his medical advisers to ' try everything ' , and some of their experiments were extremely painful . " patient male 1 The hunter called his dog and went into the forest . hunter female 1 The patient from Kahramanmaraş had lost six years ago her upper jaw including mouth , lips , palate , teeth and nasal cavity by a firearm accident , and was unable to eat . patient male 3 The children 's friend , Senator Cornix 's slave Sisyphus , wins his freedom on a bet from Senator Cornix , and makes a small fortune betting his savings on Scopas . friend male 2 An early postmaster gave the community his last name . postmaster female 5 Many years earlier , a friend discovered her cutting and convinced her to seek professional help . friend male 3 A longtime close friend of Oscar Folsom , Grover Cleveland , met his future wife shortly after she was born when he was 27 years old . friend male 12 After Hays died at the Battle of the Wilderness , a family friend gave his wife , Annie , a home and five acres on Big Sewickley Creek , which she named " Fair Oaks " after the battle in which her husband was promoted . friend male 18 The focal distance is changed by a mechanism located on the glasses , requiring periodic adjustment as the user switches his gaze to nearer or farther objects . user male 5 The following summer , the friend accidentally killed his father while driving , was committed to an asylum , and never spoke again . friend male 14 The Provost of Edinburgh was also removed and Simon Preston of Craigmillar , a friend of Mary put in his place . friend female 15 They met after Caine saw her appearing in a Maxwell House coffee commercial and a friend gave him her telephone number . friend male 11 Male nurses , drawn from the ranks , made sure each patient had his own bed and wash basin ; and regularly received fresh pillows and linens . patient female 1 A friend of Helen Suzman , via her niece Janet Suzman , MacGregor used her local knowledge in BBC broadcasts over many years about the struggle against South Africa 's apartheid system . friend female 32 Aldape was initially eliminated from the tournament after losing during the " Battle for the Stones " qualifying round , but he reinserted himself in the competition the next day after a friend offered him her spot . friend female 1 Her friend , Bette Midler , performed her hit song " The Rose " . friend female 4 Unfortunately , Suzuko 's friend never mentions her plan to have her boyfriend Takeshi live with them – until after they sign the lease on their apartment . friend male 24 The doctors who worked on his case at the time suspected he was a prostitute or the victim of sexual abuse , though the patient did not discuss his sexual history with them in detail . patient male 8 The monkey releases its grip the instant the hunter fires his blowgun . hunter female 4 Additionally , if a patient misses her 7-day prescription pick - up window , the patient must return to the prescriber for another pregnancy test before being able to get the drug again . patient male 10 In 1560 he was appointed — though a layman — superintendent of the reformed church of Scotland for Angus and Mearns , and in 1572 he gave his assent to the modified episcopacy proposed by James Douglas , 4th Earl of Morton at the Leith convention . superintendent male 3 A " Divine Friend of Children " dated 1680 in the Göttweig Abbey near Krems in Lower Austria shows his mastery of colour and composition . Friend male 1 A friend and neighbour of Caravaggio 's first patron , cardinal Francesco Maria Del Monte , he extended his own friendship to the artist , purchasing " Saint Matthew and the Angel " when it was rejected by church officials for its perceived lack of decorum . friend male 40 These results indicate that patients with simultanagnosia have difficulty processing objects presented in rapid succession , and the patient is unable to shift his attention rapidly enough between successive stimuli since a certain amount of time is required for the patient to shift his attention from the first word in order to be able to identify the second word . patient male 4 Ieyasu , though a friend and occasional ally of Ujimasa , joined his large force of 30,000 samurai with Hideyoshi 's enormous army of some 160,000 . friend male 17 He sincerely believes Jack Kennedy would be a great president , but he also feels having a friend in the White House could benefit his own public image . friend male 1 His friend and fellow North Carolina novelist , Kaye Gibbons , presented his unfinished novel to her literary agency , which led to the publication of " Cold Mountain " . friend female 1 A friend taught her German during her high school years , and she also mastered French . friend male 1 The friend saves his love interest from the burglar and later marries him instead of Sparks . friend female 23 As an art history student at the Russian State University for the Humanities , Pivovarova never dreamed of becoming a model until her friend and future husband , photographer Igor Vishnyakov , took photos of her in 2005 and gave them to international modeling agency IMG , thus beginning her career . friend female 1 Her friend , the pianist and singer Michael Feinstein , praised her tenacity and talent in what at the time was a man 's world . friend male 1 A friend , journalist , Alfred Henry Lewis , persuaded his brother , William Lewis , to provide Masterson with employment as a columnist for William 's newspaper , the " New York Morning Telegraph " . friend male 25 It has been suggested that only the first two drafts of the work are in the hand of Atto himself , and that the aforementioned friend or colleague of Atto may have forged his hand for the later edition of the text . friend male 22 Nineteen - year - old Engin Raghip , of Turkish – Cypriot descent , was arrested on 24 October 1985 after a friend mentioned his name to police , the only time anyone had linked him to the murder . friend male 13 A caregivers job was difficult in that they were responsible for a dying patient — his mood swings , associated stigma , and oncoming death . patient male 1 State superintendent of public instruction Dowell Howard expressed his hope that the problem could be solved gradually . superintendent male 12 Alek is initially reluctant to get involved for various reason but a friend does his best to encourage Alek to recover from his personal demons by helping Will reach his destination . friend male 14 This law states that in lesions concerning one hemisphere of the brain , a patient will turn his head to the side of affected muscles if there is spasticity , and to the side of the cerebral lesion if there is paralysis . patient male 2 A lifelong friend of Judge Neal , Louis Gibson , shared his suggestions as well , later praising Leonard for her efforts . friend male 6 Newton recalled an occasion when a friend used his outside toilet where the light globe had blown and reported he was lucky there was not a redback spider on the toilet seat . friend male 3 For example , Friend published his own teacher training manual , held workshops , conferences , and festivals , marketed his own brand of yoga mats and water bottles , and prescribed ethical guidelines . Friend male 1 The hunter asked his son : “ What do you want ? ” hunter female 1 A friend who traveled to Spain with Redpath in 1951 described her appearance : " Anne looked like Queen Victoria ; black hair correctly parted in the centre and bun behind , but she wore colours ! " friend female 3 Winehouse 's best friend , soul singer Tyler James , sent her demo tape to an A&R executive . friend male 1 A user can share his project to others for collaborating on connection settings , queries and models . user male 2 When close friend , Jhanghir Rahman , announces his sudden wedding , Maya realises that with love , life and marriage , a girl can use old world traditions , and new world savvy to get what she wants . friend male 13 As he prepares to leave Hancock is horrified to discover that the other patient has stolen his wine gums . patient female 24 explains : " In this song , the male lead , Link , reveals his love to Tracy , and Tracy 's white friend , Penny , expresses her love for a black teen named Seaweed . friend female 14 At 21 , she was signed to a London - based agency after her friend submitted her Facebook photos without her knowledge . friend male 3 However , the friend who tried to hit on Priya and caused the whole misunderstanding finally admits his mistake to Mudaliar and pleads for his friends ' release in return for his life . friend male 6 He bought the island because a friend , John Whitehead , had drawn his attention to the opportunities presented by the island 's strategic location . friend male 6 Winter Soldier wants to help his friend defeat his evil Hydra counterpart , but Sam tells him to stand down and let Captain America do this alone . friend male 2 His best friend and another college student , Eric Mills , portrayed by Graham Beckel , attend his funeral in the Mennonite country in Pennsylvania . friend female 1 A friend arriving for dinner that evening discovered her body . friend male 7 After one out - landing a souvenir hunter stole his removable elevators , putting him out of the remainder of the competition . hunter male 13 Finally , a submitButton is added with a localized title such that the user can submit his data to the referenced service . user male 56 After she receives the text , he drives to the same warehouse and opens the door to find photos of him with other woman scattered all over the floor , with the words " Cheat " , " Liar " , " Coward " , " Fake " , " Two Timer " , and " User " put over his face . User male 5 In June 2010 , the superintendent announced his intention to retire in December 2010 . superintendent female 7 The following are some reasons why a patient might consider her risk of birth defects already to be high enough to warrant skipping screening and going straight for invasive testing . patient male 5 When Clynes ' longtime close friend and supporter Hephzibah Menuhin had launched his book Sentics in 1978 in Australia , small symptoms of her developing throat cancer had made their first appearance . friend male 3 The medical student friend of Bandara Mahatthaya finishes his education and comes to the village as a doctor . friend female 2 The GEMPACK user specifies her model by constructing a text file listing model equations and variables , and showing how variables relate to value flows stored on an initial data file . user male 47 Aftermarket manufacturers also offer a complete range of various convension kits , including hydraulic accessories , new cabs , cab alterations , add - on details , new lights of all kinds , sound as mentioned above , and all kinds of tailored accessories from which the user can change his truck into either a truck he 's seen streetside or the truck of his dreams . user female 0 Friend started her dissertation on Sam Houston during this period . Friend male 1 The friend and pupil of Döllinger , he took his degree of Doctor in Theology at Munich . friend male 22 In 1950 , while working on his newest script for the Howard Hughes film , " The White Tower " , a friend close to Jarrico gave his name to the House Un - American Activities Committee . friend female 1 Her friend and colleague Nan Youngman , who was much affected by her death , organized her memorial exhibition in October 1936 . friend female 2 His childhood friend , the kind and well - loved princess of the kingdom who holds an undeveloped magic , mysteriously has her memories scattered across the dimensions in the form of feathers and will die if they are not returned to her . friend male 8 Frankl suggested that it is important for the patient to recognize his inclinations toward perfection as fate , and therefore , must learn to accept some degrees of uncertainty . patient male 9 Ultimately , following the premise of logotherapy , the patient must eventually ignore his obsessional thoughts and find meaning in his life despite such thoughts . patient male 5 May contended that if a patient could not find his own meaning , Frankl would provide a goal for his patient . patient male 2 Close personal friend and director of Bruce 's greatest movie , Robert Clouse , reveals his first - hand memories of Bruce and includes interviews with Bruce 's family , friends and colleagues in order to tell us the true story of how Bruce lived and died . friend male 14 He still thought that everyone would forget about the photos , but an internet user found out his true identity and emailed him , stating that there were many users who believed that he was not a real living person . user female 2 A great friend and protégé of Madeleine de Scudéry , L'Héritier 's participation in the fairy tale genre reflected her involvement in the salon scene , as she and so many of her friends and fellow salonnières , such as Madame d'Aulnoy and Henriette - Julie de Murat , were monumental in the inception of the fairy tale genre , along with her esteemed uncle . friend male 12 To complete the band 's sound , Lucas had a high school friend modify his guitar by adding a bass pickup . friend female 6 For this record , long time friend and actress Tichina Arnold lent her vocals but chose to use the moniker Chyna Ro for the project . friend female 10 On Yaksha 's birthday night Mandakini announces that her best friend , Jegan 's son ( Nirmal ) will marry her daughter much to the chagrin of Alangariamma who then gives an enchanted rose from the bouquet brought by Aravind ( who was invited to the birthday party by Yaksha ) to Pasupati ( Alangariamma 's disciple ) and tells him to put the rose on Yaksha 's head . friend female 5 In 1944 , a newspaper friend submitted her photo in the Columbia Pictures " friend male 3 Roosevelt 's close friend and biographer , Joseph Bucklin Bishop , described his assault on the spoils system : friend male 5 This is what makes his friend , Su Ling , leave his town in disgust , hoping to find another town that would share her belief in resurrecting the Way . friend female 11 Martin denies betraying Graham and is shocked to realize that his friend has developed feelings for her ; in their social scene , most interactions are fleeting couplings based on desire , not relationships based on caring . friend female 1 Her friend from Birmingham , Dawn , who has had three children , brings back her husband Mick , an Irish labourer , and his quiet friend , Len , to Jean 's bleak Kilburn bedsitter , - ' their second act ensemble trumpets the dark night of the soul , in what is at once one of the best and gloomiest party scenes in contemporary drama . ' friend male 2 Brad 's friend , Johnny Coles ( Louis Jean Heydt ) , loses his life test flying his own , similar design , that breaks apart in the air , leaving behind his wife and child . friend female 5 Barrett was a long time friend of Miss Matoaca Gay , encouraged her studies of Shakespeare , and even gave readings at Miss Gay 's study groups . friend male 2 An early postmaster named Nesselroad gave the community his name . postmaster male 2 After his friend and lover Ragged Robin leaves his time for the future , King Mob makes some steps towards abandoning violence as a tactic by dropping his gun in a pond on the property of Mason Lang ; however he also later blows up Lang 's house . friend male 21 In August 1972 Newton told Nan Musgrove of " The Australian Women 's Weekly " of an occasion where a visiting friend used his outside toilet in Perth where the light globe had blown . friend male 1 A friend of King Alexander , he did his best to prevent Croatian nationalist activity in Yugoslavia . friend male 2 His childhood friend , Ron Browz lent his vocals to Ilacoin 's single , Family Business ( unreleased ) . friend female 3 But her good friend Coco ( Mariangela Scelsi ) has her eyes on Christian too . friend male 7 During the engagement ceremony , a childhood friend , Rishi ( Vijay Deverakonda ) , enters his life . friend female 18 Alice 's boyfriend , Nick ( Simon Stone ) , is the lead agitator ; Alice 's best friend , Natalie ( Sophie Lowe ) , has persuaded her boyfriend , Anthony ( Ashley Zukerman ) , to steal sleeping pills from his father 's doctors surgery to make it look as though Bernard has committed suicide . friend male 16 This accident was similar to a bicycle crash that occurred a year previously in which his friend , the former mayor of Austin Bruce Todd , fell off his bicycle and suffered a serious head injury and several broken bones . friend male 3 Meanwhile , a friend of his at the foundry is slowly losing his mind to an obsession with a film - star , and relationships Egon had always depended on are falling apart , only to be replaced by new & volatile ones . friend female 1 The attendant fills her tank and hears a noise from inside the gas station while giving the costume designer directions . attendant male 1 His friend stole his funeral casket from LAX and took it down to 29 Palms and set him on fire as the sun came up ... and that 's where I got the story of some friends stealing their friend 's urn , and honoring the girl 's true wishes , and going out to the beach one morning and listening to this R.E.M. song they used to listen to growing up as the sun was coming up . friend female 2 A family friend persuaded her parents to send her to Bombay ( now Mumbai ) . friend male 12 At first , Krishna is reluctant ; however , when a rich friend from a foreign country visits his house , he too wants to be rich like them . friend male 1 A friend of Rollin 's who was a producer insisted his help as he need location shots of New York an upcoming TV series he was working on . friend male 7 In September 2017 , when a Twitter user asked his followers to " name one bad Kevin Spacey movie " , Spacey himself responded and simply wrote " Edison " . user male 1 The hunter waits for this moment all his life and although he knows that the end would be bloody and tragic , it is the call of duty he can not ignore . hunter male 11 The authors suggested 2 reasons for this discrepancy : either the patient did not " recognize his own experience in the rather blunt , implicitly either / or formulation of the structured - interview question " , or the experience did not " fully articulate itself " until the patient started talking about his experiences . patient female 2 When her friend drags her home , they sit by her window , while they watch Kōji meet his friends . friend male 1 The friend settles his debts and leaves for abroad . friend female 13 However , her image of Calvin changes when Sunny , Calvin 's best friend and business partner , tells her more of his past . friend female 10 However , Kinsey looks elsewhere for the solution : a friend of Bobby 's gives her Bobby 's address book , which shows Bobby was searching for someone called Blackman . friend male 2 Dodd 's friend and fellow US Senator Joe Biden was running his own long - shot campaign , and the two saved money by sharing a campaign plane . friend male 2 Already a friend of the composer Aaron Copland , Britten encountered his latest works " Billy the Kid " and " An Outdoor Overture " , both of which influenced his own music . friend male 1 A friend of the muckraking newspaper columnist and broadcaster Drew Pearson , Cuneo used his position at the OSS to leak stories on U.S. commanders and their behavior . friend male 20 Former President George H. W. Bush , a close friend of Coverdell , did not attend , but a family friend read his tribute . friend female 11 At about the age of sixteen or seventeen , a female friend bought Ferguson her freedom for US$ 200 , an amount that she had to repay over a period of six years . friend female 12 A week later , Mrs Palmer tells a surprised Margaret that a friend of the Governor has obtained her liberty . friend male 5 When they arrived , the patient had already lost his ability to speak and was practically unconscious . patient female 3 Even her old friend , Princess Betsy , who has had affairs herself , evades her company . friend male 6 - Clark is activated when the user waves his hand under a sensor on the machine or by pushing and turning a knob on the front of the dispenser . user male 20 Mr. Whippletree , a turtle , is the first animal to attempt to rescue Andy but he fails because a hunter had his shell . hunter male 15 Weapons are drawn and Gruner gets the upper hand , but stops his attack when Friend calls out his real name Friend male 8 This is a type of bidding where one user can set his bid for the product . user male 2 The false friend loses his life in the ensuing combat . friend male 3 A close family friend Dr. Basudeb Mondol recognized his promising musicality and brought him to ITC - Sangeet Research Academy , Kolkata , then Sandip was 16 years old . friend male 10 If he would not be back on time , his friend would suffer his punishment , while Damon would go with impunity . friend female 2 A childhood friend of bandleader Tito Puente , Rivera , accompanied by her costume designer mother , earned her first role as a featured dancer in the Broadway production " friend male 3 First , the patient alkalinizes his urine by intake of sodium bicarbonate ( 3 g dissolved in water in the evening before bed , and then another dose after complete bladder emptying right before going to the laboratory ) . patient male 4 Before semen collection the patient must empty his bladder . patient male 20 While serving time at the Caledonia State Prison Farm in Halifax County , North Carolina , Williams related that the superintendent , H.T. Peoples , noted his mechanical aptitude and allowed him access to the prison 's machine shop , where he demonstrated a knack for fashioning his own tools the shop lacked . superintendent male 1 The user can restrict his search to regions of Switzerland , such as a canton or a city . user male 14 Hale is known to both of them and he is stunned that his best friend could have killed his wife . friend male 5 A long - term heroin user , Hope had his license to perform in New York 's clubs withdrawn after a drug conviction , so he moved to Los Angeles in 1957 . user male 10 During the same year , Roversi opened , with his friend Giancarlo Gramantieri his first portrait studio , located in Ravenna , via Cavour , 58 , photographing local celebrities and their families . friend male 7 He had been disgusted when a Parisian friend allowed his cats to eat from the table , but he became enamored of cats in Cuba and kept dozens of them on the property . friend male 17 , according to Dr Bruce Roth , a professor at Vanderbilt University , " Every prostate cancer patient knows his Gleason score . " patient male 2 A former superintendent of both Caddo and DeSoto parishes , Lee resigned his seat under an ethics cloud in December 2014 . superintendent female 13 Their friendship grows into romance and complications arise when Laila 's best - friend , Zeena , realizes her crush , Ahmed , is the same man posing with a different name , whom Laila is romantically linked up with . friend male 1 A friend who was a sign painter gave him his first drawing lessons , against his family 's wishes . friend male 2 Samuel 's friend , a commander for the rebels in Judea , sends his daughters , Leah and Rebecca , to live with Samuel 's family . friend female 2 An early friend of Walt Disney , she made her first acting debut in " The Three Little Pigs " ( 1933 ) as the voice of Fifer Pig . friend male 18 In the early summer of 1945 , after the end of the war in Europe , his childhood friend , Mun Charn Wong located his remains which were then re - buried at the Netherlands American Cemetery . friend female 1 The friend later regrets her deceit and visits Torresani 's house to confess and put things right . friend male 8 Upon posting the item on Facebook , a friend shared his post to Reddit on r / rawdenim , which quickly had thousands of people flooding to his site . friend male 6 In the 1970s , Parker 's friend and colleague Teddy Edwards shared his reminiscences of the saxophonist to Oliansky , who had wanted to make a biopic about Charlie Parker starring actor Richard Pryor . friend male 8 Psychotherapists using an existentialist approach believe that a patient can harness his anxiety and use it constructively . patient male 1 A sociologist sends his friend , a psychologist , to a local detention center to obtain a delinquent teenager for the sociologist to study for a book he is writing . sociologist male 2 As a friend of Kacmarcik 's remarked --- his honesty " was not always accepted nor was it understood . friend male 2 Later his friend described his studies at a higher theatre school which inspired Denis to try this himself . friend male 16 In late 1937 Gao took a break to recuperate from a tuberculosis attack , and a friend of his from the Foreign Ministry continued his work , meeting with Nishi in January 1938 in Shanghai . friend male 7 In the 1750s , Prince George 's friend ( and future prime minister ) John Stuart , 3rd Earl of Bute , sent his sons to Harrow . friend male 2 When the friend does not answer his calls , Seong - jun wanders around Bukchon and runs into an actress he used to know . friend female 0 Friend and artist Jim McWilliams ' created numerous memorable pieces for her to perform at the New York Avant Garde Festivals , including " Sky Kiss " which involved her hanging suspended from helium - filled weather balloons for the Sixth Avant Garde Festival , and The Intravenous Feeding of Charlotte Moorman for the 1973 edition . Friend male 1 A friend and political ally of President William McKinley , Hanna used his wealth and business skills to successfully manage McKinley 's presidential campaigns in 1896 and 1900 . friend male 2 The grand postmaster , Luís Afonso , established his seat in the south in 1533 , due to its geographic conditions and close proximity to Spain and southern Portugal . postmaster male 7 The House of Usher collapses as the friend makes his escape under a blood - red moon . friend male 2 A longtime friend of Senator John F. Kennedy , Ribicoff had nominated his fellow New Englander for vice president at the 1956 Democratic National Convention and was one of the first public officials to endorse Kennedy 's presidential campaign . friend female 1 A friend of Spark 's sent her novel to Evelyn Waugh and Graham Greene , who both were positive . friend male 10 Reflector sights have unlimited eye relief , meaning that the user may place his eye at any distance from the sight and the reticle will remain visible . user male 11 At Federal Neuro - Psychiatric Hospital in Yaba , a young patient tells his fellow patients and nurses and doctors his intriguing story . patient male 2 As the patient deliberately concealed his travel history abroad at the beginning of March , he has been under investigation by Zhengzhou City Public Security Bureau University Road Branch . patient female 46 Berberian discovered the last song , known in the suite as " Azerbaijan Love Song " , on a 78 RPM record from the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic , sung in the Azerbaijani language except for one verse in Russian , which a Russian - speaking friend told her compared love to a stove . friend male 2 An early postmaster named Kirby gave the community his name . postmaster female 2 Her close friend , Mr Broune , a newspaper publisher , reviews her books favourably because of his regard for her and clearly wants their relationship to be closer . friend male 1 His friend who owned a local bookstore gave his manuscript to a representative from Penguin Books . friend male 19 The casting director for the musical " Pacific Overtures " , Joanna Merlin , called Hama because an actor friend of his gave her his name when asked if he knew any other Asian actors . friend female 2 A school friend who was fencing suggested her own sport instead . friend female 2 The poor patient asked again her beloved doctor to go out together with a pat expression , " let 's go out , anywhere ! " . patient male 2 Clement 's friend , Allen Reynolds , gave Jennings his recently written song " friend male 1 His friend and secretary Gast gave his funeral oration , proclaiming : " Holy be your name to all future generations ! " friend female 11 One of the widely shared posts lamented that , although the user enjoyed her music and thought she was an " inspiring " songwriter , they could not fathom why none of her articles and interviews acknowledged her father 's significant industry connections . user male 0 Friend began his coaching career within an Australian Institute of Sport rugby programme in 1995 . Friend male 8 After completing two full seasons in charge , Friend has his contract terminated in March 2011 following a loss to the Melbourne Rebels and rumours of player discontent . Friend female 4 Pinder 's high school friend and a known artist Rachael Rovay painted her portrait for two Archibald Prize entries : once in 2009 and the other in 2014 . friend male 3 Ford 's close friend and press secretary , Jerald terHorst , resigned his post in protest . friend male 2 My honourable friend does not do his case much good at all when he tries to belittle that " . friend male 0 Friend received his undergraduate degree in 1906 ; he continued at the university and secured his J.D. degree in 1908 . Friend male 12 Unfortunately , a very serious heart problem made it impossible for our friend to continue his work for a long term , and we received his message that he had to leave the band ! friend male 12 As Gorbunkov is about to pass out , his building 's nosy superintendent who had followed Gorbunkov brings his wife into the hotel room before either Lyolik or the police can get to him . superintendent male 1 His friend and fellow poet Robert Buchanan wrote his biography in 1900 . friend female 7 Nicknamed Ruri - Ruri , Ichika 's friend shares her opinion that Tomoya is adorable , but does not treat her own brother as nicely . friend male 25 After his death in 1820 , the town received its first post office ; since " Bloomfield " was preempted by another community , the postmaster named his station after Sharp , and the town was established and incorporated under this new name . postmaster male 1 The friend confesses his secret : He 's had a facelift ! friend male 1 His friend , Edward Field , discusses his life in his book : " The Man Who Would Marry Susan Sontag and Other Intimate Portraits of the Bohemian Era " ( 2007 , University of Wisconsin Press ) friend male 1 The hunter reported his discovery to the King of Sukhothai and volunteered to catch the rabbit . hunter female 12 Jerome goes to jail , and Kaira discovers her mother 's best friend has stolen her savings . friend male 1 His friend Glenn would take his art into Marvel to get critiques by other editors and artists . friend male 1 The postmaster , Charles A. Abbott , gave the community his name . postmaster female 2 Rhys 's friend , the political activist and writer Phyllis Shand Allfrey , set her 1954 novel , " The Orchid House " , in Dominica . friend male 1 The patient watches his hand or arm movements ( for example ) and corrects them as needed . patient male 3 This means the patient must watch his own movements while practicing them . patient female 49 In 2011 , Li directed the short film " The Big Oh " written by Moon Blauner ( personal assistant to Helen Hunt ) starring Angela Ai , Ryan Caldwell , Bronwyn Cornelius and Angela Thomas , which is about " two single girlfriends try to help their best friend spice up her married sex life . " friend male 12 This event inspired Frenkel to a general assumption : ' If one patient can reduce his ataxia by practice , why not all ? patient male 31 Bonomelli had noted Migliavacca 's excellence during a pastoral visit and entertained the strong notion of making the simple priest the official parish priest but could not do this when his friend expressed his desire to join the Jesuits . friend female 4 In the 1960s a friend gave her name to Loveman 's Department Store in Birmingham for directing customers to get their quilts finished . friend male 2 The first postmaster gave the community his last name . postmaster male 5 By noon , a family friend had discovered his body about downstream , snagged on a bush . friend male 4 He confirmed that his patient , Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin indeed did communicate his wishes on a variety of issues during his admission . patient male 23 By synchronizing his footsteps on the emitted sound ( that can be " metronome - like " cues or complex music ) the patient can improves his gait speed and his stride length . patient female 3 Meanwhile , a friend of Sharon 's does some illicit searching for her in the archives and discovers the film friend male 3 When his good friend , William Thornton , sought his advice about setting up a colony for freed slaves on the west coast of Africa , Lettsom counselled against it , and suggested that spending the money acquiring and manumitting the slaves in North America would be a better use of funds . friend male 4 In Centopia , a hunter named Rixel sets his sights on catching Onchao . hunter female 8 At one point , Sue helps an elderly patient fulfill her dream of travel by using the money for her wedding clothes . patient male 2 Mullin 's friend , Richard Ranger , had also designed his own take on the Mullinized Magnetophon called the Rangertone ; however , a demonstration of that machine to Bing Crosby did n't go well . friend male 0 Friend and fellow actor Gerard Kelly , who died in 2010 left his entire estate to Kiely . Friend male 2 A family friend arranged his commission as an assistant surgeon in the Madras medical service in India and he set sail for India in 1834 . friend female 1 Her friend , Steve , always gives her motivation . friend male 1 His friend ( Played by Fuller ) brings his body home and locates the biker club he belonged to . friend male 13 In 1989 , Eszterhas planned to leave Creative Artists Agency because an old friend was restarting his agency . friend male 15 Although others try to support him financially , Luckless refuses their help ; when his friend , Witmore , pays his rent behind his back , Luckless steals the money from Mrs. Moneywood . friend male 1 The hunter sounds his horn ; the music fades . hunter female 16 It so happened that the show was recorded and ended up online , where a comedian friend saw her set . friend female 10 Learning How to Heal " he argues that " a patient 's emotional well - being improves her quality of life " while not connecting emotional states directly to the spread of cancer . patient female 1 A patient with terminal Autrey syndrome instantly regains her full health . patient female 20 While working with Elsa , who helps Emma to finally embrace and control her powers , Emma helps her new friend find her sister and return home while balancing the threat of the Snow Queen , who turns out to have been one of Emma 's foster mothers , against her friends and family . friend male 1 A friend of economist Milton Friedman since they first met at the University of Chicago in 1970 , Henderson took his advice to , " make politics an avocation , not a vocation , " pursuing a career course that led to earning a Ph.D. in economics . friend male 11 Specifically , a user - optimized equilibrium is reached when no user may lower his transportation cost through unilateral action . user male 11 Tom was forced to spend time on the island as his friend sprained his ankle and could no longer travel . friend female 10 Only three weeks after Durst reported McCormack missing , the superintendent at the Riverside Drive apartment found her possessions in the building 's trash compactor . superintendent female 8 Later she finds out that Matty 's best friend , Jake Rosati , has been hiding a crush on her . friend male 3 Davis helped his friend and business partner Julian Martin develop his son Mark 's ASA racing program . friend male 20 Staying with a friend in Surbiton , Surrey , who worked for Suzuki UK , at Burgess 's request his friend put his name forward for a mechanic 's job with Texaco Heron Team Suzuki at Beddington Lane in Croydon , South London . friend female 10 And the Berlin campaign , she finds out that one friend killed her father in WW1 because her father could n't stand watching bombers drop chemical gas on a village . friend male 5 Michaels was amused when his friend , author Elmore Leonard , used his name as a character in this novel Out of Sight . friend male 10 Reuniting with Nicole , George learns from her that a friend , Andre Lobineau , uncovered his next destination . friend female 8 His wife was also hurt , and another friend lost her life . friend male 33 The name had been added to the Wikipedia article on " The Independent " over a year prior , and turned out to be that of a 25-year - old Californian , whose friend had added his name to a string of Wikipedia pages as a prank . friend female 3 Amy 's best friend , soul singer Tyler James , sent her demo tape to an A&R person . friend female 6 The Wonder Pets help their old friend , Baby Blowfish , overcome her separation anxiety on her first day of Fish Preschool . friend male 21 A priest visits his old friend , who has gone to Hollywood to become an actor and finds out that the friend has sold his soul to Satan for fortune and fame . friend male 8 The priest decides to try to help his friend regain his soul . friend male 3 In 2010 , Friend made his stage debut as Mitchell in the UK premiere of " The Little Dog Laughed " . Friend male 0 Friend received his professional acting training at the Webber Douglas Academy of Dramatic Art in London . Friend male 0 Friend reprised his role as Quinn in the fifth season of " Homeland " , which was filmed entirely in Berlin , Germany and premiered on 4 October 2015 and was mourned by the press after the sixth ( his final ) season . Friend male 2 Glackens ' friend , artist Jerome Myers , recalls in his autobiography " Artist In Manhattan " his visits with Glackens : " The studio home of William Glackens , on Ninth Street just off Fifth Avenue , partook of the charm of this fine , boasted period . friend female 28 She worked variously as a nurse , a waitress , a dressmaker and on the stage with a touring company , among other things , before an old friend who had learned painting from her father found her work with Elmer Ford , as governess to his son Ogden . friend male 1 Close friend of Tesshou , promised his seniors in the 5th Generation to keep an eye on Kiyohiro and Tesshou . friend male 5 In 1875 , a new friend entered his life , Comte Robert de Montesquiou , a beautiful and intelligent man twenty - one years his junior . friend male 1 The user upon entrance to the e - Channel inserts his Hong Kong Identity Card into the card reader ( which reads the embedded chip ) or places his registered travel document or Macau Identity Card onto the document reader . user male 7 The channel gate will open , the user takes his Hong Kong identity card or registered travel document or Macau Identity Card and steps in and the gate will close . user female 3 In 2003 , Friend established her own PR company , MediaFriendly , and as of July 2007 , is producing and presenting the Seven Network 's new parenting show , " Mums and Bubs " . Friend male 1 His friend , Mahesh Peter , gave him his first opportunity to rap in a college album , called " 6th module " which consisted of 13 tracks . friend male 1 A friend of Jean Paulhan and Paul Valéry , he began his literary career in 1924 at the age of 27 . friend male 2 Carney 's friend , a dancer at the nightclub named Lili Long , saw his arrest by Waters and Flannery , and on a tip from the nightclub owner goes to Vicola for help . friend male 1 The patient bathed his face in the cold water and drank it . patient female 16 Rani began a short relationship with Harley Canning ( Justin Holborow ) , unaware that her friend , Callum Jones ( Morgan Baker ) , had a crush on her . friend male 26 ‘ Round by Headley 's ’ " we commonly call it – an upper road , along the bank of the Hudson , on which our friend the hero - grapher built his beautiful house , and 64 of the most charming of carriage - drives , avenued with cedars and country seats for miles . friend female 5 Lisa finds that this new friend will make her life in college better , since she will have someone to talk to throughout her journey , with something hinted between them . friend male 5 Three days later , a friend called his family to tell them of the death . friend male 0 Friend started his career in 1953 aged 15 as a cub reporter on the Tunbridge Wells Advertiser , reporting on the Queen Elizabeth II 's Coronation . Friend male 1 The trapper narrated his life story to Thomas D. Bonner , an itinerant justice of the peace . trapper male 1 A friend used his car to tow the glider into the air with Poberezny at the controls ; it rose to around a hundred feet when he released the tow rope and coasted to a gentle landing in a bed of alfalfa . friend male 3 Koen 's close friend , David Pijade , collected his paintings for a major retrospective that took place in 1926 at King Peter 's School near St. Michael 's Cathedral in Belgrade . friend male 17 The Institute was not to his liking and he was an indifferent student , so a family friend who was an amateur artist encouraged his father to send him to the Moscow School of Painting , Sculpture and Architecture ( MSPSA ) . friend female 4 In 1954 , a friend of American director Robert Parrish visited her home and took a photograph of her , which he sent to Parrish . friend male 1 His friend and political ally , Antoine Christophe Saliceti , secured his release . friend male 1 The hunter maintained his position for forty - five minutes before returning to the shore , where he remained for a further six hours waiting unsuccessfully for the boobrie to resurface . hunter male 2 His best friend , Marcus Schouler , brings his cousin , Trina Sieppe , whom he is courting , to McTeague 's parlor for dental work . friend male 2 An early postmaster named Rondo gave the community his last name . postmaster female 18 She is forced to go on the run with her friend and bodyguard Son Hak when her childhood friend Su - won murders her father and takes the throne . friend male 15 Quick Menu offered a solution : it is a graphical user environment in which the user could create his own menustructure . user female 2 Her best friend , Kujaku Ogitani ( Yū Aoi ) leads a much more interesting life than her and still wants more , namely a husband in Paris with a house with a view of the Eiffel Tower . friend male 1 The hunter used his demonic powers to instill in the kiss a curse , which would ensure his payment . hunter male 3 However , the patient now only speaks his native Portuguese . patient male 1 A friend of Count Basie 's , he did n’t join his orchestra because he was tired of touring , one of the reasons he retired from the music business in the 1960s . friend male 2 The " friend who ( does ) not save his life " is an American named Bill who tells him that he knows of a scientist who has found a cure for the disease and can get him in the test group . friend female 1 Her friend , Qiu Jin , also supplied her books from Japan when she was living in Peking , prior to her departure to Japan . friend male 6 After it was closed , a friend had his remains reinterred at Bellefontaine Cemetery . friend male 11 Ilizarov observed the callus formation and discovered distraction osteogenesis when one patient lengthened his frame rather than compressing it . patient female 3 A female mental patient ( Patsy Kensit ) believing she is the reincarnated soul mate of Jack the Ripper , terrorizes her psychiatrist ( Patrick Muldoon ) , whom she believes is her reincarnated lover . patient male 15 He was first exposed to agriculture after moving to Ukiah in 1972 to help a friend manage his family farm . friend male 25 Mahandra often functions as her friend 's voice of reason , even to the extent of warning Jaye away from Eric , fearing that her friend will only break his heart . friend male 7 With support from the ventilator , the patient also regulates his own respiratory rate and tidal volume . patient male 3 Additionally , the patient stretches his arms and positions his hands between his knees for the same reasons . patient male 1 The patient eventually loses his hearing . patient male 2 Noyes ' friend , Jon Tooker , took his position when the band toured Europe later in the year . friend male 3 was a Norwegian postmaster and politician , began his political career in the Liberal Party and was first elected to the Storting ( parliament ) in 1900 . postmaster male 1 His friend and biographer John Gadbury commended his wit . friend female 1 A friend sent her story to GLAAD ( formerly the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation ) , which introduced her to ( Change ) , an online petition platform . friend male 7 Turk administers the treatment and later the patient moves his index finger , indicating that the treatment has worked , and Carla is proud of him , despite her anger after finding out Turk found out about the treatment from " SportsCenter . " patient female 24 The second part of the series takes place in Vienna where Marji starts her new life at a boarding house because her mother 's friend has no room for her at her apartment . friend male 8 He avoids Matty until Em explains that his friend needs his support , and they go to a gay club where they unexpectedly meet two of their teachers . friend female 1 A friend of hers was performing her favorite song , " Both Sides Now " , at the moment of her death . friend male 2 When her friend , Cady Wells , donated his collection of santos to the Museum of New Mexico in 1951 , he recommended her as the collection 's curator . friend male 2 When the superintendent expressed his fears as to the consequences which might result from the proposed spikes upon the top of the gate to drunken belated boarders , and also as to the sufficiency of pillar supports resting upon the top of the gate itself . superintendent male 4 In 1979 , British sociologist , Peter Townsend published his famous definition : " individuals ... can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet , participate in the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary , or are at least widely encouraged or approved , in the societies to which they belong ( page 31 ) . " sociologist male 9 Walker 's journey as a photographer began when a friend , poet Jim Mitchell , sold Walker his first camera : a Pentax ME . friend male 15 Instances that are particularly inconsistent with the delayed reciprocity hypothesis are those in which a hunter shares his kill indiscriminately with all members of a large group . hunter female 7 Because it is therefore impossible for the user to sell her “ particular ” phonorecord on ReDigi , the first - sale statute can not provide a defense . " user male 4 When a terminally ill patient leaves his nurse ( Willa ) $ 100,000 in his will , the family gets suspicious . patient female 7 As her misfortune , her beloved childhood friend will marry her beautiful and evil cousin . friend female 4 In 1979 , a friend gave Katharine her first fantasy - role playing game . friend male 2 An old friend of Toni 's shows up , he had gotten his hands on some Chogs ( AKA Frickens ) that had been bred with some psychoactive frogs he had . friend female 13 No fatalities were reported , although five people received injuries ( one flight attendant broke her leg during the evacuation process , and 4 other people received minor injuries ) . attendant male 2 An early postmaster , Ray Wortham , gave the community his last name . postmaster male 1 His friend may have saved his life by begging the soldiers to let Yoeun play with the small group that entertained them . friend male 1 The hunter lets his dogs fall , but they are saved by Bo while it 's implied the hunter himself falls to his death . hunter male 11 The next level takes place elsewhere in Alaska , where the hunter fights his way through wolves and another mountain lion to rescue Hugh 's niece and nephew . hunter male 9 At the beginning of the next level , the hunter fights his way back to the bear cave and then meets Hugh 's niece and nephew . hunter male 22 They catch up to Joseph and Mary in time to warn them , and hide them in a market place where the hunter ties up his dogs . hunter male 1 His friend and biographer Basil Williams noticed his growing doubts about Britain 's actions in South Africa while they were on campaign together : " Both of us , who came out as hide - bound Tories , began to tend towards more liberal ideas , partly from the ... democratic company we were keeping , but chiefly , I think , from our discussions on politics and life generally . " friend female 3 Sherman helped his friend , Helen McKennan , prepare her will to donate the land to the city that would become McKennan Park . friend male 7 In one notable dissension , Patton 's friend , former mentor and General of the Armies John J. Pershing publicly condemned his actions , an act that left Patton " deeply hurt " and caused him to never speak to Pershing again . friend female 9 Reenee is found to be pregnant meanwhile her infertile friend , Zidhna ( Mariyam Shahuza ) discovers her husband , Maaz ( Ahmed Azmeel ) to be having an extramarital affair with Rose ( Sheela Najeeb ) . friend female 3 Kelly 's former friend , Stephanie Meyers , boards her horse at the stables . friend male 23 If the position of the object on the sky and the time of the observation are known , it is easy for the user to calculate his own latitude . user male 3 Strat 's best friend , Tink crashes his bicycle , then acts aggressively towards Jagwire - but the fight is stopped from escalating by Strat , who takes Tink aside , tends his wounds and tussles with him . friend female 7 Her tombstone reads , " The gentle hunter , having pursued and tamed her quarry , crossed over to a new home " . hunter male 2 After the superintendent at the Union Chapel in Brixton Hill rejected his offer to teach at Sunday school , Brown rousted up his own group of boys and began holding a Bible class . superintendent male 1 His friend the Emperor Augustus undoes his design and his works are saved . friend male 2 The same friend would give him his first MP3 CD with hip hop music on it which inspired him to start rapping in English . friend female 1 A friend witnessed her likely abduction and reported that she entered a faded brown Chevrolet pickup truck fitted with a homemade wooden camper and driven by a 20- to 30-year - old Caucasian male with an Afro hairstyle . friend male 14 As Yung Gud described in how he first met Yung Lean , " My friend was fucking his friend at the moment . friend female 27 Wilma resists the peer - pressure tactics of pre - teen pothead Stoney and instead seeks advice from her parents , who tell her that a real friend would n't offer her drugs . friend male 28 Though Hope and the Lights ( including Zero ) rush to the UK , the group is too late , as Zeeshan has already killed himself after his friend " ruined " his life . friend male 4 One day Anu 's friend finds his purse in his back - pack . friend male 1 A friend of Victor Griffuelhes and Alphonse Merrheim , he devoted his first works to the development of trade unionism and its legal and social impact . friend male 10 I quit when I was 17 , after a good friend broke his back . friend male 1 The patient provides his insurance card and co - pay card to the pharmacist . patient male 7 In the chaos , Jebin 's best friend loses his legs . friend female 1 The patient explained her medical condition before signing up and was instructed to sign the contract . patient male 16 Mike Dreese founded Newbury Comics in Boston in 1978 , and started selling music when a friend brought in his record collection to sell . friend male 1 A friend brings his 5 month old baby for a short visit . friend male 1 His friend , Copernicus ( who died in 1543 ) willed his writings to Giese and left his library to the church administration of the Prince - Bishopric of Ermland ( Warmia ) . friend male 13 Jeremy and Connor meet again , and he reveals that the only another hunter or potential hunter can see his hunter tattoo . hunter male 0 Friend received his early education at a private school at Leatherhead and then attended King 's College London , before entering Trinity College , Cambridge . Friend male 0 Friend also incorporates his other studies , such as Taoism , Sufism , Kabbalah , Theosophy , Wicca , quantum physics , sacred geometry , and western psychology . Friend female 3 For " my friend was typing her term paper all night " to be used with a durative aspect , this would result in friend female 3 The People 's Friend , before sold her first romance novel in 1936 . Friend female 17 She impresses ED consultant Adam Trueman , portrayed by Tristan Gemmill , when she helps a grieving patient ( Michelle Collins ) tackle her grief . patient male 2 Noyes ' friend , Jon Tooker , took his position when the band toured Europe that fall . friend female 3 A high school friend who was the daughter of Carmen Fisher , owner of the Fisher Music Academy in Caracas , told her mom about this kid who played the harp and Fisher recruited him for a year to play every Wednesday in her TV show in Televisora Nacional . friend male 17 When Charlie wakes up , he sees himself surrounded by the three men , and a fourth friend , T. K. , checks his vital signs . friend male 2 While the friend gradually lost his mind , the main character succumbed to drinking heavily . friend male 1 A friend of Jo Schlesser 's , future Formula One constructor Guy Ligier , always gave his cars type numbers beginning with " JS " as a tribute to Schlesser . friend male 17 This style of hunting involved having hounds run the prey tired and hold it down until a hunter would step off his horse and make the kill at little effort . hunter female 2 Her best friend , Nadine Wilcock , a food critic , is marrying her boyfriend , Tony Salerno , who is a chef at the popular restaurant Fresche . friend female 5 In 2002 , Jade 's friend sent her demo to a record producer in Los Angeles , California , who then decided to send Jade and her family to Hollywood for a meeting . friend male 2 A longtime friend of Joy Mathew , Nair is making his comeback to Malayalam cinema after quite a long gap with this film . friend female 6 However , she has a good friend often takes care of her who is Mr. Be . friend female 13 She sees him at a college reunion but is completely embarrassed when her friend ( Sae Ra ) pulls down her skirt and Yoo Hee is wearing Minnie Mouse boxers . friend male 10 If an action results in an undesired effect , the user simply reverses his sequence of actions . user female 5 Soon she learns that her friend needs her help . friend male 20 Apart from using accounts with other popular IM service providers ( e.g. , for the ICQ network ) , a user could also use his Ovi account to send and receive instant messages to and from other Ovi users . user female 2 Lisa 's friend , sitting beside her in the car , has her own face . friend male 13 He later worked on the Ford assembly line in Detroit , and his friend Abdul " Duke " Fakir of the Four Tops encouraged his singing career . friend male 2 Mysliveček 's friend and close professional associate , the noted castrato Tommaso Guarducci , repeated his role of Farnaspe in the Perugia production . friend male 2 The former superintendent of Evergreen Public Schools , John Steach , announced his resignation in February 2019 . superintendent female 10 During this time she exposes the fact that Drew 's friend , Jules made a pass at her when he was younger , prompting Jules to leave . friend male 4 Then , as the attendant finishes his story , a fellow rides up with news that there has indeed been gold found in the hills . attendant male 13 He did not wish to be on national television , and so a friend of his took his place on the show , pretending to be him . friend male 17 The businessman is " killed by a man with a switchblade knife / for $ 43 my friend lost his life " ; Williams replies that he would like to personally shoot the mugger himself , but not before " ( spitting ) Beech - Nut in that dude 's eyes " . friend male 6 With each scenario , the bounty hunter fights his way to the final enemy , one of the four outlaws , each of whom can either be wounded and apprehended or shot dead . hunter male 15 In 1983 , Jerry Pournelle reported in " BYTE " that a software - publisher friend of his " distributes all his software on Dysan disks . friend male 3 One day a friend gave him his superbike 600cc and Sala raced a Track Day with some Italian Championship riders and he got a successfully result . friend male 1 A friend of Paul Morisse and Raymond Bonheur , he made his debut in theatre in Le Havre in 1885 with " Les Droits de la femme " . friend male 7 To catch the wolves , a professional hunter from Texas brings his pack of tracking hounds : a bloodhound and the coonhounds - Black and Tan , Bluetick , Redbone , and Treeing Walker ) , and his killer wolfhound . hunter male 2 The division superintendent of a great Western railroad recently explained to me his reluctant part in the creation of the socially disintegrating conditions out of which the migratory workers and the rebellious propaganda of the I. W. W. have sprung . superintendent female 7 Around the same time , a flight attendant at the rear of the plane heard a thumping noise underneath her . attendant female 1 My Friend " ( 2002 ) , which had an all - woman crew , won her her first National Film Award . Friend male 5 When Sugrue suggests that the patient would relive his life differently , Skeffington regains consciousness enough to reply " Like Hell patient female 13 In 2015 , Danilova began a meteoric rise to fame when a Korean user reposted an image of her from 2014 to the Korean social networking site Naver with the caption " Russian model who wants to marry a Korean man " . user male 2 Williams ' friend , MC Spice of Boston , offered his voiceover services to the show , often adding short rap verses tailored specifically for Williams ' show . " friend male 3 When a childhood friend abuses his trust in a horrific way , the family starts to unravel and , ultimately , seek to try to come to terms with its secrets . friend male 15 It also has a " safety switch " : in case of danger , the user can close his eyes quickly to trigger an emergency stop . user male 1 The patient had lost his penis as a result of a botched circumcision procedure he underwent aged 18 . patient male 3 Beamer 's best friend , Doug Macmillan , quit his job to become the administrator of the Foundation . friend male 3 Moreover , a hunter defends his profession in a long discourse . hunter male 2 Uday 's friend then kills his lover and Murugan kills him in return . friend male 1 His friend started his Scout car , proceeded down the road ahead of Deacon and was killed instantly as his vehicle passed over an anti - tank mine . friend male 9 He returned to Ronda in 1286 , while his friend continued his journey . friend male 31 The drama that unfolds catapults Sameer into a different time and place and shakes his own personal foundation of reality , even as Shafi and his wife fear that their old friend may be losing his mind . friend male 1 The user can improve his team by recruiting other players outside of his starting five and by training his players with minigames . user male 16 Immediately afterwards , his apology was locked and deleted by the subreddit 's moderators while the user deleted his Reddit account . user male 2 His close friend an Azerbaijani singer Shamistan Alizamanli dedicated his song " Brave Soldier " for his memory . friend male 0 Hunter rates his 2005 qualifying final performance against the Sydney Swans as his career highlight , in which he turned the match around with two goals . Hunter male 7 Onestar , once a warm and thoughtful friend of Firestar , has completely withdrawn his previous relationship with the ThunderClan leader . friend male 1 The patient must thus abandon his willpower and instead put more focus on his imaginative power in order to succeed fully with his cure . patient male 8 And on the top of the middleware the user may implement his applications ( layer 4 ) as a distributed software network of simple BBs . user female 12 Liam goes on reveal that a woman was also Dr. Buckingham 's patient lost her baby which was stillborn in Catalina . patient female 12 A testament to the ties that Clack developed there was that one friend in Morso named her daughter after Clack . friend female 15 The board suspended Alexis ' law license , and Diane worked hard to help her friend get her license back . friend male 14 However , an extra incentive may be required in most cases to make the user really change his default behavior , because altruism is not far - reaching enough and people tend to prefer selfish strategies in free societies ( see game theory ) . user male 21 In the UIL concept , the controller gives necessary information to the user , and so it is expected that the user voluntarily changes his current location from point A to B. user male 4 Before the movement , user knows his utility advantage between point B and A. user male 4 Meanwhile , his best friend Ted marries his girlfriend , Tami - Lynn . friend female 4 In 2004 her best friend filled out an application form for her , to audition for the second season of Music Star , the Swiss version of " American Idol " . friend female 0 friend got her little Pen from her daddy before he left . ” friend male 29 It was known that " A. J. Alan " was not his true name but only once , in 1933 , was his identity guessed when an old school friend , by then living in Jamaica , recognised his voice . friend male 1 Another friend of Xu , Yu Gengyu ( Chinese : 于赓虞 ) , described his corpse afterward as : friend male 4 In 1930 , his friend , the artist F. L. Griggs dedicated his etching of " Owlpen Manor " to Jewson , who had ' saved this ancient house from ruin ' . friend male 10 We dined soon after our arrival and after dinner our friend and family physician Doctor Redfern took his departure for Sydney . friend male 38 Lee described the process as similar to using a compass : if the compass gave the right bearing , the user could continue to follow the path , and if the compass gave the wrong bearing , the user could easily retrace his steps and obtain another , more correct bearing . user male 1 A friend of the sons of Red Horn offers his own body as its case . friend male 1 The user approaches his personal card to the terminal , which in normal conditions mechanically releases the bike . user male 12 The service is completed by a web platform , from which the user can check his credit , renew the subscription and keep track of all the trips made and the number of bikes used . user female 1 A friend of the family has described her " outgoing nature " and the family 's " hospitable house " . friend male 10 As if things were n't bad enough , Roy 's friend , ranch - owner Gabby Whitaker ( Gabby Hayes ) , has misplaced his title papers . friend male 0 Friend made his first grade debut for the Sydney Roosters against Canterbury - Bankstown in round 16 of the 2008 NRL season . Friend male 0 Friend made his international debut against Scotland off the interchange bench . Friend male 5 In the 750s , the superintendent of Hengzhou Chen Xi'ang not only ruled his own region but also used his private army to dominate his nominal superior , the military governor Zhang Weiyi headquartered in Jing Prefecture ( modern Jingzhou ) . superintendent male 8 It is assumed that each non - revoked user receives his fresh private keys corresponding to the ‘ date ’ attribute once each day directly from the mobile key server MKS ( which is the central authority ) or via the regional delegates . user male 3 When his best friend steals his secret love , he embarks upon a cold - blooded rampage of revenge . friend male 9 As a hunter , I know that a good hunter never aims his gun at a dead carcass . hunter male 15 After the sound of the struggle stops , Ben opens the door , discovering his friend has successfully scored his first zombie kill . friend male 1 A friend of McLeod 's described his law enforcement approach to homosexuality : " Scotty had the essentially simple approach to a fairy that you will find in a cop who has never had the benefit of , let us say , courses in abnormal psychology at Yale . ... friend male 1 A user can share his mobile screen with other buddies by pushing the share screen button during a video chat . user female 4 However , an old friend of his from childhood , Nerese Ammons , pays a visit to her ( and Ray 's ) old high school , to give a talk to the kids , and the principal tells her of a man who has been volunteer teaching at the school , and who was almost killed in an attack . friend male 3 Halabi 's childhood friend , Ibrahim Kozly of Daliyat al - Karmel , discovered his body while performing clearing work for the Jewish National Fund as part of the Carmel Forest 's rehabilitation project . friend female 1 The Patient " describes her work as existing " at the crossroads of the technological , the generative , the performative and the corporeal . " Patient male 15 Both batch and demand runs terminate with an @FIN statement , and if a demand user terminates his session while his run is active , the Exec automatically terminates the run without requiring @FIN . user male 0 Friend issued his first Premier League red card on 15 December 2009 to Sunderland captain Lorik Cana for a second bookable offence in his team 's 2–0 defeat to Aston Villa . Friend male 3 Salt Lake City superintendent of schools Jesse F. Millspaugh had resigned his position in Salt Lake City early in his two - year term in December 1898 . superintendent male 0 Friend made his rugby league debut for Cronulla in 1983 . Friend female 30 By using fake IDs , they manage to get into Hybra Tech , with Katie at the security center giving them advice over walkie - talkies , while their promiscuous friend , Mimi is distracting her partner , Hector . friend male 2 A close friend of Booker T. Washington , Stewart followed his philosophies of self - reliance . friend female 5 In 1934 , her close friend , Seán T. O'Kelly , had her daughter , Nancy , transferred from the Department of Industry and Commerce to the Department of Local Government to act as his Private Secretary . friend female 15 Vasi was signed to Ford modeling agency at the age of 12 after a family friend sent out her snapshots . friend male 26 House attempts to discredit his experience by claiming that his oxygen - starved brain induced the visions by releasing endorphins and serotonin , to which the patient mentions his use of many hallucinogenic drugs and insists that the experience was unlike any of them . patient male 2 Berlioz 's friend , Albert Du Boys , used his contacts to obtain an interview between Berlioz and , the head of the newly created Department of the Arts , but despite two visits , all Berlioz received was permission to hire the Paris Opera orchestra , at a cost of a thousand francs . friend female 15 As the Surname Law was enacted in Turkey in 1934 , her stepfather 's close friend , the renowned author Necip Fazıl Kısakürek , suggested her the family name " Urgan " ( literally " rope " ) , ironically stating that " it would match her because the socialist - minded young girl would be hanged one day anyway " . friend female 1 The patient from Kahramanmaraş had lost her upper jaw six years prior in a firearm accident , including her mouth , lips , palate , teeth and nasal cavity , and was since then unable to eat . patient male 4 Croaker determines that their friend had only staged his death and the men begin searching for him and Darling . friend male 1 The friend gives him his disguise , and Abraham decides to take some gold so he can pay the master of Mary 's house . friend male 1 A friend of his father , who was a director , gave Skarsgård his first film role when he was seven years old . friend male 2 A great friend of Adrien François Servais and Henri Vieuxtemps , Mirecki initiated his two older children into the art of music . friend male 37 As the film closes in the early hours at the party at the hotel Falke points the message to the representatives of the four powers , while thanking them for their presence : " even the dearest friend loses his attraction if he overstays ... so if you do n't mind , go home , please go home " ; at which the waltz " Brüderlein , Brüderlein und Schwesterlein"/"Brothers , brothers and sisters " ( ' Be my friend ' ) starts up . friend male 2 A close friend of Art Linkletter , Wagnon had named his series after Linkletter 's popular radio / television program , " House Party " . friend male 36 Specifically , it was alleged that they used an illegal signal known as ‘ l’ascenseur ’ in French ( ‘ the lift ’ in English and ‘ the elevator ’ in American ) in which the user holds his cards opposite his chest with maximum values , opposite his belt with minimum values and in between when in between . user male 2 After the friend lists off his problems , the narrator responds , " sounds like life to me " , convincing the friend to " suck it up " and face his problems . friend male 2 His artist friend and collaborator Helmut Herzfeld likewise changed his name to John Heartfield at the same time . friend male 3 A very old friend of John Girdlestone had entrusted his daughter to him before dying . friend male 2 But Ilbe user did n't apologize his crime and kept insulting her . user male 22 Komamura has a close friendship with Kaname Tōsen and is shocked when the latter defects from Soul Society , feeling that his friend has abandoned his morals . friend male 38 Within a few hours of his death , a message attributed to the Linkous family was posted on the official Sparklehorse Web site : " It is with great sadness that we share the news that our dear friend and family member Mark Linkous took his own life today . friend male 3 Long - time friend and professional skateboarder Daniel Castillo explained his relationship to Daewon in relation to skateboarding in an August 2013 interview : friend male 1 His friend , the composer Camille Saint - Saëns dedicated his " Marche héroïque " ( 1871 ) to Regnault 's memory . friend male 2 His best friend , Karel van der Schaaf , describes his demeanor as " brutaal " - an uninhibited , extremely daring and bold but good - natured teenager with a sense of humor , who liked being around others . friend male 1 The patient accuses his model of wanting to steal his job , wife , or identity , betraying against the grain the surreptitious alterity that moves through him . patient male 5 The next year Penny 's friend , August Wilson , brought his play " Homecoming " to Kuntu ; it was his first play to be produced by a resident company . friend male 7 Mazhar Müfit Kansu , being a close friend of the founder of the Republic Mustafa Kemal Atatürk ( 1881–1938 ) , published his memoirs about Atatürk in a newspaper shortly before his death in 1948 . friend female 1 The friend encourages her chastity , and he admires her ability to do so despite living at a port . friend male 18 Her father would rather that she take a new man who can run her bar , while the friend has repeatedly had his advances rejected by the wife . friend female 1 A friend presented her players with homemade buttons that read , " Garman 's Gypsies . " friend female 9 She entered the modelling industry in 1997 when a friend sent her picture to " Femina " magazine to compete in its model search program . friend male 1 The user can also create his own Hub types . user female 14 On the eve of Vijay Dashmi ( i.e. Navami before Dussehra ) , this friend of Maaru was combing her long hairs and watching out through the window . friend male 2 Marina 's friend , Flávia lives with Sergio and is having his baby . friend male 3 Later , the friend displayed his arrogance in the presence of the king 's legions , and the king sentenced his friend to death . friend female 2 Marshall 's friend , who lived close to the riot , had moved her possessions to Marshall 's home , fearing that her own home might be destroyed . friend female 1 A friend of her mother introduced her to Manolo Caracol her teacher . friend female 2 After a friend leaked her original material to record companies in Japan , Shigihara was offered record contracts as a singer there , but ended up turning them down for personal reasons . friend female 2 A close friend of Edgar Lee Masters , author of " Spoon River Anthology " ( 1915 ) , Claytor presented her collection of signed first editions , letters , manuscript poems , and other materials that Masters had given her to Princeton University . friend female 12 The first incident occurred during the holiday season of 2004 ; a friend of Millard 's lost her twin babies during pregnancy and was so far along in the pregnancy that doctors had to induce labor . friend male 9 Prior to the ending of hostilities , Tevis 's friend and fellow Philadelphian Charles Godfrey Leland used his influence with John Weiss Forney to obtain a Brevet commission as a Brigadier General for Tevis . friend male 2 A poor hunter loses his wife , and their pretty daughter decides to go seek her fortune as aservant . hunter female 1 Each friend regains her original cutie mark with the help of her respective Element , and Ponyville is quickly restored to normal . friend female 3 A teenage cancer patient named Michiru obsessed with marriage announces her desire to marry Black Jack , much to Pinoko 's dismay . patient female 5 The earliest and most significant friend of High Watch Farm , she had her own cabin there , and for a year her mother ran the Farm . friend male 2 An old friend lends Byng his rooms at Chrysalis College ( an equivalent of real - life New York University , perhaps also partially modelled on the Tenth Street Studio Building ) . friend male 15 This was unlike other word processors who displayed structured text on a screen ( the user could not move his cursor outside the text and type ) . user male 1 The hunter pulled his dogs away , and left the scene . hunter male 11 Cheung admitted that she was behind the startup after a Homejoy user found his credit card and profile information on the Fly Maid site — without even signing up . user male 6 In the episode , Felton 's friend kills his father in an assisted suicide , and Felton tries to convince Lewis to look the other way . friend female 2 An esteemed friend of Haskil , Charlie Chaplin , described her talent by saying " In my lifetime I have met three geniuses ; Professor Einstein , Winston Churchill , and Clara Haskil . friend female 3 The building 's superintendent had created a little writing studio for her in one of the Ansonia towers . superintendent female 10 Tamerlan was known to cheat on Russell , and a friend of Russell 's told her mother that the relationship was abusive . friend male 2 A dancer friend of his visited his studio and remarked on how similar it looked to a tutu . friend female 1 A friend of Tina 's , she sends her e - mails during computer class . friend male 2 His lifelong friend , Louie Lepetino , arranged his escape . friend female 9 During her interview with the prosecutor , Martin 's friend recounted her last phone call with Martin and added that Martin had described the man as " crazy and creepy " , watching him from a vehicle while the man was talking on the phone . friend female 2 A kind friend of hers , the childish and apparently a little mentally under - developed Saturnin , finds her thanks to some unexpected information . friend male 16 However , on July 10 , the charges against Newvine were dropped after the gas station attendant retracted his identification , claiming he misidentified Newvine . attendant male 25 However , after enduring a long period of painful rehabilitation , with the help of his wife Yoon - hee as well as his longtime friend and Japanese producer Koji Sawada , Bae regained his singing ability and half his vocal range . friend male 0 Friend had his best season in 1896 . Friend male 0 Friend began his career in 1982 , as associate editor of " Hustler Magazine " , the flagship journal of Larry Flynt Publications ( LFP ) . Friend male 0 Friend documented his experiences with the heroes of heavy metal in his 2006 memoir , " Life on Planet Rock " , and released his follow - up , " Sweet Demotion " , in 2011 . Friend male 6 Frey appears nervous , but his friend laughs off his concerns . friend female 16 Depending upon the daily - life physical activities required of the woman , the breast augmentation patient usually resumes her normal life at 1-week post - operative . patient female 2 Her best friend had styled her hair , applied her favorite makeup , and put in gold hoop earrings . friend male 27 Theoretically , any soft - sector MFM or FM floppy format that is within the limits of the ' 1793 could be read or written if the user wrote his own utility program . user male 1 His friend and Big East rival coach Jim Boeheim also won his 700th game during the previous week . friend female 1 The patient opens her eyes , and the world changes . patient female 1 The patient should consult her endocrinologist promptly if she develops symptoms — in particular , headaches , visual changes , nausea , vomiting , excessive thirst or urination , or extreme lethargy . patient male 0 Friend and musicologist Charles Burney commissioned his instruments , and even played one of them in a courtroom to defend Merlin 's patent . Friend male 10 Skeme acquired his stage name at 13 , when a friend noticed his craftiness at generating money . friend male 16 Of further interest are original papers and quotes from Alfred William Howitt who was a family friend show his perspective on the Bay and the beauty of the land and sea at " The Seat " . " friend male 31 Object relations theory , stressing the way ' the transference is a live relationship ... in the here - and - now of the analysis , repeating the way that the patient has used his objects from early in life ' considered that ' this newer conception reveals a purpose ... patient male 2 The vampire hunter then finds his way to Transylvania , to the famous castle of Dracula , to complete his task . hunter female 5 Early in 1793 , her friend helped her escape to Normandy where she was given a passport . friend female 1 Her friend made her way to the adjacent Tilehurst Road where she was found by a commuter on foot who placed a 999 call . friend male 2 Emerson 's friend , Henry David Thoreau , who was also involved in Transcendentalism , recorded his year spent alone in a small cabin at nearby Walden Pond in the 1854 work " Walden ; or , Life in the Woods " . friend male 7 Later on , Talleyrand , his old friend and accomplice , again used his services , along with others such as Jean friend male 18 Lil Wayne later explained he did n't release " Dedication 4 " on August 15 , because his friend and fellow rapper 2 Chainz released his debut album " Based on a T.R.U. Story " on August 14 , and he wanted all the attention on 2 Chainz . friend male 5 In 1968 , Schwartz 's friend and peer , fellow poet John Berryman , dedicated his book " friend male 2 A musician friend introduced his fiancée Genia to Mikel , but Mikel and Genia fell in love , and Genia broke off her engagement and instead married Mikel . friend female 1 Her friend , physician Christian Archibald Herter , accompanied her piano playing occasionally as a recreational cellist . friend female 10 Upon her death , based on her wishes , her friend , the Cistercian monk Gobert d'Aspremont , moved her body to Villers Abbey . friend female 14 When it is feared that Noah would die at birth , Sharon 's best friend , Grace Turner , tracks down her long - lost daughter , Cassie . friend male 1 A friend rescues his film footage and Kitagawa finally becomes a mainstream director . friend male 1 A patient with receptive aphasia can not correct his own phonetics errors and shows " anger and disappointment with the person with whom s / he is speaking because that person fails to understand her / him " . patient male 0 Patient 6 makes his way back to Port Charles , just as Jason wakes up . Patient female 21 Dayan finds herself with increasing feeling for Cheng , especially after her grandmother 's unexpected death , until a coquettish best friend ( Fan Jinlin ) professes her interest in the man . friend male 23 He saw a fellow traveler speaking on the identical handset and considered how much time and money he could have saved if that user had done his testing for him Poutanen wrote a business idea and presented it to the Cambrian House community , a Calgary - based crowdsourcing community for software and business applications . user male 1 The hunter informs his father , who sends him to Uruk to ask Gilgamesh for help . hunter female 24 After Roopa and Viswanathan return , Muthu tries to tell Roopa about Devi but decides not to after she tells him about how her friend , at Roopa 's suggestion , murdered her lover for infidelity . friend male 1 One friend discovered his dead body on Thanksgiving morning ( Thursday , November 27 ) , stating he had choked on his own vomit . friend male 5 After his death , his friend Rodríguez Correa , with the collaboration of Campillo , Nombela , and Augusto Ferrán , collected and organized his manuscripts for publication , as a way to help the widow and children of the poet . friend female 2 Her childhood friend , Sonny Rollins , who would later become a prominent jazz musician , often visited her family and practiced his saxophone at their parties . friend male 4 Bill has a police friend scan his new fingerprints and is shocked to discover the arm came from convicted serial killer Charley Fletcher , who had murdered 20 people . friend male 1 The friend also shows off his watch which has an alarm set to ring every day at noon . friend male 52 Watford commemorated Davis in their next match after his death , a 1–0 win over Bournemouth in the League Cup , with both teams wearing black armbands , the captains placing wreathes and the entire stadium holding a minute 's silence before kick - off ; at full time , Davis ' friend and teammate , Danny Webber , took off his shirt to reveal a vest printed with Davis ' name and Watford squad number . friend male 5 During that year , the superintendent of the school system stated his opposition to a proposed rapid integration , arguing that doing so would cause white people to leave the school district . superintendent male 11 After freeing the tortoise , the friends regrouped , and the hunter , now without any caught game , realised his predicament and became convinced that he was in a land of djinn or going insane , so he left . hunter male 8 Realisation struck the man , that his best friend , the weasel , had protected his child from the snake , and that the blood was the blood of the snake . friend male 9 When he was asked to stand up , the patient rotated his trunk axis to the left ( left shoulder going backwards ) , and tilted his body to that same side , showing resistance to passive correction of posture in both of these planes . patient male 7 Abin Sur however refused to believe his friend would betray his Green Lantern duties and left Atrocitus imprisoned . friend female 1 Her friend , Playmate Marketa Janska , submitted her photos to Playboy resulting in her selection as Miss July . friend male 1 A friend sent his articles to Albert Einstein , his response was a concise letter where he expressed his surprise at the work accomplished . friend male 3 Hussle 's longtime friend and collaborator YG dedicated his performance at the 2019 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival to the memory of Nipsey Hussle . friend male 41 After the closing of Lincoln High School , the school that is now known as Amos P. Godby High School was supposed to be named Lincoln High and to have the same colors , mascot , and traditions , but the superintendent at the time of retirement wanted his name on the school . superintendent male 25 In this case the possibilities to use TRACON II as a more realistic ATC simulator are many , adding to it the fact that a user may also design his entirely own airspace - sectors ( file extension * .sec ) to work with . user male 19 In 2013 , he was arrested in Israel on suspicion of murder , but he was released after his friend suspected his did murder . friend female 2 A wheelchair user , she has had cerebral palsy since birth and finds comfort in immersing herself in the imaginary world of reading and writing . user male 9 Jenny finds the body of Connor , a troubled patient who apparently killed himself , but Jenny believes Connor would have sought help . patient male 10 Sydney Baxter , a jockey , tries to shield a friend by allowing himself to be suspended for six months for improper riding . friend male 5 Sledge is an intergalactic bounty hunter who prides himself on capturing monsters and collecting the bounty on their heads , which is offered by a mysterious employer who is later revealed to be Lord Arcanon . hunter male 30 It appeared in the issue of " Life " for July 6 , 1942 , with the caption : " In Glencoe darkroom , Nelson displays a portrait of a friend developed himself . friend male 12 After a few days , even Pope Paul VI , a close friend of Moro 's , intervened , offering himself in exchange for Aldo Moro . friend male 1 His friend craves to meet the star and even tries to prepare for that by torturing himself with a " slim belt " . friend male 2 Thus the patient who sees himself as a faker , a liar , or a homosexual will instead transform his inner persecutory world and project it onto the world , in the form of persecutors who accuse him of being a spy , a homosexual , a liar , or a faker , etc . patient male 35 In the case of Kenneth Pinyan , who died from injuries sustained from receiving anal sex from a horse , local law enforcement found that there were no laws that allowed them to prosecute his friend , who had filmed the event and also allowed himself to be sodomized by the horse . friend male 34 In the 1933 " Keystone " case , the patentee manufactured and suppressed evidence in a patent application and its subsequent defense in two different infringement actions : the patentee paid the prior art user to perjure himself by signing a false affidavit that his use was an abandoned experiment , and bought the prior art user 's agreement to keep secret the prior use details and to suppress that evidence . user male 19 " Complex " said " on " Barter 6 " , a rapper frequently dismissed as a druggie dance trapper inverts himself , yielding a passionate and personal record , " adding that his " visceral illustrations are one - of - a - kind , and he communicates joy , frustration , and dread with unique clarity . " trapper male 11 Shock treatment may have some value in acute disturbances where the patient is apt to injure himself and nobody can make contact , but this is a rare occurrence . " patient male 7 Sensei feels some obligation to assist his friend , who is struggling to maintain an aggressive course of study while at the same time supporting himself . friend male 3 Bugs distracts the hunter after introducing himself , and digs underground and when the hunter realizes that Bugs has his gun . hunter male 5 During the show , a patient escaped from nearby hospital St. Luke Medical Center , entered the kitchen area and began stabbing himself in the chest . patient female 13 Instances wherein a patient is depressed to such a severe degree that the patient can not be stopped from hurting himself or herself or when a patient refuses to swallow , eat or drink medication , electroconvulsive therapy could be suggested as a therapeutic alternative . patient male 5 In 2000 , Hanley 's friend and colleague Bill Hughes , who had himself come out in the 1990s , agreed that Hanley had in fact died of an AIDS - related illness . friend male 10 For some time , Tim Riggins , Jason 's best friend , blames himself for not blocking the hit that paralyzes Jason and he avoids visiting Jason at the hospital for almost six weeks . friend male 20 Thus , the exercise of personal jurisdiction over an Internet user may not comport with due process , since a user can not purposefully avail himself of a particular jurisdiction if he has no indication of where is he in cyberspace . user male 2 A flight attendant reveals that Pasternak is the plane 's cabin chief and has locked himself inside the cockpit . attendant male 11 As the evening draws to a close , they learn their friend , Morrisey , has hanged himself in his cell . friend male 12 Throughout the decade of the 1860s , Karl Marx , close personal friend and political associate of Friedrich Engels , dedicated himself to the study of economics , culminating in the publication of the first volume of " Das Kapital " in 1867 . friend male 14 In 2001 , his eldest child and only son Lord Rosehill , a psychiatric patient , shot himself in the head with his father 's gun whilst on leave from hospital at the family 's farm in West Sussex . patient male 30 After Luke Garner ( Lee Grant ) leaves Smits Grant , the younger brother of the real Lee Grant , in the care of his real parents , Luke 's friend Trey finds himself at Mr. Talbot 's front door preparing to explain all the recent events . friend male 2 A mental patient who believes himself to be Jesus escapes from a mental institution and travels to Seoul planning to save the city from judgment . patient male 8 I think , with respect , my learned friend is allowing himself to run away with facts that are not there . friend male 6 Aaron Dale Burkeen , a close friend of Mike 's , sacrifices himself to keep a burning crane from collapsing onto the surviving crew , while Mike and Caleb are able to rescue Vidrine and Kaluza and get them to safety . friend male 14 [ d]uring the game at ball as he kicked the ball , a lay friend of his ... ran against him and wounded himself " . friend male 0 Friend did not mince words about his sexual preferences , depicting himself in his journal as " a middle - aged pederast who 's going to seed " . Friend male 4 Former big - game hunter Sir Buckstone Abbott , finding himself hard up , takes in paying guests at his pile , Walsingford Hall , while hoping to sell the place to a wealthy Princess . hunter male 5 Ralph , a troubled masochist patient with tendency for violent outbursts , becomes enamored with Cynthia ; founding himself on the edge after the deaths of his fellow members in the group , knocks down a policeman who was watching him , and goes to talk to Cynthia , who was spending the night with Dr. Karmen in order to feel safe . patient female 11 Chloë Sevigny is great as his wife , Susan 's American friend who finds herself constantly dealing with the protagonist 's latest schemes . friend male 10 He would accept only the barest sustenance from a humble friend who had himself been a protégé of Junius 's family at Bourges , and his health was permanently injured . friend female 28 The next day , inspectors from CMS once again cited King – Harbor for placing patients in " immediate jeopardy " of harm , hours after a psychiatric patient cut herself with a scalpel in an emergency department bathroom . patient male 1 The patient described made himself and his name , Adam Castillejo , public in March 2020 . patient male 6 Along with Claude Martin , his friend from Lyons , de Boigne occupied himself by selling silver jewelry , silk carpets , and arms enameled in gold . friend male 42 However , the topic and debate of euthanasia in South Korea sparked for a long time , starting back on 4 December 1997 when a doctor was sent to prison for a major duration for voluntarily cutting life support of a braindead patient who injured himself from a head trauma , upon the request of his wife . patient male 9 In the middle of the night , Percy 's friend Grover Underwood reveals himself as a satyr and tells them they are in danger . friend male 4 Muir appealed to his friend U.S. President Roosevelt , who would not commit himself against the dam , given its popularity with the people of San Francisco ( a referendum in 1908 confirmed a seven - to - one majority in favor of the dam and municipal water ) . friend female 37 Tessa is a very selfless character , although it has , occasionally , been known to put her into rather sticky situations , for example , in the episode " See No Evil " , Tessa 's friend , Natalie , is attacked by serial killer Michael Tanovsky and Tessa uses herself as bait : " friend male 4 He was originally a hunter who lost the pleasure of hunting , devoting himself to crime to get rid of boredom . hunter male 24 The Washington Post " quoted a tax expert who said that TurboTax has not been programmed to handle self - employment taxes when the user identifies himself as being employed . user male 26 Witnessing Freddy 's willingness to die so that magical balance can be restored , Zeus , who had been disguised throughout the series as Freddy 's friend Zareb Babak , a retired necromancer , reveals himself and informs Freddy that he is the most worthy , granting him the full power of Shazam . friend male 10 Although having won the fight fairly by seriously wounding his friend Ichi sacrifices himself by throwing his sword at an approaching servant that is given orders to kill the boy thus becoming un - armed . friend female 5 In the meantime Ayu 's friend Reina has started prostituting herself . friend female 16 For example , Cox et al . ( 2012 ) suggest that presented with a depressed patient who " self - stereotypes herself as incompetent , a therapist can find ways to prime her with specific situations in which she had been competent in the past ... patient male 28 A miss could also throw the user off balance , and even if a blow were struck , there would be a dangerously long recovery time before the user could ready another swing or defend himself . user male 15 Some time later , she later calls Philippe back downstairs to help her stop his friend from stuffing himself to death . friend female 2 When the patient throws herself from the roof shortly afterward , he describes her suicide as a consequence of her depression . patient female 14 In 1985 , her mother was sent to prison for helping a terminally ill friend kill herself . friend male 1 A friend of Alexander Pushkin and convinced liberal himself , he now concentrated his attention on the projects for emancipation of the serfs and introduction of republican government in Russia . friend male 5 He is joined by his friend Stan in sinking himself into a river . friend male 25 And it will not be held against him who administers it if he consumes some of its yield in an appropriate manner or feeds a friend who does not enrich himself by means of it . friend male 6 Also , former two - time Superintendent of the Puerto Rico Police Department , Pedro Toledo , expressed himself in favor of the amendments . Superintendent male 14 The chief and his followers were again returning to the place , so the hunter changed himself into an old man , without being noticed by Valli . hunter male 39 In season 6 , episode 4 of the 1970s television series " The Rockford Files " ( " Only Rock - n - Roll Will Never Die , part 1 " ) , Jim Rockford , exasperated at a friend who dismisses himself as unattractive , exclaims " You 're no Rondo Hatton ! friend male 5 He soon learns that his friend among the scientists , Dr. Gibarian , has killed himself . friend male 6 This consists of bringing in another patient who also believed himself to be Christ , or , as the patient put it , " the God of electricity " . patient male 8 To prove himself , he induces an old friend Kelly ( Ken Sanders ) to throw a boxing match so the Seiyu Group can cash in betting against him . friend female 22 As such , it can be incumbent upon the patient 's family to recognize symptoms of the delusion , mainly that the patient is unable to recognize him or herself in the mirror but has an intact ability to recognize the reflections of others . patient male 17 Drawing distinction between Benode Behari Mukherjee and Ram Kinker Baij Siva Kumar notes , " If his friend and colleague Binodebihari painted the starker side of Santiniketan landscape , and saw himself as a lonely palm tree in the middle of the barren and parched Khoai , Ramkinkar saw himself as the Palash in full bloom : friend male 15 Norberto Rafael Ceresole ( August 1943 - May 4 , 2003 ) was an Argentine sociologist and political scientist , who identified himself with Peronism , left - wing militias and the ideas of his friends Robert Faurisson , Roger Garaudy and Ernst Nolte . sociologist male 7 Liberal Democrat councillor Duwayne Brooks , a friend of murdered black teenager Stephen Lawrence who was with him when he died , also put himself forward . friend male 14 Control picks Jim Prideaux for the operation and Haydon chooses to sacrifice his close friend to save himself . friend female 4 To begin , the patient could not even leave her bed , read , write , sew , talk , or feed herself . patient female 5 Now , his most famous patient , the grand matriarch of a powerful political family , has injured herself in a fall . patient male 2 His educated friend , Bud Jenkins , appoints himself as guardian of Bowser and creates a park for African Americans called " Bandanna Land " . friend female 3 Beka 's best friend , Toycie Qualo , is 17 , and in her last year of school gets herself expelled when she becomes pregnant by her boyfriend Emilio Villanueva . friend male 3 Nasir takes his friend Shahid along and on the way switches roles with him , thereby exempting himself from marriage . friend female 16 When Martha covers Ash 's shift at the local nightclub , she supplies Lacey and her friend with alcohol , while drinking herself . friend male 0 Hunter experiences intense guilt , blaming himself for using their limited supply of antibiotics to treat his own wound . Hunter male 29 At this point , a listener interrupts apologetically , " You yourself said that Captain Kopeikin was missing an arm and a leg , while Chichikov ... " The postmaster suddenly slaps himself on the head and admits this inconsistency had not occurred to him at the start and " admitted that the saying ' Hindsight is the Russian man 's forte , ' was perfectly correct . " postmaster male 4 For example , a patient may declare himself to be " cured " , and to determine to live his life as if the cure were definitely confirmed , immediately after treatment . patient male 5 The tyrant Aristratus , a friend of the Macedonian royal family , had himself portrayed by the painter Melanthius aside the goddess of victory Nike on a chariot . friend male 2 Raja 's friend also arrives there and conceals himself and watches the proceedings . friend male 10 Describing himself as " a keen European " , a friend of his noted that he " railed against right wing politics , reserving special venom for Margaret Thatcher , and fought against all manner of authority , including university paperwork , and most especially if it came in a uniform . " friend male 1 The hunter introduces himself as the paternal uncle of the groom whom her father proposed for her and the groom is none other than her lover - Venu Gopal ( Akkineni Nageswara Rao ) . hunter female 19 At the camp , Hanna and a female companion are gang raped by SS soldiers , leading Hanna 's friend to throw herself on a barbed wire fence out of despair . friend female 10 Gender non - conforming author Kate Bornstein wrote that a friend who self - identified as " she - male " described herself as " tits , big hair , lots of make - up , and a dick . " friend male 5 She was eulogized by her friend actor Frank Langella who described himself as " a rough Jersey kid " whom Mellon taught " how to listen , dress , never be vulgar , respect all people , be humble , avoid hubris , write thank - you notes , never boast , be curious and ' above all , be loyal ' " . friend male 12 A group of soldiers arrive at their house led by Jules ' friend , who reveals himself to be an undercover government operative , for the search and arrest order . friend male 2 Tarrant 's friend from Tiswas and O.T.T. John Gorman was used on this show for writing , keeping himself off - screen . friend male 51 Woolfe and Smith were joined by Natural History Museum curator W.P. Pycraft , ornithologist Edgar Chance , bird photographer Walter Higham , naturalist Charles Head , fellow Charles Urban Trading Company alumni H.M. Lomas of " A Trip through British North Borneo " ( 1907 ) , and Woolfe 's old friend , ornithologist and natural history cinematography pioneer Oliver G. Pike , who had established himself before the war with " In Birdland " ( 1907 ) and " St Kilda , its People and its Birds " ( 1908 ) . friend male 9 Clark goes to Cell # 44 , where the patient - who identifies himself as Ben London - tells Clark that if he 's looking for the murderer , " the top of the food chain is a good place to start , " which Clark infers to be Franks . patient female 3 After Amelia 's friend kills herself , Amelia goes on a drug binge and begins using with her boyfriend , and later fiancé . friend female 16 He is first given this ability by the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull , a powerful magic user and mystic guardian of the castle , who in many depictions is able to transform herself into the falcon Zoar . user male 18 After the fire on the fells is extinguished , Squashy Hat is revealed to be Captain Flint 's friend Timothy , who has been too shy to introduce himself to the children . friend male 17 This shocks the leader of Hudie , who goes into a deep depression from seeing his best friend sacrifice himself for him . friend male 22 Another episode set in Nashville , Tennessee featured a trauma surgical resident who was accidentally stuck with a needle while treating a patient who had shot himself after discovering he had Hepatitis C ; the surgical resident was found to be negative for Hepatitis C but still went through the months of anti - viral medications to ensure he did not later develop the disease . patient male 38 While one community has Jimmy Maxwell arranging the entertainment , the other brings in Jo Allen , who uses a ruse to learn about Jimmy 's plans , pretending to be a school teacher named Judy while her friend Mr. Churchill passes himself off as " Joe " Allen . friend male 2 A wheelchair user off the field , McQueen propelled himself during game situations by walking on his hands . user male 15 In his early years Banach was tutored by Juliusz Mien , a French intellectual and friend of the Płowa family , who had emigrated to Poland and supported himself with photography and translations of Polish literature into French . friend male 1 The hunter introduces himself as the paternal uncle of the groom whom her father proposed for her and the groom is none other than her lover - Anand . hunter male 1 A patient committed suicide by drowning himself in Lake Wendouree in 1995 after it was announced by the Government that deinstitution would begin . patient female 2 A flight attendant finds herself in the middle of fighting between rival gangs in Naples . attendant male 30 Twenty were taken into custody by Sri Lanka Navy in Kochchikade and Puttalam coasts after attempting to go out after curfew and a court case was filed against the COVID-19 patient that admitted himself to Ragama Hospital for chest pains while hiding his travel history resulting in quarantining of the hospital staff . patient male 10 Legal action was also taken against a 45-year - old patient who despite knowing his travel partner to Germany was infected avoided instructions to admit himself for treatment . patient female 12 In some jurisdictions , straw purchases are legal even if the end user is not legally able to purchase the good or service himself or herself . user male 9 However , Mickey ( Timothy Olyphant ) , a friend of Derek , reveals himself as the killer , seeking fame for his prolific exploits . friend male 11 Finding himself stalked by Mary Lou , Alex tells his best friend friend male 16 Burnham shot many men in the feud , and was himself nearly killed by a bounty hunter . hunter male 2 Harry 's friend , Mickie , kills himself rather than face the risk of going back to jail , and Harry helps dispose of the body , making it look like he was executed . friend male 6 He narrated how Francis had a friend drive Francis and himself to Maryfarm , the Catholic Worker Movement farming commune , near Newburgh , New York , where Francis thought he would meet Dorothy Day , a founder of the Catholic Worker Movement , but she had just left for New York City . friend male 1 A friend of Federico Barocci , he established himself in Corinaldo in the region of Ancona , where he died . friend female 10 Meanwhile , Myers has been investigating the suicide of her friend and Supreme Court justice Vincent Tanner , unknowingly putting herself on Bath ’s radar . friend male 25 In the book he claimed that Albert B. Fall had become Secretary of the Interior by forging Daugherty 's signature , and that his close friend , Jess Smith , had killed himself because of diabetes , not a guilty conscience . friend female 2 Swift 's friend , Anderson , portrayed herself in the video . friend male 1 The patient , a 66-year - old male with an unknown travel history , presented himself at a health facility and was soon isolated . patient female 23 After Alviss leaves , Ginta and Jack find a dog named Edward , who reveals that the princess of Lestava and his best friend , Snow , has frozen herself in a nearby castle to protect herself . friend male 6 Upon hearing this , a bounty hunter named Quarry introduces himself and offers to track down Janis . hunter male 44 The Nangiomeri and their allies the Mulluk - Mulluk were bitter enemies of the -Marringar and Marrithiyal tribes , though ceremonial obligations required them to cooperate in crucial ritual circumstances , such as the Dingiri style circumcision initiatory rite , Dingiri being a mythical hunter who sang himself into stone . hunter female 7 To authenticate him / herself , a user needs to have a digital X.509 certificate issued by a Certification Authority ( CA ) trusted by the infrastructure running the middle - ware . user male 1 His friend Lou Harrison dissociated himself from Ruggles after the 1949 performance of " Angels " because of the older composer 's racism , noting specifically a luncheon at Pennsylvania Station in New York at which Ruggles shouted anti - black and anti - semitic slurs . friend male 21 The life of Vernon Little , a normal teenager who lives in Martirio , Texas , falls apart when his best friend , Jesus Navarro , murders their classmates in the schoolyard before killing himself , and Vernon is taken in for questioning . friend male 22 The problem with the game in the TV series , however , is that it also detects subconscious desires : if the user subconsciously hates himself then the game will eventually detect this and subject them to specifically tailored masochistic tortures . user male 15 There is also a note appended to deeds of sale , mentioning that a family friend had hanged himself from a tree in the bush , because of love for the niece . friend male 11 One incident includes the making of a homemade bomb with his friend Jack , who burns himself in the process . friend female 16 Seeking a way to support herself and baby son , Ola took the advice of a friend and quickly found employment at the movie studios . friend female 21 A mother ( Ward ) attempts to be cool in front of her daughter ( Fitzgerald ) and her daughter 's friend ( Gage ) but only succeeds in embarrassing herself by revealing how little she knows about the topic of conversation . friend female 12 This cheers her up , and she decides to write some new friend fiction to read out herself instead . friend male 63 An individual may view and interact with other individuals in a way that is similar to their viewing of and interactions with family members ; through " guanxi " , a relationship between two friends can be likened by each friend to being a pseudo elder sibling – younger sibling relationship , with each friend acting accordingly based on that relationship ( the friend who sees himself as the " younger sibling " will show more deference to the friend who is the " older sibling " ) . friend female 10 In larger group meals or celebrations , a volunteer or attendant may not eat with the group , and dedicate himself or herself to bringing meal courses , feeding and serving the group . attendant female 7 In search for a liver for their patient who has prepared herself to die , Bailey and Jo bring a liver back from the dead . patient male 6 Morazán then said , " Dear friend , posterity will do us justice " and crossed himself . friend male 18 On July 2019 the Russian consulate located within was hit by an online bomb threat originating from a user calling himself " chichoonkeat " . user male 1 A patient committed suicide by hanging himself in the showers while there on a 30-day court evaluation when BSH staff failed to prevent it . patient male 10 Simultaneously , Mort Broome ( Tambor ) , an old friend , tries to commit suicide by shooting himself with a rifle and blames the incident on cocaine use . friend male 18 The book is narrated by " Chief " Bromden , a gigantic yet docile half - Native American patient at a psychiatric hospital , who presents himself as deaf and mute . patient female 15 Lucy Ellman of " The Independent " described her storyline as " Natasha thought a friend who 'd given herself to a two - timing louse ( on the grounds that their star signs were compatible ) was about to commit suicide . friend female 15 It was a critical part of a crutch , and when it failed , the user fell and injured herself very seriously . user male 7 If I have a seriously ill schizophrenic patient who is neglecting himself , not taking his medicine , and I know he 's going to get worse , I can say that 's a " danger " to his health . patient male 21 At the end of the Season 14 finale , " The Chicago Way , " Pratt entered an ambulance transporting a patient ( portrayed by Steve Buscemi ) who revealed himself to be a government informant in Witness Protection . patient male 37 His death , however , is never made explicit ; the chapter ends with a zombie closing in on the immobilized Clarke , who wonders if he will be able to dispatch the creature ( a former friend ) before dying himself . friend male 1 The patient can treat himself and obviously in the absence of a medical practitioner must do so . patient male 3 An antiheroic bounty hunter who styles himself like a cowboy , Creighton witnesses hunter male 28 The night his wife goes into labour , Herder makes a last effort at curing Jack ; he introduces Jack to McKyle ( Nigel Green ) , a patient who also believes himself to be Christ — or as the patient puts it , " The High Voltage Messiah"—who subjects an unwitting Jack to electroshock therapy . patient male 15 The " Mountain Lion " video featured road racing cyclist Lance Armstrong , a close friend of Commerford , while a skateboarding Commerford appears to inject himself with a steroid . friend male 20 Retired Air Force Major General Eugene L. Eubank said in a 1982 interview that Odas Moon , a very close friend of his , " drank himself to death " . friend male 1 One attendant introduced himself as the Discourager of Hesitancy and explained that his job was to ensure compliance with the king 's will , through the subtle threat of the large " cimeter " ( scimitar ) he carried . attendant female 7 Harlock also meets Emeraldas , an old friend , who immediately offers herself to the cause . friend male 17 Identifying himself under the pseudonym of " Jim Ferguson " , he also kills Logan 's young friend , Little Tod . friend male 1 Another friend , Nils Amen , betrays him as well , but redeems himself by pretending to be Toby , throwing the searchers off . friend male 13 a pre - assembled machine or a cheaper kit version , which the user could assemble himself . user female 3 When Cho 's friend Marietta Edgecombe betrays the group to Umbridge ( Cho herself while under the influence of the truth potion Veritaserum in the film ) , Marietta is cursed with pimples on her face as a result of Hermione 's casting a spell on the D.A. membership list . friend male 2 A close friend of DuGalle , Stukov will debate situations with the admiral , but will subordinate himself to his friend 's higher rank . friend female 12 When Lacayo was 14 , she almost drowned attempting to rescue a friend at a pool before being saved herself . friend male 11 He summons Julia from the mattress by having a mentally ill patient cut himself on it . patient male 7 Train driver Alberto Guerro , a close friend of the cargo train 's drivers , hanged himself five days after the disaster . friend male 4 At 14:00 , the hunter set himself on a tree overlooking the boy 's corpse , in the hope that the leopard would return for it . hunter male 1 This friend of Prévert started his work on the project very early on in order to immerse himself fully in the script and the characters . friend male 11 In desperation , he let himself be driven by an atheist friend to the Basilica of St. Thérèse in Lisieux . friend male 3 Dave 's cop friend , Lou Girard , is found dead , apparently by shooting himself with a shotgun . friend male 1 A friend of Takumi 's , he is n't the greatest fighter but proves himself through his loyalty . friend female 12 Inspired by ancient Arabia , the novel tells the story of a hunter who disguises herself as a man in order to travel into a dangerous forest and restore magic to her people . hunter male 5 When one split - brain patient dressed himself , he sometimes pulled his pants up with one hand ( that side of his brain wanted to get dressed ) and down with the other ( this side did not ) . patient male 0 Friend departed himself in February 2015 , and was replaced by ex Hillingdon Borough and North Greenford United boss Steve Ringrose . Friend male 30 He also goes on to conclude that non - therapeutic circumcision largely violates the physician 's duty to respect a patient 's autonomy since many procedures take place before a patient is able to freely give consent himself . patient male 3 To teach the patient to adjust himself intelligently to his residual disability " ' patient male 5 Huge thanks go to our friend and colleague Doran Usher , who for years has devoted himself to work in The Gourishankar and without whom , the group would be unable to exist and develop . friend female 10 After injecting herself with heroin using a syringe , the user will extract approximately 5 ccs of blood from her vein , which another user will inject into her vein . user male 14 His work with Tara seems to be going well until his " kite " patient kills himself . patient male 20 The patient is able to stand up , but as soon as the feet are on the ground , the patient can not hold himself upright nor walk ; however when lying down , the subject conserved the integrity of muscular force and the precision of movements of the lower limbs . patient male 3 When his former friend Captain America presented himself to the Atlanteans to broker an agreement with Namor , he attacked Captain America in a rage while ranting about how Atlantis has taken the heat of the surface world 's battles time and time again . friend male 2 With his friend Sandy Hopkins disguising himself as a medicine man , Nevada Jack investigates and finds that saloonkeeper Lucky Baker is behind the crimes , helped by a hired gun called Knuckles . friend male 22 In inner - city Atlanta , 15-year - old Blackie Pride is consumed by the memories of Whitey Maddox , his best friend from reform school who has recently killed himself . friend female 10 Maggie 's close friendship with Lace upsets Lace 's closest friend , Patch , who lost one of her eyes in service to the gang and now sees herself as second - in - command . friend male 1 This patient , who called himself " The Man Who Sees Without Using His Eyes " , had the ability to see even after the doctors had medically sealed the man 's eyes shut and bandaged his head . patient female 9 When they arrived , it was revealed that a patient at the hospital had set herself on fire with a lighter . patient male 9 On November 8 , 1986 , a disgruntled former patient came to the general practitioner 's office and began shooting , killing a nurse , a patient and himself , as well as wounding Dr. Haddock ( then 75 years old ) and his wife Connie . patient male 4 Kenji Konishi , a friend of Hirasawa 's since 1979 who had collaborated with him intermittently since 1985 , offered himself as a member , to Hirasawa 's surprise . friend male 15 The boy is next seen several years later and has since become a hardened bounty hunter calling himself Roy Blood ( Giuliano Gemma ) . hunter male 9 Unable to speak he can only watch as his friend pledges himself to the woman who is plotting his death and shame before sinking into yet another drugged sleep . friend male 4 I had an Irish friend who considered himself a bit of a film producer and I considered myself a film writer and director and producer , so I went to the bank and talked them into giving us the money to make Glass , on the understanding that we would be able to recoup the money ... friend male 15 The stranger informs Ike that he was able to leave the town because his own friend sacrificed himself , this story inspires Ike to travel to the town to seek out the truth behind it . friend male 8 While Layne is at a pub , his friend , Toot , is drinking himself into a stupor . friend male 20 Many of his counterparts saw the assault as an artistic , even literary act ; James Baldwin a writer and friend of Mailer , characterized it as an attempt to free himself from " the spiritual prison he had created with his fantasies of becoming a politician , " " like burning down the house in order to , at last , be free of it " . friend female 4 Paige , a voluntary patient , checks herself out without saying goodbye to Victor . patient male 4 The specialist ' pot hunter ' may confine himself to his little round of events at distances that he finds brings in the rewards , but the real clubman runs through the gamut of events , taking pleasure , if not prizes , in all and sundry . hunter male 2 Cornwall 's friend , John Darras hanged himself at his own manor of Neenton in 1408 , the first notice of the suicide being a commission from the king , issued on 30 March , to four Shropshire gentry to investigate possible concealment of the deceased 's goods . friend male 5 Can the half - breed hunter or freighter be expected to be more apt in adapting himself to change ? hunter female 6 Daniels believes she is protecting her friend by allowing herself to be raped in her place . friend male 24 He pointed out that it was a moment when , instead of destroying everything by discord and disunion , it was essential that every friend of the House of Timur , should exert himself , to break the rapidly increasing power of Sher Khan and the Pashtuns . friend female 8 A sister of Kay Egan , a former patient of the clinic , kills herself . patient male 22 This fictional character was born in 1889 and died in 1915 , at 26 , the same age of Pessoa 's best friend Mário de Sá - Carneiro , who killed himself in Paris , in 1916 . friend male 12 Unbeknownst to Dominic , Stanciulescu has witnessed the event and overhears his friend ask himself , " Where do you want me to put the third rose ? " friend male 1 The attendant , Johnny , gives her meandering written directions and embarrasses himself trying to flirt with her . attendant male 1 The user can test the products in a simulation under real conditions and convince himself of their functionality . user male 6 Also , a colleague and former friend dissociates himself from Robert . friend male 14 His penultimate role was as McKyle the ' Electric Messiah ' , a mental patient believing himself to be God , in " The Ruling Class " ( 1972 ) . patient male 4 Mark Probst , a friend of Thomas , released several videos of Thomas and others ( including himself and Vova Galchenko ) juggling by posting them to the newsgroup rec.juggling under his nickname " Schani " . friend male 14 Richard Norton , the son of his old friend Charles Eliot Norton and a friend of Mrs. Wharton , had thrown himself into this work and James and Mrs. Wharton were committed to helping . friend male 39 This apparently was the reason why Chekhov ( still fresh from the scandal caused by " The Grasshopper " ) had doubts about publishing the story in " Russkaya Mysl " and suggested that Viktor Goltsev ( a close friend of both Mizinova and Potapenko ) should decide himself whether it was suitable for the magazine . friend female 3 Joseph 's close friend and ally , Margaret Thatcher , put herself forward as the free market candidate in the subsequent leadership election and won a surprising victory . friend male 17 Although close to New Labour and a key figure in the development of the Third Way , sociologist Anthony Giddens dissociated himself from many of the interpretations of the Third Way made in the sphere of day - to - day politics . sociologist male 19 User can mark items or their parts as favourite , make annotations and share them with specific person a user can freely define himself . user male 8 After admitting in a blasé manner , the friend kills himself off - screen . friend male 4 In 1917 , a patient named James Claxton hung himself from a tree , despite being noted as a quiet sociable , well behaved person who never indicated any desire to commit suicide . patient male 8 In 1902 , Henry George Bailey , a patient who was admitted to the asylum , committed suicide by hanging himself from a window shutter , using a thick canvas rug by tearing a thick piece off of it . patient male 11 Publishers did not dare to publish the book , though her friend Jean Haustont printed copies himself and it was eventually translated into five languages . " friend male 5 During the escape the " patient , " Lombard , accidentally shot himself , forcing Bruckner — and the money — to remain with him instead of escaping to Mexico , throwing off the timetable . patient male 10 Outside the hospital Jean tells her brothers that the family friend who happens to be visiting Harold at the moment exposed himself and masturbated in front of her when she was a child . friend male 4 Meanwhile , his best friend , Gem , finds himself in over his head when he begins to work as a drug dealer for Summerhouse kingpins , Dushane and Sully . friend female 23 She had many friends among the Swedish cultural elite , notably Fredrika Bremer and Pontus Wikner , and was described as a devoted friend and confidante " who diminished herself in overflowing compassion " , and reportedly , she refused to wear the fashionable crinoline because she did not wish to take so much space in the world . friend female 10 Allison seeks out her secret accomplice , Jessica 's new friend Natalie Balsom , who has ingratiated herself to Jessica and her family in the short time since she had arrived in Llanview . friend male 7 He visits Professor Koniglich , a scientist friend of Brian 's who believes himself to be a descendant of Real , and correctly surmises that Koniglich had attempted to disintegrate his own body in the grave and reassemble it through nuclear energy ; unfortunately , the professor had failed to consider the bird buried there , and a mutation resulted . friend female 1 A patient hanged herself , others self harmed , ligature points were found where patients could hang themselves and too many of the staff were untrained to deal with the highly vulnerable patients at the clinic . patient male 23 In 1982 , she starred opposite Dustin Hoffman in the comedy " Tootsie " ( 1982 ) , playing an actress whose actor friend ( Hoffman ) disguises himself as a woman to further his career . friend male 43 After some time , the gazelle is trapped by another net ; with the aid of the others and the good rat , the gazelle is soon freed , but the tortoise fails to leave swiftly enough and is himself captured by the hunter . hunter male 30 As he screams " Stay away from me ! " and has a series of flashbacks to both the war and the rapes and murders he has committed , the attendant shoots himself in the head . attendant female 20 The Center for Feeling Therapy initially followed Janov 's method described in " The Primal Scream " by having the patient isolate him or herself for 24 hours prior to the initial three week intensive therapy . patient male 2 Byron 's friend Edward John Trelawny had aligned himself with Androutsos , who ruled Athens , and was now pressing for Byron to break with Mavrokordatos in favour of backing his rival Androutsos . friend male 20 Upon being released from prison , Ricky ( Ashley Walters ) is collected by Wisdom , an eccentric and naive friend who is desperate to establish himself within their neighbourhood . friend male 1 A friend , to whom he had entrusted the management of his estate , enriched himself and left Beyers bankrupted in 1894 . friend male 11 Payne accepted the rejection and tried without success to talk his friend Irving into proposing himself . friend female 5 In contrast , a telephone user does not see herself as " operating " the telephone , but merely talking to another person with it . user male 11 In the course of such reconstruction of the incident , the friend carefully goes over the past and reminds himself of all the stories that the dead student had told him , and such sophisticated ability to remember , is the ' magic ' that this work is talking about . friend male 15 In the third and final episode , " The Nameless City " , the treasure hunter finds himself in an alternate reality . hunter male 1 My friend Nicolas summoned him on a capital charge , offering himself as a security according to the " lex talionis " . friend male 9 7 Engine Company responded to the call while the superintendent attempted to put out the fire by hand , burning himself to the wrist . superintendent male 11 Similarly , in " Mirror Mirror " , he resuscitates a patient using a defibrillator while the patient 's skin is wet , inadvertently shocking himself into unconsciousness at the same time . patient male 10 The killings coincide with the marriage of Sickert 's close friend and mentor , the famous painter James Abbott McNeill Whistler , who later distanced himself from Sickert , even suing Sickert later in life . friend male 13 This Italian edition was published posthumously under suspicious conditions by Essad Bey 's friend Vacca Bello , who called himself " Ahmed Giamil Vacca - Mazzara " . friend male 36 To restore his family 's honor , Gen 's older brother Koji joins the Navy against Daikichi 's wishes , where he is subjected to a brutal training regimen by his commanding officer and lost one friend who killed himself because of this . friend male 5 Paul Marshall , a visiting friend of Briony 's older brother introduces himself to the visiting cousins and appears to be attracted to Lola . friend male 3 Jonathan believes his friend is deluding himself . friend male 5 Michael Massee returned as the hunter Kubrick , who believes himself to be on a mission from God to kill Sam Winchester . hunter female 11 Rebecca Gayheart auditioned for the role of Brenda , Natalie 's friend who eventually unveils herself as the film 's villain . friend male 1 The hunter would customarily locate the herd in the early morning , and station himself about 100 yards / meters from it , shooting the animals broadside through the lungs . hunter male 18 In a small village near the Oaxacan sierra in the 19th century , a humble and brave Native trapper named Tizoc prepares himself for his wedding to a fellow Native girl named Machinza . trapper male 15 The post , written on August 1 , 2010 with obscene words by the Russian user top - lap , who introduced himself as Alexander , criticised the fire safety condition in his native village during the 2010 Russian wildfires and emphasized the disappearance of the village 's old fire alarm bell , which top - lap called " rynda " ( a ship 's bell in Russian ) . user male 12 Michael ( Mihail ) M. Cernea ( born 1931 ) is a sociologist and anthropologist born in Romania who reestablished himself in the USA in 1974 where he has since lived . sociologist male 4 Patton , not a friend of the American Forces Network in the first place , was shaving at the time and cut himself on hearing the broadcast . friend female 35 In 1980 , the first commercially available prosthesis was introduced by Singer and Blom : the ‘ Blom - Singer ® Duckbill ’ , a 16 French diameter , non - flanged device that the patient could remove , clean and replace him- or herself ( non - indwelling ) . patient female 5 Pilar , their neighbor and friend , a Catholic middle - aged woman , and militant social benefactor , involves herself in their psychodramas . friend female 1 The patient can insert this plug him-/ herself before eating or drinking and remove it again afterwards , as speaking with the plug in place is usually not possible . patient male 2 Felix 's friend Fitz , she tells him , has gotten himself into trouble , and the authorities came asking for a jacket he had lost . friend female 24 An episode of the popular sitcom " Maude " entitled " Feminine Fulfillment " ( ) dealt with main character Maude Findlay 's best friend Vivian Harmon giving herself over to " Feminine Fulfillment " ( also the name of the episode ) , which Maude says is " like Total Woman . friend male 3 In 1948 a friend told Jerry that he had recently attended the opening of Luc e Lipton Interior Designs where he had been introduced to Evelyn Lipton . friend male 5 In 1955 , a male friend showed Kanokogi a judo technique that he had learned , and she immediately became interested in the martial art . friend male 38 In 2005 , he was selected for the American Boys Choir , however , it was during this time that Hurricane Katrina devastated much of Mississippi , prompting the Snyder family to move back to Alabama where family friend , Tina Fitch suggested he go to New York to try his luck in professional theatre . friend male 5 In 2004 , a female friend , Marcy Lopez , testified that he had assaulted her and a judge revoked Dalton ' s probation and sentenced him to 5 years in prison . friend male 4 In 1985 , a friend of Davies suggested that he should talk to a producer for the children ' s show Why Do not You . friend male 7 In connection with the current situation the user said in a response that he is a conservative Libertarian on his talk page in context to what was happening . user male 22 In a press interview , Tunku Nadzimuddin claimed that he was roughed up by Tunku Ismail and his bodyguards after the a friend of Tunku Ismail called Tunku Nadzimuddin that he had wanted to apologise over a bottle-throwing incident , while Tunku Nadzimuddin was partying . friend female 13 In an August 2011 lawsuit filed in Broward County , Florida , a patient claimed she developed keloid scars within days following a Lifestyle Lift facelift , and that the doctor had lied about the risks of scarring . patient male 4 In addition , the user has already freely admitted that he owns the Boukenger account , and that he used it to circumvent a block . user male 5 In 2010 , an Argentine user of the site built a bass guitar that he could gift to Paul McCartney when he visited Argentina for a series of concerts . user male 19 In 1999 , Kentridge and his collaborators , Heywood and Weiskrantz , were the first to demonstrate that a patient with the neurological condition blindsight was capable of directing his attention to stimuli that he could not see . patient male 2 And one user has since said he would have certified , but was away . user male 1 An user has already noted that he has one of the first two books and that it works for this purpose , and sworn to get on that . user male 3 An unknown artist friend looked at one of his early efforts and made the comment that he did not have to paint every leaf . friend male 3 And I a friend tell me recently that if Wikipedia stops using spoiler warnings , he will use it considerably less often . friend male 3 And for a user who claims that he ' d rather stay away from me , it then makes no sense that he would show up at the Asexuality article . user male 3 A naval officer friend of the family , Captain Charles James Tyers , suggested that if Kennedy obtained the necessary qualifications , he would arrange employment for him in Australia . friend female 2 An anonymous user insists that she has Montenegrin and not Serbian origin , violating the 3RR , and is bloating the talk page with so far some 20K of comments . user female 2 An architect friend suggested that she might like to try `` landscape gardening '' -LRB- the term used at the time for landscape architecture -RRB- a field in which Beatrix Jones Farrand had become a female pioneer during the 1890s . friend male 7 A namespace ban is unworkable because the user in question has already said in an earlier case that he refuses to edit under such restrictions . user male 3 An alert flight attendant saw that he had a concealed weapon , and all but four passengers and two flight attendants were able to get off of the airplane before he realized that he had been spotted . attendant male 11 And this comes right after , while logged out , same user tried to restore the redirected page enough times that he was about to be blocked . user male 4 A neighbour and family friend recommended that he change schools to join Rockwell College , a school heavily focused on rugby . friend male 13 An elbow injury threatens to end his baseball career early on until his friend and teammate , Shigeno , suggests that he try hitting . friend male 11 And while you may believe the validity of checkuser , your friend has shown he does not , pretty much stated it , indicative of a lack of good faith . friend male 1 Another user claims he has done the same to another WP user -LRB- a Federal employee -RRB- . user male 1 Another user -LRB- dima -RRB- wrote he -LSB- does not -RSB- mind if there is only Ukrainian name or both . user male 1 Another user has also revealed tonight that he tried similar stalking on them . user male 1 Another user -LRB- Mtking -RRB- suggested there that he stop editing the page for the time being . user female 1 Another user on another page said that she thought that `` Czar '' has the most spelling variations of any four character word using the Latin alphabet where all spellings mean the same thing . user male 1 Another user reverted him and he reverted again . user male 1 Another user will engage the sock under the impression that he ' s an innocent anonymous IP contributor . user male 20 An Irishman staying in the room next door now enters the bedroom , a Mr Maclachlan , who lets his friend know that he has the wrong woman . friend male 13 Anita realizes that Kadhir is not such a useless fellow when his best friend tells her that he can dismantle and assemble a motorcycle within minutes . friend male 5 ANI thread suggested that the user confirmed that he was using a screen reader , another noted his profession that his primary disability is not visual in nature and that he does not use a screen reader -LRB- other relevant AN and ANI threads may be found here , here , here , here , and -LSB- at least in part , I gather -RSB- here -RRB- . user male 2 A new patient named Steve believes he is a superhero that can fly . patient male 2 An experienced user who knows what he is doing . user female 6 A blonde bartender comforts a saddened friend , who suggests that she go back to work . friend male 10 A 911 operator receives a call from a panic stricken hunter who says he thinks he has just accidentally shot his friend and he ' s now lying there dead . hunter male 16 Aiken had filled out an application to participate in the reality show Amazing Race when a friend of his insisted that he try out for American Idol instead . friend male 6 AIV -RSB- -RSB- but then the user insisted that it was a mistake and that he was only reverting vandalism . user male 1 A hunter with the rifle realizes he has just blown the landing gear off of an airborne 747 . hunter male 4 I see that the user you were addressing there followed-through at your talk page on September 27th to let you know that he was interested in pursuing the conversation further . user male 6 I see you are a good friend who think he is suitable for the task , but I believe he can defend himself . friend male 9 I should remember that this guy is a banned user who bragged earlier that he is using a dynamic IP so that no one can trace him . user female 6 After a tedious conversation , the patient tells him that she feels very hot and needs some water and suddenly develops strange symptoms . patient male 5 After being blocked , the user said he would change IP addresses and come back . user male 11 After being checked by the doctor a family member and a friend offered words of hope that he was looking better to which Jefferson impatiently replied . friend male 1 A friend afterwards remarked that he had grossly offended a large company , and wondered why none had appeared to resent the affront . friend male 1 A friend asked Quale to perform but stipulated he must wear a wig ; he decided to perform as a `` powdered-wigged baroque dandy , and highlight how the song was about being a fabulous hairdresser '' . friend male 1 A friend asked why he did not write one , and so he did . friend female 1 A friend claimed she was ' positively dotty ' about Shelley , not just making him her model in art and life but on occasion actually ' seeing ' the dead poet . friend male 1 A friend , Eisen , suggested he write some plays purposefully designed for acceptance at the Royal Theater . friend female 1 A friend had suggested that she approach cartoon director Ed Levitt for a job at UPA , since he was looking for beginning animators and was also an alumna of Jepson Art Institute . friend female 1 A friend , Harriet Templer , said that she had been witness to the bullying and that these girls were yelling abuse and even attacked her . friend male 1 A friend I met as an adult told me that he had a heavy southern accent when he moved to NY from the deep south to begin college . friend male 1 A friend in Australia says he heard a news item on the radio about a massive solar flare -LRB- in the past couple of days -RRB- that disrupted electronic transmissions on earth . friend male 1 A friend of Baelfire ' s suggests he call on The Blue Fairy -LRB- Keegan Connor Tracy -RRB- , which he does . friend male 1 A friend of claims some guy on a AIM chat said he was tapping them . friend male 1 A friend of Ellis recalled that he was `` a rather cold , harsh ambitious man , and sometimes chilled us with his terrible bursts of profanity ; but he was every inch a soldier . friend male 1 A friend of Garlasco ' s indicated he had `` in effect '' been fired , but had entered into a confidentiality agreement with HRW in which he would be paid for the remainder of his contract if he kept silent . friend male 1 A friend of George says that he made a bet that he was gay , and demands proof in nine months . friend female 1 A friend of her mother recommended that she go to Europe . friend female 1 A friend of hers suggested she give Vivid another try . friend male 1 A friend of his once said that if Giacometti decided to sculpt you , `` he would make your head look like the blade of a knife . friend male 1 A friend of his who was a judge , suggested he get an education and become a lawyer . friend female 1 A friend of Kelly ' s , Sharon Stonel , also commented that she had seen Kelly go into the Golubs ' house . friend male 1 A friend of mine , a recovering alcoholic , recently went to an AA session but he had to give his name . friend male 7 After a couple of reverts , the user suggested that as a compromise he leave out the triplet business and just mention that Oliphant was the III . user male 2 After a friend complained that he was too busy to look for a new boyfriend , they launched the Gaydar internet dating website in November 1999 from their home in Twickenham . friend female 21 Adams goes to touch her arm to reassure her they only need a drop of blood to test , but the patient complains she ca not feel her arms anymore . patient male 3 Additionally , another user reports that he ran port checks and found some issues . user male 17 Additionally a quick GeoIP lookup for the IP shows it is from the same city as the user says he is located in on his user page . user male 14 Additionally , by suppressing the typical negative side-effects of the two drugs , the user may falsely believe he has a higher tolerance , or that he is less intoxicated than he really is . user female 5 About this time , a friend told me that she had spoken to Steven Soderbergh about the project and he was interested in our process . friend male 6 Above on this page , the user says that he used the word in this fashion because the article Jew indicates this is the term of preference . user male 5 A case in which a patient told his psychiatrist that he had thoughts of killing a girl . patient male 3 Additionally , the user has claimed that he would ' come clean ' about his past . user male 5 According to Romano , a friend suggested he name it after the then recently released movie , Stromboli . friend male 2 A close friend of Bouazizi said he `` was a very well-known and popular man -LSB- who -RSB- would give free fruit and vegetables to very poor families . friend male 2 A close friend recommended that he open his gallery to the public . friend male 2 A check user has revealed that he is using socks for over a period of 4 months . user male 2 A certain user who might like to show up here , possibly , told me that he tested it and confirm does not properly work . user male 18 According to Death , the young boy who would become the Doctor agreed to this bargain and his friend believed he had done the killing instead . friend male 47 According to `` Der Mann , der Jerry Cotton war '' -LRB- `` The man who had been Jerry Cotton '' -RRB- the museum had been closed down for an unknown period of time , but the administrator gave him a sightseeing tour anyway after his Russian friend had emphasised that he carried a gun . friend female 7 According to Heather she has an imaginary friend who thinks she ' s `` psycho . friend male 2 A concerned friend enlisted a Notary Public to witness an official statement by Erickson that he was an alien ; he hoped by declaring so publicly he would be in line with any `` international laws '' he might have been breaking . friend male 2 A cop friend of mine once commented that he could smell the liquor on my breathe , then he went on to explain that smokers like me are easy to pick out when we ' ve imbibed . friend male 22 Despite the dislike he held toward Vic , Dutch confided to Claudette that he doubted whether Vic would ever murder a close friend , no matter the circumstances . friend male 11 Despite the doctor ' s failure in assisting him , the patient tells the doctor that he ' s not at fault , and that he should not feel ashamed . patient male 6 December 2009 -LRB- UTC -RRB- The user replied to me on his talk page that he forgot to log in . user male 2 Danflave - User has informed me that he no longer edits Lost related pages , so he will no longer be participating . User male 15 Determined to drive a faster car , he goes to the junkyard because his mechanic friend tells him he saw the scrapped body of a 300ZX with good parts on it . friend male 1 Czech friend here thinks he was likely a Slovak . friend male 6 August 2007 -LRB- UTC -RRB- The user has barely made any edits for us to worry about this , nor did he try to hide the duplicate accounts . user male 13 At the end of the episode the only evident change is that the patient says he now does not like ketchup , although he does wonder aloud to his wife , `` I wonder what else I do not like , '' which appears to make her anxious . patient male 1 A user commented that he sent an e-mail for Huggle and that it had been over a week and he had not received it . user male 1 A user determines he should file an Admin Recall . user female 6 A user emails you that another user -LRB- under a pseudonym -RRB- stated in a reverted edit on her user page that she intends to commit suicide . user female 6 A user emails you that another user -LRB- with a nym rather than a name -RRB- stated in a reverted edit on her user page that she intends to commit suicide . user male 1 A user had a POV that he considered perfectly logical and therefor correct , and was unwilling to budge in the face of reliable sources to the contrary and unwilling to accept that other arguments might be equally logical when starting from a different set of values . user male 1 A user has a complete June 14 copy of my recently-deleted bio that he inserted in a subdirectory of his user page . user male 1 A user recently admitted he was a sockpuppet of an indef . user male 1 A user , Richardrushfield , says he is from the Los Angeles Times , and has provided information to prove it . user male 8 A user suggested it in ANI because the user said that he might have pretended to be RegularBreaker . user male 1 A user thinks that he can use on an image . user male 1 A user who is doing that is an experienced Wikipedian who is not `` experimenting '' such that he needs a test1 , and I ' d issue them a blatantvandal tag myself . user male 1 A user who meets Sadi Carnot at an AfD debate will not immediately realize he is the same person as Wavesmikey . user male 1 A user who says he is the subject of the article says he prefers a slightly different romanization and a somewhat non-standard order of his names . user female 1 A user who says she is the subject of this article has changed the birthdate repeatedly , to make her two years younger . user male 1 A user who sits down at a PC should see the same menus , keyboards and procedures that he would at a 3270 terminal . user male 1 A user who suggested that he had breached his arbcom block was , naturally enough , accused of being another sock puppet whereas another user was also instantly accused of being yet another sock puppet . user male 1 A user with 5000 edits says he forgot his pwd , created a new account and wants the old account renamed to the new account . user male 1 A user with an obvious POV -LRB- Anti-American -RRB- is continually ignoring requests that he discuss controversial tagging on this article talk latest example . user male 1 A user with special privileges decides that he knows best , summarily terminates the discussion , implements his decision in despite of the discussion , and then moves on . user male 5 Authentication just means that each user must prove who he is by using either a password , biometric -LRB- such as a fingerprint -RRB- , or other standard authentication means . user male 20 Basically , if we eventually delete this one , and leave the others , we may still find some new user who will rightfully belave that he can create a similar one to this we deleted . user male 3 Basically , the user reverts almost all material that he feels is `` negative '' using constantly shifting rationale . user male 3 Basically , the user thought whomever he represents owns the article . user male 6 At the linked thread , the user has demonstrated that he is not brand new to the site , and there very likely is a master . user male 25 At the top of the talk pages of articles which have been designated as requiring academic expertise for adequate evaluation of substantive edits , any user who feels he has such expertise shall designate himself an expert and state the basis of his expertise . user male 2 Banned until user demonstrates to ArbCom that he is no longer a threat to the collaborative nature of the project , with no unblock requests to be entertained for at least one year . user female 14 Bad Mother collectionAfter Waldman complained about the response to her controversial essay , a friend -LRB- Daniel Handler -RRB- suggested she write a book about it . friend male 17 At Wesleyan , he ran short of funds and was preparing to drop out , when a friend suggested he apply for a scholarship , the Gilbert Clee Scholarship . friend male 5 At this visit , the patient can decide whether he is a good candidate for vasectomy reversal and assess if it is right for him . patient female 3 Audrey ' s friend thinks she has breast cancer and asks Tom to feel her breasts . friend male 3 A very dedicated user with a profound interest in creating a good encyclopedia and I believe he has a well developed understanding in how good articles should be written . user male 30 AFD was unanimous , U1 does not work in reverse , and Wikipedia is not a free webhost and deleted pages can not be kept in userspace indefinitely ; the user has claimed he would work on them in the past , that did not happen . user male 27 Although it is not a reason for deletion , for context it is perhaps worth mentioning that the article was created by a single-purpose account , the user of which stated that he was working for Cisco , the company responsible for this product . user male 2 A local friend realizes that Stark is an entity controlled by the books that Thad wrote , and that he will do anything he can to stop him . friend male 4 Also , the one user , WillKing1979 , if you look at his user page , you can see he has a political agenda . user male 2 Also the user claims that he uses public PC ' s . user male 3 Also , the user has indicated that he will keep restoring the material every time it is removed . user male 3 Also , the user says he anonymously vandalized Wikipedia before . user male 3 Also , the user says he would block indef after one previous block , however , says nothing about IPs . user male 10 Also , this frequent IP changing is worrying and the user already admitted that he is `` changing my IP after each edit for security reasons '' . user male 6 Also , half of what the user said he wants to do with admin tools in Q6 can be already done without admin tools . user male 12 Although those that oppose have brought up some valid points , this user has stated that he will mostly use his admin tools for trans-wiki-ing . user male 2 A flight attendant finds that he is unable to access the lower hold , which raises the suspicions of a treasury agent on board . attendant male 7 A few days ago I met a friend of ours who told me that he had heard you sing in a POP-CONCERT in Cape Town ! friend male 10 A few days later , however , an Inuit seal hunter informed them that he had seen the Baychimo about away from their position . hunter male 1 A friend of mine last night told me he was going to kill himself -LRB- on AIM -RRB- . friend female 1 A friend of mine recently said that she had heard of supermarkets storing fruits for up to two years before they are sold . friend male 1 A friend of mine said he saw one swimming on our local pond , but I think it is more likely to have been wading , or else he saw something else . friend male 1 A friend of mine said he wants to `` experience a longer life '' , so he ' s going to cut out an hour of sleep from now on . friend male 1 A friend of mine said that he put up a stupid article -LRB- imagine that -RRB- and that you guys had it gone in less than 5 minutes . friend male 1 A friend of mine says he does not think there is a gene responsible for human greed -LRB- given its complexity and its presence in non-humans -RRB- , or that greed -LRB- or any other psychological failing of human nature -RRB- will ever be solved through genetic engineering . friend male 1 A friend of mine told me about the drummer who was 11 at the time and said how amazing he was . friend male 1 A friend of mine told me the other day that he was looking for some particular piece of information in an article in wikipedia but could not find it . friend male 1 A friend of mine using windows said he has had no problems , and I fear that using a windows machine could be my oly option . friend male 1 A friend of mine was mentioning how he felt that the best thing for the planet was for the human race to just drop dead and at times I can see and understand his way of thinking but a big part of me has this -LRB- probably -RRB- misguided faith in humanity to kind of steer the ship in the right direction for a change . friend male 1 A friend of mine who is a CAP pilot tells me that he can have 4 bars on the ground , but the same place at 5 , 000 ft AGL , he will have no signal . friend male 1 A friend of mine who knows a bit about law said he thinks it was stipulated in the Magna Carta , but I ' m of the opinion the right is much older , the English `` inherited '' it from the Romans . friend male 1 A friend of mine who lives in Hawai'i says that he rarely sees lightning there . friend female 1 A friend of mine who works as a Japanese translator in Germany says she always finds it baffling when she overhears people saying it on the train . friend male 1 A friend of Saari also reported that he had been seeing a psychologist in the months before the shooting , and had been obsessed with guns . friend female 1 A friend of Spike ' s says that she left with `` Le Comte . friend male 1 A friend of the band who wanted to help manage them told them he would take the tapes to the east coast and shop them around to the independent labels there . friend male 1 A friend of the Ranson ' s , having seen the character graphics , stated that `` he looked like a Seymour '' . friend male 1 A friend of Tudbury ' s suggested that he outfit an old Volkswagen Beetle with discarded battleship armor , television cameras and monitors , and use it as a shell . friend male 1 A friend of Warner ' s then suggested that he should instead try to colonise one of the islands in the Lesser Antilles because of their more favourable conditions . friend male 1 A friend once gave what he thought was chemistry ebook . friend female 1 A friend present suggested she go work for Caudron , France ' s first airplane manufacturer . friend male 1 A friend -RSB- recalling that he and his wife once had to be out at four o'clock , just when Russell had to have the tea without which he was miserable . friend female 1 A friend recommended that she stay on as the entertainment director at the Marine Corps Staff NCO club there , and she remained there for 22 years . friend female 1 A friend recounted at her funeral that she said , `` These bodies are only temporary . friend male 1 A friend said he personally witnessed Burton taking 8 to 10 Halcion tablets -LRB- a benzodiazapine -RRB- and a couple of trips -LRB- LSD -RRB- in the hours before the murder and said he had been drinking `` tequila slammers '' all evening . friend male 1 A friend says that he has invented the wheel . friend female 1 A friend sent me a file -LRB- a short list of books -RRB- that she made in OpenOffice -LRB- . friend male 1 A friend suggested he begin a strip about a teenager . friend male 1 A friend suggested he try modelling and he entered a competition for Elite Modelling . friend female 1 A friend suggested she pursue flying along with her first husband , with whom she earned her pilot certification . friend female 1 A friend suggested she see a homeopath and Anna ' s condition started to improve . friend male 1 A friend suggested that he also move to Mexico City , promising to help him make contacts . friend male 1 A friend suggested that he move to Jacksonville , Florida , where some films were being made . friend male 1 A friend suggested that he read a book he himself had just finished . friend male 1 A friend suggested that he should establish a museum to let people learn more from him . friend female 1 A friend suggested that she should see the Sex Pistols . friend male 1 A friend suggested to Seaman that he should start manufacturing snowplows as a way to diversify his business , which he did . friend male 1 A friend tells him that if he joins the Army , he will get to drive large vehicles and never have to go into actual combat . friend male 1 A friend that was helping with the article through email notified me that he had passed . friend female 1 A friend told her she had enough hair not just for two , but three plaits . friend male 1 A friend told me he heard ball lightning . friend male 1 A friend told me he knew a woman who learned French in a few months through Skype , so I looked for this sort of thing on the Internet . friend male 1 A friend told me that he managed to get just enough into the mosquito that it popped as it attempted to fly away . friend male 1 A friend told Soriano that he had signed a contract with the Hiroshima Carp , a team in the Central League of Nippon Professional Baseball , which had a Dominican academy in San Pedro de Macor i s . friend male 1 A friend who heard the record recently said he now had no interest in listening to our older work anymore , that we had made all our old material redundant . friend male 1 A friend who saw how much he enjoyed beyblade , gave him his own bey , Virgo , so that he can become a blader as good as Gingka . friend male 1 A friend with them insisted he was there for clothing , not weapons , so they dropped him off at a bus stop to travel back to Toronto while they carried on to Ohio in search of a gun . friend female 1 A friend witnessed her likely abduction and reported that she entered a faded brown Chevrolet pickup truck fitted with a homemade wooden camper and driven by a 20 - to 30-year-old Caucasian male with an Afro hairstyle . friend female 9 Also I note on the talk page the other user says she thought one bit in the article was OR but did not remove it , an uncited mention of a campaign failure in an article of a new leader does not seem very neutral to me . user male 8 Also in the original report , a former friend of Tilton ' s from college -LRB- who remained anonymous and was shown in silhouette -RRB- claimed that both he and Tilton would attend tent revival meetings as a `` sport '' and would claim to be anointed and healed at the meetings . friend male 9 Also , in the past afd , the above user claims that he is a regular on this message board , which creates much bias and this argument should be discounted . user male 3 A local reporter friend said he looked like ' a traumatised man walking in a glassy eyed dream ' . friend male 7 After his wife became pregnant , a friend suggested that he join the LAPD , which was conducting a recruitment drive among former servicemen ; Gates initially declined , then decided it was a good opportunity . friend male 8 After two reverts on my part , this user has stated that he will persist in removing this content and that he `` will continue to do so until only truthful details about his life are listed '' -LRB- see here -RRB- . user male 1 After user said that he had no idea who these sockpuppets were , user comes back and removes the sockpuppet tags and says that the sockpuppets retired ' at his request ' -LRB- even though he does not know these people -RRB- . user male 10 After sponging off his sister for too long , a friend of Esther ' s pointed out to him that he was not welcome anymore and he subsequently left . friend male 6 After Sri ANNA retired , a friend of his suggested that he put his multilingual language to use by translating the various Indian scriptures in the form of simple books . friend female 2 A good friend of mine , only thirty years old , said she would rather have death . friend male 7 Allan Lightner , recalled that his late friend `` was still the fine clean character that he was in his high school days in Youngstown '' . friend male 17 After I asked for page protection -LRB- and did not receive -RRB- on the page , the user stated he would `` merely get an account '' to continue editing . user male 6 After instructions by other editors the user has made it clear that he does not intend to stop calling other editors dishonest . user female 6 After receiving a letter from a friend in Chicago who wrote that she had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit , Berntsen sailed back to America to see this revival firsthand . friend male 7 After my main account retired , another user -LRB- Bagworm -RRB- started reverting a large number of my edits that he had failed to undo while I was still active . user male 8 After Nash announced his support , a longtime friend of his , State Senator George Maypole , told Nash that he was planning on running against Lewis in the primary . friend male 5 After his death a close friend revealed that he had once asked Keely what he wanted for an epitaph , and Keely had replied , `` Keely , the greatest humbug of the nineteenth century '' . friend male 6 After his death , his close friend Giacomo Agostini announced he would never again race at the Isle of Man TT Races because he considered it too unsafe to be a part of the FIM World Motorcycle Championship calendar . friend male 9 After snapping his well-known picture of Pieterson , a friend in the police warned him that he was a target for the Security Branch of the police . friend male 5 After the surgery , the patient revealed that he felt nothing and was not aware the surgery was over until he awoke . patient male 11 A link to an off-site website is OK only after the user has established that he is here to contribute to the project . user female 22 Edits by S-MorrisVP and those made before a user account was created are clearly slanted towards the perspective of the organization the user stated she works for . user male 20 Edits may be considered spamming , but I ' d like to have other eyes on this - - - user ' s sole purpose is linking to his own essays , primarily at a blog that he edits . user male 5 February 2012 -LRB- UTC -RRB- User claimed that he created it but no proof given . User male 5 February 2012 -LRB- UTC -RRB- user has uploaded other copyrighted photos of airplanes and claimed he took them himself - see e . user female 25 Firstly on Screen Award for Best Female Playback the official site of Screen clearly states that Alka Yagnik has won 4 Screen awards whereas the user is adamant that she has won only 2 Screen awards . user male 14 Finally , they confirmed that they could indeed download the copyrighted file from the user who stated -LRB- on his thread -RRB- that he was sharing it . user female 25 Failure to inform patients of the available of these more accurate screening tests might result in a wrongful birth or wrongful miscarriage lawsuit if the patient can demonstrate that she would have chosen the newer test , if she had known about it , to avoid the unfortunate outcome that resulted from receiving a conventional screening test or invasive procedure . patient male 1 Experienced user knows what he is doing . user male 9 Expozany '' , which is obviously a somewhat strange friend of his who hosts a conspiracy-themed show that he has shot in his basement while wearing a clown mask , and `` Esoteric Knowledge '' , a revisiting of a fictional 60s science `` educational '' science show starring the remarkably ill-informed Dr . friend male 5 FL replies asking if the user feels he had participated in edit warring , and if he agrees that KC ignored the initial post . user male 56 Comments such as this -LRB- `` perverts like USER '' -RRB- , this -LRB- `` You are the fickface -LSB- sic -RSB- that makes a nice bloke slit throats '' -RRB- , this -LRB- `` I would believe that a person expressing taste for books of perversion are perverts '' -RRB- , this -LRB- `` This user says he would prefer small girls at LINK '' -RRB- and the like show a grievous misunderstanding . user male 3 Comment - The user has accepted that he and the IPs are one and the same person . user male 7 Comment by Closer - I guess the user is saying that he believes there was no consensus for deletion based on the number of ! user male 12 He was encouraged to try his hand at the whistle after a friend recommended he attend the VFL ' s umpiring summer school for umpires . friend male 10 He took the name `` Charles Atlas '' after a friend told him he resembled the statue of Atlas on top of a hotel in Coney Island and legally changed his name in 1922 . friend male 1 He user has said that he will tame and controll his bot in the future and will ensure the lists are checked adequately . user male 12 He was a fraudster who was neither a colonel nor the famous hunter he claimed he was , having never killed an animal in his life . hunter female 8 Her former boss , mentor , and personal friend ' Colonel ' Tom Rockwell asks that she investigate the apparent suicide of his daughter Jennifer who , as a beautiful , intelligent , cheerful , popular woman has no obvious reason for taking her own life . friend female 1 Her friend Amy was constantly pushing her to get married and have kids , however , Brigitte did not feel she was ready for such a commitment . friend female 1 Her friend , Carol Wareing , reappears , and announces she will be staying with them . friend female 1 Her friend fears that she may be the next target . friend female 1 Her friend Judie , suggests that she use the information for her own benefit by blackmailing Quin to become her boyfriend . friend male 1 Her friend , Kevin Fong , stated that he had arrived at Anderson ' s residence to take her to a doctor ' s appointment for a colonoscopy , to help with the treatment of her Crohn ' s disease . friend female 1 Her friend , Peggy Caserta , claimed in a 1973 book that she had encouraged a reluctant Joplin to perform at Woodstock . friend male 1 Any user who declares that he is above the rules , like Adam Carr , is the source of the problem . user male 2 Although the patient reported in such cases that he had not seen the indicator light on his hand , their performance was correspondingly better , similar to the results when visual feedback had been available . patient male 4 But at least one user -LSB- 2 -RSB- will tell you -LRB- the strength of his view is impossible to overestimate -RRB- that he did abuse admin power . user male 18 But , crucially , a block -LRB- of any length -RRB- should only be lifted if the blocked user recognizes that he has done something wrong and convinces us that it will not happen again . user male 8 BLP has now escalated now that the other user involved , is now claiming that he knows Taio Cruz personally and that he is correct in using a Myspace profile for Taio Cruz as an acceptable source of information . user male 15 But this is a user with a history of name calling , and also a user who is so sensitive about what other editors call him , that he once accused another editor of a personal attack for calling him `` Will '' . user male 6 But you need to help your friend understand what he did wrong . friend male 2 But the user who wrote the article said that he had heard about it somewhere else , although he was not sure where or what the concept was usually called . user male 4 By coincidence , a friend of mine recently boasted that he and his son were going on an expenses paid trip to Hawaii , to compete in the World Championships , the son having won the national championship here . friend male 9 Because the bot uses artificial intelligence , the end user thinks that he is talking to a real person and can forget that he is actually just querying a database . user female 2 But my friend says that its not the original version and she saw the original one in which when Katie was moving back and forth after she murdered Mickah and there was a demon on her shoulders . friend male 9 But I would very much prefer evidence that the user does understand policy to the lack of evidence that he does not . user male 18 But , I really think VE should try to help making clean wikitext , rather than letting the user do whatever he wants -LRB- some modifications are not really visible in VE , whereas they are clearly visible when editing wikitext -RRB- . user male 24 But , on Wikip e dia , the social standard is that the user page of a person is personal , and that each user can do what he wants with . user male 2 But a friend suggest he ask to have the drawing exchanged for another . friend male 3 But after that user -LRB- not Bstone -RRB- explained what he was doing , it was understood and there was no further complaint . user male 2 If your friend thinks he has a medical problem he ought to consult a licensed physician not a bunch of anonymous folks on the internet , brilliant though we are . friend male 4 I know of one user who has a few K of fan fiction that he wrote stored in his user space . user female 23 I know , that it could be said that she does not want fans to know , but in the thread , the friend says that she is sure that they do not mind fans knowing . friend female 16 I heard somewhere around a month , 28 days I believe it was , but one friend interrupted me and said that she heard it only stays in your system for approximately 5 days . friend male 38 If you need an example , this is one of the links that we ' re having problems with ; in my case , it always goes to a blog , but as I said before , my friend is saying that he ' s taking him to a porn website . friend male 10 If you look on my talk page , the other user who was involved in the debate has posted that he thoroughly agrees with me and that I was right in defending my position . user male 17 If you look through his contribs though , you ' ll see he ' s a civil user who knows what he ' s doing , and really there ' s no reason not to give him the tools . user male 7 I have been given evidence that a user has proclaimed on an off-site webforum to his sparring partner that he has hundreds of IPs ready to sock-swamp his way to victory in an edit war . user male 4 I had a school friend who always said that he wanted to be a Hollywood stuntman . friend male 4 I have an American friend in the UK who is complaining that he can only watch rugby today . friend male 4 I have a Romanian friend who says that he can make sense of spoken Spanish , Portuguese and Italian but not French . friend male 3 I have a User who says he is leaving due to attacks as soon as he became a Wikipedian . User male 5 I have a close Macedonia friend who explained to me that he probably ran away to escape harm in the revolution . friend male 3 I have a friend in London named Telman Horloo who said he used to be a famous pop singer in Londolia when he was very young . friend male 3 I have a friend that said he had read all of the articles that start with `` S '' , and honestly , I ' m not sure whether he was kidding or not . friend female 3 I have a friend who claims she is also Native American by her great grandfather . friend male 10 I have not read the book -RRB- , but the user revealed here that he is the director of the project which published the book , and their author is one of two authors listed as writers on their web site . user male 12 I have removed them twice and have issued warnings , telling one user who has at least been civil that he needs to provide sources which question his ability . user male 31 I have to tell the administrators that I would be very happy if I saw any new users accidentally removing sections or paragraphs of text which are sourced because a new user would probably not understand what he would be doing but MarshallBagramyan seems to be an older user , very experienced in Wikipedia articles , very aware of how comments are to be made on talk pages before directly removing any text . user male 4 I have contact the user -LRB- -RRB- explaining that he reverted several unrelated edits -LRB- creating collateral damage -RRB- , asking him to make separate edit that address each issue with informative edit summaries . user male 6 I have the conviction that this user know what he is doing , play with our rules , and upload such ambigius sex files -LSB- '' ' and only this '' ' -RSB- '' ' with the clear aim '' ' to launch edition wars and to hurt wikipedia ' s reputation . user male 12 I merely file this alert so that it is noted that this user makes unreliable accusations , and will not admit he is wrong even when pointed that he has made a mistake . user male 22 IMO the user ' s topic ban for Six Days War should be extended to indefinite , and lifted , when the user proves he could make positive contributions in other topics . user female 15 I ' m looking for the title of a short comic video clip which a friend showed to me a while back -LRB- unfortunately , she could not remember where she had found it ! friend male 2 I know user will say that he was undoing vandalism . user male 3 I got a friend who says that he wants to move to either Chicago where he grew up or Detroit where he was born . friend male 4 In one case a user declares his atheism and states that he does not believe in myths and superstition . user female 5 In that edit , the user states that she is Linda Harrington , the media director for Cox ' s campaign for president . user male 6 In sum , if any banned user can come and claim that he is just another person using the IP of a banned user even if the situation is as clear as in this case , then I really wonder why a ban exists at all . user male 24 In summary , i feel this person has been trying to white wash islam articles and is a defender of the truth , the user also joined the `` wikiproject Islam '' and said that he will help it by explaining the `` peaceful truth about islam '' on wikipedia here . user male 22 In summary , this person has been trying to white wash islam articles and is a defender of the truth , the user also joined the `` wikiproject Islam '' and said that he will help it by explaining the `` peaceful truth about islam '' on wikipedia here . user male 3 Instead the other user has repeatedly declared that he is the `` winner '' of the argument and has instituted his controversial edits twice after being explicitly warned he did not have consensus to do so . user male 5 In private e-mail , the user stated no objections to my action but stated that he wished to identify himself , having considered my concerns . user male 3 In retaliation , user stated on talk page that he would delete all unsourced statements in the article -LRB- including non-controversial statements relevant to the topic -RRB- . user female 6 In other words , if a user specifies he -LRB- or she -RRB- wants US english , `` color '' is displayed ; for UK or Canada , it ' s `` colour '' . user male 6 In other words , the established user should may already be aware he is violating the rules when participating in these sort of article talk pages discussions . user male 25 In the comic series , he remains the longest living survivor as of June 2013 , followed closely behind by his son Carl Grimes , friend and lover Andrea , Carol ' s daughter , Sophia , and Sophia ' s surrogate mother Maggie Greene . friend male 17 In the 1970s , when I was in the US Air Force stationed in Germany , a friend of mine told me that he had gone to dinner with some German friends . friend male 4 In short , this user has given every indication that he will properly use the admin tools , and his promotion will be a benefit to the project . user female 16 In '' R v Richardson '' -LSB- 1998 -RSB- 2 Cr App R 200 , the patient believed that she was receiving dental treatment which otherwise would have given rise to an assault occasioning actual bodily harm , from a dentist who had in fact been struck off the register . patient male 18 Institutions are advised not to consider a report older than two years to be valid , unless the user proves that he has worked to maintain his level . user male 7 In the case of this disease the patient believes that he is alright but he is suffering from hallucination and thus confused state of mind is a big question mark for the doctors . patient male 10 In posts to several cryptozoology and related forums , a user identified as Don Coyote stated that he knew a relative of the dead body in the film . user female 28 In one of the two cases ever recorded , the visual impression received by the right open eye was regularly referred to the left eye , and the patient maintained that she perceived the impression with the left eye that in fact was shut . patient male 16 In online environments , the username identifies the user , while the password authenticates that the user is whom he claim to be . user male 28 It also has the option to break-up a file into multiple compressed files , so you could send many emails with parts of the compressed file that your friend would extract once he has them all . friend male 27 I suspect that many of them could not care less about the civility issues , which are nothing more than a convenient pretext to use against a user who has demonstrated that he does not deal well with others . user male 16 I suggest that `` Please do not bite the newcomers '' applies , and that this user should be aware that he needs to refrain from foul comments , and should be given a chance to do that . user male 8 It claims no source information , while the user clearly claims he took the photo . user male 26 It consisted of a long confessional of sins , ritual offences , unwitting breaches of taboos , offences against the moral or social order when the patient was unsure what act of omission he may have committed to offend the gods . patient female 5 In the first , the user had already indicated that she had reviewed policy , so your comment came across as though you had not read her note carefully at all . user female 19 In the other case , a colored object held in front of the left eye was recognized and the patient maintained that she saw the color with the right eye . patient male 12 In the episode `` Plan B '' , Deeks ' s best friend , Ray , tells him that he knows he has `` a thing '' for Kensi . friend male 9 In this thread on my talk page , a user claims he has permission to upload roughly 40 publicity photos from the University of Michigan ' s web page . user male 16 In this instance a number of strong keep arguments have been put forward and the nominating user -LRB- Kww -RRB- has informed me that he will withdraw his nomination based on it being clear that the community wishes such articles to be kept . user male 23 In the worst case , I would expect him to transfer the section into a page of it ' s own but that user ' KnowIG ' , thinks he can just erase sections I worked very hard on . user male 9 In the latest iteration of the reverting , the user has stated that he is enforcing `` the policy on biographies of living persons , where negative unsourced content is being introduced '' event though there is no such unsourced content . user male 14 In the first issue of the comic book Hellblazer , John Constantine ' s friend believes he is experiencing delusion parasitosis as a result of being a junkie . friend female 4 In the film her friend claims that she can speak Chinese , Vietnamese , and a little English . friend male 6 In the meantime , a family friend of Schillinger ' s , Mayor Wilson Loewen , is on trial for allegations that he assisted the Ku Klux Klan in the racially motivated murder of two young black girls in 1963 . friend male 31 In the short and bloody war of 1999 with the Junior Soprano crew , Silvio helped Tony to plan hits on Chucky Signore and Mikey Palmice and remained supportive when his friend revealed that he had been seeing a therapist . friend male 4 In these messages the user stated that `` he '' was considering nominating two articles that I ' ve worked on for deletion . user female 9 As I read the username and contribs , this user is implying she is a 15-year-old blonde from California , and her only edit is the template . user male 2 A single user has repeatedly inserted claims in the entry for Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel that he has no Auschwitz tattoo , notwithstanding that Wiesel has written extensively about his tattoo . user male 2 A single user has repeatedly inserted original research claims in the entry for Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel that he has no Auschwitz tattoo , notwithstanding that Wiesel has written extensively about his tattoo . user male 6 As for your update - another user removed it for a variety of reasons that he explained in short fashion in his edit summary ; the reasons would be clear to most experienced Wikipedians but not so much to a novice . user male 6 As I already mentioned above , user has claimed on several occasions that he is not the other users . user male 5 As a result , a user seeking information , may not know how much he should trust an article . user male 28 A review of the talk page discussion , the edit history of the template page , and the edit history of the talk page , shows that the user stipulates that he will not participate in discussion , including , `` I will not be sucked into this . user male 5 Arieti also mentions a catatonic patient who , after introjecting the mother ' s engulfing behavior , believed that by moving he could produce havoc . patient male 8 A scenario is given where his former Mexican friend finds his tags and shows he is now living in the wilderness with his newborn daughter . friend male 24 AP ' s unblock was because G2bambino accepted what he did was wrong , and 1 week was completely excessive for a good faith user who did not know what he was doing was wrong . user male 1 A patient who slept in the Utica crib for several days commented that he had rested better and found it useful for `` all crazy fellows as I , whose spirit is willing , but whose flesh is weak . patient male 47 A physician also has a `` duty to inform '' a patient of any material risks or fiduciary interests of the physician that might cause the patient to reconsider a procedure , and may be liable if injury occurs due to the undisclosed risk , and the patient can prove that if he had been informed he would not have gone through with the procedure , without benefit of hindsight . patient male 10 Arvanites during the last 5 monthsAt first it was a user who said he was Albanian and wanted to force that Arvanites are an Albanian minority in Greece . user male 9 As a bit of useless trivia , an Indian friend of mine said he considered the introduction of trousers to India to be the greatest accomplishemnt of the English , since it ' s more practical than traditional Indian garb for modern work . friend male 2 Another black friend claimed `` he came into the military expecting it to be just like Emporia . friend male 1 Another friend of the guys , Jojje , talks about how alcohol will destroy them in time , but that he does not worry much about it right now . friend male 2 A mutual friend describes him as a `` storyteller '' but confirms he is 25 years old . friend male 9 Among other things , this requires that some specific user says that -LRB- s -RRB- he intends to write such an article . user male 5 Among other things , this user shows that he can calmly and correctly explain his actions . user male 22 It is sometimes said that German Polydor agent Bert Kaempfert personally saw Sheridan with The Beatles , but others report that a friend of Kaempfert ' s suggested that he bring them in to put down some recordings . friend male 4 Delete , maybe the user thought he was writing a user page . user male 2 Delete - User indicated he wanted to delete it . User male 1 Delete User makes a fraudulent claim that he made the Lost Boys documentary this is blatantly false . User male 2 Delete , user stated on his talk page that he is unaffiliated with the university . user male 3 Delete If an user feels strongly that he needs compare wikipedia with USA goverment , he can write it so on his userpage . user male 3 Delete If the user can provide proof that he is Mr Manly to an administrator , then it ought be speedily deleted as per his request . user female 5 Delete Funnily enough , a friend of mine recently told me she had seen guys wearing bikinis on a beach in Thailand . friend male 7 I am not familiar with how a user proves he ' s the real life person of the same account name , so I ' m asking help on this . user male 4 I believe that that user is happy that he civally got his point across , and now it is again up for the people to decide . user female 4 I believe that this user has shown that she knows the policies well enough . user female 10 I came here from a political forum on which a user -LRB- who is basically a troll -RRB- claims that she is a neurosurgeon but is barely literate in English . user male 14 I do not have to wait until it is confirmed by checkuser if said user admitted that he is a sockpuppet . user male 14 I do not have to wait until it is confirmed by checkuser if said user admitted that he is a sockpuppet , read what is written above . user male 18 I do not understand this , acn some one shed more light on this for me , my friend said that he was unable to explain it to me as it is needed in Polish speach , and without speaking Polish it is difficult , and has no equivalent in English . friend male 6 I do not see why this user does not post concerns on the Talk page and essentially ignoring past discussions about points that he ' s reverting . user male 16 I dont understand why an Arab Muslim -LRB- me -RRB- should be required to give a user who says that he is `` anti-Arab '' and that Islam is `` problematic '' any type of assumption of good faith . user male 6 I do not know why an user who reverted all his edits and said he was leaving is still using Wikipedia ' s pages for personal attacks . user male 8 If he ' s '' not '' the user some admins think he is , then there ' s no reason for him not to have the option of a clean start . user male 3 If an uninvolved user told Ottava that he was wrong , and that he should drop the matter , then either Ottava would have done so or looked like a complete fool by continuing . user male 14 If an admin is uninvolved , and makes a move , and if a user disagrees he brings it up on the new talk page using process , he does not cut the rug from under the feet of the uninvolved admin . user male 3 Ieyoub ' s friend and supporter Jim Bernhard of the Shaw Group and the chairman of the Louisiana Democratic Party , said that he sees no way Ieyoub could change parties . friend male 16 If someone wants to use it for those purposes in the future , or if the user says he wants to edit those subjects instead , I would be fine with that , as I assume many of the other UAA admins would be . user female 2 If the user can show she knows the difference between a copyvio and fair use , I will be happy to change my opposition . user male 2 If the user demonstrates that he can remain civil ; edit something other than his own user pages ; and abide by our policies and consensus , a block may not be needed . user male 2 If the user is who he claims to be , then saving the IP address -LRB- etc -RRB- has almost zilch privacy impact compared to what was already in the userpage . user female 2 If the user participates in this discussion and indicates that she wants to keep this page and remain active on Wikipedia , I would change my mind , but in the absence of any response from her I would support deletion of the user page . user male 2 If the user says he is leaving , I fail to see the use of arbcom . user male 37 If the number of pages the user was removing images from was small or from a one section of the Wikipedia I would not consider this an issue but there is no pattern as to what the user is removing he is simply trolling the Wikipedia for such content . user male 16 If I can come to some type of agreement , or find out why the other user is doing what he is doing , then I take that route . user male 33 I find it quite offensive and distasteful , and I have no doubt that Wikipedia is not the place for airing those sorts of views , but the bigger issue is that this user is obviously more concerned with inserting his agenda than he is with building a neutral encyclopedia . user male 5 If not that , this user has shown he does not care about our civility and no personal attack policies , and if he is indeed just using this retired tag as a way to escape any sanction , this block will prevent any further possible disruption if he is indeed just using it as a way to get out of trouble , so to speak . user male 7 If it can be verified that the user is who he says he is , I think we really should consider deleting the bio for a month - if this will affect his real life , and he ' s open to having it restored soon , it ' s not a big deal . user male 16 I commented on that earlier here and here but chose not pursue this further since the user blocked by Betacommand said earlier that he has left . user male 6 If at some future time the user feels that he would like to return to adminship again then he can seek renomination and go through the RfA process anew . user male 2 If a user comes across an article with a right TOC that he thinks is misapplied , there is a simple , widely-employed remedy . user male 2 If a user persists that he is not trying to cause problems , then I would try to ask somewhere to get another opinion . user male 5 I always thought that a user could do all the testing that he wanted with a private Sandbox page . user male 4 I am the original user who brought up to EMelton that he should run an AfD . user male 3 If the GAF user can prove that he is David Jaffe , I see no problem . user male 8 I found this -LSB- 1 -RSB- and my friend said he came across one or two other people describing similar problems but it definitely seems a weird thing to happen . friend male 3 I daresay the user is rather young and does not realise how facetious and petty he is being . user male 7 I agree with The Wordsmith that the user deliberately demonstrated that he would not abide by the community sanction , as well as baiting him in the process . user male 5 I described below how this user misquoted the source that he tries to delete now . user male 4 I came across a user , Newnoise , who says on his User page that he ' s a puppet ! user male 7 I admire the integrity and character the user showed in the way he ended his previous RfA . user male 4 However , if the user does not believe he is doing these things and plans to step it up a notch , I believe that we should treat this a potential real threat outside of Wikipedia . user male 4 However , if this user is correct that he never created an article relating to the number and that his account was used solely to comment in the DRV , then while I disagree with the content of the user ' s comments , and I generally deprecate SPAs that take overly strident positions , it is not at all clear to me that this was a strong block . user male 25 I3eN 10-11 edited Rihanna articles from 5 February 2010 to about 2 July 2010 , on and off , then -LRB- I believe -RRB- the user forgot he had this account . user male 7 As I stated to Ryulong , this user has demonstrated that he will not stop sockpuppeting . user male 20 As I use `` Twinkle '' a Indian College comes up every so often , so I typed in the User Name and there were about 75 of them that he created and we patrolled . User female 6 At a modeling audition , a friend suggested she try the theatre . friend male 6 April 2007 -LRB- UTC -RRB- This user has been adamant that he wants his way or the highway , and has been raising completely unfounded rumours about me , and now is wanting to remove his content , as keeping it up would be a violation of copyright , in his opinion . user male 2 Apparently this user feels he has the luxury to post multiple successive retaliatory templates and plaster them as he sees fit on my own talk page . user male 2 Apparently this user suffers from the delusion that he is reverting a banned user . user male 6 April 2008 -LRB- UTC -RRB- The user did not explain what he meant by vandalism on Wikipedia or by real life . user female 4 As soon as the user confirms she wants to be contacted with a click of the mouse , the technology behind this automatically sets up a telephone conversation between the advertiser and the interested party . user male 5 As stated above , the user said that he would make a second account to bypass the block . user male 15 As such , the eyewitness admitted that the attacks that he and his by-then deceased friend ' s actions were so aggressive that he could understand why Reza and his friend had acted as they had to defend their lives . friend male 7 As the edits summaries indicate , the user is clearly aware that he is reverting each time . user female 7 As the two friends sit , the friend mentions how she misses the ' old New York ' , with the grime and crime giving the city an ' edge ' . friend male 2 As the user has stated on the talk page that he does not know what has happened , i thought i would come here . user male 2 As the user has stated that he will continue to edit via IP addresses , I further request that Shattered Wikiglass be CU ' d and the IP addresses noted for future reference . user female 2 As the patient insists that she wants her mother out of her life , she starts to cough up blood . patient male 8 At no time during that discussion did the user reveal that he already had an account and a long history of editing the topic . user male 7 A spokesperson stated `` But his close friend Tash Williams really starts to get annoyed with his behaviour and does not understand why he ca not drive his flash new car . friend female 24 As she rebounded from the end of her marriage and the turnover in the magazine ' s editorial staff , a fellow editor and friend noted that `` she ' s not hiding behind her glasses anymore . friend male 22 As Rei continues to explore the Manor of Sleep , she begins to receive investigation notes from Kei Amakura , a close friend of Yuu who writes in his letters that he and his niece Mio both have similar symptoms . friend male 8 As they go to start chemotherapy , the patient is upset he has cancer , but as Taub and Park talk to him , he starts crashing . patient male 2 A Swedish friend thought he would help her by contacting Thalberg , who then agreed to give her a screen test . friend male 21 At first I thought this was just the same age old misconception that has been thrown around for years until a friend of mine swapped out his Radeon 9600 with a Geforce 6800 and reported that he could paint more smoothly with the brush tool . friend male 30 A third party checkuser was not convinced , the last unregistered IP to edit has an edit history going back some time , on several different articles , and that user SAID he was the other IP addresses . user male 9 I nee to ask for help with a certain user '' also suggests that he believes that in a dispute , any problem must be on the other side . user male 5 In February 2008 , a patient accused Chao of malpractice and indicated he will sue in court . patient male 1 Inexperienced user thinks he can cover his tracks . user male 8 In fact , as soon as some new user edits some article in the area of Jordan algebra that he consider as owned by him , he accuses this user to be a sockpuppet of Echigo mole . user male 9 In June 2010 , David is furious when best friend Graeme tells him that he is now dating Tina , for whom David still has feelings . friend male 9 In fact , in that third edit , the user states that he will not follow Wikipedia ' s policies . user male 5 In memory of Elias a friend of theirs from Zimbabwe who died because he did not receive the medical attention that he needed . friend male 9 In Miami , Florida , Finucane had wagered a friend who was traveling ahead by train that he -LRB- Finucane -RRB- would reach New York first . friend female 8 In its tearoom Miss Marple encounters a childhood friend , Lady Mrs Selena Hazy , who reveals that she frequently thinks that she recognizes people in the hotel only for them to turn out to be complete strangers . friend male 19 In Madagascar , John Stamos -LRB- not related to the actor John Stamos -RRB- became so enraged that a user replaced the Vanderbilt University page with UTenn Rulez that he punched through his computer . user female 18 In I Never Promised You a Rose Garden , written under the pseudonym Hannah Green , a mental patient believes she is the secret first wife of Edward VIII . patient male 10 In Hollywood Cavalcade he ' s Don Ameche ' s friend who knows he will never get the girl ; in Three Sons he ' s the lowly business associate who longs to be given a partnership ; in Easy to Look At he ' s the once-great couturier now reduced to night watchman . friend female 11 In his memoir , he describes how one was an old friend who was keen to have children but feared she was running out of time . friend female 21 During her trip , she was ambushed by Rage -LRB- a warbot from previous games -RRB- , Bridgette ' s warbot friend who will do whatever she says , and was forced to the prehistoric jungle toy world . friend male 7 During a bus ride , his young friend Lando says he is dissatisfied with her boyfriend Michael , and understand to be attracted to him . friend male 6 During a medical visit , the patient discovers that he has only a month to live and decides to escape . patient female 4 During college , a friend suggested that she would be perfect to work with Adam Young of Owl City . friend male 14 Early in 2004 , Lutfi interceded with the press on behalf of her long-time friend , Omar Sharif , who had rashly told the Arab press that he would allow his grandchildren , one of whom is Jewish , to choose their own religions as they mature . friend male 6 Does not matter , the reverting user says he has left . user male 6 During the initial conversation , the patient reveals that he crucified himself to honor a bargain he made with God for curing his daughter ' s cancer . patient female 5 During the trip , her friend James Freeman Clarke suggested she write new words to the song `` John Brown ' s Body '' , which she did on November 19 . friend male 19 Given that this user could have just requested his adminship tools , but instead runs for adminship , this user shows that he is -LRB- still -RRB- trustworthy with the tools . user male 18 Given the lack of alternatives , I propose that this sanction be either extended to indef until the user shows he will not edit war . user male 15 Good knows why that was closed as a `` no consensus '' , since the user admitted he was only here for the cool-looking user page . user male 1 Good user but he states he wants the tools to be able to revert . user male 1 Good user , knows what he ' s doing . user male 3 Gopi ' s friend -LRB- Biju Menon -RRB- admits that he loves Anjali ' s sister , and so Gopi helps him marry her . friend male 12 Gordon Brown , I asked him to bring a citation but the user says he does not need one as it is all over the press . user male 3 Furthermore , the user in question has admitted that he and the IP are one in the same . user male 3 Garfield ' s friend explained that he was the closest doctor -LRB- 50 miles -RRB- to 5 , 000 men digging the Colorado River Aqueduct under direction of The Seven Companies , Inc . friend male 5 Gaza War However , the user bulldozed it in anyways and has admitted that he is not working towards consensus since he dos not believe it is likely to happen . user male 11 Gazzer1991 uploading fair use content and claiming he created the piecesThis user is blatantly uploading fair use content and claiming that he created them , which is pure nonsense . user female 15 Germany article as seen on Internet ExplorerGermany article as seen on Mozilla FirefoxHowever , a friend told she sees the vandalized article even using IE . friend male 6 Great quitar Player and our Best friend Ali Azhari joined ARSAMES and he filled the empty space in our songs beautifully . friend male 1 Great user , assumed he was an admin just because I was too lazy to find out if he was or not . user male 1 Great user , just tried to nominate him myself as i didnt realise he already was ! user male 4 Greece , and the user claims he releases it into public domain . user male 3 Further , the user made a declaration that he would not use sockpuppets . user male 10 Between his contributions and his answers to questions , this user has shown that he understands Wikipedia , will work to improve it , and can be trusted . user male 20 Being born and raised in the Sutherland Shire , David predominantly played soccer up until his late teens when a friend suggested he should try rugby league for Cronulla-based De La Salle , he did and was signed onto the Cronulla side as a junior not long after . friend male 5 Before his death , the patient confides that he is really Prince Aidan Haldane , the sole survivor of the Deryni coup that overthrew the Haldane kings eight decades earlier . patient male 8 Blocks are preventative , not punitive and this user has stated that he was ignorant of the rule , understands it now , and will not continue to edit war . user male 11 Before he edited , the romanization was consistent , but the user claims he will undo them and will change them to suit his style of romanization . user male 8 Before leaving on holiday , her young Australian friend explains that he is going back to Australia because his parents are getting back together . friend male 5 Bernie Scripps meets an old friend , Stanley Leroy , who says he can run tours to meet various singers and stars . friend male 12 Below are the links I ' ve included to the reverts this user has been perpetrating now that he is back from his 3-day block . user male 1 BhaiSaabThe user just announced that he left Wikipedia , arguing injustice . user male 10 Both the one-week block or an indef block until the user demonstrates that he understands the problem are -LRB- or would have been -RRB- an appropriate reaction . user male 9 He finally agreed to do so after an old friend told him he could join Apple and still be an engineer . friend male 1 He friend cried that he was a no good coyote who had no idea how to earn his bread . friend male 3 Even though the user says he owns the copyright , the picture in question was created by a company and that William does not own the copyright D . user male 2 Eventually the user will either realise that he ' s wasting his time here and leave or , preferably , reform and become a valued contributor . user male 8 Even when presented with this information , the patient believed he had retained his ability to perceive color even though the world around him appeared grey . patient male 4 Eventually Jade ' s friend Luke learned that she was not really pregnant , and he gave Jade an ultimatum - either tell Will the entire thing is a lie , or he will reveal the truth to Gwen and Will . friend male 4 Even comments to a user on `` my side '' of the debate telling him he was acting inappropriately were twisted to show my bias . user male 2 Even his friend , the novelist Charles Kingsley , wrote that he had read `` no other book which so staggered and puzzled '' him , that he could not believe that God had `` written on the rocks one enormous and superfluous lie for all mankind . friend male 5 Even as such , the user felt he was within policy . user male 3 Even if this user thinks he is interpreting policy correctly , it does not justify edit-warring beyond 3RR . user male 3 Everywhere the new Superintendent of Stud looked upon his arrival he found depressing signs of laxness , neglect and ignorance . Superintendent female 17 Eric Stokes died unexpectedly in 1962 , an experience which left Constance Stokes bereft ; a long-time friend said that she `` never got over her husband ' s death '' . friend male 9 Elsewhwere in the '' incredibly '' protracted argument this user raised he freely acknowledges , and indeed takes pride in being an argumentative sod . user male 17 Clark ' s choice of subject was strongly influenced by Lord Lee of Fareham , a family friend who had never forgotten what he saw as the shambles of the BEF . friend female 4 Claire ' s first friend is who she meets at lunch Layne Abeley , a unique girl who does not care what anybody thinks , has a very strange sense of style , and has food obsessions . friend male 12 Craig is introduced to Bobby -LRB- Zach Galifianakis -RRB- , an adult patient who claims he is only there on vacation , as he takes Craig under his wing . patient male 11 Currently , the text is removed , so I think the user got what he wanted to . user male 6 CP is controlled by one all-powerful user who does whatever he wants with the site , their articles read like parodies of how most actual -LRB- American -RRB- conservatives think to the point that they are actually quite funny in many cases , and it is not a WMF site anyway . user male 17 Competition_law , I have identified forty separate problems with the article justifying an NPOV tag ; a user reverted on the grounds that he does not like my employer , and refuses to engage with the issues I have raised on the talk page , instead launching a personal attack against me . user female 1 Close friend and gallerist , Roslyn Oxley , observed that she was `` very private . friend male 5 Can not understand what the user thinks he is doing , and it does not look like a good thing . user male 7 Calton was correct when noticing that the user did indeed only make edits to the page about himself that he was trying to make , and uploading pictures of himself . user male 6 Caell is Kyarra ' s close friend in the Echorium , who discovers he can talk to merlee and passes on the message from them that her mother is ill . friend male 14 By the time Duke has rescued the Jennys one by one , his General friend informs him that he can destroy the ship by shutting down its engine ' s coolant system . friend male 18 By going through the user creation logs of the following , I was able to deduce that a user who originally claimed that he was not Mike Garcia to be Mike Garcia . user male 7 By her account , she recalled a friend of her son ' s had said he recognized a shaven headed man on the jury . friend male 4 Chronical usual and other user have discovered that including user sopher99 and EkoGraf , and he is using pro - syrian government source and after all that he is edit warring , I request an investigation for this case . user male 10 Charlie does not understand it , but sees that his friend means what he says , and they go their separate ways . friend male 11 Charlie , presenting the IOU , claims Jinks is a fortune hunter who has wagered he would marry Aurelia . hunter male 3 Chester ' s friend Norman -LRB- Paul Calder o n -RRB- has bet he can light his Zippo cigarette lighter ten times in a row . friend male 4 Bun-nyuh ' s childhood friend who carried an umbrella everywhere he went and died under mysterious circumstances . friend female 1 Chinese friend of mine told me she was naming the baby Madison , and I thought she said Medicine , which seemed like a strange name for a baby girl . friend male 28 However this result was later revised ; see Connally Commission below -RRB- Although Whitman had been prescribed drugs , and was in possession of Dexedrine -LRB- which a friend stated he consumed `` like popcorn '' -RRB- at the time of his death , no toxicology test was performed because Whitman had been embalmed prior to the autopsy being conducted ; therefore , no urine was available to test for traces of any amphetamines having been consumed , however , Dexedrine tablets were found in a vial on his person , after his death . friend male 3 However , this user is more interested in harassing me and trolling for a reaction than he is in actually working on the article . user male 7 However , within a week , a friend of Claxton revealed that he had both Negro and Native American ancestors , and Claxton was promptly fired . friend female 4 However , when one user discovered that she was not , in fact , a WikiDragon , others began to realize that their editing habits were much closer to the WikiPuma ' s . user female 12 However , when the friend ' s father finds the money the friend claims that she was the one who sat at the bar while Lilja prostituted herself . friend male 3 However , the user asserts that he is a positive contributor , and has created many pages . user male 3 However , the user has since decided that he would prefer not to be associated directly with Wikipedia , although he states that `` if they want to leverage off anything I ' ve written , great ! user female 3 However , the user is clear that she will not respect the ban , and is actively seeking and being advised on how to get around it . user male 3 However , the user states that he received an email from Mr . user male 2 However the user was correct that he page was a direct copyvio . user male 6 However , I think that this user has shown he will strive to use the tools according to community expectations , and had the ability to do so . user male 6 However , Dusk and his unknown friend told him this was an unhealthy habit , and that he should be more careful . friend male 17 However , the block can and should be lifted for the general good of Wikipedia if this user agrees to refrain from further wiki-lawyering and acknowledges that he understands his wrongdoing , so that Wikipedia does not suffer the detriment of losing a user who has made valuable contributions to other topics . user female 3 However , a friend of hers paid a visit , read her work and recommended that she bring it downstairs and read it to the musicians . friend male 29 However , he quit school after an argument with a teacher and ended up going from one job to another , until one day in 1943 he and a friend passed by a casino in Coney Island and the friend suggested he try out for a singing job . friend male 4 However , for one user to remove content that he thinks is inappropriate and another user to re-insert content that she thinks should be present repeatedly is edit-warring . user female 24 However despite Mertle ' s best efforts , Victoria reveals that she also liked weird things and decided to become Lilo ' s best friend , which Mertle angrily responds by saying `` we would never tolorate with anyone who actually has fun with Lilo '' . friend male 12 However , even with the concern raised here by many , the user will not guarantee he will keep talk page archives if he becomes an admin . user male 6 However , there is a fellow user of Wikipedia who , in his profile description , says that he has lived on the slopes of Mount Olympus for a long time . user male 4 However , the other user , Agada Urbanit , was completely ignoring the sources and misrepresenting the one that he had . user male 4 However , the other user insisted that he had a right to debate with a harsh term . user female 2 However my friend said that she had no idea the attacks were happening bc she was watching a movie on HBO and did not find out until after the movie was over and she switched channels . friend male 3 However , my friend told me he hates Geek Squad because they just send it back to the manufacturer - who replaces the components with cheaper ones . friend female 5 However , Nancy ' s friend and flatmate Loretta Jones -LRB- Melissa Walton -RRB- admits to Jake that Hannah only sent one letter and she sent the others . friend male 4 However , one close friend said he spoke with her between fourth and fifth period but later changed his story . friend male 17 However , lead singer Dave McWane has said that the band actually got their name when a friend told him that if he ever started a band he should call it Big D and the Kids Table , so he did . friend male 2 His great friend -LSB- Grenville -RSB- would once have been exceedingly displeased with any person , who should tell him , that he did not attend sufficiently to those concerns . friend male 1 His friend and co-author the historian Norton Mezvinsky stated he was `` a rare intellectual giant and a superior humanist '' , and Edward Said described him as `` a very brave man who should be honored for his services to humanity . friend male 1 His friend and Ergenekon suspect , U mit O g uztan , testified that he had stayed briefly at the Taksim apartment ; a three-floor property G u ney had allegedly bought from Matild Manukyan on 29 May 2000 . friend male 1 His friend and fellow footballer Mirel Josa remembered that he had his Tirana debut in 1981 because Minga was suspended . friend male 1 His friend Henry Fairfield Osborn noted that he retained from his early religious training under his father `` this belief , which is so strongly expressed in the Old Testament , that all the works of nature are directly the work of God . friend male 1 His friend is constantly asking how he is and claiming his innocence , then accepts his mistake and apologises , while medical staff are attempting to treat the man . friend male 1 His friend Lacroix du Maine says that he enjoyed a great reputation as an orator . friend male 1 His friend , Loch once commented that he had a `` wrestler ' s build '' . friend male 1 His friend , Milton , says he is `` just out of step , a man with bad timing . friend male 1 His friend suggests that he should lie but Asad says that if he does he will be cursed forever and wo not catch anything . friend male 1 His friend the illustrator Andre Gill thought that he had died on the battlefield . friend male 1 His friend the poet and socialist Bernard O'Dowd claimed that he was fluent in all the European languages except Russian , and also fluent in Latin and Chinese . friend male 1 His friend told the police `` where he put the body and everything '' . friend male 15 His nickname , The Lizard , is an alias given to him by an old friend , who claimed he had alligator blood . friend male 20 His nomination was Jan de Koning , but he did not want to be No 1 , so suggested his friend , the former Holland midfielder Johan Boskamp . friend male 6 He does not know what a hunter is , but thinks that he likes the sound of the word `` hunters , '' so he stops running and hides in the tall grass . hunter male 5 He made allegations that the user was reverting other people ' s edits for no good reason , and that he was violating 3RR by using a sockpuppet -LRB- Edgecution -RRB- . user female 2 Her best friend and roommate Hortense believes she would be a perfect wife for lawyer Stanley Diggers , though he wishes to advance his career before making a commitment . friend female 2 Her best friend , instead suggested that she is too old to still continue the journey , and that it will haunt her for a very long time , that it was unhealthy as she has a family to take care for now . friend female 9 Her biggest turning point came in 2010 when her friend , Jaya , suggested that she blog about her cooking experience . friend male 3 Hello , a user has decided that he does not want us placing hockey stubs on Wikipedia to expand later into teams . user male 10 He longed for more of a challenge and when his friend told him he was joining the Met , Stuart signed up too . friend male 28 He later went onto train at RADA , which was quite by chance due to the fact that he was performing a play around the corner and a friend suggested he should try out for it . friend male 3 He met a friend , Charlie Whitbourn , who suggested he join the Kingston Road Club . friend male 24 He manages to save Bilal from Malik ' s henchmen , led by Kabir , whom Shivam still trusts and regards as his best friend , who tearfully reiterates that he is ready to die for Shivam , as he always was . friend male 4 He is a problem user who can cover up what he does ! user male 14 He is engaged to Sharon , a beautiful swordswoman and Astral ' s childhood friend , who has feelings for Astral but wishes he were stronger . friend female 4 For example , a friend of mine once told me she envied me my religious faith . friend female 10 Forest fan , like cricket and occasionlly ask a certain friend who is mad about ice hockey how she thinks the Panthers are doing . friend male 0 Friend -LRB- Commander-in-Chief , Ireland -RRB- and Wimborne -LRB- Lord Lieutenant -RRB- French said that he could spare only a single cavalry brigade as reinforcements , and later offered an extra reserve infantry brigade , although in the event Friend declined -LRB- 7 April -RRB- to make formal application for the brigade to be sent . Friend male 0 Friend of mine is insisting that he ' s receiving 1080i HD video via a simple analogue F connector . Friend male 0 Friend only lost two games out of the 21 he played in 2006 . Friend male 0 Friend , who served Pickett as a courier , wrote that he `` went as far as any Major General , Commanding a division , ought to have gone , and farther . Friend male 17 From the first he was a loyal Whig , recognised as a strong speaker and becoming a friend of Robert Walpole . friend male 13 For example , by going to a doctor for a physical , a patient agrees that he will pay a fair price for the service . patient male 2 For a user who claims he had no part in creating this page , I find your spirited defense of it remarkable . user male 2 For a user who said he wants to take part in dealing with vandalism , that does not seem like a lot of experience . user male 7 For what it is worth , the user in question has indicated elsewhere that he is not requesting an unblock . user male 11 For the amount of sheer needless toxicity he introduces , this user needs to be banned permanently from wikipedia in particular , but also from all contact with humans in general . user male 3 Keep The IP user provides no rationale for the deletion of the article other than the fact that he seems to disagree with it . user male 12 He grows to love the kitten , and he agrees when his friend asks whether he would like to take care of another cat or not . friend male 18 Has also defeated the Minotaur granting -LRB- -LSB- The Labyrinth -RSB- which creates an underground labyrinth where the user always knows where he and anyone else in it is , full understanding of layout , and level of complexity dependent on the intellectual level of the user , -RRB- and the three Furies -LRB- -LSB- Judging Furies -RSB- returns all damage done in front of them back to an opponent using any form of destructive power , whether it is physical or magical . user male 15 He could just modify it , but he chooses to revert it until the other user find some form that he pleases . user male 16 Have asked for him to come to a consensus on the talk page before editing , user insists he is right and ignores . user male 12 He also robs a man who turns out to be his former friend who reveals he is now a cop , and the movie ends with Woody admitting he got 800 years in prison , but `` with good behavior , can get that cut in half '' . friend male 33 Guinnog about this , Dmcdevit about the initial sockery , and a host of others -RRB- when they say things about this user , such as the mailbombing is continuing , or this user , who has admitted to sockery and admitted that he mailbombed Ryulong but denys the very latest round . user female 27 Joanie tried her hand at about ten different day gigs -LRB- Real Estate Agent , Miramax Films Casting Assistant , Epic Records PR assistant -RRB- until a friend suggested that she get a job where she could sing with kids during the day and perhaps sleep at night . friend male 23 January 2013 -LRB- UTC -RRB- Note - I do not know if this has any bearing on this incident report , but the user who has made it has stated that he will be leaving Wikipedia . user male 5 January 5 , to a friend who had said that he had been visiting with Pichler earlier in the day . friend male 16 January -RSB- -RSB- and -LSB- -LSB- Gospel of Thomas -RSB- -RSB- were sprotected , but this user has way too much of a range of articles that he does his removals from that it is near impossible to sprotect them all . user male 16 It will be a UK based party , it is currently very small , however my friend says he is expecting to create `` many waves '' in politics so there will be a fair bit of coverage on his party . friend male 19 July 2009 -LRB- UTC -RRB- No information is provided as to how this image was generated , though the user indicates that he owns the copyright to the image . user male 1 John Friend announced in March 2012 that he would step down from the leadership , while retaining the sole ownership , of Anusara Yoga to take a short leave of absence to consider his next steps in the yoga community . Friend male 12 Joe has told how the band originated from the suggestion of a friend who proposed that he , Raf and Joe Mount -LRB- from the band Metronomy -RRB- form a band called ' The 3 Bears ' . friend female 11 Jack Kevorkian -LRB- Bryan Callen -RRB- gives presents to his 100th patient -LRB- Nicole Sullivan -RRB- , who is unsure that she wants to die . patient female 6 James Speed Skating Club when her friend suggested that she try it . friend male 9 JzG -RSB- -RSB- should have never stood as that user had previously stated that he would block me as soon as he got the chance . user male 18 It is not reasonable to ask me to go into any negotiation that assumes good faith with a user who has reiterated , again and again , that he considers me to be a fuck . user male 6 It is only because his best friend , Stephen , finds him that he narrowly escapes death , though everyone was told he died . friend male 11 It looks like the checkuser only uncovered his IP and the user has said he had already acknowledged this and was not trying to pretend he was two people . user male 13 It is known that in July 1914 he received a letter from a friend , the South African engineer Hugh Merriot , asking that he attend to the possibility that armoured tractors might be very useful in warfare . friend male 6 It is totally unprecedented for a user who wrote he is not knowledgeable about the research into LGBT parenting themself to claim that my personal opinions are stated as a fact . user female 7 I recently found a claim that a friend of Diana Princess of Wales claimed that she believed that her ex-husband was an eight foot high lizard from outer space who drank blood ! friend female 6 I saw the girl that your friend said that she is nice . friend male 7 I visited the talk page of the user who created the Wikipedia article for this show and saw that he had received a legal threat for creating it . user female 9 Looking up to the street being bombed , her friend replies that she would go to Germany and `` give that Mr . friend male 1 LIBEL User with account banned for numerous issues is now indicating that he shared his pass word with me and indirectly accuses me of using his previous account . User male 4 Leitch claims that his friend , the renowned safe-breaker Johnny Ramensky , told him that he had stolen a hoard of Nazi loot from the Rome area during the Allied march on Rome in 1944 , and that this hoard was later kept at the Shepton Mallet military prison in Somerset , and the Royal Navy supply depot at Carfin , Lanarkshire , after the war . friend male 5 Levin instead of a mentally-ill patient who believed that he was Vladimir Putin . patient male 3 Luke ' s friend tells Matty that he has to smuggle drugs if he wants to see Franky again . friend male 4 Mad fronted by his friend Happy , which is how he met Marcus Geard and Ara Babajian who would later become the bass and drummer behind the Slackers . friend male 12 Long-term interactivity is quite important for a sense of reality as the user would think that he has some lasting influence on the pet . user female 4 Make sure that your friend understands that she must release the photo so everyone can use it , not just wikipedia . friend male 13 Maharashtra languages are appearing on left side of the article , so if user wants he can read in other languages for exmample Marathi language . user male 11 He was searching for a first name for McGee when a friend suggested that he look at the names of the many Air Force bases in California . friend male 12 He worked as a labourer and as a nightclub bouncer before a friend suggested he take up professional wrestling as a career . friend male 1 His patient was so sensitive to cats that if he was sent into a room with a cat he reacted with agitation , sweating and pallor . patient male 4 His oldest and best friend , Ben Conroy , thinks he is going crazy . friend male 2 His only friend is Chae-ok , whom he loves with all his heart , but his love remains unspoken . friend male 14 He was nominated 2 months ago before his withdrawal and since then , this user has shown that he ' s able for the task . user male 5 Hobo meets a very special friend who believes he can understand what animals are thinking . friend male 26 Hi there , On the -LSB- -LSB- tyne bridge -RSB- -RSB- article I ca not see any of the pictures in the image gallery but another user said that he can see them but they are not apearing for me , just the captions . user male 2 His best friend , Leo Wiggins -LRB- Downey -RRB- , thinks he should hold out for the best offer . friend male 2 His best friend , Michael , often reassures him that he will `` always be young , and always be beautiful . friend male 7 Hi , I ' ve blocked this user from editing , and I am quite sure he is going to complain loudly . user male 2 His British friend Reginald Stanley Faber suggested he could write prose as well . friend male 5 Hindustanlanguage commons uploads - the user says he has uploaded three hundred of these unverified autographs . user male 2 His childhood friend Cesar has discovered that he is alive , and they try to kill him . friend male 2 His childhood friend later said that he told tall tales about himself even in school . friend male 2 His childhood friend , the writer Lenka Reinerov a , recalled in an interview how he had helped her when she was arrested in 1952 . friend male 2 His erstwhile friend and fellow-antiquary Anthony Wood predicted that he would one day break his neck while running downstairs in haste to interview some retreating guest or other . friend male 2 His close friend , Gustav Silverstolpe , published what he felt were the three best at his own expense , titling them Opus 1 . friend male 10 His mother wanted him to go to college and a friend suggested that he study chemistry , noting that Paterson ' s dye companies that served the textile plants there would always need chemists . friend female 19 Her son explains that money was tight back then with his dad out of work , and soon a friend of Audrey ' s relates that she was a `` taxi dancer '' to make money to feed her son . friend male 2 Her publicist friend Edward Lozzi told Vanity Fair writer Dominic Dunne that Clarkson had been working on a stand-up comedy act that he had witnessed . friend male 4 Hi , a new user is reporting he ca not edit Tutankhamun which , he suggests , is because the page is semi-protected . user male 3 Later , the patient would swear that he felt nothing during the surgery and was not aware the surgery was over until he awoke . patient female 5 Later that year , a friend recommended that she bring a demo tape to Moses Asch , the founder of Folkways Records . friend female 3 Last night a friend informed me that she had submitted my name for a biography page on Wikipedia . friend male 4 Last night , a friend of mine said he had the knowledge of the code to write it out , so he did . friend female 10 Later , Priya and Vicky meet Seema ' s college friend , Anjali , who thinks that she recognizes Vicky . friend male 4 Later Purab ' s friend comes and tells Purab that he ca not marry Jassi . friend male 6 Later a friend and big game hunter told me he was in the Portuguese East Africa with his wife and three hunters , and saw a mother , father and child , apparently of the same species , walk across the further side of the bush clearing . hunter male 9 Knowing Freeman was a big anime fan , the friend suggested he call up Central Park Media -LRB- CPM -RRB- and apply for a job doing English dubs . friend male 4 Kris , a psychiatric patient who believed he came from another star . patient male 5 Kurt and his new gay friend Blaine Anderson -LRB- Darren Criss -RRB- later try to talk to him about being gay and closeted , but he denies that the kiss happened and soon resumes his bullying . friend female 3 Kazemi ' s friend told Ebadi that she later realized this meant Kazemi was dead and the officials `` wanted to claim that Ziba had a preexisting condition that had simply worsened in prison . friend female 4 Lennon ' s school friend , Pete Shotton , later commented that she `` had a very strong sense of what was right or wrong '' . friend male 13 Lens is a system bug , who was made an outcast when the User decided he was a mistake . User male 13 I too recommend a SALTing to the closing admin , seeing as the user has specifically stated that he intends to recreate the article if it gets deleted . user male 6 It might just be that the user edits on the accounts that he is interested in editing with . user male 18 In my opinion , changing the vote of another editor should result in an immediate block until the user signifies that he understands what he did wrong and promises not to do it again . user male 5 I now know that the user was just in his blocking , and am thankful he did not seek an indefinite block as some had reportedly requested . user male 10 In most systems that use magic points , a magic user has a maximum number of magic points that he can have at any one time , which is different for each magic user . user male 16 In response to the welcome template and all its helpful links about Wikipedia , this new user says he ' s `` a very fast reader , '' I guess to prepare anyone who ' s watching for his experienced-looking edits . user male 14 It seems to me that if an experience editor like Dennis Brown thought this user was so obviously a sock that he hard blocked him , a CU should be performed to figure out who he might be a sock off . user male 6 It should be noted that the user specifically told me that he has no intention of giving anything but last warnings198 . user male 13 It was one of the only edits to my talk page and the user said he was looking me up on Google . user male 17 It was necessary to persist beyond initial verbal descriptions of their hallucinations , and insist that the patient describe and draw what he had seen . patient male 14 It was deprodded on the basis of reliable sources being present , but the user in question admitted that he was not wholly convinced himself that the article should be kept , just that it should not be deleted in that manner . user male 9 It was in Rapid transit , added by a user who felt he was correctly using the license by attributing . user male 9 It ' s gotten to the point where this user can just do what he likes , because when he is approached for discussion about his actions , he just ignores the request . user male 25 It was founded in 1999 in Cape Town , South Africa by London-based South Africans Gary Frisch and his partner Henry Badenhorst , after a friend complained that he was too busy to look for a new boyfriend . friend male 8 It was after this attempt that a good friend suggested he try marijuana to alleviate the pain and symptoms . friend male 2 Maybe a user thought he could rename a page to Fessenden which already existed by renaming that one first . user male 30 Maybe the page could be sourced and made into a suitable article , but nobody has done that in the three years for which it has existed , and the user who said he could and would do so has made no attempt to do so in 16 months . user male 3 May 2013 the user warned other editors at Aaron Swartz that he and David in DC are working as a team and can keep doing reverts indefinitely . user male 30 Maurice Krishaber proposed depersonalization was the result of pathological changes to the body ' s sensory modalities which lead to experiences of `` self-strangeness '' and the description of one patient who `` feels that he is no longer himself '' . patient male 11 Merge or Delete or Userfy these for now , since a user claims he can find sources if given time . user male 3 Mary ' s friend , Jimmy -LRB- Taylor -RRB- , however , is convinced he ' s the right man for her and pursues her . friend male 7 Master of Puppets tries to show the user what is wrong with the essay he is adding , and also tries to clear up some misconceptions that the user has -LRB- such as Master of Puppets controlling other users -RRB- . user male 25 Mark chose the name Warship , which came from an instance in 2007 when he was creating paintings on blank worship candles , and a friend questioned what he was doing . friend female 15 Meanwhile , Nurse Thor has trouble with her lazy husband , Bud , a female patient is not what she seems , a young girl with head pains is brought in by Fred , and Maria gets a hold of a smutty book . patient male 3 Me and my friend were discussing what type of underwear he was wearing . friend male 3 Meanwhile a close friend of Riku ' s , Chika , tells Yoko that he is about to move away . friend male 8 Meanwhile , Jack blames Paco for killing a patient , whom he himself thinks that he killed . patient female 3 Murray , the postmaster , who submitted the name Belfair from a book that she was then reading . postmaster male 3 Morgan ' s friend , artist Thomas Eakins , suggested he use Anna Willess Williams of Philadelphia as a model . friend male 9 Manners was the son of Tearle ' s close friend and Tearle promised him that he would take care of his son before he died . friend male 5 Mohammed Ali became a close friend of Menelik who was six years older than he was and was shortly to be proclaimed King of Shewa . friend male 4 Moments earlier , the patient may have been saying that the problem was current , serious , and that he was presently feeling its effects . patient male 7 The article begins , `` The new superintendent for Woodland Hills School District says he significantly raised test scores and closed the achievement gap between black and white students at a suburban Cleveland district . superintendent male 13 The 1st revert is me adding a citation to the page after another user said he thought the section needed more citations after a discussion came to fruition after Malke 2010 blanking the section . user male 4 The banker ' s friend then introduces Anargyros to a lady that he knows . friend male 1 The attendant said that he observed Parsons throwing away clothing , books , posters and carpentry tools into a dumpster . attendant male 2 The above user does not realize that he does not have to follow me from page to page . user male 2 The above user says he is from Italy . user male 2 The above user , Someguy0830 feels that he personally needs to be a vigilante force upon Wikipedia . user male 2 The above user stated that he wished not to hear from me , but tonight he makes it almost impossible not to talk to him , since he is the one tagged images -LRB- images I have uploaded -RRB- in what can only be seen as an attempt to start an arguement or fight . user male 22 The addition that the IP user made does not say `` this is what you must follow '' , instead the IP user did what he should do , giving everything in a neutral tone , giving both sides of the issue , people who follow the Old Testament , and people who stand by the New Testament . user male 42 Keep if anyone wants to improve on the article , focus on the business angle - - what it says about high-end retailing , branding and the brilliance of their rollout -LRB- I received an email from a food-obsessed and rich Indonesian friend that told me he was planning a trip to new york to visit this dump -RRB- . friend male 11 In this case , the block is preventive , as the user in question has not shown that he will stop insulting other editors , an action which creates a poisonous editing atmosphere on the article talk page in question , and in turn , makes it difficult to edit without getting in some argument . user male 5 In this case , the user told you he rather disliked these , they made you seem like a bot , etc , and you put more on his page . user female 25 I originally wanted to go play lasertag and then have pizza for my party but my friends are not into that idea either -LRB- my friend says she does not like the arcade because `` people look at you '' and she doesnt eat pizza because she ' s a vegan too -RRB- . friend male 1 IP user has claimed he is `` retired '' but keeps coming back to remove templates from the page . user male 1 IP user , I think he was attempting to clean up evidence that it was his IP . user male 10 I only did it has a holding measure as the user was openly breaking 3RR and flaunting users over the fact that he had been able to break 3RR and get away with it . user male 8 So , at this point we have a user who says he is Howard Coale and that he has the legal right to license the picture as he has . user male 13 Since the horn on the Edison-Bell in the painting was black , a friend of Barraud ' s suggested that he might paint one of the bright brass-belled horns on display in the window at the new Berliner Gramophone shop on Maiden Lane . friend male 18 Since then , the page was protected , he reverted it while it was protected , blocked the user who last reverted for weeks , and has undone any block placed on him by other administrators . user male 7 Skeets began blogging in 2005 when a friend bet him that he could not write a new post every day for a year . friend male 7 Sitting next to the bed , Best Friend looks at a photo album that he is holding . Friend male 22 Similarly , Rabbi Isaac taught that when a person asked to borrow a friend ' s ax or sieve , and the friend out of selfishness replied that he did not have one , then immediately the plague would attack the friend ' s house . friend male 4 Shortly thereafter , a friend told Morgan that he had attended a local showing of films by Richard Borden , the famous Walt Disney Company wildlife film-maker and that a Cattle Egret apparently had been captured in the film that had been shot only five months earlier . friend male 7 I would also suggest that if the user is serious about stopping his vandalism , that he create a named account and use that to start contributing . user male 10 I would be hesitant to support a RfA for a user who admits he might block someone for such actions . user male 3 I will notify user , who PRODded it , in case he wishes to consider nominating it at Articles for deletion . user male 3 I will notify user , who proposed it , in case he wishes to nominate it at Articles for deletion . user male 16 I will personally will not remove them -LRB- as I disagree -RRB- , but thankfully a friend told me that he will take over ; he found list of books that they written by them -LRB- and their ISBNs -RRB- and other information and stuff so to increase their notability . friend male 24 I wo not be calling the cops or anything , however , I would like for my question to be answered on if the user that harassed me and claimed he knew my IP address really did , since according to Wikipedia , if you use a username account , your IP address is hidden from the general public , and only the administrators can see your IP address when you use a username to edit articles instead of just editing without having an account on here . user male 7 I was making sure , because a friend said he did indeed want to invade Europe . friend male 3 I think the user is claiming that he has filed suit against me in the Supreme Court of India . user male 8 I think this is probably a very young user who genuinely believes he is helping the encyclopedia . user male 3 I think this user might be worth a look as a sock of Pickbothmanlol as requested in the SPI case that he just submitted . user male 3 I think this user will say and do whatever he thinks is necessary to preserve his account so that he may continue to lobby to preserve and promote his own article . user female 4 I think that this user should be unblocked because of the fact that she did not do anything ! user male 5 I think it was a friend from Finland who once told me he had to learn Swedish as well . friend male 12 I would of course be happy to rescind the block if the user says he will not do it again , or if there is a consensus here that it was a bad block as Wikidemon seems to think . user male 8 I would recommend a block so that the user knows that he must start discussing his changes . user male 6 I would see racism if the user stated that he was proud not to be black . user male 6 I would have probably blocked the user had he continued after the second warning instead of taking it to ANI -LRB- and again , this is based on the aggressive edit summaries and messages as provided above , not for cussing -RRB- . user male 11 I will switch to support if the -LRB- obviously well-meaning -RRB- user can prove that -LRB- s -RRB- he has brushed up on policy . user male 18 I wasted a lot of time wikifying the articles for this guy and his novels , until another user pointed out that he ' s completely unknown - none of his titles are on Amazon . user male 20 The chorus was developed some time later when , while body surfing at a California beach , Belland ' s friend said he could see Santa Catalina 26 miles away . friend female 3 The chief flight attendant confirms with Choi Ji-won that she did indeed disinfect the scissors , takes her drawn out silence as confirmation and proceeds to cut the umbilical cord . attendant male 2 The boy friend creates an impression that he has come to visit Ramya to the woman in the opposite flat . friend female 1 My friend and I talk for a minute and realize that she definitely did not call her daughters and the situation is very strange . friend male 1 My friend is keen to have this moth -LRB- right -RRB- identified , which he describes as `` huge '' . friend female 1 My friend -LRB- native Chinese speaker -RRB- says that she has a lot of difficulty understanding non-native speakers because they do not speak with the right tones . friend male 1 My friend once described how , during a state of heightened hearing , bothered by the ambient noise , he went around the house and unplugged every electrical device he could find . friend male 1 My friend responded that he had no money , and could he borrow some up front . friend male 1 My friend said he had made a page on Wikipedia so I thought I ' d have a go . friend male 1 My friend said he may have told everyone he was from Greece because at the time Macedonians were being persecuted . friend female 1 My friend said she heard on the radio that the UK was doing something to the atmosphere , like sending dry ice up on weather balloons , to force the jet stream to move so there would be `` good '' weather for the London Olympics . friend female 1 MY friend said she read somewhere on here that shane mcmahon of the WWE recently separated from his wife . friend male 1 My friend said that strangely enough he had the same feeling . friend male 1 My friend says he has a tourist visa until 2012 . friend female 1 My friend says she did a concert in Japan entirely naked . friend female 1 My friend swears she saw a movie just like `` Bridges '' years ago , even down to the hand being on the truck door handle . friend male 1 My friend tells me that he always uses this one computer and he makes Javascript messages pop up when you click the Firefox icon , and this time he went overboard and made this one message that does not go away . friend male 1 My friend told me that in the past five years he has developed an allergy to something or other , but has no idea what . friend male 6 My greatest concern is that the user claims that he is using only author ' s opinion whereas he is just giving a lot of undue weight to fringe theories . user male 2 My longtime friend , Brother Andrew Corsini Fowler , has decided that it is time for action and he , together with a bunch of hard-core theatre buffs from all parts of the country , have had our heads together -LRB- perhaps it would be more honest to say that Andy has knocked them together -RRB- and come up with an idea . friend male 31 Personally I am of the opinion that the tool is primarily designed to be quite easily issued and is primarily designed to keep actual vandalism out of articles and if a user has not violated that then he has a right to keep the tool . user female 9 Police had pulled her vehicle over after gas station attendant reported that she seemed generally impaired . attendant female 11 Policy aside , the article helped me understand when my Argentine friend told me she was a flogger . friend male 7 Prematurely - -RRB- retired roofing contractor and user of Lortab , who insists he is not an addict . user male 12 POV-pushing '' is surely too weak a term here , and the user has been around long enough to get a clue about encyclopedic editing if he ' s ever going to . user male 20 Probably his biggest flaw is that he is way too quick , and maybe not thorough enough '' , one friend said . friend male 35 PROGENI ' s methodology is based on the classic genetic counseling philosophy that advocates non-prescriptive testing for genetic disease -LRB- an approach which is based on informing the patient of risks and then letting the patient decide whether he will undergo testing to delineate risk -RRB- . patient male 5 Pooja and Yogi ' s friend Jojo , who had been run over by Kajal in her rampage , tells his friends that he cut Kajal ' s breaks . friend male 9 Reverted 1 edit by Nomoskedasticity -LRB- talk -RRB- ; User is replacing content that he has not verifiesdd and that is disputed and complained about at BLPN . User male 4 Rabbi Lopian ' s friend , Rabbi Yerucham Levovitz , recommended that he go to the Brisker Rav and ask for `` Leibeleh Malater '' . friend male 3 Recently , my friend said that he had a `` disease '' that made him immune to bacterial infections and caused him to have a high white blood cell count . friend male 7 Rissmann relates a story where a boyhood friend claimed that after Hitler had left home , he never again attended Mass or received the sacraments . friend male 3 Recently , this user has been claiming that he is country music artist Michael Peterson , and has been making unacceptable edits to his article . user male 8 Over the course of the movie his best friend Mario , falls for an existentialist , gets kicked out of school and subsequently discovers he is going to be a father . friend male 6 Perhaps it would help if the user could clarify what he meant by that statement . user male 2 Perhaps the user really photographed the card and was under an impression that he can release it under GFDL -LRB- which is not the case -RRB- . user male 13 Park reminds him if he lives things will be worse , but the patient says he has to pay for his sins sometimes . patient male 45 Other comments were more helpful , pointing to the lack of integration with features such as the citation toolbar and special character selection , while yet others posted their appreciation for a tool that `` has greatly eased -LSB- their -RSB- editing '' ; one user explained that he had `` given up on editing '' many times , and that VE now allowed him to contribute . user female 6 Patsy Kensit stars as a mental patient who believes she is the reincarnated lover of Jack the Ripper and believes her psychiatrist -LRB- Patrick Muldoon -RRB- is the reincarnated mass murderer . patient female 0 Patient ' in Oenema surprised Thialf Aegon NK Distances , October 31 , 2008 With this 3rd place she qualified for the first time for the World Cups . Patient male 2 Once a friend of his told him that drawing was not his cup of tea and he took it up as a challenge and ended up in drawing freehand sketches in a span of one year . friend male 7 Once , during a party , a friend of Jacques ' tells him he has a quite compromising package -LRB- which turned out to be heroin -RRB- to deliver , and asks him if he can leave it discreetly at their place . friend male 1 Offending user has apparently decided that -LRB- s -RRB- he is too good for Wikipedia . user male 2 Now the user indicates that he basically intends for this article to be a guide or directory for people interested in looking for one-year MBA programs . user male 3 Now , the user in question boasts on his userpage that he has been a wikipedian for 19 months and has made over 5 , 000 edits . user male 2 Now the user is claiming that he is not actually Alec Jiri , merely an acquaintance . user male 3 Now this new user , ZayZayEM , insists not only that he can remove the gallery because he does not like the images , but because he ' s going to ignore all rules . user male 13 Once while attempting to sell advertisement slots during his radio program , a friend commented that he would buy an ad if Harold had a fishing show . friend female 6 On all 3 occasions , the patient had had no problem with incontinence , either urinary or faecal , nor had she had problems with dehydration , as she had up until that time been caring for herself at home . patient male 21 November 7 , 2000 -RRB- is a webcomic which was created through a bet between the creator Ian McConville and a friend who claimed he `` could not make a comic like Penny Arcade '' . friend male 5 My point is that this user has proved he can do very very boring tasks without giving up . user male 1 No hunter ever eats the meat that he has killed . hunter male 5 No , I have a friend who says that Jerry Lewis -LRB- the comedian -RRB- had a TV show , probably in the 1960s and he got mad or something and started smashing instruments in the band . friend male 14 Note that in one of his edit comments on the image file , the user says he is Noir ' s husband . user male 2 Note the user believes that he can go against universal acceptance of scholarly facts in Wikipedia . user male 4 Not only does this user uses that IP address to manipulate , but he also boasts it . user male 9 Not that anybody would notice it , but the user will be able to approve and suspend everybody whom he wants . user male 5 Not long ago , a friend told me that he wondered what the world we lived in would be like if religious faith had not dictated the form that works of art must take . friend male 14 Normally ciphertexts decrypt to a single plaintext and hence once decrypted , the encryption user can not claim that he encrypted a different message . user male 7 Nor this , nor this -LRB- the user admitted he removed content and was asking for help to correct the page -RRB- , this -LRB- it is just a test -RRB- , and this -LRB- appears to be a good faithed addition -RRB- . user male 11 No , Redwolf24 is most likely asking WB , since this user usually votes neutral to RFA candidates that he is unfamiliar with . user male 3 Nonetheless , the user has continued his incivility with a personal attack and has said he will continue reverting the article every time someone else reverts it . user male 11 No , Keepscases is just excited because he is supporting a user who says he is an atheist . user male 1 New user uploaded a new logo for Round Square and explained at the help desk that he works for the organisation and asked for help updating the article with new information and the new logo . user male 14 Neither felt comfortable with the idea of writing superheroes , and Moore suggested a friend Alan Moore -LRB- no relation -RRB- who had said in a fanzine that he had an ambition to revive the character . friend male 13 Nevertheless , even if this belief turned out to be true , the patient would not have known that he would get well since his belief lacked justification . patient female 9 Nicola only truly embraces her death when a Buddhist friend tells her that in dying , she has something to teach them . friend male 18 My access to the site , however , appears to be blocked from my home computer but a friend says that he can still access the site from his location and that my user name and password are working . friend male 13 Oppose considering that the main event is nearly two months away and the user has not indicated what he is actually nominating . user male 5 Oppose for now , but user knows what -LRB- s -RRB- he doing , and is on the right track . user male 2 Oppose , user claimed to me that he found it difficult to write anything in articles . user male 12 One of the men in the German Forces radio station had a friend in the Afrika Corps who was fond of the tune so he played it for him , according to `` Dirty Little Secrets of WW2 '' . friend male 7 On February 7 , 2013 , the superintendent of Millcreek , Michael Golde , announced he was taking a medical leave and stepping down from his position . superintendent female 3 One time a friend posted on Facebook that she was about to sneeze . friend male 4 One wonders if the user even believes what he claims . user male 2 Only my friend told me that he knew exactly why I stole , and I have never stolen since . friend female 12 On her arrival she immediately has a confrontation with the hard-boiled construction superintendent , who had not realized she was female . superintendent male 6 On top of this , the user actively says he has multiple IPs and flaunts blocks . user male 10 On the way , he read a letter from a friend who said he would ask God to fill John with the Holy Spirit . friend male 10 On the way to Sichuan on July 15 , his friend told him that he should go to Beijing and take the Annual National Faculty Exam . friend male 11 On the other hand , the social standard is that a user can not do what he wants with his talk page . user male 13 One of them stops to listen and is urged to continue by his friend who says `` Whoever hears the song of the bird and is bewitched thereby , he must surely die '' . friend male 29 On more than one occasion Stanley Random Chess has been the subject of discussion in chess newsgroups and other websites -LRB- I even came across one instance where a user observed that he had checked Wikipedia trying to find accurate information about it -RRB- ; SR Chess was even referenced here in Wikipedia on the Chessmaster page prior to the creation of this article . user male 9 On one occasion , I blocked , the blocked user requested an unblock , which was denied , and a few minutes later he was vandalising my usepage , and my block was not in the block log . user male 6 On recovering his sight , the hunter gains new respect for the jinx and vows that he will beat senseless any man who derides the character of his new friend . hunter male 2 One more user of the Singapore Portal wrote on Davids talk page that he should re-establish the article . user male 1 One patient with SPD commented that he could not fully enjoy his life because he feels that he is living in a shell . patient male 3 One close inmate friend of Tafero later said he could smell the burning flesh of his friend for days after . friend female 5 One day a young flight attendant called her up and told her she could have her child . attendant male 1 One user already added an entry under August 9 that he probably wanted to add under August 11 -LRB- and should have placed at August 10 -RRB- . user male 1 One user appeared and edited no other articles until the fact that he curiously appeared and focused on no other article , at which point he suddenly developed interests elsewhere . user male 1 One user cared so much about it that he resorted to sockpuppetry and was consequently banned multiple times . user male 1 One user has had a look , and agreed with my proposal so much , that he made the change immedeately . user male 1 One user on the RFC even said he thought was Jimbo was just being sarcastic when he said that . user male 5 One legend relates that a hunter spotted what he believed to be a mossy rock in the forest . hunter male 1 One friend noted that even on vacations at the beach he always wore his suit to the boardwalk . friend female 1 One friend recalled that she `` did not make her work her life , but instead crafted a life that was a work of art . friend male 2 One frustrated user said he wanted to start a Wikipedia fork . user male 4 Roger Crosse - Senior superintendent , director of Special Intelligence , meaning he is the senior British intelligence officer in Hong Kong . superintendent female 15 Robin says that she is picturing the other woman as unattractive , but when her friend says that she is a kickboxing instructor and looks great , Robin begins to feel a little jealous . friend male 1 SelvapsgThis user uploaded several copyrighted maps that he scanned and claimed GFDL on . user male 2 Secondly the user explained he was not new and he has being editing without an account , and yes , he made a legal threat but he apologized . user male 4 Screw , a known user of purple drank , said he came up with chopped and screwed music when high on marijuana . user male 29 Sceptic newsletter publishes article alleging `` bias on Wikipedia against scientific neutrality '' On Wikipedia Review -LRB- a web forum devoted to critical commentary about Wikipedia -RRB- , a user going by the name of Peter Damian announced that he had published an article about Wikipedia in the spring edition of The Skeptical Adversaria , the quarterly newsletter of the British Association for Skeptical Enquiry -LRB- ASKE -RRB- , criticizing Wikipedia from a skeptical perspective . user male 8 Ryland entered the ministry in 1802 , a friend bantered him about the matter and told him he would soon give up the ministry . friend female 3 Seems like the user is exactly what she seems , a 9-year-old girl who wanted to add something to wikipedia , but found that her images and user page were deleted without anybody getting in touch on her talk page to say why . user male 3 Second , the user thinks he is anonymous , and thus must not be aware of IP addresses . user male 1 Same user account he changed his sig . user male 1 Said user has already contacted me and indicated he has no objections to moving to Wikisource . user male 11 Sachs described Tata ' s casting as an accident ; a friend told Sachs that he had seen Tata in a store , which led to the offer of a role in the series . friend male 9 RR , I believe that he is a new user who believes that he is doing the correct thing and that he believes he is acting in good faith . user male 6 Rollback is a privledge , this user has made it quite clear that he needs a break from it . user male 16 Riya begins to realize that Rabi is not such a useless fellow , when his best friend Kamdev tells her that he has the skill to dismantle and assemble any motorcycle within minutes . friend male 6 She tells Mulder that the bounty hunter and the clones are actually aliens , that he wo not stop until all the clones are dead , and that the bounty hunter will come for her soon . hunter female 7 She then travelled to England where a friend working at the Hammersmith Hospital told of her of a job that she applied for and got . friend female 8 She was a Model , discovered when a friend of hers insisted that she go see her agent in Madrid at Traffic Models . friend male 6 September 2010 -LRB- UTC -RRB- My friend says that `` room 203 '' is a perfect name for the movie , and he watches lots of haunted movies . friend female 7 She began powerlifting by chance through a friend , who insisted she come with her to the workouts . friend male 19 Sergio has never met this girl , although they worked together , and one day he goes to his friend , Cesare , who is famous for his cheating the State and the blatant lies that he tells all . friend female 5 She feels sorry that her friend is being tortured while she is getting a `` new life '' and starts to act rambunctiously , such as kicking a trash can or staging a demonstration in the school halls . friend male 7 She felt , however , that the patient may be able to understand the general nature of the illness but can not recognize that he has the illness . patient female 19 She was working in a polling station in Mulcair ' s Outremont riding as an NDP scrutineer when a friend texted her that she was leading Bloc Qu e b e cois incumbent Luc Desnoyers . friend male 10 Shortly after Sue breaks up with Durant , her childhood friend Tom Siddall -LRB- Phillips Holmes -RRB- tells her that he has always loved her and proposes . friend male 5 Shinn showed it to a friend , a Berkeley student , who suggested he take the plate to Bolton . friend female 6 She also has a new animal friend who clings to her , a bat that she saw in the fire world . friend male 9 The source appears to be Flickr , and that user has not indicated that he licenses his images in a way acceptable to Wikipedia . user male 7 The talk page shows that one registered user , by fixing a previous mistake , admitted he was editing from an IP belonging to the Intelius company , of which Naveen Jain is a founder . user male 1 The superintendent stated that he did not intend to seek an accredited doctoral degree , but he planned to continue using the title `` Dr . superintendent male 16 There is abundant evidence , including posting identical material , and in this edit summary the user effectively announces that he is a sockpuppet . user female 5 Sorry , I have a friend that was close to suicide and told me she came to this site to look up information . friend male 11 So I guess it would be only fair to let this user do what he wants with his material in his userspace . user male 3 So , the user adds the category back to his user page , admits he does not live in Hawaii , and refuses to talk about the claim that he does . user male 2 So this user says he took the pic , which is of a place he used to work at . user male 8 Spiders '' might be reduced , when the patient stated and drew what he actually saw , to a few radiating lines . patient male 7 SPI on this and I think the user thought he had to create a new account for every new page he made . user male 12 Sonar Festival in 2001 to perform with the Nortec Collective when a friend of his insisted he would give his Murcof demo CD to Tony Marley of UK based independent record label The Leaf Label . friend male 18 Some of us have been trying to reform this behavior by reverting the external link spam but our friend can still tell himself that he is getting visibility for these links because they remain in the edit summaries . friend female 2 The flight attendant at the door stated that she did not think of calling the cockpit when she heard the sound of the door leak before it separated , because the aircraft was under sterile cockpit conditions -LRB- Code of Federal Regulations , 1994 -RRB- . attendant female 2 The flight attendant who initiated the evacuation through that door told NTSB that she saw fire on the left engine therefore abandoned evacuation through that door and directed passengers forward . attendant male 1 The friend suggested that he make a drink with a higher composition of potassium and a lower composition of sodium . friend male 1 The friend told the father that if he saw his daughter , he would tell her to `` hurry home . friend male 1 The friend coldly announces that he is terminating their relationship , even though Hester is carrying his child . friend female 1 The friend gives Marie the address , but admits that she ca not remember whether the apartment is in the building on the right or the left . friend female 1 The friend had told her that her family had to bring money to the jail for protection , that she slept on the floor and that `` you probably get raped '' by the guards because they have authority to do `` whatever they can do . friend female 1 The friend , originally known only as `` Witness 8 '' , said that she told Martin to run to the townhouse where he was staying with his father and the father ' s fianc e e . friend male 1 The friend said he would fix him a menudo , a Latino stew made of tripe , sausage , onions , tomatoes , chili powder , and other ingredients . friend male 1 The friend said that he thought Allman was joking and did not take the statement as a threat . friend male 1 The friend says that he would give Pierce a job , but he will not give one to Soldier . friend male 9 The following evidence is now redundant , as the user has responded below and acknowledges that he operates all these accounts . user female 1 The hunter knew what she said , and the next time he came he brought nothing , and when they looked out in the morning the trees were gone and there was no wood at all , so the old woman had to go after some herself . hunter female 1 The hunter predicted that if Konat e married an ugly woman , she would give him a son who would one day be a mighty king . hunter male 1 The hunter then pronounces that he can whip the rabbit and his whole family . hunter male 1 The hunter thought he fulfilled his duty , but the King became angry and just sent him back home . hunter male 1 The hunter who gave McGraw the tail claimed he had shot the monkey the previous year . hunter male 13 The man who hurt her now has to be her partner because her friend said he can sing well . friend male 11 The main character is Francis Forbes Clunie , a Scottish mental patient who suffers from the unusual delusion that he is Humphrey Bogart , or rather a composite of the characters he played in his films . patient male 6 Support - Seems like a trustworthy user who knows what he is doing . user male 6 Support TenPoundHammer is an overall great user , who shows he is ready and would do just fine with the tools . user male 3 Support - the user has been really active in the last three months but has shown that he is ready for adminship . user male 3 Support - The user has not shown any sign that he will stop the personal attacks or incivility . user female 3 Support - this user says that she wants to be involved in deletion , but her edits to the Wikipedia namespace are generally not in deletion . user male 10 Support '' ' topic ban for now , since this user obviously has confused what he wants wikipedia to be with what it actually is . user male 4 Support unblock once the user reacts to talk messages and indicates he wants to try to understand how we work here . user male 2 Support - User does not appear that he would delete the main page . User male 1 Support User has shown he will be a highly capable specialist admin . User male 9 Support - What impresses me the most about this user is that he does not run from his mistakes ; he confronts them and learns from them . user male 2 That the user implied , at least , that he would use sockpuppets to vandalise also weighed in on my decision to extend the block . user male 1 That user admitted he had added the words to mislead and push his POV . user male 1 That user clearly stated within the discussion that he withdrew his nomination , so I went ahead and closed the discussion , and then removed the AfD tags from all the articles in question . user male 1 That user says he ' s doing research into Wikipedia and that he ' s an undergraduate at Harvard . user male 5 That somehow sounds like the user admits that he ' s advertising . user male 3 Strong oppose The user has switched article Tourism in Croatia to the version that he likes , and then proposed its protection , which was done in a couple of minutes by an admin . user male 10 Strong support I absolutely can not see how a longtime user like Sluggo could think what he did was acceptable in the slightest . user male 4 Strong Support - This user definitly knows what he is doing . user male 3 Support , a user who has shown by his actions that he would make a great sysop . user male 9 Support block of undefined length As long as this user is insisting that he did nothing wrong and that some conspiracy is out to get him unblocking would be foolish . user male 9 That attitude is all the more bizarre because this user previously said in the talk page that he found the idea of two separate lists stupid and that he was in favor of one single list . user male 5 Support - Matthew trusts this user and Matthew believes that he will make a better administrator than half of our present sysops . user male 3 Support - great user , great answers , and I liked how he told the truth about the person editing their own bio . user male 2 Support Great user that has shown he will not misuse the tools . user male 17 Taylor left both school and home at 16 with no intention of becoming an actor ; a friend , however , suggested that he try the theatre as ' something to do at the weekends ' , and Taylor found the experience so enjoyable that he opted to make it his career . friend male 3 Tchaikovsky ' s friend and mentor Nikolai Rubinstein suggested that he write a grand commemorative piece for use in related festivities . friend male 28 Tamaki dreams of being a bureaucrat , and states that if he did not have his dream to aim for , he would probably have become a Refrain user . user female 8 Taub suggests a pregnancy test , but the patient says she has never had sex . patient male 6 Thanks for the comments , the user has added the entry back and made comments that he misread the sources . user female 13 Terry agreed cautiously and was also persuaded to hire Sam ' s `` friend '' , Olena , as a maid - thinking she was Polish and merely wanted money to fund her travels . friend male 3 Technically , the user is socking in violation of a block , but all he needs to do to get the block removed is acknowledge and agree to follow BLP . user female 19 Subsequently she decided to switch to badminton when a friend was talking to her on the bus , her friend wanted to get some boys together to play badminton . friend male 3 Sweetman ' s friend tells him that he was the projectionist at a secret screening of the film . friend male 47 The cuneiform inscriptions of Persia had for some time been attracting attention in Europe ; exact copies of them had been published by the Dutch artist Cornelis de Bruijn and the Danish traveller Niebuhr , who lost his eyesight over the work ; and Grotefend ' s friend , Tychsen of Rostock , believed that he had ascertained the characters in the column , now known to be Persian , to be alphabetic . friend female 4 The couple ' s friend , V i ctor , sees Yerma sewing and assumes she is pregnant . friend male 24 The episodes grow in intensity until it becomes unclear whether Martin is a doctor imagining he ' s the patient , or a mental patient who succumbed to the delusion that he was a brain surgeon . patient male 2 The end user wants information that he needs to know , but , unless he happens to have an interest in a particular subject , does not care how much you know about the topic . user male 27 The Cycle 1973-1978In 1973 Mehrjui began directing what was to be his most acclaimed film , The Cycle Mehrjui got the idea for the film when a friend suggest that he investigate the black market and illicit blood traffic in Iran . friend male 6 The day before yesterday , this user appeared as plala ip user , next day , he appeared as OCN -LRB- ISP -RRB- users , and then today you appear a KDDI user . user female 0 Superintendent , announced that she wanted to retire early due to security reasons . Superintendent male 4 There , an American friend suggested that he continue his education at a university in the United States . friend male 16 There appear to be far too many fishy coincidences to think that this is simply a user who has observed Wikipedia for a long time without editing and simply applied what he learned . user male 2 The second user stated that he does not wish to file an unblock request ; their page was protected following related insults . user female 12 The fictitious Ethel Malley supposedly knew nothing about poetry , but a friend suggested that she send the poems to someone who could examine them . friend male 9 The final band name was decided upon when a friend of the band told them he had a dream where he fronted a band called The Motive . friend female 17 The first adult literacy program in the United States , when Cora Wilson Stewart , the school superintendent in Rowan County , Kentucky , began a program that she called the Moonlight Schools . superintendent male 15 The `` invasions to our privacy '' probably refers to my vandalism warnings to this user who tests how far he can go goofing around , adding nonsense , and playing dumb . user male 2 Their family friend reported that when he last saw Smith he was wearing purple workout pants that he had borrowed from Evan , with the intent of wearing them to bed . friend male 8 Their music is quite unique and recently a friend of mine in the UK told me that he heard the music being played on BBC radio as well . friend male 11 Thehelpfulone was right in blanking the page , but if the user did not know Thehelpfulone , he could ' ve been anybody to him . user male 10 The guy writing it -LRB- by the way , the user wrote in his page that he caught a `` friend '' using his account to write this -RRB- was probably attempting sneaky vandalism . user male 6 Thus , instead of saying The patient believes that he has special powers , say Patients sometimes believe they have special powers . patient male 20 Timeshift9 felt this was an uncited edit , and despite subsequently adding a Marketwire link to this event , the user repeatedly reverted the edit on the basis that he disputes this . user male 17 Though participation in the STU programme was required , entering the Capsule was voluntary , and each patient could choose how many days he spent inside . patient male 3 Though where a user has specifically stated that he wishes not to be notified , that is quite a different matter covered there -RRB- . user male 6 To add to this , the user is quoting incidents from the newspapers that he has read someday . user male 7 Today on my talk page , the user has admitted that he does not currently live in Hawaii but claims to have been born there . user female 10 Today I saw a template that was sent to a user that listed all of the articles that she had created that were unsourced BLP ' s . user female 12 Tom was a model patient in the asylum and in 1837 the superintendent suggested to his wife that she should petition the home secretary for his release . superintendent male 12 Tirpitz joined the Prussian Navy more by accident than design when a friend announced that he was doing so . friend female 14 Tour in 2010 , She announced that she wrote `` Gold '' after a friend of Knight ' s told her that she thought we was ' gold ' . friend male 5 To the point , the user has not said that he would stop making such attacks in the future , and in regard to his block history , and the above , I believe a longer block is justified . user male 28 This , and the associated damage to the project , can be avoided if blocks for repeated disruption are normally indefinite and are only lifted when the blocked user convinces us that he gets it , rather than sulk and shout and wait for the block to expire . user male 5 This certainly will make the user think he was right about 3rr vioaltions and will encourage him for new edit wars . user female 8 They maintain that Mary Beth is an experienced hunter and markswoman who knew exactly what she was looking at that day . hunter male 3 This evocatively named user has announced on his talk page that he will ignore all messages to him , and is now blanking pages . user male 15 They put their album up for sale on their website , and they let the user choose what he wanted to pay for it -LRB- including not paying at all -RRB- . user male 1 This friend also told you the username he planned to use for his hijinks . friend female 1 This friend told me that she can not remember dates and does not have the ability to juxtapose events in for example political history with events in art history . friend male 11 Thinking he would like to become a landscape painter , a friend suggested that he work as a stage manager to raise the money to study art . friend male 8 Third , psychological dependency may occur when the user engages in anything that he deems as beneficial such as the Internet , pornography , or drugs , but there is no such possibility in the case of addiction . user male 11 Thiessen has said that he wrote it because of a female friend , who lived eight hours away in Pennsylvania , who he would talk to about many things including spiritual matters such as where God was taking them in the future . friend male 11 This account has been blocked indefinately , I suppose until the user can convince us somehow that he has regained control . user male 6 Well , it appears that the user is indeed disrupting this project in the same fashion that he was disrupting the Japanese Wikipedia . user male 3 Well since this user has accepted that he has used this IP . user male 3 Well , the user has already made clear that he is not willing to compromize even an inch , so im not very hopeful for any meaningful compromize but I have notified the user . user male 2 Then said user announced that he would specifically target certain articles related to me . user female 14 Then-Principal Theret was placed on paid administrative leave and later retired , and the superintendent has said she would not return to the school or any other campus . superintendent male 7 The nom is hardly conclusive as the user is unsure whether he passes notability . user male 17 The movement likely originated from a post made on Reddit on 22 December 2011 , when a user stated that he would be moving 51 domains away from Go Daddy , and recommended others to do the same . user male 8 The mistake was a serious one but the user as said he will not do it again . user male 6 The main problem is that this user believes he has some kind of ownership of the article . user male 15 The first option would removed the text completely , while in the second scenario the user hopefully understands he can continue the sentence with his rationale . user male 17 The first is obvious just by the username , the second is a red flag because the user -LRB- possibly Michael Meeze from the site ' s staff -RRB- says he ' s `` adding another review site on behalf of the site '' . user female 2 The last user that was using the notebook said she didint made somethig very different . user female 2 Then a friend of hers said that she trained her body into not being lactose intolerant anymore by gradually introducing milk products into her body over a long period of time . friend male 2 The police superintendent of Sindh Province , Pakistan , said in a 2010 audio-recorded testimony that he `` confirmed his personal involvement in arresting and abducting Siddiqui and her three small children in March 2003 . superintendent male 2 The `` patient '' believes that `` he '' has special powers . patient male 1 The patient claimed that he followed the strict hygienic guidelines pertaining to catheters , so an environmental factor is responsible for the infection . patient male 1 The patient complains that he was planning to sell his house and now he ' ll have to cancel the sale and wo not be able to afford to pay the real estate broker . patient male 1 The patient earlier said he liked hot tubs in the presence of Kutner , who later states he hates hot tubs . patient male 1 The patient feels that he has made outstanding discoveries . patient female 1 The patient improved enough that within three weeks she was able to sit up in a chair . patient male 1 The patient indicates whether he sees the light by pushing a button . patient male 1 The patient said he realized this but was still nervous since it was his heart that was being operated on . patient male 1 The patient says he has a law internship after he ' s released . patient male 1 The patient says he was on the road a lot , and he used the vaporub to block out the smell of dung . patient male 1 The patient tells the team that he got into the Army to find out how his father , also a soldier , actually died . patient female 1 The patient was a 54 year-old housewife with conductive hearing loss so severe that she could no longer hear at all , even with a hearing aid . patient male 5 Then when I reverted another user assumed he was right and reverted to JzG ' s version , but realized he was wrong and apologized . user male 2 The original user who deleted this article has in his profile that he is off Wikipedia for an unspecified period . user male 7 Then you brought an AE against a user who reverted what he rightfully perceived as vandalism . user male 2 The old friend added that he would expose Frenzel ' s political past and criminal record unless he took up the offer . friend male 16 The only witness was the police in charge of the interrogation , who would tell a friend of Barranco ' s some years later that he had been there to inform Barranco about his transfer to Madrid . friend male 6 The other issue is that another user has mentioned that he believes the group Gate32 is a hoax . user male 11 The page has been deleted as CSD G4 , and the user has not recreated it again , nor has he made any other edit since July 8 . user male 2 The offending user emailed that he was taking screenshots of another editor ' s actions in reverting his edits -LRB- which were deemed a BLP issue -RRB- , and was sending them to his attorney . user male 2 The other user in the case has indicated that -LRB- s -RRB- he prefers to go through formal mediation and has filed for that , which I have agreed to . user male 2 The other user you mention is one that he was in a heated content dispute with . user male 8 The problem with that is that the proposed user of the bot has indicated that he has no intention of providing any citations and considers them to be unnecessary . user male 8 The problem in my eye is that the user has already shown he is unable to respect other editors that he is in discussion with . user male 14 The result was speedy keep because the nomination was apparently on behalf of a user who says he did not want the article deleted . user male 9 The prosecution ' s case involved testimony from a friend of Hartsfield ' s , who said he had been with Hartsfield the night of the shooting and later secretly recorded a conversation with him for the police . friend male 26 The purpose of a block or a ban is to prevent a person from disrupting Wikipedia ; a ban becomes useless and even counterproductive when the user has realized that what he did before is wrong and he wishes to legitimately contribute to Wikipedia . user male 10 The public immediately gave him much more money after a friend suggested to him that he dress only in his underwear in order to generate higher earnings . friend male 10 There , a community college ' student-teacher ' and his friend ask Hank about the Strickland Propane cap that he happens to be wearing . friend male 13 There are a number of users adding information and preventing that because one user is not happy he is not getting his way is not all that smart . user male 3 We have a user who insists , despite lengthy talk page discussion , that he has a right to post a particular theory despite the lack of consensus to do so . user male 3 We find the user stating that use of placeholders is OK and he just does not want his name on the list . user male 3 What the anonymous user neglected to mention is that he is Charles Groves , a known and repeated sockpuppet vandal based at the user , who has a self-admitted personal vendetta against Adam Kontras . user male 2 When a friend announces he is going to join the Indian Military Academy -LRB- IMA -RRB- , Karan applies as well , despite dissent from his parents . friend male 2 When a friend asks what he may bring Agate from Latvia , she asks for some Latvian soil . friend male 2 When a friend became concerned that he did not attend church on Sunday morning , they went to his home to check on him . friend male 0 User knows what he is doing . User male 0 User makes it clear in the initial post here that he is aware of it -LRB- or at least the block that would result , even if not appreciating the rationale or exact location of the bright line -RRB- . User male 0 User needs to be indefinitely blocked again and told he can only come back if he is going to cease disruptive editing and only edit articles he is not personally involved in . User male 0 User plainly states that he copied it from there . User female 0 User promises believably that she will abide by policy . User male 0 User repeatedly claims he has left Wikipedia but keeps returning to create further disruptive . User male 0 User said he created his account to get rid of this article . User male 0 User says he has rights and does not own the picture produced and is using other images across WIKI . User male 0 User says he is a professional in the weighing industry , and apparantly was blocked on other boards for putting up posts about his company . User male 0 User says he is employing Earthlink ' s web accelerator . User male 0 User says he is in control again , but as account is only two hours old and has few or no useful edits , I have blocked it and will advise him to set up a new one . User male 0 User says he wants to `` Trying to craft this into an article about unique furniture that can be used for health and sexual enhancement . User female 0 User says on her user page that she is the promotions director for the above radio stations , and continues to add promotional material for her stations . User male 0 User specifically states he is hosting it in userspace as an alternative to mainspace . User male 0 User stated here that he is not an advertiser but the article contains mostly links to the company . User male 0 User stated that he created the article in order to attract users to the product . User male 0 User 999 has also made non-civil and has clearly shown that he is only interested in more trouble and not building a coherent consensus by the comments he leaves on my personal discussion page . User male 0 User 999 is creating schism and false intrigues against me they should he should rightfully receive a warning or a 24 hour block , so that myself and other established editors of the Golden Dawn article can put a stop to this edit war . User male 0 User admits he took it from eBay without permission , see the image history . User male 0 User admits that he edited anonymously before he created this account . User male 0 User also admitted to me in an email that he has no verifiable , third-party sources to back up his claims , meaning it ' s also entirely original research . User male 0 User also angrily denies that he is a sock of Dico -LRB- see post of user for details -RRB- . User male 0 User also claimed he was under 13 years old , although that is debatable . User male 0 User also clearly indicates in comments in this thread and elsewhere that he holds a grudge over a perceived slight . User male 0 User also rarely votes on the AfD with the exception of one he made out of bad faith . User male 0 USER and he clearly noted in his edit summary that he was moving the discussion to the article talk page -LRB- which he did -RRB- . USER male 0 User as been almost entirely unresponsive to quires or requests to justify his edits , and has generally shown that he just does not get it . User male 0 User believes he owns the article , and knows the truth about article subject . User male 0 User claimed he was reverting to consensus version . User male 0 User clearly knew what he was doing . User male 0 User declares he is here to participate in Wikipedia as an MMORPG and catalog instances of ironic editing twists . User male 0 User denies he is this identity , now denies he is even a member of the club . User male 0 User failed to provided his sources for the first five edits , and insisted his right about changing , plus he had changed several of the sourced matarial with added commentaries , and I reverted it . User male 0 User freely states that he originally edited using Alejandrozamora but has changed to Zamorafan to avoid claiming to be Zamora himself . User male 0 User has 10 edits under this ID at this time , but says he has many annon edits on his user page . User male 0 User has apologized and asserted he will now comply with image policy . User male 0 User has been editting article Bad_Boys_Blue and admits in the contributions that he is a representative of John McInerney , a member of the group . User male 18 User has been given countless warnings including prior requests to observe a 1RR , and even here the user insists that he is right and the world is wrong . user male 0 User has been making many reverts to this and other articles and gives no indication that he is going to stop . User male 0 User has been warned multiple times regarding the edit war and even admits himself that he is edit warring on the edit summary of `` 3rd revert '' diff resulting in blanking the page . User male 0 User has commented that he is only here to disrupt . User male 0 User has explicitly stated that he would use tools to prove a point . User male 0 User has indicated he will continue edit warring ; and I agree ; therefore , the block . User male 0 User has indicated that he will continue edit warring until banned . User male 0 User has now stated he ' s leaving for Japan and will not be commenting until December . User male 0 User has said he will report for this . User male 0 User has shown again and again that he has no intention to stop edit warring , despite being reverted by 6-7 other editors . User male 0 User has shown he is unwilling to discuss his changes by constantly blanking any warnings concerning his behaviour . User male 0 User has stated he will apply the tools to the areas he knows best and expand from there . User female 0 User has stated on numerous occasions that she intends not to do so in a productive manner . User male 0 User has username and has stated that he is alumni of the school . User male 0 User incorrectly believes he can revert as many times as he wants on the article as long as he reverts different kinds of changes . User male 0 User indicated that he is aware of the implications of using a real name . User male 0 User indicates he understands deletion now . User male 0 User insists that he owns the page and can dictate it ' s content and silence the opposing viewpoint . User male 0 User is aware of this report and says he will try to improve . User male 0 User is bragging that he can reset his modem and get a new IP every time he is blocked , and appears to be doing so . User female 0 User is chronic editor of Morgellons page , and has admitted on talk page and other public forums that she is a volunteer for the advocacy group , the Morgellons Research Foundation , itself a major subject of the article being edited . User female 10 Was listed for speedy deletion yesterday on grounds that the user that uploaded said she was 9-years old . user male 7 Well it is still happening and another user has mentioned he has the same problem -LRB- over at village pump -RRB- . user male 14 We ' ll need a list from him of all his socks and which user account he wants to edit under . user male 2 When a patient in a hospital emergency room said he cut his hand on a dumpster , the doctor recognised the injury as something else . patient male 4 When Asad ' s friend says he does not know they threaten to kill him ; Asad offers them the fish to save his friend ' s life . friend female 3 When a surgical patient implies she is having rectal bleeding , Andrew is too intimidated to get the information to Neela , and the patient later bleeds to death . patient female 10 When Betty seeks some way to obtain revenge , the friend suggests she marry him . friend male 11 When BigDaddy1981 raised questions regarding a COI for DragonflySixtySeven , that user revealed that he , too , knew Anders in real life , hence his ability to cite unpublished information - first , admitting to one conversation with Anders , then when pressed , to two . user female 10 When Connelly was ten years old , an advertising executive friend of her father suggested she audition as a model . friend male 0 User subsequently admits he used the Boukenger account to get around the block and sees no problem with it . User male 0 User ' s website -LRB- linked from his user page -RRB- indicates that he is not Mark Beaumont and there is no apparent reason to assume that Mark Beaumont put it in the public domain . User male 0 User who asserts that he is the subject has taken issue with the accuracy of this article and has requested deletion on the talk page . User female 13 Upon her graduation , she went to New York , where her former friend , Rona , predicted that she would have an excruciatingly uphill battle ! friend male 8 Upon his release , Gacy announced to a friend who collected him from prison that he intended to re-establish himself in Waterloo . friend male 28 Upon his release , he became an assistant manager for a McDonald ' s in Hell ' s Kitchen and after five years in the position , a friend recommened that he try out for the Power Plant , World Championship Wrestling ' s professional wrestling school . friend female 23 Upon returning to New York City , she wrote her first book , a young adult novel , The Season , after a friend suggested she try her hand at writing for teens . friend female 3 Ustvolskaya ' s friend , Viktor Suslin , said that she had been `` deeply disappointed '' in Shostakovich by the time of her graduation in 1947 . friend male 1 The user can remove what he likes from his page . user male 1 The user can then confirm that he wants to delete the image and all its references with a second click . user male 1 The user claimed he was just making test edits and another admin unblocked him after MagicalPhats promised to only edit in his own user space . user male 1 The user claimed in an earlier edit that he was the subject of the article , but when I recently readded the COI tag , he claimed that he was not the subject . user male 1 The user claims at his talk page that he views Billboard ' s charts on weekly bases and updates peaks accordingly , but again refuses to follow wikipedia ' s policy and continues to alter Rick Ross dicography in a similar manner leaving messages of this kind in edit-summaries , 1 , 2 . user female 1 The user claims she did not understand what is revert , but she was extensively explained what is revert . user male 1 The user clearly acknowledged the warning and knew he was going to be blocked . user male 1 The user clearly indicated he had a fresh start and disclosed a past indiscretion in accepting the nomination . user female 1 The User concerned has never denied she is on neither register but maintains such a claim nonetheless . User male 1 The user constantly claims that he ' s trying to keep his temper , trying to avoid losing his temper , etc . user male 1 The user continues -LSB- 2 -RSB- Despite being warned that what he is doing it against the rules . user male 1 The user could just say that he thinks a belief in atheism is incorrect or false . user male 1 The user declares that he does not `` like homosexuality '' as it is `` morally wrong '' - he also has a homophobia userbox . user male 1 The user did add the disclaimer that he wanted it to be just like Windows . user male 1 The user did not add the copyvio to the article in the first place either , he only unknowingly brought it back when he posted an old version of the article , and he did this only once . user male 1 The user did not say he did not have any prior accounts , he said he had been editing as an IP for a year . user male 1 The user did not believe that he was doing wrong , but has accepted that he was . user male 1 The user did what he believed was in the best interest of the encyclopedia . user male 1 The user even admits that he coined it and had not seen it elsewhere ! user male 1 The user even admits that he has had trouble following wikipedia policy and has been hounded by editors for his erratic and destructive edits to pages . user male 1 The user explicitly claims that he has not created the article , but also at first claimed not to be Harrison himself . user male 1 The user had already noted he was new to the process , and was suggesting reasonable ways to fix the process based on having no understanding of the process . user male 1 The user has access to an IP account that he was using that he could use to request the page unprotected , but there does not seem like there will be much need for that . user male 1 The user has also been edit-warring on an infobox that he has created at another article , and moved all Australian election articles to new names in February 2007 against consensus - which is currently leaning to renaming them again . user male 1 The user has also said he will continue to ' help ' Wikipedia by `` certainly going to redirect this effort in a number of different ways . user female 1 The user has been asked to find reliable sources , but feels she does not need to because she allegedly drew the animations . user male 1 The user has been saying that he was going to run for RFA -LRB- following suggestions that he do so -RRB- and preparing the form for about a week . user male 1 The user has claimed that he is trying to reach his goal `` of 1000 edit counts by monday '' . user male 1 The user has clearly stated now on multiple occasions that he is not the subject of the article and to continue with these accusations is less than civil . user female 1 The user has confirmed both via OTRS ticket and on various pages that she is the subject of the article . user male 1 The user has contacted me with confirmable information that he is a visiting Ph . user male 1 The user has explicitly indicated to you that the he gave the person permission to use the account . user male 1 The user has less than 2k edits , and likely not yet truly aware that -LRB- s -RRB- he is not the smartest person in the room while editing in Wikipedia . user male 1 The user has made statements to the effect that he plans to ignore anything he disagrees with . user male 1 The user has no mainspace edits , has not edited since May , and shows no indication that he is planning on moving this to the mainspace . user male 1 The user has not demonstrated nor given any assurance , explicit or implicit , nor any indication , that he will not repeat this disturbing behavior in the future . user male 1 The user has not gone he has just had his talkpage deleted , as I understand it , the best thing to do in such a situation is to quietly do the deletion and perhaps if you are wanting a second opinion to email someone and not to post the details at a high profile NB . user male 1 The user has now indicated that he would seek to change his username to . user male 1 The user has now made it clear that he thought that Wikipedia could be used to publish original work . user male 1 The user has openly stated he does not believe the article should exist and campaigned for its deletion in a recent AfD . user female 1 The user has other contributions to non-sex related topics and did not point out to anyone or anything that she had uploaded the pictures . user male 1 The user has probably even forgotten that he had this page . user male 1 The user has repeatedly re-added it after it was removed by various users , and has made it clear that he will not stop . user male 1 The user has repeatedly said he will not seek consensus . user female 1 The user has said repeatedly that she did not hurl any legal threats , yet a few administrators keep insisting that she did -LRB- even though the record shows otherwise -RRB- . user male 1 The user has said that he does not believe that 3RR applies to this situation -LRB- which I beleive is incorrect -RRB- and that he will continue to revert anyone who removes the tag . user male 1 The user has shown that he wants to help but is not doing it very well anymore . user male 1 The user has somehow got the notion that workpages are the same things as articles , and that he has a right to mess with them as he sees fit . user female 1 The user has started some major edits on the page in question and is reverting any edits that she has not initiated . user male 1 The user has stated he feels that even though all of the facts are true , it is misleading and an example of a `` coat rack '' article saying `` until you pose an argument against the abovementioned WP article -LSB- on coat rack articles -RSB- I will continue to revert WITHOUT discussion . user female 1 The user has stated in an edit summary that she is an employee of Bill Moyers . user male 1 The user has threatened that he will `` report me '' if I do not unblock . user male 1 The user himself has stated that he disbelieves in the existence of Aerotoxic syndrome . user male 1 The user himself has stated that he would like to become an admin one day . user male 1 The user informed me that he participated in Wikiprojects . user male 1 The user in question argues that he is the one who initiated the discussion on the dispute , and could not find any consensus for that . user male 1 The user in question has been hostile and flat-out said that he -LRB- we assume - - his gender is unstated -RRB- does not respect the mediation resolution . user male 1 The user in question has confirmed that he does intend to create Hamayoon Khan , so you should see the article appear in due course . user male 1 The user in question has disrupted Wikipedia and has made statements that he will continue to do so . user male 1 The user in question has indicated that he has learned his lesson , and that it was in poor judgement . user female 1 The user in question has noted that she had a prior account . user male 1 The user in question was only reccomending to ChemTerm that he not throw unwarrented personal attacks , using the words `` shut up before throwing PA '' to say that . user male 1 The user is also suspected of sockpuppetry , and apparently thinks he can get away with murder if it is done in the Italian language . user male 1 The user is a vandal regarding the discussion in my talk page , bad faith edits and technically pretends he is a good user . user male 1 The user is aware that he is reverting each time . user male 1 The user is basically referencing claims to reviews that he has written . user male 1 The user is clearly removing sourced material from the article , and taking advantage of the fact that he is not -LRB- yet -RRB- restricted by ArbCom parole . user male 1 The user is not at a level of incivility that he is a really big problem . user male 1 The user is now claiming that he will sock in order to evade his block . user male 1 The user is obviously doing what he ' s doing in good faith . user male 1 The user is simply aggressively removing anything that he wishes for a completely non policy reason ; the policy says that non english references are acceptable , but English sources are preferred - the user is just edit warring them all out , and is being pretty insulting as well , as you can see . user female 1 The user is still involved with Wikipedia and says she is still working on the draft . user male 1 The user is strongly anti the subject of the article , has openly stated he does not believe the article should exist and campaigned for its deletion in an AfD . user male 1 The user knows exactly what he ' s doing . user male 1 The user knows what he is doing , and even warns them about not mentioning this on Wikipedia . user male 1 The user later said that he used the AfD in order to call attention to other users to cleanup the article . user male 1 The user later wrote that he did not actually care all that much about the template and agreed to leave the then-current revision as it was . user male 1 The user means he is a freak for Jesus . user male 1 The user most likely will never even remember he owns that account . user male 1 The user must refrain from translating articles in languages that he can not actually read with facility , whether or not he uses an automatic translator , and must improve his English to be adequate . user male 1 The user now reports that he ca not submit a namechange request , as the software is still treating him as blocked . user male 1 The user now tagged it as his own work , but has said that he has permission to use the image . user male 1 The user once told me that he was one of creators of the promotion , so if that is true , then this is technically an advertisement . user male 1 The User orginally the source of this discussion , is still implying that he will remove results before 10 pm Eastern . User male 1 The user remarked on the talk page that he had `` attempted to clarify and add balance to this article , which is after all an encyclopedia entry and not a channel to wage one-sided attacks on the magazine . user male 1 The user said he was not interested in a discussion , so I will drop it too . user male 1 The user said he would no longer talk to me . user male 1 The user said in the comment that he planned to make further contributions , but he has not yet . user male 1 The user said that he edits Wikipedia from both Russia and Seoul , South Korea , so there would be more IP socks or accounts that are not revealed yet . user male 1 The user says he can establish notability , and now has an article with sources . user male 1 The user says he is the subject of the article . user male 1 The user says he plans to remake it -LSB- 1 -RSB- . user male 1 The user says he wants to be an admin someday . user male 1 The user says he wants to help out with the backlogs . user male 1 The user shows no indication that he acknowledges the problem or will help clean it up . user male 1 The user simply rejects presented sources and relentlessly promotes his own ideas and his own version of history that he has conjured up and that no sources back up . user male 1 The user somehow believes the fact that he is Lebanese is not relevant . user male 1 The user staes that he thought the note on the descussion on the templates talk page that the MFD was Keet was for this page . user male 1 The user stated he wants to help out at AIV and with speedy deletes . user male 1 The user stated that he would comply with the rules after his block but has gone straight back to editing in the same manner . user male 1 The user states that he is an officer in the Vietnamese Constitutional Monarchist League . user male 1 The user states that he works for Dynamic Software , the company that makes Dynamic Submission software . user female 1 The user states that she is autistic , and this is the reason for her impoliteness . user male 1 The user subsequently realised that he was the owner of the target username . user male 1 The user that created this article admits he has `` specific interest and expertise '' in this article . user male 1 The user then informed me that he was Gavin Wims and that he wanted `` his '' name removed from my talk page . user male 1 The user threatened there was a veteran sysop and knew he could safely ignore the threat , but a new user who was unfamiliar with policy might not be so lucky . user male 9 The user was not blocked a day after the user said he had quit WP . user male 1 The user who created it , has admitted he is a novice at templates , and has asked me to work on the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador templates . user male 1 The user , who has admitted he is the owner of the site , has continuously used abusive language against people who have kept his websites off wikipeida per policy . user male 1 The user who reported this is a spyware obviously did not even know what he was saying as you can find by checking his other comments as well . user male 1 The user will not allow any changes to the article that he does not approve of . user male 1 The user would specify in `` My preferences '' what currency he uses -LRB- check box -RRB- . user female 1 The user you are searching for can have a different username on every Wikipedia that she belongs to . user male 1 The user you cited as being an admin does not state that he is an admin on his userpage . user male 1 The user above clearly shows that he wishes to vanish and he has that right . user male 1 The user admits he is spamming -LRB- although in all fairness he seems to honestly fail to realize it ' s not acceptable practice on Wikipedia -RRB- . user male 1 The user also allegedly uses sockpuppetry , and apparently thinks he can get away with murder if it is done in the Italian language . user male 1 The user also has never to my knowledge apologized for or stated he would not sockpuppet further . user male 1 The user also states that he is -LSB- -LSB- John Kennedy O'Connor -RSB- -RSB- , although I ' m not disputing whether that fact is true or false . user male 1 The user apparently still does not either pay attention to the warning -LRB- diff , diff -RRB- , nor does he try to discuss the matters . user male 1 The user began edit warring on an article that he wanted deleted -LRB- Telepathy and war -RRB- . user male 1 The user can code the template if he wants to , but doing that he is saying that I am not using wikipedian tools and doing so on my free accord . user male 9 The woman looks at the clerk awkwardly until her friend explains `` he means showers . friend male 9 TheWoodcreekFaction , so COI is probable , although the user claims that he is a neutral third party . user male 9 The Tellarite runs into trouble when a rival bounty hunter tracks him down and demands that he turn over Archer . hunter male 6 This can be closed as the user has admitted that he had the accounts . user female 19 This ca not be a sandbox for an article as the season has not occurred yet , and the user posted on a external forum that she was using Wikipedia to host this stuff - Wikipedia is not a free web host . user male 2 Until the user has shown that he acknowledges that alternative definitions of the term do exist , Guitar hero should be banned from the topic . user male 21 Until a policy sets a limit for talk page size , my tentative sense is that we ought to let this user do what he wants with his talk page . user male 2 Unless your friend has explicitly stated he was releasing the drawing to the public domain , or granting you a free license , he still retains the copyright to the image . friend male 0 Trapper explains that he asked McShane over so that he could congratulate McShane on his upcoming wedding . Trapper female 6 True enough , when an eavesdropping friend tells the bride , Raksha -LRB- Kalpana Kartik -RRB- that the groom , Surjit -LRB- Jeevan -RRB- , she decides to run away and hide in Madan ' s truck . friend male 3 True , the user he ' s attacking , he does not name , but that only makes it less bad , not acceptable . user male 2 UnderwaterRaggs ' friend Bubbles is coming to stay but Woolie does not know that he ' s a goldfish . friend male 5 Ultimately , however , the user has shown that he has and therefore will most likely continue to do good work , and he has handled himself very well in a pretty confrontational and rough RfA , which does inspire confidence . user male 5 Unbeknownst to Toro and his friend and manager Lu i s Agrandi , all of his fights are fixed to make the public believe that he is for real . friend male 2 Unblocking a user who is currently denying that he even did anything wrong is not going to achieve anything but more of the same behavior leading to further blocks . user male 9 Two , he was attacked again by a unknown user who claimed that he was polluting Wikipedia with paranormal paranoias and fantasies , and he indicated that a Wikipedian may be a govt . user male 13 Tstormcandy -RRB- The problem is that , while I do believe that this user might have sincerely thought in the past that he can control his own behavior , he has subsequently failed to do so despite that . user female 3 Translation - My friend told me she intended to purchase a particular green dress ; in response , I felt incredulity and bewilderment , although I did not reveal these feelings to her by any verbal utterance . friend male 1 This user can do what he likes as long as he sticks to NPOV , like everybody else . user male 1 This user claims he is not Willy on Wheels . user male 1 This user clearly does not `` get it , '' and has eagerly demonstrated that he will continue to disrupt the project so long as he is allowed to edit . user male 1 This user clearly knew what he was doing , as he even knew that his comments would get reported to the admins noticeboard . user male 1 This user defenatily knows what he is doing and always has a positive attitude . user male 1 This user feels he will be able to better combat vandalism and new page patrol if he were an administrator . user male 1 This user first claimed that the MULE external link is a fan site and now he says it is malicious . user male 1 This user has already shown that he is not a constructive comtributor , as he has done virtually nothing outside the userspace , and is in fact treating wikipedia as something it is not , a game . user male 1 This user has an impeccable record and I ' m sure that he has certainly not engaged in the disruption . user male 1 This user has become increasingly confrontational on several talk pages , and has previously stated under another anonymous account that he refuses to register for an account so that he can avoid any blocks or other sanctions . user male 1 This user has been erasing posts that he does not like off the talk pages , and disregarding the consensus we have about how the article should be written . user male 1 This user has caused enough trouble over the past several months that he has his own category . user male 1 This user has clearly said that he refuses to acknowledge any consensus against him and that he refuses to change any of his behavior per the RFC . user male 1 This user has consistently shown that he is here only to stir up drama , with occasional good article edits . user male 1 This user has constantly been disrupting that he is claiming ownership of to the extent that he has blanked it , tried to get it deleted , and reverted back to his original draft . user male 1 This user has declare that he will no longer edit articles relating to these subjects until such time as he determines -LRB- see his talk page . user male 1 This user has indicated that he may refuse to accept any consensus that forms on this noticeboard diff . user male 1 This user has made it clear on his talk page that he intends to troll Wikipedia . user male 1 This user has made no indication that he is willing to follow our civility policy as is evidenced by his removed warnings and previous blocks . user male 1 This user has mentioned in his edit comments that he does not accept the license which all Wikipedia submissions must agree to . user male 1 This user has probably figured out that he could more easily get away with vandalism by editing with his IP adress instead of a registred account . user male 1 This user has shown that he sees adminship as a status symbol , and I question how much experience he has actually doing something for the encyclopedia . user male 1 This user has shown that he ' s unwilling to compromise , and has insisted that he has `` no POV '' on these matters . user male 1 This user has shown that he will use admin tools helpfully in q1 , and he is definitely civil . user female 1 This user has shown that they can be trusted with admin tools and will respect all users that she deals with . user male 1 This user has stated that he wishes to assist with the speedy deletion of unencyclopedic material , an important administrative task , and you have assumed that he intends to do so in a way not compatible with policy . user male 1 This user has such strong feelings about political issues in country X that he will not touch these articles with a ten-foot pole . user male 1 This user is evidently so good he does not even need to answer the questions ! user male 1 This user is experienced and knows what he is doing and will make a great admin . user male 1 This user is repeatedly inserting and reverting to POV material that he knows has been rejected by the editing community numerous times . user male 1 This user is repeatedly pasting massive unstructured blocks of text that he has copied verbatim from other sources . user female 1 This user is selectively removing information off of my discussion page , yet leaving the numerous ' warnings ' that she left for me in hopes that I would not make legitimate and factual edits to the pages she created , at the same time mistakenly leaving the same warnings for an administrative editior . user male 1 This user is very responsible and knows what he is doing . user male 24 This user keep removing content which he does not like while including the other `` irrelevant '' information in the article along with another user who has admitted that he believes the FSB theory . user male 1 This user knew what he was doing , and violated our image policies to an extreme degree . user male 1 This user knows he is abusing our rules . user female 1 This user said -LRB- I ' m assuming she -RRB- she undid my undo for certain reasons , but the history for the page shows that TheEditrix2 made the change . user male 1 This user said on the The Family Rain talk page that he represented Universal Music . user female 1 This user says she writes under the pen name J S Huntlands and has written a series of books called `` Me and my best friend '' . user male 1 This user stated he was Magoo -LRB- rapper -RRB- . user male 1 This user stated that he is an employee of Nagarro Inc , in this edit , which he then subsequently removed . user male 1 This user thinks he can do contributions about Peru related articles , but it is not true , because he uses unaccurate sources , and he also disagrees in everything that doesnt share his point of view . user male 1 This user thinks he has found a new way to attach perma-spam to Wikipedia articles . user male 1 This user thinks he owns Shahar Pe'er ' s page . user male 1 This user thinks he owns this article . user male 1 This user understands that he does not fully understand policy , and unashamedly admits his ignorance in attempting to understand it better . user male 1 This user writes on his userpage that he wants to use a bot on Wikipedia . user male 5 This took place after the user said he would respect the decision made , though he did not agree with it . user male 1 This user admits that he is angry and this is a possible motivation for the types of actions he has involved himself in . user male 1 This user admitted that he did it , and said `` guess I deserve a block '' which serves to prove that Chris knows about this restriction , and yet still violated it . user male 1 This user also openly refuses to follow policy or respect that he does not own Wikipedia , and that articles are not just his , they are to reflect the opinions and points of all people , claiming in multiple instances that he can refuse to let others edit articles because he said so . user male 1 This user apparently thinks he constitutes a consensus of one person , despite being told repeatedly there is no such thing . user male 3 This is a user who has declared unapologetically that he will not assume good faith or discuss content . user male 7 This is a pathetic attempt by a user , Gilderien , who apparently thought he OWNed the Paris article . user female 11 This letter was sent to a Russian student by her French friend , who manually wrote the address that she received by e-mail . friend male 10 This letter was sent to Russian student by her French friend , who manually wrote the address that he received by e-mail . friend male 23 This stirring ANI is what is real misbehaviour , not placing perfectly relevant replies on an admin ' s talk page when this user is making requests that he pass messages to me because he says it ' appears ' I ' ve done this or that . user male 4 This suggests that the user forgot to log out , and then did so once he realized that he commented with the wrong account . user male 4 This would mean the user is fully conscious that he is breaking the rules . user male 4 This program let the user specify what files he wanted to back up from a hard disk and save on floppies ; and he could save the specification list in a file . user male 14 This request involves multiple page moves , undoing unilateral improper actions by a new user who thought he could close the AfD he himself started . user male 8 This reminds me of a story my old friend told me when he was in guitar class . friend male 10 This was clearly an acceptable block against an obvious problem user that clearly stated that he has no intentions of doing anything to improve the encyclopedia other than chase vandals around and to pretend to be some sort of police officer in a fantasy world . user male 21 This obvious impersonator appears out of nowhere with an obvious single purpose , please note here , in which the IP user who has been stalking me noted that he was switching ISPs in order to continue to stalk and harass me . user male 18 This offends the hunter ' s sense of the proper relationship between lion and hunter , and the hunter says he will shoot Grmmff . hunter male 2 This new user indicated that he hopes to have the old edits moved to the new account , but I just want to make sure that the block history will be moved as well , because if not then it is unfair to everyone else who has ever been blocked if their block history is not effectively expunged by moving to a new account . user male 21 This particular case is somewhat borderline , although it is certainly not hard to figure due to the fact that this user has obviously not proven he intends to contribute constructively , having vandalized after his lone constructive edit and after his second final warning in five days . user male 4 This is the same User who went on the record that he was leaving the commununity when he did not get made an admin because of the lack of knowledge in his 16 year old brain . User female 9 Yesterday consults a traditional healer , but her teacher friend insists she return to the clinic . friend male 12 Wiki Raja account was indef blocked because of sockpuppetry , but the user requested admin Aksi_great that , he intends to continue with Wiki Raja account instead of Indrancroos account . user male 14 Years later , after Seagle had begun collecting comics himself , and his best friend , Eric Koppisch , recommended that he read an issue of Spider-Man himself , Seagle read an issue featuring a team-up with Nova . friend male 19 With meticulous planning and preparation Scaredy sets off with rubber gloves and air freshener in hand , but the friend he finds is not what he had in mind at all . friend male 5 Within a week , a friend of Claxton revealed that he had both African American and Native American ancestors , and was promptly fired . friend male 2 Withdraw the user added that he took the photo after my original nomination . user male 16 With his slender build , Hines was described as rather benign in appearance , and a friend observed that he had a voice resembling that of a `` refined woman '' . friend male 4 Venkat ' s close friend -LRB- Adarsh -RRB- confesses him that he is in love with the daughter of Madhumita ' s father -LRB- Giri Babu -RRB- . friend male 5 While in Spain , a friend insisted that he take part in an audition for the local immigrant-oriented talent contest called Hijos de Babel -LRB- sp . friend male 4 Wikipedia articles , as user has been redirecting pages that he thinks are obsolete with superrficial reasons . user male 14 When Italian rider Gilberto Parlotti was killed during the 1972 TT , his close friend and the reigning world champion and 10-time TT winner Giacomo Agostini , announced that he would never again race on the Isle of Man . friend male 14 When Italian rider Gilberto Parlotti was killed during the 1972 TT , his close friend and the reigning world champion Giacomo Agostini , announced that he would never again race on the Isle of Man . friend female 13 When WikiFauna became accepted , WikiPumas believed that they were WikiDragons until one user found that she was not , in fact , a dragon , but rather a puma . user male 2 When the hunter finds , however , that he has not loaded his rifle , Lafcadio decides he does not like the hunter after all , and eats him up , red cap and all . hunter male 15 When he was five he took up mini rugby at Bracknell , when a school friend suggested he join him . friend male 2 When his friend later asks why he never spoke before , the Boss tells him that he simply never had anything to say . friend male 2 When his friend , recording artist Johnny Mann , released At the bottom of the fair , he wrote on the back side of the album , `` The first time I was in an underground home was in the Colorado Rockies under a mountaintop 9500 feet above sea level ! friend male 8 When his service was finished , a family friend and enthusiastic gardener suggested he should attend the horticultural school run by the Royal Horticultural Society at Wisley . friend female 14 When his sister Katy Harris starts dating Martin Platt , her father ' s friend , who is 20 years older than she is , it causes Tommy and Angela to split up . friend female 10 When she returned , Jessica was missing , and the friend assumed that she had gone for a walk . friend male 8 When requested to change the page , the user responded that -LRB- s -RRB- he `` only likes Aryan encyclopedias '' . user male 15 When Takarabe was courting the daughter of Admiral Yamamoto Gonnohy o e , his close friend Takeo Hirose approached the admiral and requested that he refuse to allow his daughter to marry Takarabe . friend male 3 When the above user says he needs a break and may not be able to answer questions , it seems they are trying to avoid this case , and are hoping that it is abandoned due to them no longer editing , even if this editer does not use this account again for a while , it is important to get to the bottom of this , so any further cases can be refered to this one . user female 18 While Rogers was working as an assistant producer and not wishing to miss the World Cup , a friend suggested she audition for the football show Under the Moon on Channel 4 . friend male 6 While in Fort Belvoir , a friend recommended that he see the touring production of Guys and Dolls playing in Washington , D . friend male 15 While Gaud i was finishing the construction of the Episcopal Palace of Astorga , his friend and patron , Eusebi G u ell recommended that he build a house in the center of Le o n . friend male 13 While considering what to do , he went out for drinks with a friend who later revealed that he was an intravenous-drug user . friend male 8 While at the commissary , he met longtime friend , Joe Fields , who mentioned that he was negotiating for the rights to The Flower Drum Song . friend male 6 When Kennedy was consoled by a friend who told him he need not feel sorry for the Ng o brothers on the grounds of despotism , Kennedy replied `` No . friend male 17 When Thirteen points out Brandon ' s reluctance to submit to tests , House deduces that the patient knows he ' s fine , and Brandon admits that he volunteered for clinical trials to make money . patient female 3 When her old friend Hutch -LRB- Maurice Evans -RRB- sees Rosemary ' s gaunt appearance and hears that she is consuming the mysterious tannis root on a daily basis in Minnie ' s health drink , he is disturbed enough to do some research . friend female 8 When her teacher became ill , a family friend suggested that she continue her studies with Josef Lh e vinne , a talented student at the Moscow Imperial Conservatory , five years older than Rosina . friend male 11 When he once had a winter voyage to make , a friend asked how he liked the thought of being capsized and becoming food for fishes . friend male 2 When one user tells me that when he saved an article page , it shortened the names of the images in the article by dropping a string of numbers from the name . user male 1 When friend and former beau Jack Osbourne , son of English heavy-metal singer-songwriter Ozzy Osbourne , joked that he would like the silicone implants as a memento , Stewart signed the pair and had them framed for Osborne ; he put them on display in his bathroom . friend male 15 When Gregoryat was challenged to provide proof that he ever played professional soccer , new user LA Kings 23 shows up with the claim that he played with Terhune . user male 10 Vijay comes to the modern city and stays with his friend who claims that he has a job . friend male 2 While the user argues that he had old consensus on his side , that does not matter . user male 7 While this was a mistake , the user has expressed understanding that he made a mistake , explained why it happened , and asked for forgiveness . user male 10 While Thomas was dining with choreographer Vladimir Angelov , a friend told Thomas that he was wasting his talent by only performing at galas . friend female 9 Whilst living on the Lower East Side , a friend who arranged red carpet events suggested that she interview the celebrities who attended the events . friend male 24 Wikipedia to create an article , including apparently going out to take pictures specifically for the article , is only likely to discourage a user who has shown he can make useful edits from continuing to participate on Wikipedia . user male 1 Wikipedia user , who claimed he was a professor of something -LRB- religion , philosophy , or something like that -RRB- was actually a college drop-out . user male 3 Wikipedia while one user do whatever he want in spreading his point of view and no one react for these pathethic actions . user male 4 Wikipedia - since the user clearly boasting that he intends to do sockpuppetry again and again , I suggest that the IP address be banned from editing on Wikipedia . user male 9 Woody Allen film Manhattan , when Allen ' s friend confides that he plans to leave his wife for his mistress -LRB- who happens to be Allen ' s ex-girlfriend -RRB- , Allen asks in disbelief if he plans to `` run away with the winner of the Zelda Fitzgerald emotional maturity award . friend male 4 Woodard said `` A friend of mine said he had the AIM screenname of someone at Victory Records . friend male 16 You are the one insisting that it is a slanderous smear to point out that a user says on his userpage that he supports certain right wing positions . user male 11 You see exactly 2 complaints and in the first complaint another user clearly points out that he talked to the webmaster of the site in question and it was indeed the user . user male 4 You can ask the user who uploaded how he did it . user male 1 Your friend and mine , Tony Sidaway , who responded that he was quite happy about the recreation , bless his soul . friend male 1 Your friend was lucky that he backed down . friend male 30 You can tell they really are new because of the ridiculous reasons they give for wanting to be unblocked , such as one I just saw today where a blocked user was arguing that he needed to be able to control the article on the company he worked for because his boss told him to . user female 2 A Japanese friend pushed her to go to Japan instead , where she worked as a missionary and Christian education assistant . friend male 4 I see that a user has left Wikipedia due to what he claims is a personal attack by Pigsonthewing . user male 1 A friend is going to test it when he gets his daily dose of salt . friend male 1 A friend of mine in India asked me to find this out for him because he needs the information for a project he is working on . friend male 4 Addendum Two - This user appears to be wikistalking me as he has made an edit on a userpage where I had posted a comment about him within minutes of the comment being posted . user male 2 A close friend and distant relative invited Aeltemesh to a meeting of All India Jamait-ur Rayeen to be held at Allahabad where he found his another distant relative being referred to as Sher-e-Bihar . friend male 17 Daniel Martin is the story of a Hollywood screenwriter who returns to his native England when a friend from university asks to see him before he dies . friend male 1 A user ended up reverting all of my edits because he said I was breaking copyright laws . user male 1 A user then posted saying that he was from the company in question , and as such has permission to post the text . user male 1 A user was trying to remove statistical information because he claimed it was wrong , even though it was clearly and reliably sourced . user male 10 Augur goes into hiding from volunteer investigations , an old friend of his J Street agrees to help Liam and Renee while he is on the run . friend male 4 Back in 2011 a patient was going to die unless he received a new windpipe . patient male 1 A friend of mine recently allowed his law license to become inactive because he moved from practicing law to lecturing in law . friend female 1 A friend of mine told me not to bother with wikipedia entry addition any more because she had a similar experience ; I did not listen ; she was right . friend female 1 A friend to Soledad and supposedly influences Narciso to marry her after she gets pregnant . friend female 22 He was forced to change in the back of a taxi on the way to the ground but claimed that the lady friend was able to greatly assist him as she had plenty of experience removing his clothes in the back seat of a car . friend male 8 But he told to watchlist this to a user who wanted to be notified when he starts a new RFA . user male 4 I highly doubt this user is going to prove useful , as he has paid to be brainwashed into believing that English means what a degenerate and greedy cult says first and whatever benefits him most second , not what the rest of the speakers of the language think English means . user male 39 I have left a message on the user ' s talk page explaining the reasoning behind boldface on the second paragraph and suggested that he use the talk page in my second reversion of his edit , but the user keeps reverting to what he believes is `` correct '' . user female 8 I Luv Abortion '' is about a young friend of Stewart ' s who decided to get an abortion because she felt she would not be a good parent if she had the baby , and most of the song ' s lyrics are taken from a series of e-mails between the two . friend male 20 In response to a request from a new user , I created the article , with the indication that the user had committed to expand the article with addition material as he has done for dozens of other school articles . user male 5 I still think that the user needs to be at least warned , since he has been persisting this for a while . user male 8 In the first verse , he mentions a friend who tells him to `` holler back when -LSB- he gets -RSB- back home '' , although the narrator says that the only `` holler back '' that he knows is `` that holler back in the woods '' . friend male 10 In this show , he is portrayed as an old friend of Jor-El who came to Earth to monitor Kal-El and assist him when he needed it , aiding Clark in defeating the escaped Phantom Zone prisoners . friend male 3 A relatively new user is trying to exclude a certain paragraph largely because he does not like a word in it . user male 8 I explained the situation numerous times but the user chose to ignore , primarily because he believed that I am of Serb ethnicity . user male 17 If this is the same person who is doing the same for the admins , then this user is going to be hard to get , as he jumps all over the CIDR spectrum . user male 2 If the user wishes to contribute more positively than by removing content he seems to not agree with then this would , of course , be welcome . user male 14 If inappropriate links are found , revert as in step one , but the user only needs to be warned once unless he has spammed since the last warning . user male 3 I found the user who claimed to work for Cung Le rather suspicious , as he did not prove that he worked for Cung Le and two -RRB- how would he know specifically that Cung Le holds USA or Vietnamese citizenship . user male 23 As recounted in the biography that Brinkley had commissioned , he struck upon the idea of transplanting goat testicles into men when a patient came to him to ask if he could fix someone who was `` sexually weak '' . patient male 15 Before allowing a user like this to obscure the consequences of his actions , the user should come clean about what he did . user male 3 Bonny Keller A friend and former colleague of Bluthgeld , Bonny attempts to protect him when he goes into hiding . friend male 12 Either this page needs permanent protection to prevent IP vandalism or this user needs to be dealt with in such a way as he cant get a new IP address , if thats even possible . user male 13 Could be just someone who got bored with legitimate editing , or whose friend decided to have a go at vandalism while he was not looking . friend male 24 Caitlynne Medrek -LRB- English ; young F u ko -RRB- F u ko , a tomboyish teenage girl , is Recca ' s childhood friend who has always aspired to defeat him in battle so that he would serve her as her ninja . friend male 1 Check user may be good to see if he has any more sleepers . user male 1 His friend indirectly tries to convey that matter to him to which he does not understand . friend male 15 He did not , but in my view , that statement indicates that either the user needs to be mentored because he does not know policies , or the account was compromised during one of its dormant periods . user male 4 For now , the user does not seem to be editing disruptively , but of course if he starts being disruptive again , I have no problem with a reblock . user female 11 Friendship February 9 , 1997 Annie is disheartened when her recently-made friend Sarah decides to choose a partner other than her on their school field trip canoeing , even though she agreed to pair up with her . friend male 8 For the record , I do believe this user is trying to act in the best interest of the project , as he has created many articles for radio stations that have helped the project . user female 1 Former friend of Mami Nagai , believed to be a target of Andrew Johnson until she escaped with Takako . friend male 28 Largely a wikignome , as far as I ' m aware , he does not have any major recognized content , but on the whole I think this user has more than enough common sense and experience to prove as effective an admin as he has been an editor . user male 19 Has been blocked for 24 hours , but an anon editor made the same VfD listing , and the User will probably attempt to make the same changes when he comes back from vacation . User male 8 He also hoped that his erstwhile co-star and friend , Paul Newman , would team up with him to play the role of Katz , although he jokingly expressed doubt as to whether the health-conscious Newman would consider putting on enough weight to accurately portray the rotund Katz . friend male 6 Jones was surprised when a Methodist superintendent helped him to get a start in the church even though he knew Jones to be a communist and Jones did not meet him through the Communist Party . superintendent male 18 Links to promotional external sites are not OK , should be removed , and if reinserted , the user needs to be warned and blocked if he insists on repeating . user male 4 Its clear that this user needs to be at least warned for what he is doing because he keeps engaging in arguments with other users . user male 14 Muller -LRB- Maurice Moscovitch -RRB- tells Julie and Alec ' s father that the patient is likely to recover if he has the will to live . patient male 5 In this case , the user is likely to search for this term because he remembers making the page . user male 1 IP user directly appeal to another user to discuss further while he can do the same himself . user male 3 Significantly , the user continued to upload problematic images long after he started receiving warnings . user male 5 I ' ve left the user a note inviting him to contact me if he wishes to discuss the deletion or needs a copy of the page for his own use . user male 3 I think the user needs to be blocked for a while because he just hacked the Paul Wall page again today , as he has done far too many times . user male 1 My friend tried to challenge this as being unfair , given he had already decided on the pre-pay option , but was told in no uncertain terms that the money had already been deducted from his credit card -LRB- lodged with the purser at commencement of the cruise -RRB- and that their use of the word suggested , did not imply optional . friend male 1 My friend tried to make a page because he loves a couple of the bands on the label and was trying to learn more about them but they were not on here . friend male 4 Peter ' s school friend , Terry Ryan , agreed to keep him company until he reached the Gold Coast , and then planned to go back home . friend male 6 Ranjit also tries to help his friend , an apple vendor , pretend to be rich because he has lied to his daughter and said that he is a wealthy businessman . friend female 2 Peaches ' friend Louis -LRB- Josh Gad -RRB- , a molehog , tries to warn her as she tries to approach a mammoth named Ethan -LRB- Drake -RRB- whom she has a crush on . friend male 5 Parham , I fear this user is likely to abuse admin tools if he gets them at present . user female 20 Nick , an Australian rugby coach who explains that he expected a different kind of festival ; a female journalist friend suggested him to come here while she would be here to write a story about the festival . friend male 16 Rub e n has two girlfriends and makes everything to nobody discovers it , but his friend , Chespirito , keeps talking more than he should . friend female 10 She had been a bit of a loner after her friend and former roommate , Mako , had to drop out of Starlight Academy probably because she might have lost confidence , but soon warms up to Ichigo and Aoi . friend male 25 The story goes `` during a late lock-in at The White Horse Tavern , New York City under the watchful eye of Dylan Thomas a friend told him to continue with what he had been doing , and create an album based on the demo ' s he had loosely recorded . friend female 12 The sporadic nature of her sobriety changed when her mother and a friend convinced her to go to Las Encinas Hospital in Pasadena , California , where she came under the care of Dr . friend male 2 Sometimes a user wishes to come strong when he thinks he is right . user male 2 Some experienced user with IE8 needs to log out and see if he can reproduce the problem . user male 2 The disputing user has so far failed to say , specifically , why he believes this is unacceptable for CCL-licensed material . user male 1 The friend convinced Avi to leave the video online even after he had seen it , and soon she received positive feedback . friend male 2 Support - User seems to understand the policies around the areas where he intends to contribute . User male 1 That user should have tried to seek consensus on removing the art gallery all together if he had a problem with the posting of pictures rather than make bogus accusations against the pictures . user male 2 The security attendant now has to act because he has been charged with the security of the store and he has just cause . attendant male 2 The same user keeps vandalizing my user page to boot when he sees that I did another revert on the article . user male 9 Though Simon refuses to help Early , the bounty hunter threatens to kill him and rape Kaylee if he refuses , and the doctor reluctantly agrees . hunter male 1 ThinkerOur friend here has spent more time thinking than he has being made famous , yielding only 199 unique Googles after subtracting us from the hits of course . friend male 12 The most significant inscription was left by Denis Julien , a French-American trapper who traveled throughout the American southwest , leaving his mark as he went . trapper male 1 The patient decides to announce on live TV why he showed the video tape for which he was found treasonous , and unless he is granted this , he wo not accept treatment . patient male 1 The patient then mooed like a cow to indicate where he was . patient female 1 The patient waited for hours to be seen by a doctor before she had a stroke and died . patient male 2 The other user already made it clear to him that it was a mix up on Commons , where he also took this issue . user male 0 User removes mentioning of war crimes because he feels it is POV , which it is not anyone can see that . User male 0 User seems to have a personal vendetta , as he has nominated other Dragon Ball articles for deletion . User male 0 User continues to remove valid quote and link because he does not want to have Ali seen in a bad light . User male 0 User decides to make a hobby -LRB- or joke -RRB- of lobbing AfD nukes whenever he pleases . User male 0 User has continued to revert even though he knows he has already been listed for violation of 3RR . User male 0 User warned to stop until he achieves consensus here about what he is doing . User male 1 The user can request unblock if he comes back online as a non-proxy . user male 1 The user can request unblock if he wishes to edit again , plain and simple . user male 1 The user does not seem to be willing to send a formal permission - probably because he is upset about something . user male 1 The user has contacted me on my talk page and asked for the deletion to be reversed because he did not intend to advertise , and he was just using his userpage as a sandbox for RapidWeaver , which he has edited . user male 1 The user has engaged in an edit war , making claims that he is adding prose and editing tag , but in fact using those ' claimed ' changes to promote the DVD-Audio format which he appears to have some interest in . user male 1 The user in question has blatantly promoted the ethnic Macedonian POV falsifying Greek history as he did here . user male 1 The user keeps removing the pictures from the article because he does not like them . user male 1 The user needs to be blocked from editing as he continuously intends to vandalize some pages . user male 1 The user never ceases to spam a page whenever he gets a chance . user male 1 The user seems to know wikipedia very well , even though he is absolutely new here . user male 1 The user should always be able to get this back if he asks . user male 1 The user so far has refused to anwser if he manipulated other quotes from scholarly sources in the same way to show they use germanised names rather then their actual content . user male 1 The user wants to become one so that he can do further work in the project that he currently cannnot perform , since it requires an RfA first to gain the buttons . user male 1 The user , Big-dynamo , seems to have no history on Wikipedia -LRB- I ' ve just noticed -RRB- so he may have no clue about Wikipedia policies - I ' ll add a note to him about where to find it . user male 13 The thirteenth book in the series introduces Mr Tolling , an old school friend of Fatty ' s father who comes to spend a week with the Trottevilles so he can attend the coleopterists ' conference at a fair in Peterswood . friend male 1 This user continues to personally attack other editors because he does not agree with them . user male 1 This user continues to recreate this article under different variations of the name and using specious reasoning as he does above -LRB- Alexa matters for websites , not Google -RRB- , despite previous deletion . user male 1 This user has been high maintenance , and does not seem to have learned from his past mistakes , even though he does contribute to the project . user male 1 This user has violated 3RR on the Revisionist Western page and refuses to explain why he is reverting the constructive edits of myself and another user . user male 1 This user is back , pushing same things as he did before his last temporary ban . user male 1 This user needs to check his emotional baggage at the door if he wishes to edit collaboratively , and not see Holocaust deniers behind everyone who holds a different opinion . user male 1 This user refuses to correct metro areas , typo , spelling and pronunciation because he says I have not reached a consensus . user male 1 This user seems to think that just because he has been editing for a while he is better than anybody else . user male 1 This user should remain blocked unless he can provide a credible assurance that he is here to build an encyclopedia , which seems unlikely at present . user male 1 This user appears to have a persistant IP address , as he usually is posting relevant contributions on pages specifically related to linguistics . user male 2 Although a friend of left - wing ideologues such as Yves Montand , Melville referred to himself as " an extreme individualist " and " a right - wing anarchist " in terms of politics . friend male 6 The conductor is the composer 's friend and the pianist is the composer himself . friend male 2 Wherein a patient cuts a stone out of himself . " patient female 1 His friend and colleague Faye Morton takes it upon herself to steal the ring , and returns it to Joseph to do with as he sees fit , in the hopes that this will allow him to move on . friend male 2 The animist hunter is thus aware of himself as a human hunter , but , through mimicry is able to assume the viewpoint , senses , and sensibilities of his prey , to be one with it . hunter male 17 Max asks his friend to go see Betty to try to patch things up , but his friend wants Betty for himself . friend male 2 his childhood friend and war comrade — himself . friend male 2 Here the friend whom he had just interrupted by a whisper , performed an exactly similar office for himself . friend male 11 In order for families and doctors to understand clearly what the patient wants for himself or herself , it is recommended that patients , doctors , and families all convene and discuss the patient 's decisions before the patient becomes unable to decide . patient male 21 He once again confides with Ghasitaram and Lalu and they volunteer to sort the situation but Sonu interjects saying his best friend should decide for himself . friend male 1 The friend , 18-year - old Peter Weyandt , wandered off by himself and then insisted they leave in a hurry . friend male 27 The second , described as " Leveraging Output Merging " , involves tracking transactions where two outputs belong to the same user , such as when a user is sending the funds to himself ( " churning " ) . user male 12 of the book communicates with the author and with himself , the user of a computer is in communication , first , with himself , using the machine to think more efficiently than otherwise , and , second , with the programmer who wrote the application , whose thinking is embodied in the program . user male 3 Lyman 's first postmaster , B.L. Lyman , named the town for himself . postmaster male 17 During the Civil War , Confederate raiders under Gen. Humphrey Marshall occupied the town ; the local postmaster renamed the community " Spurlock " after himself ; and , in October 1863 , the courthouse was burnt down in reprisal for the Union destruction of the courthouse in Lee County , Virginia . postmaster female 1 My Friend " ( the album 's fourth track ) was co - written by Howard herself . Friend female 18 Joe correctly diagnoses it as a serious , difficult - to - treat chronic illness and learns the patient is Dr. Woodruff herself . patient male 2 Latimer 's friend , scientist Charles Meunier , performs a blood transfusion from himself to Bertha 's recently deceased maid . friend male 8 It was admitted much later that the " friend " was the author himself . friend male 1 A friend of the protagonist of J.P. Donleavy 's " The Ginger Man " refers to himself as the " Acting Duke of Serutan . " friend male 8 By biting more or less intensively , the patient can determine by himself how much force is applied . patient male 15 All communications between agents and managers is preferably mobile and autonomous , as the carrying patient of nurse is a mobile subject himself . patient female 17 The former ' comfort woman ' makes friends with her old friend 's young disciple ( the friend is a shaman herself ) . friend male 12 If the wine does not already exist in the database , the user can create it himself , thus adding to the completeness of the CellarTracker database . user male 29 The conclusion was that it is not the therapist 's technique that determines the success of psychotherapy , but rather the way the patient behaves , and what the patient does inside himself during the therapy sessions . patient male 9 Gendlin found that , without exception , the successful patient intuitively focuses inside himself on a very subtle and vague internal bodily awareness patient female 2 A leukemia patient at a children 's hospital proves to herself that she can show herself out on the street and in public despite her loss of hair . patient male 13 But because no one had distinctly specified exactly which Clark , the currency superintendent took it upon himself to put his own portrait on the bills . superintendent